#...and then you go along with your other character being teleported to somewhere you-don't-even-know-where
ampersand-echo · 10 months
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artemissoteira · 2 years
4, 19, 23 for whichever character works best for them!
thanks cactus!! but also oh god lmao I feel the least equipped to answer any of those for any of my characters, given my personal non-relationship to food, love, and beauty. but let's see what we can get out of them! (dnd char ask meme here)
4. what is their comfort food?
Medea will be our touchstone here since Colchis has an actual geographical Earth location, in what is now Georgia. From a brief googling I'm gonna go with something akin to khashi -- Georgian meat soup made with boiled cow or sheep parts. Sheep parts for us, naturally. I think Medea as a child was enamored with the sheep theme of the golden fleece. Plus, she goes on to kill Pelias in a cauldron of soup after convincing his daughters it will give him youth by throwing an old sheep in and having it come out young. When she finds an aesthetic she commits.
Also, at the risk of reading too much into a cultural context gleaned from google, an originally lower-class soup made from leftover cuts of meat feels like a favorite that she might sneak into the kitchens for as a kid, in lieu of fancy royal dinners. I like to picture her having a comfort food nostalgic for a time before being fully embroiled in political ambitions. Maybe we can get her to abdicate royalty once she settles down with Medusa.
Moss eats dirt. And fish.
I don't think Ithren eats. We didn't quite come to a consensus on that but it's hard to imagine them eating anything on purpose.
19. have they ever been in love?
medea my DARLING has been, not that he deserved it. and will be?? medusa come through. I'm still rooting for the medea/medusa/hecuba ot3 but that is a lot of personality to get to gel together with no guarantee of common ground, and I think medea's mild hero worship (pardon the phrase) of hecuba would probably get in the way.
ithren, no, it would never have been relevant. I think best endgame for them will be a very diffuse sense of love for all people and I really hope they reach it, because right now they don't have any concept of love at all lmao. WAIT actually right now their only concept of Love would be overhearing saube and mahety's phone call, where mahety said if saube didn't call back after saving the moon they were going to have their third ever fight. so honestly they're going to do fine as far as love goes. ithren thinks love is when you travel the world to make a teleportation circle to visit your friend. and they're right.
I don't think moss has. moss is too busy.
23. when do they feel the most beautiful?
medea once again coming through as the most normatively having all these experiences. I think she does thrive in public attention, and insofar as that beauty is weaponized, it's still hers and she does it well. right now she wears a gold ballgown with dragon-head pauldrons, linked together with rubies on a gold chain. it's +1 armor and if you attack her in melee while she's wearing it you take 1d6 poison damage. medea feels most beautiful when she is gracefully commanding a room and she knows it.
ithren my love doesn't even know they have a body 90% of the time and the other 10% they have to look down at themselves to confirm that they're drow.
moss... remembers being beautiful, I think. feels like a simpler time. maybe they have been in love, in a middle-school kind of way. moss feels the most free when they're running in the wind along the rooftops, but maybe sometimes a breath of memory catches them: of being shyly beautiful, standing on a dry riverbed somewhere, mud-streaked by choice without the weight of time on their shoulders. a lifetime ago.
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fullmarvelheart · 3 years
Monsters & Pancakes
Pairing: Avengers x Enhanced!OFC
Word Count: 2,462
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of death and familial loss.
A/N: Welcome to Chapter 3! I hope you all enjoy the story as well as the characters! Image is not my own. All rights go to the original creator.  Sorry this took so long to get out! I hope you enjoy reading it!
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I slowly begin to wake and curl more into the couch. My body feels less heavy than it usually does, more alert. That alone has me feeling uneasy before I realize I'm on my couch... not my bed.
I shoot up in terror knowing fully well that he did something to me, that Loki made me pass out. Though, the fast movement throws me off balance and I end up tumbling to the floor. While pushing myself up with a groan, I hear hurried footsteps rush towards me on the floor.
"What in Odin's name are you doing on the floor?" He chides somewhere behind me.
"What did you do to me?" I sneer while turning towards his voice.
"Just a simple sleeping incantation." He tells me while nonchalantly crossing his arms.
"Why?" I growl while forcing myself to stand. He sighs while rolling his eyes.
"For one, I was brought, somehow, to this place, against my will might I add. So, my trust in you was not and is not very high. Another reason I kept you asleep, after I explored to make sure it was safe, was because it appeared that you needed it." He explains in a very frustrated tone. I take a deep breath.
"I guess we're even then." He looks at me curiously. "Both being kidnapped by the other..." I elaborate.
"Not quite..." He states while I cock an eyebrow. "Your name... I still do not know it."
I sigh while trying to run a hand through my very knotted dirty-blond hair.
"People call me 'Saddie'." I tell him while walking to my room to retrieve my brush.
"You didn't answer my question." He huffs.
"Yes, I did." The retort comes out more bitter than intended but I don't care to change it.
"I asked for your name, not a nickname. I told you my name without the added titles."
"'Of Asgard' isn't an added title?" He groans at the sarcastic remark while I carefully brush the wavy tresses.
"Your name?" He asks again, though annoyed.
I sigh, not wanting to say it out loud.
"No need to tell me, you just did." He chuckles darkly from the hallway.
"What?!" I yell.
"Don't worry, Sadira, I think it's a very unique name." I feel my face grow hot with anger and notice the lightbulbs starting to flicker.
I storm out of my room only to spot him standing frozen in the hallway, staring at the flickering bulbs.
"Do NOT use that name!" He turns around to face me quickly. "And stop reading my DAMN MIND!" I scream.
He holds his hands up in surrender.
"I give you my word, not to do that again." He tells me.
I scoff.
"I don't know if I believe you."
I brush past him and make my way to the kitchen. I haven't eaten since before I left for work, however long ago that was. As the thought of food crosses my mind, my stomach growls painfully and I resist the urge to groan because of it. God, I want something sweet.
As I begin to prep my meal. I see Loki leaning on the doorway, just observing.
"Do you want anything?" I ask, my head deep into the refrigerator.
"Sure." I hear in reply. "As long as you don't poison it." I half-chuckle.
"You never know..."
I begin to pull ingredients together and place them on the counter.
"Why did you teleport into the middle of the street?" I ask while focused on the food in front of me.
"Well, you suddenly appear on Earth in the very early morning, looking very upset or unnerved for whatever reason, and then appear to want to blend in. Seeing as you're wearing... what do you call it... ah, Midgardian clothes, instead of what looked like a cape when I first saw you. It looks to me like you're on the run." I explain.
"You saw that?"
"I saw everything. The beam that brought you here and everything that followed until you spotted me." I say, while waving a spatula around as I talk.
"But why did you think I was on the run? Maybe you are yourself." My eyes snap up to meet his. "You have nothing personal in here. No pictures of family... friends, no images at all. Not even a plant." He pries while moving closer to me.
"Because I have none."
"I have no friends or family." I growl while tightly gripping onto the spatula.
I move my eyes back onto the food I'm preparing in order to prevent the tears in my eyes from spilling. And I try so hard as to push them back.
"Now, are you on the run?" I ask through gritted teeth.
"In a sense... Yes. Are they actively looking for me? No. No harm will come to you because of it."
I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in at his explanation.
"Who are you hiding from?" He asks, carefully.
"Too many people to list." I chuckle darkly as I put the mixture into a pan. "Mainly HYDRA though. Unfortunately, S.H.I.E.L.D. hasn't been able to completely rid the world of them." I grumble.
"Ugh, S.H.I.E.L.D." He grunts with such distaste.
"I take it you've encountered them." I state while looking at him from the corner of my eye.
He hums in acknowledgement while I flip the item in the pan.
"Well I haven't, but I'm grateful for them nonetheless. If it wasn't for S.H.I.E.L.D, HYRDA would still have me. And I don't want to imagine the horrors that would come from that."
I begin to plate what I had prepared before washing and cutting up some strawberries.
"What is your favorite fruit?" I ask faintly.
"Do you have a favorite fruit?" I ask again, though slightly annoyed.
"No, none that I know from Midgard." He says, very confused.
I hum while taking a can of whipped cream from the fridge.
After stacking two pancakes, I drizzle the cut strawberries on top before adding a spiral of whipped cream and a drizzle of maple syrup. I pass the finished plate to him along with a fork and knife before doing the same to my plate. I walk to the fridge and put all the ingredients away, but not before spraying some of the cream into my mouth.
I look back at Loki and notice he wears a disgusted expression.
"What? My house, my rules. And besides, it's for good luck." I defend while stabbing my fork into a piece of a pancake.
He scoffs but says nothing. I shake my head and continue eating. My thoughts begin to wander to all the events that occurred today, when I gasp.
Loki gives me a strange look as I run over to the living room and turn the TV on the first news station I find. The Q-Ship is still being played all over each network with the headlines reading "Attack on New York City". Various "experts" talk and give their predictions of what it means or what's going to happen. I scowl at the stupidity of those so-called "experts". The really have NO idea what the hell is going on.
Tony Stark's face shows up on the screen as the title reads "Missing". I hope that he's still alive, still in the fight. I know we'll need him. I mean, they'll need him.
Hpmh "we'll"...?
I am NOT getting involved in this anymore.
The image then changes to Cull Obsidian and Ebony Maw giving their oh-so nauseating "rejoice because of our presence" speech. I growl at their faces immediately causing the TV and the lights to begin to flicker.
"You know the Black Order." It's not a question but a statement. I turn to face Loki who has an uncertain look on his face.
I sigh, but say nothing to confirm or deny before looking back at the TV. What's the point? The answer is already known.
"Saddie... How do you know them?" He says inching closer to me. I can feel the spike of his heart-rate, I can feel his fear as if it was my own. Though, some of it is my own fear too.
"I guess that's who you're running from." I half-heartedly say with a chuckle. Though, I'm not even sure I'm correct.
"How do you know Thanos?" He asks slowly, cautiously, scared of a reaction. My reaction.
And he should be, because at the mention of his name, I begin to shake uncontrollably.
"Please... Please, don't. You don't want to know." I croak, shutting my eyes from the new tears in my eyes pushing to be set free.
Before either of us can do anything, the screen changes to "Possible Alien Attack in Scotland".
"Now why the hell would they go to Scotland?" I ponder out-loud with tears still rimming my eyes.
My eyes widen in slight fear before I pivot to face Loki.
"When was the last time you faced the Black Order?" I question quickly, harshly brushing off the lone tear that fell.
He flinches from my sudden actions, but remains silent.
"You're running from Thanos and his children. What happened to cause you to run?" I push because I need to know. If this is what I think it is, I'm not safe anymore, no one is.
Still there is silence...
"Tell me!" I scream at him.
His face scrunches briefly before he sighs.
"The day I arrived on Midgard. Ragnarok happened to my realm, Asgard. Me and my brother, Thor, we escaped with our people. Then Thanos arrived, he wanted the Tesseract. Inside was one of the six Infinity Stones. They're-"
"I know what they are. But did you just give one of the stones to him?! Why would you even consider that?!" It can't be the same Thor as... No, no it's just a similar name. Focus Saddie!
"I didn't! Not at first! He already had one! He had the Power Stone, and he had my brother! And he was torturing him for the stone! You have no idea what that's like. To bargain for the life of someone you care about!" His words send a dagger to my heart and I feel the burn of tears in my eyes again.
"I have every idea what that is like! That is why I have no family left!" I scream, the lights start flickering again.
Silence envelops the room again except for our raging breaths slowly calming down from our shouting.
"Balance... That's what he calls it. Where there is an entire population, Thanos will leave half. Two planets in a system, one remains untouched. Two siblings..." I trail off and only one tear rolls down my cheek. "You were the sibling that should have died... weren't you?" My voice soft with sadness and understanding.
He says nothing, he doesn't need to.
"You need to tell your brother you're alive." I say choking back a sob.
"What? I can not simply do that! You have no ide-"
"STOP SAYING THAT! I lost my twin sister because of that monster!" I scream. "I am in your brother's shoes. I mourn the loss of my sister everyday! I blame myself! He needs to know, he needs to know you're still alive!" The tears have been rolling in uncontrollable waves down my face before I inhale a deep breath and exhale, slowly willing myself to calm down.
"There are more Infinity Stones on Earth... That is the only possible explanation for his presence here." I reason while the tears slow.
I kneel down and extend my palm on the ground. Reaching my power outward, I let myself connect to the Earth. It's over-powering and extremely painful to do because of my limited practice, but I persist.
"What are you-"
I let myself slip into the feel of the world, the magnitude of power it possesses, but I feel it. One form of power that exists above all else on this planet. The only Infinity Stone on Earth. I gasp, call back my abilities, and fall backwards. The power surges, then every electric source in my house flickers to black. I sit in the dark silence as I still can feel the stone somewhere in New York, somewhere close by. The power goes back on and I turn to a stunned Loki.
Tapping into the city's power supply, I try to recharge my energy as quickly as I can before sitting up, and pushing past the annoying man in my living room.
"Where are you going?" He calls out as I throw the door open to my room.
"There's an Infinity Stone still on Earth. Either the Black Order, or Thanos will be there. I'm going." I tell him as I drag a chest from under my bed.
"What?! Are you mad?!"
"Possibly..." I mutter to him as I throw the lid open.
Possibly? Try undeniably!
Yeah, I'm so not getting involved in this... dammit.
Inside the chest various knives, daggers, and even my bo-staff lie waiting to be used. Most of the metals are specifically designed for me by the Mad Titan himself. Smiling to myself at the comfort my weapons bring, I use my power to throw Loki out of the room and shut the door. After locking it, I begin to change, but not into one of the garbs I wore while my sister was still alive.
Instead, I slip on the suit HYDRA had made for me before I escaped. It's a navy catsuit that almost resembles Black Widow's own one. I zip it up to my neck then pull on black lace-up boots and my black fingerless gloves. I arm myself to the teeth with several small knives, four daggers (the two largest, from my time with HYDRA, rest on my thighs), and the bo-staff that extends into my favorite duel-bladed weapon.
Sealing the chest back up and returning it under my bed, I unlock and open the door to which Loki stumbles in. Apparently, leaning on the door was smart. A very, very, smart idea indeed.
He scoffs at my thoughts when he regains his composure. Though, I recall telling him not to read my mind anymore, I have more important things to do than to yell at him. Instead, I settle for an eye roll.
Looking me up and down as I place my long hair into a high ponytail, his mouth hangs open as he stares. I ignore the goosebumps that erupt under his gaze. Wow, do I need more male interaction or what? Mentally chastising myself, I clear my throat, bringing his attention back to me, or to my eyes.
"Please don't do anything destructive while I'm gone." I practically beg before teleporting away.
Chapter 4
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Name: Verdona Levin
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birthday (Zodiac): January 16; Capricorn
Species: 50% Human, 25% Osmosian, 25% Anodite
Ethnicity: White / Alien?
Native Language(s): English
Nationality: American
Appearance Info
Height: 5'9"
Skin tone: Light
Eye shape/color: Round; Green
Hair style/color: Long Wavy; Black
Outfit style: Oversized Sweaters and Jeans
Accessories: Charms
Markings (birthmarks, scars, etc): N/A
Alignment Info
Hero/Villian/Civilian: Hero
Rank: Vanguard League (Supernatural Department)
Natural Powers (By Mother) 
    -Mana Manipulation
    -Mana Absorption
    -Mana Detection
    -Memory Manipulation
    -Portal Creation
Anodite Powers (By Mother)
    -Anodite transformation
    -Astral Projection
    -Size Alteration
Matter Absorption (By Father)
Fighting Style: 
    -Taekwondo (Taught by Mother)
    - Jujutsu (Yaught by Mother)
    -Spell Book
    Verdona is very nonchalant, she tends to be very relax and reserve with people. She's kind and can be motherly to some of the other members, making sure they're fine if not then she would offer her healing. She enjoys music, it's something that puts her in a good mood. She's not nesessarily quiet but she's also not very talkative. She's the type that needs to be spoken too, however she has her moments when she gives a remark. She can be somewhat sarcastic but it's something that makes other laugh. She's very helpful and is a good ear, listening to other people's problems and helping them out.
    Born in Bellwood her parents had always given her a nice life. Making sure to not let their jobs or plumbing take up too much of their time. She was raised to be skilled in fighting, so when she's older she can help people like they did. Kevin, her father, had taught her how to use her osmosian powers in ways of defense and even offense. He gave her an insight to the good places to brokers. Her mother however taught her the ways of magic and being Anodite, even gave her lessons in some martial arts.
    Having these skills made Verdona a nice assest to a team, so she had asked about maybe joining the Vanguard League. Her mother was glad she would be wanting to join heroes, her father didn't seem to care. He was a villain and a hero, very hard to pick a side. But he was happy that she's doing something she wants. She teleported to Townsville and had search but managed to find the Vanguard League, where she met Damian. Son to Danny Fenton and Valerie. She had grown a crush on him. However she kept it professional and asked to join. After showing all of what she had the League had seen her as a valuable member for the team and she was accepted.
    She was excited and even transferred to the local school. Of course she teleports to the school and League whenever needed, she just needed a reason to be somewhere new. Plus she got to see Damian more. She was growing a liking to him and even wondered if she had a chance with him.
- Gwendolyn Tennyson Levin (Mother)
- Kevin Ethan Levin (Father)
- Ken Tennyson (Uncle)
- Ben Tennyson (First Cousin Once Removed)
- Max Tennyson (Great Grandfather)
- Verdona (Great Grandmother)
- Frank Tennyson (Maternal Grandfather)
- Natalie Tennyson (Maternal Grandmother)
- Mrs. Levin (Paternal Grandmother)
- Zed (Pet)
    Her parents and her get along well. Gwen and Kevin have their moments when they argue about the way one another trained Verdona but in the end they have seen that she's grown to be a wonderful daughter and fighter. She gets along well with her father being daddy's little girl, however she also gets along well with her mother. They are supportive and helpful with Verdona's future.
    Damian is the leader of the Supernatural Department she's in. She had grown a liking to him after their first encounter. Something about his scaredy-cat personailty made her smile. She just wanted to be there to help and protect him. In fact in battle she tends to be very protective of him and the team. She stays by his side and listens to his commands, and sometimes at school she can't help but ogle him from her locker. 
    As for Envie, the two seem to get along well. However they have their moments when they engage in a sarcasm battle that some people in the team wonder if they're fighting or just casually having fun. It's usually the latter.
    Vivian is someone Verdona has a hard time getting along with. Mainly due to her being unable to withstand Vivi's obnoxious and loud personality. Verdona tries to avoid her as best as she can but being in the same team it tends to get difficult. 
Small Stories w/ Characters:
    As she saw Damian walk by she nervously waved a hand at him, hoping to get his attention without scaring him. He stopped in his track and looked up at her.
    "Hey Damian, I don't mean to hold you up long, but... I was just hoping if you'd like to read this in your free time." She smiled and cautiously handed a small black journal to him, his hands took it curiously and opened it, skimming through it's content.
    "What is it?" He asks, but quickly realizes that it appears to be a journal filled with poems.
    "Just some poetry, I heard that you liked poetry so I wanted to show you some of my stuff. Maaaybe you can let me know if they're any good? I want to go to a poetry slam but I'm just too afraid that my work is ... well childs work."
    Damian smiles and gladly takes the book, he looks up at her eyes, "Thanks, I'll give it a read and let you know what I think about them tomorrow." With that he walked off, leaving Verdona to respond to his dissappearing body.
    "Awesome! Thank you-" she pauses, "Wait tomorrow morning?!" He was gone and she was nervous, was he planning on reading them all in one night? She creates a portal sending herself home, hoping for tomorrow to come sooner.
            Next Morning
    She walks around a room in the league where she ran into Damian the day before. She impatiently fiddled with her scarf before seeing him phase through a wall into the room.
    "Ah there you are," Damian spoke softly and she responded in the same manner.
    "So? What'd ya think?"
    He thought for a second and reassured her with a smile, "It's good. I think these would be perfect for a poetry slam."
    She blushed, taking her journal back she hugged it in her crossed arms and smiled at him, "You think so?... Hey maybe if you aren't busy, you'd like to join me friday for the slam?"
    He smiled, "Sure, Just text me the details and I will meet you there." She nodded, and with that he left again. She excitedly texted the details right away and walked out of the room her book still in her arms as she internally squealed with joy.
    It had been a while and Vivi hadn't stopped talking, she was talking to another member in the group and they didn't seem to mind her constant blabbering. However Verdona was starting to get a bit irritated, and with the potty mouth Vivi has Verdona found herself finally speaking up.
    "I know this space is free for members to socialize and relax but do you think you could maybe tone down the profanity?" She dodn't want to come off as a goodie goodie but she just wasn't a fan of profanity, mainly due to her high intelligence she found slang to sometimes be unnessecary.
    "Oh shit sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt yer quiet time," she reponded, only to turn back and continue her conversation. Her profanity had lessen but that only lasted less than a minute before she continued to do it again. Not on purpose, just out of habit.
    Verdona groaned, she just wanted to be in this room and enjoy some poetry reading with Damian, but he was running late and she was running out of patience.
    "We have a language filled with so many words that can replace that vulgar slang street talk of yours," she said slamming her book shut.
    "Why are ya bitching so much? I have the right to use any words I want, freedom of speech look it up."
    Her hands became fists and she stood up from her seat,"For your information I am fully aware of the Amendments-"
    "Well are you fully aware you got a stick up your ass that needs to be taken out?"
    Without another word Verdona gave up and grabbed her book and walked out, Damian had just walked in but quickly followed after her.
    Vivi sat there, a bit confused,"What's her problem?" 
Welp that's it for my entry oof took forever
But I'm glad with the outcome, I love both of my new children and if neither wins I wont even be mad, I just love them too much xD
Sorry if any character is OOC, if I need to change things just let me know!
Bio Template (C) MintQuetzal 
Vivian (C) ppgzmlpfimlover 
Verse, Opal, Damian, Vivian, Serena, Kandi (C) PrincessCallyie 
Art, Junji, and Verdona (C) @japanda-draws
Any other character belongs to their rightful show and creator
She will be in @ej-cappy-universe 's GRS series: The Neighbors.
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