#..... jane foster is bae
amalgamads-aneacc · 5 years
2 words: Jane Foster!!!
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nothingeverlost · 4 years
Coming Home (Baby Steps verse)
Happy Rumbelle anniversary my darling co-shippers!  in honor of the day have a mostly fluffy fic with these two dorks who can’t deal with their emotions, and a few peppered Skin Deep references.  Shippy in a ‘omg get a clue’ kind of way.
Also Swanthief shippiness.
Bae Gold comes home from Italy, completely unaware that his dad doesn’t live in the pink house anymore.  
“Dad’s going to be so surprised.”  Bae picked up one normal rock before finding the fake one with the key inside.
“You know it’s not too late for me to head to a hotel and let you guys have some time before introducing me.”  Emma hung back a little with their bags, just unloaded from their Lyft ride.  They were both in desperate need of a washing machine.
“There’s no hotel in Storybrooke, we’re too small for that.  Besides there’s no reason to pay to stay somewhere when we have a house.”  It was his home, and the only place he’d lived until he’d gone away to school, but it had been three years since he’d been back.  Long enough that it felt a little weird.  Some of his memories here were not the happiest, but the fights between his parents were long over as were his mom’s glacial freezes and fiery tantrums.  She was off on an adventure that made her happier and home now meant his dad.  “I want to show you where I grew up.”
“Okay but I draw the line at filling any of your teenage fantasies about climbing through the window while everyone is sleeping.”  Emma slung her duffle over one shoulder.
“You didn’t seem to mind that one I had about the backseat of a car.”  Neal laughed as he turned the key in the lock, pushing open the front door.
“I still swear they put something in the wine at that dinner.  It was really strong.”  Emma tossed her duffle on the ground, in a corner that meant it was out of the way.  “I really need to pee.  Bathroom?”
“Right over there.”  He pointed her in the direction of the downstairs bathroom next to the library.  The door to the library itself was open and empty.  It was one of his dad’s favorite rooms, which confirmed the fact that he probably wasn’t home.  If he didn’t pop up soon he’d call, but for now he and Emma could use a shower - together if he had any say about it.  His first priority was something to drink; air travel always dehydrated him.
There was a sippy cup in the sink.  Also a plate with Sesame Street characters on it.  Weird, because his dad wasn’t the babysitting-the-neighbor’s-kids type.  
“Hey, does your dad have a girlfriend?  There are bras drying in the bathroom.  If they’re his I’m not judging or anything, it just doesn’t fit in with anything you’ve said about him.”  Emma found him in the kitchen, standing in front of the fridge.  There were applesauce pouches on the top shelf and flavored creamer on the inside door shelf.  His dad hated flavored creamer.
“I’m feeling very twilight zone, Emms.”  His dad had never said a thing about dating, not ever, and it might not be odd to go on a few dates but having someone move in with him was different.  And someone who had a kid was really weird.
“What are you doing in my home?”  Bae was startled from his exploration of the fridge when someone spoke from behind him.  A woman shaped someone, holding a plastic croquet mallet, or maybe it was an oversized hammer.  Either way it wasn’t that threatening.  It was her words that twisted his gut.
“Your home?”  It had never occurred to him that his home wasn’t his anymore, that his dad might have sold it.  But the furnishings were the same, and many of the knick nacks as well.  
“The sheriff’s station is only a mile and a half from here.  I could have someone here in two minutes.”  The woman spoke with an Australian accent that might have been sweet to hear if she didn’t sound so nervous.  Bae wasn’t used to making people feel nervous.
“I’m not a threat, I promise.”  He held his hands up just to make himself look as unassuming as possible.
“He’s probably the least threatening guy you’ll meet.  Rather run from danger than face it.”  Emma still stood behind him.
“Thanks, Emma.”  He rolled his eyes.  “Unless things have changed this time of day Graham’s probably at Granny’s diner.  I’m sure he could be here in a couple of minutes but you don’t need him and his lunch would just get cold.  I can explain.”
“Strawberry?”  From behind the stranger a little girl suddenly appeared, toddling into the kitchen with a bowl of fruit that had a pattern matching the pieces in the sink.  “Ruby share.”
“Not right now, sweetheart.”  The brunette abandoned her plastic toy to pick up the girl, holding her on one hip and half turning so she was as far away from them as possible.  Bae had to admire the protective instinct even as he stared in confusion at the kid.  Her hair was almost the same color as his own.  He had no clue how old she was but she had to be younger than three.  Did his dad have a kid?  Did he have a sister?  “I really need you to tell me why you’re here, please.”
“I live here, or at least I thought I did.  I mean I’ve been away at school, and this semester I was in…”
“You’re Bae.”  Her shoulders sagged as the tension drained away.  “I’m sorry, it never occurred to me that Trevelyn wouldn’t tell you.  I’m Belle, and this is Ruby.  Your dad said you were flying back soon but he was planning to see you in New York in a few weeks.”
“Surprise?  I’m Emma, by the way, since Bae seems to have lost his tongue.  We decided to come back a little early.  I got a summer job that pays really well but it starts in a week.”  Emma opened the cabinet closest to the sink and then the one next to it, pulling out a cup for water.
Bae couldn’t stop staring at the little girl Belle still held.  “Are you and my dad…”  
“Are we?”  Belle looked at him, her expression blank for a moment before she blinked and her cheeks turned pink.  “No.  Oh, it’s nothing like that.  Trev rented this place to me.  He’s my landlord and my friend, and he watches Ruby for me sometimes.  She’s my ward.”
“I didn’t think anyone used that word anymore.”  Bae wasn’t sure if he felt relieved or disappointed.  He didn’t like to think that his dad would keep such a huge secret from him, but he also didn’t like that his dad had been alone for such a long time.  Knowing he might have someone had been nice.  Weird, but nice.
“I guess it comes from reading too much Jane Austen.  When my foster mom died she left custody of her granddaughter to me.  Maybe it would be easier to say she’s sort of my niece.”  Maybe it was knowing she was being talked about, or maybe she didn’t like being still for so long, but Ruby wiggled to be let down.  When Belle complied she ran over to Bae and Emma.  
“Lion say?”  Ruby asked, looking up at them.  Bae looked over to Belle.
“She wants you to play the animal sound game.  Ask her what a lion says and she’ll tell you.”
“What does a lion say?”  Bae squatted down so he was eye to eye with the little girl.
“Rawr!”  Ruby wrinkled up her nose and showed off her tiny teeth when she made her noise.  Bae asked her another five or six noises, getting a moo, quack, baa, tweet, and a confused look in return.
“That’s enough, Gold.  We still have to figure out where we’re showering and sleeping.”  Emma nudged him gently on his shoulder.  “Though it’s nice to see you carrying on a conversation with someone at the same maturity level as you.”
“Good?  Hello Good.”  Bae was about to tease Emma back when Ruby suddenly ran over to Belle, holding her hands up.  “Hello?”
“Yes, sweetheart.”  She picked Ruby up, setting her down on the counter.
“Does that mean something?” he asked curiously.  He’d never spent much time around younger kids.
“She wants to call your dad, actually.  Hello is what she calls the phone and the ‘L’ sound used to give her some trouble so he’s ‘Good’ when she talks about him,” Belle explained.  “We should call Trev and let him know you’re here, but you’re both welcome to use the shower and your room is still untouched if you wanted to stay.  I’m afraid the B&B is full this week, or I’d put you up there instead so you could be closer to your dad.”
“Closer to dad?”  He was going to crack a joke about his dad being called good but now he was just confused.  “He doesn’t live here?”
“He’s been renting a room at the B&B for almost three years.  That’s how I know him, from when Granny died and I took over running things.”  Belle froze with her cell phone in her hand.  “You didn’t know?”
“He always came to see me.”  He hadn’t been home for three years, his dad was always so eager to see the city.  It had seemed like an adventure, just the two of them, new memories to make in a new place.  And he’d loved being the one that knew more, getting to show off for his dad.  Crap, he didn’t know what to think now.
“Hey.”  Emma’s arms slipped around him from behind, and she rested her chin on his shoulder, holding him close.  Somehow she knew what he needed better than anyone else could have known.  He covered one of her hands, linking their fingers together.
“Suddenly walking in on your parent having sex isn’t the weirdest homecoming this week.”  They’d shown up at Emma’s parents' house just as unexpectedly, and apparently hadn’t learned their lesson yet.
“They were not having sex, they were taking a nap.  In the middle of the day.  Naked.  And you promised we would never talk about it again, Bae Gold.”  She didn’t really sound irritated, though.  How he’d managed to go to Italy and find the perfect someone who just happened to live only a couple of hours away he didn’t know, but he was beyond grateful.
Belle looked amused.  “There’s bread if you want sandwiches, and I am serious about the showers and the bed if you’re interested.  You dad can let you know I’m not a serial killer or anything.”
“Would you mind if we used the washing machine too?  The shower doesn’t do much good without clean clothes,” Emma asked.  
“Of course.  Bae knows where things are probably better than I do.  I need to get this little lion up to bed for her nap but then one of us should call Trev.”  
“No sleep.”  Ruby tried to crawl across the counter but Belle grabbed her around the waist and picked her up.  
“After sleep you can help cook, okay?  We can invite Gold for dinner.”  Belle looked at Bae, though she was speaking to Ruby.  He nodded.
“Good eat cheese?  Please?” Ruby rubbed her eye with one fist, belying any argument about not needing a nap.
“You can have cheese for dinner, Rubes.  We’ll probably serve everyone else something a little more well rounded than cheese cubes and watermelon.”
“I don’t know, sounds good to me,” Bae teased.
Gold was about to take a break from work for lunch when the phone rang.  For just a moment he was annoyed until he saw Belle’s name flash.  “Hey.”
“Hey yourself.”  
“Ruby down for her nap?”  The diner was slow enough on Mondays she took the day off.  It felt silly to admit that he missed them both when he had seen them the day before, but even after almost five months it was strange not to be living down the hall from them.  Even when he had his door shut he was used to hearing the familiar noises of the girl playing and Belle talking.
“She is, after much protest.  She was much more interested in our new houseguests than her bed.”
“You have visitors?”  She hadn’t mentioned anything about company.  So far as he knew she hadn’t had anyone stay overnight, and he couldn’t help but wonder who it was.  An old friend from Chicago? An old boyfriend?
“Actually you have visitors.  Just off the plane from Italy and currently taking a shower.”
“Bae?  He’s home?”  Oh crap.  Bae had made no mention of coming to Storybrooke.  None at all for three years.  It had made it easy to avoid telling him that the house had been too big, too full of bad memories without Bae’s presence to balance it out.  That the weight of it all had been so suffocating he’d run and rented a room at the B&B.  Just a few nights, he’d told himself.  A few had turned into a week, a week into a month, and a month into almost three years.
“He wanted to surprise you.  Surprised me instead.  And himself, when I found him in the kitchen.”
“I’m so sorry.”  Of course Bae would have let himself in, he didn’t know better.  He hated to think how Belle felt, finding a strange man in her home.  He hated almost as much how Bae must have felt, finding someone else living in his home.  “It’s my fault.  I should have told him.”
“We’ll laugh about this one day, Trev.”  She was laughing now, a warm sound that touched him almost as much as her words about the future did.  It always made the butterflies fill his stomach when she talked about ‘one day’ or ‘next year.’  Like she saw their lives as entwined in a way he wouldn’t dare assume.  “He’s a delight, your Bae.  A very friendly boy.”
“I don’t know where he got that from.  Sometimes the apple is flung rather far from the tree.”  She called him a boy but Bae was only seven years younger than Belle.  Certainly closer to her in age than he was.
“No one has been a better friend to me than you, Trevelyn.  I see a lot of you in him already, and we’ve only had one conversation.”  Gold almost dropped the phone.  She couldn’t actually mean that, could she?  Belle had many friends.  It sometimes seemed half of Storybrooke was her friend from the easy way they all smiled and talked to her when she was at the diner or when they walked through the park with Ruby.  “I know you’re working but Bae did come to surprise you.  Can you come over soon?  I hope you don’t mind but I already promised Ruby that you’d stay for dinner.”
“I’ll be there as soon as I can wrap things up.  Half an hour?”  There wasn’t anything work related that needed to be done before tomorrow, but he needed a minute to himself to breathe and steel himself to see his boy.  He had a lot of explaining to do.  
“We’re having sandwiches.  Should I make one for you or have you eaten already?  Real food, I mean.  Tea doesn’t count as a food group.”
“Tea is one of the most important food groups.”  It was the same joke he’d used a hundred times when she’d fussed over him not eating breakfast.  It was comforting.
“I’ll make you a sandwich.  One more won’t make a difference.  Bae looks like he could eat a couple, and Emma’s probably starving too.  You know how airplane food is.”
“Emma’s there?”  His son had spoken of her, but he didn’t know they were traveling together.  A fling in Italy was one thing.  Bringing her home to meet him seemed to speak of something else entirely.
“They’re good together.  It’s sweet to see them, so clearly in love.”
“Yeah.”  He remembered being young, and thinking love was clear and obvious.  Now he knew it was never simple and far from easy.  There was nothing clear about it, especially when you held it close to your chest and didn’t dare tell anyone else about it.  Certainly not the person you were in love with.  “I’ll see you all soon.”
Trevelyn knocked on the door just a little over twenty minutes later.  Belle had told him a hundred times he could just come in - it was his house after all.  He always knocked, even if he was coming to make some small repair or to watch Ruby for an hour.  While she always wanted him to feel welcome there was also something old fashioned and sweet about him waiting for her to let him in.  After all it had taken a year for him to call her by name and share his in return.
“Hey.”  She opened the door to find him doing his best to hide his nerves.  “They’re in the dining room.  Ruby’s still sleeping.  I offered to let them sleep here; I hope that’s okay with you.”
“That’s too much of an imposition.  I can…”  Gold stopped, and remembered that the other rooms in the B&B were full.  There wasn’t an alternative he could suggest.  “I’m sorry.  That’s kind of you, and I appreciate it.  Thank you.”
“Ruby will think he’s staying to be a playmate for her.  He’s good with kids.”  Once she’d gotten over her shock and had been able to relax she’d been amused to see him squatting down to play with Ruby.  He did so with more ease than his dad, but other than that the resemblance was strong.  They even made some of the same hand gestures.
“I don’t know that I’ve seen him with kids before.”  He would have been happy to have siblings for his boy, but Milah had been adamant after her pregnancy that she wasn’t going through all that again.  His delight at seeing her stomach swell had been the opposite of her feelings.  Her focus after Bae was born had been on getting her body back into shape.  Bae had been fed by bottle, and Trev had been in charge of most of his meals, especially the ones in the middle of the night.
“My experience with kids is pretty limited but I have a lot of practice with stubborn old men who keep very big secrets from their exceptionally awesome child.”  Bae had apparently abandoned lunch to join them in the hall.  “Hey dad.  I think you might have forgotten to mention a thing or two.”
“Bae.” Belle took a step back when Bae and Trev hugged, delighted to see how affectionate they were with each other.  Even after the hug ended they still touched, Trev’s hand on his son’s shoulder.  “You look good, son.”
“Italy was amazing.  Emma is even more amazing.  I couldn’t wait for you to meet her, dad.”
“I’m going to go check on Ruby.”  If the toddler was awake, of course, everyone would know.  She had a tendency of sitting on her bed and howling like a wolf to announce that nap time had ended, or just getting up and playing with her toys in a way that wasn’t at all silent.  Bae wouldn’t know that, and Trev was probably too distracted to realize she was using it as an excuse to leave father and son alone.  Ruby, of course, was still sleeping.  Belle took a moment to get sheets out of the linen closet to give them a wash after Bae and Emma were done with their laundry.  After a moment she got out a second set; she shouldn’t assume that they would want to share a bed, though instinct told her they would.  She lingered a minute longer looking at the photos hanging in the hall of a younger Bae; now that she’d seen him as an adult she could recognize him.  If she hadn’t met him so unexpectedly and been focused on if she and Ruby needed to run she might have seen the family resemblance.  After a few minutes she headed back to the stairs.
“She needed a home, and this place is better for them.  After you left this house was suddenly too much.”  
“I’m sorry, dad.  I should have…
“You should have done exactly what you did, Bae.  I would never want to hold you back.  You need to explore and learn and find new things, find your things.  Every day I miss you but I am so proud to watch you become the man you have become.  I want your happiness more than anything, and staying here wouldn’t let you become who you’re supposed to be.”  Belle held the slightly musty sheets to her chest and felt guilty that she was watching such a personal scene.  She couldn’t look away, though.  Trev was so good at keeping things inside that she often had to guess what his small gestures and expressions meant.  She appreciated his biting wit and knew from his actions that he cared about her, but rarely did he discuss his feelings so clearly.  Bae was lucky to have a father that loved him and wasn’t afraid to say it.  She struggled to think when her father had made his love and pride known to her.  
“I love you, dad.  Your happiness matters just as much.”  Bae frowned a little.
“I’m not unhappy,” Trev teased, looking up as Belle came down the stairs, no longer comfortable without them knowing she was there.  She smiled at him, pleased to see him happy.  Perhaps she was too focused on that smile or perhaps it literally made her knees weak because she was a couple of steps from the bottom when she missed the edge of the step.  She barely registered the fact that she was falling and that she was going to hit the floor when suddenly she was wrapped in warmth instead.  She blinked and looked up to find Trev staring at her, eyes wide and breathing heavy.  He held her in his arms, his cane fallen to the ground.
“Thank you.”  They’d hugged a couple of times, but she’d never been close enough or lingered long enough to feel his heart beating against her skin.  She was tempted to lean her head against him, wanting the feeling to last a little longer, but that wasn’t fair to him or good for his leg.
“It’s no matter,” he said as he carefully helped her to stand.  “Are you certain you’re alright?”
“I should be the one asking you.  I only fell, you’re the one that had to catch me.”  She bit her lip before asking if his leg was alright, knowing how reluctant he was to mention his cane or injury.
“That was so quick reflexes, dad.  Color me impressed.”  Bae held his dad’s cane in his hand and offered it.  “I’m glad you’re alright, Belle.”
“I told Ruby you were our guardian angel when you offered us this place, Trev.  I guess I was more right than I knew.”  After straightening her dress a little she bent down to pick up the dropped sheets.  “I’m going to put these in the laundry room and go make some iced tea.”
The washing machine was running, a comfortably bland and repetitive sound.  Belle leaned against it and took a handful of deep breaths, willing her heart to slow down and mimic the rhythm of the washer.  She wasn’t certain if her racing heart was because of the near disaster or if it was entirely down to being held in Trevelyn Gold’s arms.  It didn’t matter; even if Bae and Emma weren’t around she wasn’t brave enough to find out.  She had Trev’s friendship and it meant the world to her.  She might want more, but not at the cost of what she had.  There was no reason to think that he’d be interested in a relationship with anyone, let alone her. 
“Hey, sorry.  Just seeing if it was time to switch things to the drier.”  Emma leaned in the doorway.  “You okay?”
“Yeah, just bringing down sheets to wash so we can make beds up later.  Or bed?”  It was easier to think about someone else’s relationship rather than her own non-existent one.  “We have two extra rooms.”
“We just need the one, unless that’s weird for you.  I know some people wouldn’t feel comfortable with that.  We stayed at this one place in a little village where they wouldn’t rent us a single room because we weren’t wearing wedding rings.”  Emma rolled her eyes.  Belle laughed.
“It doesn’t bother me in the least, and I’m pretty sure Trev would be a lot more bothered by you two coming back married than you two sharing a room.”
“You know him pretty well, don’t you?”  Emma asked.  Belle looked down at her hands and wondered how to answer the question.
“I don’t know if anyone knows him very well, other than Bae.  He’s a man with a lot of layers, and everything I learn about him is like a gift.  He’s a good friend, and I don’t know where I’d be without him.  I went from working in Chicago one day to coming home for a funeral to find that I suddenly had a baby and two businesses to run.  I didn’t even know how to hold a Ruby without her crying until Trev taught me.”  It was just over a year and a half now, and already it was impossible to imagine her life without him in it.  “Speaking of Ruby I think I hear her.”
“Is that what that noise is?”  Emma laughed as they heard a second little howl.
“She likes to pretend she’s a wolf cub.  It’s her favorite animal.”  Belle put down the sheets and headed back to the stairs, only to find Trev and Ruby walking down them hand in hand.  Trev patiently waited on each step for Ruby to find her footing; she was working on walking down rather than scooching down on her butt.  Belle looked up at how completely focused Trev was on the little girl and felt her heart, so recently calmed, starting to race again.  She couldn’t deny it anymore, she was in love with him.  Maybe, just maybe, she could work up the courage to tell him.
But not today.
“Anyone ready for dessert?  We have cake,” she offered once Ruby was done with the stairs and running to find her new friend.
“I believe I should have my sandwich first, or I might get scolded.  Apparently neither tea nor cake count as a properly balanced meal.”  Trev followed her to the kitchen, teasing gently.  Belle smiled back, and tried her best to tuck her bigger emotions away.  
“The cake will still be here when you’re ready for it,” she promised, handing him the sandwich.  “Do you think Bae wants a slice of cake?”
“His sweet tooth is even worse than mine.  I have known him to polish off half a cake all on his own, and saying no to dessert is generally a sign of illness.”  He waited while she cut the cake, and helped her carry it into the dining room where Bae and Emma broke apart quickly from a kiss.  Ruby was already waiting in her booster seat, and they all settled down to share their meal together.
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MCU Character Appreciation Day!
Welcome to another MCU-HBC Character Appreciation Day! Character Appreciation Days will primarily take place Tuesday and Thursday each week.
Today’s appreciation goes to Dr. Jane Foster, or soon to be known as Lady Thor!
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We want to see all your favorite photos, drabbles, moodboards, whatever you want to create specifically for Jane Foster, Lady Thor and/or Natalie Portman.
Make sure you @the-mcu-horniest-book-club and use #MCU HBC Character Appreciation Days
Thank you for being part of and participating in The MCU HBC!
Tag list under the cut
If you do not want to be tagged going forward, please send a DM and we’ll get your name removed.
@throwmyheartawayagain @this-kitten-is-smitten @prunes-said-bucky @eurynome827 @jobean12-blog  @bugsbucky @jewels2876 @godofplumsandthunder @marvelgirl7 @book-dragon-13 @angrythingstarlight @broadwayeve @sexyvixen7 @keldachick @letsdisneythings @tuiccim @crazyjam-pot @hiddles-rose @buckys-henley @positively-buoyant @imjustabandgeek @tinaferraldo @poetic-fiasco @smediumsmeatbae @libbymouse @crushedbyhyperbole @lostonthewestway @xoxabs88xox @leeloo0802 @sc4rletw1tch @feedmecookiesnow @generallyconfusedbeing @pick-rose @chenshire-bydae @hailmary-yramliah @tinymiracledinosaur  @daughterofsteven @brownie8 @megafangirl-xoxo @lighttomydark @capnstarkey @kittykatlow @what-just-happened-bro @ikaris-whore @amyynick @buckosawrus @hawksmagnolia @devilbat @girlfriday007 @bellejeunefillesansmerci @yansi1923 @littleredstarfish @loricameback @theshekinahb @roschele @sevans-is-my-weakness @angelaeon @sinceimetyou @spideytinglemain @lokilvrr @theancienthexwitch @snapcapquartet @slytherin-pixie @rebekahdawkins @kombatfather1796 @jleajones @fortunatelypsychiccreator @buckys-little-hoe @chuuulip @shield-agent78 @chris-lovex @raspberrymama @smoothdogsgirl @wildafluwer @tommystanleyevans @cristie24 @nazifa94 @hiddelstannerbarnes @thatguyamirite @theunadulteratednerd @colourfulcoffeeholic @lightningmckinky @the-goddess-of-mischief @daytonfxckingwhite @cametobuyplums @scotlandgirl1998 @kanupps06 @the-romanian-is-bae @brastrangled @justvnash @hangemhigh0113 @indecisiveimpatience @lizzylizzyinatizzy @curiositywillbethedeathofme @southernred4 @chrissihr @west-allen11 @sophie-barnes26 @canigetanap @sunflowerbunny2 @nicci83 @fandommaniacx @elmtriestowrite @slizzyym @natashasthings @loveyou3000tonystark  @onesmokinbabe @hopefulyoungadult @iraot @lucylocket6dp @ilovemarvel-andcats @t-stark35 @nosleeptillbucky @jnicole10 @nikkiofasgard @notdoingsohot @reallymagnificentinfluencer @wolfs-hunt1 @the-scarlet-witch-blog @koala-bell @phant0m-queen @luadehades @mrsstevenbuchananstark @his-paradox @cateyes315 @the-fuckery-factory @lokismistressofmayhem @mostly-marvel-musings @blissandtransience​ @kalesrebellion​ @cloirecrom​ @iwantthedean​ @twhiddlestonsstuff​
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wndmxmffs · 5 years
@evilregal2002: Hey, I’ve never done anything like this but I’ve always loved readers inserts so I though I would give it a go. I would really love a Marvel reader insert and because I’m gay I would love for it to be with a woman. I have extremely dark brown hair, almost black. Light brown eyes with flecks of green and gold. I’m only 5ft but curvy (in all the right places 😏) sorry had to make a joke. I love music and I play saxophone, piano, trumpet, and cello. I’m a total nerd and love to read which means I’m a ravenclaw. I’m also pretty shy and don’t really like confrontation. I know this is greeting pretty long so sorry. I’ve always had body issues and still to this day I’m very self conscious about my body. I’m a Sagittarius, born December 2nd. And when I was 13 I got diagnosed with Epilepsy and started having seizures. I’m sarcastic and I like to take charge when it comes to things outside, but when I’m with people I love or close with I rather be the “submissive” one. Oh and I have ivory skin.
I ship you with…
Jane Foster
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okay so you come off as a very intelligent bae?
and honestly, Jane would be head-over-heels for you from day one
she would love listening to you talking about anything that you have to say
you would also give her private concerts and she would adore the fact that you can play so many musical instruments
Jane would love playing with your beautiful hair and have your head in her lap while both of you would be reading
she would help you a lot with your epilepsy and seizures and you’d know you could always count on your gorgeous girlfriend
she would love your height, because you’re just so cute and sweet and Jane would want to be hugging you all day
you would constantly tease her with your sarcasm, making her roll her eyes and smirk at you
and last but not least, soooo much body worshipping
It was the first rays of sunshine flowing into your room that woke you so early in the morning with your right arm casually thrown around Jane’s waist. You slowly sat up, trying not to wake your girlfriend as well and looked at the digital clock on her nightstand. It was way too early for you to be up on a Saturday morning when you had no paperwork to do, but you still decided to climb out of bed and maybe even get dressed in your girlfriend’s comfortable clothes. You opened the doors of the wardrobe slowly so they wouldn’t creak too terribly when you heard Jane shift in your shared bed.
“Don’t you even dare climbing out of bed, Miss,” she said with her raspy voice and you turned around with a big smile on your pretty face.
“I was going to treat you with something special as breakfast, but okay, let’s starve all day then,” you replied, already choosing an oversized shirt as your outfit today when Jane lifted the blanket all the while blinking innocently at you.
“We’ll get to breakfast later, but first, I need my cuddles,” Jane whined, pouting at you. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes but eventually putting the overused shirt down and giving in to your girlfriend’s wishes.
“Okay, then. But only for a few minutes. There’s still  work to do today, you dummy.”
Jane just hummed and buried her face deep in the crook of your neck, slowly falling back to sleep again. 
When you woke up later, it was already past 11 am, but you simply couldn’t help but smile as you saw Jane peacefully sleeping with her mouth slightly open.
your playlist:
lp - lost on you // onerepublic - counting stars // lana del rey - young and beautiful // ed sheeran - give me love // birdy - skinny love // coldplay - the scientist // the neighbourhood - flawless // the chainsmokers feat. coldplay - something just like this
A/N: hey there! hope you liked what i came up with for you, and i’! m terribly sorry for being so freaking late! Please, leave your feedback in my inbox. It would honestly mean a lot. Have a fantastic day, cupcake! 
REQUESTS ARE CLOSED (any requests sent will be deleted)
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iblue-kitzune · 5 years
Character Biography of Jane Foster (for this multi-crossover AU only)
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Full name: Jane Foster 
Nicknames and aliases: Miss Jane, Miss Foster, Dr. Foster, Boss Lady, Little Starbeam, and Young Gaki
Year of birth: 3982
Planet of birth: Earth | Midgard
Age: 29 years old (NOTE: At the start.)
Gender: Female
Race: Human (NOTE: She is Half Earthling - Half Rieze Maxian. So to those that know the existence of other worlds or universes, she is viewed a hybrid in their eyes.)
Height: 170cm / 5′7
Weight: N/A
Family: Unnamed Father (deceased), Unnamed Mother, Erik Selvig (pseudo uncle figure), the Great Spirits (pseudo uncle and aunt figures), Lambert (family dog, furry best friend, and former teacher), Samuel Holt (uncle), Colleen Holt (aunt), Matthew Holt (cousin), Katie Holt (cousin), Bae Bae (extended family dog), Unknown Uncle (deceased), Unknown Aunt (deceased), Chris Redfield (cousin), and Claire Redfield (cousin)
Good (NOTE: Most of the time she is.)
Anti-hero (NOTE: She can be one sometimes, but that entirely depends on whatever goal she’s trying to achieve at that point of time.)
Devil May Cry (formerly)(NOTE: She wasn’t classified as an official devil hunter, but she did play the role of one and became an honorary member of the group. She completed both demon and supernatural related missions before, solo and with partners, when she was much younger.)
Unknown Organization (formerly)
Jane has dark brown hair with honey blonde side swept bangs and red tips and golden brown eyes. She also has a beauty mark on her left cheek and her ears have a slight point to them at the top.
For her regular go-to attire, she wears a black and white hooded vest with red jewels on top of an open sleeveless purple and blue lined tail-coat jacket with white and sky blue accents on it. Underneath that, she wore a sleeveless black and white lined v-neck tunic with a single yellow stripe on each shoulder and had a slit running down the length of the shirt, which partially revealed her stomach. Then, on the lower half of her body, she wore some stylized black and white outer pants that were cut out in the crotch area to reveal the stitched-in dark blue inner ones underneath, and had a yellow half-star symbol on each side of the outer pants that were tucked into some purple and black-blue lined knee high boots that had silver rings and sky blue flames on them with white tongues and yellow accents surrounding the silver soles of the footwear.
For accessories, she wears a pair of puffy dark blue upper arm bands with white cuffs around her biceps, a pair of silver and black arm guards with two sky blue stripes on them, gold energy rings around her wrists, a pair of black and white gloves with a red jewel on top, a black and white-yellow striped leather strap around her waist, and a white utility belt featuring a silver star emblem decorated with a black crescent moon on it (NOTE: It’s used for storing small things inside of the emblem only).
Personality and Character Traits
Jane is best described as an individual who is:
A Little Sarcastic
A Little Mischievous
A Little Shy at times
Pretty Forgetful at times
Pretty Devious at times
Pretty Cold and Pragmatic at times
Kind of Lively and Outgoing at times
Extremely Perceptive and Good at Reading People most of the time
Quite Fearless most of the time (NOTE: This is in regards to dangerous situations, which she picked up from Dante.)
Calm and Cool-headed most of the time (NOTE: This is in regards to normal settings, which she picked up from Vergil.)
Tough most of the time (NOTE: She especially acts like this in battles, which she picked up from Lady.)
Skills, Powers, and Abilities
Here are some of the things that Jane can do:
Spirit Artes (Spirit Magic): Thanks to her unique background, Jane can perform Spirit Artes with the mana energy she was born with. And even though the majority of her artes are water, ice, earth, wind, and lightning based, Jane also knows some non-elemental artes and other magic techniques in her moveset as well.
Demonic Energy, Demonic Powers, and Devil Mode: Because of an incident in the past involving a powerful demon, Jane’s been gifted with the power of demonic energy. And due to the nature of this power, she can wield Devil Arms with ease and manipulate the energy however she pleases, which allows her to do all kinds of things with it. She can also go into this pseudo Devil Trigger-like state that she and the others have dubbed “Devil Mode”. With this form, Jane is now able to able to use the same exact demonic abilities that Dante, Vergil, and Nero all have in their Devil Trigger forms such as superhuman strength, superhuman speed, superhuman agility, superhuman durability, and accelerated healing. Sadly, she can only stay in her Devil Mode form for a short period of time because of how draining it is to maintain the transformation (NOTE: Devil Mode is not a true Devil Trigger form. It’s more of a pseudo one that greatly resembles the real thing. And she will transform into this state every time she taps into her source of demonic energy and fully unleashes it).
Empathy: Jane has the ability to read, feel, and understand the emotions of all beings. With this, she can influence others, calm them down if they’re on some kind of rampage, and sense their emotions even if they’re hiding them. She can also sense a person’s or a group of people’s emotions even if they’re a long distance away from her; however, that entirely depends on how powerful their emotions are.
Storm and Weather Manipulation: Jane can sense the presence of storms before they even appear and manipulate them too. She can also change the temperature of the weather to whatever she desires. Unfortunately, she cannot summon a natural storm on her own unless she has some form of outside help to get her going; however, what she can do is clear up the weather and existing storms that are already in place, and she can use them to power up her attacks but that’s only if she’s in the right mindset for it to work.
Special Sight: Jane has the ability to see through things and other stuff that are invisible to the naked eye such as what’s in the body, hidden objects, hidden individuals, auras, energy, and ghosts (NOTE: Her eyes turn an iridescent purple color whenever she uses this ability). She can also see Lesser Spirits with this ability too, but she doesn’t have to activate it to do so thankfully. She just naturally sees them as it is, that’s all. 
Barriers: Jane can create barriers that can shield herself and others from attacks. These things are even powerful enough to withstand blasts and attacks that are capable of taking out entire cities.
Gravity Manipulation: Jane can manipulate gravity and bend the environment around her, making everything either lighter or heavier. She can also use this as an invisible force to anchor either herself or others to the ground and other solid surfaces, crush objects until they’re about as flat as a pancake, create miniature black holes that can compress objects into oblivion, repel people, objects, or energy with enough force to damage them greatly or destroy them completely, and use this to levitate in the air (NOTE: She can basically do what Deva Path Pain from Naruto can do. Let’s just put it that way).
Physical Abilities
Compared to other human beings, Jane is stronger than average. And since she started fighting and battling many different types of opponents from a young age, Jane became incredibly strong and durable over the years. Plus, she can easily keep up with the non-humans for a limited amount of time thanks to her high stamina and the training she did many years ago.
Jane is pretty decent up in the air. On the ground, however, she’s very agile since that’s where her real talent lies at. She can maneuver through just about any terrain or environment with ease no matter what condition they’re in. She is also pretty decent at climbing walls, mountains, and the trees, all of which she likes to either hang from them like a monkey or hang from them upside down like a bat.
Combat Skills and Fighting Style
Jane learned martial arts and a variety of other fighting styles at a young age, which she always uses in battle. In fact, she is very good at close combat and prefers it over long-range combat. However, that doesn’t mean she will shy away from the latter. Why, she will take advantage of that distance between her and her opponent to use her gravity and storm (if there’s already an existing one in the area) manipulating powers in conjunction with her spirit artes.  
For weapons, Jane uses a variety of Devil Arms that she collected from the demons (mainly the more powerful ones) she defeated in the past. And she carries around a special multi-purpose staff strapped to her waist that can transform into a glaive, pierce through anything, create portals, drain energy from her opponents, seal her opponents, and purify anything that’s been tainted. 
Overall, Jane uses the multi-purpose staff, which is called Mūnsutā, as her primary weapon and uses whatever Devil Arm she has available on her as her secondary weapon.
Jane can also speak a few other languages.
It may not seem like it at first, but Jane does have the tendency to curse at times and it gets worse when she’s in a foul mood.
When she was younger, Jane used to love pizza; however, she got sick and tired of it as she grew older—which she blamed Dante for because the guy ate a shit-ton of that stuff every other day or so in the past. So now, pizza is something that she likes to indulge in whenever the mood strikes for it.
Jane loves to bake instead of cook because she’s better at the former than the latter, and it just comes to her naturally. Plus, she has a bit of a sweet tooth.
Jane’s hobbies include flying, playing games either on her computer or phone, playing music on her instruments, meditating, tinkering, or building things.
Jane is not the kind of person who likes to take naps, but she does sleep in a lot. Because of this, she has a weird sleeping schedule.
Jane prefers the cold over the heat. And with that being said, her favorite seasons are fall and winter. She especially likes it whenever it snows because this gives her the opportunity to go play in the snow.
Because of Dante and his friends, she, too, likes to taunt her opponents in battle every so often. Not only is it a lot of fun, but it also gives her an extra advantage over her opponents when they start to battle poorly and miss their attacks due to their blind anger. 
In the past, Jane used to have an easier time being in the company of animals and those who aren’t completely human because they treated her normally compared to her fellow human beings and peers. However, she grew more confident in herself and learned not to care what others thought about her once she got a little older. And so, she has no problem with being around regular civilian humans now.
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quinnmorgendorffer · 5 years
six & fifteen!
thank you!
Top 5 underrated movies
This is kind of a random list since honestly my fave movies are fairly popular a;lskdf but okay
Florence Foster Jenkins - WHERE ARE THE AWARDS???
Practical Magic - well beloved but not as much as it should be tbh
d.e.b.s. - it’s really cute and I barely even see it on this site???
The Princess Switch - HEAR ME OUT!! It was cute and Vanessa actually played like four characters basically and nailed all of them it was impressive??? I LIKED IT
Blinded By the Light - this movie was really cute and I’m disappointed that so few people I know irl heard about it at all and there’s so few gifsets of it on here like god damn
Top 5 funniest characters
Cheating but the whole Bluth family for number one they’re all so funny in their own way. Gob and Lucille are my faves but honestly, unpopular opinion, but Michael Bluth is fucking hilarious
Sister Michael from Derry Girls
Moira Rose from Schitt’s Creek
Heather Davis from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
Jane Lane from Daria - look, I love all three leading ladies and Daria of course is hilarious, but Jane just has this perfect mix of dry but like varying inflections i? idk I just end up quoting her lines more than anyone’s (Quinn’s my bae but she makes me so emo to laugh a;lskdjf)
TV Show/Movie Asks!
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harleenzel · 7 years
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The Mighty Thor (2015), issue #14 | Art by: Russell Dauterman, Story by: Jason Aaron  
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glynnisi · 6 years
Infinity War- first thoughts (lots)
Spoilers, so don’t read below the cut unless you want that sort of thing...
I saw IW last night for the first time and am glad I already have tix for showing 2 (tomorrow morning in IMAX).  Last night I was a coiled spring, ready to go to pieces over the death of Steve Rogers.  Every time Thanos got near him I flinched. I get to watch it on repeat viewing w/o that fearful filter.
I feel so sorry for Loki fans!  The biggest trailer misstep Marvel made was having Thor say he had nothing left to lose.  That had me going into the movie 99% sure that Loki would die near the start of the film (since we saw the ships meet up at the end of Ragnarok AND since an early interview promised Thanos would shock/make us hate him in the first 5 minutes).  I was semi-shocked by Heimdall’s death, hated it but have long heard that Idris Elba wanted out of the franchise.  What the hell happened to Valkyrie?  No sign of her, and I guess that is a good thing.  I would’ve liked a post credits scene where she was wandering around NYC giving civilians classic side eye and preventing petty crime, maybe she could’ve been in the background of the Fury & Hill post credits scene  (could she have gotten sent away by Heimdall along w Bruce?).
Again, I wasn’t wild about Bruce Banner’s arc.  I get that Hulk felt fear for the first time and hid the rest of the movie.  (I liked Loki saying “we have a Hulk” in throwback to first Avengers movie)  But I’ve hated Brutasha fr the start and don’t want more.  Hints of that make me roll my eyes. RE fear? He needs to suck it up and get over it for the next movie.
I liked the Guardians w Thor just fine, esp Rocket & Thor.  Nidavellir part w Dinklage the giant (heh) dwarf was a bit slow to me, tho I loved that they delved into more Thor mythos.  I studied it while writing my long fic (Riding Out the Day’s Events).  Really liked that the dwarf called out Asgard for failing the nine realms... another acknowledgement of Thor history, unlike ALL of Ragnarok. :P   I didn’t like that Thor made NO mention of Jane Foster, would’ve liked him saying that he loved an Earth woman and though she’d moved on... Earth remained in his heart and under his protection. Would it KILL Marvel to acknowledge her existence?  I kind of feel like so many Marvel women have already blown away in a fall of dust... :P
I enjoyed Tony & Strange, but regret the lack of any Sherlock references.  I LOVE Peter Parker/Spiderman.  He’s precious. I always feel like RDJ gets the lion’s share of screen time in any movie and he’s not my fave so... meh.
Cap. Oh, Cap.  Oh, beardy & manly Cap!  I wish there’d been more of him in the movie.  Wish he had more to do.  His exchange w Groot might’ve been my fave thing in the movie.  The way he and T’Challa ran and leaped ahead of the others was the best thing I saw all night. And I loved his “save the day” aura throughout.  Cap is BAE. Noble and decent and full of honor!  (oh my!) And Marvel has forced me to watch movies through the lens of “is this it for him?” entirely too damned much! *scowling*
I LOVED having Red Skull show up!  Carrie was spot-on/RIGHT when she pointed out that the Tesseract sent him somewhere instead of killing him. :)
So happy to finally get a Steve & Bucky hug. :) RE Bucky, I also liked him shooting in a circle w Rocket in one hand. :)  And THANK YOU, Marvel for Rocket coveting Bucky’s arm!
I was a bit impatient w the way the Gamora/Peter & Thanos part was written.  Quill pulled the same over-emotional, gut reaction he and Tony live by (”you killed my mom”).  This time it was his undoing and took half the Universe with him.  That’s not really fair to the character, too much of a burden/lesson.  The parallels & contrast w Wanda/Vision were kind of interesting.  Wanda was entirely unselfish.  Peter TRIED to be unselfish.  Both were thwarted, but Peter had the chance to react and his reaction broke the hold the rest of the gang had on Thanos and kept them fr getting the gauntlet away. I honestly thought that Gamora should have sacrificed herself earlier, committed suicide when she realized how close Thanos was to success.
So, um, WHY did Thanos know Tony?  I think that’s a key to whatever comes next.
If there is just ONE path to success against Thanos, keeping Peter from screwing up the group attack is a step.  Putting Wanda in the fight in Wakanda  to give Shuri enough time to separate Vision fr the Time stone is another. Thor going for Thanos’ head instead of heart is another. And, sap that I am, I really think the biggest mistake was not having the Avengers back TOGETHER to fight Thanos.  I don’t know if they’ll find a way to hop/skip TIME or REALITY in the next movie, but... if they somehow go back in time, I’m working on a wish list. :)
Cuz, that ending?  FUCK ME UP.  It was NOT what I expected at all.  When I saw Bucky fading, I thought something had been messed up w TIME so that he would be gone.  And then others faded.  LOTS of others.  I was so SURE that Groot ought to be safe! :(  It was a spoiler of sorts to have T’Challa and Peter Parker die... there is no way Marvel is done w either of them (not to mention nearly all of the Guardians). Peter’s death was the harshest (pooooor Tony!).  I sent a message to my niece reassuring her that he has a movie coming out, so must come back somehow! I knew she was seeing IW same time as me next town over.  Anyway, it was shocking and stunning.  I felt like my jaw was on the floor and stayed that way for hours after. :O
I may REVIEW more after 2nd viewing.  Anyway, for me it was a good movie.  In my Top 10 Marvel flix. Gonna be a long wait until the next Avengers’ movie!
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marvelousbirthdays · 6 years
Happy Birthday, mercialachesis!
February 6 - any form of BAMF Jemma simmons and the Avengers? No pairings with her pls? like aro jemma is bae. idm side pairings tho. Any AU or Canon setting works i don't mind either, i just want badass simmons lol. You can decide on the premise and how light-hearted/angsty the fic is for @mercialachesis
Written by @backwardsandinhighheels
Jemma adjusted the slide under her microscope and took another look. There was something odd about these cells…
“Dr Simmons?
She gave a little shriek and spun around, scanning the empty room, before remembering Stark’s AI. “Y-yes?”
“My apologies,” the AI — Jeeves? Jarvey? — said. If it was possible for a disembodied voice to sound sheepish, this one did. “Sir simply asked me to ensure you were settling in. Is the lab to your satisfaction?”
“Oh! Yes, yes it’s great!” It was certainly larger than any other lab space she’d had — though that was partly because she didn’t have to share this one. “Mr Stark is certainly generous with his budget.” SHIELD had been constantly underfunded; Stark was… not. She’d been so excited about all the resources, she had pulled up her equipment wishlist, and promptly realised over half the items were for Fitz. “That’s going to take a while to get used to,” she muttered, half to herself.
Perhaps wisely, the AI chose not to comment. “Is there anything else I can assist you with?”
About to refuse, Jemma realised she was starving. “Where can I get something to eat?”
She was directed up to the 68th floor where Steve Rogers and Jane Foster were playing chess. It took all she had to stifle her squeal of delight, but she must’ve let something out because Rogers looked up.
“You must be our newest arrival. Tony’s been gloating about poaching you from what’s left of SHIELD.”
“Yes, I’m Jemma Simmons.”
“Pleasure to meet you, Dr Simmons. I’m Steve, and this is Dr Jane Foster.”
The petite brunette smiled. “Welcome to the Tower.”
“Nice to meet you, and Dr Foster, it’s an honour to meet you. I’ve read your papers and your research is absolutely incredible; some of the implications are staggering —” Jemma realised she was babbling and shut her mouth with a snap.
“I thought you were a biochemist,” Foster said. “And seriously, call me Jane.”
“I — ok. Jane. I am a biochemist, but I have an interest in multiple fields of science. There’s so much to discover!”
Jane’s eyes lit up and Steve snagged one of the books that Bruce always left lying around. It didn’t look like they would be finishing the chess game any time soon.
Jemma was having a cup of tea with Helen Cho when Tony’s voice came over the intercom. “Dr Simmons? We have a little situation downtown that may require your help.”
“Of course,” Jemma said, standing up. “But I thought it was a straightforward retrieval mission.”
“Nothing’s ever straightforward in New York, kid. These guys have access to some sort of sleeping agent that’s strong enough to lay out the big guy. Even Cap was a little woozy but he’s better since I lifted him out of there. Until we get some sort of neutralisation agent, none of the others can get within three blocks of the target.”
“Can you get me a sample?”
“Already on its way. Careful with it, it seems to work via skin contact.”
Spotting one of the Iron Legion approaching through the window, Jemma headed to the elevator. “Want to come, Helen?”
“I’d be in the way,” the other scientist demurred.
“Are you sure? I work better with someone to bounce ideas off.”
“If you want, then okay. I’ll ping Darcy as well. She’s not science-trained, but Jane says she’s first class for idea-bouncing.”
Down in the lab, Jemma transferred the sample to an analytic chamber to run a chemical composition test. “There are several different compounds in this,” she noted. “These ones are sedatives, this one… it looks like the dendrotoxin we developed for the ICER!”
“Can you create a counteragent?”
Jemma screwed up her face in thought, absent-mindedly tapping a stylus against the screen. “Maybe… I’d need to neutralise this one first, and then these ones, but even then, we’d need a distribution method. Some way to spray it in a three-block radius.”
“One of those street-cleaning trucks?” Darcy suggested.
“That could work.” Face set in determination, Jemma got to work.
“You didn’t have to drive the truck yourself,” Clint said, dropping beside Jemma on the couch. “I was only a few blocks away, coulda been there in a few minutes.”
“By a few blocks, you mean a few roofs, right?”
“Nevermind. It was faster this way. I didn’t want any of you exposed to the sleeping agent.”
“That was some pretty impressive driving,” Clint admitted. “You almost managed to avoid Bruce.”
“You could’ve mentioned he was asleep in the middle of the road!”
He shrugged. “No harm done. The big guy heals fast. Besides, it was more entertaining this way.”
“You’re ridiculous,” Jemma laughed, in spite of herself.
“But you haven’t gone running back to SHIELD, so I reckon you secretly like us.”
“You haven’t gone back to SHIELD either,” she pointed out.
“I’ve got a reason to stay,” he glanced over at where Natasha was pouring drinks, “and since Tasha dumped all my covers on the internet, I can do better work here than there. What’s your excuse?”
Jemma thought of the friends she’d left behind, of poor Fitz and how his recovery went backwards every time she was nearby. “I wasn’t able to help, back there. I can do more good here,” she replied, after a pause.
Clint’s gaze softened in sympathy. “Well, whatever the reason, we’re glad to have you here.”
“Also, SHIELD never let me drive.”
“After today, I can see why!”
“Hey!” Jemma protested, lower lip wobbling.
“What? No, crap, Jemma, that was a joke!”
She waited until he was within arms length before grinning and whacking him with the nearest cushion.
“Help, help, I’m being oppressed!” Clint wailed, attracting the attention of the others. “Tasha, help!”
“You got yourself into that, you can get yourself out,” the redhead smirked. “Also, you’re sitting on a cushion.”
Clint’s eyes lit up and Jemma ducked. From the corner of her eye, she spotted Steve and Helen headed towards them, each scooping up a cushion on the way. All in all, it was a most satisfactory ending to the day.
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Erin McLeod & Ella Masar McLeod
Erin: CANWNT/ FC Rosengard
notes: Mcmasar; married and are the og’s; http://www.pitchsidereport.com/2015/03/17/ella-masar-love-entry-25/
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Ashlyn Harris & Alexandra Krieger
Ashlyn: USWNT/Orlando Pride
Ali:USWNT/Orlando Pride
notes: A Team and/or Krashlyn (cringe); ***unconfirmed relationship*** (under technicalities will remain *unconfirmed* until it is either announced or Kriegs has a big rock on her finger) possibly together as long as *6ish* years
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Christine Nairn & Caitlin Friend
Nairn: Seattle Reign
Caity: Melbourne Victory/ FC Bulleen
notes: confirmed relationship & one of the bests honestly
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Kyah Simon & Alanna Kennedy
Kyah:AUSWNT/no current club
Alanna:AUSWNT/Orlando Pride
notes: Kylanna; as confirmed as an unconfirmed relationship can be since about 2012
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Chantel Jones & Grace Gill
Chantel: No current club
Grace: most recently Canberra United
notes: engaged/ maybe married if I missed something
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Lianne Sanderson & Ashley Nick
Lianne:Former ENGWNT/no current club (ACL recovery)
Ashley: No current club/most recently Apollon Ladies
notes:  probably more confirmed than any married couple due to being the most overly in love cringy mush of a relationship there is (this is not me hating, just stating facts)
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Rachel Daly & Christen Westphal
Rach:ENGWNT/Houston Dash
Christen:Boston Breakers
notes: RD3 is the mushiest mush ever and I love it,Rachel Previously in relationship with Sarah Gorden of Chi Town Red Stars
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Chloe Logarzo & Jasmine Peters
Jassy:Softball player
notes: Confirmed relationship, http://theliftedbrow.com/post/160788222087/women-in-sport-out-on-instagram-are-elite
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Tameka Butt & Kirsty Yallop
Tameka: AUSWNT/Klepp Elite(Norway)
Kirsty:NZWNT/Klepp Elite(Norway)
notes: own a house together & just v cute honestly
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Michele Heyman & *May*?; In a relationship
Michele:AUSWNT/no current club)
notes: michele kills the suit game
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Hayley Raso & Jenna McCormick
Hayley:AUSWNT/Portland Thorns
Jenna:Canberra United/ AFL player for Adelaide
Notes: unconfirmed and quite possibly no longer a thing/ was it ever really a thing? Who knows
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Bianca Sierra & Stephany Mayor
Bianca:MEXWNT/Por Akureyri(Iceland)
Steph:MEXWNT/Por Akureyri(Iceland)
Notes: so very cute & saw steph play v canada
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Casey Stoney & Meg Harris
Casey:ENGWNT/Liverpool Ladies
Meg:former ENGWNT
Notes: I don’t think they are officially married, but close enough & are mum’s to their twin beans Teddy and Tilly
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Amanda Laddish & Rebecca Moros
Notes: Livin it up with their pup in K Town
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Natasha Dowie & Becky Easton
Tash:Former ENGWNT/Boston Breakers
Becky:Former ENGWNT
Notes: married last year, they have this cute lil gay penguin pillow with their names on it and tbh that’s goals
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Hedvig Lindahl & her wife Sabine
Hedvig:SWEWNT/Chelsea FC
Notes: Lindahl is 100% one of the best keepers in the world atm & they are married with two sons
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Tobin Heath & Christen Press
Tobs:USWNT/Portland Thorns/currently dead Tobs pls come back I miss you
Chris:USWNT/Chi Town Red Stars
Notes: ***unconfirmed*** guys they aren’t dating they just like to hug a lot and hang out in the same places like Portland and NJ where Tobs plays / is from & in Cali and Chi town where CP23 lives / plays and they like to travel to Europe together and go to tree hotels in Sweden and smile like lovesick fools whenever they are around each other and wear each others clothes and have candlelit dinners and run around on the beach under pretty rainbows and also paint rainbows ok? ok.
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Pernille Harder & Magdalena Eriksson
Pernille:Danish NT/Wolfsburg
Notes: very very cute & lowkey favs
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Lisa Dahlkvist & wife Jessica
Notes: ugh their daughter is such a bean
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Nilla Fischer & Wife Mariah
Nilla: SWEWNT/Wolfsburg
Notes: married since 2013
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Natasha Kai & Miki-Rae
Tash:Former USWNT/sky blue(currently double ankle rehabbing)
Notes:together since summer 2013, tash is the bomb.com honestly who doesn’t love the flyin’ Hawaiian’
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Kaitlyn Savage & Liz Milne
Kait:no current club/ most recently Orlando Pride
Liz:NZWNT for a short time
Notes: I know nothing, but they is cute
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Jodie Taylor & Emma Kete
Notes: still could be up for debate ig but I mean come on it’s a thing
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Elise Kellond-Knight & Felicitas Rauch
Elise: AUSWNT/Potsdam
Notes: also up for debate but I like it
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Stephanie Labbe & Georgia Simmerling
La Bae:CANWNT/Washington Spirit
G Simms:Canadian Olympian (alpine skiing & track racing)
Notes: How lit is it that G Simms is a summer AND winter Olympian w o w I love my country, La Bae is the bomb & their cute. Steph previously in relationship w Marie-Eve Nault (Former CANWNT)
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Niki Cross & Molly
Niki:retired pro; most recently houston dash
Notes: A teams biggest supporters so how can you not love ‘em, married in 2016
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Keelin Winters & Meg
Keelin: retired Seattle Reign
Notes: Keelin’s eyes are so pretty awe; married in 2015
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Jill Loyden & Maria
Jill:Former USWNT/Sky Blue(retired)
Notes: Not much knowledge, unsure if they are married or not, and don’t know a lot about Maria but she is involved w/ soccer too
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Jane Campbell & Maritza
Jane: USWNT and Houston Dash
Notes: Unconfirmed but idk issa cute one
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Kadeisha Buchanan & Crystal Emmanuel
Crystal: Canadian Olympic Sprinter
Notes: unconfirmed but I’m down & Keish deserves everything
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Rebecca Quinn & Haley
Notes: unconfirmed but Quinny is a gem and I dig it
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Marta Vieira da Silva & Jessica
The goat:BRAWNT/Orlando Pride
Notes: unconfirmed but go Marty go
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Abby (Mary) Wambach & Glennon Doyle Melton
Abby:Retired USWNT
Notes:Ok tell me pls that I’m not the only one who did not know Abby’s name was Mary until very recently? If I am that’s fine really bc no off fence but not a fan l o l
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Samantha Kerr & Nikki Stanton
Sam:AUSWNT/Sky Blue
Nikki:Sky Blue FC
Notes: unconfirmed but  but I mean Brooklyn the foster pup is their child so, Sammy is fan freakin tastic but she kinda bugs me tbh, idk if it’s the giant ass jersey sizes or her pony tail but ya still one of the best
woso gays cont’d:
Melissa Tancredi & Selenia Iachelli (both retired CANWNT)
notes: no longer in relationship, Tanc in my mind has a thing with Julia Spetsmark of Orebro but that’s 101% made up by me
Megan Rapinoe (USWNT/Seattle Reign) rumored to be dating Sue Bird of USA Basketball
notes: no official confirmation but we all know Pinoe is “GAAAYYYY”-quote from her
Meghan Klingenberg (USWNT/Portland Thorns)
notes:maybe dating Moe’s sister in Hawaii?? Idk man all I know is Brittani and Kling 5ever
Section: No known relationship but they give off “the gay vibe”
Carmelina Moscato(retired CANWNT)
Larissa Crummer(AUSWNT/Seattle Reign)
Here it is:-)
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junker-town · 5 years
Kyler Murray is taller than all of these successful celebrities
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Jokes aside, he’s not necessarily too short to play NFL quarterback. See below.
Actually, Kyler Murray is tall. In fact, he’s officially 5’10.125, per his measurement at the NFL Combine. That means he is taller than actors who have played athletes in the movies, such as Adam Sandler, Jamie Foxx, and Tom Cruise.
The controversy with Murray’s height really took off after his final college season when he decided he wanted to play football instead of baseball and OU defended his measurement publicity. He ended up measuring in slightly taller than what they had him listed at. And his height also doesn’t really affect his QB play in the way you might think.
Keep hearing TV talking heads question the 5-10 height at which we list Kyler. Have heard a couple even say they think he's more like 5-8. Before the season, our strength staff measured him at 5-9 7/8 in socks.
— Mike Houck (@mhouckOU) January 14, 2019
That 5’10.125 number makes him also taller than some Avengers, or at least the actors who play them: Tony Stark (but not Iron Man because the suit is 6’5), Ant Man (the ant-size version, duh), Black Widow, Bruce Banner (but not the Hulk) and maybe Spider-man. He’s also taller than Thor’s bae Jane Foster.
He’s also got a leg up on Pokemon like Charizard, Articuno, and of course Pikachu. And also Harry Potter, as well as every hobbit.
He’s taller than basically every rapper who has ever had the name Lil’ except for Yachty and Romeo. Those include:
Lil’ Wayne, Pump, Baby, Uzi Vert, Kim, B, Boosie Badazz, Bow Wow, Dicky, Duval, Jon (unclear about the Eastside Boyz), Scrappy, Xan.
On the flipside, he’s taller than a few rappers with Big in their names including: Big Pun, Big L, Big Boi, and Big Sean.
Murray’s official measurements prove him taller than some other great musicians: Dolly Parton, Ariana Grande, Demi Lovato, Kendrick Lamar, Kanye West, Prince, Cardi B, Paul Simon, Bruno Mars, and Michael Jackson, many of whom have played Super Bowls. If Bruno Mars can make multiple Super Bowls, surely Murray can as well, right?
More things Kyler Murray is taller than:
The average adult American male:
The average adult American male is 5’9.5, according to data collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention between 2007 and 2010. Averages vary by racial and ethnic groups. For example, the average adult non-Hispanic white male is 5’9.8 and the average adult non-Hispanic black male is 5’9.5. The average height of adult Hispanic males is 5’7.1. Among adult Mexican American males — who are also included in the category of Hispanic — the average height is 5’6.9.
The height requirements for every ride at Disney. Also the height requirements for most of the characters you’d see at Disney World.
The actual greatest football player from the state of Oklahoma.
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The other short quarterback he’s gonna be compared to a lot.
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And perhaps the greatest soccer player who has ever lived.
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Photo by David Ramos/Getty Images
Dunk contest legends:
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Photo by Jed Jacobsohn/Getty Images
And the current WWE champion.
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Photo by Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images
He’s taller than everyone in my Twitter mentions thought he was.
5’9” is probably pretty generous tbh. pic.twitter.com/iBp8mozQGD
— Chris the Notorious D.A.D. *Dab* (@ATL_Sooby) February 15, 2019
Tua is listed at 6’1”, so he is probably 6’ at best, this photo makes Murray look like 5’6” or 5’7”
— Eric (@rcwhlr) February 15, 2019
Tech luminaries Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, and he’s at least as tall as Bill Gates. He’s not taller than the late Steve Jobs, who stood at 6’2.
Murray’s certainly taller than this guy:
I met my boyfriend David on Tinder five months ago, and it was a match made in heaven. He’s compassionate, attractive, and a bombshell in bed. Recently, at our physical, I learned something. David is 5 feet, 8 inches tall. On his Tinder profile, he lists himself as 6 feet. On our first date, I asked him [if he is] really 6 feet. He got agitated and said yes.
I feel lied to and betrayed—why is he so insecure about his height? He takes so much pride in being tall. Always bragging to our friends and acquaintances, commenting how he won’t fit in that car, asking if I need help getting something off the top shelf. When the doctor read off his height I thought I saw his eyes start to swell up. Now he’s attempting to stick his height into every conversation. I have been afraid to bring it up, but this is really bugging me. I see marriage in our future, as we’re both almost 40—but this needs to be settled first.
Murray is taller than notable historical figures like Genghis Khan, and basically every person in the bible not named Goliath, whose height did not serve him well at all.
He’s taller than all of these former U.S. presidents: Jimmy Carter, Millard Fillmore, Harry S. Truman, Rutherford B. Hayes, William Henry Harrison, James K. Polk, Zachary Taylor, Ulysses S. Grant, John Quincy Adams, John Adams, William McKinley, Martin Van Buren, Benjamin Harrison, James Madison.
Many of those presidents died before their terms were up, but so did Abraham Lincoln ... the tallest president. Also, measuring in at 9 4/8’, his hands are significantly bigger than President Donald Trump’s.
It is a credit to Oklahoma’s strength staff that Murray was able to gain that last 2/8 of an inch over the last few months. College strength programs have truly come a long way in enhancing human performance. Now, Murray can officially play quarterback in the NFL. Had he been measured under 5’10, he’d have been ruled ineligible to play by Roger Goodell.
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sidekickhq · 5 years
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i am offic online , so come give me something to do ! we’re an appless marvel / dc rp with tons of open fcs ( such as: paris berelc , alisha wainwright , stef sanjati , tessa thompson & bae donna ) & open canons ( such as: steve trevor , oliver queen , jane foster , rogue & sigyn ).
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nevaramon · 7 years
the rules are simple ! post ten characters you’d like to role play as , have role played as , and might bring back . then tag ten people to do the same ( if you can’t think of ten characters , just write down however many you can and tag the same amount of people ) . aside from that , please repost instead of reblogging !
Neva Ramon - Flash 
Melinda Torres - Flash
Bette Sans Souci - Flash
Adam Foster - Supergirl
Alex Danvers - Supergirl
Cora Hale - Teen Wolf
Hayden Romero - Teen Wolf
Paige Krasikeva - Teen Wolf
Lydia Martin - Teen Wolf
Mason Hewitt - Teen Wolf
Valerie Clarke - Teen Wolf
Peter Hale - Teen Wolf
Rapunzel - Disney
Jane Porter - Disney
Megara - Disney
Princess Melody - Disney
Brienna Lahey - Time Travellers
Daphne Blake - Scooby Doo
Chloe Saunders - Darkest Powers
Various OCs
Various Private Group Muses
Cora Hale - Teen Wolf
Kara Danvers/Zor-El - Supergirl
More OCs tbh
TAGGED BY: was gonna steal but the bae tagged me @cobxltblue TAGGING:@gliderofgold @theoreticalguardianangel @dwarfstaralloy @drsncw @im-a-hawker
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