#...or write it if I'm in the mood lmao
I love the fics where Chloe can control bees because she's so dramatic and over the top it'd be canon to have her bees hold a sign that says 'Marinette will you BEE my Valentine?' While she's decked up in her suit and there's sparkles in the background (courtesy of Rena who's filming the whole thing, laughing) and she's holding flowers that her bees told her (yes, told) are good for courtship. Bonus if Marinette can speak to ladybugs and they snitched on her so she's both endeared, amused and excited for her date with her rival turned friend and possibly girlfriend.
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chimchiri · 1 year
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Secret love letter ??? Who could it be???
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essektheylyss · 11 months
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how do people stan a character without being unreasonably gleeful when they're threatened. could not be me.
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sentientcave · 8 months
okay so Price/Ghost one shot where Ghost is a tow-truck driver and Price is a cop, and Ghost sees Price parked in a fire lane while he's inside a store buying cigarettes or a coffee and tows his ass, and Price has to walk all the way to the impound lot just steaming mad, where he meets this huge, scarred-up ex-military tow truck driver who isn't the least bit intimidated by him. But Price tries to throw his badge around a little, so Ghost (ornery motherfucker that he is) decides to teach him a lesson personally, and makes it his life's mission to catch Price parked illegally and tow first his squad car, and then later on his personal vehicle. Price tries to catch Ghost doing things he could arrest him for but Simon is the most boring man on the planet, he works, goes home, drinks one beer, sleeps, rinse repeat ad infinitum. So Price arrests Johnny for something bullshit instead (Ghost only has one friend and no family), and Ghost has to go down to the precinct to bail him out. Price starts leaving Gaz in the vehicle to stop Ghost from towing him, but he tows it with Gaz inside as retaliation for the Johnny arrest.
Culminating in them having an altercation when Price finally catches Ghost hooking up his car, and after a few punches are thrown they probably end up on the ground making out sloppy style.
Is this anything? I feel like this is something.
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amoripomoea · 24 days
do you ever. look at how talented your mutuals are and think "i love you. also why do you follow me"
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meownotgood · 2 days
I'm going back to bed the moment I post this but I've been having a super rough and stressful night... so for whatever reason I went back to read some of the kind asks I've received since I saved a lot... some since the first time I started writing... and I got so emotional and just began sobbing haha.... I can't believe how lucky I am...... I love writing so much.........
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blindmagdalena · 1 year
homie and s/o playing the no touching game and obvs homelander loses 🥹🥹💕💕
Homelander's eyes are narrowed. "So... what would I win?" You can't help but laugh at his suspicion over such an innocuous little game. "You win the game," you say again, though it's not helping his comprehension any, so you elaborate. "It's just a game! You play it for the sake of playing it, and whoever wins, wins."
"Why would I want to win the game of not touching you?" He asks, clearly unimpressed by the thought. You sigh, though it's out of amusement more than exasperation. "You don't have to play. Go ahead," you say, holding your hand out to him. "I'm happy to win." Homelander recoils from you. "No."
You grin, dropping your hand. "Okay. Game on."
For the rest of the day, the two of you dance around one another like the other is radioactive, while also trying to trick contact. You try to ambush him a couple of times, try to fool him into bumping into you from around the corner, but between his super hearing and ability to literally see through walls, you're quickly humbled.
Similarly, Homelander does his best to beat you at your own game. He pads silently behind you, waits for you to back into him. He very nearly gets you when he utters a grave, "Oh, fuck." at his phone.
"What's wrong?" You ask, leaning over to look. You only just stop yourself from putting an assuring hand on his arm. You yank your hand back, and realize he has a video ready to play on his phone. "Rick Astley? Really?" You say, rolling your eyes with a smile as you turn away. "I regret teaching you internet culture."
"Almost had you."
"Keep dreaming!"
As the day progresses, however, you notice less and less humor in his attempts. In fact, on the last one, you see a tightness in his jaw that makes you realize he may actually be getting sincerely upset.
Time to end things. The next time he makes his move, you decide you'll fall for it. It'll have to be convincing, of course, but you're confident you can make enough of a show to-
You're mid thought when two powerful arms wrap around your middle, pulling you back with enough force to make you yelp. You feel him nuzzle in at the crook of your neck, inhaling deeply. His grip flexes on you, makes you feel like one of those stress relief balls. You put your hands on his arms, rubbing gently as you give a breathless little laugh. "You okay?"
"Stupid game," he grumbles, nudging your ear with his nose.
"That's a shame, I was about to let you win. I missed you."
"You did?" He asks, voice still low, still a touch grouchy, but with an unmistakable note of earnest hope.
"Yes," you assure him, biting back another small laugh. You twist around in his grip when he allows for it, and slip your arms around his neck. "Did you miss me?"
He kisses you, swift and firm. You make a noise against him that only encourages him deeper, has him clutching the back of your neck in one hand while the other snakes around your waist, holding you close.
"Stupid question, too," he murmurs, words warm against your lips. You grin, kissing him again.
"I'll take that as a yes."
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beevean · 3 months
Prompt: Something something Hector holding a bedridden Trevor's hand and also them kissing 🥺
It doesn't have them kissing perhaps another time, but close enough...
It's time to spread the Hevor propaganda :)
(and it's time for me to kick my brain into learning how to write around dialogue lol)
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prince-liest · 7 months
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I am truly giving Lucifer an inordinate amount of shit through Alastor's POV for someone who spent most of today in a sleepy, post-stress-hormone induced haze!
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samuelroukin · 3 months
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message from my friend living rent free in my brain bc what does that Mean.
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surunoita · 1 year
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okay i'm gonna post this in the hopes that tumblr doesn't nuke me for artistic nudity but here's some warmups i did of my character austin (they/them) in the blood moon universe <3 idk what else i could say but blood moon (by @barbwritesstuff ) was and is a huge inspiration to me and i could talk about it for hours so i'll just tell you to go play it :-) <33
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distressedwalnut · 1 year
What does jeb think of gabe? Sorry if you have already answered that
(Fr takes me so long to answer asks because I force myself to draw for them. I'll just start writing to make it easier lmao.) Short answer: He loves him but is confused on why Gabe doesn't return it. Long answer: Jeb still loves Gabe. Gabriel is his son, his flesh and blood. He can't bring himself to hate one of the greatest gifts he's gotten in his life. He spent years frantically searching for Gabriel and Emilia, practically turning the city upside down just to find them. After the early years, Jeb resigned to searching for them in his spare time between purging the wicked and raiding AAHW bases. No matter how many times he told himself that they're most likely dead he still held a hope that burned in his chest every time it appeared. When he did encounter Gabriel for the first time in years (after being warned by Emilia that Gabe wants nothing to do with him), his heart broke when the man turned to him with a blank stare and said "You've got the wrong person. My father died years ago." Jeb can't believe his own son would reject him. All the days he spent wandering the streets checking every crack and crevice for a sign of them, just to find that his son is indifferent and his wife hates him. It bewilders him. He’s done nothing wrong and yet they shun him with even hearing what he has to say.
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cassmouse · 6 months
I have not been able to find the kind of angsty Roxie content I'm absolutely craving for right now so guess what that means
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ladyseidr · 4 months
okay forgot to do this yesterday, but who cares! like this post for a smutty / suggestive ask or two. these will be random asks, not memes, probably 1-3 lines long. this is only open to my fn.af muses rn because that's where my hyperfixation lies lmao. we don't necessary have to be shipping, but make sure you take orientation into account ( i.e. don't ask for vanessa for a man ).
if you do not specify muse(s), i will ignore your like on this post. feel free to request two separate ships.
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sentientcave · 6 months
Once Again I am Asking You to Celebrate WIP Wednesday (Baybeee)
More Rugby! Contains Gaz, a reference to top surgery, a joke about having too many nipples, and no actual rugby. Maybe there will never be any actual rugby. Who can say?
Sunday mornings are always football with Simon and Johnny’s friend Gaz, as least when he’s not deployed. He’s a lieutenant or something, part of the unit that your friends used to be in. He’s nice, if a bit too charming for you to be entirely comfortable around him. On sunny days he always finds an excuse to take his shirt off and flash all his well-maintained muscle at any watchers, but annoyingly, today he’s trying to persuade you to do the same. “Ah, come on, Ripper. You’re gonna be as pale as that one if you don’t get some sun,” he says playfully, jerking his thumb in Simon’s direction. Simon is, as always, fully covered, with long sleeves under his t-shirt and socks up to his knees.
You roll your eyes. It would be physically impossible for you to ever be as pale as Simon, regardless of how little sun you get. “I think between you and Johnny, we’re showing plenty of skin as a group.”
“Never have seen ye take off yer shirt.” Johnny leans against Gaz’s shoulder, blue eyes curious. “Never even change ‘fore or after games. Ye just goan home as is.”
“So?” you ask.
“Johnny, leave ‘im alone.” Simon ruffles your hair playfully. “Lad’s just shy.”
“Not shy,” you say amiably. “Just have several sets more nipples than the average person. Bit self conscious about it.”
Johnny’s eyes bug out. “Really?”
Simon swats his arm. “No not really, Johnny. ‘E’s ‘avin’ us on.”
“Did we come here to play football, or did we come here to speculate on the number of nipples I have?” In all fairness, you probably could take off your shirt without worrying about it now. Your scars are a few years old, fully faded, and you’ve put on so much muscle since (and especially since getting to know Simon and Johnny) that you don’t even notice them when you look in the mirror now. Still, the risk of them seeing, the risk of them noticing and treating you differently is not one you’re particularly keen on.
“Sure we came here to play, but tha’s all Ah’m goan ta be able ta think about noo.”
“Well, I don’t see how that’s my problem.”
Simon’s hand comes down on the back of your neck, that affectionate scruff he usually uses on Johnny. “Aw, come on, Rip, ‘e’s not goin’ to be useful to anyone if you don’t. If you’re not shy and you’ve got the normal amount of nipples, don’t see why not.” His hand is heavy, his thumb brushing across the skin under your ear deliberately. “Wun’t mind seein’ the results of all that work you’ve been puttin’ in myself.”
You give him a sharp look for encouraging the other two, but he’s unconcerned, just gently squeezes the back of your neck. Your knees wobble.
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azems-familiar · 7 months
i'm writing snippets - little flashbacks really - of my wol as Azem (or, in this case, pre-Azem), Emet-Selch, and Hythlodaeus, for a bit piece i'm writing that may or may not end up finished enough to go up on AO3, and i fucking. i love these guys. they're so HORRIBLE.
The trip to Elpis was meant to be a learning experience - to see the practical side of their studies, what goes on when concepts are approved to be studied more thoroughly, to introduce them to researchers and give them a wider view of jobs they might be interested in when they graduate. What was not meant to occur was a failure of the security system, resulting in several dangerous concepts escaping out of the contained observation areas and into the general fields of the main isles. The students were supposed to stick together, be led to a safe point, and await the researchers’ attempts to get everything under control, but Hythlodaeus had looked into the distance and had seen one of the escaped creations moving freely, away from the Elpis staff meant to capture or revert it, and heading in their direction. Someone has to do something, he’d said, before taking off running, and Seleukos had cursed under their breath and followed, after a single shared glance with Hades, because Hythlodaeus is many things, but an ideal combatant is not one of them. And now here they are, facing down a carnivorous creature with fangs as long as their arms, razor-sharp claws that’ve already torn a hole in Seleukos’s robes, and scales like armor all the way across its body. A snake with four legs and claws. What even was the point of creating something like this? “Why would anyone create this?” Hades hisses next to them, and Seleukos just shakes their head, channeling more aether into the protective barrier they’ve raised - the barrier the creature is currently trying to chew through, dripping something from its fangs that smokes suspiciously like venom when it hits the grass. Protective magicks aren’t usually their forte, but the creature had lunged at them the moment they got close - thermal senses, likely - and it’d been an instinctive reaction, their staff manifesting into their hand in the space of a heartbeat. “There is a certain sense of artistry to it,” Hythlodaeus muses. He’s standing further back, safely out of range of claws and fangs and tail, occasionally firing arrows at weak points in the creature’s scales, though he hasn’t managed to do much beyond anger it so far. Which is, Seleukos supposes, more than Hades’s bolts of fire have done, no matter how much power is behind them. “Though its attitude leaves something to be desired.” “Hythlodaeus,” Seleukos snaps, tightening their hand around their staff. “Priorities.”
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