#[ my stupid edgy daughter ]
(Murder Drones Episode 8 spoilers!)
Space. The final frontier.
Poor robo-roaches always getting tossed around and killed.
They just left Braiden and Rebecca's corpses there??
Honestly the Teacher is such a mood, I can't believe I never realized it before.
Solvedcalculus reference???
Nori you can't say that this is a Christian Minecraft server.
It's amazing how they're able to make her still convey emotions when she's only got one eye.
Well she did tell you to "Die Mad" about it, so...
Kiss. Kiss! KISS! KISS!! KISS!!! KISS!!!! KISS!!!!!
New cute date idea: Skydiving from space and burning up in the atmosphere together <3
Why no kiss tho :(
Dang it, that was Thad's only good pipe.
No!! Bad dingo!!! We do not eat our friends!!!
So did J know the whole time or was she kept in the dark at first and only recently found out? Not entirely clear on that.
You really think it's not gonna dispose of you once all the universe is dead?
I was fully expecting her to chuck N into the core for a second there. But TBH I don't think continuing to destroy the planet is gonna fix it.
Y'know J thinks pretty highly of herself for someone who's literally never killed a single person on-screen in the entire time that this show has existed.
Huh, I guess those theories about Uzi not having a core icon were wrong.
You get a panic attack! You get a panic attack! EVERYBODY GETS A PANIC ATTACK!
Wait which part of this is the trap?
Uzi is not beating the bisexual allegations.
Nori I don't think most people call their daughters "babe."
Playing Nightcore during a final battle is the most anime thing ever.
And the J abuse continues.
*teleports behind you* Nothin personnel, kid.
Okay bye J, thanks for literally nothing.
Thad is confirmed the coolest dude on Copper 9.
Sorry y'all, Khori divorce real.
Man Teacher don't wanna deal with none of this, same TBH.
Everybody gangsta til the cowboy robot dinosaurs start driving buses
Nah you're not damaged you're just autistic and edgy.
Polyclue shippers low-key getting fed tho.
My heart goes out to all the Doll fans, y'all got done dirty. 😔
He's learning how to draw anime!!! His art is getting so good!!!
He finally got to play rummy with the WDF!
They're gonna passionately make love on that bed later.
Wow what did Rachel ever do to you. Also who's Rachel.
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eve-reviews · 6 months
ㅤ Once Upon a Time is a thirteen-year old’s fanfiction that was found by the creators of Lost and stolen for a show in hopes of making some money off the teen population. If the half-formed faux-edgy characters or bad acting doesn’t sell you on just how poorly this show was made, the terrible CGI definitely will. The first season revolves around a character named Emma Swan, aka The Savior, coming to the town of Storybrooke where her son tries to convince her that the town is actually full of fairytale characters that are under a memory erasing spell. The show has a way of making you forget that you’re watching a fairytale story until later you realize that “Oh! They just had Prince Charming cheat on his wife with Snow White. And then The Evil Queen framed Snow White for the murder of Prince Charming’s wife by hiding that wife’s heart in a box in the place Snow and Charming would always meet.”
ㅤ While the first season seems Wild, each subsequent season tries to outdo itself. The following seasons follow a clear formula constantly trying to convince you that it’s a good show. The creator’s favorite persuasion is to twist the usual fairytale stories and then play a dramatic stinger underneath it as if to convince the viewer to say, “oh shit!” Each time it makes this attempt, I am met with an intense feeling, but not the intended one. It’s a burst of laughter, a burn of secondhand embarrassment, and the impulse to share it with a friend so I don’t have to go through it alone (and may I say, I think my friends are starting to get sick of me).
            The show is held together by attempts to be a show that makes the viewer sit at the edge of the seat waiting to see what happens next. These attempts often involve corrupting or redeeming a “good” or “evil” character respectively. While the show constantly brings in numerous characters from Disney movies or any other existing story for that matter (such as Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, or 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea), it seems to forget this sometimes, so we are left with characters who have been corrupted and redeemed 6 times alone (in Rumpelstiltskin’s case).
            Might I also add that the show often does a twist saying that two fairytale characters were actually the same one. If we take Rumpelstiltskin as an example again, he is at least three different characters off the top of my head. He also happens to be the Crocodile from Peter Pan and the Beast from Beauty and the Beast. This isn’t even counting the family tree. Please feel free to skip the rest of this paragraph while I sort that out. Rumpelstiltskin is the son of Peter Pan (who’s evil) and the Black Fairy (who’s the origin of all evil or something?). He has a grandson, Henry, who is also the grandson of Snow White and Prince Charming. Henry also happens to be the adopted son of Regina, aka The Evil Queen. Regina if the daughter of the Queen of hearts and the sister of the Wicked Witch of the West. She’s also Snow White’s step-mother. Regina also happens to be soulmates with Robin Hood, who’s previous wife was sentenced to death by Regina before the curse. And Robin also had a daughter with the Wicked Witch but he didn’t know it was her at the time because she was pretending to be his dead wife.
            I’m stopping myself there. If you read any of that, you now hopefully know how complicated the lore is and how near impossible it is to explain. You may have also gleaned how fucking stupid it is. That was all just a small section of the family tree. The actual lore of this show involves people who are definitively good or evil (but they can be redeemed) and authors who are all powerful gods who control Everything but are also just Some Guy. And of course, a being of pure light magic called The Savior (Emma Swan aka Snow White and Prince Charming’s child) and a being of pure dark magic called The Dark One (Rumplestiltskin). I forced myself through the show. High out of my mind if I had to. And I gotta say, folks.
            I kinda love this show.
            At some point it starts to get confusing what the creators were thinking while making this show. You drive yourself crazy trying to put yourself in their heads. Do they know how dogshit it is? Are they trying to convince me this dogshit is actually fucking ratatouille? Or do they know it’s bad?
            By the end of season 6, I started to get the feeling that the writers had finally decided to accept that no one in the universe would consider this a good show; however, the show must go on so they may as well have fun with it. They finally left behind the attempts and just leaned into how bizarre the lore they’re spun truly is. They timeskip and they say. ���Hey. We know that we’ve gone too far. We know we crossed a line somewhere along the way. But buddy? We’re not turning around. We’re gonna find throw back some brewskis and have a little fun.” And they decide to say that, “Actually? All those characters you just saw? The seemingly infinite number of them? That’s just the start. They’re just one of an actually infinite number of that same character that exists in the multiverse. We’re gonna make a new main character and she’s gonna be Cinderella. Yes, I know we already introduced Cinderella in season one. But this is a different Cinderella. From a different thirteen tear old’s fanfiction. “
            And so it becomes a show that clearly knows it’s bad. And I sit there and realize I had fun. And I realize that I’m still having fun. And I realize that that was the point. I spent the whole show taking everything so seriously, and for that, I partially blame the show for taking itself seriously. But somewhere along the way, the show stopped. And I followed suit shortly after. And it was fun.
            I loved watching Once Upon a Time.
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beanghostprincess · 10 months
I really loved your hc about Sanji meeting Yassop and Usopp meeting Zeff and I start to think about like-
What about this with Zosan, Lusan and Lawsan?? This will be SO funny and perfect-
Just hear me: (and yes, this will be with our queen Trans!Fem Sanji)
Mihawk and Zoro going to a dinner with Sanji and Zeff because both want to know their child partner
Shanks going to Baratie 'cause Luffy insisted, and Sanji going too just to say a 'hello!' to her father and properly give the notice she's dating her captain (Luffy forgot to tell this to Shanks and he just discover he was knowing the father of his son's girlfriend when they already are in Baratie)
Law going because Sanji wanted him to know Zeff, and even hating to interact too much, he acepts because he knows how much this mean to her
And like, how you think they will react about the thing of Zeff eating his own FUCKING leg??
Okay, this is really funny- The chaos. Just imagine the chaos. Gonna try to put my thoughts into words (<- Literally a fucking writer. I'm just tired today don't blame me).
Please assume the OP world here is exactly the same but Mihawk and Shanks actually raised Zoro and Luffy. Somehow. Don't ask me how. They see them as their fathers. Zeff and Sanji's story is still the same because they're canonically family lmao. And also Transfem!Sanji as you said btw bc I love my princess.
The thing about Mihawk and Zoro going to a dinner with them is that Zoro and Sanji would try to behave but they would end up arguing in front of them anyway because that's just how they are and Mihawk and Zeff would end up talking alone about them tbh. Zeff offers Mihawk one of his best wines and Mihawk is- Well, you already know how Mihawk is. Their conversation is pretty polite but they keep drinking while the other two are in the background fighting for some meaningless bullshit like: "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO GET HERE FIFTEEN MINUTES AGO, STUPID MOSSHEAD" / "OKAY SO IT'S MY FAULT THAT THE SEA IS VERY ROUGH TODAY AND THE SHIP ALMOST SINKS" / "LIAR!! I'M SURE YOU JUST GOT LOST".
And it's uhhh chaotic. But there's passion and Sanji is mad because she cares about him meeting Zeff and Zoro is frustrated but actually trying to calm down. Zeff and Mihawk are very fond of tough love and passionate couples so these two fighting just means they have strong feelings for each other. However, they end up making up and sitting down with their fathers while they tell anecdotes and try to get to know each other better. Mihawk and Zeff are intimidating af and I'm like 100% sure that Zoro would be scared of Zeff at some point bc he would look at him with that look of "If you hurt my daughter I'm killing you" and Zoro is, for once in his life, scared of a cook. Then that silly topic of "Oh, yes, I ate my own leg to save this little shit of a daughter from starving to death" comes up.
Zoro almost chokes on his food and Mihawk stares at Zeff for a while, looks down at his leg, squints his eyes at him and says: It certainly is a really admirable doing. And just out of mere curiosity, was it good-
Zeff: A little bit of seasoning and less pain would've helped
Zoro: Curly, you didn't tell me your dad was cool
Mihawk: I say admirable doing because you just met her, right? I would not have done something like this for this bastard right here
Zoro: Thanks, dad
Mihawk: You're welcome I let you and Princess stay with me, don't push it
Sanji: Who's Princess?
Zoro: My sister
Mihawk: Zoro, you didn't tell your girlfriend about Perona?
Zoro: I forgot
Sanji: I'm going to murder you
And basically, long story short, the night ends pretty well to Sanji's surprise. Mihawk is very nice and polite to her even if he looks pretty dark and edgy, and Sanji can't believe that man raised an idiot like her boyfriend. Then we have Zeff, who shakes Zoro's hand so hard it hurts and whispers in his ear all the atrocities he would do to him if he hurt his precious princess. Things that won't happen, of course. That's why that 'would' is there. But still, he tells him anyway. Just in case.
When Luffy tells Shanks to go to the Baratie together, he doesn't hesitate to say yes because who would refuse to go there? What kind of pirate would he be? Sanji is already there because she decided to go a bit earlier, so Shanks instantly assumes he's just going to have lunch with his son in a very nice place and see Zeff again after a long time. When they get to the Baratie and see that Sanji is there too, Shanks assumes Sanji just stopped by too. A coincidence. He already knows that's Zeff's daughter, btw.
But then Luffy does that thing he always does, running towards someone he loves and hugging them tightly with his legs wrapped around them. And Shanks is just like "Oh, well, that's his usual behavior and he's just greeting his cook" but then they kiss and it's uh, confusing. So Shanks asks what's going on and Sanji is all like "Please, don't tell me you didn't mention this to Shanks" and Luffy just shrugs, turns around, and says "Dad, I'm dating Sanji!" then looks at his cook again smiling and Sanji sighs: "And you obviously didn't tell him this was supposed to be a thing so our dads could talk-"
Shanks: Fuck, am I meeting your dad now? Like, actually meeting him as your boyfriend's dad? That's not- Hey, Anchor, you did not mention this.
Luffy: I'm sorry! But Zeff is reaaaaally amazing!
Shanks: I am well aware that he's amazing but you need to warn me first about this stuff.
Luffy: What? It's just dad stuff-
Then Zeff appears and Shanks tries to act like a normal father for once (he can't. He fails. It doesn't work) and they actually end up having a pretty calm and fun dinner once he relaxes, remembering that Zeff has always been cool. Luffy is extremely clingy with Sanji, a thing that Shanks already knew but never guessed it was because of them dating. And now that he sees it from a different perspective, it is clear that they're in love, even if Sanji won't stop trying to push the kid away because he's obsessed with sitting close to her and eating food from her hands and things like that. Little shit has a more stable love life than him. That's depressing.
Their laughter and joyful voices fill the whole empty restaurant and Shanks and Zeff are already a bit drunk while Sanji is dragged by Luffy to sit on his lap. And it would be embarrassing but it's not like their dads are looking at them, too caught up in their own anecdotes and stories.
Then Shanks asks how Zeff met Sanji because he knows that's not his biological daughter. He remembers Zeff telling him about his little princess years ago when Sanji was still at the Baratie and Shanks stopped by to eat with his crew. And of course, Zeff explains what happened. Their shared dream and everything. Luffy isn't really listening because he already knows the story and is too focused on his girlfriend right now. Zeff tells them about the leg thing, and Shanks starts laughing so, so fucking loud and hysterically:
Zeff: You did what, too?
Shanks: Don't you notice something missing? Perhaps on the left side of my torso? There hanging? Well- Nothing hanging, actually
Zeff: You did not-
Shanks: I did not, but I lost this useless thingy saving this bastard right here
Sanji: You said you're not good at dad stuff but that's a pretty dad thing to do, huh?
Shanks: I guess so, yeah. We have more things than I thought in common, Red Leg!
Luffy: Except for cooking. Your cooking is awful.
Shanks: My cooking is amazing, Anchor, thank you very much.
Shanks: But I did a good job!
Anyway, they surprisingly have a very nice and warm meal together without Shanks or Luffy being as chaotic as Sanji thought they'd be. When they're heading out, Zeff just pats Luffy on the shoulder and tells him to take care of his princess and appreciate her food or else he'll make him clean the dishes again but this time for years, quite literally speaking. Shanks sees the couple holding hands when they get out of the restaurant, the redhead staying behind for a second to speak to Zeff. But Shanks is already at that point of drunkness where he starts having a breakdown and he's like "Why does my kid have a girlfriend and my husband left me?????? This is so unfair. They love each other so much, Red Leg, look at them!!!!!!!" and Zeff is like "They're young and stupid too, but they'll grow up. You still haven't. Please get out of my restaurant before you make my onions cry."
Law doesn't want to meet Zeff, that much is clear. He is not good at meeting new people and even less meeting father figures because God knows he doesn't have a good memory of how his relationship with his dad ended (Rip Cora-san, we miss you). But he goes anyway because Sanji keeps insisting and saying that it's important to her, and of course, Law can't say no to her. Well, actually Sanji just tells him that if he comes with her to the Baratie, she'll wear the Soba-Mask suit (Stealth Black or whatever, Sanji refuses to say those words so-) again for him some time and Law accepts almost instantly. Fucking simp.
So they go to the Baratie and Law is dressed in a white shirt and actual, proper, and almost elegant clothes because Bepo said he needed to do it in order to give a good impression, and Law, deep down, just wants Sanji to be happy. And if getting along with her dad will do it, having to deal with this torture for a few hours is worth it.
Sanji keeps telling him not to worry about Zeff because, even if it's a big step in their relationship, her dad is just a bit scary but a good guy, after all. He will like Law once he knows how much he cares about her too! But Law isn't worried about that, he just fucking sucks at social interactions. Free the introvert from having to socialize, please, he just wants to stay with his girlfriend alone and cuddle and infodump about silly little things and comics. This is highly bad for his mental health (getting out and talking to people).
But, well, turns out Zeff is actually a great guy. Even though at first he looks at his daughter intensely and says: "Why the ex shichibukai of all people? This guy looks depressed too. Have you eaten, kid? You look like a starving man. He looks like a starving man, sweetheart. You're not dating an emo bastard who does not eat" and ends up having an argument with Sanji... He's fun to be around, once he settles for feeding Law everything he can cook. And Law isn't complaining but decides not to mention how much he hates bread because he feels that sentence will end up with him dead on the floor.
However, Sanji is the one mentioning that after a while of seeing Law forcing himself to eat bread, rolling her eyes and taking it from his hands to eat it herself. And Zeff is just like "You should've said so earlier, son! Just eat whatever you like. I feed people for them to enjoy the food, goddamnit!" and Law can only nod and keep eating.
And they actually end up getting along when they start talking more and more. Law starts actually laughing and smiling a little bit and Zeff pats him in the back from time to time whenever he mentions stuff he has done with his powers. Zeff just finds that hilarious. And Sanji is happy they're getting along, but extremely embarrassed when Zeff starts talking about her childhood (Law is enjoying every second of this). Then the topic of how Zeff met Sanji is brought up, and Sanji doesn't really want Law to hear it because she didn't tell him about the leg thing. And when he finds out, he's just...
Law: You didn't tell me your dad did that for you
Sanji: It's not something I like to explain, y'know? I kind of feel guilty to this day
Zeff: You're such a cry baby, Eggplant. I already told her countless times I chose to do that and it ended up saving us both! What's the problem?
Sanji: Shut up, old man, you don't get it!
Law: I do get it. The- Uh- Feeling guilty about your dad sacrificing himself. Without Cora-san... I wouldn't be here.
Zeff: Well, kid, I don't know what your father did, but be grateful instead of feeling guilty. I'm sure he's a nice man if he raised somebody who loves my girl this much.
Law: He was a good man, yes. The best. And- I- I do love her. A lot.
Sanji has a moment where she almost cries, but she doesn't!! (She does. She goes to the bathroom and cries).
When they have to go back to the ship, Zeff stops Law and says:
Zeff: You might need to eat more, that much is clear, kid. But you take care of her and that's good enough for me.
Law: Thank yo-
Zeff: But you also strike me as someone who would die for her and even though I do appreciate the effort because I would do the same, don't die on her, got it? And eat more. Eat what she makes, actually. And you also should check if you're celiac.
Law: I'm a doctor. I know I'm not-
Zeff: Then stop bitching around and eat bread like a man, for fuck's sake.
And, you know, Zeff might be a bit intimidating but he is, after all, a good man just like Cora was.
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punkeropercyjackson · 25 days
Percy having overt supernatural traits is stupid and overdone and dosen't make nearly as much sense as his profiling and other mortal world experiences coming from him just being black,autistic Percy is the best freaky weirdo Percy
Special interests in blue,anarchy,the sea,cats,kidcore,energy drinks,child care and the Superfam
No masking game and self-diagnosed because he dosen't fall under any stereotypes despite blatantly dysplaying every single audhd/autism symptom
Transfem nonbinary/bigender with he/she/they pronouns and Percycore neos because of the overlap between transfems and autistics and her canon nonstop defiement of traditional manhood
Solarpunk out of being the daughter of Poseidon and the son of enviormentalist queen Sally Jackson and their black autistic experiences making them turn to punk culture
Blue safe food,knows how to diy things that don't even exist,Riptide and a shark plush and her battle jacket comfort items,goes on petty crime sprees and to underground parties and shows and charity events and protests and thirft stores and cat cafes and goofy gimmick restaurants/arcades,plays exclusively free and secondhand games on anti-capitalist principal,needs layers for sensory reasons,had Sally do his piercings(eyebrow,tongue ring,spider bite and forward helix on both ears)out of nerves at seeing a stranger for them,has a vegetable garden at home,a meowing vocal stim and raptor hands as her posture 50% of the time
Dresses earthy/afropunk with mostly dark/mute colors but splashes of pastels and slap-ons of their special interests(example:Dead Kennedy's shirt,sea blue dyed shawl,battle jacket on top,long chunky skirt with a silver chain,black doc martens,spiked bracelets,a necklace with a Rainbow Dash pendant and mix and match rings that range between edgy to cutesy)
Carries around a blue backpack full of essentials,emergency things and fun stuff like motivational stickers which regenerates and was a gift from Hestia he nicknamed 'The Backhomepack'
If i may have a selfshipper moment,him and my Pjo s/i Lex are autistic4autistic dominican4dominican black4blasian punk4punk and transmasc4transfem and childhood best friends to lovers since Tlt to Boo and Tales of Dead Seas/Tods is the one year later Hoo sequel spanning four years and four books aka the autism book series.Also Percy has a sparkly pink sunflower charm Lex diy'd to give him to represent them that's his favorite and Lex has a whole collection of blue diy'd gifts he made for them!!They do everything together because they have the same tastes on most everything and are willing to try out literally anything for the other <3 Perlex is real y'all
Never goes to college because school is too hard on his brain now and works at a beach cafe i.e the family bussiness La Familia Jackson Beach Shack opened up by Sally
Sally is allistic but genuinely a good parent and very understanding of Percy's needs from the get-go,as in before they even knew he's autistic and her being trans herself and a comphet stud to boot probably explains it
Autism spectrum trio with Nico and Hazel and is their intergenerational best friend,found eldest sibling,pseudo-parent and punk mentor and she also harrasses Poseidon for money for Nico's chronic pain meds and mobility aids and supports Hazel's love for art(and girls,as it turns out)and talents(her rizz goes hard)in every way she can and convinced them to attend the Special ED school she was supposed to years ago
Sally was going to enroll her in it when she was 9 but Percy overheard the phone call and melted down so hard because her internalized ableism was already so bad that Sally never spoke of it again but they both still regret it to this day,mourning what could've been
Percy ends up powering through and going to visit it for Hazel's first of many art showcase's and to bring Nico's Mythomagic Club blue s'mores
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Gay wrongs tournament, round 2 of the minor bracket
For Lord Hater and Commander Peepers :
Lord Hater is the self-proclaimed "universe's awesomest evil-doer", an immature, attention-seeking manchild with electric powers and a short temper. He rules the Hater Empire with Commander Peepers as his second-in-command (technically third, after his beloved pet spider-xenomorph, but who's counting), however it soon becomes *very* clear that the cunning, remorseless, hardworking Peepers is the *real* brains behind the empire. Peepers might be frustrated at Hater's incompetence at times and isn't above manipulating him to reach an end goal, but he'd never dream of usurping him because, well, he's really gay and in love with him (as much as he can be in an early-10s Disney cartoon, anyways). Hater might take Peepers for granted a lot of times, but as his oldest friend and closest confidante he's the one who Hater is closest to. Whether it's invading other planets or kicking puppies for fun, these two are *delightfully* terrible jerks and the epitome of gay wrongs. 
Commander Peepers is both Lord Hater's right hand man in villainy AND his jilted stay-at-home-wife-guy (Also in villainy. Hater is really good at getting distracted from productive and efficient villaining.) Lord Hater was the greatest villain in the galaxy thanks to how well he and Commander Peepers worked as an evil team to run the Hater Empire!
Lord Hater conquers planets and is such an edgy bastard. Peepers is the actual brains behind the operation. Peepers is often pushed aside by Hater, they are besties and yet Peepers is always pining for this guy who will never notice. Peepers is so horribly gay for him if you watch the show he wants his stupid boss so bad. Peepers is so scared of him season 1 but then starts yelling BACK in season 2 and has to deal with him like a babysitter or something and yet STILL idolizes him and that’s just such a fun dynamic. His password is H8RNP33PRS43VR (Hater and Peepers forever). They are so evil and everyone fears them and they are villains and they are gay and the side of the fandom that draws them as a married couple that needs counseling is absolutely correct. The fanart of Hater openly liking him back is wonderful but I swear you don’t even need that. They are so gay and villain you have to love them they are
Villains that conquer planets and do evil stuff, my favourite characters, not really canon but they are the best :)
For El Mariana x Slimecicle:
They are married and on their first day together they accidentally killed their neighbor's kid.  When Slimecicle was trying to murder people and failed it because he didn't have Mariana by his side to back him up.
Well Slimecicle's canonically murdered a child/egg in order to give his and Mariana's daughter a gun. He also accidentally murdered his niece but that wasn't really his fault. Mariana has killed their daughter twice - the first time they were able to bring her back via a court trial and Slimecicle planted tnt under the court in case he lost. Mostly it's Slimecicle committing astrocities (like when he tried to kill more kids after his daughter died the first time, or when he constantly breaks windows in order to get into people's houses, or when he disguised himself as a child/egg in order to burgle his neighbours and proceeded to run for president as this child) but Mariana doesn't exactly have a clear conscience. Also they both love and hate each other. They're simultaneously married and divorced. They've had live minecraft sex at least twice.
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cobalt-axolotl · 10 months
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I plan on doing art RQS (request not the remnant queue system)
I would love if you submitted your head cannons and ask me my own.
About me
I am a pansexual cis male
I fictionkin Cassidy
Cassidy is my main blorbo
My prounouns he/him
My name is Austin but I also go by cobalt, charlie (my middle name is charles), and that mother fucker
My favorite fandoms are the following: homestuck, COTL, scp, fnaf, dsaf, Dhmis. Danny phantom, megaman, creepypasta, glitch productions, Minecraft, Ben 10, omori, undertale, sonic, gravity falls, Pokémon, bendy, TcoA&L, analog horror as a whole (especially Mandela catalog, angel hare, and Midwest Angelica), gr3gory88, helluva boss, hazbin hotel, TF2, moral orel, half life, half life VR but the AI is self aware, bioshock, 5YL, Spooky’s Jump-scare Mansion, The owl house, epithet erased, amphibia, Steven universe, Henry stickmin, disc world, AO ONI, pizza tower, and various tokusatsu
My favorite animal is the axolotl
I mainly post incorrect quotes and art but I do run an ask blog for my AU’s
I am a simp for papyrus undertale
Minecraft is my favorite video game
I run an 14+ blog
By the time I am making this edit I am 18 years old.
My OTPs are Evan x Cassidy and marlie
DNI (do not interact)
Stupid people (people who refuse to learn)
List of my AUs and they’re connected cannons
Golden children (fnaf)
Shattered souls (fnaf)
Malefactor malfunction (fnaf and Ben 10)
Glam it (fnaf)
Triple M (scp)
Xanthophobia (fnaf)
GMTC (fnaf and undertale)
B&P (fnaf and dnd)
NUCN (fnaf)
SBR (fnaf)
Under void (undertale)
Fazrune (fnaf and deltarune combo)
Like it never even happened (fnaf)
List of oc’s and ther connected AUs
Nick (my fnaf AUs)
Virgil (under void)
List of my AU’s with songs that describe them
Golden children: just gold by Mandi pony (I don’t like the guy I just like his music)
Shattered souls: creepin towards the dirt by griffinila
Malefactor malfunction: the ben 10 theme song (just replace the words Ben 10 with Cassidy)
Glam it: this comes from inside by the living tombstone
Triple M: secure container protect by madame macabre
Xanthophobia: look what you made me do by taylor swift
GMTC (give me the child): collared by vane
Bears and pizzerias: your the key by Kyle Allen music
Nicks ultimate custom night: replay your nightmare by hard ninja
Stuck in the back room (my alive AU): I’m still standing by Elton John
Under void: gasters theme by Toby fox
Characters in my AU’s
Cassidy Noelle Carter (died at 14 in golden child au) (in the golden children AU she becomes Fredbear and in the shattered souls, glam it, xanthophobia ,and malefactor malfunction AU she doesn’t die) (can speak German) (learned German so she can figure out what’s bothering Nick and calm him down) (in xanthophobia nicks death drives her to the point of insanity and causes here to become a serial killer “super edgy I know”) (in shattered souls she marries Evan but doesn’t change her last name due to her hatred for William) (learned Korean from her mother and is fluent it)
Evan afton (crying child) (died at 12 in golden children au but not dead in malefactor malfunction, glam it, xanthophobia, or shattered souls Au) (loses all sense of empathy after the bite of 83 in xanthophobia “a head injury can do that to you right?”) (marry’s cassidy in shattered souls)
Benny afton (Cassidy’s and Evan son biological son in shattered souls) (an analog to golden children Cassie)
Goldie (he’s here he’s there he’s everywhere who you gonna call psychic friend fred-bear)
Gregory afton (Vanessa’s brother in the golden children au) (trans gender FTM)
Cassie Maxie Carter (nick and Elizabeth’s adopted daughter in the golden children AU) (named after her aunt)
Kasey Roxanna Carter (Cassidy’s twin sister) (nicks older sister) (lesbian) (cares for Nick as much as Cassidy but is unable to understand him at times) (neli’s ex girlfriend) (posses Roxanne wolf) (currently dating Susie) (learned Korean from her mother and is fluent in it)
Gaberiel grim (died at 10) (died in 1985) (possesses Freddy)
Jeremy grim (died at 11) (died in 1985) (posses Bonnie)
Fritz smith(died at 3) (died in 1985) (posses foxy)
Susie McCarthy (died at 14) (died in 1985) (posses chica) (Kasey’s current girlfriend)
Adrian smith(died at 5) (died in 1987) (part of the second mci) (posses mangle)
Millie fitzsimmons (died at 18) (died in 1987) (part of the second mci) (possesses toy Bonnie)
Markus Murphy (died at 17) (died in 1987) (part of the second mci) (possesses toy Freddy)
Nelli Twain ( died at 16) (died in 1987) $part of the second mci) (possesses toy chica) (Kasey’s ex girlfriend)
Jake McCarthy (died at 6) (died in 2016) (used to posses stitch wraith along with Andrew)
Andrew Montgomery Emily (died at 16) (died in 1987) (part of the second MCI) (posses Monty in the golden children au) (used to possess stitch wraith along with Jake) (was besties with Cassidy and Evan)
Charlie Emily / Charlie afton (not dead in the golden children or Xanthophobia au) (is dead in shattered souls) (marries Mike in the golden children au)
Mike afton
Vanessa afton (Mike and Charlie’s daughter in golden children au)
Elizabeth Clair Afton / Elizbeth Clair Carter (doesn’t die or posses baby in the golden children au) (died at 8 in the shattered souls & malefactor malfunction AU’s) (is nicks best friend) (dies to circus baby in shattered souls au) (takes Evan’s place in shattered souls au) (born in 1979 in the main 2 AU’s) (married to Nick as an adult in the golden children au) (going to college to become a psychologist in the golden children au)
Malary Emily ( Henry’s wife) (Charlie and Sammy’s mom)
Henry emily (dies at 63) (championed for better treatment of autism in the golden children AU)(mentored Nick in robotics after Edd’s death)
Clair afton (died at 20 due to suicide) (Williams ex)
Loralai afton (Williams current life) (survives in every AU I made) (her name is also a pun on Ballora) (Evan and Elizabeth’s mom)
William Afton (Dies at 36)
Dave miller (nicks therapist) (named after book and DSAF Dave)
Nikki Carter (Nick, Kasey, and Cassidy’s mom) (Korean immigrant) (left while Nick was too young to remember) (may or may not have indirectly been the cause of David’s abuse to towards Nick)
Malcom faraday zanaflex (main protagonist of my scp au)
Dr Elias Munro (died at 79 on the year 1981) (original owner of fredbear’s sing’n show) (was a father figure to Henry and William) (was their boss before he retired in 1955)
Zachary Munro/nightmarionne (not dead) (became a mutant after a remnant injection) (immortal) (grandson of Elias)
Garret schmit (basically Garret from the movie combined with Mike from the movie)
Abby schmit (just Abby from the movie)
Jeremy Fitzgerald
Sammy Lewis emily (is younger than Charlie in these AU’s) (like around nicks age) (non verbal until his twelfth birthday) (good with Rubik’s cubes) (dies in xanthophobia and takes charlottes place as the puppet)
Billy (AI created by William afton to watch after evan while he worked on his projects)
Jack Kennedy (named after the one from DSAF just nota corpse) (Bonnie mask Bully) (gave Nick the spring Bonnie mask) (was much less willing than mikes other friends during the bite of 83) (mikes right hand man)
Maddison Simmons (jacks girlfriend) (chica mask Bully) (was much more willing than her boyfriend)
Jerry Mann (Freddy mask bully) (just as willing as Mike & Emilia)
Vinny (literally just exist to be Sammy’s boyfriend because I don’t like Sammy being forever alone)
Nickolas Alastair Carter (Kasey and Cassidy’s younger brother) (has a red Bonnie plushi named mr Marvo) (is a paranoid schizophrenic) (was raised by his sisters due to them having bad parents) (takes Cassidy’s place in shattered souls au) (works at the pizzaplex in the glam it au) (born in 1983 in the main 2 AU’s) (has a slightly un healthy obsession with Bonnie the bunny) (was hired on by Henry during the events of fnaf 1 in golden children AU) (often wore a Red Bonnie halloeeen mask as a child) (can speak German but only does it when he’s extremely angry or when he finds a certain word to be extremely funny) (autistic “like me”) (he’s also really defensive about his intellect) (died in a ball pit in shattered souls au) (acespec panromantic) (post ffps his soul transfers into eclipse in the SS Au)
Edwin Alastair Carter (Aka. Grandpa eddy) (Nick and Cassidy’s grand father) (their only parrental figure that isn’t abusive to Nick) (was hired by Henry and William to design the springlock suits) (built the mimic as a friend for Nick) (also made the old man consequences AI)
David mobi carter (Nick, Kasey, and Cassidy’s father) (abusive towards Nick in specific) (Cassidy is his favorite) (ignores Kasey) (is manipulative towards Nick)
Old man consequences (an AI that acts as a sorta therapist to Nick in my AU’s)
Nightmare (before being possessed by half of nicks soul it was the first working springlock suit known as proto lefty) (not one of the nightmare animatronics) (half of nicks soul)
Marvo Marvelous (half of nicks soul in the shattered souls au) (a red magician hare)
Glitchtrap (separate from mimic) (had his consciousness put into a roomba)
Captain poncho (nicks imaginary friend) (scares Gagleon)
Stitch wraith (possessed by Andrew and Jake)
Fredbear (possessed by Cassidy and Evan in golden children au)
Plush trap (in the golden child au he is a little drone sent out by null trap)
Null (second spring Bonnie suit that William place Evans body in after he died) (possessed by Evan in the both AU’s)
Mxes the hare (in the au he is named after mr mxes) (the au version of him looks more human in the AUs) (in golden children au he was first an animatronic for the fnaf 1 location that filled the same role as the then defunct security puppet) (created my nick)
RWQFSFASXC (all of nicks insecurities in physical form) (main antagonist of the GMTC AU) (shadow Bonnie)
Shadow Freddy
Mr mxes (has half of Cassidy’s soul inside of it in golden child au) (is choc full of agony from Nick)
Mimic (nick and Cassidy pretend he’s their older brother as in all three AU’s he just lives with the two)
Nickolai (animatronic human built by Henry as a third entertainer at fredbear’s family diner) (starts wearing a Fredbear Halloween mask after the mci for… “reasons”)
Void Bonnie (shattered souls spring Bonnie) (has a shadow variant name dark trap) (this Springbonnie is possessed by Nick not William afton as he simply feeds off of William’s agony) (heroic counterpart to Springtrap) (takes golden Freddy’s place in shattered souls AU) (born from Nick’s corpse being put into a certain ball pit) (name after the void between the physical and spiritual plains)
Miketrap (the pit creature before metamorphosing into pit Bonnie) (a Monroe experiment)
Salvage (an old springlock suit given life through mysterious means) (a Monroe experiment)
Nightmarionne (a nightmare version of the puppet) (a Monroe experiment)
Remnant Queue System (the shadow’s child)
Night-watch (machine built by Mike to hunt down what’s left of Fazbear entertainment and destroy William once and for all) (-the rebuilt endo of Fredbear)
The classics
The toy animatronics
The withered animatronic
Springtrap (not darktrap) (in shattered souls darktrap used the spring locks to curve his violent tendencies and forget about him being a killer) (in shatttered souls his charge goes from being a humanized billcipher as William to a dsaf Dave miller and gruncle stan combo as Springtrap)
The nightmares (evil versions of the twisted ones in the golden children au)
The fun times
Ennard the clown (the in between of the fun times and glamrocks with his blood lust being replaced by a humanoid level of sapience) (has a shape sifting gimmick which he uses to entertain kids)
The Glamrocks
The twisted ones (in the my AU’s they’re good guys and built by Mike along with night-watch)
The hellfire animatronics (upgraded versions of the twisted ones)
The night terror animatronics (scrap’s, night terror Freddy, night terror Bonnie, night terror foxy, and night terror chica,)
The salvage animatronics (salvage Monty, salvage freddy, salvage ennard, and darktrap) (constructed from broken animatronics) (end is are exposed) (partially inspired by the ignited animatronics)
And the omori charecters are cannon to the malefactor malfunction au cuz why the fuck not
The springlock animatronics (fredbear, spring Bonnie, and Alastair)
Villains for malefactor malfunction can be found here
How the AU’s work
Each au has four version (book style in which it falls into silver eye’s continuity, game style in which it falls into game continuity, movie style in which it falls into movie continuity, and amalgam style in which it combines all three continuity’s into one)
In xanthophobia Cassidy is the villain (William afton die’s extremely soon in the AU and for once in his life never comes back)
So in my most of my AU’s the souls are able to grow old despit not being alive which explains any shipping you might see. Most of it isn’t my doing though
Elizabeth x Nick is only cannon in golden children
Unless its Evan x Cassidy or Mike x Charlie
TF2 is cannon in the golden children au (i mostly just wanted to make fnaf 2 Jeremy TF2 Jeremy)
The golden children au takes place in the late 80s to early 90s with flash forwards towards the pizzaplex era while the shattered souls au takes place in 1991 and the malefactor malfunction shifts the entire time line to start in 2000 GMTC takes place around 1999 to 2018 xanthophobia takes place in in the 2000s and 2010s
In shattered souls Springtrap is much nicer due to him losing his murdeous tendencies after getting spring locked
malefactor malfunction is a Ben 10 fnaf crossover with Cassidy having a version of the omnitrix called kaizotrix
The blog itself is cannon in all AU’s
This is a link to the malefactor malfunction aliens list for all of Cassidy’s kaizotrix transformations
As well as facts about the malefactors
Also a timeline for my main AU
Some times I can be very cringe
Check these people out too
@ramunehana (if you 18+)
Also check my alts
I also put Nick official design down here
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Here is my creepypasta and uncharacteristically ask blog
An here at my character designs so far https://www.tumblr.com/random-world-64/735868089007259648/all-my-major-chararacters-so-far
And here’s some fanfics I’m working on
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her is my sona AXOL
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Lore alarm
The blog itself is also a cross over point for my AU’s and in multiverse it’s ran by the characters
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ahoppingmagician · 4 months
Stolitz Rant
Now before I shit on the ship and Stolas' whole character, I have to give Spindle Horse some praise. Seeing Blitzo go off on Stolas was like eating your gran's food, comforting, something that you waited for, and fulfilling. Blitzo pleading like a desperate animal for the book was actually very potent, I won't get too much into my life but I have done things similar for people in my past to stay even though it was a dysfunction mess.
Alright that's my little hat's off to you Viv. Now let's get to my problem with this ship.
Unhealthy in a Bad Way
It's unhealthy. Now that inherently isn't the bad thing, now before you judge me too hard, I'll explain. If a pairing is presented as toxic that's not my issue but rather how it is handled. Stolitz isn't really presented by the show's narrative to be a horrible mess that should of died as soon as the two grew apart in their adult life. Instead it is presented like a us verses them. Romeo and Juliet type of romance. Now it doesn't really work that way because of everything that one side has done.
Stolas Sucks
I hate this fucking rich bird man, he was such good villian potential, until someone named Vivziepop got to attached to him, and tried to change the story for him to be a hopeless romantic who has a tragic home life, a damsel in distress who needs his knight in shiny armor to save him, instead of what he is a creepy rich man taking advantage of someone, and is definitely just seeing Blitzo as a toy in every since of the word.
If Stolas wants Blitzo to fuck him then it's fine because HE wants it. If HE decided that his daughter needs to be around someone who has ruined her family then she will because Stolas wants it, not even bothering to ask the man in question if he's comfortable with that arrangement. Blitzo doesn't like how he treats him, doesn't matter because Stolas likes it. HE doesn't want Blitzo to have the book anymore and Blitzo will just blindly accept it because that's what Stolas wants. This man with a child acts like a whiny little baby because the man who he has harassed, stalked, coerced into having sex with him, and treats like some kind of exotic pet, doesn't trust him when he gives him the stupid crystals because it goes against want HE wants to happen.
All of that was to point out how self serving this dumbass is.If Stolas wants it to go that way it just will because he deserves it after having an abusive wife. Now abuse is a serious subject, but it's clear as day that Stella was made to be abusive to make Stolas seem understandable. Also doesn't help that the story neglects to inform you that Stolas and Stella had Octavia at 19 and were both victims of the higher class by being forced into this marriage at like 16.
My Big Problem
Now I'll get into the whole contract to sex thing and how morally backrupt he is. This rich man knew how vital that book was for his obsession's business, to the point that he was literally stealing it from him on his birthday. Now like a reasonable man he kicked him out and never made any terrible decision ever, sadly no he fucked him and really liked it. So sometime later the bird man was in his bathtub and called his side piece, while Blitzo is in obvious distress he gives him an offer and won't shut up till he verbally agrees, which the imp did. Now what part of this is romantic? Or even sexy in a taboo way. Like what in the Wattpad is this arrangement. This feels like a ripoff of a book that just shows a toxic relationship like it's suppose to be good, Fifty Shades of Gray. A similar dynamic to our two men here weirdly enough. Which originally was a fanfiction. Now my dear reader like I said a toxic relationship in media isn't inherently bad, but if it is written badly then we have a problem. Why? you may ask me. Simple early teens watch this show, edgy kids watch this show. I personally think kids are fucking radical little guys, but they are also easily influenced. A show that paints this unhealthy relationship as good and worth all the fighting, that it is worth all the heartbreak and trauma because one day it might get better, key word might. For some viewers maybe it was their first gay relationship they were exposed to. This could shift the way they look at LGBT+ relationships as more taboo or sexy instead of it being just another relationship.
Now I'll wrap this rant up, next will be M&M relationship a d how I think it has some accidental toxic underlining, hopefully I can also get my solutions to this and M&M out today aswell.
As always you look fabulous, I'll eat your least favourite organ if you don't say something nice to yourself today. If your having a not getting out of bed day, it's alright the world is scary and you can try again tomorrow.
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steveraglan1987 · 27 days
okay obviously this is OOC im talking about william afton some more and MY interpretation of him. movie edition. This post might make more sense if you read back over my last hc related post.
basically, william afton in my mind is like. Very autistic. And also a liar. Lemme get into it.
He's always been over-specific about who exactly he kills, especially as Steve Raglan. I don't think he killed every security guard that came through Freddy's or it would look suspicious, i think some quit on their own from either Vanessa or the bad hours or just the pressure of thinking the place was haunted. But William gets really weird about it, how and what he prefers to happen..
If you were to ask him why he kills, he would not tell you that he enjoys it, even though deep down that is the truth. He would tell you a thousand lies about his dead son, about the stress of his business and it's closures, about how life and his impending mortality really all gets to him so much, he just broke! Don't you just feel so bad for him? Don't you want to hold him? But that's not the truth. He likes it. It makes him giddy. There's no shame in it for him, he doesn't feel remorse over who he kills because it's like a game to him. He'd only feel remorse if he got caught. Making you feel bad for him and giving him attention is the icing on the cake for him, because it means you really bought it. There's fun in making game out of other people. It's totally against everything he's ever known and been raised to believe, it's thrilling and exciting. His own secret world, a game that he's the only one really playing. It's why he gets so excited finding Mike. To him, it's like evening out a high score. Because that's exactly what it is.
He's highly specific, and highly careful about who he kills to maintain his score without losing his streak and going to jail or worse. He's a serial killer, and he's betting on you feeling sorry for him or finding him charming as part of the game. That doesn't mean he isn't charming in reality, it just means he's winning in his mind. And winning when he twists that knife through your gut. It's not personal, it's just what he wants.
And it's not cool, or edgy to him. It's just natural to him, it feels right. It's a bit like a dog chasing a squirrel, chasing this adrenaline high and the thrill of winning after that he just can't get any other way. He had to drag his daughter into it and all her friends just to chase that sensation, that game. It's pathetic.
People often lose sight of criminology in characters. Especially when it comes to William Afton. But believe me, if you buy into theories like Willcare, you're just another one of the suckers he's successfully punked.
There's not a lot else he cares about aside from the game, or he wouldn't have dedicated his golden years to doing it and working at a job agency just to afford the rent on his stupid CLOSED restaurant. He could have put Vanessa through college with that money, but instead he's using her to cover his own ass. That's pretty obviously not love.
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bitter-panacea · 3 months
Goultard's introduction in the Dofus manga, his confrontation with Clustus Part 1
The main point of the post is to show how different Goultard is at the beggining of the manga from the way he is in Wakfu. Since most people who only know him from Wakfu don't realize he's a "redeemed villain".
Like previously talked about in my post about Goultard's reincarnations , Goultard makes his first appearance at the very end of volume 5, after Vald's death.
Vald was at the wrong place at the wrong time, got caught in a scheme that didn't concern him, and paid the price anyway. He was drugged, and his body cut in two at the waist.
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Vald : No... Not... like this...
Shortly after, his body has come back together, and Goultard makes his first appearance.
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Goultard : Unfortunately for you, the plan wasn't perfect! / Homar's minion : What? Who the hell are you? / Goultard : My name is Goultard, little maggot, behold my darkness...
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Goultard : ... For it is the last thing you will ever see.
A first impression and a line "My name is Goultard, little maggot, behold my darkness for it is the last thing you will ever see." that immediately tell you, whoever this guy is, he's trouble.
(So dark and edgy....)
Volume 6, titled Goultard the Barbarian, opens on Galgarion running through the halls of the castle to inform Clustus Sheran Sharm, King of Bonta (and Galagarion's father-in-law,) of the emergency.
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Galgarion : Hello, Great King Clustus Sheran Sharm! I, Galgarion of the royal guard, am requesting an audience!
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Clustus : How about that, Galgarion... It has been a long time since I've had the pleasure of seeing you in the throne room! How is my daughter? / Galgarion : She misses you, my king.
In just a few lines of dialogue, we understand that the relationship between Galgarion and Clustus is strained, to say the least. Galgarion wouldn't be here talking to the king unless it was of the utmost importance.
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Clustus : Is that so? And this is important enough for you to deign to come and tell me yourself? When I haven't seen you in three years! / Galgarion : Absolutely, my noble lord...
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Galgarion : The first issue concerns a humanoid creature that went berserk and rampaged through an entire neighborhood north of Bonta. Starting with the tower of the wealthy Homar Cherif!
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Clustus : Well what are you waiting for? Is the militia so rusty that it can no longer defeat a single opponent? / Galgarion : Your Majesty... The entire militia perished in the undertaking!
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Clustus : The militia is gone? / Galgarion : As I say, my king! The six hundred brave warriors who made up the militia are no more. / Clustus : What are you talking about? This is impossible! How could one man overcome the entire militia of Bonta by himself?
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Galgarion : Maybe because this man isn't really one. I'm convinced this is Goultard the terrible!
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You can immediatly tell from this exchange how grave the situation is. Goultard is no hero. His name invokes horror and dread, his presence can only mean death and destruction.
Clustus tells Galgarion to send the 100 bonsiats, another team of warriors, after Goultard, so that they may "get rid of this monster once and for all". but they've already gone after the dragon (Arty) wreaking havoc on the northwest of Bonta at the same time.
Clustus is overjoyed at the idea of being the last protector of Bonta and he decides to go fight Goultard on his own. (Is he fucking stupid?)
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Clustus : Sound the trumpets! Let Goultard know what awaits him... Clustus Sheran Sharm the intrepid is back on the path of war.
Meanwhile, Goultard is already bored, just chilling on a pile of corpses of people he just killed and complaining that it was too easy.
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Goultard : Well, it feels like the more time passes, the weaker humans become. It's appalling!
Clustus finds Goultard and calls out to him.
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Clustus : I am Clustus Sheran Sharm, King of Bonta! I do not know what your intentions are or why you're attacking us... But don't think for one second that you're free to do whatever you want in my city.
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Goultard : Greetings, king Clustus! It's no use throwing your titles at my face the way you do, they mean nothing to me.
Goultard generally has zero respect for any kind of authority. He's unaligned, doesn't serve Bonta or Brakmar, (even though Brakmar REALLY wishes he would). He's a "free spirit" (he is not free) living off the grid, goes where he wants when he wants, and kills whoever and whenever he feels like it. He only respects his own code of honor. This still applies in later eras except he doesn't kill people for no reason.
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Clustus : No, obviously... A monster like yourself doesn't respect anything! / Goultard : You're wrong, little king! I respect men who, like you, carry a weapon!
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Goultard : It's simple. A man who walks around with a weapon clearly demonstrates he's capable of taking someone's life at any moment. But for me this means, above all, that he's aware he can lose his in combat.
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Goultard : This, you see, i respect it!
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Clustus is unimpressed.
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Clustus : How comical! Once we're done, I'll make you my jester!
Note that although Goultard is feared, that does'nt mean people respect him, he often gets laughed at, insulted, called stupid or ridiculous. He actually gets ridiculed so often in the manga it's sometimes really hard to take him seriously. (Also this is funny cause he kinda is Arty's jester when you think about it ok I'll shut up)
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Clustus : I know your story, Goultard! / Goultard : Really?
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Clustus : Oh yes! Goultard the barbarian, Goultard the cursed, Goultard the scourge... I know everything about you!
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Goultard : You know everything about me, you say? / Custus : Give or take a few details... In any case, I know quite enough!
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Goultard : If what you say is true.... This only gives me one more reason to take your life, little king!
This makes me wonder how well known Goultard's story is. It's probably not common knowledge or a famous legend since he considers someone knowing about his past a reason to kill them, he clearly doesn't want people to know anything about it. It wouldn't surprise me at all if he'd tried to erase his past from history, burning books and killing bards... Is Goultard a tale people recount around campfires to try and scare each other? Is he a cryptid???
Do people still know about Goultard's past in the wakfu era? Did he make sure this story would be lost to time? What did Goultard do during those 600 years to clean his reputation and shape the way people see him? How much of what's left of the legend is what Goultard carefully crafted himself?
Let's end part one on these questions that keep me up at night...
Part 2
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trashogram · 2 months
Ok little Beetlejuice rant under the cut, do not read it bc it’s not PC. And if you do read it anyway and try to call me names, it’s gonna be like talking to yourself bc I ain’t hearing that shit.
This is my opinion and it is based on alleged implications, so if I turn out to be wrong when the movie comes out, that will be my penance. But without further ado:
Ok so I stumbled on a promo for the Beetlejuice sequel while scrolling on tik tok and Michael Keaton was emphasizing the age difference between Lydia and BJ, and there’s the implication that his scheme to marry her (again) is more just bc he “wants to be alive again” rather than bc he has actually feelings for Lydia.
I’m sorry…
That is so fucking stupid.
I KNEW they were gonna fuck this up. You shouldn’t be making a sequel to this movie in the first place Tim. IN 2024 TIM.
Beetlejuice (1988) is a prime example of Cult Classic film with its unusual style, not entirely conventional plot or characters, and an edge that’s not too razor sharp but enough to make a 12 year old feel like they’re being let in on an adult secret while watching it.
And this stupid POS sequel is mostly fusing stuff from the musical, repeating the most fun gags from the original instead of trying to be creative in any capacity, and you couldn’t even stick it to the whiny kids that have heart attacks over BJ/Lydia? When Lydia is a grown adult with a teen daughter no less?
Burton, you have no balls. You can’t do edgy anymore. You shouldn’t have done this in the first place, with this modern audience? Laughable to even attempt. Retire.
In the end I know it’s really my fault for being even a little smiley over what I was seeing in promotional material beforehand. I still just needed to get this off my chest. Once it’s gone and forgotten I can pretend it never existed. I’ve been doing that with nearly everything else I’ve enjoyed in media from the last 10 years anyway.
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thornsnvultures · 2 years
in charcoal, in pain
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stepdad!Lloyd Hansen x plus size!fem!reader
tw: stepcest, cheating, dubcon, Lloyd being mean and a creep, reader is college aged (at least 18+ but I'm picturing at least 22 or 23), unprotected piv sex, creampie, daddy kink, thigh & pussy slapping, light choking, size kink (lloyd is bigggg), nicknames (kitten, baby girl, little girl)
2.3k words, edited by me. @ozarkthedog take my filth 🤲
18+ readers only or else you will get blocked 🚫
“Oh wow. So edgy.”
“Go away, Lloyd.”
You shrug off your overbearing stepfather and turn, trying to block him from looking at your sketchbook.
“Is this what they teach you at your fancy art school?” He gestures towards the figure reference book laying open on your desk. “How to draw tits and ass?”
“Jesus, Lloyd. Will you leave me the fuck alone already?”
He swipes your sketchbook out of your hands.
“Hey!” You shout and spin around in your chair. Lloyd absent-mindedly flips through the pages. He makes faces like he's scandalized by what he sees.
“Wow lookie here! Do I spy some self portraits?”
Heat rushes to your cheeks as you recall what exactly some of your very personal pages are filled with.
You jump out of your seat and try to snatch your book back but Lloyd's long reach keeps you from grabbing it back.
“Lloyd, please.”
Him and his stupid mustache smirk down at you.
“Music to my ears.”
He holds your book up, leafing through it once again. You growl under your breath and jump for it. You land on unsteady feet and fall into Lloyd's solid chest with an oof.
“Whoa there, kitten. Calm your tits. I can't appreciate good art when I see it? And it's some good art.” He looks down at your chest, still pressed up against him, when he says it and you shiver. No, not shiver. Crawls, your skin crawls.
He's an old perv, eyeing his step-daughter's 2D tits and trying to imagine what the 3D ones look like.
Please Lloyd, just give me my book back. We're not in grade school.
I appreciate the please, kitten, but you hurt my feelings. He pouts and slips an arm around your waist.
His touch catches you off guard and you gasp at the warm strength of him. If it was anyone else you'd be melting in this kind of embrace. But as it stands you're struggling to get out of his grasp.
“Here I am just trying to scope out where all that money I spend on you is going. I need to make sure my baby girl is getting a good education.”
Oh barf. You don't need him to pay your tuition but him and your mother insist anyway. You think he must like holding the power over you, making you feel like you owe him for all of it.
“And if you ever need a live model, I wouldn't mind posing for you.”
His grin is salacious. You want nothing more than for Lloyd to let you go but he only tightens his grip, his large hand squeezing the curves at your hips and waist.
“I'm good Lloyd, thanks.”
He tosses your book on your bed and a few loose leaf pages fall out from the back.
You must make some noise of distress in the back of your throat because Lloyd looks down at you then back at the pages as they flutter to the floor.
“What are these?”
He pushes you away and makes a beeline for the old wrinkled notebook paper.
You don't even try to stop him, it's too late. He holds your drawings from your final year in high school, the same year he married your mom, in his hands.
“What are these, kitten?”
He waves the papers at you before admiring them again.
You whimper like a wounded animal caught in a trap.
“Nothing. They're nothing, Lloyd.”
Lloyd licks his lips as he flips each page over. They're filled front to back of sketches of... him.
Old work, yes, but you've always been talented with faces and the human form. And the sketches on those papers are Lloyd to a tee.
“Lloyd, please…”
“I love it when you beg, kitten. When did you draw these, hmm? D’you think of me often? Does your mother know you're sketching me like this?” He moves closer to you with every question until he’s so close you can’t breathe.
“It's- it's not you. Stop teasing me and give me my pictures back.”
“It's not?” He holds up a sketch that's most definitely him. From his strong, straight nose, to his chiseled torso and long thick legs. It's all Lloyd. Back before you knew he was a total creep, that is.
He put up a good front for maybe a year before you went off to college, but after that? Every time you came home from school on break, between semesters, for a quick weekend trip, he was always there. In your space. Demanding attention like a fucking toddler.
And of course your traitorous body still responded to him. No matter how much you hated how he stared, how he goaded you or touched you not so innocently when your mother wasn't looking, you still felt that pulse of heat. That shift under your skin like he was pulling some invisible string.
And now he knew. He knew that at least some part of you, somehow, thirsts for him too.
“Fine. It's you. You caught me. I had a little school girl crush on you once upon a time. But it's over. You're my stepfather for fuck's sake, Lloyd. It's not appropriate.”
“Appropriate? What's not appropriate is my little girl lying to me.”
“Oh fuck off-”
Lloyd is on you in an instant. With one hand on your arm and the other around your throat he has you caught.
“Watch your language, kitten. Don't make daddy angry now. Not when he's learned how much his little girl cares for him.”
You gulp against his fingers, holding back the whine in your throat. It's not fair how quickly your panties soak and stick uncomfortably to your skin. It's not fair that this douchebag has this effect on you, but you can't help it. Can't help the part of you that wishes he's grip your throat tighter until you see stars. Or that he'd throw you down on the rug and take you with your bedroom door open.
“Please,” you squeak out.
Lloyd's hungry mouth captures yours in a kiss that makes your knees buckle. His arm immediately wraps around your waist again, pulling you up against him. You hate how right it feels, being in his arms again.
As he shoves his tongue in your mouth, you can feel the thick length of his cock grinding against your core. Before you start to grind back he pushes you away. You're gasping for breath with his hand still on your throat.
“Uh-uh. What's my name?”
When you don't say anything Lloyd turns and throws you down on the bed. The force of your back hitting the mattress makes you flail a bit and your sketchbook bounces to the floor.
Lloyd stands above you at the end of the bed.
“When I ask you a question, I expect an answer. The correct answer. Or do I have to show your ass I mean business?”
You try to scramble away up the bed but Lloyd catches you by your hips and drags you back down.
“Are you gonna be a good girl for me, kitten, or do we have to do this the hard way?” Lloyd practically growls in your face.
“No, sir,” you gulp when he grabs your chin and forces you to look him in the eye. “I'll be good.”
“Atta girl.” He pats your cheek and moves back to your hips, pulling down your sleep shorts and panties in one go. You'd planned to have a relaxing day at home before Lloyd showed up so you only wore those and an old thin t-shirt that Lloyd could absolutely see your nipples poking through.
You gasp at the abruptness of cold air on your pussy before Lloyd is pushing your spread knees to your chest and kneeling down on the floor.
“Hold these up. If you let them go while daddy feasts on your pretty pussy, you'll wind up over my knees.”
You nod and swallow down your shock but before you can respond Lloyd and his prickly mustache are buried deep in your folds.
Your head falls back with a whine as he rolls his lips over your clit and sucks.
His hands knead the flesh of your ass, a part of you you know he loves if the passing pinches and grabs are anything to go by.
The slurping sounds his mouth makes as he licks and sucks at your hole and clit are obscene. You can't contain your cries or the way your hands grip and tug at his short strands. And he likes it that way if the growls that reverberate against your pussy are anything to go by.
“Taste so fucking good kitten. I'm gonna stretch your tight little cunt out with my fingers and I need you to cum for me. Can you do that kitten?”
You nod, no longer thinking about what you're doing or how fucked up it is. All you care about is your need to cum.
Lloyd stops fucking your pussy with his tongue to ask, “Please what?”
“Please, daddy,” you pant.
“Good girl.”
Lloyd sucks your clit back into his mouth, at the same sliding two fingers into you, spearing your cunt open. He curls his fingers as he pumps them into you and finds that spot that makes your eyes roll back and flutter closed. Before you know it you're shouting, shaking as your release takes you over and you soak Lloyd's hand and chin.
“That's it, kitten. Fuckin look at you.” His fingers slow as you come down and it's like he doesn't want to take them from you the way he pulls away.
You watch in a gaze as Lloyd shucks his stupid white pants and boxers. How dare he be a douche and have the prettiest cock you've ever seen.
His eyes roam your naked form and you have a moment of self consciousness under his gaze. You shouldn't care what he thinks but you're not fit like the woman he's married to. You can't even begin to walk down that line of comparison without your head spinning. So you shake them away and focus on how filthy and hungry he looks covered in your juices, chest heaving as he lines up his long, thick cock with your pussy.
“Better than all the art in that book. All the art in the goddamn Louvre,” Lloyd says as he admires you. It’s like he knew you needed to hear it though, like he could see it on your face. He strokes his cock as he rubs it up and down your pussy lips. Every time his tip nudges your clit you jolt and whine.
“Shh, patience, baby.” His rough hand rubs your spread, thick thighs and he smacks them once, twice, over and over just to hear you cry out. That cruel smile takes over his handsome face again and the flat of his hand lands hard on your wet pussy. You cry out, tears springing to your eyes from the mix of pleasure and pain.
Lloyd grips your thigh where you already feel hot and sore and slides in, stretching your pussy impossibly wide around him. The way he forces himself in, you feel like you're gonna split in two.
“Too much,” you wince. “Lloyd I can't, I can't.”
“You can. You will.”
He leans down and captures your lips in a kiss, this one less brutal and much softer, sweeter like he's trying to ease your pain. You relax into him until you feel his pubic bone grind into your puffy clit.
“Oh fuck.”
“See. I knew you could kitten. Such a good girl taking daddy's big cock.” His hands rub soothing circles on your ass as he tilts you up higher and grinds into you deep.
You whine and wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in closer.
“Please daddy. Please fuck me.”
You feel Lloyd's cock kick inside you and you tighten around him in return.
“God, you're gonna kill me, kitten.”
Suddenly he slides almost all the way out of you before slamming back in again. You scream and dig your nails into his thick shoulders.
Lloyd doesn't hold back and jackhammers into you, the force of his thrusts rattling your brain. He adjusts his grip, holding your knees practically to your ears, keeping you spread open and tilted back so he hits just the right spot every time.
It's not long before you feel that tightness coiling in your belly, clenching down on his cock as he slams in again and again.
“Gonna come again for me, kitten? That's it. Soak my cock, baby. Cum so I can fill your sweet little cunt up.”
He reaches between you to rub circles on your clit and the thread holding you tight finally snaps.
“Yes! Fuck daddy I'm coming!”
“Good girl, that's it baby.” Lloyd grits his teeth, groaning as warm spurts of his spend coats your walls.
There's so much it leaks around him and oozes out of you when he slides out.
“Fuck I love seeing you full of me.” Lloyd gathers his leaking cum on his fingers and pushes it back inside you. He laughs as you squirm, feeling raw and oversensitive.
“Lloyd,” you push at his hand.
“Don't push me away unless you want me to make you come again, kitten. Maybe two or three times.”
You gasp and pull back your hands, shaking your head.
“You sure?” He teases you as you pout. “Maybe later.”
Lloyd presses a kiss to your knee and helps you straighten out. You half expect him to leave you there, cold and empty, but he grabs your shorts and pulls them back on for you.
“Get up.”
Your legs are like jello but you stand.
Lloyd lightly wraps a possessive hand around your throat and kisses you soft and slow.
“You're mine now, kitten.”
“Yes, daddy.”
Oh how quickly you fold for this man.
“Your mother's gone for the weekend. Come keep me company,” he whispers against your lips. You nod and capture his mouth in another kiss.
“Yes, daddy.”
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Cartoon scale from "we must kill all magic" SVTFOE to "bring back magic and spread it" SPOP
It's very strange that Star Vs wanted to kill all the magic, it was an edgy outcome and the exact opposite of the episode where Star came back to life. The killing magic logic doesn't even work in itself, because apparently magic creates inequality, but honey, so many things create inequality. The mewmans aren't going to leave monsters alone forever. I get they spent a good season and a half villainizing the magical council for some reason but come on, seriously no solution other than killing all magical beings and magical portals???? Especially since it seems Mewnie itself got portal merged with Earth in a horrifying way.
Like, the show's politics by that stage seemed so angry about something. A lot of spite happening. There's plenty of real life analogies to compare it to that would induce spite, but I don't think any of them are fitting here. Authority....? Is it worth "killing the magic" to give a middle finger to monarchy? Can't you, instead, give magic to everyone? That would be cool!!! EVERYONE getting powers. Therefore people like Mina have no power over anyone else. That's more of what Spop went for, magic as a symbol of freedom of expression and freedom from control.
Something else is, a whole bunch of disgruntled mewmans went to Moon for help, then she superbuffed them with magic for. Some stupid reason. What a horrible character butchering. She endangered her own daughter and for what?
All of this overshadows some of the sweeter moments of Star, such as the aforementioned death and revival at the start of season 3. That entire arc was Star at its peak. And the mother-daughter relationship with all its complexities.
A petty issue I have with Star is she is very ADHD at the start and by the end of the show she's completely "grown out" of it (aka it was crushed out of her). As if it was mere childishness and she has to become a normal boring adult now.
I was very happy when in Owl House, they directly addressed this part of Luz... the crushing of her neurodivergent spirit... and her mother tells her it's all okay to be weird and wonderful and then in the final battle she uses her super self insert furry goth OC powers to annihilate Belos.
THAT shit would make Adora proud too. In season 5, theres a few eps where Adora basically does what the hell what she wants, and Entrapta is also doing what the hell she wants, and it's so liberating for me.
Amphibia exists in a weird spot where, they kill the magic but not in as horrible a way as Star Vs, more so the characters go back to their normal lives. The kicker here was that they fell out and stopped hanging for 10 years for,... some reason? In this day and age? I've known one of my friends since I was 4 years old, and we are still very closet today at the age of 27!!! The rest of our friends we've been with for over 10 years!!!
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dead-dog-dont-eat · 7 months
(same anon about the zestious ship)
Ooh! I wanna learn abt her! Tell me /pos
sure thing!
-Her name is Marzanna Morde (she took Zestial's last name since neither Pentious nor Zestial are married)
-She has two middle names, first one being "Pen" (Pentious thought that since he was her daughter she would take a part of his name) and the second being "Allan" (like from Edgar Allan Poe, the poet/writer; I hc that Zestial loves to read his works and wanted to take the middle name). Though, they figured she would have the option to interchangeably use her middle names.
-She's aroace and uses she/they pronouns (I originally wanted her to be aroace and have a second orientation, like lesbian or bisexual, but I'd figured she'd mostly stay as aroace aaaand also b/c I want more aroace ocs)
-Her name comes from the Slavic Goddess, Marzanna, who is the bringer of death and symbol of winter. But people call her "Marza" for short and as a nickname. (Zestial mostly gave her that name cuz he is SUCH a gothic edgy boy imo)
-I would imagine that Marzanna and Pentious would have the same dynamic as Charlie and Lucifer - just be a spitting image of each other and just being precious like if Pent literally gave birth to her (ik snakes don't give live birth, and lay eggs, but yknow im saying it as an expression)
-Even though she's Pentious' kid, she is DEFINITELY also Zestial's kid as well. Her personality aspects of Zestial would also overlap some parts of Pentious' characteristics in her. I would imagine someone would try to pick on her (like verbal teasing or sarcastic comments on how her taste in fashion is "so good"), of course, she knows highly aware that they're trying to be bullies to her, and she would do a full-on, essay-like psychology analysis on why they're being mean to her as well as doing Shakespearen-like insults--leaving her wanna-be bullies in a state of embarrassment or some times even crying (bc most of her bullies would be entitled or snobby brats)
-Even though she can take care of herself from entitled people, Zestial is definitely protective of her. Most people are VERY aware of Marzanna being the daughter of one of Hell's most powerful overlords and rather be smart to not harm her in any way. However, there are some stupid and naïve people who didn't believe it and would try to do so--only to immediately piss their pants when they hear Zestial's voice from behind them.
-While she does have Zestial's gentleman-like patience that she inherited from him, she wouldn't tolerate on Sinners and others talking shit towards Charlie (who she considers to be her Aunt since Charlie is pretty much her dad's closest friend) and her dad, Sir Pentious, since people are always mean to him in every aspect. Plus, when she's mad, she is just as scary as Zestial himself.
-Marzanna also views Carmilla as her Aunt as well since she is also her dad's friend as well. And she considers her daughters as her own cousins as well. Carmilla is just as protective as she is as a mom on keeping Marzanna safe and away from harm--even treating her like she is her niece since she loves her friend's daughter. Carmilla's daughters also view Marzanna as their cousin and Zestial and Sir Pentious being their uncles.
-Is so aroace that whatever comes out of her mouth as a respond to relationships is 100% relatable and funny. Like, imagine a gag scene where a couple (married, engaged or in a relationship) are fighting with each other because of something stupid, and the scene goes and shows Marzanna and Carmilla's daughters on a picnic blanket snacking on a charcuterie board and Marzanna comments: "And that, my dear cousins, is a prime example as to why I'm married to my own hobbies instead of other people." And Alastor (cuz aroace king 🔶💛⚪💎💙) would appear out of nowhere sitting next to them, midway of spreading some currant jam on a cracker with brie cheese, and reply: "HA HA! Two minds think alike, my dear!" Oh, and the representation; where as someone would ask, "Do you plan on marrying/dating someone?" And she would shrug and casually answer: "No, I'm aroace." And just go on with her day.
-Just like both her dads, she also partakes in hobbies and skills they have. Since she's Pentious' daughter, she is definitely skilled in inventing machines and other stuff including making blueprints of various architect--and Pentious would be so proud. Plus I would like to think that she likes to read gothic literature and books that her father Zestial owns, including poems and centuries-old textbooks about medical science and mythology.
-Lastly, her appearance: she definitely has fashion tastes from both parents. She likes to dress Victorian (mostly wearing masculine-presenting attire, not a fan of dresses) but when wearing them, she often goes with a darker hue of a color palette, like Zestial. She mostly wears blacks and reds like a typical vampire (since Zestial is technically a vampire, but more so like a spider and scarecrow), and other days she'll just wear black. Like being said, she does look like Sir Pentious--appearance-wise, but not in anatomy sense; she doesn't have a snake body like him, but rather bipedal legs, and she's also inherited Zestial's height making her taller than her other father as well. Her hood and eyes would DEFINITELY be that bright lime green color Zestial has; oh, and just like Zestial, she also has a second pair of eyes, but they don't appear unless she is really pissed off (like how Mammon's eyes didn't appear until he went full demon form).
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purplekoop · 2 months
I haven't mentioned my DnD character Vespie in ages, and it's been so long that I think it'd be deranged trying to recap the whole thing. For the absolute bare minimum:
She's a fairy princess next in line for the throne
She's also a wasp who can summon an entire army of mini magic wasps
Take a wild guess what superhero she's based on
She also has a bee cat who doesn't do anything intrinsically useful. Her name is Majesty.
She ran away from home and then made a deal with a compass-faced fey entity for a magical compass that took Vespie from her home dimension to the normal dimension
She then fell out of the sky onto a pirate island where upon impact she broke the compass instantly. This is a problem.
She was quickly rescued by a nice snake lady who she traveled with for a bit alongside varying degrees of other people. Eventually they parted ways but god I can't go into all the other party member swaps for Several reasons but the two members of the party to stick around from day one to now are Vespie and another fairy named Yvette. She's blue and french and has a WHOLE lot of other problems but she's amazing.
Anyways after a bit the initial party forms the compass person came around to ask about that broken compass deal (not in a friendly way they turned a whole town into animals for a bit as a threat) so that's weighing on her now
A while later the party changes and all that fun stuff, more adventures and whatnot are had with the new gang
At some point it's revealed Yvette (the daughter of a pair of rich fey corporate overlords) is in an arranged marriage with Prince Benyllidae (Vespie's younger brother). Yvette's first response to a picture of him was laughing at him profusely. At this point Vespie's kept the royalty thing secret so she's internally screaming at All Of This.
Someone predicted the royalty reveal AGES ago but they left early on so nobody cared
Ironically the name of the cat didn't tip them off much
Somewhere along the line (I GENUINELY can't remember when) somehow they find out that Vespie's moms (the two queens of the underground bug fey kingdom)
More angst is had, someone steals the compass for a bit and that's not good on the mental health but she's fine I promise.
Eventually Vespie learns that her brother was just maimed to near-death, with his wings destroyed and himself barely surviving. After very thoroughly admitting she's Not Okay she also admits to everyone she's the missing princess.
At this point she gets a new edgy costume. Not necessarily because of her mental health being hacked at every few days like an axe to a log, but more so because there was a dress up event and I thought it'd be neat.
The party also all got special random mount familiars, and Vespie somehow ended up getting a hell wasp.
The hell wasp's name is Janet. She makes motorcycle sounds.
Not too long after that though one of the other party members reveals he was the one who almost killed her brother. Vespie then runs off, and calls the compass person to repay her debt for not fixing the compass because she feels so awful this might as well happen.
Turns out the debt collection method is to fix the compass's broken crystal needle by using Vespie as the replacement piece. Eventually the party bargains a way to get her back because they love the little freak so much but spirits are pretty low still
So they go on their way to start dealing with that and on the way encounter a Giant God Damn Robot
Right before Vespie did the stupid thing she sent her cat back home with a message to her two longtime best friends to finally wake up the robot that's been dead in the castle's basement for a thousand years but was gradually been repaired by one of the friends, and was sent to go find Yvette
So now instead of Vespie they have a giant robot
The robot doesn't have a real name and has been conscious for barely 20 hours by the time she meets the party
They give out their internal working name of "Faermaton Protomodel 1" and so for now she's just been called FPM-1 for short.
She can turn her one hand into an arm cannon
She also has healing capabilities and can double her size at will
Note Yvette also has a spell that can double the size of more or less anything so that brings FPM to a max of 32 feet tall whenever the hell that's needed
She knows basically nothing but the bare essentials for her intended function as a high-end security guard for the royal family and so within the first day of meeting her the party (drunk) explained to her uh. How sex works. And then gave her a smut book for further reading.
Despite this she has a programmed profanity filter
She's also vaguely similar to the more human-sized robots called Aeormatons that the party has encountered before, which hail from an ancient bygone civilization of sky elves (the ancestors of fairies in this world).
Worth noting that the guy who almost killed the prince is also a sky elf who lost his wings and was sent forward in time to the current day. He's also a were-rat. Like a werewolf but a rat. His name is Cathy and he's great too.
Just this last session, a screen on her stomach played a corrupted message from what what we assume is her creator. After this, the party opened FPM up, went inside her while she's at max size, and discovered: 1: She doesn't have a physical power source 2: Her body has an even more robotic and literal internal system that has no knowledge of what FPM's normal consciousness does, and also leaves that normal self unconscious while active. 3: This internal system somehow has information about somebody called the Void King, which was a spooky bedtime story in Cathy's time that may in fact be a real world-ending threat more serious than the MULTIPLE other powerful entities the party was already dealing with.
FPM can in fact. Run DOOM.
Also to cap off this insane rambling, reference art of:
Vespie (original outfit)
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Vespie (outfit 2.0)
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And finally FPM-1 (rough sketch, had to rush this to have it in time for her debut session and have been to sidetracked to update it)
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No I don't have art of Janet. I'm sorry.
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rubberchickeny · 1 year
Daryl Dixon and Last of Us
I don't want to be negative, but I can't help it. As a fan of both The Walking Dead and Last of Us (games and show) this lack of humility, respect and common sense baffles me.
Last of Us is about the connection of the two main characters, like I said in my previous post.
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I almost want to call Joel broken, and some of him is, but mainly he has been frozen. He has a couple of people in his life that he cares about, but even with them he has put up a thick, cold wall. He can't ever let himself care again, not like he did for his daughter. (Sound like someone we know?)
Then he meets Ellie.
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Ellie is a teenage girl, both a bit bubbly and edgy. She won't take anyone's shit, and she isn't a wallflower, satisfied to keep silent while grown ups make decisions for her. In the show Bella Ramsey takes it even a bit further, doing an amazing job. Pedro Pascal plays Joel as emo, and it's breathtaking (and heartbreaking). All these years Joel hadn't been able to let himself feel, and now he is drowning in his love for Ellie.
(This clip of Last of Us shows as much.)
The very height of AMC's stupidity is that if they really wanted to use LOU and it's success spirit as inspiration, they were already more than half way there, without stealing the LOU plot! TWD was always at its best when it was a show about people, and how they deal with horrible circumstances (both as individuals and as groups), how some of them welded into a family and how others... didn't. Like LOU, there are people resorting to cannibalism, different factions fighting for power and resources, and people trying to keep at least some of their humanity intact.
As for TWD, we have Carol and Daryl, both of whom have been through Hell, both before and after the apocalypse. Their connection has been strained at times (lots of angsty plot), but there is nothing they wouldn't do for each other (like Joel *cough*). Why didn't AMC use that? The depth of their feelings and their connection was already there, as was their capability for levity to ease the hard subject matter.
Truly, there are not enough words to express how disappointed I am at the mere stupidity of this whole thing. You didn't need to bring a group of nuns (!) and put Daryl in a bath (which in itself feels like it's taking this "whole new Daryl" approach a tad too literally; just saying) before taking The Chosen one in hand.
I truly don't know which would be worse; DD show copying LOU's ending too or trying to do it differently.
Will this (imposter) Daryl save the world, instead of conquering his own saviour complex?
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That's not a story I'm signing up for. Nor is this blatant plagiarism, AMC.
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tangledbea · 2 years
I remember when lots of videos and theories about Cassandra came out after the “Destinies Collide” cliffhanger, and when I saw one where Cassandra was Gothel’s daughter, I brushed it off. I actually had enough confidence in this show to believe that they wouldn’t sabotage Cassandra (and Rapunzel’s) characters by having Cassandra gaslight and blame Rapunzel for her own kidnaping. Clearly, I was wrong. The fact that I had faith in this show to give Cassandra a good motivation, angers me.
Here's the thing. There were people who theorized that since the moment she set foot on screen. Since the moment they saw black, curly hair and grey-ish eyes. Since the moment she was bathed in Disney Villain green light while sneaking Rapunzel out of the castle.
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There was a guy at D23 Expo 2017 who tried to get Chris to confirm that Cassandra was Gothel's daughter, and Chris' response was something like, "Let's just say that you have no idea where her character is going to go," or something like that. It was a heavily implied negative, though. (You can probably find it on a recording of the panel on YouTube.)
And I hated it. Since the first time someone theorized that Cassandra was Gothel's daughter, I hated the very idea of it. I hated that they felt the need to not let Rapunzel actually escape Gothel. I hated that they thought Gothel not only could get pregnant (a rant to which I have written multiple posts in the past), but would carry the baby to full term even if she could, allowing her body to stretch out and get lumpy and swollen - Gothel, whose primary defining trait is her vanity - allowing herself to to be inconvenienced for the better part of a year, and then inconvenienced further when she had to take care of the baby with no guaranteed reward from it. If they had made it so that there was an actual reason for her to have a baby, I would have begrudgingly allowed it, but we weren't even granted a half-baked concept of "Gothel was ordered by Zhan Tiri to have a baby and groom it to become her vessel" or something like that.
I used the phrase, "I have faith that the crew will do it right," so many times, and I was so vocal about my hatred of the theory. So much so that when the reveal happened, multiple people asked me if I was alright. In fact, if I'm honest, I hated the reveal so much that it was difficult for me to enjoy the S3 premier the first time I watched it, because I was just so full of anger that they chose such a stupid way to go. I had to watch it again later and skip past "Crossing the Line".
And I still hate it. Of a thousand options they could have gone for, "Cassandra is Gothel's daughter" is the one they went with. And what's worse, this wasn't one of their hairbrained course-altering decisions that they'd been known to make. Cassandra was imagined as Gothel's daughter from the start. In fact, even as they were finishing production on the first few episodes, they had not yet decided whether or not she already knew she was Gothel's daughter and was out for revenge from the start or not.
And honestly, the fact that they chose 'not' makes it even worse. If her plan had been to get revenge on Rapunzel all along, but she gradually grew to like her until Zhan Tiri prodded her into action, it would have made a lot more sense than her heel-turn because of the reveal.
Everything about Cassandra, from her concept to her design to her villain design, was supposed to be cool and edgy to the detriment of her character development and motivations. They were so focused on how cool they could make her that it didn't matter if anything about what she was doing made sense. (And please be assured that by "they," I mostly mean the showrunner.)
Cassandra had so much potential, and she was utterly flubbed. I'm glad there are some people out there who enjoy not only her character but her story arc, but I am not one of them. I like her potential, but not much else about her.
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