#...it's not the most loving but i'd call it affectionate at least
byanyan · 1 year
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@apexulansis sent:ㅤ🦋 or ⚡ :3
texting promptsㅤㅤ.・。.・ㅤㅤaccepting!!
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🦋ㅤfor a loving text
[sms: snowball]ㅤhey u remember that character i like that i showed u [sms: snowball]ㅤhello kitty? [sms: snowball]ㅤcheck this out [mms: snowball]ㅤ[image attached] [sms: snowball]ㅤshe looks even more like u [sms: snowball]ㅤi mean theyre basically the same charmmy just has more fluff [sms: snowball]ㅤ& sits like an actual cat ig [sms: snowball]ㅤbut u see it right? [sms: snowball]ㅤu should totally let me put a bow like that on u im js [sms: snowball]ㅤi wont take a pic & send it to all ur contacts i swear
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itsjunear · 7 months
Hidden Feelings. Part 2
Note: Hi everyone! I apologize for the delay with this second part. I had some issues and I've just been able to finish it. Again, I appreciate the time you take to read me. English is not my first language, and I apologize if this is terrible. Love you! ❤❤❤
Psdt: I want to thank everyone for all the reblogs, likes, and comments on the previous post 😭😭😭 It really brightened my week, I adore you all.
The tags are located at the end. If you want me to tag you for the third and final part, let me know.
Part 1
Demons, I had forgotten how much I struggled with getting up early.
Especially after staying up late after dinner. I was sure I had passed out on the couch, but I had woken up in one of the rooms I used when I stayed over. I had a slight suspicion of who had brought me there, but for my own good, I decided not to dwell on it.
I forced my body to wake up and get out of the comfortable sheets. I took a quick shower, and the house already had the Ilyrios leathers ready when I stepped out, so I left a grateful remark aloud before getting dressed.
I figured most had stayed over, so I tried to make as little noise as possible as I sneaked into the kitchen to have some leftovers from the night before. It was really delicious, so if I was going to say goodbye to good food for the time I was away, I would make sure to enjoy these last bites. I couldn't stay at the Ilyrian camps, it would be very suspicious if I did after Rhys was asking what had happened to those females. And if I wanted to get answers, real answers, I'd have to make sure to be careful. They would guess my motives for being in the camp as soon as I set foot in it. So, ruled out.
However, there was a tavern a bit further away, nothing a few minutes walk wouldn't solve, with rooms upstairs. The Ilyrians frequented it for drinks. Therefore, that would be my biggest advantage.
A hand on my shoulder brought me back to reality, and I let out a startled shriek before turning around.
"What the hell…"
When I noticed the hazel eyes and the shadows in tendrils spreading around the room, I relaxed.
"You scared me to death" I whispered slowly. Az smiled slightly, and for a moment, I held my breath. "I made some noise so you'd hear me, but you were committed to the mission" he pointed at my half-eaten food. I shook my head while suppressing a smile and hurried to clean up what I had messed up.
"Leave it, I'll do it" his voice interrupted me again, as his scent enveloped me, and he gently took things out of my hands. I glanced for a moment at the action, at his scarred hands moving, beautiful as anything I had seen, yet I couldn't ignore the fact that he was making an effort not to touch me, as if consciously avoiding brushing against me. A pang of pain shot through my chest, and I raised my guard again.
How foolish I was being, a complete and damn fool.
"It's okay, Azriel. I can handle it" I tried to say firmly but quietly, unaware that he was looking at me, studying me, searching for something. His wings fluttered softly, and shadows roamed freely around the room, around us.
"Why do you call me that?" he asked slowly, and I looked at him slightly confused, while tendrils of shadows wrapped around my fingers, tickling me a little with their cold touch, but managing to make me smile affectionately at them.
"Call you…. How?" I replied back, distracted by his shadows.
"Azriel" he said flatly. "You stopped saying my full name shortly after we met, and you've gone back to that for several weeks now."
I didn't respond. Obviously, if there was anyone in the world who could notice those things, it would be him. But I couldn't answer him, not honestly, at least. I couldn't tell him that I couldn't call him Az without it hurting, because it made me think of him with love, and I couldn't allow myself to continue that, not when I saw him with the beautiful Archeron sister. So I continued playing with his shadows, avoiding answering, but I felt his attentive gaze on me until the tendrils returned to him, and I had no choice but to lift my head to find him a short distance away from me.
"Did you take me to bed last night?" I asked, changing the subject. Az simply nodded. "Thank you" I whispered, not knowing what else to say. I swallowed hard and stepped away, ready to leave once and for all, before I did or said something I would regret later.
"Y/N" he called "Is everything okay?"
I tensed in my place, of course, he had also noticed that. "Yes" I lied without looking at him as I moved to put some snacks in the small backpack that, oh surprise, he had given me in a past solstice and I always carried with me.
"If it's about dinner, I'm sorry…"
"It's okay, it's forgotten" I interrupted, because if he said anything more, my heart would warm completely, and I would end up lowering the walls. "No" he said firmly, "questioning you like that made it seem like I thought you weren't capable. It's not about that" he looked at me confidently, his hazel eyes fixed on me, almost making me shiver.
I didn't want to know what else it was about because that would hurt my already wounded heart more, so I sent the curiosity to the deepest place in my mind and gagged it with all my might.
"It's okay, Azriel" I smiled slightley "Apologies accepted" I took my backpack, ready to leave this house once and for all and sink into self-pity while freezing to death in the Ilyrian mountains.
"I still think it's a bad idea for you to go alone" he blurted out once I had turned my back, causing me to freeze in place.
"We've talked about this, you know I can do it"
I took one more step before his voice sounded again, "I'm not saying no, just maybe…"
"Azriel, I really don't want to have this discussion again, please" I interrupted quickly. I didn't want him to offer. I couldn't let him, because then I wouldn't know what my reaction would be, and it would give me away.
"You're being irrational, you know?" he shook his head in a resigned tone.
Well, thank Mother he didn't insist further. I released the breath I was holding, and I supposed he realized that I wouldn't give in this time. Not even for him, despite the fact that, in the last few centuries, the word 'no' was never in my vocabulary when it came to Az.
"Maybe" I waved my hand without turning, "See you later, shadowsinger"
That same afternoon, I was already settled in the rundown room of the tavern. I had to persuade the owner to give me the most decent place possible, and honestly, if this was the best he could offer, I'd take it. It was either this or sleeping on the outskirts of the camp freezing my butt off.
I wrinkled my nose as the smell of mold burned my nostrils. By the Cauldron, Rhys had made me too spoiled.
"Y/N" I heard a voice in my mind.
Speaking of being spoiled…
"I can hear that" the voice spoke again.
I smiled softly. "Of course. Oh mighty High Lord" I replied mockingly.
"I'm glad to see you're in better spirits, Y/N" he responded, also teasing, and my smile faltered. A hint of humor seeped into my mind, and I realized that's what he wanted: to mess with me.
"Don't you have a mate to attend to, Rhys? Instead of bothering me?" I retorted sharply.
"Feyre is very well taken care of by me, thank you for your concern. And to answer your other question, you promised a nightly report" he remarked in that tone of superiority.
Right. "Well, there's not much to update. I'll be staying in that tavern near the camp, a bit off the beaten path to avoid suspicion. And most people here don't know me, so everything should be fine. Tomorrow I'll inquire more about the deaths of those females. A curious outsider at first, and by nightfall, I'll have answers. It shouldn't take more than three days" a touch of approval filled my mind, and I smiled slowly.
"Let me know if you encounter any problems, Y/N" Rhys paused before asking "Is everything okay?"
I knew what he meant, and I knew I could tell him because Rhys wouldn't say a word. But opening that little crack would make everything come to light, would make me collapse, and this wasn't the time or place. So I responded with a joke instead, "No, Rhys, this room smells terrible, and the food is tasteless."
His laughter filled my head. "I didn't know you had become so spoiled aside from lazy" he said in a soft tone, and I understood… I understood that Rhys knew I was lying, but he was letting it go to avoid pressuring me. He had noticed my mood at dinner the night before, my need for space, and yet, he had decided not to comment on it.
My heart warmed. I would give my life for him, for my entire family in general.
"Thank you, Rhys" I tried to pour all my gratitude into that simple phrase, but I knew it wouldn't be enough. "For everything" I paused. "Now, go to your neglected mate before I go kick your butt myself"
His laughter filled my head again before disappearing completely, leaving me alone with the thoughts swirling in my mind.
What was that earlier with Az? When I left, he seemed concerned. I understood his position. He didn't want me to come alone in case something went wrong, especially knowing how much I detested the Ilryos for their harsh customs.
Maybe that's all it is. What else could it be? After all, I was almost as well-trained as the three of them. However, Az was the one who had been most reluctant to let me go alone. And what if…
No. I forced myself not to consider any other possibility that gave me hope. Because I had seen it, I had seen how comfortable he was with Elain, and how today, before I left, he made an effort not to touch me even a single inch.
A familiar pain filled my chest, so strong that it forced me to hug myself tightly as I wrapped myself in the blankets of the bed.
Perhaps, this was how it was meant to be. Three brothers with three sisters. There was no place for me in that equation.
And yet, I couldn't help but think of the times his eyes softened at my poor attempts at baking, even though it tasted like crap and not even Cassian could stomach it, Az would eat the entire portion. Or when in training, my muscles were so stiff that I just wanted to drop to the ground, and he provoked me, knowing what to say to touch the competitive fibers within me, forcing me to get up because he wouldn't let my pride be trampled upon. Even the times he played dirty to make me lose a fight, he knew what to do to distract me.
But none of that mattered. Not when he was with Elain.
It hurt, of course it hurt. It's not like I had been displaced from my place beside him. It's just that seeing him with the Archeron sister made me realize that I wasn't indispensable, he could be fine without me. That's why I had distanced myself, for my own good, for the sake of my feelings, of the unrequited love, and for… their sake.
That I couldn't have Az didn't mean I wouldn't let him be happy with someone else.
And by distancing myself, I supposed I had unintentionally done the same with the others. That's why I had missed some training sessions, why I had stopped going to some family dinners, because it hurt to see him. I knew Cassian was worried, I had seen it in his eyes, and for Rhys, it would be as easy as delving into my mind to know, but he would never do that.
I knew they would let me deal with whatever was happening in my own way, that's why they didn't pressure me, none of them, not even Mor, until I was ready to talk.
And that thought made me realize that I wasn't trying hard enough. I had felt lonely because I had unjustly pushed them away. When I got back home, I would make sure to do my part, I would try to be happy for Az and Elain, I would stop skipping training sessions and dinners to avoid crossing paths with him.
I loved him, and seeing him with someone else hurt me, yet I wouldn't let that affect my relationship with my family. I would pay attention to conversations during meals, I would no longer be a ghost. I had finished with self-pity.
However, I still felt glad to have volunteered to participate in this mission. They deserved all the peace they had, and if I could provide them with more time of tranquility by doing these things, I would. I would postpone everything for as long as possible and offer to go anywhere. And with that last thought in mind, I let sleep take over me and slept peacefully for the first time in months.
@going-through-shit @isa1b2h3 @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @willowpains @mariahoedt @charlotteintumbleland
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radioisntdead · 4 months
Hey could I request a scenario where the reader is Alastor's niece and the vees have a crush and alastor's reaction to finding out as well as the Vees. Honeslty if you have it where he beats up basically goes ha no for Vals part and beats him up I'd love that
Good evening my dear after writing I'm realizing you may have meant for them to be separate categories but I went love square [???]
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Valentino, the Vee's being weird, OOC, Vox being a voyeuristic creep, reader has deer features
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You know after aiding your favorite [and only] uncle in murder and falling to hell while your mother and grandma ascended above, having a trio of overlords falling head over heels for you was NOT on your bingo card.
You didn't notice them having a crush on you until Auntie Rosie pointed it out when Velvette had a large shipment of not only clothing mailed to you but with flowers, Vox had sent electronics and more flowers [that Alastor would have such joy destroying] and Valentino had sent you erotica.
Velvette would be the most aggressive in getting your attention, she probably also has the biggest chance to win over your affections, shoving people out of the way to talk to you, affectionately calling you things, giving you a new woredrob every other week, flowers, personally inviting you to her fashion shows and giving you VIP seating.
Vox watches you, I imagine you at least have a phone probably not Voxtech though so I imagine it's probably slightly harder to watch you through that, but with drones and other devices he watches, probably calls you something like Doe-eyes or Dollface, he's called you mini Alastor a couple of times which you did NOT APPRECIATE, once he realizes that Alastor keeps destroying the technology he sends you he switches to flowers, with cameras in them, he sometimes teleports through them and is often met with you swinging something at him and breaking his screen, unfortunately for you he's into that.
Valentino, arguably the WORST one to have pinning over you, dude manages to pop out at the worst times offering to make you a star, asking you to warm his bedroom, uncomfortably leaning in and touching you.
You ripped off his antenna.
The three of them bicker over you in private.
Now after you figured out WHY they were sending you shit and giving you special privileges you immediately snitched to Uncle Alastor because you did NOT want to deal with the whole dumpster fire that was the Vees.
Now Alastor wasn't naive about the Vee's... Affections towards you, again they sent you a concerning amount of things, but he didn't do anything because you're an adult and you can make your own decisions.
But when you come to him saying that Valentino sent you erotica and made you uncomfortable?
Well you are his one and only niece! The only family he has down here! The least he can do is squish a little purple moth for you!
You wonder if restraining orders were a thing in hell and if they'd work.
Now the TV guy and fashionista surprisingly were NOT completely thrown off by their buddy's screams getting absolutely blasted on Alastor's radio broadcast, they kept their simping to a more low-key level with only flowers getting shipped to you from Velvette and weird love emails from Vox.
Vox for some reason thinks asking Alastor for your hand in MARRIAGE, was a good idea.
It was NOT.
He's lucky he didn't meet the same fate as Valentino.
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Maybe one day you'd choose one of the remaining Vee's or both if you're into that, or maybe neither.
But for now you'd use their infatuation with you to your advantage.
Good evening folks! I hope you enjoyed and I think it's probably obvious at this point that Velvette is my favorite out of the Vee's.
Am I ever going to write a fic where Valentino isn't injured or straight up dead in some way? No, no I'm not.
Anyways as always thank you for tuning in!
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fruity-fruition · 6 months
Tenma siblings headcanons from the top of my head
I'm a FIRMM believer that Tenma siblings are very physically affectionate (i.e. hugs, forehead kisses, cheek kisses, high fives, shoulder bumping, cuddling, hair ruffling, etc)
This takes Toya fully by surprise when they do it to him outright, without any room for denial.
Tsukasa was eating breakfast with Saki and Toya before realizing he was going to be late for a meet-up with Wondershow.
He has this thing, where he instinctively kisses Saki on the forehead before he heads off, so he does. But, in his unfiltered older brother instinct and disarray, he kisses Toya on the forehead too. And just. Leaves.
Toya kinda blue screens before snapping back and being like "what."
Saki doesn't even bat an eye lmao she just kinda looks at him like he's a little weird.
Toya: (literally saw Tsukasa kiss Saki's forehead first before beelining to him without any hesitation) "I think... he mistook me for you"
Saki: "Toya you dumb fuck (/affectionate) you've been one of us since you stepped foot in our house"
Tenma siblings cuddle a lot, usually on the couch during movies. Tsukasa in the middle, Saki to his right, and Toya to his left. They aren't aware of the set position but whenever they switch, all of them all at once just think "something is not right rn"
While cuddling, Tsukasa often uses his right hand (which Saki is leaning on) to either scroll his phone, read, or so show work (costume designing, script writing, ideas, etc). He always leans his head on Saki's. He uses his left hand to run through Toya's hair.
Toya starts referring to Saki and Tsukasa as his siblings and family outside sometimes.
Saki and Tsukasa listens to pop music sometimes. Not their main music taste, but enough for it to be significant.
This culminates to a very confusing moment for VBS, who've met Toya's biological, douche, emotionally constipated classical music family, when they hear Toya say "Oh, yeah I know Taylor Swift. My family listens to her sometimes."
Which scared VBS to their core because why is Harumichi Aoyagi listening to western white girl music
Tsukasa loves baking and cooking. It's a stress reliever thing for him. This is a huge bonus for his siblings (mainly Saki. Toya's not a huge sweets person) because there's always sweets in the pantries.
Toya never sneaks into the kitchen alone, he wouldn't dare. Plus, again, not a huge sweets person. Saki, however, is a horrible influence. They often have 2am gossip, accompanied by brownies and vanilla ice cream.
Toya and Saki can't cook for their life. (I know canonically, they're okay-ish, but hear me out.)
Toya, raised as a rich kid for most his life, has never cut a single raw ingredient in his life until his late teen years.
Saki's been hospitalized for the majority of her life.
Tsukasa's the only Tenma sibling with cooking and baking skills (considering he had to fend for himself for a while)
While they were baking together, Toya and Saki managed to get the batter on the ceiling AND explode the microwave because the batter had too much eggshells in it when they put it in. Tsukasa had to call Rui over to fix it.
Tsukasa: "I can't pay you for now, Rui I'm so sorry-"
Rui: "Don't worry about it, Tsukasa"
Tsukasa: "I'll repay you in sweets when we're done?"
Rui: "...preferably not ceiling ones but yeah I'd like that"
Speaking of,
Ruikasa starts dating and Tsukasa swears that Rui had nothing to worry about when it comes to his family. They're welcoming! They're open! They'll love him.
Rui decided to not tell him about the glares coming from a certain pinkish blonde and split haired boy when they announced the news. (At least the parents were sweet)
Toya and Saki actually has no real gripes against Rui. They're protective, sure, they will eventually corner Rui and interrogate him, but Saki just thinks it's funny and Toya is just Toya. Rui's paranoid lmao
Akito punching Toya in the main story left a bruise (as seen in the official animation) which Tsukasa and Saki got really concerned about during their arcade hangout (Toya's first 3* side story).
Tsukasa figured out that Akito was the one who did it, and ranted to Saki about it. But he retracts it when the duo made up.
Saki isn't letting that shit go, oh no. This GINGER punched her brother?? Then, she started hearing about how Akito likes messing with Tsukasa, even insulting him to his face sometimes.
So she has a personal beef with Akito. Who didn't even know she existed.
When Akito first step foot into the Tenma household, he was dreading the presence of Tsukasa, but to his shock and horror, Tsukasa is actually more tame at home.
His biggest worry should've been the girl with pigtails, who, upon seeing him, got up from her chair and heads straight to her room. not breaking eye contact.
It takes a while, but Saki and Akito gains an unlikely alliance.
Names I gave to the Tenmas:
Tenma siblings: All three of them, at once
Tenma Twins: Saki and Toya
Tenma brothers: Tsukasa and Toya
Prototype Tenma: Tsukasa and Saki
(real original I know)
Kohane is Wondershow's number #1 fan, probably Tsukasa's number #6 fan (I love her but her competition is Saki, Toya, and Wondershow. Idk what to tell you. At least she got a number)
She absolutely loses it when Toya got them all free tickets to one of their shows.
Akito dreads going. An is slightly excited. Kohane is radiating pure joy.
Akito nearly cries when when Kohane admits that she actually likes Tsukasa as a person, not just a performer, when she properly meets him.
Akito: "An you're my only hope. Toya's biased, Kohane's insane"
An: "idk dude Tenma and Kamishiro are pretty cool when they're not actively trying to blow the school up"
Akito: "An please"
I have so much more idk maybe I'll post more later
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denaliwrites · 10 months
Road to Hell
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Crowley x GN!Reader
Summary: Of all the subjects Crowley thought he might walk in on you researching in the bookshop, demonology was probably at the bottom of the list.
Requests: Open!
Warnings: Crowley is a dick (affectionate).
"What're you reading today?" Crowley asked, towering over you with a contemplative look. You lifted the book for him to see and in return he offered a shocked choking sound in the back of his throat. "Demonology, huh? What... inspired you to read that?"
He hadn't told you anything about him and Aziraphale being a demon and an angel, respectively. As far as he knew, Aziraphale hadn't broached the topic with you, either. To him, there was absolutely no reason for you to be reading about anything even remotely connected to his or Aziraphale's status as supernatural beings.
Yet here you were.
Reading a book on demonology.
You shrugged in response to his question, bringing the book back down to your lap to read comfortably. "I'd never checked out the occult section before, so I decided to read something from there and this was the most interesting looking book on the whole shelf."
"Ah, right." That did, to Crowley's immense relief, make sense. You'd read at least one book from nearly every section in the bookshop -- why wouldn't you, at some point, venture into the occult?
"Can't help but wonder how accurate it is, though," you mused aloud. "Pretty sure we've all collectively decided that demonic possessions are all just mentally ill people being misunderstood and abused by the church, right? Or I guess sometimes maybe people seeking attention? So how much of this is, like... considered true, I guess?"
"Do you... believe in demons?" Crowley asked carefully.
"Not really. I mean, I feel like if they were real, we'd have more evidence than just... the church saying so? Like, surely atheists and Satanists would've met a ton of demons by now, but I don't see any atheists or Satanists ever talking about meeting demons."
Crowley had to admit that was a fair cop. Maybe a little... small-minded, at least cosmically speaking, but you were but a human. That could be excused.
"What if they were real?" he asked, coming to sit on the arm of the chair you occupied. "What if you met a demon? Knew a demon, even?"
You made a sound at the back of your throat that sounded an awful lot like the one he made. "I'd have a lot of things I needed to reconsider, for starters."
"Oh? Like what?"
"Well," you started, closing the book and turning so that you were facing him. "If demons were real, then I think the next logical step would be that angels were real, and if angels were real then the next step from that point would be that God's real."
He rocked back slightly to better look at you, clicking his tongue curiously. "Is that so bad, really?"
You sighed dramatically. It was a sound he loved -- it usually came before something remarkably human. Something remarkably You. "Anthony Janthony Cranthony," you lamented, "I cannot ever, under any circumstances, let my parents know that I regret not going to church more."
Anthony Janthony Cranthony? Why had you called him that? Of all things, to go with Anthony Janthony Cranthony...
He supposed that wasn't really the point to what you were saying. Something about your parents and church, though, that was the point.
"Not sure why they'd have to know," he said casually with a shrug.
Your eyes widened in shocked realization. "Oh, fuck, you're right! They'd never have to know. You're brilliant," you said, to him -- you'd called him brilliant! He beamed at that. "Going to Hell anyway, if all that were real, may as well add 'disrespecting my parents' to my list of sins."
"Why do you think you'd go to Hell, darling?"
"It's not like I've been living a pious life, y'know?" you said, blinking up at him. "I curse, I've fucked out of wedlock, I'm reading all about demons and witchcraft and shit. I don't believe in God? I'm pretty sure that's one of the big no-nos."
It was his turn to blink, but his was followed up with a laugh. "Oh, love, God does not care about any of those things. Trust me."
"Oh, God, are you a Christian? Have you been this whole time? I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to offend--"
"No, no, nothing like that. I..."
How did he tell you? Should he even tell you? He was sure Aziraphale might have something to say on the matter, but right now he couldn't be fucked, because you were here, looking up at him so innocently, so adoringly.
"What is it, Crowley?" And you sounded so concerned, so ready to take him into your arms and comfort him and apologize for a crime you hadn't even committed.
"I'm a demon."
The words tumbled forth from his lips before he could stop himself, and they hovered in the air for several silent and tense moments after, where all you did was stare at him.
And then you laughed -- and he wished he could laugh too. Hell, he wished he could hear even a trace of joy in your laugh. But it was all nerves and fear, like you weren't sure if this was some sick joke or if he was delusional.
When his expression didn't change, when he didn't yell out "sike!" or "gotcha!," your laugh died and then you just looked scared of him.
It nearly broke him, because if this was how you reacted before proof, how would you react when he showed you the truth?
But you didn't run away, so he carefully removed his glasses and blinked as his eyes adjusted to the light. Yours were locked onto the yellow irises, the slitted pupils that contracted and dilated at will.
He could tell you wanted to deny the reality of them -- that you wanted to write them off as contacts, but they wouldn't let you, because contacts couldn't dilate.
The only other things he could do -- well, within the confines of the bookshop, were show you his wings or turn into a snake. He wasn't huge on the latter option, at least not right now -- it definitely put him at a disadvantage, made him easier to discorporate.
So, instead, he moved to a stand. And his wings fanned out as you watched, and then, he figured, you'd run out the door screaming, never to be seen again. He hoped you lived well. He closed his eyes so that he didn't have to watch you walk away.
You got up -- he could hear the rustling of fabric, the relieved groan of the chair, the book falling onto the cushion. He expected the little bell above the door to signal your departure at any moment.
Instead, he felt your hands on his face, pulling him nearer to you. His eyes opened, stared into yours. The fear had gone, replaced by unabashed curiosity and deep, untamed love.
He expected many things to come out of that lovely mouth of yours. So God is real? Am I going to Hell? I don't want to go to Hell! What did I do to deserve going to Hell???
(You weren't going to Hell -- but after the initial question, people tended to panic and vomit the others out uncontrollably.)
He expected those questions. A handful of a select few others. He did not anticipate what you actually asked --
"Do you have a cool demon name?"
"A... Sorry, a what?"
"You know... Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Lucifer, Belial. What's your demon name?"
"O-oh... No... no 'cool' demon name, I'm afraid. Just... Just Crowley..."
He hadn't expected to be embarrassed and doubly hadn't expected to see a beaming smile on your face.
"I think Crowley's the coolest demon name, personally."
He could see in your eyes that you meant it -- and that made him smile.
"Isn't it just?" he asked with a relieved laugh.
"Now I gotta know what all you've done as a demon. I mean -- how old are you?"
"Old as the universe, darling."
He could see the moment your brain started trying to process that unfathomable information, and he could also see the moment it gave up. You moved on as if nothing happened, but Crowley took a moment to appreciate he wouldn't have to miracle your memories away before your brain went into nuclear meltdown.
"Why aren't you in Hell?"
"It's dreadfully boring."
"Why are you here?"
"I just think humans are neat... and your lot is very good at making booze."
"Have you done anything cool as a demon?"
"I met Shakespeare, I stopped some Nazi spies, I tempted Eve, I stopped Armageddon..."
"You what!?"
"Oh, yeah..." He made that sound in his throat. You copied it, seemingly from instinct. He wasn't even sure you noticed that you did it. "Long story, but Aziraphale and I convinced the Antichrist to just... not do the whole ending the world thing."
"Who's Aziraphale?"
"Oh. Right. Mr. Fell."
"... Mr. Fell? This Mr. Fell?" You motioned to the bookshop at large and Crowley nodded. "Is he a demon too?"
Crowley laughed -- an uproarious, barking laugh, that lasted much longer than was strictly necessary.
"Oh, you better not let him hear that," he said once he'd calmed down.
"... So he's not a demon?" you mumbled, and Crowley realized he'd accidentally made you feel bad.
He took one of your hands in his and guided it away from his face so that he could kiss the palm. "No, darling, he's not." He kissed your palm again. "He's an angel."
"I'm sorry -- he's a what?"
"An angel, of course. Really, like he could be anything else."
Nothing against him, of course, but he very much was what he was.
"So why are an ageless angel and demon wasting their time with me, a human who'll wither and die? Why go through that for me?"
"Well, it's not exactly our fault you weaseled your way into our lives," he said with an indignant hgk. "But now that you're here, we can't really imagine the place without you."
"I think that's the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me, and I can't believe it came from a demon."
"Don't let the angel know I let you get away with calling me sweet. He'd never let me live it down."
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allastoredeer · 2 months
I just had a hilarious thought I needed to share. After thinking about it, of all the Sins we've met so far, I'd be willing to bet that Alastor would hate Beelzebub the most! For multiple reasons!
First, she's a canid demon, already enough of a reason for Alastor to dislike her.
Second, Alastor has been described by Viv as a food snob, he doesn't like greasy processed food or sweets. And Bee is all about junk food! She sings a whole song about it! She and Alastor would surely bump heads in the kitchen.
Third, Alastor is all about hiding his emotions and being a mystery. A rather difficult task to accomplish when there's someone who can smell/taste emotions around! Alastor wouldn't be able to hide his true feelings about things from Bee! What's worse, Bee has little to no filter. So not only could she sniff out his true emotions, she could just as easily blab about what he's feeling to everyone! Which Alastor certainly wouldn't appreciate.
Forth, of all the Sins we've been introduced to so far, Bee seems the one least willing to take any shit. When Alastor and Lucifer started butting heads, the result was a musical dick measuring contest. When Millie bashed Fizz over the head with a guitar, all Ozzie did was kick her and Moxxie out of his club. When Blitzø roasted Mammon in front of a crowd of his fans, all Mam did was insult him and tell him to shut up.
When Loona started mouthing off to Beelzebub however, Bee went full beast-mode and was ready to throw down! Now, if Alastor (shit-talker extraordinaire with a nasty habit of biting off more than he can chew) were to try and pull the same shit with Bee that he pulled with Lucifer, she absolutely would not hesitate teaching him the definition of "fuck around and find out".
And finally, to add a dash of radioapple into the mix (bc ofc😏🤭) you just know that Beelzebub, aka Miss "Satan's like a brother to me, but I could totally still hit that", would be at least a little flirty towards all her fellow Sins. Including Lucifer. Imagine Bee's visiting Lucifer at the hotel, maybe for a Deadly Sin reunion or maybe she's just visiting by herself. And the whole time she's there, she's just being so affectionate towards Lucifer, picking him up and spinning him around, holding his face in her hands, nuzzling him cheek to cheek or nose to nose, giving him quick pecks on the cheek or forehead, running her hands through his hair, calling him cute nicknames and telling him how adorable he is. Just giving him so much verbal and physical affection that toes the line between flirty and platonic. And Lucifer, knowing that that's just how Bee is, thinks nothing of it. He just laughs it off, no big deal.
Meanwhile, Alastor is off to the side witnessing all this and is just seething.
Imagine she's doing it on purpose too! Like Alastor has already made an ass of himself and she's getting back at him by flirting with his "totally not" crush!
Without a doubt, Alastor would absolutely despise Bee!
Hm, I don't know if Bee's was necessarily about junk-food. Like, yes, she references a lot of junk-food, but I think it really was just a song about indulgence as a whole using sweets as a metaphor. I mean, food--especially junk food--is usually the first thing that comes to mind when someone thinks of gluttony. What I got from her song was just giving in to your desires, going all out, no inhibition.
Although, she does favor cotton-candy as the food she hands out, and Alastor definitely wouldn't eat that XD I love that he's a food snob and a rotten deer carcass counts as a high quality dish to him.
I would LOVE for Bee and Al to meet so she could pick up on his emotions, particularly his negative emotions regarding his deal. I want her to look at his smiling face, his care-free attitude, but sense massive amounts of stress from him. Just a big ball of negative emotions, especially surrounding the deal he's trapped in and how cornered and helpless he feels.
I don't think she would say something in front of everyone. (Making this radioapple ;] ) Like Bee did with Blitz, I think she would go to Lucifer about it, maybe because she knows him the most. She wouldn't go into too much detail, because that's Alastor's business, but she mention that she's sensing a lot of negative emotions from him and to check on him because he is definitely not doing well (I love how caring and sincere Bee is, shes one of my favorite Sins).
And I think if Alastor knows that Bee can sense emotions like that, he would try to avoid her at all costs.
But also, I know you said Bee doesn't put up with shit, but I think Bee would see Alastor's shit-talking as a challenge, also like she did with Blitz, and knowing Alastor, I know he would step up to that challenge (if its a drinking contest--not with Beezle-juice because that's WAY to potent for Sinners), he'll lose, but considering Alastor "drinks like a sailor" he lasts longer than she expects).
I don't know if Alastor would despise her, but I think he'd be intimidated by her ability to pick up on peoples real emotions, and considering how guarded he is about himself, I can see him doing everything in his power to avoid meeting her face to face.
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dollmoth-productions · 3 months
HiHi! I wanted to request a Platonic Yandere Hazbin ( the hotel cast ) Hotel! With a teen reader if you do teen reader!
I'd like it to be able a shy teen reader that has been staying at to hotel either running away after an argument or giving them a little friendship bracelet!!
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I just did the main cast. I will add on if you guys want me too.
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💝 she thought it would be a good day, dear for you because well you’re still a kid you’re the youngest out of everyone being only 16 when he died so she thought it might remind you of when you were alive
💝 she bought all the necessary items for friendship, bracelets, and definitely is the most wholesome the least Violent and obsessive just more overbearing 
💝 when she got her friendship bracelet from you, she did not stop wearing she wore it in the shower
💝 she really does love you and likes how you participate in the activities. She just wonders why you’re here and not in heaven. You’re still a kid so you couldn’t have done anything that bad.
💝 she cried when she got hers 
💜 to you, you remind her of Heaven’s unfair judgment she tries her best to make you feel more welcome here as well as she could be
💜 definitely one of the most protective over you the fact that you’re still young and you’re in hell is unfair to her. You did nothing wrong.
💜 after the activity where she got her friendship bracelet, she wears it a lot. It makes her feel safe, knowing that they’re still kindness left here.
💜 she’s the one of the most protective besides alastor that’s the only reason why they kind of got along is to protect you
🐞 she is chaotic very chaotic. She’s constantly scattering around you and checking up on you. She might be older than you but she’s more like a younger sister.
🐞she has named roaches after you for her roach puppet shows
🐞 When she got your below friendship bracelet, she wore it all the time like all the time it’s insane she likes running around with you and letting you help her do chores 
🐞 when I said she’s chaotic she is chaotic. She has killed people for you multiple people you don’t know but she has!
🕷️ because he had a sister and a brother when he was alive he knows a thing or two about being a brother so he’s less risqué
🕷️ angel dust is probably a fun person to hang out with a terrible influence, but a fun person nonetheless he genuinely loves hanging out with you. Reminds him of his time when he was alive with Molly.
🕷️ sometimes he wonders if redemption works because then he could actually help you with the friendship bracelet, so it can properly fit around his wrist
🃏 grumpy but excepts it either way he in fact where is it but just doesn’t tell you and hides it so you don’t notice
🃏 he tries to hide from alastor he doesn’t want you to be influenced by him. He scared what he could do to you.
🃏 he shows you a bunch of card tricks whenever you’re sad he likes to see you smile 
❤️ quite literally you’re the only one that she is the nicest too Alastor dressing you up in his time period clothing he sees you more like his child from another parent
❤️ he loves seeing you as a little doll and also a child sometimes he takes you around cannibal town just a font you
❤️ he’s not one for jewelry but he he did wear it. He did wear the friendship bracelet mostly because he found it adorable that you would give something to him and then he gave it to his shadow because he would not be seen out in public with that.
❤️ he gives you affectionate names in French although you know nothing of friendship it’s quite sweet of him to do that but mostly he calls you “his fawn emphasis on his
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This one took longer mostly because I lost a lot of motivation to write in the middle of it so sorry it took so long :3 this was fun
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jesterwriting · 11 months
Yahallo~ I was wondering if you might write something for Crocodile x reader where reader is sweet and bubbly and affectionate. So, I've had a scenario in my head for awhile where reader is his wife and she goes to visit him at his casino one day just because he hasn't been home in a while and she misses him. Except she's never actually been to the casino before, much less introduced to most of his crew because she's Crocodile's happy little secret. So the bouncers don't let her in and reader decides to cause a commotion, which draws Crocodile out and I'm never actually sure what happens from there. Lol I'd like it to be mostly warm and fluffy, though. I love the idea of a big cold man being warm only for their lover.
I hope you have a lovely day. You're a beautiful honey bun. ♡〜٩(ㆁωㆁ)۶〜♡
pairing: crocodile x gn!reader
contents: established relationship, fluff, secret relationships, kind!reader, smitten!crocodile, crocodile calls you doll, kind of implied the reader tops him later which i personally think is very powerful of them
word count: 1.3k words
note: this is such a cute and funny idea <33 i took some liberties with this, there is no big scene at the door, just because the kind personality of the reader i was going for clashed with that a little bit. and i went a gender neutral route just because it's easier for me. i hope you still enjoy anyway! i absolutely love secret relationships and would love to do more with crocodile and this trope :3
playlist: diet mountain dew - lana del rey
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Not once did you care that you were one of Crocodile’s best kept secrets. You understood why such precautions were necessary. Your husband was a powerful man with countless enemies, to have his one weakness known to all would be a terrible oversight on his part. Not only that, but it would also put you in a considerable amount of danger. You were soft, you weren’t ashamed of it. To remain kind in a cruel world took strength. In your opinion at least.
Sometimes, however, it took more strength than usual to remain understanding. This was one such occasion.
You had your own life outside of your husband, much to his dismay. It was half the reason he insisted on keeping your union under wraps. If Crocodile had it his way, you’d be by his side 24/7, or at the very least, surrounded by bodyguards everytime you left his line of sight. He was a cautious man by nature. One did not achieve the power he had by being reckless, especially not with those he loved.
That said, Crocodile hadn’t been home in days and you were starting to get worried. You knew his work was dangerous, keeping Alabasta safe from pirates was not what you’d call an ‘easy’ job. Instead of waiting around for him to return home on his own — inevitably to grump about the kisses you placed upon his facial scar, or the tender way you ran your fingers through his hair — you decided to seek him out. If there was one place where he would be, it would be at the casino.
Unfortunately for you, they wouldn’t let you in.
“Again, the casino is closed to all outside patrons for an event. I can’t let you in if your name isn’t on the list.” The doorman was starting to get frustrated with you stubbornness. You understood why, really you did. This was his job and you had been pestering him for the better part of thirty minutes. While you had patience, you were no saint. This whole situation was starting to get on your last nerve.
Pinching the bridge of your nose, you let out a sigh. “And I get that, but I’m looking for my husband. I know he’s in there, can’t you go get him for me and we can talk outside the venue?”
The doorman hummed, considering the option. Finally, he gave you the smallest of smiles, the first you had gotten from him the whole night. “That’s doable. What’s his name so I can send someone to fetch him?”
You chewed on your bottom lip. This wasn’t going to go well. How many people tried to sneak their way into events using your husband’s name? For all this man knew, you were another lovesick fan, trying to get a whiff of the hero of Alabasta’s cologne before you were escorted out by security.
Whatever. It wouldn’t hurt to try, you thought.
“Um. Crocodile?”
The doorman burst out laughing, head thrown back and tears spilling down his cheeks. “Listen, you’re a looker, but you’re not that good looking. Now scram, I have a job to do.”
With a deep breath, you tried again. “I’m serious, he’s my husband. Please let me in.”
“Yeah, and I’m the king. Don’t make me call security on you.”
If Crocodile found out that the doorman called security on you, the man’s job would be down the drain before he could say ‘sorry.’ You didn’t want that, even if in your current irritation, you’d feel quite a bit vindicated. It was people like him that kept your husband safe, even if he did so in a rather frustrating manner.
You shuffled your feet, blinking a few times at the man who laughed in your face. Okay, maybe you did want him fired, but you were better than that. Kinder than that.
There was a commotion coming from the casino. You peered behind the doorman to see your husband surrounded by a hoard of Alabastan citizens, all clamoring for his attention. Your heart swelled at the sight of him, relieved to find him safe and sound. As much as you wanted to give him a piece of your mind for worrying you so much, the doorman’s glare was starting to get to you. Now that you knew he was alive, you could wait a little bit longer for Crocodile to return home.
“Well, thank you for your time,” You said as politely as you could. Even then, the words came out forced between clenched teeth.
The doorman merely rolled his eyes in response. Right before you turned your back, you caught your husband’s gaze. Crocodile’s eyebrows shot up at the sight of you, surprise replacing his previous annoyance. Flashing him a small smile and a wave, you turned to make your way home. You barely made it a few steps before Crocodile’s hand was on your shoulder, his grip firm enough to hold you in place. The crowd that surrounded him was gone, off to find someone else to celebrate with — or pester, as Crocodile was prone to say.
“What are you doing here, doll?”
Whipping around, you slotted your hands on your hips and hit your husband with the worst glare you could muster. You tried not to be disappointed when all you were met with was a glimmer of amusement. “Looking for you. It’s been days since you’ve been home, I was starting to get worried.”
Crocodile shrugged and took an inhale of his cigar. “There was no need for you to come here, I was coming home tonight.”
“And how am I supposed to know that if you don’t tell me. I’m not a mind reader,” You shot back.
Crocodile sighed, a cloud of smoke accompanied the action. You really wished he would quit, but you weren’t naive enough to believe you could convince him. The doorman coughed a few times, drawing both you and your husband’s attention. He looked absolutely dumbfounded at the scene playing out in front of him. His mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water, and you had hoped he had enough wherewithal to keep himself hidden so as not to earn your husband’s ire. Evidently not.
“I am so sorry,” The doorman started, hands numbly raised in surrender.
Wow. This man was the biggest idiot you had ever met. Crocodile slowly turned in his direction, a single eyebrow raised.
“You’re sorry?” Your husband's expression split into a furious glower, and for the first time that night, you felt truly sorry for the doorman. “And what are you apologizing for? I better like the answer.”
Before the man could speak, you placed yourself between them. “He was just doing his job, love. No need to get all fussy. Why don’t you walk me home and we can talk more? I’ve missed you.”
Crocodile’s expression softened when you grabbed his arm and leaned into his side. With his flesh hand, he wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you flush against him. Before you left, Crocodile reached around you and into his breast pocket. When he removed his hand, there was a wad of beri in it, a fatter stack than usual. He tossed it at the doorman’s feet.
“Forget what you saw here.” Crocodile narrowed his eyes, his hook glinting in the dull lamplight. “Or I’ll be seeing you again. Privately.”
“Don’t flirt with the poor man, he looks like he’s about to wet himself.”
Crocodile merely grumbled — affectionately, you knew that grumble anywhere — as he started in the direction of your shared home. “I don’t flirt and I don’t fuss, you know this, doll.”
“Bold of you to lie to my face when I’m still not sure if I’ve forgiven you yet.”
You had. It was hard to keep the grin off your face when Crocodile was warm against your side, the scent of him filling your nostrils until your head was fuzzy.
Oh, how you couldn’t wait to kiss him pliant in the comfort of your bed later tonight. For all of Crocodile’s power, you had him absolutely wrapped around your little finger.
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My favorite headcanon is that all the obey me brothers secretly love being the little spoon, no one but beel and asmo will admit it 
I cannot thank you enough for sending this in! You're wonderful! I dunno if this is the direction you thought I'd take this in but hey, I wrote something! Thank you so much Annon!
Mammon may not admit it, but his dreams will.
Ever since a certain...incident, your first has become acutely aware of just how mortal you are, and though he does his best not to be overbearing, the images he witnessed rise up in his dreams sometimes.
So, he ends up crawling into your bed at the most obscene hours, or just stealing you to his own, which always starts out the same way, Mammon will pull himself into your chest, resting his ear over your heartbeat until he falls asleep, at which point, he won't stop wriggling until he ends up as the little spoon.
If you so much as whisper about it, he'll deny it and call you delusional, but that's fine, you're content with knowing you get to curl up around your sweet demon and guard him from his nightmares when he needs you.
He'll still never ask you to spoon though, these days you just hug him whenever he looks like he needs one.
Now Leviathan, you'd have an easier time talking a mountain into moving. I think out of all his brothers, he manages to be the least direct about his preferences.
He loves you, have no doubt of that, but most of the time you have to glean what it is he'd like from a few sputtered anime references. Coincidentally, an anime marathon was precisely when you decided to see if your hunch was correct.
On the bean bag you'd bought for his room, you snuggled into his side as you started episode...fifteen? No, seventeen of some anime with an obscene amount of hours to catch up on.
Levi blushed crimson, but didn't stop you. He was running on three hours of sleep...for a week, even a demon's eyes were hard to keep open after that.
He started blinking slowly, leaning further and further into you as he drifted off.
He woke up the next morning, to episode thirty mid-way through, and your chest pressed to his back. Whether you had done it on purpose or not, he was relieved as he cuddled further back into you, feeling your breath fan his neck as he fell asleep again.
Once the pact is made, Beelzebub lays all his cards on the table. The avatar of gluttony is nothing if not honest. It took you a second to process his request to be the little spoon during one of your cuddle sessions, namely because he's just so damn big, but he's also a puppy-hearted sweetheart, so you couldn't refure.
He loves it when you drape your leg over his, drawing random patterns on his hip or chest with your fingers. The sweetheart practically purred when you pressed little kisses to the back of his neck.
Occasionally though, he does like to switch it up, turns around to look at your face and nuzzle into your hair, lips lingering on your forehead as he folds you into his arms.
Beel is just painfully good at cuddling, no matter what position. Letting him be the little spoon turns out to be the perfect way to spoil your big sweetheart.
Of course Asmoedeus is the little spoon, he loves to feel your warmth slowly seep into the satin layers of his clothes, loves the way your hands wander so innocently.
You're not after his soft skin, or whatever bragging rights come with pleasuring the avatar of lust, you're just here, breathing in the scent of his warm skin and humming mindless tunes as you drift off, loving having him pressed against you, simply for the fact that he's there, he's yours.
Honestly, Asmo thinks you're selfish as any demon, hoarding his beauty all to yourself, basking leisurely in it as though assure that you'd always have time like this.
He smiles when you rug his tummy affectionately, touching him just for the sake of it. Yes, you are a selfish, possessive human, keeping him all to yourself.
A shame then, that Asmo doesn't feel the need to correct you.
Getting Satan to cuddle at all took some time. He didn't see the point at first, why position yourself to sleep and then...not? He could be using the time to read.
The first time he got close to cuddling was when he let you sit between his legs while he was reading, you with your own book or your DDD to keep you occupied.
Simply sharing space with you, feeling your breath rise and fall against his chest...he thought he'd rather like to be in your position, his head pillowed on your chest as he read, or better yet, as you read to him.
He thought he was being clever when he convinced you to assume the position without using the word "cuddle", and you continue to let him think that even though you've glimpsed his search history for cuddle positions.
The avatar of wrath nested against your chest, and for the first ten minutes, he really was reading, but then he felt your breath under his head, heard your heart beating under his ear, and the second he let his concentration break, he was out like a light.
He woke up with his head pillowed on your arm, your steady breath fanning his ear, your body cocooning his, and he thought to himself: this cuddling thing is rather nice.
Now, one would think Belphegor would be an expert, but he never stays awake long enough to cuddle, so discovering that he actually likes to be a little spoon was a complete accident.
You'd had a rough day, were half-asleep when you got home and somehow ended up at the twins' room instead of Lucifer's, where you'd been heading to drop off some work.
You saw Belphie sleeping there, and immediately decided that you had no more head for working. You dumped your bag on the floor by the door and crawled basically on top of the sleeping demon, wrapping your arms around him and burying your face in his soft hoodie.
Belphie wouldn't wake up until Beel came looking for you, at which point the youngest twin decided the way you were clinging to him meant you'd had a hell of a day and insisted you be left to use the Avatar of Sloth as your personal body pillow.
The reality is, Belphie may not be particularly fussed about spooning, but he makes an incredible little spoon.
This might be an unpopular opinion, but I think Lucifer actually hands the reins over to you more often than most people think.
He is chronically in control, all the damn time, so he won't ever ask you to take care of him, but he's quietly delighted when you do so of your own volition.
So, when he needs to get some decent fucking sleep but tries to get out of bed after only a thirty minute "power nap" you spoon him, violently.
You wrap both arms and legs around him and squeeze like a compression blanket, sometimes you'll even lay on top of him and take pointed, slow, deep breaths.
Lucifer will never admit it, hell he might even try and push you away and complain that he has work to do and you're being an distraction, but through that lecture, you'll notice the tension in him melting away.
His words will slow down, and you ease your grip to run your fingers through his hair as the subject switches to something menial, an outing with Diavolo, new tea he tried, a bottle of Demonus he's been saving for a special occasion, with you.
When he stops talking, you start humming, softly, quietly, and before you know it, he's fast asleep, unmoving and quiet, only his long, fluttering lashes speak of the dreams you coaxed him into.
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Oooh~ how about a Rune factory 4 & 5 ask for Scarlett ,Dolace and Clorica with an S/O that's the opposite of them personality wise. They're just hyperactive, bubbly and a bit mischievous
(Rune Factory 4/5) Scarlett, Dolce, and Clorica with a hyper S/O
I just started replaying RF4/5 so I'm very much at risk of vanishing again, but I will try my best not to. (Project Zomboid and painting my space marines is doing a good job of that anyway)
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Scarlett's duty as a ranger of SEED is to make sure the peace is maintained in Rigbarth.
Which her lover does a very good job of disrupting, much to her annoyance.
Whether it's indulging Cecil and his tendencies to investigate "mysteries", going along with Ludmilla's plans, or whatever the hell Ares and Alice was up to, S/O was at the scene of the crime.
Her fingers pinch the bridge of her nose as she sighs in frustration.
Meanwhile, S/O just laughs and bats their eyes innocently.
(S/O) "Hello, Scarlett!~"
(Scarlett) "Do not use that tone of voice with me. What are you doing?"
(S/O) "If I tell you, will you not get mad?"
Scarlett crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow.
(Scarlett) "That depends on your answer."
Though truthfully, Scarlett is grateful that S/O is with her at all, despite their difference in personality.
She's aware of her tendency to be a bit square and rigid, yet S/O loved her all the same.
Their overbearing love teaches her to loosen up, at least in some capacity.
Because sometimes, it was a bit too much.
(Scarlett) "S/O, I refuse to let you redecorate your room!"
(S/O) "Aw, but it'll be really cute!"
(Scarlett) "My face plastered all over your walls is not cute!"
(S/O) "...Palmo thought it was a good idea-"
(Scarlett) "CEASE AND DESIST!"
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Dolce's face remains unchanged as both S/O and Pico engage in tomfoolery around Selphia.
Especially the fights where they fight for her "eternal love".
(Pico) "NO! Milady is MINE!"
(S/O) "Dolce would choose me, right sweetie?!"
(Dolce) "Call me that again, and I'll choose to do violence to both of you."
She dares not utter a word of how much she enjoys watching S/O brighten her day, lest she never get to live it down.
Pico and S/O would tease her about it until the end of time.
And since Pico was already a ghost, she actually could do that.
Rarely, Dolce cracks a smile as they both get reprimanded by Nancy.
(Nancy) "S/O, Pico? What have we talked about regarding fighting during breakfast?"
Nancy's menacing smile is enough to get both of them to sit up straight almost bend 90 degrees to apologize.
Making Dolce giggle softly.
(Dolce) "So that's what it takes to make you two be quiet? Maybe I should ask for Nancy to come with us at all times."
(S/O) "N-Not that I'd mind but...!"
(Jones) "Now now, Dolce. Us old timers shouldn't be interfering with your love life."
Dolce's eyes widened a little at Jones' teasing, making Pico and S/O laugh now, with even Nancy joining in.
Dolce glares at the two of them.
(Dolce) "I will kill you two."
Every dramatic and affectionate gesture makes Dolce blush madly, as she tries her best to keep her poker face intact.
All the while, Pico is either hissing, or encouraging S/O.
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Clorica is unused to the sheer energy S/O brings to her. And here she thought Amber was a lot sometimes.
But it wasn't unwelcome at all. Having someone so bouncy was helpful in keeping her awake.
...Most of the time.
Whenever she performed her duties around the castle, she always had S/O to talk with, usually about something amusing happening around Selphia or just nothing in particular.
(S/O) "Cloricaaaaa!"
Clorica spun around and caught S/O, who leapt into her arms dramatically.
She almost fell over, but managed to stand her ground, letting out a soft giggle.
(Clorica) "Hello, S/O. I just got done with my duties for now. Would you like to get lunch?"
(S/O) "Heck yeah! I'm starving, let's get going already!"
Clorica is almost dragged along, making her smile even bigger.
Despite how enthusiastic they were, they always made sure to never force Clorica to do anything.
And even S/O understood that sometimes, she just needed the nap.
(Clorica) zzzz.....
(S/O) "Wow! It never fails to amaze me that she can sleep while cleaning!"
(Vishnal) "I aspire to reach that level of efficiency!
(S/O) "Maybe I can ask her to teach us that!"
(Lest) "I...don't think anyone can be at Clorica's level when it comes to that..."
(Frey) "Not even us."
(S/O) "It's a worth a shot! I'm already halfway there, she taught me how to fall asleep on command! Watch-"
(Clorica) "...Huh?"
Clorica's eyes slowly blinked open before her head fell down, and went back asleep.
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revelingrexan · 3 months
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if you want to use them as actual cake topper images or other decoration, you have my full permission to! that's why i made them! (i'd love if you tagged or messaged me if you do!)
if you do want to use these for cakes, i also made several other versions and have notes under the cut
OKAY SO FIRST OFF I'M NOT AN EXPERT ON PRINTING STUFF. the (very) short version is, purples and pinks don't show up well in the most common printing method, and that "most common printing method" is used in edible printing, like what's used for cupcakes and cakes
(most printing uses a color model called "CMYK," if you want to look it up)
so!! maybe you can use the images above the cut and it'll be fine, or maybe you need to give the printers these versions. these colors were picked because it lets the images turn out like the ones above the cut, NOT how they're shown here:
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i'll find out if giving the printers either version works or what in a few months, and i'll update this section then (or sooner if someone fills me in), since i'm planning on getting myself a Lucifer ducky cake for my birthday :3
i'm including versions with circles because many cake designs are circular -- including the one Lucifer used in-show lol and what i plan to print -- and the circle is placed relative to where i intended the image to crop and how i intended its composition. (if you'd like the circle to be placed a bit different, you can do so using the square version)
i included a bunch of variations where Lucifer's not holding anything, if you want to add a number for someone's age for a birthday cake or your own object or some phrase or whatever you please
again, idk how printing works, so i might swap these out for the more vibrant versions depending on what i eventually learn. i'm just prioritizing these less bright versions basically so everyone remembers these are the intended / expected colors
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(i wanted to make a "complete Lucifer hat and complete Alastor" version as well as a cropped version for the pedants [affectionate] out there. but the second version didn't work out when the time came 😔)
it'll probably take some artist's license to get everything to fit in a perfect circle, but here's two versions where i actually did the first step more correctly, using my program's "mesh transform" to get it circular
in the first image, Lucifer is more accurate, and Alastor is more accurate in the second, in case anyone wants to use these (no obligation; you can do your own thing if you'd prefer).
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the mesh is still visible in the second image because i hadn't intended to keep the screenshot -- i just thought the mesh looked wild, so i screenshotted, but it was a lucky save since Alastor looks decent there. (it might also be preferable if you use a mesh with more points than in that screenshot)
again, some artist's license will likely be required to get them both looking good. have fun with it! i might try this project again in the future, but for now i'm done lol. (it'll probably be at least a few months or a few years if i do try again, and no guarantee that i will)
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g4l4xy-qu33n · 10 months
Hello! So I'm new to your blog and I have to say that I LOVE it already, keep it up! :D
I don't rlly know if you're taking requests rn, but oh well, worth a shot. Can I request some platonic or romantic (it doesn't rlly matter) hcs with TADC Caine? I just can't get over this silly man and I'd like to read more about him!
Hi!! Yes, requests are open! (I should probably specify that - sorry!)
Also tysm!! It's so nice to hear that someone likes my blog &lt;3
A/N: I've never written for the silly teeth man before, but his personality came really easily to me - for some reason. Of course, as usual, these are all my personal headcanons for him, so please please please don't get mad at me if I 'got something wrong'. And also, this is written with afab reader in mind, but it can apply for any gender reader you like, as no pronouns or specific descriptions are used!
Warnings: Mentions of smut, and smutty activities. Apart from that, nothing but pure fluff and showman-style romance!
Romantic Headcanons for Caine!
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(I couldn't think of anything I could write for platonic, I'm a lot better at romantic-)
Starting off, I definitely think that Caine is a romantic type. (What showman wouldn't be?)
Caine would favour you over all the other circus members, and deny it if he gets called out.
He would exempt you from adventures that you don't want to do, and instead take you out for a fancy candlelit meal at the digital restaurant shown in the pilot.
Think fancy wines, lavish suits or dresses, romantic jazz music played by a digital band, and candles. Tons and tons of candles just floating while you two eat the best digital food of your life.
And dessert? Angle Food Cake of course, made specially by him or bubble.
You'd dance to the music, ballroom style, with a few dips and extra special moves included.
Every time you would go out with him, he'd give you a gift. Maybe a fancy brooch, or a piece of jewellery encrusted with jewels and plated by gold.
Fancy outfits are also to be expected.
You'd be given the luxury of a larger, more secluded bedroom as well!
The bed would be adorned with silk sheets and a bed canopy, most likely in red to remind you of him.
And I'm not sure if you want nsfw, but the nights you guys would spend in that bed would be fun, to say the least.
He'd happily indulge whatever you're into. Ai's are always wanting to learn new things, after all.
He'd spoil you rotten, both in bed and out.
When it comes to affection, he's a good mix of a lot of different types of affection.
As stated above, he's a gift giver, but also big on acts of service.
He's a big believer in words of affirmation, but not too often. Don't wanna give you an ego. (Although with the way he treats you, I feel like you would already have one depending on your personality)
He would love calling you pet names. Traditional ones are his favourite, like darling, honey, lovely, dove, doll, etc.
When it comes to physical affection, he'd probably draw the line at holding hands and cuddles. Heck, even cuddles would be a bit too far sometimes. Maybe just an arm swung over your shoulder when you're watching a movie? Sure... you can lean into him as well, just not too far, okay?
And kisses are... a challenge. Depending on how you look in the digital world, kisses may be manageable. He has no lips over his teeth though, so if you really want to kiss him... uh, try your best. (Maybe just kiss his teeth?)
He'd definitely get flustered if you initiate anything or give him a gift, though.
Like he'd be all confident one second, and the next he'd be flustered and stuttering at your kindness.
He would also display your gift with pride for the whole circus to see!
That's the only thing the circus members'll see, though.
Caine would be fine being affectionate with you in private (if not too much) but in front of the others the furthest he would go when it comes to affection is pet names, or maybe flashing you a wink.
Not that the others really care though. I feel like they'd all be pretty indifferent to it, no matter how much affection you guys show.
If you bug him about it, he'd probably give in. Eventually.
AAA I'm so sorry I took so long! Home life has been crazy, but I don't really see that as an excuse-
And I hope you see this and like it! (And I'm also sorry it's a bit short-)
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yanderes-galore · 8 months
Michael Myers yandere alphabet please!?
I don't think there's many changes from the DBD one, but I'll do my best!
Yandere Alphabet - Michael Myers
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic (Unclear)
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Violence, Murder/Death, Blood, Possessive behavior, Kidnapping, Isolation, Marking with a knife, Forced companionship.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Michael is someone who would stay out of his obsession's sight for a long time. He is also shown to fixate on one target for long periods of time. His obsession is observing you, staying out of sight yet causing you anxiety.
Most of his obsession is the stalker stage. When he actually gets his hands on you his "affection" is rough. He is a yandere who seems more docile until he actually closes in on you... then he's intense.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Being a slasher and called literal "evil", safe to say he thrives off the mess he makes. He shows little emotion in general, especially towards blood and corpses.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Michael is silent yet imposing once he takes you in. He makes no sound but it's clear he wants you to stay where he's put you. He doesn't mock... he doesn't say much of anything, really.
He just likes to stare at you... the only thing you hear is his breathing through the mask.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
If he feels you're going to try and avoid him, yes.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Not vulnerable and hard to read. Michael doesn't let you know anything about his intentions. Not being able to read him keeps you on edge.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Silent and stoic as usual, you can't tell. What you do know is he is at least annoyed due to his attempts to restrain you.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Hard to tell but I'd say no and he seems annoyed if you try to leave.
You're trying your luck.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
With Michael there can be a lot. I'd say him killing your loved ones or even being rough with you to try and make you more docile.
Isolating you after the trauma that comes with getting rid of your loved ones is probably the worst.
Nothing specific comes to mind for him, he just feels he wants you... so that's that.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Hard to tell but he lashes out anyways, which makes it hard to tell if he's jealous or not.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
He's not a fluffy type of affectionate, he's rough and intimidating. While he mainly stalks you, if he's up close his "adoration" comes off as violent. I doubt he knows how to show genuine affection.
I've stated before that he'd be fascinated if you had hair, to the point of tearing some out to keep it. He keeps all sorts of belongings that remind him of you.
He isn't empathetic and just knows to take what he wants.
Which ends up in some pain for you... on purpose or not.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Would start by stalking you. He watches your routine for possibly even months before he approaches. He takes things from you to soothe his obsession.
That is until it all builds up... leaving him desperate for more...
Right until he takes you away.
Not really. His mercy isn't even entirely mercy.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
I imagine Michael would do some cruel things to punish. What comes to mind is cutting your skin ever so slightly. Enough to learn your lesson... but not enough to kill.
Cruel, but he's done worse...
He could do so much worse.
Most if not all of them.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Very patient.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Hard to tell... but it seems like yes or he just doesn't let people know.
He will get volatile if anyone brings you up... so I guess that's a hint.
No and no.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Hard to say, upbringing?
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He leaves you alone for the most part, maybe feels a bit irritated but gives you your space.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
I'm just not going to answer this question as the answer is most likely yes when it comes to my work
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Signaling help or trying to incapacitate him. Good luck, you'll need it.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Yes, unfortunately.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Not a worship yandere but would slaughter any who try to take you.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Months, maybe even years.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
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mins-fins · 9 months
bygone days.
&&. okay so what are you? that's such an amazing question.
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pairing: huang renjun x m!reader
genre: fluff, just the silliest of sillies being silly 😢
warnings: none!
word count: 0.7k
notes: you will not know how long i stared at this trying to figure out what to write, anyway renjun 😢💔….renjun 😞
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the more you look at yourself, the more you realize why people assume you and renjun are a couple.
at first, it was humorous to the two of you how people immediately assumed that you were a couple. they skipped past siblings, friends, or even acquaintances, and immediately thought, couple!
now, people assuming that your dating one of your friends has become one of the most normal prospects of your life, for some reason, people just think you date around a lot, they think you've somehow dated all of your friends, how riveting!
but with renjun, it's different. it's not like any of your other friends, where your disgusted at the idea of dating rumors even existing between you two.
the more you observe how you and renjun act with each other, the more your convinced that you two might actually look more like a couple then you think.
i mean— it's not weird for you two to share clothes, have matching bracelets, matching rings, sleep in the same bed, or just constantly lean on each other.
at this point, it's normal for renjun to just waltz into your place unannounced because he wants to. at this point he pretty much lives there, pretty much knowing every corner of your house.
having renjun curled up on your couch is not an abnormal sight to you. in fact, not seeing renjun at your once at least once a week is abnormal, it's almost as if he's moved in.
but the more you think about it, the more you realize the two of you may as well be a couple. you pretty much live together, the two of you cook for each other, the two of you take care of each other, your both the first person the other calls whenever your in trouble.
"bad day?" you ask as renjun storms into the house, pissed off. he doesn't even have to answer for you to know that he did in fact have a bad day, work just always brings out a side of renjun that's rare to see.
"seriously" renjun lets himself fall onto your lap. he lays your head onto your lap and pouts, he then lets out a frustrated sigh as he rethinks the day he had at work. "can't tell you how many times i wanted to absolutely punch customers today".
"do tell" you respond to that statement, and renjun just lets out another frustrated sigh.
"tell me why this women decides to come at me, because the store has no more teddies in stock! how is that my problem? it's not my fault you have to break the disappointment to your child! she was yelling at me like i'd just threatened her life or something!"
this isn't the first time renjun came to you with a story of something horrible happening at work, the complaints you hear from him are just gold, because it's funny hearing the usually calm and patient renjun be so frustrated and angry.
"i seriously hate your job".
"i hate my job too" he whines, pouting once again.
okay, was that too affectionate?
maybe you do kinda see why people think you and renjun are dating, but to you two that's just normal! renjun wouldn't say it's weird, and you wouldn't say it's weird either.
"you are most definitely in love with him" jaemin tells you once in the middle of a game of uno. "i know you two are together, i will catch you two".
"okay weirdo" you remember telling him, and he gasped in offense at the insult.
whenever you remember that scene, you just have to let out a laugh, because jaemin can be just so ridiculous sometimes.
your now sitting on your phone, trying to pass the time. renjun is laying down right beside you, fast asleep on your bed. you look over at him, and then chuckle once again.
oh he's so pretty, and that might seem creepy, but you can't help but find him cute, with his flushed cheeks and peaceful snores, watching him sleep is just.. interesting.
holy shit did you really just think that? you blink a few times before truly realizing—
your in love with your best friend.
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a-gay-bloodmage · 24 days
I'm curious...
Fellow Dragon Age fans, did you ever come up with a nickname for Varric to call your Inquisitor / Custom Hawke? Seeing as the man seems to be incapable of calling most of his friends their actual names, I figure that he'd give the Inquisitor one, even if he doesn't in-game!
I'd love to see people reblogging and tagging / replying with their PCs' nicknames... and maybe why or how they got them! My own Inquisitors' nicknames are under the cut! It'd be a very long post, otherwise...
Mallory Trevelyan: Girly, a very literal nickname. Before coming out as a cross-dresser, there wasn't a moment where Mallory (or Mallie) wasn't in a full face of makeup. He was always worrying about getting his hair messed up or complaining about having to wear things like pants or unflattering, manly armor. Even when Varric learned that Mallory was actually a man, the nickname stuck around. It still applied, after all! Mallory doesn't mind the nickname, but he does find it hopelessly unoriginal.
Kiora Trevelyan: Pep, a clear joke of a nickname. Kiora, a somniari, struggles with narcolepsy caused by her strong connection to the Fade. Both Kiora and Varric think that calling the girl who nods off after half an hour of sitting down in a loud tavern very funny.
Aelon Lavellan: Twitch, an unfortunately literal nickname. Aelon hates it, and Varric can't help but be amused the way that Lavellan's nose and ears twitch every time Varric calls him by the nickname. Lavellan is a very anxious, slightly paranoid person, and he certainly fits the nickname.
Ashavise Lavellan: Cuddles, an affectionately ironic nickname. Ashavise is one of the least cuddly people he knows, clearly not very interested touching anyone in the world of the living for the majority of her time in the Inquisition. Even if it's a joke about her, Ashavise does think that the durgen'len's stupid nickname for her is kind of funny. Not that she'd tell him, of course.
Ademamar Cadash: Big Guy, an obviously ironic nickname. Ade is about an inch taller than Varric, but the two of them are obviously the shortest men in the Inquisition. Ade's constant flirting with the Iron Bull only makes Varric think the nickname is all the funnier. Ade likes it, and cites it to Bull when he's trying to convince the quinari to sleep with him.
Harta Cadash: Madame, a literal and relatively respectful nickname. While she and Varric are friends, he tends to be a little careful around a woman still very deeply tied to the Carta. Especially since she admitted, very cheerfully, to having met Varric before the Inquisition, her family having wanted to check up on one of the Merchant guild men involved with the mess in Kirkwall. Harta loves the nickname.
Ozol Adaar: Willow, an affectionately literal nickname. It took him a while to come up with something that wasn't too obvious. He finally settled on Willow, even if a tree joke was a bit basic. The combined factors of Ozol's towering height, strength, and his long silver dreadlocks made Willow a perfect nickname. Ozol thinks it's very nice. Far better than most of things he's called by bas.
Semiha Silva-Adaar: Bouncy, a soft and literal nickname. Semiha's personality is very go-getter and cheerful, and she tends to fidget by bouncing a little on her heels. Her twin puffs of silvery afro hair only add to the perpetual motion. She thinks it's a great nickname, and smiles every time Varric calls her it.
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tubbytarchia · 4 months
Ok my Smallidarity thoughts (this is long). Only because I was encouraged by Liauditore's analysis of Joel's playlists...
...to which the conclusion was closeted homophobic Joel. Ok so anyway uhh obligatory: I only talk about characters. Only characters. I swear to god. CC!Joel and CC!Lizzie make life more beautiful and this is not about them, this is about characters. Either way I love Jizzie dearly. Seriously though go read Liau's post. The part where they note down the structure of his most recent playlist kind of sums up my thoughts on him ("starting off with party songs -> "home" the wholesome love song -> a bunch of arctic monkeys songs including one specifically about regretting sleeping with a woman -> a bunch of songs begging for the other person to stay because they're all they have -> songs that get angrier and angrier -> final song has a chorus that goes "if this is a romcom I'd kill the director"")
I'm not here to analyse the playlists but I implore Liau to do so more publicly lol. The kiss from RL and the playlists (and Liau talking to me about them because they chose to hyper-analyse them against their own will) are the catalysts for why I'm so insane about Joel's relationships and smallidarity especially because we all know how normal I am about Jimmy 👍
(Before we get to smallidarity proper though, I have to lay some groundwork about my perception of Joel's relationships in general)
That post I made about smallidarity awhile back about mostly seeing them as brotherly friends um. Hasn't aged so well LMAO. I do not think smallidarity is the end game for either of them (unless...?), but I do feel like there's feelings here to be dabbled into now... I imagine Jimmy and Joel as having been very close friends since childhood and I still stand by my old smallidarity thoughts otherwise, that while I'm not a fan of Jimmy getting slapped around excessively, which Joel sometimes does imo, it's ultimately banter between him and Joel, even if weighed to one side, because it's not an attempt to assess control or to play Jimmy down past an initial laugh (ESMP1 still hurts me but I've said it before and I'll say it again, that at the very least Joel was creative about the "toy" bit and put effort into it, eg building a giant statue, and not just making a very surface-level joke out of it). When things get dicey for Jimmy, Joel will want to help, even when doing so offers him no benefit. Eg him wanting to offer his time to Jimmy in LimL or disapproving people for building a grave for Jimmy before he'd even died in SL. So basically they care each other
Joel has no problem indulging in and joking about more sexual approaches vs more affectionate ones. Eg, the neck kisses, calling Jimmy babe, having pillow talk with Tango and literally making a baby with both Jimmy and Sausage in ESMP etc. That's fine, that's just a goof, no homo. But I feel like anything affectionate makes him feel vulnerable and so that's a no-no. I have no good explicit examples for this other than the fact that he just doesn't engage in affectionate engages/jokes much (not even with Lizzie) and him refusing to hold Jimmy's hand in SL (thanks Liau). The kiss in RL I think makes sense with this too because Jimmy preceded it with "is this the closest we're over gonna get to making out?" even if the actual kiss was like. A peck lol. Gentle smooch. Which just makes me more insane that it was like that!!!!!!
And (characters guys!!! Characters!!!) what he does with Lizzie is constantly proclaiming "I have a wife" and maybe visiting her to show her something and yelling "I love you" a few times when it felt appropriate. Oh and Lizzie's "I always liked bad boys..." counts I guess lol. Imo, whilst Lizzie and Joel are evidently very close and cute still (I never and I mean NEVER stop thinking about Lizzie's SL birthday party to which only Joel showed up for the majority of it), I don't think lizzie gives that much of a fuck. To me the marriage is there because, it makes sense. They enjoy each other, uh, might as well marry each other. It's moreso about the status rather than deeper romantic connection imo. Something about Lizzie calling Joel a homie and not commenting on his proclamation of loving her after Sausage's Boat Boys play in SOS, or them voicing anything affectionate and then it not getting followed up by anything, or Joel trying to recruit Lizzie into Jeremyism in X Life but Lizzie didn't want to, and Jimmy was the first recruit instead (and if you've read my X Life thoughts, you know how I feel about Jeremyism in a symbolic sense), etc. Um do you guys understand why I was terrified to voice these thoughts. I swear to god if someone comes into my inbox to accuse me of being heterophobic or something I'm going to eat a nail. I figure some people are going to disagree with my perception which is totally fine!! But characters only please characters only..........
He pretty frequently has homoerotic or suggestive etc exchanges and bits with people like Etho and Jimmy though (eg, earlier examples, although there are soooo so many more). But always that, never affectionate... The closest it ever comes to affection is when he's acting out of genuine care when things hit the fan. This is the point where my claims stop being supported by whatever I see in canon (if supported at all, then by his playlists, lol) but... Joel to me feels like he uses his marriage status as a "no homo" pass. If things get a bit too homo he can always remind the others "I have a wife" and it's all good 👍 When in reality.... I think he might be... idk... might be into men a little bit... But he absolutely cannot accept that. He has a wife guys!! And yet still he indulges in those questionable exchanges like hm. hmm. But it's no homo guys!! He's just playin!!
Ugh so yeah. Closeted Joel who, maybe, isn't so put off by affection after all, rather just put off by the idea of being into men so he refuses to be affectionate with the people he feels a little too many strong feelings towards bordering on something other than friendship. And always makes sure to declare anything frisky a joke and reminding everyone that he's married and he loves his wife!! (Have no doubt that he does love Lizzie, just, again, not in this way) Or putting anything frisky on the other person, like he does with Etho "ugh you're so obsessed with me" because JOEL can't be obsessed, he's not gay!! Etho just can't get enough of him, and Joel's totally not into it!!
This is where the RL kiss made me so insane and tip over the edge into interpreting smallidarity as something other than platonic too. Because classic Joel. Contributing to this bit about "making out" because that's what he does. Gives Jimmy a little smooch. As a joke. Ugh. Jimmy claiming his lips to have been pursed makes all the difference too, they were both all-in... (vs that one fWhimmy kiss in ESMP2. Sorry but I just need you guys to understand how important the difference is to me)
I think Jimmy is very kind, and an incredible sympathiser. He's just in a pretty horrible headspace, so he never treats himself with the kindness he might offer to others. His biggest enemy is his inability to open up and ask for help. Joel would be much similar in this regard, where he wouldn't want to even entertain the things that his feelings towards certain people would entail. It's fine, it's nothing, he's a married man after all... So he most certainly wouldn't ever bring it up to anyone, because nothing's the matter!! But I think Jimmy, solely for how well he knows and cares about Joel, recognizes some kind of reciprocation of feelings he also has, but isn't going to admit to Joel. Maybe they kissed or even made out and maybe they made a baby once (the baby ordeal is seriously ruining my life. wtf was that) and it's just a one-and-done deal, maybe even a "friends with benefits" thing in some sense. Cause they're just friends. But Jimmy, though with his own struggles, knows how he feels, so of course he recognizes when Joel's in a similar dilemma
To me, there's such a strong appeal to smallidarity because the typical Jimmy role in relationships gets reversed. Jimmy's usually the one following along, the one seeking someone to depend on because that's what he's been conditioned to seek. He followed Martyn around, he followed Scott around, in X Life he followed Joel around too. Joel gave him something with Jeremyism and to me it reads like Jimmy feeling at home and developing feelings for Joel, the way I think he also developed them for Martyn beforehand. Only for Joel to step down as the leader of Jeremyism - this thing that Jimmy so desperately held onto and practically begged for Joel to remain where he was, but Scott took over, and even though Jimmy didn't like seeing Scott up there instead of Joel, he couldn't help but fall in love again, and then 3rd life happened. 3rd life, where Jimmy left a "I miss you" sign on Joel's plot of land. Where ideas of Jimmy and Joel teaming up were mentioned but they just barely missed each other for it to become reality. Where Joel burnt down the wall that further confided a claustrophobic Jimmy into a corner of the World with Scott, separate from everyone else
Anyway, Jimmy hardly ever prioritizes himself, so his feelings are irrelevant to him. What he cares about is Joel's wellbeing, so he'd encourage Joel to open up, ask him about things. For a change, he'd be the shoulder to lean on and be on the other end of a situation he usually would find himself in with people he loves. Where he's struggled to open up and ask for help, he's encouraging someone else to. Where the people he loves, including Joel, have failed to pick up on Jimmy's continued need for support, Jimmy doesn't, because he's been in shoes similar to Joel's It's nothing he'd be able to pinpoint, but subconsciously it'd help him provide Joel with the encouragement that can yield results. The understanding that he refuses to offer himself, but can offer to Joel. Jimmy fulfilling this kind of role in a relationship would do him SO much good, I think, to help him handle his own struggles. A trend in Jimmy's relationships and otherwise is that he can never take charge, even when he wants to. It'd take his mind away from his own troubles as he focuses on Joel's and exercises patience and empathy for someone else who doesn't just push him away. Especially when another thing that they are similar in, is their progressing frustration with either of their feelings. In which neither can do much to combat these frustrations (Jimmy indulges in them more and more, eg taking enjoyment out of hitting Scott around in SL, and Joel just tries to ignore them), but by virtue of trying to help Joel figure out his feelings, Jimmy would be helping not only Joel but himself too
Even if Joel were to come to a conclusion that wouldn't be him reciprocating Jimmy's feelings specifically, Jimmy would help him reach it anyway. Though Joel might figure out how Jimmy feels even if there's no direct admittance. Jimmy would hold Joel's hand if Joel doesn't draw back and ask how that feels, to help him figure out if he really does hate affection or if his frustrations lay elsewhere etc. Give him the affection that Joel actually craves but keeps refusing himself. And Joel would maybe finally admit to some degree that he does like it (he just doesn't like that he likes it). He'd still remind Jimmy that he has a wife but Jimmy would probably just laugh and they keep holding hands. If Lizzie found out she would just give a thumbs up. She dgaf. Or idk something like that. I've been writing this shitty post for 25 minutes what year is it. The more this has gone on the less sense it's started making sorry. Use code smallidarity at checkout for 15% off
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