#10 hours of being locked in that old building
barefoot-joker · 8 months
Against Heaven and Hell~Yandere!Adam X Reader X Yandere!Lucifer
Hello, everybody! Welcome back to my Hazbin Hotel hyperfixation! Today I bring you a Yandere! Adam vs Yandere! Lucifer story. I think this one turned out alright but let me know what you think. As always, enjoy and have a great day/night!
Words: 1972
Warnings: Swearing, Adam being Adam, Car Crash, Contract Signing, Kidnapping
I bit my lip as I looked at myself in the full length mirror. The girls and I were going out tonight and I wanted to look my best. It had been a few months since we’d seen each other after all. I smoothed out my black and red plaid pants and fluffed my black dress shirt. Deciding I was presentable enough I walked to my kitchen. I grabbed my keys off the counter, put on my black bomber jacket and black boots, and walked out my apartment door. I locked the door behind me and continued my way to the elevator. Hitting the button for the first floor, I found myself tapping my foot as I waited.
The doors opened and I walked out. I headed to the parking garage to the left of my apartment building and walked up the few flights of stairs to my car. Since I was the designated driver I made sure a few days before my vehicle was nice and tidy. I put on some tunes as I drove down several blocks before arriving near the center of the city. I parked on a side street and pulled out my phone, texting Ashley that I was ready for them. I scrolled through social media for a few minutes when there was a tap on my window. I looked up and saw Ashley, Shiloh and Tiffany standing there. I unlocked the doors and they all got in. “Hey, girl! Long time no see!” Ashley, sitting in the passenger seat, gave me a tight hug.
“It’s nice to see all of you too. Gosh, it feels like it’s been forever.”
“It really has. But no time is like the present as they say!” Tiffany piped up from the back seat. 
We all nodded in agreement. “So, where should we go?”
“How about Tito’s? I heard they have a $3 special going on tonight.” Shiloh said.
“Tito’s it is then.”
With that I started the car and drove further into the city. We arrived at Tito’s around 7 pm and after parking the car, walked inside. The bar was quite busy that night with many couples sharing tables and others taking to the dance floor as a live band played. The four of us took to a booth across from the bar and ordered our drinks. The girls had gotten some classics like a gin and tonic, old fashioned and Manhattan while I just had my favorite soda. I was the designated driver after all. We sat and chatted for hours, and it soon was 10 pm and my friends were wasted. I struggled to carry all of them to the car as they giggled drunkenly, grasping onto me tightly. “Oh my god, Y/n! You’re so cute, you know that?” Shiloh said, giggling slightly.
“Yeah, yeah.”
I had to lean Tiffany and Shiloh against the back door as I struggled to put Ashley in. “Stop, Y/n! That tickles! Stop!”
I grunted as I managed to get her in with her seat belt on. Quickly I rounded to the back of the car and started to get Shiloh in. Tiffany slid to the ground and started to laugh uncontrollably. This was going to be a rough night.
It took about 15 minutes but I had finally gotten everybody in the car. I drove everybody back to Ashley’s apartment and started to unload them into the hallway. “Y/n, please stay. We can like have a big sleepover!” Ashley slurred.
“Sorry, honey. I’ve got work in the morning. But I’m sure Tiffany and Shiloh wouldn’t mind your company.”
I leaned down to the “Welcome” mat by Ashley’s door and grabbed the spare key. Unlocking the door, I dragged in all three girls. I placed Ashley on her armchair and Shiloh and Tiffany on the couch. Once I made sure they were all cozy, I snuck out before they could grab onto me. I made sure to replace the key under the mat before I walked back to my car. 
The drive home was a bit chaotic. There were lots of people on the streets wandering around due to it being a Friday night and night life was hopping. I was placed out of my thoughts as my light turned green. I was in the middle of the intersection when suddenly my car was struck on the side by a much larger vehicle. I tried to regain control of the wheel as my stomach clenched, however, the car began to flip. I couldn’t even get a scream out as another car came and smashed into the front of mine. I could feel the car being slid across the road before slamming into a building. My head flew forwards and smacked into the wheel before flying back. My vision was doubling as I heard faint screams from the street. Just as my eyes began to close, I could have sworn I saw golden wings descending from the sky.
Before I even opened my eyes, I could feel warmth around me. It didn’t feel like a blanket or anything more like the Sun beaming down upon me. I slowly opened my eyes only to be blinded by bright light. Everything seemed to be overly saturated as I looked around and the gentle humming of violins filled the air. I sat up with a groan and held my head, a slight dull pain hitting it. What happened?
Suddenly, a set of double white doors flew open and revealed a tall, large man in a white, gold and purple robe, a demon looking mask on his face with black horns scraping behind his head. Beside him a smaller female with a black and white devilish mask, gray dress and white and black wings stood. “Ah good, you’re finally awake, babe.”
“Who are you?”
“Adam, first man. Autographs are extra, sweetheart. And this is Lute, my assistant.”
I just stared at him. What in the world? “Um, I hate to ask, but where am I?”
“You’re in Heaven, toots!”
“H-Heaven? You mean like Heaven and Hell Heaven?”
Adam’s yellow eyes rolled. “Duh! What other Heaven do you know of?”
My hands touched my chest and then my face. If I’m here does that mean-
“You’re not dead if that’s what you’re thinking.”
“Then how’d I get here? I thought only dead people saw the Pearly Gates?”
Adam’s smile grew wide and the sight of fangs alarmed me. “I may have pulled a few strings to get you here. Please hold the applause. You can thank me later.”
“Um, okay.”
“I’ll give you a few minutes to collect yourself, but don’t keep me waiting for too long.”
He snapped his fingers and the two left. When the doors closed, I took a few moments to breathe. What exactly happened? All I could remember was driving back home from Ashley’s apartment, getting into a huge car crash and golden wings descending from the sky. Could that have been Adam? But then did he know I was going to get into a wreck? Could angels predict that sort of stuff? 
I shook my head and stood up from the bed I was on. Looking down I was in a light blue medical gown and my feet were bare. Was I in a hospital back on Earth? “You almost ready in there, babe? It’s been a while.”
“Not without me I hope.”
I stopped before the door. Did he say what I think he said? Whatever.
I opened it and stepped out. “Finally. Now come on, toots. Let the first man show you around!”
Before I could say anything, he slung a tight arm around my shoulders, and we walked off. 
Heaven wasn’t quite what I expected. It was almost like the city I lived in just without what would be considered sin. Every angel smiled and waved as the three of us walked by and it was almost sickening how happy everybody was. “So how do you like Heaven, babe? Does it surpass your expectations?”
“I guess. I wasn’t really expecting to be here. How did I get here again?”
“That doesn’t matter. The important thing is that we’re together! Especially now that you’ve got a real man in your life!”
“Sir, you said you’d hold off on that information.”
“Oh what’s the big deal, Lute? Toots will be stuck here anyway.”
I stopped walking and the two turned to look at me. “Stuck here? What are you talking about? You said I wasn’t dead.”
“Not yet. But as soon as my favor goes through then you’re all mine, sweetheart.”
“F-favor? Are you going to kill me?!”
“Eh, sacrifices need to be made. But I can assure you my dick is good.” He winked.
“Get away from me!”
I bolted as fast as I could. “Lute, grab her!”
I could hear the flapping of wings as I continued to run. Just as I was rounding a corner, I could feel myself falling. It wasn’t fast but more like floating back to Earth. The light around me dissipated into a grayness and I felt myself land softly.
My eyes flickered open and it took me a few minutes to realize I was in a hospital room. I sat up quickly and looked around frantically. I couldn’t see any angels around, so I leaned back in bed. A knock sounded at the wooden door and in walked a short man with blonde hair. He had on a white dress shirt and red tie, white pants and black boots. He stopped by the side of my bed and a pleased smile graced his lips. “Thank goodness you’re alright. I thought you’d never wake up. You were in a coma for a few days.”
“You are?”
“Oh, forgive me, where are my manners? Dr Morningstar at your service. You were in quite the accident, little lady.” 
“What happened?”
“From what we were told it was quite the fatal car crash. I’m not sure how it happened, but it seems like Heaven willed it to occur.”
He grit his teeth when he mentioned the glorious upstairs. Odd.
He went back to smiling at me and I couldn’t tell if it was the lighting, but his eyes appeared red. “The most important thing is we get you better. I’m sure your husband is worried about you.”
“Oh, I’m not married.”
“I see.”
His gaze dropped to my hand and I became uncomfortable with how long it lingered there. “Well, I’d better let you rest. I’ll be back later to check up on you.”
He bowed and exited the room, closing the door behind him. What is with today?
Over the next few weeks Dr Morningstar helped me recover. My friends came and visited a couple of times which was nice. I was told I could go home at any time soon. It was late one night when Dr Morningstar came into my room. “Alrighty then Y/n, I have your discharge papers right here.”
He handed me a stack of paperwork. “I just need you to sign the bottom.”
“Of course.”
I did as he said when suddenly the lights started to flicker. The room slightly shook as Dr Morningstar suddenly summoned a cane with an apple on top. “W-what’s going on?”
“You my dear, just signed your soul to me.”
“I didn’t want to trick you like this I promise, but it needed to be done. Adam was getting too close to you.”
How could he know about Adam? 
“The douchebag spilled everything to me, trying to make me jealous I guess. But sad to say, you’re now mine.”
He walked closer and I attempted to run but was met with a whack to the head. “Sweet dreams, darling.”
My eyes couldn’t quite process the six wings and horns that my doctor gained as they closed.
Everything faded to black.
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amarmoria · 2 months
Sempiternal 1
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⊹ ⭑.ᐟ Yao x Reader ⊹ ࣪˖ᝰ.ᐟ
Synopsis: 10 days in some spa center with your family wouldn't be too bad right...?
Notes: no bcz why doesn't he have fanfics bombarding everywhere?
Wc: 1k
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"... right guys?"
Your thoughts were stolen away when your dad snaps his fingers, smiling expectantly between you and your sister.
"Yes, uh, I'm, I'm excited, dad" you try and smile, but it looked like you were pushing a big fat shit so you bit your tongue and focused outside the window. You've already been driving for hours without end, only stopping when you needed to go or when you were hungry, and your phone was no use since the signal was slowly fading away due to how far this thing was.
It sounded so absurd when you first heard about it, a retreat in the middle of nowhere? You would've pretended to be happy if only it were your parents who were gonna go, but they successfully convinced your sister, who also succeeded in convincing you.
So you're here awaiting the embarrassment to process in your brain, you haven't had the time to react because a few hours after you agreed to go, they already had your closet packed for the retreat. Your sister looks half as miserable as you, she told you she wanted to try, for Zach, she says he'd want you to be happy, to heal, but how can you when he just, pow, gone?
"Here we aree" Your dad exclaims, parking the car at the center of the covered driveway.
Your mouth forms a small o as you exit the car, the place was big, like it doesn't even look like a mental institution, but you guess it's what they make it so, so the patients wouldn't freak out about being sent to a crazies hospital, if this was any other circumstance you'd think it's a five star hotel.
The front, or whatever the parking box they have with receptions, was filled with homely looking staff— and homely looking plants, which you assume were fake. Your eyes drop to the woman in front of you, holding out her hand. You suppose she's already been talking to you, but you were too busy gawking at the place, the thought makes you red in embarrassment.
You frown and tilt your head, fiddling with the hem of your top.
"Hi, uh, what is..?"
"Your phone miss Marconi?"
"My, my phone? Uh, why would you guys need it?"
"It's a part of the protocols here little miss" She smiles warmly, the noon sun dancing around her curls. Fuck, the protocols, of course it is, you've read some of it from their website, ugh how can you forget, your purposefully embarassing yourself now.
"Oh okay, uh," you gulped and searched around your bag, it took a few seconds before you finally found it, the battery was already blinking red so what choice do you have.
You hesitantly placed the phone on her hand when she smiles, gesturing you to walk up to the steep road ahead.
"Don't get nervous now alrighty? We promise to do our best during your stay here."
"Thank you, uh.."
"Oh! It's Delilah"
"Thank you, Delilah"
Your dad strolled around the garden happily as usual when Delilah led your family uphill, the building was big, like big big, it looked like a vacation house, with the pool and the open 1st floor, you were grateful for the short moment of peace in admiring the place before they lock you in your cells, your no idiot, you know the whole honey vibe of the place was just a facade compared to the mucky, dark, and real building they'll throw you in when you get comfortable.
You can't help but worry for your parents who believed this was the real deal, what gruesome tortures would they have you do once you settle in, do they whip you for being naughty, or dunk your head in the water if you don't answer properly, and oh would they feed you disgusting year old porridge they probably spat on. You don't trust these kinds of organizations.
"Oh and there's a pool too girls! cool huh?"
You smile gently and nod, you didn't feel like saying anything negative today, you didn't want to upset your dad, he looks so happy about being here you wouldn't want to break it.
"The place is pretty big huh, I wonder what the real price was" Zoe says, casually stuffing her hand in her pockets. "Yeah.."
You were too busy gawking, again, when you bump into a wall wearing a... Beige top.
"Oh! I, uh, I'm really sorry, I didn't," you pause, saying you were openly gawking at the place instead of focusing what was in front of you sounded childish— it is what a child would do, you sheepishly bit the inside of your cheek, fiddling with the hem of your top once again.
"I, I wasn't paying attention, I'm sorry, really—" you stop when you hear a chuckle, the timbre of his voice shaking you, it was deeper than what your used to, I mean, you've always been around your dad who has a lighter voice, maybe it's from being a dad that he's used to using a friendlier tone with kids.
"Nervous are you?"
You visibly heat up, you thought you'd already bit you tongue off by the way your teeth were clenched.
"I, I'm not.."
"I'm joking with you" he chuckles. "I'm Yao, and I'll be one of the staff assisting you and your family during the experience."
"Hey," your mom waves to you direction, you catch the eye of the lady with sunglasses when she shoots you a smile, which you return, though your mom quickly grabs your hand pulls you slong with her inside the house.
"Heather's a mean bitch huh?" You could barely hear the lady when she whispers to the staff— Yao, if you could recall.
"Don't talk to strangers like that"
"What? I didn't, I was—"
"Just be careful hon, ok?"
"Yes mom," you scratch your head, turning your head behind you to see the lady and Yao conversing while she drinks her smoothie, you look down to your hand and frown when you notice your own drink in your palms, your holding it, since when did you have a drink? Were you too distracted you didn't even notice you had one?
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cumulo-stratus · 5 months
Hi!! Could you do a Spencer Reid x male reader where reader comes home upset about Strauss (or someone else at work) yelling at them about something so Spencer comforts reader as he breaks down? PLEASEEEEE
Home is with him[s.r]
Spencer comes home to find you struggling, and does his best to help
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WARNINGS- angst, villainizes strauss, talks about being yelled at, crying
Spencer Reid x male!reader ][ hurt/comfort ][ masterlist!!
a/n- this was such a cute request!!! sry it took so long
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Your feet felt like lead blocks as you trudged up the too many stairs to Spencer's apartment.
The bag on your shoulder felt just as heavy as it weighed your shoulder down even more than your posture had already sagged. 
You felt like you didn't even have the mental energy to be annoyed when you couldn't get the key into the old jinky lock that was always hard to open.
But it felt particularly annoying today as you grimaced to yourself and flared your nostrils slightly while jimmying with the key
When the door finally jimmied itself open, it creaked with the age of the building through the empty corridor.
You were met with an equally empty apartment in front of you. 
Even though you knew he wasn’t there, there was some part of you deep down that still hoped to call out his name and hear a response from somewhere deeper in the apartment.
”spencerrr! i'm home! Are you in the bedroom?” you called out hopefully. The phrase was followed by a pang of disappointment when there was no response, just the quiet creaking of the old building settling. 
you had known that your boyfriend was on a case, and you knew that he rarely came home before 10 pm on cases. 
but a small part of you still hoped, maybe being the amazing genius of a boyfriend he is, he'd solved it in hours and flown back to take you right into his arms. 
you imagined Spencer encasing you in his embrace, the way he always does, and used it to give yourself the strength to put your things away. 
By the time your work bag and shoes had been left by the door along with your keys and your grimey work clothes had been shed there was a lump in your throat that you couldn't swallow down. 
You shoved the aforementioned work clothes at the bottom of your hamper, trying to push away the bad joojoo lingering on the pieces of cloth. 
It felt impossible to not keep recalling the harsh reprimanding and even harsher insults that Strauss had thrown at you. She had decided that today was the day to rip into you over something as simple as some paperwork. 
According to Strauss, she won't accept idiocracy or carelessness in her employees. Apparently, this ‘moronic’ mistake could've caused miscommunication, which could've caused a field agent to be injured or killed. 
her harsh words clawed at your thoughts as you leaned against the counter in the kitchen, lost in thought. 
when you finally forced yourself to make some dinner, you couldn't bring yourself to make an actual meal. So you opted instead to munch on a bag of trail mix. 
without the distraction of figuring out what to eat you felt the lump rise again in your throat, strauss’ words ringing in your thoughts.
the lump grew to a burning behind your eyes as you sunk down into the old leather couch that smelled like worn pages.
Spencer's whole apartment smells like old books, that was one of the things that you'd always loved about your boyfriend's apartment.
Usually the smell was a comfort, but today it only furthered to remind you of his absence. Everything reminded you of Spencer when he was gone. 
The apartment smelled like him, the kitchen had remnants of Spencer's rushed breakfast that you hadn't the will to clean. And of course every book littered on almost every surface.
You almost hoped the leather would open up and swallow you so you wouldn't have to think anymore. But when no matter how much you willed it to happen and it didn't, you instead opted for the tv. 
Friends almost immediately became static. And in this static you felt a warmth on your cheek. A tear. And then another one, and another. And another. 
Soon the floodgates were open and your lip wobbled. The only thing you could do was pull your knees up to your chest as you leaned to lay sideways with your head on the pillow, and hope that Spencer would come home soon.
Soon the mixing of the TV, the AC unit, and the dehumidifier all became one collective static noise to your ears. 
It felt like moments later when you blinked your eyes open from a sort of half sleep half trance. But then you realized what had woken you; the door unlocking and creaking open across the small mudroom area.
You could hear the faint sound of shoes sliding off, and a bag slumping on the floor as you tried your best to rub off the tear tracks and rub the redness from your eyes away as Spencer approached. 
When your boyfriend had arrived, the first thing he noticed as the door closed behind him was that most of the lights were turned off, and that friends was playing faintly on the tv. 
All this led Spencer to deduce that you had fallen asleep by the tv waiting for him. It was only 9 pm, but he assumed you'd had a long day at work. That was an understatement. 
As he rounded the couch, where he expected to find your sleeping frame, he instead found you, with eyes reddened from tears that had long since been shed. 
Spencer's face immediately twisted into a concerned frown, a knot between his brows forming as he took you in. 
You looked,, tired. Spencer could see the obvious rementants of tears on your reddened cheeks and in your tired, tired eyes. 
When you finally looked at Spencer, he cupped your face in his hand, using his thumb to softly brush away the tears. 
No words had been spoken yet, your lip only wobbled the tiniest bit. That was when Spencer finally spoke, “oh honey,”.
Spencer spoke so softly if he hadn't been inches away from you, you wouldn't have heard him. His voice was murmured and gentle.
The sound of Spencer's voice is what caused you to break. You're pretty sure your body was aware that it was finally safe, now that your boyfriend was here. With Spencer you were safe.
The wobbling lip turned to broken sob, and a new round of tears streaking your cheeks. Spencer could feel them hitting his fingers and wetting them. 
You needed to be held, and Spencer knew that. So he moved from standing in front of you, to sitting with you in his warm embrace finally.
With you in his arms, you could finally let out the tears comfortably. Their warmth wet Spencer's work shirt, the thin material becoming darker. 
You had immediately buried your face in his neck, allowing his scent to overtake you. He smelled like the worn pages of a book and coffee grounds. 
It filled your nostrils and made you breath in a deep sigh. Spencer had inadvertently helped to stop you from crying. 
He had that effect on you, bringing peace. “You wanna talk about it?” Spencer asked, again speaking with a murmured and ever so gentle tone. 
Spencer could feel you sigh into his neck, it was the only response you gave him. Spencer took this as you needed to talk about it, but refused to.
So he asked again- “darling you should at least tell me what happened- please?” Spencer spoke with the biggest puppy dog eyes you’d ever seen. 
The only reason you could see the puppy eyes Spencer was so good at was that he had forced you (gently guided your head with his hands) to look at him. 
But he was right in doing it, as the look on his face made you cave. You just couldn't not- it was Spencer after all. 
Spencer noticed this shift almost immediately. His face softened more than it already had if that was even possible. 
“Come on love,”
The furrow between his brows was so tight with worry for his boyfriend you thought they might become one conjoined eyebrow. This thought made you let out a little chuckle through the tears. 
With a final sigh, you begin, “well Strauss yelled at me today in front of everyone over a filing error, she said that- that idiotic mistakes like that get agents killed in the field..” you trailed off, not wanting to continue the story as your voice had cracked. 
Spencer could tell there was more, but he didn't pry. He just went into helpful boyfriend mode and started rubbing your back gently, allowing you to rest your head back into the crook of his neck.
“My darling I'm sorry-” His voice had a slight gravel to it from how low and soft he spoke. 
You watched the way his Adam's apple bobbed when he spoke, and the way the soft skin under his jaw moved in tandem. 
You tried to use this to distract yourself from the tears still making their way down your cheeks. It didn't work. 
Instead Spencer took your silence as a cue to keep talking. “Would you like some tea, I got a new one you might like at the shop the other day” Spencer said hopefully. 
You nodded pitifully, your shoulders still heavy. Spencer just pecked your temple as he stood up. 
Only minutes and the sound of a whistling tea kettle later Spencer came back with two mugs. They were a matching set that had Mr. on each, reminiscent of Mr. and Mrs. mugs. Penelope had gifted them as a half joking present a couple years ago.
He placed both on separate coasters on the worn coffee table before pulling you back into his lap. His lanky arms wrapped around you gently and brought you close to his chest. 
You relaxed back into him as he gently played with your hair. He spoke calm, soft, and reassuring words to you.
He also peppered small kisses against your hair and behind your ear and anywhere else he could find as you eventually fell asleep against him. 
The End
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Taglist- @spencers1wifey | @mvndfvelds | @mindfullycriminal | @luce-reid I @ferrjulie | @khxna | @ilovebeingdelulu | @lover-of-books-and-tea I @jaden-reid | @eli-chris | @multifandomsimp69 | @Multiversejumper | @shadoesx| @luvkatryna | @gnrswife | @pleasantwitchgarden
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 5 months
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[10:14 pm]
(cw: reader is a little delusional or lovesick tbh)
a/n: muahahaha I've been wanting to write some angst
You were fairly certain Johnny Seo was your soulmate. You were also fairly certain that whoever was writing your love story was making it a slow burn, childhood best friends to lovers, with humor and fluff. You'd known it since you were 14 years old and he was the gangly, wannabe emo, with a voice that cracked more than someone's back at the chiropractor. Though you were positive you had actually been in love with him since you were 7, when he helped you build your brand new Lego set, but you were too young to realize. The only problem, well among many other problems, was that Johnny hadn't yet figured that out.
This was proven by your years and years of pining and his general aloofness. And well, he was currently on a date. A date he'd been gushing about all week to you. You who painted on a smile and wished him all the best while inside you were screaming and praying for his date to leave him hanging. Then, he would come over and seek comfort in your embrace and while you had his favorite movie playing he would realize that you were the one for him. How could he have been so stupid for so many years?! Yeah- it was something you'd thought about a lot.
You were busy chewing on your thumb nail, you had almost bitten it down to the skin while you waited for Johnny to call and invite himself over for you to mend his hurting heart.
A call never came, instead there was a knock on your door 2 hours after the date started. You cautiously walked to the door and breathed out a nervous breath when you saw that it was Johnny. Johnny leaning forward and back on the balls of his feet. That could mean anything!
You pulled the door open with a smile, "Hey, Johnny. Are you okay? I wasn't expecting you!" Lie, you were. That's why you had your cute lounge wear on and not your high school PE shirt and grungy shorts.
He waltzed past you, plopping right onto the couch, "God, that was a great date. I mean it. I like it's been a while since I connected with someone like that."
"Yeah, I mean we have all the same interests. We laughed the whole time and the conversation flowed so easily. Is it stupid to say I might be falling in love after the first date?" Johnny looked at you with raised brows and a smile.
Your mouth open and closed, you willed your brain to send the signals to your vocal cords- speak! But nothing came out. Instead the signals got mixed and your eyes were filling with tears.
Johnny's eyes went from humor to concern, he stood immediately pulling you into his embrace which only made you cry harder. "Hey, hey, hey, what happened? If this is about you being single again, the right person will come around like they did for me," he cooed softly.
And if you weren't in love with him, his words would have made you laugh, but you are in love with him. Instead you just cried harder and tried to pull away from him.
"I just know that the perfect guy is out there for you. I know it. You'll find him when you least expect it and he'll just fit with you like a missing puzzle piece. Seriously, he's going to be great," Johnny reassured while rubbing a warm hand up and down your back.
A missing puzzle piece, a perfect fit. But you and Johnny were the perfect fit. You fit perfectly in his arms, against his side, hugging him. Who could possibly be a better fit than you? Who could be a better match than you? Who could be a better match for you when Johnny was always right there?
You pulled away, wiping your tears on the sleeve of your shirt. "I just started feeling so sick. I'm gonna go to bed. Lock the door behind you please?"
Johnny eyed you warily, choosing not to press, "yeah, of course. I'll text you tomorrow alright?"
Your heart skipped a beat, of course he'd want to talk to you tomorrow, "yeah, hopefully I'll feel better."
And hopefully by then he'd realize his date wasn't that great.
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pilferingapples · 2 months
An Impromptu Ranking of Hugolian Adoptive Parental Figures
Ursus,The Man Who Laughs : I know everyone's going to want Valjean to be first place, but he's not. Ursus takes the lead not only because he's got two adopted kids, but because he does what no other dad-mom-general-adoptive-parent on the list does, and actually does the grubby hands-on work of Raising Kids. He doesn't have maids or nannies or nuns or any help; he's just a guy living in his traveling van and raising up a couple kids (who arrived at his door horribly sick and injured, even, which he manages to treat?? ) with zero support except for a literal wolf. He's honest with them and openly loving and teaches them how to survive in their own time and society. Too bad about the kids existing in a really bleak Hugo novel, but you did great, Ursus. 10/10.
Jean Valjean, Les Miserables: He loves Cosette SO much and tries SO hard! Second place only because (1) during the convent years, he sees Cosette for one hour a day , and while that limitation is definitely not his ideal choice,it does mean he's just not the constant primary caregiver the way Ursus is and (3) More Trauma means More Problems, and especially So Many Communications Issues. Plus a really really misguided faith in the importance of attaining bourgeoisdom. IDEK , man. Heroic efforts, heroic failures, 18/18 Napoleonic Antithesis Points maybe?
Lethierry, Toilers of the Sea: a decent normal guy raising his niece, who has very normal 19C Dad Faults-- too much trust in stereotyped gender roles, and too much focus on his job at the expense of his domestic life. Absolute middle of the road, not heroic as a parent but also doesn't do anything that makes me go "holy shit NO , dude" . He's just a humanly flawed but caring parental figure. 5/10 complete middle of the road
Cimourdain, Ninety-Three: Listen I LIKE Cimourdain. I respect his whole narrative arc. I think he's probably the most interesting character in the novel. But he loses Parenting Points for (1) not being the primary hands-on caregiver for large chunks of his adopted kid's life and (2) uh. the whole. the thing where he kills his adopted kid. There are circumstances yes I know but still . If you are directly responsible for the death of your kid you are going to lose points in the parenting games. That's just how it is. 4/4 with full symbolic meaning of the number.
Frollo, Notre Dame de Paris: HOLY SHIT NO, DUDE.
Semi-adopted THREE kids and TWO died horribly and he directly threatened the life of the last one. Even before then he's not a GREAT parent, largely leaving the raising of his sort-of sons up to others, locking one up in a single building, letting another fall into addiction, and the third go starving and homeless on the streets. So it's already not doin' great but arguably he's Trying?
But then he wants to bang a teenager, and decides they're all expendable. Absolute worst reason for the absolute worst parenting decisions. 8/8 you ARE the Fatalité , dude, look within and quit blaming your issues on teenagers.
Honorable Mentions: Radoub, Ninety-Three: gets the "like a mother" comparison, goes through a firefight for his adopted kids, stays sweet and cheerful and soft around the babies to the end. Gets set here because he's NOT an adoptive single parent, he's actually co-parenting with the kids' birth mom and they are delightful platonic parenting partners. We wish you, Michelle, and the kids all the best , Radoub! Good job getting out of your novel without killing anyone you love!
Gavroche, Les Miserables: OK he only manages to adopt the momes for an evening, and for an adult I'd be docking All The Points for that, but for an unparented 12 year old he is doing GREAT. He even kept looking for them afterwards! The biggest and most sincere You Tried star for you, Gavroche, it's not your fault you're all getting atomized hard enough to explode a barricade.
Dishonorable Mentions:
Gillenormand, Les Miserables : If you're gonna hold a kid as a financial hostage and destroy his dad's life because the kid's soooooo important to you, you might also try making sure that kid has any way to know that you actually give a damn about him? Maybe at least don't beat him with sticks? Legos be under your feet forever, Gillenormand!
The Slaveowner Uncle in Bug Jargal : absolutely perish
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jeanboyjean · 8 months
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PART 1: First Impressions
a/n: guys doing a chaptered fic is so hard bc u have to plan everything. ive outlined this one + written some of the next parts so this is part 1/10 (I think). see masterlist for synopsis + each part as they get updated. wc: 4.5k MASTERLIST | AO3
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A warm breeze tickles your skin as you step onto campus, the atmosphere thick with the restless buzz of first day jitters. The sun is well and truly shining today, clear blue skies with not a cloud in sight. You have to admit, it’s a gorgeous day. 
Of course, it hadn’t started out that way. The first thing you had heard in the morning had been the unwelcome sound of your alarm, jolting you awake at the pleasant hour of six o’clock. It had taken all of your willpower to drag yourself out of bed after giving yourself a half hour leeway to snooze. It’d been two months since summer break first started and you really had gotten used to having the free time to laze around and relax, going to bed late at night and waking up whenever you pleased. Now, it’s the first day back at Uni, back to reality and it’s like being splashed by a bucket of ice cold water over your head.
The morning is a blur as you rush to get ready and leave on time after staying in bed a few minutes too long. This year you’re living with your childhood friend Mikasa again. The two of you had moved together from your hometown of Shiganshina for University two years ago, along with Eren and Armin, the other two in your tight knit friend group. You’ve managed to snag a small two bedroom townhouse close enough to Uni that you’ll be in close proximity to everything you need for the year. Even better, you’re lucky enough that Eren and Armin have managed to sign a lease for another unit right next door. It just feels right that all of you stick together, their presence a slice of home that you hold near and dear to your heart. Unlike you, Mikasa is a morning person. A note on your kitchen bench tells you she's already up at the gym and she'll be home later for dinner. You shake your head and make a face - that could never be you.  
You decide to take a detour on your walk to campus and the first thing you do when you leave your place is stop by your favourite coffee shop. There’s just no way to avoid it. You're going to need some caffeine today, something to breathe the life back into you. Honestly, you had been dreading this day since the start of your break, a persistent doomsday countdown always nagging in the back of your head. At this very moment, there’s nothing you want more than to be still in bed, dreaming away the morning with no responsibilities or stress. 
You have fifteen minutes until your first class starts by the time you make it to campus. Although the sprawling buildings are a familiar sight, a small knot of dread ties itself in your gut. You always forget how much you associate with a place until you’re back. Now that you're here again, you can't help but relive the past trauma. You pass by a bench you remember you sat on when you got your grades back for that one assignment you spent hours and lost years of your lifespan for, only to be rewarded with a sad B minus. A shiver rolls over your body at the memory - that was not a good day at all. The old faithful library where you’ve spent countless nights staring at your notes, willing the information to absorb into your brain, is ever present in your peripheral vision as you make your way across the great lawn. 
Laughter erupts from a group of students sitting on the grass a few metres away from you and tinny pop music blares from a small speaker next to them. Reunions are happening around you, arms being thrown around shoulders and chatter bubbling away as your peers catch up with each other after the weeks apart. Despite the apprehension of being back at Uni, you're also excited to finally reunite with some friends yourself. You glance down at your phone lock screen - five minutes to go. A light breeze rustles your hair as you hurry your pace towards your destination, the science building. 
You’re out of breath by the time you make it up the steps and push open the doors to the building. It’s your third year of being a biomedical science student at the University of Mitras and it never ceases to amaze you how large the campus can feel sometimes. There are always moments where you start getting used to the expansive grounds and then you’ll be caught off guard by a towering building with grand architecture and you’re reminded not to take things for granted. 
You bring your phone up to your face again to quickly check your room in your timetable. Room 201. A sigh of relief escapes you; you’ve had classes there before. Despite almost having lived in this area of campus for the past couple years with the number of hours you'd spent here, it’s still a maze of corridors and you know from experience it’s not hard at all to find yourself getting lost. You race up the stairs to the second floor and, always a creature of habit, you take your seat in the same spot as you always had - third row, furthest to the left. 
Voices chatter away in the room and your fellow students gradually pour in in a steady stream, taking their own seats. You exchange smiles and waves with the faces you recognise. Most of you have shared multiple classes with each other since by this point in your degree, you’re all pretty much on a similar track.
A warm smile, bright as sunshine, greets you across the room and you straighten in your seat, waving enthusiastically. Your friend, Historia, who you had met as lab partners last year hurries over to you. Grinning, she stops short in front of your desk, dropping her bag down on the seat next to you. 
“Oh my God! I missed you!” She squeals, arms flinging open wide to capture you in a hug. 
You get up and squeeze her tight in a warm hug. “It’s so good to see you again! How was your summer?” 
“It was great,” she sighs wistfully. “I wish it wasn’t over yet. How about you?”
She pulls her bag off her shoulder and sets it down on the desk next to yours. Sitting down, she begins pulling her laptop and iPad out of her bag to get ready for class. The two of you jabber away, catching up on the events of the past few months. Every summer since you moved to Mitras, you’ve gone back to your hometown to stay with your parents. Meanwhile, Historia had stayed in Mitras with her girlfriend Ymir and they’ve finally moved in together.
“Ymir let me decorate the whole place,” She giggles. “Even the bedding and couch cushions.”
“I bet it looks amazing,” You say sincerely. 
“You should come over and visit! We were thinking of doing a housewarming party now that everyone’s back in town.”
Excited by the idea, you eagerly nod in agreement. A party sounds like a great way to start off the new year. The lecture room looks like it’s finally filled with students and when you look towards the front, you see the short stature of your lecturer Levi Ackermann as he finishes getting set up for class. Silence falls across the room when he gently taps on the microphone, signalling for attention. 
“Alright class. This is Biology 310. It’s 9:00 am now so we’re going to get started. Anyone who’s not supposed to be in this class please leave now.” 
Levi carries on, outlining the content the course would be covering for the rest of semester. It all sounds pretty standard to you, having been in his classes before, but it's a definite step up in terms of course load. You’re already dreading the amount of study you’re going to need to do to make sure you don’t drown in stress by the time exams roll around. Straightening up, you make sure to pay extra attention when he starts explaining the grading structure, starting with a weekly pop quiz, followed by four tests spread out throughout the term.
“You will be pleased to hear there is no final exam for this course,” Levi’s low, gravelly voice travels across the room. 
Your eyebrows raise in surprise and you turn to Historia. No final exam? You mouth at her and she shrugs. 
“Instead, you will have a final project that will be comprised of findings from your labs over the next few months and a final presentation. This will be a group project in pairs of my choosing.” 
Dread fills your body at his words and you try not to sigh as you slump down in your chair. Group projects have got to be the worst thing ever, a torture form created by the gods of education just in case you weren’t already struggling enough in your academic pursuits. Even better is the fact that you won’t even be able to choose who to partner with. In every piece of collaborative work you’ve ever done, there’s always been that one asshole that refuses to do their part and you’ve always been the one to pick up the slack. 40% of your grade , you hear Levi say and you groan inwardly, already fearing for the worst.
At the podium, Levi presses a button on his laptop and the projector screen lights up with a chart filled with names, grouped together in twos. 
“This is who you will be partnered with for the rest of the semester. I don’t want to hear any whinging and moaning about this because I’ve planned everything deliberately. I’m going to call out your names, put your hand up when you hear yours so you know where they are. When I’m done you can move over to sit together.”
He starts listing off the names with haste, barely looking up to confirm the pairings have identified each other before moving on to the next. You’re tense with anticipation as you wait for him to call out your name, eager to find out who you would be working with. Finally, you hear him say your name into the microphone and you perk up.
“... you will be with Jean Kirstein.”
Hand in the air, you turn around searching for his location. Your eyes fall on a man with light brown hair in a shaggy mullet, sitting a few rows behind you in the middle. His eyes meet yours and his hand lifts to give a small wave. You point your finger at yourself then around to him, signalling that you would move back to him.
Quietly, you pack up your things into your bag and wait. When Levi finishes rattling off the names, you push back and scurry over to Jean’s desk, plopping down next to him. 
“Hey,” you begin, smiling warmly. You introduce yourself to him, holding out your hand for him to shake.  
He just blinks at you blankly before the edges of his lips lift in what honestly looks like a small grimace. “I’m Jean.”
“Nice to meet you, Jean,” you reply, smile a little strained now with his chilly reception. You drop your hand awkwardly and wipe your clammy palms on your thighs. “How exciting that we’re going to be partners, huh?”
Ice runs through your veins when Jean winces at your words, actually groaning out loud. “Yeah, great. We’re partners.”
What the hell? Although his reaction stings a little, you try to shake it off. You're a natural people pleaser and one of your fatal flaws is that you always want to give off a good impression and give people the benefit of the doubt. You clear your throat and reach for your phone. “Guess we’re going to be spending a lot of time together now. How about we swap numbers so we can get in contact with each other?” 
Jean gives a small nod and accepts the phone you’re offering to him. As he enters in his digits, you shift in your chair, a little uncomfortable with his cold demeanour.  
"So, what’s your major?” You ask, cautiously. 
“Oh, cool! Me too.” 
His eyes flicker up to meet you and he wordlessly hands back your phone. 
“You also pre-med?” You ask him.
He just nods in response. Your fingers tap a restless rhythm onto the desk surface, about ready to take flight. The low hum of voices fill the room as your fellow classmates get to know each other and prepare for the upcoming semester. The silence between you and Jean, however, is thick and unrelenting. You wonder what could possibly be his problem. Sure, you’ve seen him in classes before but you've never had the chance to interact. There’s no reason why he should be acting like such a dick towards you. It’s just your luck to be paired with the one person who seems to have something against you. Fuck group projects.
You sneak another glance at Jean sitting next to you. He’s leaning back in his chair, legs extended in front of him between his desk and the seat in front, taking up the walking space as if it belongs to him. He’s tapping away at his laptop keyboard and curiosity gets the better of you as you lean in a little closer to see his screen.
“What are you doing?” You ask, leaning your weight half off your seat as you crane your neck towards him. 
At your words, his head snaps to you and your eyes meet. Your breath catches in your throat. Somehow, you’ve ended up face to face with him and up close you feel like you’re really seeing him for the first time. His eyes are locked on yours - amber with flecks of light honey. The world seems to slow for a moment as you stare at him, all of a sudden a deer trapped in headlights. You blink and clear your throat, leaning further away from him until you feel safe enough from the magnetism of his presence. 
He straightens. The faintest hint of pink tinges the tips of his ears. “W-what?”
“I asked you what you’re doing?”
“Oh.” He turns back to his laptop, shifting the screen slightly so it’s easier for you to see. “I was just making an outline for this class … so I know what assignments we have and when they’re due and stuff.” 
A quick glance reveals a tidy table with colour coded headings and columns, half filled with empty spaces yet to be filled. You can’t help but feel a little taken aback. True, you don’t know anything about him but from first glance with his worn jeans and scruffy shoes, table empty except for his laptop, no notebooks or stationery in sight, he doesn’t really seem like the organised, neat freak type to you. He must be able to read the surprise on your face because his lips tug down and he lets out a scoff. 
“What? Didn’t think I would be someone to take my studies seriously?”
Huh, the fuck? 
You recoil. In an instant your body becomes as rigid as ice while your wide eyes snap to him in shock. “No! Why would you say that?” you question him, completely flabbergasted.
He just shakes his head, the displeased expression remaining on his face. “Whatever.”
You just sit there dumbstruck, completely lost by what’s just happened. Did you miss something? Did you do something? Why does he hate you so much? Possible scenarios race through your mind of potential ways you could have offended him, but nothing sticks. There’s honestly nothing you can think of to warrant this reaction from him. 
In your head you try to hype yourself up (It’s just one project - you can do it!) but the unease remains as you slump into your chair and groan internally when you remember that yes it’s one project, but it's worth 40% of your grade. As a pre-med student, you feel the weight of every percent and you’re barely holding on as it is. A memory of your father lecturing you about the importance of your grades flashes in your mind and you wince. If your grades drop even slightly this year it's going to be all over for you. This predicament had the potential to well and truly be the straw that broke the camel’s back. 
At the front of the room, you watch as Levi leans forward into the microphone again. Your peers quieten around you when he speaks, his amplified voice booming from the speakers. 
“Alright guys. That’s all the time we have for today. First lab’s on Wednesday. Any problems, just email me.” 
At that, the tables around you burst in a flurry of movement as you all pack your things and get ready to move to your next classes. You shove your laptop into your tote bag and sling the straps over your shoulder. You’re about to get up when you pause, remembering Jean sitting next to you. Stiffly, you turn towards him and open your mouth, unsure of what to say to him. 
“Well … I’ll see you in the lab,” you manage awkwardly.
Jean shoots a quick glance at you and nods once. “Yeah, see you.” 
Alright then. You turn away with a grimace. A gut feeling tells you this semester is going to be a real shitshow. As you walk away, you try to conjure up happy thoughts in an effort to erase the dark cloud currently hanging over you. Ahead of you, Historia waves to get your attention as you make your way to the doorway and she waits patiently for you to catch up. 
“Bio 320 next?” She asks, linking arms with you and leaning her head onto your shoulder. 
“Yup. We’re lucky it’s just down the hall. Let’s go,” 
As you start walking, the phantom weight of a pair of eyes on the back of your head urges you to turn around. When you glance over your shoulder, you catch Jean staring at you. From the distance, you can't make out his expression, but he has his head resting in his hand with his arm leaning on his desk. His eyes lock on yours and you can tell there’s no smile on his face. Your legs root to the ground as you both freeze momentarily, eyes wide. He's the first to break, quickly snapping his head away to look down at his phone. You watch the way his hair falls to hang in front of his eyes and his leg bounces restlessly as he feigns interest in whatever is on his screen.
Historia tugs your arm, shaking you from where you stand frozen with your head pointed towards his direction. There’s a slight pinch when she pokes a sharp nail hard into your shoulder. You reach up to rub at the sore spot and shoot her a look.  
“Ow, what the hell?” You yelp, glaring daggers at her.
She rolls her eyes and pulls your arm again. It causes you to stumble a little in her direction. “Quit staring and let’s go.”
“I wasn't staring,” you grumble, but your feet finally unroot themselves and you follow her lead towards the next room. 
“Yes you were … and I don't blame you. You got so lucky getting paired with Jean Kirstein. He's so smart, you’re going to have such an easy time with this project.” Her eyes light up and there’s a cheeky lift to her lips when she speaks her next words. “Plus he's not bad on the eyes right?”
You make a face at her. “I don't feel very lucky right now. I think the guy has it out for me or something. What’s the point in being smart if you’re a righteous dick” 
Historia snickers. A hand comes up to cover her mouth when she sees your disgruntled look but it’s to no avail because she can’t stop giggling. “Trust you to get on his bad side already,” she says between her tittering. “I talked to him last year once in a lab and he seemed really nice.” 
You huff and pull away from her, crossing your arms in front of your chest. Great, so it’s personal then. For some reason, this Jean guy must actually genuinely dislike you. Whatever. It doesn't phase you. He can glare as much as he wants and do his best to intimidate you or whatever it is he seems to be trying but it won't matter. At the end of the day, you're here to do the work and get the grades and he can continue being his miserable self if he pleases.  
The two of you walk into your next class and take your seats. You sigh as you pull out your laptop again, settling in for another lecture. It's only the first day but you're already counting down the hours until you get to go home. 
By the time you get home after your first day, you’re exhausted. It always takes some time for you to adjust to the routine of sitting in hours of classes and labs when you first get back from break. You kick off your shoes and drop your bag down on the floor as you shut the door behind you. The aroma of cooking spices wafts around you, getting stronger and stronger until you see Mikasa standing in the kitchen. A pot filled with a thick liquid bubbles in front of her as she slowly stirs it with a wooden spoon.
“It smells delicious in here,” you tell her enthusiastically, waving your hands towards your nose as you do an exaggerated inhale. “Whatcha making?”
Mikasa looks over her shoulder and smiles. “Japanese curry and rice. Is that okay?”
“Of course! I’ll eat whatever you make, Chef.” You lean next to her and peer into the pot. “That looks good. Need any help?” 
She nudges your shoulder and slaps your hand away playfully when you reach for the spoon. She waves her hands, as if shooing away a fly hovering over a plate of food. “No, I’m fine. I’m pretty much done - just need to plate this up.” 
You put your hands up in mock surrender and back away. Reaching into the cupboards above you, you grab a couple plates and pass them to Mikasa. She accepts them gratefully and begins scooping enough food to satisfy your appetites.  
“How was your day?” You ask her as you both sit and dig in. Steam wafts from the curry, fresh off the stove and you’re careful to not let the hot food burn your mouth. “Mmm, this is really good Mikasa,” you say between mouthfuls.
She smiles. “Thanks. It was okay. Nothing exciting.” 
Like you, Mikasa had started off as a science student too, but had soon realised halfway through her first semester that it just wasn’t for her. With her natural talents in athletics and martial arts, she had chosen to change to physical education instead. A part of you always feels a little jealous when you think about how easily she had made the change and stuck to it once she had made up her mind. If only you could change your major too, or drop out altogether. The dark cloud is back as you think back to the day you've had today. Without meaning to, your shoulders slump and you sag a little as you pick at your food. A bit of curry splashes out of your bowl when you scoop a little too forcefully. 
Mikasa cocks her head to the side, looking at you with mild concern. “How about you?”
You roll your eyes and groan. “Where do I start … Got to my first class only to be told we have to do a stupid paired project and then of course my partner turns out to be a fucking weirdo who hates me for some reason.” 
“Yikes … What do you mean by "hates you”?” She asks, fingers coming up to form air quotes.
“I don’t know!” You exclaim. “I’ve literally never met the guy before but he was acting like I killed his cat or something. I’ve never had someone be so hostile towards me before.”
“Would he be anyone that I know?”
“No, I doubt it. His name’s Jean and he’s a biomed major like me. I don’t think you would have ever met him.”
Mikasa shovels another spoonful into her mouth and hums in thought as she chews. Her eyebrows furrow slightly and her chewing pauses momentarily. “Jean … kind of sounds familiar” she mutters. “But you’re probably right, I doubt I would have met him.”
You shrug and pull a face. There’s a clang of metal as your spoon scrapes the bottom of the bowl. “He’s an asshole that’s for sure,” you grumble. 
You finish off the last of your food and sit back, folding your arms over your chest. Across the table, Mikasa scrunches her nose at you as she eats. She’s scolded you in the past for eating too fast but it’s a bad habit picked up from having to fit in feeding yourself between cramming for exams. Her eyes study your sour face with humour as she swallows her mouthful. 
“Wanna watch something? I can ask Eren and Armin what they’re up to. Would that cheer you up?” 
Despite feeling a little like a child being given a new toy to distract from throwing a tantrum, you can’t help but brighten up a little at her proposal. A smile forms on your face and you nod enthusiastically. 
“Yes! Might as well since we have nothing to study yet anyway.” 
She claps her hands. “Okay then. Let me send a text to the group. I'm sure they're free.” 
new notification in the 3 musketeers + eren 
mama mika: where are you guys rn    eren 😎: Just got done at the gym.    Armin ☀️: How was your first day guys?   mama mika: come over? movie marathon    Armin ☀️: Oh no bad day?   You: im stuck with an asshole all semester :/// i’ll tell you more later You: only a binge session with my faves will save me    Eren 😎: K we’ll come.  Eren 😎: Do you have food though I'm starving    You: yeah mikasa made curry and it's chef's kiss   Eren 😎: oh sweeeeet that sounds good Eren 😎: When are you cooking again?   You: tomorrow :D why?   Eren 😎: Cool. Remind me to eat before I come over tomorrow    You: what the hell You: my food is great wtf you would be lucky to eat it   Eren 😎: [sent a photo] Eren 😎: Why you lyin   you: i hate you so much You: not like i offered anyway 🙄   you have changed the group name to eren hate club    Eren 😎: why   eren has changed the group name to eren fan club   you have changed the group name to eren hate club   Armin ☀️: Guys don't fight. We'll be there in 15   You: he started it  You: yayyyy :)))) can you bring snacks?   Eren 😎: We don’t have any   You: :(((( you: wasn't asking u, dickhead   Armin ☀️: We’ll grab some on the way!   You: :DDD you: ok then see you soon 😘 you: i wanna watch fast and furious
Eren sent a photo of a pot with spaghetti on fire from when you last cooked for the team. It's only happened once in your life but he won't let it go.
Why does jean hate reader so much? 🤔 Surely he’s not someone that would intentionally be a dick for no reason. Stay tuned!!!
taglist: @honeybleed @cptnleviackerman @310802 @milky-aeons
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xmorguekittyx · 11 months
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Ever Locked
Part 5: Now You Know From What
Part 4: Good Night, Bunny
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pairing: Older!Leon Kennedy x Ex!Coroner’s Assistant Reader
warnings: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, talks of eating out, build up to enjoying trauma and being stalked
extra: i’m so so so so so sorry for the wait! it’s been insane and this job is killing me. I really can’t wait to find another. I’m still livid i lost my original chapter 5 :( I promise i’m gonna be back to writing, at least one chapter a week since i’m working 10 hour shifts a day for 5 days a week.
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"So...", green eyes stare back at me as the hands of the waitress move from my vision. "So?", the warmth of the coffee cup is nice against my hands, the rain and near negative degrees having frozen my fingers as i stretch them against the warm cup. "Don't pull that shit on me.", the deadpan delivery nearly had me snort out coffee as her emerald eyes squint. I had no plans of telling Marina anything, nothing about the man from the bar. Nothing about the years before I came to Seattle. "He really unnerved me is all, asking about me and saying we dated. I never saw him before-", the sharp laughter from her voice in reply to my words had me jump, the liquid bit back at my bottom lip, causing me to wince.
"Don't believe me? Ask Ryan.", I nearly rolled my eyes at my best friend. Her lack of trust was not for no reason, but she just needed to drop it. I didn't want to bring her into the world of Leon Kennedy and the undead, it was hard enough having seen it first hand.
She'd just say it was insane sounding or that i must be lying once more. There seems no real way to get out of this but tell her but i truly did not want to. If it were up to me, Ryan wouldn't even know. With relationship came time to come clean, telling him in detail how my ex treated me and the night that lead up to my old ex treated me and the night that lead up to my old home being burnt to a crisp in a bombing.
"I will not, he'll lie to cover your ass. You're that kind of couple.", her tone was not friendly, her accent heavily German, as she took a bite of her eggs. Her eyes narrowing into mine, i could tell just in that look that she was over having to be left out of a good part of my life. She asked to get breakfast out, How could I say no? "You don't trust me and that's starting to upset me.", she continued, cutting another piece of the white fluffy eggs. "It's not that, Marina." the sigh that left my lips heavy and present within our conversation. "You're wonderful and so, so generous. You started hanging with me since day one at White Wolf, I could never not trust you.", the words came out so quick before i could process them. Yet, here i sat, lying to her face. How could she handle the horror that came? Anyway... it's not like Leon is that stupid to try something so many years later, right?
Blackness swirling across my vision, fingers digging into the hallows of my eyes. "I just need to quit attracting all the weirdos and psychos.", a dull bit of laughter fell from my lips, into the tense air that swam around us. "Hey, at least you've never been on a Dateline episode.", she shrugged, if only she knew how close I truly was to having my photo slapped across tv screens across the country, all the "she lit up the room when she walked in" bullshit. "Yeah, you're right.", the words felt a bit more... distanced than before, it seemed the normality crept away after seeing the blue eyes of an angel of pain.
The sound of my phone buzzing brought me back to reality, carving out a piece of waffle, the phone near my grasp as i reach for it. "Anyway, what time do you-", the number that flashes across the screen attached to the message was unfamiliar, the slightly blurry letters mumbling out a 'Bunny... i know you're angry with me, but give me a chance. I was only protecting you and now you know from what.', i felt like the back of my throat was kissed with acid, the hand holding the fork tightening as my brows pinched together. "Hey- earth to weirdo-", Marina's voice came back into recognition. Her laughter cut off as she realized my look of confusion hadn't changed. "You good? What happened?", her fingers wrapping around the glass of her cup, bringing it to her lips as she sucked from the straw.
  "Someone texted the wrong number is all.", my eyes lingered on the glass she held before i looked up at her. "That's common right?", she nodded, "Why do you look like you saw a ghost?", did i really look that upset? My fingers gripping the Razr tighter, "They just said some weird shit.", my hand waved her off as i looked back down at the waffle before me, soaked in with syrup and butter. "You need to relax, honestly. You're so strung up over that guy from the bar and it's ridiculous. If you're being honest then he's just some fucking creep who doesn't want to keep it in his pants.", she shrugged, "simple as that.", and how i wished her words weren't more then a hopeful thought. "You're right, you're right.", i concurred, the waffle being stabbed by my fork before shoving the sickly sweet bite between my lips. The sticky, thick heavy taste of syrup carving its way between my taste buds. I could feel a drip, dribbling from the corner of my lips as my phone goes off once more.
  'If you'd gone out with me, I'd love to taste that drop of syrup. You should be more careful, Bunny. Don't wanna stain that pretty black shirt, it's so pretty from the back.', my eyes now widened, feeling my pupils bug out from my head as i snap my head around, searching for the brown scruff or the blue eyes. "Hey- you're acting hella weird, girl.", Marina gave me a 'the fuck is wrong with you?' look. My eyes didn't stop searching for the man himself as I knew he had to be here, somewhere. He was a bold bastard, he knew how much this was bothering me as i got another text. 'Aw, searching so hard for me... i'm not easy to catch, Bun.', the sound of a motorcycle revving up caught my ears, snapping my eyes through the window to see a black leather jacket with white pin stripes. Mother fucker- that's him. That's the same jacket he had at the bar. That fucker was watching me.
  I had half a mind to hop up and chase down his ass but that would accomplish nothing more than give him more of an opening to my life. He slipped the black helmet over his now brownish hair, fingers clicking through buckle in place as he revved up once more, taking out of the diner parking lot and heading back deeper into town. "Hottie on a bike- you have a boyfriend, miss thing.", Marina joked as i tried to crack a smile for her. "Yeah... just interested in the bike is all.", my words weren't the strongest but i giggled to give her more of a confident answer. The waffle now half eaten as i ran my fork over the pooled up brown amber liquid. "The bike?", her scoff was humor filled. "Yeah, sure and i'm interested in seeing anything as long as it's under a hot man.", she laughed as her explicit meaning was caught. My eyes rolled back as far as they could before i leaned over the table once more. "Shit up and eat your eggs before they get cold from all your talking.", i pointed my fork towards her plate as she poked my fork with hers. "You do the same, been on that waffle for 30 minutes now.", this is why we were best friends, her attitude rivaled mine but in the best way possible.
"You're sure it's him.", I didn't see Ryan much at work, usually just at home or at a restaurant for his breaks. "Yes, i'm sure.", my arms crossed tightly under my chest, his eyes flickering to my tits before back up at me. "You said his name was... Leon...", he snapped his fingers, left hand on his hip as he tried to recall the creeps name. "Leon Scott Kennedy.", my eye narrowed, it seemed everyone had a great 'let's piss her off all day' meeting yesterday. "Right, you still got the test and the number?", he reached out for my phone, his large fingers brushing mine as i passed off the flip phone to him. "Yeah, just- hurry up and get back to me about the restraining order.", my hand fell to my hip. "I don't know if he's going to try anything but just knowing that he was watching me at Benny's.", a shiver ran up my spine at the thought. What if he came into our home? What if he had been watching for longer than i thought before?
  "I promise, my love-", his lips pressed to the crown of my head, "-you're my priority at the moment.", he squeezed on my bicep, opening the flip phone and reading the message. His hand gripping the phone in a grip so hard i thought he’d snap the device before he handed it back to me. His hands pulling up his slacks before he wiped at his nose, eyes on the floor before he looked up at me. "You tell me as soon as you get another message. I don't care where you are or if he's watching. Call me and tell me.", he pointed at the phone in my hand. I knew his jealousy had a mean steak but this seemed to tip him off harder than before as he ran his fingers through his hair.
  "He like that when you were together?", it was rude, his tone asking and demanding an answer rather than the sweet one usually used to not push her. "No... he was shy back then and a little unexperienced.", i'm not sure why i answered but i did, just to make him feel better. My words seemed to have the opposite reaction of deescalation to escalating the entire thing- before i knew it, my back was pressed to the top of his desk, papers and cups falling over the other side of the mahogany desk. "He didn't know how to treat a pussy as good as yours.", his words came quick as he snatched the joggers off my legs, the wet patch across my underwear definitely not from seeing Leon on that bike from earlier. Something has to be wrong with me... to get so turned on from my psycho ex stalking me.
"Pussy's so wet f' me.", his lips pressed a kiss onto the soaked gusset of the pink underwear. "So soaking wet, don't even gotta ease you up, bed you could take my cock right now.", has i know jealousy was the one thing to break the man- i would've told him more about the men at work. His tongue danced across the gusset, drawing small photos as he teased. "Ry-", my lips bit between my lips. "Be quiet, slut.", he scoffed, his fingers ripping the pink fabric before his pointer and middle fingers tucked the material into the parting of my lips. "Dont need all my coworkers hearing your whore mouth. They'll try to get in this pussy too, you'd like that wouldn't you? Pussy so full of cocks, that's why you didn't tell me about your ex, right? You wanted all day to come to me and tell me he was watching you. Bet he likes to watch you shower too, see you fingers that cunt-", he breathed onto my wet slit, causing a shiver to crawl up my spine.
I know that i shouldn't be turned on by thinking about Leon Kennedy, especially after all the shit and trauma he put me through, but some trauma's manifest themselves on weird ways- mine being i am always turned on by the things he did. That's why i stayed those days... maybe he's not the only fucked up one. Maybe he fucked me up, made me some stupid, small girl. Made me conform to what he gave me... in that little of time, he conditioned me to his type of affection and god- did i love and hate it.
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do you know about any looong slowburn sterek fics preferably with smut? optional magic stiles👀
hehe thank you❤️
Hi anon. @kevaaronday made this list for you.
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Actions Speak Louder Than Words by isthatbloodonhisshirt (25/25 | 434,625 | Explicit | Sterek) “I apologize.” The cop finally looked back up at his face, seeming thrilled. “It’s just—it’s been so long. And we finally have you.” 
That was a bad word. Not found. 
Stiles wrenched his hand free and took a step back, but before he could even think up a gameplan, he felt a prick in his neck and jerked away, reaching up to slap one hand against it and twisting in the same moment. 
One of the others had come up behind him while he hadn’t been paying attention, and his vision began to swim even as his eyes caught sight of the half-empty syringe the guy was holding.
Put Down in Words by paintedrecs (31/31 | 203,776 | Mature | Sterek) “Oh,” Stiles said, his voice coming out low and breathy, “fuck me.”
“I don’t think that’s on the syllabus, but we can check to see if there’s a spot open in any of his classes,” Scott said, grinning.
“This isn’t an actual professor, though,” Stiles insisted, unable to resist brushing his thumb over the sharp line of the man’s bearded jaw. He was laughing at something off-camera, the shot taken in three-quarters view, his coat collar casually rumpled and opened to reveal a sliver of a simple grey t-shirt. The whole thing was deliberately calculated to lend him a more accessible feel, and god help him, Stiles was falling for it.
When Stiles signed up for Dr. Hale’s intro to history class, he had two goals: knock out the credits his advisor was bugging him to complete before he graduated, and spend a few hours a week daydreaming about his sexy professor’s salt and pepper beard.
Derek, a few months away from turning forty and not sure when his life had started feeling so damn lonely, had never encountered someone like Stiles before. Bright-eyed, sharp-tongued, determined to throw Derek’s carefully cultivated world into disarray…and absolutely the last person Derek should be falling in love with.
Most (Im)Proper Proposal by Welsh_Woman (72/72 | 200,136 | Explicit | Sterek) Stiles Stilinski has not seen his childhood friend for going on ten years when Derek Hale insists on meeting him in a barely reputable inn to make a rather startling proposal…
The Hollow Moon by thepsychicclam (10/10 | 180,079 | Explicit | Sterek) It's the summer after Stiles' first year of college, and he's working a crappy job and dealing with nightmares and anxiety - but he's okay, he swears. He makes it through most days without too much trouble. Then, a certain werewolf comes back into town. Which Stiles doesn't care about, nope, not at all. 
After two and a half years, Derek returns to Beacon Hills with his small Pack. Though he tried to move on, something just kept drawing him back to Beacon Hills, he's just not sure what. Now, he figures he can start building something like a life - but he keeps getting distracted by Stiles Stilinski of all people.
Teenage Love Song by HaleHathNoFury (26/26 | 155,834 | Explicit | Sterek) Stiles is sick and tired of how much he fucks up. His dad is disappointed, his step-mom judges and his step-brother can do no wrong. It's not that he doesn't love them, he just gets so tired of being different. Now he's being moved lock, stock and barrel to Beacon Hills aka the town his mom grew up in so they can go live in his grandma's house and his father can get him back on the straight and narrow. 
It's going to suck.
B.E.A.C.O.N. by Mythological_Compendium (43/43 | 140,691 | Explicit | Sterek) "What better situation could there possibly be? We'll be pretty much stuck together, we can talk, drink and maybe later even…”
A scoff. “What? Have reunion sex?”
He shrugs. “It's been four years.”
Same Old Song and Dance by Halevetica (91/91 | 125,721 | Explicit | Sterek) Raised in the hunter life after his father was killed, Stiles hates werewolves. So when he lands a contract to kill the alpha of the pack that killed his father, he's elated. Until he runs into complications. The alpha is smart and strong and playing a game Stiles can't figure out. When secrets are revealed and new enemies made, Stiles must decide for himself what side he's on and who he can trust.
Bruises and Bitemarks by orphan_account (27/27 | 121,566 | Explicit | Sterek) Biologically, Stiles is weak. When he presented as an omega, he knew that to be the truth but that never stopped him from running his mouth as a defense mechanism. However, it could only save him so many times before he ended up pissing off the wrong person. After he's attacked in the parking lot outside of school, Stiles realizes he can no longer protect himself with just pure wit and sarcasm. When the attack lands him in the hospital, his dad forces him to pick between two options, report the alphas who attacked him or join a kickboxing gym run by omega rights activist and alpha, Derek Hale, a man Stiles has been in love with for many years.
Strip by Fessst (23/23 | 117,194 | Explicit | Sterek) "Singletail whip. Your favorite, isn't it?"
Red. Stiles felt nauseated as he bent over the bench. Red. The tremble only increased when his wrists and ankles were secured with leather straps. Red. He heard the Dom behind him give a sample crack of the whip in the air. Red. This would likely pierce his skin. So fucking Red.
"What's your safeword?"
"The... the stoplights, Sir."
Stiles's first introduction to the world of BDSM was a complete fiasco. You see, he had a crush on this ridiculously hot Dom and might have slightly exaggerated (ahem, lied blatantly) a few things on his questionnaire. Five years later the two meet again under a different set of circumstances.
A rare Alphahole by Fessst (27/27 | 110,538 | Mature | Sterek) Weed sale goes wrong and leaves Stiles with a dilemma of either facing prison or enrolling himself in Beta Rehabilitation Program for the next 6 months.
Anything beats prison, right?
Once he finds out that his assigned Responsible Alpha is the asshole who landed him in trouble, to begin with, Stiles is not so sure anymore. Especially since he has to fucking marry the guy! 
the trees call your name by spaceprincessem (2/2 | 107,656 | Mature | Sterek) “That was a long time ago,” Derek finally said, his face falling into its usual cool facade.
Stiles felt like he had been punched in the gut. Two worlds, right? Except, it had never really been two worlds at all. If they lived in two worlds, Stiles wouldn’t feel this unexplainable ache that ran deep in his bones. It had always been one world, with water slipping into the cracks, until there was an ocean between them. Stiles was always caught in the riptides, dragged out to sea where he was left to drown, sinking below the surface as Derek grew further and further out of his reach.
“Yeah,” Stiles agreed, forcing his lips to turn up in the corners, noting the slight crack in his voice, “long time ago."
aka the high school friends to lovers ranch au that no one asked for, but the one that i wrote anyway. This fic is finished, I will just be posting it in two parts!
Far From Any Road by doctorkaitlyn (28/28 | 103,835 | Explicit | Sterek) Stiles Stilinski is a young, chronically sleep-deprived detective who's manipulative and morally dubious at best. He's fairly certain that, in the years since he started working for the California Bureau of Investigation, he's seen most of the horrible things that the world could possibly throw at him.
But that's before a body turns up in an alley in Beacon Hills, brutally tortured, with a symbol burned into its back. It's quickly followed by a second and third, and when Stiles is unable to find any hint as to who the culprits might be, his father decides to bring in some outside help.
His name is Derek Hale, and he too has seen some truly horrible things, only some of them on the job.
Stiles hates him immediately. But Derek may be their only hope for solving the case, so Stiles reluctantly agrees to accept his help. 
As it turns out, neither of them have seen anything close to the depths of human depravity that await them in the woods and down the back roads surrounding Beacon Hills.
All a Pack Needs is a Little Spark by thornconnelly (21/21 | 82,884 | Mature | Sterek) Fork in the road fix-it that basically changes everything starting... an hour before the show actually starts. idk.
Stiles has a premonition that he NEEDS to go into the forest on a random night and saves Laura before Peter can kill her. Stiles doesn't know what he's gotten himself into, but he decides to help out the stray dog he finds in the woods, and then ends up joining a werewolf pack... as their Spark... because apparently he's got magic. 
What ensues is my whole-hearted desire for the Hales to have nice things.
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skippygiraffee · 2 months
dragon and history nerd raihan x art and pokemon battling nerd leon. thoughts?
Thank you for the ask!! I have a lot of thoughts on these two, SPECIFICALLY in the realm of their interests outside of battling (even though with Leon I think that can get a bit muddled). But I'll put them under a read more since it might get long >:3c
With Raihan, once I started looking into him as a character more, I found his fascination and love of history in the canon parts of the story (which to me always fall in the game and manga, as the anime does deviate and seem to have its own canon), and clearly he has a reverence and interest in Galarian history, despite battling in the tapestry vault. I've always pictured him as the sleeper intellect of the group, where it's obvious with someone like Sonia, but Raihan rolls up to the function listing off Galarian history facts like it's a Top 10 video. Honing in on that, I personally think Raihan's an architectural nerd kind of guy, where he's interested in Galar's historical castles, buildings, their style changes through the eras, ect. And of course this guy is the Dragon Type guy to end all Dragon Type guys. I don't think anyone who isn't locked in on every single aspect of how they work would also be able to manipulate the weather like that, while also giving other gym leaders, notably Kabu, help and recommendations on other Pokemon that aren't Dragon Types (they're Tor-colleagues!!). How that looks has been warped by my many hours of fic reading and talking with @beammeupbroadway about the subject, but I genuinely think he's interested mainly in two aspects: 1. the preservation of Dragon Type habitats in Galar and 2. ethical breeding and raising of Dragon Types for rehabilitation, training, or release into the wild. Raihan prides himself on the care and upkeep of his dragons, spending a lot of his free time dedicated to further research of that topic, all so he can keep up to date with it. I'm also a pretty big proponent of Raihan being the kind of guy who lets his Pokemon free roam around his living space, as it's also their space, and therefore it's a very dragon type friendly place.
Also, I know the ask says that Leon is the art nerd, but I genuinely think that's more Raihain, though I think Leon has an appreciation for it (I'll get into that). Raihan's thing is partly to do with his love of history and architecture, which turned into a deep appreciation and understanding of art, and Galarian artistic movements, while also being the selfie/Pokegram guy. As an example:
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The back of his League Card made me laugh the first time I read it, because I do think he takes very stereotypical artsy pictures, uploads them, and confuses people because I don't think people quite get the vision or reference he's making.
For Leon, battling nerd goes way beyond just being on the pitch. I think canon has my back for that, with the Battle Tower, the two tournaments he's organized, and just his general love of the sport of it all. And, for once, I will credit the anime with showcasing that, where his battle with Ash was one of the few times I think it got Leon's characterization pretty well. More than that, Leon to me found his love of battling early, adapts easily, and at least always seems eager to watch a match, if not participate himself. I know Twilight Wings shows Hop watching reruns of matches, but I think Leon would as well. Sometimes his own, but often older matches, when they were first being recorded. Depending on how far back Mustard was Champion, some of those old matches (though Pokemon tech has always been something I'm iffy about in the timeline, and have been since I was a young kid). It's something he's genuinely hype about, and something he loves, to the point his experiences with Rose and being Champion couldn't kill that for him, and it's part of why I love him as a character. Cycling back to the art thing, I don't personally see Leon as an art nerd exactly, but I think he appreciates art. Kind of guy to like weird pieces of art in a museum and get weirdly attached to them. Museum dates between the two is just Raihan telling Leon why a painting is historically significant, and Leon staring at it like he's rewiring his brain. But, if you ask my opinion on his other big hobby, I think he's an avid reader. As Champion I don't think he had time for it, and I have a whole other tangent I'll save about my thoughts on his education, but I think he loves reading. If it's in book form, the topic could almost not matter, he would probably read it if it's well written.
How this all comes together? Both of them as a couple? First off, I don't think they stop talking, ever. They say goodnight, snuggle in bed, but one of them is still rattling on about whatever thing is stuck in their brain until sleep takes them. Second, when I think of them in my mind palace, they're always partaking in their hobbies together. Raihan is cleaning his dragons, caring for them, Leon is right there helping him, learning all that he can about it. Leon is working out his latest battle line up for whatever he wants to test out, Raihan is the guinea pig, happily, each and every single time. They're sitting in the sun, Leon reading his book and Raihan is posting his latest batch of pictures. Together, I think they have a lot of angst potential, but at the end of the day I think they settle into life where once they figure out how to channel all of the years of being made to be rivals and opposite the other, they come together in a harmony that works. I always picture them on very secluded dates, Raihan dragging Leon out to check on the dragon nests, or Leon begging Raihan to go get lost with him, or in those museums looking at old shit because why not? They have the time, each other, and they've spent years getting to know the other in battle, why not give the same energy and determination in life?
Honestly, going further in on this, my headcanon for Raihan, when he stops being a gym leader, is that he becomes a History Professor of some flavor. That isn't original, but I agree with it full stop. And I think Leon keeps up his battling facilities until it stops being fun for him, whenever that is. And they support the other, and it's nice to think about <3
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ilyxxnsm · 3 months
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True Love 05
| is true love supposed to hurt like this?
warning: domestic violence, toxicity. don't judge. smut. reader's body type briefly mentioned. reader's ethnicity's not mentioned, but she's light skinned to white. mental health mentioned (medication, depression, anxiety, ADHD, etc). implied self harm (skin pinching, nail biting, scratching, hair pulling). of course physical abuse (hair pulling, slapping, pinching, punching, he breaks bones be fr, hickeys and bite marks??). drug dealer yoongi. everything against reader. reader's 17, yoongi's 23. this is fucked up, like really fucked up.
| and because of you I don't even trust the wind, i question even my merit, my success, who I am, what I deserve, what I gain, what I lose, what i buy, what i sell, what i eat, even my funeral expenses...
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It's been a month since Yoongi left you in the hospital to rot by yourself, and you feel worse than you've ever been, even if your wounds already healed.
You had to come back to your apartment since he changed to locks of his, and you've been surviving out of water, snacks and instant soups every two days, no need to say you're a walking dead. Nights are the moments where dread, anxiety and nostalgia have a meeting in your head to torture you, and without the sunlight giving you some serotonin, you're afraid of yourself, of what you could be capable of doing.
Your head hurts and you just can't stop thinking about him, you feel like you're gonna start pulling your hair out of your scalp if you don't stop, just like last night, you need fresh air. You get up and leave your apartment and start walking in the middle of the empty streets, your head empty and your heart aching for him. You must look crazy since it's like 10 degrees outside and you're wearing just his hoodie, pajama shorts and some old UGGs, like a crazy homeless junkie. You walk down the empty streets, looking at your feet, feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders. How can you love someone who's as toxic as him, someone as violent and aggressive as him, someone who wouldn't hesitate to punch your face the instant he gets mad. You don't understand yourself, you hate yourself for being like this, the only one you can blame in this situation is yourself. Not him, he'll never be wrong, you'll never be able to hate him.
You walk for what it seems like hours, and you don't notice but you're almost at the other side of town. The air is so cold and lonely and dry that makes your skin and nose dry, you're not even able to take care of yourself now, like a stupid three year old kid, and you fucking hate it. You suddenly realize your surroundings and you're near his studio, somehow, you already know he's there. He's always locked up in his studio, working almost insanely on his music. You remember the nights you both stayed there until the sun came out, he loses track of time when he's inside, and you remember how he said he never picked up the calls when he was working, unless it was your name on the ID call. You wonder if you should go see him, what if he closes the door on your face as soon as he sees you, what if he gets mad and hurts you again. Or maybe he's been missing you too and wants to take you back, but you know he's too proud to take the first step.
You look at the building of his studio from the street in front, it's 4 am and you can see the lights from his studio windows, the ones that you always saw glowing red on the nights you would wait there for him to finish working. The memories of those nights make you shiver, remembering how you'd lay on the couch, listening to his breathing while he worked and smoked with the headphones on. He always said he worked better feeling you next to him, it didn't matter if you spoke or not, as long as you were breathing next to him. As you take the elevator to the floor of the studio, you look down on yourself and realize you probably look like you've been dragged behind a car, you try to fix your messy hair, but you give up and just end up knocking on the door, feeling your legs tremble as you wait for him to open. You know the password of the keypad, but you don't wanna walk inside just like that.
After a few seconds he opens the door with a tired expression, as soon as he sees it's you, his eyes widen and he looks shocked. He's wearing nothing but a pair of oversized black sweatpants and a baggy grey t-shirt, looking pale as usual, the red rings under his eyes makes it obvious he hasn't slept in days. He looks like he didn't even shower in days, it's clear all he does is work, sleep and probably eat cup noodles. He looks at you from head to toe before speaking. "How the fuck are you here?" He growls, pushing you inside and closing the door behind you. He knows you don't have a car and there are no taxis at this hour, so that means you walked almost an hour to come here, and that's insane for someone as weak as you. "It's 0 degrees outside and you're wearing that?" He scoffs, throwing a black blanket at you, you remember you used it as a pillow the nights you both stayed here.
He pushes you to sit on the black leather couch in the corner of the room and kneels on the floor in front of you, making you spread your legs so he can sit between them and take a look at you. You wince when he grabs your leg, his grip tight enough that it's gonna leave his fingerprints bruised in your skin. "Why are you here?" He asks, making you bite your lip and wanna cry, you missed him so much, you missed the manhandling and mistreatment. "I just wanted to see you" You mumble, your small hand reaching to hold his that's on your thigh, feeling his slender, long and calloused fingers. You can hear the faint melody of a song coming from his headphones on his desk, Cubase open on his screen. He makes you so nervous, but so safe, like the pain is a reminder of his presence. It's been a whole month and you're touch starved, you would kill to have him back.
He looks at you without saying anything, his eyes roaming through your body, his hands grabbing your legs as if he's searching for something under your skin. He notices the red spots on your arms, hands and legs, you've been pinching and scratching your skin out of anxiety, even biting your hair, he can tell from your wet and broken ends that look like they were munched by a cow. He looks at you for a few seconds and lets out a dry chuckle, rubbing the corner of his mouth with his thumb. "Is that my hoodie?" He asks, tugging on the soft fabric that drowns you. You nod, your hand searching for his again, holding his wrist to keep it against your thigh. "I miss you" You say in a muffled whisper, watching his feline eyes stare up at you with an unreadable emotion, you never understood him completely. You don't wanna be alone again, you wanna stop taking those stupid antidepressants that don't seem to work anymore, you don't wanna be alone in your bed tonight. You want him back, and everything that comes with him.
He keeps staring at you, his hand slowly tightening up on your thigh until it start hurting. You notice the way his Adam's apple goes up and down when he swallows, his gaze is almost feral and you shiver under it. You can feel the electricity on your skin when he's too close and it's so familiar it's almost painful. He looks at the expression on your face, and suddenly stands up, towering in front of you, his tall frame blocking the desk light and casting a dark shadow over you. His long slender fingers find their way around your jaw, forcing you to look at him with a grip that's firm enough to make you shiver. "Why did you come here, huh? Did you come here to beg your man to take you back?" He asks in a cold, almost mocking tone, his grip on your jaw tightening as he makes you look up at him.
He leans closer to you, his other hand grabbing your leg and forcing it to wrap around his waist, the cold metal of his ring against your skin. He's so much taller than you, you feel enveloped in his presence. You feel his breath close to your face and it makes you bite your lip to stop a whimper from coming out. His sharp, feline eyes staring down at you, his hand sliding to your neck, grabbing it so you stay still. "I know how much you miss me" He growls, squeezing your skin making you wince. "You're such a masochist, coming back knowing I could break your pretty neck" He lets out a low chuckle, his grip making you a bit dizzy, you gasp for air. "Look at you, you don't even fight back"
You feel yourself melt under his touch, you've been craving this for weeks, the smell of smoke and aftershave, the roughness of his hands and the cold of his rings. Feeling his breath on your face after so long, having his eyes glued on you. His tall frame towering over you, you're drowning in his presence. "Please, I miss you" You whisper as he releases your neck from his grip so you can breathe again. "I love you" You say as he turns around casually, holding on to his arm and trying to make him look at you. "Please, take me back, I'll be better..." You beg, almost crying, you're so desperate for him, for his attention, for his rough kisses, for him. You don't even care if you're giving him an ego boost or giving him a green flag to keep treating you the way he does, you just want him to take you back.
He turns back to look at you, a smirk appearing on his face as he looks at the way you're holding onto him like a lost puppy. He chuckles, a deep sound that rumbles through his chest. He turns around to look at you again and grabs your face in his big hands, his face close to yours. He looks straight in your eyes and there's a hint of a smirk in his expression. "You're so beautiful" He whispers, his thumb stroking your face, leaving a trail of fire behind. His hand tangles in your hair before giving it a harsh pull, your scalp burning, you gasp and whimper, but don't pull away. "I love you..." You whisper as he grabs your neck again and squeezes, now tighter, making you see stars. "I love you" You choke out, your face turning pink from the lack of oxygen, he can't believe how submissive you are. He lets go of you after a few seconds and you stumble back, feeling your throat aching as you cough and gasp for air.
He sits down on the black leather couch, sitting back and spreading his leg as he stares up at you with a smug expression. "Come here" He says with a deep voice, pointing to the spot between his legs, like he's calling a dog. You quickly obey and go stand between his legs, your hands holding on to the couch to steady yourself as he grabs your hips and pulls you closer, making you sit on his lap, straddling him. He lets you settle and you start to relax a bit, your body pressing against his hard frame. You cling to his body like a lost child who just found her father, feeling so safe in his arms. He chuckles, brushing a few messy curls away from your face and caressing your face roughly, he's never been the gentle type, everything he does is aggressive, sharp. You're such a sight for sore eyes, flushed cheeks, bright teary eyes, pouty swollen lips, red nose.
He pulls you closer and nuzzles his face in the crook of your neck, breathing in your scent, like he's trying to get high on it. You let out a small gasp and shiver when his touch and his kisses burn your skin, leaving dark spots all over your neck and collarbones, you missed the marks he leaves on your body, the trophies of his love for you. His hands are all over you, grabbing and pulling you closer, his big hands around your waist. His mouth on your skin makes your mind go blank and you melt in his arms, your hands buried in his hair and your body arching into him as he kisses you and bites the underside of your jaw. You close your eyes, letting out tiny needy whimpers and moans. Is in this moment that you forget the pain and abuse and focus on the deep connection you both have, in the twisted yet strong love, on the feeling of his mouth on your skin, on his magic running through your veins.
You feel the need to have him be closer to you, you push yourself against him, you need him on you, all over you. He takes off your hoodie, leaving you in the tank top you use as pajama. He tightens his grip on your hips and suddenly pulls you up by your thighs, making your legs wrap around his waist, your heart beating so fast you think it's gonna burst out of your chest. He pushes you down on his desk, making some of the stuff on it fall on the floor as he lays you on the cold surface. He doesn't seem to mind he just step on his keyboard. He's on top of you, holding your wrists over your head, his face close to yours. He takes off your tank top slowly, noticing the scar on your torso, a scar the surgery left and the doctor said it won't go away, scars of his love, you guess. His fingers trace the red skin outstanding on your ribs, making you shiver and squirm impatiently.
He leans down to wrap his lips around your sensitive nipples, making you moan like a virgin, so pathetic. He sucks on your nipples, taking his time on each one of them as his hands slide down your mini shorts and panties, a string of arousal between your skin and them. He spreads your legs wider roughly, making your miscled tense and ache, but he doesn't seem to care as he starts rubbing your cunt with his palm. Your eyes widen at the shocks of pleasure after a whole month without it, your hips grinding against his hand as he mocks laughs at your eagerness, he knows how much his touch affects you, not only because the physical pleasure, but because of the mental peace it gives you, like any rational thought and logic is gone and there's just voice, his body and his face in your mind. You want to lose yourself in him.
For a moment, you swore to yourself that this was the las time, that after a month in a hospital bed, you learned your lesson and you weren't going back to him, but here you are, begging him to make love to you and make your mind go blank, to ease the pain of absence by hurting you even more and telling you he's never gonna leave your side. The sound of his zipper going down is music to your ears, you can feel his hard cock hitting thigh as it springs out of his boxers, his balls and tip swollen, almost purple, and you're so happy to know how hard he's for you. His lips kiss your scar one last time before going back to your neck, sucking a small hickey before wrapping your legs around his waist and sliding his cock in between your folds, searching for that place that drives him crazy. You have to hold on to the desk as he slams inside you, your insides churning with the intensity of that thrust, but you like it anyways. His dick inside you, what a beautiful analogy of love.
He closes his eyes and stays still for a moment, his head falling on your shoulder, as if he had just been giving the most pure elixir in the world. His hands run up and down your thighs in such a tender and loving away, leaving no trace of the violent man who attacked you that night. "I missed you so fucking bad..." He whispers, kissing you deeply, slow, not usual for him whose kisses always leave you bruised. You kiss him back, wrapping your arms around his neck as he starts thrusting in and out of you, with no rush, taking his time to enjoy the way your walls tighten around his shaft. He's not just fucking you, he's making love to you, he's worshipping you. "I missed you more" You whisper back between kisses.
You can barely move and you shiver under the thin sweaty sheet you're wrapped in. You don't know how many time you've been here cause you can't think about anything else, but you don't wanna leave. He's laying next to you, one arm around your waist, staring at the ceiling, bot of you laying on the cold leather couch. His fingers draw small shapes over your skin, trailing over the red and purple spots on your body. He's smoking a cigarette, occasionally reaching to flick the ashes on the ashtray behind the couch. You can't move your body, everything hurts, but it's a good kind of pain, the kind of pain only he can give you. You snuggle against his chest, hugging him tightly. "I love you" You whisper, kissing his cheek gently and feeling his mouth curl into a smirk. "I know" He says, taking a deep drag of his cigarette and blowing the smoke towards the ceiling. He never says "I love you", but you don't need him to, you know he does.
Everything's okay now, he's by your side again, you're safe, you're okay.
That until you feel a sudden nausea, and it's not the ramyeon you ate in the morning.
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mantis-dea · 1 year
When a Good Deed Causes a Series of Unexpected Events - Chapter 1 - The Encounter
As a general rule in a large city, you should MYOB - Mind Your Own Business. Of course, who would've thought calling a man an ambulance and giving him your umbrella would leave to something called Stands. Definitely not you.
My first Tumblr post! My blog will be fanfics, mostly JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and maybe Overwatch. Not sure if I will take requests yet.
For this story, I don't know how fast chapters will be coming out, nor do I know how many chapters it will have. I do want to say that, so far, this story in progress has over 10k words.
It's my first fanfic I'll be publishing, and a lot of it is just me going with the flow. I'll let you know if previous chapters have changed and what changed. Feedback is welcomed!
As you stand inside the old brick building, you watch pellets of water race down the glass windows, creating a blurry kaleidoscope of colors. You hear a distant low rumble of thunder, a reminder of the powerful storm raging outside. It’s been three days since you last caught a glimpse of the moon, hidden behind the thick veil of clouds that have been crying down on the city. This relentless downpour had transformed the streets into shallow rivers, and it seemed like the storm had no intention of relenting.
But you were grateful for the shelter of the building. It's a familiar haven from the relentless rain—a place where you've found solace amid the chaos of Lapalton's changing seasons. You decide not to think too much about the storm and to enjoy the soothing sound of the rain tapping against the windows. It's a comforting backdrop to the cacophony of voices and clinking glasses that fill the bar tonight.
“Why?” The drunkard’s wording slurred, “Why? Why did she leave me?”
You continue to clean a wine glass with a towel, your focus on your task. Such outbursts are common among the last-call patrons, and you’ve learned not to take it personally. But when he places a crinkled hand on top of yours and starts rubbing, you feel a surge of discomfort. You try to pull away, but he tightens his grip.
“Sir, please let go,” you say calmly, unsure if he’ll even pay heed to your comment.
Instead, he starts mumbling about how he can’t find someone like you who’s good at “care.” You raise an eyebrow at his words, having not a clue on what he’s even muttering about.
When he finally notices the deafening silence, he releases your hand and stands up. “You’re too fat for my taste anyways,” he mutters, stumbling towards the door, leaving no tip.
No. Tip.
Bartending for the rich is great, they said. It pays well, they said. High end bar, my ass. I’m barely pulling $10 a night in tips.
Several months back, you used to work at a small hotel. Checking people in, reserving rooms, and even sometimes cleaning the questionably wet bed sheets. There, you overheard your coworkers gossiping about Maria, a coworker who quit her job and became a high-class bartender, making six figures. The words “six figures” were all you needed to hear. You quit all your jobs without two weeks’ notice once you surprisingly got a job at SPW, a high-end bar in one of the biggest cities in America.
That hype immediately faded on day three.
Sure, your salary did increase, but it surely was not the six figures you were promised. You know what did increase? Your hatred for the wealthy. They constantly brag about being rich, but they can’t spare you a few dollars? The rare time you do get tipped fairly is if they bring a party with them; they only tip as a power move to show just how wealthy and considerate they are to their group.
After cleaning up the bar, you grab your things, open your umbrella, and lock the doors. Unfortunately for you, buses run less frequently past midnight, and it is currently two-thirty in the morning. So, your options are to either take the thirty-two-minute walk or wait an hour at the bus stop that is about two blocks away where drug addicts hang out.
You trudge through the pouring rain.
Walking home in this fucking sucks.
You do love rain, just not when you have to walk through it at two-thirty in the morning after a twelve-hour shift.
Surprisingly, you reach your block five minutes faster than usual. The motivation to make it home made you walk faster. All you wanted to do was sleep.
In the distance, you spot a familiar sight – an unconscious man leaning against the aged brick walls, slumping over. You live on the less fortunate side of the city, near the slums. The disoriented drug addicts, wandering drunkards, and the frequent thievery and robberies make this area one of the worse areas to live, but the inexpensive rent of a decently size apartment is a major selling point for you. Luckily, all the crazies you’ve encountered so far have been relatively harmless. Still, you’re always on edge whenever you pass one.
If people were amidst a drug exchange or passed out drunk, you’d wait it out; unless they overdosed, they typically don’t stay for more than half an hour. However, tonight, you don’t care. You don’t feel like waiting for this one to get up and go. The weather is abhorred, and you’re drenched, cold, dirty, and exhausted. A steaming hot shower and a good night’s rest sounds like heaven right about now.
You proceed with caution and approach. You were planning to just ignore him. However, your bafflement got the best of you. You halt and squat down to stare at the young man before you. Despite the alleyway being dimly lit, the man’s golden, disheveled hair shines like a polished gold bar. He looks around to be your age – early 20s. His expensive-looking black suit and pants consist of many cuts and scuffs; it seems as though he got into a fight with someone.
 You lean forward and take a whiff.
“Well, he’s not drunk.”
You put a hand to his nose; you feel a light puff of air. Then, you pull up both his tattered sleeves. No track marks. No injuries.
Your eyebrows furrow. This man is mysterious and sketchy. Mysterious because he’s hot and looks innocent. Sketchy because he’s in a not-so-good area in this awful weather, unconscious of all things. He looks like he got into a fight, but he’s completely uninjured.
I bet he’s part of an Italian mafia. Like that movie, Godfather.
You shot up and stumble back when you hear a small grumble from him. You stay deathly still for a minute, readying to bounce if need be. However, the man eyes never opened.
You let out a small sigh of relief. You feel terrible as he sits knocked out in a dirty alleyway in the rain. You truly do want to help him. However, you don’t know him. You don’t know who’s after him. Why he ended up here in the first place. It’s too dangerous to assume he’s a good person. Still, you did not want to leave him like this. You place an umbrella over the man and call for an ambulance before heading in the direction of your apartment.
Your apartment complex is unique – there is no main indoor lobby where you could chat with the landlord and take an elevator up to your floor. No, instead, you must walk up a flight of questionably rusty metal stairs to get to the door of your apartment. Fortunately, you are only on the 3rd floor and not the 13th floor.
You unlock the door to your apartment. The exterior would fool anyone into believing that the old building is rack and ruined. It may or may not potentially fail a building inspection, but the apartments - well at least yours - are very clean. The complex is a bit expensive for the area, but much cheaper compared to the inner city, meaning there are more people like you and less addicts living within the flats. Though, the smell of weed does pass by from time to time.
When you step into your apartment, a familiar, rubber, black mat greets you. You bend down to untie your dress shoes and place them neatly in the small compartment beside you. Your studio apartment is spacious. Hidden in some parts of your white walling are large storage compartments. You had a white sliding door that disconnects and reconnects the kitchen area from the rest of the living room. A black metal staircase to the left leads you to your bed. Very spacious indeed, but dark. Your only window is the one next to the entry door; though, at least it’s a large window. Another feature located to the left of your door is the bathroom that harbors a washer and dryer.
Turning the handle of your bathroom door, you hear the familiar click as it opens. You reach for the shower handle and, after a few moments of finicking, water streams down from the showerhead. As you shed your clothes and step into the shower, the hot water soothes your tired body, and a contented sigh escapes your lips. Thoughts of your job as a bartender, with its challenges posed by wealthy patrons, linger in your mind. Being a bartender has its moments of fun, but it's also filled with frustrations, and you can't help but think about the high turnover rate in your line of work. People can be demanding, and the pay is barely above the minimum yearly salary.
You dry yourself off, slip on a pair of warm pajamas, and head to bed. Usually, you would sit down and do at least an hour of assignments for your classes, but you are not in the mood today.
Your eyes flutter open. Stifling a groan, you sit up and pull out your flip phone from under your pillow.
9:42 a.m.
March 11th, 2008.
Normally, you’d sleep for a few more hours. However, your kitchen is starving; you have not gone grocery shopping for the past two weeks because you’ve been so caught up with work. Your boss proposed higher pay if you willingly worked from opening to closing this entire week. Of course, you outright rejected. Then, he countered with time-and-a-half. There was no hesitation when you told him, “Bet.”
Even with your 5’2” stature, the loft area of your apartment is too petite for a proper stretch. You slowly climb down your ladder to prepare for the day ahead.
After eating an instant mac-and-cheese microwave bowl, you put on your shoes, and head out. As you walk down the metal staircase, you notice the absence of the young man from last night. A pang of guilt courses through you as you think of the condition you left him in. You’re hopeful an ambulance came to give him the care he needs.
As you tread by where the young man was, you suddenly catch sight of something. Something that smitten you instantly. Amidst the dark, dank alley, something in the distance shines with an otherworldly brilliance, beckoning you closer. There is no resistance; you mindlessly walk towards the light, until you’re standing right in front it. Your head tilts. It’s still unclear as to what it is; the intense shine blocks the view. You reach out towards the light.
A sudden, searing pain has you screeching at the top of your lungs. You’re quick to clasp a hand over your mouth to muffle your screams of agony. Your body suddenly felt heavy, and you began to sweat excessively. The world seems to be spinning around you at a rapid pace. Something is not right, you thought, just as your legs buckle. You crumble to the ground.
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slowee00 · 3 months
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• ——— SYSTEM X • ARC 3
——————— • BY SLOWEE00/SLOoORE
#-𝟶𝟾• 𝙽𝚞𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝙾𝚗𝚎 𝙵𝚊𝚗 팬
CHAPTER WARNING(S): swearing, many time skips
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Waking up the next morning, you only wished to not meet the low grey ceiling and your high luxurious one. It took you a couple of seconds to snap yourself back to reality. Another day. Shit.
The second you swallowed, your throat itched. It felt like a nasty blockage when you did just that. As a result, you could only let out a cough, letting out a distorted noise.
"You know it's almost 10 in the morning?" A annoyed voice spoke made you spike up in an instant. Your small dog immediately jumped and began to bark at the mysterious woman.
"And get rid of that dog!" An old woman stood at your door with a large cart filled with cleaning supplies. Brooms, gloves, buckets, you name it! She looked grumpy, like a landlord that hasn't received your to rent money. Her fuzzy gray hair was messy, showing her hours of work.
"Well are you just gonna sit there or help me? Seonghwa said you'll help me! Young ones these days..." Seonghwa. Fucking Park Seonghwa did say that you have things to do instead of being locking in your small room. But a job as a custodian is all he could think of?! She looked at you. "You didn't know..?"
"K...Know what?"
"That you're supposed to be in the custodian lobby at 8, which was 2 hours ago!" You stood up in a panic, not wanting to further her aggression.
"I never was informed... d...do I even get a uniform..?" hearing her sigh in annoyance and turns back before handing you a jumpsuit. It was big. "Put this on."
"It looks big."
"Quit whining!"
"I don't even have a toothbrush to wash up or-"
"Your stuff has been on the locking dock for a day now. Get them before they throw it all out!" She spoke fast in Korean, waving her bright yellow glove in your direction. "Now get ready!" Was all she said before slamming your door shut.
You side eyed Marshmallow who was giving you the same look. Her tail inbetween her legs. "O...okay..."
After throwing on the large janitor uniform on, you walked with the woman you learned named Kim, the head custodian of the building. She lectured you on who's boss around, telling you that you have to do your task- all while her words just went through one ear and out the other.
"Oh... uh-huh... yeah... right." You both stopped at a large door that had a keycard access only. Kim swiped her card and opened the door. "Since you didn't know what was coming, I'll let you off the hook for today, won't happen again!" She walking deeper into the fortress, boxes and crates presented. Probably filled with weapons or some sort, passing by some that marked 'Shield' and oldies branded 'Stark industries'. Crazy how both worlds are tied, both fighting similar wars.
"The planes and jets are just above us, don't get scared," Kim spoke limping her way to another entrance just as there was a large gust of wind and the ground under shook for a second.
Kim seems unfazed while you had to stand there for a couple of seconds before pressing. You immediately recognize some of your stuff you had held in your apartment. Rushing to it like it was the last thing you were gonna see. Picking things up immediately, you looked at them like they were ancient artifacts. "But how..."
"The handsome young lieutenant was able to recover some things for you. Just needs like your bathroom products and what-not." You pull your clean bed sheets from the bin and sniffed it, the smell intoxicating your mind with ease. Seeing your should relax, Kim know she hit the jackpot.
"Go, take it back to your room and meet me in the lobby, you only have 10 minutes, if you are a no show, you're on your own..." you wasted no time and threw back in the things, letting out a struggled noise and pushed the heavy cart back to your room. It wasn't home but with these stuff, you surely can make it seem like it again.
You didn't have time to unpack and your ten minutes is almost up and simply left the cart in your room and sprinted to the room Kim said she was waiting in.
Unnoticed by you, San and Wooyoung stood from a distance, watching you speed walk down the large corridors in your weirdly large uniform. "And why are we here?"
"To spy on her-"
"To spy on her..." Wooyoung turned to the taller male who's giving his a side look. "Look, if you don't want to be here, go. I'll take care of this."
"And what? stalker her?" San asked.
"I'm not stalking her..." Wooyoung said, crouched by a wall and peeking around it just about the right amount. "Sure... peeking around the wall, sneaking into Seonghwa's office the see where she's holding is definitely not stalking behaviour..."
You turned the corner and Wooyoung stood up straight. "What if she's a spy?-"
"if she was, why would be here?"
"Maybe because the General put her in an old storage closet?"
"I mean..."
"We have other rooms to place her in, room we're meant to be lived in, now she's left to live in a 3 by 4," Wooyoung turned to look at your room's door and San sighed in defeat. He didn't entirely trust you, to be honest, he some what had respect you after you kicked his ass in that parking lot. No one drilled excitement into him in a while. Wooyoung? He not sure if he just stalking you because of embarrassment; finding anything to get you out of here. San almost found it kinda... childish nonetheless.
Barely making it with 2 minutes left, you walked into the large lobby where two other people dressed like Kim stood, talking to her. "Ah it seems like you made it!" One of them greeted, he seemed to be in the same age group as Kim, the other one as well. Great. You're working with the elderly. What could possibly go wrong?
Kim, the grumpy one's personality is far from the others. The two others greeted you with warm smiles in which you replied with a small shy bow by getting the elders attention. "Finally a young one, my back has been killing me..!" Another woman spoke.
"What's your name, sweetie?" The elder male expressed, eyes filled with curiosity.
"It's F/n L/n," you shyly marked.
"Oh your Korean is really good," He commented and you only smiled and nodded. They both grabbed your hands and arms suddenly, guiding you to the couches.
"Have you eaten?"
"Do you want water?"
"I have bread."
The elders didn't waste time and immediately began to feed you breakfast like you were their child. Grabbing their chopsticks and putting their hands under your chin in case the food would fall.
When you walked in you thought it would be tiring and stressful working with these older individuals but now you can't help but feel warm. Your heart pumping blood in and out at a fast pace. The way they immediately aided you made you feel special. A feeling you never felt since your parents died.
"Enough... now let's get to work." Kim spoke in a strict tone, making both elders stop talking and picked up your empty plate for wash. You immediately got up and bowed in respect to the two elders.
Here's how your day is gonna go: since there is only 4 janitors in HQ, you are assigned to work on specific tasks. Involving: office cleaning, paper towel changing, filtering the blow dryer, cleaning the water fountains for mold, cleaning the cafe after use from the workers, accepting task on your iPad requested by others in the building and last, taking out the trash at the end of your shift. Piece of cake. Kim gave you a iPad for your tasks with a personal cleaning cart with equipment and sent you on your merry way with no questions to ask as she was already late for her task she missed an hour prior.
You can take breaks but only 4 times for 15 minutes or take a full hour. You'll have to check in on your iPad so Kim knows you were on your break for too long. ₩17,135 ($17) is your pay for every hour. It's not bad. Free shelter and working as a janitor, you'll have to celebrate by buying Marshmallows some food before getting back.
How bad can it be?
"O...Kay..." you sighed walking and pushing your large cart up and down the hall. 3 hours seamlessly passed quickly. You having checked the bathrooms already and cleaned some work spaces in your area, you found yourself walking meaninglessly before getting a notification on your tablet.
"There a mess request in 8-9 Squads lobby, by KA." You look at it and accepted it immediately as you're just walking around, waiting for something to happen for about an hour.
"Let's go..." you sigh, tired.
You heard shouting through the door as your carts wheels rolled closer to it. You could only prepare your introvert-self to talk some sense into the people on the other side of this door.
Swiping your card, unlocking the door and pushed your cart in the room. But just at the door closed and the chatter stops.
Your eyes took a while to adjust to the sudden sunlight radiating through the large wall-glasses. The lobby screamed nothing but luxury. The dark leather couches and walls cover in expensive items. Fur carpets under the large couch that stood in the middle of the room.
There's a huge difference between this lobby and yours (custodian lobby).
One thing you didn't see till it was too late was the people standing inside the room.
"Oh you got to be kidding-" you whispered in English, dropping your arm after shielding your eyes.
"Well shit." Wooyoung cursed arm crossed over his chest after his eyes landed on you standing at the entrance. You shifted your eyes to the other people in the room. If you remember correctly, one of the males beside Wooyoung name is San. His sharp gaze, sense of style, and just the way he carries himself is all-time intimidating.
Mr. Uber, Yunho. The guy who shot you, is unknown, he stood in the room but you never got his name. A broken vase laid on the marble ground, its fancy decor destroyed and scattered. There stood, as you remember, the mutant, Jongho; His tail swinging left and right slowly. Crouching down, by his legs sat a beautiful woman. A mole under her lip, large eyes and long black hair. She stared up at you before her eyebrows furrowed.
The silence was loud. You couldn't blame them, the last time they saw you was when they kidnapped you or when they tried to take your life. Everyone just stared at you and you only awkwardly stood there, gripping your cart's handles.
"Um... someone requested a clean up in this ro-"
"I did!" The female stood onto her feet immediately, her expression never changing. Eyes full of uncertainty. Almost as if she didn't want anyone to speak for her.
"S..stands for Karina.." now she's nervously began to play with her fingers but her attention was still on you. "...Okay..." you whispered, grabbing your broom and long dustpan, you made your way to the broken vase on the beige flooring. Arriving to the scene, Karina and Jongho stepped back to give you space. "What happened...?" You raised a brow, trying to ease the tension and the staring eyes.
"Don't use my name."
"Why not?"
"Because I don't want her to know it..." Wooyoung's spoke in a harsh tone. Just as he was about to turn around to walk back to the couches, he catches you staring at him. Your eyes on the side, giving him a side stare with squinting them. Wooyoung's stopped and turned his attention back to you immediately.
"Something wrong?" Still looking at him the same way. "No, why?"
"You're side eyeing me,"
"I am now?" The fixed your attention onto Karina once more. "Didn't notice..." you sighed then hear him tick. "Tsk, do you have something to say?"
"Hey, leave her alone Woo..." San warned, now laying on the couch, playing on his gaming console. "Yeah leave her alone." Karina joined. He only click his tongue before retreating to his spot on the soft cushions. You did the same, brushing and pushing the small pieces into your dustpan. "Sorry about that..." the female voiced. Her stance almost reminded your of a girl's nervous is express her feeling to her crush. You found her body language odd, but you brushed it off.
"The vase or...?"
"I heard that."
"Good!" A couple giggled could be heard from the other boys in the room. Wooyoung's groaned in annoyance and Karina attempted to continue to make a conversation with you, to which you found quite odd. "So I see the boys have something against you..."
"No we don't."
"Wooyoung does."
"You guys wouldn't understand..."
"Cause she beat your ass?" Hongjoong said, adjusting one of his thick rings as the lobby fell silent. Mr. Uber, Yunho, cheeks reddened at the comment, trying not to laugh.
"Wait you guys know each other?" Karina asked, almost pouting at the thought of you meeting them first and not her. She knows you worked in the background before departing to Korea. Shield, America's most safe, yet destructive justice system or what ever it even is.
From there, Karina lost any contact of you and your dark-wed videos she found of the Avengers battles. Completely MIA. Since the avengers split, she guessed that the agency was able to track down hidden web cameras/videos. Exiling them for privacy reasons. Now you stood in front of her as a janitor, a custodian for the company she works for. Pity. She wanted to see you dance.
"Yeah..." you started, not continuing. The other female raised an eyebrow. "Um... you're not gonna tell...?" You looked down slightly, standing up straight; taller than her. "Um they tried to kill me."
"Yeah... it was cool..." San spoke, his gaming console on his chest saying 'game over'.
"Till you shot me.."
"That was Hongjoong..."
"I was taking precautions." Now you got his name.
"-so who won?" She asked hands behind her back, waiting for an answer. She looked excited almost like she was talking to a long lost friend. To her, it felt like it, to you? not so much.
"Well since I survived... I guess I did.."
"I think we did..." you lifted both of your brows in an offended manner before whispering. "Ok grumpy..."
"Hey you're a janitor right?" Wooyound asked in a sarcastic voice, munching on some gum, making his jaw muscles move in motion. He turned his head to make sure his next words reached you better.
"You know they're grumpy and quiet.."
You invaded your eyes. "Okay...?"
"Especially in high school... you! are a high school Janitor so..." he press his thumb and pointed finger together and brought it across his lips. "Zip it."
You looked at Karina and she only gave you a nervous smile and shrug. "Sorry he's..." You closed your eyes and nodded as if you could understand his (childish) behaviour. You worked with people like him, met people like him. Clearly hard working, wanting everything to be perfect, no miss steps. Your first foster father was of that sort.
You didn't feel like arguing tho. After all of the shattered pieces were brush in your dustpan, you walked back to your cart to throw it out in your moving thrash.
"Oh wait!" Karina holted, running to the back of the room and taking their trash bin. "Could you...?" You didn't hesitate and walked towards her, meeting her half way and took the small bin.
Just as you did, a figure emerged from behind a piller, holding a glass of a golden liquid. His hair was parted, straight but brushy, it looked like he woke up not too long ago.
"Oh finally woke up huh?," Karina greeted with a small bow. She turned back to you but you were already looking at him. Her brows twitched slightly, eyes switching between you and him in almost disbelief and, for the first time, disappointment.
Everyone who laid their eyes on Seonghwa's handsome face, fell in love at first sight. She thought you were gonna be different. Maybe even look at her instead. She is a beauty herself but between a tall, powerful male and herself, she couldn't compete where she doesn't compare.
But in reality you were fed up. Karina watched your face, scanning its detail to your side profile, your nose made a perfect proportion your head shape, down to the vein of your neck, she gulped hard, like a thirsty bat, she could hear your blood pumping through that vein, in that moment all she wanted to do is-
"How's that jobs treating you?" Seonghwa asked from across the room, sipping his cup of apple juice. His smoothing voice sent a small chill through the room.
"It's... fine."
"Doesn't seem so.."
"You could've gave me something else..?"
"Not my fault, The general gave you options..."
"And I never received the others,"
"Because I picked for you."
"But you never seem to inform me anyway?"
He shrugs. The boys in the room heads turning to each person who spoke, trying to put two n two together. You both talked like you knew each other, long lost high school buddies, calmly seeing each other after college.
"What were the others?" Yunho lazily spoke. "Fight like us or clean like them..." he took  another sip, not breaking eye contact. Eyeing your new baggy clothing on the way. You looked at him with a small opened gasping mouth.
"Like... Nothing... else?"
"No, sorry,"
"At all?"
His shook his head.
You unintentionally pouted while nodding, mumbled a couple jiberesh as you were turning away. Not only to play off your aggression inside but to stop receiving looks from the male sipping what you assume is apple juice; it was still early in the day for an alcoholic beverage.
"Sooooo.... You guys seem to know eachother..." Hongjoong started, removing San legs from the couch and sitting next to him. The way he spoke was like he wanted an explanatio but Seonghwa simply nodded and hummed, not wanting to elaborate further.
"That's it?" Wooyoung's spoke up, irritated. He turned his head in your direction "How do you know him?"
"You should ask him that." He turned his whole body back to him. "How do you know her?"
Seonghwa's only shrugged.
Karina exchanged looks from you to him. Wooyoung groaned.
"Boringgggg." Yunho commented from a far, raising his arm up high. He seemed tired. As if he just woke up or forced too, and was on the break to fall back.
The people in room continued to question the relationship of you two. Your small smile dropped, reading their reactions and faces.
They're a team, you'll think they already know who you are and everything related to you; thus, Seonghwa's breaking and entering your home. Maybe he didn't want to admit it? Maybe he didn't tell anyone day of and left... or maybe he just doesn't want the others to know that he knows someone like you...
"Wa... Wait you guys really don't know?" You asked out the blue, your voice almost a whisper but since the room was silent, it was the only thing everyone heard.
"He kinda broke into my house..." you explained without much thought.
"HE WHAT?!" Yunho yelled the loudest. Waking back up.
The calm black haired male pointed to you for a second, still holding his glass of juice in the same hand. "I did not, you have a terrible placement for a backup key..." he quickly defended himself.
"That's crazy cuz you left out the window..."
"Um..? I enter your front and exited from your back."
Yunho snorted.
"Oh my god..." Karina whispered.
"Indeed… Took my last bag of macaroni, cooked it and ate it," When you first engage in a conversation back in the apartment, you were nothing but quiet. Now between all the interactions, you can see your anger seeping through.
Seonghwa could tell back in your apartment, how fed up you were at the fact that he ate your last macaroni bag. Not just that, but he also invited himself into your apartment. He was just a random stranger who seemingly broke into your home and made himself dinner. Then had the audacity to eat it right in front of you.
"Seonghwa..." Hongjoong said.
"What? I was hungry..."
"I'm sorry when was this?" Jongho asked.
"-do you know how long macaroni takes to make!?" Wooyoung's yelled.
"Now that's criminal," Yunho tiredly commented, pointing at you.
"Don't you have work to do Wooyoung?" Seonghwa asked, gulping down the last bit of his apple juice. He licked his lips, licking the lasting taste of the fruit on his lip, eyeing Wooyoung while doing so. He was avoiding the questions. It can't be embarrassing? He could be popular in HQ, so keeping a strong reputation is probably a priority for him. Not sure why, but for some reason, it kinda hurt.
The frustrated black haired male hummed as a response, pinching his nose and gestured for San, who was already ready to take his own leave.
"See you later Miss X.." San said, he pat your shoulder, walking past you with a cheeky smile on his face, dimples appearing on his cheeks
"X?" That was more of a question to yourself.
Wooyoung just glared at you while leaving, only to be pulled by San just by the door to walk faster. The heavy door closed behind you and you stood there dumbfounded before your attention was brought back to the people left in the room.
Seonghwa was suddenly no where to be seen and Hongjoong must've gone with him. Jongho disappeared, fazed through the ground if what-not. The only people left were Karina and a sleeping Yunho who clearing didn't get much sleep last night.
Wow, what a warm welcome...
"I hope you'll like it here..." Karina started with a small smile, a genuine one. The corners of your mouth twitched.
"Thanks.." it was dry, not so hopeful. You did just had your life together, exploring the world without chaos breathing on your neck and death wanting to hold your hand. You actually had a life, a decent one at best, and now you're a force janitor in a secret government headquarter, and is now unable to live and explore what you fought for. You weren't gonna act all happy and joyful, you left that life only for people fuck up their job.
"See you, I guess.." if Karina was a dog, you would've heard her whimper. The tone of your voice almost sounded broken, you were just talking just fine when the rest of the boys stood in the room. Talking to Seonghwa like you did, talking back to Wooyoung, now that the distractions were gone, the realization settled in.
You lost. Your life will never be the same, after your home collapsed and your first foster father, your life was written by someone else and not of your own; Someone else's messy handwriting.
"You don't seem to know anyone... we could you know..." you chuckled a bit, the deep sound sending Karina in some sort of frenzy. She didn't really like that. Her chest even tightened a bit.
Shit. She thought.
"Friends with an assassin..." you whispered to yourself before turning to the gorgeous female.
"Sure... if you have time.."
"Of course... it's nice to have another female friend around here.. besides Jiwoo of course," she awkwardly giggled but you nodded, tired, and agreeing to hang out when time rolls.
Your shift was over and you were exhausted. Your social battery was low and red. You wanted nothing more but to fall asleep for two days straight. But when you opened your rooms door, you realized your belongings were still in the centre of your room.
Your apartment is gone, but with these, you could definitely be creative and make this 3 by 4 more comforting.
And hour past just as you picked up the last object in your cart. Star lights. They were long and since this was a large storage room before, there was hooks on the ceiling which was a huge advantage in helping you hang them.
It was small but workable. Everyone starts somewhere right? Your mattress now sat on a large wooden pallet and covered the bed in thick comforting sheets. The bed is now looking like something you want to be back too rather get away. The star light made you fell warm, not using the annoying small yellow light bulb in the middle of the room. The widows had your crystals and figurines on them. A small fridge (delivered previously in the day), the small 3 in 1 electric breakfast station you had in storage, a folded table tucked into the corner, and your plugin electric stove.
The table wasn't yours though... looking at it, you flipped it and realized that were was a note at the bottom.
'Thought it would be useful, your tables were too big - Your fav, Mr. Park.' He wrote in English. The writing wiggly but readable.
A small smile began to appear on your face before dropping. He's an assassin, but that doesn't necessarily make him cold and rude. If you think about it, he's been nothing but those things. He did save your life, so.. maybe gave him a chance? The chance to open yourself. Trust? But from his weird demeanour and having no knowledge of what's he's done in the past, trust isn't something you can magically hand him.
Your thoughts were cut by an aggressive banging on your door. There wasn't a peephole, so you were forced to open it to see who it was.
He wore a short sleeve tight turtleneck and a silver chain around his neck. Black widen leg cargo pants and a thick belt around the lower part his waist where his transceiver and a familiar baton hung. In his hands, sat a big cardboard box.
To you, his profession is in question. His strong jaw and perfectly structured face is that of a model. His hair was died white, frame and height speaks for itself. Ideal but if only he didn't have any urges to kill you in your sleep.
"Um..." you nervously smiled.
"Song Mingi," he introduced himself sharply, clearly here for something and your gut didn't like it.
He sighed.
"How are you?"
Your smile dropped.
"I'm sorry what?"
"I'm... checking. up. on. you.." he spoke slowly and you squinted your eyes before leaning in, turning your head to look down the hall.
"No, it's not a prank..." he then handed you the box in his arms. Just as his grip loosened, you felt the weight hit you like a bus. Your body almost tumbled down to your knees but you regained your posture just as quickly, brushing it  off with an awkward smile.
"Oh thank you... what's this? If I can ask?"
"Not from me..." you looked up to him.
"Well, I paid for it but it wasn't my suggestion..." you raised a brow.
"...Seonghwa," Mingi plainly answered with a bit of hesitation behind it. He didn't like it. His superior's name rolling off of his tongue and into your ears. He was feeding you information, you could turn your back, get kidnapped or what not and everything he's ever fought for would be gone in the matter of minutes. He didn't like that.
The feeling of having no control, and you sure don't know what corruption you've brought to their system. The long hiatus, the gang group looking for you, and the squads in HQ. Everyone wants a piece of you because you know so much of both worlds. So much information in one person. This is what Mingi hates. And all he can do is watch from the side. Now? He's gonna set something clear-
When you turned around to place down the heavy box in the corner, you could only freeze as you hear his heavy boots step in your comfortable room and the sound of your small room's door slamming shut.
You exhaled out your nose, your throat still throbbing and itching from every swallow, where's that inhaler? Closing your eyes, trying to keep a clear mind.
'He doesn't want anything... give him the answers he's looking for...'
"F/n (M/n) L/n." His voice low, his tongue rolled the last letter of your government name with ice on it. His confused demeanour was gone, now replaced with a more strict attitude.
"Y..yeah." you shit yourself for shitting. Turning to face him, you noticed how close he stood, towering over you. You not even short or a great distance from his height, be his era was threatened, you almost raced past him to get away.
He takes a step closer.
"I don't mind sugar coding it for now but-" he leaned down, inching closer to your face, holding cold eye contact. You didn't dare to do anything, you just stood there, intimidated. Though you felt like he was about to threaten you, you knew that he was all words no action.
"Take one step, tell anyone about this place, our names, our business- it's simple, you break us, we break you, it's only fair," his raised his brows for a moment. Eyes looking back and forth between yours.
"Am I understood?" He asked in a more chilling voice.
"Am. I. Understood?"
"Y...yes.." you nodded, still looking straight and not to him. He didn't move, his stance the same.
"Y-yes sir..r" you curse yourself for stuttering.
You heard him hum and nod.
"Starting tomorrow, I will be following you around HQ for any suspicious behaviour," that was when you lifted your head to look straight at him. His eyes were somewhere else, scanning your room. Till they weren't, falling back on you.
"You can't be serious? I don't need a baby sitter.."
"Never said you needed one," his placed his hands behind his back, his heavy steps shaking your figurines on your windowsill, clearly showing your room was on the unstable side of the building.
"And trust me, if I wasn't ordered to do so, I'll be drowning myself in my most expensive collection of booze."
You watched him pick at the Nintendo figures sitting on windowsill. Bayonetta and Kirby. If that's not enough to convince you of innocence, you don't know what will. You don't even know why Seonghwa even took them to start with...
"Well when should I expect you then...?"
Placing his arms behind him again, rises and turned around back to you but his head and eyes were still set on observing your new room.
"You won't,"
"Expect it," walking past you to your door. He heard you sigh. In defeat, in annoyance? Relief? His doesn't know, maybe all. He opened your door and gave you a last glance. Your jaw tightened and you crossed your arms. He could almost see you pout in frustration.
"Welcome to our system, X." He exited your room, closing the door finally.
You felt... threatened and challenged. Now you didn't like that. How is this supposed to be your room when you someone like Mingi running around giving statements like that?! You'll have to talk to Seonghwa about this.
You didn't even notice that you stood in the same spot for a couple of minutes, running your memory on what had transpired a couple minutes ago, trying to spot and read his body language, reading tone in his voice. Scanning if he was serious or playing around. You felt like you were a lash, having it consistently pulled on. Leading you to an unknown and dangerous destination. Dang. You're really trapped.
Blinking out of thought, you were about to rest, excited to sleep in your clean comfy sheets. But the excitement was short lived at the swirling smell of your clothing. The mix of sweat and trash reeks from your uniform. You certainly weren't gonna ruin your sheets with this disgrace of a smell.
"Did he smell me..?" You whisper, he did lean in close.
You need a shower.
Immediately jumping up onto your feet, you grabbed your towel from your cheap build dresser, your toothbrush, shower cap, and body soap. Kim briefly pointed out the female bathroom while walking around. The walls were tall and stoned. It was more pleasant to look at during the day, now standing in front of the entrance, you almost considered sleeping your reeking clothing.
Walking in, you noticed after the turns, the showers seem less scary and more appealing. The showers were simple, surprisingly simple given the rest of the building supplied with luxuries items. It was empty. Almost empty. You could hear someone having a late night shower like yourself. Hopefully they won't be a bother.
You found a shower that was available and open, but it rested beside the other person in the room. The other stalls were locked or out of order.
"Oh hello?! You think you could- oh!" Like a jump scare in any horror game, you jumped, almost dropping everything and fleeing but immediately calm after realizing who it was.
Her hair was wet with bubbles forming on top of it, her pitch black hair covered her face, only her plush lips and her chin were visible but you remembered who she was.
She grabbed the shower curtain and covered herself immediately, her cheek heating up fast, her ears red. First day and you're already seeing her naked? Oh how she's already dying from embarrassment.
"Oh... hi Karina..." you awkwardly replied.
You remembered her name!
"Hey, here to shower?"
You straighten up yourself, "yeah I'm a janitor so I smell like ass..."
"Ah I bet... need help with anything?"
Odd question...
"N...no I'm ok.." she smiles before turning back and continued to wash out her shampoo out of her locks. As she did that, you entered the bathroom beside her, leaving your belongs outside of it and striping inside before throwing them over the curtain. You turned the water on. The strong flow hitting the right places. Karina heard you let out a whimper and a moan at the feeling.
"Haven't showered in a while?"
"You have no idea..."
She laughed. "You know you're a celebrity in this place right?"
"I am?"
"Yup... I'm your number one fan..." she whispered the last part.
"Huh... How so?" But you heard her. The tone wasn't teasing, it was just out of curiosity. But the sound mix with the satisfaction of the water hitting your warm skin, the tone sent odd singles through her body.
"After we've met, I kinda snuck in and stole the report and security camera footage for your attempted assassination, You fought one of our best fighters and won.."
"Just nearly," turned your water off to start soaping up your body, making sure it's the only thing you smell while you sleep.
"Had to eat hospital food through a tube... that, to me, is not a win.." you heard her snort at your comeback.
"Ha... I guess..."
The bubble forming on your skin now slowly disappearing. The leftover water droplets on your face finding a way to your chin. The conversation went silent and you both enjoyed the rest of your shower in peace.
You changed in an oversized t-shirt, and a pair of pyjamas pants for the night. It seemed like Karina had finished her shower first as right after you exited, she was already dressed in her pyjamas. She stood at the sink, barefaced, doing something you could only process as her skin care routine.
She smiled happily, handing you something as you came up beside her. The large mirror in front of you both showed the height difference between you both. Anyone who saw could label the dynamic almost cute.
"Pads, unless you don't need..." she teased, slowly pulling back her arm towards her.
You instantly grabbed the box remembering Seonghwa didn't in fact, put any pads in your cart, also... you're never gonna turn down free pads.
Except she still gripped the box, her sharp acrylic nails digging into the cardboard as she tugged harder. She let out a dry chuckle at your struggle and soon, you gave up and let go of the pad box.
"Wwwhatttt, giving up already..?"
"I'm tired, goodnight," you threw your towel onto your shoulder and turned to take your exit. Till you felt her iron grip-grip onto your wrist, pulling you back just so you can face her again.
You let out a tired sigh. Not fighting, Karina just playfully slammed the box onto your admin. Still holding your wrist, she smiled. "Can I walk you back?"
You only hummed. You didn't know if she was going after your neck or if she just wants to be friends. A or B, you didn't like the idea of her knowing where you'll be staying.
"We'll see..."
"Oh really..." and teasingly asked, packing her skin care into her small pouch.
You rolled onto your back against the wall before fully turning around and walking out of the shower smelling like a different person.
"So... are you in a relationship? Or are you rotting single...?" She asked, walking down the semi-dark halls beside you. She's been meaning to ask that question to verify your relationship status.
"Nope..." you kept it short and simple.
"'No, as in not you are in a relationship or?"
You didn't answer. Enjoy the stretch your legs are getting with not having to push a cart around. The silence was peaceful, which was surprising for being a government working building. But then again, it was a secret government building.
"Or no as in you're not interested-"
"It means I'm single, and will probably be forever..."
"You can't possibly think that...?"
"Too bad... I'ma be a virgin forever, which I don't mind actually... it can't be that exciting..."
Karina ran her tongue along the inside of her cheek, raised a brow. "I'm guessing you don't have sex life..?"
"I have a life that would make a novel, prequel, and a Tv series, running straight through with no cancellations, I don't need one of those..."
You heard her laugh out loud, throwing her head back at your response. You, in your tired state, you stood there confused. Just waiting for her to be able to form words again.
"What's so funny..?"
"Ha...ha.. oh you're in for it, ain't ya..?" You raised both brows, looking down to her with exhausted eyes, struggling to stay open, but still curious at what type of drink Shakespeare had given her. Despite your exhaustion, you couldn't help but notice how long and sharp her canines are. You're hella observant, and she's been nothing but sunshine and rainbows to you, so why are you just noticing them now?
"Sorry..." you apologized and she immediately stopped laughing, the smile on her face slowly dropping. Damn... you messed up, again.
"I've haven't got a laugh like that in a while..." she turned to you. "Thank you..." you nodded nonetheless, not questioning as to why she even thanked you for a good laugh.
"But Seonghwa seems interested..."
"In me..? Ha, so you have a sense of humor..."
It was taking you a while to get back to your room. Till you realize it was because you and Karina were walking like the floor was lava. So slow, slow to keep this conversation going. For some reason, you were tired but you didn't want this to end. It's been a while since you talked to someone without judgment.
"Really the way he looks at you..." Karina pushed her bottom lip out, looking up and recalled what happened earlier today. Seonghwa went to your house, so there wasn't any camera for her to look at. There was a feeling in chest, the feeling of not knowing what's happening in her squad. Call it miscommunication or having no communication... Seonghwa did go missing for a couple days but she didn't think much of it then.
"It's kinda weird.."
"Tell me about it, he stares at me look I'm the last burger on earth..." she looked at you weirdly, before smiling almost in a creepy way. "Maybe you are.." her eyes flashed crimson for a millisecond, nearly missed it before your eyes traveled to her mouth, watching her run her tongue over her canines.
"Just kidding...!" She yelled, turning her attention back on walking to her room. She speeded up a bit, but left you dumbfounded. Your brain was too scrambled to think about her answer and pressed on.
You took out your card, swiping and waited for the light to turn green. When it did just that, you opened the door to enter, holding it open for Karina. To which she smiled and entered.
"So where do you even stay..?"
"...Do you really want to see?"
She smiles excitedly but shook her head. "I'm tired, I sleep down this hall, so I'll catch you tomorrow..?" You didn't fight, you were exhausted yourself.
"Oh- oh of course! Next time..." you whispered the last part and nodded as Karina smiled and walked down the opposite direction to her room.
"Goodnight F/n!!" She yelled.
You waved, hearing her door slam shut and leaving in the hall. You pressed your lips together, making them go thin. Maybe... maybe to won't be that bad... right? You could make or need a friend or two, couldn't hurt? Right? Shit, now you're doubting yourself to be able to approach anyone in this place...
Then you suddenly remembered.
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❌ • Mc is in for it
❌ • you think Karina is really pretty
❌ • Karina kinda gonna a thing for you and she doesn’t know why
❌ • When your uniform gets dirty, you wash it and wear a apron for work the next day.
❌ • Mingi was ordered by the General to supervise you
❌ • Seonghwa doesn’t really like that
<<<<<<Previous Chapter | Next Chapter>>>>>>>
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Hi…. I’m back. Sorry about the long wait, things been messy. School and finding a job kind left me in a depressing atmosphere. So I completely lost it. I was working on this chapter on and off, so many drafts- I can’t. I hope things will get better ❤️‍🩹 take care!
@yayaistime @mermaid17venus @yeodeulz @fr34k4c1dr41n @yoongi-tunes @chocolate-scoups @pandafuriosa60 @lngwayup @huachengsbestie01
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8 notes · View notes
thebadgerclan · 1 year
Pairing: Alex Claremont-Diaz x Henry Fox
Summary: While Henry is living in New York, he decided to surprise his boyfriend in D.C.
It was strange–this interim period.  Alex was finishing classes at Georgetown, Henry was setting up his foundation in New York, Ellen had secured a second term, Alex and Henry were free to love each other openly; life was…good.  While Henry had his Brownstone in Brooklyn, Alex had rented an apartment in downtown D.C., having decided to move out of the Residence.  When he was finished with school, when he got accepted to NYU (because he would get accepted to NYU), he’d move to New York, but for now, having his own space was a nice change.  And being only 200 miles away from his boyfriend rather than 3,500 was certainly an advantage.
But the First Son couldn’t simply move into any old apartment.  No, it had to be approved by the Service and be revamped with the highest degree of security available.  Every resident of the apartment building and all the staff had been required to sign an NDA when Alex moved in, and only the building manager and members of the Service knew which apartment Alex lived in.  His mail was either delivered directly to him by whichever agent was on duty, or he picked it up on his way to or from classes.
Which is why it wasn’t unusual for Alex to receive a text from Amy, who was stationed in the lobby for her shift.  There’s a delivery here for you.  It’s already been cleared.  Alex didn’t remember ordering anything, but it was entirely possible he had and completely forgotten.  As he made his way down to the lobby, he was pondering what on earth might be waiting for him.  A book?  A new phone case?  Something from his mother?
What Alex certainly wasn’t expecting was to find Henry standing in the lobby, a beaming smile on his face, a bouquet of two dozen red roses in hand.  “Baby?” Alex said, and he was immediately running towards him, not caring that the people milling about could see.  They’d signed NDAs anyhow.  Amy stepped forward and took the flowers before Alex could crush them between his and Henry’s bodies as he flung himself at the Prince, wrapping him in a crushing embrace.
Henry held him close, kissing Alex’s temple as he breathed in his scent: spices and coffee, and simply Alex.  “Hi, my love,” he said, carding a hand through Alex’s hair.  “What’re you doing here?” Alex asked, and Henry kissed him, cradling his face in his hands.  “Am I not allowed to come see my boyfriend?”  “Well, yeah, but aren’t you busy with the shelters?”  Henry smiled, tracing a thumb over Alex’s cheekbone.
“Pez is handling things for the weekend.  And I recall hearing that someone doesn’t have any exams next week and has a free weekend…”  It made something flutter in Alex’s heart to know that Henry knew his schedule and that he cared enough to come in from New York just for him.  “God, I love you so much, you know that?”  “I believe you’ve told me once or twice, darling,” Henry responded.  “But I could stand to hear it again.”
Alex laughed, pressing his lips to Henry’s, letting his fingers tangle in his blond locks.  “Henry George Edward James Fox-Mountchirsten-Windsor, I love you so stupidly fucking much.”  “And I love you, my dear.  Now, might my stupidly handsome boyfriend take me upstairs?”  Alex beamed.  “I’ll never get tired of you calling me your boyfriend, baby.  And yes, please, you’ve been here for 10 minutes, and I already want to do several bad things to you.”
Nearly two hours later, Alex lay curled up in Henry’s arms, both of them bare beneath the covers, Henry pressing lazy kisses to Alex’s skin.  “You are so beautiful,” the Prince mused, and Alex felt his face heat.  “Like…like someone brought a priceless piece of artwork to life.”  Alex blushed deeper, turning his face into his boyfriend’s chest.  “Don’t hide, love,” Henry said gently, coaxing Alex’s face upwards to look at him.  “God, you are perfect.  My perfect, beautiful love.”
Alex whimpered, something that made Henry’s heart skip several beats, and he kissed him, wrapping his arms around Henry’s neck, pulling him closer.  “How are you real?” Alex asked.  “How are you here, how are you mine?”  Henry’s heart couldn’t help but break.  His Alex had been through more than he deserved, had had his heart broken far more than anyone should.  And Henry was fortunate enough to have earned that heart, and he knew with absolute certainty that he would defend it.
“I’m yours, my love,” Henry said, cupping Alex’s cheek, smiling when he leaned into the touch.  “Because you are devastatingly kind, funny, generous, intelligent, and yes, ridiculously handsome.  I am yours because you see me for me, not the Prince others see.  And I am yours because despite my flaws and problems, you love me.  And Alex, my darling, you love me so well.  And I love you, sweetheart, more than anything else in the world.”
Alex sniffled, Henry’s words had brought him to tears.  “More than David?”  “Don’t tell him, but just a bit, yes.”  Alex laughed, and Henry swiped away his tears.  “I am yours, Alex, for as long as you’ll have me.  I love you.”  “I love you too, H.  God, I love you.”  Henry smiled, kissing him once more, wrapping his arms a bit tighter around him.  Alex wanted nothing more than to have this every moment of every day; Henry in his bed, in his arms, but for now, until Henry’s shelters were on their feet, until Alex was done at Georgetown, this…this interim…this was wonderful
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crimsonredfeathers · 1 year
~*~ Chapter 8 ~*~
Hawks x slightly older!fem!Reader
Warnings: more fluff coming your way
Word count: 1.4k
Notes: Instead of working on the story in a chronological order, I've recently been working on the later chapters and thus left you waiting once again. I'm sorry for being such a mess 😂
Prologue * Chapter 1 * Chapter 2 * Chapter 3 * Chapter 4 * Chapter 5 * Chapter 6 * Chapter 7 * Chapter 8 * Chapter 9 * Chapter 10
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You checked in to the hotel you had booked online after Hawks had given you his okay for the trip. The building was small, and so were the rooms, but it had gotten good reviews for being clean and the staff being friendly. You did recognize the hotel on the website right away, as you had passed it way too many times in the years you had been living here.
Once you had closed and locked the door behind you, you put your suitcase on the bed and opened the zipper. After retrieving some of your clothing, you got rid of your coat, carefully placing it on the bed to prevent the feather inside of the pocket from being crushed. You had another hour left before you'd leave the hotel and join your friends for dinner. A nice, warm shower was exactly what you'd longed for on your way through the chilling cold to the hotel. Humming, you went into the bathroom.
"Oi, y/n," your former boss called out as he pulled you into a hug. "Good to see you, girl, come in, come in!" He ushered you into his house, a beautiful one at that, you thought every time you had visited. It was small and cozy, traditional with sliding doors and tatami on the floor. His wife, cute as a button, greeted you by bowing before pulling you into a tight hug as well. "Look at you! All grown-up now! How have you been, dear? We sure miss you over here!" Her bubbly personality made you laugh. "Thank you so much for inviting me! I'm sorry, but Hawks couldn't -" She let go of you and offered to take your coat while her husband patted your shoulder. "We understand, girl. He's a young hero with many duties. Maybe he can make it next year," he winked. "I hope so," you smiled, thinking about the feather that still rested in the pocket of your coat. Well, somehow, he was here with you after all.
You changed into some slippers. "Come on, dear, everyone is waiting for you," the wife said, smiling, and led the way over to the dining room. You followed behind her, her husband limping, a remnant of the injuries he had sustained, as he walked behind the both of you. Entering the dining room, you were met with the faces of every single one of your former colleagues, their partners and children, cheering for you, and welcoming you home. It took you a moment to collect yourself before you went and hugged every single person in this room.
Together with a few of the other girls, you helped the wife to bring in the food and place it on the table before dinner started. All of you had fun catching up, talking about their new jobs and what was happening in their private lives. One of your former bosses' sidekicks laid his arm around his wife's shoulders, smiling proudly as he told all of you that they were finally expecting.
To your dismay, it didn't take long until all eyes were on you. "How is working for Hawks going?" You gulped as you looked at the former head-secretary of the office. "Hawks?!" Her little daughter squealed. She must be a fan of him, you concluded. "I heard he's sooooo fast," the son of an ex-sidekick chimed in, spreading his arms to both sides. "And he's popular with the ladies," the sidekick's wife added. "Wasn't he invited, too?" Your former boss nodded. "Unfortunately, the son couldn't make it, being all tied up in work. You know, how it is," he shrugged and gladly changed the topic of the conversation to spare you further questions.
You and the other girls helped wash the dishes after dinner, having a few good laughs while sharing old stories with each other. When the task of cleaning up was finished, you hugged everyone once again, bid them goodbye and promised to join them again as soon as possible, before you made your way over to the hotel you were staying in.
After getting ready for bed, you carefully pulled the small feather out of your coat pocket and placed it onto your nightstand. "Good night, Hawks," you whispered, not quite sure if he'd be able to pick up on what you said over such a long distance. You cuddled into the sheets of the hotel bed, yawning. After a moment of contemplating, you reached for the feather and carefully ran a single finger over its soft structure. "Sleep tight, birdie," you yawned again as you retracted your hand and finally went to sleep.
The next morning, you wrapped your scarf tightly around your neck, protecting yourself from the cold as much as you could, and left the hotel with your suitcase to walk over to the train station. At this point, you still had more than two hours before your train would leave. You had planned to browse through some of the gift shops until it was time to board the train. It was the 28th of December, Hawks' birthday, and you'd make sure not to come back to Kyushu with empty hands.
The first two stores were lovely, but nothing really caught your eye. The third one was mostly stocked with drinks and food, and, of course, you knew about Hawks' love for good food. You looked around for a while until a package of mochi caught your attention. They were made in the region and packed in a lovely little box, decorated with the drawing of a red tailed hawk. You smiled to yourself. This was perfect. You paid for the box and went to board your train. And around noon, you were back in Kyushu.
Leaving the train station, you got your phone out and dialed Hawks' number. "Y/n?" He sounded surprised. "Hawks, are you at the agency?" There was silence for a few seconds. "No, I'm at my apartment." Damn. "I just got back and thought, well, since it's your birthday -" Hawks laughed light-heartedly. "You remembered my birthday?" Of course. "I sure did," you said, matter of factly. Silence again. "Well, you aren't too far away from my apartment. Just unbutton your pocket, and my feather will lead you." You did as you were told, and the feather shot out of your pocket, circling your head a few times before floating in front of you. "Alright, see you in a few minutes then." You ended the call, and, sure enough, the feather started moving. About 10 minutes later, you stood in front of a massive skyscraper.
Hawks opened the door, wearing some sweatpants and a random shirt. You'd never really seen him wear anything else but his hero costume. Maybe he'd gotten rid of his jacket at some point or another because of the unbearable heat, but that was about it.
"What," he asked curiously while his stray feather reconnected to his left wing. Of course, it didn't slip his mind that you'd been studying him. "Is this how you celebrate your birthday?" He just shrugged. Come to think of it... You pulled the little box of mochi out of your bag and held it out for him to take. "Happy Birthday, Hawks! I know it's not much, but it reminded me of you," you laughed. His eyes grew wide before he chuckled, accepting the gift. "Thank you. It definitely does fit my taste, songbird." There it was again, the nickname he had given you. "Well, I should be on my way home by now," you smiled, ready to let him go back to enjoying his birthday. "You sure you don't wanna come in?" Hawks tilted his head. Clearly, he hadn't expected you to leave right away. "I'd hate to interrupt your party -" He stepped aside to let you take a look into his empty apartment. "What party?"
You stared at him for a moment before a soft chuckle left your lips. "I see," you muttered under your breath. You wouldn't just leave Hawks all to himself on his birthday and, quite frankly, no matter how much fun you had meeting your friends back at home, you'd missed him dearly. "Wanna order some pizza?"
Taglist: @claratakami @chrisrue15
A huge thanks to everyone who's reading and supporting this story! See you next chapter ❤️👋
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cyanide-latte · 7 months
10, 12, and 58 for Chrysanthos and Copper, please ^^
Oooohhhhh, very interesting choices! These forced me to think quite a bit.
10: What fact do they excitedly tell everyone about at every opportunity?
Copper: "Did you know there are six stages of rigor mortis, and it begins to set in about two hours after death, and then it peaks at 12 hours and stays that way for close to 2 days?" Copper this is not something most people find fascinating and you might need to question why Stone taught you this, please seek therapy.
Chrysanthos: "Coolest thing I ever learned when I was adjusting to being an Octavinelle freshman was that the largest waterfalls are actually underwater."
12: What’s something that makes them laugh every single time? Be specific!
Copper: If Twisted Wonderland has a Vine equivalent, then there's got to be an equivalent to this Vine that would always make him laugh. He thinks it gets funnier the longer it loops.
Chrysanthos: Heckling the Headmage and seeing Crowley lose his damn smile (disrespectfully, get rekt, old man.) Anytime Idia tries to brag/lie about having a lot of friends (come ON, little cuz, just be real.) Ortho attempting to use different voice mods to sound serious and get past whatever language locks he's got built into himself (let him be allowed to swear, it'll be even funnier.) Azul attempting to play social power chess with him (you're playing chess kiddo, but my game is 3-card monte and you're not watching the hands.)
58: How many hobbies have they attempted to have over their lifetime? Is there a common theme?
Copper: Poor kid hasn't had much opportunity to develop or take up hobbies prior to enrolling at NRC. However! He loves storytelling (he used to do this for himself as a kid, and since I headcanon that the Scarabia dorm does regularly do story circles as a little nod to the 1001 tales, after some initial hesitation Copper really latches onto this and it's part of how he builds and maintains friendships in that dorm.) He also really loves learning languages, even if he has a somewhat casual approach and treats it like a hobby. In the TWST equivalent of New Orleans and the nearby bayous, he picked up enough that he can understand most of what Rook says when he speaks French. Copper also subconsciously will codeswitch when speaking with Sam if Sam codeswitches around him. When Sam points this out and talks with him, he encourages Copper to continue looking into learning languages, so he does.
Chrysanthos: He's pretty mum about what his hobbies were as a little kid. When he hit adolescence, everything was blastcycle racing and urban exploration. These days he still works on blastcycles as a way to kill time (his own doesn't see much use anymore but that might change as @ramshacklerumble 's Gia slowly warms up to him and he tells them to take the cycle for a spin,) drops in on NRC for visits when he feels like it and can fabricate an excuse, collects the soundtracks of musicals, lectures troublemakers on how to get away with urban exploration, and generally loves pissing off Crowley in any little way he possibly can.
Thanks for the ask!
Taglist: @inmateofthemind @tixdixl @ramshacklerumble @simons-twsted-children @blithesharem @rainesol @theleechyskrunkly (lmk if you want to be added to the taglist!)
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mauerblumchen07 · 2 years
Our quiet friend [P.3]
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TW: blood and death (nothing to bad), and  a little bit of SPICE
Also, I'm so sorry it sucks. I don't even remember when I started writing but I finished at 10:27. I'm so sleepy so take what I wrote:)
 The mission was to take down a man by the name of Norman Krueger, he is a long-time drug dealer and he has also been helping other people get weapons, your enemies.
He's been stalking them up on weapons and drugs and on the other hand, Keegan is still paranoid about the mission he's been going over the plans over and over again,and  even Merrick has caught wind of the way he’s acting.
“Hey, do you have any idea why Keegan is acting all skittish? I don't think I've ever seen him like this before,” he says with a worried tone. You looked up at Merrick and shrugged your shoulders 
“he’s been like this even before the mission started he says he has a bad feeling about the mission, I mean I understand, I even I feel like something bad is going to happenwhen i go on a mission but that's just me being nervous, i don't know about him though,” she says looking back at keegan who was checking on everything and everyone to make sure gear was good and to check on the men that would be close by just in case they need back up.
Once you, merrick, and keegan finally arrived at a small and somewhat old motel to go over the plan once more for good measures, keegan was going to be close to you for only a short while then you will split up, he’ll be put for overwatch and you will meet with merrick to tell you where you need to be, get the info of where krueger, the drugs, and weapons are. You and Keegan would go from the ground up and meet up and leave through one of the building's windows.
You and Keegan ended up meeting at the back of the building preparing yourselves for what lay inside for the three of you. You seemed to have spaced out without realizing because the next thing you felt was Keegan slightly shaking you out of your thoughts “you good kid?” he asked while looking at you and then back at the building
“Ya  i'm fine just nervous y’know?” she said while fixing her helmet and gun holster as they finally go inside the building, you hear something keegan slowly raid his hand up in a fist, he looked around the corner and moved back and grabbed his walkie talkie
“Merrick we got at least five men that are blocking our path” he said looking back over the corner “you know what you gotta do keegan”merrick said back over the comms
“Ok look i need you to run by when i start shooting get to the middle floor, i'll be on overwatch by the time you get there and if there are any more of them be quiet, stay hidden and make your way to merrick, got it kid?” he said as he got into position “Yes sergeant” you replied as you got into place, 1…2…3…4…go. And keegan began to shoot at them as you ran past all of them without being spotted thanks to keegan.
You took a deep breath finally reaching the middle floor, you looked around, no one there.
“Merrick i'm at the third floor” you say out of breath, he's taking awfully long to respond
“Merrick, are you there?” no reply, why is he taking so long “Merrick?!” you say in a whisper yell. Finally after what felt like an hour he finally responded, you sighed with a light smile on your face.
“ sorry (y/n) i had to stay quiet for a sec” he said chuckling for a second “i’ll need you to go up into room 409 i'll be outside looking in the other rooms for anything else and keegan is on overwatch so if you need him just give him your word, got it?” he said as he got off the comms
“Got it.” and with that you were off to room 049, it was somewhat quiet if it wasn't for the sound of merrick picking at a lock it wasnt super loud but it made you nervous. You got in the room, you were looking through the entire room making sure to not leave a mess so they don't think anything has happened. You finally found the info you needed, putting it into your bag and zipping it up. You didn't even hear the sound of the door open until it closed.
‘Shit’ you tried to find a place to hide but it was too late, you were grabbed by the arm being yanked by this man towards him and started to throw a punch luckily you dodged the first one but he grabbed onto your head and slammed you against the wall causing your vision to blur and spin. You felt something warm and wet run down the side of your face, shit your bleeding, you began to try and push him off of you as he tries to push on you, he pulled out a knife almost slicing your neck if it wasn't for you grabbing him on time, he began to get the knife closer as you become weaker from the head injury, using your all your strength to try and push him away to no avail, you used your other hand to turn the comms on.
“Keegan…take the shot…please.” you say tired, and dazed, why isn't he shooting yet, for the love of god please shoot.
“Hold on kid i almost got him” he says clearly struggling to get him in the right place, within a few seconds later the sound of glass shattering and the man falling backwards into a pool of his own blood, you began to feel dizzy the corner of your eyesight began to go black and the muffled voice and body of merrick coming into view, then you finally pass out.
It's been a few good days after the recovery turns out the info was a pretty good deal and the man that attacked you was krueger so a win win really, but you haven't seen keegan in a while ‘he had some other things to do’ as merrick would say but he did tell you that he would be coming back today, you found the weapons and drugs.
“Hey kid, how are you feeling?’’ asked a familiar voice, Keegan, turning around to look up at him. You smiled glad to see him again. “I'm doing pretty good!” you say with a cheerful tone
“Hey me, merrick, hesh, and logan are going to the bar do you wanna come?” he asks as he tilts his head to the left while grabbing a piece of paper from his pocket and handing it to you, his phone number.``Ya i don't see why not!” you look at his phone number then back to him as he walks away.
Once you entered the bar, Logan's eyes shot up towards you and smiled and said something to the guys, telling them you had arrived. Once you walked over to the table hesh just smiled and gave you a firm pat on the back
“So how's your head feeling?” he asked while examining you from head to toe “i'm all good hesh no need to worry, if it wasn't for keegan saving my ass i would have been dead” she said with a soft laugh.seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into hours its late now, everyone else was heading home leaving you and keegan.
“I can drive you  home” offered Keegan, you smiled, you had a gut feeling to go with him.
“Sure i'd like that,thanks by the way” she said as they walked out the bar towards the car.
While driving to her house he stopped just outside her house in the driveway, his hand slowly and softly began to make its way up her thigh, her breath hitched at the touch, he got closer leaning his head to the side of your neck and kissing it softly “ i was so worried about you..” he said in between kisses.
“Keegan please you're drunk,” you say trying to stay professional, that's when pulls back and locks eye contact with you “no, (y/n) I was so scared for you, I'm sorry for taking so long to take the shot,” he says as he pulls you over onto his lap, you where both chest to chest your faces nearly touching.
“Keegan it's ok, I'm alive aren't I?” you say as you reach your hand up to his face and cup his cheek, he just chuckles and pulls you closer to him, there is only a small gap yet to be closed. “ can I kiss you again?” he says as he shoves his head into the crook of your neck, god it's tempting, you want to but you know you shouldn't but want to you've been longing for a moment like this, to be alone with him and wanting to feel his lips against yours. " Please.." you say in a whiny tone
" Please what?" he asks in a playful tone as he pulls his head away from the crook of your neck and he begins to lightly plant kisses upon your neck. God, it's finally happening the man you look up to, the man you have been head over heels for, he's kissing, touching you, this feels like absolute heaven.
"Keegan..." you say between breaths, his hand began to run up and down the sides of your body, and his left hand began to move up to the side of your neck, and then the gap between you and Keegan's lips was finally closed. When you opened your eyes he was romantically looking at you, till his hand slowly goes down until his fingers were rubbing you through your pants, your breath hitched as you pulled back and shoved your face into the crook of his neck. His hands lead to your hips and he starts to pull and push you back and forth against his throbbing cock. soft grunts and breathy moans began to escape Keegan's mouth as his head lolls back.
His hands come off of your hips, but you continue to thrust against him. Keegan moans and then continues to say hardly breathing. "Damn kid, just like that. " That's when Keegan's phone began to ring, it was Merrick. shit. that's when you slowly pull off of him heavily panting, Keegan picked up the phone trying to catch his breath as he answers.
" Hey Merrick, what' cha need?" Keegan asked like he didnt just have a full-on make-out session. he nods his head and hangs up
"I gotta go kid, Merrick needs me at the base, I'll see you next week ok?" he says as he gives you a small kiss on the forehead.
"Thanks for dropping me off," you say as you walk away from the car and into your house and up into your bedroom, then your phone binged, and a text from Keegan.
Keegan: thanks for the fun kid.
you just smiled at the text, you got ready for bed and you knew the next time you see him it was definitely gonna be something.
pls comment and let me know how you feel about it pls I need feedback
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