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pureanonofficial · 2 years
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LES MIS LETTERS IN ADAPTATION - Madame Victurnien's Success, LM 1.5.9 (Shoujo Cosette)
The old woman who had given her lessons in what may be called the life of indigence, was a sainted spinster named Marguerite, who was pious with a true piety, poor and charitable towards the poor, and even towards the rich, knowing how to write just sufficiently to sign herself Marguerite, and believing in God, which is science.
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cliozaur · 7 months
Fantine's decline begins here, plunging into a realm of misery that, as Hugo asserted a few chapters earlier, supposedly did not exist in the town. It is profoundly distressing to witness the deterioration in the quality of her life and how she adapts to living without certain essentials.
The egregiously low wages for women's work are a glaring injustice. The system seems indifferent to the plight of women without fathers or husbands to provide for them, refusing to acknowledge the existence of female breadwinners.
I ponder: What might have happened if Cosette were with Fantine at this juncture? Considering her harrowing life with the Thénardiers, by Fantine's side, she would have been miserable but at least loved and not subjected to abuse.
Hugo now suggests that Fantine would have fared better if she had remained in Paris. Her life appears to be a series of unfortunate decisions, exacerbated by the oppressive norms and biases of bourgeois society.
Fortunately, Fantine finds support in her neighbour Marguerite, and the occasional solace of her beautiful hair brings a fleeting cheer. But not for long.
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dolphin1812 · 2 years
Hugo’s choice to describe both the woman who fires Fantine and the woman who teaches her how to live in poverty as “spinsters” indicates that there are parallels between them. The former is “full of the charity which consists in giving, but not having in the same degree that charity which consists in understanding and in forgiving”, while the latter, Marguerite, is “pious with a true piety, poor and charitable towards the poor, and even towards the rich.” I think what we’re once again seeing is the debate over the place/value of charity. The woman who fired Fantine is praised for her charity - that is likely what convinced Madeleine to hire her - but as her charity is limited by her idea of who is “deserving,” it can never truly have that great of an impact. In contrast, Marguerite is willing to help everyone. As we know from the latter half of this chapter, Fantine is scorned by the rest of the townspeople, so interacting with her could be risky. Marguerite, however, cares more that there’s someone in need, making her charity more impactful. At the same time, Marguerite is poor herself. While this may be exactly what gives her solidarity with Fantine, it seriously limits her ability to change her situation. It’s true that without her, Fantine wouldn’t have been able to survive after losing her job. But it’s also true that Fantine’s health is constantly deteriorating (her cough is getting worse) and that, even with all of the time she spends working, her payments to the Thénardiers have become irregular. Charity is wonderful, but only social change and a real support system could help Fantine.
This is less direcly related, but I’m fascinated by the number of women in this book who don’t have husbands, given the expectation for women to marry. Some of them, like Mme Victurnien, are widows, but many of them (Baptistine, the two “spinsters” in this chapter) simply never married. To some extent, it’s possible this is simply a realistic representation of France at the time. After years of war, it wouldn’t be surprising if many women lost their husbands either during the Revolution, one of the wars relating to it, or during Napoleon’s campaigns, for instance. These women would also be more directly vulnerable to poverty. We don’t know how much Fantine was paid while she worked at the factory, but afterward, she makes 12 sous a day, which is less than what Valjean made working on his way to Digne (and that’s even after he was paid half as much because he was a convict). Consequently, they’re less likely to be able to support themselves, as their salaries are very low and, if they don’t have a male relative to provide for them in the way that Baptistine does (and that Valjean’s sister did, although poverty still caught up to her), it’s very hard to live off of what they earn alone. Additionally, these women would be more likely to work for that same reason: they need the money if they don’t have a husband who can work. And on top of that, their behavior in relation to men is constantly scrutinized. Even their titles - Madame, Mademoiselle - automatically indicate to us if they have ever been married. Hugo himself pointed out the difference in status accorded to women based on marriage and motherhood while describing Baptistine, and that’s certainly at play here (although without one, the other isn’t given value; otherwise, Fantine would be much more respected as a mother). As an unmarried woman who hasn’t been in town long enough to establish “respectability” in the same way that, say, the woman running the factory, has, Fantine’s behavior in relation to men remains what is used to condemn her (the idea that she had a relationship with a man that left her with a child outside of marriage). For once, this horrible treatment of women is actually not on Hugo, but it’s very frustrating to read about.
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katenepveu · 2 years
I'm now ahead on Les Mis Letters, having decided to read all of Part One in one gulp based on what @fremedon says in this post (thematic/tone description of the rest of the book, no plot spoilers).
A few comments on 1.5 through today's email, not recapping or comprehensive, just things I noted:
Chapter 1.5.4, "Monsieur Madeleine in Mourning": I cannot begin to say how upsetting I found the long paragraph about the beauty of "being blind and being loved" (by a woman, specifically):
to know you are the center of every step she takes, of every word, of every song, to manifest your own gravitational pull every minute of the day, to feel yourself all the more powerful for your infirmity, to become in darkness, and through darkness, the star around which this angel revolves—few forms of bliss come anywhere near it!
Chapter 1.5.5, "Dim Flashes of Lightning on the Horizon":
What a heck of a character introduction:
The Asturian peasants are convinced that in every litter of wolves there is one pup who is killed by the mother because otherwise it would grow up to devour all the other pups.
Give that male wolf puppy a human face, and you’d have Javert.
(I strongly disapprove of Hugo's conflation of beauty with virtue, so this is not about the appearance but the analogy.)
Chapter 1.5.9, "Madame Victurnien's Success": Well. There's the interiority I was wondering if we'd get for Fantine. Shame it isn't under better circumstances.
Chapter 1.5.10, "Continued Success": Hugo loves irony with these chapter titles, huh? It really works.
Rose's translation of the last line here echoes the last line of book three. Compare:
... she had given herself to this Tholomyès as to a husband, and the poor girl had a child.
The poor girl made herself a whore.
It's very effective.
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riverinecomic · 3 months
1.5.9 Ignore
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bobcatmoran · 2 years
Chapter 1.5.9 of Les Mis, "Madame Victurnien's Success," is awful and everything hurts.
I'm so glad Fantine has Marguerite, someone to teach her the skills — and they are skills! — of living on next to nothing. (much, much, later on, Marius will also find him living on next to nothing, in a much more voluntary situation, and he…er…does not have these skills)
The horribleness is compounded by the fact that she's forking over a truly terrifying amount of what she earns to the Thenardiers, and if she went and fetched Cosette, they could live together and, without that drain on her finances, they could probably make it and be happy.
But she can't put up the capital to fetch Cosette, can't get enough saved to pay off her debts to the Thenardiers (ironically because she's paying the Thenardiers 5 out of every 6 sous she earns), and so she tells herself, Cosette is happier where she is. (she isn't though, and that makes it all the worse)
Arai is one of the very very few adaptations that includes Marguerite.
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During his adaptation of this chapter (pages 415–419 of the first English omnibus), we get to see their friendship, with Marguerite helping her cut as many corners as possible and Fantine telling Marguerite about her daughter.
We also get an idea of how much Fantine is paying the Thenardiers. When her landlord comes knocking, having heard that she was fired and wanting the rent right now, Fantine tells him about her new job sewing shirts. The landlord does the math and says aloud that if she's making 18 francs a month, she should still be able to afford rent and therefore is allowed to stay — if she keeps up with her payments. And then, in a conversation with Marguerite, it's brought up that 12 of those francs are going to the Thenardiers, leaving Fantine only 6 to live on.
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why-bless-your-heart · 8 months
The Salat Contact, if you're still doing WIP asks.
Of course!
So in this universe there was a solar system with three planets fairly close to each other that each had rational life-forms. This led to some pretty ugly growing pains. As a result their system developed a contract — basically a constitution — that provided a legal framework for their planets’ confederation. As other systems and civilizations expanded, many of them chose to become signatories of the contract as well, forming a loose cooperation.
The contract gets referred to fairly frequently, so I realized that I’d have to know what was actually in it. It’s just at the beginning of the second section so far:
The Salat Contract
Signatories of which are afforded all the rights and duties of creatures ensouled.
1. Of those who may sign the contract.
1.1. The need for the contract.
1.1.1. The unique position of the Salat system.
1.1.2. The griefs thereof.
1.1.3. The assembly’s determination to prevent such griefs from occuring again.
1.2. Those who wrote the contract.
1.2.1. Those things which must be taken for truth.
1.2.2. The reasoning from those things.
1.2.3. The conclusions reached.
1.3. The purposes of the contract.
1.3.1. To establish a common court whereby disputes may be resolved.
1.3.2. To provide for the treatment of ourselves and others.
1.4. Those who agreed to the contract.
1.5. Those who may also agree to the contract.
1.5.1. They must speak of things unseen.
1.5.2. They must make and keep vows.
1.5.3. They must teach their children.
1.5.4. They must vow to each other as parents potential.
1.5.5. They must tend to others.
1.5.6. They must have desires beyond the physical.
1.5.7. They must plan and execute.
1.5.8. They must make things which do not serve the physical.
1.5.9. They must make divisions of things.
1.5.10. They must judge of acts, to find some abhorrent and others praiseworthy.
1.5.11. They must act with an understanding of death and deference therof.
1.5.12. They must must do such things from their own volition.
1.6. Of the duties of those who have signed the contract.
1.6.1. They must recognize the other signatories.
1.6.2. They must yield to the common court.
2. Of the rights of those who have signed the contract.
2.1. They may make claim upon the other signatories.
2.2. They may appeal to the common court.
2.2.1. Of the common court.
2.2.2. The parts of Justice.
2.2.3. Mercy.
2.2.4. Retribution.
2.2.5. Truth.
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lesmisscraper · 2 years
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The Result of Spying on Others Too Much
Vol. 1. Book 5. Chapter 8 and 1.5.9.
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jelepermets · 2 years
In honor of finally catching up on six chapters of Les Mis, have a bunch of quotes about light and shadow (blorbo from my literary motifs)
"Below living on a little lies the art of living on nothing. They are two rooms' the first is dim, the second totally dark." (1.5.9)
"From her window Madame Victurnien sometimes saw her going by, noticed the distress of 'that creature,' [Fantine] 'thanks to me putting her in her place,' and congratulated herself. The malicious have a dark happiness. (1.5.9)
"The lower [Fantine] sank, the darker everything became around her, the more the sweet little angel [Cosette] shone out in her innermost heart." (1.5.10)
"He who knows that sees all darkness.
"He is alone. His name is God" (1.5.11) [I really love this quote as God is usually associated with light and goodness in the world, not the evil of it]
"She talked this way, bent double, shaken with sobs, blinded by tears, her chest bare, wringing her hands, coughing a dry, short cough, stammering quietly with agony in her voice. Great grief is a divine and terrible radiance that transfigures the wretched. At that instant Fantine had again become beautiful." (1.5.13)
"Meanwhile [Fantine] also was in the grips of a strange turnmoil [...] Before her eyes she had seen a struggle between two men who held in their hands her liberty, her life, her soul, her child; one of these men was drawing her to the side of darkness, the other was leading her toward the light." (1.5.13) [Paralleling Valjean's own struggle earlier with the complete collapse of his previous beliefs]
"From that moment M Madeleine [while praying] was transfigured in the eyes of Fantine; to her he seemed bathed in light." (1.6.1) [In parallel to when Valjean comes upon M Myriel while sleeping and he too radiates light]
You'll take this motif out of my cold, dead hands. Also good way to pack in a bunch of stuff since I don't want to flood the tags - though there's a few other things I want to go back to and point out. Especially about Javert since today's chapter basically was about him.
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techvandaag · 21 days
Roundcube Webmail 1.5.9 / 1.6.9
Versies 1.5.9 en 1.6.9 van Roundcube Webmail zijn uitgekomen. Roundcube Webmail heeft onder andere ondersteuning voor gedeelde mappen en namespaces, internationalized domain names en smtp-delivery status-notificaties. Daarnaast is de gebruikersinterface voor IMAP-mappen aangepast om zo meer ruimte te bieden voor extensies en plug-ins. De changelog voor deze uitgave kan hieronder worden gevonden: Updates 1.6.9 and 1.5.9 released http://dlvr.it/TCfXhM
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beyondxxxblr · 1 month
iDaft Jamming-Daft Punk Sounds - версия 1.5.9
iDaft Jamming-Daft Punk Sounds - замечательная игра в категории Музыкальные. Все представители данного жанра представляют ...
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prabhupadadasi · 5 months
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yathā — as much as; dharma-ādayaḥ — all four principles of religious behavior; ca — and;arthāḥ — purposes; muni-varya — by yourself, the great sage;anukīrtitāḥ — repeatedly described; na — not; tathā — in that way; vāsudevasya — of the Personality of Godhead Śrī Kṛṣṇa;mahimā — glories; hi — certainly;anuvarṇitaḥ — so constantly described.
Although, great sage, you have very broadly described the four principles beginning with religious performances, you have not described the glories of the Supreme Personality, Vāsudeva.
Śrimad-Bhāgavatam 1.5.9
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weacrack · 1 year
WordPress Print Posts & Pages (PDF) 1.5.9
https://weacrack.com/?p=39512 WordPress Print Posts & Pages (PDF) 1.5.9 - https://weacrack.com/?p=39512 -
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codehunter · 1 year
Can't install Django 2.0 by pip
I am building new Django app with a new version of Django.I found Django 2.0 is available (2.0.2) https://www.djangoproject.com/download/, and now trying to install it with pip.
pip install Django==2.0.2
But it's not working for me.
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement Django==2.0 (from versions: 1.1.3, 1.1.4, 1.2, 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.3, 1.2.4, 1.2.5, 1.2.6, 1.2.7, 1.3, 1.3.1, 1.3.2, 1.3.3, 1.3.4, 1.3.5, 1.3.6, 1.3.7, 1.4, 1.4.1, 1.4.2, 1.4.3, 1.4.4, 1.4.5, 1.4.6, 1.4.7, 1.4.8, 1.4.9, 1.4.10, 1.4.11, 1.4.12, 1.4.13, 1.4.14, 1.4.15, 1.4.16, 1.4.17, 1.4.18, 1.4.19, 1.4.20, 1.4.21, 1.4.22, 1.5, 1.5.1, 1.5.2, 1.5.3, 1.5.4, 1.5.5, 1.5.6, 1.5.7, 1.5.8, 1.5.9, 1.5.10, 1.5.11, 1.5.12, 1.6, 1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.6.3, 1.6.4, 1.6.5, 1.6.6, 1.6.7, 1.6.8, 1.6.9, 1.6.10, 1.6.11, 1.7, 1.7.1, 1.7.2, 1.7.3, 1.7.4, 1.7.5, 1.7.6, 1.7.7, 1.7.8, 1.7.9, 1.7.10, 1.7.11, 1.8a1, 1.8b1, 1.8b2, 1.8rc1, 1.8, 1.8.1, 1.8.2, 1.8.3, 1.8.4, 1.8.5, 1.8.6, 1.8.7, 1.8.8, 1.8.9, 1.8.10, 1.8.11, 1.8.12, 1.8.13, 1.8.14, 1.8.15, 1.8.16, 1.8.17, 1.8.18, 1.9a1, 1.9b1, 1.9rc1, 1.9rc2, 1.9, 1.9.1, 1.9.2, 1.9.3, 1.9.4, 1.9.5, 1.9.6, 1.9.7, 1.9.8, 1.9.9, 1.9.10, 1.9.11, 1.9.12, 1.9.13, 1.10a1, 1.10b1, 1.10rc1, 1.10, 1.10.1, 1.10.2, 1.10.3, 1.10.4, 1.10.5, 1.10.6, 1.10.7, 1.10.8, 1.11a1, 1.11b1, 1.11rc1, 1.11, 1.11.1, 1.11.2, 1.11.3, 1.11.4, 1.11.5, 1.11.6, 1.11.7, 1.11.8, 1.11.9, 1.11.10) No matching distribution found for Django==2.0
I am using python 2.7.14 and pip 9.0.1. What's wrong here?
0 notes
thesmollestnerd · 1 year
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Star Wars Clone OC || CT-1598 “Beacon” [She/Her]
Legion: 187th Attack (High General Mace Windu), “Misfit Company”  Rank: Sergeant Position: Heavy Trooper
“CT-1598″ created of the 1.5.9.A. This batch designed to be more physically suited towards the demands of heavy artillery. CT-1598 showed exemplary marksmanship, team-collaboration, even temperment, and leadership aptitudes during cadet training. Upon graduation and assignment to the 187th, she began publicly transitioning. This was a non-issue as bigoted views about gender did not make it into the Kaminoan education as there was too fucking much else to fit in the timeline. Jedi, similarly, don’t give a fuck and General Windu reminded everyone else that they’re in the middle of a goddamn war, now go flank with your sister. 
Able to live authenticly, she thrived, described as a friendly, welcoming to shineys, and warm, a ‘Beacon of Sunshine’ thus her name became Beacon. during the Battle of Dantooine she lost her left leg from the mid-thigh down due to injuries sustained by a seismic attack by the Separatist forces, it has since been replaced with a cybernetic leg that she’s painted to mimic the purple hurrikaine crystal of General Windu’s Lightsaber and has returned to the front lines.
Additional Notes:
Soft-Butch Transfem
Is very q u e e r™
Not a fembo, just strongk.
Eternally in the long hair vs short hair struggle with herself.
She has pursued some more aesthetic procedures such as full-body tattoos that give the illusion of a softer silhouette and makeup. The boys sometimes bring her cool makeup presents.
Always has hair-ties and snacks.
Club Mom™ and Mommy™ when they go out off shift. 
Tends to pull more ass than her brothers.
Is an A+ wing-woman tho.
Company’s dedicated New Shiney Specialist.
Will absolutely waste most of the company in arm wrestling.
Doesn’t mind being referred to in the plural of “Brothers/the Boys” but if referring to her specifically, her brothers use “Sister”.
Is the reason there’s a feral colony of Tooka cats in the hanger. You’re welcome Commander, you have pest-control for the low-low price of some kibble and old blankets.
Does not understand Jetti-stuff to save her life but thinks General Windu is a fantastic fighter and that’s what matters.
While she has completely socially transitioned as well as has her marker updated in her legal documentation, she does not wish to pursue medical transition until after the war as she would like to not add additional stress while serving.
ooc: I’ll probably add more to this later. I just love her. She’s the first of my Clone Trooper OCs
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