#. study (helaena targaryen)
coldprism · 3 months
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“What is it like to be a prophet? Everywhere Cassandra ran she found she was already there.” - Anne Carson
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meyaoyu · 2 months
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“what side are you on” the side of the women
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nonconfy · 4 months
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the drawings I made for the animatic
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thatscruelsummer · 4 months
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my angel helaena 🦋
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fearmakess · 8 months
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ceoofglytchell · 2 months
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„Aegon will be King again. He is yet to see victory. He sits on a wooden throne. And you… you will be dead.”
In honor of the last episode coming out tonight, have this. I hope you like it 💚
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1-jar-of-stars · 2 months
there should be a study about the feminism leaving y’all’s body watching the house of dragon bc i am seeing the worst takes i have seen in my life
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lady-phasma · 5 months
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18+ MDNI
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Targaryen bloodline ask ✧︎ His general appeal ✧︎ Short Alys ask ✧︎ Book Aemond ✧︎ Really long ask about PTSD ✧︎ His sexuality (written Jan 2023) ✧︎ Ticklish headcanon ask ✧︎ Tie-in ask about c*ckwarming fic
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Anon ask about his depiction in the series as "grey" character
Breeding k!nk ✧︎ Sex scenes opinion ask ✧︎ His biggest fears
His love interests ask ✧︎ Episode 4 ask - did he spare Rhaenyra?
Another Ep 4 ask ✧︎ Random hair ask ✧︎ Short hair ask ✧︎ And another
Ridiculous boredom ask ✧︎ Age ask ✧︎ Rhea Royce ask
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Season 2 ask ✧︎ Dettles ask ✧︎ Petty Daemon ✧︎ Age ask (very short) ✧︎ Anons are interesting ✧︎ The same anon ✧︎ They chilled out a little but it still makes me laugh ✧︎ What is not to like? ask
Rhaenyra, Alicent, and Helaena after the cut
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Copy of other characters ask ✧︎ Stages of Love ask ✧︎ I need you Uncle ask ✧︎ Would she have been happier with Harwin ask ✧︎ General marriage ask
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Aromantic ask ✧︎ General opinion ask
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Marriage to Jace ask ✧︎ Aemond's view of her "seer abilities" ask
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I love it when anons want to learn! House Velaryon dragon ask
Bonus: Contextual Formalism as Film Theory
obviously I really like asks
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ink-bender1022 · 1 month
I want to read helaemond fanfictions
But not the type where Aemond is this dark mysterious, dangerous guy and Helaena this innocent girl and they have those generic dark romances that you can find everywhere
No, I want a character study on both of them
What makes them have this affinity that Phia and Ewan talked about
Aemond is cruel and he lashes out when he feels little. But hi is craving love and intimacy. The scenes with his mom, you can see he wants her approval so bad, he does what he thinks is best but that only make him more cold and distant. In the rooftop scene we can see that he hesitates to touch Helaena, maybe not to scare her because of the scene they had before. He's genuinely scared and he really wants her support, we can see that he gets hurt when his rejected.
Aemond is a bad person, but he's insecure, so I don't really agree when he's portrayed as this alpha male, fifty shades of grey type of guy in fanfiction
As for Helaena, the way the people write her is so generic. This character has so much potential, she's a dreamer and she's 'autistic coded' or at least 'neurodivergent coded', and some people write her as more like a self insert :/ it makes me frustrated
She's the kindest of her siblings and she also wants to be loved, she wants to fit in more with her family, just like Aemond, that's why people see potential in them, because they could find some comfort in each other
Of course the events of blood and cheese make everything more complicated but at the same time this drama makes for such a good premise. Aemond having done something horrible feeling even more guilty when Helaena pays the price
And it's not like I expect this to be explored in the show; Aemond is scared and it's only gotta get worse
I don't wanna shame fanfic writers or anything, I'm happy people are passionate about this ship to write something. I have no right to complain, because I'm not a writer. However, their relationship has so much potential for an unique story with an unique dynamic, it makes me frustrated :/
Anyways, thank you for reading my thoughts, antsy fanfic recommendations are welcomed :)
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comradekarin · 2 months
“she’s getting desperate. and now she expects us to ignore her transgressions and for me to marry my only daughter to one of her…. plain featured sons” aside from the obvious fact that jace marrying helaena would actually be extremely beneficial for the hightowers (though, it’s not really about what nyra will DO but just nyra herself they rebuke)…. let’s get one thing straight. alicent…. say what you will about nyra’s kids ok…. but calling them UGLY ain’t one of them honey. not when her so called plain featured son out mogs 95% of the show chile just look at the material
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vampyaemond · 9 days
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lighting study of helaena
do not repost without credits (renvids on x)
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andreadesantis3806 · 2 months
The saddest thing about Aemond trying to force Helaena to take up fight? He is right. Who will indeed protect her if she cannot protect herself? Their mother? Their mother whose allinations are at a questionable place? Aemond? Aemond who now knows he is not longer the ultimate power in the play? That the enemy has now forces that can take down both Vhagar and him easily? Aegon? Who lies broken in his bed?
He is Aemond Targaryen, the same little boy who lashes out when he is desperate, when he is not in control, when he uses force, cruelty and impulsiveness take hold when he is humiliated.
And also something you will notice, whenever it is Aegon coming to talk with Helaena, she either ignores him or frowns at him. But when Aemond came in, she was normal, considerably more relaxed and casually saying what she was about to do.
It just says that it is not usual for Aemond to be cruel to Helaena. She is not used to his cruelty towards her either. He is desperate, he is outnumbered, he is angry, he has had the upper hand taken away from him and the only semblance of power he has on his side is Helaena and Dreamfyre. But she refuses to help him, refuses to fight. He can no longer protect her, he is still desperately trying to claw out ways to preserve their families' dignity.
He considered himself something akin to a God, a perfect Targaryen and righteously someone worthy to be Daemon's equal. He had claimed Vhagar, which put him on bigger pedestal. The largest oldest dragon of the world, had allowed him, HIM to ride her. He had the power and his ego he thought would never be crosed.
Now some random hobos claim two of the other biggest dragons in their family, the mounts of Jaehaerys and Alyssane not to mention. He was faced with the same gloom back in his childhood when his 'bastard' nephews had hatched dragons and not him. Now three bastards just as easily as him lays claim to Vermithor and Silverwing?
He is desperate, he is angry, he is scared.
Aemond is not a fool, as well read and capable he claims himself to be, he surely knows that anyone with Targaryen blood in their veins can ride dragons. Blood of the Dragon runs thick. Those people are bastards, but they are STILL targaryens. They are made common because the royals deemed to ignore them. Thus even when he says its a sin, a blasphemy that Rhaenyra has allowed commoner mongrels to fly on dragonback, its clear that it comes from a point of fear.
Then when he talks to Helaena alone, without their mother, he is softer again, more mindful of his tone and words, almost apologetic, but he is still steadfast in his desperation. Thus the tears in his eyes. He is not used to feeling not being in control for a very long time; the last time being when he was a child.
Helaena confirms his end, that his cruel endeavors are still for naught and no matter how much he deems himself higher than most people, he will still meet his end as a kinslayer, and criminal.
He attempts a weak power move saying he could have her killed. A frail attempt at gaining back his dignity. Helaena just digs in deeper saying it wont change a thing. He will still fall.
When Aemond is mocked, humiliated or insulted, it hits right on his missing eye. He lashes out and does not have the pride in him to show remorse, even if he feels it.
In fact, Aemond was right about a lot of things, a lot of harsh truths that were left to simmer and boil over. He was right about Alicent being angry even if it was her that urged the council to crown Aegon. He was right in s1, in the background talking to Aegon that they now must break bed and play natural even when there is everything wrong. He is right now that Helaena is needed now more than ever at a time when their family is threatened.
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liv000000 · 2 months
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I'm not above a little self-promotion, but I want to share a piece that I've poured a lot of time and effort into writing. This piece delves into the character of Helaena Targaryen, a figure who, like many others, was underdeveloped in the television adaptation.
My goal was to explore the Targaryen tradition of incest without romanticising it, and to examine what it means to be born into a world where your existence is dictated by duty rather than personal choice.
Helaena is a character trapped by her lineage. Born into a family where maintaining the purity of the bloodline is paramount, she is forced into a marriage with her brother, an arrangement rooted in tradition, not affection. This custom, steeped in history and expectation, leaves little room for personal desires or genuine connection.
In the piece, I try to capture Helaena’s inner struggle as she navigates the isolating world of the Red Keep. Despite being surrounded by family, she is emotionally neglected, her individuality overshadowed by her role in the dynastic machine.
I wanted to give Helaena the depth she deserves, exploring her as a character who seeks meaning and connection in a world that often ignores her. I hope this piece resonates with anyone interested in the complexities of the Targaryen legacy and the personal struggles of its members.
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thatscruelsummer · 4 months
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Helaena 🩶
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fearmakess · 3 months
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mrs beetle 🪲🐞
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goddessofroyalty · 1 year
You mentioned that Aemond would come to realise how good Lucerys is as a mother to their children because he raises them Targ? What made it click for him??? I really wish we got to see more domestic moments of the two of them and their kids
I do think Luke getting on his dragon hours after giving birth with their child probably should have been the Realisation moment for Aemond but I don't actually think it is.
It's the lullabies.
It's Luke singing to their first born with words that Aemond understands but has never heard. Luke's voice may not be the most beautiful in the world but the fact that he is singing a song that was clearly sung to him by his mother (that had been sung to her by her mother going all the way back to Old Valerya) with such a natural ease that makes Aemond realise that for all his obsession with their family and its history, Luke is going to be the real reason their children will be raised in their heritage.
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