khaotunq · 3 months
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A Scene for a Scene: Kieta Hatsukoi Episode 1 (2021, Japan) ♥ My Love Mix-Up! Episode 1 (2024, Thailand)
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jellybeanium124 · 14 days
For most people it's their main blog, but I have some friends who mainly use a side blog and their main is deserted, so I didn't want to exclude them from this post. for accuracy's sake, for "amount of years," round up or down to the closest quarter (.0, .25, .5, .75). for example, I created my blog in june 2020, so I divided my total posts by 4.25, since it's currently septemeber 2024. but like just do your best man, it's a tumblr poll. it's not scientific.
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spottedenchants · 4 months
Thinking on the passive I actually think you're right and that post is wrong after some googling, Essek must have 10 while asleep. Which means high wisdom or playing fast and loose with feats and such to back calculate
I see what you mean! I personally don't think that either calculation, Essek having a mid WIS score vs. Essek having a high WIS score, is verifiably incorrect. I see both as plausible :0 This is largely because it comes down to a directional interpretation of how Matt ruled 'meets it, beats it' for this interaction. That 9/10 split is a doozy. Hear me out >:3
In one interpretation, we have passive vs. action. An example of this would be PC passive perception vs. the DC of background goings-on (moments where Matt, unprompted, goes "So-and-So, you notice..."). If Essek's resting passive perception meets Fearne's 9 sleight of hand, then he 'just' beat her roll, as we saw. With bare-bones level 20 elf proficiency things, that ends up indicating his WIS score could be as low as 14.
In another interpretation, we have action vs. passive. An example of this would be an attack roll vs. AC. If Fearne's 9 sleight of hand meets Essek's resting passive perception, then she would have succeeded in her shenanigans. She did not succeed, meaning in this interpretation Essek's resting passive perception would be 10 to 'just' beat her roll. With bare-bones level 20 elf proficiency things and rounding taken into account, that ends up indicating his WIS score could be as high as 21 (ignoring stat caps).
Either way, we have more episodes with Essek upcoming and thus more opportunities to get some insight (ha- because WIS) into his numerical stats :D
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iamthepulta · 10 months
In the continuing saga of The Professor Who Shall Not Be Named, I'm grading steadily for the first time in a long while and at 10pm, I refresh the answer key and they've added a massive amount of phrases the students should be marked down for if they don't say. One of these is "if they say silver without specifying silver ORE. -1"
It's just comedy at this point.
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quietwings-fics · 3 months
I Knew You, Once
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Fandom: Star Wars Ship: Gen (Rey & Ben Solo, Poe & Rey, Leia & Rey) Additional Tags: Character Study, Relationship Study, Alternate Universe - Pre-Canon, Brother-Sister Relationships, Rey Needs A Hug, POV Rey (Star Wars), Kylo Ren is Not Nice, Young Ben Solo, Young Rey, Family, Angst, Attempt at Humor, One Shot, Ben Solo is Kylo Ren, Rey is a lesbian btw it's mentioned like once its important to me, Not Reylo, Growing Up Together, Betrayal, Force Bond (Star Wars) Wordcount: 1351 Podfic Length: 09:06 Summary:
Rey is the only one who never calls him Kylo Ren.
She understands why the others have to. They need to separate the man who is slaughtering defenseless villages and the boy who used to play hide-and-seek with her between the X-Wings. Leia can’t fight a war against her own son, but she can fight Kylo Ren. Han is trying to mourn him, and by mourn, Rey means he’s trying to forget that Kylo Ren exists. Luke, before he leaves, before he abandons them, calls him Kylo Ren because that’s the name he was given when he fell to the Dark Side and only when he finds the light again can he become Ben Solo.
To Rey, that’s all bullshit. Kylo Ren is just a mask, and if you took it off, Ben would still be there, staring back at you.
So, she never calls him that, not in meetings with the resistance, not when talking to the General, not when Poe is saying goodbye on his next mission and she is saying back, “Be careful. Ben almost caught you last time.” When she feels resentful, she likes to think she’s taking away his power, the glamour of the Dark Side he’s used to disguise the fact that he used to just be a man. When she’s so sad she can barely talk or leave her room, she likes to imagine that Luke is right, and that every time she says his name, she’s bringing him back, just a little.
She still dreams of him. Not the monster he’s become, but the boy she grew up with. They used to be inseparable. She’d start a sentence, and he would finish it, and they’d both grin like they’d planned the whole thing. They dashed through crowds without ever losing track of each other, pulled pranks on Poe that left all three of them laughing, and always had each other’s backs. They hid away in the Falcon, Rey fumbling with a mechanical puzzle box Luke had gifted her when she turned twelve, and Ben with his ‘serious’ face on that he thought made him look more adult. It kind of made her want to throw the toy at him.
“Uncle Luke is going to train me to be a Jedi.” She nodded absently, and Ben frowned, annoyed. He reached out right as she had almost solved it, and the toy flew out of her hand and into his. She felt a protest form and die on her tongue when she realized what he’d done.
“That’s awesome!” Ben was at that age where the most important thing in the world was how cool he appeared to others, and when she held out her hand, he floated the toy back to her, carefully, brow furrowed in concentration. It took him weeks to perfect even that, but he never told her. He wanted it to seem effortless. Years later, when she’s trying to learn herself, she laments how easy it was for him, how she’ll never be as good, and Leia is eventually the one to tell her that the first time he tried to use the Force, he hit himself in the face with a rock he was trying to make hover.
“You could be one, too.” He leaned back, proud, already certain she’d be by his side. Because why wouldn’t she? Rey turned the box over in her hands. She wasn’t sure what she wanted to do. She knew she could feel the Force, humming in the air around her and burning in her lungs when she and Ben got into a rare fight. If Ben could use it, so could she.
“Maybe,” she answered, finally. “Maybe, I’ll be a smuggler. And then I can come flying in to save you.” She’d been raised on the stories of the rebellion, most of them from Poe, who liked to embellish. For a moment, Ben scowled, but it vanished as quickly as it had come, and Rey wrote it off, like she did every time. She wishes she hadn’t. She wishes she’d seen the pattern long before it led him to the First Order, not because she could have stopped it, but because it would have saved her a lot of heartache to understand why he could turn on them. The Skywalker family legacy weighed down on him in a way she never experienced, and instead of letting go, growing beyond it, he let that resentment fester until all he wanted to do was tear apart the tapestry his mother and uncle wove out of a broken and divided galaxy.
He still hasn’t seen the irony in doing it all in Darth Vader’s name.
“Wait for me,” she’d told him firmly, on that last day before he left with Luke. “I’ll be ready soon. I’ll come join you. We can both be Jedi.” By then, she had made up her mind. Wherever Ben went, so did she. She thought it’d work the other way around, too. He hugged her, and he promised, said he would always wait for her. She had no reason not to believe him. Ben had spent his childhood with her running after him, three years younger and never as fast as him, but he’d always let her catch up. He’d always waited.
Until one day, he didn’t.
Rey woke up screaming, clutching the sides of her head like there were blaster bolts bouncing around inside it. She was screaming for Ben, begging him, trying to make him hear her and stop doing whatever was hurting her, hurting them. She’d never felt anything like that pain, and in the back of her mind, it still lingered, her senses dulled to it purely by how long it had been happening, but the first time was agony. She’d lived so long with Ben a part of her that she couldn’t have ever been prepared for him to try and rip them apart.
He almost killed Luke. He took the other students, killed the ones who wouldn’t follow him, and chose Snoke to be his new master. And he made Rey do it, too. She had nightmares through his eyes of tearing the school apart, the smell of a lightsaber cutting through flesh making her sick when she escaped the dream. She’s still not sure if Ben knew he was damning her with him, and she doesn’t care if it matters or not. He still did it. She’s still dreaming about it and every other monstrous thing he’s done.
That’s why when Leia says that there might still be Light in him, she laughs bitterly. She’s been in every corner of his head as he’s been in every corner of hers, and if there’s still a chance, she’s yet to find it. Poe, at least, understands. He watched Ben grow up too, if from another perspective, already an adult when the First Order rose to power. He’s the only one who knows she still has nightmares. She’s learned to muffle the screams. Poe doesn’t try to fill up the space Ben left, either, but he stays, tells her pilots’ gossip and makes terrible jokes and gives her tips on how to flirt with the other girls on base that he isn’t remotely qualified to give. Ben was her brother, or another piece of her soul, depends on who you ask, but Poe’s her friend, and that’s worked out much better for her so far.
Ben Solo is Kylo Ren is a monster and a murderer and a terror upon the galaxy and is still Ben. She wants to hate him, but can’t, and wonders if she could forgive him, but can’t, and wishes she could do what everyone else does and believe the mask he’s chosen and the name he’s been given and the lies he’s weaved around himself, but can’t. She’s going to have to face him one day, maybe even fight him, maybe even kill him, and she’s not sure if she can do that either. The worst part is that she misses him, even though he doesn’t deserve to be missed.
It would be so much easier if she could just kill Kylo Ren.
(Enjoyed it? Any interaction is welcomed. You can even support me on Ko-Fi <3)
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evilestscientist · 8 months
oral exam taking stats
Went to pee: 5 times
Hyped myself up in the mirror: 3 times
Almost threw up my entire breakfast: 8 times
Pooped: once
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bigbighouse · 11 months
Trick or treat!!! Remind me sometime to find a pic of my family's old poodle mix 🥲
happy halloweeeeennnnnn hope u get spooked or not spooked according to ur liking
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You got a SALUKI.
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faintvibes · 2 years
Historical Hetalia Day Two: 5000 BCE - 0
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Day Two: 5000 BCE - 0 // Celebrations @historical-hetalia-week
My day two piece takes place in the Roman Republic, and this time features nyotalia! This one was a bit more of an experiment than the others, and so undoubtedly features more errors and timeline inconsistencies, but I'm taking those in stride :)
More about the process under the cut!!
So this is the image that's gone through the most revisions from concept to final idea. Originally, I wanted to focus on Prussia's early life, perhaps with Templar &/or Hospitaller (though Templar and nyo!Prussia are my day 7 piece, so if that interests you stay tuned!!), or something to do with the Baltic tribes in BCE, though I could never settle on something that pleased me...
Eventually, my idea drifted from them entirely, and to the Mediterranean. I have a tendency to speedrun writing/worldbuilding concepts (😅), so in the near month I spent considering this, my focus and ideas had shifted more to playing around with the Italy family. Specifically, I was curious about the relationship dynamics between Rome and her (in this instance) granddaughters. To memory, though I'm sure I'm not the most credible source on this, Rome shows a level of favouritism to North Italy- this is particularly interesting to me when tied into South Italy's Himaruya-approved name: Lovino, which could be connected to Rovino, which is from rovinare- which means to collpase/wreck. While we can't know when this name was adopted, the thought that Rome could've chosen it (or something along those lines) sure has some interesting connotations. Of course, the canon status of these names are easy to dispute, so it may not play into their canon relations at all!
(If you can't tell, I'm not here to play things exclusively by canon's playbook- though no hate if we differ on that front.)
Regardless, the idea of showing favouritism and uneven dynamics in the Italy family interested me, and various earlier sketches made this quite explicit. However, again, none of them really satisfied me, and I knew I wouldn't have fun fully drawing them out. So, though I kept this in mind, I started moving farther away from this as the main focus of the piece. Instead, I began leaning more towards family portraits- or something of that style. This brings me to the sketch that would become this illustration.
From here, the details came into play- and thus so does the inevitable inaccuracies. Ancient Rome has never really been my playground, so I'm unfamiliar with the rules. Some of my favourite books on historic fashion pay them some heed, but it is far from the focus. (And, at least in one, pretty much all of the Roman references are Roman recreations of Greek statues, so their credibility in regards to representing Roman fashion is questionable! And that's not mentioning all the French recreations of Roman dress, far after the Roman Empire's fall...) So while these were kept in mind, they weren't my main information sources this time 'round.
From James Laver's 'World of Art: Costume and Fashion', the following were referenced:
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And from Panorama's 'A History of Fashion: Loincloths to Lycra' by Jacqueline Morley, David Salariya, etc:
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(This one is directly where I took Rome's hair, veil and circlet from- though the rest have far less distinct influences on my piece)
Instead, the source I found most useful was 'How They Did it- Growing Up Roman' by Invicta on Youtube, and I will be scattering illustrations featured in the video amidst my explanation. While I'm unable to verify the sources of all these paintings, the video does itself credit a variety of sources:
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Now, it's not specified when in Roman history these paintings are attempting to depict (or even if they are primary sources) nor the class of the people featured (though that, to a degree, can be interpreted) so, while I have used these to create my image, they may not entirely represent my desired vision. To research that to the desired degree would not be possible in such a short span of time (the extensive reworking and re-conceptualising process behind this piece left me with little time to actually complete it), so please bear with me, Roman historians.
The background is interpreted from this painting depicting the inside of a Roman estate:
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The top left of the image is directly what I referenced for the background. As for the clothes of the characters...
Rome's was more of an attempt to mess around with the layering of Roman garments than based off anything in particular. Personally, I think it could be reworked in a future exploration of this period of fashion, but I'm glad to have attempted it- without that, I wouldn't be grated by how much it could be improved, because I wouldn't know!
As for North Italy, my main inspiration was a mix of these these lovely ladies (you may need to click on the images to properly see them):
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I adored the colours on the second image, and took some inspiration from the shape of the other - though that's mainly hidden behind her grandmother! The addition of a flower crown (and the tree next to her where the flowers come from) is more drawn from lingering vestiges of the favouritism theme. Not only is Nth Italy's section in the image bigger than her older sister's, and she is behind Rome on the elder woman's right (emphasis on ROME'S right, NOT the right side of the illustration), implying a quite close connection. My idea behind the tree is that Rome went out of her way to get both girls a tree of their own in the garden. However, she got Nth Italy the tree that grows beautiful flowers in the spring, so that they can make flower crowns together. Sth Italy still got the tree as a gift, but not the extra level of thoughtfulness.
Talking about Sth Italy, let's move onto her clothes! She was mainly drawn from these women:
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Again, adored the colours of the second image and liked the structure of the first outfit.
One other change to Sth Italy I'd like to point out is in regards to complexion. I'm aware he tends to be portrayed in canon as quite light-skinned (though I believe this is less the case in the manga?), however I've always been interested in his speculated Arabic and African roots. This ties into my headcanon about the forming of the two Italian siblings, which is detailed below. If you have no interest in that, here's your conclusion! I hope you found some interest in my ramblings :)
So, we know Nth and Sth Italy came to exist during Rome's rule- why? There are plenty of potential explanations, I'm sure, but I like to imagine it is because they originally represented the Roman territories of North Italy, and the Roman territories of South Italy respectively. Therefore, South Italy came to be either when the Italian peninsula was fully conquered by Rome in 264 BCE, or after they conquered Sicily in the First Punic War (in 212 BCE- though it was considered a province by 241 BCE). I choose the latter, which gives the opportunity for South Italy to be of Carthaginian (and thus Phoenician) heritage, giving a reason for their darker complexion. North Italy, I imagine, was born later on- for while Rome is said to have conquered the Italian peninsula in 264 BCE, this does not actually include the part of Italy where Venice would later be established- and so I don't count it as North Italy's birth year. Instead, I wait until the province of Cisalpine Gaul comes under Roman control by 191 BCE, which does include modern day Venice! This Gallic heritage is also where I get North Italy's fairer skin from- considering I make Rome more in between both of their grandchildren's skin tones.
And there is my explanation! If you made it this far, I greatly appreciate it!! Comment/reblog with an Italian flag if you'd like to show that ;)
Criticism/feedback is greatly welcomed, especially the aspects of Roman fashion I definitely want to learn more about! (Why did no one ever tell me the colours are so pretty?? Ough I want to wear them so bad)
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cyrankaa · 1 year
Jon is so transgender to me you guys wouldn't get it
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frogayyyy · 1 year
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5000 posts!
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boyheros · 1 year
Thinking about like. the cast of MVRCK have all committed various crimes. Reo once beat someone heavily with his bat, people kill each other somewhat often. and then there's Maverick himself who did what? necromancy.
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skyplayssplatoon3 · 1 year
I went through 15 rounds of the Foggy Challenge, had to endure a 2 E-Liter team (on my side, IN THE FOG), got the absolute most base-campy sweaty enemy players possible
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anotherpapercut · 1 year
what you guys don't want to read my 9 paragraph, 1500 word response to an ask?
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I have never in my life wanted to be exploited so badly for my labor like oh dear God PLEASE
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tempest-toss · 1 year
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Thank you to everyone who got me to 5000 likes!
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yume-fanfare · 1 year
acabé mi tori powerpoint 🎉
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