#0 { ZERO } : Rotted Flower ;
daemonusdea · 5 years
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you don’t understand how long I’ve had this idea in my head okay, I finally got to sit down and make it...after like 84 years....you have to make your own dreams come true you know.....personals feel free to reblog!
peace was never an option  🔪 🔪 🔪
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shellsan · 5 years
Poker Pair Week 2k19
Day Three: Royals AU
Disclaimer: I do not own D.Gray Man
Who's Beneath Who?
Duke Tyki Mikk was in the lower town's marketplace when he first met the boy, a peculiar young man with hair whiter then the winter snow, and an odd looking tattoo over his face.
He was performing for the children, a collection of basic tricks to make them giggle, and putting on quite the show.
Slowly, a crowd was beginning to form around him, as the boy continued to do various tricks, before finishing off by tugging a flower out from behind a little girls ear, and then offering it to her.
With a giggle, the little girl curtseyed clumsily as she took it from him.
As the crowd began to disperse, he noticed that a few left behind some coins in a small bowl.
Debating for a moment, Tyki grabbed out a couple of gold coins and moved up to where the boy was holding the bowl, preparing to count his earnings.
“Lord Mikk.” The boy greeted in surprise, when Tyki stepped up to him.
“That was quite the magic show.” Tyki praised, “I've not see someone quite this skilled around here in a long while.”
The boy shrugged, smiling politely. “That means a lot to me, my lord.”
There was something about that smile that seemed so forced, and Tyki wasn't sure what to do with that. But perhaps he was reading too much into it.
“Of course. Please, take these as my token of appreciation for the show. Will you be performing around here again?” He inquired, unsure why he was bothering to ask.
The boy's smile stayed perfectly in place as he allowed Tyki to place them in the bowl. “I'm not sure, my lord. I travel frequently.” He admitted, a certain falseness in his tone that peaked Tyki's interest further.
“Well, I really do wish that you would. I would quite like to see your act once more.” He admitted, watching carefully for any break in the facade the boy was wearing.
There was none.
Bowing a little, that same smile stayed in place. “Is that an order, my lord?”
“No, of course not.” Tyki denied, trying to look innocent, as he eyed the boy closely. Merely a hope on my part.”
“I'll keep that in mind then, Lord Mikk. If you don't mind though, my lord, I really must be on my way. The night draws nearer and I still have a few things to do.”
Nodding, Tyki smiled, all the more intrigued still. “Of course.”
It wasn't until the boy was long gone that Tyki realised, he hadn't thought to find out the boys name.
It was another couple of weeks before Tyki saw the boy again. He'd been going by a couple times every week, just to keep an eye out, but he'd had zero luck, so when he'd heard about a performer being back in town, he headed over to see if it was him.
He wasn't disappointed.
Just like the first time, Tyki watched, completely enraptured, as the performance went on, the boy smiling brightly, nothing like when he'd spoken to Tyki.
It was a longer show this time, and before it was over, Tyki hadn't realised how many different forms of humour there were.
Just like the time before, he waited as everyone left money for the boy, before he stepped up.
“Lord Mikk.” The boy greeted, just like the last time, the same smile coming to sit on his face.
“A wonderful show once more.” He praised, placing three gold coins into the bowl. “I'm so happy to see that you've returned.”
“Been waiting for me, have you, my lord?” Allen inquired. And there was no-one else that Tyki would allow that kind of cheek, given how mocking the words were, and yet from this boy he felt only amusement, and none of the expected irritation.
“Every day.” He vowed, smirk tugging at his lips.
For the first time since he'd met the boy, a small amount of shock was there, but it was gone a moment later.
“Surely you jest, my lord. My show can't have been that good.” The boy denied easily, polite smile in place once more, the mocking gone as if it were never there in the first place.
Tyki shrugged. “I can't help the facts. Tell me though, boy, what is your name?”
“Allen, my lord.”
“Allen. You're quite the performer. I don't suppose I could interest you in performing for me sometime?” He offered lightly. There weren't any guests scheduled for a proper visit to his manor for a couple more weeks, however he could pull something together if it helped him to lure in this boy, and learn the secrets behind his well crafted mask.
“I'm afraid, my lord, that I travel far too much to make those kinds of promises.” Allen denied, causing Tyki to frown.
“Surely you would not turn down the good favour of a lord?” He inquired.
“It is as you say my lord. My services are not for sale in that manor. Now if you'll excuse me.” Allen informed tersely, his polite mask still in place, but much more strained now.
But more interesting was the way that Allen had framed those words, distaste in every syllable.
As Allen turned and moved away to collect his things and leave the streets, Tyki snapped out of his thoughts and made after him.
“Boy, wait.” He ordered, longer legs carrying him quickly.
Allen huffed, turning to give Tyki an unimpressed look. “I'm going to assume that you meant me, when you called out boy. However I would have liked to know that you were going to ignore my name when you asked for it. I would have saved myself the trouble.” He huffed.
All traces of patience and politeness had vanished in the blink of an eye, and for a moment it had Tyki reeling in shock, before he came back to himself.
“I apologise, then. For that, and for whatever I have said that had offended you.” He offered.
Allen's eyes narrowed, before he took a deep breath, letting his features turn to blanket politeness once more. “There is no need, my lord. I really must be on my way now, however, so if you don't mind?”
“When will you be performing next?” Tyki inquired instead of granting him leave.
“As I've mentioned numerous times, Lord Mikk, I'm not sure about that.”
“Then I must insist that when you are next in town, you come and stay at my manor.” Tyki offered, somewhat desperate now. He didn't know why, but something about the boy continued to intrigue him and if offering this would be the one thing that finally got him answers, then so be it.
Sighing, Allen bowed slightly. “If that's what you wish, my lord, then I will come and stay with you when I am next in town.” He agreed, and that mocking tone was back, the distaste obvious enough that it earned a few worried stares from people.
“Wonderful.” Tyki agreed, smirking as it made the boy huff, before he turned around and left.
Chuckling a little at the exchange, the duke counted it as a win before he turned and left the marketplace, smirk never leaving his lips.
It was a month later before any news of Allen reached Tyki once more, but as soon as the white-haired boy knocked at his door in the afternoon, Tyki made sure that the servants set him up in a room, and informed the boy that he would take dinner with Lord Mikk.
It was there that they both found themselves now, the sun finally having set, a candle on the table as they sat together. He motioned for Allen to sit on his left, chuckling at the brief hesitation.
“I can hardly speak with you from that far away.” Tyki pointed out, smirking.
“As you wish, my lord.” Allen agreed simply, taking up his seat.
The underlying mockery was still there, but the boy seemed much more composed than the last time, so Tyki had to wonder once more, what it was he said that caused so much anger.
“When we last spoke, I requested you to perform for my guests and you turned me down. Are you sure you won't reconsider? I am hosting a rather big ball in the coming weeks and I would much appreciate it if you would entertain for it.”
Allen frowned a little, before shaking his head. “I apologise Lord Mikk, but you have never offered me the chance to perform for your guests.” He denied. “In fact, your exact words requests that I perform for you.”
The emphasis made Tyki frown before the irritation finally clicked, and he blinked a little in realisation.
“You thought I meant to buy your body?” He asked, not one to beat around the bush.
“Forgive me, Lord Mikk, but if you want this conversation to stay somewhat pleasant, you may wish for a different topic choice.” Allen advised, instead of answering.
Frowning, Tyki shook his head. “I think I'm more than capable of deciding which topics I would like to discuss, thank you, boy.” He informed.
There was an eye roll at his tone, before Allen sighed.
Putting his food aside, Allen gave all of his attention to Tyki, eyes so much more open with than usual.
“Well? Answer the question, boy.”
“Very well. Yes, I did think you meant to buy my body. You have something of a, shall we say, reputation, amongst the lower-class in this town, for picking up things you think are interesting, playing with them, before throwing them out to rot.” Allen informed coldly, voice suddenly much more aggressive. “I am not a thing to be bought, and I am not available to perform for just yourself, so any such idea should leave your mind now, if that is what you wish.”
Tyki scoffed. “I have never, nor will I ever, lower myself to buying sex. That is for me lower than myself. Honestly, boy, do you really think I have need of such a thing?” He inquired, raising an eye brow.
Allen shrugged his shoulders. “Forgive me, Lord Mikk, but I do not know you well enough to judge – and you would not be the first noble with money and power to use that to force themselves on those who are deemed beneath them.” The last words were spat with acidic hatred, so much stronger than anything that had been said previously.
“Oh? But, boy, you must realise that you are below us, born of a station much lower in life and destined to stay within it's range.” The lord pointed out, tone like stating the weather.
This time it was Allen who scoffed. “Birth should never decide who's beneath who.” He informed coldly. “I had hoped that you prove to me that you thought differently, Lord Mikk, despite my thoughts on your earlier offer to pay for my services. It would seem, however, that I put too much faith in yet another spoilt royal.”
“Those are bold words, and yet you cannot back them up. Excellent performer, though you may be, you will never be more than that. Sought after for your gifts, but still nothing more than an entertainer.” Tyki pointed out, amused by the show of anger he was watching. “Tell me, boy, just what do you plan to do about these differences in stature?”
“There is naught that I can do, except do what you never will. I give food to those in need, and help with money for those who are short.”
“Such a saint.” Tyki teased.
“Not at all. I am not a good person, Lord Mikk. And I will not try to prove that I am. What I am, however, is better than you who sit here in you manor, drinking wine from golden goblets and letting other's slave away and still go home hungry.”
Tyki debated over calling him, telling him that surely he could not believe himself to be a bad person with the things he claimed to do for the people, and yet the darkness on Allen's face stopped him. Instead, he allowed a slow smirk to spread over his face.
“Perhaps.” He allowed. “What would you suggest I do to change this, then?”
Allen's eyes narrowed, as if he thought that this were a trap. “Start to give, instead of always taking. And do not waste food. I have no idea what you do with your scraps, My Lord, but I've no doubt that they're more than what some of your people eat. Winter is fast approaching, and soon they will be needing everything you can provide.” He started.
Nodding, Tyki noted that this was something simple enough. “I will look into it, for your sake.” He decided.
There was shock for a moment, before Allen nodded. “Very good, My Lord, although I would ask that you try to think of this as something for the people, and not for myself. I'm hardly worth the effort. And I don't wish to be in your debt.”
Tyki shrugged. “I'm not a good person either, boy. If this will help me to win your favour, then it is worth it, but otherwise, I care very little, I'm afraid.” He admitted.
“Why? I promise you that I really am not worthy of that.”
“You intrigue me, boy.”
“Clearly not enough for you to remember my name, or my insistence that you use it, however, Lord Mikk.”
Tyki chuckled. “My apologies, Allen.” He purred, eyes dancing in amusement as he watched the boy and his reaction to his name being said in such a way.
“I changed my name, boy is definitely better, Lord Mikk.” He muttered.
“Well, now I can hardly go back, All-en.” He teased lightly.
“I think, my lord, that it's past time for me to retire for the night. Not all of us have the luxury of doing nothing tomorrow.” Allen informed him abruptly, standing a little suddenly.
“Oh? If you're going to perform in the lower town tomorrow, might I come along?” Tyki inquired.
“You hardly require my permission. I am, after all, naught but a lowly performer.”
Tyki chuckled. “I did not mean it in that way.”
“And yet you said it in that way. Good night, Lord Mikk.”
Without another word, Allen turned heel and headed out the room.
Watching him go, Tyki let his eyes follow the trail from the shoulders, down to those lithe hips, covered by cloth and yet still so perfect to fit in between his hands, and that pert ass.
As if sensing his stare, Allen shot a warning look over his shoulder, before the doors slammed shut behind him.
Leaning back, Tyki smirked. Yes, this boy was definitely turning out to be interesting.
His tongue flicked out, swiping along his lip.
He couldn't wait to learn even more.
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dorothykknuckles · 6 years
The Complete Guide Of Zero Carb Diet Results
We all must be aware that no-carb diets do not exist. The term just refers to foods or groups of foods that are not exactly 100% lacking in carbs but is considered that under 1 gram of carbs per serving is almost as good as zero.
Foods in the vegetable list contain between 0 and 1 gram net carb per serving even though all the foods do not naturally contain carbohydrates. Foods like chicory family, roe radicchio, cucumber, leafy greens like lettuce, arugula, spinach, Swiss chard, kale, turnip greens, and Bok Choy.
Meats and seafood should be unprocessed food. When you process certain food like bacon, jerky, ham, or burgers, you have probably added some carbs. Meat, duck, chicken, veal, lamb, beef, turkey, pork rinds are an exception to the processed rule. We may include organ meats, pork, goose, seafood, mollusks fish, jellyfish, and eggs.
All types of dairy such as margarine heavy cream, most types of cheese, butter. Healthy fats such as sunflower oil, sesame oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, olive oil, peanut oil, corn oil, and safflower oil. Drinks like Diet soda, herbal tea, coffee without milk or sugar.
Fresh herbs, radish celery, alfalfa sprouts, condiments, salt, and mustard. Avoid honey varieties, many types of hot sauce, milk, and sugar,
Zero-carb or carnivore?
Eat meat, drink water, and sugar milk-free coffee, no fruits, and no vegetables, absolutely no sweeteners; that is all. Your fat content would be so high that your body is burning fat instead of glucose.  If you look at the term carnivore, it literally means that you only eat meat. There is a man called Dr. Sean Baker who has become famous for his meat-eating habits, he eats only red meat and drinks a lot of water. It is also called zero-carb diet and means no carbs at all. Some think of it as a keto diet variation because of its exclusive dependence on meat only. Those two terms, zero-carb and carnivore are fairly interchangeable for describing this type of diet and they both are inaccurate. An accurate description of the diet would be to say zero-plant-based diet. It is sort of the opposite of the vegan diet. It takes from 60 to 90 days to see how the body would adapt to this diet. You are primarily eating meat such as beef, pork, lamb, eggs, chicken, and fish as well as dairy such as cheese and heavy cream, except for milk or yogurt because they are processed with sugar and carbs. When you are cooking your food on a zero-carb diet, use butter, ghee, bacon grease, lard, and any kind of animal fat as well as healthy oils such as coconut oil, olive oil, and avocado oil.
Low carb diets are supposed to help you lose weight. They were made famous by the Atkins diet in the early 2000s. They eliminate things like bread, pasta, fruits, some starchy vegetables, and especially sugar. However, according to the recommendations from most governments, carbohydrates should be the building blocks for your daily diet. The dietary recommendation for Americans suggests that 45% to 65% of your energy needs should b supplied by carbohydrates; which is 200 to 300 grams of carbs per day. Low carb diets reduce this to 50 grams with the Atkins diet recommending you start on 20 grams.
But what about zero grams of carbs? A zero-carb diet would actually be very difficult to achieve, it is mostly just meat, dairy, and other animal kingdom products, you just eat no carbohydrates
throughout the day. Consequently, zero-carb dieters have to increase protein, fats, and most importunately fiber so as to prevent having constipation. They have to eat huge amounts of raw vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, and cabbage as well as fruits such as apricots and plums to increase fiber intake if they go veggie. If you are having doubts about energy, researchers show that even without carbohydrates, the human body learns how to take energy and utilize glucose from other foods such as proteins and fats.
People are already eating zero carb diet, not just dieters; the diet of Eskimos and Inuits is mostly zero-carb depending on the season and they live pretty fine. They also enjoy health benefits when compared to the normal American diet which is high in carbs. Zero carb dieters also enjoy a lot of benefits when compared to the average American diet with no sugar, there is less tooth decay and with less simple carbs in processed food. They enjoy a more sustained release of energy; so fewer sugar highs and sugar crash in your day.
However, do you know how do people who are going on a zero- carb diet defecate with no fiber? Well, a diet high in carbs is also usually high in fiber or fibrous materials that are found in things like fruits and vegetables. Our body pushes them through but it takes more mass to fill out energy needs. So, that means we eat more food and then there is more coming out the other end. A diet high in meats and dairy is usually energy-rich which means we need a less actual volume of food to fulfill our energy needs. So, less food in, less food out. That means that people on a zero-carb diet might defecate less often, but they still defecate as much as their body needs.
The fats and oils on a zero carb diet also help things move along such as castor oil and coconut oil for example. People who enjoy a zero-carb diet report that they might go less frequently but still find themselves going regularly and that what is important. After a through psycho investigation, the zero-carb diet does get the tick of approval, but it does require a big lifestyle change, so make sure you talk to your doctor or nutritionist before doing anything drastic.
 Advantages of zero-carb diet
You have to take into consideration that those advantages are not static or firm. In other words, those are the advantages that this diet did to people whose bodies could handle it. Be very careful, what is good for you is not necessarily good for the other as our bodies are very different.
Burning fat instead of burning glucose is, along with being a huge energy source, considered therapeutic for a lot of diseases such as colitis, most planets contain certain compounds that aggravate colitis and avoiding them is a good cure. It has been also used a therapy for brain cancer, epilepsy, and Alzheimer’s
It is easy as well as delicious. The food is easy to cook, it is just meat that you cook in a pot, reheat it on a toaster, or even eat cold. It makes it very easy to stay slim and is great for consistent all day long energy and focus.
You are not going to have blood sugar spikes and crashes all day long like you do when you eat carbs. You will not have any kind of menstrual crimping which you get sometimes severely when you eat carbs.
You don’t have to worry that food might aggravate your gut. You will never be hungry because you can eat until you are satisfied.
It is good for the environment because pasture-raised animals help renew the soil and grasslands, whereas raising monocultures soybeans are not; they reach the nutrients out of the soil.
You will lose a huge amount of weight fast as well as maintaining blood pressure.
Young lady holding bowl of vegetable salad
What happens if you only eat meat?
2.5 million years ago we first began to eat meat. Prior to that, our ancestors ate a vegan diet of berries and flowers. Only when early hominines began to eat more seeds and nuts, therefore taking in higher levels of fat and less of fiber did our bodies began to adapt to handle meat.
Without fiber-rich foods like lentils, beans, and broccoli, you are going to feel constipates and uncomfortable. Not to mention, the simplest way for your body to make energy is to convert carbohydrates into glucose. In the absence of carbs, your body will have to burn fat and break down important proteins. Creating glucose from protein is known as gluconeogenesis and it occurs in the liver creating a Nitrogen waste that is converted into urea. Too much can lead to protein poisoning which includes symptoms like nausea, diarrhea, and potentially death. It has been documented that if you eat only a lean meat, like rabbits which have hardly any fat, you could continue eating and still end up wasting away.
Another potential killer could be the lack of vitamin C. Humans are one of the few animals that are unable to synthesize the vitamin on their own. Without easy access to vitamin C from fruits and veggies, your body will be unable to effectively create collagen; a structural protein found in your tendons, ligaments, and skin. This will put you at a high risk of scurfy and cause you to have poor wound healing, rotting gums, and personality changes. If not treated, you will die from infection or bleeding.
However, eating raw meat could be the way around this. The cooking of meat degrades most of vitamin C, bur raw, thick, chewy collagen-rich skin and blubber of whales can take in 36mg of vitamin C per 100g serving. Way more than the 10mg needed to fight off scurvy.
This brings us to an interesting case. Shaped by low temperature and a stark environment, a traditional Inuit diet consisted of what was hunted and fished with little of any plant food, dairy products, or carbohydrates. Despite this, cardiac death rates were half that of other Americans and Canadians.
Carnivore or zero-carb diet is not the ideal diet for almost everyone. However, generally, people who had benefited the most of carnivore diet are those who have health issues, particular people with autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis particularly some of the gastrointestinal problems like Cohn’s disease. Some people could improve their gastrointestinal tract. A Paleo Medicine research in Hungary shows that intestinal permeability improves over time on the carnivore diet and therefore less instance of the leaky gut syndrome. It is beneficial for people who have skin problems and IBS. A woman called Michaela Peterson wrote that she had an insane amount of autoimmune deficiencies that she was crippled, doctors didn’t expect her to live and past 30 her life was like a living hell. She cured herself by changing her ketogenic diet into carnivore diet and she saved her own life.
Is red meat good or bad?
There are multiple studies that disagree with red meat being the source of cancer. However, a study called The Nurse Health study states that red meat increases risk by 13% of dying of all illnesses or diseases, so you have to switch to eat chicken. Scientifically, this study was not an experimental study, it was an observational study based on a questionnaire that was given out every two years from 1980 to 2006. Moreover, the word risk is very open and doesn’t necessarily mean that you have a 13% rate of getting dying. They also did not identify if it was grass-fed beef, processed beef, or organic. It is classified as a class one carcinogen at the same level of smoking, so people are freaking out about it. If we take a look at bowel cancer, three more instances of bowel cancer per a hundred thousand people. That is one in thirty-three thousand cases, so they have more incidents of cancer. Smoking increases your chances by 20 times more that is why you can’t compare meat to smoking. Thus, there is not any risk or any studies that show that consuming grass-fed quality beef will increase the risk of dying from all or any diseases.
Human body feels really good at consuming red meat. It has more observable vitamin D than milk. It has more B12, B1, B2, B3, B6, and B5. It has tons of observable iron, healthy collagen, and a good amount of Potassium. It Zinc, Magnesium, Copper, Phosphates, and it is loaded with Omega-3. In fact, grass-fed beef has five times more omega-3 than grain-fed beef. The problem with grain-fed beef is that sometimes it involves hormones and genetically modified GMO soy and corn in the feed.
 How can you be healthy on a fatty diet without any fruits and vegetables?
  You can snack on organ meat like liver to get your recommended vitamin A, which is vital for eyes and bones as well as vitamin D also for bones. Oily fish rich in Omega-3 fatty acids will benefit your heart and vascular system.
So, it is possible to thrive on only meat, but it is important to remember that Northern communities have relied on animal food out of circumstance and necessity. Their high-fat diet was indented to keep weight on far days of hunting, and when food was insecure, not lose weight like modern low-carb diets.
Rules to start a zero-carb diet
Eat only from the animal kingdom, and nothing from the plant kingdom.
Drink plenty of water. Besides its tremendous benefits in general, it is primarily important in when you follow a carnivore diet.
Prioritize the fat. Get fattier cuts of meat like a steak or an 80/20 ground beef. When you have a steak or a piece of meat eat the fattier parts first so if you get full before you get finished, at least you don’t leave a large amount of fat on the plate and replace it with too much protein. There is a risk of getting excess protein on this diet so the fattier cuts of meat will really help you.
Listen to your body. When you follow a carnivore diet especially when you are starting out, ear only when you are hungry without counting calories. Track your macros if you want just to double check on protein levels.
When you start the diet, don’t limit how much to eat, meaning that you can eat as much as you want every day. The reason why is because you don’t want to deprive your body of nutrients.
Do we really need carbohydrates?
Alternative sources of carbohydrates.
People think they need carbohydrates mainly for energy. However, they are essential for vitamins and minerals. We don’t always have to run our bodies on carbs, we can run them on other types of calories, protein, and fat. There are two types of carbohydrates: simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are found in sugar, honey, agave, and nectar. They go into the body very fast and might give it some temporary energy, but you’re going to come down because you have the hormone called insulin that regulates that. Complex carbohydrates have a lot of additional things like fiber that slow the breakdown and the carbohydrate in the body and so it does not create that same effect as table sugar.
We definitely need vegetables in large quantities not initially for the carbohydrate, but mainly for the vitamins and minerals. They also have fiber, but what fiber does is not necessarily something like a bulking agent, it is mainly to feed the micros. Your intestinal flora, your good bacteria live on microbes and they need fiber.
The thing about beans is that it does not turn into sugar as fast as other types of carbohydrates. However, if you have a slow metabolism while trying to lose weight, you would have a hard time doing that on beans because it has a lot of carbs, so you might not want to consume many beans, they also cause gas to a lot of people.
Fruits are great, especially for vitamins. However, the problem is it can range from a high glycemic index to a low glycemic index. For example, berries are a little lower than apples, apples have like19 to 30 grams of sugar per an apple. Moreover, fruits are going to slow people down to lose weight such as women in their 50s, except for those who have a fast metabolism, because they contain carbs as well as sweets. People who go on fruit diets have to cut out all sweets to lose weight.
Grains are like whole wheat bread and white bread. They turn into sugar fairly fast. There is not a lot of nutrition in grains compared to vegetables, they also hard in the digestive system because they have gluten protein. It creates all sorts of problems such as irritable bowel, irritation to the colon, and bloating.
There are diet experts that recommend tons of starches. Some people lose weight while others don’t because unfortunately, they turn into sugar very fast. They are not the highest sources of vitamins compared to vegetables.
Zero-carb diets and weight loss
Zero-carb is a wonderful diet for weight loss because it is going to allow your body to heal and preserve muscle mass while burning the fat. You are not going to end up looking sick after you are done losing weight, a lot of people end up looking sick when they lose weight because they have what is called face-wasting happening to their faces. The face gets really thin because of the body in desperation of being so deficient from nutrition. Also, it is a great way to keep your skin really tight because protein is very important for skin quality and elasticity. It brings high levels of energy and a good mood.
There is absolutely no need to restrict yourself to this diet, meaning that you can eat whenever you are hungry and as long as you don’t feel satiated. That is wonderful because people should be in tune with their bodies and listen to them for feedback on hunger.
Not everybody is able to manage to regulate their appetite while others have extended stomachs so it is really hard to feel full. This diet is satiating because when you eat protein, you feel full; and when you eat fat, you feel even fuller.
Going on this diet you might end up losing a lot of weight. You might be losing a lot of water weight at the beginning and with all that water weight loss you may need to supplement with a little bit of salt just to get that sodium back up.
Benefits of Zero-Carb diet
zero carb diet INFOGRAPHIC
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daemonusdea · 5 years
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   modern verse Zero shining a flashlight fully in her right eye as a party trick
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daemonusdea · 6 years
Zero and Her Sisters { meta }
  This is something I don’t think I’ve ever talked much about, maybe individually with some people or just vaguely, but with Zero’s sisters being an important key to Zero herself as a character and their roles as a concept in the games I really wanted to lay all of it out!
I guess this is technically??? Spoilers for the game…So uuuuh just be aware of that I supposefnjg. Other than that here we hecking go, under the cut! It’s long, so strap in!
  The first to get out of the way, is to know that her sisters are, put blankly, not actually her sisters– the sisters are more like corpse copies of Zero. In an attempt to preserve itself when she tried to dig the Flower out of her own chest ( which would kill her and the offshoot Flower, as well as any chance to destroy the world like it intended ), it spat out five copies, five little girls each with their own Flower. Along with that, they were given false memories, though each girl differed in what they believed to be their past, how their ‘parents’ were, and how they lived. To make these girls, the Flower used resources from Zero such as a chunk of her magic, split off between the five of them. But most importantly, it took the faces of girls Zero knew or killed when she was alive, and took fragments of Zero’s own psyche to base their personalities off of. Now onto the sisters individually!
Five. Five is the youngest of all the sisters. Five, being extremely promiscuous, gluttonous and greedy, got her appearance from a nun Zero killed while trying to steal food. Lovely irony. Five is materialistic, and has a lust for finding and conquering the ‘next best thing’. Her desires reach out into sex, exotic foods, and clothing, but once she obtains what she desires, she immediately loses interest and moves on to her next conquest. She believes to have a longing for her father who died before she met him. Five is the part of Zero that could never truly grasp her desire for happiness. She turns to meaningless instant gratification, but it fades in an instant to leave her empty and finding the next thing to strive for. It’s shown as well in her final moments before Zero kills her that she has an intense desire to live, even if she loses sight of who she is. When Zero was alive, her sense of self and life quickly dwindled down to nothing as she suffered more and more, to where she shut off all of herself just in hopes of surviving. There was a distinct dream to pursue a life where she was happy, but with how twisted and vacant she’d become over the years, she had no real way to achieve that– she didn’t know how. Life had stripped her of everything, and she wandered and killed and stole until she no longer could. It was an empty way to slowly die, but it was almost a hope that if she kept living, kept surviving, perhaps she’d finally get what she desired. Five continues this and amplifies it, so desperate to live and obtain more she forcefully regenerates herself into a zombie-like monstrosity.
Four. The second youngest, self-righteous and always seeming the morally straight one, her innocence and loathe of fighting are all a mask for a vindictive, cruel, and paranoid truth. Four is plagued with a pride of higher-than-thou, trying to hide a hideous inferiority complex, though if pushed on it is easy to crack that good girl exterior, suddenly switching to insulting your character with any flaw she feels she can expose and twist to make you seem the villain. She holds a secret disdain as well, mostly for anything non-human, going as far as degrading what she thinks as inferior, even going past orders and common mercy to slaughter retreating elven sky pirates, gleefully so. She has memories of Zero being a sweet and caring sister that she looked up to, and hated her parents. Four is a particularly irking one, as Zero sees her just as she was as a young girl while in the brothel; the fighting urge to cling to the last bits of pride she had. This becomes even more irritating with the knowledge that Four, out of her own pride and repressed attitude, is a virgin out of all of the Intoners, who all harbour high sex drives. Four is a culmination of repressed anger, jealousy, and self-hatred. A high paranoia of trusting the people around her, really an image of Zero and her outlook on the world, mostly while she was still alive. A girl trying to hold onto nothing, lashing out whenever she feels threatened.
Three. The third youngest, and the most strange. Lethargic most of the time, she falls asleep in any spot, and seems to fall to laziness whenever things don’t interest her. Which is most of the time. She speaks in riddles that hold no meaning or make any practical sense to anyone but her. When her interest is sparked however, her personality seems to switch. She obsesses over ‘dolls’, creations she makes by her own hand, often monsters operated on to create soldiers she wants in often horrific experiments. When asked about them, she sparks into excited, fast-paced speech and acts quite animatedly. Unfortunately, her experiments have delved into human territory, using them to make mishmashed monstrosities with other creatures, killing many in her attempts to successfully create a doll, others falling victim to tests she’d created to find the core of a human’s strength. She enjoys making toys so much, there’s no regard for the lives she’s brutalized, only interested in why strange things are the way they are. She comes off very childish, an unending curiosity, simple-minded likes, tantrums, and even a juvenile humour. A broken Intoner. She disliked her parents. Even Zero finds difficulty in understanding just where Three even came from, but knows without a doubt that she’s a very dark, twisted facet of herself. The child in her questioning why humans are the way they are, why humanity behaves the way it does, and a dangerous, empathy-lacking disregard for lives she takes the more she goes on. A complete dissolution of her own humanity, the numb carelessness she developed while she was still alive, murdering more and more not even out of necessity.
Two. The fourth youngest, and another oddity Zero finds quite bizarre due to how wildly different they are. Two is bright and bubbly, effortlessly trusting, and endlessly caring ( even continuing to treat Zero kindly, and like a normal big sister NOT trying to kill her ). She runs an orphanage, taking care of the children who were left behind in the previous wars alongside her disciple Cent, and considers them a giant family. Out of all the Intoners, she was the only one to actually form a romantic relationship with her disciple. She enjoys cooking, and takes to carefully watching over all of her people. She is, in essence, very happy. Until her power outgrew her, and her mind buckled under the weight of it as well as the trauma she suffered from having to kill her soldiers and the orphaned children she cared for, turned into zombie-like undead and a monstrous conglomeration homonculus respectively. Two loved her parents immensely, who she noted were very loving. Zero finds however, that Two makes more sense than originally thought. Two is the culmination of everything Zero wished her life could be– who she could have become, if her life hadn’t been so horrid. A girl with everything; a girl who could be happy, who could trust and find love and have a family. Two is what could have been, dead dreams Zero could never reach.
One. The second oldest under Zero, with the face and voice of the rebel Zero briefly knew for the time she was chained up with her outside the Bastille in Cathedral City. With the rebel having been tortured ( her eyes being gouged out ), One’s eye colour defaulted to red, in essence of the blood Zero saw in it’s place. One is intelligent, tactful, and has a strong sense of justice. She is the one who lead her sisters to defeat the corrupt Lords of all the lands and freed the people from the endless warring. She’s the strongest of her five sisters, a formidable match for Zero, not even needing a disciple to help control her power of Song. With this, she is one of the only ones to discover something amiss with their power and place within the world ( the other being Two ), and decides to delve further to find an answer as to why the Intoners exist. One remembers having no parents, only all six of the Intoners living together. With how opposite Zero and One are, they constantly butt heads, and Zero questions once again just where One came from. She speculates for a while that maybe One is a product of the Flower trying to go against her; giving a powerful rival that would keep her from killing them all off. It takes the final battle for Zero to finally understand– One is a true part of herself. A facet that could never be satisfied with given answers, with a so-called truth of her own fate. The pure confusion and anger over the injustices of the world; how she could never accept such a cruel life where she was constantly betrayed, used, and tossed aside. Where the good were constantly stepped on like cockroaches and suffered, where the evil were rewarded and won out in the end. In Zero’s last moments, tried as a murderer and sentenced to death, she hated the world, yet still tried to grasp for an answer. How could she accept something so unfair, how could she ever be satisfied? One is in her entirety the burning dissatisfaction of cruelty and those who perpetuated it.
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daemonusdea · 5 years
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coping. beautiful thing to know about Zero and her way of processing and dealing with extreme emotion, confusion, any sort of mental trauma or breakdown is to slip into a manic hysteria, and her response is laughter. Never learning how to deal with emotions and repressing them for most of her life, any negative overload she faces winds up in her laughing, knowing no other way of coping.
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daemonusdea · 5 years
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ACHES AND PAINS. Zero has chronic pain she’s learned to live with and ignore after some violent incidents. Her right arm and her left eye both ache constantly, due to both parasites that inhabit her. The flower burst outwards from inside her socket, and due to that the lid is constantly forced open, rubbing against the flower to cause irritation. If it’s pulled or brushed it can cause the pain to spike, and even the area around it is quite tender. As for her arm, after having ¾’s of it taken by Gabriel, it had to heal naturally for the most part, being unable to regenerate it. The parasite she attaches to the limb to give herself a full-functioning arm bites into her skin and drains magic and blood in turn, causing an ache from constant irritation to the residual limb.
Depending on how much magic she’s used and how tired she is, the aching can increase even further, sometimes more than she can handle– though she rarely ever takes off her prosthetic arm to give herself a rest from it.
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daemonusdea · 5 years
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Zero’s Mother. When it comes to Zero’s mom, she honestly doesn’t think about her much, or really tries to, at least. Zero was so unwanted as a child her mother didn’t actually name her, mostly resorting to ‘girl’ or other curse words, and for a short while growing up Zero thought that ‘brat’ was actually her name. The earliest memory she has is of her mother shouting at her, and recollects being most often ‘slapped around’. Because of their poor status, her mother wasn’t able to feed her well either, and she remembers learning to steal food before she could even talk. And as the cherry on top-- when Zero finally hit about 12/13, she was sold off to a brothel by her mother for a hideously small amount of money.
   Even after all this, Zero doesn’t blame her mother. She knows deep down that this was the only way her mother knew how to raise her, because that was the reality of poor families growing up in the time she did.
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daemonusdea · 5 years
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   whenever anyone posts that ‘my hair is VERY soft and could EASILY be played with and you know how many people are playing with my hair??? zero’ post i go
   u right. Zero is playing with your hair. it’s a perk of this angry lady :)
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daemonusdea · 6 years
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   Auto.mata//-- Zero.
So after 500 years I finally finished-ish this sketch of Zero, and slapped on some semblance of colourkjhdf. I’m lazy. But this is for her Au.tomata verse I have in mind, not entirely fleshed out but mostly so, of what she looks like in the present. Broken down, dirt-covered, and her skin layer is breaking down along with her left arm circuitry and wire exposed. Of course she’s got the flower in her eye, embedded from her time spent in a half-way stasis. I might make a better post later, but for now! Enjoy Grandma Ragebot 5000, who was built in the times of the war against the aliens as an experimental type of battle android, based on emotion-- her assigned one was rage. She was rushed and wasn’t entirely thought through, and sure enough with the inbalance, the rage aspect overtook her already shoddy programming to the point she could no longer discern enemy from ally. It lead to a terrible slaughter on her part of her own team when she first malfunctioned, and Y.orha did their best to suppress her, only to have to take her down. Thought to be completely destroyed and out of commission, she was left on earth in what would be deep into the Forest Kingdom, laid up against a tree to have the forest slowly grow in around and over her (yes, resulting in that pretty pink flower popping out of her already-damaged eye), knocked into a half-awake stasis. 
p.s. you can’t pay me enough to draw her damn sword bYE
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daemonusdea · 6 years
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► Name ➔  ❝ Zero. Just...Zero. ❞ ► Are you single ➔ ❝ Yep. ❞ ► Are you happy ➔  ❝ Nope. ❞ ► Are you angry? ➔  ❝  Only about 99.99% of the time.  ❞ ► Are your parents still married ➔  ❝ Pretty sure my mom never even knew my dad’s name. ❞
► Birth Place ➔ ❝ A poor, shit-sack village on the outskirts of the Land of Shut Up. ❞ ► Hair Color ➔ ❝ White. ❞ ► Eye Color ➔ ❝ I was told they were rose-- pink. Whatever. ❞ ► Birthday ➔ ❝ Hell if I know. ❞ ► Mood ➔ ❝ Irritated. ❞ ► Gender ➔ ❝ Pissed off with a side of tits. ❞ ► Summer or winter ➔ ❝ Who even cares? They come and go every damn year. They’re both boring...But I guess summer’s less annoying, don’t have to freeze my ass off then. ❞ ► Morning or afternoon ➔ ❝ Uh...morning? ❞
► Are you in love ➔ ❝ Oh, we’re telling jokes now? ❞ ► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ ❝ Okay that’s pretty funny. Hell no, there’s attraction at first sight, love doesn’t exist. ❞ ► Who ended your last relationship ➔ ❝ I wouldn’t call it a relationship...but I guess I ended it when I killed him. ❞ ► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔  ❝ I’ve stabbed a few of them. Pretty heartbreaking when you realize you’re dying. ❞ ► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ ❝ The hell does that mean? ❞ ( Yes. ) ► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ ❝ Gross.  ❞ ► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ ❝ I’m sure there’s lots of people out there thinking happy thoughts about stabbing me, with a dreamy look on their faces. ❞ ► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ ❝ I’d need to have one, first. ❞
► Love or lust ➔ ❝ Ugh. I guess lust. ❞ ► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ ❝ Doesn’t matter. ❞ ► Cats or Dogs ➔ ❝ They’re both annoying. ❞ ( She likes both, tending towards cats. ) ► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ ❝ No friends. ❞ ► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ ❝ You mean with other people? Ew. Both by myself is just fine. ❞ ► Day or night ➔ ❝ Night, there’s less annoyances then. ❞ ( And the stars are nice. )
► Been caught sneaking out ➔ ❝ Uuuuh...once? ( yikes. ) ❞ ► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ ❝ ...Fuckin’ stairs... ❞ ► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ ❝ ... ❞ ► Wanted to disappear ➔ ❝ Only every day of my life. ❞
► Smile or eyes ➔ ❝ Eyes. You can tell when a fucker’s lying. ❞ ► Shorter or Taller ➔ ❝ Doesn’t matter. ❞ ► Intelligence or Attraction ➔  ❝ Choosing between a fuck-ugly smart-mouth or an attractive moron? Great options. Neither. ❞ ► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ ❝ Hook-ups are less of a pain, though still a pain in the ass to deal with... ❞
► Do you and your family get along ➔ ❝ Oh yeah we’re great pals. Had a reunion not too long ago with my sisters, my sword was pretty happy to see them. Haven’t heard from mom in a long time. Maybe she’s dead. ❞ ► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ ❝ It’s fucked a thousand ways to Sunday. ❞ ► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ ❝ I think maybe a handful of times when I was very young...that was ended pretty quickly, though. ❞ ► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ ❝ Does getting sold to a brothel count as getting kicked out? ❞
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ ❝ Bold of you to assume I have friends. I hate everyone very openly. ❞ ► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ ❝ Even bolder. ❞ ► Who is your best friend ➔ ❝ No one. ❞ ► Who knows everything about you ➔ ❝ ...No one. Not even me. ❞
Tagged by: @soaringheart​ thANK YOU BABY <3
Tagging: @sanctiichor, @reiivusu, @dekirukoto, @destructivour, @fragilefated, @xdelinquentdevil, @jjillekkot, @geometragic, @infiniitas, @estrifes, @xkuja, @fractempyreal, @ofwhitechapel​, @trashkingizunia​ , holy m o ly okay anyone else who sees this and wants to do it steal it please skhjdjkf
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daemonusdea · 6 years
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zero flirting: grabs them rough enough to be mistaken for wrestling moves, insults them and/or gently threatens them, is generally antagonizing.
Zero: nailed it.
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daemonusdea · 6 years
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   in a conversation with @sanctiichor and Zero’s type came up. ^This is the result. 100% canon.
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daemonusdea · 6 years
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   Zero’s hatred for humanity has a really...weird balance. While she was alive, she harboured a deep, deep hatred for it which spurred her into the path of well...being a serial murderer for years of her life djhf. It was such a strong disdain that the Flower was able to pinpoint her hatred and grow towards it-- towards her, deeming her to be the perfect vessel to destroy the world. Because who’s going to disagree with ending the entire human race when they’ve already been trying to do it themselves???
        Well, this bitch but I mean the Flower sure had a good idea in theory. The only problem is that Zero refuses to be controlled by anyone, and it’s only her defiance and absolute frustration at being forced back alive that she really decides to go against the Flower, and later on she hopes to make a better place for Mikhail. She honestly doesn’t care that much about saving humanity, it’s really mostly just a by-product of her own kind of selfish rebellion...and trying to clean up all of her mistakes. 
     She teeters back and forth on the line she crossed when she was alive, still furious with how the world treated her and everyone else in it, but she really does hold out a hope that it can get better...she’s very disillusioned with humanity as a whole, but it’s merely out of a bitter, depressed and pained mindset of ‘why did it do this to me?’ with no answers that could ever satiate her. And as much as she would love to say ‘fuck it’ and let the world end, she’s not about to be someone’s damn puppet to do it. She’s not sure it would make her happy either for it to happen-- but there’s really nothing that could make her happy anyways ( is that edgy enough? ). 
   All in all, it loops around to the fact she is tired. Life has dealt her the shittiest hand, everyone she’s known has betrayed her in some way, and the things she tried to hold onto were ripped out of her hands until she had nothing left, barely even anything of herself. At this point, being a puppeteered corpse, she just wants to be done, and can only hold onto the hope that life will treat Mikhail kinder than it ever did her.
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daemonusdea · 6 years
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   Zero can’t seem to understand the days dedicated to parents, especially father’s day-- she never once met her father, who skipped out before she was even born.
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daemonusdea · 6 years
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   planting pumpkin seeds today reminded me-- Zero in her modern verse works at a plant nursery, a job which Michael helped set her up with, which is also why her home is filled almost wall to wall with plants. She somehow has a knack for it!
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