#0.62 Pounds
angstemperor · 3 months
Environmental Impact
How much water and land (animal) agriculture takes up and how much greenhouse gas it emits
More than anything else, factory farming - especially animal agricultural - is the biggest contributor to climate change and drought. CO2 methane emissions from animals and the sheer amount of water it takes to sustain not just them but also to grow their food, it's insane.
If you're at all familiar with the "it takes a gallon of water to grow a single almond" argument, you're probably going to be surprised to find out that "In the US to produce one pound (1 lb, 0.4kg) of steak requires, on average, 1,799 gallons of water – for pork it is 576 gallons of water and for a pound of chicken it is 468 gallons of water." (The Cattle Site, confirmed by Animal Clock).
According to Our World In Data, 37% of the land in the world is reserved for agriculture. As of 2023, 3.20 billion (3,200,000,000) hectares are dedicated to animal agriculture.
A hectare is a unit of measurement equal to - 100,000 square meters - 2.47 acres For visual purposes, "FIFA standards for international matches dictate that the pitch can be between 0.62-0.82 hectares". A hectare is BIGGER than a football field, or roughly the size of an international rugby union field (1.008 hectares).
This means that of the world's land, about 7,904,000,000 (7 billion- 904 million) acres/320,000,000,000,000 (32 quadrillion) square meters alone are dedicated to animal agriculture alone.
Hi okay I'm going back to this after I already typed out everything else minus some hyperlinks because Cowspiracy's fact page has SO MUCH data I feel like I hit a jackpot so here's some more "fun" facts for you: - One cow makes use of 2-5 acres of land ^ (Oppenlander, Richard A. Food Choice and Sustainability: Why Buying Local, Eating Less Meat, and Taking Baby Steps Won’t Work. Minneapolis, MN: Langdon Street, 2013. Print.) (no link provided) - Animal agriculture has created over 500 nitrogen-flooded deadzones in our oceans - "Animal agriculture is the leading cause of species extinction, ocean dead zones, water pollution, and habitat destruction." (there were so many sources for this one that each word is a different hyperlink)
Greenhouse Gas emissions
(from Cowspiracy)
As of 2009, animal agriculture is responsible for 51% of worldwide greenhouse gas emissions - at least 32,000 million tons of CO2 annually, and 65% of human-related nitrous oxide emissions. Nitrous oxide is a greenhouse gas with "296 times the global warming potential of carbon dioxide, and which stays in the atmosphere for 150 years."
Cattle alone account for 150,000,000,000 (150 billion) gallons of methane every day. It is predicted that within 20 years, methane will do 25-100 times more damage than CO2 with 86 times the global warming potential.
"Emissions for agriculture projected to increase 80% by 2050." ("Global diets link environmental sustainability and human health". Nature. Vol. 515. 27 November 2014)
Water usage
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), "According to a U.S. Geological Survey report, agriculture is a major user of ground and surface water in the United States, and irrigation accounted for 42 percent of the Nation’s total freshwater withdrawals in 2015."
Also from Cowspiracy: "Fracking (hydraulic fracturing) water use ranges from 70-140 billion gallons annually. [EPA 2011] [Research Journal of Recent Sciences 2015]" and animal agriculture consumes 34-76 trillion gallons annually.
Remember the gallon-for-an-almond point I brought up earlier? Check this out
1 gallon of milk = 1,000 gallons of water
1 pound of beef = 2,500 gallons
1 pound of eggs = 477 gallons
1 pound of cheese = almost 900 gallons
Private homes make up 5% of the water use America. Animal agriculture makes up 55% of water usage in America and 20-30% freshwater usage worldwide
In America, 56% of our water goes to growing feed for livestock and agriculture overall is responsible for 80-90% of our water consumption.
This site alone continues to cover the waste produced, the damage done to our oceans, rainforests, and overall wildlife, all with cited sources for their claims. I don't currently have the energy or focus to go through them all and a handful of them are no longer active, but seriously. Cowspiracy's sources are absolutely worth checking out.
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palmoilnews · 3 days
ICE canola ends lower after three-session climb CHICAGO, Sept 19 (Reuters) - ICE canola futures ended lower on Thursday, pressured by technical selling and profit-taking after a three-session climb along with uncertainty about demand for the oilseed as Canada's harvest progressed. ICE November canola RSX4 settled down 50 cents at $582.60 per metric ton and January canola RSF5 ended down $1.30 at $594.40 a ton. A firmer Canadian dollar added to bearish sentiment, in theory making Canadian products less competitive on the world market. The loonie CAD= strengthened to nearly a two-week high against its U.S. counterpart as the Federal Reserve's larger-than-usual interest rate cut improved the outlook for the global economy. On the Chicago Board of Trade, December soyoil BOZ24 settled up 0.62 U.S. cent, or 1.5%, to close at 40.93 U.S. cents per pound. December Malaysian palm oil FCPOZ24 rose 0.81% on Thursday while Euronext November rapeseed futures COMX4 fell 0.32%. Rains slowed fieldwork in Saskatchewan over the last week, the province's weekly progress report said, but growers welcomed the moisture. "Many producers are currently working to get canola crops harvested, with 47% in the bin," the report said. *All figures in Canadian dollars unless noted
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inkovsky · 2 months
The Hang Seng Index opened 187 points higher at 18,020 points and then maintained its upward trend. The increase once expanded to 484 points in the afternoon, reaching a high of 18,317 points. It rose 461 points or 2.58% for the whole day to 18,293 points. It rose 493 points or 2.77% for the whole week; the technology index It rose 85 points or 2.31% to 3,782 points. Main board transaction volume was HK$119.4 billion.
The Hang Seng Index surged to 19,706 points in May and then adjusted overbought. The trend was wave after wave. It rebounded late last week. This was mainly due to the market's expectation that the Federal Reserve would cut interest rates in September. The U.S. exchange rate index fell and the RMB rebounded. It is estimated that the Hang Seng Index can break through the resistance of the 50-DMA (18,344) this week, and the next upward target is the previous high of 19,706 points. If there is a short-term adjustment in the Hang Seng Index, last Friday's rising gap (17,864 to 18,020) and the 20-DMA (17,912) can provide support.
European stock markets continued to rise, with British, French and German stocks closing 0.36%, 1.27% and 1.15% higher respectively.
Although U.S. producer prices accelerated in June, it did not hinder the market's expectations that the Federal Reserve would begin to cut interest rates in September. Bond interest rates continued to fall. U.S. stocks performed significantly better on Friday. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose above the 40,000-point mark again, opening 29 points higher. It soared up to 503 points, hitting a record high of 40,257 points; the S&P 500 index once rose 1.27%, reaching a peak of 5,655 points; the Nasdaq, which is dominated by technology stocks, once rebounded 1.49%, reaching a high of 18,556 points.
At the close of the U.S. market, the Dow's rise slowed to 247 points, or 0.62%, to 40,000 points; the S&P Index rebounded 30 points, or 0.55%, to 5,615 points; the Nasdaq rebounded 115 points, or 0.63%, to 18,398 points. Last week, the Dow rebounded 1.6%, the S&P 500 rebounded 0.9%, and the Nasdaq jumped 0.3%.
The U.S. exchange rate index continued to fall by up to 0.38% to 104.04; the Japanese yen fluctuated again during the U.S. market session, rising by as much as 0.92% to 157.38 per dollar; the Euro also rose by 0.4% to $1.0913. The British pound continued to strengthen, rising 0.6% to $1.2992.
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sarbagyaagri · 4 months
Star 444 Moong Seed: A Comprehensive Look at Its Health Benefits
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In the realm of superfoods, few can rival the versatility and nutritional richness of Star 444 Moong Seeds. This special variety of moong beans is gaining widespread recognition for its array of health benefits. Rich in essential nutrients such as protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, Star 444 Moong Seeds are an excellent addition to any diet. This comprehensive article will delve into the health benefits of Star 444 Moong Seeds, backed by scientific evidence, case studies, and practical examples of their use.
Nutritional Profile of Star 444 Moong Seed
Before exploring the health benefits, it is essential to understand what makes Star 444 Moong Seeds so special. Here’s a detailed look at their nutritional profile per 100 grams:
Protein: 24 grams
Fiber: 16 grams
Iron: 6.7 mg (37% of the Recommended Daily Intake, or RDI)
Magnesium: 189 mg (47% of the RDI)
Folate (Vitamin B9): 625 mcg (156% of the RDI)
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine): 0.62 mg (52% of the RDI)
Vitamin C: 4.8 mg (8% of the RDI)
Vitamin K: 34.4 mcg (43% of the RDI)
Potassium: 1246 mg (36% of the RDI)
These numbers highlight why Star 444 Moong Seeds are considered a nutritional powerhouse. They provide significant amounts of essential nutrients necessary for maintaining overall health.
Health Benefits of Star 444 Moong Seed
1. Heart Health
Star 444 Moong Seeds are packed with nutrients that support cardiovascular health. Their high fiber content helps lower cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart disease. Potassium and magnesium are crucial for maintaining healthy blood pressure levels.
Case Study: Mr. Singh’s Heart Health Improvement
Mr. Singh, a 58-year-old man with a family history of heart disease, incorporated Star 444 Moong Seeds into his diet. Over six months, his LDL (bad) cholesterol levels dropped by 20%, and his blood pressure readings improved significantly. This dietary change, combined with regular exercise, helped Mr. Singh reduce his risk of heart disease without medication.
2. Weight Management
The high protein and fiber content of Star 444 Moong Seeds make them an excellent choice for those looking to manage their weight. Protein promotes satiety, reducing overall calorie intake, while fiber aids digestion and prolongs the feeling of fullness.
Example: Weight Loss with Star 444 Moong Seeds
Mrs. Patel, a 35-year-old woman, struggled with weight management for years. After incorporating Star 444 Moong Seeds into her meals, she experienced better control over her appetite and cravings. Within a year, she lost 25 pounds and significantly improved her metabolic markers, including blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
3. Digestive Health
Dietary fiber is essential for a healthy digestive system. Star 444 Moong Seeds are rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber, which helps maintain regular bowel movements and prevents constipation. The seeds also promote a healthy gut microbiome.
Case Study: Improved Digestive Health
Ms. Sharma, a 40-year-old woman, suffered from chronic digestive issues like bloating and constipation. After integrating Star 444 Moong Seeds into her diet, she noticed significant improvements. Her bowel movements became regular, and she experienced less bloating and discomfort.
4. Blood Sugar Control
Star 444 Moong Seeds have a low glycemic index, making them suitable for people with diabetes or those looking to manage their blood sugar levels. The fiber in the seeds slows the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, preventing spikes and crashes.
Example: Diabetes Management
Mr. Desai, a diabetic patient, included Star 444 Moong Seeds in his diet to help manage his blood sugar levels. By replacing higher glycemic index foods with these seeds, he was able to maintain stable blood sugar levels and reduce his reliance on medication.
5. Bone Health
The seeds are rich in magnesium and vitamin K, both of which are vital for bone health. Magnesium helps in the formation of bone mineral density, while vitamin K plays a crucial role in bone metabolism and preventing osteoporosis.
Case Study: Enhanced Bone Health
Mrs. Reddy, a postmenopausal woman, was concerned about her bone health due to a family history of osteoporosis. After adding Star 444 Moong Seeds to her diet, she noticed an improvement in her bone density scans, indicating stronger bones.
6. Immune Support
Vitamin C and other antioxidants found in Star 444 Moong Seeds help boost the immune system. Antioxidants neutralize harmful free radicals in the body, reducing inflammation and the risk of chronic diseases.
Example: Boosting Immunity
During flu season, Mr. Kumar, a schoolteacher, added Star 444 Moong Seeds to his diet to boost his immunity. He found that he experienced fewer colds and recovered more quickly when he did get sick.
7. Skin Health
The seeds are rich in vitamins and antioxidants that promote healthy skin. Vitamin C helps in the production of collagen, which is essential for skin elasticity and firmness. Antioxidants protect the skin from damage caused by UV rays and pollution.
Case Study: Improved Skin Health
Ms. Verma, a 30-year-old woman, noticed a significant improvement in her skin texture and clarity after regularly consuming Star 444 Moong Seeds. Her skin appeared more radiant and youthful, with fewer breakouts and blemishes.
8. Anti-Inflammatory Properties
Star 444 Moong Seeds contain phytonutrients that have anti-inflammatory properties. These compounds help reduce inflammation in the body, which is linked to various chronic conditions such as arthritis and heart disease.
Example: Managing Inflammation
Mr. Gupta, who suffers from arthritis, incorporated Star 444 Moong Seeds into his diet to help manage inflammation. He experienced reduced joint pain and swelling, allowing him to be more active and enjoy a better quality of life.
Practical Ways to Incorporate Star 444 Moong Seed into Your Diet
Sprouted Star 444 Moong Seeds
Sprouting enhances the nutritional value of Star 444 Moong Seeds and makes them easier to digest. Sprouted seeds can be added to salads, sandwiches, and wraps for a nutritious crunch.
Recipe: Sprouted Moong Salad
Ingredients: 1 cup sprouted Star 444 Moong Seeds, chopped tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, cilantro, lemon juice, salt, and pepper.
Instructions: Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Serve chilled as a refreshing and nutritious salad.
Moong Dal
Moong dal is a traditional Indian dish made from split and dehusked Star 444 Moong Seeds. It is a comforting and nutritious meal that can be enjoyed with rice or bread.
Recipe: Simple Moong Dal
Ingredients: 1 cup Star 444 Moong Seeds (split), 2 cups water, 1 chopped onion, 2 chopped tomatoes, 1 tsp turmeric, 1 tsp cumin seeds, 2 cloves garlic, salt, and pepper to taste.
Instructions: Cook the moong seeds in water until soft. In a separate pan, sauté onions, tomatoes, garlic, cumin, and turmeric. Combine with the cooked moong seeds and simmer for 10 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Serve hot.
Moong Bean Soup
Star 444 Moong Seeds can be added to soups and stews, providing a rich source of protein and fiber.
Recipe: Moong Bean Soup
Ingredients: 1 cup Star 444 Moong Seeds, 4 cups vegetable broth, 1 chopped carrot, 1 chopped celery stalk, 1 chopped onion, 2 cloves garlic, 1 tsp cumin, salt, and pepper.
Instructions: Cook the moong seeds in the vegetable broth until soft. In a separate pan, sauté the vegetables and garlic. Combine with the cooked moong seeds and broth, season with cumin, salt, and pepper, and simmer for 15 minutes. Serve hot.
Moong Bean Curry
Star 444 Moong Seeds can be used to make a delicious curry, perfect for pairing with rice or naan bread.
Recipe: Moong Bean Curry
Ingredients: 1 cup Star 444 Moong Seeds, 1 chopped onion, 2 chopped tomatoes, 1 tsp turmeric, 1 tsp cumin seeds, 2 cloves garlic, 1 tsp garam masala, salt, and pepper.
Instructions: Cook the moong seeds until soft. In a pan, sauté onions, tomatoes, garlic, cumin, and turmeric. Add the cooked moong seeds and garam masala. Simmer for 10 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Serve hot with rice or naan.
Star 444 Moong Seeds are a nutrient-dense superfood that offers a myriad of health benefits. From promoting heart health and weight management to supporting digestive health and boosting immunity, these seeds are a valuable addition to any diet. Through case studies and practical examples, we've seen how Star 444 Moong Seeds can positively impact health and well-being.
Incorporating Star 444 Moong Seeds into your daily diet is easy and versatile, whether through sprouting, soups, salads, or traditional dishes like moong dal and curry. By making these seeds a regular part of your meals, you can enjoy their comprehensive health benefits and contribute to a healthier, more vibrant life.
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Major League Baseball A Mile High: The First Quarter Century of the Colorado Rockies (The SABR Digital Library)
Major League Baseball A Mile High: The First Quarter Century of the Colorado Rockies (The SABR Digital Library)
Price: (as of – Details) Publisher ‏ : ‎ Society for American Baseball Research (April 28, 2018) Language ‏ : ‎ English Paperback ‏ : ‎ 272 pages ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1943816778 ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1943816774 Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.4 pounds Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 8.5 x 0.62 x 11 inches
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pleasantsrack · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Women's Short Sleeve Rib T-Shirt - A New Day Dark Purple L.
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mcafeelog-in · 4 years
Asus ROG Flow X13 will be Sold Without XG Mobile eGPU in the future
One of the most-hyped announcements of CES 2021 was Asus ROG Flow X13. The 13-inch convertible gaming laptop was getting so much attention for good reason. It is very rare to find a laptop that is lightweight, convertible, can be used for heavy gaming, and looks so stylish. However, there was one thing that was off-putting for a lot of people and that was the price. ROG Flow X13 came bundled with an XG MOBILE eGPU and was priced at $3,299.99. Despite the impressive specs, the consumers had reservations about the steep price of the machine.
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But Asus marketing manager Sacha Krohn recently indicated in a podcast that the company was planning to sell ROG Flow X13 by itself in the future. The price was a huge shock for the consumers who were excited about the laptop but now according to some recent reports ROG Flow X13 might come at a starting price of $1,200 or $1,400. Although there is a little discrepancy in the report as of now the laptop will certainly cost somewhere between the two reported prices without the XG Mobile eGPU.
If the ROG Flow X13 is sold at $1,200 it would be an absolute steal considering the features. Although the internal GPU is entry-level it would be unwise to expect anything else at this price. The machine can be used as a general-purpose laptop. It has everything one could ask for-a a sturdy and unique design, 16:10 touchscreen, a great keyboard, and an eight-core processor. It would be impossible to find a laptop in the market that can compete with ROG Flow X13. Anyone looking for a machine that can handle CPU-intensive work will love this 13-inch convertible laptop.
The GeForce RTX 3080 XG Mobile will look expensive in comparison to the entry-level laptop. Krohn has also indicated that the laptop might also come with an RTX 3070 edition of the XG Mobile that would cost somewhere around $800 or $900. It will mean that the RTX 3080 configuration costs $1,000 more than the RTX 3070 XG Mobile. That would be a huge difference in price which might negatively impact consumer choices. But the price of the RTX 3070 is still uncertain and we will have to wait to see how much it costs.
Asus ROG Flow X13 weighs 2.9 pounds and is only 0.62 inches thick. One of the most impressive things about it is the ease of use. One can simply flip the screen and use the laptop as a tablet. But the battery backup is average. The laptop lasts only 6 hours but while playing games it lasts just over an hour which is disappointing. People looking for laptops with a solid battery backup must think twice before buying ROG Flow X13.
ROG Flow X13 is good entertainment and work laptop. It has the ideal screen for content consumption. The processor is also good enough to handle CPU-intensive work. The only downside to the machine is probably is its battery backup which might disappoint a lot of people. Barring that there is very little to complain about. Once Asus starts selling ROG Flow X13 without the XG Mobile eGPU, it would be an ideal laptop. The recent statements by the marketing manager must have rekindled the interest of a lot of users. We might see an increase in demand in the coming months.
Source: https://adailyo.com/asus-rog-flow-x13-will-be-sold-without-xg-mobile-egpu-in-the-future/
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bukbot · 4 years
Further consensus has proven that over half of all Americans still hate. Eaten whole by void. The emptiness. The sadness. The blackness. The darkness.
Multiteneresca, the lilstar is present in almost inhabited areas stay there for around $0.62 per pound ISH depending on the skin by berkeley’s eyes does this have to follow people around and actually speak with the primary ovary.
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topminimills-blog · 5 years
5 Best Mini Milling Machine 2019
Some time ago, processing machines were just applicable to extensive carports and manufacturing plants. What's more, it remained so for quite a while, on the grounds that who might need to bring home a machine gauging hundreds or thousands of pounds in any case?
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After some time, innovation made it workable for a little carport/shop proprietor like you to appreciate the power and usefulness of the processing machine.
That has been cultivated by the presentation of littler, lightweight models weighing under 100 pounds. Today, there are even some compact ones weighing under 10 pounds!
In this post, we're going to enable you to locate the best smaller than normal plant by investigating the top models in the market. With the models in our rundown, you can process a wide assortment of materials at home and accomplish extraordinary, proficient outcomes.
What is a Mill Machine?
A processing machine is a device intended to expel matter from wood, metal, or other strong material. The machine ordinarily has an engine that turns a shaft associated with a shaper.
The errand is accomplished through the turning activity of the shaft, which thusly, turns the shaper.
Moving the worktable and crosswise over or vertically and moving the head stock here and there adjusts the material legitimately to be cut in the ideal way.
A few little plants have customizable speed controls, enabling you to manage them to a progressively exact cut.
Our 5 Best Mini Mill Machine Reviews:
1. Klutch Mini Milling Machine
In the event that you need a durable, conservative machine that you won't need to use up every last cent to verify, the Klutch Mini Mill is only the one.
It is appropriate for light to medium obligation assignments, with superb execution.
The machine has a ½ HP engine that utilizes a power contribution of 110 V. In this manner, you can work it at home, sourcing the power from your divider outlet.
Just to get out the perplexity, they have a portrayal saying "3/4 HP" on amazon, yet it's really ½ HP.
The engine puts out a wattage of 350 watts. That is sufficiently only to deal with your light to medium obligation machining assignments.
You will love the execution of the axle. It's genuinely overwhelming duty,and it turns so easily. There's no diversion, and consequently it's anything but difficult to accomplish a neat and tidy absent much exertion.
Flexibility is a standout amongst the most striking advantages of this machine. The main adaptable component is the speed. You can modify it effectively with the forward/invert switch.
The other flexible element is the development of the parts. You can modify both the worktable and the head utilizing the hand wheels.
2. Stream JMD-18 Mill
Hoping to convey modern capacity to your shop? The JET JMD-18 Mill is exactly what you need.
The machine accompanies an incredible 2 HP engine that is UL recorded. What that essentially implies is that the engine is sufficiently able to give you axle speeds going up to 3000 RPM.
That is control enough for you to deal with any hard core machining job needing to be done. So on the off chance that you need the best small processing machine business or expert use, this one will serve you magnificently.
Variable speed settings enable you to set speeds as low as 15 RPM. Indeed, there are 12 speed settings to suit various necessities.
When you need to handle extensive scale activities, space and adaptability are essential. This factory accompanies a gigantic worktable to get that going.
It quantifies 9.5" x 31.75" to offer you the ideal adaptability. Notwithstanding that, a light is appended to guarantee you're ready to work without issues regardless of whether the room's lighting isn't reliable.
Is it true that you are sick of those difficult defers when changing to various velocities? Change to this plant. Why? It's fitted with a pivoted belt spread.
This backings the engine, wiping out those excruciating hold up seconds, and enabling you to finish your work quicker.
Quality and toughness are probably the most significant elements to utilize when choosing whether or not to purchase. Prepare to have your mind blown.
The apparatus has its one-piece segment made of cast iron. That gives you backing and removes the stress you may have when managing overwhelming materials.
3. Erie Tools Variable Speed Mini Mill
It is safe to say that you are a DIYer or specialist and you need a decent factory to assist you with your little machining assignments? At that point you'll profit colossally from the Erie Tools Variable Speed Mini Mill.
As a matter of first importance, this is a standout amongst the most adaptable scaled down factories you'll ever discover. You can utilize it for an assortment of machining needs, including profound processing, face processing, and boring.
For that, you can utilize it to cut level bottomed holes and cut level surfaces into workpieces. It additionally implies you can utilize the machine to cut profound openings, gear teeth, and strings.
As should be obvious, the potential outcomes are unfathomable with this little machine.
Being electric, this machine is very simple to utilize. It has a forward/turn around switch, which you can use to build the torque as per your necessities.
Exactness is anything but difficult to accomplish with the Erie Tools Mini Mill. In such manner, the machine accompanies three hand wheels.
One wheel is for the longitudinal feed, and this moves the head here and there. The other two wheels are for moving the clasp along the x and y tomahawks.
As these wheels are anything but difficult to work, they make the assignment of cutting metal a snap.
One of our preferred highlights on this one, and we're certain you'll cherish it as well, is the movable profundity stop. This verifies when penetrating those openings, you don't go past the expected dimension.
On the other side, the power yield is only 150 watts, which you can't rely upon for hard core undertakings. In any case, as we expressed, this machine is intended for DIYers and specialists; not experts.
In general, it's a decent machine that accompanies T-opening nuts, a draw bar, a shaft locking pin, an oil can, a few hex wrenches and a few different things expected to begin.
4. Sunwin Mini Milling Machine
Searching for the best smaller than usual factory for the cash?
The Sunwin Mini Milling Machine as of now goes for a little more than 200 bucks, making it one of the least expensive electric factories in the market.
It's a little plant tipping the scales at simply 6.2 pounds. Hence, on the off chance that you need a versatile plant that you can transport from spot to put without a battle, this is the one to purchase.
With a decent exemplary style engine, the shaft can turn with rates of up to 2000 rpm. That, alongside great end plants, will enable you to slice through delicate metal and wood effectively.
Wellbeing involves most extreme significance when obtaining a plant. You'll be glad to realize that this Sunwin machine is worked with the most astounding security gauges.
It has both UL and CE confirmations to demonstrate it.
The coolest part is that the machine can deal with tiny bits of steel. With the three hand wheels, you'll have the capacity to move the worktable just as the head unreservedly.
There are vibrations from the engine, however at the cost, they are not exceptionally uproarious.
Our worry with this plant is that the worktable isn't sufficiently enormous for expansive ventures. You can just set materials with measurements of not more than 9 by 7 inches.
So, the processing machine is a straightforward model suggested just for DIYers, understudies, and specialists.
5. OTMT OT2213 X2
From adaptability to speed variety and quality, the pluses of getting the OTMT OT2213 X2 are boundless. At any rate we can't thoroughly discuss them here.
As a matter of first importance, the engine isn't the ordinary sort utilized in the less expensive models. This is a cutting edge astounding ½ HP engine fit for conveying up to 2500 RPM axle speeds.
With 2 speed settings – high and low, you get the chance to set the RPM to the dimension that suits the present undertaking and accomplish extraordinary outcomes. The rigging drive encourages you spare time while changing the velocities.
This Otmt factory is for three distinct purposes – boring, end processing, and face processing.
The capacities with respect to penetrating, end processing, and face processing are 0.51 inches, 0.62 inches, and 0.81 inches individually.
Accomplishing reliable and exact outcomes is a breeze with the interior simple to peruse dial. The dial enables you to calibrate the processing size to an exactness of as low as 0.0001 inches.
That verifies you accomplish the best outcomes.
The worktable acknowledges materials with an estimation of 15 by 3.5 inches (lxw)
We can't generally say that is tremendous. Be that as it may, it is abundant space for those little undertakings.
In addition, the 8.66 by 3.93 inches travel offer you bunches of adaptability to chip away at the materials and produce the shapes you need without problem.
Additionally, the headstock has a movement of 7.08 inches, which we'd state is a decent range. Certainly offers you greater adaptability and encourages you achieve assignments quicker. If you are looking for more information about 5 Best Mini Milling Machine 2019 Click https://toolassociate.com/best-mini-mill/ right away.
5 Best Mini Milling Machine 2019 Watch the Video
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palmoilnews · 10 days
ICE canola futures down on weak demand, large stocks Sept 12 (Reuters) - ICE canola futures tipped down on Thursday on weak demand for Canadian canola, large canola stocks despite below-average yields and lingering bearishness from China's ongoing anti-dumping investigation, traders said. ICE November canola RSX4 ticked down $7.8 to $561.50 per metric ton. January canola RSF5 lost $7.70 to $574.80 per ton. Large supplies of canola from the previous year have added a bearish tone to the market. Disappointing canola yields from the Canadian Prairies and higher soyoil futures added a floor to prices, however. CBOT's most-active December soyoil BOZ24 settled up 0.49 cent to finish at 39.79 cents per pound, while most-active November soybeans SX24 settled up 13-1/2 cents to $10.10-3/4 per bushel Euronext November rapeseed futures COMX4 ticked up about 0.16% and Malaysian palm oil FCPOc3 up 0.62%. *All figures in Canadian dollars unless noted
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inkovsky · 5 months
The Hang Seng Index opened 23 points lower at 16,225 points and then fluctuated in a narrow range, with a range of 160 points throughout the day. It closed up 2 points, or 0.01%, at 16,251 points, ending four consecutive losses; the Technology Index rose 2 points, or 0.07%, to 3,340 points. Main board turnover was HK$99.1 billion.
The performance of external stock markets has been volatile recently. The market is concerned about the escalating geopolitical situation in the Middle East. Coupled with the continued high oil prices and strong U.S. inflation and economic growth, investors are worried that the Federal Reserve may delay the interest rate cut schedule or even raise interest rates again, further dampening investment sentiment. On the other hand, the interest rate on the 10-year U.S. Treasury bond has risen again, which has also attracted capital flows into the bond market, making it more difficult for the stock market to perform well. The Hong Kong stock market has been restricted by the 17,000 level many times, falling nearly 900 points in the past four trading days, and is expected to continue to fall mainly at the 16,500 level in the short term.
European stock markets were stable across the board, with British, French and German stocks rising by 0.35%, 0.62% and 0.02% respectively.
The market is temporarily digesting the news that the Federal Reserve has postponed an interest rate cut, and U.S. bond interest rates have softened. However, U.S. stocks first rose on Wednesday and then recovered. After the Dow opened 150 points higher, the gain quickly expanded to 237 points, and then started to fall, reaching a low of 37,611 points, with a decline of 187 points; the S&P 500 once fell repeatedly by 0.87%, and the Nasdaq fell as much as 1.33%.
The US market closed, the Dow The index retreated 45 points, or 0.12%, to 37,753 points; the S&P 500 fell 29 points, or 0.58%, to 5,022 points; the Nasdaq fell 181 points, or 1.15%, to 15,683 points.
The U.S. dollar index retreated 0.37% to 105.87; the yen rose 0.37% to 154.16 per dollar. The Euro rose as much as 0.58% to $1.0681, with Bundesbank President Joachim Nagel pointing out that inflation in the Eurozone is slowing and the chances of the European Central Bank cutting interest rates in June are increasing. British inflation in March was stronger than expected, cooling the Bank of England's interest rate cut expectations. The pound once rose 0.45%, reaching a high of $1.2482.
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eggonomic · 6 years
egg project pt. II
wow remember when my blog had a purpose? anyway, it’s been a while since the project part of my blog actually happened at all so that’s what this post is: 
Today I think we should talk about the price of chicken feed.  
Your everyday 40-pound bag of feed goes for around $0.62 per pound ISH (depending on where you live feed will cost more/less for the sake of my point just bare with me). All’s well and cool. But shift that commodity price and oh boy. You might be looking at $35+ for less feed. See, since most chicken feed is made of corn and soy, the price of feed is going to fluctuate according to how much corn is available. wig. In places where corn is abundant , chicken feed is going to be cheaper because the supply is greater! Wow!
Tips and tricks to saving money on chicken feed bc we all on a budget 
Depending on your motivation and physical ability, mixing your own feed can actually be really beneficial to your chicks as well as your wallet. Local farmers markets will always have some fun pickings for your chicken feed cocktails. Not to mention buying locally is better for the environment, too! But, that’s a post for another day. 
Buying in bulk is another nifty trick. And it’s as easy as it sounds. Instead of buying just one or two bags, to buy whole palettes. It may seem like a lot, but in the long run, you will be saving some coin on chicken feed. 
That’s about it from me! Until next time! 
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findingerotica0 · 2 years
LELO F1S V2X BLUE | Finding Erotica
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Lelo F1S V2X Blue stroker is the next generation of the ultimate pleasure toy, a penis sleeve created for the thrill seekers who want to explore optimal satisfaction. F1S V2 has double the strength, four uniquely designed program variations, and a softer, more flexible sleeve for a wide range of shapes and sizes. The toy has ten highly sensitive sensors allowing for performance feedback through the LELO app, allowing you to build the most pleasurable set of programs for your ultimate orgasm. Material: Body safe silicone, ABS, Aluminum alloy. Color: Matte Black, Blue. Size 5.6 inches by 2.8 inches. Insertable length 4.3 inches. Internal girth at rest: 5.07 inches. Internal girth maximum 5.9 inches. Weight only product 0.62 pound. Battery: Li-ion 850 mA 3.7 V. Charging 2 hrs at 5.0 V 700 mA. User time 2 hours. Standby time 90 days. Frequency suction motor: 60 Hz. Frequency vibration motor 90 Hz. Interface 3 button. Box contains F1S V2, USB Charging Cord. Warranty registration card. Detailed instruction manual. How to use photo 1: apply a generous amount of LELO Personal Moisturizer to F1S V2 internal sleeve. The more, the better. Step 2: switch on and slowly insert yourself. F1S V2 will begin working when it senses you are inside. Step 3: play with the power settings until you find a vibration that brings a longer and more powerful climax. Video.
Buy Now: https://shop.findingerotica.com/collections/home/products/lelo-f1s-v2x-blue
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goalhofer · 2 years
Canadian Daily Precipitation Records Tied/Broken 7/31/22
Tatshenshini-Alshek Provincial Park, B.C.: 0.6" (previous record 0.32" 2000)
Unincorporated McCreary Municipality, Manitoba: 0.5" (previous record 0.44" 1975)
Unincorporated Riverdale Municipality, Manitoba: 0.44" (previous record 0.25" 2001)
Kinngait, Nunavut: 0.86" (previous record 0.46" 1975)
Unincorporated Cochrane District, Ontario: 0.67" (previous record 0.46" 1983)
Pickle Lake Township, Ontario: 2.35" (previous record 1.26" 2012)
Buffalo Pound Provincial Park, Saskatchewan: 0.55" (previous record 0.47" 2001)
Scott, Saskatchewan: 0.62" (previous record 0.6" 1975)
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Qty 400 HP 840 G4 16gb 256 SSD LOT
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Questions about our Grade A HP 840 G4 Laptop lot that is ready to ship are answered below. First thing what spec. QTY 400pcs in stock HP ELITEBOOK 840 G4 i5-7200u, 2.5ghz, 16GB RAM 256 SSD 14″ FHD TOUCH SCREEN, WIN 10 PRO(COA Digital License) Price $160 USD all the units are Grade A This HP ELITEBOOK 840 G4 laptop features an i5 intel i5-7200u CPU @ 2.5ghz (14″ FHD TOUCH SCREEN) 16GB RAM WIN 10 PRO(COA Digital License) but has ///NO BATTERIES/// NO AC ADAPTER // installed. SCREWS ARE MISSING FROM BACK COVERS. I have this video of the product below. The most crucial benefit of this product is? You can upgrade the ram, hard drive, and battery quickly while making it easier for you to make that extra margin on upgrades or get the setup of the laptop the way you want.  The HP 840 series is a trendy model that is easy to sell. The G4 model is a new model having a 7th Gen CPU, making this laptop a hot model because it can be completed upgraded and traded for under $500. Check this out on Backmarket https://www.backmarket.com/search?q=840g4&ga_search=840g4  What makes this product different? Is the grade of these laptops is excellent, and the computer is very durable. Cosmetic grading is A-Grade and being that the screens are touchscreen, you are not going to see screen blemishes. Yes, we checked them all for this defect.  The competition for this product is going to be the following laptops. I think the HP 840 G4 laptop comes out on top.  Lenovo ThinkPad T470s Fujitsu LifeBook U747 HP EliteBook 840 G3  Dell Inspiron 15  Dell Latitude 7470 Who and what can you use this product for? Depending on the product upgrades, you can pretty much do everything you need for home and office use. Great for schools and training and rentals.  What problems does this product solve? If you require a powerful laptop sub $600 this solves that problem. If you need to get 100+ units rolled out in a quick pinch, this is a great solution.  Why buy this product? HP is a name-brand laptop, and it has high brand recognition. The EliteBook brand from HP steps the brand up a notch making it a great business notebook that is trusted for many years.  Who buys these laptops? We at Filmar have bought millions of HP laptops on the secondary off-lease market. We have refurbished, tested, audited them, and resold them for many years with very few durability and quality complaints.  Here are the product dimensions.  1.48 kg ( = 52.21 oz / 3.26 pounds), Power Supply: 283 g ( = 9.98 oz / 0.62 pounds) Payment and shipping questions. We can ship 24 to after payment, and we can offer a warranty of up to 30 once you receive the product.  Read the full article
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firickbestproducts · 3 years
Ultimate Guide: Masonry & Concrete, 3rd edition: Design, Build, Maintain (Creative Homeowner) 60 Projects & Over 1,200 Photos for Concrete, Block, Brick, Stone, Tile, & Stucco
Ultimate Guide: Masonry & Concrete, 3rd edition: Design, Build, Maintain (Creative Homeowner) 60 Projects & Over 1,200 Photos for Concrete, Block, Brick, Stone, Tile, & Stucco
Price: (as of – Details) Publisher ‏ : ‎ Design Originals; Third edition (September 7, 2009) Language ‏ : ‎ English Paperback ‏ : ‎ 304 pages ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1580114598 ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1580114592 Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 2.12 pounds Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 8.5 x 0.62 x 10.88 inches
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