#1.8 garments
fruityfroggy · 6 months
Lesbians who dress like this need to HIT ME UP
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anonymocha · 6 months
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Alternative versions:
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Based on the movie poster of Solntse Svetit Vsem
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arcanistsanctum · 2 months
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Medicine Pocket's 1.8 Shop Garment: The Cosmos Photographer Will be available at the Garment Shop at 1.8 Patch Update.
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cachamcom · 6 months
hello tumblr dot com im here to scream abt the 1.8 medpoc garment preview i think i will pass out
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adndmonsteraday · 1 month
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Rakshasas (pronounced: /rɑːkˈʃɑːsɑːz/ rak-SHA-saz) were a dignified race of duplicitous outsiders that mostly dwelt on the Material Plane. They were reviled as devious sorcerers, political puppeteers and thought to be an embodiment of evil.
“I can see your nightmares and present them to your eyes. I can also show you your heart's deepest desires, or rip your throat out with my claws. And you think to toy with me?” — Ashatra, a rakshasa mage
The true form of a rakshasa was almost never seen due to their ability to assume almost any humanoid figure, but their lavish taste ensured they were almost always wearing the finest garments and most precious jewelry. Their true forms were most commonly humanoids with the heads of tigers and luxurious fur to match their attire, although it was not unusual for them to possess the heads and features of carnivorous apes, crocodiles or mantises, with high ranking rakshasas being rumored to have multiple heads. One rakshasa known to Inther Blackfeather of Luskan even possessed a scorpion-like tail.
The eyes of a rakshasa could range from gold and black slits for felines to protruding, multifaceted spheres for insects but always contained a fiendish glimmer of disturbing, infernal intellect. However, their most unnerving and unique feature was their reversed hands. The palms of a rakshasa faced out from the body when the arms were at rest and the finger joints bent backwards to grasp and manipulate objects.
Rakshasas stood 6‒7 ft (1.8‒2.1 m) tall, with those of lower rank being shorter. Their build was typical for a human of their size and they weighed between 250‒350 lb (110‒160 kg).
Personality Unsettling others with their eerily structured hands demonstrated a mere fraction of a rakshasa's true maliciousness, as their wickedness rivaled that of devils and their avarice surpassed them. Their animalistic appearance disguised a sophisticated personality with an unstoppable lust for influence and material wealth.
They combined the habits of a predatory aristocrat with those of an indolent cat, savoring the finest art, music, literature, clothing, weapons and armor while spending large amounts of time lazily resting in their comforts and prowling unseen. Powerful magic, lost spells, arcane tomes and secret lore, particularly those of the evil variety, were of special interest to the born sorcerers. Slaves were collected the same as any other form of art, and were expected to indulge every whim of their cruel master. This served to bolster the already overinflated ego of the rakshasa, a haughtiness they displayed to all who knew their true identity.
Rakshasas used their transformative abilities to appear as nobles, cardinals, merchant princes, crime lords and other beings rich in power. They used their natural charisma to form vast arrays of minions, lackeys, servitors and henchmen, and despite their pride were masters of deceit. Rakshasas disguised not only their forms, but their very involvement in events, pulling political strings, creating vast intrigues, and instigating government corruption to secure their safety. Their innate cleverness was enhanced by their supernatural abilities, and yet countered by their strange sense of honor, as like devils they would hold to the letter of an agreement while ignoring the spirit to double-cross their supposed allies.
Rather than steal from other powerful beings, rakshasas favored robbing the poor and needy, using their assumed authority to obtain riches and items from those that needed them most. Their ability to gain dominion and rise to power while causing others to fall was a source of pride and joy for them. They would plot the death of a mortal's family, take everything they had, and ruin their reputation through vicious slander, but nothing brought them more pleasure in this activity than turning a model citizen's society against them by exposing hidden truths.
Activities Upon reaching independence, rakshasa usually attempted to establish their own territories as far away from any other rakshasas as possible, utilizing their mastery of disguise to carefully investigate a region for years while staying insignificant. They instinctually sought out hideaways, safe houses and secret lairs from which to conduct their schemes and display their opulence, their lives often shifting between periods of hedonistic pleasure and unyielding discipline. Thieves' guilds, mercenary companies, business fronts or temples to neutral deities were suitable covers and if no such thing could be found, the rakshasa would be forced to create one itself.
At the same time, they searched for those of weak wills, dark secrets and crippling fears, collecting every possible detail about their hidden vices through their thought detection ability and pre-established connections. If bribery and temptation were not sufficient, they would use extortion and slander, threatening to ruin the target's life if they refused to comply. Spies and informants were monitored by more reliable and easily controlled servants and as their cruel criminal empires spread, subjects under their control, whether a victim of their greed or a knowing servitor, found the rakshasa's demands grow more unreasonable and time-consuming.
Most rakshasas that focused on self improvement, despite already being leagues beyond ordinary mortal casters, tried to improve their sorcerous abilities. If not personally studying magic or attempting to discover sources of arcane power, some sponsored adventuring parties under the guise of an interested individual or organization, sending such groups on quests to obscure locations or supposedly dangerous regions.
Rakshasas were naturally adept sorcerers, able to use a wide variety of enchantment and illusion spells to beguile their enemies and detect the thoughts of others at will. Most magic was of no use against rakshasas, as only some of the most powerful spells were able to affect them unless they allowed it. Only potent, enchanted weapons were capable of properly harming them, but piercing weapons that had been blessed, or potentially those wielded by good creatures, were particularly effective. Blessed crossbow bolts and arrows were said to instantly kill them, but it was said they had to be pierced through the heart with such weapons to truly slay them.
Rakshasas could shapeshift as long as they desired and their new forms could not be magically dispelled, although truesight could pierce their guise and they reverted to normal upon death. Their claws contained a magical curse that plagued the minds of those struck with nightmares and terrifying figments, preventing them from resting properly unless the curse was removed.
Society Rakshasa communities on the Outer Planes were protected by greater rakshasas or ruhks, a term meaning knight, skilled warriors of great speed and martial prowess. 15% of rakshasas were ruhks and 15% of the ruhks were rajahs, a term meaning lord, that led their clans. 5% of rajahs were maharajahs, a term meaning duke, that led several small interrelated clans or singular massive clans. Their island societies were composed of hundreds of members with the duke as the unquestionable leader, although dukes were known to serve under even more dangerous entities and clans would be run by a rajah in the absence of a maharajah. The rakshasas of Acheron were infamous beings that laired on hidden cubes veiled from prying eyes by powerful illusion magic. Each clan kidnapped petitioners and planewalkers to serve as slaves in their palaces in an attempt to impress the maharajah that ruled over every rakshasa on the plane.
Befitting beings of deception, early reports on rakshasa society contradicted later descriptions, although both were based on subservience and subjugation and it was possible some combination of the two was present. Earlier claims were that rakshasas belonged to a unshakable caste system and that individuals were incapable of rising through the ranks. Later descriptions portrayed it as a meritocracy based on guile and ruthless immorality, where rakshasas constantly waged conspiratorial wars against each other. Enslavement, rakshasa or not, was an indication of power and their political battles ended either in the death or domination of the loser. As rakshasas grew in reputation and prestige they would gain the noble titles of ruhk and rajah, reaching maharajah status after the successful conquest of all others rakshasas in the region.
Female rakshasas, rakshasi, raised children independent of males, teaching their children vital lessons about their society. Rakshasi were unyielding disciplinarians, but the rigorous and ruthless tests they employed were contrasted by their pampering praise. The reason for this was likely the patriarchal nature of rakshasa society, as females were meant only to be faithful, childbearing spouses that raised powerful offspring. The rakshasi population was somewhere between having just as large a population as males and having three times their numbers, and males could very well have harems. The nature of power was important in a rakshasa's education, as they learned that those in power could just as easily retract their gifts as they could bestow them. Mature rakshasas wasted no time establishing their criminal empires and may have already done so.
Religion The rakshasa served the lesser god Ravanna a ten-headed being that was the paragon of their tyrannical ideals of decadence, cunning and narcissism. Most clerics were chosen by Ravanna based on his needs and desires rather than them coming to serve him and it was practically suicidal by those who knew of him to ignore commands for such summons from his great priests.
He commanded his servitors to rule and expand from the shadows, giving his clergy the air of a secret criminal organization and was not adverse to choosing members of other races to be part of his priesthood. Befitting a being of such overwhelming egomania, prayers to Ravanna were longwinded and sycophantic while depreciating the value of the speaker. His devotees commonly carried personal shrines with which to make daily sacrifices of blood and coin with their natural armaments, made both artistic and ornate but easily concealable on short notice.
Within the Abyss, chaotic evil rakshasas were known to serve another lesser god, Kali. The demon lord Fraz-Urb'luu, Prince of Deception, also commanded a great number of chaotic evil rakshasas known as the Hollow Rajahs.
Source: https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Rakshasa
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arguablysustainable · 11 months
The Dangers of Sweatshops
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(Source: https://peppermintmag.com/sweatshop/)
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(Source: https://www.cnn.com/style/article/rana-plaza-garment-worker-rights-accord/index.html)
Through recent years, there has always been concerns with the fashion industry and their devastating consequences they leave on our environment. Whenever sustainability concerns arise regarding the harmful impacts of the fashion industry, many tend to turn a blind eye when it comes to the discussion of sweatshops. The problem today, is that many consumers have no clue where their SheIn top comes from or who even makes the clothes their clothes at the least. It is important for consumers to know how sweatshops are responsible for producing the majority of our clothes and understand the negative environment they have to endure in order for them to earn for a living. Before we learn how unethical sweatshops are, we must learn what they are and how they usually operate.
What are Sweatshops?
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(Source: https://medium.com/maverickyouth/inside-the-ugliness-of-the-fast-fashion-industry-ac40f6a24e01)
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(Source: https://www.businessinsider.com/how-nike-fixed-its-sweatshop-image-2015-6)
Sweatshops are often referred to as a crowded workplace where workers are met with low pay, socially unacceptable or illegal working conditions. The term originated in the late 19th century some employers would make sure that their workers "sweat" in order to meet the maximum amount of profits. Now you may wonder, "why do they exist?" From an economical standpoint, we have seen a price decline in apparel by 1.8% per year. Moreover, despite the negative impacts of sweatshops, they are an important step in economic development. This means that this is the only way for workers to alleviate themselves from poverty. Another reason being for the existence of sweatshops is because developing countries often experience suppression of unions by multinationals and government. Most Importantly, it should be remembered that these nations also have a desperate workforce. Factors such as pressure on retailers to increase profits, consumer demand for low priced apparel, and monitoring difficulty is what keeps a sweatshop up and going. Let's take a look as to how this structured industry affects garment workers.
1. Low Wage
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(Source: https://www.aier.org/article/do-employers-exploit-workers-with-low-wages/)
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(Source: https://www.wsj.com/articles/who-really-gets-the-minimum-wage-1404683348)
Often times, garment workers experience low wages with as little as $4 cents for producing $45 dollars worth of clothing. This is an issue in countries such as China since workers often work long hours with little pay. Sometimes they will even work overtime with no pay at all. The reason why garment workers experience low pay is due the retailer not paying enough to manufacture the clothing. If retailers demand manufacturers to accept cheap production costs, the factory owners will often have no choice but to accept that pay. Therefore, the owners decide to pay the workers a low wage.
2. Working With Harsh Chemicals
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(source: https://greenamerica.org/program/toxic-textiles)
When working with textiles, workers come across hazardous chemicals or material with little ventilation in the factory. When worker come in contact with these chemicals, they can pass through the skin and into the bloodstream. The reason for the existence of toxic chemicals in the workplace is due to the synthetic dyes and production of textiles. According to CBC, it was reported that high levels of lead, PFA's, and phthalates were found in children's, adults, and maternity clothes accessories from fast fashion giants such as SheIn, Ali Express, and Zaful. With that being said, it is important to know what is in your clothes and how they are made as not many consumers are aware of what kind of toxic chemicals can be in their fast fashion clothing.
3. Abuse
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(Source: https://www.greenamerica.org/world-hurt/8-things-you-didnt-know-were-made-sweatshop-labor)
According to Global Labor Justice, it was reported that women experienced gender-based violence across the supply chain of companies such as H&M and GAP. A garment worker who works in the supply chain for H&M recalled the time where she was pushed to the floor and kicked by her batch supervisor for not meeting the maximum goal. Back in 2018, members of the Karnataka Labor Union in India were also physically assaulted by management and called slurs for requesting demands related to wages and other working conditions. Unfortunately it is common for women to often experience retaliation for unionization and speaking out against workplace issues such as sexual harassment, wage, and other unjust conditions. This issue persists in South Asian countries such as Bangladesh, India, Jakarta, and so on.
Just Because Sweatshops Exists in Other Countries Doesn't mean they Don't exist in the U.S...
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(Source: https://www.dailynews.com/2023/03/28/some-southern-california-sweatshop-garment-workers-paid-as-little-as-1-58-an-hour-says-report/)
As we see how most fast fashion companies produce their clothing in developing countries, we must not forget that garment workers here in cities such as Los Angeles are also exploited for low wages. According to an investigation initiated by the U.S. Department of Labor, it was found that workers were paid as little as $1.58 an hour. Contractors and manufacturers included in this report are companies such as Dillards, Lululemon, Nordstrom, Neiman Marcus, and so on. Some factories are even found to falsify their records or not providing a salary for their workers. Since undocumented immigrants makeup the majority of workers, they cannot seek legal protection under the Fair Labor Standards Act and also fear being deported for speaking out.
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(Source: https://fashionista.com/2020/10/la-garment-workers-ethical-fashion-manufacturing-sweatshops)
The existence of sweatshops prove to be harmful in many ways. Unsafe working conditions for very low wages and very long hours shouldn't be the norm for garment workers. It is important that we must hold fast fashion companies accountable for mass producing clothing in countries that are known to violate human rights in garment factories. Next time when shopping for clothing, it is important to know how transparent companies are in regards to their supply chain so you as a consumer know who manufacturers your clothes.
Next week tune in to learn about natural dyes and how you can make your own DIY dyes using natural ingredients such as fruits, vegetables, and plants!
Written by Abigail Reyes
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mariacallous · 2 years
The latest TikTok trend might make your bank account happy.
Over the last month, beauty influencers ― a group that generally sings the praises of makeup and skin care brands ― have dabbled in deinfluencing. The trend involves TiKTokers urging followers to think twice about impulse-purchasing certain cult-favorite products.
Content creators are throwing everything under the bus, including untouchable, holy-grail products like Olaplex’s shampoos and conditioners and Too Faced’s Better Than Sex volumizing mascara. They’re also warning against spending money on majorly expensive products like Dyson’s $599.99 Airwrap hair styler.
“Here are all the things I will deinfluence you from buying as somebody that spends thousands of dollars on health, beauty, hair products, but loves to save a buck,” TikToker Alyssa Kromelis says in her deinfluencing video, which has racked up over 5.4 million views.
In the video, Kromelis suggests dupes for more expensive products she says are not worth the hype. For instance, she recommends buying Wet n Wild’s MegaGlo Makeup Stick ($4.99 at your local drugstore) instead of Charlotte Tilbury’s $42 Glowgasm Beauty Light Wand Highlighter. (“Horrible, I hate this, never use,” the influencer says of the product.)
Kromelis considers videos like hers “recession-core influencing.” When the price of eggs has increased by nearly 60% over the last 12 months, most of your followers aren’t looking to buy $30 lipgloss; the content you’re creating has to fit with the times, she said.
“As our economy in the U.S. has taken a turn for the worse, people have less and less disposable income to spend on their personal care,” she said. “So by offering more affordable options, or dupes, I’m allowing people to still feel like they’re still part of trends that are going on.”
The same day Kromelis’ video took off on TikTok, beauty content creator @katiehub.org went viral on the app for her brutally honest review of Dior makeup.
“Just because you put pretty packaging over garbage does not mean it’s still not garbage,” @katiehub.org says in her video, which brought in 1.8 million views.
In another deinfluencing video, beauty influencer Rachel Finley walks the aisles of Sephora, dragging beloved items that she says don’t actually work.
“It’s time to leave sunscreen powders in the past,” Finley says, holding up Supergoop’s mineral powder sunscreen as an example. “You’re getting less than 2% of the protection stated on the label. These are not effective sunscreens.”
Non-makeup content creators are getting involved, too. In one video, sustainable fashion influencer Hudi Charin (@thethriftythinker) takes Kim Kardashian’s Skims to task.
“I don’t know why anyone’s still buying from Skims when there are so many better, ethical and sustainable alternatives and they’re literally the same price point,” she says, recommending brands like The Girlfriend Collective and Gaia Garments instead.
“There are literally so many brands that need your support more than a billionaire who doesn’t pay her workers when they work overtime,” she remarks.
The “deinfluencing” trend coincides with MascaraGate ― a TikTok kerfuffle centered around Mikayla Nogueira, a makeup artist who was accused of wearing eyelash extensions in a video touting a L’Oréal brand mascara.
MascaraGate led to a conversation about influencer culture and the glut of fawning, too-good-to-be-true product reviews on TikTok. Critics say content creators will happily put up a dishonest positive product review as long as they’re rewarded with brand deals, sponsorship and a steady stream of freebies.
Given the backlash to influencer culture, marketing professor Americus Reed II isn’t surprised by the deinfluencer trend.
“What we often see in marketing, which is deeply integrated with pop culture, is a constant pendulum of trend and counter trend; an ebb and flow such that when one consumer sentiment goes extreme, there’s a natural course correction to move the other way and towards the ‘middle,’” the Wharton School professor told HuffPost.
The deinfluencer movement is influencer culture self-regulating and course-correcting after years of being clocked as super-curated and lacking in authenticity.
“It’s like the TikTok version of when Dove’s ‘Real Beauty’ campaign dropped [in the early 2000s],” Reed said.
Isn’t deinfluencing a little hypocritical, coming from influencers?
Influencers admit that the concept of deinfluencing is kind of ironic: At its heart, “buy this, don’t buy that” is still influencing and driving consumerism.
Plus, telling someone something is “the worst” isn’t going to be true for everyone, as Kromelis noted.
“I do think the deinfluencing trend is less about how ‘bad’ or ‘good’ a product is, and more about convincing people that not everything is worth the crazy hype,” she said.
Anything that helps people monitor their conspicuous consumption can’t be that bad, said Karen Wu, a beauty content creator who goes by @cakedbybabyk on TikTok.
“We’re constantly fed the rhetoric that everyone needs every single viral product, and audiences are growing tired,” she told HuffPost. “I’ve made several videos on my channel talking about a range of products that I hate, as well as viral products that I won’t even try.”
Wu spends a few hundred dollars a month on makeup and skin care, while the other products she reviews are sent from brands.
“I know that talking about consumerism is ironic coming from a beauty content creator, but I believe there’s a delicate balance that can be struck if done correctly,” she said.
Do influencers like Wu worry that brands might be less inclined to reach out with partnerships and freebies if they’re hypercritical of them?
“I actually think the opposite, to be completely honest,” she said. “There are many brands that value authenticity, and if they don’t, then it’s not a brand that I’d want to work with anyway.”
Madison Potter, an influencer and brand strategist, said smart brands will look at deinfluencing as an opportunity for consumer research, something they’d usually spend thousands of dollars on.
“As a strategist, this information is a goldmine,” she told HuffPost. “Deinfluencing is unique in the way that creators are directly telling brands there’s a lack of trust. It’s a chance for brands to listen to consumers and adjust their marketing efforts.”
Some PR specialists and brand strategists are a little more skeptical.
Alex Paquin, the founder of the ad agency Zerotrillion, told Insider.com that brands may be more cautious about vetting influencers they reach out to.
“Brands have to ask themselves, ‘What is this influencer’s propensity to turn on us in the event that their followers don’t like the content they make for us?’” Paquin told the site. “Influencers need to be careful not to be too quick to use this trend as an ‘oopsie button’ for partnerships they’re mildly self-conscious about.”
Ideally, deinfluencing leads to people getting more educated about influencer culture.
For some content creators, this moment is more about education than about what not to buy or what dupes to swap in.
Monica Ravichandran, a product manager and beauty content creator, wants her followers to give some thought to who they let influence them on TikTok and question whether a cult-beloved product is really worth their hard-earned coin.
In her deinfluencing video, she suggests people ask questions of themselves like: Do I really need to buy this hot new viral foundation when I already own one that works just fine for me? And does this influencer have the same skin type or tone as me? (As a person of color, Ravichandran said she was swayed to buy the wrong products while following mostly white content creators early on her in makeup journey.)
Ravichandran, who gets some freebies but spends about $500 a month on beauty products, also talks about the need for “influencer integrity.”
“To me, influencer integrity means a creator who has built trust and honesty with their community by building a brand based off of authenticity,” Ravichandran told HuffPost.
Not everything is “amazing” or “awful.” It’s usually more nuanced than that ― experiences with any one product will vary.
“I actually don’t believe in a ‘bad product’ and really just believe that the product wasn’t a right one for either your skin tone or our skin type,” Ravichandran said. “That’s why when I review products I don’t like I always mention who that product might work for instead.”
Jessica Clifton, a sustainability content creator who runs the TikTok account @impaectforgood_ , doesn’t necessarily think the trend will result in a massive sea change on the app: “TikTok culture loves product videos too much.”
Still, as someone who has been speaking about the ills of overconsumption culture for years, she said it’s exciting to thousands of people engage with deinfluencing. In the words of overgenerous TikTok reviews, it truly is “amazing” if people are inspired to buy less, Clifton said.
“Embracing simplicity and learning to be content with less is so much better for our mental health, wallets, and the environment.”
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maahichoudhary2208 · 1 month
Zig Zag Block Printed Soft Cotton Sexy Swimwear Sarong
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Sarongs, originating from Southeast Asia, are versatile garments loved worldwide for their practicality and cultural flair. Made from lightweight fabrics like pure cotton, they're worn as sarong wrap skirts, sarong dresses, or sarong wraps. With various colors and patterns, they reflect diverse traditions and personal styles. Ideal for beach trips or casual wear, cotton sarongs offer both comfort and elegance, embodying a simple yet vibrant fashion statement.
Here are its key features:
Size- 1.8 Meter”
Material- 100% Cotton
Product includes- 1 Sarongs
For More Info - Women's Sarongs
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tmr-blogs2 · 2 months
Future Trends and Growth Projections in the Textile Waterproofing Agents Market
The global high-speed rail coating market, valued at USD 900 million in 2023, is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.2% from 2024 to 2034. By the end of this forecast period, the market is expected to reach USD 1.8 billion.
The surge in need for environmentally-friendly water repellency is boosting the textile waterproofing agents market revenue. Eco-friendly perfluorinated compound-free water repellents are in high demand in the textiles sector due to rise in the number of environmentally conscious consumers. This trend is leading to the high adoption of C0 textile hydrophobic treatments.
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Market Segmentation
By Service Type
Durable Water Repellent (DWR) Coatings: These agents are commonly used for outdoor clothing and gear, providing long-lasting water repellency.
Polyurethane (PU) Coatings: Widely used for both apparel and industrial applications, offering flexibility and durability.
Fluoropolymer Coatings: Known for their superior water repellency and stain resistance, often used in high-performance outdoor wear.
By Sourcing Type
Natural Waterproofing Agents: Derived from natural sources, these are gaining popularity due to the rising demand for sustainable and eco-friendly products.
Synthetic Waterproofing Agents: These include chemically synthesized agents, which are more widely used due to their efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
By Application
Clothing and Apparel: The largest segment, driven by the increasing consumer preference for waterproof and breathable garments.
Industrial Textiles: Used in applications such as protective clothing, tents, and awnings.
Home Textiles: Includes waterproof treatments for items like upholstery and curtains.
By Industry Vertical
Fashion and Apparel: The leading vertical, driven by consumer trends and innovations in textile manufacturing.
Outdoor and Sports Gear: Significant growth due to the rising popularity of outdoor activities and sports.
Industrial and Institutional: Includes applications in protective gear and institutional textiles such as hospital fabrics.
By Region
North America: A mature market with steady growth, driven by high consumer spending and advanced textile technologies.
Europe: Strong demand for high-performance waterproof textiles, particularly in outdoor and fashion sectors.
Asia-Pacific: The fastest-growing region, with significant contributions from emerging economies like China and India.
Latin America: Moderate growth, driven by the expanding textile industry.
Middle East and Africa: Emerging markets with potential for growth, particularly in industrial applications.
Regional Analysis
North America: Dominated by the U.S., this region benefits from a well-established textile industry and high consumer demand for performance apparel.
Europe: Countries like Germany, the UK, and France are key markets, with a strong focus on sustainability and eco-friendly products.
Asia-Pacific: China and India are major contributors to the market's growth, driven by their large manufacturing bases and increasing domestic demand.
Latin America: Brazil and Mexico lead in this region, with growth supported by expanding industrial applications.
Middle East and Africa: Emerging markets with growing interest in advanced textile applications and technologies.
Market Drivers and Challenges
Rising Demand for Performance Apparel: Increasing consumer preference for outdoor activities and sports boosts demand for waterproof textiles.
Technological Advancements: Innovations in textile treatments and coatings enhance product performance and expand application areas.
Sustainability Trends: Growing awareness and demand for eco-friendly and sustainable waterproofing agents drive market growth.
Environmental Concerns: The use of synthetic waterproofing agents poses environmental challenges, pushing manufacturers towards sustainable alternatives.
Regulatory Hurdles: Stringent regulations regarding chemical treatments in textiles may impact market dynamics.
High Costs: Advanced waterproofing treatments can be expensive, potentially limiting their adoption in price-sensitive markets.
Market Trends
Eco-friendly Waterproofing Agents: Increasing focus on sustainable products, with innovations in natural and bio-based waterproofing agents.
Smart Textiles: Integration of waterproofing with other functionalities, such as breathability and thermoregulation, in smart textiles.
Technological Integration: Use of nanotechnology and advanced materials to enhance the efficiency and durability of waterproofing treatments.
Future Outlook
The textile waterproofing agents market is expected to continue its upward trajectory, driven by technological advancements, increasing consumer demand for high-performance textiles, and a growing focus on sustainability. The development of innovative, eco-friendly waterproofing solutions will be key to capturing market share and meeting evolving consumer preferences.
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Key Market Study Points
Analysis of market size and growth projections.
Examination of market segmentation by service type, sourcing type, application, industry vertical, and region.
Evaluation of market drivers, challenges, and trends.
Regional analysis to identify key markets and growth opportunities.
Insights into the competitive landscape and recent developments.
Competitive Landscape
The market is characterized by the presence of several key players, including:
3M Company
The Dow Chemical Company
Huntsman Corporation
Wacker Chemie AG
Chemours Company
These companies are focusing on research and development, strategic partnerships, and mergers and acquisitions to strengthen their market position and expand their product offerings.
Recent Developments
Innovation in Sustainable Waterproofing: Leading companies are investing in the development of eco-friendly waterproofing agents to meet regulatory requirements and consumer demand.
Expansion in Emerging Markets: Companies are expanding their presence in emerging markets, particularly in Asia-Pacific and Latin America, to capitalize on growing demand.
About Transparency Market Research
Transparency Market Research, a global market research company registered at Wilmington, Delaware, United States, provides custom research and consulting services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insights for thousands of decision-makers. Our experienced team of Analysts, Researchers, and Consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools & techniques to gather and analyses information.
Our data repository is continuously updated and revised by a team of research experts, so that it always reflects the latest trends and information. With a broad research and analysis capability, Transparency Market Research employs rigorous primary and secondary research techniques in developing distinctive data sets and research material for business reports.
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digitaltariq · 6 months
Nike (NKE) earnings Q3 2024
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Nike's China gross sales continued to gradual throughout its vacation quarter, however the retailer beat estimates on the highest and backside line, helped by higher than anticipated progress in North America and worth adjustments. Here is how the corporate carried out in its fiscal 2024 third quarter in contrast with what Wall Road was anticipating, based mostly on a survey of analysts by LSEG, previously often called Refinitiv: - Earnings per share: 77 cents vs. 74 cents anticipated - Income: $12.43 billion vs. $12.28 billion anticipated The corporate's reported internet earnings for the three-month interval that ended Feb. 29 was $1.17 billion, or 77 cents per share, in contrast with $1.24 billion, or 79 cents per share, a 12 months earlier. Excluding 21 cents per share associated to restructuring expenses, earnings per share would have been 98 cents, the corporate mentioned. Gross sales rose to $12.43 billion, up barely from $12.39 billion a 12 months earlier. In North America, the place demand has been unsteady, gross sales rose about 3% to $5.07 billion, in contrast with estimates of $4.75 billion, in accordance with StreetAccount. In the meantime, gross sales in the remainder of Nike's areas got here in under estimates. In China, gross sales reached $2.08 billion, slightly below the $2.09 billion analysts had anticipated. Revenues within the area climbed 5%, however progress there has decelerated as demand normalizes after Covid-19 lockdowns. In Europe, the Center East and Africa, income fell 3% to $3.14 billion, worse than the $3.17 billion that analysts had anticipated, in accordance with StreetAccount. In China, gross sales grew 5% to $2.08 billion, slightly below the $2.09 billion analysts had anticipated. Gross sales in Asia Pacific and Latin America rose 3% to $1.65 billion, under the $1.69 billion analysts had anticipated, in accordance with StreetAccount. Nike shares rose about 5% after its report got here out, however later dropped by as a lot as 7% after it launched its steering for the present quarter and monetary 2025. Excluding restructuring expenses, the corporate reiterated its gross sales outlook for fiscal 2024, and mentioned it expects income to develop by 1%, consistent with expectations of up 1.1%, in accordance with LSEG. For the present quarter, it expects income to be up barely, in comparison with estimates of up 2%, in accordance with LSEG. Nike anticipates gross margins will develop 1.6 to 1.8 share factors, helped by "strategic worth will increase, decrease ocean freight charges, decrease product enter prices and improved provide chain effectivity," finance chief Matthew Pal informed analysts. The enhancements are offset by greater markdowns and decreased advantages from Nike's channel combine, together with overseas trade headwinds, Pal mentioned. These shifts in combine are associated to adjustments in how usually shoppers are procuring on-line versus in shops or with Nike's wholesale companions. For the complete 12 months, it expects gross margins to develop about 1.2 share factors, under the 1.4 to 1.6 share level uptick that analysts had anticipated, in accordance with StreetAccount. For fiscal 2025, Nike expects income and earnings to develop versus the prior 12 months, however it did not say by how a lot. Analysts had anticipated income steering of up 5.6%, in accordance with LSEG. Pal mentioned Nike is "prudently planning" for income within the first half of fiscal 2025 to be down low single digits, reflecting "a subdued macro outlook world wide." As shoppers pull again on spending on discretionary gadgets like garments and sneakers, Nike has spent the previous few months targeted on what it may possibly management: reducing prices and changing into extra environment friendly so it may possibly drive earnings and defend its margins. In December, it introduced a broad restructuring plan to scale back prices by about $2 billion over the subsequent three years. It additionally lower its gross sales steering because it warned of softer demand within the quarters forward. Two months later, it mentioned it was shedding 2% of its workforce, or greater than 1,500 jobs, so it might put money into its progress areas, akin to working, the ladies's class and the Jordan model. The early innings of Nike's value cuts, which contain simplifying its assortment, decreasing administration layers and rising automation, seemingly helped the retailer beat earnings expectations within the three months ended Nov. 30, even because it missed gross sales estimates for the second quarter in a row. The cuts, together with "strategic pricing actions and decrease ocean freight charges," additionally contributed to a 1.7 share level acquire in gross margin — the primary time the corporate noticed its gross margin improve in comparison with the prior 12 months in a minimum of six quarters. Nike's gross margin restoration continued throughout the quarter. The retailer's gross margin grew by 1.5 share factors to 44.8%, pushed by "strategic pricing actions and decrease ocean freight and logistics prices." The positive aspects have been partially offset by greater product enter prices and restructuring expenses, firm mentioned. Nike remains to be thought of a market chief within the sneaker and attire house, however the class has develop into extra crowded and the retailer has needed to work more durable to compete. Some analysts say its assortment has misplaced focus and say the corporate has fallen behind on innovation, giving up market share to newer entrants like Hoka and On Operating, in addition to legacy manufacturers like Brooks Operating and New Steadiness. Final month, Nike launched the E-book 1, its newest basketball sneakers with NBA star Devin Booker. However the launch wasn't properly acquired as a result of it "regarded extra like an informal sneaker as a substitute of basketball shoe," in accordance with a analysis word from Jane Hali & Associates. The agency is now impartial on Nike long run, in comparison with its earlier score of constructive, as a result of it is unclear the place the model is headed, mentioned senior analyst Jessica Ramirez. She's seen that Nike has eliminated a number of merchandise from its providing, which signifies it is making ready to herald new kinds. However it's nonetheless unclear precisely what these adjustments will appear like. "They've already mentioned going to take a while," Ramirez informed CNBC previous to Nike's earnings launch. "Its slightly regarding to know they do not have a strong plan that we all know of but." Learn the complete earnings launch here. Read the full article
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fruityfroggy · 6 months
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Original video here
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anonymocha · 6 months
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ἀστὴρ οἶμαι σύ τις ἑσπέριος, ἀστέρων πάντων ὀ κάλλιστος . . .
You are, I think, an evening star, the fairest of all the stars.
— Sappho
💥💥💥 Hello KaalaaPocket nation (only me I think). Here are some extra stuff!!!
The pose is based on René Gruau’s Le tango (1990). + Untextured version!!!
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The lyrics are from Falling Starlight and Moonlight, it's from the Metallic Rouge anime OST!!!
That song got me thinking of Kaalaa Baunaa and only Kaalaa Baunaa………. I kept listening to that and some lounge-y Utena OST while drawing this <3
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arcanistsanctum · 2 months
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Baby Blue's 1.8 Collector's Edition Garment: On The Sparrow Hills Will be available at Roar Jukebox during 1.8 Patch Update
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aestivaclinic · 8 months
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Loose and saggy breasts are a common problem faced by many women, especially after childbirth. Fortunately, with the help of breast augmentation surgery, one can restore youthful breast curves and achieve fuller breasts. The breast augmentation cost in Delhi at Aestiva Clinic ranges between Rs. 1 lakhs to Rs. 1.8 lakhs, which varies from patient to patient and depends on a range of factors. These include the surgeon’s experience, post-surgical garments, type of procedure performed, medications, diagnostic tests, and many more. To learn more about breast augmentation surgery, get in touch with the top plastic surgeon, Dr. Mrinalini Sharma, and the founder of Aestiva Clinic today.
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ss-hikaru · 1 year
Style Arc - Sable Boyfriend Cardigan
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So this project started with me ironing paper. The applique pressing sheet I bought earlier in the year sure is handy. Then I tried to be sustainable and printed the print-at-home pattern on some scrap paper, but my printer didn't like feeding through some of the pages that were formerly stapled, so I had to get a bit creative when putting it all together. Should be fine right, not like it's a close fitting garment 😋
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After putting it all together...damn am I like super short or something? The promotional image shows the cardigan going not quite mid thigh, but this looked it it would go past my knee 🤨 I guess since all the sizes are the same length they are trying to make sure it suits very tall people too? But would be nice if they included a 'lengthen/shorten here' guide like I commonly see on commercial patterns. I ended up reducing it by 10 cm for the prototype. Btw, my first time seeing the term 'cut 1 pair main' instead of 'cut 2'.
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It turns out the fabric I was planning to use for prototyping was only 1 m, so I ended up using a knit I bought from Homecraft Textiles for a blouse, except when I received it, I decided it was too weighty. But would work as a light cardigan. It was probably an odd width...the pattern specified 1.8 m of 148 cm for size 8 but I only barely managed to cut all the pieces (actually had to split the neckband into 4 pieces...the pattern helps disguise this though). Btw, I hadn't come across this method for constructing pockets before, it works quite well. The extra reinforcing makes sense too! nevermind that I was too lazy to actually implement that part...
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I was pretty happy how it turned out! except for the part where I accidentally pushed a shoulder seam forward instead of back and realised too late Only thing is....damn it is huge 😂 'relaxed fit'...to the extreme. I read reviews for this pattern saying to drop 2 sizes so I dropped 1 but I seriously think I need to drop 3...
Overall though, this was a nice relaxing project for a weekend. I started Friday night and finished it before the sun started to set on Sunday, and I only really worked on it for 2-3 hours each day. It would have been faster if I actually read the damn instructions properly. Seriously, there was like barely any instructions and I still managed to miss parts LOL. I mean, look at this:
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In conclusion, I'm gonna keep this and see if I actually ever end up wearing it. But at least now I will have a size 4 pattern ready and tested for when my actual fabric arrives 😊
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askthebests · 1 year
Top 3 Best Standing Steam Iron in India
The standing steam iron in India is growing in popularity. This is mainly due to the ease of use and accessibility it offers for quick ironing needs. But with the market brimming with choices, it is only obvious that we can get confused. So, what do we do? Well, here are some recommendations for being able to purchase the perfect steam iron: 
1. Goodscity Garment Steamer
This garment steamer is the perfect tool for all your streaming needs. It has a powerful 2000-watt all-aluminum heating element that heats up quickly and evenly to give you full steam in just 45 seconds. It also features an adjustable pole that allows you to operate the garment steamer from anywhere in your home. The soft-grip handle and insulated steam hose make it easy to maneuver around your fabric to get into those hard-to-reach areas and get them perfectly pressed every time. The side drain design also makes it super easy to clean out any residue from previous uses.
2. Usha Techne Direct 1000 Steamer
The Usha Techne Direct 1000 Garment Steamer is a powerful garment steamer that can help you get your clothes ready for the day within minutes! This is a vertical steaming system that releases steam with a powerful 920 W output and delivers up to 21 g/min. It is great for quick touch-ups just before you need to rush out. The 1.8 m long 360-degree swivel cord offers you flexibility while you steam. Also, the detachable fabric brush with lint removal features allows you to make sure your clothes are as clean to the best. This garment steamer also consists of an overheating shutoff thermostat for better safety. Other features include a power indicator light, a 200 mL water tank capacity, and a 2-year warranty on the product.
3. Philips Handheld Garment Steamer
This Steamer is perfect for anyone who wants to keep their wardrobe looking ‘new’ and wrinkle-free. The operating voltage is 1 220 - 240 volts and is ready to operate instantly. It can be used vertically or horizontally to refresh the previously-ironed clothes from the closet. The unique SmartFlow heated plate ensures you get better results by de-wrinkling clothes faster and more efficiently than other garment steamers. 
So, there you have it people, these are some of the best-standing steam iron in India, that have been designed to ensure you great results. 
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