#.tsuns away mom why
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the small... the itty bitty.. the sad sniffles..
(hi guys!! needed a break to deal with something, but hopefully I can actually try a schedule for posting stuff soon :3 )
uhh I got designs + barely cohesive context right below:
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I love these SILLIES!!! don't mind how empty Winnie's page is, I didn't know what to do
decided that giving them school uniforms to match the surrounding this took place in was a ok decision so I did that!!
also here's the rlly confusing context I made in the middle of the night whilst accidentally pulling an all nighter at the same time:
(I have 0 experience in writing anything in general, I was spouting whatever made sense in my head so if you think this is ooc for them, it probably and most likely is lmaoo. sorry in advance to everyone who was curious ehough to read whatever... this is considered..)
anyways, prologue takes place in an elementary school where Winnie just finished his day at school, it didn't go that well but y'know, there's 10 more things to worry Abt then that. He gets to the bus stop, knowing well he was gonna have to stay there for awhile and planned on making himself comfortable. Upon arriving, he hears sad sniffles from across the seats and boom, sad lil meow meow auggie appears!! Very concerned Winnie approaches the kid, proceeds to get a very hot headed response from him as auggie pushes him away (he isn't having any of it today + he was kinda a punk when he was little like damn!!!) Winnie clearly sees that the dude needs ATLEAST *some* company so he just, sits by him awkwardly. Augustine over here doesn't have a clue why he's still not going away but accepts it nonetheless, albeit in a very tsun tsun way I guess. Winnie takes this as a small talk starter and tries to engage with him, to no avail as auggie seems to have a very reserved manner when alone. After a few minutes of trying, he decides to just be straightforward and ask him what's up, to which Augustine replies with a 'none of your business, why do you want to know?' type of response. He just tells him that moping around wasn't gonna do him any good and since they both seem to be going home late anyway, might as well kill time. (on second thought, they sound very adult for 7-12 yr olds, what. I will come back to reread this dw) Augustine now knows Winnie doesn't mean any harm and decides why not, got nothing else to do. He proceeds to tell him regarding how others seem to only want to be around him whenever he acts a certain way (ie, very bubbly, friendly, etc) and thinks about whether or not people actually do like him for himself. It also makes him feel like if people actually knew how he was, not many would stay (like a 'yeah I want people to stay, but I want them to stay for who I actually am' type thing). Winnie tells him that he should be himself, regardless of what anybody else thinks otherwise. Additionally, Winnie thinks that if nobody's willing to stay after seeing the truth, it's their loss honestly, he thinks Augustine should care about people who would actually be there for him, not for who he's trying to be. Augustine is somewhat stunned by this, asking if he's been through this before, to which Winnie remarks with a similar situation happening back in his previous school (Winnie's friends didn't stay in touch and never contacted him ever since he moved). They pretty much notice atp how similar they were and decided to spend to the entire time waiting just chatting, turns out they got along very well (cue scenes of them yelling at each other playing games, cat scratching as they yell something dumb at the other while simultaneously talking about how cute the cats walking around were). Time passes and bam! Winnie's mom finally comes over to pick them up!!
"Hey! I know that lady! She's my mom's neighbour! :O"
"Oh, it's my mom-- How do you know my mom???"
"Uh, duh!! >:/ I just said that she's my mom's neighbour--- she's your mom!?!?"
(Cue them getting inside the car and getting bits about how Augustine and his mom met. Apparently, he and his mom visited to send off some gifts for her, when in actuality, it was to send off some medicine for Winnie, who was sick during this time. Of course they got some gifts but the medicine was important. And the gifts were too.)
As they got closer towards their houses, Winnie was planning to just go back inside the house immediately since he's got no plans going on and assumes that was it. Augustine thinks otherwise, so when they both got out of the car, he immediately blurts out his name and introduces himself. Winnie, realizing this entire time they haven't even said their names towards each other, also introduces himself in response.
They both seem to connect easily and since no one else was willing to, they will instead. With a promise to stay by each other's side no matter what, they both spent their entire childhood together. They were practically two peas in a pod, nobody ever saw them apart, even if they were in a group of people. They stood out by a lot since then, the very loud and obnoxious kid was hanging around with someone who could chill him out in an instant. The two were inseparable
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awkwardchaosposts · 11 months
Niragi x Fem!reader (Childhood friends? to enemies to lovers) pt. 1
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TW!: tsun-tsun Niragi,mentions of an absent father,mentions of the sandal (if you know you know ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ)
"Hey Haru come on!"
the bustling sound of the playground and giggling of little kids filled everyone's ears.
Niragi was busy playing Pirates with his friends. He was just about to 'win' the battle with Captain Haru when your plastic sword jabbing into his back made him pause
"Take that. I'm the captain now!"
He stared at you in bewilderment but his expression soon turned into anger.
"No you aren't!" the 7 year old boy was livid.
He looked to his friends for approval but they all agreed that you won fair and square.
"Yeah well...You suck!"
You crossed your arms,quite proud of yourself about being crowned the new captain of the 'pirate ship' that was in reality just a couple boxes that they stacked together on the playground.
From that day on the little boy held a grudge.
He pulled at your pigtails, threw paper airplanes at you, basically anything that a childish bully could do to annoy you.
Until one fateful day you had enough. Punching him square in the jaw. Little Sugaru has never been so scared in his life.
The fight resulted in a call from your parents and them scheduling a playdate with the two of you,hoping that their kids could hash things out.
"Hey that's mine!"
Niragi took the toy car away from you,clutching it possessively to his chest.
You huffed,sticking your tongue out at him which only added fuel to the fire of your childish conflict.
He didn't like you at all and you both played separately for a long time but Niragi was curious about something.
His mom and dad has been sitting with your mom in the kitchen for ages. So... "Is your dad coming too?"
The question made you pause,your gaze meeting his. "No. Why do you care?"
He huffed,crossing his arms. "I don't"
But something about your reaction intrigued him. But he was just too young to understand your situation
He was confused by that sad look in your eyes. He's never made a girl cry before that wasn't his little sister. Nor was he sure that he'd ever want to.
You were busy drawing shapes in the sand with a stick you found on the ground,trying to busy yourself to pass the time.
You were so distracted that it startled when some wildflowers were shoved in your face.
You frowned,taking them. You tried to look at Niragi but he refused to show his face,looking at anything but you.
You looked down at the flowers. A pretty yellow that grew from the weeds in the unkempt garden. "My mom says these are the bad kinds of plants"
The boy's little ego got bruised and he huffed. "You don't want it? then give it back"
But you held the flowers out of his reach. "No it's mine. You gave it to me"
"Yeah? Well I take it back!"
You continued to argue,at each other's throats but the moment Niragi grabbed your shirt the argument was interrupted by his mom.
"Sugaru cut that out!"
He glanced at his mother with fear when he saw she was already starting to take off her sandal to teach her rowdy son a lesson. Then he glanced at you. Smug as ever. It made his blood boil.
He reluctantly let go of you. "Yes Mama"
You were brought out of your own trip down memory lane combined with the lo-fi music you blasted in your ears.
You took off your earphones,making a mental note to hide them better next time.
"Give me that"
The teacher spoke coldly,giving you a stern look.
The class erupted in giggles. Despite most of the people in your class being 15-16 they still found such a simple thing amusing.
Miss Lovett tried to get the class to quiet down before resuming her nonsensical speech. You weren't paying attention,too busy trying to resume your daydreaming when-
"Sugaru Niragi"
That name was enough to make you look at your new transfer student.
What was he doing here?
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nickybe · 11 months
hello wannabe once again it is august (bejinyoung & beyejun) back with my first third muse ever!! if nicky sounds familiar to anyone, i've used him in a few idol rps before and he's a character very near and dear to my heart so i'm so excited to be writing him again.
anyway, i'm ready to get him involved (and honestly, need threads for the halloween events with my other boys too!) so i'll put a little info about nicky under the cut and would appreciate it if u could message me on discord (i'm in the wannabe server) OR on @bejinyoung's blog (i'm usually logged in there) if you want to plot!!
his background is kinda long but to sum it up, nicky's a nepo baby but also a survivor of narcissistic abuse (his mother was fcking awful)
parents are celebs who had a messy public divorce when he was a toddler, mom got full custody, and when he was 12 her act fell apart and he finally got to go stay with his dad
also he was a child actor, you might've seen him make appearances in movies/dramas/commercials when he was a wee one but he hasn't been in any "breakout" roles (mom sabotaged anything that would've made him more popular than her)
but now he's in therapy! and a much better home (his dad stepped away from the spotlight to raise him now, very supportive dad too) but there's some lasting trust issues and an overall prickly demeanor that's probably a coping mechanism
he's incredibly ambitious and competitive. once he sets his mind on a goal he will stop at nothing to achieve it. currently, he's interested in being an idol. he's not sure why, he just wants to do it. so he probably will someday! sr media interests him the most bc of his acting background
other hobbies... he's attending uni rn (unnamed for plotting purposes!), theatre major (nerd). super studious, will join any study group and tell everyone there that they're idiot sandwiches. he's a good cook (had to fend for himself a lot growing up), he likes to read (we could start a book club), and maybe just to really play up the tsun image he volunteers at an animal shelter on weekends or something... definitely has a secret soft spot for cute things.
idk if this is much to go off of but! hopefully we can get some plots going! i love this kid and am excited to see where he goes in wannabe!!
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yaraaltrospace · 1 year
Idea: Jujutsu Gakkou
If Attack on Titan has a Junior High version, why not give the same treatment to Jujutsu? We deserve a break after so much suffering...
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Yuji is still Sukuna's vessel, and he takes over anytime the boy's knocked out (rarely happens when he's asleep). The higher-ups offen send people to "exorcise" him, using things as traps and even rubber hammers, though it never works.
Sukuna is obsesively in love with Megumi, especially since the "rainy day"; instead of ripping Yuji's heart as it happens on JJK, he runs away and can only process the "symptoms" he carries as the ones of a crush. Anytime he's out, he attempts to look cute and cool in front of Megumi, challenging him to battles or proclaiming him as the "one love he's waited for a thousand years".
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Seeing this, Gojo sets up Yuji and Megumi as a couple, seeing this as a way to keep Sukuna from causing chaos. Megumi hates the idea of being set up, but he does care about Yuji so he goes along with it.
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Junpei Yoshino is a part of the crew, and in fact, the story here starts on his first day, which so happens to also be Yuji's return to Jujutsu Junior High after his "disappearance".
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Junpei's story is changed here: he does suffer in his previous school, and meets Mahito when going to the movies, but instead of killing the boys that beat Junpei up, he just humiliate them with his "dolls", and gives Junpei a doll, suggesting he switch schools and move to "a safer place" with his mom.
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Junpei can't do it due to money problems they face, but after meeting Yuji, Junpei is convinced to attempt Jujutsu Junior High, and ends up developing a crush on him, finding his smile "so bright it sends the rain away".
However, after arriving, Junpei's first day is disastrous: he's heavily intimidated by everyone, stumbles on training, and even ends up fighting unitentionally with Maki Zen'in, who uncovers his scars under his bangs (which are 'x' instead of burns). He feels like giving up, but Yuji teels him otherwise, promising they'll get stronger together. Their talk however is stopped when the doll Mahito gave Junpei grows thanks to his negative energy and seemingly devours him.
Yuji is knocked down while trying to fight it, Sukuna coming out to the shock of everyone... until he admits he wants Megumi to marry him, and Gojo can see "i love you" surrounding his aura. Mahito then appears, commenting how easy it was to send a trap to the school, but Sukuna easily tears the doll to shreds with a punch, Junpei still alive but surrounded by Moon Dregs, absolutely terrified. Mahito is stunned and scared away by Sukuna and Gojo, and Sukuna is knocked unconscious by Moon Dregs sneaking in and zapping him on the back.
After recovering, Yuji asks Yaga to make Junpei a new doll to make him feel safe, and Junpei is about to confess to Yuji, when Megumi appears and Yuji points out they're a couple, leaving Junpei shocked, but happy for him. However, the next day, Megumi confides in Junpei that this is a plan set by Gojo to keep Sukuna at bay, and both decide to join forces to protect Yuji.
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Many characters remain with the traits we know them for: Gojo's eccentric personality, Nobara being tough and awesome, Ijichi being anxious, Mechamaru being a downer, etc.
Maki finds Junpei very much alike Yuta, and this draws her to him, but she takes a tsundere approach, which drives Panda and Inumaki to make fun of her.
Soon after, the Kyoto students come over, not for the exchange school event, but to stay for a while, their school building being repaired after some "very cursed vandalism". Todo immediately gets drawn to Yuji, asking him "what type of 'dere' he likes", and when he points out not being able to identify if Megumi's a tsun or a yan, they become 'best friends'.
Yuta also comes over, Rika and him having a lovey-dovey couple relationship, him standing up to her whenever she seems discriminated.
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Junpei's traits go beyond his crush on Yuji: his love for movies is still as big as ever, and he brings up the possibility of making one.
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You can expect date episodes, festival episodes, and even a different Shibuya Incident, followed by a new plan by Geto/Kenjaku.
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tsunderedoctor · 2 years
Ummm hello tsun! I've been following your content for quite sometime now, and reading them all made me feel happy. Recently, things had not been so great. I've been feeling ill, I haven't been taking care of myself, and I just found out that my father was cheating on my mother which really took a toll on me.
Can I request like Law just giving comfort to the reader who hasn't been taking care of oneself because of the recent bad news that they had been recieving the past months? The way you describe Law is so wonderful. The way he gives comfort to the reader even he tends to be the unaffected by feelings.
I'm looking forward to your future posts, have a great day!
I completely understand your pain (not the circumstance, but the pain is still there) and am going through that today which is why I figured now would be a good time to write this. I hope you are doing okay and know you are so loved in this world, even if it doesn't feel like it. I apologize for making this extra mushy lol.
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Seeing your tearstained face always made his heart drop, his anxiety spiking through his blood as he tried to piece together just what happened today to cause such a scene. When you had told him the news about your parents it began to make sense in his brain why you looked so distraught. 
Though he never understood that pain, his parents always painted the fairytale story life in front of him and his sister. He does understand the grief that comes with losing that happy-go-lucky image you pictured them having. 
He already knew you didn’t feel well, the physical pain already taxing on your mental health, and now the news too? He wasn’t a psychiatrist, but he could put together these two circumstances can put an even heavier toll on your already faltering psyche.
Law is never good with words (unless they were about insulting people-), so he usually shows his love through actions. Whether it be making your favorite meal or just holding you. He will do his best to reassure you physically that he is here for you and that everything is going to be alright in the end. 
Holding your body close to his own cool skin, he sighed as he breathed in your scent. Here he was trying to make you feel better and he was already relaxing from you being so close to him. Letting you get comfortable in his lap, he leaned his head against your own in a calming manner. Grey eyes closed, he hummed a soft melody he remembered his mother used to sing to help him sleep on stormy nights. 
Looking up at the man, you sniffed away your tears and listened to his soft voice. Doing your best to stay quiet, not wanting to interrupt him, you waited until he finished humming before letting your question out. “What was that from?” 
Looking at you from the corner of his eyes, he coughed awkwardly before answering. “My mom used to sign it to us.” 
Nodding your head, you pulled the man close, kissing his chin as his stubble tickled your cheek and nose. “Thank you Law, it was beautiful.” 
Feeling his cheeks heat up, the man didn’t answer, only pulling you closer to his cool body. Resting your head against his chest, you smiled as you played with the string of his jacket. It’s going to be okay, it will work out in the end, and more importantly, you aren’t alone. 
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acey-wacey · 4 years
Crushing on their best friend’s sibling
A/N: I used the first names for the person who is your brother because you are supposed to have the same last name as them. 
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You’re a Nishinoya and you hang out with your older brother a lot, only older by one year, but he still likes to point out that he’s older, even though you’re taller than him. 
You’ve adopted some of Yū’s habits, like the obnoxious loudness and persistence. 
Since Yū was on the volleyball team, you decided to become a manager because Kiyoko could use the help and somebody has to keep your brother in line. 
Asahi has had a crush on you since he has been friends with your brother. 
The first time he ever saw you, he thought he had died and gone to heaven because you looked like an angel to him. 
Daichi and Suga tease him about this relentlessly. 
He always found your confidence and enthusiasm intriguing and refreshing from his own thoughts filled with self-doubt and anxiety. 
You are always there whenever he needs you. If he’s feeling overwhelmed about something, you are there to comfort him. If he’s feeling sad because of people getting the wrong idea about his appearance, you tell them off and tell him no matter how he looks to other people, he is the nicest person you’ve ever met. 
It means a lot to him and he tells you how much he appreciates you every time he is reminded of your kindness towards him. 
If Yū ever found out about his crush, he would try to be a wingman, but he’s not good at it. 
He’s like, subtly trying to set you up with Asahi but he’s so unsubtle about it you never take him seriously. 
You’ve told Yū that you have a crush on his best friend, of course, but he swore on his Gudetama plushie wouldn’t tell Asahi about it, so he’s really frustrated with watching you two dance circles of obliviousness around each other and he can’t do anything about it because Gudetama is on the line. 
Eventually, Yū does accidentally let it slip to you that Asahi likes you back and you are in complete shock. 
You knew he thought of you as friends but never imagined he would ever want to be anything more. 
When you start dating, you do cute things like linking pinkies and gazing into each other’s eyes from across the room. 
Yū’s always like “get a room” because honestly, he’s jealous that Asahi’s giving you all the attention even though he was Asahi’s friend first. 
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He comes over to the Bokuto household sometimes to help Koutarou study and such
He only ever sees you in passing, when you come to the kitchen to get a snack, or coming home from school. 
The first time you two met met was when Koutarou forgot his textbook at Akaashi’s house and when Akaashi went to return it, you opened the door instead of your brother. 
That first exchange was a bit of an awkward one but at least it broke the ice for future conversations. 
He made a good first impression though. He spoke to you so politely and soflty, what a gentleman, and such a pretty one too. 
You intentionally come out of your room when Akaashi is over because you found you enjoyed making conversation with him, and he enjoyed it as well. 
He helped Koutarou with homework more as an excuse to see you. 
He realizes he has a crush on you when you’re bringing snacks and fussing over the boys. 
You lean over Akaashi to see the problems that they are working on, and when he looks up to meet your eyes, he realizes that he doesn’t mind being fussed over by you. 
He likes the attention that you give him and the way you care for both your brother and him. He finds it endearing. 
Koutarou has begun to be suspicious of why Akaashi is helping him with his homework so much more than before. 
Of course, he doesn’t connect the dots, even though Akaashi only comes over when you’re home and you only come out of your room when Akaashi’s around.
With the way you’re always taking care of Koutarou and him, Akaashi can’t help but think that you would be a really great mom, but he has to push those thoughts away because otherwise, he is going to start thinking about raising kids with you and then he would be too distracted for Japanese homework. 
He accidentally tells your brother about his crush on you and while Koutarou swears he would never tell you, Akaashi knows better than to trust the loose-lipped captain with any important secrets, which is exactly why he wasn’t going to tell him. 
Koutarou eventually lets it slip when he says something about a secret Akaashi told him about you and then proceeds to act super suspicious when you interrogate him about it. 
You don’t even have to pry the truth out of him. He caves with a single glare and you make a mental note not to tell him any secrets you need kept. 
Once you tell Akaashi you like him back and you two start dating, he doesn’t need to use studying as an excuse to come over anymore. 
He still comes over to study, but it’s less because you’re there and more because Koutarou is failing Math, please help this boy. 
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You bond with him over your love for making fun of your brother, Tooru. 
You find it amusing how he’s always hitting Tooru in the head with volleyballs and since it’s so fun, Tooru now has to deal with two volleyballs to the head every time he says something stupid. 
He never imagined that he’d find an Oikawa attractive but you aren’t as pompous and overbearing as your brother is. 
It’s your belief that Iwaizumi doesn’t even care about you, that you are his best friend’s sibling and nothing more, when in actuality, it’s quite the opposite. 
Iwaizumi finds talking to you amusing if nothing more. He likes the way you scrunch up your nose when he teases you and his mind wanders to your blossoming laughter whenever he loses interest in his class. 
He talks and asks about you to Tooru sometimes and somehow the oblivious setter still hasn’t caught on to his crush yet. 
He just complains about how Iwa-chan is supposed to be his best friend, not yours so why can’t they talk about something interesting instead of a loser like you. 
Tooru gets another volleyball for calling you a loser. 
When Tooru finally emerges from his cocoon of stupid and realizes Iwaizumi’s crush on you, he’s relentless. 
He’s brutal with his teasing and eye-brow wiggling, but he did promise to keep the crush a secret and he is a man of his word. Also he enjoys watching you two idiots not realizing you have feelings for each other. 
Iwaizumi may look intimidating but he would definitely confess in the softest way. 
He would get some frosted cookies from a bakery and have them write “I like you” in icing over the baked treats.
You never in a million years expected the tsun you know to be a dere but here he is, standing in front of you with a beet-red face, presenting cookies for a confession. 
After you accept his confession and start dating, Tooru is complaining even more. Iwa-chan barely gives him any attention these days even though he is supposedly the superior Oikawa. 
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malachi-walker · 5 years
Catra and Touch
Ok look, it's raining where I am so I can't go for a walk and my mom's borrowing my car while hers is in the shop, so have some more meta while I try not to chew my own legs off from stir craziness. Also I'm pretty sure some people have discussed this before, but whatevs.
Like, a common fandom interpretation of Catra is that her touch aversion is mostly a joke due to her being part cat (because cats won't lay across you all damn day if you let 'em, nosir) or that she dislikes physical contact in general, but I'm 99.9% that's not it. And I'm sorry to bring a serious topic into what I think is supposed to be light hearted joking at character stereotypes, but well...
It's because she's been physically abused.
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I mean, just look at the difference when Catra and Adora are still on good terms in the Horde or in the perfect world. (Also if anyone can send me a non-edited screenshot of that moment where she and Adora have their arms around each other's shoulders and Catra just looks so soft, I'd appreciate it.)
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She's practically a cuddle bug. And like yeah, Adora has always been Catra's exception. She was her safe zone. That's the point. Catra had nothing to fear from Adora. Even the other cadets, even the other members of their squad weren't safe for Catra. Remember back in s1 when Lonnie told Catra "Adora's not around to protect you anymore" with two other cadets standing behind her ready to put Catra in her place, implying that this sort of thing happens to her all the time offscreen? Yeah, she's not cuddling up to anyone in that demographic.
Which kinda makes scenes like this a lot more uncomfortable.
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Don't get me wrong, Scorpia doesn't have a malicious bone in her body and I doubt she would ever do this kind of thing if she knew exactly why it makes Catra uncomfortable. I think it has more to do with the fact that she's a giant, overly loving sweetheart who hasn't had her moms around to teach her boundaries. She's just as touch starved as the rest of the Horde gays. Still doesn't make it cool though.
And this kind of behavior isn't even limited to physical abuse victims in real life! I'm autistic and have touch processing difficulties, so sudden touches without asking or giving fair warning (especially if someone comes up on me from behind without me noticing) make my nerves misfire into flight or flight mode. Especially light touches without much pressure, which can be actually painful in a way that's really hard to put into words. I freaking love hugs and brushing up against people and just being in physical contact with those I care about, but I still need that fair warning because that automatic physical response doesn't give a shit who's giving out the touches. That's also true for people with ptsd like Catra! It's not her being tsun or a control freak or a hypocrite (given how touchy feely she is with Adora), it's keeping herself from a potential freakout.
And last but not least... The fact that people continue to touch Catra without her consent just highlights the underlying thread that Catra is constantly having her control taken away from her. In a place like the Horde, where nobody owns anything, maintaining control over who touches you and when is one of the few possessions these kids have.
So yeah. I kinda lost the thread of what I was getting at, but maybe check first before you go hugging or cuddling people without their consent. I get being excited, but unless you know what they're about and what they've been through maybe don't do this thing.
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mitsuhidethesnek · 3 years
Time to liveblog Ikepri!
There will be complaining so I won’t tag the characters when I’m complaining lol. Also, this will reflect my blatant bias for scary boys plus Leon. I’m not into softies or tsuns. This is just me airing out MY opinions, so please feel free to disagree and have your own thoughts. I knew I should have started this liveblog earlier. I’m already 4 chapters into Chev’s route. Character first impressions under the cut. Just prologue content.
Prologue thoughts - I like that she owns a bookstore. IkeVamp also had an MC after my own heart, travel journalist. - Yves and Chevalier both lay it on so thick with the insults. Everyone is unworthy to Yves, but it’s his overcompensation from the start. For Chevalier, everyone is just literally inferior because apparently he’s worked so hard to be so ruthlessly superior.
- Eight princes have gathered, one of them will be chosen to be king. Except only our three starter pokemon want to be king, and more than half of them have asked you to be less formal with them lol.
- pfft. Everyone calling Sariel out for kidnapping me. Sariel is like “how dare you accuse me? MC is here of her own free will, right, MC?” and only LEON actually asks my opinion. But he also tries to persuade me by pointing out the icing on top of the ordeal lol.
- I like that Sariel was impressed with me the moment I slapped a drunk. A man who appreciates violence “for a good cause.” I mean, a solid reason to choose me.
- Okay, it is furthermore not about eight different princes vying for power. It’s really just two factions. Team Chevalier and Team Leon. plus Yves kind of
- Prologue Chapter 8 is where Leon starts being nice to you wants to know your thoughts. uwu
- This MC asks questions multiple times. She asked “why her?” for Belle multiple times. It’s extra self-deprecating, which I’m not into, but I guess it’s humble. She doesn’t understand that just being a commoner is enough. It could be anyone. And it just one unlucky standout moment she was chosen for. Leon gives a good reason though. We need someone common who understands what it’s like to be human, because all the royals are a bunch of beasts.
- I love that Belle is a title. Such a good trope. Like how Alice is a title in Ikerev
- I wonder if our translation enthusiasts are complaining. Probably. >> The English localization seems really on the nose with some lines. ><
Individual character thoughts
- I was expecting puppy immaculate sub. I wasn’t expecting literally obsessed with you. But the fact that he makes Sariel nervous and is too much for Sariel is HILARIOUS. Terrifying levels of enthusiasm. I approve.
- Unfortunately Rio is exactly the type of man I have often had to discourage. It is never just harmless flirting! >< Girl, he gonna keep trying even once you’re married.
- Sariel has some sexy lines, but it is 100% creepy since we don’t know each other. - I figured he was my type. Sadistic. Devil-type. The way they do it is he says some pretty unnatural things that imply violence and madness. Disciplinarian. He’s extra and kind of unbelievable and way too handsy in a way that makes him come off shady, but I’m here for the sadistic disciplinarian ride.
-I was looking forward to the contrast between Sariel and Rio, someone who makes you serve and someone else who loves to serve, so I’m here for that contrast. Yves
- No, I don’t appreciate you insulting me every second. He seems like a dainty tsun, so not really my type off the bat.
- However, something tells me his story might be surprisingly moving and relatable? Kind of like Ikevamp Mozart or Ikerev Jonah. Very prim condescending characters who reveal relatable insecurities and standards. Characters that reveal more in their routes than as NPCs.
- I’m not into big kind guys, but he’s honestly a breath of fresh air. I like that he’s not an active flirt, but what he says is just extra friendly so it comes off flirty. He’s the tallest and is compared to a bear. He doesn’t want to be king. So he seems like someone who will just be nice. I like that he’s super not into the drama and tries to get away from it and discourages it.
- He’s not my type either. He’s the eldest brother, so he has this knowing air about him all the time like nothing surprises him. But he’s just an observer and commenter so far, doesn’t really interfere. He’s more cool like IkeRev Ray, not an uptight brother-mom figure.
- Not my type either. Reminds me of IkeRev Harr and Luke. Just really quiet at first so it’s hard to say. He might be the most normal though of all the brothers. Similar to Luke, where he wants to stay out of the drama, but much more taciturn and grumpy about it.
- He’s my type. Constantly trying to get in your pants. But he’s coming off kind of cheesy and just nonstop horny to me. Idk, I like seductive enticing dialogue, and I lose interest when it goes past coaxing to full on pushing.
- I was REALLY hype for Clavis. Constantly amused character. Turns out, he’s not just this puppeteer in the background. He’s a full on meddler, which I’m still into. He likes starting chaos for its own sake.
- I wonder if he’s different in other routes, but so far having started Chev’s route, I don’t like that he’s mostly here to cause chaos in all matters relating to Chev, instead of being about causing mischief in general. And I don’t like that he’s more of a prankster. I was hoping for sophisticated knowing trickster.
- He lays his superiority complex on SUPER thick. The payoff is supposed to be good when he goes from being utterly unimpressed with you to being obsessed with you. But it’s super disheartening to have characters that make me feel like an idiot. And it’s just how he treats everyone, not just me, but he lays it on thickest at me.
- I literally only like this dude because he’s got that regal IkeSen Kenshin gaze and black fur-lined cape. My brain goes stupid for the regal fur boa, and I like that it’s black against his white color scheme because it suggests that he is the sinister brutal white of winter. So I’m here for all those metaphors.
- But he’s really extreme in how his character revolves around basically two thoughts: Love is worthless. Everyone has a use, and I don’t care about anything but the use of things.
- saved Leon for last because he’s too easily my favorite!! I’m glad I started Chev’s route because there’s no way I would have touched anyone else if I had started with Leon.
- He’s the best parts of Ikesen Masamune and Nobunaga and Ikevamp Napoleon and Leo! 
- I’m a sucker for the one character who actually cares about what I think and values it even when I underrate my own opinion. ;~;
- He’s the domestic faction in contrast to Chev the foreign faction. so already Chev is about conquest, and Leon is about doing a good job as King taking care of the people. Leon radiates power and can apply it at will, but mostly he asks first, and it’s so nice. Best of both worlds! Power and compassion!
- In a lot of his dialogue, the way he appeals to you is: “You don’t have to if you don’t want to. You don’t have to do anything that you’re not ready for. But if you do, it will be fun and life-changing. What do you say? Will you put your trust in me?” He never makes me feel bad for choosing what makes me feel safe or better. And he makes the danger option sound good because he acknowledges the danger and shifts your focus to the benefits, and you know you’ll be protected if you stay by him.
In summary...
I’m here for Leon.
I’m hopeful that Chevalier, Nokto, Sariel and Rio will scratch my itch for their tropes.
Luke and Yves surprised me. I’m open.
Lost interest in Clavis.
No interest in Jin and Licht so far.
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A Day in the Life of Gumi
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The camera continued to film the sleeping bunny for a while longer, before a small banana was brought into the frame, closer to the camera. The stem was cracked, and immediately the rabbit woke up with a start, looking around for the source of the banana… Before letting out a yawn.
Yawn finished, the rabbit hopped over, and began to munch on the banana. A smattering of Japanese kana floated across the screen, with the corresponding English translations captioned.
“Ohayou, everybunny! It’s me, Bubblegum, everyone’s favourite bun-bun!” The subtitles spelled out even if the rabbit herself didn’t actually vocalize anything. “Sorry for waking up late, peko! I was celebrating my third birthday yesterday… There was so much soda and I tired myself out partying!”
As she continued to munch, the camera was set down on a table. Their owner stepped into the frame of view still holding the banana, revealing a young Japanese woman in a white dress and a black hair bow: those of you who had knowledge of the idol scene (or had just read the channel’s about page) recognized her as the underground idol known as TASOGARE, or Dusky to others.
“Mama’s here! I mean, she’s always behind the camera, but she’s here now! And I love her so much!” Her free hand gently ruffled the back of the bunny’s ears. “Awawa! She always pets me just right!” 
A soft melody started playing over the two of them, before the overlaid intro card spelled out just what you were in for:
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The next scene faded into a lounge room, where Bubblegum was being chased by what looked to be a tiny italian greyhound, barking as he went. Watching them frolic from atop a couch was an interesting animal, one that looked like a large cat the size of a boxer dog, but had fluffy wool much like a sheep possessed. She regarded the two on the ground impassively, as if waiting for the perfect time to strike, or simply because there was nothing better to do.
“Today, I want to introduce everyone to my familiar friends! The iggy chasing me is Bucephalus, though most of us usually call him Buce as a nickname. Say something cool, Buce-kun!”
“Yipyipyipyipyiphellohellohello!!” The tiny dog finally caught up, and booped his snout onto the fluff of Bubblegum’s tail. “Tag!”
This prompted the bunny to turn tail and chase after him back, and would not have been able to catch up to his superior speed if not for the sudden appearance of the sheep-cat, who bounded off her couch and down to block one of the greyhound’s escape routes.
“And this is my cousin, Baaby! She’s a really strong and magical sheep-cat hybrid! Please don’t call her a shat, she doesn’t like that.”
He dodged the large feline with a whine. “No fair! Why are you on her side?” 
"Because you slept on me... again. And you drool in your sleep." Baaby mewled lazily, licking one of her paws.
The chase continued for a few seconds more, before Buce bounded straight into the camera and knocked it into a black screen, setting up the next scene transition.
An underground lake framed the scene this time, as Bubblegum hopped along the water’s edge. Finding the first of her two friends, she thumped a foot in a high-five against the tailfin of the winged magical fish that leapt out of the water.
“This is Astrid! She’s a fairy koi, and she likes to swim down here. Mama likes to help her friend feed Astrid whenever she has the time to.”
The camerawoman, presumably Dusky, holds out a handful of apple blossoms towards the water. The fairy koi’s eyes light up from a distance, and she jumps out of the lake in a miniature water bubble controlled by her own magic, before swimming in the air over to munch.
Finishing up all of the flowers, the fish let out a burp and smiled. “Thank you! Much appreciated! Astrid is very happy and full.” She blew some water bubbles into the air above Bubblegum before swimming back to the lake, popping her own water bubble as she did.
“See you around, Astri-tan!” Bubblegum waved, before continuing to hop along the perimeter.
Eventually, she came across a majestic horse-like creature resting on the side bank of the lake, with mottled green skin and a mane that looked more like seaweed than hair. A bright red eye cracked open at the sudden presence, as the sea-horse lifted her head to regard the rabbit.
“This is Undaria! She’s a kelpie, and she’s also my sister! Well, technically, half-sister, her dad and my mama are dating and all, but she’s my sister all the same! Say hi, Unda-chan!”
The kelpie neighed softly, prompting Bubblegum to hop closer. “What is it now, Bubbles?”
The bun hopped onto her half-sister’s back, before beginning to run her face through the kelp. “I’m helping to groom you! Because I can!” As she continued to trim through the kelpie’s mane, Bubblegum chirruped softly, “I love my sis so much! She’s the tsun-tsun to my dere-dere!”
“What does that even mean?” Undaria whinnied haughtily. It did not stop her from allowing the grooming to happen, or from gently setting the rabbit back down onto shore once she was done.
“See you later, nee-chan!” Bubblegum thumped happily, before skittering away to a new setting.
Now she was in the middle of a pumpkin patch, nibbling on some pumpkin leaves. “Hello again! My next friends are flying at the moment, so I’ll introduce you to them when they come down!”
A few seconds later, and they did. A white pigeon with streaks of purple and red in his wings glided down to land on a pumpkin, followed shortly after by a pale yellow budgie with a dash of small white spots on his head. They raised a wing in greeting. 
“I’m Berry!” The pigeon coos, before he scratched his head. “Still don’t know what kind of berry I’m supposed to be, but I guess it depends on the day.” He eyes the camera, and the person behind it extends a baked cracker, which he comes over to eat.
“And I’m Alkonost! I- ooh, cracker.” Distracted, the budgie hopped over to munch on the cracker. “Where was I? Oh yeah, I’m visiting today! Mom works somewhere else usually, but her girlfriend was in the area so I tagged along.”
While the birds were busy, Bubblegum moved further down the pumpkin patch; once they were done consuming the cracker, they led the camera over to their next pair of familiars.
Unsurprisingly, the massive clydesdale horse stood out first. Towering over Bubblegum and the two birds by a magnitude of at least ten, he had a dark brown mane with a matching brown tail, and a chocolate brown body with white patches around his face and legs. A loose red bandana was tied around his neck, and part of his mane had been braided to rest behind one of his ears.
At his feet was a strange snake-like creature, but this one was distinctly less long and slithery, and more compact and chubby. A glow stick necklace circled around this one’s neck, and his forked tongue stole chunks of pumpkin flesh as he vibed, brown and green stripes vibrating.
“This is Johnny Kane!” Bubblegum introduced, gently thumping her paw against the stallion’s leg. “I’ve been trying to get him interested in Unda-chan for a while now, but since he only comes to visit every now and then, there’s never really been much time to schedule a date.”
Judging by the long face on the horse, both metaphorically and literally, she was the only one in support of the idea. “Charmed.”
“And this is King!” Despite the natural tendency for rabbits to fear snakes, she approached him with no fear whatsoever. “He’s a tsuchinoko! Yes, tsuchinoko real. Do you wanna say anything?”
“Flpflpflpflpflp…” Retracting his tongue, King gave a toothy half-smile. “I mean… party rock is in the house tonight? I dunno, but I’m always down to have some fun.”
While rabbits weren’t usually capable of smiling, Bubblegum could trill happy vibes very well. “Aren’t we all? Thank you guys for showing up, I’m going to go find the others now. Stay sweet!”
Hopping away, she sped past the camera to the final pit stop in her adventure quest, a snazzy recreation room that contained a karaoke machine and a countertop bar. As she hopped inside, something ran outside, a black blur of an animal with the briefest flash of yellow eyes.
“That was Teto! It’s alright if we didn’t get to see her, she’s not very sociable.” Bubblegum sniffed. “Unlike the other black cat in the mansion… my mom’s boss, Trouble!”
She pauses in her tracks, scrunching up her face. “At least I know I’ve seen her as a black cat at some point a while ago… Maybe she likes transformation magic? Or maybe that’s just her fursona.”
Hopping onto a bar stool, the rabbit came face to face with a rooster on another stool. This was no ordinary rooster however, as instead of brown or white feathers, every inch of the sun bird’s body was covered in multicoloured flechettes. Both his comb and tail feathers had little balls of what looked to be concentrated fire, and he let out a cocky crow at the sight of the camera.
“This is Bata! He’s a sarima… sarima…” The subtitles were clearly poking fun at Bata’s species, even if both rabbit and mistress probably knew what he was. “Sun chicken! He’s a baby.”
“I am not!” He clucked back. “I am a very proud rooster who eats lots of big man food and can still find the time to give my Dad feather hugs whenever he wants them!”
Bubblegum blinked. “That’s… oddly specific.”
“Shush, don’t judge me, you get hugs from your momma all the time too.” He stuck out his tongue.
“Fair enough!” Bubblegum conceded with a trill. “And you will always be a baby because that’s what I remember you as when you were still a chick. A baby!”
Bata let out a squawk, preening his feathers. “Lies! Slander! I’m bigger than you, Bubble-brain!”
The two continued their friendly banter as Dusky stepped into view and pressed the service bell on the bar’s top. A little scratching noise was heard, before a mouse scampered up onto the bar: this mouse looked to be a little old, with a small witch’s hat that had probably seen better days, but he nonetheless squeaked cheerily to ask for orders.
“A tall glass of apple cider, please. And some water for them.” Dusky requested, giving the mouse a gentle pat on the head. The mouse moved to go make those drinks, and seconds later the order was set out in front of all three of the bar’s current occupants.
“And that’s Jeffrey! He was, um… he belonged to mom’s teacher before she passed away, but he’s still working here out of loyalty to my mom’s bosses. Really great mouse, who serves great drinks!” Bubblegum happily starts lapping at the water.
Once they were done, the idol scooped up her rabbit, waved goodbye to the other two familiars and walked out of the door. The scene cut back to the inside of their room, where Bubblegum is set down gently, and the bun hops around the room to exercise, just a little.
“As you can see, there’s a whole bunch of friends here with me in the mansion, and they come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and some of them are plenty magical, too!” Rubbing the back of her ears with a paw, Bubblegum yawned. “Familiar or not though… we’re still like everyday animals and we all have our own needs. Food, sleep, and of course, love!”
Dusky shows up one last time, simply to press a kiss onto Bubblegum’s eager forehead. “And I’ll always give you as much love as I can.”
“Yay! That’s all for tonight! I’ve been Bubblegum, and I wish you all a gumi-goodnight. Goodbye!” While the outro music played, Bubblegum hopped around in a circle before she binkied herself into her bed, waving at the camera one last time before the ending card signalled the vlog’s end.
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msuhana · 4 years
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heeyoo everyone ! i’m ume ( 21+, she/her, pst! ) and this is my first muse here ! i’ve been eyeing this place for a while but only got enough time recently to really be able to join so i’m supes excited to be here !!! anyway enough with the ice-breaker-esque intro, this is hana  🖤  ( yves fc ) and she’s quite the pain in the ass bc she has quite the longest stick in her ass lmfao! her profile is right here, but it’s ridiculously long ( not that this isn’t ridiculously long but wtv ) so if you don’t want to get a headache .... mb read the below deets first ? i’d reaaaaaaaally love to plot with everyone, i’d much prefer it over twitter (@nagisasgf) or via discord ( feel free to ask! ) rather than tumblr dms, if possible. but if you’d also like to plot, feel free to like this and i’ll zoom by for some one on one time ! 🤪🤪🤪
meet cho hana 
again, cho hana: 21 y/o ( 11/11/98 ), toseong senior majoring in transfiguration, minor in herbology
she’s also in these clubs: chess club (co-president), debate club, and herbology club!
her mother chose her clubs and her major, hana chose her minor and the herbology club
born and raised in seoul, south korea! she’s also a mahoutokoro graduate
she was a ‘accident’, her father is severely out of the picture to the point that hana doesn’t even know his name / whereabouts or questions about him because her mother never told her about him at all and hana just accepted it ( aka her mother has a very tight reign on hana’s life )
speaking of her mother, her mother is a famed auror who fell from grace when she got pregnant with hana
because of her pregnancy with hana, she had to retire early and thus dedicated her entire life making sure hana didn’t make the same mistakes she did and was just as smart, talented and envied as ahyoung had been
this makes for a very restrained childhood, where all hana knew was studying, studying and more studying
also if it isn’t obvious, hana has serious mommy issues to the point that she’s disillusioned herself into thinking everything is okay when it’s not
whenever her mother was displeased with something, she’d physically abuse hana -- it began when hana would get things wrong, if she didn’t get the right grades or failed to make the top of her class but then it started to extend to embarrassing her mother by saying or doing the wrong things
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it’s pretty bad because hana thinks, still, if she works hard enough she can somehow gain her mother’s love 
ever since she was young, hana was conditioned to strive for the best, because she was ‘cho ahyoung’s daughter’ she could do it, to the point that it not only inflated hana’s ego, it also really fucked up her self-esteem and how she she’s her own self-worth
a lot of people think she’s a ‘genius’ or ‘prodigy’ because of her academic history but she’s literally the opposite, she works way too hard for her grades but her mother wants her to pretend she’s a genius because she thinks it’s embarrassing that her own daughter isn’t a natural-born genius like she is
i, hana
this bitch has Big Tsun vibes if you know it you know it 🤪
like she’ll geniunely care but she’s also HEAVES BIG SIGH BC ???? WHY ??? WHAT ARE THESE FEELINGS ???
she’s such a priss, and she knows it -- that’s why i say she has a stick up her ass bc she does
she’s definitely not a wild card, she’s very by the book, rules and all, sure -- she tries not to fault people if they’re not the same as her but if you go out of your way to be stupid, you’ll be getting an ear-full
probably the most put-together person you know, organized, meticulous, looks like she has her life all together? yeah that’s cho hana
her outfits of choice are hot librarian chic, if you must know -- yes, she owns sweater vests and layers her clothes, and yes she thinks they’re sexy
she’s not mean, but she’s also not unreasonably nice off the gate ???? she’s just really civil and mutual ??? mostly she’ll fake smile at you but in her head she’s like ‘i’m with stupid’ 
no, but if you’re really dumb / do something really dumb she’ll call you out on it without filter
she’s a very type-A personality, but she wasn’t always like this. if anything, she was made to be this way and it kind of stuck. she carries around a planner ( no, not those bullet journal crap ) an actual planner with real dates, a to-do list and scheduled sessions written for almost every minute of every day. if she loses this, she’ll practically shut down
hana doesn’t love control, she needs it -- if anything, without it, she can get a little antsy, so much that it kind of fucks with her fragile ego ( you can thank her mother for the need to be in control bc her mother literally controls every aspect of her life )
if she’s upset, she’ll probably grin through it before quickly excusing herself to go throw vases at the walls or tear flowers to shreds in the greenhouse
if you need someone to critically tear down your confidence and dish reality’s terrible news to you, hana’s probably the person you need
you can probably find hana in 3 places if she’s not in her dorm: studying in the library, crying in the greenhouse, or smoking at the pool of universe
she’s praised as some kind of genius or prodigy, but hana thinks it’s more of an insult than a compliment because she's neither. she won’t deny it but you can probably instantly see the way her demeanor changes towards you when you call her either of those things
this bitch should go on jeopardy with all the useless information she keeps on hand from all her studying, tbh. like she’d be leading a normal conversation with her friends, and if it’s remotely related, she’d randomly insert it into the conversation as if it was something normal like asking about the weather.
not one to go out looking for trouble, but much like a vulture – she follows it. perhaps it’s her desire to be praised, to feel needed, whatever – but in her group of friends, could probably be seen as the moral compass, if not, the person who’s cleaning up everyone’s messes ( or holding their hair while they puke their guts out )
needed connects
childhood friends who know how hana’s mom is, and all the stress she puts on her ( but not the bad things that happen at home ) and try to help her through her issues but hana’s like ‘no, it’s not your problem, it’s okay’ but this friend won’t give up because they hate to see hana so stressed and sad and frustrated and just want the best for her!!!!
give her friends who want to loosen her up because she’s literally so fuCKING RIGID, she needs to live a little but hana is literally like fuck that shit i need to study my ass off or else i’ll lose my place ( but really she’d probably not lose her place, she’s just delusional )
ppl she can actually break down in front of bc she feels stress keeping up w everyone’s expectations of who she is and she’s kind of SIck of pretending to be this Perfect Person but she keeps it up bc it’s better than hearing the nasty things about her
give me a good tension-filled rivals plot, this bitch is honestly so hyper-competitive it’s ridiculous, we’d just love someone to go ‘chill tf out you bitch, but oh yeah look how i steal rank 1 from you’
TOSEONG SENIOR PREFECT LOCKED ! so, hana worked extra hard junior year in order to get senior prefect ( or even head girl ) but since she got neither, hana is a) pissed and b) bitter because now she has her mother breathing down her neck for not getting either positions, but her mother’s wrath adds even more : ) unnecessary : ) stress and that stress : ) gets unreasonably taken out on that toseong senior prefect
exes who couldn’t keep up with her -- hana always puts her relationships second to her academic priorities and it comes to a point where she’ll put studying/getting ahead before hanging out with her significant other, and it has always been this way ; she’s also just never able to properly put her feelings into proper words so she’s always just ... Repressed 
someone give her a love where she ALMOST threw everything away for but at the last minute didn’t -- OR BETTER YET she was so ready to do it but the s/o was like Sike! and she was left devastated and her already vulnerable feelings got even worse to the point that she closed herself off
HERBOLOGY CLUB MEMBER LOCKED ! ( could be a junior year or above! ) hana wasn’t always in the herbology club, but she joined her sophomore year after a brush of fate. after getting really bad results on her DADA exam, and fearing what her mother would say/do, she finds solace in the greenhouse ( she’s been there several times bc of her minor and finds it empty at certain hours ) and begins ripping up the plants. your muse can find hana and scold her / console her / etc. but somehow the interaction ends with your muse convincing hana to join the herbology club 
someone pls fuck her against a bookcase, just a thought
rivals but fwb ( can also be paired with the connect from above! )
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hana secretly smokes. she doesn’t fault anyone who does, hana just thinks it’s a bad habit for herself and if her mother knew, she knew she’d never hear the end of it. so, enter your muse either they found her while they themselves were looking for a smoke or just happened upon her -- either way they found out hana smokes and it can end in either a ) hana doesn’t give a shit and ends up having smoking dates with them or b ) hana fucking fears for her life and exchanges something in order for you to keep your mouth shut
PRE-ESTABLISHED FRIENDS PLOT REQ ! but your muse mistakenly walks in on hana and her mother in the middle of a heated argument. you finally see hana being the submissive person you Don’t know her to be and in the nick of time you see her mother slap the shit out of her. you try to talk to hana but don’t know what to say -- shockingly enough -- you don’t need to say anything because hana just breaks down and it kind of just makes sense. from there, your muse will probably be the only person hana goes to about her mommy issues, especially when hana’s mom makes her ‘surprise’ visits to campus to check up on her
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hana isn’t a bad drinker, if anything -- she’s pretty good at keeping her alcohol in check. however, you aren’t -- so here she is, holding your hair, holding your arm, or helping you back to your dorm room. either way, she’s here to take care of you and in the morning, lecture you for your almost alcohol intoxication scare
as top of her class, hana isn’t unfamiliar to tutoring others, if anything, a lot of her professors actually ask her to do so -- pairing her with several of their students at one time. maybe you’re one of the students she tutors?
someone who envies how well hana does in school, and is constantly praised for it -- maybe hates her for it? idk -- something spicy i guess or going so far to say how easily it comes to hana and kind of undermines the hard work hana actually does and hana either takes it or blows up at them for it bc that shit is annoying as fuck
toseong house cute plots bc hana isn’t really all that cute but like she tries ... she wants affection but won’t go out of her way to ask for it??? bitch has problems i swear
toseong house not so cute plots ( could also be relevant to any not from toseong ) who are just sick of hana’s genius bullcrap and want to take her down a notch !!!!! my ass heavily wanting this bc who doesn’t love a muse in pain / agony ; could also apply as a rivals / hate plot idk 
HEALING MAJORS LOCKED ! your muse catches hana in the middle of her rage episodes. she unceremoniously is wreaking havoc somewhere and ends up breaking glass to the point that she ends up bleeding. your muse chances upon her -- sees that she’s bleeding and offers to patch her up. whether or not she fesses up to why she ended up this way, can be determined!
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janumun · 5 years
Hi it’s obey me chapter 7 anon can I just say 8 is already off to a “amazing” start, as the mom friend I am just screaming internally at everyone including mc like why can’t you be a little smarter, I know it wouldn’t be as fun or exiting but would some brains hurt?
I get you LOL. It is impossible for these (in the words of the Great Mammon himself) pea-brains to think for themselves. The only brain cells they collectively share, belong to Lucifer and he's not exactly down with their stunts. 😂
These kids need to be kept in line. It's giving Dad Lucifer a headache LMAO.
[Editing this to add: If you haven't completed Chapter 8 yet, anon, don't read any further till you have! I re-read your ask and realized you're talking only about the beginning of chapter 8. I don't want to spoil anything!]
Levi provided the best 👌👌 commentary for this chapter though:
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Someone tell this otaku demon he got no right to be calling others out on tsun-ness (*´・v・)
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Because Henry 1.0 surviving is way more important that your survival. This is what we call true love for your pet. ˚✧₊⁎❝᷀ົཽ≀ˍ̮ ❝᷀ົཽ⁎⁺˳✧༚
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Lesson 101: Don't do shit that would get you chewed out, in the first place, damn it! (╯°Д°)╯︵/(.□ . \)
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It's... It's not that kind of game, Levi (/ω\) Though, I wish it was lol
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Someone take the man's D.D.D away ( ̄□ ̄;)!!
I took a billion screenshots, I love this game so much. Also, when Mammon asks you to dance le gasp but Lucifer gotta ruin it all for the poor baby
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suitov · 5 years
He and Natsumi bond over embarrassing brothers (UTDP)
"Zu... you're not mom."
"I realise that," said Izuru, in the tone of one patiently waiting for one's mentally challenged brother to stop stating the obvious.
"I mean, you don't have to make me lunches. And bring them. Into my homeroom. In front. Of my. Class. Mates."
Izuru tilted his head to one side. "Do you have a headache?"
Hajime growled and lifted his head back off the desk. "Working on one."
"I can fetch analgesics."
"No thanks. You already..." Hajime paused and took a deep breath, trying not to feel everyone's eyes on him. "You already did plenty. Nice. I mean the scarf and gloves and lunch are already very nice. Thanks. Now shouldn't you get to class? YOUR class, where YOU go?"
Izuru grabbed at him. Hajime, through long years of practice, evaded the brotherly hug.
Izuru quirked his head in what, for him, counted as an uproarious laugh. "One of the junior class taught me a word and it applies to you. You are tsun."
"No I'm not."
"You should meet a certain boy from my class. You have a lot in common."
"Me? With a Main Course student?"
"He is an Ultimate Yakuza."
"I remind you of a GAN- of a gangster?!" Hajime cupped a hand around his eyes so he didn't have to see Sato smirking at them. Great, now he had a nerd noogie to look forward to.
"You should be friends. You can be tsun together."
"I'm not tsun."
"I will invite you to our Christmas party."
"Yeah. I'm sure the Ultimates will looooove that. We can all sing carols together."
"The rising of the tsun, and the running of the dere." Izuru folded the scarf on top of Hajime's bento and arranged the mittens either side. He turned and wandered out of the classroom.
Sato sidled up and gave Hajime a sly poke in the side. He groaned.
Hajime had a weird feeling he was being danced at. The girl on stage was graceful, unbelievably graceful, but she kept... looking at him. It wasn't a friendly look. He swore she... did she just smack her fist into her palm at him in the midst of her dance, or had he imagined it?
He looked down past his glass of punch at his feet, then regretted it. He'd been trying to make himself forget the stupid elf shoes Izuru had made him wear.
"Nice shoes, dumbass." Oh. Natsumi's brother.
"Thanks, shortass." Oh no, that just slipped out. Was there something in the punch there shouldn't be?
"Ohoho! This one got balls!" The Kuzuryu guy slapped him on the back. Hajime was really confused now. He'd expected any physical impact to be more in the kneecap area.
"Whoa! W-wait!" someone screamed. They both turned to see... some guy with pink hair waving his arms in the air. Izuru'd pointed him out to Hajime earlier, but all the names and faces had quickly blurred into each other. Anyhow, this guy was holding some kind of remote control and screaming at something in midair.
Hajime looked up. There was a miniature drone hovering above him. Directly above him. And there was a sprig of mistletoe dangling from the drone.
Fuyuhiko, also staring up at it, caught his eye, then blushed, took a smart step away and became suddenly very intent on adjusting his shirt collar.
"Come baaaack! You're supposed to be flying over Miss Soniaaaa!" wailed the pink guy.
Hajime looked around for any kind of help. He saw Izuru in a corner doing something on his phone. Just great. Why was he never on hand when Hajime actually needed him?
Something bumped into Hajime's leg. He glanced. For who knew what reason, there was now a stool beside him. Fuyuhiko was standing next to it, arms folded, looking anywhere but at him. "Ugh, well, I guess we gotta fucking get it over with," he said.
"Get what over with?" asked Hajime.
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sgnserena · 5 years
* 불이 꺼진 exit light
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hello hello ~ as many of you can tell ( judging by the welcome messages LOL ), we’re trying to give this second character thing another shot! the last one was hella rushed which is why the muse probably disappeared just as quickly, but this one should be more stable considering its a combination of two muses i’ve been dying to use, so here we are w/ miss jock bitch serena! you will get hit if you make any relation to gossip girl! anyways, i have her about here and more things like bio and plots will come along later, but if you look under the cut i’ll write a tl;dr for you, as well as some plots i’d love for this girl! as always, please like this post if you would like to plot and i’ll come running to you!
serena yoon, 22, senior, pre-vet medicine major
born and raised in california, applied for snu thanks to her mom; one of the neighborhood ladies that she deems her rival said her son applied for snu and she made her too out of competition
surprise whenever both of them are accepted ( hello potential plot ) but i mean she doesn’t rly care about him so
part of the student gov’t secretary, part of the volleyball, boxing and dance teams
resting bitch face gang, monotone, anger problems, an active volcano p much
blunt, curses like a damn sailor, kind of a loner but p much a huge tsun
aggressive moreso on the volleyball court than off, is known for yelling, trash talk, throwing fits / blowing up to the point where she’s been ejected from some games
she’s p good and has made leaps and bounds from her freshman year so that’s why she’s still on the team
is not rich and actually can’t stand the way the affluent recklessly spends their money
pays her tuition by being a sugar baby, keeps her sugar life and student life completely separate, makes sure dates stay far away from campus as possible and has a condo off campus for this specific reason ( and for when she just needs to get away ) 
doesn’t want anyone in her business so tells people that she’s from a rich family back in america
i think that’s all the major things, now for potential plots ( which pls bear w/ me its 3 am while i’m trying to write this so they won’t be great LOL )
friends who don’t mind this angry ass hoe
enemies!!!! people who are terrified of her!!!! she’s bound to have many!!!!
exes who though they could tame the beast but ended up getting burnt, or exes who she got bored with
someone who caught her on a date with one of her daddies and will do whatever to make sure they shut the fuck up, especially since her threats haven’t gotten through to them
the cutie pies who she has a soft spot for, but she can’t be out here being vulnerable, disgusting
someone who understands that she actually doesn’t really mean it when she tells them how much she hates them or to go away and understands it’s her weird way of showing affection kind of
loose inspiration is hino rei of sailor moon, so give her a minako who she constantly argues with and that basically makes up their rls
fwb b/c i mean she already does that for her job, so if you’re hot you can get it
people who are determined to “fix” her ( serena: i don’t need a fuckin’ therapist )
idk that’s all i got for you guys at the moment fjsklfajkla
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victory-duo · 5 years
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A certain pair of tsun cousins discuss their similarities with their adopted grandpa, hmmmm~
(This took a while, so thank you so much for waiting, anon!!! :D I was really excited to do this! More info under the cut!)
It’s official: James and Ellen are related!
They’re second cousins, to be exact. I made this chart to explain their exact relation! It’s a cute coincidence that they have Johto roots in common, it would have been easy to imagine Pryce as their actual grandpa but nah. XD
Some questions we had in mind while tried to piece together their relation over the years:
If Ellen and James are related, then shouldn't they have recognized each other by family name right away? - Yes, that should have been the case! But with all the last name mumbo-jumbo we don’t want to get into HAHA, the family chart explains why the family name of their common ancestor would have been so obscured, they wouldn’t have known unless they knew their lineage that deeply.
So how did they get to finally know they’re related all along? - Ok, protagverse story time: One day, Ellen got called by her mom as usual, but this time she happened to be with the rest of the group. Her mom notices the commotion and gets curious about the crowd, asking her for a photo to send over to her (let’s just pretend they had tech that can instantly send pics at this time lol). The mom sees the picture and notices James, thinking he resembles her cousin (James’ dad) residing in Unova. They put two and two together and wanted to confirm it further with James asking his mom next. He then tries to ask about his dad’s roots, then asking her if she happens to know the name of her niece---she then says “Eleanor”, Ellen’s first name. Boom. *x-files theme plays in the background*
So are they interacting more now? - James and Ellen get along much better now, yeah! They spend their time quietly hanging out and taking care of their Pokemon. One of my favorite interactions from them so far is Ellen teaching James how to cook some Johtonian food :3
How about Pryce? - So far most of these three’s interactions are hypothetical, but I’m sure they’d get along well with all of their similarities pointed out! In-universe, Ellen already thinks of Pryce as a grandpa figure. James hasn’t visited Johto yet, but I think he’d tag along if Ellen asked, and quickly take a liking to Pryce too. we really just want to make them a family
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polar-stars · 4 years
4th of a 5 part ask of @smokeprincess24
Shigeo Eizan
👹 How does you OC act around different people and how does their personality change to match the environment they’re in? How do they act with: friends, family, strangers, children or their lover(s)?
Answered Already (in very long manner, haha)
🍅 How easily is your OC embarassed? What subjects make them flush and why? What event has made your OC the most embarassed they’ve ever been?
It honestly depends a lot on who he’s talking to. People who Shigeo has a more intimate relationships with and who just know him really well have a much greater chance to embarrass him than complete strangers have. In the end, he’s very calculating and keeps his composure excellently, but there’s no real need for that around people he’s legit close to. 
Shigeo is another candidate who thinks that discussing sexual topics publicly is very inappropriate, so that’s one thing. Given that, as Etsuya’s and Nene’s son, the Tsun-Genes certainly run through his veins any of the people closer to him bringing up Chieko and his relationship to her can lead to him flustering as well. 
What truly, TRULY never fails to embarrass him is being asked to sing. He thinks singing is….so, so embarrassing and he will flush after the first word ngl. Unless he's drunk. Then he honestly sings half his sentences. 
💥 Are there any emotions your OC doesn’t know how to deal with, doesn’t understand or hates having to feel? Any reason behind this?
So there’s one emotion that Shigeo is, one could say, terrified of. And it’s Fear itself. Shigeo is kind off afraid of being afraid. More about that later in the story but welp, he has certainly experienced the feeling of being scared in the past and he decided he never wants to feel like that again in a sense. 
Then there’s also sadness. I think I’ve said plenty of times already that something rather unfortunate happened in Shigeo’s childhood and the memories haunt him to this day. It can certainly spoil his mood and bring his spirit’s down, yet Shigeo swallows it down and locks up his everlasting unhappiness up in himself. He does not want to feel sad as he believes it makes him weak and vulnerable and that’s the last thing he wants to be (because weak and vulnerable have more reason to be afraid, easy as that). He also never ever cries.
There’s also a bit of more positive emotions that he’s inexperienced with and it confuses him when he feels them. Something that he genuinely cannot really grasp is what exactly his emotions for Chieko are actually. At first it really was just about getting her to be his assistance but he ended up getting much fonder of her than he planned?? Like this was not his intention? Shigeo never really pictured himself “falling in love”. He thinks that true love is rare in the world he lives in and that his father got insanely lucky. Shigeo always pictured himself in some loveless marriage arranged by his grandparents, once they’ll eventually grow tired of his single life...So when he starts actually gaining feels for little Chieko, he really does not know how to deal for quite some time. 
🏀 Does your OC have any skills that people wouldn’t expect them to have? Do they have a hobby or pass time that others would consider strange or weird? How did they learn this particular skill or pick up this hobby?
Shigeo is a man of many talents but a lot of them are not all too surprising to most people. However given the fact that he thinks singing is the most embarrassing thing ever and therefore does not often do so…Not many know that he can sing pretty well actually. 
Funfact but he knows how to do the "Charleston". He knows plenty of dances which his grandaunt insisted on teaching him (and also Masashi and Kei) for all sort-off social events that await one in high-society; however most of them are ballroom dances. He asked his grandaunt to teach him the "Charleston" as a child mainly because of his love for Jazz-Music, so yeah. (Further Funfact but Suzume knows the "Charleston" as well actually ahshd)
⭐ Does your OC like to sleep alone or do they enjoy sharing their bed? Have they been to any sleepovers? Have they ever been camping? What did they think of the experiences if so?
There was never much of a need for Shigeo and his brothers to share a bed when they were younger since the fam is rich, however they still tended to do so whenever they were on vacation somewhere a lot of times. It was mainly for comfort-reasons as the three could snuggle at each other while Nene sung them into sleep with her infamous lullabies (as I said plenty of times already: lullaby-mom). 
When he's a teen he's very much used to sleeping alone in his huge bed and doesn't really believes that he needs someone there. However it is when he actually gets with a certain girl and starts sharing a bed with her that he A LOT of comfort from her presence and her clinginess and finds it very soothing. You see….Shigeo sleeps terribly. He goes very late to bed and rises the most early. He gets frequently tortured by nightmares and awakes a lot in the middle of the night in sweat. However he finds these things getting rarer and rarer once he sleeps with someone he cares about. 
🍏 When your OC says “I had a bad day” what does that tend to mean? Is it really as bad as they’re saying or are they being a bit dramatic?
Honestly Shigeo uses "I had a bad day" more as a way to unsettle his underlings. He often says that he's in a bad mood or something when he's annoyed (because of an E10 meeting or so) and his underlings are about to report about a task he's been giving to them. It's basically a warning "I had a bad day, so you better have good news for me". 
When he really feels greatly and terribly upset he won't talk about that.
🐉 How religious is your OC? Do they pray to any god(s) or do they not believe in that kind of stuff? What is their view of religion in general? Where do they believe people go when they die? If your OC is not religious why not and what do they believe in otherwise?
Despite all of Nene's efforts to raise a bit of enthusiasm for the Shinto-beliefs in her son, Shigeo grew into a proud atheist with a rather cynical view on religion but it's, surprisingly, not something he would use to insult someone with. 
💧 What is something from your OC’s past they’re the most ashamed of and why? What is something they’re really proud of? And lastly what is something in their past that could make them shake with dread?
The major event that tremendously affected Shigeo is something he never wants to think about again, but as I said…given that he never really got any closure from it because he's kind off just trying to ignore that it happened…that major event still haunts him to this day and yeah, if he would be confronted with the people who hurt him back then he'd most likely freeze and feel panic spreading in him. 
What he's the most prideful over so far is the fact that he was named as successor of his father as CEO of the consulting-family that the Eizan family runs at an astonishingly young age and despite the fact that he's not the first-born son. It's ultimately  due to the fact how he showed a lot of understanding in the field of business and consulting from an early age on.
🐟 What was your OC like as a baby? What were they like as a child? A teenager? An adult? How do you think they’ll develop ten years into their future? Twenty years? Will they live to old age?
Shigeo already showed himself to be the least loud one out of his brothers as a baby. He was honestly rather relaxing and rarely inconvenienced his parents while they were doing their work. He slept a lot. However he liked to grab things A GREAT TON. Specifically all kinds of shiny things. He was very, very fascinated by his father's golden Rolex and would often reach out for it ahdhd. He was also rather clingy towards Masashi and often started crying when he was picked up and carried away from his brother. 
As a child, Shigeo already showed a lot of intelligence early on as well as a healthy dose of mischief and wit. He truly gave the numerous babysitters tasked to watch after the disaster-sibs hell. He was always a little bigheaded and definitely spoiled but ultimately happy and he still had his sweet sides to him. However sometime along the way in his childhood something should happen that would have a massive, massive effect on him and taint his world-view into an insanely cynical one. 
As a teen, Shigeo would grow into a person with an obsession for power and a concerning lack off empathy. He's a very talented guy and very smart, yet he uses all of these talents for so many bad things. He's pretty charismatic and eloquent but snobby and downright manipulative as well. There's only very few people he actually genuinely care for, but if anyone ever hurt them? He will go truly berserk. 
When he eventually grows into an adult, Shigeo will have learned the error of his ways. While smugness and a certain dose of cynicism will ultimately remain part of his personality, he won't be downright malicious anymore and just be more softer. 
🍇 Does your OC have any bad habits? Does your OC have any addictions like smoking or drinking? How did they fall into these habits and why? 
haha yeah: Ignoring that he has emotions, ignoring that he's able of becoming sick because he wants to work, sometimes forgetting to eat because he's so busy, drinking coffee after coffee, going out without a scarf because "it doesn't match his outfit”…..
If it wasn't mainly for his mom Nene but also Masashi to some extent and also Kiyoko and Moe…Shigeo would possibly be dead already.
He drinks on the parties that the 114th is so famous for but it's honestly hard to get him truly drunk. 
🔮What does your OC think is their best trait. What is actually their best trait? What about their flaws? Are they one to admit these flaws or do they like to pretend they’re perfect?
He, himself, would name his intelligence as his best trait without blinking an eye. However it's really hard to truly name his best trait because so many of his traits are two sides of a coin. But in the end I settled on his loyalty. I know it's weird to name "loyalty" as the best trait for someone who backstabbed so many people that it could make any love-rival in some cheap TV-drama blush but like…When Shigeo backstabs people he normally does plan to do so from the very beginning on. However if Shigeo truly, truly, TRULY cares for someone….he won't EVER downright betray them. 
When it comes to flaws Shigeo has so many that its hard to pick ahdhd but I suppose the most fatal one is the fact how he just pretends that his trauma from childhood days never happened instead off working through that? Because that's ultimately why he is the way he is. 
🌸 What’s a sentence that would make your OC’s day better? One that would make them laugh? One that would make their day worse? Why? What words would you have to say to them to completely ruin their day?
Answered already. 
🌷 How much effort does your OC put into their looks? Do they care much about how they’re dressed or what their hair looks like or are they not bothered? Could they be considered a snob or a slob?
Shigeo is a snob. He's a fucking diva. 
Shigeo takes quite the pride in his fashion-sense (and mind you, he's not a fashion-disaster like Etsuya is) and he would refuse to wear anything that he would consider unfashionable or cheap. He only wears big brands in the end and also has a pretty formal (and very monochrome) style but it's all very fancy in his eyes. He also takes a lot of time styling his hair in the end and like, even wears cologne. He's also certainly not above commenting on other guy's fashion sense and how it's terrible. 
He also can't stand it if you ruffle his hair or something or splash water in his face…basically anything that could ruin his hairstyle. 
❤️ What inspired you to make this OC? How long have you had them? How have they changed in the time you’ve been developing them?
I said it already but at first I planned to have Nene paired with Kuga in my Next Gen Fic. But then Eizan threw Nene's phone through half the train and I just went "How romantic". I don't know, I just thought that Nene and Etsuya could have an interesting and cute dynamic and I could rather quickly envision them as parents in a sense? So yeah, I ended up deciding on Nene and Etsuya as a pair instead. 
Shigeo's basic concept was basically "Eizan but with Nene's coldness". So in the beginning, he was actually a lot more thuggish, graceless and generally more like Eizan although he lacked the temper-aspect from beginning on. 
However it was when I started to consider Nene's possible parenting-style more that Shigeo began to change a little. I thought that Nene wouldn't like her children to cuss and that thought alone ended up shaping Shigeo into a much more mannerly person than Eizan was portrayed as. Shigeo ultimately not much of a brute anymore and I'd say the "Faux Affably Evil"-Trope is more pronounced in Shigeo than it was in Eizan (at least I’m trying to do that), which is also a result off the fact that Shigeo can keep his cool A TON better and he won't really develop a kind off relationship to Kimiko that Eizan had with Soma. I think the German Dub also indirectly influenced me in shaping Shigeo being real ovo;; Eizan's voice in the German Dub really puts the emphasis on the arrogance of his character and he gets…so insanely sassy at times? (It's beautiful) And I think that had a bit off an effect in how VAIN I ended up making Shigeo. 
🧡 What traits of your own do you see in this OC? Are they a little bit self-inserty? Don’t be shy, we all put parts of ourselves into the creations we love!
You know this was not really by intention because I only recently realized just how badly this is present in my own persona but…Shigeo's tendency to swallow his bad feelings down and never talk about his emotions e v e r is something that I can VERY, VERY much relate to. It's for different reasons and I am ultimately not an asshole because of it (I am a doormat because of it) but yeah. 
Other than that, it's mostly little things. Shigeo's deep love for New York City is something that's taken mainly from me (I've been to NYC twice and fell in love ashdod) but it's also for another, secret reason actually. 
💚 Are you writing anything with this OC or planning on writing anything for them? Do you rp with them or are they just for fun to mess around with?
I always have plans for ShigeChi so yeet. One is that I want to write from his side a bit more, since I tend to dive more into Chieko’s feelings ovo;;
💗 Ramble a bit about this character!
Shigeo can be a bit off a challenge to write because…I have like zero sass and wit to myself which he's supposed to have. But he's still so, so much fun for me in the end. He's really one of the character I've been the proudest over so far and I'm just !! Glad I created him I suppose (Even though he causes suffering). And I can't wait to complete his individual story in SnKimiko!
He’s fun on his own but he’s also really strong in character interactions for me, from being the Friend That No One Likes in the Quartett of Friendship and Magic to being the third-wheel of arguing in the relationship with his brothers...its all gonna be fun for me. 
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radrush · 5 years
give YOUR nge thoughts
this is gonna be super filled with spoilers in case any of my followers still haven’t seen this show for some reason
haven’t heard of it | absolutely never watching | might watch | currently watching | dropped | hated it | meh | a positive okay | liked it | liked it a lot! | loved it | a favorite probably my favorite show ever
don’t watch period | drop if not interested within 2-3 episodes | give it a go, could be your thing obviously it’s very intense and the lore is very confusing but it’s so worth what it demands | 5 star recommendation I've watched nge numerous times but it’s just one of those shows that’s filled with such detail and rich characterization that I seemingly find new things to consider every time I watch it
fav characters: Asuka is the neurotic queen and is probably the most entertaining character to witness on screen because of it but it also makes her the series’ most tragic character in my opinion. While she ultimately faces the same existential conundrums as Shinji (a sense of loneliness and isolation caused by lack of familial support, an anxiety created by a lack of assurance in one’s own purpose that contributes to low self-worth, and a fundamental difficulty with relating to others honestly because of these factors), unlike Shinji she has a variety of coping mechanisms to deal with these issues which give her the appearance of functionality but which are ultimately unsustainable and don’t allow her to be honest with herself about her real emotions, precisely because they work to repress the emotions that are too painful for her to feel fully. In an attempt to overcome feelings of worthlessness caused by her family’s rejection of her, she throws herself fully into the role of Eva pilot, turning her abilities as a pilot into a structural pillar of her self-worth which comes crashing down when Shinji proves himself to be as capable as pilot as her. She also acts rudely and boisterously in an attempt to avoid rejection, pushing people away from her before they have a chance to get close enough to understand who she really is and then reject her afterwards. This is also why Asuka is NOT a tsundere as so many people claim. Her coldness and “high and mighty” attitude are not borne out of an embarrassment with her “true feelings” of friendship or romance towards Shinji, but are rather a defense mechanism that she uses to protect herself from the pain of intimacy. Her open displays of disgust towards him are not an act which she uses to hide a secretly harbored positive view of him, she actually just hates his guts. She’s all tsun and no dere.
Shinji is a character whose experiences highly resonated with me when I first watched the series as a teenager but I feel like even if i didn’t heavily relate to his emotional struggles I would still end up talking about him here because ultimately the series is focused on his struggle to define himself on his own terms and through his relationships with others. Because Shinji lacks the dysfunctional coping mechanisms that Asuka has come to adopt, and instead has a tendency to turn inward and engage in torturous processes of reflective self-deprecation when he feels emotionally challenged it makes sense that he would be the focus of the show’s thesis on relational psychology. As a sensitive boy with a great deal of familial trauma, Shinji is intimately familiar with the emotional havoc that humans can wreak on each other in their relationships. Not wanting to have to deal with the burden of this pain any longer, he is constantly running away from his commitments because he views his relationships with others not as potential sites for growth and self-fulfillment but as avenues which only lead towards greater feelings of pain and misery. You can hardly blame him for feeling this way because of what he experiences before and during the series, but ultimately he must learn as a part of his growth process that while his relationships with others contain the possibility of greater pain, to live a fulfilling life it is imperative to look past the possibility for pain in order to find the hope for meaning and love that makes life worth living. Shinji’s story teaches us that as long as we remain true to ourselves and are cognizant of our own emotional needs in our relationships, there is no need to live in fear of the pain that others might deliver upon us out of their own wounding.
In many ways Misato behaves like a grown-up, more apparently functional version of Shinji. While she is more readily able to form emotional bonds with others, these bonds are often entirely surface-level, as evidenced by her preoccupation with appearances (wearing flashy clothes, driving an expensive sports car, introducing herself to Shinji in the way she does). The dichotomy between her clean, confident exterior persona and the slobbish, lazy way she lives when removed from the gaze of others reinforces the idea that while she behaves a certain way in order to be comfortable in social situations, she is inwardly insecure and deeply troubled by how her attempts at meaningful relationships have turned out, having never been able to reconcile her relationship with her father before his death and having run away from her relationship with Kaji when his presence caused those unreconciled emotions to rise to the forefront of her psyche. I also love how the Jet Alone episode frames her lifestyle in two drastically different ways. At the beginning of the episode we see her guzzling beer and eating instant ramen for breakfast in her gross apartment and react to those behaviors according to the humorous and quirky surface-level reading of them that the show gives us, but during the episode itself we see her forced to deal with the stupidity and recklessness of others in her profession as well as the unique challenges she faces in those situations because of her femininity, on top of seeing her take responsibility during a life-threatening situation when no one else will, causing her to undergo a near-death experience. After all of this, the narrative comes full circle and we see her again the next morning in her gross apartment, chugging an entire can of Yebisu and realize how much her lax lifestyle choices are really shaped by the kind of emotional stress she is forced to deal with on a daily basis and a need to have a space where she can be unconcerned with those stresses.            
I like how although Ritsuko treats Misato as her equal in their personal relationship and they’re both at the same professional level, being heads of their respective branches of NERV, from the very first episode it’s clear that Ritsuko’s knowledge of the Evas and and the true purposes of NERV far surpasses Misato’s. As Misato begins to understand the amount of classified information that Ritsuko has access to and refuses to share with her their relationship effectively deteriorates until Ristuko can no longer shoulder the burden of her knowledge on top of her increasingly strained relationships with both Misato and Gendo and she essentially self-destructs.
Kaji is kind of a sexist jerk but he’s also the only character in the text who can operate as a positive male role model for Shinji because of how selfish Gendo is and it’s ultimately his advice to Shinji throughout the series but especially in episode 19 and the run up to it that spurs Shinji to take action instead of continuing to be a bystander while Rei and Asuka fight for their lives. I also like him because he’s a truth seeker. He does the bidding of Selee and Gendo because doing so allows him to get closer to the truth behind Selee, NERV, the Evas, the angels, and human instrumentality, and he eventually pays the ultimate price for his pursuit of knowledge.
least fav characters: I guess I'm supposed to say Gendo because he’s such a dick but even if he’s a shitelord he’s still a well developed character–consistently narcissistic and self-serving, only treating others as means to ends, not at all capable of the emotional vulnerability required to actually really love, although maybe he possessed it at one point in the past. He’s evil as fuck but ultimately a good character. I love how the first time we see him smile is when he gives the order to launch unit-01 it’s so good and makes me hate him so much.
Ritusko’s mom, Naoko, is like probably the only character in the show that i think is written poorly like it’s honestly just stupid to me that she would be so in love with Gendo and so heartbroken over him that she would literally kill Rei I and then herself over being taunted about the fact that Gendo didn’t really love her and was just using her but i guess bitches just be crazy amirite fellow redditors. Literally what is so great about Gendo that all these women keep getting involved with him?? Like for the credit you can give Anno for writing really interesting women in this series, he still is a bit of a sexist and it’s not just with Naoko.
fav relationship: Asuka and Shinji obviously have one of the most interesting dynamics in the show from the first time they meet. We know they’re not bound to get along well since Shinji is pretty reserved and not very confident and Asuka is incredibly boisterous and all too full of herself and in fact resents Shinji for his lack of self-worth and motivation. All of this is compounded by the fact that the source of Asuka’s massive self-esteem is her ability to pilot the Eva, a task at which she continually finds herself upstaged by Shinji, who at the same time can’t seem to decide whether piloting the Eva is something he even wants to continue doing. In episode eight she’s amazed when Kaji tells her that Shinji was able to sync with Unit-01 without ever having been inside it before but when Kaji brings it up again when all of them are together and openly praises Shinji’s “natural” capabilities as a pilot, Asuka is embarrassed and takes his praise of Shinji as an injury to her self esteem because being the greatest Eva pilot is so central to her self-identity. She vents this embarrassment by taking it out on Shinji, who meanwhile can’t help the fact that he has a natural ability to do this scary and dangerous thing he’s barely done before and doesn’t at all know what to do with Asuka’s frustration towards him. Rei operates as a kind of foil to this dynamic (is it still a foil if its three ways instead of two?) because she possesses very little of her own will in the early part of the series and merely pilots the Eva because it’s her designated purpose in life, what she was literally born to do. As all three of them grow through the relationships that they navigate with each other and the adults in their lives, these motivations, self-definitions, and reasons for being shift and evolve, are built up and broken down, and ultimately remain in flux because that’s just how that shit is
Shinji and Kaworu I obviously hold very close to my big gay heart because of how touching it is to see Shinji love and be loved by another boy but that being said their relationship is very intentionally one-dimensional because of the fact that Kaworu is less of a human character and more of a character representation of the abstract concepts of hope and love themselves. From Kaworu’s perspective too, his relationship with Shinji is just as much about knowing and loving Shinji as it is about knowing and loving humanity as a whole. Because Kaworu isn’t human, he doesn’t have any emotional needs or trauma which might preclude him from loving Shinji or make it difficult for Shinji to love him, which is why he appears to Shinji when he does: when Shinji feels most abandoned by those he feels he has tried and failed to form emotional bonds with and is in most dire need of someone who will attempt to understand him as he is trying to understand himself. In loving Shinji in the selfless, needless, and unconditional way he does, he gives Shinji hope that real love and real human connection are things that exist out there in the world for him to experience, even if his relationship with Shinji is only an idealized version of that. When Shinji is forced to kill Kaworu in order to save himself and humanity, this hope is momentarily shattered and by the next episode we realize that this has caused Shinji to lose his will to live, although ultimately Kaworu’s death is necessary not just for plot reasons but also because Shinji must eventually come to realize that while he can be in love and find meaning in his relationships with others, he can’t expect any other person to love him so selflessly the way Kaworu did because that’s simply not a reasonable thing to ask of another human being with their own emotional needs and trauma and baggage. In addition to his qualities of magnanimous selflessness, as a divine being in a mortal vessel who ultimately chooses to sacrifice himself to ensure the fate of humanity, Kaworu also operates as a sort of messiah figure within the narrative of the series. The fact that his love for Shinji is representative of his love for all humankind and that Shinji’s love for him is a reflection of the timeless and ephemeral concept of love itself, and the fact that Shinji must also bear the guilt of killing one he loved for the greater good of saving the souls of humanity also puts them squarely in the midst of a Judas/Jesus dichotomy.      
fav moment: the direction in this show continues to amaze me and  just the choices in the first two episodes alone are so fuckin awesome like I love how episode one ends on a cliffhanger and episode two begins with shinji recovering from the battle, completely skipping over the action and having us only deal with its fallout before finally getting to see how it unfolded when shinji is alone at night and has a moment to reflect on what he witnessed. also the shot during the battle flashback when the armor falls off of unit-01′s face and shinji looks out from the entry plug and sees the true reflection of the eva in the building next to him knocks me on my ass every single time.
in episode one when shinji gives misato the letter that his father sent him and its creased as shit and the whole thing is redacted aside from the words “shinji, come”
whenever gendo’s glasses reflect the massive screens in the command center
rei smiling after she and shinji defeat ramiel and he opens the entry plug hatch
“You’re just as much a kid as I am”
When Ritusko hacks into a human brain and honestly just the whole Magi design has such a killer aesthetic i don’t even know what to call it its like cyberbiomechanicalpunk but the cyber tech isn’t futuristic it’s like 1995 technology complete with ribbon cables on the keyboards
“You apologize to people as a reflex, so that you won’t have to confront them” “I’m sorry”
Literally everything about episodes 19-24
“I loved him too”
When Asuka synchronizes with unit-02 at the bottom of the lake in EoE and the whole fight with the eva series
Why not just say all of EoE cause holy shit
headcanons/theories: As far as the lore itself is concerned, it feels like there aren’t that many mysteries that haven’t been explained either through actual dialog in the show or peeks into what was left on the cutting room floor, it can just be hard for first time viewers to wrap their heads around it all because of the convoluted way it's presented in the show and how everything has dramatic biblical names (which do have meaning for the record, anyone who says all the religious symbolism in eva is fake deep is not paying close enough attention. the constant use of the latin and greek crosses in explosions and in various design elements like lilith’s crucifix are obviously not always rife with distinctly religious meaning but I already talked about how Kaworu is literally a messiah figure so give me some credit here). When I do see shit on youtube like “the 26 timelines of evangelion explained” though it just makes me roll my eyes. Also I think that the lore is really cool and well developed in general but a lot of it is somewhat tangential to the real dramatic meat of the series which consists of the development of the characters and their relations to one another so it is kinda lame to me that the popular view of the series for so long was focused more on the mysteries of the super weird convoluted world building than on the exploration of humanity that makes the show what it is although that might have changed now that more people have dipped their toes in the series with the netflix localization
one thing I’ve been thinking about recently is rei’s ghostly appearance to shinji at the beginning of episode one which I believe to be connected to the ghostly appearances she makes in EoE to the dead and soon-to-be sublimated (or i guess more accurately, liquified) NERV staff after she merges with lilith and ultimately to her final appearance to shinji floating above the lcl sea at the end of the film. All of these appearances are made by the rei that merged with lilith during EoE, even the one in episode one. This is possible because after merging with lilith, rei becomes a being with quantum characteristics, able to exist everywhere on earth at once to collect the souls of all humanity and gather them together. Since it’s also heavily implied that rei is a vessel for the soul of lilith in the same way that kaworu is a vessel for the soul of adam, this is likely lilith’s “true form,” having finally reunited her body with her soul. To those still alive for this process, she appears to them as a manifestation of their heart’s desire, bestowing upon each soul a momentary embrace of hope that will last a lifetime. This is what Gendo understood about instrumentality from the beginning and was always his plan to be able to see Yui again. I think rei’s final gift is also sort of a riff on modern scientific explanations for the experience of heaven, how we now understand that the chemicals that are released in your brain when you die can give you a euphoric experience that some might be inclined to interpret as heaven-like. But anyway, since rei no longer has to obey the laws of time and space, and she makes it a point to make a final appearance to shinji in her quantum form at the end of the film it feels right that she should choose to go back and make a first appearance to shinji to signify the beginning of the end as it were. After all, “the beginning and the end are found in the same place.” Anno himself has told us that “eva is a story that repeats” with reference to the pervasive visual and verbal self-references that are prevalent throughout the series and I think this is perhaps one of the most shining examples of that repetition.
Related: Also a fan of the theory that Gendo’s last words to Ritsuko were “I need you.”
unpopular opinion: Episodes 25 and 26 provide the necessary(?) conclusion to the show’s thesis on human relationships which make them more or less key to understanding how those ideas are present in the work as a whole but the last time I re-watched the series I skipped them and went right to EoE because that’s the better dramatic experience and also I think EoE works to wrap up the ideas from the show, albeit not as cleanly and moralistically.
this is also probably a popular opinion but the rebuild movies fucking suck. they completely gut like half the thematic content from the original series and they even feel bland visually at times like everything is so glossy and shiny i like the saturation, contrast, and thicker line art of the original series way more. literally there’s only one good part per movie in the first one it’s ramiel in the second one its the aquarium scene in the third one its piano kaworu and that’s it. I can hope the fourth movie isn’t completely gutless but i can also set myself up for disappointment but if evangelion teaches anything it’s that we can’t let the fear of disappointment or sadness bar us from seeking the joys and loves that life has to offer us so i’ll see y’all again in 2020 i guess
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