#.....I can't believe if I did shift it was working at the video store on my hands and knees stocking shelves while Ray mansplains movies 😑
msookyspooky ¡ 2 years
*Has a dream where I'm working at the video store with Randy*
*Randy is rambling something I'm not even listening to while stocking a shelf in the back*
*Physically can feel the tight knitted grey blue carpet I'm kneeling on and the white metal shelf I'm stocking tapes onto.
* Finds a piece of paper near a tape that says 'We need to talk. Maple Street 10432 at 3 o clock.*
*Rereads it and looks at the giant 80s/90s style clock on the wall to see its 12.*
*Tells Randy to be quiet for a moment bc something is not adding up here and I'm trying to think*
*Rereads it again but realizes I'm dreaming bc everything is sinking in that I don't work here irl and this isn't my day to day routine and the paper is starting to look fuzzy. The writing is getting blurry and so is everything else.*
*Then I remember you're not supposed to be able to read clocks or paper AT ALL while dreaming and Randy gives me a strangest look before everything goes fuzzy as if I'm fainting. Then I wake up irl*
....Wtf. Did I...Did I shift in my sleep??? Lucid dreams you can't read anything. That's the first way you can tell you're dreaming so what the fuck was that????????????????????????? It's supposed to be impossible to read while dreaming so wtf was that?!?!?!???
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jchampionsgf ¡ 5 months
ಇ night shift. steve harrington
-- summary: you get assigned to work with steve at the family video store and turns out king steve isnt as bad as you thought 
warnings smut, no p in v, blow job. 782 words
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IT WAS LATE AT NIGHT and you were working the night shift at family video, the movie rent store that you worked at. usually you had three co- workers, robin, keith, who was mostly in the back and steve harrington, the most self centered douche you've ever met.
And the worst part was that you had to work todays night shift with him. you couldn't stand steve, you hated his behaviour, the way he spoke, his dad jokes, but you couldn't deny it, he was hot, sometimes you wished he would drop the act and kiss you already, until you remember that steve was a real pain in the ass. normally robin was there to "protect" you from the "asshollery" but she had an family emergency and had to go home, the truth was that she was trying to set you and steve up, she knew the way you looked at him, and as much as you would tell her daily how you hated him, she knew that deep down, you didn't. She also would hear steve ramble about you all day and as much as he wouldn't say such good things about you, she also knew that he couldn't get you off his mind.
You were putting away some movies in the romance section while steve was counting out the change in the register. "hey Y/N could you help me here? i just wanna know if i did the math correctly." steve said raising his eyebrow, he looked, different, he didn't look like an asshole he looked almost, kind?, no, that cant be, steve the hair harrington would never be more than just an asshole. "sure" you said lifting yourself out of the ground and meeting steve at the counter. As you were revising his calculations you felt his eyes burning deep into your back, you felt nervous, you couldn't believe that you were actually feeling the tension between you, you were atraccted to him and you believed he felt the same, you could feel it.
"yep, its all correct" you said finding his gaze again. the air got thicker and you got hotter all of a sudden. "uh Y/N did you know that-" he said looking at me waiting to say something more, nervous to say something more. "fuck it" he said smashing his lips into yours, the kiss was heated, his hands started roaming over you body, he put his hands under you shirt sliding right off of you, he squeezed your covered tits over you bra. you started to unbuckle his jeans.
"you dont have to do this" he said "I want to" you said trying to enjoy this moment before having to put on the enemies act again. you grabbed the waistband of his boxers pulling it down in one swiftly motion. I expected him to be big, after all he was "steve the hair harrington" but he was bigger than i'd ever expected. "do you know how many times i've imagined this scenario?" harrington said "not as much as i did" i said, grabbing his cock in my mouth bobbing my head up and down it. "fuck Y/N how are you so good at this?" he said in between groans "i've had my practices" you said, chin dripping in your own spit "well forget those cus you're mine now- fuck" he said "we hate each other remember?" you said, reminding him of your friendship situation. "can't enemies have some fun?" he said releasing himself in your mouth followed by a loud groan. let mejust say a night shift with harrington turned out to be nothing like what i was expecting. 
@jchampionsgf - on tumblr
a/n: I took inspo for this from a Wattpad fanfic, enjoy!
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girlygguk ¡ 1 year
sour straws - jjk (a fame drabble)
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pairing ; idol!jk x idol!oc
synopsis ; siren is getting attention, hanna is freaking out, and aera runs into a wide-eyed puppy dog at the corner store.
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previous chapters ; prologue | one | two | three | four | five | ...
warnings ; some strong language
content ; aera & siren are going viral, a jaera fluffy piece
word count ; 2.3k
lowercase intended / unedited
a/n: thank u guys sm for enjoying the story! here's a drabble to tie us over until the next chapter, love u all xx
the video of aera mentioned in this drabble ; click here
taglist ; (crossed out = can't tag💔) @0anodite0 @heartjiminie @aloverga @cuntessaiii @adeptiixiao @yourallaround-simp @kaitieskidmore1 @captain_neo2526
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date: april 2016 ; a week or so after the events of chapter two
"what the fuck?" aera spluttered in a tired daze, lifting her head to stare at a groggy ha-joon glaring at her from her side of the room. she had launched her pillow at the elder girl and was now clambering off her bed to retrieve it.
"your phone won't stop buzzing, and you just slept right through it," the maknae grumbled, "it's our sleep-in day! please for the love of god—" joonie's pleading was cut off ironically by another vibration of aera's phone. aera swore she saw joonie's eye twitch at the noise.
"okay, okay. calm down, she-hulk," aera huffed, leaning over and grabbing her phone from the bedside table to silence the device. a pleased kim ha-joon waddled back to her bed with her pillow sandwiched in her arms before flopping onto the mattress. she was asleep again within seconds.
wiping the sleep from her eyes, aera tapped on the screen of her phone to awaken it and sighed at the 8:34 am that blared back at her. she had only gotten to bed at four in the morning after working on a new arrangement for their album with han-na yesterday. no wonder she slept through the alerts.
aera swiped through her notification centre in confusion, seeing dozens of comments on all her socials, but twitter was the most prominent. she opened the app and a low, shocked gasp escaped her mouth when the trending tab caught her eye.
trending in south korea
2 — #HwangAera
she could feel her pulse in her throat, wondering if this had something to do with their performance at gayo daejejeon last week. did she mess up and not notice? was everyone making fun of her? eyebrows pinched in utter confusion, aera tapped on the hashtag and waited for it to load with a heavy heart.
she recognised a few of their most active allures' accounts at the top of the feed and felt exponentially more at ease.
'@ asamislove: 1/1000 reasons to stan siren: #hwangaera'
[ video attached ] 
jesus, aera thought. she last saw that video when it was posted on their company's socials at the beginning of 2015. it was one of the recordings she took to send to their vocal coach when she and the girls were given techniques to work on. it barely garnered views when it was posted, the majority of the audience being dedicated allures, and if we're being honest - there are very few of those. why is the video getting attention now?
aera scrolled for a few minutes; eyes still squinted with fatigue while she spam liked every post she saw. she couldn't believe that so many people were sharing the video - people that had no idea who she even was. her teeth rolled her lower lip back and forth in angst as she read through all the praise for herself and siren alongside the video.
'@ moonlightmomo: wow yall are FAKE for not telling me about siren sooner #hwangaera #siren'
[ video attached² ] 
'@ sirenstepstool: may i remind you all that this is their main DANCER? yea hurry up go stan #mywife #hwangaera #siren'
[ video attached³ ] 
she felt her heart race again as her gaze shifted from her phone to her roommate, watching as the blonde clutched her pillow, soft snores blowing through her lips as she slept. deciding not to wake the sleeping devil just yet, she sat up and quietly threw on a pair of sweats and a hoodie before tiptoeing out of their dorm, en route to bother someone else who would, without a doubt, be awake. jang han-na.
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"ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod!" han-na cried, scrolling through the seemingly endless retweets of aera’s video on twitter, a shit-eating grin adorning her lips. "of course it's you who goes viral. we all sent in similar videos. bitch." the elder jokes, giggling when aera delivers a wack to her hoodie-clad arm.
aera and hanna are currently sitting outside of the park entertainment building, perched against the wall of the structure, reading through all of the comments on their social medias. this was aera's go-to spot when she needed a moment to herself, or if she had to talk to someone on the phone without the four of her nosy sisters sniffing around to see who it was. the younger of the two had hummed in thought when hanna asked if she came out here often as she followed behind her. a moment passed before aera shook her head, a lousy "just thought it looked nice," leaving her lips in response.
"they're talking about us, unnie. like everywhere." aera spoke in shock, now on instagram, seeing how the mentions of their group's hashtag had more than quadrupled in the span of a few hours.
hanna nodded, eyes not even tearing away from her phone to respond, "our music video views are going up too. oh my god, our followers. two hundred thous- fuck i need to call dae-jungnim. i feel like i'm going to puke." aera watched in amusement as hanna scrambled to her feet, dashing inside to head for the office and call their director.
the cool breeze of the morning air nipped at the remaining girl's skin as she pulled her knees closer to her chest, head falling back slightly to rest against the building behind her. her phone was balanced on her knees as she lifted a hand to tap on it and check the time. 9:03 am. she had an hour before she had to head to practice.
her tiredness was suddenly forgotten as she sent hanna a text saying she was going for a walk and would return before practice started. aera shoved her phone in the pocket of her sweatpants before heading towards her favourite corner shop.
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the bell above their local convenience store door whistled as aera entered the shop. she waved politely to heejin, the owner's daughter, who returned the gesture with a cheesy smile. aera was mid-walk toward the candy aisle, head down as she checked her bank app on her phone to avoid her card declining at the checkout, when her body came in contact with a wall.
"aish," she cursed under her breath as her phone slipped from her hand. it was, in fact, not a wall that she ran into, but instead a person. a white shirt and black sweatpants adorned his figure as he scrambled to pick up her phone that slid across the floor.
he shifted the two mini bottles of banana-flavoured milk and bag of sour straws into his left hand before leaning down and grabbing her cell phone off the floor with his right. aera's eyebrows furrowed as she stared at the back of the stranger's head, wondering why he looked so familiar. when he bent back up and turned to face her, she then realised why.
"oh shit, aera! hey! sorry, i was in a rush," jungkook apologised, handing the girl's phone back when he reached her. while she was checking the device for any new defects, she gave up with a heavy sigh. it was hopeless to identify any new marks, the screen was already covered in cracks.
"no, don't apologise," aera shook her head, "i wasn't looking where i was going. and this thing is a piece of shit. i'd probably thank you if you broke it."
jungkook lifted his eyes back to aera's face after shamelessly trailing down her outfit when she was inspecting her phone. sweatpants and a hoodie is his favourite outfit on her, she always looked so warm. he smiled at her lightheartedness before speaking, "what are you here for?" he knew what she was getting, what she always gets, but he asked for the sake of it.
her eyes dropped to the candy in his left hand, and he watched with a smirk as her eyes squinted at him. "hm, i wonder," she rolled her eyes teasingly, resuming her trek to the confectionary aisle. and he followed.
"you little shit," aera gasped when she reached the section that hung her favourite sweets. completely empty.
his smirk was yet to leave his face as he watched her spin to face him. "last bag," he nodded before faking a pout. she shook her head in disbelief, "you don't even like them!" she was right. he didn't. but she loved them. and he might be trying to build a tolerance for them.
"i don't know what you're talking about, these are my favourite." he lied, suppressing a laugh when her face contorted into a confused gape.
"you are evil." she whined, turning away and walking further down the aisle. and he followed.
"i'd be happy to give them to you," he offered simply. at that, she whipped around at record speed, staring at him with hope.
"okay," she nodded, holding her hand out, "gimmie."
he nodded along, holding the candy out towards her. aera reached for the bag but before it was in her grasp, he pulled his hand back swiftly.
"for something in return."
a soft whine left her lips at his childishness, her arm dropping to her side. "you're so annoying," she scoffed through a chuckle. "what do you want?"
"come for a walk with me," he shrugged, tongue poking out to wet his dry lips while he watched her eyes roll back, one of her biggest habits.
"i can't, i have practice at 10." but of course jungkook knew that. he knew her schedule to a T, memorising her ridiculous rehearsal hours so he knew when she would most likely respond to his texts.
"it's," he grabbed his phone from his trousers to check the time, "only ten past nine! that's plenty of time."
"you are insufferable," aera lied, taking the sour straws from his hand before turning on her heels and heading to the refrigerators. once again, like a lost fucking puppy, he followed.
she grabbed a bottle of dragonfruit vitamin water from the fridge, "c'mon then," she said softly before heading to the checkout.
aera was in the middle of making small talk with heejin when jungkook reached them. heejin rang up aera's order and as she stepped toward the eftpos machine, jungkook plopped his drinks onto the counter and slid ₩25k toward the owner's daughter. heejin smiled before cancelling the eftpos transaction and put the cash through the register.
"jungkook." aera's eyebrows furrowed in annoyance, watching as he waved his hand in a keep-the-change motion before thanking heejin and grabbing the groceries. aera thanked the girl as well before walking through the door that he held open, stepping into seoul's brisk morning air.
jungkook handed aera her drink and sour candy before cracking the lid on one of his banana milks and taking a big swig. he offered her a sip as they walked next to each other, but she shook her head, already tearing into the bag of sour straws.
pulling two out of the bag, she stopped walking and bit into one, holding the other to his lips with a smirk. "go on then, if you love them so much." he stopped walking as well, glancing down at the rainbow lolly stick covered in tangy sugar. he internally cringed thinking about actually eating it, but nevertheless leaned closer and took a big bite out of it from her fingers.
if there's one thing about jungkook, it's that he is horrible at hiding his emotions. so he just doesn't. it's one of the things aera has always liked about her friend. she appreciates his authenticity and forwardness, whether or not it can annoy the shit out of her sometimes.
he only makes it through two bites of the sweet before his face contorts into a pained scowl, causing aera to fall into a fit of giggles. "god, that's disgusting. your tastebuds are messed up." he shakes his head with a smile, her laugh subsiding the pain of eating the atrocious candy.
they fall back into a steady pace as they resume walking, enjoying the comfortable silence while they both indulge in their snacks. they had been walking for about ten minutes now, jungkook snorting at some stupid joke aera had made before he looked forward, noticing his company building up ahead.
the park entertainment building was not far from bighit at all, which is why the two nineteen-year-olds share a favourite convenience store. "did you want to come say hi to the guys?" jungkook offered, looking over at aera while she finished her mouthful.
"can't, jungkook. practice, remember?" she reminded, stopping in her tracks, causing him to as well. she shoved the bag of sour straws into his hand, "share some with bangtan-sonyeondan-seonbaenim and tell them i said hi," aera teased. jungkook rolled his eyes at her formality, bumping his shoulder with hers before tucking the candy into his pocket and heading back toward the direction they came.
"where are you going?" aera asked in confusion, and his head turned slightly to her with furrowed brows.
"walking you back?" he said just as confused, as if it was the only possible answer in the world.
"what? no? your place is right there," aera gestured towards his company with her bottle of vitamin water, "that's just a waste of time."
"no, it's not." he shook his head, the corner of his mouth pulling into a smile. he would walk her to busan if she asked him to. "come on, you'll be late." he ushered her towards him and waited for her to start walking with him again. and she did.
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hellfireclubmember ¡ 2 years
warning(s): cursing
genre: fluff, frenemies, just fun
pairing(s): steve harrington x reader
summary: reader and steve make a bet at work and robin can't keep a secret to save her life.
*this gif has nothing to do w the story, he just looks so good*
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“Where’s Robin, asshat?” You asked, putting your bag under the wooden counter at Family Video. It was 6 o’clock and the sun had officially set about 20 minutes before you walked in. Closing shift was your favorite, even if you did have to stay until midnight.
Steve scoffed. “Aren’t you just a ray of sunshine?” He watched as you walked around the counter and to the cart of returned tapes. There was a pause as he admired you. You were wearing blue flared jeans and a flimsy band t-shirt under your green vest. And although it was a simple ensemble, Steve thought that no one had ever worn anything prettier. “She wasn’t feeling well, asked me to cover her shift.”
You let out a deep sigh. It wasn’t that you hated your shifts with Steve, he was just mildly annoying. He never lets you do your job in peace. Always making irritating comments, rearranging everything you organized and claiming it looked better the way he did it. It made you want to wring his neck. In a friendly way.
You started grabbing the tapes, taking note of the ones you would take with you at the end of your shift. “Great, hope she chokes on her vomit.” You grumbled without looking back up at him.
Steve shook his head, trying his best to silently laugh. He had made it his mission to not let you know you’re funny. He failed most of the time.
“You messed up the candy display, by the way.” Steve watched you lift your head to look at him. He couldn’t fight the smirk that found its way onto his lips. No one looked as pretty as you all angry. “Don’t worry, I fixed it. You’re very welcome.”
The glare you fixed him with was intense. You knew it was going to be a long shift.
After hours of bickering and occasionally shoving each other out of the way, it was finally time to clock out and close up.
“This t-shirt is cute and everything but you should wear some sort of sweater tomorrow.” He placed his time-card back on the stand with the rest. “It’s gonna be cold in the morning.”
You rolled your eyes. “And you’re basing this on what exactly?”
“Robert from channel 4.”
“Are you kidding?” You snorted and turned around to look at him. He was a lot closer than you were expecting. In such close proximity you could smell his cologne. You had never thought about how good Steve smelled. Or how nice his skin was. Obviously, you knew the man was attractive. Steve was rather pretty. So much so that being that close to him was making your face warm.
 You cleared your throat and took a step back. “Robert from channel 4 has been wrong 9 out of 10 times.” You both walked out of Family Video, Steve locked the door behind you. “Its literally about 75 degrees (Fahrenheit) right now, how cold can it get in a few hours?”
“I bet that when we clock in tomorrow, it’ll be freezing.” He said, following you to the parking lot. “I believe in Rob.”
“Well, someone has to.” You reached for the car handle of your Volkswagen. The night was a little brisk but there was no way the temperature would drop so drastically. “But I’ll take that bet, jerk face.”
Steve chuckled. You were too stubborn for your own good. A characteristic he usually found intolerable. Case in point, Dustin Henderson. However, for some reason, he found it kind of charming on you. As infuriating as you were, he liked all your annoying quirks. And there were many.
“Alright, short stack. But don’t come running to me when you’re shivering in your shirt.”
“I’m betting five dollars that I will be able to easily wear a short sleeve.” You challenged. It was your favorite thing to do. Every time you were given the opportunity to wager against Steve, you took it. The look on his handsome face whenever he lost was very rewarding.
You sat on the stool in the video store and wished you had the ability to smite Steve Harrington.
“You’re looking a little cold.” Steve’s arrogant face came into your line of sight. You were, in fact, a little cold, but there was no way in hell you were going to admit defeat to the smug son of a bitch.  You would sooner die of hypothermia.
“I’ve never been warmer actually.” You brought your hands out from under your thighs. An action you immediately regretted. Not only because it was the only thing keeping your hands warm, but because you could not stop them from shaking. The frown on your face was evidence of the hatred you harbored for the dumb, pretty boy trying to bait you.
“Yeah, you look it.” He walked away. In that very moment your stubbornness wasn’t charming, it was concerning. You were visibly shivering. Your lips were almost blue. As much as he enjoyed being right, he hated how miserable you looked.
“Hello my imprisoned friends.” Robin burst through the door of Family Video. She liked to visit the store when she had the day off, she would pretend to be a customer and then never rent a thing. Taking immense pleasure in finally being on the other end of the annoying customer interaction.
She walked up to the counter where you sat shivering.
“Hello, traitor. I thought you were deathly ill.” You glowered at the clearly healthy girl.
“I’m better now.” She mumbled, avoiding eye contact. It was clear she was lying. Robin was never very good at it. She would get really quiet, something that for her was very out of character.
“Liar. Why would you call out sick? You questioned. “Do you hate me that much?”
She sighed. “I don’t hate you. (y/n).” Robin began to look around the fluorescent lit store, making sure that Steve was not in ear shot. “Okay, you wanna know the truth?”
“Yes, the lie sucks.”
“Steve begged me to call in sick. Even bribed me.” She whispered, still very cautious about who was around. If Steve heard her confess that to you, she would have to become very familiar with the sidewalk again. He would never give her a ride anywhere again. “He wanted to spend more time with you.”
“This lie sucks even more.” You rolled your eyes at her. There was no reality where that was the actual reason for her bailing. Steve hated you, why would he want to spend more time than was required?
“I’m being serious, moron. You are quite literally the only one that can’t see how much dingus like you.” Robin was fed up with you both. All the bickering and teasing, it was sickening how obvious you both were. She didn’t think anyone could be emotionally dumber than Steve, yet there you were. Completely oblivious to your own feelings.
There was confusion painted thick on your face. Did Steve like you? How could Steve Harrington like you? It sounded like a prank. Like those dumb jokes the asshole kids at school made. Before you could continue to think about it you felt something fall on your head. Something soft.
“I admit defeat, you win. Just please put on my jacket, you’re about to freeze solid.” Steve grabbed your hands and tried to warm them with his own. A soft smile on his perfect pink lips. “And as annoying as you are, I would hate that.”
You were frozen on the spot, even after he walked away. His jacket still balanced on your head. You could feel your heart beating erratically in your chest. When you looked back at Robin, the look on her face alone said ‘I told you so’. Steve and her really were best friends, they had both mastered that exact look.  
taglist: @slashersluttt @slurmp69 @sadbitchfangirl @actual-mom-steve-harrington @stylesyourmine @pennyllanne @johnricharddeacy
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lunalillyhbhb ¡ 7 months
Chapter 1
The room I've rented out for the next 3 months is in a nice 3 bedroom house, with a shared bathroom and basic kitchen amenities. It's a 15 minute drive from the hospital I'll be interning at, and has all the basic stores around me in walking distance. My room is a single bedroom, window facing the busy streets. The other 2 rooms are occupied by a couple (mid 20s) in the master bedroom, and a man in his late 20s. All of us know of each other, but rarely ever interact, with our schedules never lining up. Which is perfect for me. Most of the time when I'm home, the house is empty and I'm free to do whatever I want.
Being in my mid 20s myself, my body is for most part full of vigor and energy, but mentally waay too tired. With rotations going on, I'm pushed to my limits almost every day, trying my best to impress the residents and other doctors around me.
It's the middle of the week, and my night shift finally gets over at 6 am. It's been a rough day so far, and I decide that I really need some time to myself, to let of steam in a healthy way. Already looking forward to playing with my toys, I rush back, ideas running through my head. Running up the stairs, I feel my heartbeat pick up pace, and my arousal grows. I jangle the keys in the lock in a hurry and quickly step in, fully expecting the house to be empty, as it usually is in the mornings. A quick peruse through the rooms confirms my suspicions, and the locked doors tells me no one is home, perfect.
I rush into my room, half heartedly closing the door behind me and messily removing my shirt and pants, stripping down to bra and underwear. My heart starts thundering in my chest and the familiar ache spreads throughout my body, from my chest slowly making its way down to my clit. I grab my steth and phone, select my favourite heartbeat video I can find on youtube, and start stething myself.
With one ear in the steth and the other ear listening to the video, a cacophony of strong thuds fills my brain, echoing inside all corners of my body. I feel my underwear dampen, and know that I'm close. Very close. A soft moan escapes my mouth and I slide my fingers between my throbbing clit, fully wet and needy for more stimulation.
As I start rubbing faster, I suddenly hear the door next to me click.
Someone's home.
What do I do? My eyes quickly dart to my door and to my horror, it's slightly ajar. Anyone in the hall could catch a glimpse of me in this extremely vulnerable position.
My mind goes into panic and my already fast heart starts beating much, much more strongly. I feel her squeezing each muscle with her all, and my chest vibrates with every hammering beat and sweat dots my chest.
Somehow.....I am even more turned on. The fear of this situation has kicked my heart into overdrive, and I feel my fingers working faster, weaving its way into all my sweet spots.
Outside my door, I hear feet shuffling and catch a glimpse of my male roommate.
Am I heard? Am I quiet enough? Is my heart pounding so loudly that he can hear it? Did her hear my moans?
The feeling of the possibility of being heard further pushes my heart to her limits, and I try my best to not let my moans escape me. My body shakes and quivers more, unable to resist the waves of pleasure overcoming me. My heartbeat pounds loudly in my ears and my pussy is soaking wet and at my highest, i cup my mouth unable to curb the soft moan that escapes.
finally, a few seconds after, post nut clarity hits. Fuck what was I thinking? He definitely heard me. Or did he? I stay absolutely still on my bed and try to hear out for any noises. A few seconds pass, I hear a soft sigh and feet shuffling back to the door. With a soft click I confirm that he's back in his room and his door is closed.
Immediately jumping into action, I shut my door close, stethoscope still pressed firmly into my heart and phone video long since over. I hear as my heart beats faint but so quickly, I can't believe I almost exposed myself to a complete stranger! That too my roommate? Who knows what he would've done if he felt uncomfortable, he might've complained to the landlord and had me kicked out!
Next time I ever decide to play with myself, I better make sure no one is around, no matter how tired I am.
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bananamarshmallowz ¡ 5 months
I'm here to talk about Destiel...
The internet is a very funny place.
If you're in need of a good laugh, go to your favorite series, show, films what have you and ask what are you unpopular opinions with _said show_.
I have watched dozens of shows and always think I might be the only one, post that and see what happens.
I am a shipper but I normally don't talk or boast about what/who I ship, it's not relevant and it can be weird. I don't ship actors/real humans, that's crossing lines. Characters however, yes. Anyway, I have to bring up this one. One comment said "Destiel shouldn't have happened." Okay, I get that, people can get weird about it. Then they go on to say how every shipper claws and digs for stuff that isn't there.
And again, I'm not saying some people don't dig but not all gay/LGBTQ+ representation is completely shown in media. Mentioned maybe here and there, sure. But there's endless cis-straight-relationship romance movies, romance themes and what have you. Some series make really bad portrayals and give gay people a bad rap because they're the only representation. And don't get me wrong, sometimes we do dig and claw because we feel what they portray, or at least we think so. But sometimes we don't need to dig.
That same thread added the random siren or even the policeman from yellow fever had more chemistry than Dean and Cas ever have. - Him looking at the soldier's ass in Time After Time while walking in the store. Yes, those were weird scenes, why were they even shown? Great question, I don't know I'm just here. - And as for they have no chemistry... They won best chemistry award for TV... It doesn't get better than that.
This is more of a rant than I want but this is certainly one of my favorite shows. And I feel the need to say what's on my mind because I know I can't afford therapy, so this is the next best thing.
Oh yeah before I start this, I have read numerous comments accusing all the actors of horrendous things... - Firstly, they all have kids, and wives and love their kids so much. I don't think they would do anything to jeopardize that. So stop making up messed up shit. - Secondly, I don't want to believe other people make other people uncomfortable for fun, but some people do. But considering that they acted for more than 8 years together, I'm pretty sure working with people that are cool for that long, they all had a strong bond. And all the times that Jensen looks uncomfortable whenever Misha goes into or talks about Destiel, it's because technically they're not even allowed to say anything about the show regarding shipping characters because anything could've been true, it could've not been. If every actor were able to spoil their movie, we'd be out of movies but we aren't. And Jensen is a rather shy individual, funny enough. At the beginning of Supernatural he was 27, and Jared was 23. When Misha joined when he was 34. They were and still are wholesome and great people. Regardless, All of them would pull pranks and stuff on the show, they're friends, not some messed up whatever someone said, I'm blown away that people would even imply some things. You can look up any video of everyone being close with one another from hugs to dancing, to singing to whatever. So don't say "read the room" when they're just being themselves, I shift a lot when in public, does that mean I'm constantly uncomfortable? No. - THIRDLY, they were all lowkey scared of certain parts of supernatural, in 2017 they did an interview with Entertainment Weekly {this one} and said what the scariest episodes or concepts were at the time for them. Jared's was changelings, shapeshifters, demons possessing people, things that could be real but possibly something posing as someone but something's off. Jensen's was people doing really messed up things and that it was the most realistic thing that could actually happen. Humans being psycho. And vintage dolls, lmao, same. And Misha said that everything could give him nightmares. He's so soft, any of it could give him nightmares. These guys are human. Not some terrible against religion people, they play on a show. Pure human. Just like everyone else.
ANYWAY, I think we all know the infamous eye sex scenes LMAO... if you haven't heard of them... {here's 10 minutes of them staring at each other} and that's not even all the seasons
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They always look each other up and down and just stare at each other.
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Above, Dean says "Cas, we talked about this. Personal space." and then Cas backs off. He doesn't know why, he just knows it makes Dean uncomfortable, so to make him more comfortable, he takes a few steps back. But Cas isn't aware of how complicated humans are. Personal space are just words, angels shouldn't care what humans have to say. They're so primal and they need more than just basic shelter and foods, they need the whole pyramid of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs. He doesn't understand this until he goes through it himself, but we're getting slightly off topic. Sure, them continuing to stare could be just a funny little thing at the start... no. It still happens up to the last episodes.
This is the musical episode, Fanfiction, Season 10, Episode 5. Destiel, Samstiel and the most dreaded Sam/Dean are mentioned... They're brothers. As someone with siblings... gross.
"You can't spell subtext without S-E-X." Then Jensen gave this look to the camera, I think this is on behalf of many of the people on the show.
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Below, they end a scene after talking but it's about 15 seconds of them just staring at each other then it ends. Personally, I'm not a big fan of eye contact, and try to make at least 5 or maybe 2 seconds of contact in between interacting with someone, anything more than 10 is past uncomfortable... I don't stare at anyone this long. Legit the scene is so long lmao
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I don't remember the context on this but I just don't like eye contact. Both their eyes are gorgeous but I don't stare like this, especially with any of my siblings. When they have a hard time I hug them if they want a hug, talk to them, but I don't make eye contact like that.
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I have never looked at my friends like this, not my best friends, certainly not my siblings. Someone I had a crush on, possibly.
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Next, they are going in as Texas Rangers and Dean explains how to get Cas into character. "Yeah. Look, just act like you're from Tombstone, okay?" "The city?" "With Kurt Russell? I made you watch it." "Yeah, yeah. Yeah. The one with the guns and tuberculosis." [in a deep cowboy voice] "I'm your Huckleberry." [gulps] "Yeah, exactly.-"
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I don't have anything other than I like that scene and how Cas says, "I'm your Huckleberry" :D
When Cas dies Dean tries to pray to God even though he swore off praying to God. One of the lines is "We've lost everything." Mary's gone, correct but everyone else is alive, except Cas. They still had the Bunker, Baby, Jack. Cas and Mary died (she fell through and there was no way to know she was alive.) But considering that Sam is still alive, the guy Dean has fought tooth and nail to save all these years, is standing by him, ready to fight what may come. But Cas is dead... Dean obliterates his hand from punching on a bathroom door. It's frankly the most punches he's made in a single scene I think and even then, God doesn't answer him so he begins to mourn. It creeps in that his friend is gone.
When Cas is being burned, at first it peers to Jack who sees the man who is supposed to be his father, not blood father but someone who promised to look out for him, someone he doesn't even know, he feels the loss but he's just been born and he never really met Cas.
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Then we roll to Sam, he's lost a dear friend and is sad. He's wanting to cry and fidget and be sad.
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THEN we roll to Dean. His face is drained of all emotion. He has lost his best friend. His dear companion and looks like he lost it all despite his brother being right next to him. He can't even move.
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Now I would be sad if one of my brothers died but sadly I don't have that much of a connection with them as Dean and Cas have. And thankfully I haven't yet experienced one of my brothers pass on.
But I have lost a few lovers, and that... That is the face I have felt. When everything else feels irrelevant. You don't care about anything. You can't care about anything. You are numb.
And this all brings us to the finale.
Death is on her way, has them by their hearts, well Dean's in fact. They run/slowly walk over to Basement Storage Room 7B and Cas wards the room, slowing down Death on the other side.
This is the exact moment before he loses Cas for the last time. (I'm copying from the script on the Supernatural wiki, don't hate me, I watched it over and over too, and I've shortened Cas's monologue because I don't want to relive that heartbreak again lmao) But basically Cas realizes this is it, this is the happiest he has been. Everyone was alive and well, he has Dean alone at last. The last exchange they had was this: "You changed me, Dean." "Why does this sound like a goodbye? "Because it is." - "I love you."
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"Don't do this, Cas." - "Cas..." "Goodbye, Dean." "What?"
Cas pushes Dean out of the way and gets taken by the Empty.
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He has to process all these years of interactions with this awkward little man with sensible shoes in less than five minutes and it all crumbles.
Castiel is gone. And he's not coming back.
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Sam keeps trying to call Dean but he's just getting Dean's voicemail and Dean isn't answering. He simply can't.
A few episodes later, Dean fucking dies. Just how he said he would, to a monster, like any other job. It felt rushed and I didn't like it.
But how they ended it could've been so much worse.
Dean makes it to heaven, expecting just memory lane, but Bobby's there and says Jack remade heaven new, everyone's together in heaven where they belong. He offers him a beer and tells him how different heaven is and how it's so much better.
Dean's sold, but it's missing something.
This is directly after Bobby tells Dean that Cas helped Jack rebuild heaven.
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After that, he takes a drive as he waits out Sam's life. He meets Sam on the bridge and that's the end.
For years, Dean didn't have an obvious love interest, here and there a fling maybe but nothing romantic. All the soft scenes were pretty much between him and Cas.
Their bond isn't brotherly, it's very best friend-ish but lovers can be friends too.
And that's my review on Destiel and why it's a thing it's 4 am and I haven't slept well the past two days so what to do other than write about destiel
ok bye :]
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final-girl96 ¡ 1 year
My Boyfriend's Back Chapter One
Sunday 10:00 PM
September 21, 1996
I was down in the basement in my little studio working on some new music. I always lost track of time when I was down here and that was almost every day. Ever since that night, the night I found my mom. I was for a while going to some kind of party or taking every free shift at the video store I could. I tried not to be home longer than I needed to. I ate and slept there, sometimes not even that. It went on for months. Stu would come to find me and take me back to his place and there was always a breakdown that happened when he did.
Then I started to pour all of that anger, guilt, sadness, every single emotion I was feeling into music. I spent more time at home either in my room reading or downstairs in the studio. I mean I did other things too. I still work at Bradley's and I spend time with Stu and my other friends. Me and Sidney haven't been on that great of terms but we're making more progress. After Cotton Weary, one most recent man our mom was seeing, was arrested for her murder Sidney and I had a huge fight.
She didn't want to believe that our mother would sleep with someone else. Sid and I had different coping mechanisms. She shut herself off from everyone, especially Billy. She wouldn't let him touch her for months. It was all because we were told that our mother wasn't just murdered, she had been raped first. Sidney locked herself up and became a prude. I mean before that her and Billy couldn't keep their hands to themselves. He was being patient with her but I could see that patience was slowly withering away.
There had always been rumors of Maureen Prescott being the town whore. But that got worse after her murder. People would come up to me and Sidney and tell us we were going to be just like her. I had one girl from school come up to me at a party and tell me I was a whore just like my mother. Let's just say her perfect little face isn't so percent anymore. She cried while I threw punches. I guess I'm lucky she said it at a party and not at school. I should be a junior this year but I studied my ass off enough that I get to skip right to being a senior. I guess taking those AP classes paid off. Sooner I can get out of this town the better.
There was a knock on the door frame since I didn't close the door. Dad didn't really care about the noise, not like mom had. I looked over to see him standing in the doorway. "Hey, sweetheart," he said, walking into the room. I set my pen down, turning around in the chair to look at him better. "Hey." I gave him a small smile. "Thought I'd come down and let you know it's ten o'clock." I turned my head to look at the clock on the desk and sure enough it said ten. "Oh, I didn't realize how late it was." He nodded his head, "You've been losing track of time when you're down here. Everything alright?" He asked. I stood up, nodding my head. "Mmhmm." After turning all the lights off we headed upstairs and went to bed.
Monday 7:00 AM
September 22, 1996
I was in my room getting ready for school when my bedroom door opened. "Good morning, gorgeous!" I rolled my eyes, "Stu, what're you doing here?" I asked. I turned back around, shoving my books in my bag. "What, I can't take my girl to school?" I felt his arms wrap around my waist from behind. His lips connected with my neck. "How'd you get in?" I asked. "Your dad let me in on his way out the door." He rested his chin on my shoulder. "You never called me last night."
"Yeah, sorry about that. I was downstairs and lost track of time. My dad had to come down to get me to come up and go to bed at like ten." He hummed and kissed my temple. "Working on something new?" He asked, sitting on the bed. I nodded, "mmhmm. And no you can not hear it," I said, laughing at his pouty face. His hands went to my hips, moving me so I was standing between his legs. "You've been spending a lot of time down there lately. You doing okay up there?" He asked, tapping two fingers on the side of my head. "You having nightmares again?"
Ah yes, the nightmares. Or more like one nightmare that just comes back over and over. Me walking into the house finding my mom except in the dream she comes back, pointing a finger at me and telling me it was all my fault. "No, no. You know how I get when I'm writing a new song. I hyperfixate on it. That's all it is I promise." He nods his head, gripping my hips slightly and then smirks. "So, you think we have time for a quicky?" I hit his shoulder laughing. "Oh, my god! You're such a perv!" He pulled me down on top of him as he fell back onto the bed, "yeah, but you love me."
Eventually I was able to pull myself away from Stu and we left for school. Sidney had already taken the bus. Billy stopped picking her up after she kept declining over and over. They were on better terms and she actually allowed him to touch her now but they weren't the same as they used to be. And Billy has been a little more closed off since his mom left not long before our mom was murdered. Sidney never really tried to ask if he was okay after mom. He tried being there for her but she was never there for him.
"You going to come over for a little after school?" Sru asked, pulling into a parking spot. "Umm… I have work after school but I'll come over if you pick me up," I told him, smiling. "Deal! But if I pick up after work and bring you home with me, you're staying the night. I fucking miss you." I rolled my eyes as I got out of the car. Stu rushed around to my side taking my bookbag, putting it on one shoulder, and taking my hand with the other. "You see me, like everyday, Stu." He let go of my hand and put his arm around my shoulder to bring me closer so he could kiss my forehead. "Doesn't mean I don't miss you."
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mode-lfy ¡ 2 years
Secret friend - Bonus part
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It's been months since Y/n and Liz got together... becoming a cute couple that does a lot of things together when they are together.
Despite Liz's career not allowing her to have as much free time compared to Y/n, she tries to chat with him everyday when allowed and visit him when on break.
They have cuddled to sleep together a few times... watching movies at Y/n's studio.
They have small arguments once in a while but both were considerate and give in to each other.
Liz often catches Y/n watching cute videos and clips of her, many including Rei.
Once, she tried to surprise him during his shift in the 7-11 but she caught him watching a cute clip of her and Rei doing aegyo. And him smiling like a fool.
This time, Liz wanted to visit him during her free time inbetween promotions but Y/n told her not to visit him or the convenience store as she would be tired and should be resting more.
Liz thought, 'Y/n is so thoughtful...'
However, Rei suddenly come into the room, asked why isn't she hanging out with Y/n to de stress.
"Well, Y/n said I should be resting at home instead and that I didn't need to visit him." Liz explained.
"Just call him and talk then. It's going to be exam period for him soon after our promotion ends, then he will be the one who is busy." Rei encouraged her.
Liz agreed and decided to call Y/n, expecting him to answer but Y/n didn't answer and texted her instead not to call him today as he was busy working.
Feeling disappointed, she wanted to instead surprise him instead. She wasn't feeling tired and if anything, being with Y/n helps to energise and refresh her mood.
This was the first time Y/n actually told her not to visit him and she was hesitant on whether or not she wanted to visit him. But thought she might just do it, as she missed him.
However when walking out to the door, she was greeted by the other members who just bought snacks home. "Oh? Are you going to visit Y/n?" Gaeul asked, seeing how Liz was about to go out.
"Yeah! I wanted to surprise him at the convenience store." Liz blushed.
"Ah he is not there though, he want there when we went to buy snacks." Yujin informed, which Liz was surprised as Y/n told her that he was working.
"But what?" Gaeul asked.
"Nothing... I will visit him at his home then." Liz said softly under her breath.
Liz was confused, did Y/n just lied to her!?!?
She took a taxi, quickly getting to Y/n's block and  taking a lift to his floor. Outside his room, he could hear a woman's voice calling him.
"Y/n, my (muffled noises)," The woman's voice called Y/n and sounded very affectionate.
Liz collapsed and felt bad. 'Is Y/n cheating on me?' Liz thought.
She wanted to walk away and cry. She couldn't believe Y/n is doing this to her.
As she sat down and struggled to hold her tears for awhile, Liz thought... 'I can't let this go!' Liz stood up and knocked on his doors angrily.
"I will get the door!" Y/n's voice came.
Within seconds, the door opened and Y/n appeared.
"Ji-won!?!?" Y/n's eyes widened at the sight of her.
Liz immediately gave him one tight slap, making Y/n surprised.
"You cheater! You are cheating on me, aren't you! That's why you didn't want me to visit you!" She shouted.
"No, I didn't!" Y/n felt accused.
"Who's that?" A older woman came running towards the door.
"Hey! Why did you slap my son!" The older woman  shouted at Liz.
Liz stopped her crying momentarily, "S-Son...?"
The older woman immediately took a closer look at Y/n's cheeks that were slapped by Liz.
After a short explanation.....
Liz was sitting respectfully and anxiously while she sat beside Y/n while the older woman sat across her at the table, examining her.
"Hi Auntie! My name is Kim Ji Won! Nice to meet you!" She said nervously and loudly.
Y/n looked and smiled at her cute actions.
"So you are my son's girlfriend...?" The older woman asked.
"Yes..." Liz answered, her hands shaking.
"Don't worry, my mom is very nice. Just relax." Y/n held her hand, reassuring her.
"That's good!" Y/n's mom smiled happily.
"Why didn't you tell me that you had a girlfriend!" His mom looked at him, unhappy.
"It's a secret... You would be wanting to see her a lot and I don't want to scare her." Y/n answered, smiling at Liz.
"So what do you do? You look familiar..." Y/n's mom asked.
"I'm a singer... Im in a girl group..." Liz answered timidly.
"Mom!" Y/n tried to stop her from asking too much.
"You should have told me that you have a girlfriend!" Her mom said to him, unable to hide the smile that she was happy with Liz and him having a girlfriend.
Y/n sighed as Liz smiled and said, "It's okay."
"Hmm, so that's why you haven't been wanting me to come and visit your studio... I thought you have been busy with schoolwork, and not been calling me as often." His mom nodded her head in realisation.
"...." Y/n looked at her, guilty.
"Fine then... I will just let you two kids have your own time. I will just visit another time." Y/n's mom say as she got up and leaving the groceries bag in the fridge.
"Sorry! Y/n smiled guiltily.
"Have fun with Y/n!" Y/n's mom waved at Liz as she exited the studio.
"Why didn't you tell me your mom was here!" Liz questioned Y/n, after his mom left.
"Well... I didn't want to make you nervous. Also...  it would have make you stressed out..." Y/n said, putting Liz down beside him and hugging her.
"Movies and cuddle tonight?" Y/n asked, pinching her nose gently.
"Sure!" Liz said as she began to hug Y/n and ask what movie he would want to watch.
"Let's watch something relaxing? I will open  YouTube videos of something cute and you will like it." Y/n opened up his laptop and place it on the table.
Liz and Y/n both laid on the bed and cuddled as they watched the videos, albeit their attention mostly on each other.
Halfway through the night, Liz fell asleep and Y/n smiled at her sleeping face. He stopped the videos and kissed her before sleeping himself too.
"I love you." Y/n whispered as he kissed her, to which Liz smiled.
Well, It’s been awhile since I wrote as there were something big happening on in my life.
I wrote this as a sort of a celebration as I reached 200 followers on Wattpad.
Thanks alot for the support along the way!
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hellfiremunsonn ¡ 2 years
Steve Freaking Harrington.
AN: ALRIGHT WELL I SAID I WAS WRITING A STEVE FIC AND I REALLY FUCKIN DID. It’s a slow burn so if you just want the smut part you’ll have to scroll for quite a while. I got a little carried away. I’m gunna call it “Part One” for now until I know what or where I'm going with it but I really hope you all enjoy it. Please let me know if there is anything I didn’t tag, or if you have any feedback. 
I do not allow my writing to be republished anywhere other than my own blog without my consent
Word count: 7705
Warnings: blood, talk of self harm, mentions of past self harm scars, fem reader, Dom Steve if you squint, unprotected sex (please always use protection), p in v, m oral receiving, fingering, m an f orgasm
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It was another long and boring day at Family Video. One of those days where I often just stood at the counter shifting my weight from foot to foot staring at the clock and trying to ignore whatever shitty move was playing on the tv behind me. Robin scribbled doodles on a scrap piece of paper and Steve hung around on the other side of the counter, leaning on his elbows with his head in his hands. "This is brutal" Steve said sighing.
"At least you don't have to go to school tomorrow" Robin muttered, still doodling.
I smiled a little. It became so familiar to listen to them bicker back and fourth. They were like an old married couple. "Ahh yes the young child complains about getting her education while not having to pay rent" I said side eyeing her.
"Okay I'm eighteen, which means legally I'm an adult so" she said raising her eyebrows. Steve and I shared a look before laughing.
"Just because you're eighteen doesn't mean you're not a kid, believe me" I thought back when I thought everything would change when I turned eighteen. It's a big deal for no real reason other than legally being an adult. You still can't drink, you're still in high school, and for most people, still living under their parents roof with everything paid for. But in the end you still were a kid who was clueless about the world. I wouldn't go as far to say that about Robin considering how mature she really was despite being as goofy as she is.
"Were you the one who got stuck in a Russian lab, or dungeon? Basement maybe? I'm not even sure what is was, but was that you? No it wasn't" she said crumpling up her doodle filled paper and throwing it at my head.
"Hey!" I sad rubbing my forehead where the crinkled ball had poked me before landing on the floor. "Listen I was probably laying in bed states away blissfully unaware, so no, I can't relate to that" I grabbed the paper ball and threw it into the trash, glancing at the clock again groaning I made my way over to the shelves and started spacing everything way too neatly just to pass time.
About an hour later I was now sitting on the floor still spacing each movie apart but now on the opposite side of the store when Robin came out of the back room loudly swinging her backpack over her shoulder. "Well see ya later losers, have fun closing up" And with a wink she was out the door. I gave her a quick wave and continued my spacing.
"(Y/N)?" Steve called.
"Over here!" I said peaking around one of the shelves.
"Why are you on the floor?" He said standing next to me.
"Because why would I stand up to do the bottom shelf?" I said back. Looking up at him. He was so beautiful. And he knew it, which made him more unbearable because he knew what to do, and when to do it, and who to do it too, so he could get the right reaction out of them. We became friends quite quickly when I started working at Family Video mainly from how much time we spent alone in the empty store, but also because Robin forced him to train me when I started so she wouldn't have to. I definitely don't blame her for that because training the newbie is always kind of boring. Although I had to thank her for that because if it wasn't for her distaste in training I don't know if I would have ever gotten as close to Steve as I have if he wasn't the one spending all that extra time training me.
After a few short months of getting to know Steve and opening up to him. I told him about how my home life wasn't exactly ideal and offered to let me stay in one of his spare bedrooms. His house was massive and his parent's rarely home, not that they minded me. They really liked me actually. I tried to deny Steves offer until one fairly rough night at home got just a little too much. So at two am he drove to my house, helped me pack up my belongings and took me 'home'. I refused to stay there without paying rent, and although Steve was very against it I kept sending the money to his parents so he couldn't stop me. All he had to do was give me that 'Steve Harrington' look and I would have caved and not payed him or his parents a single penny.
I always felt like he could see right through me. Like every time those brown eyes made their way to mine that he was reading every thought that entered my mind and could tell how I was feeling. Maybe it was just because he was supposedly good with women, or maybe he just started to figure out how to be good with me? It was a thought I had often of him and I together, not always rated G and I would never admit it to Robin let alone him. Robin picked up on my crush rather quickly and would teased me about it often but it was our little secret and Steve really hated that we had a secret. He hated not being apart of it especially with two of his closet friends but I just couldn't tell him.
I wasn't really part of his crowd, even with all the fourteen year olds, and I never wanted to push my luck and force myself onto them or into their group. I knew they were all super close and that Steve cared for each of them as if they were his own children. It was cute seeing him take on this paternal instinct around them, like it was so natural and he had been doing it his whole life. Maybe it was because his parents weren't really around and he kind of had to parent himself.
His parents being MIA would definitely explain his old reputation I heard so much about from Robin. "King Steve" they would call him, and apparently he was a bit of a dick, but that changed, and he never went back to being that person. I'm glad I got to know him as the Steve he is now otherwise I'm not so sure we would get along, but together were just a couple of goofs who "Share one brain cell" between the two of us as Robin often tells us.
"Hellooooo" Steve said waving a hand in front of my face snapping me from my thoughts.
"W-what? What's up?" I said trying to act casual.
"You were day dreaming about me again weren't you" He said teasing.
"Again? Bold of you to assume I've day dreamed about you at all, let alone multiple times Harrington" I teased back. Finally standing up from floor, pulling my shorts back down my thighs from bunching I wiggled slightly and sighed. Steve eyed me suspiciously.
"Can you come help me move that big table in the back? A new shipment of snacks and shit should be here in the morning so Keith want's space for it" He said shoving his hands deep into his jeans. Which I didn't even think was possible, considering how wonderfully tight they were.
"Yes sir!" I said giving him a salute and making my way to the back. "I hate this table" I said standing at one end of it, my hands cuffed around the metal edge ready to lift. "Why?" Steve questioned going to the other end. "It's just a table" he said and laughed as he lifted his end. Nodding his head to tell me I was good to lift my end. As I lifted it pain seared through my palm and I gritted my teeth as we slowly shimmied to get the table to the other side of the room. Dropping my end of the table abruptly I grabbed my hand quickly noticing blood dripping from it. I hopped up and down muttering profanities until Steve asked me what was wrong.
"Fucking stupid table, I told you I didn't like, and it fucking cut me!" I said holding up my hand while still holding it with my other hand attempting to keep the bleeding at bay not knowing how bad the cut actually was.
"Jesus Christ (Y/N) you're bleeding everywhere!" Steve said rushing to the bathroom to retrieve the first aid kid. "No shit Sherlock" I said following him.
"Sit on the toilet" He ordered, closing the lit and gesturing to it with a nod of his head while he kneeled in front of me rummaging through the tiny red box.  I tapped my feet frantically up and down while I waited for Steve. "Okay so, we have to clean it, and that's going to hurt a lot even if it isn't as deep of a cut as it looks" he said glancing up at me. I guess he could see the concern on my face and rubbed my knee briefly. "It'll be over before you know it"
I groaned leaning back into the toilet, a few whimpers escaping my mouth as the pain continued. I watched Steve as he carefully set everything up, and even washed his hands before returning to the floor in front of me. Tipping the bottle of rubbing alcohol onto one of the pieces of gauze he steadied himself between my legs and held out his hand. I hesitated clutching my hand a little closer to my chest fearing how bad the alcohol was going to make it sting. Steves eyes softened and his mouth turned up into a small smile. "We gotta get it clean" He said softly. I slowly sat up straight and cautiously gave him my hand finally letting go of it with my other hand. He held it gently in his as he rested it on top of my thigh. "Do you want me to count to three or something?" He asked raising an eyebrow.
"No- Wait! Yes, please. Please count" I said.
"Okay" Steve said taking a deep breath. "One-"
He never made it to three before patting the wet gauze onto my hand and I yelped out but he held my hand in place. "You fucker!" I spat. Tears threatening to spill over.
"Oh you're fine" He said giving my hand a final swipe. "Look it's not even that bad! Just a little cut" Cutting a smaller piece of fresh gauze he placed it onto my palm and used medical tape to keep it in place. I watched as his fingers worked delicately around my hands, cleaning off the excess blood. I could feel my heart beat in my ears, and my skin get hot.
"You're looking a little pale there. You alright?" Steve asked. Resting his hands on my knees.
"I think I might pass out" I said weakly, feeling the tips of my fingers go numb and the room spin slightly.
"Not on my watch, come here" He said as he lifted me off the toilet and onto the floor, positioning my arms and legs so I was sat with my head between my legs. "Alright I need you to take some slow deep breaths okay? In through your nose and out through your mouth"
I did as he said and only lifted my head when the heart beat in my ears faded and the room stopped spinning. Taking a final deep breath I leaned back resting my head against the bathroom wall.
"There's that colour coming back to that pretty face" Steve said rubbing my cheek lightly with his thumb. I hummed, closing my eyes and leaning into his warm palm. Realizing what I was doing I cleared my throat and moved away from his hand. "Thank you for uh" I said raising my hand. "Fixing me" I let out an awkward laugh.
"It was my pleasure" He said smiling and standing up. For a moment I thought his cheeks might have been a slight pink but maybe I was just seeing things. I did almost just pass out so I don't know if I fully trust my own brain right now. "Take a minute to take breather, I'll clean up the blood while you do that"
I got up slowly after a few minutes of extra sitting just to make sure I wasn't going to topple over and fall unconscious and hitting my head off of something and then bleeding out in the Family Video bathroom. definitely not how I want to die. Eventually I made my way back out into the store and to the counter where Steve was counting the till whispering the numbers slightly as he flipped through the money.
Scribbling, he ran a hand through his hair before noticing me. "Hey, I grabbed a few accident report papers for you to fill out" He said pointing to them on the counter next to him.
A small laugh bubbled in my chest as I reached for them, folding them into a square and shoving them into my bag knowing I would never actually fill them out.  As if reading my thoughts like I always thought he was, he said. "I already filled one out, so don't lie and tell me you're going to fill it out and then never do it"
A blush rose to my cheeks. I don't know how he knew me so well. Maybe I was just really predictable. "Alright, double check this for me and then we are good to go" He said holding his pen out towards me. I grabbed it and stood on my tippy toes, leaning against the counter as I tapped the numbers into the calculator. "Still can't do the math in your head?" Steve whispered, not wanting to disrupt my counting. "Shut it Harrington" I mumbled giving a final check and my signature to the paper. Throwing the pen down onto the counter I raised my good hand for a high five which Steve reciprocated with a dramatic wave of his hand before slapping it against mine and giving it a light squeeze.
After locking the door behind us I followed slowly behind Steve to his car, waiting at the passenger door for him to unlock it before sliding into the seat. I tucked my knees up to my chest, resting my chin on them and wrapped my arms around them tightly. It was hard being around Steve all the time and I knew that living with him was going to be even harder, but I had only been there for a few weeks. Sitting in my room with my door always open out of habit, he would walk by fresh out of the shower, a towel hung low on his waist, his happy trail sparkling with drops of water still stuck to it. He never caught me staring in those moments thankfully, but it didn't stop me from wanting to kick down his door and kiss him.
"You okay?" Steve said breaking the silence.
"Yeah, just in my own head" Which wasn't a lie, I just couldn't tell him what exactly was going through my mind.
"What's going on in that pretty little head of yours" He asked turning down his street.
"It's nothing you need to worry about" I said forcing a smile. When he pulled up into the drive way I got out quickly, almost too quickly as I heard Steve hiss from behind me when I opened the car door before it was fully stopped.
I silently cursed at myself when I got to the front door realizing it was locked and that once again I had to wait for Steve. We still hadn't gone out to get a new copy of the house key for me, so I had to rely on him for another fucking thing.
"Please don't do that again, I could have ran over your foot or something, and I do not think I could deal with that complaining" He said walking in front of me, my shoulder slightly brushing his arm in the process, causing goosebumps to raise on my skin. He unlocked the door and opened it, gesturing with his arm for me to enter first which I did quickly. I sped up the stairs, the sound of my converse slapping against the hardwood as I went. Reaching my room I belly flopped collapsing onto my bed, breathing in the familiar scent of Steves laundry detergent on my blankets. I kicked off my shoes still laying on my stomach and heard them hit the floor with a thud. What the hell was I going to do? This crush is getting worse by the minute and I think I might actually explode. I felt like a bottle of unopened coke that had been shaken so severely that it might just burst without the seal of its plastic lid ever breaking.
I was growing annoyed with myself and obviously Steve. Because why did he have to be so fucking nice to me? No one was this nice to me, not even my parents. The people around town, knew me as that 'drunk dudes daughter' and even though I don't go to school with them, those preppy teenagers bullied me as if they had known me for years. As if I didn't have enough of my own thoughts to bully me. I pulled one of my sleeves up looking at the thin white raised scars along my wrist and forearm. Tracing them with my fingers I sighed and pulled my sleeve back down over them. It was a habit I finally recovered from, but still sometimes I found myself yearning for that familiar release.  No one in I knew Hawkins knew about it. The weather had still been cold enough when I first moved here that I could always wear sweaters and long sleeves without it being questioned. I dreaded the warm weather that had started to creep in weeks ago and I forced myself into a pair of shorts today before going to work. But it was always chilly inside the store so again the sleeves weren't questioned.
A soft knock from behind me is what broke me out of my thoughts. Rolling my head to the side and out of the corner of my eye Steve stood leaning against the doorframe of my room not daring to enter it without permission like a vampire. "Hi" I said quietly. "Come in" I rolled over and sat up crossing my legs.
Steve came in and sat in the chair at my desk. "What's going on with you?" He said looking at me.
"What do you mean?" I said pretending to be confused.
"I don't know you've been weird all day, and the getting out of the car before it was stopped?" He shrugged leaning back. "It's not like you, you usually talk to me" his eyes were soft and a worried expression slowly formed in his face.
Without telling him exact details, I took a deep breath and said. "I have a crush..." My cheeks felt hot and I avoided eye contact by picking at a loose thread in one of my socks.
"You have a crush" Steve repeated. I nodded. "It's been consuming every waking moment of my brain, and I don't know how much longer I can cope with it, I want to like" I stopped furrowing my brows thinking of the words. "-Like peel my skin off"
Steve stifled a laugh as I finally looked up at him. "Don't laugh it's not funny!"
He held his hands up in defence trying his best to suppress his laughing. "Okay I'm sorry, it's not funny. Does he have a girlfriend or something?" He questioned.
"Or she, don't be so quick to assume Harrington" I said smirking. "I mean have you seen women?"
"I have actually yeah" he laughed. "Okay so why can't you confront this 'crush'" he said using air quotes around the word crush.
"Because it's just one of those things, it would ruin everything, especially if he didn't like me back" I said the last part more quietly than intended. "I'm just waiting for it to fade, but its hard, and there's only so many cold showers I can take"
Steve choked, coughing into his fist. He shifted, seeming a little uneasy. "So why don't you... You know..." he trailed off.
"The word is masturbate Steve" I said laughing.
"Yeah I know" he said annoyed. "Its just hard to imagine you doing that"
"I don't think it's that hard" I stated leaning my back against my wooden headboard.
He stood up abruptly. "Alright I'm leaving, I'm tired" he said walking towards the door.
"Can't handle the thought Harrington?" I said teasing, getting up to rummage around for some comfy clothes.
"I really can't" He said giving me slow side smile as he walked down the hall to his bedroom and shut the door.
I stood up frozen, an old pink tank top held tightly in my hands wincing a little at my bandaged palm. What the hell was that? I glanced towards my door where he no longer stood with my mouth open in confusion. Shaking my head I walked into our shared bathroom, brushing my teeth and washing my face. I could feel the summer heat invading the house already and frowned. Lastly I cleaned my hand taking off the bandage giving it time to breathe and finally made my way into bed.
I woke up to heat. So much heat. Sitting up in my bed I felt the back of my tank top cling to me and the skin of my thighs that had been touching were slick with sweat. Why was it so fucking hot? Stumbling out of bed even my bare feat stuck to the floor as I made my way down stairs. Steve stood in the middle of the kitchen, tools splayed out all over the counters, a bead of sweat dripping down the side of his face and onto his shoulder, his naked chest slightly shiny as the sweat clung to his chair. A pair of old basketball shorts hanging just a little lower on his hips than they should be. He wiped his forehead with the back of his hand before noticing me standing in front of him.
"AC is broken" He said frowning.
"Fuck me" I said running my hands through my hair. Only now realizing I was stood in front of him in a very short and tight tank top and a pair of pink pajama shorts. His eyes glanced down and back up quickly before clearing his throat and continuing his search for whatever specific tool he was looking for. "What are you even doing? Do you know how to fix it?" I questioned.
"No I don't have a fucking clue how to fix it (Y/N)" He said clearly annoyed, while planting his palms flat onto the counter with a light smack to look up at me.
"Sorry" I said shrinking into my shoulders a little. I didn't mean to upset him.
"No, no" He wiped his forehead again. "I'm sorry, I'm just hot and frustrated, I didn't mean to snap"
"It's okay" I said giving him a sly smile. "it was kind of hot?" I admitted.
"Hot? What being rude?"
"Yeah a little" I said biting my lip to stifle a laugh. "I mean I'm sure you've been mean, like sexually to girls in bed right?"
He scratched the back of his head. "Well I mean yeah" His cheeks turning a little more pink than they already were.
"So then there you go" I said clapping my hands together. I walked towards to fridge opening the freezer grabbing a red popsicle from the box at the back.
"Breakfast?" He smirked. I saluted him with the popsicle in hand. "I'm getting in the pool" I stated, walking past him and out the back door sitting down on the ledge of the pool sticking my feet in. Ripping the plastic off of the popsicle I popped the end of it into my mouth swirling it around. The water was cold and I shivered as it touched my skin but it felt so good. I moaned a little, leaning back onto my hand letting my head fall back. The sun wasn't high enough in the sky yet to burn me just yet, and I watched as it sprinkled through the leaves of the trees. A slight breeze came and went every so often and it really helped along with my nearly melted popscile. It was better than the stale hot air from inside the house. Sliding the last bit of it off of the wooden stick I gave my hands a quick rinse with the pool water.
I heard some loud banging and then the back door open aggressively and Steve stomped out, clearly still frustrated. Sitting down next to me he sighed, the cold water very obviously instantly calming him.
"I called my parents, they said someone will come to fix the AC tomorrow" He said quietly.
"Okay" I said softly while swinging my feet back and fourth in the water, listening to the rippling noises. I leaned back so my back was now flat against the concrete and rolled my tank top until it sat right under my boobs. If I was going to be out here I might as well try to work on my tan. I traced patterns lazily along my stomach and felt myself relaxing into my own touch.  
The phone ran from inside of the house and I squinted, only opening one eye to look over at Steve who sighed before getting up to go answer it. Leaning back up onto my elbows I decided to finally just get into the water. Getting up and walking to the shallow end and walked down the few steps until I was waist deep, my hands swaying around me in the water. I would have put on a swim suit but I had no intention of going back into that hell hot house unless absolutely necessary. Taking a deep breath I dipped my head under the water standing back up gasping lightly at the cold temperature against my chest. It was almost euphoric how good the water felt.
Steve emerged again from the house and resumed his position at the edge of the pool. "The children want to come and use the pool, and because I can't say no to those little shit heads, they'll be here in fifteen"
I laughed lightly while continuing to swirl the water around me with my hands. "You and those tiny children"
"You can't call them tiny, most of them are taller than you" Steve said kicking water towards me. "You're literally in the shallow end of a pool and it's almost at your boobs"
I rolled my eyes and attempted to splash him back but the water didn't reach him as much as I wanted to. "Will you ever let me live it down that I'm short?"
"Never" he said smiling. I watched his eyes glance down clearly at my chest and then back up, craning his neck pretending to look at the sky.
Blushing I looked down, realizing the tank top I was wearing was almost see through. Panicking I covered my chest crossing my arms and hooking my hands into my armpits for maximum protection. Before I could speak, I heard the loud voices of the young gang approaching the backyard. "Shit" I mumbled and sunk down into the water so it would cover my exposed chest.
"Steve I need you to get me a different shirt" I said quietly.
"Oh why?" He said jokingly. "Don't want a bunch of teenagers seeing your nipples?" He glanced down again quickly.
"Stop flirting and go get me a different shirt please" I begged through gritted teeth.
The kids stumbled into the backyard yelling, laughing, and pushing each other. "(Y/N)!" Max yelled running over to the edge of the pool closet to me. "I was really hoping I wasn't going to be the only girl out here, because if I spend one more minute with them, my brain might actually start losing IQ points"
I let out a small laugh, still keeping my shoulders below the water. The boys instantly jumped into the pool, and began beating each other with pool noodles they brought along with them. Max sat at the edge of the pool, sunglasses on and a book in her hands with a small towel hung over her freckled shoulders, probably preventing herself from getting sun burnt.
Eventually Steve finally returned, one of his t-shirts in hand, and a bunch of towels tucked under his arm. I swam back over to the edge of the pool and held my hand out so he could pass it to me, and he almost did, but instead hesitated and stepped back with a smirk on his face. He walked back a bit and placed it on one of the lounge chairs. "Shirts here if you still need it" He said pointing down to it.
"Steve can you bring it to me please?"
"Nah I think you can come and get it"
I groaned. "Steve can you please just bring it to me, I don't have time for your stupid mind games right now"
That caused a few chuckles out of the boys and I smiled.
"What's the problem?" Max asked. "Why won't he give you the shirt?"
"Because he's annoying" I said matter of factly.
"Why don't you just go and get it?" Dustin asked.
"Because she doesn't want everyone to see her boobs" Steve said laughing slightly.
The boys all groaned and I even heard one of them mutter "Gross" turning their attention back to each other, and although I wanted to laugh at them for being so immature I held my glare at Steve.
What game is he trying to play right now? I stared at him mouth agape not knowing what to do, or what was going on in that big head of his. And then he slowly licked his lips, his tongue darting out briefly and then I knew. He was coming onto me. But why? And why now? Was this is normal friendly flirting that he does with me and Robin all the time, or was this actual flirting, because if he is actually flirting right now, the heat that is barreling down onto my back from the sun is not helping the rising temperature growing throughout my body.
So mustering all the courage I had, I walked slowly over to the steps dunking my head under the water again one last time before beginning to walk up and out of the pool while smoothing my hair back out of my face. I walked towards Steve, and squeezed the water out of the side of my tank top knowing he was watching my every move. I stood in front of him, looking up at him through my wet lashes and reached for the bottom of my top before lifting it over my head leaving me completely bare chested in front of him. His breath hitched and I watched him swallow hard, his Adams apple bobbing as he did so. Reaching down for the shirt, still not breaking eye contact I pulled it over my head.  
"Don't forget to blink there big boy" I said patting his chest and walking past him back into the house.
Once I was about halfway up the stairs I let out a breath I was apparently holding. "Holy shit" I whispered. I shook my head and headed to the bathroom to wash the chlorine off of my skin, and to maybe cool down a little extra, away from everyone. Stripping myself of my wet clothes I turned the shower on, making the water just barely warm enough to not overheat me while in there.
I stood there for a moment, just letting the water fall over me trying to compose my thoughts but the sound of the bathroom door opening distracted me. Leaning around the shower curtain I saw Steve who was shutting the door behind him and locking it before turning to face me. "Uh I'm in the shower?" I stated but it came out more like a question. "Yeah I can see that" He laughed and began to start taking off his shorts.
I quickly avoided any sort of eye contact with him and leaned back into the shower, my hands covering my face. "Steve what the hell, what are you doing?" Eyes still covered I heard the shower curtain move again and felt Steve brush against me.
"I'm showering" He said as if he's done this a million times before, and maybe he had, but not with me.
I stood there, awkwardly silent, unsure of what to say, or what to do next. Steves hands came up, and he placed them gently over mine encouraging me to take them off of my face and I let him but still kept my eyes closed. His thumb rubbed gently over one of my scars and I flinched slightly at the thought of him knowing. He brought my wrist up to his lips and placed a gentle kiss to it. "I'm not going to bite (Y/L/N)" he said softly still holding my hands.
Slowly I opened one eye, peaking out of it slightly to look up at him. "I mean I only bite if you're into that" A small smirk forming at the sides of his mouth.
Instinctively I rolled my eyes and laughed finally looking up at him. He kept his eyes on my face, never once looking down at my naked frame, as if he didn't just see my boobs ten minutes prior to disrupting my shower. "Shouldn't you be watching the kids?"
"They basically left as soon as you did, talking about that board game they play with Eddie Munson"
I nodded slowly and bit my bottom lip.
"That was a bold move back there" he said moving a piece of wet hair that clung to my face, his hand lingering ever so slightly on my cheek.
"I agree" I said turning my head. I didn't know where to look, and looking at him this close to me, would only make things worse, so instead I settled on a tiny crack in the tile just to the left behind him. "Um Steve?" I said quietly, hesitantly glancing at him.
"Why are you in the shower with me?" I watched him this time as he was the one to avoid my gaze. His cheeks turning pink, he scratched the back of his head.
"I honestly wasn't thinking straight, I just- I just started walking, and then I couldn't stop seeing you standing in front of me topless in the back of my mind, and so here I am..." He said trailing off. "I think because you finally noticed"
"Noticed what?"
"That I was hitting on you"
"Well yeah it was kind of hard to miss, you've never done that before"
He chuckled, his head leaning back slightly. "I've been hitting on you since the day I met you (Y/N)"
My mouth opened slightly in shock and I stared at him for a moment. "Wait a minute" I said taking a small step back to get a better look at him. "You waited until you were inches away from me, NAKED" I said emphasizing the word naked. "To tell me you've been hitting on me"
"I'll admit it wasn't the best decision I've made, but I had to act quick, I didn't want to go a second more without you knowing, especially with this crush you keep talking about" He sounded almost jealous and now it was my turn to laugh.
"S-Steve" I said in-between laughs. "It's you. You're the one I have a crush on"
We both stared at each other for a moment before bursting into a fit of laughter. I clutched my sides in pain from laughing and Steve held onto one of my shoulders.
"How long has Robin been coaching you?" I asked, still giggling.
"Oh everyday, every fucking day"
"She's been helping me!" I said laughing a little harder again. "Well we can never say she's a bad friend because she didn't tell either of us that we were crushing on each other this whole time"
"I think she might actually be the best after this" He said looking back at me. Finally looking into his eyes I still felt like he could see right through me.
"Can I kiss you?" he asked quietly.
I nodded my head a little too eagerly but he smiled, holding both sides of my face in his hands and kissed me gently on the lips. They were slow, sweet kisses, like we wanted to savour every moment, every feeling, every taste. He lowered his hands to my waist pulling me closer to him, and I wrapped my arms around his neck sinking into the kiss. Breaking the kiss slowly he smiled, "You taste like cherry"
He began to place light kisses along my jaw and down my neck. I tilted my head back slightly to give him more room. Kissing both of my collar bones he stopped looking at me. "You can touch me Steve" I said blushing. He continued kissing my chest, going lower and lower until his tongue quickly grazed my nipple. One hand holding the other boob squeezing lightly, his thumb brushing over my nipple, while he kissed, licked, and sucked onto the other one before returning his mouth to mine.
I felt his hard erection brush against my leg, and I looked down reaching for it and wrapped my hand around it. He groaned into my mouth as I began to jerk him slowly. "We don't have to keep going" He said breathlessly. "I don't want to rush you- Fuuuck you're good at this" his head tilted back and the water ran down his muscular chest. Please with myself I smiled and pepper kisses all over his torso. "I don't want to stop" I said mumbling between kisses against his chest. "I've been thinking about this for far too long to stop now Harrington" I said shifting so I was now knelt in front of him. He didn't notice until I wrapped my mouth around him. A hearty gasp leaving his lips as his head fell forward, his hands instantly going into my hair. I bobbed my head back and fourth swirling my tongue around the tip every so often causing the grip he had in my hair to tighten. "You thought about this?"
"Mhmm" I said still wrapped around him.
"Get up" He ordered tapping me on the shoulder. I pulled back from him, drool rolling down my chin. He pulled me back up kissing me until my back hit the wall of the other side of the shower. "Leg up" He said grabbing my thigh, instructing me to put my foot on the edge of the tub. He turned around, reaching up and pulled down the detachable shower head, changing the setting to something a little stronger. A setting I had used many times before. He stood close to me, as close as he could without ripping the shower head off of the wall, and slowly raised the water up and against my leg until the water rippled against my clit. I jerked back, my ass hitting off the wall and I leaned forward holding onto his bicep. "Holy fuck St-Steve" I said leaning my head against his chest. "If I cum like this, it'll be too much to have sex" I said quickly, finally feeling my orgasm slowly grow.
"No sex, I just want to make you cum" he said shifting beginning to shake the shower head side to side so the water rolled back and forth lightly against my clit.
"No, I want you to fuuuuu-uck. Fuck! Please fuck me Steve" I whimpered my legs beginning to shake. Putting the shower head back in it's place he turned back to me "Don't have to tell me twice"
I clenched my thighs together tightly catching my breath in the brief moment of relief until he slid his hand in between my legs rubbing my clit a few times more. I whined, my mouth falling slack when he added a finger into me curling it upwards. "Please" I begged. "Please, I need you to fuck me, please" He continued to curl his finger into me harshly before abruptly removing it, sticking the finger into his mouth, cleaning myself off of him with his tongue. I reached a hand towards him and whispered "Please" one more time while batting my eyelashes. "I could get used to you begging" He hummed, while bringing me into him, turning me around and trailing kisses down the back of my neck and to my shoulder.
"Steveeee" I breathed and pushed my ass into his dick. He smacked it lightly and I squealed, laughing a little.
"You poor sweet thing" he said opening my legs and positioning himself behind me. I bent over as best as I could and held onto the wall. Swiping the tip of his dick against me, my eyes rolled back and I moaned loudly. "So desperate" his chuckled halted as he slowly inched his tip into me. A small cry left my mouth.
"You okay?" He breathed.
"Never been better" I huffed. "Keep going" I instructed. "I'm okay, it feels good" I reassured him, reaching behind me to pat his hand that held onto my hip.
He nodded furrowing his brows as he slipped the rest of him into me. My knees locking together, pleasure filling my stomach.
"Fucking hell (Y/N)"
My name sounded like honey coming out of his mouth like that. Slowly he began thrusting into me, picking up speed only after reaching down between my legs rubbing light circles. "You feel so good pretty girl" He cooed into my neck, just below my ear. I continued to whine and moan, writhing against him, pushing my ass back into each thrust. He smacked my ass again, my orgasm building more. "Keep fucking yourself on me like that"
And I did. I rocked back and forth attempting to keep my balance as sturdy as I could with the floor being slick with water and the edge of my orgasm trying to burst. I slowed down, unable to keep fucking myself on him with the fast heavy circles he made on my clit. My stomach began to tighten and my breath quickened. "I'm going to cum, don't stop, please don't stop, oh my god, just like that, yes, fuck" I leaned up slightly and he pulled me into him, my arched back against his chest as he continued rubbing. "Cum for me, cum on my cock"
My legs began to tremble and head rolled back as I loudly rode out my orgasm with the most ungodly moans and whimpers. He started to fuck me again holding almost all of my weight. "Cum in my mouth" I slurred, still in the euphoria of my orgasm. Pulling away from him I got back onto my knees in front of him opening my mouth and sticking my tongue out. "Fuck you're so goddamn pretty" He said leaning down to kiss me briefly, jerking himself. The tip of his cock rested on the flat of my tongue as his cum shot out into my mouth. A loud groan leaving his lips in the process. Giving the tip a gently lick up the back I brought his cum to the back of my mouth and swallowed and smiled back up at him.
"Come here beautiful" he said reaching his hands out to me so he could help me stand. I wobbled slightly. Wiping whatever cum was left off of my face with his thumb he kissed me. Slow and gently, just like the first one. "Lets get washed up, and then go watch a movie or something yeah?"
I smiled lazily blinking slowly. "God you're already so fucked out of your mind for me" he laughed.
"What can I say, you did a good job"
He kissed me on the nose before reaching over to grab a loofa and lather it with soap.
We gave ourselves a proper shower, stealing kisses from one another often. When we got out, Steve instructed I stayed in my room until he told me I could come out. I got dressed in a baggy shirt, and some boy short underwear keeping minimal clothing on as the house was still very hot. I heard lots of groaning and shuffling outside of my door. "Are you okay?" I yelled.
"I'm fine!" He huffed.
Another ten minutes later, I was almost falling asleep at my desk when Steve knocked and opened the door. "You can come downstairs now" A large smile spread across his face.
Following him down the stair and into the living room, he stopped motioning his hands towards the floor while saying "Ta-da!"
he had set it all up for a movie night. His mattress laying in the middle, with every pillow in the house, and a couple of thin blankets. Two fans blew cool air towards the bed, and my small stuffed fox and childhood blanket were tucked into one side of the 'bed'.  Different snacks were placed onto the coffee table and a few different movies were stacked on top of each other on the floor in front of the TV.  Smiling I hopped down onto the bed, cuddling my fox and blanket to my chest, sighing softly into the pillows. Steve came and joined me under the blankets pulling me into him. "I couldn't leave your little buddies all alone in your bed" He said poking the small fox on the head and I stifled a giggle. He kissed the top of my forehead and attempted to pull me closer to him.
It didn't take long for both of us to fall asleep. The sounds of the oscillating fans humming lulled us to sleep quickly before we could even discuss which movie we wanted to watch.
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ofsavior ¡ 1 year
happy birthday, mitsuya! || @kyukicho
It's just about dinner time, but Mitsuya had been instructed to leave the house for a bit. "Take a relaxing ride." Mikey had insisted, leaving the girls to him with the rest of the chores to be done. Practically pushed out of his own home and the door locked behind him. When he would finally return, Mikey would be there at the door to greet him. "Cover your eyes, Takachan." He beamed, waiting until his instructions were followed before helping guide Takashi into the house. "Just a little farther..." There could be heard giggling from the girls in the background as he's lead further in to the kitchen. "Open!" "Surprise!" The three of them chime in unison. Mana and Luna holding up a little sign they had clearly made that read in crayon. "Happy Birthday Takashi!" The kitchen is immaculate. Everything in its place and surfaces wiped down top to bottom. With the only dishes in sight the ones prepped to serve dinner. On the small table sit the steaming meal. A full set of courses that almost looked homemade if it wasn't for the containers they were displayed in. Mikey had clearly ordered the food but it was from a local mom and pop restaurant so the closest to home cooking he could accomplish. "Look, look." The girls cheered. Pointing at a cute white cake on the counter with flowers and fruit covering it. "We picked it out." To which Mikey smiled softly, giving a little nod in agreement. "This is from all of us." He explained. Watching Takashi's reaction to his sisters and him. "But your gift from me's in the living room." Sitting on the coffee table topped with a bright purple bow is a brand new combination sewing and embroidery machine. Its sticker boasting 100+ stitch combinations. With little basket of all the dozens of accessories it came with sitting beside it. "Happy Birthday, Takachan. I hope everything is as special today as you are."
He knew what today was. Mikey had only been the first to remind him him. The first text at Midnight. And probably would have liked to have been the first to say it, had it not been for Luna and Mana. Suspicion marked Takashi's eyes, but he complied all the same. As instructed, Takashi spent the last hour or so perusing the convenience store and the neighboring video store down the street.
Not quite the ride Mikey had in mind, but he returned with a small something for himself: a few discounted pre-owned movies and small bouquet of flowers. The flowers, however, weren't for himself but his company. His company who now had him navigating his home blindly, leaving Takashi to internally thank his familiarity with the kitchen.
Takashi's goodies still in a plastic bag draped across his arm, he made his way to the kitchen when he was finally commanded to open!
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Enamored, it was as if the room dazzled in a new light. Clean as could be and marked with the handcrafted sign in familiar penmanship. Takashi stood there, absorbing the room and all the hard work that went into it. Then, excited fingers and voices guided his attention to the meal, the flowers, and the cake. Takashi's eyes shifted to Mikey, the flowers Takashi had in hand, and then gestured for Mikey to take them. They had been designated for flower crowns later in the evening. The ones decorating the room, however, were surely going to find their home in a vase after dinner.
    “ I can't believe you all took care of this in just about an hour. ” He observed, his tone sounded distant as surprise carried it off. Setting his bag of movies on the neatly cleaned counter, he almost felt a pinch of guilt for serving as the first to 'dirty' it. The girls seemed too cheerful to mind, but Luna did shoot him a look. Mikey, on the other hand, seemed to look like an angel. Maybe a little too innocent.
    “ Thank you... ” He began, but both Luna and Mana were already rushing to him with their arms extended to trap him in an embrace. Instantly, his smile grew warm, and he tousled their hand with respective hands. “ How about you two find the best place to hang up your sign. I'm gonna step away with Mikey for a sec. ” And they were off!
“ If you ever had any doubts, you managed to lead those two to organize like this. I've never been more impressed. ” He remarked with a teasing grin and approached Mikey's side. One hand snaked around Mikey's waist, and Takashi led him to the living room where the mystery gift resided.
Shock overcame him in the form of wide-eyes and his jaw genuinely parting open. Stunned, no words seem to slip past his lips before he looked at Mikey. You — you went out of your way for this? The idea was hard to swallow, but he only looked to Mikey whose smile remained deceptively sweet. After the beat of a moment and a few glimpses from Mikey to the machine to Mikey and once again to the machine, Takashi snickered and shook his head. “ Seriously, you're unbelievable. ” Takashi chuckled, bringing his other hand around Mikey to pull him into an embrace. “ Thank you. ”
Seeing Mikey like this — as a part of his family — felt right. As if this was where they were both supposed to be. Home, in some respect. Softly exhaling, Takashi set his gaze to Mikey and smiled one of his widest grins to date. Ah, it was always Mikey who brought that out of him, wasn't it? Things were a lot more clear recently. Takashi. Mikey. An us. An us Takashi had come to find comfortable and warm. Only then did he realize his breath had hitched, and his heart jumped. He liked this; he liked them. Maybe now was the right time to make that clear to Mikey, too. Gently, he turned in their embrace, lifting a hand to cup Mikey's cheek to look at those familiar dark eyes. Takashi leaned forward then, all soft smiles and eyes with his intention. Eyes settled from eyes to lips, and he started to close the distan —
“ TAKASHI-NII, MIKEY'S STEALING YOU FOR TOO LONG! DINNER'S GONNA GET COLD! ” One voice called from the kitchen, and another smaller voice quickly echoed, “ Yeah, cold! ”
Defeated, Takashi dropped his head into a fit of laughter. His complexion, a bright rose, fell dark under his bow. Tilting his head upwards to Mikey, his eyes flicked as if to beg forgiveness. Hand decidedly drew from Mikey's cheek to golden hair then the nape of Mikey's neck where Takashi gently caressed with the back of his hand.
“ I think they're hungry... You're staying for dinner, right? ”
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pbandjesse ¡ 2 years
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I can't believe the rehearsal is over. Like. Today was a lot but it was so good. I felt the best I have for like 90% of it. It was busy busy busy and go go go. But I actually got a few times to be quiet. James had to help put out some fires. But I feel really happy. Also incredibly sore. I got to make sure I take an aspirin in the morning.
I surprisingly slept really well last night. I woke up and was like. Oh man. It's the beginning!! It's starting!! Our wedding eve!! I had to pace myself.
James had gotten me hash browns. It was very rainy out and I was not sure how I felt about that. I knew it was going to be very rainy. But I just had to be positive about it. At least tomorrow will be beautiful.
I went to get ready. I took a quick shower. And started getting dressed. James helped me zip my dress. And I did my hair nice. Not that it would matter much because I got rained on. But I was still cute. The hair spray did it's job.
I repainted my nails but already messed them up so we'll try again tomorrow.
It was good to have something to distract myself so I didn't get stressed. I was trying very hard to not be stressed.
The rain made me nervous. But Jess would get in just on time. And James went down to meet her. And bring out cake up! She did not forget or drop it. Thankfully.
We had a couple minutes of checking in and making sure we all were on the same page. And then we were off. With every umbrella we own.
I was a little anxious. Will people be on time. Will everyone get a parking space. Will we get a parking space?? But it would all be fine in the end.
After we parked we saw Anne and Tucker outside the church. And then we saw Evan and Noelle walking around the corner. We had to wait for a bit to collect others. But slowly people trickled in.
We did have to sit because David was having some issues but would soon come down to get us. We were all a little damp but that is okay. I was excited. Even if I was wet.
We got started with a little history run down and then we all grabbed out umbrellas and headed out to the courtyard.
We actually got really lucky and when we got out there the rain calmed down a bunch. It felt like throughout the day that would happen. And it made my life so much easier.
We got to practice where everyone should stand. And how well come in and out. Where my parents will walk me. And just how everything will go and I felt so excited. Brandon took videos almost the whole time. Jess got lots of clips so we can make a TikTok later.
David was funny and had to corral us a lot. Brandon and Dante came late but that was mostly because the address got mixed up.
But we had all of the wedding party and that was perfect. And we got to practice and I think everyone feels good about it.
My brother and Felicia would show up around noon. Not shocked but happy they were there. The rain really picked up again and Dante gave them his umbrella which was really nice of him. And then, after making sure everyone knew where to go, we were off and headed to the museum.
The rain would calm down again by the time we got to the museum. And we waited a bit to make sure everyone was there. Me and James ran back to the cannery to make sure we were set up. And then we did a little history before we started our program.
Honestly it was a really great cannery. Specifically because they had so many great questions and were all really on board with the game. I loved working with everyone. They were all so funny and sweet. And besides a few little mistakes everyone did so well.
Steve and Felicia and Annalia would show up a little late after getting confused with directions. But they got to be there for the second shift and that was fine. Not my perfect situation but it was good.
And I really just had a blast. I told them all that the only way I could get through this is if I pretended they weren't my friends and family. Which got a big laugh. But it really did help me.
We ended up not doing the video after the store. Which was fine but didn't give my voice a break. James was concerned about the other wedding happening tonight so we took a five minute bathroom and water break. And then jumped into the tour.
I really loved giving this tour. It was like my most perfect tour. It could have been longer or more dramatic. I didn't get big on my Baltimore love story. But I was really proud of how everything came together. And I just loved sharing what I'm good at with my family and friends. Having my parents and brother see me perform was really special for me. Seeing my mom's facial expressions and hearing my brothers questions. It just meant a lot to me. I don't think they all exactly understood why I wanted to bring out wedding party to the mayhem but I think they get it now. I wanted them to see me at my very best.
Also I found $5 on the floor after my tour and was very excited about that!!
We had a lot of time though after. Figuring out where everyone needed to go before our dinner.
So we figured out who should go with who and when to recollect. Evan and Noelle had to ehad home but will be back tomorrow. And so James, Matt, Jess, and Dante headed to their hotel to get checked in. And me and Callie and Charlie went to reset the cannery. I joked with Mike after that I trained them and we can hire them now. But it was fun getting their help.
Callie wanted to take a break and chill in her car. And me and Charlie went for a little walk.
We went over to the shopping center. We'll briefly ran into Brandon who was getting a snack. And the we walked over to get a smoothie. Which helped my throat and made me feel a lot better.
We talked and it was just nice being with my friend. He said he was still hungry so we went and got him a chicken sandwich. He said he was going to inhale that and I should not witness his shame. He's so silly.
We went back to the museum to collect Callie. She changed her shoes and I was like. I should also change my shoes. So we did a little shoe swap in the parking lot. And then we were off!! On our little walk to the restaurant.
We were the first ones there. And they were like. Are you throwing it? And I was like yes it's for me. And they were like. What!! Congrats! And I am just like. Would I wear all white to someone else's rehearsal dinner? Seems rude! But me and Charlie and Callie went to go chill in the party room.
And it was so pretty. I was nervous and excited.
People would start to come and honestly we had a great turn out in the end. We had to put some fires out so James was on their phone a lot. But there were super nice speeches and food and drinks and I just felt. So full of love.
The speeches were a surprise for me! I didn't expect anyone but Tucker. Tucker was very emotional but it was very sweet. He talked a lot about how we are a team. And it was super sweet. Then we had a few more people say some really sweet stuff. And I got to be pinned into "the outlaws" which is for anyone marrying into the family and there was a lovely little ceremony and it made me feel really special.
I would try my best to tosk to everyone. And I think I did okay. I really enjoyed the food and everyone kept telling me I was pretty and it was great. I did break one of my hair clips but I still felt good.
Steve had Annalia with him and she's just such a sweet kid. And we figured out who will watch her tomorrow and that made me feel a lot better. And Annalia gave me a beaded bracelet and throughout the night she would grab my wrist and tell me "pretty!". It was the best.
We had so much food and laughs and eventually I would go outside to watch the sunset with Jess and Charlie and James's cousins Margot. Matt joined us. I really had a great time.
Slowly people started to leave. Taking leftovers with them. I made sure as many people as I could took one of the cans we made home. And get more leftovers.
Matt and Jess were coming back with us so we could practice our handfasting and Jess could give us her gift.
I would drive because James was a little tipsy. But that was fine with me. We drove through the city. And then back to the apartment.
Jess gave us the gift which was a national park pass. And I am blown away because it's so cool. I can't wait to utilize this. I want to make sure we get as much use out of this gift as possible.
I would give Matt a big tour of our apartment and that was fun. I haven't done that for a while. I got to talk about all my collections and art and stuff and I was just having a blast. Jess and James worked on schedule for tomorrow. And then we worked on practicing how well literally tie the knot.
And we have a good idea now. We practiced a few times. And we made it a little jokey and silly and I feel really good about it.
Everyone needed to rest though. So they headed back to their hotel. And I went to take a bath.
I put a lot of salt in it. And it helped my aching legs. They still ache. But hopefully they won't hurt anymore in the morning.
Me and James have been having laughs and last minute panics and I just feel good. I feel excited. I feel nervous. I feel. Full of love.
But I also feel very tired.
Tomorrow is going to be a wild day. I am getting married!! I can't believe it. I have no idea when I will be able to write my post. So expect it late I guess?? It feels like the most important post I will make. A huge memory and moment.
I love you all. Wish me luck!! Wish us luck!!
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renee00124 ¡ 11 months
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Let me preface this with, let their mothers, wives and girlfriends babysit them. I owe no allegiance to anyone of any race hired to destroy me!
Tonight after the shift changed, across the street at Spear's house, the same Black cop sat down for his shift until early morning around 10:00 PM. As he did, he uttered what he says every night. "We gettin ready to get you!" Yes, they are likely trying to concoct something, where military mind control and subliminal focus will play a pivotal roles and I have heard this repeatedly for 17 years. These ego driven pathetic bully narcissist can't believe you are not scared! When he realized I was engrossed in updating my online store, he knew he would have no impact. They have been around me long enough to know I have tunnel vision when I work.
To get my attention, he then turned the beam on my left knee and began slow cooking it for the coming knee replacement picking up where military personnel left off earlier in the day. Tired and fed up, I stated, I am going to expose you! The beamed communication system they use is a two-way system similar to "Audio Spotlight" and drone equipped.
This specific type of ghetto LAPD cops, are sought from impoverised areas to do the dirty work. Over the years they have proven true to character with activities similar to the Black cops Rampart Division Scandal. They bring to the table a mentality, with little education except thinking they players, hustlers, and gangsters!
How delusional can they be? To threaten me pushes me forward. Apparently he is unaware of the Affirmative Action ruling and you can bet they will be the first out the door. The fact is police forces or infamous for hiring people of all races with low IQ's as shown below and prefer them.
Yet the underdeveloped minds of these so-called Gangster cop think that "THEY" like them and will murder. THEY want her is the second thing they repeat over and over and over again.  
I have their license plates and below is a video of the setup at Spear's garage who was trained and recruited by Lockheed Martin so he could use the technology. Lockheed has a major conglomerate about 5 miles away.
Associated Video:
I am sick of them, pissed at how they set my oldest daughter up to be blackmailed hoping to use against me and on top of this, continually use the sexual stimulation patent on me.
Another thing constantly said is "You can't prove a thing!
We'll see...
0 notes
jjaeong ¡ 3 years
Airports, And Convenience Stores.
Series: KPOP Girl Group: 이달의 소녀 (LOONA).
Pairing: Kim Hyunjin & Idol Female Reader.
Summary: If you told Y/N that a once-in-a-lifetime encounter with her favorite idol at a convenience store from way back in her trainee days would be stuck on the idol's mind for years—she wouldn't believe you. Well, until the said idol bumps into her again at a public setting and asks for her number infront of every news outlet there is.
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"I'll be going now!"
"Don't forget my cider!"
"I won't!" shutting the door behind you, the familiar tune of the door signalling that it's locked played as you made your way down the hallway, adjusting the strap of your tote bag that you usually brought with you whenever you went out to do some grocery shopping. You pushed your hands into the pockets of your hoodie, making your way into the elevator and pressing the key to the ground floor before humming a song that had been going on repeat in your head ever since you first listened to it. Of course, the song was LOONA Kim Hyunjin's solo song "Around You" that had came out just a few months ago. You stumbled upon it just as when their four-member group had released their most recent song "Love&Live" which had you hooked in no time—making you get into the entire discography, and after playing everything on repeat, Kim Hyunjin just slipped her way into your heart. Maybe it was how her voice just sounds so soothing in her song, or how odd the plot of her music video was yet it reminded you of the feeling of home—you couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was about Kim Hyunjin that just spoke to you.
Well, it could also be that she's very pretty too.
You were never the one for such things, but you were drawn to the rookie idol who has yet proven herself to the audience. Somehow, this seemed to be even more attractive to you—a company that popped out of nowhere with the idea that releasing a new member every month, accompanied by a lore that keeps you reeled in every comeback..
There's so much to look forward to, and you've just been introduced to the first unit.
Your mind wanders about the lore as you walked out of the dorm's building, your feet leading you to the usual convenience store you know that was open around this time of the morning. Sometimes, you choose to stay in the store to converse with the staff that had always been kind to you, not minding at all that you were one of the most anticipated trainees to debut in your current lineup considering that articles had already spread about a monster rookie girl group to debut under SM Entertainment with your stage name highlighted on it. It was astonishing how your hard work had seemed to pay off, but with your already growing fanbase, it even further fueled the burning passion inside you to keep working harder to be able to become strong even after you debut.
Before entering the store, you stopped infront of the glass doors to pull your phone out to check if there had been any more requests from your members. This pattern with making sure to check your phone before entering the store had also been engraved in you once you came back with a bag full of snacks for your group, only to be caught by your manager and them to confiscate it all because you were on a diet—could've been avoided if only you checked the warning messages from your unnies that they sent you before you came back.
2:25AM, it read on the screen.
"Ah, Y/N. It's always nice when you drop by~"
"I can't stay for long unnie, I need to go back to the practice room after I buy these.." you motioned to the list on your phone, nose scrunched as you grabbed a basket while the pretty store clerk, Haejin, pouted at you.
"Busier and busier, huh.. Why—are you debuting tomorrow already??" you walked past her and made your way to the shelves, laughing at the eagerness in her tone as your eyes scanned the snacks for the specific ones your members had requested.
"I'm sure that if I had the date already, It'd be postponed before I even manage to tell my parents about it."
"They're so strict about that." Haejin groaned from the counter as you smiled to yourself, shrugging as if she could even see you.
"They're leading for a reason."
"I just hope you'll still be able to do these types of things once you debut, I'll barricade the doors from your saesangs if I have to."
"Unnie, how do I know you're not going to be one of my sasaengs?"
"Ah—this kid, really!" your laugh echoed through the empty convenience store yet again, the soft melody of whatever was on the radio playing in the background as you walked around the place. You pointed out numerous new items on the shelves that Haejin didn't hesitate to tell you about when they arrived, along with the reviews about them—you swear that this girl was the most enthusiastic convenience store employee you've ever encountered in your life but you guessed that it was because the girl liked your company's idols and they often drop by on her shift as well.
Haejin, as much as college seemed to have her in a chokehold—enjoyed beeing a store clerk for the reason of satiating her inner fangirl over her idols being friends with her because she worked there.
As you pulled open one of the fridge doors to look for a tub of your member's specified brand of ice cream, you heard the bells ring by the entrance, indicating a customer entering the store. You heard Haejin greet them, low voices conversing as you finally found the ice cream you were looking for and walked over to the beverage fridge, knowing exactly where the cider your unnie asked for was located.
"The bread is on that aisle." Haejin's polite voice told the customer whos footsteps you could hear was about a few shelves behind you. Managing to finish contemplating it over in your head if you wanted cider as well, you settled on grabbing strawberry milk instead and turned to make your way to the counter when you failed to feel the approaching presence from behind you. You gasped when you felt the collision of your heads against each other just before your body crashed into theirs, practically pushing the both of you to the shelves if it wasn't for you quickly stepping back and grabbing the stranger by both of their arms, dropping your basket to the ground.
"I'm so sorry, are you alright? I should've watched where I was going I—" the girl who had her head down, phone in hand against her head as she clutched a cream bun in her other looked disoriented just from how she stood as you kept a firm grip on her arms to keep her steady. You leaned over to look at her face to see if she really was alright but you could barely make out her features through her hair, brows furrowed and eyes closed.
"Ah.. I'm so stupid, I'm so sorry.." you kept trying to apologize when she quickly shook her head, rubbing her hand that held her phone on the spot where your head had hit hers.
"No, no.. I thought you weren't that close—it's my fault."
"You took it harder than I did, do you want to sit down for a while? Maybe I can—" your breath hitched when the girl finally lifted her face, brows furrowed and a frown set on her lips as her eyes stayed stuck scanning the ground. You could feel how almost instantly your heart started racing, the sound almost blocking your ears from the radio playing in the background, eyes scanning her features as she stood there in all of her glory looking as distraught as ever.
Yet very, very ethereal.
Oh my God it's Kim Hyunjin, holy sh—
"My cream bread.." her airy voice quickly snapped you back into the present, looking down at the crushed bread in her hand before eyeing the now less disoriented girl that stood infront of you. You didn't even notice how long you were just staring at her as she stared down at her bread, until she connected her eyes with you, blinking before tilting her head.
Her eyes are so pretty—
"You're that trainee in the articles." Kim Hyunjin mumbled, and only if you were paying any extra attention—you would've heard how much in awe she was, but you quickly panicked once you realized that she recognized you.
Kim Hyunjin knows who you are.
"I'm so sorry! I'll buy you two cream buns to compensate for my actions! I didn't mean to bump into you like this—I'm sorry for being a junior leaving such a bad impression! Please let me make it up to you, sunbaenim!" Hyunjin's face consorted into pure confusion when you quickly pulled your hands off her arms, taking a step back and doing a full 90° bow infront of her. She scanned you for a moment, eyeing your basket full of snacks and rocking back on the soles of her feet before leaning over to get on the same level as you, hands on her knees.
"Just.. Two cream buns?" she asked, making direct eye contact with you as you slightly turned your face to meet hers, instantly flushing at her expectant look.
"As many as you'd like, sunbaenim!" you rephrased in haste, Hyunjin's expectant look changed into amusement before a bashful smile made it's way on her lips. She reached over to pat your head gently, the action taking your breath away for a moment but she didn't seem to think that much about it, standing up straight before lightly rubbing on the spot where your heads met, looking as if she's contemplating something. You took this as a sign that she took offer, still it didn't stop you from anxiously getting back up on normal level as her eyes scanned the fridge behind you.
"I..I'll go get them for you quickly—"
"What's your name?" Hyunjin asked just as you made a move to retrieve the bread, you stopped on your tracks to look back at the older girl. Her eyes pierced through yours as if she was looking for something in them but at the moment, you could barely think about anything else other than appeasing the idol.
"Y/L/N Y/N, I'm just a trainee.." your eyes widened at your introduction, knowing damn well Hyunjin just said that she knew you were a trainee. You internally face palmed yourself but Hyunjin didn't seem to mind, if anything—the girl could almost feel your panic and as much as it pained her, she couldn't help but find your flustered state endearing.
And if you could only hear how many times Hyunjin's inner voice tried to convince her to ask for your number, or edge you more into keeping contact with her to make up for such a small mistake.. Hyunjin didn't want to be mean to you, but she's currently thinking of ways to keep you from leaving without giving her your number.
"Ah.. That rings a bell.." Hyunjin dragged her words slowly, nodding to herself as you stood there almost shaking in your spot. She looks down at her crushed bread in hand, thinking if you noticed her crushing it literally after you collided when she caught a glimpse of who exactly she bumped into.
Ofcourse she'd exaggerate her disorientation.
"Is everything okay here..?" Haejin walked over to you two, eyeing your flushed state before staring directly at Hyunjin. Haejin's brows shot up quickly, as if it was the first time she actually looked at the customer before she motioned to the girl.
"You're that Girl of the Month thing." you tensed next to the clerk to which Hyunjin's lips quickly pulled up into a big grin, finding it amusing how the clerk didn't even know which one she was but it was nice to know that their group was getting recognition. You however, something in Hyunjin just knew you knew her specifically.
"I'm the second girl, Kim Hyunjin."
"Ah! Kim Hyunjin.." Haejin furrows her brows as if she remembered the name before, hitting her fist in her palm at the sudden realization, "..the cat head girl? Around you? Y/N, you told me to play that song here all the time! Isn't this her?" Hyunjin's eyes moved to yours as you looked at Haejin in alarm, reaching over to hit her arm but stopping mid-way when you saw Hyunjin's soft eyes directed at you.
"I.. Yeah, of course. It was my favorite solo song, but I listen to Rain 51db more these days.." now you really had Hyunjin's attention, you basically outed yourself as a fan and now Hyunjin will not let you leave the store without your number in her phone.
"The 90's karaoke one?"
"Heejin-sunbaenim is really cool.."
Heejin? And you said Hyunjin's solo song was your favorite?
"I'll get sunbae's bread—" you were cut off when your phone started vibrating in the pocket of your hoodie, you pulled it out to find your manager's name on your screen calling you. Your eyes widened as the call could only mean one thing—reminding you of the practice room that was supposed to be your destination right after buying your snacks.
"Practice?" Hyunjin softly asked as you frowned at your phone before looking up at her, finding warm eyes locked on yours.
"I'll make it up to you. Next time we see each other—"
"I want your phone number." Haejin audibly choked next to you as you flustered as deeply as before.
"R-right now?" Hyunjin stared at you for a moment before shaking her head—deciding against her initial plan of making sure to not let you leave without giving her your number—reaching over to grab your basket on the ground to hand it to you. You quickly grabbed ahold of the handles as Hyunjin ran her fingers through her hair, looking around the convenience store with a shrug.
"No, the next time we meet." you stared at her, completely baffled beyond words to even form a reply and so you just nodded, staring at her and trying to memorize her features as much as you can, knowing that this is the moment you part ways.
"I'm sorry.. I hope we meet again someday, in a better manner, Hyunjin-sunbaenim.." you bowed yet again at Hyunjin who oddly felt her heart warm at her name rolling off your lips smoothly, as if you've always been saying her name—in which she didn't doubt that you did, you were a fan afterall. You gave her one last shy smile before turning to Haejin, motioning to the counter to which Haejin only grinned at, following after you but not before glancing at Hyunjin who's eyes seemed to only follow your retreating figure.
"I think she likes you~"
"Be quiet! She can still hear us!"
Hyunjin reatreated back to the bread aisle as you quickly paid for all of your snacks, she listened closely when the bells at the entrance signal that you've left, to which Hyunjin felt her mood dampen at. Practically pouting to herself the entire time she walked around to look for whatever she needed to buy, she finally walked over to pay over the counter, Haejin packing her items in a bag as Hyunjin reached over to hand the clerk her card when Haejin smirked at her.
"Y/N told me to just charge it to her account, whatever it is you bought." Hyunjin raised a brow the information, to which Haejin shrugged at but still kept the smirk on her face.
"If I were you, I'd grab a few more.. you know, to make her feel like she atleast made up for it." Haejin could only look at Hyunjin's ruined cream bun and strawberry milk that she only took because it reminded her of the contents in your basket. Hyunjin shook her head at Haejin's mischievious attempt behind your back, instead, smiling softly at the ruined bread as Haejin handed her the bag.
"It's alright, she'll make up for it next time. I'm sure."
"Hi! Hello! They're so cute!!" your member waves at your fans as you stand next to her, trying your best not to squint your eyes at the rapid flashes that went off as you aligned yourself with your group, smiling at how you were all being greeted with such heavy enthusiasm. Making your group introduction, you all bowed before your manager motioned that it was time to head over inside, in which you grabbed onto one of your unnies as you slid through the crowd with your bodyguards doing their best to keep anyone from being too close to your members. As you just passed the entrance however, the flashes seemed a bit stronger and the deafening clicking of shutters, followed by screaming fans became stronger.
Your ears perked up at the familiar names, to which your members that walked in front caught your attention when they started squealing. Your eyes settled on a few of your members being smothered by the familiar group that had just seemed to arrive, Chuu's bright smile as she hugged two of your members quickly, Choerry wildly waving at them as they bowed while Jinsoul and Yves seemed to tease them a bit.
Your groups seemed to be in the middle of paparazzis, fans, and curious gazes—in the middle of a very busy airport lobby. The crowd that circled around both groups was almost overbearing if it weren't for your bodyguards making as much space for your groups as possible. You tried to keep your distance, not wanting any sort of drama to build upon any group's name considering how heavy your own seemed to be even in your group, but then a familiar voice started to call your name.
"Y/N-unnie! Y/L/N Y/N-unnie!" your eyes instantly snapped over to find a small figure practically bouncing over to you, making you pull away from your member to insantly beam at the short girl whom you've bonded with at a variety show once. It was once but you can't seriously not love LOONA's maknae.
"Yeojin.." she instantly hugged you, giggling as you leaned over so that you can hug her back, patting her hair softly before she pulled away to smile up at you.
"What are you doing all the way here? Come on, Haseul-unnie wants to meet you!" she started tugging at your hand to which you only pursed your lips at.
"Yeojin, I'm kind of.. not good to be caught on camera with right now."
"Why not? You're practically as famous as us right now! I mean, even if you weren't it's still okay! We're friends!" Yeojin tried to reassure you but something just didn't sit right with the manager telling you a few days back that your name was at such a high place right now, and they wanted you to take care of it and make sure you didn't get into any sort of trouble or your group was going to plummet.
It was repulsive how they highlighted the idea that since you were on the first of all brand reputations since your groups debut, it was up to you to keep your group's name afloat. And if that type of toxicity rubs any other groups the wrong way..
"Oh.. we have to leave.." Yeojin mumbles, sounding disheartened as she looked up to find you giving her a sad smile. She shook her head, hugging you again before giving you a pointed look.
"I'll call you the moment we get back to the dorms, and then we'll plan another meetup. I promise—no paparazzis, we'll have lots of fun then, alright Y/N-unnie? I promise!" your heart dropped as Yeojin slowly made her way over to her group's retreating figures, she waved at you, still smiling brightly and just like that—your heart feels a little bit better at the girl's energy. Yeojin quickly bumped into Haseul, hugging her as Haseul's eyes moved to yours, you gave her a small smile and she reciprocated along with a wave.
Their group had always felt oddly comforting, but in a good way.
As your group slowly moved away from LOONA, you turned to face the direction of where you were supposed to be heading when your eyes seemed to have found themselves locking with stunningly familiar ones, eyes that would always seem to remind you of a cat's. You quickly turned away though, thinking that the woman who made your heart race about two years ago—now with striking dyed red hair—wouldn't even remember you at all. But your mind seemed to have stopped functioning completely when her usually soft, and airy voice boomed through the lobby and all of the commotion just to call your name.
"Hey! Y/L/N Y/N!" almost everyone around the both of you looked rattled out of their minds, watching silently as the two last members of each group stood only but a few feet apart, members standing behind them stopping on their tracks to understand what it was all about. Heejin whom was standing next to Hyunjin looked scared for a moment, only for her eyes to soften when they landed on your figure.
Jinsoul on the other hand had no filter, literally saying, "What is this? This is how you get a girl's attention, Kim Hyunjin?" before Kim Lip bursted into her iconic laughing face, grabbing Jinsoul's arm and shaking her. Chuu smiled widely at you, she always had but this time it's as if there was some meaning to it, with Cheorry turning from waving at a fan to grin at you—along with Yves smirking and Vivi giving Haseul a side eye.
Even Olivia Hye looked intrigued by the commotion, with Gowon drowsily clinging onto her but looking around as if she was confused.
"Y/L/N Y/N.." Hyunjin said softly this time, eyes only on you. You swallowed sharply, quickly bowing with the usual 90° degrees before eyeing all of the cameras that seemed to surround the both of you.
"Hyunjin, maybe another time.." Heejin tried to tell her bestfriend but she barely paid any attention to it. Instead, LOONA's Kim Hyunjin walked over to Y/L/N, in the middle of every single news outlet there is, every single fansite, every single curious gaze—she stood infront of you with a determined look on her face that had you shuddering slightly on your spot. She looked more mature up close, if you had a major change from losing some of your baby fat, Hyunjin looked almost nothing like the soft featured sunbaenim you met in that store two years before your debut. She looked like an actual sunbae now—if that made sense—as she stared right back at you, the soft gaze was still there but her aura emitted such strength, a newfound sense of maturity that wasn't exactly present when you bumped into her that morning.
"Hyunjin-sunbaenim." Hyunjin felt slightly taken aback by how your voice seemed so different from how it always used to echo in her head since that day, you no longer looked like kid and instead—if it was even possible, you looked way more beautiful than the first time she saw you in that damn article. And God, you've aged well since she last bumped into you, even though you look as if you could easily be knocked off on your feet from the pressure of all the eyes on you right now..
Hyunjin wanted to tell you that you'll be fine, that you're doing great.
You shouldn't be so hard on yourself.
But Hyunjin wasn't that good with words, she proved that to herself when countless of times she'd hear Yeojin talking about her day with you, how she always said you were bound for a great career ahead. Hyunjin could barely ask Yeojin for your number, she wanted to just have it so many times but that was your deal, she wanted to get it from you because she respected you—and it took her two years.
Two years to find the guts to stand infront of her favorite junior, practically the only junior that had caught her attention ever since.
"Here, type in your number." if your eyes could only bulge out of it's sockets right now, it would've. Collective gasps and camera flashes started going off as Hyunjin held out her phone infront of you, looking as laid back as ever while your mind goes into a complete shut down.
"What did she say?"
"Hyunjin just asked for Y/N's number? Here?!"
"Oh my God, this is—what??"
"Alright, alright—you're not seriously doing this here, aren't you, Kim Hyunjin-ssi?" Yves calls out from behind Hyunjin but the girl didn't even hint at acknowledging it, making Heejin sigh and turn to Yves with a knowing look, the challenging smile on Yves' lips dropping into a confused pout as Jinsoul let out yet another one of her amazed laugh.
"Wah! This is really happening!" Chuu and Kim Lip bursts into a fit of laughter, the sound bringing you back from your trance to scan your sunbaenim's now flushed face.
Kim Hyunjin is.. flustered?
"Hyunjin is fine." your eyes moved to the awestruck people around you, trying to find both of your managers only to find your members holding your own back—and LOONA's manager watching the interaction with an amused look.
"Are you going to make it up to me or not? I'm not the one with a flight to catch, Y/L/N Y/N." Hyunjin rolled her eyes but only in a teasing manner, tilting her head at you as she lightly waved her phone onto your confused face before it registered to you that she was talking about the convenience store incident. You instantly flushed, cursing internally at how you could forget your own words like that before nodding quickly, reaching over to grab her phone only for it to be pulled away by Hyunjin which confused you once again.
"I want your number, not your manager's, not your members', not the number you give for business transactions—I want the number on your actual phone," Hyunjin stated firmly, leaning her face to yours and staring at you intently. You nodded slowly as you reached over to grab her phone, but she pulled it away yet again, "I want to be your friend, Y/N." she finished, placing her phone in your hand before pulling away to lower her eyes at you as she crossed her arms on her chest.
And just like that, there goes all of your worries about everyone's prying eyes and your spot on the brand reputation rankings..
You swallowed thickly, trying to calm the sudden burning feeling in your entire body as you quickly typed in your number—cautiously eyeing her intimidating stance before grabbing your phone from your back pocket, pressing the call button on Hyunjin's phone for your own to start ringing. Once Hyunjin looked satisfied, you typed your group's name and then your name before handing Hyunjin her phone.
"Assa! Unnie~" Gowon cheered from behind Hyunjin, with Olivia Hye looking at the back of Hyunjin's head as if she's impressed.
That didn't stop Kim Lip from cackling loudly with Jinsoul, Chuu, Yeojin and Choerry though.
"Kim Hyunjin! Just like always!" Heejin cheered, grinning when Hyunjin turned to glare at them.
"Yeojin said she'd call me when you're all back to the dorms.."
"Not if I call you first." Hyunjin stated firmly with a knowing look, as if she already knew she was going to win.
To which you only softly smiled at.
"It's a thirteen hour flight to the US, you know that right?"
"Hyunjin! We need to go!"
"I know!" Hyunjin's eyes widened, waving her hands dismissively, "That's not directed to you, Y/N—I can't ever get mad at you." Hyunjin frowned to herself to which you only shortly laugh at, nodding before glancing at your own members making heart poses but the others also pointing to the gates. You faced Hyunjin who looked almost like an abandoned cat who didn't want you to leave.
"I should get going.."
"See you around, Hyunjin." you bowed yet again, but this time it was a quick one and with a smile—different from the ones that were shy, and apologetic—it was an actual smile, a smile that Hyunjin felt as if the butterflies in her stomach were going wild as you did the simple action.
"See you, Y/N." Hyunjin watched as you retreated back slowly to your members, hesitant yet making your way back to them. You were just about to disappear from her view when you heard her call you again, to which you almost automatically turn at, but you did anyways, stopping on your tracks yet again to find the image of a giddy looking red haired Kim Hyunjin smiling from ear to ear, eyes crinkled as she did.
"You're still going to make it up to me, right Y/N?" she asked sweetly, making you all flustered yet again as everyone around you seemed to find this interaction sweet.
"Ofcourse, I promised."
And with that, Kim Hyunjin practically skipped all the way to the van—staring at your contact name she changed on her phone.
My Favorite Hoobae.
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This acc is dedicated to writing loona ideas that I have, maybe some day I'll take requests who knows—but for now, I'm going to focus on writing alot of imagines for Kim Hyunjin because she's my bias and I.. Don't.. See.. Much.. Hyunjin.. Imagines..? So yeah, if y'all want to follow, by all means we're chill here~ but thanks for reading! I hope this was as entertaining to you as it was for me writing it!
Also, I make the gifs myself, but to give credit to the original source I will always put the link of the video and the channel name from where I got it from at the bottom of each author's note. If any of these sources do not want their work to be displayed like this, please inform me immediately and i will get rid of the gif and.. find another source that wouldn't mind. I just use specific visuals for the ideas so..
May Kim Hyunjin guide me to write even more..
Laters (for now),
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> ovc: NewsenTV (200120)
109 notes ¡ View notes
serenityseventeen ¡ 3 years
Love & Letter: To The Thirteen Boys I've Loved Before
The Tenth Letter
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To: Lee Seokmin
From: Y/N
Hi, Seokmin.
I have so many things I want to ask you but for this letter to you, I want to start at the beginning. The beginning of us. To me, you've been only sweet and caring and I couldn't have asked for more. I still respect your decision and I hope you won't regret choosing your dream over me.
I'm sure the public will love your voice just as much as I do. I still have the videos and mp3 files of your covers because your voice is just so utterly beautiful that I can't delete it, even though we broke up. Since I can't support you, an unborn artist, as your girlfriend, I'll support you as a fan.
When we first met, I was truly amazed by your vocals. I'm sure you noticed me staring because you looked at me and smiled at me while singing. At first, I was wondering why you were looking at me when there was everyone else in the crowd; and I later got the answer to that after.
I already told you this but yeah, because of you, I was late for my job interview. It was just for a part-time job and even though I needed a night job, I couldn't help but stop and listen to you sing.
At that time, I was having a stressful time. I had broken up with my boyfriend a few months ago and I wasn't fully over that yet. My dad was hospitalized for Cancer and I felt like I had no one to lean on.
Even though I was having a hard time then, I couldn't cry. I always thought that maybe it was because the hardships made me grow stronger. I thought that maybe I've cried too much in my life and now I just couldn't cry.
But when I heard your voice, my heart was aching, wrenching, and I just couldn't stop listening to it. I've always loved music but for some reason, your voice became a better medicine to me.
You were looking at me in that crowd when we first met because I had a tear rolling down my cheek. With fairy lights on the wall lighting up the corner of the store where you busked, I was crying because of the emotion and beauty in your voice.
At that time, after you performed, you asked me why I was crying. I lied and said it was because your performance was beautiful. This was the true reason behind it that I never got to tell you.
I still remember your pure eyes and sunshine-like smile. It was so bright. Your smile felt like a ray of sunshine slipping into my life that was a dark hole, offering me a hand.
Since I needed that hand, I accepted it. I reached for it and took it. That's how I would describe how we got together. You helped me smile with your pure, funny, and warm personality, and because of that smile, I could love you to the fullest.
You made me realize that sometimes, people need other people to help them cope with their problems. This realization caused me a bit of regret but I'm grateful that loving you could teach me this valuable lesson.
Seokmin, you were such a sweet and warm boyfriend.
For dates, whenever we did have time, you would bring me to the most memorable places. We would spend the day together having fun. Each place you picked left a memorable trace.
You were patient with me and didn't ask for much from me, which made me want to love you without any regrets. Sometimes it would be up to a week and a half before we saw each other again but each time you saw me, there was an even brighter smile on your face.
Our first kiss was at the beach and you took me there to help me refresh my mind. You were always thinking about me. When you took me to see the ocean, I felt it then, that I had to love you wholeheartedly.
That's why while we were sitting on the rocks, I brought your face to mine and kissed you. You must've been shocked at first but then you brought your hand to my jaw, massaging it gently, and began kissing me back sweetly. My heart was racing and that's when I was sure that I fell for you.
We celebrated Halloween together, dressing up as a ghost couple and I still remember the amount of fun I had painting your face with white. You were so playful and full of youth that I couldn't help but kiss you then too. My face got white paint over it because of you but I still enjoyed it.
Whenever you were busking, I would come to watch you and record you so proudly. Sometimes, I would be so sure that you were singing a specific song for me. It was like your way of saying “I love you”.
Even if you didn't tell me that you were busking, I would just happen to pass by and hear your beautiful voice. Once I heard your voice, I had to stop and find it.
With you, I was able to forget everything and have fun amidst my life crisis. You supported me with every choice I made. You gave me confidence and whenever I was on the verge of breaking down, you came to me.
I remember this one time where I was out just wandering in a park at night blankly because my father's condition worsened suddenly. I was ignoring your calls and I didn't have enough money, everything was falling apart.
I don't know how you found me that night but as I was wandering in the dark silence, I heard your beautiful voice call my name. When I turned around, you had already run close enough to pull me into your arms.
I burst into tears while buried in your chest with your hand reassuring me by patting the back of my head. You repeated softly, “It'll be okay, I'm here for you.”
In the winters, you would come and wait by my dorm early in the morning, knowing that I needed to work a morning shift. You gave me a beautiful red scarf and would always warm my cheeks up with heating pads.
I still remember the first time you came to my dorm unauthorized and waited for me in the cold. Your cheeks and the tip of your nose were cold and pink but once you saw me, a bright smile lit up your face.
You came to me with a beautiful smile and reached out your cold hands to my cheek.
“You shouldn't be dressed so poorly for this weather,” You took out the red knitted scarf from a bag and wrapped it around my shoulders, then with a hot pack in each hand, you cupped my cheeks.
I was surprised, that's why I couldn't say anything back then.
You then gently bumped your forehead against mine and smiled purely. “Have a good day at work, call me when you finish, okay?” You said, smiling softly.
I just nodded and didn't thank you until you started leaving. You turned around and smiled at me again, making me melt. Then, you waved at me and continued walking away.
Now I know why you did such a thing for me.
I was so happy to know that someone was caring for me. It made me delighted to know that that person was you, the man that I loved. With your blissful, blessing voice, I just fell more and more in love.
I just remember thinking, ‘this is it,’ and that you and I would have our happy ending.
I'm not disappointed that we didn't get the happy ending that I wanted but even though we didn't, life has more opportunities for both of us. Maybe a happy ending wouldn't come just yet because, from the looks of it, our journeys are just unfolding.
Since you were there for me and supported me in everything I did, when you came to me and asked if you should join an entertainment company, I wanted to support you too. You made me happy so if your dream was happiness, then I supported it.
“Y/N, should I join an entertainment agency?” I remember you asking me.
I didn't know how to reply then. I didn't want you to go but I then realized that I couldn't keep you here either.
“You can if you want to.”
“If I join one, I can't date you.”
“If it's your dream, then it's fine. Just remember me.”
You didn't reply for a bit.
“Are you sure it's okay? I love you and I don't want to leave you but...”
“If this is your only chance, take it.”
I smiled at you.
Seokmin, I'm glad that you were able to join the entertainment agency that you auditioned for.
I thought that when we broke up I would cry but I didn't. I was happy. I was happy for you and reminiscing everything that made me happy was enough. Being with you left enough memories for me to stay happy for a while.
Whenever I miss you during these lonely snowy nights, I listen to and watch your covers. It's almost hard to believe that I loved someone like you for a short while. Seeing you again in my gallery seemed like you were an angel who came to heal me.
I'm sincerely grateful to you, Seokmin. I love you too, Seokmin. I miss you too, Seokmin.
Are you eating well? Make sure you take care of your voice. Are you happy yet? Have you made any friends?
I hope that you'll reach your dream soon.
I'm sure that training is hard but I'll wait for the day I can hear your voice live again; not from the videos on my phone, but a local TV station, or someone else's phone. I'll wait for that day.
For now, I'll stay your biggest fan.
I'll still love you. My love for you will never change, even if I meet someone else. I'll love you as a fan.
All I can do now isn't much, and though you probably don't know, I'm cheering for you. I still am. I'm your biggest supporter.
I won't try to fall out of love with you.
I'm sure I'll recognize you on the day your dream comes true.
Yours truly,
Š serenityseventeen
7/4/21 - 3:59 pm
a/n: Happy July 4th. My family originally had plans today but apparently, we haven't done anything according to our plan? Whatever, I'm excited to see fireworks. + Perfect timing, our Kyeom has Instagram now and gosh can he stop being so cute!?
13 notes ¡ View notes
radiorenjun ¡ 4 years
Lavender Antics.
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→ Pairing: Han Jisung X Reader
→ Summary: Shooting in a drama with him was your absolute nightmare. Working with your enemy and pretending that you were love interests has been the most frustrating experience of your life. Though, after saying your farewells, the scent of lavender never leaves.
→ Genre:enemies to lovers au, idol au, romance, angst, slowburn.
→ Warnings: Very hurtful words. Antics. Mentions of insecurity. Alcohol, Swearing, Making out. Suggestive?
→ Word Count:
→ Chapters: 1, 2, 3
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You tucked your phone in your pocket as you entered the dance studio to be greeted by your group members stretching and warming up. "Hey y/n!" they greeted in unison, making you smile at how their cheerful aura greeted your exhausted figure. "Hi," you replied shortly, dropping your dufflebag near theirs on the floor.
"How was filming?" Jaehwa asked, letting out a groan when Haneul pushed her back down as she did a split. "The usuals: Jeongin being a crackhead, the director shoving it into our faces that we're going to Tokyo, that donkey being insufferable. Same as always," you chuckle, joining them as you stretched your arms.
"Oh yeah! I forgot you're leaving for Tokyo soon. When are you going again?" Cheonsa exclaimed, massaging her ankles. "Honestly, first Cheonsa was on hiatus. Now you're on hiatus just for some drama film?" Jaehwa chuckled. You rolled your eyes at Kiyeon before answering Cheonsa's question, "Im leaving in two days. I'll be out of your hair for a whole month so enjoy it while you can," you joked.
"Believe me, I know I will." Kiyeon responded, taking a sip of her caffeine. "Oh hush, you'll miss me when I leave." you snickered as you hit her shoulder playfully. "Since you're leaving your dearest best friends behind for some dick, you better treat us to something tomorrow." Cheonsa exclaimed.
"I want steak!" she added with a bright smile. You lifted your fist as if you were gonna punch her, sucking your lip into your mouth as you growled out. "Why you lil-" Jaehwa sat up from her split and patted your thigh, "don't kill anyone just yet, y/n. You still have alot to live for. Plus I don't wanna be the one getting you out of prison," she sighed.
"Cheonsa's not wrong though. You should treat us to something before you leave," Haneul nodded in agreement, making Cheonsa let out a victory cheer at her statement. "I agree. Last time, y'all completely ditched me in that restaurant leaving me to pay that tremendous bill when you all said we were gonna split it!" Kiyeon grumbled.
"It was all planned, by the way." you smirked with a chuckle. "It was Cheonsa's idea for a prank, too." Jaehwa smiled with a nod. Kiyeon glared at our leader who was giving her an innocent peace sign. "Man, I'm really gonna miss you guys when I'm in Tokyo." you sighed, laying your cheek on your palm as your elbow stood on your thighs.
"Of course you will, you can't live without us." Kiyeon chuckled, giving a soft punch to your shoulder. "And Im leaving," you pretended to stand up as the girls chuckled at your reaction. You giggled as you retreated to your former position. "Man, who am I going to talk to in Tokyo when you idiots aren't there?" you whined.
"Yang Jeongin? Or that makeup artist, she looks really nice when I came to visit you on set." Haneul suggested. "Stop acting as if it's the end of the world, you fucking drama queens. Video chatting and texting exists, too, you know." Jaehwa patted your back. You smiled softly at your friends.
"Wait, you're saying that y/n isn't going to die? Damn, I made a whole song and funeral and everything." Cheonsa said in a sardonic tone, causing the whole group to laugh. "You wish. You're stuck with me, get used to it." you wrapped your arm around her shoulder and pulled her to a side hug.
"I really hope our contract ends soon." Cheonsa uttered jokingly. "Very funny," you rolled your eyes with a smile on your face. "By the way, have you heard that Chen-sunbaenim is getting married?" Haneul gossiped in a dramatically posh-popular girl tone. "Oh my god, what? Ugh, I can't believe some girl took away my sunbae," you mocked her tone.
"Isn't Sehun your bias, though?" Kiyeon laughed. You nodded with a laugh, dropping the whole fancy act, "though, it wasn't a surprise, really. I mean, whenever I walk by there's always this girl he keeps hanging out with, I'm guessing that's her." you informed.
"Can't believe we're gossiping bout our seniors." Jaehwa shook her head with a chuckle. "What? It's already made public, it's basically the trending topic of the hour. I hope I get invited though, I wanna see my childhood idol get married. God, we're becoming old, girls!" Cheonsa whined, flapping her hands aimlessly.
"You're becoming old, that is. I'm still younger than you," you teased. "Oh hush, just because I have a boyfriend doesn't mean I'm getting old for fucks sake. You're probably gonna date that Jisung guy in the future, just wait and see." she tutted with a point of her finger. You pretended to gag, laying a palm on your chest as you stuck your tongue out in disgust. "No thank you," you croaked dramatically.
"I rather date, Shrek, himself than that stubborn cheesecake stealing donkey." you clenched your jaw angrily. "You know, he's not that bad. From what I see in interviews, he looks like a really nice guy to hang out with," Kiyeon shrugged, taking her coffee cup to her lips.
"That is, if he doesn't hate you for no absolute reason!" you exclaimed, flailing your hands up dramatically. "Well, it seems like you hate him too so you're both in the wrong." she smirked. "I do hate him, if that wasn't clear. But he started it first! If he wasn't such a dick then maybe I would've considered him a friend!" you huffed.
"You're being over dramatic. What did he do that was so bad to make you hate him anyways?" Jaehwa rolled her eyes with a heavy sigh. You paused, recalling the unpleasant memory, "I don't wanna talk about that." you mumbled, looking at your hands.
"Jesus Fucking Christ," Kiyeon grumbled. "Shouldn't we practice?" she asked. "We should, but we really need a break so let's just slack off for a while and get back to practise in a couple of minutes." Haneul suggested. Cheonsa was about to retort when her phone rang, her face lit up at the sight.
"The bf is calling, do what you want. But when I get back, be prepared to be trained hard vocally and physically." she chuckled, walking out of the room with her phone vibrating like crazy in hand. As the door swung shut, there was a peaceful yet awkward moment of silence. "So what now?" you asked.
"Have you packed yet?" Haneul asked, ignoring your question. You scratched your head at the thought, "kinda, but most of my clothes that I already packed are just sweaters and shorts." you shrugged. "I'll help you pack once we get back to the dorm, you always under pack and borrow my clothes or shop for really tacky ones in supermarket stores." Jaehwa laughed.
"Oh hush, I just like wearing comfy clothes!" you chuckled. "Unfortunately for you, comfy clothes isn't an option for this comeback." she grinned with a snap, causing you to roll your eyes at her statement. "Shut up," you groaned.
The door opened slightly, attracting your attention as Cheonsa's head poked through. "Hey girls, I'm about to go to the other dance studios real quick, alright?" she informed with an excited smile before exiting the room once again, grabbing her waterbottle in the process without letting any of us respond to her.
"Appointing her as our leader was the number one worst mistakes of our careers," you announced aloud, causing the girls to laugh and nod in agreement. "Couldn't agree more, y/n. Couldnt agree more," Jaehwa laughed.
A few seconds later, the door opened once again and Cheonsa's head poked into the room. "By the way, you're really gonna treat us to food right?" she grinned with a hopeful and teasing glint in her expression. You chuckled, waving your hand to dismiss her as she laughed and exit the door.
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"Guys, is that really necessary?" you chuckled, looking at your members after you checked if your passport and ticket was there. Your members had thoughtfully decided to drop you off at the airport, while wearing unessecary disguises such as a Mona Lisa costume, a moustached detective, Dwayne Johnson's face duct taped to a clown mask and Oli London's face carved from cardboard.
"Yes it is. It's important for us to not be recognized by the public and drop our little y/n off to school." Kiyeon responded, shamelessly fidgeting with her detective hat. "If you guys are gonna walk out looking like that, not only y'all are gonna get recognized by the people, you'll also embarrass me and cause more drama online!" you laughed, crossing your arms as you entered the airport gate.
"Hush, I'm parking the car. You don't want me to make this long and miss your flight do you?" Cheonsa gave you the stink eye through the rearview mirror, gazing at your through her long wig. "Honestly, y'all are gonna be accused as weirdos and get escorted out." you pursed your lips as the car stopped.
"What's so wrong bout wanting to drop off our member?" Jaehwa asked, nudging your shoulder as she shifted her Oli London mask back on to cover her face. "Thank you for the ride," you rolled your eyes and stepped out of the vehicle, quickly grabbing your suitcases and running off before your members could spot you.
As you ran, you lifted your phone to call your manager, informing him where you are. "I'm in the station already, where are you?" you asked, looking around as it was almost 10 minutes til boarding time. "You what?" you gaped at your managers response.
"Hey ugly!" a familiar voice yelled through the crowded room. You winced at the sound of the voice and chuckled nervously at your manager, "you couldn't just come here yourself?" you exclaimed nervously. "Right, you have to check on the other staff." you nodded before rubbing the space inbetween your eyes, ignoring the voice yelling your name behind you that was getting louder and louder.
"Hey ugly!" Jisung exclaimed, showing his pearly white teeth as he layed a hand on your shoulder. You glared at him, giving him the stink eye at the nickname which caused him to chuckle. He has been calling you thathighly insultive nickname since that scene you had to do with you being pushed to a puddle of mud, smearing your face in it.
Playing the role of the bullied popular girl has never been so tough when Jisung became your real life bully. "Hello donkey," you spat as your manager spoke his last words bout checking the VIP tickets and hanging up without giving you a second to reason with him.
"Im here to pick you up!" he chuckled, his heart shaped lips forming a bright smile that never left his face. You shuddered before gripping the handle of your suitcase tightly, "I am very much aware, thank you very much." you answered with a shaky breath.
"Let me help you with your suitcase," his hand reached to grab one or your suitcase which you slapped away due to your suspicion. "I don't trust you enough with my suitcase, who knows you might leave it here when we board." You said with a raise of your eyebrow.
He frowned at your words, his lips forming a scowl before he rolled his eyes. "I was just trying to be nice, sheesh, don't need to be a bitch about it." he shot back, pulling the straps of his backpack to his shoulder before leading you forward to where the rest of the cast were sitting.
You felt his hand hit your back gently, you flinched at the contact looking back at him as you cursed in response. "What the fuck was that for?" you exclaimed, looking back at Jisung. Jisung just looked at you with an unbothered expression, "Chill out, Ms.Y/n. I'm being nice here, there was a bug on your back and I took care of it for you," he rolled his eyes.
"You're welcome." He smirked, crossing his arms as you glared at him suspiciously before sitting down with a nod. You continued to speak with your co-worker, Yeoreum, who was playing the role of your bully. Despite her role, she's an absolute sweetheart.
"I see you and Jisung are bickering, once again." Yeoreum smirked, offering you a lollipop which you happily accepted. "Im not surprised anymore, it's become a daily routine now." you sighed, sipping your lemon tea. "Your members didn't come to say goodbye?" she asked, "I wanted to see them before we leave."
"Trust me, they did. They dropped me off and dressed up as if tonight's Halloween or something. But to be honest, if I didn't leave them alone I would've been bombarded with more paparazzis than I was three minutes ago," you chuckled, showing her a picture of them with their ridiculous costumes on your phone.
She burst out laughing, grabbing your phone in her hands. "When we arrived at the hotel, we're definitely video chatting them to see if they still have those ridiculous outfits on, right?" she smirked. "I don't know... Im probably gonna feel to tired to even open my eyes," you joked, earning a strong push from her.
"Y/n!" she whined, shaking your figure vigorously. Jeongin groaned, feeling interrupted from his game. "Director-nim! Yeoreum is bullying me!" you laughed, whining playfully. "Would you guys shut up, you're distracting us from our game!" Jisung complained as he tried to focus what's happening on the screen of the Nintendo Switch before him.
"Shut up, donkey." you chuckled as you lined up for the VIP section of the plane. You heard Jisung snickering behind you, only to be smacked by a disappointed Jeongin who was shaking his head in disapproval. "Honestly, why are you like this?" he mumbled.
"Shut up," Jisung laughed, nudging his friend as you continued to walk towards your seat, subtly giving him a look filled with suspicion. "What's wrong with him?" you muttered to yourself, sucking your lollipop as you sat down next to one of the staff who was already fast asleep.
You plucked in your earphones and fidget in your seat to get into a comfortable position, you turned on your favorite playlist and relaxed in your seat, drifting off to sleep in a matter of minutes.
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You stretched as you exited the plane and entered the airport, reuniting with the rest of the cast. Jisung was giggling behind you despite his tired eyes boring into yours. You raised your brow, "what are you laughing bout?" you asked with a croaky voice.
"It's 2 in the morning, what could you possibly be laughing bout?" you repeated in a cranky tone. He giggled before shaking his head at you, continuing to grab his suitcases. You huffed at the peculiar boy giggling away infront of you, rubbing your eyes to try and wake yourself up a lil bit more til you arrive at the hotel.
"Hey y/n. Is that sign on your back always there?" Yeoreum asked, dragging her suitcase behind her, pointing at your back. Your eyes widened as your arms quickly reach to venture your back, feeling a piece of paper taped to the fabric of your hoodie.
You gripped it and pulled it away from your hoodie, taking a closer look at the slightly crumpled paper. "What the fuck?" you whispered under your breathe almost inaudibly. Written in bold letters was a big 'KICK ME' in an oh-too familiar handwriting.
You growled, crumpling the piece of paper and tossing it into a garbage bin. "Han Jisung, I am going to slaughter you!" you exclaimed, running up to him who surprisingly ran for his life. Due to your lack of sleep, you were a little slower than him so you gave up.
You spotted him hiding behind his manager, his head poking out. He looked at you with eyes wide awake, grinning like the cheeky bastard he is, you raised a fist at him. He stuck his tongue out playfully at your small threat. You raised a middle finger at him in response.
"Alright then, once the bus to the hotel arrives, sleep as much as you can. We're going to start filming late this noon til midnight, so get all the rest you can." the director announce with a yawn, going through the files and looking at his wrist watch.
The whole staff groaned including you who was checking your phone, notifying your parents and members bout your safety. "I take it back, I'm gonna be sleeping like a pig for the next ten hours" you groaned at your costar. "Geez, weak." Jisung chuckled before yawning into his mouth.
"Im sorry, Mr donkey. I didn't order a glass of your opinion," you rolled your eyes at him. As the bus came to a stop infront of you, you yawned taking the first step with Jisung half asleep beside you. You chuckled to yourself at the sight of the older boy yawning and rubbing his sleepy eyes.
This was going to be a long month.
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#1 with david please ! i dont really have anything specific in mind so go crazy
I hope you like it 💕💕
The boardwalk could be a surprisingly dark place, seeing the brightness of it. In the dark corners of the boardwalk there were often people waiting around, waiting till they had a shot of grabbing some unsuspecting pedestrian. Under the boardwalk lived even more dangerous people. They were ready to rob you if they ever had the chance.
And yet, the bright lights and the cheerful music always made it seem like it was the happiest place in town. You knew most people. It was the upside of working in the only video store in town. Everyone came in for a movie, and soon you knew their faces- and sometimes even their names. You knew some surfnazis, some highschoolers, you know- the usual boardwalk crowd. And of course, you knew the boys. You'd met them your first night working there, and soon you'd become friends. Your boss didn't seemed to like them or the fact you were hanging with them that much, but you never really thought much of it.
It had been about a week since you'd been to the boardwalk. You'd called in sick, having Maria taking over your shifts. Ever since that night a week ago you just didn't want to go there. Maybe you should just quit your job, you thought as you made some dinner. That would probably save you a whole lot of trouble. Lost in thought you hadn't noticed the sound of a motorcycle driving towards your house. Nor had you noticed the lights that had flashed through the living room. You yelped when you heard a loud bang.
Someone was knocking at your door.
"Who's there?" You asked, before even moving to open the door.
"It's me, David. What's going on?"
You opened the door, looking around him. "Are you alone?"
"Yeah. Are you alright?"
"Inside. Now."
You quickly closed the door, placing the three different locks back on it. You walked to the living room, David following you.
"What are you doing here?"
"You weren't at the boardwalk. Maria said you were sick, so I decided to go and check up on you."
"Thanks, but I'm okay. I'm not sick."
"Then why haven't you been to the boardwalk in over a week?"
"Well- you know-" you had to think fast, he wouldn't believe the truth- "The boardwalk scares me."
"It scares you?" David looked at you, trying to figure out where all this came from. "You're lying."
"I'm not! I really am scared! Ever since I saw -" you shut your mouth, you'd already said too much.
"What did you see?"
"You won't believe me. It's - It was terrible. I- I really don't think that you'll believe me."
"Try me."
"I saw Max. He- he was standing over some womans body and- and he was drinking her blood, draining her? And - and then he saw me. He growled and said that if I wanted to live I'd better obey him."
David sighed. So that was why. In all honesty, he realised you were lucky you hadn't been killed. Max was an absolute asshole, especially to the people his boys seemed to like.
"And he looked so horrifying! His eyes- David, his eyes were yellow!"
"He won't hurt you."
"You don't know that."
"He won't. We're like him," he had to tell you. "He won't hurt you. You belong with us, with the boys and I. Max is not going to hurt or kill you."
"You're not a monster."
David chuckled. He looked at you, holding you close. "Don't be scared."
He changed his face, proving to you he was the same. "I won't hurt you."
He changed back, kissing you quickly. "I can't." He looked at you. "I love you."
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