#1.5 years post op
dreamlogic · 11 months
#chronic blogging#shit chat#well at this point both of my parents (who i inherited my Just Tough It Out streak from) have#upon hearing how bad my post-hysterectomy pain has been#told me 'umm no you need to go see someone.' and 'please just go to urgent care i will pay for it if your insurance won't.' respectively#haunted by the ghost of my right ovary (sharp stabbing pains & debilitating muscle spasms around the incision site)#it's been 1.5 years since surgery and it's getting worse not better#at my 1mo post op i was like 'hey right side hurts a lot worse & the incision seems really wonky & off-center. thoughts?'#they said it was nothing to worry about give it time i might still be feeling pain up to 6mo post op#sooo 8mo post op contact surgeon again 'hey remember that thing i mentioned? yeah still hurts bad enough i struggle to walk sometimes'#she says eeehhh maybe you developed pelvic floor dysfunction or always had it and surgery made it worse. read this book & do some stretches#book stretches & muscle relaxers helped for a bit so i just carried on but it was not improving in fact becoming more persistent#lil over a year post op contact surgeon like 'HEY do not ignore me i am in an amount of pain that is NOT NORMAL and you WILL see me'#drive 1+ hrs for her to poke at me for ~10 minutes ignore most of what i was saying and determine it's just muscle spasms do more stretches#said physical therapy MIGHT help if i did it 2x monthly for at least 6mo. which would've involved commuting over an hour during the workweek#no THANK you i'll just keep doing my stupid stretches. and the thing is.#the stretches ARE helping. i feel my overall balance/flexibility/stamina improving#but that by contrast is making the STABBING PAINS WHERE MY RIGHT OVARY USED TO BE all the more obvious#'oh it's just muscle spasms' well why the FUCK are my muscles spasming around THIS SPOT EXCLUSIVELY for SEVENTEEN MONTHS STRAIGHT#i have essentially no pain on my left side at all. i feel overall just fine & dandy but i am convinced there is something#like. very seriously wrong on the right side causing this#and yeah if my surgeon won't listen to me maybe i will check myself into urgent care and demand an ultrasound#(which btw i asked for during my last visit & she told me it was unnecessary & to fuck off)#but now the two people who instilled me with a very deep mistrust for the medical industry#and from who i learned from via a lifetime of observation how to dissociate from chronic pain in order to function#are telling me 'yeah no this is bad you need a DOCTOR.' umm. i probably need a doctor.#was talking w/ E last night about degrees of pain & like. avg day is like 4-6 on a 0-10 scale. good days 2-3.#i don't consider calling out from work unless it's like an 8 or higher cause i'm just so used to it.#i'm sick of it. so fucking bored with being in constant pain. i want my life & energy back. i want a personality beyond Oh Just Tired back.#i wanna be able to enjoy touch again with immediately hitting overstimulation threshold due to pain.
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transmascissues · 9 months
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pre-anything | 1.5 years on t | 4 weeks post-op
looking at these pictures side by side like this really puts so much in perspective. all the hard parts of second puberty and surgery recovery, all the fighting with my parents over the steps it took to get here, all the hours i worked at an awful job to save up for it, all the years i spent waiting for any of this to be possible…it’s all so worth it to be where i am now.
two years ago, if you had shown me the picture on the right, i probably would’ve said that even t and top surgery could never make me look like that, no matter how much i wanted to. that was the kind of person whose pictures i would look up to as some sort of wishful thinking, never as a realistic goal, and now here i am. now that’s my body and i feel like i can relax in it and just be for the first time.
being trans is so fucking cool man.
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matan4il · 10 months
Update post:
Rockets from Gaza continue to be fired at Israel. The 7 days where there was a break in the fighting, were clearly used by Hamas to re-build their abilities to fire into Israel, because the rocket attacks since the fighting has resumed are more intense than they were in the days before the break started. The rockets from Gaza were joined today by rockets from Hezbollah in Lebanon, and from Syria. Among other consequences we've seen on this day, at least 12 Israelis were injured by this rocket fire, and a synagogue was hit.
As the testimonies about the rapes and sexual assaults committed by Hamas continue to mount, in the last two days, we got confirmation that men were victimized by Hamas, too. The voices decrying the rapes as crimes against humanity are starting to be heard as well. The fact that it took people two months to get there, and some (*cough* the UN Women's organization *cough*) still issued what can barely be called a pale statement on the subject. When taken with how long it took them to speak, it really is not enough. But some voices are actually surprising. The Guardian is notoriously anti-Israel, to the point where its own Jewish worker has written about not feeling safe there. But now they've published an op ed that said exactly what needed to be said: rape is rape. And looking away from rape, for whatever reason, is wrong. And here's another testimony from a piece by The Sunday Times:
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People are speculating on why Hamas won't release the last of the women that are known to be alive and in captivity in Gaza, despite that being a breach of the hostage deal, and a red line for Israel. A common hypothesis is that these women must have been raped and abused so badly, Hamas doesn't want to release them. IDK if this is true, but then, I'm not just writing about what Israelis know for sure. I'm mainly writing about what Israelis are going through, the torment of not knowing, the fear of the darkest possibilities that come up when the unknown looms over us, and this hypothesis is a part of it.
The IDF says it has destroyed 500 terror tunnels in Gaza since the fighting began, and 800 tunnel shafts. It has also published the names of Hamas leaders, and called on them to surrender. This is a reminder that Hamas could stop all the fighting, and save many Palestinians, by surrendering immediately, and returning all the hostages that it's still holding.
This is Yaron Avraham.
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He was born to an Israeli Arab family in Lod. When he was 9 years old, his beloved older sister was murdered in front of his eyes by his older brothers, for having returned home late (i.e, for supposedly being promiscuous). He was incredibly distraught, since he was so attached to her, and to get him out of the way, he was sent by his brothers to study at an extremist mosque in Gaza. He recounted that he was there for 5.5 years, during which the boys were indoctrinated to hate Jews, and think little of their own lives. As a climax exercise, they were "buried" alive in a real grave, in a real cemetery, while their classmates held their funeral above them. Yaron Avraham said it took him years to heal from this experience. Another incident that he shared, is that once, two of his classmates were accused of being sexually active together (he didn't believe the accusation, and thought they were being made an example of). The two boys were beheaded in front of their classmates. Yaron gave them hell at the mosque, until they sent him back to his family. His brothers then had him study instead in another extremist mosque, this time in the village of Yatta. After another 1.5 years there, he ran away, and ended up living on the streets of Lod, a mixed Israeli city. He was taken in by a Jewish man, who fed and took care of him, and gave him proper education. After a couple of years, Yaron chose to volunteer, to serve in the IDF. His unit was sent to Gaza, and he ended up outside the mosque where he was abused. He wanted to go in and kill everyone there, but his Jewish commander stopped him. "You don't understand," he tried to explain the antisemitic brainwashing that happened inside that mosque, but his commander insisted that killing everyone inside goes against our values. Yaron said that this was the beginning of his journey to convert to Judaism, when he saw how instead of sanctifying death, Jews sanctify life. Everyone's life. Even their enemies'.
Yaron has retold his story numerous times, my summary here is based on several of his interviews, written and filmed. But something that got to me about a recent one, that he gave after Oct 7, is that he was asked about the occupation as the excuse anti-Israelis give for Hamas' brutal violence. Yaron said that it was never mentioned! That in the 7 years he spent in those two mosques, no one ever talked to them about the occupation. That it was always clear this was a religious fight. The problem was the evil character of the Jews. That is the mentality of Hamas terrorists. That is the antisemitic brainwashing that they undergo. That's why they can rape, maim, torture and murder without a second thought, even though they surely know this would not liberate any Palestinian.
The Iran-funded Houthis terrorists attacked two ships today, both supposedly for being Israeli. The less severely damaged ship has one shareholder who's an Israeli businessman. The more severely damaged one has nothing to do with Israel, it's believed the Houthis might have misidentified it. Officially, the Houthis say they are in a war against Israel and the US.
This is 21 years old Keshet Kasrotti.
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He was murdered at the Nova music festival, one of over 360 young people slaughtered there. His mom said that her one comfort, is that he was shot in the chest, so he died quickly. His suffering didn't last as long as it did for some. She also shared that many Israelis, upon hearing her son's first name (it means 'rainbow' in Hebrew) sent her this short poem by Neria Yaakov:
"I am breaking / said the light / and became a rainbow."
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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altschmerzes · 5 months
y'know. i really think that like... people need to calm down and stop experiencing other people interpreting their fave ship differently or disliking it as an attack on the ship itself. i've seen a lot of posts recently about how like... 'can you shut up about how x and y are siblings to you stop calling it incest when people ship ''''found family''''' and i'm like okay. there's one of several options here for what happened that prompted this post.
1. someone else's interpretation of the dynamic of their ship is making them personally feel a little weird and instead of curating your experience they are projecting their weird feelings onto that person and making it their problem when all they did is have a different take. which is ironically what they are accusing that person of doing. somebody having a familial interpretation of your ship does not mean that person thinks you are Doing Incest lmao grow up.
1.5. they saw someone express on their own blog that they feel weird about the ship or don't like it because of their personal interpretation of it, which is familial in tone, while saying nothing at all about people who DO ship that ship and enjoy it. the post is only about the op's personal feelings based on their interpretation. and for some reason decided 'i am being attacked' as a response to this.
2. that was blatant ragebait or a one-off post by someone with a lot of really big weird feelings and they are now holding everyone in the fandom accountable for one (1) weird guy they should've just blocked and ignored.
or 3. you're referring to adopted siblings as 'found family' and you need to re-evaluate a lot of things about your choices.
like... all i'm saying is i see a lot of shippers harassing people who have a specifically named found family interpretation of a dynamic and absolutely none of the reverse. could it happen? i guess. but the prevalence of those posts is not remotely equivalent. and when it DOES happen odds are it's someone who is like, 14 years old. who then got screamed at for being a 'puriteen' i'm sure rather than just being blocked and allowed to be a cringe child in peace like everyone else.
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frogtrenchcoat · 3 months
a year (and 1.5 days...) post-op !!!!!!!!
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Hairstyles I would like to see Sydney Adamu in: Braids edition -
Disclaimer : they were all took on Pinterest. Braids variations: Use these as a way to diversify and expand hairstyles for Syd in fiction as well, I will make a second post about other hairstyles I'm sure she would rock. 1 - Fulani braids: Long:
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Opinion: I can see Syd rock this, her walking in the street of Chicago in summer, with this hairstyle and put her hair in a bun with a clip when in the kitchen. 1.5 - Fulani braids with beads:
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L.I.S.T.E.N - I just know.. I just know that theses would have Carmy in a chokehold. The beads mostly, don't ask me why- Matter of fact let me tell you why-
2- (Any) Braids with beads
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Op: I just want Carmy to be able to tell Syd is in the room because of the noise of the beads clicking together, lmfao, ifkyk
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Op: Ouf, I can see her rock theses at anytime, specifically date night. 4- French curls braids: LONG:
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Op: YOU ARE teellliiing me, u cannot see pookie in theses, theses. I had theses, theses are a stammmpleee. She must get theses, argh, think Syd, in a soirée with this hair. I love this hairstyle so much let me show you again:
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Op: Can see her rocking this anytime of the year, I would aim for summer, since it gets hot and Sydney just like Ayo have a beautiful complexion so this shade and length with her cute face, muah! (3.5? a mix of both Layered curled braids: mix-lenght )
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5- Layered braids: SHORT:
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PS: I am aware that Syd's a girl who is broke right now, so I'm not counting on her being able to do all theses hairstyles nor that she has the coins for it but I truly hope one day we get to see the evolution of her hairstyle. I'm so excited, it is the first time I get to see a girl around my age with my features and she's not wearing a wig, she's wearing braids, I wanna sobs, but it truly did heal something in me to see Sydney just be a black girl, blackgirlin'. FEEL free to add more :3 I really want to see what you guys think she would rock and what event.
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dgiacomo · 9 months
Friday Munday question
how old do you headcanon the zero crew (Florian/Juliana, Arven, Nemona and Penny) to be? Since I saw your post about Team Star’s ages and it got me wondering about Penny’s other friends
[That's a tricky question. XD I definitely have rough ages in mind for them, but I've mostly thought about Team Star as it's... what this blog/comic is about, haha! I'll try and remember my thoughts!
As I've said before... Florian and Juliana... they are the characters who are the "main" player characters, the ones with the 'raidons who went to Area Zero etc. So they exist, but they're usually off doing their thing and don't have much to do with Giacomo as such at the moment... it's why I mostly haven't addressed them as I wasn't entirely sure if they existed here or not. XD But I guess they would. One of them at very least.
On ages, I'd set them the same as the rest of the Champion kids, 11 years old. That's the base expected age for a base Pokémon game (that isn't Black 2/White 2 or Legends Arceus, or a spin off like Colosseum).
They're probably the peak of bizarre Champion kid vibes because they're so OP. XD
Next, Nemona. She's fairly easy to place for me, I read her as 16 or 17 or so. She's got no baggage as such, she's not connected to Team Star OR the Professors, she's just doing her school education. She's in her final year to be Student Council President... and she's also been there and done that on the whole "becoming Champion" thing... there's no evidence she's been held back years or anything and whilst she doesn't look old, she doesn't look young either... so it feels pretty straightforward, I feel.
For Penny, I think she's older than she looks, even though she is your "underclassman" and "in your year". We know she was sent back to Galar for at least 1.5 years after what happened with Team Star and she's basically had to start again, so she's definitely older than the player character (as is the case, I feel, with ALL of Team Star). Before that, as I said with my explanation for Giacomo's age, there has to have been a bunch of years that passed for the whole bullying and Team Star thing to come to pass... she might not have been at the school as long as Giacomo, but she was definitely there long enough to decide that bullying was a problem she wanted to approach...
I figure, especially since she's a foreign student, she actually came to the Academy as a university or maybe college (6th form, end of high school(?)) level student for further studies in the STEM track. She was likely 16 to 18 when she first attended, but that was years ago at this point. I don't think she's as old as Giacomo, though... I feel he's the oldest of the bunch of Team Star. Surely she was attending when Giacomo was being Student Council President and knows all about that (as do the rest of Team Star's bosses), which was about 3 years prior to this blog/comic (by this comic's lore).
(On a side note, I don't think it was explicitly Nemona that replaced Giacomo as Student Council President... since that would mean she's been president for over 2 years XD They say "some other nerd" or something in the flashback cutscene, that could literally be anybody.)
Going from that, it would make Penny from around 19 to 22 on this blog at least! This might change though, I'll be going through Penny's content in more depth before she turns up for the movie night so... XD; We'll see!
And finally, Arven. This one's a tough one! He's another with history and baggage who hasn't been turning up to his classes and probably got held back multiple years through in-attendance. I think he is also older than you first might assume! He doesn't really have much to do with Team Star, so I haven't thought about him much, but my thoughts are this;
As I said, he's had a tough time with the academy and life in general what with stuff regarding his parents and everything... we know he's been skiving lessons, but I can't remember if they mention how long for... I'm pretty sure somebody like Clavell drops times or something he's known the Professors (but I could be misremembering)... I even went through and tried to rewatch a bunch of Arven cutscenes to better answer this, but I can't find anything like it since I think a lot of fine details like that are in dialogue when you talk to characters, not cutscenes themselves... particularly with people like Clavell ABOUT Arven, not including him... =( If anybody has any screenshots of that sort about how long Clavell's known the professors or any indication how long it's been Arven's been without his parents etc. it would really help! I foolishly didn't take screenshots thinking I wouldn't need them...
In any case, I can't imagine him living on his own before his teen years and doing very well... or it being legal XD; I'm pretty sure I saw a good analysis somewhere that said something about him being 11 or 12 at some point in the story and it's been about 10 years since then? But I can't remember the specifics... I feel like that would be reasonable thinking though, him being around 20/21, especially with him trying to find a cure for Mabosstiff. I wish I had that analysis to hand.
It's awkward, I can't find any time scales in the cutscenes I rewatched as to just how much time has passed since each of these events happened... how long's he been looking for a cure for Mabosstiff? When did he go to Area Zero and get Mabosstiff hurt? Any of that info as a date would help!
Going by his build (wide, has the flat chin like Giacomo), his experiences (skipping school, family life etc.) and his striking facial hair (sideburns, very impressive, Arven), I would also put him at around 21 years old, personally... but unless I can find any kind of indication WHEN these events happened? I can't be sure, which is frustrating! =(
This took all day to compile and I'm a bit iffy about posting it because of the same reasons I mentioned in the previous post about Giacomo... XD; Eh... it's just speculation that applies specifically to this blog. Again, it doesn't invalidate any thoughts you may personally have.
Long story short, don't really know, hahaha XD
Thanks for asking, I hope it was an interesting read!]
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missedx1njectionz · 6 months
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4 weeks post op vs 1.5 years post op
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tincansamurai · 7 months
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now at a little more than 2 months post-op. about 1.5 years on t. really is absolutely insane how good i'm healing. don't tell me to clean my room, i live in ordered disarray and i'm packing
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lifewithchronicpain · 10 months
Thousands of people in pain are urging the Drug Enforcement Administration to scrap plans to further reduce the supply of opioid medication in 2024.
The DEA recently announced it would cut production quotas for oxycodone, hydrocodone, codeine and other opioids for the 8th straight year, despite complaints from pain patients and healthcare providers that the medications are already in short supply and difficult to get at pharmacies.
The DEA invited people to comment on its plans in the Federal Register. Over 2,400 have so far – many with heart breaking stories to share about not being able to get the pain medication they need.
“I was finally able to establish a reasonable pain management routine but that was disrupted when my regular pharmacy was no longer able to supply my medication (a moderate dose of Norco) and not a single other pharmacy was willing/able to fill my prescription,” said Jessica Ericksen. “One pharmacy supervisor screamed at my doctor on the phone when he called in to try to get my prescription set up with them. I now have a 1.5 hour round trip drive to get my medication, which is particularly challenging for a disabled person who is unable to drive.” “I am one of the many that has had my life destroyed by the government regulations on pain meds. I haven't been able to get my medications for the better part of a year,” said Paula Perry. “I'm now basically bedridden and praying for death. Stop doing this to people, we are dying and you guys make it worse every year.”
“Most of us in pain have gone through all of the other drugs to treat our pain and these are the drugs of last resort. The opioids don't totally treat our pain but allow us to function,” said Heather Larson. “The DEA needs to stop playing doctor and let the doctor decide what is right to prescribe. If production is cut anymore, people will commit suicide or go to the street for pain medication.” “I have already had to jump through numerous hoops just to be prescribed my meds, but now have to call pharmacy after pharmacy monthly to find my meds, because they are out of stock at every pharmacy around me in a 10-mile radius,” said Jill Bartruff, who suffers from scoliosis. “I also had a surgery in September 2023 and could not find a pharmacy to fill my post op pain meds. I was in immense pain and was unable to advocate for myself to get my meds filled. Imagine being cut open and discharged from the hospital with no pain control.”
“Why do you continue to cut supply when legitimate patients cannot obtain their medications? Many are already out of their meds for weeks on end,” an anonymous poster wrote. “You should be able to see you're making the situation worse.” Are you a U.S. pain patient with an opioid prescription? Please take a few minutes to complete PNN’s survey on how opioid shortages are impacting pain care. It will help us document how serious the problem is. Click here to take the survey. (Read rest of article at link up top)
I've taken the survey, it's a few minutes long and easy enough.
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brostateexam · 2 years
It's little things.
It's that the white board in the kitchen is functional again. The whiteboard markers are buried in the garage somewhere and we haven't had an eraser or whiteboard cleaner for literal years. @currentlyonfire asked me why I hadn't just bought new markers, so I did that by going to Office Max (is that the name of the store? idk) cause it's in the same shopping center as the Trader Joe's I go to, and that means I can write down groceries we're out of instead of just having a subroutine running in my head that chants "Dutch process cocoa powder, umeboshi paste, ricotta cheese" on an endless loop because guess what I've been out of since August.
It's that I have the mental wherewithal to reach out to my mom and invite her over for tea and remind her to bring over a box of this set of fine china I bought about 1.5 weeks before my surgery. It never made it into my old apartment. It's still over at my mom's house. But now I can see her and she'll bring stuff over.
It's that I ordered the custom window fixture I need for the enormous window in my living room that's a non-standard size, and once it arrives I plan to pay someone to install all of the window fixtures at once, and I'll have blinds up for light filtering and heat retention (hopefully by then, I'll also have heat lol) and privacy.
It's all of this, plus like a dozen other things, plus my job, plus being post op. Today, it feels like I can do these things. I just need that feeling to last.
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bugmistake · 1 year
regaining sensation in my chest 1.5 years post op (yaaaaay!!!)!!! it’s very very uncomfortable verging on painful (noooooo!!!!)
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saetoru · 1 year
Also im so vexed rn hope u don't mind me word vomiting but I've been on genshin for like 1.5 years now and so far the community has been amazing. There's so many shit labels on it which I never got because people are so nice! Most people anyway..
So today I was doing my weekly bosses, I usually co op them because idk I enjoy it more than doing it on my own. So I entered this persons world to fight shogun, they picked scara, I was yelan, someone else was chongyun i fink and there was a hu tao.
I would've changed to a healer (Idm playing healer to fill in the slot and it feels more comfy having a healer or shielder on the team or else everyones spamming sweet madame 😭) but they started the domain before I could change so eh. I literally typed in chat "rip healer" and all 3 of them came at me as if I was crying about it... I made one statement and they were like 🙄🙄🙄🙄 ur yelan tho lol does it really matter (bc she scales on hp so I have like 32k). If there's a hu tao and yelan why tf do u need a healer. No joke, they responded SO AGGRESSIVELY to that one statement.
At that point I was a bit :/ but i stayed quiet bc whatever let's just do the boss and go. Hu tao died within the first 5 seconds lol bc they were on like 100 hp and loaded in before they could even react. So that's one down!! Then we're playing, raiden is doing her thing and our hp is melting. I'm spamming food to keep my yelan alive (lowkey I get mad anxiety when my chars are at low hp I could never play hu tao djdbf) whilst attacking.
Shogun does her one shot move and we couldn't get the shield up in time. Somehow I'm the only one who died?? Anyway I was like "..." in the chat bc idk how I was the only one who died. And then they were onto me like thats on u thats ur fault why would u do that and I was like... am I missing smth here wtf is going on why are they getting rude to me for no reason 😭
And I typed in oh why was I the only one to die and they were like do you not know how to play, have u never done this before, are you blind, the shield didn't activate for any of us
Then I typed yeah ik but the shield didn't activate so why was I the only one to die. No one else did
And then they keep getting onto me so I fr went girl calm urself why u getting this pressed over a game dfkm 😭
And then they (it was mainly the host at this point) were like lol actually im very calm and carried on
Then I was like yh ur calm, just rude apparently
At that point I was mad pissed and just abandoned the challenge and left the world. They said smth like "LOL why you so pressed that im not being nice to you"
Bitch 💀 don't be nice to me, but that doesn't mean you need to get rude to me. Man thats the one and hopefully only bad experience I've had on genshin but I'm fr so mad about it like damn who hurt u. Sitting behind a screen and getting enjoyment out of this 😭
girl the way they’re so fucking rude over the fact that u said “rip healer” like that reaction alone would’ve made me leave like DAMN. and the fact that hu tao died and they didn’t say nothing but they were so snarky at you 😐 come back and show me their builds bestie (i’m nosy JDHSHD but i won’t post them dw) let’s see if they can walk the walk since they rly like to talk the talk
but i’ve only co oped with strangers like ??? 3 times ??? sometimes it’s funnnn like when windtrace happened !! i co oped that whole event bc i was across the globe to for my cousins wedding so all my friends were asleep when i was awake and i needed the primos 🥲 so i co oped and the ppl were so nice we were chatting and laughing i had so much fun jfksjfdj i miss that event sm
BUT ANYWAY yeah i’ve co oped like 3 times to do weeklies when i’ve been low on food or something and most ppl are nice !! so i hope that’s one of ur rare bad experiences :,) i also don’t rly like doing weeklies alone fjsjdjd so now i force casp to do them with me his itto carries and i just stand and look pretty 😍 fjsjdjdj my characters are built well but i’m just incapable of dodging ever so i die halfway thru unless i manage to eat food on time or there’s a healer so i feel u there too i like when someone brings a healer :,)
anywayyyy sorry u had that bad experience :( u definitely didn’t deserve that rude ass host and their nasty snarky attitude over a freaking gacha game like jeez
ALSO since we always talk genshin if ur na server and wanna add each other (no pressure ofc) then u should add me hehe
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the80srewinders · 1 year
We saw a post on r/SystemsCringe that is uneducated and invalidating. It’s about why OP faked DID. The picture is attached below, but we will be correcting them and adding our own commentary.
The OP said: “You all know how it goes. I was too exposed to the internet at a young age. I was dealing with some mental health issues and I decided that falling into a delusion was a good escape and a more healthy way to participate in self care pretending to be different people. The pretending went on for about 2 years.”
Many kids are exposed to the internet at a young age and it never affects them. A lot of people with mental health issues roleplay to deal with anything they can’t. It’s how tulpas are accidentally created. This doesn’t sound like faking DID. It sounds like they started roleplay to help their mental health.
The OP said: “No, I genuinely thought I had DID. I did research and fit all the criteria, until I brought it up in therapy and my therapist said it most likely wasn’t real.”
If you thought you had DID you weren’t faking. Fakers know they’re faking. If you fit all the criteria, you probably have DID. It also sounds like your therapist said DID wasn’t real and that’s how you found out you were “faking.” DID is real even if people fake it. Studies with neuroimaging prove it- there’s differences in the brains of DID systems compared to singlets. Alters are associated with different parts of the brain that light up on neuroimaging when being co conscious or fronting. DID is associated with a smaller hippocampus and some cases a small amygdala. There is proof DID is real and your therapist is uneducated. Frankly, they’re part of the problem.
The OP said: “How did you recover? Therapy, therapy, and more therapy. Distancing myself from apps like TikTok, Reddit, Instagram, Discord and Simply Plural. Accepting it was a delusion and giving myself some grace. Using mental health apps such as finch and stoic. This Reddit page!” Now this is where I stop and correct the last part of the quote separately. Like I said above your therapist is the problem. They convinced you that you were faking, but since you can’t fake something if you aren’t consciously pretending to have it, you convinced yourself it was a delusion because of the therapist. That’s why therapy “helped” you “recover.” Distancing yourself from TikTok is good because there’s many fakers on there, but fakers on Reddit and Discord are rare. Most of the people accused of faking DID on both are endogenic and never claim they have DID. And fakers on instagram are so rare we never knew it goes on much less was possible.
Now for the part I separated, for obvious reasons: “I realized how rare DID was and now reading the posts it wouldn’t make sense for a teenager to have a full developed personality disorder. Exposing myself to this Reddit and also r/fakedisordercringe really extremely helped me. Thank you.”
DID is not rare. It is an underdiagnosed disorder that affects millions of people worldwide, probably in the hundred millions if we’re talking undiagnosed and self diagnosed combined with the diagnosed. Because the disorder is from constant trauma (child abuse being the most common and watching parents abuse each other or fight being the second most common) the people who are undiagnosed will probably stay that way- abuse victims are often intellectually or physically disabled, so they will never live on their own and escape abuse to get mental help. The abuse victims without disabilities can escape and get mental help. That’s the diagnosed population we talk about when we say “1.5 percent of the population has DID.” If someone has DID and hears about it no matter what age they are their system will show itself and they’ll notice the symptoms they’ve always had but never knew or thought were normal things everyone does. That’s the self diagnosed population that gets fakeclaimed. There is no age limit on who can have DID there’s only a time limit on when it can happen. To have DID you have to be traumatized constantly before the age of 5-8. DID is not a full developed personality disorder, it’s a dissociative disorder with an undeveloped personality with a memory and identity that isn’t integrated. DID is a disorder that affects the personality because of a domino effect: trauma causes dissociation, dissociation causes the parts of the personality to never integrate into one identity and memory, so the personality is stuck between what the alters are like but it is one whole personality in one brain.
The OP said “No hesitation, yes. I feel as if I disrespected real people with a real disorder and I’m trying to get involved in every step towards recovering from the delusion.”
This sounds like a real system in denial. They convinced themself they aren’t a system and are really good at it. They might be a singlet but after reading this line, it sounds like what a persecutor would say and after they said they genuinely thought they had DID and went through a lot of trouble to convince themself they didn’t have that and it was a delusion I’d bet they’re a real system.
The post:
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rustpuppy · 2 years
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3 months post op (no hrt) vs 3 years post op (1.5 years hrt)
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quetzalpapalotl · 2 years
I think your math is off. If Optimus was born 5.2 mil yrs (based off the 4.2 million) before the war and assuming SW was at least 1 million while being a student of Jhiaxus (7 mil before war). Then SW could be 2.8 to 4.8 millions years older than OP if he was born near the first war. 2.8 could be a lower number but I doubt SW was a protoform as a student. I don’t think 1 mil diff is possible since that would make it 6.5 ish or less mil years before the war.
Oh no, you misunderstood me, I didn't say Optimus was born 5.2 million years before the war. I said Megatron is 5.5 millions years as of present time. That means Megatron was 1.5 million years old when the war started, and Optimus would have been somewhat younger than this. Ok let me be more clear about the timeline because I realize now how badly I wrote that last post, since I'm assuming the reader is keeping in mind things I don't bother to explain.
First Civil War was 10 million years ago (after this Nova became Prime)
Shockwave was a studen of Jhiaxus 7 million years ago.
Megatron was born 5.5 million years ago. Shockwave would be 1.5 million years old at least.
Orion was born some time after this.
Overlord was born 4.2 million years ago.
Megatron was arrested on Cycle 499, this corresponds to the events of Chaos Theory, where Orion and Shockwave meet.
Megatron lost Terminus on Cycle 500, this date corresponds to the events of Shadowplay, where Momus was assassinated.
Rodimus was born 4.2 million years ago. This corresponds with Cycle 502 when Megatron first killed a guard in Croteus.
Now, Shockwave would at minimun be 1.5 million years older than Orion (forgot the .5 in my last post). I don't really get the protoform comment since protoforms develop quickly in this continuity??? Shockwave could have studied under Jhiaxus shortly after being forged.
But if he was born right after the first civil war (because again, I don't think he was around for it given how he talks) he would be around 4.5 million years older than Orion. I said 4.8 in the last post because Megatron is said to be somewhat older than Orion and that difference could be anything, but let's leave OP at 5.5 mill years old like Megatron to make things easier.
Th next part isn't as important, but Momus could only become a Senator after Overlord was born. This means that everything after Shadowplay must have happened after this, and think Momus had been a Senator for at least a cycle (probably more) before he died, so Overlord would have been born before the events of Chaos Theory.
Now Rodimus is also said to have been born 4.2 million years ago. And he was from the batch sparks that he protected alongside Orion and co while traveling through time, which the text says corresponds with Megatron's first kill. This puts a lot of stuff in the time range of 4.2~ millions of years ago (but to be fair 20% of 1 million is 200,000), including Shockwave and Orion's first meeting.
So, when the shockops first met, Orion was maximun 1.3 million years old and Shockwave was minimun 2.8 years old. But I believe Shockwave was older than that, tho no older than 5.8.
Does this make sense or did I mess up again?
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