#film studies nerd
lady-phasma · 1 month
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18+ MDNI
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Targaryen bloodline ask ✧︎ His general appeal ✧︎ Short Alys ask ✧︎ Book Aemond ✧︎ Really long ask about PTSD ✧︎ His sexuality (written Jan 2023) ✧︎ Ticklish headcanon ask ✧︎ Tie-in ask about c*ckwarming fic
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Anon ask about his depiction in the series as "grey" character
Breeding k!nk ✧︎ Sex scenes opinion ask ✧︎ His biggest fears
His love interests ask ✧︎ Episode 4 ask - did he spare Rhaenyra?
Another Ep 4 ask ✧︎ Random hair ask ✧︎ Short hair ask ✧︎ And another
Ridiculous boredom ask ✧︎ Age ask ✧︎ Rhea Royce ask
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Season 2 ask ✧︎ Dettles ask ✧︎ Petty Daemon ✧︎ Age ask (very short) ✧︎ Anons are interesting ✧︎ The same anon ✧︎ They chilled out a little but it still makes me laugh ✧︎ What is not to like? ask
Rhaenyra, Alicent, and Helaena after the cut
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Copy of other characters ask ✧︎ Stages of Love ask ✧︎ I need you Uncle ask ✧︎ Would she have been happier with Harwin ask ✧︎ General marriage ask
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Aromantic ask ✧︎ General opinion ask
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Marriage to Jace ask ✧︎ Aemond's view of her "seer abilities" ask
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I love it when anons want to learn! House Velaryon dragon ask
Bonus: Contextual Formalism as Film Theory
obviously I really like asks
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o-vera-nalyzing · 4 months
j saw a tweet ab kiyoomi watching msby play and like using it to help get him through uni cause he can’t wait to play with atsumu which is so valid but ALSO nerd omi who watches msby matches and taking notes on his (future) teammates and their strengths and weakness and how they like to receive sets and receives and where they’re strongest on the court.
idk i can just so clearly imagine him not studying for the fucking exam he has the next day because it’s boring but his entire bed is covered in volleyball notes and written up plays and player configurations like someone going to break into his room with a gun shoot him if he doesn’t have all msby’s plays memorized
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spxnglr · 5 months
It's "thinking about making a Steam.boat Will.ie meme/positivity blog now that he's in the pub.lic dom.ain" o'clock tonight apparently.
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dreamlingsupremacy · 8 months
istg i’m only doing animation studies because of lego batman.
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I almost feel bad for the people I live with. Every few seconds I go interrupt them to tell them some new fact, aspect, or history of the WGA strike. These poor people didn’t sign up to live with a film nerd. They were not prepared.
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i need everyone to know that i bloody love the lotr films and i went from grinning like an idiot to gesturing wildly and trying to remember my sheet music bc I KNOW THAT ONE IVE PLAYED IT to crying bc of current or future tragedy or suddenly remembering that with the passing of this age all the magic we see will fade if it hasn't already. but also i will NEVER forgive them for the sound of boromir's horn, the great horn of gondor, passed through ages and generations to call for aid that shall always be heard by allies when it is within or at the bounds of gondor and its surrounding lands, because i was this close to crying and then this bloody horn STARTS BLARING LIKE A FUCKING CAR HONKING AND INSTEAD OF CRYING ALL OF US WERE LAUGHING HYSTERICALLY LIKE LITERALLY EVERY OTHER HORN SOUNDS SO COOL WHAT THE FUCK YOU FUCKING DESTROYED THAT SCENE I MEAN I STILL CRIED BUT ONLY AFTER I COULDNT HEAR THE BLOODY HORN ANYMORE THAT IS SPECIFICALLY SUPPOSED TO ALSO INVOKE EMOTION AT LEAST WHEN YOU'RE AS WEIRD ABOUT LOTR AS I AM WHAT THE FUCK I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR THAT PETER FUCKING JACKSON AND EVERYONE WHO LET THIS HAPPEN
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gaiaxygang · 7 months
thoughts on the weaker points of drts? (this is a safe space)
(cracks knuckles) dont worry i have thoughts and i love sharing
not so much on the themes and messages because people smarter than me can debate that all day but one big thing that bugs me is the pacing
drts doesnt linger on certain important scenes long enough for it to really have an impact. things like when sailom was escorting for the first time—bigger drts fans know it will come again later but to casual viewers it feels like something that just Happens and everyone moves on with life as normal. there IS payoff for everything drts sets up but the series moves past the Buildup part too quickly and it just doesnt stick
there are also some scenes where i thought it might have helped to get more feelings across if the camera just Stayed There a few moments longer or if the episode let us really soak into the characters' emotions for a bit. this might be a subjective thing but the timing and pacing of a few scenes is just slightly off and doesnt bring out the full impact. not a problem if it happens once or twice but drts does this quite a lot and it starts to build up
i know pacing issues are because the show is so filled with Things Happening + the 12 episode limit but that doesnt mean im not going to point them out lololol its not something that bothers people already sold on drts i think but to casual viewers (the majority) 🥶🥶🥶 it does hurt the show
also i dont like the overuse of ost and flashbacks. its not the worst ive seen (damn you double savage) but it gets annoying very quickly. i love chimon's voice but i do not need to hear wind for the 3rd time this episode as we flash back to scenes that have already appeared in 2 separate flashback sequences
the weak points are mainly small things that add up tbh... not many weaker points as a whole because when drts takes its time and everything pays off? some of The best scenes in each episode
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strangerbis-alt · 2 years
(FAKE SCRIPT!!) The Van and it’s Lies
(This is based on the scriptgate scripts so ignore it!)
So after a bit of thinking I have a theory that the use of “A BEAT; then:” in the script not only indicates hestation as the amazing @beaulesbian​ mentioned in their post here. 
“Now that i read a bit after this part, the BEAT is there again, right when Will hesitates, it's definitely connected to hesitation and being unsure.“ 
But also indicates preparing to state a LIE (or at least the hiding of the full truth) in the van scene. 
So the first use of “a BEAT” is here: 
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Second here: 
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Now I also want to refresh @causeineedu​​‘s amazing work putting together Being Different/You’re The Heart, here. 
At minute 2:58 she highlights how when Will says “You’re scared of losing her.” and Mike nods. They are talking to eachother! They are both scared of loosing eachother! Therefore, the “A BEAT; then:” here is Mike’s hesitation for agreeing with the statement. Because it is a lie to an extent, Mike may be scared of loosing El but not romantically, but he is definitely scared of loosing Will. Mike is concealing the full truth! 
Now in the second part, the lie is a lot more obvious. We were aware of it even from the first watch from the scene. Will is lying by pretending that his own feelings are that of El’s. But what’s important to notice is the use of “A BEAT; then:”. This stage direction connects the 2 points of action for not only the writers and directors, but also the actors. It influences how the points of action should be delievered! 
So to put it all together, the use of repeated stage directions connects the meaning behind Mike’s nod and Will’s concealment of the truth! “A BEAT; then:” is not only hestition on each of their parts, which already is suspicious enough, it may always indicate the actual use of a lie. 
At the end of the day this is only a theory, a lot of writers do use stage directions in their own unique way. However, I do think it is a likely possibility! I would be extremely interested to see other instances that this stage direction was used during the season. 
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subliminalrats · 1 year
I'm no film student or anything but while rewatching good omens I noticed that all of nothing shots in the heaven scenes. All the close shots are so close the angel's face fills the whole screen, and on wide shots the emptiness is amplified. It makes it either uncomfortably close or lonely. It also (in my mind at least) translates the binary of the idea of heaven and hell.
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lesbicosmos · 11 months
had a taster session for a level film studies today and ABDBSBDBSVD IM ACTUALLY SO EXCITED ITS UNREAL
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captain-mozzarella · 1 year
I've wanted to get into star wars for a while now but I've been putting it off because people's reactions to me never having watched it is WAY more entertaining than what I expect star wars to be.
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lady-phasma · 18 days
My sister is finally watching House of the Dragon and one thing that continues to be brought up in our discussions is Matt Smith's acting through microexpressions. We're going to go back and discuss this shot, but I wanted to make the gif for it and post some of my thoughts about what makes it an incredibly important skill to have have especially for tight close-ups. Many actors have emotive faces (and many actors are better or worse than Matt), but this stands out as an example every time I rewatch episode three.
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I slowed the gif to 90% speed just to make it a little easier to see how Daemon's emotions are conveyed since we can't pause gifs. The original clip is 5 seconds (the gif is appx 6 seconds) and there are three distinct emotions expressed in this short amount of time.
Although most of us will know the context, here's a brief reminder: Daemon has just read the scroll from Viserys denying him assistance against the Triarchy. Daemon turns his back on the gathered army and leans on the table.Then the shot cuts to this extreme close-up.
Daemon's first expression is communicated by looking off to a distant point and is contemplative. He is thinking about the contents of the letter, processing the information.
Next, he glances downward, expressing disappointment, which then transforms into a smile. This smile is peculiar and I can't come up with a single word to describe the emotion. It is the feeling of "why am I even surprised? I should have expected this." Mild humor mixed with confirmed (and disappointing) expectations. It also borders on resignation. I stopped the clip here, but the next instance is when he lets his rage out by beating the messenger with his helmet.
So why is this important? Character development doesn't only occur through dialogue, plot, or large actions. Yes, the action Daemon chose next develops his character immensely, but this tiny shot shows how he came to that action. Daemon, like every character in the series, has complex emotions that we don't always see without repeat viewings. Here, Matt does an excellent job of explaining what the current status is of Daemon's relationship with Viserys. As well as Daemon's frustration at always having to do everything himself (in his mind at least), and this helps the viewer understand why he goes after The Crab Feeder alone.
Moments such as this in any film/series are subtle enough that we often don't know that we have even noticed and interpreted them. However, we often do it in real time and it makes our experience of the characters and stories that much richer.
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lupismaris · 2 years
The things that happen when you find yourself disassociating and feeling no emotions of your own- you spend the night crying over the 20th Maine Regiment
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fangirlproductions13 · 2 months
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fear-the-premiere · 10 months
I'm hoping the more I write and ramble about movies and shit, the better I can get at film analysis. I was always good at class discussions in school but that was vocal expression not written and I've always found it harder to write out my thoughts.
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arcs-odyssey · 1 year
I love my film classes
I get to see movies and then write/talk about them and be the big nerd that I am
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