#... i was just being autistic =w=bb
autism-corner · 2 years
saw your reblog abt having a cozy nook like the last photo and all i have to say is that i literally took a picture of myself between the wall and the bed 😭😭
~ @shomaa-zz
i know thats literally what it was!!
i was like 8 y/o and just moved my bed a couple inches from the wall and threw some pillows down =w=bb it was very cozy but my parents didnt approve >:(
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br1ghtestlight · 10 months
okay first of all im not convinced that rudy didn't buy tickets only bcuz louise annoyed him about it and he vaguely recognized the bands name from one of his dads old records FJDMDNSMSMSJ
why doesn't tina get to go to the old man concert w/ gene louise and their friends 😭
love how both concerts that tina mentioned going to were boyz 4 now concerts and that BOTH of them were actual episodes in the show. this is why catching up on bob's burgers lore is so important. these are the things you'd miss!!!!
NOOO NOT THE KING BREAKING HIS PAW this is a code red emergency
EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT QUINCE BURGER BANGER NAME‼️‼️ have the bobs burgers writers seen the hawk and chick bb/eeaao comparison gifsets. do they even know that they made me cry. i want you to know how much i love and support you even if you stop fighting monsters with me someday and do taxes instead. okay sorry i got distracted
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okay MAYBE i missed them saying that the concert had paid entrance or something but this is a block party?? could they not just go downstairs and watch the band outside. like it might not be premium seats but at least they'd be going to their first concert ?
most normal louise and rudy interaction
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why is tina being the voice of reason here LMAO like at least google how to capture an injured raccoon or something
OH ITS NOT THAT HARD. GOOD WHEELS ON THIS THING obsessed w/ teddy in this subplot(??) i missed him
i feel like this episode has the same problem as the st patrick's day episode where despite the episode's title and description trying to make the subplot the main focus of the episode its also Clearly the subplot to a more important storyline. which is fine bcuz they're both entertaining in this episode but its gonna be confusing as hell in the future trying to find this episode 😭
"maybe it would be easier to watch the concert from the street" IM SAYING LIKE?? literally what was louise's plan here. im obsessed with her
girl. all this for like six pieces of candy
THIS HAS NO REASON TO BE SO STRESSFUL im shaking im so worried about little king trashmouth... if anything bad happens to him im killing everyone in this room and then myself. that would literally be bury your gays. to me
not bob having another burger related existential crisis ☹️☹️
bob has failed to realize he could cook literally ANY other food if he really wanted to. but i will admit he likes cooking the burgers. and tbh?? what he described sounded like an autistic dream so maybe he simply does not understand the vision like me and u bob. maybe he just doesn't get it
"is that magic marker?" "what makes you say that??" "my.... eyes?"
actually where the HELL did they get those shirts they're too big to be louise's but wayy too small to gene's this is the actual mystery in the episode. possibly maybe tina's old shirts or something??
today we learned that linda buys her wine from the liquor store on their block which was Probably obvious but cool to see it confirmed
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also kinda funny to say this when big bob is Literally in next weeks episode and seems happy enough running his diner.... like bob have you considered maybe you LIKE cooking for people and thats okay?? your dad does too. some people are happy to do one thing forever and thats not like a Problem unless you're unhappy
awww they're such cuties dancing together
"Well there are moments, you know... when the band locks in, the crowd is with them and everything they ever loved about playing music comes flooding back in a rush of pure heavenly emotion. All that crap."
"But... all these decades later, they still have them? The moments?"
"You tell me."
😭😭 WHY DID THIS PART OF THE EPISODE MAKE ME WANNA CRY I HAVE TO GET A VIDEO OF IT OR SOMETHING. WHAT THE HELL too real for creative people..... omg. this season has a lot of moments like that about the creative process like gene's song etc
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THIS EPISODE WAS VERY CUTE?? very silly subplot w/ linda and the raccoons and then louise and gene and their friends. bob's little crisis in the middle there got to me harder than anticipated (i think they could have easily made that into its own episode but considering they've done similar concepts in the past i dont hate that they didn't flesh that out as much as they could have. we already KINDA know where bob is coming from here) and the ending clip with bob singing was soo silly im gonna need to post that too. fun episode!
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raid3r-r4bbit · 5 months
Finished the show here's my thoughts:
I love everyone. Everything.
Sfx details of the head rotting, the ghouls, the VAULTS. Love that the wastes are super mad max. Brother hood is a cult and not a red pills wet dream finally. All the interplay fallout refs.
'They gave me a robe'
'...and slippers'
All of max in vault 4 was fucking hilarious.
Things I didn't like:
Is moldaver from vault 31 or a ghoul I'm confused.
I know we prolly gonna get em season 2 but no deathclaw bbs
Needs more raiders. That's it.
I was honestly worried it'd be awful and idk how ppl are mad about it not being lore accurate, because each game diverges a lil bit and changes stuff around. (To the point where 2, tactics and brotherhood are basically non cannon or picked apart for the lore ) but as an autistic bitch who only thinks about fallout 80% of the time it's pretty accurate to both interplay and Bethesda Canon. I can see a bit with the ghouls, and how some people think they know about the brother hood, but everything else is 100% yea that's how they work. And even then it's not too far off anyways.
Also me and my rm (@the-soup-witch ) were like *do it. Do the thing* kiss. Now they kiss. W/ max and Lucy so ahahahah.
'The most devious bastard in New York citayyy' and Jerry being apart of this was unexpected but very well loved.
The ghoul is hot. Like HHHhhhhHhhot but anyways ahaha.
Also fuck thaddeus for putting ddogmeat in the icebox.
When the fiddle music started I said 'I'd get tired of this so fast I'd prolly kill someone' only for it to be semi relevant like two minutes later. So that was fun.
I wanna go to filly and just run around giggling like an idiot.
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confusedgoldenflower · 9 months
So I have an au FengQing fic in which FQ take HC’s wager and lose, becoming humans (bc they’re honorable unlike those other fucks). I’ve been trying to update (yes, I know I have like nine wips, I AM trying), but that’s not the point.
The point is that my stupid ass brain has fed me yet another crack idea: [besides them going to war, FX beheading a XZ imposter, MQ mocking beyond all reason a Ju Yang imposter, one of MQ’s adopted kids and ex-official ascending during this time, FX not beating the cut sleeve accusations (MQ does not openly drool like he does lmao, it’d be funny, esp since he’d finally not be pretending to hate MQ and actually acknowledge him in all his glory), the two having mwah👌🏻 teamwork, the Chinese-shogun’s (correct later, self) sons deaths bc they’re assholes and power hungry—just after FX thinks aloud to MQ if he shouldn’t just take over that estate if all the sons die and a lil tussle about it, so they take it over upon their return and MQ the Ex-Again-Lower Class changes life for his villagers. Oh and he’s visited by the new general of the south a few times. He pointedly makes her first shrine in the exact spot she ascended bc his autistic ass is that flavor of sentimental (someone else did a good read on MQ being autistic. He is in my fics, no like then scroll).]
—Is FX getting cursed (probably after pissing them off) by some wrath to… be a woman. Of course she’s mortified. Absolutely mortified. MQ can’t do anything, with all his cultivation power and research. Southern General can’t either. MQ offers asking PM (or heaven) for help but FX puts that idea in the grave. So, she’s stuck. But Feng I’ve Always Wanted A Big Family Xin warms up to the idea. Naturally, MQ will NOT break his cultivation nor would FX try to cross the clear boundaries and his promise that he’d never need sex from MQ, but MQ had an uncle (the baby brother of Momma Mu) and a descendant shows up, the spitting image of MQ (we’ve all seen “I’m my great great relatives reincarnation” images). That’s all Momma’s Mu’s genes running strong. Bc of what her husband turned out to be (despite the parents having accepted the suiter and had the option to take her and MQ w them), her “side” wasn’t spoken of highly nor a lot.
MQ and FX have talked about this, as long as FX doesn’t bring home a disease, she’s free to fuck whoever she wants—preferably with subtly. She and cousin man hit it off. Blah blah blah, this is getting too long, anyway he hangs around. Inevitably, pregnancy happens. FX is tickled pink bc yay family and MQ is the anxiety-induced dotting-est “husband” ever (ignoring that FX never thought she wouldn’t be in his position). Cousin man went to idk do a thing and comes back, arguements and discussions are had. MQ gets yelled at for affectively banishing cousin man (MQ is the bbs’ Baba). MQ demands why not since he’s not being trustworthy (given what MQ’s dad was, he’s got high standards). FX admits it’s because she wants her kids to look like him—be a mix of them, the cottage core coupling dream. MQ, not for the first time, questions the allos.
Idk, my brain may have taken “FX is an ornery himbo” and sprinted.
FQ: *argueing over battle strategies* MQ, a man with a special interest of fighting: shut up and listen to someone with more know-how than you. Good boy. FX: … okay… 😳😳😳 Lmaoooo
FX: paint my eyebrows! MQ, a dumbass when it comes to FX: ???? You have too much eyebrow already tho. FX, who just wanted the lovey-dovey stuff: >:0
FX: what’s that look for? MQ: nothing. I don’t have a look. FX: don’t bullshit me! MQ: fine. It’s just… how funny would it be if we made it a rule that any probable suiters for our daughters had to be pure virgins too. FX: … that’s gonna piss so many people off, I love it
New idea that’s too cute not to share: FX walking into the kitchen for some water, and after an unexpected bathroom break courtesy of changed body, early in the morning to find MQ cleaning up some new street kids he’d somehow collected over night. MQ: … 👀 Kids: *frozen* FX, sighing: it’s too early for this. Whatever, I’m going back to bed. MQ, nuzzling the face of the kid he was currently scrubbing: yay🥰
Postpartum FX being held back by MQ from absolutely laying a dick out for insulting newborn
Nursing/pregnant FX holding MQ back from walking into the woods towards a baby-sounding man eating monster. (It's funny because FX should be full of mommy instinct. I headsannon MQ as being the Universal Parent TM because it's cute and also funny)
Fighting would be a family affair lmao.
FX: what are you doing!? You can’t just go beating people
Child, who was taught by the best and of course was kicking ass: A-Niang, they. Insulted. Baba.
FX, sliding up her sleeves: oh so they think they can do that, hah!?
MQ, coming to stop a battle of bloodlines: WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?
FX, waving around the daughter: they insulted you to her! To our BABY, they insulted you. You don’t slander a child’s parent to the child! She defended your honor. Obviously, I thought she might have been doing too much to them but then she told me what happened.
MQ, constantly on the verge of a mental breakdown with FX now: I’ve asked you so many times not to get into fights
FX: our family sticks together. Not our fault they brought in their entire household—like cowards
Other kids and their neighbors they adopted: *nodding as they glare at the offending family*
Child: they know better now than to say you’re anything but good, Baba!
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toriasimmons · 5 years
1, 9, 24
RiOh, My Coll(for the autistic asks, thanks for playing even if you sort of know the answers to this
1. What are some of your autistic headcanons? Optional: Explain why.
All of the main SHIELD cast, with the exception of W*rd, are autistic, though I don’t think a lot of them know it. Jemma and Fitz are a really telling example of how autistic girls vs. autistic boys are socialized and dealt with. Daisy is autistic and probably didn’t know it for a long time (another Autistic Girl Trait). Bobbi is autistic and really good at masking (another Autistic Girl Trait, js). Coulson is totally autistic. Melinda? I’d believe it, though I haven’t taken the time to really pull receipts. Mack and Elena? Likewise. And some of the supporting cast too, notably Raina (who was so autistic), lil Robin, and honestly it would not actually surprise me if Ruby was.
As for the Defenders, I will go to bat for most of them (except D*nny) but feel the strongest about Matt (there’s a great post about this somewhere that I am into), Karen (her stimmy hands alone would have pinged me but also a lot of her thought/behavior patterns), Hope Shlottman (lil awkward bb with her special interest and social naivete), Misty (that thing she does when she examines crime scenes set me off immediately), and Colleen (again with the stims, plus also her entire way of thinking and being especially in a social context).
I could see arguments made for most Avengers, honestly. I’ve given the most thought to some of the girls, notably Wanda (this is not at all an idea unique to me), Jane and Sif (for completely different but also very similar reasons), and sweet lil Mantis. Oh, and Laura Kinney.
And oh, the case could be made for any of the Runaways, but Molly pings me the hardest.
Our beloved Bennett Halverson and Topher Brink too.
Sansa, Brienne, Missandei, Shireen, honestly Bran, Arya, Dany, probably Ned, maybe even Jon, who knows anymore.
Oh, Diana Prince, Arthur Curry, Mera, and Barry Allen are all very autistic in unique ways. I’d also entertain discussions of most characters on Flash and Legends.
Rey and Rose from Star Wars, obvs.
Mako Mori, Holtzmann, Luna Lovegood, honestly any of the Wives from Fury Road but especially Dag, both Honey Lemon and Gogo, Elle Woods, Claudia and Myka from Warehouse 13, Elphaba (and her granddaughter in the books too), Christine Daae, most of the Sailor Senshi but especially Ami, Twilight Sparkle the pony (I said it), River and honestly also Kaylee from Firefly, Ruth from GLOW and also possibly Rhonda and Sheila (and I’d be willing to dig more into any of the other girls tbh).
A bunch of others.
I’ll probably find five more in the next week and tell you about them immediately.
9. As a child, were there any movies that you watched over and over again? What were they, and what did you like about them?
I mean, I tended to watch a lot of things over and over, but I watched Anastasia so many times as a kid. So. Many. It’s just such a pretty film and I loved it a lot. I also had a VHS (two-tape!) copy of The Sound of Music that I watched a Bunch of times. In my tween/early teen years, I also flocked to Josie and the Pussycats, Bring it On, and eventually Rocky Horror.
24. What’s the most obscure or strange special interest that you’ve had?
Glasses. It’s glasses. A lot of people find a lot of my favorite things obscure or strange but they all still have fandoms or whatever. Glasses are just something I sold part-time for a few years and internalized everything about and now if anyone in a ten-foot radius is like “I need new glasses” or something I appear at their side like Janet on The Good Place and start informing them about frame shapes, lens styles, and different options for different prescriptions. With pleasure.
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cheetahleopard · 8 years
I was tagged by @frenchibi (THANK YOU)
I tag anyone who wants to do it plus @fragile-euphoria @rumblecoot @milanesa-kardiaca @meadowofstars @eevaeon @ a thousand of my friends I am too tired to tag I’m sorry do as many or as few as you’d like 
Favorite Place: My basement
Relationship Status: Single(and aro af)
Favorite Colour: Blue/Black
Pets: None D= But Julie (dad’s gf) has a cat named Tika
Last song I listened to: Owari no Seraph opening
Favorite TV show: Haikyuu!!
First Fandom: Harry Potter
Hobbies: Um writing mainly
Books I’m currently Reading: The Golem and The Djinni
Favorite book: Ummm *sweats nervously* *dies*
Name: Amber/Avien/Avian
Nickname: Asshole, Saltshaker, Babe, Sweetheart (All my friends have nailed me)
Gender: agenderflux
Sign: Aquarius
Height: 5′ 6″ ish
Sexual Orientation: Aro/Ace
Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw
Favourite colour: see above XD
Favourite animal: Um.....Yes
Time right now: 3:55 pm
Average hours of sleep: Ideally 7-8, currently 3-5
Cat or dog person: Cat but I love both
Favourite fictional character from Harry Potter: Luna
Number of blankets you sleep with: 3-5 (I nest)
Favourite singer or band: Ummmm not really sure
Dream trip: Being QPPs with every character in an HQ!! universe that I go to
Dream job: Psychopathology
When was this blog created: A few months over a year ago
When did your blog reach its peak: Still climbing hopefully
What made you decide to make a tumblr: My fandoms
5 things you’ll find in my bag: Notebooks (at least 3)
(see also this post)
5 things you’ll find in my bedroom: An enormous bookshelf  A shrine A bed Alarms Giant painting on my wall
5 things I’ve always wanted to do in life: Publish a novel Go to college Own a house with a private library and a wifi signal Play in marching band Skydive
5 things that make me happy:
Playing in band (Bb Clarinet) Getting feedback for my writing and exchanging ideas with people Haikyuu!! My warm, patient and understanding holy cow family My online friends 5 things I’m currently into: Haikyuu!! (and the wonderful people I’ve met through it) My original stories (which I cannot wait to work on more) Reading Psychology Biochem
5 things on my to-do list: *cringes* my homework My series Baby Flour Many multichaps Start commissions =D
5 things people may not know about me: I am slightly autistic My birthday is today (January 30th) I have no allergies I don’t judge anything It took me three months for me to figure out my cousin and childhood friend are dating even as it was explicitly said to me
Rules: Put your music on “Shuffle” List the first 10 songs Tag 10 people
1: Rise Again- Nightcore 2: Good To Be Alive- Andy Grammer (XD I just love the beat) 3:Tendou’s Song- Haikyuu!! (I have downloaded this so many times) 4: Tu ne mentends pas- Indila 5: You’re so Vain (Carly Simon) 6: Lurk- The Neighborhood 7: XO - Kelsey Ballerini 8: Ghost town/Tag you’re it (Switching Vocals)- Nightcore 9: United States Mashup 2009- DJ Earworm 10: Dibs- Kelsea Ballerini
A - Age: 14 ToDAY B - Biggest fear: not sure C - Current time: 4:20 (this is taking a while XD I love it) D - Drink you last had: Water E - Every day starts with: Alarm after alarm then hw at 4 am F - Favorite song: ummmmmm G - Ghosts, are they real: Yes H - Hometown: Englewood I - In love with: Haikyuu!! And writing J - Jealous of: not sure K - Killed someone: No but I could L - Last time you cried: Panic attack last night M - Middle name: Hanson(after my grandmother) N - Number of siblings: 2(younger sister, I guess plus 3 not-quite-step-brothers) O - One wish: Stop using religion as an excuse for hate crimes P - Person you last called/texted: I’m in a sype group chat Q - Questions you’re always asked: Um Don’t want to list these b/c just annoyance R - Reasons to smile: Fanfiction and fanart exists. Hot chocolate, tea and fluffy blankets. Music, Art, Books, Stories. Stars & the sky. Brilliant people are making brilliant things every day. A small act of kindness from you to a stranger can make all the difference. S - Song last played: Hercules and the Hydra T - Time you woke up: 4 am U - Underwear color: dark blue V- Vacation destination: None really W - Worst habit: Not sure X - X-rays you’ve had: lots for my teeth, mri scans Y - Your favorite food: lasagna or steak I guess Z - Zodiac sign: Aquarius
1. What can’t you sleep without? My phone. Literally I use it as an alarm clock XD And pillows and familiar scents 2. What are your favorite kind of socks? I like the feeling of being comfortable in thigh-highs 3. What’s your favorite snack/meal/drink? Ummmm Yes 4. What’s your favorite kind of weather? I guess slight rain but dim sun 5. What do you like to listen to/do to relax and feel better when you’re upset? I love familiar songs + being alone 6. What’s your favorite store to shop at? Bookstores =D 7. What color do you wear the most? Black probably 8. What’s your favorite (video/board/social/party) game to play? I want to play Mystic Messenger I guess? 9. Any guilty pleasures? Fanfics (GIVE ME ALL THE TROPES) 10. If you could go anywhere (in real life or in fiction), where would it be? HAIKYUU!!VERSE
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