#03 Karai
familyofpaladins · 1 month
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TMayNT Day 3: Favorite Henchman! and TMayNT Day 15: Best Karai
Combining these two because it's convenient for me
I love Dr Chaplin because he's just SO eager. He was super excited to work along side Baxter Stockman (even built the guy a new robot body meanwhile stockman is literally trying to get ride of him), and he made giant robot warriors to look like Karai before he even properly met her. Then when it's Karai leading the Foot, he's just like, "oh you want me to create a weapon to fight ghosts and demons? Yeah sure no problem, give me a few hours." and he DID IT. He also broke into April's apparment to save Karai (she didn't need it). Dude would happily walk into hell for her and I like that about him lol. Good thing for him Karai isn't likely to go there.
Which brings me to: I like 03 Karai, because she has a lot of honor, and you can see her struggle with the fact that her adoptive father isn't as honorable as she thought, and she has this internal conflict of obeying the Shredder and doing what she thinks is right and helping the turtles. Then when Shredder gets imprisoned and she feels honor bond to avenge him, and looks to be heading full force to the Evil side, but then thanks to the tribunal arc and the Turtles Forever movie, she finally breaks free from the obligations to the Shredder. I just really like her character and the development she has.
Challenge chart and a Bonus below
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los-ninos-tortugas · 9 months
People talk about putting every Casey in a room together and watching the chaos, but you know what I want to see? Every Karai in a room together. It would be insane.
*Heavy breathing*
Okay. At first I wasn’t sure what to make of this but then I started thinking thoughts.
So the Karai’s I’m gonna include in this little hypothetical gathering are: 03!Karai, 2k12!Karai (as she is in her season 1 characterization, I know I know I really need to watch season two already 😅), Rise!Karai, and Bayverse!Karai.
So you know, boom! Suddenly all in a room together, definitely all of their first instinct is to start kicking ass and ask questions later, I’m not sure if there would be a decisive winner over all, but I think at a certain point the two more level headed Karai’s (03 and Rise) would halt the fight in order to actually assess what the hell is going on here.
Now, Bayverse!Karai unfortunately suffers from the same thing all the antagonists in the Bayverse movies suffer from, which is basically having no personality and just kind of existing as a shell of the character they’re portraying, but she does have a kind of cool punk aesthetic and as henchwomen go, she definitely knows how to roll with the punches no matter how weird they get. And since 12!Karai is also a bit of a punk, but just younger, and who also knows how to just accept when things get kinda weird, I feel like those two would form a weird sort of bond/alliance, since both of come from the arguably more “normal” or at least more strictly science-fiction based universes. I don’t know how far I would go to say if they would like each other but there’s definitely a bit of a “birds of a feather” thing going on. They’re kinda the slightly less interesting pair in this group.
03!Karai and Rise!Karai on the other hand…
These two are soooo diametrically opposed. It’s kind of funny that at first, being the two more level headed ones of the group and the ones to bring things to order that they would initially think of each other with a measure of respect but as soon as they get talking about the Shredder it’s all out the window. Cuz 03!Karai is firmly set in her belief in fulfilling her duty to her father because he raised her, in spite of his evil actions. Meanwhile Rise!Karai was willing to sacrifice herself to stop her father’s evil, in spite of the love she had for him as a daughter. 03!Karai would think of the other as a traitor to her family while Rise!Karai would condemn the other for her complicity in The Shredder’s evil. Like, they would just absolutely hate each other I think.
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camarilla-arts · 9 months
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More various TMNT sketches done while rewatching. Surprisingly few actual turtles. Rise!Karai is my fave version of Karai and I am so glad to see at least one universe have some kind of healthy family relationships. If they ever make another good crossover I want all the Karai's to meet. I need that.
having fun with different brushes too.
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purplescience · 1 year
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untitled-tmnt-blog · 21 days
TMayNT Day 15: Best Karai
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Day 15 of @tmaynt! I couldn't pick a favorite... again.
Trying to draw these three in the same style is a bit of a fun challenge, when they're normally three very different styles!
(TMayNT 2024 Masterpost)
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greenvillainredemption · 10 months
One thing I love about mutant mayhem is that Leo has a crush on an April who’s not conventionally attractive. It almost feels like, because of the turtles’ isolated upbringing* he hasn’t been influenced by the popular western beauty ideals and just thinks this ordinary human is beautiful! And I think that’s really cool! Because she is!
*though they’ve clearly been exposed to celebrities and other pop culture so ?? idk lol
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chaos-potat · 3 days
Boom, more
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Just in time for pride month, I drew Casey and April, bisexuals (they told me)
I'll try to draw the top three, I'm probably not going to be able to draw them in time for tomorrow, I'm a tag busier now
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snackugaki · 5 months
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i'm alive i just keep forgetting that posting WIPs is fun, easy, and valid
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mikasleaf · 2 days
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If this two had gotten a room instead of playing overly dramatic and sexually frustrated ninja Romeo and Juliet half of the events of the franchise wouldn't have happened
Not even last ronin
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my-name-is-bunnyfoxy · 4 months
~ TMNT February day 18: Enemy ~
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terrestrialnoob · 1 year
The Shredder's Henchmen from TMNT 2003 were parallels of the turtles. Not directly enough that it was on purpose, but they still managed to give the Shredder 4 primary henchmen with personalities that mirror the turtles' base traits of "Leader", "Rude", "Smart", and "Fun". (Also, I love character parallels and always try to finagle them out of any media I can.)
Karai is the most obviously made to mirror Leo. She's The Leader, the obviously favored child henchman with more power and authority than the others. She's a better leader than even the Shredder himself, her soldiers and technicians are better trained and more competent than the Shredder's original forces. It’s made obvious in the show, the increased threat she and her people are to the turtles. She is the closest to Shredder, literally his daughter, but she isn’t treated differently than Shredder’s other high ranking subordinates. She is praised when she succeeds and is punished when she fails, she’s just competent enough to never fully fail. She always has at least a little bit of a win that saves her from the really bad punishments, something she learned from Shredder.
Hun may be more of a parallel to Casey, but Casey is a parallel to Raph, so by the transitive property, Hun is Raph's foil. He's mean and angry and loves a good beatdown and wanton destruction, but he's also loyal and devoted to a fault. Hun is Karai's rival, put in a position of power above others, but Shredder's disrespect for him prevents him from moving up the ranks any more than that. To Shredder, Hun is just a gangster and can be replaced by any other gangster. To Shredder, Hun is just a ball of anger and muscle that can be thrown at a problem until it stops moving. Hun is treated more like a dog than a person, someone that can follow orders but not think for himself. But Hun is too loyal, too devoted to see that his master doesn’t respect him. Hun sees Shredder as a man who has earned his power, money, and respect, which is why he immediately turns once Shredder’s revealed to be an Utrom, that’s not a Man Who’s Earned His Place, that’s an alien who cheated his way to the top of humanity. Once Shredder is gone in season 5 - Once free from the “stupid gangster” box Shredder kept him in, Hun really steps up his villain game and turns the Purple Dragons from just a street gang to a proper organized crime syndicate.
Stockman “does machines” and also various other crimes against nature as desired. He's a genius unchecked by morals, and who seems to think caring for other people is a weakness and a detriment. He uses his intelligence to get fame and praise, he doesn't think "how can I use science to make the world a better place" or even "science/knowledge is valuable in and of itself", at best he thinks "what problem do other people have that I can fix and get praise for". And that mindset lead him to Shredder, who gives Stockman praise until his usefulness is outweighed by his ego. Donnie has a tempered ego, grounded by his brothers and his friends who praise him for his successes but who also care about his physical and mental wellbeing, but also an altruistic nature nurtured in him by Splinter. If Stockman’s mom hadn’t died, if he’d had anyone else to keep him grounded, if he had anything other than his own ego fueling him, he wouldn’t have ended up in Shredder’s employ, wouldn't have ended up in pieces (also, in Fast Forward, the moment he does get someone to genuinely care about him, he switches sides and starts, like, working on a farm for his bestie).
So, who's the Fun one then, you might ask? Why it’s Dr. Chaplin! He is a seemingly innocent and naive scientist, but is actually just as evil as everyone around him - he's just so nice to everyone! Even people who are mean to him or exploiting him or even try to get him killed - except of course he's also fine with destroying the world, enslaving humanity, and perpetrating intergalactic colonialism. He's naturally gifted, and seems almost desperate for praise and attention and acceptance, so much so, he’s willing to theoretically participate in multiple genocides. He's so happy to just be included, be asked to do things, be a part of a team, or even be put in charge. He just goes along with whatever will give him that attention, that praise, that acceptance, no matter the cost. He understands that other people are people and focuses more on making other's happy over his own desires, because he needs it, he needs them to like him, or at least, put up with his presence, and if making murder-bots will do that, then he's making murder-bots. He's willing to devote any and all talent and skill to anyone willing to give him a chance or who he can look up to. He's looking for a found family and doesn't care if they're the bad guys, he just needs to belong. A real Chaotic Neutral type of guy! And if Mikey didn’t have his family to give him affirmation about his place in the universe and direct his natural talents in a productive direction? Well, he would probably also devote himself to the first guy to come along and promise any level of acceptance.
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teetle-time · 6 months
hamato karai (rise) should get to haunt other iterations of herself. as a treat.
03!karai, sweating bullets as she squares off against 03!leo: why does it feel like i'm being judged by the spirits
rise!karai, hasn't moved from her spot near the wall in 20 minutes bc she knows 03!leo can handle things but at the same time refuses to leave just in case: 👁️👁️
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awzominator · 1 year
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More designs for my tmnt version!!!
Karai and Shini are dating, Tang Shen lives and is greattttt and splinter is the best rat dad and loves his kids so very much
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misteria247 · 2 years
Ya know what, I absolutely love the appeal of the Leonardo and Karai ship from the 2003 series like it's the perfect format for a tragic romance.
Leonardo the son of Splinter who was the beloved pet of the fearsome ninja warrior Hamato Yoshi and the leader of his brothers who's on the side of good, falls in love with the talented yet vicious foot ninja Karai, the apprentice of their worst enemy, the man who had slain Hamato Yoshi, the Shredder. Karai who's talented with the blade and who's one of the only people who can actually keep up with Leonardo in a fight when it comes to the sword. Leonardo who's the protector of justice, and Karai who's the defender of crime.
Both of them are on the opposite sides of the coin, both of them loyal to their masters and who are willing to do anything to live up to their masters expectations. However as soon as they meet it's an instant connection in a way. A connection between two swordsmen who are talented and unmatched in their craft, where hatred slowly turns into admiration and respect, and then possibly something more.
However.....duty and fate have a tight hold on them, so they can never, ever cross that line. Forced to keep their possible developing feelings locked away, and putting their duties before anything else. Always within reach of each other yet far enough away from one another where if they need to make that decision to end the other they can do it without the lingering attachments, only haunted by the possibility of the what ifs.
It's literally the definition of a tragic romance and I'm an absolute slut for that shit.
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nazaltam · 11 months
Karai x Raphael (tw:smut)
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Полная версия в твиттере 👀
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