#Until about a week ago (almost two now) when I suddenly started falling sleeping all the time
favefandomimagines · 3 months
Love is a Battlefield (j.m)
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Request: Idk I don’t have like a request request but anything with jj maybank honestly okay or maybe the way 13 going on 30 randomly popped in my head like maybe Jenna and matty vibes @idontevenknowbsblog
Summary: JJ Maybank had been your best friend since you were 4 years old and then life started to complicate things.
AN: this is a long one lol and maybe not as close to Jenna and Matty but definitely a best friends to lovers, I got carried away lol not edited
Your mom would joke that it was fate for JJ Maybank to end up in your life. It was fate that her and JJ’s mom would be in the same lamaze class. Because of fate and that friendship, it formed the relationship you cherished the most. JJ was a constant. If there was one thing you could rely on, it was JJ always being there.
Even after his mom left, JJ was there. Moreso after Luke began the drinking and the drugs. It was often a point of contention between him and your mother. She felt she owed it to her long time friend to look after her son and Luke put JJ in danger every day.
Kindergarten started with you and JJ, and ended with you, JJ, John B and Pope. The four of you becoming an instant package deal.
The three of them were there when your dad passed away suddenly when you were 10. Though John B and Pope were supportive, JJ never left your house. Sleeping in a sleeping bag outside your bedroom door for weeks.
It was the four of you navigating your adolescence up until the age of 14. The Summer before sophomore year started with four and finished with five.
Kiara became a fast friend when her parents opened The Wreck and you needed a Summer job to keep you busy. The rest was history, Kie’s Kook year being nothing but a snide comment here and there.
JJ joked that you were the glue that held the Pogues together. If they didn’t have you they’d all fall apart. He loved you since you were 14, all throughout high school and he never said a thing. You staying in his life was more important than how you stayed in his life.
Now you were quickly approaching graduation. You hadn’t been too open about your post-grad plans and that worried him.
He was worried you were going to leave him and never come back. Was it overdramatic? Sure, but it was also realistic. You were always too good for him and maybe that’s why he never told you how he felt.
It was the night before the first day of senior year and the Pogues were sitting around the fire at the Chateau.
“What are everyone’s post-grad plans? We haven’t really talked about it.” John B spoke. “Way to kill the mood, dude.” JJ replied. “Come on, we have to talk about it. We can’t stay at the Chateau forever.” John B replied. “Well, I got into USC. Only a 6 hour drive from you guys.” Kie said.
“I’ll be going to community college on the mainland.” Pope replied. “Starting trade school next fall, open up my own garage here.” John B said. “Y/N, what about you?” Kie asked. “Oh, well, if you would’ve asked me two weeks ago I would’ve said nothing at all but, I do have some news.” You answered.
JJ furrowed his eyebrows at your words. News? What have you not told him? You tell him everything.
“I applied to UNC and I got in. Almost a full ride but I’ll work for the rest of my tuition.” You announced. The Pogues cheered and came to their feet to applaud you. You had always talked about attending UNC ever since you found out your dad had attended.
“That’s amazing, Y/N!” John B cheered. “And only 3 hours from you and J.” You commented. JJ being the only one to not congratulate you didn’t go unnoticed by you. While everyone was occupied, you nudged his foot with yours, signalling to go down to the dock.
You both got up from your spots and walked down to the water in silence. “I know what you’re thinking,” You started. “And what am I thinking?”JJ asked. “You think I’m leaving you. That I’m going to move on from you, find something better.” You continued.
JJ’s silence proved that your thoughts were right. “J, I’m not going anywhere yet. It’s only August, we have almost a year left.” You spoke. “Y/N, this is UNC. You’re going to school, get your fancy degree and move on from your entire life. Me included, you won’t want to hang out with some guy who’s doing nothing with his life.” JJ explained.
“You’re taking over the entire yacht club. That’s a big deal! You’re going to be getting a head start with your life while I’ll be in school for 8 years waiting to start mine.” You replied. “Besides, you think 3 hours is going to keep me away?” You added.
JJ shrugged, his gaze fixated on the water in front of him. “You’re my best friend, JJ. I would never leave you behind.” You added. “Do you promise?” He asked. “I promise.” You said, holding out your pinky in front of him.
“A pinky promise? Come on, Y/N, we’re 18.” JJ said. “And when have I ever broken a pinky promise?” You rebutted. JJ smirked slightly before hooking his pinky with your’s.
It was October. The leaves began to change and the air was becoming brisk. Fall had descended upon the Outer Banks and Fall meant homecoming. You thought you had outgrown the excitement for homecoming but it was your last one. And you thought that maybe homecoming was the perfect time to tell JJ how you felt about him.
Somewhere between 15 and 16, the feelings of love you had for JJ had gone from platonic to the complete opposite. That was why you held off on telling JJ about UNC. Thinking that you two could live in your perfect teenage bubble for a little while longer.
You felt stupid for trying to pursue a relationship with JJ a few months before you left for college but your friendship has withstood the test of time, it could withstand 266 miles. Right? You owed it to yourself to try.
“So, are you going to ask JJ to homecoming?” Kie asked. “How did you know?” You asked your friend as the pair of you stood at her locker. “Because I know you, Y/N. You’ve had feelings for you for as long as I’ve known you. You look at him the same way you look at Paul Mescal.” She teased.
“Yeah, I think I’m going to ask him. I’m terrified he’s going to say no and then I ruined everything.” You said. “He’s not going to say no. And even if he does, you guys have been through too much to let something this small ruin your friendship.” Kie replied.
You wanted to believe her and that everything was going to be fine one way or another bit as you stood outside JJ’s house, pacing, you couldn’t help but think of the worst case scenario. Luke was MIA so you didn’t have to worry about him storming outside.
JJ walked by his front door and heard your voice mumbling outside. He looked out the window and saw you pacing on his lawn. “Y/N? What are you doing here?” JJ asked as he opened the screen door.
“J, hey, uh I just wanted to ask you something. Or tell you something.” You stammered. “You okay?” He questioned. “Yeah, yeah I’m good.” You said. “What’s up?” He asked.
“Okay, so um, would you want to go to homecoming with me? Either as friends or, uh, more than friends?” You said, avoiding his gaze at all possible. “What?” He questioned. “Do you want to go to homecoming with me? Not as friends but as a date?” You repeated.
JJ thought he was dreaming. Were you really telling him you wanted to go to homecoming as more than friends? But why now? You were leaving for Chapel Hill in the Fall, how is it fair to either of you to pursue your feelings when you’ll just be leaving?
“Y/N, you’re leaving in August. I don’t think you want to do this.” He said. Your face fell as you processed his words. “I’m sorry, what?” You asked. “You’re leaving. Even if I felt the same way, we couldn’t do long distance.” He lied.
JJ lied through his teeth. He had to because he knew you needed to go to UNC. It was your dream, it’s where you always wanted to go. He couldn’t stand in the way of that. It was going to be harder as friends, he couldn’t imagine what it’d be like as your boyfriend.
Though seeing the look on your face made him wish he could take those words back. “Uh, this was a mistake. I should go.” You said, backing away slowly from his front porch.
You were so embarrassed, how could you have misread everything that poorly. “Y/N, we-“ JJ started. “Don’t. Please don’t make me feel worse than I already do.” You interrupted, before turning around and walking home.
JJ could see not only the unshed tears in your eyes, but the hurt as well. He could’ve been honest, told you the truth. He didn’t know how you’d both do long distance once you were in college. He was scared to lose you but he did anyway by lying.
You got home and walked through the front door and saw your mom standing in the entryway. “How’d it go?” She asked. But she could tell by the look on your face that it did not go well.
All you did in response was finally break down in tears. Your mom gave you a solemn look before she walked over and wrapped you in an embrace. “Oh honey, I’m sorry.” She spoke. “I feel so stupid.” You cried. “You’re not stupid, Y/N, you just loved him.”
It was now December. Homecoming came and went and you didn’t go. Two months had gone by and you hadn’t spoken to JJ. You were angry, embarrassed, confused. Why did you think JJ felt the same way? Why did you ruin your friendship like this?
JJ called you everyday, sent texts, but you didn’t want to see or hear what he had to say. You were angry with him for embarrassing you the way he did. And you were stupid enough to think he actually liked you. He was JJ Maybank for crying out loud, every girl in your grade wanted to be with JJ. What made you different?
That meant that your relationship with the Pogues was suffering. You didn’t want to make them choose sides so you made the decision for them and therefore stopped seeing them as often.
But it was now Winter Break and they were determined to figure out what exactly had gone wrong.
“So what’s going on with you and JJ? You haven’t spoke in months.” John B asked as you sat outside your house. “Nothing. What did he tell you?” You questioned.
“Nothing. Just like you. Seriously, Y/N, what happened?” John B questioned. You were quiet for a moment, fidgeting with your fingers.
“I told him how I felt. I told him that I wanted to go to homecoming with him as more than a friend and he rejected me. He doesn’t feel the same way.” You explained.
John B was silent. More so out of confusion than anything else. How could JJ say he didn’t feel the same way when he 100% did?
“Can we please not talk about it? I’m embarrassed enough as it is.” You added, standing up to walk back inside.
John B was going to figure this out one way or another.
He arrived at home and saw JJ’s bike out front. “J?” He called entering the home. “What’s up?” JJ asked, entering the living room. “What is going on with you and Y/N? And don’t lie and tell me nothing. She told me everything.” John B questioned.
JJ was quiet for a moment, knowing that he was going to have to face his mistake. “You have feelings for her, J. Why did you tell her you didn’t?” John B added.
“Because she’s leaving. She’s going to UNC, going to make all of her dreams come true and I can’t be holding her back. What happens if we got together? One, she stays here for me and then down the line resents the fact she stayed instead of following her dreams. Two, I get my heart broken because I fall even more in love with her and she leaves. It doesn’t end well for either of us either way.” JJ answered.
“JJ, you can’t live your life like that. Have you ever thought about going with her? They have jobs in Chapel Hill.” John B suggested. “And be her loser boyfriend who followed her from home?” JJ scoffed. “Now you’re just being a jerk. And being way too hard on yourself.” His friend said.
“It’s the truth, John B.” JJ replied. “No it’s not. You just won’t let yourself be happy.” John B told him.
JJ was quiet as John B walked off to his room. Maybe he had a point. He was finding excuse after excuse to not let himself be happy. But his entire life was based on waiting for the other shoe to drop.
You were the most important person to him and he couldn’t lose you like he’s lost everyone else. What was he supposed to do? The damage was done, you weren’t talking to him. There was no way he could make things right.
His body moved before his brain could catch up, and he was getting on his bike making a run for your house. John B was right. He shouldn’t be letting these things get in the way of something that would make him happy.
When he arrived, he barely turned the bike off before he was already off. He just stood there for a moment, thinking about what he was going to do next. He didn’t really leave with a plan.
JJ looked down at the flower bed and saw small pebbles and his brain kicked into over drive.
He tossed the first pebble at your window, the sound slightly echoing off the glass. After a few seconds, he tossed another one.
You were sitting on your bed reading a book when you heard taps on your window. You furrowed your eyebrows as you discarded the book and walked to the window.
The sight shocked you. JJ was standing outside tossing rocks at your window. You slid your window opened and looked out. “JJ, what are you doing here?” You asked.
“You weren’t answering my calls or texts.” He says. “I know. That was on purpose.” You sassed back. “I want to say…I lied to you,” He started.
“I lied to you the night you asked me to homecoming. I do feel the same way. I have since we were 14 and you punched Rafe Cameron in the nose for making fun of my backpack. You’re my best friend. You’re perfect and I just got scared. Scared that no matter what, we were just going to be another high school couple and never speak again once you leave. I love you, Y/N and I was stupid to make you think that I don’t.” JJ finished.
“Give me a sec.” You said before closing the window. JJ’s heart sank. Were you going to reject him? He felt like he was going to throw up from anxiety.
JJ heard the front door open and moved to stand in front of your porch. You walked out in your seashell pajamas that you bought with Sarah last year.
"Do you mean all of that?" You asked. "You're not just going to bail when it gets hard?" You added. "No, no I'm not going to bail. You're worth it, Y/N. Like you said you'll only be a few hours away. I could be in Chapel Hill by noon on a Wednesday if you said the word." JJ said.
"Then I guess I need to get a UNC Boyfriend t-shirt. If that's what you want." You said. "I'll wear that t-shirt every single day." JJ said, walking towards you kissing you deeply.
You had imagined your first kiss with JJ many times and the real thing was so much better than you had thought.
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katyswrites · 7 months
you're a bandit like me
Pairing: Baron Lamram/afab!reader
Warnings: SMUT (18+), references to crime, unprotected p in v, oral sex (reader receiving), sneaky links, no use of y/n, SPOILERS for Marmalade
Wordcount: 3k
A little blurb about Baron - takes place after the end of the movie, later that night. A universe in which you're his sneaky link, and a partner-in-crime - and he needs you, now.
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It starts with a knock on your door in the middle of the night. You’re in bed, flicking between channels, ultimately settling on the late-night news to hopefully help lull you to sleep. 
You’re half-conscious, the reporter’s voice a dull din in the background.
“- federal agents have given a new description of the suspect, who they say they have previously mis-identified as a female -”
You’re falling asleep in the blue glow of the television, until you hear the frantic tapping on your door. You jump, suddenly alert - you covertly grab your gun off of the nightstand - you never sleep without it nearby -, and slowly walk towards the door, consciously avoiding the squeakiest floorboards. The knocking is continuing, and part of you worries that the cops have truly, finally caught up to you. You bring your eye up to the peephole, and breathe a sigh of relief.
He’s standing there, the same as ever, if not a bit more tired-looking. And -
“You cut your hair,” you say, breathing a sigh of relief. 
Baron nods.
“Yeah, I did. Planning to use that on me?” he asks. You glance down at the gun in your hand, and laugh, putting it down.
“No - sorry, I just - can never be too careful.”
He nods, a mutual understanding shared between the two of you. You step back, not even needing him to ask to be invited in, bolting the door behind him. 
You hadn’t heard from him in weeks, but that’s typical - you only reach out when you need each other. Though, he usually at least prefaces his visits with a phone call.
“What’s going on -”
You don’t get a chance to finish, because his lips are on yours, hands holding your face to pull you close to him. You let your eyes flutter shut, kissing him back with a bit of desperation - he tastes like menthol cigarettes, and the flavor of gum he likely just chewed to try and cover it up.
Your arms wrap around his neck, pulling his body impossibly closer to yours - you’ve only managed to make it a few feet inside the doorway. It nearly kills you to pull away, just to look at him.
“Are you okay?” you ask quietly.
He nods, lips slightly swollen from yours.
“Yeah - I - it’s all good. Just had a long day.”
You raise an eyebrow.
“Long how?”
You know what Baron gets up to when you don’t see him - you and him are alike, in that way. You rarely go into the details of each other’s misdeeds - except, perhaps, the occasions when he shows up to your place with a sack full of cash, begging for you to get him a car, or a weapon, or a fake ID - whatever he needs. You’re always happy to oblige - it’s your specialty, after all. You’re even the one who taught him how to hotwire, even though he’ll never admit that. Sometimes he comes for a few days, just to lay low - you’ve done the same, just a few times. Only when he’s passing through, trying to throw someone off of his trail. But something is different this time. 
He just shakes his head.
“You’ll find out in tomorrow’s papers, I’m sure.”
You nod in understanding.
“Were you followed?”
“No - don’t think so. Pretty sure I shook them back in Alabama.”
You just bring your hand up to card it through his hair, chuckling.
“Almost didn’t recognize you,” you say.
“Do you like it?”
You can’t help but smile.
“Oh, yeah - it’s really nice. Kind of… sexy, actually.”
He smirks, his face reddening a bit.
“Well, if I had known you’d say that, I would’ve done it a long time ago.”
“Does it… is this anything to do with your long day?”
He just nods solemnly, his eyes never leaving yours.
“Okay,” you say - it’s enough information, for now. “So… I’m guessing you’re not here just to hide out, are you?”
The corner of his mouth twitches, fighting another smirk.
Then you’re kissing him again, pulling him down by his shirt collar. He sighs against your lips, wrapping his arms around you as his tongue enters your mouth.
“Bedroom,” you murmur, bringing him with you as you step backwards down the hallway.
You stumble through the doorway together, never pulling your lips away from one another. He’s holding your face in his hands again, gently, as if he’s worried you might break. It’s a contrast from his mouth, rough and demanding against yours.
You reach for his leather jacket, helping him shoulder it off and throw it on the floor.
“Need you,” he grumbles. “I - I just -”
“It’s okay,” you say, placing a finger on his lips. 
There’s always been a mutual understanding between you two, ever since he first came to you two years ago, looking for a car and a gun. You hadn’t questioned why - in your line of “work,” you never did. But, there was something else, too - your lifestyles made it impossible to do this with anyone else. Other people were dangerous - they asked too many questions. Baron, on the other hand… you know it’s not even his real name. He doesn’t know yours, either - it’s better that way. Pseudonyms keep things easier, and make this only one, incredibly small part of your life. Sometimes, all you needed from each other was someone to touch, to hold. Still, it doesn’t change how much you miss him every time he disappears on you.
But he’s here now, and he wants you - no, needs you, in his words. 
So you start unbuttoning his shirt, kissing his neck as you do. He groans, hand coming up to cup the back of your head and pull your lips back to his.
He pushes you back gently, leading you to the bed until the backs of your knees are hitting the mattress.
You fall back a bit gracelessly, and he follows you, reaching desperately for the hem of your oversize t-shirt. You oblige, pulling it over your head to reveal your breasts to him.
“No bra?” he asks, grinning.
“I was about to go to sleep, until you -”
And he’s kissing you again, hand pressed against the small of your back. It begins to wander, calloused hands brushing against your soft skin, covering the expanse of your back until he comes around to cup your breasts. You kiss him desperately, gasping as he toys with your nipples. You bury your face in his neck, your sensitive buds hardening under his touch.
“You like that, baby?” he coos. You just moan into his skin, reaching down to fumble with his belt buckle.
It’s not long until you’ve rid each other of all your other clothes, and he’s pushed you back onto the mattress, crawling over you. 
He smiles down at you, face hovering inches from yours.
“Hi,” he whispers.
“I just - thanks.”
“For what?” you ask.
“Always answering the door, picking up the phone, just - saving my ass, over and over again.”
“It’s what we do,” you say, pulling him down for another kiss. “We help each other.”
“You’re really helpin’ me right now,” he says, chuckling.
Then he’s reaching down, his fingers brushing against your cunt, and you gasp.
“Need to touch you, baby,” he murmurs, coating his fingers in your slick as he runs them along your slit. He’s kissing down your body, slowly, and you feel yourself shiver with anticipation. You sigh, letting your head fall back against the pillow.
“Spread ‘em for me - that’s it - been thinkin’ about this pussy all day -”
Your legs fall open, giving Baron’s fingers full access.
“So fuckin’ wet - just relax, baby -”
He begins circling your clit with his thumb, his other hand planted on your hip to keep you pinned against the mattress. He slips a finger inside, and you moan, involuntarily clenching around him as he adds a second one.
“You like that?” he murmurs. You just whine, bucking against his hand as he pumps his fingers into you.
“‘Course you do - I know just what you like - fuck, look at you,” he says, continuing to work you open with his fingers. 
You moan, writhing as you feel pleasure coarse through you, his fingers so much larger than your own - only for it to stop, suddenly.
He doesn’t even give you a chance to whine in protest, because his mouth is on you, tongue swirling around your clit. You cry out, back arching at the feeling of his mouth, pillow-soft and lapping at you like you’re his last meal.
“So fuckin’ sweet,” he murmurs against your cunt, licking a long line up your slit. You moan, his hands holding your hips to the bed as he eats you out. He focuses his tongue back on your clit, swirling circles around it as his hand comes back, slipping two fingers back into you with ease. 
He grins against your skin at the sound of your whines when he adds a third finger, pumping in and out of you at an unrelenting pace.
You find your own hands wandering, running your fingers through his hair and gripping, pulling him closer. You’re not used to it being so short, but it still serves its purpose all the same. He groans as you pull on the chestnut strands. 
“I’m close,” you breathe, feeling your face flush, your heart thudding in your chest. There’s pressure building in your core, ready to snap at any moment. He just hums, the vibration against your cunt pushing you even closer to the edge.
It takes one more circle of his tongue over your clit, and you’re done for - you’re bucking your hips into his face, tugging harshly on his hair as you see stars behind your eyelids. You scream as the pleasure washed over you, the orgasm intense and white-hot. He works you through your high, continuing to lap and lick at you, gradually slowing down as your whole body shakes. It’s almost too much, but you can’t even find the words to ask him to stop. By the time he removes his fingers from you, you’re a mess. You feel boneless, certain you'll sink all the way through the mattress if you aren’t careful.
Your breathing is deep and labored, not even able to form words as Baron presses soft kisses to your inner thigh. He brings himself back up over you, kissing you fiercely. You still faintly taste yourself on him, and smile into his mouth.
“You good?” he asks, smiling smugly.
You nod, still a bit breathless. “Fuck - yeah, so good.”
He kisses you again, his mouth glistening with you as you feel his hard cock press against your stomach.
“Not gonna lie - not sure if I’ll last long,” he whispers. “Just kind of wanted to make sure you felt good first, just in case -”
“It’s fine,” you assure. “Don’t worry - I’ve got you.”
You don’t worry about coming again, not really - he needs you, needs this. You never ask each other questions, but you know something must have happened that’s set him over the edge. So, you just kiss him, and hold him close as he lines up with your entrance.
He groans as he pushes into you, his cock stretching you out. You gasp, digging your fingernails into his back as he fully bottoms out, still not quite used to his size after all this time.
He wastes no time, and you don’t mind - you’re still wet and sensitive from your previous orgasm, and he begins pounding into you at a relentless pace.
You moan under him, bring your hips up to meet his thrusts. THe room is just filled with the sounds of moans and labored breaths, the slapping of skin, and the scent of sex. He’s everywhere, grunting and groaning as he thrusts.
The feeling of him is exquisite, his cock feeling like it was made for you as it drags deliciously along your walls. 
“Takin’ me so well,” he manages, voice strained. “So fuckin’ good - fuckin’ love your pussy -”
You just mewl and whine, burying your face into his neck and sucking on the skin there. It might bruise, but you don’t care - he moans at the feeling, and picks up the pace a bit. He’s already close, you can tell. Pleasure courses through your own body, pulsing through you as he fucks you.
“Oh god -” you moan, heat building in your core. “Baron, baby - fuck, right there - fuck -”
“Needed this - the whole time I was in there - I wanted to get out, just for you - had to see you again -”
You’re not sure what he’s talking about, but you let him ramble - he always gets talkative when he’s about to finish.
“Where -” he breathes, aware of how dangerously close he is to finishing inside you.
“I - ah! Fuck - tummy’s fine - or tits, or wherever -”
He’s pulling out in a flash, his hand coming up to furiously stroke his cock. He only has to jerk himself for a few seconds, then he’s shuddering, hips stilting into his hand as he cums. You feel his hot cum hit your stomach, warm and sticky on your skin. He groans as he finishes, his hot ropes pooling onto your belly and dripping down your sides a bit. He collapses next to you, breathless. 
Your heart is racing, chest heaving as you stare at the ceiling. You both lay in silence for a few moments, before he rolls out of bed and heads out the door of your bedroom. He returns a moment later, a washcloth in his hand.
“This okay? Found it in your cabinet.”
You nod, taking it from him to wipe his cum off of you. He lays back beside you, turning on his side to look at you.
“You okay?” he asks. You meet his eyes, and nod.
“Yeah - I’m fine. That was good,” you say, wiping some of his hair off of his sweaty forehead.
“Think I need to shower for the rest of this,” you sigh, tossing the soiled washcloth aside.
“God - a shower sounds amazing,” he mutters. “I haven’t - haven’t had the luxury of taking a good one in a hot minute.”
You grin, sitting up. “Well… in the interest of saving water -”
“Right behind you,” he says quickly, practically sprinting behind you as you head down the hallway towards the bathroom.
You both took your time in the shower, the hot water a sweet relief for both of you. It takes longer than it should have, since he insists on making you cum on his fingers to make up for not getting you there when he fucked you. And, who were you to deny him that?
It’s only later, when you’re both clean and dried and back in your bed, that you start to actually feel tired. The clock on your bedside reads 3:42 AM. You feel yourself drifting off, Baron by your side beneath the covers.
“You staying the night?” you ask sleepily - never a guarantee with him.
“Mm,” he says. “If that’s alright.”
“Yeah - fine. You staying for a while?”
“Not sure,” he replies honestly.
Neither of you ever make promises to one another - he could disappear tomorrow, and you may not hear from him for months. But he’s here now, warm and solid beside you. You curl into his side, and you feel him relax a bit.
As you drift off, you can almost swear you hear him say I missed you.
In the morning, he’s gone. By the time sunlight is filtering through the curtains, there’s just a cold spot in the bed where he used to be.
You try to push down the disappointment - you’ve done the same to him, after all, more times than either of you can count. Still - sometimes he stays. Sometimes.
The only evidence that he had been here at all is a jar of marmalade left on your kitchen counter - homemade by his mother, according to him. And, your favorite thing to have on toast. When you pick up the jar and look at it, you can’t help but smile.
When the newspaper gets delivered to your door later that day, everything suddenly makes sense. 
It’s just a local paper, never much news of note in it. You mostly read it for the crime blotter, hoping that they don’t have too many details on the nearby stolen cars or goods, knowing if you need to move soon before you’re caught.
But, instead, crime is on the front page - one that you know all too well:
You laugh, reading in the article how the armed robbery suspect somehow cleverly evaded a federal task force, and how - of course - the suspect is, in fact, male, and not the woman they thought had been chasing for two years. But you knew that already - you’re perhaps the only person who had known that.
Everything about his behavior the night before suddenly makes sense - his desperation, his exhaustion - and, of course, his disappearing act this morning.
You sip your coffee as you read the paper, rolling your eyes.
He’ll be back, you know that. But for now, you just silently root for him to make it - he’s probably in a new getaway car now, on his way to hide out in a new town, if not a new state.
You take a sip of coffee, and a bite of your marmalade toast. Then, you turn on the television  - if you’re lucky, you’ll get another glance of Baron’s face on the news, until he calls you again.
author's note: Happy Valentine's Day, y'all. I have Marmalade brainrot, so I figured I'd write this little blurb while I work on other fics. Love y'all! (Dedicated to @chateaudjo and @djoworlds)
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hoes4lino · 1 year
Do you wanna share a towel? | LMH
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WARNING ⊂✦⊃ This story contains nsfw content; minors please don’t interact, please beware of what you consume online.
Genre: Childhood friends to Enemies to Lovers
Word count: 2k
Summary: it’s spring break and your mom and her best friend decide to rent an airbnb to spend the week in, everything sounds great until you realize Minho has to tag along.
A/N: pretty little liars inspired me to come back from death and write this fic hope y’all enjoy <3
It was a cloudy day on a Sunday morning the weather didn’t look the best, a heavy storm coming its way. You finish packing your stuff as you stare at the window, the light rain and the dim lights of the porch bringing some type of comfort to your heart.
The light of your phone lights up at the notification, you grabbed it to see a text from the person you hoped not hearing from today… specially this early.
lifeless hoe: don’t think im texting you cause i want to.
lifeless hoe: my mom’s phone ran out of battery, she told me to warn you and your mom about the storm
lifeless hoe: we already in the house, so she will be waiting for you, stay safe (that’s meant for your mom btw) <3
You roll your eyes at his texts and reply back with a simple k.
Its not like you hate him, but he seems to not like you at all and you been trying to figure out why. He and you been knowing each other since kids, both your moms are best friends and therefore you two had no choice but to grew up together. As kids the two of you had a cute friendship but as both of you reached puberty the friendship started to die, both of you being too busy with friends, parties and relationships to focus on your childhood friendship. You realized Minho didn’t like you anymore the moment you started dating one of his friends, he suddenly became distant and he would never told you why. When you broke up with his friend he seemed to calm down a little bit, but the coldness was always there.
Preparing your favorite book and your Spotify playlist you place your stuff in the car, ready for the long roadtrip, making your calculation you assumed you will be there by dinner, depending on how strong is the storm. The sounds of the droplets hitting the car roof as you listened to your favorite song and stared outside the window; made you feel at peace, your eyes slowly closing as you drift into peaceful sleep. Thats until someone abruptly opens the car door almost making you fall from it.
“Wake up sleeping beauty” someone said with a mocking tone, adjusting your vision you look up to see no other but Lee Minho.
You scoff “out of all people, you are the first one i have to see in this trip” you yawn as you stretch looking around a little bit confused.
“Ok ok, can you hurry the fuck up? The rain just calmed down and you been sleeping here for an hour now” he said impatiently as he hold an umbrella and your suitcase on the other hand.
As you get out of the car and walked under his umbrella you speak up to break the awkward silence “so you telling me… we arrived an hour ago and my mom didn’t wake me up?” You said in confusion with a little bit of betrayal in your tone.
“Yeah… my mom came to greet your mom and they just walked back to the house, this whole time they thought you were with me” he chuckled a little bit as he started to walk fasted.
“YAH walk slower im getting wet” you complain as you try to match his steps “oh really” he said teasingly, he stopped and looked at you directly in your eyes “bet” he said, making you raise an eyebrow in confusion; suddenly he started running leaving you couple centimeters behind with no umbrella.
“YAH LEE MINHO” you screamed as you chased him down the rain, that’s when you knew it was about to be a long week.
It was 8pm from that same day, you were in your bathroom about take a shower when someone knocked on the door “occupied” you said as the door started to open.
“My bad, i need to take a shower and this is the only bathroom with hot water” he said as he took off his shirt and place his towel on the counter besides you.
“Well if you haven’t noticed, im also about to take a bath, wait till your turn you creep” you roll your eyes trying to push him away but he is heavier than you thought. Suddenly you catch him looking around the bathroom, making you mimic his movements.
“Well” he emphasized the word “in case you haven’t noticed you didn’t brought a towel” he paused thinking if the next thing he had to say was worth it “do you wanna share a towel?” He said in a very teasing way, his eyes piercing right through yours and his smirk seductively as ever.
The moment you moved your gaze to your blushing self in the mirror you wanted to die.. this can’t get any worse.
“You win. Im leaving” you said a bitter tone as you send him a death stare, however as you are about to leave the bathroom, you hear your mom barging in your room.
“y/n” she said, as suddenly Minho leans towards your ear and whispers “oh oh, think what your mom will think if she comes in and sees her daughter with her best friend son in the bathroom while he is half naked” he chuckled as he started to undress and get in the shower.
“You asshole” you swear under your breath, your mom knocking the door “y/n, I need my phone I left it there charging while I showered, im going in” she said, as you panicky entered the shower with Minho there.
He looked at you in surprise as he didn’t thought you would dare to join him, you could see his intentions to say something so you got closer and covered his mouth with your hand while your mom walked through the bathroom.
“Dinner is at 9:30pm please don’t be late, see you there honey” with that she finally exited the bathroom, a huge relieve hovering you as you didn’t get caught.
“You asshole, you almost set us up for trouble” you cry in desperation. “See I wouldn’t mind you scolding me, if I wasn’t naked and if I couldn’t see your nipples through your white shirt” you look down to were his eyes were focusing on, to see your white tank top fully drenched in water reveling your tits to him.
For a second you forgot everything and stared at the man infront of you, lips slightly parted, dark brown eyes, wet brown hair that slightly covered his eyes and moving down you saw his honey tone chest covered with water droplets that would slide all the way down to his… STOP
you brought yourself back to reality “mom said dinner is at 9:30…” you paused not even knowing what you are saying “we can’t be late” you are about to leave the shower, when you felt his hand grabbing your wrist “she said don’t be late” he said, you look at him confused “just shower with me” he finishes making you die of laugher “thats the stupidest idea you ever came with” you laugh at him “hey why? our moms used to bath us together when we were kids to save time” he argued back “Minho we were 3… things have changed now” you scoff.
“Oh so you are saying that if you bathed with me you will want to fuck me?” He raised a brow “what?! No!! NEVER” you argue back “actually I think you will be the one having THAT problem” you smirk at him, kinda like daring him to see who would cave into temptation first “BET” he says.
With that you agree to his little game, undressing yourself painfully slow, can feel his eyes hovering your body, as you remove all your cloth, once being fully naked you walk closer to him startling him.
“What? I need to get under the shower, if not how else am I supposed to get wet?” You give him an innocent look and thats when he knew he was screw.
As the hot water starts pouring down your body, you bend down fully letting Minho have a view of your back shot, he could feel his body starting to betray him, but he refused to give in first, he wanted you to be the one begging for him touch. You stood back up with your loofah full with soap, slowly moving it everywhere in your body, his eyes hypnotized by the movement.
“What? Already losing” you smile at him, your ego being boosted by the type of power you had on him, that was until you suddenly gasp, as you feel him caging you, your front being pressed against the glass wall of the shower and him being behind you.
“Im sorry, I just needed to grab the shampoo” you turn to look at him scoffing “you definitely did that on purpose” you glare at his eyes “maybe, but I know what you being doing” he took a step closer “or am I wrong” he titled his head as he caressed your cheek “oh so you are the first one to give in huh” you smile as he laughed “will see” he said as you raised a brow in confusion, with that he suddenly touched your pussy and started teasing your clit as he kissed your neck and ears. You swore you could see the stars, the way his finger moved in a circular way on your clit and the way his tongue danced on your neck, desperate moans begging for more. Thats when suddenly a tap on your shoulder startled you and you woke up.
“Having a wet dream?” You see the man laying next to you and blood rushed over to your cheeks… it was… all a dream… you were having a wet dream with MINHO.
he chuckled… “don’t worry I also have those with you pretty often, just relax, we have the whole week in this house for ourselves” he teased as he got up from your bed “dinner is ready” were his last words as he left the room leaving you dumbfounded and with an aching core.
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bangtansocean · 2 years
Wrong Right One [JJK]
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"I say we kill her," He presses the gun against your skin harder, making you whine in pain. Your tears start to fall involuntarily as you shake in fear but, your eyes showed little to no fear. In fact, you had no will to even try to fight back, or beg for mercy.
Because little did they know, you had no reasons to stay alive until one of the members of the most claimed mafia group accidentally kidnapps you, giving you a second chance to live.
• Jungkook x reader
• Angst, fluff, smut
Warning: This story contains strong language, sensible topics and mature content. Please read at your own discretion.
Content Table: Ch. 1-5 | Ch. 5-10...
!!!!! This story is originally from Wattpad. Updates in Tumblr will be slower as they will be made every 5 chapters in Wattpad.
Read it on Wattpad here
CH. 1 - 5
Word count: ~19.7K
Chapter one:
The pavement is blurry through your eyes as you walk under the cold rain. 
The weather has become colder, the thick fog covering most of the night sky making the setting somewhat uneasy and dangerous, but you couldn’t care less about your safety right now. 
In fact, you can’t find yourself to care about anything. 
After months of struggling, you found yourself losing everything you ever had. Your car, your house, your job and everything you’ve worked so hard for. It all started to go down the drain when you received a call from your lawyer, telling you that your assets have been sold to someone who completed the payment of the commodities you were paying in small installments due to your low income. 
You couldn’t understand how they could take everything from you like that, leaving you with no choice but to live in your office. And trying to survive within four small walls that had nothing but a desk and a big sofa was a pretty big challenge. 
However, you found yourself living comfortably and were able to hustle your way for a week, but you suddenly got kicked out of your office and had your psychology license placed on hold by your superior due to an “improper practice”, reported by someone anonymous who claimed to be your patient. 
You tried your best to stay positive in the situation, sleeping on the streets for a few days until you almost became a victim of a terrible assault, which happened just a few minutes ago while you were trying to get some refuge from the rain. 
Your body is shivering and your tears won’t stop falling, blending in with the rain that pours heavily on you as you walk with your head down and heavy steps to that big building you’ve always gone to when you needed a breather. 
But tonight you were going there to do the opposite. You were going to the building with no intention of walking out of it.
In fact, you have no intention of staying alive tonight. 
Life feels meaningless at this point.  With no family to support you and no friends to rely on, you decided you wanted to stop suffering and end this never ending nightmare your life has become in just two months time. 
The familiar building is now standing in front of you and you make your way to the emergency stairs on the sides of the building, taking a deep breath in before beginning the path to the last minutes of your life, the burden of the world and your overwhelming emotions rushing over your body, feeling heavier with every step you take to the last floor. 
You admire the skyline even through the fog and darkness, the lights of the building looking like blurry stars as you contemplate the horizon, taking slow steps towards the edge of the roof, sitting on the corner with your legs dangling from the edge of the building, the distance between your feet and the floor making your body ache. 
It's a long fall.
It’s definitely going to hurt if I make it out alive, you think to yourself, closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths before praying your last wishes. 
“I’m sorry this is how things have to end, you deserved better.” You tell yourself as you take a deep breath in, getting ready to jump. 
“Yeah, you do.” You hear the voice of a stranger behind you before you find yourself in complete darkness, a strange choking sensation tightening on your throat when you try to scream. 
You open your eyes and take your hands to your neck, realizing that someone behind you has placed a bag over your head and starts to tighten it by the neck, feeling the two hands move from your neck to your shoulders, wrapping around your arms and pulling you far off the edge. 
You can’t help but try to scream, your survival instincts kicking in as you struggle to set yourself free from whoever is trying to strangle you. You can feel your body weakening at the lack of air, slowly falling into a deep sleep and losing the fight with the stranger who, from all you could remember, had cold hands and a sultry voice. 
“What do you mean you got the wrong girl?!” 
You can hear a raspy voice next to you, the panic on their tone very obvious as you begin to awaken, the bag that was over your head now replaced by a blindfold, your arms and legs tied down by what felt like a very thick rope. 
You lay on the cold floor in confusion. If you are not the girl they were looking for… what happens now? 
“It was foggy and I couldn't see right. I know its a pretty bad fuck up but its done; she’s not who we are looking for.” 
You recognise the voice of your kidnapper, gasping in surprise at the sound of his voice, the fear growing inside you again as the room suddenly grows quiet. 
The voices of the two guys died down at the chattering of your teeth, the cold room giving away your conscious status to everyone in the room. 
A pair of loud heavy boots stomp around you. The steps growing louder as the presence of a man standing next to you makes you tremble in fear. You can feel his body heat closer to you as squats next to you, a squeal escaping your lips when you feel his hands on you. He manhandles you roughly, grabbing you by the shoulders and sitting you on your knees before taking the blindfold off. 
The sudden light makes your eyes hurt, blinking a few times before adapting to the light, your vision is too blurry to identify how many people are in the room right now. 
“If you scream I’ll shoot.” You hear the voice of the man behind you as he tightens the ropes on your hands, your palms sweating at the sound of his raspy and authoritarian voice. 
“Don’t, Hyung. We need to wait for the others. They should be here soon.” You recognise the voice of a third guy, his tone low and calm. Your vision is now clear enough to see two pairs of boots standing a few meters away from you, making that three people in the room with you. 
The others? How many of them are there? 
The loud sound of a door bursting open startles you, making you look up to the area where the sound came from, your eyes fixated on three other figures dressed in all black walking into the room and making it to where the other two are standing. 
“You fucked up big time, Jeon,” the blonde guy with a high pitched voice says before laughing mockingly, his hand landing on the hair of one of the guys who was standing infront of you while the others bickered between them loudly.
“Shut the fuck up, Jimin.” He knocks the hand of the shortest one away from him, gaining a roll eye from the blondie. 
You blink a couple more times before you look back up to them, looking attentively at the five guys standing in front of you. They all had fairly pale complexes, dressed in all black and they all looked surprisingly attractive and well groomed, somehow making you feel more uneasy. 
What did they want with you? Were they human traffickers? 
A loud hiccup escapes your lips, cursing yourself silently as the room grows quiet again and all eyes turn to you, the attention making you hiccup again. 
Why did you have hiccups when you were scared? Fuck. 
“Our apologies, ma’am.” The voice of the guy who was behind you startles you again, his figure coming to view as he walks towards the other guys, his sculpted silhouette and silver undercut making you hiccup again. “It seems like we got the wrong person, according to our friend here.” 
“Oh,” The sound escapes your lips, nodding to his words as you gulp loudly and scan the room again, noticing the eyes of the blonde guy glued to you as he tightens his jaw, clearly unhappy with his coworker for getting the wrong girl. 
The room grows quiet again as the silvered hair guy back up from your body, staring at you with his jaw tighten. A guy with long curly hair steps forward, his hand full of beautiful and refined rings landing on the guy with the silver hair, whispering loud enough for you to hear.
“What should we do with her, then?” He looks back at you with worried eyes, feeling uneasy at the sudden tension growing in the room. “Should we let her g-?”
“No.” Your kidnapper interrupts immediately, all eyes turning to him in confusion. “She’s seen our faces already, we can’t just let her go.” He adds, crossing his arms against his chest which draws your attention to his tattooed sleeve. 
“That’s true,” the silver-haired guy says, turning around to look at one of his friends who is standing behind everyone else. “ What do you think, boss? What should we do?” 
“I’m not sure yet,” A tall, broad guy walks forward, his fingers pushing his black hair back as he stares attentively at you. His eyes scan you slowly before a frown decorates his face. “Are we sure it’s not her?” He squats in front of you, his hooded eyes glued to you as he scans your features, feeling confused at the idea of you being the wrong person. “She has the same eyes.” 
“Would I lie to you, boss?” Your kidnapper says in a threatening tone, making the guy in front of you turn around with an incredulous look.
You can feel the tension between your kidnapper and their boss, a quiet but intense conversation happening through eye contact as everyone else looks to both of them with stone cold faces, unfazed at the challenging attitude of the youngest against the oldest. 
The blonde guy, whose name you remembered to be Jimin, suddenly walks forward. He clenches his jaw as he stares at you with fiery eyes before pulling his gun from his belt, the cold metal pressed to your forehead as he loads the gun with one hand, making you gasp in fear.
“I say we kill her,” He presses the gun against your skin harder, making you whine in pain. Your tears start to fall involuntarily as you shake in fear. However, your eyes showed little to no fear. You had little to no will to even try to fight back, or beg for mercy.
 At the end of the day, this is what you wanted: you wanted to die.
You close your eyes and bite your lips, waiting patiently for the gun to fire. “She is of no use and we can’t let her go. She’s better off dead.”  
The front sight of the gun is now against your forehead, the cold material making you weep as your entire body tenses, anticipating the bullet to perforate your skull.
“Hyung, move.” Jimin orders their boss, tilting his gun to the side telling him to move away, so his clothes wouldn’t get bloody, making you weep even harder when the gun is back to your forehead, this time pressing the gun against your skin harder. 
His jaw clenches as his fingers caress the trigger. The build up of the situation is making you feel sick, why couldn’t he just shoot you and end it all quickly? You gather the little energy in you to challenge Jimin, hoping he would just shoot you once in for all. 
“Just fucking do it alrea-”
“Put the fucking gun down!” The sound of a second gun loading makes everyone except Jimin turn around. 
Your kidnaper is now pointing his gun at Jimin, everyone’s eyes dancing between you and the tattooed guy who was now pointing his gun at Jimin’s back.
“Always trying to be the fucking hero dont you, Jeon?” Jimin laughs cynically as he turns around to look at the youngest, who is looking at you with tense eyes, smacking his lips and cursing himself under his breath. “I'm trying to save our asses here, Jungkook, you have no right to tell me what to do!.”
“We don’t kill innocent people, Jimin. Put the gun down.” He slowly lowers his arm, guiding his gun back to his belt before huffing. 
“Innocent my a-”
“Shoot me.” You beg, your voice coming out louder than you expected it to. The six men, with bulged eyes, turn their attention back to you. “Just fucking do it, please.” You can’t help your voice from cracking mid sentence, making some of them confused, while some of them are looking at you with pity. 
“Shoot me asshole,” you provoke him, your volume rising as you continue to talk. Your eyes are glued to Jimin’s as he hollows his cheeks, his hand shaking as his anger builds up from your challenging words. “You said it yourself, I’m better off dead. So what are you waiting for?!” You are practically screaming now, a burning sensation in your throat makes you swallow, the taste of blood invading your taste buds. “SHOOT ME!” You can feel your heart beating faster than ever.
The tears now fall uncontrollably from your eyes as the sound of a gun being fired makes you scream, your eyes closing suddenly at the feeling of the gun moving away from your forehead. 
“Jungkook’s right, Jimin, drop the gun.” You turn your head to the side where you notice a new guy approaching from the door.
He is about the same height as Jimin, but seems a bit older and has longer blonde hair. He walks towards the rest of the group; The smoke of the fired bullet comes out of the gun as he lowers his gun and walks towards you after giving his gun to one of the guys in the group. 
Your eyes look for the bullet, a small dent on the wall next to you shows you where the warning shot was aimed to, not too far from your body which makes you wip. 
You hear the steps of the newer guy approach you and Jimin, his hand taking Jimin’s gun and putting it on his belt, dismissing him to walk back to the rest of the group. He squats next to you as he stares at you with soft eyes, his empathy and calmness making you feel somehow better. He turns around to look at their boss.  
“I got this, Jin.” He says, gaining a nod from him as he turns to look at Jungkook, signaling to gather with him for a quick chat away from the group as the new guy handles the situation. Jin and Jungkook stand not too far from the group, whispering to each other with serious expressions. 
The new guy stares at you for a few more seconds before his hand grabs onto your jaw, turning your face to him as he inspects your face with a frown. 
“Jungkook’s right. It’s not her.” He says, a disappointed sigh leaves from his lips as he stands up straight and walks towards his colleagues.
“But nothing, Jimin.” He turns to look at the blonde guy with cold eyes. “We can’t kill her either so… what should we do?  Jin?” Everyone’s eyes turn back to who they referred to as boss before, both him and Jungkook staring at you with worried eyes. 
He hesitates before turning to Jungkook, who is now looking down with a frustrated look on his face, biting his pierced lip in distress.
“Jungkook,” Jin calls him, making him look up with big doe eyes. “This is your fuck up, how would you like to fix it?” You sob again before your eyes lock with Jungkook’s for the second time tonight. 
Kill me, please. You mouth to him with pleading eyes before your body violently shakes, the adrenaline making you feel extremely cold, your body becoming feverish as your vision becomes blurry once again. 
He stares at you hesitantly, the internal turmoil inside him making him nauseous as he takes one more look at you before he looks back at Jin, a determined look in his eyes. 
“She stays alive,” He says, which makes you sob loudly, gaining another round of confused stares from some of the guys. 
“No, please. Please just kill me.” You beg between sobs, the desperation building back up, the ringing in your ears becoming louder. “Please.” You cry now to Jin, who is looking at you with pitiful eyes.
“Give her some clean clothes, food, and a place to sleep. We’ll keep her hostage until I find a way to deal with her.” Jungkook says before glancing at you quickly, his eyes focused on Jin who nods at his statement. 
“You heard the man, make our guest feel welcomed.” Jin claps twice before everyone spreads around the room, most of them even leaving the room through the door they just came in. “Jungkook, Yoongi; Meet me at my office after this.”
“Jin, I don’t think this is a good idea..” Jimin whispers next to him, but he is quickly dismissed by Jin who walks towards you, snapping his fingers at the guy with the silver haired undercut. 
“Joon, help me untie her?” Jin says. Joon nods and kneels next to you, his hands working fast behind you as you feel the ropes fall loose. “Look at her wrists Joon, you almost cut her circulation!” Jin scolds him before slapping his friend’s shoulder. 
“I’m sorry about that… are you okay?” Joon asks you as he lets your wrists free and proceeds to untie your feet. You only manage to hmm in response, making them frown. 
Once you’re completely free from the ropes, your body hovers forward against your will, falling against Jin’s chest.
He makes sure to catch you before you crash your body against his, slowly cooing you into his chest as he embraces you in an awkward hug. You are now sobbing against Jin’s chest as he holds you tightly and he looks at Joon with anxious eyes, unsure of what to do. 
“Please,” You weep against his chest, his black shirt quickly becoming wet from your tears as you sob uncontrollably under his embrace. 
“I’m sorry sweetheart, I don’t know why you want to die so bad, but we can’t help you.” He says in a quiet voice, almost trying to comfort you with his statement.
“I know it doesn’t look like it, but we truly are not the bad guys here. We don’t want to harm you.” Joon says with a soft voice, hoping to ease your crying. But the warmth and comfort these two have brought you just after being under the point of a gun overwhelms you with emotions, unable to stop your crying. 
You just need today to be over. 
A loud clearing of a throat makes the two men shift their gaze up to the guy who shot the warning shot, his eyes glued to you as he stands next to his friends.
“Jin.” He starts. “We cleared a room for her already, She’ll be staying in room 17.” He announces, making both of the men nod at him before they stand up, struggling to hold your body up. Your limbs feel too weak and out of your control, making your body fall weak in their arms like you’re a rag doll. 
“Yoongi?” Jin says as he struggles to stand up with you. 
“Oh,” Yoongi approaches you and holds you by the waist as he throws your arm around his shoulders, holding you stable as Jin stands up and fans his wet shirt with his hands. “Can you walk?” Yoongi’s sultry voice rings in your ears before you shake your head, the numb feeling in your legs beginning to slowly become an aching pain. 
He sighs in desperation. “Jungkook?” He calls in a loud tone. 
“I’m here.” Jungkook comes out of the door where most of them have disappeared from, biting his lip at the sight of you. 
“She can’t walk,” Yoongi says. That's all it takes for Jungkook to understand what he wanted. 
Jungkook approaches you and carefully places his hands under your legs and your waist, carrying you bride style with ease as he makes his way towards the main door. Jin, Yoongi and Joon follow behind as your eyes begin to feel heavy, the world turning black for the second time tonight. 
Chapter Two:
A deadly headache wakes you up, adjusting your vision to the little light in the room before realizing you are now in a bed, and you are not alone. 
“Hyung, She’s awake.” The low voice of the curly haired man startles you, his figure sitting calmly by the end of the bed you were laying down on. 
“Thanks Tae, can you tell Yoongi she’s awake? He’s in Jin’s office I believe.” The one guy with red hair replies, coming into view as he approaches you from the door that seems to be the bathroom. 
Tae bows to his superior before walking out of the room with quick steps, leaving you alone with the red headed guy who is smiling at you with pitiful eyes. 
“Hey, you scared us there. We thought you weren’t going to wake up.” He places his hand over your shoulder and helps you to sit up on the bed, your head pounding as your headache gets worse.That was the idea, you think. “I’m Hoseok, but you can call me hobi,” He digs into his pocket and pulls out two small pills and places them in the palm of your hand, his free hand reaching for the water bottle that’s on the night table next to you. “It's ibuprofen. You must have a terrible headache,”
You stare at the guy carefully, noticing he is wearing a white coat that looks like a doctor’s coat.. Is he really a doctor? You blink a couple of times before looking back down to the pills that sit on your trembling hands, feeling skeptical about what exactly he was giving you to consume. 
“How do I know you are not giving me something else?” You ask him in a quiet voice, gaining a big chuckle from him as he throws his head back laughing. 
“That would be against my profession.” He says with a smile on his face. “We are not trying to hurt you, remember?” He reminds you before he opens the water bottle and offers it to you. “Feel free to not take them though, but you must be having a killer headache after fainting like that. I would take them if I were you.” 
You take the pills one by one and place them on your tongue, washing them down your throat with the cold water he offered you, the fresh beverage soothing your throat. Hoseok hums satisfied before turning around and going back to the bathroom. You stare at his back as he sings to himself while lifting small flasks and unpacks new, fresh needles.
He turns around with an injection on his hand, making you frown at the idea of receiving an injection from a complete stranger who worked with the guy who kidnaped you. However, your thoughts are interrupted by a soft knock on the bedroom door, Yoongi walking in with a tray that contained some food that smelled amazing. 
“Hey, glad to see you woke up already, you had us worried.” Yoongi says as he places the tray on the nightstand, the sight of stew and some rice makes you salivate. 
Yoongi notices you staring at the food, licking your lips unconsciously as your eyes are glued to the blue tray. “Here, we made you some stew.”  He hands you the spoon which you take after hesitating for a little bit. You weren't sure why exactly they were being nice to you, but you were too hungry to care, so you decided to eat it quietly, thanking them silently for the delicious and warm meal. 
“I’m Yoongi, I’m the knife specialist here in the circle.” you look at him with confused eyes. The circle? “And that’s hobi, our doctor.” He points at Hobi, who has been staring at Yoongi quietly this whole time. He clears his throat and nods before approaching you two and sitting next to Yoongi by the nightstand. 
“I prepared a small booster for you.” He says as he places a big syringe with a long, thin needle that's wrapped in the packaging, letting you know it was a new, clean one. “We ran some blood tests while you were asleep, and your levels of iron and vitamin c were really low. Once you finish eating you, feel free to take a shower and then inject this anywhere in your arm or your thigh and it should work just fine, if you are too scared to do it on your own just wait until we are back and I’ll do that for you.”
You bow lightly and they bow back, turning to the door to give you some space to eat and recover from your long slumber. You dive into your plate and eat the food in complete silence, the muted voices of the guys filling your ears now and then as they walk down the hallway laughing when you hear two of them playing around, a loud ouch making you giggle and choke on a grain of rice.
The door suddenly flies open, the curly haired guy coming to view as he stares at you with big scared eyes.”Are you okay?” He asks out of breath. You notice the tattooed arm behind him, his face sneaking a quick glance in before turning around and staring at the wall while whistling. 
You clear your throat before replying. “Yeah, just choked on a rice grain” you chuckle at yourself, taehyung joining your laughter as he nods and closes the door again, letting you finish your meal in peace. 
A satisfied sigh escapes your lips, resting the tray on your side before standing up and walking around the room, opening the closet to see a few clothes folded there, as well as a package of new underwear and socks for you.  
When did they get all of this?  You wonder, but quickly notice that it's men’s underwear. You realize that one of the guys must have had to sacrifice their new underwear for you, the thought of it making you giggle. 
Maybe they really aren’t bad afterall. 
You make your way to the bathroom and decide to take a long hot shower, pleasantly surprised by their choice of products, the smell of lavender filling up the shower as you condition your hair and scrub your body. 
You walk out of the shower feeling much better, your tender muscles relaxed thanks to the water pressure and the lavender. You dry your hair with the towel before opening the bathroom door and heading back to bed, deciding to take another nap since you still feel tired. 
A few steps into your bedroom you notice something different, the new things on your bed calling your attention. A pack of lotion, hair products and even a blow dryer were laying on your bed which makes you huff in disbelief. 
Why are they so attentive? Are all kidnappers this nice?  You think to yourself in a humorous tone, a small grin decorates your lips as you take the blow dryer and look for an electrical outlet, plugging it to the closest one to the mirror stand. 
You are ready to start the blow dryer when you notice the shadow of someone standing by the door. His reflection in the mirror startles you, making you gasp as you take the hairdryer against your chest. 
“Jesus Christ, you scared the shit out of me.” You mumble, pressing your lips into a thin line when you hear Jungkook’s giggles. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” He says with a smile,“ I knocked but I guess you couldn't hear it.”  He huffs, still finding your reaction hilarious which irritates you a bit. He stands next to the door in silence, his body leaning on the door frame while his arms are crossed in front of his chest as he stares at you through the glass. A small grin on his lips as he stands there in complete silence, making you a bit uncomfortable. 
You decide to ignore him and mind your business, applying the heat serum to your hair and brushing it lightly with your fingers before taking the dryer. You are about to turn the hair dryer on when his voice breaks the silence. 
“Why?” he asks. You turn around to see a serious Jungkook, his eyebrows frowned as he squints his eyes at you. 
“Why what?” You ask back, unsure of what he was referring to. You rest your back against the wall as you cross your arms over your chest, mimicking his posture. 
“Why did you um…” his eyes venture into the room, landing on the floor in embarrassment. “Why do you want to die so bad?” his voice now coming out as an insecure whisper. 
You blink a couple of times before swallowing loudly, startled at the sudden question. “Uhh…life,” You answer, shrugging your shoulders before his eyes land on yours again.
“Life?” he answers back with a huff. “That doesn’t really answer the question, but I won’t pressure you to tell me anything.” He shrugs his shoulders before taking his eyes off you which you take as a goodbye, turning around and blasting the blow dryer at full capacity. You begin to dry your hair peacefully as he scans the room, his eyes landing on Hobi’s booster. 
“You should take that” He says, but you are unable to really understand him due to the loud sounds of the blower. 
“What?” you ask, turning it off before turning around, noticing that he was no longer by the door, but by your bed. His hands reach to the small booster Hobi had made for you. 
“You should take this, Hobi’s boosters are great.” He unwraps the hygienic paper from the needle and looks at you, taking a few steps closer to you.
“Oh …yeah,” you say, covering your upper arm as you feel him getting closer to you, the smell of his cologne flooding your nostrils as he stands in front of you. 
“Here, I’ll help you.”  He holds your hand and removes it from your upper arm, extending it towards him as he searches for a good vein. 
“Wait” you say, pulling your arm away and sighing. Your heart beats faster as you take a deep breath in. His proximity and the needle in his hand both make you nervous.
He lifts an eyebrow in confusion, reading the worry in your eyes and taking a step closer to you, his free hand landing right over your collar bone. His thumb caresses the side of your neck slowly, waiting for you to look back up at him.  
You notice an unusual warmth in his stare, his eyes transmitting some comfort as he continues to caress your neck and collar bone, making your skin tingle. 
“It’s alright, you won’t even feel it, I promise.” He reassures you, his breath hitting your cheek as he slides his hand down your arm, extending it again. “Close your eyes and take three deep breaths.” He commands in a whisper. 
“One,” He counts. Your head is now against his chest, both of his arms wrapped around you as he soothes you, taking in the first deep breath. You flinch when you feel the cold cotton against your skin, disinfecting the area as he holds your forearm firmly, making sure you don’t move it as he guides the needle to your skin. 
“Two,” you close your eyes tightly, feeling a slight pinch on your arm as he makes the vein more pronounced, letting out a loud exhale as you wait for the next count. 
“Three,” you squeeze your eyes tighter, but notice how his arms loosen their grip on you. Your eyes land on his and then on the empty geringe on his hand as he turns around to wrap the needle in the cotton. “All done,” he whispers as you stare at him startled, confused on how smooth that was. 
He walks towards the bathroom and throws the needle away on the yellow box that was labeled for sharp objects only whale you work on regulating your breathing. His eyes land on yours as he turns on his heels and makes his way back to you. 
“You alright?” he asks, his hand grabbing your forearm and placing a small band aid on the tiny blood spot in your arm. “For someone who just tried to take their life and had a gun against their head, a simple injection should not make you this nervous.” He says in a serious tone, but the grin in his face reveals that he is trying to ease the tension that was built between you two. You huff, unamused by his comment as a smile appears on your lips, his eyes glued to the bandaid as he seems to zone out. 
His hair is wet, which means he had just taken a shower right before coming here. His clothes were more baggy than the ones he was wearing before, his oversized sweater drawing your attention. It was clearly a hand made, crochet sweater. The front is decorated by a cute little bunny, the contrast of his pierced and tattooed body to the sweater making you laugh silently.
You look up to find him still zoned out, his lips tighten up in a straight line, frowning as he stares into nothing. Your mind is now doing pirouettes as you tried to figure out how he ended up in a kidnapping gang. Most of them, except for Jimin, seemed to be good people, and clearly had no intention of hurting you. 
“Why did you save me?” the question slips out of your lips before you realize, cursing yourself as he looks up, meeting with your eyes. His face is now inches away from yours, his mouth agape as he scans your face, taken aback by your sudden question. 
He licks his lips before replying. 
“Life,” He whispers. 
You feel his fresh breath mixing with yours, his chest rising more violently as both of your breathings pick up, heaving as you lean closer to each other. Your lips are almost touching when a soft knock on your door startles you both. 
Jungkook cleared his throat before the door opened,moving away from you quickly as his body was now hovering over the bed to pick the blue tray with the empty plates, leaving you standing there in an euphoric state. 
“Ah Jungkook, you’re here.”Jin says as his figure walks into the room, turning his attention to you as he smiles. “Just wanted to have a quick chat with you if that’s okay?” He asks you, to which you answer with a sharp nod that he mimics. “Perfect, do you mind if we talk in my office?”
“No, that’s fine.” you reply in a hoarse tone, making both Jin and Jungkook frown. 
“Let’s go, I’ll make you some tea.” Jin turns around and signals you to follow him, which you do. But not before turning around and taking one last look at Jungkook, who was now turning on the blowdryer and using it on his damp hair while he looked at you through the now steamy mirror. 
Chapter Three:
“y/n?” You frown at the name. “Why do I need a new name?” 
“It’s just to protect you in the meantime,” Jin tells you, a serious expression on his face. “We already started the creation of your documents so it's a little late to change it. I apologize for not consulting it with you first.” He says as he squats down to reach the lower cabinets on his desk, pulling out a knife. 
“I guess I’ll grow on me with time.” You shrug, not giving it much thought. “Jin?” 
“Yes, y/n?” He grins when he sees you frown, trying his best to acostume you to the new name. 
“Why is your office the kitchen?” You question him with a raised eyebrow, staring at him in confusion as he takes the mushrooms and slices them into small pieces. 
Jin lets out a quiet chuckle and you look around before giggling, not expecting this to be the kitchen of seven men, let alone the office of someone that looks like Jin. 
The kitchen is modern, but it’s decorated with cute farm animals. The fridge is plastered with photos of when they were younger, especially photos of Jungkook. You quickly learned that they have been living here for forever, the whole complex belonging to the members of The Circle. 
You quickly learn thanks to Jin that The Circle is the association the guys are under, known to be one of the most dangerous groups in the area. You can’t say you are surprised to hear they work for the circle, making you question how the most dangerous group could have kidnapped the wrong person. 
Jin explains that they were given a very confusing task with little to no background information, which is why Jungkook made an honest mistake. A mistake he most likely is going to pay for when the guys leave for the headquarters tonight. 
“They won’t hurt him, right?” You ask quietly, scared to hear that he could be in real danger because of you. 
Jin smacks his lips together before rolling his eyes. “There's no way. Jungkook is The Circle’s baby. No one could ever lay a single finger on him. And even if they wanted to, I wouldn’t allow it.” He assures you. 
You sigh in relief to hear that he is a favorite within the group, silently thankful it was him that got you and not someone else who would’ve had a terrible future ahead if they weren’t as lucky or loved as Jungkook. 
The sizzling oil snaps you out of your thoughts, focusing back on Jin who is mixing the mushrooms into the pan as he laughs at your question. 
“Cooking helps me relax,” He confesses. “It helps me think and focus on my thoughts. I know it's not a very ‘manly’ setting, but it works.” He looks up at you and winks cheekly at you before turning around to take the heavy cream from the fridge. 
You engage in small talk with Jin, soon joined by Tae not long after the food is ready. He makes himself comfortable and serves you both a plate of the pasta Jin made for you, joining the two of you on the kitchen island for some small talk while having dinner. 
Tae takes his time to tell you all about him and his upbringing as you indulge in Jin’s delicious pasta. You learn that most of them grew up in The Circle, not really having much of a choice than to be a part of it and continue their parents' work. 
Tae is one of the guys who was born under The Circle’s watch, so he never knew life outside of it. His parents started to work on international missions ever since he turned three, which is why he never was close with them, and eventually lost direct contact with them. He catches them every now and then at the headquarters, but he considers the guys his family instead, Jin and Yoongi being the ones who take care of him the most. 
He tells you that the closest thing he has to parents are Jimin’s parents who took him with open arms and let him move into their family complex right after his parents left to the USA. 
Jimin has been by his side ever since, quickly becoming each other's best friends and life companions.
“We are basically soulmates,” He tells you with his mouth full of mushroom sauce, his eyes sparkling as he speaks about Jimin. 
“He clearly doesn’t like me” You say in a chuckle, giving Tae a napkin which he takes, mumbling a quiet thank you. 
“He doesn’t not like you, he just doesn’t know you.” Tae explains. “He’s skeptical about new incomers, especially when they are not part of the circle. He’ll warm up to you in no time.” He comforts you, but his words make you realize ‘no time’ could be a long time for you. 
You might be here for a while.
“Knowing Jimin for a while might take a long long time” Jin jokes, but it only makes you dive deeper into your thoughts.
I might be here forever, you think to yourself. 
A sudden sadness washes over you, quickly excusing  yourself from the table as Jin and Tae exchange a confused frown, unsure of what caused your sudden mood shift. You thank Jin for the food and  excuse yourself, telling Jin you are too tired and wish to go back to bed to which he just nods. 
“I’ll walk you to your room,” Tae says as he walks out first, and right as you are standing up to leave, Jin grabs you by the arm and pulls you closer. He whispers into your ear a reminder that, under any circumstance, shall any of the guys know your real name. 
“Things could get ugly for you if your real identity gets revealed.” Jin warns you.
“Why though?” you question him. His shifts in his place, his body resting against the counter before turning to look at the main door nervously, knowing Taehyung’s patience would send him back to the kitchen to get you any second and he could listen to the conversation. 
“Our high ups know I have a long lost cousin named y/n, so no one will question you if they associate you with me, but if anyone knows you are an outsider… they won't hesitate to kill you. And it won't be a pretty death, it will be slow and painful... So just to be safe, keep your real name between us both.” He whispers. “Now go rest a bit, Tae is waiting for you.” 
You walk the long, dark hallway next to Taehyung in complete silence. You can’t help feeling lonely, almost hopeless to be here as Taehyung scorts you back to your room, walking by your side as he stares at you in riddles. 
“Did I say something wrong?” He asks in a low cautious tone. 
You turn to look at him and notice his bottom lip trapped against his teeth, biting it nervously. 
“Huh? No, of course not Tae,'' You say, pulling the sleeves of your sweater down, covering your hands to keep yourself warm  since the temperature in the hallway continues to drop and it's making you shiver. “I’m just a little tired, that’s all.” 
He stares at you in silence for a second before humming in reply, not fully convinced by your answer. However, he doesn’t push it and shrugs it off, continuing to walk down the hall with you.
You silently thank him for not questioning you any further, feeling the knot on your throat starting to tighten at the thought of having to explain how you felt just now. 
“I’ll make you a sweater tomorrow. This place gets extremely cold at night ,and that sweater won’t do.” He says suddenly. 
“Huh?” You reply confused. “You’ll make me a sweater?”
“Yeah, I’ve made everyone a sweater!” He answers proudly, “I love fashion. And I learned how to crochet during my free time, so I made nice fluffy sweaters for everyone here.” He smiles, showing you a proud, boxy smile. 
“That’s cute” you reply with a smile, your mind drifting to Jungkook's fluffy handmade sweater. It was definitely made by Tae.
You can hear the muffled noises coming from behind the walls of the hallway, letting you know that most of the guys were up late and rumbling around their rooms. The hallway suddenly feels emptier, and that’s when you notice Taehyung is no longer walking next to you. 
You turn around to look at Taehyung, who suddenly stopped walking. He clears his throat to call your attention, and you take a few steps back and stand next to him in confusion, his squinted eyes and pouty lips let you know he is thinking about something. 
“Wait here,” He says before opening the door next to him and storming into the dark, empty room with quick steps. 
He snatches the blanket from the bed and quickly walks back to you, closing the door behind him. “Here’s an extra blanket for you,” He extends the soft gray fabric towards you, quickly refusing it. 
“You’ll freeze to death,” You reply worried about him. 
“Don’t worry about me, I’ll sleep with Jimin.” He says with a victorious grin, shaking the blanket in front of you, “Now take it, my arm is getting tired.” He jokes, making you smile as you take the blanket from his hands.
“Thank you, Tae.” You bow lightly, placing the warm blanket on your shoulders and wrapping yourself around it, the faint smell of a familiar cologne filling your nostrils. 
He nods before turning on his heels to continue the journey to your room. You walk next to him with a lighter mood, engaged in small chat as you try to guess everyone’s animal on their personalized sweaters. 
“You’ll get to see them soon enough!  I won’t tell you which ones you got wrong, but you did get a few right.” He giggles before opening your door, bowing like a butler. “Sleep well Miss y/n. I’ll see you tomorrow!” 
“y/n?” The voice of Jungkook echoes through the hallway making you both turn around to see his figure approaching you both in a strut.
You can’t help but stare at him, your eyes glued to him. He styled his hair differently, his long black hair now brushed back with gel, his full forehead exposed. He is dressed in a formal black shirt, the sleeves rolled up letting you see his tattoo sleeves. He also left some buttons of the shirt undone, leaving his chest exposed to your curious eyes. The closer he gets, the better he looks, making your body tingled at his presence. 
He matched the outfit with black formal pants and nice leather boots. 
He  is next to you when you notice his eyebrows are frowned and he is pouting his lips in confusion. “y/n? That’s your name?” He asks once he is in front of you, the familiar cologne slapping you on the face. 
“Uh, yeah.” You manage to say, too absorbed in his beauty to even try to pay attention to what he is saying.His eyes linger on yours, quickly catching up to your actions. 
He knows you are checking him out. 
His frown slowly turns into a shy smile, staring at you nervously before noticing the blanket around your shoulders. 
His blanket, to be exact. 
 “Wait” he says, pointing at you before turning to look at Taehyung. “That’s my blanket.” His tone is dark and angry, making you nervous as you stare at Taehyung who is looking at Jungkook with guilty eyes. 
Taehyung lips tighten into  a straight line as he side-eyes you, your eyes growing bigger as you stare back at him with your mouth agape, feeling betrayed by Tae. 
“I’m heading to bed now, goodnight!” Tae says before running two doors down, locking the door behind him and leaving you alone with a very annoyed and angry Jungkook. 
You make a mental note to kill Taehyung tomorrow morning. 
Your eyes land on Jungkook, who is now biting his lip with his eyes closed. He takes a couple of deep breaths before letting out a big exhale, clearly annoyed at the violation of privacy. 
You begin to remove the blanket from your shoulders, feeling so ashamed to be wearing his blanket without permission. “‘I had no idea, I thought it was Taehyung’s blanket I’m so s-” 
“It’s fine, keep it” He replies quickly, and you freeze midway, silently thanking him for letting you keep it. “I’m not sleeping here tonight anyway.” He shrugs before locking eyes with you. 
“You’re not sleeping here?” You ask with worried eyes, accommodating the blanket over your shoulder as you stare at him with curious eyes, not sure why you were suddenly so invested in his late night endeavors. 
But you wanted to know where he was going looking this good. 
“I’m going out with Jin, we have some things to deal with at headquarters,” He says in a monotone voice as he brushes his hair back with his fingers.. 
Right, because of you. 
“Ah, yes. Jin told me.” You reply, feeling even more guilty for being the reason why he has to go and spend all night at headquarters being punished because he kidnapped you instead of someone else. 
It was his fault, at the end of the day. But you can't help feeling guilty.
Are you seriously pitying a literal kidnapper right now? You think to yourself, rolling your eyes at the stupid moral battle you have just started with yourself. 
You are deep in thought before you are snapped back to life thanks to a sudden cold breeze that traveled down the hallway, making your body shiver involuntarily. 
You haven’t experienced this kind of cold in a while, and you’ve been feeling slightly feverish all day. You told yourself you were going to ask Hoseok for some medicine, but completely forgot to thanks to the entertaining conversation with Tae and Jin.
You know you aren’t in the best of health after spending a few nights out in the cold rain, and it seems like these last 48 hours are finally catching up with you.
And you feel fucking awful.
You are startled when you feel Jungkook’s hand wrap around your forearm, pulling you into your room and closing the door behind him quickly.
His sudden actions take you by surprise, and you  accidentally trip with your own feet and fall against Jungkoook’s chest, your hands accidentally landing on his biceps in an attempt to not fall to the floor.
“You’re so clumsy,” Jungkook laughs as he wraps his arms around your hips as he helps you find your balance again. “The breeze of the hallway is very bad for you,” He explains right after you stand up straight. You clear your throat and look at him with annoyance, the embarrassment taking over you when you notice you are still holding on to him. 
Quickly taking your hands off him, you stand in front of him without knowing what to say next. 
You’re not sure if you are angry at him for making you trip, or if you are thankful that he was there to catch you on time. And it’s cute that he cares for your health, but also, he almost yanked your arm off.
You humm in response, not sure what to say or how to acknowledge anything that just happened as he reaches for your hands. Your eyes widening in surprise.
“You are ice cold.” he whispers in a worried tone before he slowly cradles your hands with his, rubbing them fast enough to create some friction to warm you up, but gentle enough to not hurt you. 
His eyes are focused on your hands, a pout decorating his lips as he continues to create friction between your hands, the image making your heart flutter. 
“I’d say I’m pretty hot to be honest,” You joke, facepalming yourself mentally for making such a stupid joke during a time like this. 
You are about to apologize when you hear Jungkook snort  before giggling silently, scrunching his nose at your shenanigans. “You think I’m joking?” you whisper amused, a big smile plastered on both of your faces as you continue to bicker. 
“I never know with you” he jokes back, his voice only loud enough for you to hear. “I guess you are not not hot.” He whispers into your ear, making you shiver once more. 
His smile is short-lived once he feels you shake, dropping your hands and wrapping his arm around your waist and legs, swiping you off your feet with ease as he carries you bridal style all the way to your bed.
You squeal in his arms as he giggles, surprised with his strength as places you in the bed carefully, laying you down right in the middle of the bed, your head hitting the pillow as he lets go of your body. 
“I can walk, Jungkook.” You say in a low voice, feeling your cheeks heat up in embarrassment again as you remove the blanket from your shoulders and place it on your lap, your eyes glued to the soft material as you stroke it slowly. 
“I know.” He replies in a whisper before grabbing the blanket, making you look up to his big eyes that are already looking at you . “Come on, I’ll tuck you in.” Jungkook says in a soft voice.
He extends the blankets one by one and places them over your body, tucking you carefully. He makes sure every limb of your body is covered under the blankets, immediately feeling warm as you watch him fulfill his task in silence. He is fully focused as he finishes tugging your legs, the piercing on his lip drawing your attention as he bites his lip with concentration.
“Warm enough?” He asks once he is done. 
“Yeah, thank you,” you whisper, snuggling into the blankets. 
A shy smile appears on Jungkook’s face, and you reciprocate the smile as you both stare at each other in silence. 
“I-” He begins, but is quickly interrupted by a soft knock that makes you both turn to the door, slowly opening to show a freshly showered Jin, who is wearing a similar outfit to Jungkook’s. 
“Oh, You’re here.” He tells Jungkook, quickly ignoring his presence and turning his gaze to you. “We are heading to headquarters and will be back tomorrow morning.  If you get hungry just ask for Yoongi, he should be able to make something for you.” He informs you. “And if he’s not around, feel free to help yourself out.”. 
You nod before thanking him in a low tone. 
He nods back with a soft smile before redirecting his attention to Jungkook. “I’m starting the car now, We’re leaving in five.” He warns him before he closes the door again, the sound of the main door closing echoing through the hallway a few seconds later. 
You turn to look back at Jungkook, his eyes already on you as he smiles softly at your sleepy and cozy state. “Sleep well, and keep my blanket warm until I'm back.” He jokes. “I will need it back tomorrow though.” 
“Of course, thank you.” You whisper, closing your eyes as you feel the warmth of your cheeks increasing, not sure if it's because you’re sick, or because he is being extremely sweet to you and it makes you nervous.
To be honest, it's probably both.
“No worries,” he whispers before he brushes small strands of rebellious hair away from your face. His fingers ghost your skin and leave a tingling sensation, opening your eyes to notice the door of your bedroom closing.
The last thing you’re able to see is his back as he closes the door without looking back, the main door slamming shut a few seconds after, followed by dead silence. 
You snuggle against the blankets and can’t help but curse at yourself. 
Why did you feel so anxious about them going to headquarters tonight?
Chapter Four:
The rumbling of your tummy wakes you up again, making it impossible to ignore it this time around: you have to walk out and get some breakfast before your stomach begins to eat itself. 
You were trying to avoid leaving your bed too early, hoping Jin would already be back before breakfast so you wouldn’t have to bother the other guys, but you haven’t heard the main door opening at all today which means they were still out at headquarters, meaning there was no other choice but to look for Yoongi and ask him to make you some breakfast. 
You sigh in defeat and sit up in bed, noticing a small note on your nightstand, accompanied by a thermometer and some pills. 
‘I heard you seemed to have a fever last night. Drink these if you still have a fever and come see me when you can, I’m in room number one. - Hoseok.’
 Jungkook probably told him, you think, which makes you smile before laying back down in bed.
 The attention to detail from these guys was honestly impressive. 
You stretch your arm and reach for the thermometer, quickly checking your temperature and  smiling satisfied when you see that the fever is no longer present. One win at a time. 
You jump out of bed and quietly make your way down the hallway, hoping one of the guys will be out of their room so they can help you figure out something to eat. 
You are about to enter the living room and head towards the kitchen when you spot Yoongi sitting at the dinner table. 
Just who you were hoping for, you sigh in relief to see him. 
He is sitting by the long table that is now covered with papers and all sorts of books as he scribbles on a notebook, a confused but focused frown on his face as he curses the page before ripping it out, making you giggle. 
Yoongi looks up and scans the room with quick eyes, smiling back when he spots you smiling at him. “Good Morning, you’re up early.”
“Good morning,” You reply, feeling nervous all of a sudden. “Sorry to disturb you, but …Jin said to look for you if I got hungry.” you feel stupid, like a little kid. 
You stand there playing with your fingers nervously as you look down, hating the feeling of hopelessness thanks to the current situation you are in.
“No worries,” He replies with a soft smile. “Do pancakes sound good to you?” 
You look back at him with thankful eyes, your tummy growling at the thought of pancakes. “Pancakes sound incredible, thank you.” You smile softly.
He stands up and takes his laptop with him, leaving all his papers on the table and walking towards the kitchen, inviting you to follow behind him.
You follow him in silence as you approach the kitchen, the sticky note on the door making you smile as you realize Jin has written ‘No taehyung’s allowed in the kitchen without supervision.’
You walk behind him in silence as he sets the laptop on the counter and begins to take all the ingredients and all sorts of bowls to make the pancakes. 
“Would you like some coffee?” He asks as he pours some coffee onto his iced glass before turning to you with an eyebrow arched.
“Yes, thank you.” You bow but he misses it as he opens the top cabinets. 
“Hot or cold?” He asks as wiggles his fingers over the glasses and the mugs. 
“Hot, if that’s alright.” You say again, feeling shy at the domestic scenario. 
He hums in response, grabbing a mug and filling it up with freshly brewed, dark coffee.
He places the mug on a small silver tray before handing it to you. “Suit yourself.” He points at the sugar and milk on the tray with his head before going back to making the pancakes. 
You watch him for a few minutes, his back facing you as he prepares the pancake batter smoothly, humming a few melodies as he turns the stove on and begins to pour the batter into the heated pan.
You let out a loud sigh when you take your first sip of coffee, unable to remember the last time you had a nice cup of coffee like this. You thank him quietly as you drink your coffee in comfortable silence, the bitter taste helping you wake up as the smell of pancakes fills up the kitchen, making you hungrier.
“Did you sleep well?” He suddenly asks, turning to look at you as he sends the pancake flying into the air and catching it with the pan, flipping it successfully.
“Yeah, it was a bit cold.” You admit, “but, you know, better than sleeping on the streets.” You shrug your shoulders and take another sip of your coffee. “What about you?”
“Haven’t really slept,” He says, and you look back at him in awe. “I’ve been studying all night for my upcoming test.” He points at his laptop after sliding the pancake onto a plate and placing more batter on the pan. 
“Oh, can I?” You ask, pointing at the laptop with curious eyes. He hums in agreement while he focuses back on cooking.
You take the laptop and put the brightness up to see the word document he had opened, surprised when you notice these are all psychology notes. 
“You study psychology?” you ask in an incredulous tone, making him turn in a frown. 
“Is that a bad thing?” He replies in a sarcastic tone, which makes you laugh.
“No I just-, I never expected that to be honest.” You answer honestly. “I used to be a psychologist, until I got my license revoked.” you shrug and tighten your lips onto a thin line, grieving your career that ended so suddenly. 
Yoongi flips his fourth pancake before turning to look at you with big eyes. “You got your license revoked?!” He asks in disbelief, his tone making you roll your eyes. 
A loud sigh escapes your lips as you take another sip of your coffee. “Apparently I had a  malpractice with one of my patients and had my license placed on hold. I tried to refute the allegation but it ended up backfiring on me and they forced me to close my office and revoked my license for good.” You bite your lip to stop them from trembling, the memory of how you lost everything you worked so hard for is still very fresh in your mind.
“I’m sorry,” He replies with an honest tone. “That must have been a terrible experience, I’m sorry that happened to you.” He says as he places a plate of pancakes in front of you, the pile of pancakes decorated with some strawberries and honey. 
“Thank you,” you reply, for both his empathy and the pancakes. “So, you want to be a psychologist?” you ask him before cutting a piece of pancake and biting into it,  savoring the amazing taste of the buttery and sweet breakfast.
He finishes plating two more pancakes before sitting next to you, sipping on his coffee as he drags the laptop back to him. “I’ve always had an interest in psychology, but you know… being part of a gang doesn’t really allow you to go to university.” He chuckles as he takes the last sip of his iced americano. “I was lucky enough to find this online university but I doubt I’ll ever have the time to do the practices, I just take the classes for myself.”
“That’s very admirable of you, Yoongi.” You say against your mug, finishing your coffee right after finishing the first pancake. He hums in reply, getting shy at your kind words.
“Yeah, I guess,” He sighs. “The exams are a pain in the ass though, I can’t seem to absorb any of the information.” He chuckles lightly before rolling his eyes. 
You set your mug on the table and twist your body on the chair to face him. “I could help you.” 
Yoongi’s eyes grow bigger, “Would you really?” he whispers. 
 “Of course!” You nod with a smile on your face, excited to be somewhat useful. 
“Morning,” The high pitched voice interrupts your conversation, a tired Jimin appearing from the living room door. He turns to look at both of you, quickly directing his eyes to Yoongi and ignoring your presence. 
They exchange a few nods between them before Jimin approaches the counter and takes the two extra plates of pancakes his friend made for him. Mumbling a quiet ‘thank you’ before walking out of the kitchen as fast as he entered it. 
You can hear a door slamming shut and Taehyung’s laugh not long after, letting you know he probably sent Jimin to get him breakfast. 
“When could we start?” Yoongi asks in a shy tone, his eyes sparkling with excitement to finally have someone to study with. 
“Well, it's not like I have much to do here.” You shrug your shoulders and Yoongi looks down, feeling bad for having you locked up in the house thanks to Jungkook. “I just have to go to Hobi’s and then I can meet you at the dining table?”  You reply smiling at him.
He hums and nods before standing up, collecting the dirty dishes and placing them in the dishwasher. “I’ll see you in a bit,” He dismisses you as he picks his laptop and heads back to his initial sitting place in the living room. 
‘Uhh Yoongi?” You ask as he is about to head out of the door. He turns to look at you with wandering eyes. “Where is room one?”
He chuckles before tilting his head to the side, inviting you to follow him. You walk back into the living room with Yoongi, and once you are facing the hallway, he knocks on the first door that’s on your left.
“Come in!” The voice of Hoseok is heard from the other side of the door. 
“Thank you” you bow to Yoongi before turning around to open the door slowly, surprised to see Hoseok is not alone. 
“Oh,” a startled sound leaves your lips as you see the buff guy sitting next to Hoseok behind his desk. 
“Oh, Miss y/n. Glad to see you are looking much better.” He replies. 
“Thank you…” you try to remember if you ever got a name, but you can’t really remember much from that night. 
“Joon. I mean, Namjoon.” he chuckles. “But everyone calls me Joon.” He nods before looking at his friend who is searching for a file in his extensive folder. 
“Joon, nice to officially meet you.” You bow lightly before turning to Hoseok. “Thank you for bringing the stuff to my room.” 
Hobi shoots a quick smile at you as he continues to look through his files, “How’s your fever this morning? Did you take the pills?” He asks without looking at you, sighing in relief when he pulls the paper he was looking for from the folder and places it on his desk. 
“I didn’t take them, I had no fever when I woke up.” You reply, but you are quickly distracted by Joon’s gasp. His eyes are glued to the paper Hobi just pulled out, to which he replies with a quick “shh!”, slapping Joon’s shoulder. 
“You got somewhere to go don’t you, Joonie?”  Hoseok asks in a humorous way which makes you feel a bit uneasy. 
“Ahh I do, I’ll be back for dinner.” He announces before standing up and walking towards the door. “I’ll see you around.” He smiles at you as he walks past you, winking an eye before exiting the room. 
The room looks like a hospital suit: There are two hospital beds with all types of machines around, and then one big bed next to the wall that was on the other side of the room, barely on sigh as the room was pretty big and divided by a thin curtain between his personal space and his working area. 
“Come sit,” Hoseok offers as he points at one of the chairs that are in front of his desk. 
You walk slowly as you continue to look around the room, the smell of bleach and all sorts of medications making you feel dizzy as you sit down and wait for him to speak first. 
“So.. no fever, huh?” He asks, crossing his arms in front of his chest as he looks at you with a curious and friendly smile. You shake your head in reply and smile back. 
“I did feel a little feverish last night after dinner, but I guess I sweated it out during the night.” You reply in an enthusiastic but soft voice. 
 “That’s good news, y/n.” He gives you a nod of approval. “It’s normal to feel a little feverish after the booster, but I'm glad to hear it went by quickly. You must be a very strong person to recover that fast from it.” He takes the pen from his doctor gown and begins to write on the blue mysterious paper in front of him. 
You try to read some of the paper, but fail to be able to make anything out of the multiple words that are all over the paper. You could tell it was some sort of questionnaire, or something that needed to be filled up. 
“I called you in to do a quick health check on you if you are okay with it.” He begins, “A few blood tests, some general check ups to make sure you are all healthy and in perfect shape. Does that sound good to you?” He asks in a very professional tone. 
“Yeah, of course.” You reply in the same tone, making him smile ever bigger. 
“Great! It won’t take us too long, you can get changed to a robe in the bathroom. The robes are on the right side cabinets, the second one with the blue sticker on.” You look at him with big eyes, not expecting to have to get naked already. 
“A robe?” You ask shyly. 
“Oh, I thought we could run all tests quickly,” he blinks in confusion, “but, if you don’t feel comfortable with me doing the pelvic and mammary exams, you can just keep your underwear on and we’ll skip those until one of my female colleagues finds time to do them for you.” He says in a kind and understanding tone. 
You look around the room, and quickly deny his offer. “No, it’s fine. You are a doctor after all, my old gyno was a guy too. It’s fine.” you smile back before heading into the bathroom, taking a deep breath in before undressing yourself and putting a robe on, walking back into his office for your medical exams. 
It takes Hoseok almost two hours to finish with all the tests and exams, scheduling you down for some more blood tests for later to check your blood levels again. 
He kept a straight but friendly face all through the tests, asking you questions about yourself and listening carefully to your health history and the stories you would tell him that could potentially be of use for him when reading your results. 
“Great, we’re done for today! I’ll keep you updated with everything!” He claps his hands together as the door behind him labeled ‘LAB’ slowly closes. “Do you have any more questions?” He asks you as he looks in the drawers behind his desk, where all the medication was labeled in multiple drawers that went from the floor all the way to the ceiling. 
“Nope. You are an amazing doctor, Hobi. Thank you” You bow lightly as you fix your sweater and brush your hair with your hands. “I’ll see you around.” 
You are ready to leave his room when you hear your name being called, turning around to see Hoseok walking towards you with some sort of cream on his hand. 
“Take this with you,” He hands you the cream, smiling at you as you look at him confused, not sure what to use this cream for. “It’s a deep scar treatment.” He says in a quiet voice. 
You look at him with big eyes as he shifts in his place, feeling a bit nervous. “I-I.. um, I noticed you have a very prominent scar in your hip.” He says in a low voice. “You don’t have to use the cream if you want to keep the scar, but…” He hesitates to finish his sentence. 
You can feel the lump on your throat as he bites his lip, hating himself for making the whole thing uncomfortable for the both of you. 
“Scars like that are pretty hard to make, let alone heal.” He clears his throat before shaking his head, composing himself back up. “Anyway, the cream is yours. I just wanted to provide some help if I could.” He smiles, giving you a quick bow before turning around and walking towards his desk.
“Thank you, Hobi.” You are finally able to speak, the tears in your eyes making him smile with sadness, returning to his work as you make your way out of his room and quickly walking towards yours with tears streaming down your face. 
No doctor has ever commented on your scar, but instead, always asked about your mental health and if you were self harming. You were surprised to hear Hoseok’s very descriptive but also very vague words, almost like he knew exactly what caused that scar on your right hip, but was too scared to bring it up. 
You walk towards your bed and sit there, your head between your hands as you begin to sob. You haven’t thought about it for a long time, and eventually grew out of the trauma. You couldn't really remember much about that night, since you were so little you could barely talk.
You remember being in your mother’s arms as she tried to outrun your father and his friends. You remember there was screaming and crying, your mother begged your father to leave you alone as she tried to protect you but failed to move you fast enough from her arms, the knife striking you both as your dad watched your mom bleed out from her wrist, slowly laying you on the floor as she fell unconscious. 
Last thing you remember is waking up in a hospital with your dad sitting next to your bed telling you that everything was going to be fine. 
You didn’t care much about the memory itself, you were only two years old and it all felt like a blur, but you dreaded that you had proof of the night you lost your family for good. 
You hated the scar, and for some time, you hated your dad too.
You pretended to not remember anything about the incident, and you lived with your dad until you became of age and moved out of your house into college campus. 
The truth is, your relationship with your dad was never good. And after that, you couldn’t wash away the fear and the resentment you felt towards him.
 Still to this day, you wish it was him that died that night rather than your mom.
You take a few deep breaths to calm yourself before standing up and walking towards the mirror in the room, pulling your pants down low enough to reveal the scar you have dreaded your entire life. You tried all sorts of creams and treatments to remove it, but as Hobi said, it was a hard scar to create, and harder to remove. 
But for some reason, you trusted Hoseok. And with nothing to lose, you applied some of the cream onto your scar before pulling your pants back up and drying your tears, taking some time to cool down before going back into the living room to help Yoongi study. 
“So that would be a situational psychosis and not a chronic one, right?” Yoongi asks before taking a sip of his fifth glass of coffee. 
You smile, putting the paper down as you lean closer to Yoongi. “You got them all right, you did it!” You cheer for him as he closes his eyes and lets out a deep sigh full of relief. 
You have been studying for over three hours nonstop, feeling almost delirious thanks to Yoongi who kept messing up the neuropsychosis, driving both of you mad. 
“Fuck, thank you. Holy shit.” Yoongi laughs as he bumps his shoulder against yours. “Seriously, thank you. It’s so much easier to learn all of this when studying with someone who knows about this stuff.” He nods, a small smile plastered on his face as he scrunches his nose from the happiness he is experiencing. 
“Anytime! You are more than ready for that test now.” You bump your shoulder with his. “You better get all A’s” you threaten him in a joking manner. 
“Okay, let’s do this.” He hesitates for a second. “If I get all A’s, I’ll take you out for dinner.” 
You are taken aback by his sudden invitation, staring at him with wide eyes. “I thought I couldn’t leave the house..” you say in a whisper. 
“And I thought I was going to fail this test,” he laughs. “I’m sure they won’t mind if I take you with me for one night.” He adds as he shrugs his shoulders. 
You are about to accept his offer when the main door lock starts to shake, a heated conversation between two men behind the door make you and Yoongi turn around to face it.
It doesn’t take long for the door to open, Jungkook’s body dashing in as he walks through the living room.
 He directs his sight to you for a second, lingering his angry eyes on you before sprinting towards his bedroom without saying a single word. 
“End of discussion, and I mean it Jungkook!” Jin screams before a door is slam shut. 
The apartment grows quiet as Jin turns to look at you. “Sorry about that, he can be quite childish sometimes.”
He huffs before approaching you guys with a smile. “I see you’re adapting well here,  y/n.” He pats your shoulder a couple of times before walking into the kitchen, his tired figure struggling to walk in a straight line. 
“I’m baking some cookies, y’all want some?” He asks as he walks through the kitchen door, disappearing from your sight. 
“Woah, that was intense.” Yoongi is the first to speak after the room went quiet again for a whole minute, both of you trying to process what just had happened. “I’ll go check Jin, you should probably go to your room and get some rest.” He says in a low tone, making you understand it was your time to leave. 
“Uh, yeah. I’ll see you later.” You reply quickly before taking your mug and walking towards your room, the cold and dark hallway sending shivers down your spine as you walk past Jungkook’s room. 
You feel tempted to check up on him, but a sudden shattering of glass and a grunt from the other side of the door startle you, the mug slipping from your hands and falling to the ground, breaking into a million tiny pieces. 
“Fuck!” You hear Jungkook curse, his footsteps growing louder as he approaches the door. 
The door flies open before you could react, Jungkook’s bloody hand coming to view as he stands in front of you, his jaw tightening when he sees you. 
“Are you-”  Your voice shakes. Your eyes dance between his bleeding hand and his angry eyes.
“Yes.” He replies in a cold tone which makes you frown. 
“I-” You are left talking with the wind as he sneaks past you and walks towards Hoseok’s room. Not bothered with knocking before locking himself up in his best friend’s room. 
You hesitate for a moment, looking down at your bare feet that now have a few tiny cuts. The small pieces of porcelain that lay on the floor are scattered everywhere, and you are about to tiptoe to your room before a voice coming from the end of the hallway stops you.
“You are going to cut yourself if you move,” You are able to recognise Jimin’s voice, looking up to see him standing infront of his door, looking at you incredulously. 
“Oh,” that’s all you are able to answer back. 
You know Jimin doesn’t really like you, but he is right, moving would only injure your feet more, making it even worse. 
Jimin blinks a couple of times before sighing in defeat, opening his door and calling for Taehyung to come and help him. 
“Can you get some gauze and the tweezers from Hobi’s room? Someone got cut” he asks with his head peeking inside of his room. 
“Yeah I’ll get it in a minute.” Tae replies loudly, but his voice sounds distant, almost like he was in a different room than the one Jimin was peeking into. 
He closes the door and directs his gaze towards you, rolling his eyes and sighing in annoyance before making his way towards you. 
You look at him with big eyes, unsure of what to do as the awkwardness increases between the two of you. 
“Don’t move” He demands you, slowly making his way through the glass without stepping on it until he is able to reach you. 
Once he is in front of you, he turns around and squats down, inviting you to climb on his back. 
“Well then? Hurry up before Tae comes out of the room,” He whispers annoyed as he rolls his eyes, hating himself for putting himself in this position. 
You don’t give him time to regret it, and you don’t give yourself time to think about, quickly climbing onto his back. He stands up with ease, and you are surprised at his strength as he carries you without breaking a sweat through the hallway and your bedroom until you reach your bathroom. 
He gently lets go of you, sitting you on the toilet before fixing his clothes and hair, checking himself in the mirror before looking back at you with an unbothered stare.
“Wash your feet,” he demands again in a cold tone. 
You are annoyed at his indifferent attitude, but decide not to test him and stay silent,  mumbling a quiet thank you before slowly reaching for the shower head, washing the glass off your feet carefully. 
Before you turn the faucet off, Jimin is out of the room in a flash, and you stare at the door in confusion while drying your feet slowly. 
Well that was a surprise. 
Taehyung arrives soon after you walk out of the bathroom, and he is quick to check your feet for any cuts. You are both relieved to find that you had no glass on your skin, the cuts already stopped bleeding thanks to the cold water. 
He pouts before walking back outside, wanting to be of some help but failing to do so as the glass on the hallway has already been cleaned off. 
“Y/n?” A soft knock on your door wakes you from your nap. “We’re having lunch right now, would you like to join us?” Taehyung asks in a sweet tone before peeking his head through the door. 
You rub your eyes lightly as you nod, getting out of the bed slowly and sitting on the edge. 
“I’ll be there in a sec.” You reply in a raspy and tired voice before heading towards the bathroom, your feet dragging on the floor. 
“Okay sweet, I’ll wait here!” He replies in a louder and more cheerful tone as he enters your room and walks towards your bed, sitting on it as he begins to rearrange your pillows. 
You shake your head humorlessly, closing your bathroom door to get some privacy as you freshen up for lunch. 
“Okay, let’s go“ You walk out of the bathroom looking more alive, smiling at Taehyung who was already smiling back at you. 
He nods before standing up and following you towards the door, closing it behind him as you both make your way down the hallway to the living room. 
You are surprised when you notice that the table is empty, but there are three instant ramen on the living room table. Jimin is snuggled on the sofa, scrolling through the movie options on the tv. 
“What took you guys so long?” Jimin asks, his eyes glued to the screen. 
“We’re here now,” Tae replies in a sassy tone. 
“And what’s up with you dude? You seemed- oh. ” Jimin’s voice dies down as soon as he sees you, the awkwardness filling up the room instantly. His eyes grow bigger before they squint at Tae. “That’s not Jungook, Tae.” 
“I know, but he said no, so I invited her instead.” He shrugs before walking towards the sofa and getting comfy in the middle seat. “We made you some ramen” he points to the ramen cup and turns to look at you, waiting for you to join. 
That’s twice now, Taehyung.  You think to yourself, making a mental note to not trust Taehyung anymore as he continues to put you in the most uncomfortable situations.
You are about to excuse yourself and tell Taehyung you rather eat in your room when the main door opens, making all of your heads turn to see who has arrived at this hour. 
Namjoon walks in, his body and hair soaking wet from the rainstorm that was going off outside. He takes his boots out before acknowledging the people in the living room, a small gasp of surprise escaping his lips before he smiles at all of you. 
“Hey, why are you guys out here so late?” Nam asks, making his way to you. 
“We missed Jin’s dinner” Tae points at the ramen cups and smiles at his friend, who shapes an ‘oh’ with his mouth before nodding in understanding. 
“Where the hell were you?” Jimin twists his body on the couch to face him properly, his face cold and showing no expression as always. 
“Out,” He winks an eye to Jimin before tappin Tae’s shoulder a couple of times, waving a quick goodbye to you as he makes his way to his room. He completely avoided Jimin’s questioning and removed himself from the situation before he got interrogated. “Goodnight!” He screams from his door before he shuts it, leaving you with Jimin and Taehyung again. 
“Come on, let’s be civil tonight,” Taehyung says before you are able to excuse yourself, and based on Jimin’s reaction, he didn’t want you here either. “Let’s have some dinner, watch a movie and head back to bed.” Tae pulls your arm, forcing you to sit on the sofa. “I have a feeling we’ll have a long day tomorrow.”  
Chapter Five:
“No,” Jimin spits out. “Absolutely fucking not.”
“For once, I agree with him,” Jungkook crosses his arms in disagreement, his angry eyes glued to Jin. 
If looks could kill, you and Jin would be six feet under. 
You had a feeling that whatever happened at headquarters was not good, but nothing could have prepared you for the news Jin just delivered after calling for a group meeting in the basement. 
“I know it’s not ideal, but it's what we have.” Jin sighs, rubbing his temples as he tries to calm himself down. The tension in the room is loud, everyone waiting for the other to finally snap at Jin, or you. “It’s a headquarters order.” He adds in a cold tone, letting them know there is nothing he can do to change it.
Your eyes wander around the room, heavy frowns decorating everyone’s faces thanks to the news, you being the least excited of them all. 
After Jin and Jungkook returned from headquarters, their attitude has been very condescending. Jin locked himself in the kitchen, making an appearance every now and then in the common areas just to disappear again into Hoseok’s office and then back to his. He spoke only to Yoongi during this time, a faint smile would appear on his face when your eyes would meet at the common areas and during lunch, his tired eyes staring at you with both fear and sympathy. 
You could tell something was up this morning before Jin called for the meeting. 
Yoongi stayed by your side all morning, going over the psychology notes before as an excuse to distract himself, but the constant bouncing of his leg made it more than obvious that he already knew what was going to happen later today. 
Hell, he probably heard the news before anyone else did, which would explain why he looks the least surprised out of us all. 
“And what happens if I decide to not join, or if I don't pass the test?” You break the silence, your body entering fight or flight mode as the anxiety builds up. 
All eyes turn to look at Jin, who bites his lips nervously. His eyes linger on you before he shifts on his seat.
“They’ll probably kill you once they realize you are not my cousin, and then kill us all for treason.” The somber tone of his words send a shiver to your spine, the whole room going quiet again as his words settle in. 
You always said there are many variables in life, but you never expected being a part of a mafia group to be one of those variables for you. 
And now everyone‘s life is on the line because of you. 
“This is fucking ridiculous,” Jimin exasperates, standing up from his chair and pacing side to side as he brushes his hair back with his fingers, the anger finally lashing out. “I should've killed you when I had the chance.” He mumbles angrily, walking towards you with quick steps. “I should have fucking killed you!” He screams, launching himself at you.
A fearful gasp escapes your lips as you watch him trying to wrap his hands around your neck, but Namjoon stops him as he stands up in front of you, his body working as a shield between you and Jimin, who proceeds to stare at him with a defying glance. 
“That’s enough, Jimin.” Namjoon mumbles. “Killing her now won’t change anything, she’s one of us,” He sighs, looking over his shoulder to meet your eyes with pity. “At least for now.”
Jin quickly dismisses everyone after assigning the members different tasks to help shape you into one of them. You were informed training would start immediately, a big wave of relief washing over you when you hear your first ‘class’ is with Yoongi.
Headquarters has given you only three weeks before your first mission with Taehyung and Jimin.Apparently, being Jin’s cousin also means you have it in your blood, which is why they believe you can learn as fast as Jin did. 
You haven’t been given any information on what the mission is about, but the second you enter the training room, which looks like a huge highschool gym, Yoongi starts teaching you about knives, blades, and all sorts of different ways to use them. 
You are almost done with your first training when Yoongi finally eases down and goes from teacher mode to friend mode again, something you are thankful for as your body was giving up from his strict training. 
You are sweating in places you didn't know you could sweat.
“Not bad for your first time” He compliments you, offering a water bottle before taking one for himself. Both of you are rehydrating from all the sweating the training caused. 
“I’m dead, you are a tough teacher!” You whine to which he laughs before looking at you with pitiful eyes. 
“Well, good luck for the next class, you’ll need it.” he shifts his head to the side, pointing at the guns. So gun control was next. 
And with perfect timing, the doors fly open, and your next teacher is none other than the person who hates you the most in the world. 
“Break’s over, the sooner we can get this done, the better. I have shit to do,” He spits out bitterly, his eyes dancing between you and Yoongi as he works the lock that’s hanging from the gun’s protective glass.
Yoongi gives you a quick wave as he walks out of the room, running into Namjoon as he makes his way to you. 
“Quick!” Jimin snaps at you and you discreetly roll your eyes before placing your bottle on the ground. 
“Well isn’t this ironic,” you whisper under your breath.
“Don’t worry,” The voice of Namjoon startles you, turning to him as he looks at you with a cheeky grin. “I’ll supervise the class to make sure you don’t blow each other’s brains out.” He crosses his arms proudly before chuckling. 
You huff back with a small grin before making your way to Jimin who is holding two guns, one on each hand. 
“Hold this, I’ll teach you how to load a gun first, if you are good enough then we’ll practice target aim” His tone is sassy and judgmental, clearly not excited to be in the room with you, let alone be your teacher. 
“Fighting!!” you hear Namjoon cheering you from the corner, a quick encouraging smile decorating his lips before Jimin starts class, and your entire focus becomes the gun that’s now in your hands.
If you weren’t dead before, you are certainly dead now. 
“See you tomorrow for your next class.” Jimin speaks nonchalantly. “Joon, can you close behind me? I’m running late to headquarters.” He says as he stares at his smart watch, a frown on his face as he reads the messages. 
“You’re going to headquarters?” Joon asks which Jimin answers in a vague answer.
“Yeah, they wanted me to help with some administration.” And just as quick, he is out of the door after he promises to be back home soon. 
You and Namjoon look at the doors that flap back and forward, confused at the sudden hurry. 
“You don’t think he’s going to snitch on me, right?” You reply as you walk towards him, the thought of him going to headquarters to tell them the truth making you panic. 
“Jimin would never do that to us,” Namjoon replies confidently. “He might not like you, but he likes us enough to not do something that could hurt us.” He comforts you with his words as you sigh defeated. 
You slide your back against the wall and slowly make your way to the floor, letting out a big sigh as you rest your head against the wall and finish your water bottle. 
“Go rest, you’ve had an intense day.” Namjoon says as he picks the guns and places them back on the counter, locking it up and placing the keys in his back pocket. “Get some Iced cream at Hoseok’s on your way out, your shoulder will thank you tomorrow.”
You nod with your eyes still closed, ready to fall asleep on the floor at the fatigue wave that just washed over you. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow for our class, good night y/n” He says right before walking out of the room. 
You open your eyes to an empty, dark room. The last ray of sun that was lighting up the room went as quick as the guys left. 
You slowly make your way up, your body already feeling sore from all the exercise and stress. 
Joon’s right, you should stop by Hoseok’s to get that cream before taking a shower. 
You walk out of the shower feeling better. The cream tingles your skin as it does its magic on your sore muscles, mixed with the lavender oils of your shower products. 
You make your way to the dressing table and automatically connect the blow dryer and start to dry your hair without thinking much about it, your body working in auto pilot as you are too tired to even try. 
That’s until you are aware of the shadow that’s standing behind you. 
You scream loud enough to startle him as well, making him turn the lights behind him that lets you make out his features.. It was Jungkook. 
“You need to stop! Doing! That!” you scream again, turning the blow dryer off and taking some deep breaths, your hand on your heart as you look at him through the mirror. 
He huffs as he mimics your actions, “You did not have to scream like that, Jesus Christ” he tells you in a whisper. “You are the one using the blow drier at this hour. There’s people trying to sleep, you know?” 
“Oh,” you reply, not really knowing how late it was as you had no clocks around you, so you’ve been completely unaware of time. “Sorry, I have no sense of time here. You guys have no clock in the house.” you reply in a whisper, disconnecting the blow drier and brushing your semi-wet hair. 
“It’s almost … 3 am” he replies as he looks at his watch, walking into your room without an invitation as you finish your night routine. 
He sits on your bed in complete silence, watching you apply all sorts of creams on your face and body. 
“Are you entertained?” you ask in a funny voice, snapping him out of his zone-out. 
“Very much so, it's quite relaxing watching you do your skin care,” he shrugs, his eyes diverting from you to the bed, his hands playing with the sheets beneath him. “How was your first day? Were the guys good to you?” He asks shyly, his curious eyes coming back up to meet yours through the mirror, eager to hear your answer.
You turn around in your chair, making direct eye contact for the first time tonight. “It was intense,” you nod before sighing. “But you guys are awfully nice for being kidnappers in a mafia group.” you chuckle, but quickly regret it when you see Jungkook’s face turning into a frown. 
“We are not kidnappers,” he says in a bitter,cold tone. “I was just…looking for someone.” You humm quietly as a response, scared to make him even more upset with your words. There’s a long silence before he talks again, “We are good people, I promise.” He says in a whisper. There is some weight to his words and his tone, almost like a desperation for you to believe him, which you do. 
You stare at each other in silence for a few seconds, your eyes exchanging secret codes that not even you could figure out. 
You sigh heavily before standing up and making your way to the bed, sitting next to Jungkook who scoots to the side to give you more space to sit next to him.
“The guys have been good, You’ve all been very welcoming.. Well, almost all of you.” You chuckle, which he mimics as he places a hand on your shoulder, making you wince at the touch.
“Oh, you’re sore?” He quickly moves his hand away, his eyes growing bigger as you take deep breaths trying to control the pain. 
“Yeah, Jimin had me shooting like he was preparing me for war.” You rub your shoulder with a frown, making Jungkook laugh quietly as he places his hand on your shoulder again, this time he’s more gentle. 
“Let me help,” He whispers before he begins to carefully massage your sore shoulder. 
He applies just enough pressure to alleviate the sore muscle without hurting you, and you close your eyes and enjoy the free massage in silence, thankful for his magical hands. 
“Your muscles are too tense, you should get some acupuncture with Hobi tomorrow.” Jungkook whispers, snapping you out of your peaceful state. 
“Mmmhm,” You answer, opening your eyes and turning your head to look at him, “thank you for the massage,” you give him a small smile. 
“Anytime,” He nods in confirmation as he returns the smile, the tension in the room quickly increasing as you both run out of words. 
Your eyes shift to his lip piercing, focusing on how he moves it around nervously, making your heartbeat accelerate, growing nervous yourself. 
You bite your lip involuntarily, wondering how it would feel to have a piercing too. But your actions are caught by Jungkook, whose eyes have been dancing between your eyes and your lips, he is fully aware about where your attention is. 
“y/n…” Jungkook whispers, making you look back up into his eyes, your mouth opening slightly at the sight. 
His factions look softer, less tense. His fluffy hair falling on his forehead makes him look extra soft and cute which makes your heart skip a beat. 
He licks his lips nervously, your eyes dancing between his eyes and his now wet lips at a quick pace. 
You feel his shoulder against yours as he leans closer, his opposite arm reaching for your cheek as he pulls you closer to him, connecting your lips in a soft, warm kiss. 
Your hand lands softly on his cheek, kissing him back as you both deepen the kiss. You both move slowly, almost scared that the other will back out, but you are surprised when he sighs between the kisses, his breath picking up against your lips as he slides his tongue against your lower lip before he sucks on it, kissing you more intensely this time around. 
His hand reaches the back of your head, pulling you closer as he kisses you diligently, making you moan his name against his lips. 
Something ticks off inside Jungkook when he hears his name come out of your lips as a moan, making him break the kiss quickly as you both regulate your breathing. 
He lets go of you as he seats in his initial position, his eyes glued to the floor for a few seconds in complete silence.
You are still surprised about the kiss, your breathing agitated as you stare at him in confusion, unsure of why he suddenly stopped. You are about to ask him why he stopped when he speaks first, making you shut your mouth quickly. 
“I… you should sleep, I have to go.” He says quietly, his eyes not leaving the floor as he stands up, fixing his pants as a nervous tick as he looks around the room before making his way towards the door. “Good night y/n.” 
“Wait,” you call out to him, standing up quickly and walking your way to him. You don’t think twice when you grab his arm and turn him around, launching yourself to him as you connect your lips once more, his hands landing on your waist as he stabilizes his balance and reciprocates the kiss with a deep exhale. 
The kiss doesn’t last long, both of you moving apart after a few seconds. “Goodnight Jungkook.” You let go of his arm as he stares at you with a blank stare, surprised at your actions. 
He doesn’t reply, but instead sighs before walking away, closing the door behind him as you watch him walk away, feeling butterflies on your stomach even after the door is closed. A smile on your face as you get back on bed and turn the lights off.
You feel all giddy inside when you replay the kiss in your mind until you fall asleep. 
You just kissed Jungkook, and he didn't reject you.
[to be continued]
Helloooo! did you miss me? jeje
Sorry I've been inactive for almost four months TT, adulting had me on a chokehold and I had no time to write!
Hope you guys enjoy this long piece I'm working on! Don't forget to like it, reblog it and comment on it if you like it! it truly helps me a lot because that's how I know people are actually reading and it motivates me to write lol
Happy readings, Ceci x
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howlingday · 10 months
Lancaster Labor IX
Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI Part VII Part VIII
Ruby: So I know I kinda made it seem like breastfeeding was going smoother a while ago, and for a while, it did. I mean, my nipples got tougher, and I started falling into a routine, but to be honest, it still wasn't going really great. I still had to breastfeed every three hours, and then I had to measure her, and then I had to make up for the weight with formula. Then I had to wash the bottles, sterilize them, do my chores and then, ONLY THEN, could I find the time to relax! Finally get some rest...
Ruby: I get anemic from the feeding because my body produces the milk, my joints hurt because of my mommy hormones, and my vagina STILL hasn't fully healed yet! It's starting to feel like I got the raw end of the deal!
Ruby: I remember thinking motherhood would feel like a dream. Like, I'd be the picture-perfect image of a mother, with beautiful, almost angelic hair as my baby laid calmly against my breast. Instead, I look like something Zwei pulled out from the garden and my baby is sucking on my boob like she's a vacuum nozzle!
Ruby: At least I have Jaune here to help me out. I couldn't imagine going it alone like some mothers out there! They're way stronger than I ever could be!
Jaune: I'm gonna get started on dinner, so why don't you take a break?
Ruby: Thank you~! (Flops onto the bed) Finally... Rest...
Ruby: Hm?
Ruby: (Looks in the mirror, Robe open)
Ruby: (Thinking) When did I start looking like a mammal?.
Ruby: It only got worse, too. At some point, she started getting fussy about feeding, and she'd only drink from one nipple! But things really changed when I started feeling sick. Jaune said,
Jaune: Maybe you should take a break until you feel better.
Ruby: And so I did, and I was out for, like two whole weeks! Two weeks without my baby latching onto me and suddenly, she's too used to drinking from the bottle now! I mean, I was already going halfway with how little I was making myself, but to think that all my hard work would be for nothing!
Ruby: But she'd have to start nursery school soon, so it was time for us to start weaning. We gave it one last try on me, and then we were done. And I'd just gotten used to the feeling of breastfeeding, too.
Ruby: A huge part of me started to break. It really felt like the two of us were really connecting, and now it's gone. It's so sad, that... I started crying. And I couldn't stop for a whole week. Until...
Ruby: I'M SO GLAD WE WEANED~! (Eating her weight in whatever she wants)
BONUS! Ruby was recommended by her friends to use nipple ointment containing lanolin, which is a fluid produced by sheep to condition their wool. Unfortunately, Ruby couldn't find any nearby, so she used horse oil instead. Ruby's Nipple - Battered, Bruied, Licked by horse and not sheep
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petitelepus · 11 months
A Loner's Unexpected Journey, Part 13
Kimetsu Academy!Genya Shinazugawa X Fem!Reader
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Summary: Winter is coming and no one is safe.
Warnings: None
A/N: Modern!AU, Kimetsu Academy, Female Reader, Genya Shinazugawa, Sanemi Shinazugawa
Winter was coming and you didn't mean some famous TV show that others watched. No, Winter really was here as November neared its end and December was only days away.
As you had requested after your horrible nightmare a week ago, Genya had moved from the couch to your room where you slept together in the same bed like a real couple.
Only you had decided to wait until you were both adults aka 18 years old before you would give in to carnal pleasures and have sex. That meant that the two of you would have to wait until next year, January 7th when Genya had his 18th birthday.
Your birthday? Your birthday was just a couple of days after New Year. Your family used to laugh 'New Year, New Baby' when your mother was waiting for you since you were supposed to be born on New Year, but you decided to wait a little longer before you were ultimately evicted from your home of 9 months.
But yes, things were going well with you and Genya and you learned something new about each other almost every day. Like how despite being the smallest one of the two of you, you liked to be the big spoon in the bed while sleeping and that Genya actually liked being spooned.
Speaking of sleeping, the two of you were oversleeping, and if Lady hadn't started to meow just outside your bedroom door then you both would have no doubt been late from school. You weren't late, but you sure were running late!
"Oh God, why didn't the alarm ring!?" You cursed as you struggled to get your shoes on and Genya ran out of the bathroom, his hair barely combed, "Shit, I don't know, but we gotta go!"
"No time to buy lunch, we gotta go now!" You said as the two of you grabbed your bags and left in a hurry, running as fast as you could so you wouldn't be late for your first classes of the day… And you made it just in time!
As soon as you made it past the school's gates the two of you nearly collapsed on the ground.
"W- we made it…!" Genya said and you panted breathlessly as you tried to catch your breath, "B- barely…!"
The bells rang and you were still outside so you weren't safe quite yet.
"See ya at lunch!" You both shouted as you went on your own ways since you weren't in the same class.
Much to your horror, your first class that day was math with Sanemi Shinazugawa aka Genya's scary big brother. He was just checking the attendance when you rushed into the classroom.
"I'm sorry I'm late," You said hurriedly as you made your way to your seat and the scarred teacher glared at you but otherwise, he just counted you in. Huh, maybe teacher Shinazugawa was in a good mood?
As soon as you managed to sit down you felt your legs give in. You groaned, your legs aching and your throat hurt so badly because of how hard you had breathed the cool Winter air.
The class went on as it would and you tried your hardest to understand the formula you were learning that morning while staying with the rest of the class so you wouldn't fall behind.
Before you knew it, the class ended and you were all given homework for the next day. You groaned tiredly as you put your books and notes into your bag and you were about to head to your next class when suddenly-!
"Young miss, please stay. I have something I want to talk about with you." Teacher Shinazugawa called you and you could almost hear the girls in the background giggle at you as they left the classroom. You sighed as you waited for the last students to leave before you made your way to the teacher's desk.
"I'm sorry I was late, sir, it won't happen again," You apologized humbly, but the scarred man scoffed, "You made it barely so I'm letting you go with a warning this time."
"Thank you, sir." You nodded and turned to leave, but before you could go Sanemi called after you, "Hold it! I didn't say you could leave just yet!"
"Ah, I'm sorry, sir," You stopped and the man nodded, "What are you and Genya doing at Christmas?"
"Christmas?" You hummed. You hadn't thought about it. Until now, you always bought yourself new manga and something delicious to eat and gorge yourself full. But now it was different since Genya lived with you so you would have to probably prepare better.
"If you don't have any plans then would you and Genya like to come over to our place to celebrate?"
"Ex-!" You blinked in shock, "Excuse me?"
"Tch, you don't have to if the idea sounds so awful-!"
"It doesn't!" You exclaimed and nodded eagerly, "Yes, my answer is yes! I would love to come! I'll just have to ask Genya!"
"He will come because I tell him so!" The teacher exclaimed and you nodded, "Please don't worry, I'll talk to him when I see him at lunch."
"You do that." He nodded and you smiled a little, "Can I go now?"
"Yes, go, your next class starts soon anyway." The teacher waved you off and you left quietly with a small, "Have a nice day." to your teacher. You went to the next class and another until it was finally lunchtime.
Only you and Genya had left in such a hurry that neither of you had managed to make or buy any lunch from the convenience store. So when you met at your usual spot you were both pretty empty-handed so you tried to distract the two of you with news.
"Your big brother asked if we would spend Christmas at your place?" You asked as you made yourself comfortable and Genya's eyes widened, "Big brother asked that?"
"That's… Huge!"
"Wh- wha- why?"
"Big brother never invites people outside the family to family gatherings." Genya frowned a little, "He must be serious about you and me..!"
"Ah, true." You nodded and he looked at you, "How do you feel about it? Do you want to go? Because we don't need to go if you don't want to!"
At any other time you would have declined an invite to any meeting, parties especially, but living with Genya built your tolerance. Also, this was your boyfriend's family, you had to go and earn their acceptance of your and Genya's relationship!
"I don't mind, it actually sounds pretty nice." You confessed, "But I haven't been to family parties in years so I might be rusty."
"Just be yourself and I'm sure the rest of my family will also love you just like I do." Genya said and you blinked, "Oh yeah, didn't you have younger siblings?"
You hadn't been around younger kids in ages, but you liked to think that despite your status as a loner, you were pretty okay with kids thanks to your vast collection of comics, games, and such.
"Yeah, I have 5 younger siblings." Genya said and you almost choked on your own spit, "F- FIVE!?"
"Yeah, there are my little brothers Shuya, Hiroshi, and Koto, and then there are my little sisters Teiko and Sumi."
"H- How-!" You wanted to ask, but you quickly shook your head and instead asked, "How do you feel about this?"
"I, uh…" Genya blushed, "Of course, I love you and I would love it if my family knew how I felt about you and liked you also…"
"T- then..!" You swallowed as you collected your courage.
"In that case, I would love to meet your family!" You yelped out loud as you felt your face burn with blush..!
…Or at least you thought it was blush, but suddenly you felt extremely fatigued.
"I'm just… gonna sit down… for a second…" You were saying when suddenly you lost all control as you went limp and if it wasn't for Genya's quick reflexes you would have collapsed on the ground.
"W- whoa!" He quickly caught you and noticed that you had fainted.
"O- Oi! Are you okay?" He called your name and that's when he noticed how red you were. He gently touched your forehead and you felt hot.
"Hold on, I'll take you to the infirmary at once!" He picked you up like you weighed nothing and ran like crazy.
An hour later, you were resting on the bed and Genya sat next to your bed, looking worried and guilty. Apparently, you had managed to catch a sudden nasty flu and fever that caused you to faint. Genya felt guilty for not noticing it earlier. He had honestly thought that you were blushing because you were talking about his family, but you were actually sick.
The young man flinched as he looked up and saw the Health Teacher slash nurse Tamayo and his big brother Sanemi walk into the room. Genya quickly got up and looked at the woman, "Will she be okay?"
"She has a fever, but she should get better with some rest." Tamayo said and Genya sighed in relief, but then he noticed his brother and looked at him, "Brother…"
"Tch, you worried me there, you shithead…!" The older Shinazugawa growled and Genya bowed, "I'm sorry…"
"It wasn't your fault Genya," Miss Tamayo said, "I went through her contacts and she doesn't appear to have anyone in her emergency contacts that could take her home."
"I live with her so I'll take her!" Your boyfriend said as he bounced up from his seat, but he flinched the moment he saw his older brother Sanemi glaring at him, "B- brother, I'll take her home and return at once-!"
"Are you kidding me!?" Sanemi snapped and Tamayo hushed him, "Quiet in the infirmary, please."
"Sorry," The older Shinazugawa apologized before he turned to look at his younger brother again, "You're going to take her home and care for your girlfriend until she is better!"
"W- what about school?" Genya was stunned to see his big brother act the way he was acting. Sanemi scoffed as he looked at your resting form, "Don't get me wrong, school is important but so is your girlfriend's health!"
"You can take a couple of days off and look after her." Nurse Tamayo said calmly with a small smile, "I'll let your teachers know about the situation and send you the homework."
"Thank you, ma'am," The younger Shinazugawa thanked the woman and turned to address his big brother but the older man was already on his phone.
"I'm ordering you a taxi. I'm not letting you carry her in the cold where she can get worse and you can catch what she has!" Sanemi said and Genya was stunned by his brother's kindness. He knew that his older brother favored tough love, but this was nice too.
"Thank you, big brother." Genya genuinely thanked his brother who grunted as he looked away from his younger brother, "Whatever, just make sure she gets better."
"I promise, I will!"
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graneymar · 2 years
Can you write an imagine about baby fever? (With richarlison or ney)
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SUMMARY: above
PAIRING: Richarlison x fem!reader
My best friend just gave birth to her first child a few weeks ago - a beautiful babygirl called Liliana. I've spent every free second with Nessa and her daughter. Whenever Richarlison went to training or met his friends, I was immediately on the way to visit my two girls, bringing a couple of new shirts, toys or stuffed animals for Liliana every single time. I knew Nessa since I was like 10, so my best friend of almost 15 years having a baby actually felt like I suddenly had a child myself.
Nessa was invited to a birthday party and asked Richarlison and me to babysit. As soon as she stepped into our apartment, Richarlison took Liliana and covered her little face with hundreds of kisses, making her smile slightly. "She’s allergic to cow milk, so please make sure you only feed her that", Nessa said, handing me a pack of baby food, "And please don’t cover her with blankets without being in the room, she could pull it over her face. There’s a sleeping sack in the bag." She continued on telling us what we should be careful of, until Richarlison interrupted her. "Ness, don’t worry. It’s not the first time I'm having a baby over. Y/N is an aunt of two. We'll be okay, relax." Nessa sighed out pouting her lips, "I know, it’s just the first time leaving her with someone so long. Please call me if somethings unclear. Don’t hesitate!" Richy and I nodded and told her to have fun before she eventually left our apartment. "Let’s get the party started", Richarlison laughed.
Since Liliana was only three months old, she almost spent the whole time sleeping. She would wake up and cry every now and then, signaling she was hungry. Every time I was about to get up and prepare the food for her, Richarlison stopped me and did it instead.
"No amor, I'll do it", he insisted and jumped up once she was crying again, stopping me from getting up another time. I grabbed his hand and smiled as I looked up to him, "Let me do it at least once." He pressed his lips together. "But… no, please. She’s so adorable."
"I know she is, but you’ve been with her all day. How about you look for a movie meanwhile, hm?", I suggested. He groaned, but finally nodded and dropped himself back onto the couch, clicking through Netflix. I prepared Lilianas bottle, checked the temperature and picked her up before feeding her on my arm. Richarlison watched us with a wide grin. "What?", I chuckled when I noticed.
"Have you ever thought about getting a baby anytime soon?" My eyes widened at his question, I almost let Lilianas bottle fall in shock. That was something I didn’t expect, for sure. "Uhm, I.. uh", I stuttered, refusing to look at him while my cheeks heated up, "How soon? I mean, yes I would love to have a baby some day, but… soon?" Richy quietly laughed as he noticed how nervous I got. "I have actually been thinking about it a lot, especially after every time I see Liliana. We both obviously love kids, we do have some experience. Finances are positive", he paused for a second, "And I can't imagine a better mother for my children. I really want to grow a family with you, Y/N. I'm not saying it has to happen right away, but maybe we could… you know, just see what happens?" I got so overwhelmed by the things Richarlison was saying, I didn’t even notice Liliana was choking on her food. "Oh oh oh", Richy exclaimed, taking Liliana out of my arm and held her over his shoulder, slightly tapping her back. The way he didn’t even care about the vomit on his shirt - he simply cleared her up and continued rocking her back and forth on his arms while having a huge smile on his face. I breathed in heavily, "Let’s see what happens." He quickly turned around to look at me. The disbelief, but also the joy in his eyes was clear to see. "Really?", he asked. I nodded, nibbling on my bottom lip. "I know you'll be a great dad", I started, "And maybe I'll be a pretty good mother too." Richarlison softly pecked your lips and stroked your stomach. "Richarlison Jr. in the making", he said, making you both laugh.
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aww-canon-no · 1 year
Let The Children Boogie
Hello.  I’m posting my WIP chapters on here from my Ao3.  Sorry to dash flood.
Let The Children Boogie
Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Side ship- Robin/Nancy
Future fic, post canon, fix it everyone (almost) lives, trauma recovery, HoH Eddie, Steve Harrington’s bisexual awakening
on Ao3
A first apartment: Six people, four bedrooms, 533 miles from where the world tried to end.
And they're ready for the rest of what life is supposed to be.
It starts with a wad of cash, a key…
And a question. There’s a guy mowing a lawn about ten feet away so Eddie has to squint and read Steve’s lips when he asks:
“How would you feel about getting the fuck out of Hawkins?”
Eddie stares at Steve—at his perfect hair and his smile that’s a little more crooked than it used to be, and the dumbass polo shirt that looks so right and so wrong all at the same time. He looks like listens to Donnie and Marie—and honestly Eddie wouldn’t be surprised if he dug around Steve’s room and found a few old albums.
He thinks about the question and then he laughs.
“It’s all I’ve ever wanted. Why are you here tormenting me?”
Eddie’s dreamt of getting the hell out long before he was the serial killing freak who was exonerated, but everyone still kind of hates even though they know all about the curse, and the monsters, and…everything.
Eddie’s wanted to escape since he was twelve and his dad beat the absolute fuck—and hearing—out of him after finding a magazine under his bed that didn’t have naked girls inside. No. It had…others.
And Eddie had no excuses.
He was knocked unconscious and woke up in the hospital with bleeding ears and a doctor writing him a note saying that he was going to live with his uncle and his hearing would return in a few weeks, after the swelling went down. He’d stop being so dizzy all the time, the doctor assured him.
It didn’t happen that way at all, and that was the first time Eddie realized curses were real.
He got by. He made do. He sucked at lipreading so he just let everyone believe he was a useless loser kid who didn’t want to pay attention. He scraped by on pity Cs until high school when his teachers suddenly all decided they wanted to make an example out of him.
Two years and a bunch of murders and he was finally—finally—done.
He was pretty sure that last D was also pity, but at least for that one, he was able to say he helped saved the world.
“Where are we going?” Eddie asks when Steve doesn’t answer his first question, because yeah, it’s a dumbass one. Steve isn’t there to torture him. Steve is the one who holds him together on nights Eddie’s a billion percent sure he’s about to fall apart.
“I got us an apartment in Atlanta,” Steve says, leaning in close. He’s never asked Eddie if he’s deaf but he’s pretty sure Steve figured it out a long time ago.
For a moment, Eddie thinks maybe some cosmic asshole’s playing a trick on him. Steve wants to live with him?
The freak? The weirdo? The mess?
Steve looks like he hasn’t been sleeping well, though. None of them really look okay. It’s been four years and Eddie’s working part time down at Matt’s garage and it’s… not really working out. He has a permanent tremble in his left hand that makes it hard to tighten bolts and shit, and he jumps at every sudden movement.
The kids have all graduated now. Erica’s running Hellfire, and Corroded Coffin broke up when everyone else’s parents moved them across the country and away from Hawkins. Not that Eddie blames them.
He just…misses them.
He swallows heavily. “Steve.” It’s more like a plea than a question.
Steve takes one step higher onto the trailer porch and meet his gaze. “Please don’t make me do this alone.”
As though Eddie has ever—will ever—tell him no.
The first time Eddie puts his key into the lock and turns it, he can’t hear it. It’s too faint. But he feels it through his fingertips, a sort of rushing vibration that pools around his elbow and makes his fingers all jumpy. He opens the door and he’s met with the sight of Dustin passed out on a shitty, black vinyl bean bag and Steve unpacking kitchen boxes because of course he’s in the kitchen.
Nancy’s hanging ferns by the window and Eddie’s pretty sure they’re not fake. Robin’s trying to tackle a bookshelf that’s disassembled and looks like it’s partly made out of LEGO.
Max is in the far corner with her back propped up against the wall, headphones on, a fat binder-looking thing on her lap. Eddie knows it. It’s braille. She took her lot in life like a goddamn champ. Better than Eddie ever did.
Steve looks up at him and smiles and jerks his head to the side like he’s beckoning him over. Eddie’s forgotten that he’s holding bags full of sandwiches from a deli down the street, and he tosses them on the counter before walking to the boom box with two tape decks and a CD player that Steve’s parents were going to throw away when they were packing up their house.
They don’t actually have any CDs, but Eddie’s got enough tapes to last them a lifetime.
There’s tiny specks of puffy paint on some of the controls which Eddie knows is Robin’s doing. It lets Max use the thing without having to ask for help.
He feels a weird pulse in the center of his chest as he glances around at the piles and piles of unpacked boxes, then down the hall to the four bedrooms that are waiting to be claimed.
He rummages around and finds Fleetwood Mac, jams the tape in, then turns the volume all the way down before he hits play. He catches Steve’s eye as he surreptitiously puts his fingers over the speaker, then begins to turn the knob up until Steve nods.
Pressing his hand to the counter, he feels the beat in his fingers. It’s not as powerful as he wants it to be, but it’s enough for that moment.
“What’s next?” he asks.
Steve shrugs, then walks around the counter and snags him by the belt loop and tugs until they’re tumbling down the hall and into the furthest bedroom. The largest one. There’s a full sized bed in one corner and a futon in the other, and the dresser Steve took from his parents’ place.
“Robin and Nancy said we can have it,” Steve tells him near his right ear which is the one that has the most hearing. It’s not a lot. It kind of reminds him of listening underwater in the community pool when he was a kid. But it’s something, especially when Steve is standing close and the place is just…
Eddie looks around. Like, properly looks around. Above the bed is Steve’s bat hanging on a bunch of nails.
Below that is an oar.
He’s laughing before he can stop himself, and Steve tackles him to the bed. “Shut the fuck up!”
But he can’t. He physically can’t. He realizes he’s far away from everything that ever made him miserable with the only people that ever really made him happy apart from Gareth, Jeff, and Trey who are…you know. Long gone.
His grin hurts his face as he rolls onto his side, kicking Steve off him but not letting him get far. “Does that shit mean you got dibs on the bed?”
Steve shrugs and props up on his elbow, staring at Eddie for so long, it starts to make him feel all squirmy inside. Steve opens his mouth, then closes it again.
Eddie doesn’t know if he’s saying something and he absently tugs on his ear. Steve reaches for him and pulls his hand away. “There’s room for your guitar.”
It’s a new one. The one he saved the world with—his baby—is long-gone. It got swallowed up when shit hit the town, and a lot of things came back when they sealed the upside down for good…but not that.
Everyone—his own little personal band of freaks—saved up and got him a replica three Christmases ago. Every time he looks at it, his heart beats a little faster. It’s currently sitting in his car, cradled between several blankets in the back seat.
“I’m gonna need a job,” he says, well aware he and Steve are both avoiding each other’s questions and statements.
Steve sighs. “Yeah. We’re all gonna need jobs.”
Eddie flops onto his back and covers his face with one hand. The other one lies between them and it’s not long before Steve takes it. Eddie has never known how to tell Steve how much he appreciates being touched because he spent so damn many years with people avoiding contact with him.
And it wasn’t like he was shy about what he needed. He was always throwing his arms around people and bashing his body into them and they just laughed and pushed him off and gave him space. Like he’d asked for it or something.
But Steve has never…not really. Not since the very beginning.
His palm is warm against Eddie’s, and Steve grips him not too tight, not too loose, and he doesn't flinch when Eddie’s fingers begin to tremble.
“I don’t want to work on cars anymore.” He hasn’t heard his voice properly since he was a kid, but it feels kind of thick in the back of his throat with emotion he doesn’t really want to think about.
“This is our beginning, Munson,” Steve tells him. He moves his thumb so it’s pressing to the inside of Eddie’s wrist, and he pushes. Hard. It makes his fingers twitch for a whole different reason than injury and trauma. “We can do whatever we want.”
Eddie breathes out and lets Steve go so he can stretch his arms all the way above his head. He lays the tips of all five fingers against the wall and pretends like he can push his way through it. “I can’t hear shit.”
“I know.”
Eddie turns his head to look at him. “I want to be a musician.”
Steve smiles. “I know.”
He can’t make money doing that, but maybe he can…do something with it? He hasn’t explored the city yet, but it’s bigger than Hawkins with just…so much. There’s so much more outside the walls of their little apartment. Maybe there's room for him and his shitty, strange little dreams somewhere.
“This is our beginning,” Steve repeats.
Eddie hums and drops his arms and lets himself just feel the sensation of Steve lying close.
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gracebutnotgraceful · 2 years
Hello! Good morning? (Or afternoon/evening/night wherever you are!)
I was wondering if you might like to write an idea that popped into my head this morning, where after Nate finds the reader napping in Ted's office there's suddenly some gossip in the tabloids about the reader not being well, or being pregnant, etc and all of it is false. Of course the reader knows it was Nate, how do you think Ted would react being around when the reader confronts Nate about it?
bestie i am so sorry this took a hot minute!! i had something written out and ended up scrapping it and starting over! this leans a bit more platonic, but i'm actively writing on this still and plan on it having at least one more part :)
i hope you like it!
(and just for a little tidbit i'm posting this at like straight up noon, i'm in central time hehehe)
tabloid terror - ted lasso
pairing: ted lasso x gn!reader, past marriage to a man
warnings:  anger & conflict, nate kinda being a jerk (pre-season 2 conflicts)
word count: 1.4k
summary: no one knows you're getting divorced until you accidentally spill it to ted. he ends up being a great person for support, but it also creates a perfect opportunity for someone to go to the press about the possibility of you having an affair.
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Two weeks ago your partner decided it was time to give up on your marriage. You thought your life was falling apart. Now? Now you knew your life was falling apart, and you didn’t know what to do to stop it. 
Richmond Coach and PR Representative in the Dog House! Lasso Lassoes Married Coworker! Y/N Cheating on Andrew? Hear What He Has to Say! 
You hadn’t announced to the public that you were getting a divorce yet. Andrew wanted to wait until after his promotion was announced. He didn’t want his colleagues thinking it was a “pity promotion.” Whatever that means.  
Andrew Calls It Quits After Cheating Scandal! Cheaters Never Win: Y/N Sleeping At Nelson Road! Sources Say They’re‘Not Surprised’ About Ted & Y/N!
You had to dip into your savings to be able to afford a deposit on your new place. With the expenses of it and having to hire an attorney on top of all your usual expenses, you worried about your finances. That financial stress on top of the already high emotional stress of the divorce wound you up. You had trouble sleeping. You had trouble eating. You were missing meeting after meeting, something very unusual for you. You weren’t coping well. By some cruel design, your acceptance of someone’s support is what sealed the deal in your misery. Because of course it was. 
“You okay there, Y/N? Ya look like you’ve had one sleepless night too many,” Ted joked. He’d walked in the building just behind you.  
“Hmm? Oh, no, I’m okay!” You responded, hanging your coat on the rack by the door before turning back towards him with a tight-lipped smile. “Just a busy week is all.” 
“Something tells me you’re tellin’ a little white lie…” He reached down, tugging at the tag on the outside of your shirt. In your rush to make it on time this morning, you’d thrown your sweater on inside out. 
“Andrew and I are getting divorced!” You blurted out. 
You saw a series of emotions pass over Ted’s face: confusion, shock, pity. He opened and closed his mouth a few times as if trying to figure out what to say and how to say it. With almost divine timing, Colin and Isaac walked into the building. 
“Good morning!” Colin said cheerfully. Isaac gave the two of you a nod in greeting before following Colin into the locker room. 
“Here, let’s go into my office,” Ted said to you, leading you that way with a hand on your back. 
You told Ted everything that day. He was the first person you told. Maybe that’s why it all came out like it did. Once you’d reached his office, it was like the dam burst. You cried telling him how it all went down, every little thing that could have possibly led to this conclusion. When Beard and Roy came in, he asked them to start practice, told them he’d be out on the pitch later. 
Ted assured you that it wasn’t your fault, that sometimes things just take a turn. He told you a bit about his own divorce, something that he finally seemed to be coming to terms with. Once you’d calmed down a bit, he left to go take over training. He told you not to worry, that he’d tell Rebecca and Higgins that you were in his office and just needed some rest. You ended up falling asleep on his couch. He woke you up when he got back and invited you out to lunch with him and Beard. 
That is what happened. You hadn’t cheated. And now here you were, racking your brain trying to figure out who would have done something like this to you. It was obviously someone with Richmond, otherwise they wouldn’t have gotten that horrible photo of you sleeping or the photos of you leaving with Ted and Beard. Crazy how with just a little bit of editing they seemed to make Beard disappear from the picture. 
And that’s when it hit you: Nate. Before Ted sat you down in his office, he let you use the bathroom in the coaches’s offices to fix your inside out sweater. When you opened the bathroom door, Nate was in the office. He’d mumbled an awkward hello before Ted told him Beard and Roy were already out, and that he needed to talk with you before he’d meet them all out there. 
Nate was usually the first one in after training. He liked being the one to get everything set up for the next day while the others chatted with players. He would’ve come in to see you sleeping in Ted’s office and had the perfect opportunity to snap the picture that graced the tabloids. You’d said goodbye to him in passing as you walked out with Ted and Beard, an opportunity to snap the other picture that the headlines kept featuring. 
You peaked out your window and saw that the boys were picking up all of their belongings before headed back in from training. It was perfect timing: Nate would have just come inside. Your blood boiling with the realization, you marched down to the coaches’ offices.
“I know it was you.” You said, using all your strength to keep you voice level as you tossed a copy of the latest tabloid onto his desk. He picked it up, reading the front page before pushing it back towards you.
“Why would I do that?” He asked, avoiding eye contact with you as he started to organize the papers on his desk, trying to avoid the conversation. 
“I don’t know, Nate. Why would you do this?” You asked, repeating his question back to him. “I thought we were friends. We’ve gone out to lunches and dinners! I helped you move! Celebrated when you got promoted to assistant coach!” You could hear the sounds of the players coming into the locker room. Nate stood up, and you knew he was about to try and make an escape. 
“I’ve got to go to the team meeting,” He mumbled, standing up and moving towards the door.You moved to stand in front of it. 
“I want an answer.” You responded. Nate stood opposite you, refusing to speak. The room stood silent for a few minutes, you looking at him and him refusing to look at you. 
Behind you, the door opened a crack.
“Nate dog, we’re about to start the meeting!” Ted said, peaking his head into the door. He noticed you in the room before he noticed the heavy tension. “Uh…is everything okay in here?”
“I finally figured out who decided to lie about me—and you, actually—to The Sun. Anything you wanna say?” You directed the last part at Nate, whose eyes widened. 
Ted slipped inside, closing the door behind him. 
“Nate, is this true?” Ted asked, his eyebrows knitted together. He didn’t want to believe it, and that was understandable. You didn’t either, but there was simply no other explanation. His reaction toward you told you the truth. 
“I, uh, I…” Nate took a deep breath. “Fine, sure. Yeah, it was me.” 
“You’ve made the last two weeks of my life an absolute living hell. Why?” You asked. Your anger was starting to get the best of you. You blinked back the tears that were threatening to give way. Nate simply looked down, still refusing to give you a concrete answer. 
“Nate…I just don’t understand. It hurts me to see the people I care ‘bout get hurt. Hurts worse when they’re hurt by someone else I care about.” Ted looked at him, his mouth quirked into a small frown. He didn’t know what to make of this situation. 
“Sure, whatever.” Nate replied with a huff. “Can I go now?” 
Ted sighed and moved out of the way of the door, nudging you to the side with him. Nate stalked out, slamming the door behind him. The chatter of the team on the other side of the wall quieted before resuming again. 
You shook your head, still trying to keep yourself from crying. “I just don’t understand.” Your voice cracked. Ted put a hand on your shoulder in an attempt to soothe you. 
“At least now we know who…” He responded. 
“But why?” You asked. He shook his head.
“That part…I don’t think we’ll ever figure out. But onward and forward, we’ll figure out how to deal with it all, okay?” He pulled you into a hug.  
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im-a-ramblr · 2 years
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skiller0dani · 3 years
Old Prison Blues | Spencer Reid
M A S T E R L I S T Criminal Minds Masterlist
smut | dom!spencer x bau!reader requests info w.c | 7.2k summary | when your husband Spencer gets released from Prison, he's much different then you remember.
I have it so bad for this man, enjoy! Also guys this piece made butterflies squirm in my belly lmao this one is so HOT it made me blush. Guys, it made me B L U S H. I need to go dunk myself in holy water to atone for this SIN. (just kidding lmao I'm agnostic).
you can see his bulge in this gif and I can't stop admiring looking at it.
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When you were in college you'd been an undergraduate in Criminal Justice, so you were familiar with the effects Prison has on the psyche. In other words, you knew Spencer would come back different. No person could pass through Prison unscathed and frankly you'd be more concerned if he came back and nothing had changed at all. At home, he seemed to be relatively okay, and those 6 mandatory weeks of break had allowed him the rest he deserved. Nothing exciting had happened during those weeks, the only thing you did was curl up on the couch next to him and watch movies. You'd made up for all those weeks in Prison during the evenings when you would cling to him and cry out his name in ecstasy.
Spencer really did seem to be fine, until you returned to work. That's when you started to see all the ways Prison had hardened him.
At first, it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. If you were someone who knew Spencer well then you knew that he wasn't a man who was confident in his looks. When you and Spencer first got married he was insecure, and would be discouraged when you hung out with other guys. You wouldn't say he was jealous because jealously in itself requires a certain amount of anger. But when Spencer saw you around other men he wasn't angry, he was sad. Absolutely convinced you were going to leave him any second, despite you telling him you married him because you love him. Deep down, he always thought somebody would steal you from him even though you consistently reminded him how much you love him. That's just the kind of guy Spencer is.
Or, was.
The darkness that brews in Prison, the violent hatred, the anger seems to have followed Spencer to freedom. It has made a home in his chest, and while you're not worried about Spencer flying off the deep end and shooting an innocent, the anger reveals itself in much more subtle ways. It's in the way he clenches his jaw when he can't figure something out, or the blanching of his knuckles as he grips the steering wheel with a crushing force, it's the agitation in his eyes when he watches Alvez's knuckles brush against your lower back for the 3rd time since you two had arrived at the office this morning. The anger has adapted to civilian life like Spencer has, it's learned. It's subtle. Unfortunately you know Spencer almost better then he knows himself, you can tell when something is bothering him.
You slide your hands over his shoulders, and much to your surprise you feel him tense.
"You okay?" You know it's a stupid question, but you have to ask.
"Yeah, fine." Spencer's tone is clipped, shoulders rigid, back straight. Something is definitely bothering him. You squeeze his shoulders and begin to work at the tightened muscles, slowly easing them to relax. The tension flows out of him as he relaxes back in his desk chair, the frustration ebbing away slightly when his eyes catch your wedding ring. The object that binds you to him.
"Don't shut me out." You whisper, a soft plea in your voice. Spencer's heart wretches when he hears the fear in your tone, and one of his hands comes up to catch yours. He presses a chaste kiss to one of your knuckles before swiveling around to face you. You always find a way to soothe the violent, raging beast inside of him. Spencer's hands find your hips as he turns his gaze up to look at you.
"You're right I'm sorry. Just tense today." He says softly, and while there is a little lie to his words, his statement remains mostly the truth. He just leaves out the part where he pictures enacting varying forms of violence on Luke Alvez. The man who keeps unnecessarily touching his wife. You lean down to press a kiss to his forehead, your head snapping up when Garcia calls from the conference room.
"Got a case folks, and it's an ugly one." Her nose scrunches up into a frown before she turns into the room. You pull away from Spencer, yanking him to his feet by his hand. Luke sends you a playful wink as he trots up the stairs, and while you don't necessarily react to it, it still puts Spencer on edge. Deep down Spencer always knew you were way out of his league, but that never became clearer then when you came to visit him in Prison.
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You were trembling as you lowered yourself into the chair. Dried tears were on your cheeks, and you haven't even seen Spencer yet. The last time you saw him was a few weeks prior after he first got back from Mexico. Seeing his wrists bound in those metal handcuffs had broken your heart in a way you never anticipated. You wrung your hands together, luckily when Penelope had made the visitation Chart she scheduled you as the first person to come see him. The plastic chair was uncomfortable, but what was worse was the plastic guard separating you from Spencer. The clock ticked loudly, it was clearly mocking you. Reminding you of the seconds you were losing with Spencer, reminding you of all the seconds he was spending in Prison.
When you hear the buzzer scream loudly, you nearly come out of your seat you're so excited to see him. You and Spencer got married back in 2005, and you've never been separated from him for longer then a week. It's been over a month now, and each day he's not with you leaves a bigger hole in your chest. You watch him follow the other prisoners out, and the handcuffs around his wrists breaks your heart. His eyes light up the second he sees you, he nearly shoves the other guy over to get to you faster. There are tears in your eyes as Spencer's wrists are released from the cuffs from the guard standing nearby.
"Hey baby." Spencer says softly as he takes his seat across from you. All you want is to reach across the stupid barrier and touch him, hold his hand, anything. But you know the guards will punish him if he does, but being this close to him without being able to hold him is absolutely killing you. You try to blink the tears out of your eyes so that Spencer won't see, but it's all too much. Seeing him in a jumpsuit, with cuff bruises around his wrists, having to sleep in the same building as murderers. The first tear falls and you immediately look away from him.
"Please don't cry." Spencer begs softly. "I'm okay, really."
You wipe your tears before you look back up at him, digging around in your bag for a gift from Henry. You smile when you see the happiness cross onto his face as you pull the piece of paper out.
"Henry drew this for you, it's from when you guys went to the park." You hold it up for him to see and you try to fight another onslaught of tears when you see his eyes misting.
"You know, when I get out of here we should have one." Spencer says it so casually, you almost miss it. Your eyes nearly pop out of your head as you carefully lower the drawing.
"You want to try for a baby?" You can't hide the smile, and you see Spencer's eyes shine for the first time since he's been in here.
"Yeah, I want to have a baby with you." You and Spencer had a brief conversation about kids a few years ago, and you knew Spencer wasn't ready for it back then. His Father ran out on him and Diana when Spencer was just a kid, it made Spencer insecure about the type of Father he would end up being. In Spencer's mind, a fatherless man would never make a good Father. But it seems he's changed his mind. You had no issues agreeing to wait before you had kids until he was ready, you always knew Spencer would be a fantastic Father.
Suddenly from Spencer's right you hear a low wolf whistle. The tenderness that was on Spencer's face is instantly wiped away. His expression tenses, his jaw clenching as he turns his gaze to a large burly looking man covered in tattoos. The man sitting across from him, the one who was visiting, looked similar. Both of the biker looking men were eyeing me hungrily, it made my skin crawl.
"Something I can help you with?" Spencer asks, his voice tense. The tension in the room grows tenfold, and you fight the instinct to try and scoot closer to Spencer. The Biker looks Spencer in the eyes, a taunting smile on his face.
"That your sister?"
"Wife." Spencer snaps instantly.
"Your wife?" The Biker says incrediously, Spencer raises a brow, daring him to continue. "There's no way a woman with an ass that tight would marry a man as scrawny as you."
You expected to see insecurity flash in Spencer's eyes, instead all you saw was rage. Unbridled, violent rage.
"Choose your next words carefully." Spencer's voice was low, and as sharp as the edge of a blade. You almost didn't recognize him. The Biker leaned forward, fueled only by the knowledge that he was getting under Spencer's skin.
"She as tight as she looks? If I wasn't locked up, I'd fuck her so good she wouldn't even remember what your little pecker feels like."
Spencer's jaw clenches, and his fists curl tightly. The Biker is about 2 words away from a broken nose.
"Baby just let it go." You plead, and normally you don't really use pet names in public but right now you needed to show him that you're his.
"I'll tell you what Klein, I'll fuck her for you and tell you how it felt." The other man says, the man visiting. Upon hearing the words come out of his mouth, Spencer is shoving up from the chair but almost instantly a guard is tightly gripping Spencer's shirt and shoving him back into the chair. Spencer is fuming, and there's nothing you can do to calm him down.
"If you so much as lay a finger on her, your friend here will be dead before you can have another visit." Spencer hisses, and the two large men chuckle.
Spencer instantly took you off the visitors list, and while that felt like a blow to your heart you understood why. You didn't want to stress him out by visiting him.
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So, yeah, Spencer knew you were out of his league and when Luke pulled your chair out for you at the table before he had the chance to, it made his blood boil. Why is Luke trying to take care of you? Doesn't he know that Spencer has been released from Prison? You don't need anybody else to take care of you, your husband is more than capable of doing it himself. When Spencer sat down in the chair next to you, he rested one hand on your thigh. You're only slightly surprised, normally Spencer isn't this 'handsy' in public, but in recent weeks he's been more assertive around other men.
"The body of 23 year old Cassandra Richardson was found 2 weeks ago in Lincoln, Nebraska. Her body was mutilated and showed signs of sexual assault. Yesterday another body, 20 year old Francesca Williams was found around the same warehouse district with similar wounds to the first victim." Penelope rushes the words out, almost as though saying them pains her. Various images show on the screen of the two victims, both bloodied and battered.
"Other than similar injuries, what makes the local police think it's the same unsub?" Luke asks, his eyes flickering towards you for the briefest second. While Spencer was locked away, Luke became a shoulder to cry on. Normally when you were upset and Spencer wasn't around, you'd talk to Derek. But since he's been gone you've felt more isolated then you normally do. Luke had found you crying one morning before you had taken off, and ever since he's had an "older brother" protection over you.
"A tattoo on both of the victims thighs, the words 'temerata virginem' which is Latin for 'desecrated virgin'." With the click of a button on her remote, Penelope pulls up a photo of the tattoos. The lines are shaky, although they stay mostly straight.
"It almost looks professional, except the lines aren't perfectly straight. A professional would make the line work perfect." JJ says, examining the photo closer in the folder each of you received. You turn your gaze to Spencer when you feel his hand leave your thigh to examine the photo closer. You could practically see the gears turning in that beautiful mind of his.
"It's possible an outside source is causing a tremble in the unsubs hands, if he is a professional tattoo artist." Spencer mumbles, almost to himself. Sometimes when he's in deep concentration, he nearly forgets other people are in the room with him.
"Could be drugs-" Luke starts but is sharply cut off.
"Actually it's more likely to be alcohol, withdraw from other drugs would be too severe to operate the tattoo machine." Spencer snaps, causing a few heads to turn and look at him. Maybe under other circumstances someone would say something to him, but since Spencer got released from Prison only a few weeks ago, nobody says anything. Luke's eyebrows furrow together as he shoots Spencer a confused look, one Spencer chooses to ignore as his hand returns to your thigh. Spencer knows he's acting like a jerk but he can't help it, Luke needs to know who you belong to. Spencer had everything taken from him in Prison, he won't let anyone take you from him too.
"We've been personally asked by the local police to assist, so wheels up in 30." Emily concludes, shooting one more look at Spencer before everybody rises.
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The tension on the jet is thick, you're absolutely sure everybody can feel it. Hardly anyone has interacted with Spencer, except to ask him a question about the case. You sit back against the couch, Luke sitting in one of the chairs at the table, and Spencer sitting on the arm of the chair next to you. In your hand was a nearly empty cup of coffee, and just as you move to refill, Luke rises with his own empty cup.
"Need a refill?" He asks, offering you a friendly smile.
"Yeah actually-"
"I got it." Spencer says abruptly, standing from where he was sitting. His eyes meet Luke's, silently challenging him. You try to be understanding, but you can't help but feel annoyed at Spencer. If he was acting like this to some random guy then that's one thing, but this is Luke. He's your friend, he's Spencer's friend. Luke, and the rest of the team, put everything on the line to free Spencer from Prison.
"It's cool man, I can do it-" Luke offers again, but Spencer isn't having it.
"I said I got it." Spencer reaches his hand out for your mug, which you instantly give to him. His eyes don't leave Luke's until he turns around and heads to the back of the jet to refill your coffee. Luke pauses for a few seconds, his eyes meeting yours and mirroring the same look of concern before he heads for the coffee pot as well. Luke isn't even upset by how Spencer is treating him, he- like everyone else, is worried about Spencer's psyche.
"What is going on with Spencer?" JJ whispers once she's sure Spencer is out of earshot. You shrug, your worried eyes landing on your husband. His posture is tense, almost defensive.
"Well can you blame him? In Prison, everything that's yours can and will be stolen by the other male inmates. Now that he's free, Spencer is being protective of his wife, someone that is his and can be taken by other men." Rossi says, always naturally a tad protective of Spencer.
"There isn't a man on this planet that would make me leave Spencer." You say defensively, although you know Rossi didn't mean anything by what he said.
"That might be obvious to you, but not to Spencer." JJ says, eyeing Spencer standing back near the coffee machine.
"Doing okay man?" Luke asks hesitantly as he moves to stand next to Spencer.
"Yep." Spencer says shortly, waiting for the pot to brew. Luke feels the tension rolling off Spencer in waves, and it's all being directed at him and he's not sure why.
"Look, if I've done something to upset you, just talk to me about it Reid." Luke's voice is gentle, understanding. Spencer's jaw clenches again as the pot finishes brewing and he refreshes your cup before reaching for the creamer.
"I'm fine Alvez. Really." Spencer says again, but Luke isn't willing to let this go yet.
"No Reid, you're not-"
"Stop flirting with my wife." Spencer's tone is firm, and the look in his eyes tells Luke just how on edge Spencer is.
"You got it." Luke agrees instantly, even though he was never flirting with you. But he knows that right now arguing with Spencer will only make things worse. Seemingly satisfied with Luke's answer, Spencer carries your cup back you, slinging an arm around you.
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Spencer twists his wedding ring around his ring finger, something he does when he's stressed out or tense. You're currently sat in the interrogation room with the male suspect, a tattoo artist attending AA meetings, the tattoo on the first victim was the shakiest because he had just quit drinking. The other, more recent, victims tattoo's were more steady. The longer he stayed sober, the more his trembling faded. In Spencer's other palm is your wedding ring, you fit the physical preference of this killer perfectly, but he only went after single women. Emily thought sending somebody in fitting his victimology would throw him off enough to say something incriminating. In order for the rouse to work, you needed to appear single- meaning the wedding ring had to come off. The thought didn't settle well in Spencer's gut.
"You have to relax." JJ said suddenly from Spencer's right. He nearly ignored her but his frayed nerves were beginning to eat at him.
"I can't. Do you see the way he's looking at her?" Spencer was pacing back and forth in front of the one way glass like a caged animal, unable to take his eyes off of the train wreck happening in front of him.
"She can handle herself Spence." JJ insists gently, almost using a motherly tone to talk to him.
"She's mine!" And suddenly the crux of the issue comes to light, and Spencer pinches the bridge of his nose, releasing a heavy breath. JJ thinks about her words carefully, trying to find something to say that will calm him at least a little.
"Yeah, and nothing is going to change that Spencer. You need to relax, and you have to trust her. You're not in Prison anymore, nobody is going to take her from you." JJ says, looking him in the eyes. Suddenly the sound of metal screeching across a concrete floor sounds from behind Spencer and when he turns around, his blood boils hot in his veins. The suspect, Alan Baker, has shoved out of his chair and has started towards you.
"Spencer-" JJ's voice is distant, and comes too late. Spencer isn't listening to her anymore when his fist curls around the door handle and he nearly rips it off its hinges.
"You need to step back." Spencer snaps, reaching for his gun as Alan Baker backs you into the corner of the interrogation room. You weren't ever truly afraid, you could have handled Alan. Slowly, Alan backs away from you and Spencer instantly reaches for you. He leads you out of the room with a gentle but firm hand on your back. Once you're out of the interrogation room you turn to Spencer.
"What the hell? I could have dealt with him!" You insist, frustration laced in your tone. At this point JJ silently slips out of the room, giving you and Spencer some much needed privacy. Spencer crosses his arms as he leans back against the one way mirror.
"You didn't need to, I did." Spencer huffs and you seriously resist the urge to throw something at him.
"What is your problem today? You could have compromised my entire interrogation, he's never going to tell me anything now!" You snap, anger pinching at your features.
"Good! Now you have no reason to talk to him again." Spencer snaps back, can't you see that he's just protecting what's his?
"Spencer we're trying to save somebody! You're being selfish!" You say to him angrily, trying your best not to start yelling at him. Spencer's selfish possessiveness over you could have just ruined your entire investigation.
"This is why the Bureau was hesitant to reinstate you. They were scared you wouldn't be able to control yourself." You snap at him, crossing your arms.
"Are you saying they made a mistake?" Spencer asks incrediously, suddenly becoming defensive.
"Maybe they did. Because you're acting like an asshole right now. You've been a jerk to Luke the entire day when he busted his ass to help get you out of Prison and back to me! Since when have you not trusted me during an interrogation? What did you think was going to happen? That I was going to let him touch me? I thought you trusted me." You cry out, tears filling your eyes now. Spencer didn't say anything as you turned for the door, anger still laced in his features.
"This has nothing to do with me not trusting you-"
"If you don't trust me, then maybe you should just hold onto my wedding ring for a while. I don't want it." You snap quietly, and you regret the words the second they leave your lips. No matter how mad he makes you, you'd never leave Spencer. You watch Spencer's expression shift from anger to...hurt. He watches silently as you slam the door behind you. Prison has turned him into somebody he isn't, and Spencer doesn't know how to turn off this part of his brain. The part telling him that you belong to him, and that he needs to protect what's his.
Rossi catches the sight of your tear stained cheeks as you move back towards the kitchen in the precinct. You wipe your tears as he comes to stand beside you, and the look on his face tells you that he overheard your fight with Spencer. Rossi bumps you with his elbow gently, a small smile on his face.
"You don't look okay." He says softly and you let out a self-depreciating laugh.
"I'm not. I don't know how to help Spencer, he doesn't trust me." You say sadly, your heart breaking in your chest.
"It's not you he doesn't trust, it's other men." Rossi clarifies, although it does little to ease the pain. You reach up to brush your hair behind your ear when Rossi catches your hand, examining your ring finger.
"Where's your wedding ring?"
"Told Spencer I didn't want it." The words are laced with heavy regret, and when you remember the look on his face when you said it you almost start to cry again. Rossi wraps an arm around you, and you lean your head on his shoulder.
"Deep down, he knows you didn't mean it." He tries to reassure you.
"That's the problem, he probably thinks I meant it."
┈ ✁✃✁✃✁✃✁✃✁ ┈
Normally it only takes you and Spencer a few hours to smooth things over after a fight. But this time, it's been nearly 3 hours and you haven't spoken a word to each other. You're both working on searching through Alan Baker's financial records without speaking at all. Neither of you have said anything, and Spencer still has your wedding ring. You desperately want it back, but you don't know how to start that conversation. You're angry about how he's been treating everybody, and you feel like asking for your ring is accepting defeat. You're not ready to accept defeat. When Emily comes into the room, her eyes settle on the two of you.
"Okay, what's going on with you guys?" Her arms are crossed.
"Nothing." The word comes from both yours and Spencer's mouths at the same time, and you say it far too quickly. Emily raises one brow at the two of you before closing the door behind her.
"Alright I'm going to have to be a boss now. We are not going to lock this guy away if the two of you are fighting. We need everybody on their A-game. Fix it. Now, and I mean right now." She says, leaving the room but closing the door behind her. There's a suffocating silence that fills the room, both you and Spencer too stubborn to speak first. But you can't take it, you hate it when he's mad at you. You hate it when you guys fight, which isn't often but it does happen occasionally.
"I didn't mean it." You whisper, leaning on the table, facing away from him. Spencer doesn't say anything but you know he's listening.
"I didn't mean it Spencer, I want my ring." He'd be lying if he said he wasn't relieved to hear you say that, his entire world crashed down around him the second you told him to keep the ring. The irrational part of his brain told him you were going to divorce him.
"Can I please have it back?" You ask, barely turning your head to look at him. With a huff Spencer pushes away from the table to move in front of you. His eyes are focused on your hand, he has yet to look at you. Spencer fishes around in his pocket before he finds your ring and gently slides it onto your ring finger.
"You have to stop glaring at any man that gets to close to me, especially Luke." You tell him, but he continues to look away from you. Spencer pushes past you to stand near the windows, his back facing you. The thing about Spencer is that he's stubborn, really stubborn. You take a few steps towards him, nibbling on your lower lip.
"I love you Spencer, I'm sorry. I was an ass, but you acted like an ass too." You tell him, but Spencer only turns his head further away from you. You move to stand in front of him, but his eyes turn to the ground and his arms are crossed tightly. Seriously?
"Please talk to me Spencer, tell me what's going on." You can see the frustration laced in his features, there's something on the tip of his tongue that he needs to say.
"After you left from your visit, do you know why I didn't let you come back?" Spencer snaps, his hands finding your shoulders to yank your body against his. Your chest collides with his and suddenly you feel a dampness building between your legs. You instantly turn to putty in his hands.
"I didn't let you come back because that asshole told everybody about you. Told everybody what a tight little body you have. Soon the entire cell block was fantasizing about my 'sexy wife'. Do you have any idea what it's like to listen to men constantly talk about fucking your wife?" Spencer's voice is tense, but you can see it. The lust building behind his eyes, the frustration, and the fear of losing you simmering underneath it all.
"N-No." Your voice is breathy, and your eyes are lidded as Spencer's hands slide up your arms to your shoulders.
"It's fucking hell Y/N. Every time I see any man look at you I want to rip his eyes out, and I can't turn it off. I've tried, and the way that Alvez looks at you- it drives me fucking crazy." Spencer snaps, the anger building by the second. Your entire body begins to hum with an intense need, and Spencer can see it in your eyes. Spencer releases you then and he turns for the door, at first you're afraid he's going to leave but instead he locks the door. Luckily it's late, so the police station is more deserted then it is during the day. Turning back to you, Spencer reaches for the blinds next and you can't help but follow his every movement with your eyes.
"Get on your knees." Spencer says suddenly, and you freeze in shock. Did he just say...?
"Get. On. Your. Knees." Spencer says again through clenched teeth, leaning back against the table, heat simmering in his eyes. His hands grip the edge of the table and you feel a throb from between your legs. Quickly you scramble onto your knees in front of him, your hands reaching up to undo his belt. Once the belt is unfastened, you're quickly unbuttoning his dress slacks, your eagerness making your hands a bit clumsy. Spencer has never been this dominant during sex, but you have no complaints. He has your knees weak and he hasn't even touched you. You quickly dip your hand into his boxers to pull his hardening cock out. As soon as his cock is freed, your lips are wrapping around the head. Spencer's head tosses back in ecstasy.
"Your lips look so pretty stretched around my cock. Those bastards could only imagine having you on your knees for them." Spencer snaps, his hand weaving into the hair at the back of your head. You moan softly around him at his crude words, slowly sliding down his cock. Spencer groans when he feels your tongue laving the underside of his cock, along the vein that runs from base to tip. Apparently feeling impatient, Spencer pushes your head further down his cock. He feels his tip right at the entrance of your throat, and with one gentle thrust he breaches your throat and his cock slides all the way into your mouth.
"Fuck," Spencer hisses, and Spencer does not curse often. So the fact that you have been able to draw curses from his mouth is nothing short of a miracle. Spencer's chest heaves slightly as you gag lightly around him, drawing another deep groan from his chest. You feel nearly desperate to please him, you need to make him cum. You want him to fucking pound you, you want him to use your body for his pleasure. You want him to release all of his frustration out on you, you want to be sore when he's done.
"You're mine. This is my body to touch and admire, my tight pussy to stretch open, mine." Spencer growls, thrusting gently to meet your hasty movements. You whimper around his cock, gagging slightly again as spit dribbles down your chin. Your eyes are wide and watery as you look up at him, and the sight of you nearly causes him to blow his load. You just look so fucking beautiful on your knees in front of him, drool on your chin and your mouth full of cock. It's a sight he will never forget. You move your head faster, keeping your eyes locked on his. Spencer squeezes the edge of the table, his head tossing back when his orgasm hits him. You feel his cum shooting in spurts to the back of your throat and you swallow every drop. Once you pull off him, Spencer is grabbing your elbows to pull you to stand.
Spencer's hands are reaching for the button of your dress slacks as his mouth presses messily to yours. Spencer's tongue pushes into your mouth, his hands pushing your pants down and you kick them off. Instantly, Spencer's fingers are sliding into your panties and through your slick folds. You whine loudly against his mouth, your eyes fluttering shut as his palm roughly cradles the back of your head.
"Need to make sure you know who you belong to." Spencer snaps as he pulls away from you, quickly pushing two long fingers into your dripping hole. You cry out before Spencer is slapping a hand over your mouth, your back pressed against the wall. Spencer's slender frame is leaning against you, effectively trapping you against the wall and his body. Your eyes are rolling when Spencer's finger crook inside of you while roughly thrusting into you.
"Gotta be quiet, wouldn't want Luke to catch us now would we?" Spencer breathes in the shell of your ear, sending goosebumps spreading over your skin. You are completely at Spencer's mercy and you wouldn't have it any other way. The pleasure shooting through you goes rocketing up your spine when Spencer scissors his fingers inside of you. You're mumbling incoherently against his palm, desperate pleas not to stop, to please let you cum. Your entire body is flushed, and you feel sweat on your skin like a sheen layer over you. Spencer feels you begin to squeeze around his fingers and he replaces his palm with his mouth, swallowing all of your moans and desperate cries.
Your back is arching as your high approaches, and you climb higher and higher to meet it. Spencer never lets up, his fingers steadily pumping into you and his lips muffling all of your cries of pleasure. The sounds you make are music to his ears, they tell him that you will always be his, no matter what childish fears he has. Your hands come up to unbutton the buttons on Spencer's dress shirt, you need to feel more of him. Before you can finish undressing your husband, his fingers nudge your cervix and you instantly clamp around his fingers, your body convulsing.
"You look so beautiful when you cum." Spencer praises, his cock rock hard again. He needs to be inside of you as soon as humanely possible. Spencer pulls away from you to grasp the base of his cock, no need to bother with protection. The two of you already agreed that you want to try for a baby anyway.
"Please baby, please get inside me. How could you think I'd ever leave you? I love you, and nobody could make me cum like you can." You moan desperately, turning to bend over the table. Spencer's hand runs up your spine, enjoying the way you wriggle your hips in search of his cock. There are butterflies squirming in your stomach as you spread your legs apart wider for him, but he still doesn't bring his cock closer to you.
"Oh c'mon Spence don't do this please. Baby, fuck me." You plead, nearly sobbing as you shamlessly beg. He presses his tip against your soaked entrance and you whine. You hear fabric rustling around and you turn your head just in time to see him pull his tie from around his neck.
"I needed to hear you beg for me, and this is to keep you quiet. As much as I love the sounds you make when I'm inside you, I can't let anyone else hear you." Spencer says, his voice low and rumbling from his chest. You open your mouth to let him tie the silk fabric in your mouth. You try to whimper but you gag around the tie in your mouth, and you see a pleased smile cross onto Spencer's face. Your fingers grasp at the edge of the table as you impatiently wait for Spencer to push into you. You feel his glorious cock nestled at your entrance, the tip barely nudging in. You feel another wave of slick gush out of you and Spencer is running his tip through your already drenched folds. Such a tease.
You whine softly, trying to push back against him. Spencer chuckles darkly before his hands grasp your hips to hold you steady. With one firm thrust, Spencer is breaching your folds and sliding deep inside you. You feel heat searing through you, your head dropping to the table as you whimper through the burn. The stretch burns more then you anticipated, and you hear Spencer groaning softly, which sends another wave of liquid heat rushing through you.
"God you feel so good baby, you take my cock so fucking well." Spencer praises, gently pulling out to slowly thrust back in. His eyes are locked on the place where you two connect, watching with hooded eyes as his cock disappears inside you.
"I wish you could see this baby, I love watching you take my cock." He praises through a soft moan, and you drink up every sound he makes. Spencer needed this so bad and you love the fact that you can give him a type of relief nobody else on the planet can give him. Spencer steadily thrusts into you when you both hear footsteps slowly passing outside the room. You expect Spencer to stop, to pull out of you and start redressing but he doesn't. He slows his pace considerably, but he still slowly thrusts into you.
"Shh, I would hate for whoever that is to see my cock buried in your pretty pussy." Spencer whispers as he leans forward to whisper in your ear. You struggle to contain the whimpers, but somehow you remain completely silent as Spencer gently thrusts into you. Once whoever it is passes by, Spencer resumes his quicker thrusts. His pelvis hits your ass with enough force to send you lurching across the table and your fingers scramble to find purchase against the smooth surface.
"This is my pussy, you're my wife, you're mine. Not Luke's, not that dick from the Prison. Mine." Spencer says, punctuating the words with a sharp thrust into you. You wished you could answer him, that you could cry to the heavens that you belong to Spencer Reid- that you never want to belong to anybody else. You settle for squeezing his cock whenever it returns to your velvety warmth, chanting the same word in your head over and over.
Yours yours yours yours yours.
Your forehead presses against the table, muffled and strangled cries escaping your lips every time Spencer hits deep inside you. His cock stretches you perfectly, and always hits places deep inside you. Places you didn't know existed. Soon you feel your orgasm creeping up on you, and you feel lightheaded so you reach up to yank the tie away from your mouth.
"Please make me cum Spence, I'm so close baby please don't stop." You beg, muffling your moans with your palm as he drives his cock into you. You feel sweat covering your entire body and Spencer holds your hips with a bruising force. You feel that coil winding tighter and tighter, and you release a high pitched whine when Spencer's hand snakes around your body to thumb your clit.
"Oh Spencer your cock feels so good, soo good baby. Always feels so good, fuck baby I love you," You're not sure what you're saying at this point, an incoherent mess of praises for the man above you. Spencer loves when he reduces you to this, speaking in a jumble of words and disconnected statements because you can't think with his cock inside you.
"I, shit, I love you-" Spencer gasps, slamming his cock inside you and rolling your clit before you're squeezing around him tightly, your mouth falling open in a silent scream. You cum in hot gushes around him and Spencer can only offer a few more stuttering thrusts before he's cumming with a loud growl, coating your walls in his hot cum. Spencer keeps his cock inside you, ensuring his cum stays inside you. He wants to get you pregnant. His palms gently hold your hips, and all the frustration he's felt all day has completely disappeared. His chest is heaving from the exertion but he feels more relaxed then he has all day. There's a smile on your face and your eyes are closed as your legs finally give out and you collapse against the table.
"You okay?" You hear Spencer's voice, and you can't help but smile when you hear that he's panting slightly. You hum with a smile on your face.
"I'm amazing." You mumble back, feeling Spencer begin to gently massage your back. You love enjoying the afterglow with him, even if you're laying on a table. Slowly Spencer pulls out, but he groans softly when he sees his cum inside your pussy. He reaches to the floor to pull your panties and dress slacks back up your legs and he quickly tucks himself back into his pants. He buttons the 4 buttons you managed to open on his shirt before he's gently pulling you to stand.
"You sure you're alright?" Spencer asks, concern in his eyes. You nod with a smile, but when he releases his hold on your shoulders, you feel your legs tremble and give out underneath you. Spencer immediately catches you and sets you down on the table. You laugh softly.
"Guess you fucked me good."
"Sorry." Spencer says sheepishly, but you press a chaste kiss to his lips.
"Don't be, that had to have been the best sex we've had in a long time." You mumble against his lips and Spencer hums in agreement. Reaching for his tie, Spencer shoves it in his pocket before he pokes his head out of the room you guys just defiled.
"Spencer, I'm so sorry about what I said. I love you so much, I didn't mean what I said about my ring-" You blubber suddenly, drawing Spencer's attention to you. He cradles your head against his chest, pressing kisses to your forehead.
"I know baby, it's okay. I love you." Spencer answers quietly, holding you to him tightly.
"I'm sorry I was a jerk today. I'm just so protective of you. I can't let anything steal you from me." Spencer admits softly and you cup his cheeks to make him look at you. There is a sadness in his eyes that you want to obliterate, you can't stand it when he's sad. It breaks your heart.
"Nothing could steal me from you. I only want you Spencer." You say quietly and you see tears misting his eyes. He presses his lips desperately against yours, and you feel tears cascading down yours and his cheeks. The kiss is wet, but it's passionate and you throw every ounce of love you have for this man into it. When you and Spencer part, your foreheads are pressed together.
"Hey Spence? How am I gonna get to the hotel. I can't walk." You say softly with a giggle and Spencer smiles mischievously.
"I guess I'll have to carry you." He scoops you bridal style into his arms then and you blush deeply when he carries you out of the room and towards the front entrance.
"Spencer! Everybody is going to know!" You whisper into his ear and he chuckles.
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write-ur-wrongs · 3 years
The Death of Me
Pairing: Geralt x reader
Word count: almost 4K - big whoops!
A/N: This was totally meant to be a drabble / blurb, but the story got away from me! A huge thanks to the sweet anon who submitted this prompt - I was beyond inspired and chuckled warmly throughout the entire writing process. This baby isn’t proofread so thread lightly!! I sincerely hope y’all enjoy this one :’) 
Prompt:  Heya! I saw your post about wanting to practice writing short stories so I have a small prompt for Geralt! What about: the reader and Geralt have always had a difficult relationship, always running into each other at the most inconvenient moments and hence disliking each other. However, while Geralt is passing through a village the reader comes barging into his room bloody and near death, only getting a chance to say “I didn’t know where else to go” before collapsing. I would be honoured if the idea inspired you :3
You’d never considered yourself unlucky but lately life had a funny way of throwing you for a loop, or rather, throwing you to the wolves. One wolf, actually. A damn, irritating, and arrogant white wolf.
At first, it was all business. You’d arrive in a village itching for a contract, only to find that a “legendary witcher” had already come through and taken care of every monster within a two-days ride. Furious, hungry, and broke, you set out determined to get as far as you could and as quickly as possible. Your determination got you far enough that you’d managed a full three months of contract work, but not far enough it seemed.
You’d been on your way to collect payment from your latest contractor when you’d heard the buzz on the street; a witcher had come through asking about work, and had been told to wait and see as someone else (a woman! A human woman!) had already committed to the case. Apparently, he was either incensed or bemused at the idea – the brute was very hard to read, so say the town gossips – but it didn’t matter to you. You beat him to it and now you get to eat. When you finally met with the contractor to collect your coin, you couldn’t help but swell with pride as they thanked you, eyes wide, for taking care of a monster no human ought to be able to handle. You could have sworn your pride had given you wings as you floated out of the inn.
That is, until you heard them mumble under their breath, “Thank Gods that lass was able to handle it! Had it been the witcher, I would have had to pay triple!”
“Thank heavens for cheap labour!” whispered their partner, raising their glass to cheers their big victory.
Suddenly whatever weightlessness you felt transferred onto your coin purse. Biting hard on your cheek you pushed up your chin, determined to remain dignified. But then you saw him.
Impossibly broad chested, rippling muscles evident beneath his leather armour, with golden eyes that reflected back to you with a cruel playful nature that made bile rise in the back of your throat. He held your gaze and raised his own tankard to you as you walked past him. His deep voice rumbled through you as you pushed the door open.
“Cheers to cheap labour,” you heard him say, and swore you could hear the smirk on his full lips.
Groaning furiously, you pushed the door so hard it swung back and slammed shut behind you with such force a flock of birds took off somewhere in town. Undeterred, you stomped off towards your horse and set off at a gallop.
I’m going to make sure I never cross his fucking path ever again, you thought searingly.
You were wrong it turned out, but how were you supposed to know that?
You’d gone years without actually seeing him again, but that didn’t mean you were free of him. You’d alternated winning and losing contracts to each other, and the pressure of beating him to the next one stressed you so fiercely you developed ulcers. That alone would have been enough to push you to murder had you not heard from another witcher that their brother, the great white wolf, was losing sleep trying to keep up with you. Knowledge of this fact spurred you on; after all, if you couldn’t beat him, it’s best to be even, no?
The next time fate brought you two together, though, you could not have been farther from on top. What made matters worse, is that you weren’t even in battle when your paths crossed. Your literal paths just simply… crossed.
You’d been riding east for many days and just as many nights. You were tired, sore, and somehow still soaked to the bone despite the fact that the rain had stopped at least a day ago. You were so tired, your muscles seemed heavy in your limbs, and you had to keep blinking hard to bring the spinning world around you back to its axis. As you rode through an intersection on the trail, the sun peaked out from behind the thick curtain of clouds just long enough to pull you fully into sleep, and right off your still-moving-horse’s saddle.  
You honestly didn’t remember falling asleep, or off the saddle. You also had no memory of the moment another traveler, who was riding towards the intersection on the other trail, leapt off his mare just as you started your descent and caught you before you could split your skull open on one of the many rocks sprinkled throughout the street. You had no memory of the way he’d pulled you off the path, leading both horses behind him as he’d carried you over his shoulder. Zero recollection of him laying you down on a bed grass, tying your horse to a nearby tree, lighting you a campfire, or filling your pack with some bread and meat.
What you did remember, was the arrogant look on his face when you finally woke up. The condescending tone he took as he reminded you that you were ‘only human’ and had to take care of yourself accordingly was also seared into the annals of your memory.
You hated that he’d saved you almost as much as you hated the fact that you’d been asleep around him. Completely vulnerable for God knows how long and he’d been there to witness it all. Whenever the memory of the look on his face or the way he’d crossed his arms and tilted his stupid head as he condescended your humanity came to you, you couldn’t help but cringe even months after the fact.
Your saving grace came a full six months after your damned damsel in distress moment on the trail.
Well fed, well worked, and well travelled, you were taking your time enjoying the market in your town of the week. The work you did wasn’t glamourous, but it did allow you the means to afford a few luxuries every now and then. This time, it just so happened that your coin could buy you the sweetest gift of all: revenge.
The market was busy as ever, you could barely hear yourself think over the cacophony of voices and animal bleats bouncing around the square. Had it been anyone else, the conversation would have been lost among the noise around you, but when that voice came rumbling through the mess of shrieks and shouts, you couldn’t help but seek out the source. You didn’t know why you cared or why you were so surprised to find that the voice’s owner was none other than the White Wolf himself.
“You good?” you asked, making sure to tilt your head, hands on your hips, the same way he’d done the last time you’d met.
“Fine.” He practically barked, not even turning his head fully to address you directly.
The merchant, none-too-concerned with your arrival on the scene, continued as if uninterrupted. “I’m sorry Mr. Witcher, sir, but I can’t go any lower. This is the best I can offer.”
“I can’t pay that much,” he grumbled, hands closed into tight fists.
“I’m sorry-”
“Is this enough?” you interjected, knowingly offering forward far too many ducats.
“Y-yes!” breathed the merchant, looking quizzically at Geralt before picking three coins from your open palm, “thank you, madam...”
“Y/N,” you introduced yourself with a warm smile and a nod.
“Y/N!” Geralt hissed, at the same time, reaching out to push away your hand a fraction too late; the vendor was paid, and you’d won this round.
“What is it, Witcher?” you teased, as the vendor took his sword back for repairs, “been on vacation? Why so skint?”
“Been low on work lately,” he replied coolly, cat-like eyes boring into yours, “not as many contracts as there use to be.”
“Well, I’ll be,” you said, cocking your head to the side and pursing your lips in mock contemplation, “I can’t imagine why that’d be the case! Seems I keep running into monsters to kill.”
“Mmhm.” He hummed, narrowing his eyes at you.
Refusing to let him have the last word, you quickly turned on your heels and high-tailed it out of the market, shouting over your shoulder to the blacksmith to give any change back to Geralt before disappearing back into the crowd.
Being even should have brought peace between the two of you but it seemed to have the opposite effect. Your last interaction only fanned the flames of your rivalry. As the months turned to years without coming upon each other again, you still found yourself filled with unreasonable anger whenever you saw a mop of white hair cross you on your travels.
And not that you’d know it, but it turned out that Geralt wasn’t faring any better; finding himself frustrated and acting recklessly whenever he’d come upon anything that reminded him of you.
You were both completely obsessed with one another. Thoughts of the other constantly on the mind. Whether in waking or in dreams, you were both equally afflicted by an intense need to outperform, out run, and also, inexplicably, to impress the other.  
It was that need to impress each other that led you to accept a contract you should have never even considered taking. You honestly wouldn’t have even considered it had the circumstances been any different but you’d been hearing about this monster for weeks on your travels. Tales of the mighty griffin tearing people to shreds had been circulating far and wide on this side of the Yaruga, and honestly, with every retelling you’d expected to hear that a witcher had handled it, but that never happened. You’d somehow managed to arrive at the village at the source of these stories before him and had an opportunity to literally rob him of this victory.
Granted, you were the only one who’d been attributing him with this win, but that didn’t matter, not to you. The only thing you cared about when accepting this particular contract was the knowledge that by taking it, you were preventing him from having it, and that was more than enough.
The shock on the villagers faces when they saw you accept the contract only added to your already inflated confidence. The sheer size of the griffin’s wingspan humbled you a little, though, and whatever grand illusions of an easy victory you’d carried into the forest were squashed along with a couple rib bones only moments after engaging the beast. In short, you were fucked.
Some might say that coming out of it alive was enough of a win. Those people would be morons, you thought as you stumbled clumsily back towards the lights of the village, clutching your split abdomen with both hands and blinking back blood dripping from your forehead. Every step you took came with the stabbing pain of additional tearing around your wound. You could barely think, your ears were blocked and caked with dried blood and dirt, your tears stung as they fell across the gashes on your cheeks, and every breath in felt like it could be your last. You’d never admit this out loud, but a part of you wished the creature had finished the job.
Perhaps the only saving grace here was that in your condition, you couldn’t hear the villagers as they pointed and gossiped. You didn’t hear the “told you so’s” or the lewd shouts coming from the drunk men as you stumbled into the tavern. You could barely hear the disappointment in the inn owner’s voice as they reprimanded you for accepting a contract, they knew you couldn’t complete. Rolling your eyes, you pushed your way towards the stairs as quickly as possible – which, as it turned out, was not so quick, praying that someone would call you a healer.
“… and to think a witcher arrived only hours after she went off to kill herself! Tsk-tsk!”
You stopped dead in your tracks, drops of blood falling across your brow as you interrupted the momentum you’d been building. “W-what?” you croaked, turning towards them as much as possible to make sure you’d hear them correctly.
“Yeah! And not just any witcher, lass, the Butcher of Blaviken no less! Checked in with us just as you head out. Had you waited half a day you could have saved yourself a world of – ‘ey! Now where’s she off to?”
As you registered this news, something inside you snapped. Before you knew what was happening, you’d made your way upstairs and started pushing your full weight onto every door you passed. The great White Wolf, the Butcher of Blaviken, was certainly arrogant enough to leave his door unlocked. You might have been wrong about the griffin, but you’d be damned if you were wrong about this.
Fortunate or not, you weren’t wrong about this. As you pushed your shoulder against the last door with whatever strength you had left, the door swung open with very little resistance. The heavy wooden door slammed loudly against the wall at the exact moment that your limp body crashed onto the floor.
“WHAT the fuck!” Geralt howled, leaping off the bed and onto his feet. His wild eyes assessed the situation in an instant, and he bound to you in barely two strides. “What the fuck did you do? What happened?” he asked as he flipped you over, so gently you were sure you’d already passed out and were now dreaming. Or maybe the blood loss was finally catching up to you and you were full-on hallucinating.
“I didn’t know where else to go,” you breathed, barely above a whisper, before losing consciousness in his arms.
Regaining consciousness was a slow, painful process. You’d come in and out of it a handful of times throughout the night, and flashes of what you’d seen before you lost it were coming to you in an almost dreamlike haze; terrifying images of the furious griffin, its blood-soaked talon shining in the setting sun as it reared back to strike you again, and warmer visions of Geralt, shirtless, running towards you with – could it be? – genuine concern in his eyes.
Now as the rising sun cast its glow across the room, you squinted painfully against the light. Your head felt as though it was full of cotton; heavy, and scratchy, and unnatural on top of your shoulders. Hesitantly, you ran your tongue over your teeth and were equal parts relieved to find them all there and disgusted at the acrid, mineral taste the blood left behind. Blinking slowly, you tried to bring up your hand to rub at your eyes, but stopped short as you felt the large bandage draped across your forehead.
Slowly, you started to register the other bandages, on your arms, your cheek, across your abdomen. Your eyes grew wide as you finally registered the man facing away from you in the far corner of the room. Geralt’s broad strong back was hunched away from you as he rifled through herbs and small glass vials looking for something. Inexplicably, you found yourself disappointed to see he’d put his thick black tunic back on. Horrified by that realization, you literally gagged, startling Geralt and pulling his attention squarely onto you.
His big dumb beautiful face was all hard lines as he looked you over, stern eyes flashing to meet yours before dropping back down to the vial in his hands. You couldn’t help be notice the way the muscles in in jaw rippled and tensed as he sighed. He was oozing disappointment and anger, and that infuriated you.
“Am I dead?” you ask, squinting at him a little theatrically as you squirmed and winced in your bed.
“No.” he practically growled, his body tense as he made his way towards you slowly.
“Oh,” you breathed, bringing your eyes up to his before adding, “this isn’t hell?”
To your immense satisfaction, his stern eyes widened into shock, but then something unrecognizable flashed across his features – wait, was he hurt?
“Why, because I’m here?” he shouted, as if in confirmation of your hunch, and slammed the damp cloth he’d been holding back into the basin.
“No, jackass,” you retorted, pleased that despite the position you were in, you still had some semblance of an upper-hand, “because a griffin fucking fileted me like a fish and some poor drunk is probably downstairs slipping in a pool of my blood right now.”
You’d kind of hoped that he’d laugh, or at least have a comeback geared up for you, but Geralt just stood there staring at you, his mouth in a tight line, nostrils flaring.
Uncomfortable by the intensity of his stare and the silence accompanying it, you decide to continue to poke the bear.
“Come on, what’s with the face, Geralt? Pissed I’m still alive? You know you could have just closed the door over my body, let nature finish the bloody job.”
“Fuck, no! Y/n!” he screamed, startling you out of the attitude you’d put on, “I’m pissed because you’re an impossibly difficult woman hellbent on killing herself! I’m pissed because you don’t seem to fucking care about what happens to you! You can’t keep doing this Y/N! Because one of these days you’re going to get hurt and you’ll be too far away from me and I won’t be able to fucking save you, again! I am pissed because I am losing my mind spending every god-awful day wondering if you’ve gone and gotten yourself killed! Fucking hell, woman! If you didn’t find me – I-if I wasn’t here, with these herbs – Damnit Y/N!”
You just sat there, mouth opening and closing like a fish. You couldn’t believe it. You didn’t know what to say. This man, your nemesis, was in front of you pacing back and forth, breathing heavily, looking like a maniac. His nostrils were flaring more than the monster that almost killed you just yesterday. Part of you wanted to correct him and demand he never address you as ‘woman’ again, but his wild earnest eyes kept you quiet. My god… was he crying?
Before you could say anything, Geralt sighed gruffly, ran his large hand over his face and stormed out, mumbling something about needing to get you more water.
Left alone with your thoughts, you couldn’t stop yourself from spiralling. You’d expected him to be angry – hell, you wanted him to be angry! You’d humiliated yourself twice over, enraging him would ease the blow – but this was… different. He seemed genuinely concerned about you. And what was with his whole speech? He spent every day thinking about you? Worrying about you? There’s no way.
Sure, you thought about him daily, but that was out of spite! You hated the man! Why else would your heart race whenever you thought you spotted him in a crowd? Why else would you actively seek out the most dangerous contracts? What, like you were hoping these contracts would draw him out, and therefore, closer to you? As if!
Your ridiculous inner monologue was interrupted by Geralt’s return. The horrible brute knocked gently on the door before stepping inside, and your heart had the audacity to skip a beat.
Oh, you thought, fuck.
“I need to change the dressing on your wounds,” he grumbled, not meeting your eyes. You nodded wordlessly as he settled onto the chair next to you. You watched him work in silence, praying he would attribute your insane heartrate and flushed skin to a pain response from his work.
“Geralt?” you tried, chewing nervously on your cheek, as was just finished up with the last of your dressing.
“Hm?” he hummed, keeping his eyes cast down as he fussed with the bandage on the gash across your abdomen.
“Thank you… for saving me.”
He finally brought his gaze up to meet yours, but said nothing in return. He merely grunted in acknowledgment. You didn’t know why, but his silence in combination with his inscrutable gaze encouraged you to keep talking.
“I honestly only took this contract because I didn’t want you to have it,” you admitted bashfully.
“What the fuck? No one was taking it because they weren’t paying nearly enough! Hell, and you’re just a human,” he fumed, throwing up air-quotes as he said it, “so what – they offered you a third of nothing?”
Laughing lightly, you shoved him with your elbow, “they offered me three whole ducats!”
“Oh, wow,” he laughed, low and rumbling, “so a big pay day for you, eh?”
“Shut up,” you gasped as pain rippled through you with each peal of laughter, “knowing I could screw you over was payment enough!”
“Well congratulations are in order, you did manage to screw someone over,” he chided.
“Me,” you stated dryly, gesturing widely at your busted up body.
“You,” he echoed with a sigh that seemed to deflate him.
He suddenly looked so small, sitting there next to you. You watched him as clenched and unclenched his jaw, rubbing his large hands up and down his thighs – was he anxious? You mind raced as you felt his eyes travel slowly up your body. You held your breath as he worked up the nerve to finally bring his eyes up to yours.
The moment his eyes landed on yours, something shifted. Whatever had been lodged uncomfortably between the two of you all these years had finally clicked into place. This change, albeit small, was palpable. His eyes dropped to your lips and lingered there. He was looking at you like he’d never seen you before. Like he was afraid he might never see you again.
Without speaking, Geralt inched himself closer to you and reached a tender hand to tuck your hair behind your ears before cradling your face.
“You’re not allowed to die, do you hear me?” he whispered, gently stroking your cheek with his thumb.
You gave him a quick nod and brought your hand up to his, nuzzling into the warmth of his palm before giving his hand a quick kiss.
“I need to hear you say it,” he begged, bringing himself even closer to you.
“I do,” you breathed, trying to sit up to bring your face closer to his. “I’m not going to die, not on your watch, but I’m also not quitting.”
“Y/N –”
“No! If I quit, you’d get lazy. Who’d push you? What would be your driving force?”
“Wow,” he scoffed, looking at you incredulously but fondly, “you’re so fucking arrogant.”
“And yet…” you said, quirking a brow flirtatiously as you pulled him closer by the collar.
“… and yet?” he murmured, letting himself be pulled closer to you. His eyes half-closed and his lips slightly parted.
“You love me.”
“I love you.”
And then he kissed you. His mouth claimed yours urgently but his hands were ever gentle, ghosting over your bandages and caressing your skin with a feather-light tenderness that would have brought you to your knees had you not already been bedridden. Any hesitation or doubt melted away under the heat of his touch as all those years of tension sprung apart catastrophically. The knot you had carried in your stomach unfurled into flittering fireflies, their heat traveling up your stomach to your chest as his hands worked their way into your hair.
You didn’t know when they’d fallen, but you let out a shaky laugh as Geralt kissed away the tears on your cheeks, his thumb swiping at the tears his soft lips failed to catch. Breathing heavily, he rested his forehead against yours; his hands cupping your face as yours captured his.
Gods – this man was going to be the death of you.  
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personasintro · 3 years
bruhhhhh what about a drabble in which y/n is a little TOO drunk and jimin and tae cant handle her after they brought her back to her apartment so jk the mf king comes to beat her ass 🥊🥊🥊 ( and he is like able to shush her and shes intimidated by him ) 😏✨🤭
A part of Mutual Help series!
pairing: mh!jungkook x reader
warnings: explicit language
word count: 1.9k+
a/n: I hope you’re enjoying these!! please let me know what you think about it and if I should write more of them x
You’re not the one to usually get fucked up.
With friends like Taehyung and Jimin, you’re usually the one looking after them and calling them a cab so they get home safely. They’re the wild ones that love to party, talk to other women and spend the night making out with them, if not inviting them to their apartments for a casual hook-up.
So, when the time comes and you tell yourself to “fuck it” because you’ve to loosen up and release all the tension from your new job and the responsibility that comes with it, you’re the one that needs to be taken care of.
However, even though you’ve planned to drink a little more tonight than you usually do, you haven’t planned to get fucked up at one of those nights where Taehyung insisted on going to a club. Again.
To be honest, you’re not sure what he likes about clubbing that much. You don’t like it but you go, because it’s always fun with your friends. But there are other factors that make you literally go “nooo” when someone proposes to go clubbing. Like all the people, sweaty people, that don’t know anything about personal space. Some of them probably carry perfumes, most of them being women because you could always smell the mix of different perfumes whenever you’d enter the restroom. It’s not a nice smell though. It makes you vomit and especially when you’ve had enough.
Not mentioning all the intrusive guys who are drunk and just looking for a vagina they could fuck.
It sounds as if you’re going clubbing often, but you’re not. If it weren’t for your friends, you’d barely go clubbing because you’re not the type to want that on your own. It’s not usually your idea to go, if ever. But everything seems fun with your friends and honestly, you feel comfortable enough to go with them.
Friends, who probably find you very difficult and annoying at the moment as they’re trying to make you sit on the small bench in your corridor.
“I hate clubbing,” you mutter drunkenly at them, laughing when Taehyung gets on his knees in front of you and tries to grab your ankles to take off your heels.
“We know, you tell us that every time you get wasted.” Taehyung mutters, ignoring the way your mouth falls open in disbelief.
“Taehyungie,” Jimin scolds him, getting on his knees as well to help Taehyung who seems to have trouble with taking off your heels.
Giggling through the entire time, you’re suddenly reminded of something when you look at the two men in front of you, seeing nothing but the top of their heads. “I got two men on their knees.”
Taehyung looks up, cocking his brow at you and finding you extremely annoying as you’re laughing to the point your shoulders shake. Jimin chuckles, nudging Taehyung with his shoulder as he breaks out a grin before they finally get your heels off.
“Kook, we’re taking her to the bedroom!” Jimin calls out to Jungkook who must be somewhere in your apartment. You can’t remember where he went.
“Oooh, sounds… exciting boys!” you joke, your voice resounding in your apartment.
Jungkook chuckles at that, currently in your kitchen preparing you a glass of water and pulling out painkillers from one of the cabinets. You’ll need it for sure. There’s a lot of commotion coming out of your room, something about taking off your make-up which makes Taehyung groan loudly. Jungkook doesn’t fight off the amused grin, only because now Taehyung finally understands how annoying he’s being when he’s drunk. Or at least he hopes he understands.
Jungkook pulls a coke out of your fridge and pours some for himself and for the guys, knowing they’ll have to wait until you fall asleep so they can go. Honestly, Jungkook wonders if one of them should spend the night just in case you get sick. Which you probably will because he hasn’t seen you this drunk in a while. You mentioned something about work when you first entered the club and had your first drink. However, Jungkook wonders if the problem lies somewhere else and that is Heaven. Or whatever his name is.
You’ve been dating for a while and it’s been only over two weeks since you mentioned the relationship isn’t what it used to be. He can smell a break-up in the air and he wonders if you got drunk because it either already happened or you know it will. Maybe he’s just overthinking this. Maybe you just wanted to have fun and get fucked up like Taehyung and Jimin do on a daily basis.
“Jungkook!” Taehyung suddenly yells, the door being opened before they’re loudly shut, Jimin’s soft but loud voice heard for a second.
Jungkook straightens up, ready to make a way over there but before he can move, Taehyung already storms into the kitchen. Face read and annoyed as he looks out of breath, as if he was fighting off a—
“Demon,” Taehyung breathes out, “Y/N is a freaking demon when she’s drunk.”
Jungkook laughs, “She’s just drunk, Tae.”
“Yeah, and she just slapped me for apparently pressing her eyes too harshly when I tried to take off her make-up because she can’t go to sleep without taking it off. God, that woman is a nightmare when she’s drunk!”
“It’s not like you’re a dream when you’re drunk,” Jungkook murmurs, earning a huge glare from Taehyung who keeps his mouth shut because deep down, he knows he’s just as bad.
“Go there! She’s your responsibility right now!” Taehyung exclaims loudly as Jungkook rolls his eyes and puts his body to a move as he brushes past Taehyung.
He barely gets to hold the doorknob before the door is being pushed open again and exhausted Jimin makes eye contact with him. “Great, you’re here!”
Jimin is out of the room and quickly joins Taehyung in the kitchen. Bastards…
Jungkook warily makes it into your room, looking around and barely noticing the flying pillow aimed at him. He catches it at the last minute, frowning at you as you’re standing at the corner of your room next to your closet, still wearing the dress that you wore to the club.
“What was that for?” Jungkook exclaims, watching you drunkenly and messily walk towards your bed before you take another pillow. Before Jungkook knows it, it’s thrown in his direction all over again and he catches it effortlessly and stomps his way over to you.
You’re screaming as if he’s about to kill you, trying to get away from him by jumping onto your bed and getting off the other side.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Jungkook asks, trying to get you from the other side but for a drunk person, you’re quick and make it out of your bed while standing in the middle of the room.
Jungkook stands there, watching you with narrow eyes for a moment. You do the same thing, stumbling a little. Jungkook uses the moment of surprise and he rushes over to you, not giving you any time to react and even when you try to, he gets a hold of you.
“What the fuck,” Jungkook groans when you trash in his arms, “Calm down, you need to get to bed. You’re going to hurt yourself, you damn woman.”
“No!” you whine, gasping when Jungkook lifts you up while his arms are wrapped around your waist, tossing you to the bed.
“Stop it,” he scolds you in a warning, pointing his finger at you which makes you slouch your shoulders in defeat. “What’s the matter?”
“I wanna go clubbing!” you pout, slapping your hands beside your sides like a bratty kid which makes Jungkook roll his eyes at your behavior.
He hears Jimin and Taehyung peeking out behind the door, watching the scene in front of them with curious and amused eyes. Jungkook glares at them but they just grin at them, silently telling him “See?”.
“You’re acting like a brat, Y/N,” Jungkook comments, sitting on the edge of your bed as you dramatically gasp. “And you’re drunk. You wanted to go home just a few minutes ago.”
“Yeah?” you ask, holding your head high as you’re fighting off the pout again. “Well, I wanna go back. I changed my mind.”
“You can’t just change your mind,” Jungkook shakes his head, “You’re already home.”
“You’re no fun,” you comment, tossing yourself on the back as you stare at the ceiling. “I don’t wanna be alone here.” you almost whisper, not really sure why you just admitted that all of a sudden.
Just a minute ago you were having fun and wanted nothing but be alone.
“We could stay here…” Jungkook reminds you softly. It wouldn’t be the first time.
“Can you? I think I’m gonna throw up once I fall asleep.” you admit, causing Jungkook to laugh a little. You sound so innocent and child-like. If you weren’t wearing that tight dress, he would actually believe you’re a kid for a moment.
“How about you change your clothes and put some pajamas on? We’re gonna set the couch and stay the night.”
“You’re not gonna fit there!” you whine, “Can you stay here with me?”
It wouldn’t be the first time you guys share a bed, but ever since you started dating Haechan there weren’t many opportunities to do that, nor were you looking for those opportunities. You’re not sure how he’d like that and just out of respect, you and Jungkook mutually understood you should tone it down even though nothing ever happens. You’re friends.
“You sure?” he asks, raising his brow. You might be wasted but you can still think logically, which couldn’t be said five minutes ago.
“Yeah,” you nod eagerly, “Can you rub my back though?”
Jungkook laughs, Jimin and Taehyung join too who are still watching the two of you and how easily Jungkook has handled you. “Deal, but be in bed in your pajamas once I come back. Or no back rubbing.”
“Yes, daddy.”
“Y/N!” Jungkook screeches, standing up as he looks at you in annoyance. You’re such a brat, you know he hates being called that and you’re still teasing and annoying him even in your current state.
Taehyung cackles and Jimin joins too, not being able to hold it any longer as Jungkook rushes them out of the door to give you the privacy. Once Jungkook makes it to your room to check on you, you’re patiently waiting for him and his back rubs patting the spot next to you. God, he thought you’d fall asleep.
But he joins you, rubbing your back just like he promised until you fall asleep so he can take a shower. Jimin and Taehyung are already sprawled on your couch, talking a bit before they fall asleep too. And when you wake up in the middle of the night, Jungkook holds the bucket for you until you fall asleep again, silently apologizing.
The next morning, Taehyung doesn’t forget to remind you what a pain in the ass you were which causes Jimin to scold him while Jungkook glares at his older friend. But you easily tell him to fuck off, reminding him all of the times he was the one being annoying and a pain in the ass.
Jungkook doesn’t fight off the grin he gives you. You can take care of yourself, maybe not entirely when you’re wasted but you can easily handle Kim Taehyung.
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youryanderedaddy · 3 years
I had a dream just now that might make a good story. So, I had a virus on my laptop which allowed a hacker to see everything I did on my computer and use my webcam. The hacker ends up falling in love with me after stalking me for a few months and pays for someone on the dark web to kidnap me. It works, and then I wake up tied up in the hacker's arm as he caresses and kisses me. That's pretty much it, good night! 🌙
Yo this is my kink 😳
Also I couldn't not write this for Saeran, ok.
Title: Stranger danger
Tw: nsfw - ish, female reader, masturbation, cyber stalking, hacking, mentions of dark web, very irresponsible online behavior, obsessive behavior, implied kidnapping
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You knew that this was a stupid idea. Lurking on the dark web with almost no protection other than the Tor browser and some free anti-virus program wasn't your best decision, but fuck it if it wasn't entertaining. You had always been drawn to the darker, scarier part of the human mind and this side of the internet proved quite interesting. Your friends always warned you about the dangers that came with looking up shady online searches and sites but everything had been quite peaceful so far. There weren't hackers or murderers on the dark web, the worst you had seen were people selling drugs and weapons for unreasonable prices, along with some questionable fetish porn and the typical popping ads.
Your favorite thing to do while online was chatting. Two weeks ago you had stumbled upon an unusual forum called "Scream buddies" where upon entering you were automatically connected to another random profile. The whole theme of the forum was discussing horror and mondo movies, shockumentaries and overall creepy stuff, your forte. The person you met on there shared a similar fascination with all things dark and gory which soon made talking to them the only thing you were looking forward upon opening the site.
You didn't know much about the guy behind the profile yet, except that he was a young man. His icon showed an eye so green it emited with the neon pigment and his username was just as mysterious - BlueRose7. You enjoyed chatting with him about your hobby but the thing you liked the most was undressing him little by little, metaphorically so, by getting pieces of information about his life. It started small - his favorite food, favorite book, favorite game, but the moment you tried digging deeper and asked whether he had siblings or not, the man simply disappeared for the next few days. You quickly realized just what type of topics you needed to avoid to keep your new friend from leaving. Family, childhood memories and work matters were out of the picture.
The stranger wasn't fair, not really. He didn't show you vulnerability and kept his secrecy while demanding to know everything there was to know about you. For the longest time you didn't want to answer just to stay on a equal footing, just to show him how frustrating it was, but there was something about the man that drew you in. He was magnetic, clever and witty, if a bit pessimistic and dark at times. You couldn't help telling him everything he wanted to hear - what your job was, whether you were single or not, all that jazz. In your defense, BlueRose7 actually listened to your stories, took your problems seriously and provided solutions, which despite being too extreme and overprotective at times (upon hearing that your bestfriend talked behind your back he offered to "take care" of her), were comforting. It was nice to have someone caring around even if you met him on a sketchy website.
Meanwhile your personal life wasn't going too great. You had to balance between attending college, working long shifts as a waitress and meeting your friends from time to time which was draining. On top of all there was a weird virus on your computer which resulted in the camera turning on and off and the most random times of the day - while you were studying, watching TV, or in some cases, fully naked and ready to take a bath. You didn't think much of it though, with all the illegal movies and games you downloaded along with the dark web lurking it was more than expected for your laptop to behave weirdly. You didn't even mention it to your friend from the IT major because you knew that he'd force you to delete Tor and put an end to your internet adventures.
One time you were particularly bored after several long lectures and you were laying in bed, the camera turned on once again. It was a hot afternoon and you were wearing boyshorts and a loose T- shirt with nothing underneath it, you were home alone so there was no need. The bright red spot was twinking like a recorder, the light reflecting in your eyes, when a silly little idea came to your mind. You slid your hand under your blouse and lifted the fabric up, exposing your breasts to the laptop, your nipples hardening due to the sudden coldness, becoming pink and stiff in seconds. You played with for a few minutes, pinching and pulling the buds gently, moaning softly into the pleasant sensation. Soon you could feel yourself getting wet, and slowly, teasingly, removed your shorts and panties. You smiled at the camera, biting your lip provocatively, imagining you were a camgirl performing for her desperate little fanboys and fangirls. The thought alone was enough to make you spread your legs wide and slip two fingers into your throbbing cunt, using the wetness to push deeper. You used your other hand to stroke your clit and whimpered wantonly, your face red, your neck sweaty and your heart pumping fast from the adrenaline. You were quickly reaching your orgasm and your mind wondered to the boy you were talking to in the forum. You wondered how he looked like, how his body was built, whether he was a sweet sensual lover or a rough mean one. Fucked up as it was, you pictured the man as one of your most loyal viewers, watching all of your streams with a fist around his thick vock and an excited grin on his face. He would comment things like "you look so beautiful like this" or perhaps even "pretty little slut" after tipping you enough to last you a week. Soon all the mental stimulation sent you over the edge and you came with a loud cry full of pleasure. Well, this felt good.
After your "performance" was over the camera was magically turned off, which may have caused some concerns if you weren't too busy feeling embarrassed and dirty about the unhinged fantasy you had just had, and with a person you knew nothing about. You managed to calm down though - it wasn't nothing more than a fun pastime, a naughty thought that would never become the reality. You would never actually meet BlueRose7, right? There was nothing to worry about, so you just went on with your day.
You had some dinner afterwards and decided to have an early night as you already felt full and tired. You put on your favoruite pajamas and laid in bed, staring at the ceiling until you fell into deep dreamless sleep.
You woke up due to a weird noise. You could hear someone's heavy breathing right next to your ear, someone's grabby hands were wrapped tightly against your body, trapping you between the wall and their hard chest. You had only a few seconds to scream before the intruder's palm covered your mouth.
"Shhh." The man whispered softly and stroked your hair like you were a doll he was playing with. "Don't scream or I'll be forced to hurt you, flower. I have a gun." His voice sounded deep and rough but this didn't stop you from thrashing and turning on your side until you came face to face with the man. It was dark in the room and you couldn't exactly see all his features but his enchanting green eyes would forever be burned into your memory - they seemed dashing, hypnotizing. You couldn't utter a word.
"It's me, the person you've been talking to all these months. I came to take you home" He spoke out suddenly, the line of his mouth twisting into a smile or a smirk, you couldn't quite tell. You shook your head no, tears threatening to spill all over your cheeks from the fear. It couldn't be him, the man would never do that to you. Or would he? With what little information you knew, you couldn't really tell. His hold finally loosen, seeing you quiet like that.
"Let me go, please." You begged, pushing at his shoulders weakly since you were still sleepy, groggy and tired. "I don't know you." You said, hoping this would remind the stranger you weren't friends, lovers or anything that gave him the right to be so close to you, to touch you so intimately. Unfortunately, this only seemed to amuse him and he chucked darkly as he pulled your hair away to place a small chaste kiss on your neck.
"But I know you, flower." Your supposed online friend replied shortly after, his eyes full of malice. "And your little show today makes me think you want to know me too." He added in a low tone, licking his lips before smashing them on yours, forcing his tongue deep into your mouth just to hear your whines and protests. Then it hit you. The camera, the virus, the questions. He had watched you, he knew where you worked, where you lived and studied, everything. You had told him after all.
The hacker thought you looked so adorable right now, figuring things out, helpless, confused, regretful and most of all, weak. You were so weak and careless, and he loved you for it. It reminded him of himself before life screwed him over.
You wouldn't be in this position, underneath him, if you had just told someone about your laptop virus and the bad guy you had encountered online. But Saeran couldn't say he wasn't glad your self-preservation instincts were so very broken and dysfunctional. He wouldn't meet you otherwise. "I need you, princess. That's why I'll take you to Paradise." These were the final words you heard before you felt lightheaded and sleepy again, your last memory a pair of green mint eyes.
You really shouldn't have trusted strangers on the internet.
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admiringlove · 3 years
hurtful things
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+synopsis: genshin boys and the hurtful things they said.
+genre: angst; headcanons.
+characters: kaeya; diluc; childe; zhongli.
+warnings: swearing; crying; implied panic attack.
+order: hey bubs! i saw you doing requests and i HAD to ask for genshin angst :) spare me some tears pls <//3 preferably w kaeya or diluc or childe :) [submitted by @crackheadsara​]
+author’s note: okay so i included zhongli bc he’s the love of my life, also i needed comfort from him after writing such hurtful things :D
+navigation: main menu, genshin menu.
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“i’m better off without you.”
you know from the way your door was knocked in the middle of the night on a weekday after months, that it’s kaeya. you rub your eyes sleepily, trudging towards the door as anger and doubt fuse into a nasty green in your mind. 
you unlock the door, pulling it open to see the man with the eyepatch tapping his foot on the deck of your home impatiently. he smirks when his eye lands on you, attempting to walk in but stopping himself when he realizes you're standing at the door, unmoving. 
"kaeya, it's three in the morning. and it's monday. i have to report to jean in three hours," you mumble tiredly as you look up at him. the lamp grass by your windowsill outside and the moonlit night accentuated his cerulean eyes and contrasting coffee-colored skin. he frowns, peering down at you as he asks, "may i come in?"
you shrug, opening the door wide as you let the man in. he places his sword on the table and proceeds to walk into the bedroom when you ask, "where have you been for the past two weeks?"
"work," his reply is the same. you let out a sigh in impatience as you retort, "that's the same excuse as always."
he was tired and wanted to sleep off the fatigue from his latest mission. but when he hears you say that, something in him snaps and he turns around, his jaw clenched and a fixed glare making you a little agitated. he raises an eyebrow as he says, "well, unlike you, i am an actual important member of the knights of favonius."
"kaeya, all i meant was that you're always gone. you never write a letter back even if i send you one, and you somehow manage to come back every single time, expecting that it doesn't hurt me. what am i supposed to do?" your voice is small as you look down, hair drooping towards the ground. you're not even yelling at him, you're just worried. he always leaves you alone(sometimes you tag along, but you couldn't tell why nowadays he'd leave you alone without some sort of warning).
"does it ever occur to you that you're just a hindrance?" he bites back, thinking that you're trying to put up a front. you flinch at his words, causing him to force a jeer before he starts again, "you always come along, so maybe i wanted to be away from you for a bit. that's why i leave without a warning so i don't have to tend to your yapping all day. because i'm better off without you."
you gasp as you look up to his figure, now retreating to your shared bedroom. you hear him fall onto the bed with a content sigh as you stand there, wiping at your tears incessantly as hiccups escape your lips. you bit your tongue to stop yourself from crying, pressing a hand on your mouth to muffle the sounds so you don't disturb kaeya. you get a quick peek in, eyes widening when you see him sound asleep and tucked in. 
so that's how it was, you think. 
the next morning, kaeya wakes up to a cold bed as his arm reaches out to an empty space. his eyes immediately pry open as he wakes up, to see that you weren't here. 
ah, he ponders to himself, you must've gone to tend to your duties. 
he stretches, letting out a yawn before walking out to the kitchen. he smiles when he sees a plate of food left for him on the countertop with a note from you. but somehow, something felt very wrong about this whole ordeal. this had happened before—he had come back from insanely long missions to you before, so what felt different?
and then it hits him. the things he said last night. he frantically looks around, his azure eyes completely drowned in horror as he notices small changes in your shared household. a few picture frames are missing on the living room walls, your keychain isn't on the bookshelf anymore, and worst of all, when he runs into the closet, half of your clothes are gone. 
did you really feel that bad about what he said?
in panic, he runs out and keeps going till he reaches the headquarters of the knights. he barges in this time, not returning the greetings of the guards upfront as he walks into jean's office. 
"where are they?" he pants, "i-i messed up, do you know where they are?"
jean's eyes widen as she says, "our associates were having a hard time handling with the fatui in liyue harbor so they volunteered to go there for sometime."
"how long has it been?"
"they left long ago, it's about to be around ten hours since," she says. kaeya's heart shatters as he hears those words. he hadn't expected you to outright leave like that, but if you had said the same things to him, he definitely would've stormed out. his voice cracks as he looks at the ground in shame, "h-how long until they'll be back?"
"i.. don't know."
he regrets everything he's said. he truly does because he doesn't even notice that tears are streaming down his cheeks until jean comes to his aid. he hates himself for all of it—he hates that he has to live in a home where traces of you are visible everywhere; worst of all, he hates how he knows he lost you for good. even if you come back, he knows you wouldn’t run and melt into his arms like you did before. you’re gone now, fading into the darkness and away from him. 
maybe it was for the best.
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“you’re nothing but a burden.”
after taking on a few abyss mages and mitachurls, diluc lets a grunt out in pain before you see the slash on his right arm. you gasp, pulling him to the side of the lake as you pull out a bandage and cotton from your bag to clean his wounds. he's reluctant to it at first, but he sits there quietly and broods as you clean the blood with cotton and some type of healing ointment. 
you tie the bandage on his arm, a tiny bit of vermillion liquid seeping through the white cloth before sitting down next to him, finally catching a breath. sighing, you look up at him and say, "that was reckless."
"no, what you did was reckless. who told you to come along with me to dadaupa gorge? you knew what you were getting into when you came along, so don't put this on me," he grumbled, frowning as you look at him with narrowed eyes and furrowed brows. you are sort of hurt, but you know he's only saying this in faux indignation, so it's okay. you chuckle out, beginning, "diluc, i was-"
"i don't know why i even bother with you at this point," he exasperates, looking into the distance behind you. he curses slightly under his breath, his rouge eyes filled to the brim with anger as it finally overflows, "you're nothing but a burden."
your eyes suddenly flick to gape at him in disbelief. you stand up, your voice hitching in your throat as you ask, "diluc, you mean that?"
and it all simmers down into ashes when he mumbles "of course i do" under his breath. your vision is blurry as you walk away from the red-haired man, your body trembling as you almost give away that you're crying your eyes out. you walk back in the direction the two of you came from, leaving your broken heart in the hands of diluc, who sat by the lake not muttering a word after. 
he knows he's said things he doesn't mean; he does that all the time, but you probably knew that. he figures you're leaving to catch a breath of fresh air—to be away from the tension-filled environment for a bit, you had a habit of doing that at home. he sighs as he ponders over his words for a bit. he knew it was wrong to display such harshness to you, but you probably knew he didn't mean anything by it. he always bubbled over rash things when he was frustrated. 
the sun sets in front of him, painting hues of aubergine and peach as it flows down. he wonders where you are, getting up from his spot by the lake to venture towards the path you walked off. 
only when he can't find you, is when he thinks that you might've actually taken offense to his words. although he cares about you sincerely, he finishes his mission first, getting a lead on the abyss order—because protecting monstadt was his first priority. you lingered in his mind every second of every day till he finally got back home. and when he didn't find you there, he asks adelinde about it, who only shakes her head and tells him, "i'm sorry, master diluc, but i haven't seen them come back. i thought they were with you."
it all pieces together in his mind now, how a small gasp had escaped your lips when he had called you a burden. the way you nodded begrudgingly, getting up and walking away from his presence as your shoulders trembled. the way he could hear you choke back a sob, but still ignored it, thinking you had overreacted in the situation. 
he searches the whole city for you. he searches every nook and corner, and even walks into the headquarters of the knights of favonius(he ignores kaeya's teases instead of biting back this time). and when he finally sees you, he holds himself back. his hand is suspended awkwardly in the air as he reaches out for you, your back turned towards him. 
maybe this was better—maybe it was a good thing that you had walked away from him. this way, the abyss order won't be able to harm you. this way, he won't be able to harm you. this way, you'll be safe and sound, away from the storm known as diluc ragnvindr.
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“it’s not like you mean anything to me.”
it's not often you see childe. he's always in liyue, and you're here, stuck in monstadt or snezhnaya. it's cold today(as it always is) in snezhnaya, the snow covered almost everything outside as you looked out of your window, sipping on hot coffee as you sigh at the wilting roses on the sill. they'd wilted when you had gone to monstadt and you didn't have the heart to plant new ones.
just thinking about the blue-eyed childish man would make your heart bloom and cheeks flustered. you longed to spend more time with him, really. if only he wasn't affiliated with the fatui, he'd be able to spend more time with you. it had been months since you had seen him, and you longed to be in his arms once again, but who knows when that'll happen again? whenever he comes home, he chooses to spend a night with you and then head back. he'd laugh alongside you, tell you about his adventures, and give small reactions when you told him about yours. and the next morning, you'd wake up to an empty bed with a small note by the table, saying how he has to leave for work.  
a knock at your door snaps you out of your entranced state. as you open the lock and look out, you see childe, standing there with a tired grin and disheveled hair as he walks in without a word. he hands you a small paper bag, saying, "i brought you back something from liyue this time."
the same excuse, you think. it's always the same. he brings back small mementos and souvenirs as a pretense for staying, and by the time you think you can forgive him, he's gone. he plops down onto the sofa, stretching his arm out so you could join him. the thought of confronting him crosses your mind, but you shake it off—since he had only just gotten back. 
the night is the same as always. talking about each others' adventures, eating dinner by the fireplace, laughing alongside one another until you hit the bed. it's quiet now as you watch over his sleeping figure, his lapis-colored eyes now hidden. you sigh as you lay there for hours on end, twiddling with his brown hair as you wait for him to wake up(so this time you can actually say goodbye). 
when his eyes flutter open, he's a little taken aback when he looks over at you to see you wide awake. his brows furrow just a smidge as he says, "you're up."
"well, i wanted to say goodbye this time," you chuckle dryly, "you always leave without waking me up."
"i don't like the way you said that," he says, getting up from his position on the bed. you look away from him, your eyes displaying hurt as you murmur, "i don't like the way you leave."
"well, it's my job. it's not like i'm an adventurer like you, wasting my time around. i'm a harbinger and i have responsibilities," he says. his voice is neither too soft and nor too prickly, and you can tell that he's a little worked up by the way he lightly nips on the skin of his bottom lip as his gaze bores into you. 
"i didn't say you don't. all i said was that you could maybe sometimes stay for more than one night. it feels like you're using me, and when you're bored, you leave."
"oh?" he cocks an eyebrow as he stands up, "i'm using you, huh?"
you grimace at the tone of his voice, and when you look at him, you notice the sheer annoyance he puts up towards you. your voice is small when you ask him if he loves you—because you don't know anymore. seeing him once in a few months for the past few years has sure hurt you more than anything, and if you don't tell him now, then you might never get a chance. 
"what if i say i don't?" he smirks, walking up to you, "it's not like you mean anything to me. what if i agree that i am using you to make myself happy until i'm bored, so i can then throw you away?"
he doesn't like what he's saying either. his mind is screaming at him to stop, but he's worked up. he's irritated by the way you jabbed at him first thing in the morning, even though he knows you're right. his heart almost stops when he looks at the expression on your face after he says those words, and as he reaches out his hand for you, you turn away. 
your voice cracks, and he's sure his heart did as well when you mumble, "i-i'd like you to leave, please."
"wait, i didn't mean-"
"tartaglia," your eyes look into his, perhaps for the last time, as you give him a sad smile, "you don't have to come back to me anymore."
it hurts him as he leaves your home that morning. it hurts him when he comes back months later to see that your home is now empty. it hurts him because he tarnished the you that was once his. 
it hurts him, but he thinks it's for the best if you stay away from him if all he does is bring you pain.
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“i’d like you to leave me alone.”
zhongli was never one to pick fights. he was peaceful; his thoughts were positive(most of the time), and he almost always preferred to talk about his problem rather than fighting about it—he believes that fighting will only bring pain, so why not confide in one another about our problems instead?
he's quiet. he's not shy(it's quite the opposite, actually), but he's one to prefer to only talk when absolutely necessary. he's the type to listen rather than speak, saying something like, "we have two ears and one mouth. speak less than you listen."
he smiles when his mind goes back to the time when he said that to you while having a cup of tea together, and you'd replied, "my mother used to tell me that when i was a child."
because it's true; every child in liyue harbor has heard those words at least once in their lives. the quality of listening is appreciated more than the quality of speaking—and zhongli, for one, was a listener. 
you, on the other hand, were a speaker. you always woke him up every morning with a smile as bright and everlasting as the sun, babbling about breakfast and tea as he got up from the bed. you were the one that carried conversations on your shoulders on morning walks, you were the one that intertwined your fingers with his as the two of you walked amongst flowers, adoring them as you talked about the contrasting colors of silk flowers and glaze lilies. he loved you for that. he loved you because you were a speaker. he loved you because you were a perfect balance, the only one who could soften his hardened heart. the only one whom he'd chosen to wake up next to in the mornings, the only one whom he'd let ruffle his hair without asking(because he secretly liked it). 
so why had he reversed the roles tonight? why was he the one to bubble out his frustrations to you, speaking in a cold and stern manner instead of the loving tone that was only reserved for you? why was he the one to speak tonight, and why were you the one to listen?
it's not like he was actually frustrated—he was only thinking about something else as you asked him what he wanted for dinner. it surely wasn't your fault when he had poured over turbulent words to you. and he knows that the ones that hurt the most probably were, "i'd like you to leave me alone."
he looks up at the stars, a heavy sigh escaping his lips as he walks back into his shared home with you. he looks around, and when there's no sign of you, he feels himself break apart even more. 
had you actually left? he wants to run to you and tell you he hadn't meant any of those words because he hadn't. he wants to touch you, to caress you, to please you, to make you smile—and he wants to admit he was wrong. he wants to make it right, but he doesn't know where you are. 
he walks into the empty bedroom, sitting on the cold mattress as his eyes sting. he doesn't understand what's happening, or why there are small drops of water falling from his eyes. he doesn't understand why everything feels heavy all of a sudden—his heart, his throat his lungs, everything. he doesn't understand why he feels like he's trapped in a box, and the water seems to be filling up more quickly than he'd prefer. he wants to reach for air, but he can't.
he couldn't breathe without you. 
he hears the door close and immediately gets up in haste to walk to the living room where he sees you take off your boots. you turn around to see him, his disheveled hair and frantic eyes finally calming as he walks over to you and engulfs you in a warm embrace. his throat cleared up, and so did his heart and lungs as he mumbles against your ear, "i'm so sorry."
you smile smally, looking up at him as you cup his cheeks and wipe a stray tear, and mutter, "it's okay, zhongli. stress gets to the best of us."
god, how he loves you. he places a small peck on the top of your forehead as he feels his lips turn upward at your touch and the scent of glaze lilies lingering over you tells him that you'd been to the flower garden. he sleeps with your fingers weaved with his that night and pulls you even closer if you untangle with him in sleep. 
he makes a promise to himself saying he'd never hurt you like that again, and he keeps it.
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© all works belong to admiringlove on tumblr. plagiarism is strictly prohibited.
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queen-haq · 3 years
Fic: A Woman Scorned - Part 13
Fic: A Woman Scorned - Part 13
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader
Rating: R for language and smut.
Words: ~3000 words.
Summary: You’ve been sleeping with Billy Russo for a few months now. Knowing his aversion to emotional commitments, you’re satisfied with your clandestine arrangement until you catch him having dinner with Dinah Madani one night. Then it finally dawns on you. It’s not that he doesn’t want to commit, he just doesn’t want to commit to *you*.
Billy may think he knows you, but he has no idea what he’s just lost...
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5   Part 6   Part 7   Part 8   Part 9  
Part 10   Part 11   Part 12
gif credit: @bilyrusso
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Part 13
It was 8 in the evening and you were still in the office. You hadn’t accomplished much work today, your mind mostly focused on Billy. You were surprised by how quickly he’d been able to make the funeral arrangements for his mother. Yesterday you had driven over to the nursing home and by the time you reached there, Carla Russo’s body had already been picked up. You’d signed a few papers for Billy and picked up the remainder of Carla’s things before you returned home. Everything of hers was packed into a small suitcase and sitting in your living room. You wanted to call him, ask him how he was and offer your support, but he seemed determined to do everything on his own when you’d talked to him last and you didn’t want to intrude.
You gave yourself a mental shake, reminding yourself to concentrate. This workday had been a wash. When you weren’t distracted by thoughts of Billy, you were putting out fires in your team. At least the personnel conflicts have been temporarily resolved, but now you needed to work on a slide deck that you’d been tasked with presenting to the executive leadership committee later in the week.
An hour later you were halfway done with your presentation when your phone rang. You glanced down at your screen to find Billy’s name on the screen. “Hi.”
“Hey.” He sounded exhausted. “You still at work?”
“Yeah. How did you know?”
There was a pause. “You give off the workaholic vibe.”
You smiled to yourself; at least he was okay enough to crack jokes. “How are you?”
“You mean am I grieving over a goddamn dead woman who preferred meth to her own fucking son?” He sighed. “No big loss. I’m fine.”
Anger and hurt saturated his voice despite his attempts to sound unaffected. Your heart hurt for him, you wished there was something you could do. “Do you need anything?”
“The funeral service is tomorrow.” A beat of silence followed. “Do you want to come?”
“Sure. What time?”
“I’ll take the day off. Do you need my help with anything? Maybe I can call some of her friends?”
“When I found her she was living on the streets, barely alive but still hooked on meth. I doubt she’s got any friends.”
“What about the people in the nursing home? Maybe they want to come?”
“No, I don’t want anyone else there. Just you.”
Not liking the warmth that spread through you upon hearing his words, you reminded yourself he was probably feeling unusually vulnerable. This wasn’t typical of him.
“Do you want to come over?” he asked.
You exhaled a heavy sigh. “I would but I have so much work to do. I’ll be here for another hour at least.”
“Come over after you’re done.”
“It’ll be really late.”
“That’s fine. I can wait.”
“I can stop by my place to pick up your mom’s-.”
“No, it’s okay.”
You realized he wasn’t quite ready to go through Carla’s belongings yet.
“Bring your stuff with you.”
“Overnight bag, clothes for tomorrow, whatever.”
“Oh. You want me to stay over?”
“Yeah, might as well. We can drive over together for the service tomorrow.”
Despite the conversation coming to a natural end, he wasn’t hanging up. It seemed as if he was reluctant to be alone, probably because that meant dealing with the complicated emotions for his mother. You knew exactly how that felt. “If you want, I can leave now. I can work from your apartment instead of the office.”
“You’re not worried I’ll be tempted to spy on Valiant stuff?” he teased.
You smiled. “As if I’d let you see what I’m working on.”
“Guess no corporate espionage for me tonight.”
“Still going to keep you away from my laptop.”
He chuckled. “Just get here. I promise not to bug you while you work.”
“Okay. I’m leaving now.”
“See you soon.”
After you hung up, you started gathering your things together.
An hour later, you were at his place. When he opened the door, you immediately grew concerned at how tired he looked. Traveling back and forth from Vegas plus dealing with the news about Carla’s death within the last few hours meant he was absolutely exhausted.
“Hey,” he greeted you, smiling as he took the overnight bag from your hands.
You removed your heels while he took your bag inside his room and then made your way to his living room. While his penthouse suite was much bigger than yours, you actually didn’t like it very much. Despite the high-end finishes and the beautiful interiors - Billy had obviously hired a designer to make the place look good - it always felt very cool and inhospitable to you. It was too perfect and you always felt out of place inside the suite.
“You hungry?” he asked, coming up behind you. “I ordered dinner for you.” Arms encircling your waist, he dropped a kiss on the back of your head as he maneuvered you to the kitchen. He’d laid out the food for you on the dining table, and from the take-out containers you knew it was from one of your favourite Indian restaurants. The thoughtful gesture surprised you, you weren’t used to that from him. Noting that he’d only set the table for one, you turned around to look at him. “You’re not going to eat with me?”
“I ate already. I was starving. Sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry.” You cradled his face with one hand, your eyes roving over his beautiful face as he placed a kiss on the fleshy part of your palm. “You look exhausted. Did you even sleep?”
“No” He leaned back against the kitchen counter, weary. For a moment he closed his eyes, simply holding still, and you found yourself wrapping your arms around him in a hug. You didn’t understand why you’d even initiated the embrace – hugs were never your thing – but seeing him so beaten-down you were desperate to comfort him. He leaned into you, his body flushed against yours, and you held him tight. Stroking the nape of his neck, you placed a soft kiss on the center of his forehead. “Why don’t you take a nap while I work?”
“You don’t mind?”
You smiled up at him, running your fingers through his hair. “At least I don’t have to worry about you stealing my company secrets while you sleep.”
He smirked. “You’ll be here when I wake up?”
“Yup. Probably still working away.”
Billy grazed your temple softly before dropping a tender kiss on the tip of your nose. “Okay, but eat first.”
You nodded your head, watching after him as he sauntered out of the kitchen and disappeared down the hallway.
Sighing, you went to the sink to wash your hands before eating.
It was after midnight and you were still working on your slide deck when you heard Billy puttering around in the bathroom. Soon he slowly made his way towards you, dressed in a t-shirt and black boxers, his hair all messy. He yawned lazily, falling onto the other end of the couch.
“I thought you’d sleep through the night,” you remarked.
“Are you still working?” he asked.
“Almost done.” You saved the file and shut off the laptop before slipping it back inside your bag.
Suddenly he pulled you closer and you found yourself tucked underneath him on the couch as he glanced down at you from above. “You work too hard.”
You smiled up at him. “They don’t pay me the big bucks to sit there and look pretty.”
A slow, incandescent smile curved his lips. “I would. If I ran Valiant, you’d be my personal stress relief. You’d be in my office the entire time and do nothing but look pretty and service me.”
“That’s sexual harassment.”
Billy shrugged his shoulders. “Whatever. I’d make it worth your while.”
You laughed, angling up to kiss him. “Your breath is all minty fresh.”
“I brushed my teeth for you.”
“Wow. Be still my heart.”
A warm grin covered his face as he shifted down your body to nuzzle your neck. His weight was heavy as he rested atop you, but you liked the solid feel of him on you, the way you felt all safe and warm. You stroked his hair while he drew lazy circles on your chest, the silence between you two comforting.
“No one knows about her. Not Frank, not Curtis, no one.”
Those names were familiar to you because Billy had mentioned them in passing a few times. Of course he’d never shared any other info, but you being you, you’d dug around and found out more about them. You knew they’d served with Billy and he considered them his closest friends.
“When I found her three years ago, I put her in that home and forgot all about her.”
“You visited her every week,” you reminded him.
“Because I wanted her to regret abandoning me. I wanted her to see how far I’d come, I wanted to throw her mistakes in her face. But I don’t think she regretted safe-havening me, not even a bit.”
The bitter pain in his voice made your heart hurt for him.
“Maybe I should be happy she’s finally dead, or maybe I’m supposed to be sad or something.”
“How do you actually feel?”
“Nothing. I feel nothing.”
“Billy, I think that’s normal. There’s no right or wrong in this. All of your feelings are valid.”
“Even if her dying made me absolutely ecstatic? You wouldn’t think I was a fucking psychopath?”
“You are a psychopath but not because you have conflicting emotions about your terrible mother dying. You have the right to feel how you feel about her, whatever that might be.”
Eyes blazing with emotion, he hovered about you to meet your gaze. “Then what makes me a psychopath?”
You quirked your eyebrow. “The fact you want to torture my dates.”
“Not just torture, I want to kill them.” Eyes darkened, voice velvety-smooth, he covered your mouth with his and ravaged you with a kiss that left you thrumming and breathless.
“Only you’re allowed to touch me?” you asked through labored breaths.
“Yes.” His voice was a lustful rasp, his mouth leaving a heated trail as he sucked on the oh-so-sensitive corner of where your neck and shoulder intersected. Sparks of electricity ran down your spine. “Only me.”
You took his hand and guided it down your body, parting your thighs for him.
Like always, you were soon completely lost in the erotic pleasure of his mouth on you. Your legs hooked over his shoulders, your hands grabbed the back of the couch for support as he fucked you with his hands and mouth, sucking you, licking you, his tongue flicking over your clit until you were keening under him. Body arching off the couch, you moaned his name louder and louder until he drove you completely over the edge.
Then you felt a light slap on your cunt which immediately brought you back to reality. Opening your eyes, you found Billy perched between your legs, gracing you with the most wicked smile. “That’s one.” He slapped your pussy again, this time his long, lean fingers ever so slightly grazing your clit and your hips bucked, wanting more. “As promised.” His eyebrow quirked up. “Punishment.”
“Not fair,” you protested. “I’ll date who I want.”
He slapped you again, a little harder this time, but then he leaned down to place comforting kisses on the very spots he assaulted and you moaned with pleasure.
“All of you.” His tongue lapped over your clit, eyes locked with yours. “Belongs to me. I own you.”
“You don’t!” You squealed when he flipped you over unexpectedly, grabbing you by the hips so your ass was lifted of the couch. And then he squeezed your butt cheeks, biting them lightly before he started rimming you.
After sharing a shower the two of you were laying in his bed, your back pressed against his chest as you both stared up at the ceiling. His one hand was intertwined with yours, the other arm circled around your hips. The two of you didn’t have sex but you didn’t mind. You were both fatigued.
“I smell like you now,” you murmured, realizing the soap in his shower had left its scent on you.
“I know. I like it.” He squeezed your fingers. “I have a present for you.”
“I hope it’s not earrings again.”
He chuckled. “No, not earrings.”
“What is it then?”
You turned back to look at him. “What? Like a necklace?”
“Something like that. Except I’m the only one who’ll see you wearing it.”
“Ah. And where is this gift?”
He kissed the top of your head. “Not here yet.”
You smiled to yourself. “People usually wait until they have the gift in hand before telling others about it.”
“I couldn’t wait. I’m excited to see you wear it.”
He stroked your hair, and your eyes grew heavy. Soon you started falling into deep slumber, feeling calm, comforted by Billy’s arms around you.
“What happened with your family?”
Your eyes flew open. Like always, any mention of your family unfurled anxiety within you. You didn’t like thinking about them letting alone discussing them. “They passed away.”
“They’re dead?”
“Both of them?”
He pulled you up so you were facing him now, his intoxicating gaze completely focused on you. “That day when I asked you about the pictures, you said you weren’t close to your family.”
“I meant my extended family. I don’t keep in touch with them,” you replied smoothly.
“What were your parents like?”
Irritation surged through you at his obtrusive questions but you had to remind yourself he just lost his mother. He was feeling out-of-sorts, working through his grief – even if he didn’t think so – and he was reaching out to the only person in his life that knew about his mother. “Normal.”
He simply stared at you for a long time, studying you, saying nothing. “Normal,” he repeated, finally breaking the strained silence.
You shrugged your shoulders, dropping your gaze to the base of his throat so you didn’t have to hold his piercing stare. “Yup.”
“How did they die?”
“Car accident.”
“You miss them?”
“Of course,” you lied.
He reached out to cup your face, his thumb stroking your cheek. “So you grew up with great parents, white picket fence and all that bullshit? Sounds like you had a fairytale childhood.”
“Can we talk about this tomorrow? I’m really tired.”
“Sure. I’ll add this to the list of all the other shit we’ll talk about someday.”
He sounded almost angry with you and you weren’t sure why. Before you could question him, however, he pulled you close so you were snuggled against his chest and the warmth of his body was enough to silence your brain and lull you to sleep.
It was a cold, crisp autumn day in New York. The outdoor service, attended by only you and Billy, was short and quick. Throughout it, he’d gripped your hand even though he’d been outwardly calm and collected. Even now as he stood a few feet away from you, impeccably dressed in a black suit, his dark eyes hidden behind a pair of aviator sunglasses as he stared out at the pond, you sensed he was a complete mess inside. You didn’t know what to say to him so you simply sat on the bench, both of you in an isolated corner of the garden. Eventually he came to sit beside you, taking your hand in his.
“I’d have given her the whole world.” His voice was filled with pain and longing as he removed his sunglasses and tucked them in the upper pocket of his suit. “I would have given her anything she ever wanted.” Billy’s eyes met yours. “If she’d just wanted me.”
You scooted closer to wrap your arms around him, breathing him in as he sunk into you. His hands caressed your back, his grip on you so tight you almost couldn’t breathe. After a while he rested his forehead against yours, his eyes holding you prisoner in front of him.
“Swear to me you’ll never leave.”
“Promise me!”
“I can’t.”
“It wasn’t a fucking request, Y/N.”
You tried to pull away from him but he fisted the back of your hair, holding you in place.
The raw urgency in his voice played havoc with your emotions. If you closed your eyes, just for a moment, you could shut out all the doubts in your head and simply believe him - but you could only live the fantasy for a short moment before reality forced its way back in. “You don’t mean those words, Billy.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Because you don’t feel that strongly about me.”
His eyes narrowed, glaring at you with hostility. “You’re gonna tell me how I feel?”
“I’m not what you want.”
“And what do you think I want?”
You gave him a sad smile. “The best of everything. Best car, best clothes, the most beautiful women in your arms. You want all that because you need others to want what you have.”
“Is that so wrong?”
You shook your head. “No, there’s nothing wrong with that – except I don’t fit into any of those categories. You want a woman like Dinah Madani. I’m not her. So eventually this thing between us will end.”
His jaw was set in a grim line, eyes burning bright with rage. “So you have me all figured out, huh?”
“Don’t get mad. You know it’s the truth.”
He yanked you closer, crushing you against him. “It’s been me against the world for as long as I can remember. But when I look at you.” His eyes softened, mouth parting as his dark gaze roamed over your face. “I don’t feel alone anymore.”
Your heart melted. The tenuous handle you had on your self-control disintegrated completely. You closed your mouth over his, kissing him frantically as he picked you up and straddled you across his lap.
He pulled back to look at you. “You’re my home. You’re all I need.”
Part 14
A/N - As always, all of your feedback, comments, asks, likes and reblogs are deeply appreciated. They truly inspire me to keep writing, so thank you from the bottom of my heart.
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