#...thank you mr. farouk
The grumpy/sunshine vibes emanating from Mr. Ajayi and Mr. Farouk are immaculate
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domxmarvel · 4 months
Walk you home
Pairing:Charlie spring x Male!Reader
Prompt:U Umbrella
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It's the first day of school,the teacher, Mr. Farouk, tells you that the empty seat next to some boy with black hair is your assigned seat. You sat down 
"Hi,I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you" He looks up from his notebook, seeing you had sat down next to him
“H-hi my name is Charlie,It's nice to meet you t-too” Charlie stutters nervously. Just as you were about to say something else a blond boy walked up to your table. He laughed before saying 
"You put the new kid next to him,now he's gonna turn gay too" You felt the need to stand up for yourself and Charlie,but before you could. The other boys laughed and mocked him, which in this moment, Charlie felt small, vulnerable, and embarrassed. Charlie knew he wouldn't be able to stand up for himself, so the only thing he could really do was look down and try and not focus on what was happening
"You have a problem with me being gay or something" you said,it wasn't a question but a threat. You wouldn't stay silent and let him say whatever he wanted. The blond boy looked at you, surprised that you would actually dare to say that back to him. The blond boy's friends looked at him, trying to figure out what to do in this situation
“Well, yea, I do. What are you going to do about it?” The blond boy said that as he stepped slightly closer to you, clearly trying to be intimidating. You weren't backing down 
"Maybe you like him,is that why you're so mad that you're not the one next to him" you smirked. The boy's friends laughed at what you said, and the blond boy's face immediately turned red as he felt embarrassed 
“I do not like him and I'm not mad that I'm not the one sitting next to him. I have a girlfriend anyway” The boy was clearly trying to cover up how embarrassed he was because of what you said
"Sure you do" you said sarcastically,The boy's friends looked at him, now all of them laughing at how stupid he looked
“Yea I do! Don't think you can just call me a liar. My girlfriend and I are very much together” By now his friends were all laughing even louder at how the boy was trying so hard to explain himself. You rolled your eyes at him 
"Whatever just back off before you regret it" The boy looked at you, clearly embarrassed and mad. Before sighing and stepping back, turning around and walking away. His friends followed after, continuing to laugh as they walked away. The boy muttered something, but it was too low for you to hear clearly-You sat back down. Charlie looked up at you, now that the blond boy and his friends had stepped away from the table. Charlie looks at you, a small smile on his face that seemed to show how glad he was that someone was able to stand up to the boy
“T-thank you,for doing that. I n..never know what to say back to them. So thanks”
"Don't worry about it,I had plenty of practice at my last school when I came out”
“R..really? They m..made fun of you?” Charlie looked at you, his eyes showing a mixture of sadness and shock.. Like he couldn't believe what he had just been told.
"More like relentlessly bullied me. I had enough and fought back,ended up beating them so badly they ended up hospitalized and I got expelled.”
“Y..you got expelled?? But did the teachers even ask why you did it?? They should have understood why you did that! Not send you away!” Charlie now looked more annoyed than anything. He didn't understand how they could have expelled you, just because you tried defending yourself.
"They knew everything,plenty of students told the faculty but they didn't do anything to stop it. Life's unfair so the moment I fought back I ended up in trouble. My mother tried to talk to them but they refused to see it in any other way than what they wanted. I hurt them so I was seen as the problem. But I was in need of a fresh start,although this school doesn't seem all that different"
“T..the teachers never do anything. It's like the only people they try and help are the ones bullying others. It's never the other way around” Charlie sighed before continuing to speak, a hint of annoyance and anger in his voice. “Y-you should probably have been transferred to another school, or at least the ones who bullied you should have been expelled. Expelling you is like punishing the victim while letting the one who caused it get away with it”
"I know,so I figured now I'd make myself someone no one dares to mess with from the start"
“Well. I think you're succeeding. If i could do what you just did, i'd probably avoid a lot of the bullying” This was the first time you've heard Charlie not stutter. By how he was speaking, this subject clearly makes him upset that he can stick up for himself.
"It's not easy,sure you push away the bullying but you also push everyone else away too. And I haven't known you long but you seem far too nice to push everyone around you away. It's different for me,I've been alone since I came out" Charlie looks at you, a small smile on his face,carefully reaching out, putting his hand on yours.
“Y-you won't have to be alone anymore. We can be friends. I know we've only just met but, I can't just ignore something like this” 
After school 
Lessons were over and you were ready to go home. As you were about to walk out you saw Charlie standing by the door. It was raining heavily,for once you were grateful that your mother forced you to take an umbrella with you. You walked over to Charlie. 
"I'm guessing you don't have your umbrella with you?" Charlie looked up at you, he was dripping wet from the rain. His dark curly hair was sticking to his forehead. Charlie nodded, not wanting to respond in fear that his stuttering would kick in."Come on,I'll walk you home" you opened your umbrella,covering both of you. You could tell that Charlie was surprised by how you offered to walk him home. But he did look grateful at that, like he hadn't expected anyone to offer that,Charlie nodded, before slowly following beside you as you two were walking from outside and towards the direction he lived. You let him take the lead since you had no idea where he lived. After a few minutes of walking,you arrived at Charlie's house. Charlie stood there for a moment, as he took out his house keys from his pockets. Before unlocking the door, he turned towards you and smiled.
“T-thank you for walking me home. But I don't want you walking back in the rain by yourself. You can stay until the rain stops.” Charlie spoke, his voice slightly more steady than before. He still stuttered a bit but it was clear he was trying to compose himself so it wouldn't be as bad
"That's very nice of you to offer but my mother's waiting for me. Maybe some other time”
“O..oh, alright.” Charlie said this as he leaned slightly against the wall, now looking a bit dejected that you were leaving. Charlie thought to himself that he wanted to ask you something before you left, but he wasn't sure if he should. A part of him thought he should, but the other part of him didn't wanna risk how you would react to it. He was very worried and nervous, but still decided to finally just say it.Charlie looked up at you, a look of nervousness in his eyes “U..umm... Before you go, could I ask you something?”
“W..well” Charlie starts to play with the hem of his sweater as he looks down at the floor. He takes a deep breath before continuing to speak, slightly stuttering at the start but slowly calming down until there's no more stuttering at all. Now all that there is in his speech is a nervous shaking voice
“I wanted to s..ask you if maybe we can have each other's numbers? Just so we can talk more and we can text. Is that okay?”
"Sure" you exchanged numbers.You could tell Charlie was very nervous throughout the whole exchange of numbers. He was worried he might mess up, or that you would think him weird for asking for your number,but now that he had got your number he gave a small, shy smile. One you could instantly tell was real, and meant a lot to him. "So I'll see you tomorrow"
“Yea! I'll see you tomorrow” Charlie said as he gave a small wave to you before going back into his house and closing the door behind him
the next day after school
When school ended, Charlie was waiting by the entrance again, hoping you would wait for him like you did before. And you were waiting,it was raining today too. So you waited in case he didn't have his umbrella today either. Charlie came out of the school, looking surprised and relieved to see that you were there waiting for him. A small smile appeared on his face when he spotted you he walked over to you, now standing beside you and leaning against the wall
“Y-you waited here this time? Charlie said, with a small chuckle and a shy smile still on his face. You could tell he was very happy that you waited for him
"Of course I did,I was worried you didn't have your umbrella again" 
“Y-you didn't need to worry, but thank you” Charlie said,still with a smile on his face.
"Come on I'll walk you home"
“That sounds great”
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freyaatp · 2 years
part two of scenes and moments i need in heartstopper s2 because im rereading volume three rn 😭
coach singh telling nick about her wife <3
"what are we whispering about and can i be involved?"
more christian, sai, and otis (including the "whyd you have to say really good mates?" "what was i supposed to say? hey nick, we know you and charlie are a thing and that's fine?" "...definitely not that")
more isaac please and thank you (and those BIG ASEXUAL PLANS)
harrys weird attempts at sticking up for nick and charlie
mr farouk telling darcy he can't punish her for food poisoning (i love mr farouk)
"nathan, i speak french" "oh right"
the looks that tarcy and narlie give each other when mr ajayi says it's not appropriate for couples to share rooms hehe
"oh, you're being gay. carry on then"
tao being all nervous around elle AHJDHAJDBSKF
more of nick and tara's friendship
taoelle laughing together at their little sleepover bc they're adorable
charlie saying "payback"
more of imogen bc i think she's adorable (maybe a queer imogen storyline? as long as it doesn't take away from the other characters' stories ofc :D)
MORE SAHAR!!!!!! i love her so much okay leave me alone
"WHY were you wearing a beanie at a swimming pool???"
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blue-sunflower-bee · 1 year
Finally got to read the new chapters of Volume 5 and... I didn't expect myself to get so emotional about Charlie's self image and Mr Farouk... But here I am now
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You have absolutely no right to be that relatable. Every time I read Heartstopper and the little chapters with Mr Ajayi and Mr Farouk, I remember that I'm not a teen anymore, that I'm 22 and an adult (even tho I don't feel like one) and I get incredibly sad cause similar to Mr Farouk, I feel like I missed out on a lot during my teen years cause there was always sth holding me back...but here is the Magic about Heartstopper... This sadness only lasts for a few seconds cause Alice's work gives me and so many other people hope and self confidence. I feel seen...and less lonely.
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"Aw, I wish we'd met as teens."
"I don't. I was so moody."
Relatable as well. I was such a moody and grumpy teen...and I honestly feel sorry for everyone who had to put up with me xD and also thankful for the few friends who didn't leave my side.
All credits go to Alice Oseman
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bluedalahorse · 4 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I was tagged by @silvagrey! Thank you for bringing me into the game.
How many works do you have on Ao3?
Four so far! Heart and Homeland is massive and multichapter, though. Hoping to post two other fics this week—one old one for the Les Mis fandom, one new one for Young Royals fandom.
What's your total Ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Primarily Young Royals. I do have one sort of experimental piece for a show called Merli Sapere Aude and am going to be posting an old Les Mis fic (that I’ve never put on AO3 before) for Barricade Day this Thursday.
Top five fics by kudos:
Heart and Homeland comes first, followed by Terrain Boundaries Territory. Peripeteia and Pieces That Make Up A Set are tied for six kudos.
Do you respond to comments?
Yes, absolutely! I came of age in the livejournal era when comments sections were buzzing with conversation. Please just come and chat with me on my fics, it’s so much fun.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Chapter 32 of Heart and Homeland is the angstiest/most tragic ending of anything I’ve ever written and I am still proud of it. I made @heliza24 cry! But Heart and Homeland overall is going to have a happy ending, I promise.
Calculated Dust, the Les Mis fic I’m going to post, also has an anngsty ending.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I initially read this question and went ??? because I wasn’t sure how to answer it. I think this question might be better answered by my readers and what they might find happy.
Do you get hate on fics?
No. I suppose I get more indifference because I tend to write less popular characters and pairings.
Do you write smut?
Yes! I’m one of those aces who enjoys writing smut. My smut is not very explicit, admittedly. But I enjoy it as a form of character study (and also it is fun and hot.)
Craziest crossover?
I’m not going to tell you because I want it to be a surprise, but there is a blink-and-you-miss-it reference to a favorite childhood book series in my current WIP. I wonder who will spot it?
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge. I do not recommend stealing my fics, though.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I haven’t yet. I suppose if I wanted to be a masochist I could translate some of my fanfiction into Latin.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! @heliza24 and I are the dream team! The great thing about writing with a co-writer is that we try to one up one another and it means our stories are full of all kinds of twists and turns. We also sometimes record ourselves reading new chapters and send them to one another in little “audiobooks.”
All time favourite ship?
Sargust aka MY SHIP OF ALL TIME. I will write them tragically, I will write them hopefully, I will write them in the 19th century, I will write them in an AU where August is also a girl and they are sapphic. Sorry not sorry but they are… so hot together actually. (Obligatory disclaimer applies.)
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have this unfinished series of Heartstopper vignettes where they all have to take care of “egg children” at school as a project about responsible parenting. With one exception (eggception?) people are not paired with their romantic partner as coparent. 
The most important part of the fic is Darcy and Isaac deciding to protest the coparenting assignment by arguing for a better, more inclusive sex ed curriculum. They pass out a bunch of pamphlets written by one Dr. Jean Milburn. Darcy and Isaac’s chapter is told entirely as a school email chain, including some very beleaguered emails sent by Mr. Farouk.
It would be fun to finish that but I don’t know if I will because I sort of forget about Heartstopper when it’s not airing.
What are your writing strengths?
I think I have a good grasp of how to select telling details that show what’s going on in a scene. I also am very good at getting into a character’s brain/mindset and bringing the reader close to them. 
What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing quickly. Knowing how to end scenes. Being concise. (I’m hoping to get into a workshop this summer that will help me with the “being concise” thing.)
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
It’s cool? I like it? I read a lot of YA books that do that, so I’m used to reading it.
First fandom you wrote in?
If being a little kid and writing stories based on stories I like counts, probably Disney’s Robin Hood or The Wizard of Oz.
Here’s some Wizard of Oz “fanfiction” from when I was about four or five years old:
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Favourite fic you've written?
Definitely Heart and Homeland, but the current one I’m working on (tentatively titled Swell the Numbers) is fixing itself in my heart too.
No pressure tags: to my roommate and bestie @coruscantrhapsody!
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crankpit · 1 year
ok highlights from heartstopper s2 because i need to rant
- literally all taoelle scenes ESP PROM!!!!! them dancing together!! they’re so perfect
- “and how did you know that this is my favorite chocolate bar?” GOD
- darcy asking tara if she’d still like her if she was a worm
- tao’s coursework 😭
- the moment nick finishes his last exam and they all run out the room laughing. a beautiful love letter to adolescence.
- the soundtrack!!!!!!! literally all the songs
- “i bet you’ve all been laughing at me behind my back because i’ve been so oblivious” 😭
- darcy vs. the invisible fish
- mon amour
- all the exact quotes from the comics esp the bit with darcy calling tara “jonesy”
- TAO. just in general. he’s so perfect.
- literally everyone’s reaction to nick speaking french
- elle’s outfits???!!!!!!!??? also elle’s smile
- tara’s folklore poster. yes.
- tao giving elle apple juice and running away (twice)
- embarrassed and awkward nick seeing the hickey. “i don’t even know how to do that” MY ANGEL!!!! “oh my god, wtht—is that—? did i do that?” BRO YES
- “i’m sure we’ll get to do it one day”
- giggling after making out
- “we WILL be having words!!!!”
- tao answering the door shirtless obviously
- nick and tao getting to know each other 🥺 tao being reluctant at first but then obviously couldn’t resist opening his heart to nick’s golden retrieverness
- the way kit’s such a fuckin HEARTTHROB. he’s insanely good at playing head over heels. hugh grant Who like literally
- the immaculate found family vibes. they were thru the Roof this season. it was nice to see everyone knowing each other better and hanging out as a group more
- elle’s painting
- nick turning back to kiss charlie at the door in front of everyone 🥺
- oh my god nick you giant rugby idiot
- tao freaking tf out about planning a date w elle
- nick n charlie running thru paris to gabrielle aplin HOLDING HANDS. also felt like such a celebratory scene. i love those
- elle and tao admiring each other’s respective passions for different forms of art
- “it makes me want to draw” so simple so Beautiful and i know exactly what feeling she’s talking about
- their first kiss and them not knowing what to do and just giggling together…. GODDDDDDDD like are you kidding me. the cavetown song. elle lifting her leg…… FUCK
- the entire cast walking in slow motion down a corridor to carly rae jepsen’s “run away with me”. they did that
- charlie slamming the door in ben’s face
- tao kissing charlie just for shits and giggles
- “what were you gonna say?” “i… forgot” 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
- the teachers’ subplot . absolutely adorable
- all the “thank you, mr. farouk”s 😭 dads
- charlie in nick’s lap like are you KIDDING
- the queer to straight ratio is actually so fuckin hilarious. are there literally Any straight characters except tao and imogen? is imogen even straight? something was going on there
- darcy’s instagram post. so iconic
- tao seeing elle in her dress before prom. “you look… you’re so… hello!” PLEASAE
- taoelle paint scene GOD
- “you should invite him tonight! just tell him we need more chaperones”
- isaac realizing he’s aroace 😭 i’ve had that exact moment and i felt really seen <3
- “Like, being in a world where romance and sex are prized above everything else when you don't feel those forms of attraction. Growing up feeling that something about you is different, but you don't have the words to describe what that is. But then, freedom; the euphoria of freeing yourself from those pressures and expectations.” 🖤🤍💜 i cried.
- seven. nick and charlie kissing with seven by taylor swift in the background.
- their kiss in the doorway in the last scene oh my god. charlie on tiptoes
- and, as always, the way this show is an UNAPOLOGETIC CELEBRATION OF QUEERNESS. THANK YOU ALICE OSEMAN ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤
my heart has stopped :)
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annoyingvoidzombie · 1 year
Heartstopper 2x01 Out:
The Pictures they took in the booth in the episode before! + The bday present
"Good morning Boyfriend ❤️" not crying not crying
Lift your head dude, there's so much more than sexting
Charlie is happy, truly happy so yayyy
Nick tells Charlie he came out, and "well done" kiss and omg so cuteee
Mmm Charlie's bedroom makeout and such great couple moments that all ends with them loving eachother
Bed scene, ohhh something getting steamy
The sparks the sparks
They're just sooo happyyyyyy
"I HAVE A BOYFRIEND" yes Charlie we know, the world knows
Tao X Elle just do something already, fighting over the apple juice isn't what we had in mind but sure ..
Imogen you're so fun and pretty
Some test plot
Oh shit, Ben Vs Nick, that won't end well for some
Mr. Farouk sure is loving his new power
Wow Nick is cold ass
Rugby? Again love? Didn't you learn ?
Nick teasing Charlie with love
Tara x Darcy are so adorable and Elle's relationship mummies
Tao hair cut, and Elle touching it, he must be freaked out
Chocolate is a present? Since when...
Okay, now we know that chocolate and Oreos are it their thing also it's Nick's favourite
Locker room kiss
"BUT KISSING SO FUN" oh Nick, you're head over heels
Eiffel tower kiss!! Me? Crying?
Tori spring is the biggest Narlie shipper, sipping on her drink and loving seeing them as happy
Knees touching, shoulders too is PG13 make out basically and now fingers too
Sleepovers, really?
Welcome to the group Imogen, beautiful thing, you deserve to have them in your life too
Nick trying to coming out to Imogen.. having his difficult time
"draw me like one of your french girls" okay Tao, okay.. your crush is showing
Why can't they kiss already??
I would have loved to have this kind of friends group growing up
Nick is such a big spoon to Charlie little spoon
Tao making some excuses
Thank goodness Imogen is so blunt, and now she sure knows how to act as "an ally" but Ben? Well.. I kinda saw it coming
Again with all the hugssss
They're kissing infront of everyone and they truly don't care
Charlie is happy, he truly is
Charlie didn't saw this one coming, no one did, "hanky panky" wow
"I can protect him" wow baby .. you truly love him and your sister loves you!
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blueikeproductions · 10 months
Hi, love ur art!
what do you think of ship Kurt/Jason dean? I think their interactions make a great spark and giving "strangers to enemies to lovers" dynamic. If you had some head cannons on them, pls share, I beg.
Aw thank you! I’m pleased as punch to know people enjoy my slightly unorthodox take on Heathers.
Ok this is AU centric so bare with me.
In a scenario where Kurt and JD weren’t romantically invested in Ram, Veronica, Duke or Braverman, their dynamic would be… interesting.
Even in the main AU timeline, Kurt is attracted to JD. Like Veronica, he’s smitten by the allure of this mysterious wanna be too cool for school bad boy, and he loves size differences (JD only about comes up to Kurt’s chest, and is wiry and lean in contrast to Kurt being a big bodybuilder). In the main AU, JD wants nothing to do with Kurt initially, finding him to be another jock asshole that tormented Specs, Braverman and Veronica. When Kurt and JD get to know each other better as time goes on when Kurt and Ram begin reforming after getting the crap beat out of them by JD and the shock of Specs’ sudden death, the two bond over shared nerdy interests and grief at loosing a loved one (Kelly for Kurt and Jocelyn for JD).
If it blossomed into true romance, the two would have a playful, flirty vibe, the “What’d your boyfriend say when you said you were moving to Sherwood, Ohiiiiooooo~” becoming a joke between them as JD always responds “About damn time.” as they kiss.
Because the fandom has adopted the idea Musical JD is the submissive/bottom type, it’s kind of a wonder JD is still alive from being eclipsed by the much larger Kurt when in bed (especially in non intimate ways, because Kurt takes up the bed, and tends to roll over on JD.)
In Heartstopper terms, if JD and Braverman were dating, they’d be Charlie and Nick (if Charlie had violent murderous impulses), while JD and Kurt would be Mr. Farouk and Mr. Ajayi.
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sliebman10 · 1 year
A discreet kiss
Another kiss from @mikaharuka‘s list. Thank you, @udaberriwrites, for the idea of pairing. Featuring Mr. Faoruk and Mr. Ajayi from Heartstopper:
The bell rang and the students poured out of the classrooms. Mr. Farouk stepped out into the hallway like he always did to keep an eye on his little domain in the science hallway. There were a few kids pushing each other but Mr. Farouk crossed his arms and glared at them and they slunk away, avoiding eye contact. 
He didn’t have a class right now, so he closed up his room and made his way toward the arts wing.  He found Mr. Ajayi in much the same position he was in a few minutes before. Their eyes met and they smiled shyly at each other. Their relationship was still a new, fragile thing between them and they still didn’t really know how to act at work. 
But he looked so endearing in his blue button down and sweater vest. “Hey. You’re off now?” Mr. Farouk said, bumping his arm lightly.
“Yup…I’ve got some kids coming in to finish a project. You can join us?” he said, framing the offer as a question. 
“Let me get my laptop.”
He worked quietly while the four kids painted and gossiped. Every now and then they would meet each others’ eyes and smile. When the bell rang again, Mr. Ajayi walked him to the door, his hand lightly on his back. 
“See you for lunch?” he asked.
Mr. Ajayi’s eyes flitted through the hallway and then he leaned over and kissed him, just a quick brush of his lips. “See you for lunch.”
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annepi-blog · 1 year
tag someone who you want to get to know better
thanks for the tag @special-bc-ur-part-of-it
favorite color: This question is tough because I love many colors. If I had to choose I would say a golden yellow, followed by a rather dark green.
last song: Spotify says it was Runnin' Home to You (Guitar Version) by Grant Gustin from the Flash musical episode.
last movie: At the theater the Barbie movie. At home, it was Red, White and Royal Blue.
currently watching: I just watched the second season of Heartstopper last week.
other stuff I watched this year: This year I went to the cinema to see The Whale, The Little Mermaid, Asteroid City, Barbie and for the second time Everything Everywhere All at Once. Otherwise, I'm currently watching the new season of Grey's Anatomy with my best friend and with all my roommates finished watching New Girl and Mandalorian together and have now started Modern Family. Plus, of course, Glee every now and then.
shows I dropped this year/didn't finish: I didn't really stop anything. The closest I would say is that I don't know when I'll get around to watching Witcher S3 because I also watch it with friends and we have to find time together.
currently reading: Unfortunately, I'm not reading a book right now but just a lot of scientific articles for work. I try to keep up with many WIP Klaine fanfictions because they always bring me joy <3
currently listening to: I don't listen to any particular album at the moment, I tend to turn on my playlist with songs from musicals and movies the most.
currently working on: At work, I am currently preparing the exam for this semester for my students and just started to organize the practical course for the next semester. In my spare time, I'm currently writing a Klaine one-shot based on a German song.
current obsession: Mhmm, maybe the teachers in Heartstopper. They appear for maybe 10 minutes in the whole series, but I love Mr. Farouk and Mr. Ajayi. Otherwise, I was on vacation in Iceland last week and learned about cave bacteria while visiting a lava tunnel. Apparently, they are being analyzed by NASA right now, and I researched about it quite obsessively after the visit :D
Tagging (no pressure ofc): I can never remember who has been tagged. I tag @daisyishedwig @shame-is-a-wasted-emotion @kirakiwiwrites @mynonah and anyone else who wants to do this
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newpathpride · 1 year
Oh my, I just realized I am also Mr. Farouk! I’m the middle aged person who didn’t realize they were gay until youth was long behind them…
When he said that line about missing out on youthful experiences it really hit me in the gut. This show really covered everything, including the challenges of coming out as an adult.
Alice Oseman and crew are genius. Thank you for bringing this show into existence!
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bodaciousalliance · 7 months
The heart of Mr Farouk,
ch. 59: "Lazy Saturday"
The aroma of coffee began to percolate through the house. Nathan had time to search around in the pantry, finding the croissants, butter and jam; but that was as far as he went, he knew the croissants were Youssef’s department. Meanwhile, in the corner Kit-Kat crouched down on his haunches glowering across the room. Nathan was careful to give him a wide berth, treading gingerly around him.
Soon enough, Youssef emerged. Like Nathan, he had dressed for effect this morning. All he wore was a pair of sexy black football shorts, and no shirt. What a sight he presented: the black shorts, with his black liners and carbon sockets, complemented the jet black hair of his head, beard and chest, while the flash of metal from his pylons and hooks set off the flash of his hazel eyes. Nathan was completely entranced by his sexy, topless lover, his very own bionic man.
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...what a sight he presented, the black shorts, with his black liners and carbon sockets...Nathan was completely entranced by his sexy, topless lover, his very own bionic man.
“Feed the cat, I dare you,” Youssef, at the pantry, tossed a bag of treats Nathan’s way.
“Ah … okay …” Nathan answered tentatively. He shook the bag and like a shot Kit-Kat came running across to him, meowing and rubbing himself against Nathan as he circled around his legs. Nathan squatted and showed Kit-Kat the now-opened bag, which drove him absolutely wild. He took one of the treats and, holding it between his thumb and forefinger, offered it to the cat. Kit-Kat, though in a mania of hunger—really there was something in these treats that always sent him crazy—gently took it from Nathan, without biting or nipping his fingers.
“Good boy,” Nathan cooed, offering him another—and another and another and another, until the cat walked away, sated, “Good boy, good boy,” Nathan cooed again, and Kit-Kat chirruped in reply.
Observing all this, Youssef thought ‘how sweet’. He couldn’t help but take it as some kind of good omen, given that Kit-Kat was usually completely hostile to everyone bar himself.
“He likes you,” he teased Nathan, “he’s never not hissed and growled at any visitor here—you’re the first one he’s warmed to.”
“I suppose that augers well then—I hope I can spend a fair bit of time here in the future, if you’ll have me, habibi.”
“Of course, my boyfriend, it’s great having you here, I love it,” as an afterthought, he added, “but I like your place too, you know.”
They sat at the table, enjoying their breakfast. The croissants—warm and buttery and jammy—were not as good as those in Paris but still pretty good for suburban England. The coffee, rich and creamy, was heavenly. The lovers sat there, taking in the simple joy of sharing a delicious meal with each other.
“So, habibi, did you have any idea of what you want to do today?”
“Well, my boyfriend, I thought I’d enlist your help in the kitchen—I want to put dinner on soon so it can simmer away during the day.”
“Oh … okay … you want me in the kitchen? You are brave, what are you thinking of?”
“Don’t worry, just help with some of the prep, no actual cooking—I’m doing Moroccan lamb—I hope that appeals. Anyway, what about you, what do you have in mind for today?”
“I brought a heap of art stuff. I’d like to draw a bit. And I brought you some stuff—just to play around with, only if you’re interested.”
“Hmmm … maybe?” There was a time when Youssef would have automatically, categorically said ‘no’. These days, being subjected to Nathan’s constant encouragement, he felt less unsure about his capabilities, and though he was quite sure he was devoid of any kind of artistic sense, he felt so much more open—again thanks to Nathan’s influence—to new experiences, to trying new things.
“Okay, cooking and drawing,” though Nathan was in no rush to do anything except savour the fantastic coffee.
“Let’s do it,” Youssef rose and made for the fridge and the larder, and started gathering the ingredients. He wanted Nathan to chop the vegetables; onions, carrots and potatoes—that was, especially the onions, the most fiddly and time-consuming part of the process for him. However, it quickly became obvious that Nathan was clueless about all things to do with cooking. Youssef even thought it may have been quicker for him to take over, despite how long it took him to do these intricate tasks with his prosthetic hooks. It didn’t matter, it was a joy to be doing stuff together and, with some patient coaching and gentle correction, Nathan was soon making a good job of it, while Youssef trimmed and carved the lamb into nice big chunks.
Before long the rich aroma of frying onions and garlic began wafting through the house, later joined by lamb, turmeric and other spices. It gave a cosy, homely feeling to the place. Nathan watched in fascination as Youssef deftly handled the various utensils and achieved the different tasks—frying, pouring, stirring and the like—with his hooks. Nathan almost let out a warning cry as he saw him about to pick up the casserole dish without first getting a pot-holder, then he realised, of course his prosthetics don’t feel the heat.
“There, we’ll just let that quietly stew away for a bit, and that’s our dinner,” Youssef said as he transferred the casserole from the cooktop to a slow oven.
“Mmmmm,” Nathan savoured it, he was loving being here.
“How about some tea, and maybe we can sit down and relax?”
“Lovely. Like I said, I’d like to draw. Actually, I’d like to draw you, will you sit for me?”
“Draw me? What, a portrait or something? … yes, of course, but why? Why on earth would you want to draw me?”
“Well … I love you …”
“I love you too!”
“… I love you, and right now I think I would want to draw you every day. Plus, you’re a great subject: your super-handsome looks and your amazing physicality.”
“Aaaar … hmmmm …”
“I know you don’t like it but, this idea of ‘difference’ is a real thing in art these days, there’s a big movement to proudly portray people with their various differences, to make a strong statement about it being okay to be different. You can be a part of that movement too, you know.”
“Oh … I don’t know, I’m not any kind of advocate or activist, don’t want to be, either.”
“That’s alright. You can at least pose for me, nothing more.”
“Yes, yes, like I said, for you, anything—my lovely boyfriend.”
“I see I’ve gained an adjective now,” Nathan teased.
They repaired to the living room, with their cups of tea. Nathan suggested Youssef sit on the couch while he got his stuff. Returning with his favourite sketch-pad and charcoals, he sat cross-legged on the floor, facing Youssef.
“So, how about you place your feet flat on the floor—yes—now, lean forward, elbows on your knees—that’s it—and look straight at me. Wow!”
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...feet flat on the floor, lean forward, elbows on your knees, now, look straight at me... wow!
It was a powerful aspect, the unambiguous metal of his leg pylons and hooks, the sexy thick hairy chest, the muscled shoulders, sort of bound by the harness-straps of his prosthetic arms, and his intense, cool gaze. All was magnified by the stark black and white of Nathan’s charcoal drawing.
“Can I see it?”
“Promise not to hate it, or freak out over your body-image issues?”
“Hmm, okay, I’ll try not to.”
Nathan got up and brought over the sketch. Youssef gasped a little, and slowly, carefully, thoughtfully perused the picture before him. He had gone completely quiet as he continued to stare at, to meditate on, Nathan’s portrait of him.
“You’re not going to go all lachrymose on me again, are you?” Nathan asked, only half-jokingly.
“Ummm … no … gosh, it’s remarkable, it’s such a strong image, I’ve never seen myself like this before—you’ve made me look so powerful.”
“Ah, well, the pose, and the medium, and the style add to it; but really all the power comes from the subject, the sitter, you—it all comes from you, Youssef.”
“Yes, but…”
“Look, habibi, honestly, this is one of my better ones, I can tell, they don’t always turn out so well. I mean to say, success as in actually being able to realise on paper what I see, to convey or transmit what I see and feel to you, the observer. It doesn’t always happen this well, in fact sometimes it doesn’t happen at all.”
“That’s interesting, I never thought about art in those terms. It’s all so subjective, isn’t it? You know, with science, we spend all our time trying to eliminate the subjective. We have to aim for complete objectivity.”
“Of course, that’s why it’s science and not art. Science and art, objective and subjective, just like yin and yang—that’s why we’re so good together, my lovely.”
“And here’s me thinking it was because you are so damned sexy,” Youssef had that glint in his eye again…
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nhasablogg · 1 year
Oh My GOD!!!! I’m watching Heartstopper currently, and I love Nathan and Youssef’s side plot, and as I was watching, I got vibes. Specifically: these two would make a great tickle fic vibes. And when I went on AO3 to see if anyone had written anything about them, at the top I find THIS? MASTERPIECE??? IS IT CHRISTMAS??????? And then I went to see if it was on Tumblr because I swore I recognized your username, lol. I’m so glad someone else caught the vibes, and this was SO CUTE!!! I loved the fic, you write them both amazingly, and I’d love to see you write for them again if you were up for it!
Honestly!!! I hadn't considered writing them at all but they WERE one of my favorite parts of the Paris trip in the comics and I really enjoyed writing that fic! Mr Farouk's internal dialogue was so much fun to try to capture. Thank you so much, I'm so glad you liked it!! Would love prompts for it if you have any!
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princesimonsblog · 1 year
Early Thoughts on Heartstopper Season 2 After a First Watch
I really enjoyed this season. It felt maybe a bit less magical than the first one, maybe because it tackles heavier topics, or because the novelty died off or because I just grew as a person, but this season was fantastic nonetheless.
Spoilers ahead!
Of course, I read all the books, even before the first season came out, so I already knew the story between Mr. Ajayi and M. Farouk. They already had my heart, but I looooooooved how it was portrayed in the show!!! Mr. Farouk made me cry so much because I relate to him a lot. I too discovered I'm queer later on and missed out on things. His eyes when he realized he could have this, he could have Mr. Ajayi, broke me. It was so well done.
And my baby Tao, he stole the show. He's the funniest, the most amazing character, and I think he is my favourite now (I didn't have one before, but I had a soft stop for Tao, this season just confirmed it). He has so much love to give and I loved getting more info on his background. Tao and Elle's chemistry was also so amazing and their kiss scenes were so great.
Also, Isaak in that scene in the book store? It's me. It's soooooooo me. Loved it. (also, really glad to finally have a good asexual representation in a show, thank you!)
And of course, Nick and Charlie. I feel like Joe and Kit's chemistry got better, which was really nice, I loved how many hugs there was. I loved getting more inside Nick's head, his anxiety and everything. And of course, Charlier with his struggles, I think they did it well.
Overall, a good season, can't wait for the other one.
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I LOVED IT SOOOOO MUCH 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰!!!!
OKAY FIRST OF ALL ISAAACCCCC MY BOYYY 🥰🥰🥰😭❤️❤️. He's been going through it but AAAHHHHH HE GRABBED THE ASEXUAL BOOK!!! I am so proud of him 🥰🥰🥰 though sir did you steal that- anyway he is in fact the most adorable ever and I love him with my whole heart 🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️ <3333 :)) :DD!!! He <33.
TAO AND ELLE ARE SO ADORABLEEE!!!! AND ELLE'S GOING TO LAMBERT :'DDD!!! AND ALSO THEY'RE OFFICIALLY BOYFRIEND AND GIRLFRIEND!!!!!! WHOOOOO :'DDDD 🥳🥳🥳🎉🎊!!! AND WHEN THEY FIRST SAW EACH OTHER FOR PROM 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ STOP I LOVE THEM SO MUCH 🥰. Also their dancing SLAYED like yes they were holding up the dance floor out there 😌 (I think one of them said something like that to one of them but if not eh I still say it lol). And their pictures 🥰🥰. So cute <3. Also poor Tao trying to read her dad xD. But yeah love them so much <3333.
MY TEACHERSSSS!!!! MY TEACHER BABEYSSSS!!!! MR. AJAYI AND MR. FAROUK :'DDDDD!!!! I LOVE THEM SO MUCH 😭😭😭❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰. ALSO THE SCENE OF THE COUCH (SINGH?) TELLING HIM TO INVITE HIM SLFJGHDKHLS LOVELY. Speaking of though is every teacher at this school gay xD. Like I don't mind it at all but xD- anyway they are in fact THE most adorable <333. Also SO glad they're slightly more functional than our teenagers (though tbh who knows if it's because they're adults) and didn't just go "oh yeah :')" about it being something they shouldn't have done lol. But AAHHHH he invited him out :'D and AAAHHHHHH they're so cute 🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️😭❤️❤️. Good crying, lol <3. I love them your honor :)).
IMOGENNN :OOO??! MY GIRL!! ARE YOU CRUSHING ON SAHAR?? :DDD?? Either way love you girl happy for you over all 🥰🥰🥰. Hope you do find someone if you want though :)) ❤️❤️❤️🥰. Love her <3.
Also I know we barely saw her but Tori always so hard 😌😌😌. As always, lol xD. I love her so much <333. Just- HER <333 🥰🥰❤️😭. Good tears xD :)).
TARA AND DARCY MY BABES 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️. POOR TARA THE WHOLE DAY WAITING FOR DARCY AND WORRYING ABOUT HER 😭😭😭💔❤️. AND POOR DARCY OF COURSE ALONE AND LITERALLY SLEEPING AT A PARK 😭😭😭😭💔💔❤️. But then her finally showing up :')). BUT TARA HAVING GONE TO FIND HER 😭😭😭❤️❤️. I cry because they love each other so much and she wanted to make sure Darcy was okay but also because they missed each other xd. And VJEUANDPK DARCY'S MOMMMM- I AM READY TO KILL AND MAIM THANK YOU <3333. READY TO MURDER HER!! <3333. Poor Darcy 😭❤️. But their conversation :')). I feel so bad for her 😭 honey she LOVES you, no matter what <333. You're going through a lot and I'm sure this new part of your life (for her) is gonna take some getting used to but you love each other and you can always count on each other :')). And AAAHHHHH ALL THOSE "I LOVE YOU"S 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️😭😭❤️. GOOD CRYING DON'T WORRY :'DDD. Y'ALL I LOVE THEM SO MUCH 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰. T h e m <333.
CHARLIE AND NICK ARE MY BABEYS THANK YOU VERY MUCH <33333!!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH I LOVE THEM SO MUCH 🥰🥰🥰😭😭❤️❤️. Good crying :')). AAAHHHHHHHHH NICK LIKE FULLY TOTALLY CAME OUT :'DDDD!!! I LOVE HIM ❤️❤️❤️❤️😭🥰. AND S T O P CHARLIE'S REACTION :'DDDD. Listen I love them all so much <333. All came to my mind for that sentence and it's true so we're rolling with it. But seriously them finally getting to be Out, like do whatever 🥰🥰🥰🥰. I'm so happy for them :')) <33. And then them deciding to leave xDD. Honestly slay lol. At least they went for a bit, that's good enough for me LOL xD.
AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH ALL OF THEM AT THEIR OWN LITTLE PERSONAL PROM :'DDDD!! Like together I mean lol. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH 😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰. THEY WERE ALL SO CUTE 🥰🥰🥰. And tbh that looks like so much fun :DD. I do wish Tara and Darcy got to have a chance to be at prom together for a little while but eh yaknow :DD. This was so adorable so I'll be fine 🥰🥰 xD. Also AWW all their goodbye hugs 🥰🥰❤️. I love them all so much <333 😭🥰❤️❤️🥰.
Had to put that before the sad stuff lol xD. Now, back to Nick and Charlie 🥰. First of all that rugby camp story is adorable and hilarious 🥰 xD, and my boys are so adorable 🥰🥰. Now xd 😭. Seeing (hearing) more of Charlie's backstory was so good and SO heartbreaking 😭💔❤️. And speaking of, Nick talking to Tao was so sad and so good <333. And the same goes for his talk with Tara - it was leading up to this all episode :') 😭❤️. And it seriously was amazing. Like I haven't mentioned this so far but the ACTING!!! Y'all the acting from everyone, in this entire show (as in always) is AMAZING!! Just stunning, absolutely phenomenal. Anyway, I did know the basics of Charlie's backstory, just stuff I've found out (like form tumblr or tiktok), but seeing it portrayed in the show is just heartbreaking. It's done so well but I just feel so bad for my boy 😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔❤️❤️❤️. And Nick supporting him <3333. It's just- FLAWLESS 😭, I LOVE THEM <3333!! AND THEN- AAAHHHHHH!!!! ALMOST AN I LOVE YOU!!!! AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!
Their goodbye :')) stop they're so cute <333. Also I found it fun that they were mismatched, like Charlie looked formal form the bottom half and Nick looked formal for the top half lol xD. Anyway 🥰. I love them so much <33. Also tell me why I was so stressed xD. Like I was like "please don't be a bad cliffhanger please don't be a bad cliffhanger" xD. Out here like "CHARLIE WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING PLEASE" XDD. You just can't take any chances lol 😭 xDD. But then AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!! I knew he wasn't gonna send it especially since I was pretty sure there would be a cliffhanger but still AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I HAD HOPE XDDD!! STILL THOUGH AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I LOVE THEM SO MUCH 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😭😭❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰!!! I'M NOT OKAY <3333.
I seriously loved this episode, and this entire season, SO much :'))). I'm sure I'll have more to say so I'll either edit this or make more posts lol, but right now, I'm just so happy <333. It was so good, I loved it so much :)). Also, I managed to watch the entire show in less than 12 hours, which included doing several other things xDD. So, slay for me lol XD.
Oh, and as I joked to my mom, THE COUPLES!! ALL THE COUPLES!! SO MANY COUPLES LOL!! And even just relationship plots like with Isaac xD! I love them all though don't get me wrong lol <333. I was just post episode 6 talking to my mom like "and then even the TEACHERS got together" XDD. I love them all, seriously <3333 🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️.
What an amazing episode, and an amazing season :). They all had such great growth, and I loved everyone's individual storylines :')). Heartstopper is just genuinely such a beautiful story - or like, a billion (okay like a dozen lol) beautiful stories wrapped up in one :')). It's so crazy to me that this can exist, that I get to see something this beautiful and sweet and silly and queer :'D. I love it so much, and I'm so grateful <333.
Thank you so much to the cast and creators, y'all rock :)). It's amazing, congratulations and spectacular job 🥰🥰🥰❤️.
I love this show so much y'all :'D.
AH okay :')). It's just past midnight and I wanna go reblog some posts lol, so I'll finish this up :D.
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Made the questionable decision to marathon all 8 episodes of Heartstopper Season 2 before I needed to sleep for work, and wow. I loved it so much. Wish I’d had this about 10+ years ago, but Mr. Farouk and Mr. Ajayi healed something for me, and I just loved it all to pieces. Thank you. That is all.*
*For now.
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