#003. threads.
grenatki · 2 years
location: the apartment above the apothecary, east stave time: close to midnight with: rúndís teremoana ( @teremoanas )
 coen  had  promised  agnarr  on  his  deathbed  that  he  would  take  care  of  rúndís.  no  matter  what  happened  he  would  keep  her  safe  and  --  hopefully  --  far  away  from  the  barrell.  but  the  problem  when  promising  something  that  involves  other  person  is  that  you  can’t  control  how  the  other  part  will  behave.  and,  as  expected  by  her  own  father,  rúndís  always  made  everything  harder  for  coen.  especially  taking  care  of  her,  since  she  was  thought  to  take  care  of  herself.  
 he  respected  that  and  most  of  the  time  coen  give  her  all  the  space  that  she  needed.  altought  after  what  happened  just  a  few  days  back,  he  couldn’t  help  but  run  to  the  east  stave  to  check  on  her  every  night.  
 the  man  wasn’t  a  spy.  no,  that  wasn’t  his  role  in  the  gang.  so  invading  someone  else's  place  wasn’t  really  what  he  did.  instead,  he  knew  where  the  woman  kept  the  spare  key  to  the  apartment  above  the  apothecary.  coming  back  from  a  small  meeting  in  the  curch  of  barten  with  some  business  people,  coen  wasn’t  wearing  what  he  normally  would  --  something  that  wouldn’t  go  unnoticed  by  rúndís,  he  knew  that.  
 but  instead  of  hearing  her  sweet  voice  mocking  his  clothes,  coen  found  the  apartment  empty  from  her  luminous  presence.  he  tried  to  keep  it  cool  at  first,  probably  she  was  coming  home,  soon  she  would  arrive.  but  the  first  five  minutes  of  waiting  became  ten,  then  ten  became  thirty  and  tirty  became  fifty,  and  fifty  became  almost  two  hours.  coen  was  pacing  around  her  living  room  slash  kitchen,  his  heart  beating  faster  than  before  entering  a  fight.  what  if  something  happened?  what  if  he  wasted  two  whole  hours  sitting  on  her  couch  or  trying  to  read  the  book  on  her  coffetable,  only  to  realize  way  too  late?  that  those  one  hundred  and  twenty  minutes  could  have  saved  her  life?  what  if  he  failed  agnarr?  
 he  was  on  the  verge  of  walking  all  of  ketterdam  while  looking  for  her  when  he  heard  the  door  unlocking,  relief  taking  him  from  head  to  toes  while  he  watched  her  presence  making  everything  on  this  world  more  bearable.
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wiedzmacienia · 9 months
@honorhearted | continued from x
the morning, having come off a long evening during which she herself had a meeting with washing.ton followed by alden, had caused frustration to lace most of her existence the last few hours prior to her decision to seek the major out. another meeting of her own had been conducted this morning with alden providing fresh word from mrs. morgan which had been less than ideal. an acceleration of a plan had now been required and she had saw to it that molnar had left camp with a company not an hour before to see it done. the following hour, however, had been less tense, at least within the grand scheme of things. she'd entered back into her space with her light hues washing over a chest and come to some sort of decision. an item about the size of a larger book is wrapped in a cloth in her arms when she meets him outside his tent, worry creasing her features for a moment before he begins to respond. that is when katarzyna's features begin to cool in response, hold tightening on the item in her hold as if a means to keep her own emotions in check.
'don't you already know?'
know what?
there is a multitude of meanings the major could be referring to though she believes she's aware of which once once she allows the shock of his coolness to wear off. this must have to do with the conversation she'd held with the general the day before though the timetable presented for such a mission as he presented her with had been unclear the day before (clearly it was no longer unclear). yet she fails to see what reason tallmadge could have to be so angered by such for if they were truly to work together what reason should he have not to allow her to meet with one of those spying for him. especially if she was expected to share her own information with him from her own?
'seeing how his excellency has been cluing you in to our tactical plans before myself as of late, i would've thought this would be why you're here.'
until his following comment washes over her. that was it, wasn't it? she knew things he did not and it angered him. it angers her too, or rather his tone does as she follows him into the tent, thankful that the child is not there presently. idly she wonders if it angered him more that he wasn't being informed of certain things when others were or if it was because his excellency was speaking about it with a woman? somewhere in the back of her mind the witch knows she can not entirely fault tallmadge for something he is unaware of. that her actual position within her forces is still unclear to him even if washing.ton is well aware (and if washington approves of such or not, he has accepted it as what such is to provide him his alliance). that does not halt the ice-filled and tone which leaves her lips in response though.
"i actually came here to bring you this--"
the item in her arms is dropped, not roughly but not entirely gently either, onto his cleared desk still wrapped in cloth. she'd mentioned before that she held a copy of sun tz.u's art of war in it's original dialect and while she knows he could not read it she had intended to offer him the chance to look at it and perhaps read some of it to him with his own copy as reference. after all, he had offered to teach her of a language she did not know, even if such would have been done with auggie present. this was how she saw fit to return the favor. now however, she's beginning to regret such a notion.
"--because i thought you might like to see it."
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there is a harshness to her, a glare given to the wrapped book itself as if it burned her before falling up toward the major who she's now standing next to by the desk. she holds her ground, stance firmly in place, confident and perhaps defiant. men and woman had been punished for less of a tone with her. but he was not one of those under her command and she knows, even if she must keep reminding herself, that he can not be faulted for his lack of understanding. it's entirely infuriating and yet perhaps more of an indication of why he should not be informed of such, at least until he presents himself ready to accept it.
'i'm supposed to go check on abe -- by myself, might i add -- but w.ashington has suddenly decided that you need to come along.'
this is new information. katarzyna knew the town the general wished for her to go to with the major from their conversation of which also spoke of her own presence there prior, her own spies of which could help the cause though names had not been discussed. she imagined that would be worked out between her and the major or when they arrived and would meet with those allies they had. it seemed a benefit to have her join the major. no matter how one looked upon it, a crossover of their allies would have to transpire and it would only aid the cause if she could see where his lived and such be able to send a critical message quickly if needed. the new information in question however is the name. abe. it makes her eyes widen briefly before she lets out a calming breath. surely there was more than one abe in the town. he could not be referring to cabbage man.
'it's too dangerous. you're not a spy, zyna -- you're not even one of my men, so this is a fool's errand. please…'
anger rises back within her before his use of a nickname seems to cause her pause enough to actually listen to his words. has he ever referred to her such before? now she finds a strange mix of emotions playing at her. he has managed to insult her and express worry for her in the same breath. had he not seen what she had been capable of before that first night they met or even when they fought that horrid creature of a witch in the woods? surly if it was dangerous for anyone, it was more dangerous for him who held no powers to get him out of such a situation if he was caught. knowledge of her rank or not, would he ever see her for what she was truly capable or would they continue this dance for the entirety of the war? still, it is difficult to remain completely cross with him when there is a genuineness to the fact he is misguidedly attempting to keep her safe when he turns softer and looks upon her and asks her to reason with his commander.
god, why was benjamin tall.madge such an infuriating man? why could she simply not be cross with him and that be that?
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"i'll put aside that you still seem to think i am unable to protect myself from danger." her tone is somewhat softer but still offended in a way she can not hide, turning matter-of-fact as she speaks again. "you're wrong though. it's not a fool's errand. i have my own spies in set.auket whom i imagine the general wishes you to meet and i have an alias there as well. if someone sees me, though i would rather them not at this time, a reason can be made for such unlike you. i'm afraid i can not reason with him when his logic for us to go together is sound. and-- "
this next piece of information would either serve to make him more angered or he would see the benefit of such.
"i know you do not seem to like seeing magic--"
she knows he understands that magic is not the same across the board at least in some sense as they have not actually bridged the gap in speaking topic, his own way of treating her especially after dealing with the incident in the woods and his willingness to let auggie play with cora and furgus said as much but she also knows he is still getting used to the idea of magic in a positive context and that would take time. she just wished, well, she's not entirely sure what she wished or why it mattered to her what he thought.
"--but if i see where this abe lives and he can be convinced that such is not evil i have means to pass communications to him quickly and directly but i must be able to see the place for such to work."
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ofmoonlitmagic · 3 months
( @ofwindydays | lysander. )
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Briggs didn't want to leave things as they were with Lysander, but he had to get through the moon. He wasn't going to be good at this until he made it out the other side and was back on his feet again. Once he was, he went looking for his friend to make a better apology than the one he'd offered with the cake still smoldering.
"Hey," he murmured upon finally spotting him. "I've been thinking a lot about what happened the other day, and I wanted to make sure we're good. So, uh, you got a minute?"
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tormxntum · 3 months
Closed starter for: @succiducus (Abdullah) Location: Training field Time: Shortly after the attack
“This cannae happen again!” Their voice roared like thunder. Their soldiers stood before them, bruised and battered, the anger upon their faces matching Cailean’s fury. “Chan urrainn dhuinn earbsa a bhith annta.” The officer seemed more like something that had crawled from the nightmare of an Englishman than the person they had been before the attack. Their fury was tangible; blood was still upon their shirt, their skin still tainted red from the blood that had been too stubborn to wash off. “They think they can walk all over us because we are small. They think we are desperate for their protection, but we do not need them; they need us! Let them try to touch our people again, and we will show them how fierce we truly are.” They continued in Gaelic, the only tongue they felt safe enough to speak to their soldiers in.
Cailean had long been known for bringing courageousness into the hearts of those who were too terrified to take another step into a battle, and that day was no different. The French were there, and they managed to ambush them; everyone was on edge, rightfully so. Their lips parted, ready to continue, but that was the moment when they saw him, and the mere sight of him somehow managed to steal their words from their lips and their breath from their lungs. Damn it. Their people continue watching them expectedly, no one daring to move an inch. Cailean turned to them again, clearing their throat. “Um- Get back to work; be vigilant, and do not trust them or anyone else.” With that, they waved them off.
For a long moment, they stood there watching him. He was safe… He was alive. Damn him. They thought to themself, the anger burning within them like a forest fire. He could have died. Someone could have easily killed him because he had been distracted, the most fatal flaw in any fight; he should have known better. Finally, they found the strength to march over to him while ignoring the stares of their soldiers which were burning through their back; damn him, damn him, damn him! Their anger had been a wildfire, raging through everything it touched, but the moment they stood face to face with him, it deflated into nothing but relief. He was safe; he was alive.
“Do you have a death wish? If you are so desperate for it, I’m sure we can arrange that quite easily.” It was all they could do to keep themself from screaming at him and the entire universe at the top of their lungs. How dare he? How dare he risk his life for them again? Despite everything, they reached for him, and they had almost taken his hand in theirs, almost. They only just managed to stop themself when there were mere inches between them. What would people think? They couldn’t…
 “What the hell were you thinking?”
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bazhowletts · 4 months
baz 📲 pete.
Baz: Heard someone talking about you at the gym
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nomadjones · 1 month
dallas 📲 angel.
Dallas: You want in on this betting pool for whether we'll see any flower-theme catastrophes this week?
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babyitsmagic · 8 months
@constellaticnsx sent: [ refuse ] sender refuses to help receiver for wilder from andie <3
he gets it. he actually does. if their roles were reversed, if she were coming to him for supplies, he'd also tell her to fuck right off. but he doesn't have time for her to be reacting this way. he doesn't even have time for an actual hunter to get to town. or even to, maybe, desperately, call talia. no. whatever's cropped up in town needs to go now and he's one of the only people here capable of handling it.
and, unfortunately for them both, andie is one of the only people here with the supplies he needs.
"do you think i'd be here if it was fucking important?" he snaps. "or have you not heard about the corpses found yesterday?" it's a small enough town. he doubts she hasn't heard, doubts she thinks it was an animal attack. whatever it was wasn't human. probably had never been human. not a werewolf or a vampire, but something... worse.
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sialiia · 1 month
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ• . ° .┊┊ @wastheheart - continued
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ㅤㅤ❝𝓘 often wonder... if I ever became a vampire, how and if my gift would advance. What kind of things would I be able to do.❞ Sydney admitted quietly, blue eyes focused toward the ground for a brief moment before her gaze came back to the vampiress. ❝I hope I'm not causing you any problems by being here. I tend to pick up on things. Sometimes a bit more than just spirits. Information from the dead can tell me what someone is. So... the secret of someone's species isn't all that secret to me.❞
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chiefhalliday · 2 months
✧・゚— CLOSED STARTER @flynnxhalliday
When Emilio informed Rowan that Flynn hadn’t shown up to his precinct that morning the news was met with surprise. It wasn’t like Flynn to miss work, but he was probably run down with a cold. Nothing major. Everyone was entitled to a sick day.
Then the second day came and Flynn was still absent. Rowan sent him a text and got no response, so he doubted his nephew would pick up the phone if he called. With an excuse to leave the office early (and probably for the first time in months), Rowan headed for Flynn’s apartment. He didn’t want to have to invade anybody’s personal space, especially during a time when work was not an option, but Rowan’s family was everything to him and whether he was overreacting or not was irrelevant. He had to know if Flynn was okay.
He always thought it was more polite to knock, but since he was riddled with concern and had a key to Flynn’s place (and vice versa) he thought he’d use that instead. He inserted the key into the lock, twisted the handle, and opened the door gently, hoping he didn’t startle Flynn into thinking it was a vicious intruder.
“Flynn?” He called. “Hey, it’s me. Sorry to come by unannounced.”
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victoriams · 1 year
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It had been a couple of days since the... incident at the TRIBUTE BALL. Although it had been replaying on a loop in Prue's mind ever since ( the sound of blade piercing soft skin, the gurgle of a dying man's throat, blood pooling quick and fast and sticky and wet ), so far, she hadn't been arrested – which she took as a good sign. She imagined if the Capitol knew about her and Danya's involvement in the little stunt, they'd both already have been made to disappear – executed or worse. She knew she should feel relieved about the fact that she was still healthy and breathing, but there was a lingering tension about her – baited breath as she waited for the other shoe to drop, if it ever did.
Instead of dwelling ( okay, she'd multitasked ), she had thrown herself into preparations for the interviews. Though her tributes weren't exactly particularly grateful for the work she'd put in, Prue thought she'd done a fairly decent job – especially considering she was a novice, and one whose entire role as a stylist was a lie, at that. Although her job is as good as over at this point, she still lingers backstage – peeking around the curtain to watch Theon's interview. She couldn't help but feel a pang of pity for the poor kid as she watched him onstage – she couldn't claim to know Caius particularly well, but she doubted he would be sticking his neck out to save his nephew when push came to shove.
Prue startles when she feels a hand on her shoulder – practically jumping out of her skin at the unexpected contact. She spins around to face the newcomer, eyes a little too wide and wild to be considered calm. "Sorry, hi," She whispers, offering a half-smile, "Let's move away from the stage, shall we?"
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grenatki · 2 years
❝    ⸻    𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐃   𝐈𝐒   𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑   𝐆𝐎𝐃,   coen  novik.  the  streets  of  ketterdam  have  struck  a  deal  with  the  lieutenant  /  alkemi  within  the  black  tips.  rumors  throughout  the  barrel  claim  that  he  bear  resemblance  to  giuseppe  maggio.  the  twenty  -  eight  year  old  cis  man  is  reputed  to  be  both  long  -  sighted  and  money  -  oriented,  which  is  why  the  komedie  brute  performs  london  calling  by  the  clash  when  featuring  them  in  an  act.  posters  plastered  throughout  the  city  by  the  stadwatch  depicting  their  likeness  have  given  them  a  reputation  of  emerging victorious from a fight that had all the odds against you; the artificial smell of roses from your childhood; a black hand without the index and middle fingers tattooed on your right forearm;  the  thrill  of  exploding  a  bomb  at  the  right  time.  in  the  end,  they  may  be  just  another  reason  that  there  are  no  good  men  in  ketterdam.
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                              𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐒 ⸻  𝐁𝐈𝐎𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐇𝐘 ⸻  𝐊𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐃𝐀𝐌
                                              grenatki: ravkan word for grenade.                                                                penned by nare.
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ziggykyeons · 2 months
ziggy 📲 cherry.
Ziggy: I have a proposal. Ziggy: Not like 💍 that won't be until we're 40 if we're still (tragically) single. Ziggy: But it hinges on your weekend plans. Ziggy: Do you have any?
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raging-ale · 2 months
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unsure how things were starting to lead to having atticus in his cabin and their lips clashing against one another. alejandro nearly kicked the door open and slammed it back behind him. pushing the man against the door, he let out a low growl as a hungry smirk tugged on his lips. "fuck! i have thought about this since i first fucking laid eyes on you." grabbing both of the demigods arms and pinning them over their head with quick movements, ale started to roll his hips against the others. the frictions alone making him start to feel his cock stir to life.
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pulling back and bringing the son of athena through his cabin, never once letting their heated kiss break until he reached his bedroom, he picked the other up with such ease and tossed him onto the bed. "strip!" he commanded, just standing over the bed, stroking over his hard clothed cock - wanting to see the show before him, craving it as his eyes were starting to undress him, his thoughts already picturing the way he was going to ruin the other before him.
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kira-aminu · 3 months
Location: Kira's house, beach front Starter for: @marcusbishop
Ever since that day at Santa on the Sands, Kira had been carefully trying to piece her life back together. It was nine years too late, but after realising just how much she had been holding onto her feeling for her ex and their former relationship, she knew she had to make a change. Gone was the Kira who had been the life of a party, the girl who had been kind, funny and sassy and instead she had become a shell. Her friends had rallied around her, but she knew she had to make significant steps. Therapy had proved a saving grace and slowly, her life was finding some balance.
No longer was she in the shop seven days a week, any hours she could. She took one day to work from home and one day off and she had truly never felt so relaxed and focused. As she pressed the palms of her hands together in front of her chest, Kira took a deep breath, blowing it out slowly just as their was a knock on her front door. Hopping to her feet, she quickly smoothed out her workout clothes as she walked over to the door, pulling it open with a smile.
The smile faltered as she saw who was standing on her porch and she could immediately feel some tension settle in her body. She hadn't seen him since that day at the beach, she'd actively avoided him whenever she saw him in the street and hadn told her staff not to tell her when he was in the shop. But there he was. "What are you doing here?"
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marshallmaevik · 2 months
closed starter for @beck-derringer
Marshall had a shipment of new and replacement parts coming in outside of work hours, but it was supposed to be a fairly light load, so she waited for it on her own.  No big deal, or so she thought.  As it turned out, there were a couple more boxes than initially planned, and Marshall was doing some calculating on how to get them to the engineering wing without having to message someone, and ultimately concluding she was going to have to make two trips, when she spotted Beck headed down the docks.  Was getting Beck’s attention worth it?  They hadn’t really spoken one-on-one in a while, though that was probably on purpose from the both of them…but she really didn’t want to make two trips…  “Could I buy you a couple drinks in exchange for helping me with these?”  Marshall finally decided to call over to her and ask.
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robinastrea · 2 months
closed starter for @daphnerux
Robin had had a little bit of time to recover from that frankly odd encounter with Zion, about a half hour or so, and at least his thoughts felt situated now.  First on the agenda after all that: tell the captain.  And that was what he was doing, striding over to Daphne’s office and lightly knocking on the door, then going ahead and entering.  “I have a little bit of news to send your way, Daphne.  Not good or bad news, just news.”
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