#.i saw this on pixiv and i laughed so hard
tsukimara · 3 months
𝙰𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝙳𝚊𝚢
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➸ A silent voice / Koe no katachi AU
➸ « Text » = Writing || ❝ Text ❞ = Sign language
➸ Art: En (On Pixiv)
➸ Warnings: suicidal thoughts, overthinking, anxiety.
➸ 𐙚PREVIOUS ||𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒|| NEXT 𖹭 — Masterlist
➸ Chapter 5
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Wanderer quickly let go of your hand as the group of people kept talking about you and laughing under their breath as they walked down the hall. He felt his heart beating, he didn't know what it was from and he didn't like it at all. After a long pause, he glanced at your face which was as nervous as his. It was quite awkward so he wanted to suggest going for a walk, but you beat him to it.
❝ Do you want to do bread duty with me? ❞ — You saw how puzzled his face was, so you immediately started explaining what it was — ❝ Bread duty is something I always do after sign language class, I feed the fish. Let's go, I'll show you. ❞ — He watched you smile from ear to ear, he nodded showing that he agreed and that you can lead.
As you were walking together to feed the fish, out of nowhere he started thinking about you again. Even though he didn't know what your older sister and younger sister looked like, he knew that you lived with them, along with your father, whom he had seen from the car in the past when he was talking to his mother. He's sure that if he saw you two together he wouldn't be happy to see him after all this. He hoped that you were feeling better and had many real friends in current school, without any problems like he did to you.
When you reached the bridge, you started taking out bread in a sack from your bag. After opening it, you started throwing small pieces of bread into the water where many fish immediately appeared and ate them. Wanderer was a bit surprised that you came to feed the fish after class, not everyone wants to do that. He patted your shoulder lightly to draw your attention to him for a moment.
❝ Why are you feeding the fish after class? ❞ — He signed as you put the bread down on the bridge railing — ❝ Our breadman doesn't come on Tuesdays, so I volunteered to do it. I like it when people count on me. ❞ — He looked at you strangely when you signed, he never understood why some people found it happy, maybe there was just something wrong with him.
❝ You're odd... ❞ — He noticed how you looked away and slowly tore off pieces of bread. He rested his hands on the railing and ruffled his hair slightly, angry at himself for signing it. He didn't mean to be rude, he just let it slip. He still couldn't believe that you were standing here together when all he had to do was apologize and ask for forgiveness. He just had to do it before...
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw you reading your old notebook where others wrote terrible things to you. Why were you reading this? You didn't want to forget the past? How he humiliated you along with the others?
❝ Y/N... Listen, why don't you give me that notebook? ❞ — Yet you didn't pay attention to him because you were busy reading and flipping through the pages. He didn't want you to read it so he tried to take the notebook from you but you immediately pulled it to your chest. Wanderer didn't give in and tried to grab it from your hands again, which caused the notebook to fall out of both of your hands and fall into the water.
Both of your eyes widened and you immediately leaned against the railing to find it. He didn't want it to end like this, but if it meant you wouldn't read it, he didn't mind that much. He turned his head towards you, but what he didn't expect was that you were in the middle of jumping into the water. He tried to grab you by the waist, but unfortunately you managed to jump in front of him and all he heard was a splash.
"Y/N!" — He yelled your name, he would never admit that you scared and worried him at that moment, he felt how hard his heart was beating. He quickly tossed his jacket aside and jumped in after you. When he was underwater, he surfaced to see where you were. He heard you gasp next to him as you tried to push the hair out of your face to see anything. You kept searching for your notebook as if your life depended on it. Was it really so important to you? If so, why?
You kept dipping in and out of the water just to find that damn notebook, he knew there was no point in trying to convince you, so he started looking too. It wasn't easy but luckily he saw it covered in sand and more. He noticed how you were still searching, not giving up, which confused him. He poked you lightly on the head with his finger and when you looked at him he handed you your notebook which you happily took. You bowed as a thank you and he just crossed his arms as he raised an eyebrow.
❝ Is this really important to you? ❞ — To which you nodded and slowly started to get out of the water. Wanderer ruffled his wet hair slightly, not understanding you at all, he didn't see anything that important in that notebook. He sighed and shrugged, it wasn't his place to judge, after all it was yours and not his. When you were back on the bridge, he noticed you were shivering slightly due to the cold wind, so with a little reluctance, he handed you his jacket and you stared at him in shock.
❝ Take this and don't think about doing such stupid things. Don't do it again. ❞ — He scolded you, but you gladly took the jacket from him to put it on. He watched as your cheekbones lifted high, causing him to turn his head to hide his embarrassment. He felt his cheeks burning, he didn't know why he was reacting like that because of you, he wanted it to go away quickly.
"Y/N!" — Wanderer heard someone calling your name, he looked straight and it turned out that it was your father, Neuvillette, who was walking towards you with a not very happy face. It seemed like your dad hadn't changed, he looked the same as before. He gently removed the hearing aid from your ear and noticed that it didn't work due to contact with water. Then his eyes landed on Wanderer, who was watching your father anxiously.
"Let's go home." — Neuvillette lightly patted your back to show you to go to the car. As you started walking you looked at Wanderer one last time with a smile and showed him in sign language 'see you later'. He hesitantly did the same and while you were gone, he was left alone with your father. Wanderer squeezed his hand as he watched Neuvillette take your backpack, he wanted to apologize to your father too for what he did but it was harder than he thought.
"Sir?" — Neuvillette's cold gaze met his pattern, and he felt a shiver run down his spine. Before he could say anything, your dad simply walked away from him, leaving him alone in the middle of the bridge watching him get into his car and drive away. Wanderer clenched his hands, causing them to turn white and his eyebrows furrowed. He knew your father didn't have to forgive him or listen to him, but he really did want to apologize and he was just ignored. He looked at the ground and gritted his teeth to calm down, he didn't want to suddenly explode with anger. He could only be angry at himself and not at the others who were innocent in this situation.
You looked at your father uncertainly as you got out of the car. You hoped that your father hadn't said anything mean to Scaramouche or that he hadn't hurt him in any way. Neuvillette, seeing your expression, took out the small notebook and pen that he always kept in his pocket to communicate with you in some way and gave it to you so that you could write down what was wrong. You took it and, after writing, handed it back to him to read.
« You didn't hurt him, right...? » — You noticed a small smile on your father's face and he shook his head, making you sigh in relief. You knew your dad wouldn't do it, but you always wanted to make sure. As you were about to enter your home, you suddenly realized that you hadn't asked Scaramouche about his new name, which gave you another reason to meet him again.
Wanderer was returning home late at night, he was still wet, which reminded him of the old times when he jumped into the water with his old friends, Kazuha and Heizou. Just thinking about them started giving him a headache, so he decided to stop thinking about it and his thoughts returned to you. You signed 'see you later' which meant you wanted to see him again. Why? You should dislike him or even hate him, why did you treat him like a friend? And if he saw you again, your father would definitely not like it, knowing that you normally talk to your past bully like friend.
But it wasn't that bad, right? He should be happy that you weren't mad at him, or you were, maybe you just hid it. Wanderer scoffed quietly as he couldn't calm down the thoughts that were swirling chaotically in his head. This notebook was important to you even after all this and only because he brought it back to you. He had already forgotten why he even kept it in his room instead of destroying it or do something else. But maybe that's a good thing. You were odd, but in a good way, that's what he wanted to sign earlier, but he didn't allow himself to show that he was weak, while also hurting you a little, which he didn't want.
Wanderer thought his mother was already asleep but when he entered the house he was greeted by his mother with warm food which was quite suspicious, at least she was a better cook than his sister.
"Welcome back Kuni! Come eat before it gets cold." — He just shrugged, took off his shoes and went to the bathroom to wash his hands. His mother was suspiciously happier than ever, not that he didn't mind because she had every right to be happy however it was quite weird. When he sat down at the table, he noticed that Nahida was not sitting in her seat as usual, so his mother had probably already put her to bed. As he ate, he felt her eyes so he raised an eyebrow at her and she just smiled slightly.
"Why are you so happy?" — His mother took out an envelope which he placed next to her head while she slept, causing him to immediately stop eating — "Thank you for the money, I see that you tried very hard. I would be very proud."
He watched as her gaze suddenly went blank as she looked at the envelope with the money and she frowned.
"Why did you want to kill yourself?" — Suddenly the silence became loud, Wanderer tensed like never before and his eyes were fixed on his food. His hands became clammy and he felt his stomach turn just looking at the food. She wasn't supposed to find out, at least not in the way. How was he supposed to explain this to her? He couldn't look at her, he knew that if he looked straight into her eyes he would see her disappointment.
"I... Um..." — He couldn't say anything. His mother threw something on the table and it was his calendar which was half torn which made him more stressed. He never thought he'd have a conversation about this.
"So is it true...?" — He couldn't lie to her because it would make things worse, so he clenched his hands tightly and nodded slightly, still not looking at her. There was silence, which worried him a little, so he decided to glance at her. His eyes widened when he saw tears, which was rare for her. He saw that her face was filled with anger and sadness, two emotions that he most didn't want to see on his mother's face.
"Why?!" — Suddenly she took the envelope with the money from the table and pulled out a lighter, keeping the flame close to the envelope — "Promise! Promise you won't kill yourself! If you don't do this... I will burn it all! I don't care that you sold everything to get this money, you have to promise!!!" — Burn? No, no, no, no, no, she couldn't burn it! He immediately stood up to take the money away from his mother, but she brought the lighter closer to the envelope, which made Wanderer stop moving.
"Don't be stupid!" — He snapped at her, she couldn't burn it. No — "You're stupid! Every time you earn this money again I will burn it and burn it until you promise me! Until you promise me you won't kill yourself! You have to promise me that!"
"NO! I won't listen to your excuses! Not any other words from you, I just want to hear your promise! Otherwise I'll burn it!"
"Promise! Just tell me!" — His heart began to beat faster when he saw how close the flame was to the envelope. He felt like he was going to break down, but he didn't want to cry in front of his mother, so he fell to his knees in front of her and put his forehead to the floor.
"I promise I won't kill myself! I promise! I promise!" — Wanderer gritted his teeth tightly, felt like he was sweating and his body was trembling slightly. He frowned as he still pressed his forehead to the floor, not wanting to look anywhere else.
"I hope you really mean it..." — He watched her from the floor, but quickly began to stand up, stumbling a bit when he saw the burning envelope in his mother's hand.
"Mom!" — She quickly let go when she felt burning, they tried to extinguish the flame quickly, which they managed to do, but...
"There's nothing left." — He said as he looked at the burnt remains of the money, there was nothing left. Nothing. They both looked at the leftovers and sighed quietly.
"I wouldn't want that money anyway." — When she said this, he raised his eyebrow and bandaged her hand after the burn. After finishing his mother's bandage, he said small goodnight to her and went upstairs to his room also checking if Nahida was still sleeping. He smiled a little when he saw her sleeping sprawled out on the bed, his cat curled up next to her head.
He quietly left and went to his room which was almost empty. He looked at the calendar he had taken from the table earlier and felt a little guilty. Maybe he really shouldn't do this? After all, then he will never see the smile on his mother's face again, he will not take Nahida to kindergarten by hand, he will not be able to pet his cat, he won't see you again...
He sat down on the floor, hiding his face in his hands, trying not to break down. He still felt this feeling that he didn't want to be in this world, he knew this feeling wouldn't go away anytime soon, but something made him want to fight, even if it was small. He promised, so he will try to fight even if his life falls apart. He will try.
He stood up and took the pages he had torn out of the calendar. He took the tape and glued them back, then hung it on the wall. He crossed his arms as he stared at it blankly like his mother had before and closed his eyes.
Tomorrow will be another day.
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➸ 𐙚PREVIOUS ||𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒|| NEXT 𖹭 — Masterlist
(⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ TAGLIST — @leafyaa , @luvkvni , @sayakaskokofish , @sketcheeee , @featuredtofu , @fallenisded , @skyvella , @mimiemie , @enjisthings , @xxrexx , @ylapsha45 , @shonoko-en , @blacky-rose , @0kauy , @vernith , @riinstar , @sl-vega , @kuki-corrosion , @himariilove , @vxcmx , @scaraenthusiast , @v1ctorias , @kukikoooo , @kazehoshikiru ,
Red = I can't tag you
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Other crack ships I like (Spoilers)
Again, this is for my entertainment only, I'm really a shipper at heart but I do separate things from canon to fanon, so the actual characters will not be muddled or misinterpreted with how they are characterized or presented by the author.
Cithis x Pattadol
My crack ship that's been rising since I saw some few fanarts from pixiv. Kinda cute school pres x delinquent kind of vibe.
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Toshiro x Rinsha
The one sided bonding couple. Probably. This is really a rare ship for me.
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Flamela is damn funny and beautiful by the way.
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I laughed so hard - Mr. Tansu or Tance kicked Flamela, thus the trio bonding over the pit.
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People I’d Like to Get to Know Better
Idk ig I’m doing this too, why not. Platonically giving @emxcited a little smooch and hug for the tag.
Last Song: I’m actually listening to music atm. Current song is THAT BITCH by Bea Miller. I’ll add in the final song I listen to before I finish this, as a treat too. (Last song of this post is Seizure Boy by Watsky.)
Favorite Color: I like yellow. Mostly like neon yellow green, and shades of bright orange and dandelion yellow. (Which is funny because those used to be my least favorite colors as a kid lol.)
Last Movie: This is actually a really hard one because I don’t watch a lot of movies unless family ropes me into it. Last bits I saw of a movie was the Aquaman movie playing downstairs. I got sucked into it a bit before I snuck off to my room again.
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: For meals, savory, 100%. For snacks, it’s a bit of a mix of all of them, but I probably lean salty.
Relationship Status: Single. I’m in a weird spot because I had a FWB I was in love with (they knew, don’t take it the wrong way) who really hurt me right around Christmas and I haven’t really been able to think of anything romantic or sexual in regards to myself without crying lol. Only been getting better a bit recently. And no I won’t name them, not that I think anyone is going to care enough to ask. They don’t deserve hate, no matter how much they hurt me.
Last Thing I Googled: “can you laugh if you have a vow of silence” I was listening to Vow of Silence by Lemon Demon and was thinking about a character with a vow of silence and how that would affect that kind of stuff. Before that was me googling a Wesen type from Grimm because I wanted to know what they looked like.
Current Obsession: I’m honestly not obsessed with any fandoms currently? I’m interested and involved but not obsessed. I think the only thing I’m a little obsessive about rn is, there was this one artist I followed on Pixiv who made this amazing art of their OCs and it was in Japanese so I couldn’t read any of it really but it was great, and then one day I went looking for them, and I can’t find them for the life of me. I don’t know if they just dipped and took their art with them or what. I have some saved on my phone and even did reverse searches and came up with nothing. They didn’t leave signatures on their art, and their Pixiv username was literally just the 🤫 emoji.
I keep thinking about them and wondering how I can find them. Even if it’s not to see more of their content, although I can wish, but just because I want to ask permission if I can use their art as PFPs and how to credit them and the like. Their art brought me a lot of happiness and I hope they know that, even if I never find them.
I think everyone I know is interested in this stuff has already been tagged by other people? I don’t think I know many people who I know are down for these sort of things. So I guess if you follow me, take that as me tagging you if you want.
Also @carbonatedcacti because even though I’m sure you’ve been tagged by Wren, I’m harassing you too because ily mwah mwah.
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confusedpandabear · 17 days
I checked out the harugou arts on pixiv. It's funny there's a literal 10 year dry spell of the tiny handful of harugou smut and then suddenly 50+ AI works out of nowhere just a few months ago. At least in AI world, harugou is steamy, sexy, and screwing each other like rabbits in heat. As they should.😌
I SAW THAT it made me laugh SO hard like who are you why have you made these and would you like to be friends?! 🥹
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kermitbread · 4 years
ok, I admit, this was actually based off one of those pixiv comics I saw floating around while I was just scrolling by. basically it's that but in text format. am sorry
also fluff overdose warning. proceed with caution.
Ding dong. The school chime signalled the end of today's classes. Students were now on their way home, but our little heroine Yashiro Nene remained in the empty classroom, all alone.
Apparently she had skipped some classes and needed to take remedials to catch up with her grades. She was upset, sure, and Nagisa-sensei didn't know whether he had heard her mutter "that stupid ghost" or if it was just her usual strangeness.
So now she was sitting on her desk, studying her notes. It wasnt all that bad, though. She had a cute little Mokke on her lap accompanying her, so it was all well and good.
That was, until he showed up.
Hanako made his presence known when he suddenly popped his head right through her desk. That's right, THROUGH her desk. Nene didn't look phased at all, though, and just settled for slamming her fist on his face.
He yelped out of pain, rolling on the floor holding his face. Nene huffed, returning back to her work. Served him right for trying to prank her again. She was having none of it!
"Yashiroooo." He drew out the last letter of her name, clinging to her shoulders from behind. He seemed to have already recovered from the earlier incident.
"What? I'm busy, Hanako-kun. I can't clean the toilets today."
"But I'm bored. Can't you finish that tomorrow?"
"You know I can't! Besides, if I don't finish this, I won't be able to pass my classes. And I won't be able to have time to go clean the bathroom." That rather mortified Hanako, and he stepped back from her.
"Then you gotta study hard!" His attitude suddenly went from bored child to enthusiastic parent. Nene sighed.
"Not with you interrupting. Just go sit somewhere and wait for me to get done."
"Yes ma'am." He did a mock salute and sat down on the desk behind hers, putting two hands under his chin.
It became quiet at last, to Nene's relief. She could now concentrate on her task at hand.
Tick, tock, tick, tock. The wall clock seemed to slow down little by little from the silence. Nene felt her eyes getting heavy, her grip on her pen loosening.
Until ultimately her head drooped down a bit, and she had taken a little snooze in front of her desk. Who can blame her anyway? The silence was rather relaxing.
Meanwhile, Hanako began to feel even more bored than ever. The silence bothered him, and Nene had been super quiet, which didn't really help. He stood up from the desk, floating to her side.
Eh? She's asleep? Of course she was. Even the Mokke on her lap had began to take a snooze, too.
He set his elbows on her desk, studying her face. Nice of her to fall asleep in front of homework, he wanted to joke out loud. Without even thinking, his eyes wandered to her lips.
For some reason, they looked so... enticing right now.
It drew him like a magnetic force. Like some unknown apparition was intentionally pushing him closer, telling him to...
Slowly, he leaned forward, eyes half-closed, and then—
That strange pain on her forehead woke Nene up, and she shook her hands around, pushing away the ghost boy from her space. Why was he even in front of her?
"I told you not to bother me when I'm studying, Hanako-kun!"
"Ah, sorry, sorry." Hanako laughed, proceeding to float back to the desk behind her. He sat down, putting his arms on the table and staring down, as Nene continued on her work.
If it weren't for his hat getting in the way, he would have—
His face flushed red, his hands nervously fidgeting.
What was he thinking?!
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ameftowriter · 5 years
From Your Voice To The Future (Dr. Stone Fanfic)
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all! Here’s the angst with a fluffy ending fic that I wrote a while back, but I keep forgetting to post it here cause work has killed me.  Warning this contains manga spoilers past the Stone Wars. It has sengen in it but it’s not the focus
Inspired by this fancomic within his art gallery by ♨️ on pixiv. Warning though this is much much sadder than this fic but god it was still so beautiful...
Special thanks to Hadrian for enabling me with this fic XD and BlueShadow for the proofread!
Ao3 | ffnet
Gen was afraid. Deathly afraid. He didn't know what to do. He wasn’t great at science like Senku or even Chrome for that matter. He was more helpful when gathering and making things, rather than trying to cure than to try to cure the man but every treatment they've thrown at him didn’t seem to work. Even when Senku suggested it, it failed miserably. There was nothing they could use to treat him. And it just seemed that his condition got worse and worse each passing day.
He then held Senku's hands. He looked at the scientist who was obviously in pain and sweating buckets even if his skin felt cold and clammy to the touch. He began wracking his brain for anything. Just anything that could at least ease Senku's pain.
That's when it hit him.
He’d heard from Ruri and Senku about the founder of the village, Ishigami Byakuya, who was also Senku's father. He had obviously heard of him before. After all, it was rare for a japanese to be an astronaut. He was all over the news for a while. After, he had heard the story behind the founding of this village, and even the final message to Senku. And even that record that was left behind.
Gen gritted his teeth and released his grip.
He hasn't done "that" in a while, not since the Stone Wars, almost a year ago. It's not that he couldn’t do it, it's just… just...
Gen shook his head, as he tried to get rid of any hesitation. He had to do this. For Senku's sake.
"Senku... Senku!" A very very familiar voice rang in Senku's ears. The scientist opened his eyes and there. Right there he saw him...
"Senku! What's wrong?" The man spoke to him with great concern, "I heard you were sick. So I rushed right in here! So I can tend to you!"
Senku couldn't speak. His dry throat just became even drier than before.
"It's okay... It's okay..." He reassured him as he reached over to put his warm hand over Senku's forehead. "It's me... Your dad is here, okay? It's going to be okay, Senku..."
"D-dad?" Senku manage to say ever so weakly, "Dad...? Is that..."
"Yes it's me, Senku." He felt his hands were grasped to tightly as if his dad never wanted to let go.
"Everything's gonna be okay..." Gen used his voice mimicry to fully imitate Byakuya's voice. He had only heard a bit of it from the news reports and the record. But he hoped it was enough.
Senku felt it. He really felt it. The hands that grasped tightly to his, they were so smooth despite them being rough and calloused, and warm despite his cold skin. They were loving and gentle. It reminded him of those times in the playground, as he and his father would watch the moon and the stars, dreaming of space. The safety and comfort he felt whenever his dad held his hands. "It... It really is you... Dad..."
Gen held himself back so as not to tear up or let his voice crack, not even for a second. His small, slender hands grasped Senku's so tightly, his own nails were starting to dig through the skin.
When Senku told him that he really was his dad.
Gen's mind went blank for a moment.
'Senku-chan really thinks I'm his father from just the voice alone. Even if my hands could never be like a full grown man's. The fact he called me his dad…'
He cursed himself for his decision on this. But there was nothing else he could think of that could help Senku. So he continued playing along.
"Senku..." Gen began mimicking Byakuya's voice again, "You've done so much. So much for this village, for your friends, for the world. It must be so hard to carry this weight on your shoulders. Especially since, since you're just a teenager."
Gen nearly felt his voice crack and had to stop.
"But..." Gen continued as he wondered if any of what he's saying would be something Byakuya would say to Senku. "But you mustn't give up! No matter what! I believe in you, my son. I know you can do it. I know you can bring back civilization from scratch. I know you'll bring back space exploration once more. Wasn't it your dream? To go to space?"
Senku felt the grip on his hands tighten again.
"I believe in you..." Gen spoke still in mimicry, "I trust you. You're my son. If there is one human being on this earth that could save humanity and bring back the world to its former glory. That would be you! Senku-ch.."
Gen quickly released his hands to cover his mouth. He breathed out a curse, hoping that Senku didn't catch that last part.
"Dad?" Senku's hands were let go so suddenly. He didn't even have time to process what was said. "Dad? Wait... Where are you going? Wait! Please!"
Senku reached out... His hands extended outwards as if he wanted to grab something.
"Don't... Don't go..." His voice cracked as tears fell from his eyes. "Don't... Don't leave me..."
Gen was just in utter shock. Ishigami Senku, the proud, arrogant, confident man who swore to take back civilization, was...
"Senku-chan..." He breathed out, quietly.
"I'm here!" Gen then held Senku's outstretched hands, as he felt the desire swell in him. And continued to mimic Byakuya's voice, "I'm always here. I'm always here for you, Senku. Never forget that. For days, months, years, even tens and thousands of years from now. I will still be with you, no matter what!"
Gen walked closer to Senku as he gently held those hands and let them wrap around his waist. He leaned closer to him, as he held Senku close to hug him.
"Never forget that... Okay?" Gen just let the words flow out of his mouth, "I love you, my son..."
Senku felt the man walk closer to him and wrapped his arms around his waist. He thought it was smaller than before. Way smaller. When he was hugged, he was so sure, Byakuya was bigger than him.
But at the same time, it was him.
When he spoke the words, "I love you." Tears once again welled up in his eyes and hugged him as tight as his strength would let him.
"I love you too, dad..."
They held each other like that for a good few minutes. Suddenly Gen felt a great weight fall on his side, he looked to see that Senku had collapsed on him. He panicked for a second until he saw that the scientist had just fallen asleep. He wondered if it was exhaustion, but when he (he tried to at least) gently laid Senku back to his bed, he saw that....
He saw Senku looking more relaxed and calm than he ever did, even before the sickness.
Gen smiled and was greatly relieved. He didn't think it would actually work. He laughed to himself knowing what he used to do, to pretend to be a man he could never be, actually helped someone he cared for, too much, to be precise. But those feelings had to be set aside for now.
He then laid the blankets back to cover Senku once more. And he kissed him on the forehead.
Gen slowly got up as to not disturb the sleeping scientist and quietly left the room.
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rubiaryutheroyal · 5 years
Taiga Saejima’s Picture Diary
I still have a few songs to translate, but I wanna do something a little different. I’ve found a glorious piece of fan work on Pixiv from some years back and the first time I was laughing my butt off. Recently I’ve returned to Pixiv again and found it once more, now feeling really bad, and now I’ve bookmarked it for safekeeping.
But it’s not enough that I keep it to myself! So I’m here to translate it for you all~!
Link to the artist’s page on Pixiv. Translations come after this line...
P1: Cover
Yakuza Study Book
Journal Year: 25, Class Family: Saejima, Name: Taiga Saejima
P2: July 15, Day
Today I was walkin' around Kamurocho in Public Park No. 3 when I came across a starving stray cat. I gave it some cat food I bought at the nearby convenience store and it happily ate it up. From now on, I’ll be checkin' back on it a lot.
(cat) “Yay!”
(can) “karukan” [T/N: It’s a type of Kyushu sweet rice cake. Link goes to Wikipedia.]
P3: July 15, Evening [T/N: prob should be 16, given the context]
I went to the park to see how the cat I found yesterday was doin', and it was playin’ around and havin’ fun. I thought it was a shame that she didn’t have a name, so I named her “Yasuko”. Yasuko was real happy when I’d bring her food.
It’s nice seein’ her happy.
P4: July 17, Day
I was at the Tojo Clan conference today. I dun really get all that tough mumbo-jumbo, but I put on a serious face like I was tryin’ to listen. It went surprisingly well... Everyone was pretty fooled. Guess I haven’t lost my actin’ skills yet.
(the men beside him, right->left) “I see.” “Hm.” “Mm.” “...zzzzz...”
P5: July 18, Day
Fer some reason, seems like Kiryu came back to Tokyo from Okinawa. I thought somethin’ coulda happened, so I gave him a call, but it wasn’t anythin’... just here on a trip.
I helped him with some things here and there, and said, “I’ll treat ya to some food,” but he declined with “Sorry, I'm with a kid.” I guess must be Haruka-chan. I said, “No worries. I can treat ya both,” but he seemed real sorry sayin’, “Thanks, but we can’t...” We’ll just meet up at Kanrai tomorrow!
P6: July 19, Day
I came by Kanrai at the promised time, and Kiryu had a whole buncha kids with him. I couldn’t believe it. What the hell was this? Why’s he bringin’ the whole damn orphanage... That day, hormones flared and I couldn’t get a word out.
P7: July 20, Evening
I’ve been busy lately and haven’t been seein’ Yasuko that often, so I went to see her today. Yasuko was runnin’ around all happy. Oh, looks like she made a friend too, playin’ with another stray cat. I dun get to do this a lot, so I wanted to name the other cat too. Okay, yer Yasuko too. Yasuko and Yasuko, they’re so buddy-buddy.
P8: July 21, Day
Today I went to the park see how Yasuko and Yasuko were doin’. They were playin’ happily together. I brought ‘em food and the first Yasuko hopped over while the other Yasuko came along to eat. Yasuko sure is a glutton.
P9: July 22, Day
I went to the park today too and there was a new cat playin’ with Yasuko and Yasuko. The hell? What is this place, some kinda stray cat joint? Anyway, I named the new cat Yasuko and fed it too.
But then Yasuko cut in and ate Yasuko’s food. Bad Yasuko, no fightin’!
(saejima) “No!”
P10: July 23, Day
Today I went to eat with Majima. When I told him I started writin’ in a journal, as if it weren’t enough, he laughed hard. The fuck, man. Nothin’ wrong with it.
P11: July 24
(bunny) “Woof woof!”
(on right) “BREAK!!”
P12: July 25, Day
Yesterday, Majima snuck in and wrote in my journal. What the fuck, this is unforgiveable. My heat gauge’s at MAX. Just now Essence of Power Lariat came bursting out to me. Tomorrow, I’m meetin’ him at the Batting Center to teach him a lesson (violently).
*gyuun* - - - > △ KIWAMI
P13: July 26, Evening
When I went to meet him at the Batting Center, Majima came with 300 of his men. What’s goin’ on. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go.
(saejima) Uh...
< - - - *gyuun*
My heat gauge dropped in an instant. Well, I still gave him a light lesson (talking) and then left. Man, Majima can be real scary sometimes...
P14: July 27
Today I bought some cat food and went to the park. But then Yasuko and Yasuko started fightin’ over the food, and then Yasuko saw them and joined in. While Yasuko and Yasuko were throwin’ cat punches, Yasuko settled it with another cat punch, and while Yasuko slunk back, Yasuko ate up the food. And then, before Yasuko could eat it, Yasuko shoved it away, and Yasuko saw that and shoved Yasuko away, and they all ended up in a big fight. Scary.
(cats) “NYAAA!!” “NAAO!!” “NYAAAA!!” “NIYAAA!”
P15: July 28, Day
While I was takin’ a walk today, I met Tanimura after a while. Tanimura said, “I found these and I’m passing them to you,” and gave me some kinda cat shoes. The hell’s this!? They’re so cuuute!! I’m lookin’ forward to tomorrow’s walk.
(tanimura) “You want this trash?”
(saejima) “Yeah.”
P16: July 29, Day
I got caught in a lotta fights today. I dunno why. I was just walkin’ calmly and carefully, but it was so weird. Why was I gettin’ chased around? Like, they weren’t Yakuza out to get me, maybe good ol’ Shinada can help talk it out with ‘em.
(saejima) “Wah!”
*nya nya nya nya~*
(thug) “Hey, you! Wait!”
P17: July 30, Evening
I chatted with Shinada on the phone, and he said I shouldn’t look so stern all the time. Anyway, I stopped by Don Quixote and bought somethin’ that might make me look friendlier. I bought it on a gut feeling, but it is really nice. No way I’ll get in trouble with this now!
P18: July 31, Day
The hell, I got caught up in even more. Shinada’s advice wasn’t worth crap. He’s no good.
(saejima, thinking) “He’s no good.” *pant pant*
(thugs) “Don’t fuck with us!” “Hey, old man!” “Hey, wait up!” “Damn annoyin'!” “Man, what the hell...”
P19: August 1
I'm tired of writin’ in this.
P20: Back Cover
The End
[T/N: ...Oh, my heart.]
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deadpool-scar-bro · 2 years
i found these mewtwo fanarts on pixiv where he's holding a giant spoon?? and i was really confused and i saw it a lot so i was like, okay is this a thing in the games or smth??? so i looked it up and ofc someone on reddit had already asked (it's a thing in the manga apparently) but one of the answers was this and i fucking hate myself for laughing so hard
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sparklyjojos · 6 years
Some final commentary on Cosmic
which turned into yet another analysis of JDC, Tsukumojuku and Jorge Joestar because I have zero self-restraint. Half this post is searching for overarching themes and wacky theories, have fun with my ramblings I guess
[big spoilers for Cosmic and Tsukumojuku, not really for Jorge Joestar]
While I decided to finish Cosmic first, the recommended reading order is Cosmic (1st half) -> Joker -> Cosmic (2nd half). I guess this better ties both books together and helps avoid some Joker spoilers that are in Cosmic. The new edition even encourages it by labeling the tomes of Cosmic with Ryu and Sui, and Joker with Sei and Ryo. So you’re supposed to read “Seiryo in Ryusui” *rimshot* The cover art is also meant to be put together in that order (notice that the last cover also connects to the first though, and you can try putting the shorter edges together too):
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On the book’s theme, and some meta:
I’m actually glad I’ve read Tsukumojuku before this, as it gave me a solid grip on the meta and the ridiculous detectiving. It made me LOVE the very ending, especially the “walking towards the end of the story with this tiny last moment lasting forever” part -- in hindsight of Tsukumojuku’s ending I almost cried at this point. The meaning’s a bit different, of course: Tsukumojuku has the triplets realize they should leave their daydream, and so it was both a sad and joyful ending, with them trying to stretch their last moments being ‘Tsukumojuku’. Cosmic has Juku and Yasha being a little apprehensive but determined to reach ‘the end of the story’, and at the end, they’re happy and joking around while (wittingly or not?) walking into eternity as the book ends, and with it their existence (...which doesn’t sound nearly as dramatic when you know there's a sequel).
Adding to that, I believe the last words imply the author (=the heavens forever watching over the characters) is joyful about the end (’the heavens themselves laughing’). Note that when Juku (or is it?) first appears in the book, in that post office scene, right after the 19 consecutive tragedies we just had to read through, we learn that ‘the heavens have been crying, but now it was as if they started laughing’, and Juku looks up at the sky and smiles. The end of the epilogue has the second-person someone (the reader?) be sad about the book coming to an end, with statements like ‘just two paragraphs remain until the end’ (and there really are only two short paragraphs in the book left after this!), and describing the heavy rain that starts in those two paragraphs as ‘the heavens crying’ (so... the sadness of both the reader and the author?). Finishing a good book, whether as a writer or a reader, is indeed both a joyful and a sad event. Similarly, the detectives are all happy and inexplicably sad when Juku claims the case has been solved. (There’s an echo of this theme even in Jorge Joestar, when with mere 15 pages left until the end of the book Jorge cries because ‘this adventure’s almost over’.)
I love the reccurring existential theme having to do with being a fictional character. It wasn’t as in-your-face as in Tsukumojuku, but it was there. While I skipped that in recaps, one of the locked room stories features a delusional man who believes he’s just a character in a novel. While scary, this belief is somewhat comforting too, and he notes it’d be nice to have a role to fulfill; to die with the sense you achieved all that you were meant to do, that The Author loved and appreciated you for who you were, and that you’re going to live eternally through a novel. (Jorge Joestar has Tsukumojuku mention how having a role to fulfill under Beyond’s care gave him comfort -- same thing, really.) But the character understands that all stories will eventually undergo destruction, and dreads it. Of course, the final message of the book, strengthened by the final events (the cult’s failure, Shiranui dying right after Juku’s birthday, and even --the book itself ending--), is that we have to accept that nothing can last forever, and the old will be replaced by the new, stories included.
When Juku and Yasha revealed the culprit’s initials, I honestly thought that he’d turn out to be the author, and the reason why they got different initials was that Juku saw the pen name (Seiryoin Ryusui) and Yasha the real name (Kanai Hidetaka). Since Yasha seemed shocked that Juku said ‘S’, I thought it meant that Yasha saw a full name but neither of the initials was ‘S’. I also thought Otohime’s advice -- to ‘look at the events from a distance’, to ‘withdraw yourself from events’ -- actually meant you have to look at the story from a distance... that is, lean back and look at the book you’re holding, which has the author’s name on the cover. Later, the sudden fourth wall break during the press conference scene, with the author prompting the reader to think carefully about who the Locked Room Lord may be, and writing his signature right under that question, only made me more sure. And there were a bunch of scenes before the Big Reveal in which other JDC characters reacted to the solution with feeling as if their world was destroyed, or getting drunk, or stressing out rather hard, so I expected they got hit with existential crisis upon learning The Truth, and that Juku will just go full meta and say that the culprit is the author: the one who really designed and 'committed’ the murders. Though with the book ending as it did, it’s not a stretch to say that Seiryoin really IS confirmed to be the true Locked Room Lord. In a way.
Other random comments:
This book is positively untranslatable. It features stuff like extensive kanji wordplays; messages in Caesar cipher but using the dictionary order of hiragana; deciphering a number as if it was an old-fashioned pager message; or reading the final message by putting the first syllable of the last kanji of the victims’ names together. And that damn Matsuo Bashou pun. All the name puns, really.
The language is rather hard, definitely harder than Maijo’s works. I think I’ll take some time to get better Japanese skills before going for Joker. (The JDC book I expect to enjoy the most is The Simons’ Case, though -- young Ajiro dadding over solving a case with kid Juku sounds amazing, and it’s a lot of fans’ fave)
For some reason, the main characters sure like to have the ‘castle’ kanji (城) in their names, like 鴉城 蒼司 (Ajiro Souji), 龍宮 城之介 (Ryuuguu Jounosuke), and ��天城 漂馬 (Amagi Hyouma). ...I can’t help but notice that a certain 城字 ジョースター (Jouji/Jorge Joestar) would fit right in, lol. He pretty much is a meta-detective already, what with all the confidence and insight he gets from his Beyond.
I live for Ajiro’s and Juku’s relations. LOVE this stressed detective dad being proud of his ridiculously kind detective son.
Unexpectedly I also loved the friendship between Juku and Yasha. (With added tears because, y’know. Inugami Yasha. Investigating with Tsukumo Juku. Being friends and stuff.)
I like Ryuuguu Jounosuke quite a lot, both because of his character / reasoning skills, and because he’s as canonically aroace as he can be in a 90s book. not that you’d know that with all the Hikimiya/Ryuuguu yaoi fanart on pixiv
Unfortunately, I can’t praise Seiryoin for good rep as he’s miserable with other representation. The locked room chapters feature the depraved rapist bisexual trope, then a Bury Your Lesbians trope, and then this weird thing where a young guy has a gay crush and concludes that he must have become gay because he was abused by his mother (???)... but as it later turns out, in reality (ie. not in the manuscript) the object of the crush was a woman, so the gay part didn’t even happen. The fuq? Also there’s a one-scene-only black woman officer who’s only there so we can be told how physically strong and intimidating she is and I’m not sure how I should feel about that. I’m also pissed off that when a male detective uses vague reasoning out of nowhere, more a supernatural feeling than anything else, he gets called a meta-detective and is oh ah so elite and amazing!, but when Nemu does it it gets called ‘woman’s intuition’ and ‘fuzzy reasoning’ and she’s not considered a meta-detective, fucking really? (Maybe it is a little different, idk, she wasn’t detectiving a lot in this so we didn’t really see what she’s capable of)
On the other hand, I liked that the way Juku encouraged Nemu to become a detective involved using his connections to arrange meetings with other disabled detectives, so she could talk frankly with them and get a feel for how high-tier detectiving while disabled (esp. in terms of sight-related disabilities) is like. That’s a nice detail.
Speaking of him... Tsukumo Juku is pretty Mary Sue-ish in this, which I don’t mind (and I would be more surprised if it didn’t turn out to be intentional later), but I can imagine other readers not really liking him that much. I’ve read that Juku unfortunately doesn’t really get deeper characterization until the Carnival books, where we learn fun little stuff about him, eg. he’s horrible at cooking, and his ringtone is the opening for Manga Nippon Mukashi Banashi (an old anime introducing little kids to folktales). (I’m wondering whether or not the Kintaro thing in Jorge Joestar is related to this somehow? I don’t have many spoilers for Carnival, maybe there’s more folktales references... aside from the Ryuuguu family’s names referencing Urashima Taro, that is. And now I wonder why Jorge gets a folktale-related kids song stuck in his head so easily hmmm)
It was never explained who sent the manuscript to JDC. So far, judging by the scene with the beautiful androgynous person at the post office, and retroactively by the entire Story-sending mess in Tsukumojuku, I’d say it was Juku himself, somehow. A time-travelling Juku from the future, maybe? I don’t know anymore, man, but I’ve read that previous cases of the series come together in Carnival, so here’s hoping it gets explained better than as “a ghost did it maybe”.
For the longest time I kept wondering where the personality dissonance between this Juku and the Detective God in Tsukumojuku came from. Why would this ever gentle, kind and forgiving character be written as some vore murderer monster dude? So, here’s my current Reaching Theory TM. We know the Detective God really is ‘an Angel’ as he claimed, since in the Seventh Story, Tsukumojuku realizes that he himself is actually not ‘the Angel’ but ‘the Beast’ (he thinks about it during that, er... awkward chest pipe moment, if you remember). Now, canon Juku actually is compared to ‘an angel or a god’ in Cosmic, and it’s a good descriptor: he’s kind and forgiving, but has the sorta detached, not-quite-human air; he’s androgynous, unnervingly perfectly beautiful, and one shouldn’t look directly at him for too long. The Detective God, on the other hand, is an Angel in the same way those demons from Jacob’s Ladder are: only when you stop holding onto mortal life (the imaginary world in Beyonds’ case) and accept your death (accept you have to go ‘outside’), you may notice they’re actually angels who have been trying to help you realize the truth. Through brutal means, but still. I guess the Detective God was created by the part of the Beyonds’ subconscious that understands they have to accept the reality, or something. He’s a bit like Silent Hill monsters in this way. Note that the person the Detective God mainly attacks (and possibly talks with him off-screen earlier) is the Original. And the Story it happens in, Fourth (II), is the point after which the Original probably started thinking about the plan involving killing everything they hold dear to make them face reality. It was really Detective God who first made the Original and the Second One aware of ‘God’ -- even if indirectly: getting them to think about ‘God’ by making them refute the claim that Seiryoin is their God, getting them to think about what the presence of ‘the canon Tsukumo Juku’ before them means for their own existence. Or Maijo just likes to write hard vore and i’m thinking too much
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ridiasfangirlings · 7 years
I saw some art on Pixiv, where Akiyama's hidden eye is kinda like Ciel Phantomhive's eye(minus the pentagram), and he shared his body with a ice demon/powerful entity that takes over when he, or the people he cares for, are in danger. I imagine it's super attached to its cute host and likes to remind Akiyama to take care of himself, and is most of the time content to allow Akiyama to have control of their body. What do you think the squad's reactions would be to it, the first time they saw it?
This would be cool, like imagine his hidden eye is this really paleicy blue and slitted like a demon’s and that’s why he doesn’t letanyone see it. The only one who’s aware of his secret is Benzai, likemaybe when they were in the Defense Force they got into some troubleand almost died somewhere, like they got sent after this terroristcult that was trying to summon a demon and Akiyama ended up making acontract with it in order to save Benzai’s life. The demon has nointerest in taking over Akiyama’s body permanently, like it’s notjust a demon but some kind of old forgotten god (one day Gotou bringsan interesting statue back to Scepter 4 and Akiyama just coughs andlooks the other way) and it was so impressed by Akiyama’s resolve tosave his friend that it decided to lend him a hand whenever he’s inneed. That’s how the rumors get started that Akiyama is the realsecret weapon of Scepter 4, like usually he’s all sweet and politeand then in battle he’s very focused and disciplined but if anyonethreatens his friends Akiyama will just tear the offender apart.Benzai helps keep things under wraps so that all stays a rumor, likeno one’s ever actually seen Akiyama-san tear anybody apart butstill doesn’t he look like someone who would snap in the rightsituation. Meanwhile the demon thinks that Akiyama is super cute andfluffy and basically likes to make sure he’s doing well, the demonand Benzai totally team up to make sure Akiyama’s eating well andfeeling all right and not overdoing things at all.
So then say the squad gets into a dangerous spot at some point, likea Strain who has the power to create barriers separates them all fromMunakata, Awashima and Fushimi and that means Akiyama is in chargefor the time being. The Strain leads the alphabet boys into some kindof trap and only Akiyama remains free, the Strain just laughs as hisown comrades arrive because he figures the alphabet squad will beeasy pickings and then the Strains can go after Scepter 4’s top threeand bring the whole organization down. Akiyama sighs and decidesthey’ll have to do this the hard way, flipping his bangs up and allthe alphabet boys are just staring as they finally see Akiyama’sglowing blue eye. The Strains are super confused and suddenly a coldmist settles over the area, Akiyama’s smile gets wider and wider andmaybe when the demon takes over he even gets little horns and clawsor a tail or something. With the demon’s help Akiyama makes quickwork of the Strains before coming back to himself and somewhatnervously freeing his trapped companions. Everyone’s very quiet andBenzai maybe tries to explain, before Hidaka cuts in to ask ifAkiyama’s all right. Akiyama’s all confused and Hidaka repeats it,like does the demon hurt Akiyama or is he like possessed and it’sgoing to take his soul or anything. Akiyama quietly says no, Hidakasmiles and says that he’s relieved then. Doumyouji is all excitedbecause he knew Akiyama-san had a demon eye and now he won thebetting pool they had going. Gotou is so chill it’s like he seespeople possessed by demons every day and just lets Akiyama know thatif he ever needs an exorcism amulet Gotou is here for him. Enomoto’sa little jealous because it’s like Akiyama is an anime protagonistnow, Akiyama protests weakly that he’s too boring and plain to be aprotagonist of anything. Benzai meanwhile just smiles, pleased thateveryone’s taking it so well after Akiyama’s been worried all thistime that they would find out and be afraid of him.
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shtola-cola · 7 years
tagged by: @19gmbk
drink: juice phone call: mom text message: “that’s the best thing about d&d” song you listened to: Lord Laharl’s Hymn. It’s been stuck in my head for days time you cried: today I guess. I cry at anything remotely emotional in stories etc
have you..
dated someone twice: no kissed someone and regretted it: no been cheated on: no lost someone special: depends on what special means been depressed: sorta? gotten drunk and thrown up: nope. 2 drinks a week at most
list three favorite colors..
colors: pink, red, any shade of cyan
in the last year, have you…
made new friends: yes fallen out of love: no laughed until you cried: yes found out someone was talking about you: no met someone who changed you: I change all the time so that’s hard to say found out who your friends are: yes kissed someone on your Facebook list: I don’t use Facebook
how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: no FB any pets: 2 cats, named Ifrit and Shiva do you want to change your name: eventually what did you do for your last Birthday: can’t remember anything besides the usual staying at home what time did you wake up: 2:30 pm or so   what were you doing at midnight last night: playing Disgaea something you can’t wait for: all the new Nintendo releases when was the last time you saw your mom: today what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: myself, really what are you listening to right now: Whisper of Darkness have you ever talked to a person named tom: it’s my partner’s name something that is getting on your nerves: the grind in Nippon Ichi games most visited websites: twitter, tumblr, youtube and pixiv I guess?
other info about myself..
mole/s: big one on my thigh and a few tiny ones on my arm mark/s: don’t think so.. childhood dream: to become a super saiyan hair color: used to be blonde when I was young but it’s gone dark long or short hair: long do you have a crush on someone: @t0ms0nic what do you like about yourself: I’m a fast learner I guess piercings: not anymore. had earrings years ago, though blood type: no idea honestly. it never came up nickname: Kyonshee relationship status: practically married to @t0ms0nic zodiac: gemini pronouns: she or they, but it’s no big deal favorite TV show: Sonic Boom I suppose tattoos: none right or left hand: right surgery: I’ve had to have my tonsils removed and had ear tubes surgery if that counts hair dyed in different color: nope, but I’d like to try it someday sport: not really interested in sports of any kind vacation: Japan! sneakers: sneakers kill my feet. I always need supportive workshoes
more general:
eating: cheese bread! drinking: soda i’m about to: sleep play more Disgaea waiting for: PC parts and Metroid: Samus Returns to be delivered want: financial stability and motivation to draw get married: yes! career: no career to speak of, but had (sort of) one in IT hugs or kisses: why not both? lips or eyes: eyes shorter or taller: both older or younger: doesn’t matter nice arms or nice stomach: stomach sensitive or loud: sensitive hook up or relationship: relationship troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
have you ever..
kissed a stranger: no drank hard liquor: yes lost glasses/contact lenses: had glasses since I was 3 or so and can’t live without them, so they never leave my sight. broken a lot of them, though.. turned someone down: yes sex on the first date: no broken someone’s heart: yes had your heart broken: yes been arrested: no cried when someone died: yes fallen for a friend: yes
do you believe in…
yourself: sometimes miracles: hard to say love at first sight: nope santa claus: parents told me from the get go he didn’t exist kiss on the first date: nope
current best friend name: @t0ms0nic eye color: blue favorite movie: barely ever watch movies.... LOTR or Harry Potter series I guess?..
NOW, TAG 20 PEOPLE: I don’t even know that many people on tumblr, so to anyone reading this: feel free to do this and consider yourself tagged. or not
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avenger-hawk · 7 years
Get to know me!
I was tagged by @sesilet-nymphet, @moonsuke and @tsukiko-hibiki
(owww thank you so much for tagging me!!!)  🐥🐤🐦
Rules: answer these 92 statements and tag however people you want.
1. Drink: Water 2. Phone call: My dad maybe 3. Text message: my sister. like always~ 4. Song you listened to: Tear You Apart by She Wants Revenge. It’s relevant for my writing~  5. Time you cried: I usually turn the need to cry into anger so🐍
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: Not sure of what it means but when I accept a date it’s because I’m interested in going out a second time, and a third, and so on. 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Nope but being kissed and regretted it kind of yes🐍 8. Been cheated on: Uh I have no idea 9. Lost someone special: Yes 10. Been depressed: Yes. Only, not in past tense. 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Aaah yes
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: Blue, Green, Black
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: Oddly, yes 16. Fallen out of love: No 17. Laughed until you cried: No 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Don’t even get me started on this... 19. Met someone who changed you: No 20. Found out who your friends are: More like found out who my friends aren’t. 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: No
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Most of them, that’s why I don’t use it. Too boring, no fandom stuff. 23. Do you have any pets: 2 dogs, a cat and I feed lots of birds in my garden so I claim them as pets, somehow. 24. Do you want to change your name: Nah 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: My mom cooked my favourite food 26. What time did you wake up: Around 6.30am. It’s Sunday but my room is in the attic and it’s so hot that I feel like I’m living in an oven. 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Sleeping  28. Name something you can’t wait for: My hair to grow I guess 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: 5 minutes ago 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: I kinda hate myself for more than one thing so~ 31. What are you listening right now: Bauhaus- Bela Lugosi is Dead 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Don’t think so but (brace yourself for the joke) there was a Jerry in my high school class. True story. He also looked like Juugo a lot 🐥 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: It’s too hot, also mob mentality and its tumblr version. Also some pairings and some dynamics of certain pairings~ 34. Most visited Website: Uh, guess it’s a tie between tumblr, youtube and pixiv. Recently I’ve been also checking my visitor tracker a lot because I see a nasty IP lurking too much.
LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME 35. Mole/s: Yup, nothing interesting tho. The most interesting one is in my eye. I mean it’s a sort of speckle, not a mole but still. 36. Mark/s: A few scars on my arm, a small one on my forehead, some on a thigh. I wouldn’t call them marks tho, they’re not that visible. 37. Childhood dream: Astronaut! And ballet dancer, veterinarian, rockstar, also saving the world with my powers or protecting it from my spaceship  🚀 38. Haircolor: Dark brown 39. Long or short hair: short 40. Do you have a crush on someone: Nope 41. What do you like about yourself: I see things from different perspectives and I’m creative. 42. Piercings: Ears and a Monroe 43. Bloodtype: B 44. Nickname: Hawk 45. Relationship status: In a relationship with my furry babies 46. Zodiac: Capricorn Sun, Cancer Moon, Capricorn Mars, Pisces Venus. (guess who took a look at their birth chart...) 47. Pronouns: I really don’t care 48. Favorite TV Show: Game of Thrones, Mr Robot, Westworld among the ongoing ones. Battlestar Galactica and Star Trek The Next Generation as all time favourite ones. 49. Tattoos: My right arm is entirely tattooed. I also have one on my back, one on my neck and one on my calf. If I weren’t broke I’d probably want a curse mark on that very spot. 50. Right or left hand: right 51. Surgery: Nope  52. Hair dyed in different color: Not now but yes, like, all colours but blue I guess. I had a punk phase. 53. Sport: I like swimming and I did it but I’m not doing anything now. I mean it’s so hot that even cycling or jogging are impossible. 55. Vacation: I’d like to go somewhere quiet and surrounded by nature. 56. Pair of trainers: Who doesn’t have one? 
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: I just ate peaches. 58. Drinking: Fresh fruit juice. My favourite is grapefruit and raspberry. 59. I’m about to: Reblog some stuff, then go out with the dogs even though there are like 40°C outside, then shower then write my new fic. 61. Waiting for: Uh...well...this would become depressing so let me just say that I’m waiting for ShisuixSasuke fanarts~ 62. Want: same as above 63. Get married: hahah 64. Career: I can’t use the above subject so don’t even get me started on this subject~
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: It depends on the context. 66. Lips or eyes: Eyes 67. Shorter or taller: Teller 68. Older or younger: Older 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Both 💪 🐢  71. Sensitive or loud: But sensitive and loud aren’t that related...anyway sensitive, but not whiny 72. Hook up or relationship: relationship 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Neither~
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a Stranger: Nope 75. Drank hard liquor: Yeah but I don’t like it                                        76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: A lot of times. I even (tw: eye stuff, non graphic but still) got my lens broken inside my eye and I had to go to the ER for removing the pieces. 77. Turned someone down: Yes 78. Sex on the first date: Nope 79. Broken someone’s heart: Nah 80. Had your heart broken: Uh... 81. Been arrested: Hahah not yet 82. Cried when someone died: Yes 83. Fallen for a friend: No
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: It depends on the context I guess. If it’s about something I’m good at yes. 85. Miracles: It depends on what one considers a miracle 86. Love at first sight: Maybe 87. Santa Claus: Nope 88. Kiss on the first date: Is is something to believe in? You just do it or not.
OTHER: 90. Current best friend name: David 91. Eyecolor: dark green borders, kinda yellowish-hazel inside 92. Favorite movie: Cloud Atlas, Interstellar, Inception, Dark City. I have a type.
I’m tagging:
@admiral-izusasu, @renamon15, @lusciousitachi, @shisuicune, @loonelybird (but don’t feel pressured to do it 🌸🌷), @komiya-kun, @wynillustrates, @eeliiii, @someone-who-is-there, @minai28, @once-upon-an-otp, @verrottweil, @summeringminor, @blueviolin, @disorderdoll9 and whomever wants to do this
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umi-bluesea · 7 years
92 statements meme
I was tagged by the amazing and brilliant @nehart82 
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
Drink: Gin tonic ( Because sober I can not stand the summer )
Phone call: mi amante bandido ( my bandit lover XD)
Text message: 
Song you listened to: You raise me up” by Josh Groban
Time you cried: This morning when the alarm rang... TT.TT
Dated someone twice: yes.
Kissed someone and regretted it: YES
Lost someone special: Not fortunately 
Been depressed: Well, I prefer ti think that tomorrow will be a better day than the last. The darkness fades with the sun of a new day.
Gotten drunk and thrown up: No, keep dancing like an epileptic seal. So sexy... (-3-)
Made new friends: Yes :3 
Fallen out of love:  Just once in my life.
Laughed until you cried: Several times a day XDDDD
Found out someone was talking about you: Jujujuju, yes.
Met someone who changed you: Probably.
Found out who your friends are: Yes.
Kissed someone from your Facebook list: Yes.
Kissed a stranger: No.
Drank hard liquor: Yessss, It was disgusting but I did it. 
Lost glasses/contact lenses: never
Turned someone down:  Yes.
Sex on the first date: jejejej.... NO Broken someone’s heart: Maybe
Had your heart broken: Yes.
Been arrested: ye.... NOOOO, I’m a good girl.
Cried when someone died: Yes.
Fallen for a friend: No, that’s a common mistake.
Kissed on the first date: Yes
List 3 favorite colors: All tones of blue, black and red Burgundy.
How many Facebook friends do you know in real life: a lot of them.
Do you have any pets: two Bichón Maltés, mother and daughter
Do you want to change your name: Never
What time did you wake up: 6:30.
What were you watching at midnight last night: Gantz
Name something you can’t wait for: My request from Toranoana
What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: I wish I had more time to do what I really like.
What are you listening to right now: Ai no Prison, the opening of Prison School XDDDD
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yes
Something that is getting on your nerves right now: the f*** heat and mosquitos
Most visited website: Tumblr, Facebook, Pixiv
Mole/s: some.
Mark/s: a few
Childhood dream: Marry Hercules... yes, I had a problem 
Do you have a crush on someone: no.
What do you like about yourself: My eyes... nothing else 
Piercings: 1 in the nipple and 6 on mi ear.
Blood type: ah.... A positivo 
Nickname: Sabi 
Relationship status: engaged
Zodiac: Capricorn
Pronouns: She/Her
Favorite TV show: I barely watch TV.
Tattoos: 1, A deer who repressents the god of the forest in Mononoke Hime.
Right or left hand: Right.
Surgery: I got removed the wisdom teeth and the next year an orthognathic surgery.
Hair dyed in different color: Black... As I am dark blonde, I spoil my hair 
Sport: Archery and Belly Dance. But, a few years ago I used to skate and swimming very often,
Vacation: Japan, please... someone take me to Tokyo TT-TT
Pair of trainers: a pair from… Adidas.
Eye color: blue, green, gray. It depends on how the light affects on them. But, I also have a tiny little brown dots around them.
Favorite movie: Mononoke Hime, Kill Bill and The Lion King. I can’t decide. 
Hugs or kisses: kisses, chu chu <3
Lips or eyes: eyes
Shorter or taller: Taller
Nice arms or stomach: stomach.
Sensitive or loud: sensitive.
Hook up or relationship: ... I prefer to not answer. 
Troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker.
Yourself: No, I’m very demanding with myself.
Miracles: No
Love at first sight: No
Santa Claus: It is real, I saw him... in my dreams <3
20 people to tag? that is too much for me, I just tag a few, feel free to tag me if you want to do it and feel free to ignore me if you’re tagged: @nikathesiren @chyokoryoko
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buraindo · 8 years
REPOST !  DON`T REBLOG ! all about the muse , character sheet
name of your muse:    
Kawai Shizuka.
one picture you like best of your muse`s fc:  
soooo hard to choose omg ... Maybe this one ? She is so pure and she is smiling and she is happy ! -sob-  art credit : Pixiv Id 1724783
Tumblr media
two headcanons you have for your muse that you never told anyone :
001.     Her being actually a really good duelist. I mean -- even better than her brother, and she ends up afraid of showing it because all she wants is to see him happy. She thinks that beating Jono in a Duel will humiliate him and it freaks her out. Like she was afraid of opening her eyes in the manga, she fears her brother’s reaction and can’t bring herself to win. She loves playing cards with her friends, but kinda drowns in this hell where she can’t have full fun and indubitably they’ll notice. She’ll have a hard time admitting it, for sure.
002.     Shizuka listening to vaporwave. It’s a dumb/cute (?) headcanon but since she got that retro style going on I thought she could enjoy some sweet “suave” vaporwave. Heavy metal is so not her style // I love it ok // and I think good old 80′s inspired songs would fit her better. Maybe some rock bands too !
three things your muse likes doing in their free time :    
001.     Hanging out with her friends, that is to say Anzu Mazaki, Yugi Muto, Hiroto Honda, Bakura Ryo, Ryuji Otogi, and of course, Jono-Uchi. She spends a lot of time at Kame Game store, where they reunite rather often. They play lots of games, and they share lots of laughs.
002.     Reading some books and chilling at home. She likes music very much -since being ‘blind’ for so long was a bit too sad-, and listens to it often. A fan of cute things. 
003.     It would be so cute if she liked flower arranging. It’s so delicate and it suits her so well.
seven people that your muse loves / likes:     no particular order, based on canon things.
001.    Her brother Jono Uchi, he did so much for her, and she wants to pay him back. Shizuka really loves him and looks up to him. He gave her the courage to open her eyes and see the world as it is.  002.    Her mother. Though she divorced and separated her from her brother, she still is her mom. 003.    Anzu Mazaki, whom she consider as an older sister. 004.    Kujaku Mai, for the same reasons as Anzu. They are different though and show her another side of the world she yet has to see. 005.   Her other friends, such as Hiroto Honda, Ryuji Otogi or Bakura Ryo. They don’t interact that much -in the manga that is- but they still share a few moments together and get along well. 006.    Yugi Muto, for taking care of her clumsy brother. She knows she can count of him and leave Jono to him. 007.   I can’t really think of anyone else ... Sorry.
two things your muse regrets :  
001.     Not being able to protect Jono when he fought for her so many times. He went all the way to the Duelist Kingdom to cure her disease, and she wants to repay him for what he’s done.
002.      Waiting so long before seeing her brother again. She wonders why she recorded that damn tape instead of paying him a visit sooner.
two fears your muse has :    
001. DECEPTION.  As you probably know, it took some time for Shizuka to open her eyes. She was cured, no doubt about it, but she wasn’t less scared. What if the world she saw all those years ago wasn’t the one she wanted to see ? What if all her expectations were born only to crumble up in the torn page of a book she wrote when all she could make out was the shape of a circle -and the dark, gosh, not the dark- ? I really think of Shizuka as a dreamy girl, afraid of falling off her cloud. Thankfully, Jono, her brother, gave her the courage to remove her bandages but it revealed something about her. She is human, she is fragile, and hoping thing will go ‘this’ way and doubting that they are pointing to another -a bad one- paralyses her completely. Which is understandable. Even angels get scared of something at a point of their life.
002. LONELINESS.  A normal fear for a ‘normal’ girl. Not that going out alone for some errands -or else- scares her, but the idea of losing everyone she loves after she spent so many years without having real friends -and a family- is terrifiying. It goes for everyone, but sometimes, it gets to her. She wants to be this independant woman but also, due to her past handicap, she still needs a shoulder to lean on. 
tagged by:     @kyouzaki tagging:     @sennenou + no one yet, since they are already tagged !
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gilgamemesh · 7 years
Heyo I found this old Umineko meme in my drafts and I think I typed these up in 2016 (so heads up some sentences are oddly phrased)? And it’s not all of them, but I figured I should upload at least the ones I had here. 
Day 01: Why did you start watching Umineko?
I remember seeing small bits and pieces when I was younger. Extremely well I remember the part where Chiesters kill everyone in the dinning room because after I saw that part I realized I really genuinely just love gore and that was actually how I became the disgusting gore fiend I am now. 
But yeah in general I got into Umineko because the OST was a real blast and I found the general aesthetic of the game really fascinating! And later when I learned it’s also a mystery story I REALLY wanted to start it because I really enjoy mystery genre even though I don’t consume it as much anymore as I used to at some point in life. I started the anime only after VN because I just wanted more seacats no matter the cost. 
Day 02: How did you start out with Umineko? Through the anime, the manga, or the VN?
I started with VN and then moved to manga, but in a way the OST was my first Umineko experience! 
Day 03: Do you read the VN, watch the anime, read the manga, or all three?
I’m done with VN and will finish mangas and the anime soon! 
Day 04: Which are your favourite battles between Beatrice and Battler?
Day 05: Which are your favourite scenes between the witches?
Day 06: Which are your favourite scenes in general? One from the VN, one from the anime and one from the manga.
I think my favourite scene from the VN is the love trial gun battle between Shannon and Kanon. I had already figured out the deeper meaning of the duel between them so I could already enjoy the emotional suffering of it. The music and scenes and overall just the combination of images, text and music was really impressive and I remember I got chills more than once. I also really, really love the Jessica vs. Ronove battle.
From manga I think it’s the confession chapters of episode 8 manga. They’re really impressive and strong chapters with so much raw emotion it left me with such a strong impression I consider it one of the most memorable chapters of any manga I have read. I also kinda cry every time I read it so there is that too. 
I really liked the scene where Shannon looked like she was flirting with Jessica 
Day 07: What do you like most about Umineko?
ALL? I honestly have hard time deciding because there are so many things in Umineko I really love. 
The way the women of this series are written is so good and the variety is amazing like we have women from age 6 to mid 90s here and the witches are in a category of their own! Someone once said that the way the women are written in a story actually determines the entire story’s worth and if that’s the case then this is a really good work (as it is).
The characters in general are honestly one of my favourite things because Ryukishi’s way of writing people of different ages and from different settings is really convincing and feels really realistic for me. Especially certain types of abuse shown are something I have seen and can relate to as I have seen and/or experienced similar in real life.
I also like the fantasy and mystery blending into one like sometimes (and I still do, actually) I feel like I’m reading multiple stories at the same time and in my head while I consider the Rokkenjima prime the truth of the human world but the witch side story is kind of a story on its own too. But those stories don’t exist in the same world, there is no room for more than one. For me, a reader, it’s multiple stories, but for the human characters... that’s another story. 
Day 08: What would you have changed about the anime/manga/VN if you had the ability to?
More Lion Ushiromiya please and thank you 
Day 09: What do you like about the Umineko fandom?
They reblog my art They are surprisingly active here on tumblr considering how long ago this series has already ended! I don’t do much with the fandom in general though so I can’t see much! I really appreciate all the essays and theories though
Day 10: What do you dislike about the Umineko fandom?
I feel like the opinions sometimes are really dramatically divided so that they’re either really offensive or too “shh shh you can’t talk about this it’s offending”? Like sometimes the middle ground with certain things and topics seems to be completely missing. You can talk about sensitive subjects without being TOO careful but also without being offending. It’s possible. Believe it or not. 
Day 11: Your favourite witch
I would be lying if I said it was someone other than Beatrice! Although I love and appreciate all the witches featured in the series, Beatrice has a special place in my heart for nostalgia reasons. As the most popular character of the series, she was one of the first characters I learned of and she kept popping up everywhere during a certain time in my life. I knew almost nothing about her honestly but for some reason I was really attracted to her design and the bits and pieces of little information I got of her personality and behavior. After playing the game I can tell I love her even more obviously, haha! 
Day 12: Your favourite Ushiromiya
ALL OF THEM but okay honestly if I really need to pick one I will just go with my pre-game-bias Lion! I actually used Lion as my ultimate motivation to start the game because they looked really fun + 15-year-old me apparently was interested in cosplaying Lion because we used to have a similar hair style, haha (as I’m typing this I’m already working on the cosplay btw). 
I also really love Battler and Jessica they’re both darlings and while I LOVE George and I’m always ready to defend him when he is being accused of things he didn’t do I just kinda like Battler and Jessica a little more (as Battler is really relatable and Jessica is the best girl(tm) )
Day 13: Your favourite couple
Eva and Hideyoshi honestly kill me but like, in a good way. I really, really liked their interactions and I was very positively surprised when I learned that despite an arranged marriage pretty much, the two of them seemed to very genuinely love and care about each other. And especially Eva often talked (along the lines of) how marriage is not just feelings but it’s something you and your partner work together on and make it grow as you bond and it kind of changed my view on marriage a little even though I was aware of this beforehand already. 
Day 14: Your favourite non-canon couple
*coughs at the general direction of Willion*
Their interactions are so fun I literally don’t care whether it’s romantic or platonic, I just enjoy seeing them together! 
Day 15: Your favourite character in general
Natsuhi / Lion / Jessica / all of Yasu is the way to go, I suppose? 
Day 16: Your least favourite witch
She is not my least favourite honestly I ADORE Featherine but I feel like her screen time was so small compared to the rest of the witches my brain prioritizes the other witches before her. But honestly she is so cool and I love her smug face so much and I wish there was more of her so I would learn to love her even more through canon interactions!! 
Day 17: Your least favourite Ushiromiya
Man idk Kinzo maybe? I understand he suffered on his own and had his own difficulties and probably (most likely) wasn’t mentally quite alright but I still have hard time dealing with what he did to the people around him. Kuwadorian Beatrice aside, he was still cruel to his other children too and I just can’t really deal with that. 
Day 18: Your least favourite couple
have you ever gone to pixiv and seen BattlerxNatsuhi and just quite frankly wanted to die 
Day 19: Your least favourite character in general
Day 20: Your most favourite song from Umineko (can be a vocal song, or a BGM)
BIRTH OF A NEW WITCH! I used to listen that song a LOT when I was younger and ironically suffering from many of the issues that were also more or less featured in Umineko. Whenever I listen to the song it makes me feel really powerful in a way haha but also sad because I remember listening it a lot while being extremely sad and lost with my life and myself. 
I also really love this version of Alive 
Day 21: A series that you feel is similiar to Umineko other than Higurashi and why
ACE ATTORNEY............. It’s the whole loose concept of arguments and murders and mysteries but also the sometimes incredible kind of humour and series of events that keep happening. That, and Phoenix Wright and Battler remind me of each other and it always makes me laugh. 
Day 22: Other 07th Expansion series that you like
Day 23: Post a picture of a Umineko cosplay you really like
Day 24: Explain the red truth, the golden truth and the blue truth in your own words.
Day 25: Could you have solved any of the mysteries Beatrice posed, personally?
I DOUBT THAT because I’m really bad with locked room things these days?? I used to be pretty good as younger because I was disgustingly into detective stories and the like but now I have gotten older and forgotten even the basic settings of how to build a locked room :’’’) 
I did figure out other things on my own though and I could give a human side explanation to some of the magic featured but yeah. I couldn’t have done it better than Battler at all. 
Day 26: A character you hate and love at the same time.
ERIKA she is such a nasty person but I also love her so much and I find both her and her writing very interesting. I would absolutely never get along with a person like her (especially because we share a lot of negative traits) but she is so good as a character and worthy of my adoration < 3 
Day 27: A crossover with Umineko that you’d like to see? (No Higurashi, please.)
Umineko x Fate??? I can’t believe Kinzo Ushiromiya started the holy grail war and forced his relatives to take part. 
Okay but really I have no idea how it would work honestly but it would be exciting probably because both Fate and Umineko are my main fandoms and subjects of endless love and adoration xoxo
Day 28: Witches vs Humans, which side do you take?
OKAY LISTEN I was asked this question multiple of times before and during the game and at FIRST I picked the witch side. Because, like, it somehow feels more “right” to me in a way I can’t explain. But having gone through Umineko now, I don’t think I can choose a side. I think everything is more exciting if you can balance between the two sides instead of taking just one. 
Day 29: Do you believe that Yasu is the culprit? Why?
culprit [kuhl-prit] noun 1. a person or other agent guilty of or responsible for an offense or fault. 2. a person arraigned for an offense
Going with this definition yes, Yasu was the culprit. But Yasu was not the only culprit, and Yasu in Prime didn’t end up being the one who did the actual killing. As she said in the rules, if someone solves the riddle she will give up on her murder deed.  
Yasu is the culprit and the one who even ended up aiding Kyrie by placing the guns on the table and predicting what would happen, but she is not the one who actually killed the others. It was a decision from Kyrie’s part to carry on with the murder plan. Yasu would be punished too if put on a trial but Kyrie would most definitely, along with Rudolf, receive a bigger sentence than Yasu. 
Day 30: A phrase you find most memorable from the series (Anime, Manga or VN).
“And everyone was there. Everyone, everyone, everyone.”
When I read those words I legitimately started crying. I just suddenly started crying and kept going for like five minutes with my face absolutely covered in tears. I was smiling so hard but at the same time crying so much. Umineko was such an intense ride for me and I could see myself and my life situation in many of the events portrayed and finally coming to the end of the long journey made me feel like I had changed somehow and I had to let the old feelings out in order to have room for the new, better feelings.  
“I can hear us howling in pain”
Like I said earlier, the confession chapters in EP8 manga are one of my favourites due the emotional impact of them. We get to see Yasu’s inner struggle 
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