#10 things I hate about mitsuhide
the12thnightproject · 3 months
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Chapter 46: Divergent:  Katsu and Toshiie reconnect, while Mitsuhide gives Katsu a field promotion.
Mitsuhide x OC; Hideyoshi x MC (Mai)
All Chapters Archived on Ao3 
Logline - With Mai, Hideyoshi, and Aki missing, Mitsuhide and Katsuko reluctantly team up. Disguised as a merchant and his concubine, can they outsmart the man known as the God of Deceit?
As Toshiie continued to level his best glare at Mitsuhide, well… my first impulse had been to laugh. I didn’t laugh, of course, and squashed the giggles before they could reach my mouth. The idea of my clumsy brother picking up a sword to duel the cool elegant Mitsuhide seemed a recipe for self-inflicted injury. When the initial humor faded away, anger jumped in to replace it. “You knew that I was in Sakai… and you didn’t come to find me?”
“If I might offer an explanation –.” Mitsuhide began, before the second half of the realization hit me.
“And you! You knew my brother was here and you didn’t tell me either?” Someone was going to be sleeping alone tonight.
“May I continue, Brat?” At my shrug, Mitsuhide raised a questioning eyebrow at Toshiie, who also seemed to be inclined to let him keep talking. “Might I first point out that you never mentioned your brother’s name?”
I hadn’t? I thought back… I might not have.
“It didn’t occur to me that I had met your brother until after you returned to your original time.” When Toshiie startled at that, Mitsuhide nodded to acknowledge he was aware we were from the future. “Katsu, Toshiie was the healer who treated you when you were in the accident. Why he chose not to disclose the connection and not to return to see you is something that you need to discuss with him.”
When I turned to look at Toshiie, who hung his head, Mitsuhide again took control of the conversation, this time by removing the wig to reveal his natural silvery hair. “Before you two talk though, I must introduce myself to you, Master Toshiie. My name is not Kyubei, its Akechi Mitsuhide. When your sister and I were here earlier this summer, we were pretending to be a merchant and his concubine.” Even though Toshiie bristled like an angry cat, Mitsuhide strolled to my side, picked up my hand and kissed it. “My brilliant fiancée was kind enough to agree to the charade in order to help me locate a kidnapped Oda princess.”
As Toshiie edged down from DEFCON one status, I gave Mitsuhide a look. Ok, he technically hadn’t lied, aside from claiming that we were engaged, but I still was going to have to expand on the story to Toshiie… hang on. I slapped Toshiie’s arm “You didn’t visit me because you thought I was a prostitute?” Way to be sex positive… not.
Toshiie threw his hands up in the air and looked to Mitsuhide, apparently now deciding that hewas the good cop, and I was the hard ass. Mitsuhide simply bowed. “Dear me, it appears that the two of you need some time alone to sort through matters.” He kissed my cheek, and then whisked himself downstairs, where I expected he would probably get a lesson in all kinds of nasty potions.
Who am I kidding? He had probably crept back up the stairs and was listening in. I mean…. I would have.
“I thought he was holding you against your will.” Toshiie glanced toward the stairway. “He seems nice though.”
“He’s not nice… but he is kind. Nice would bore me.” Since Toshiie didn’t respond to that, and had instead fallen into awkward silence, I gestured at the walls. “Is this your building?”
The response to that question was bitter laughter, a sound that seemed out of place coming from my brother. “No, I work for the herbalist in exchange for room and board.” He seemed not to know what to do with his hands, and so, taking pity on him, I asked for tea, even though I was not thirsty.
While he bustled around the irori, I took a closer look around his quarters. His place was small – there was no upper floor above us, so all he had was a cooking area and a main room. A futon was folded neatly in the corner, with two cushions sitting on top of that, but there wasn’t very much in the way of décor.
It was such a huge departure from his room in modern Japan, which had always been full of art posters, brightly colored textiles, and piles (literally piles) of books and graphic novels, that I realized my brother had become a completely new person. One I would have to get to know from scratch. Well… I suppose it was the same with me. I was not the same directionless adrenaline chaser I had been in my adolescence.
Once the tealeaves were steeping, Toshiie grabbed the cushions from the futon and placed them on the floor on either side of a tray table. I knelt across from him and waited for him to begin his story.
When a couple minutes had passed with him doing nothing but stare uncomfortably into his teacup, I finally decided to prompt him with a little bit of interrogation. “Would you rather start at what happened the day we got here? Or fast forward to the day you found me and didn’t stick around for me to wake up.”
“Wow. Harsh… But I guess I deserved that.” He still wouldn’t look at me. “Last fall… I was in a bad way. I um, drank. All the time.”
"The first night I was injured. I don’t recall much, but I do recall hearing a flute. That was you, wasn’t it?"
Mitsuhide inclined his head. "The healer mentioned you might find it soothing."
"Where is this healer now? Did he not come back after the first time?" It was strange to hear about a doctor who popped in once but didn’t come back to check on a patient. Maybe he needed to be sent for.
"From what Shojumaru has told me, the man is brilliant but rarely sober." As if to illustrate the point, Mitsuhide poured himself a cup of tea, rather than breaking out his sake. "As long as you appeared to be incrementally improving, I thought it not necessary to further test his sobriety."
Calling on the spirit of my moderately awesome ninja pal, I kept my face as impassive as possible.
“And I thought I had nothing to offer… that you would hate what I had become. I needed to clean up first.” He clenched his hands so tightly that his knuckles paled in the effort.
“I wouldn’t have cared. I mean… well, I would have worried a lot, but I wouldn’t have ever hated you.” Although I might have done my best to stage an intervention… which probably wouldn’t be possible in a place where the rice wine was sometimes safer to drink than water. “I just wanted my brother back. I’ve been looking for you – that is one of the reasons I became a courier to begin with. To find you.” I paused a moment, then prompted by honesty, I added, “Well, that and I hated being a housemaid.”
“Until I saw you with Kyu- er, with Mitsuhide, I thought you were dead. Eaten by a bear.” His fingers played absently with a rough chip in the side of the teacup.
Eaten by a … what?
“A bear?” There was nothing I could do after hearing that except laugh. “I’m sorry,” I said when I caught his hurt expression. “I know you must have been devastated when you heard that, it’s just… I’ve never gotten close enough to a bear to even be bitten by one, let alone become a bear meal. They don’t eat people. They’re more scared of us than we are of them.”
At that point, there was only one thing to do, and that was to hug him and pat his back and he tensed and shuddered a few times. “I’m sorry. You must have felt so lost.”
Belatedly, I wondered whether Aki’s gruff, slightly distant affection had indeed been exactly what I needed. After my first few weeks of culture shock, and reluctant acceptance that yes, I was stuck 450 years in the past, my entire motivation had been focused on physically and mentally becoming the best scout/ messenger possible. I had thrived on the challenge, more than I ever would have on any challenge I had faced in modern Japan.
“I thought it was my fault. I was the one who suggested we go to the shrine that day, and then when we were attacked, I couldn’t protect you.” His face was still buried in my shoulder, and I could feel his tension through his entire body.
“You wouldn’t have had to suggest it if you weren’t so worried about me, but… it would never have mattered. They would have figured out how to get us here no matter what.” Ok, that last bit was still a theory, but given the whole Aki situation, I think we were both supposed to be here.
He pulled back, and now his expression was one of curiosity. “What do you mean?”
“It’s a long story… but I want to hear about you first.” I figured Toshiie needed to unload and get everything out. Bringing up Aki right now would just derail all that. “All I knew, or at least what I thought I knew, was that you were on a ship of some sort.”
“We’re going to need more tea.” He poured out another serving. “That’s right. I was on a ship. We'd been at sea about six weeks," he made a disgusted face, "when we encountered a rogue wave that damaged the mast. The ship limped into Sakai for repairs and in the confusion, I escaped… and well, I guess they probably didn’t look too much for me. I was an awful sailor. They were getting tired of stepping in my vomit… and when they asked me to clean it up myself… well, I just got sick again.”
Yeah, that tracked. Toshiie always had had terrible motion sickness. “I didn’t have any money though and for a long time I just existed by helping out in a noodle place. Chopping and stuff. Putting those medical skills to good use. And then I actually did put my skills to use when the restaurant owner cut himself and I stitched up the wound… did you know that they’d never heard of sutures here?”
In fact, I was aware of that, having witnessed my share of battles from the sidelines, but I didn’t want to stop his flow so I simply raised my eyebrows to get him to keep going.
“Anyway, every so often I would do some actual medical work and after a while people started coming to me when they were injured or sick. The herbalist downstairs thought it would be a good business decision to have me up here, so it is kind of a trade. However, he takes most of what people give me for the care.” He gestured around the sparse room and at his worn clothing. “Hence.”
Ugh really? And I had smiled politely at the man when we came in? “That’s not fair!”
“It … is though. I might have not spent it wisely anyway.” He left that open for interpretation, but I got the inference. “I haven’t been very proactive about this… career. Or really bothered to do much in the way of advancing my knowledge.” He sighed. “At first the drinking was just to help the sea sickness.”
“And that helped… how?” Wouldn’t that have made it worse?
As if no years had passed, my twin was able to glean my thoughts again. “You’re thinking it might have made it worse… but I already felt so miserably sick, that at least at some point I wanted not to care about it. Besides, you should have seen the quality of the water on board. You do not want to know what I found floating in one of the barrels.”
Ew… I could imagine.
He turned serious again. “Once I was off the ship… it made things seem less awful.” I stretched out my hands to him and he took them. “I didn’t want to live… but after what mom did, I couldn’t kill myself either.” His grip tightened on me. “When I saw you alive, I finally had a reason to change.”
He … should have changed for himself. I didn’t want to be anyone’s reason or purpose (too much pressure), but now wasn’t the time for that. “And … did you… change?”
A rather strained smile crossed his face, and I could see that there were dark unhealthy circles under his eyes, but his next words were from the old Toshiie, my sarcastic twin. “Cold turkey, baby. It… sucked, but having knowledge of herbal teas helped get me through the worst of the symptoms.”
“I’m sorry I wasn’t here to help.” Because there were no more words to say, I pulled him into a hug, and as he once had done when our mother died, he sobbed on my shoulder. Toshiie always had felt things more deeply and fiercely than… no, maybe that wasn’t true. His way of dealing with pain was different from mine.  His outlet was emotion; mine had always been activity – to push my body until I couldn’t think.
Neither way was better or worse… they… just were.
After his emotional storm passed, he got up and pulled the teakettle off the irori. It had been steaming and spitting for a while now. He’d be lucky if there was any hot water left. While he made yet another pot of tea (well… he was probably still flushing poison from his system) I gave him the highlights of my past seven years, doing my best to get to this summer where I knew I would need to selectively edit information to match up to Mitsuhide’s story. “After Aki disappeared, Mitsuhide and I partnered up – “
“So you weren’t his fiancée?” Toshiie, of course leaped on that inconsistency, seeming (of course) very interested in my relationship with Mitsuhide.
“At the time it was more of a business partnership…”
“Heavens, wherever did you get the idea that I was offering you a partnership? You will be working for me, and you will do exactly as I say.” Before I could tell him where he could put his job offer (such as it was), he continued. “Don’t look so mutinous, Brat. Am I wrong in thinking that this was exactly the scheme you were planning with this man-” he nodded toward Francisco, “-as your conspirator?  And would you agree that I would be far more competent in the role than a man who was not able to appear at the auction in time to rescue you from danger?” In spite of, or more simply to humor, Francisco, Mitsuhide sent a friendly smile in his direction.
Again, yes. Mitsuhide and his mouth full of teeth would be an upgrade in that regard. If I continued with Plan A. However, I could move directly to Plan B – finding and working for this Shojumaru – without taking a partner. Especially one who would-
“I rather think your rejection of me, while somewhat personally hurtful,” he dramatically placed his hand over his heart, and directed an over-the-top lovelorn glance at me, “lies in the fact that unlike your language-deficient friend, I would exert control over your somewhat impetuous behavior.”
“My rejection, as you put it, lies in the fact that I don’t want to work for you. I don’t want to work with you. I don’t want to spend any time in the same room with you.” 
A punch on my arm startled me out of my reminiscence. Toshiie grinned at me. “Look at you, with that goofy smile on your face. You liked him even then. My little sister in love. Never thought I would see the day.”
Ooof. Goofy smile? Mitsuhide probably heard that. Oh boy. I was going to be teased for that for certain. “It was only after I got hurt that the two of us realized how we felt about each other… but Toshiie, I haven’t yet told you… it turns out that Aki is our father… he’s from some time in the future…. I mean the future of our future. If we hadn’t gone through the wormhole then, we might have ended up here at some point anyway.”
There was a long silence while Toshiie digested all that. “Wow. That’s some serious sci-fi stuff. I love it... Our bio dad, huh? What’s he like?”
“Gruff. Distant. But… I always knew he cared about me. Before learning he was our father, I would have said that I loved him as a father figure. My Obi Wan. Now… it’s all mixed up because of the multiverse … on man, I haven’t even explained that part of it yet.” Toshiie was looking at me with four parts fascination and one part incredulity. “We live in a multiverse, and you and I have alternate selves. There is only Aki, but lots of us, and in another timeline, I met my alternate – as well as your children. I met them. Nao and Mayumi. They’re pretty good kids. Nao likes to climb things.”
“Huh. Kids.” He smiled. “I don’t know why that helps. But it does. I feel less cursed.”
Well. That was good… but it made me wonder. My life, and Katsuko’s life and apparently my unmet alternate Okatsu’s life had turned out all right. Maybe the mysterious ninja self was good too.
But… were there timelines where we were not ok? Where things had gone as badly for us as they had for Toshiie in this timeline?
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“Brat, I don’t recall you mentioning that you met an alternate version of yourself.” After spending most of the evening at Toshiie’s, Mitsuhide and I had returned to the machiya, eaten a light snack, and were now getting ready for bed. I’d hoped he’d missed that part of the conversation… but Mitsuhide misses nothing.
“Hah. I knew you were listening in.” His re-entry into Toshiie’s rooms had been suspiciously well timed to the end of my conversation with my brother, and his welcome interruption into what had been an awkward conversational lull had diverted the rest of the evening into a getting to know you session between the two most important men in my life. Under Mitsuhide’s acting of a fervent lover (and probably also under the spell of those cheekbones) Toshiie’s stiffness had melted away. By the end of the night, he’d agreed to Mitsuhide’s proposal to move to Azuchi.
“I was, and you would have done the same.”
Ok, that’s fair.
True, I had indeed expected him to listen in… but it had been difficult enough just to pitch my edited tale toward Toshiie. I’d decided I would just deal with the eavesdropper later.
Now, it was later… and I still hadn’t figured out how to handle any potential questions. Divert, divert, divert! I gestured to the parcel he’d brought back from the herbalist. “Did you buy something?”
“A little of this, a little of that.” He set a few paper-sealed packets up on the shelf where he kept the oil and incense. Then he turned around and gave me one of those looks. The look that seared into my soul and set my nerve endings buzzing. That prickly feeling… but now that I knew what it meant it was less frightening. “What aren’t you telling me?”
Ok… maybe a little bit frightening. But in a good way.
I knelt on a cushion, folded my hands piously, and gave him an innocent look.
Eyebrow raise.
Letting my fingers trail across the smooth straw of the tatami mat, I tried to ground myself. “It’s nothing really.”
Grounding would have been more effective if my kitsune hadn’t simply picked me up and tossed me onto the bed. He crawled on top of me and kissed the underside of my chin, his tongue flicking out to caress my throat. “You do remember I have my ways of making you talk… and moan… and scream.”
“I knew I shouldn’t have let you watch those old melodrama – oh!” He was already nibbling his way along my throat, moving leisurely up to my ear. I wiggled in anticipation of what would come next.
“You are avoiding the question.” That wicked smile told me he was having fun questioning me… and that he wouldn’t stop until he got an answer.
And, I suppose, that avoiding it would only make the revelation seem bigger than it actually was. “It’s really not that important. My alternate self is in love with Shingen.” When he frowned at that, I added, “but having met them both, the only way I could manage not to be weird about meeting another me was to think of her as my older sister, and as such, he will always be another brother in my eyes.”
Before he could respond, I hugged him closer. “Thank you for finding my brother. And for having someone watch over him.” I had not missed the nod that Mitsuhide had given to a man sitting across the road from the herbalist’s storefront. “It was the best grand romantic gesture a woman could ever dream of receiving.”
Well, that and travelling through time to find me.
There was silence for a moment, but I wasn’t expecting him to answer. Mitsuhide had as much trouble acknowledging a thank-you as he used to with accepting pleasure. Therefore, I was surprised when he very quietly whispered, “you are very welcome.”
“I’m glad he decided to come back with us. I mean, sure Kyoto isn’t that far from Azuchi, but it will be nice to see him every day…” Hm. That did remind me of one other white lie he had told my brother. “Although he’s going to figure out pretty soon that I’m not your fiancée.”
“He will not, because you are in fact my fiancée.” While I was still processing that matter of fact statement, Mitsuhide took advantage of my silence by kissing me thoroughly that most of my consciousness jumped the track to yes there, move closer, why are we both still dressed.
When my brain cells finally took control again… “I don’t recall there being a marriage proposal-“
“Consider it a permanent extension of our contract.” He propped himself up on one arm and smiled down at me, his fingers drawing little circles on my stomach.
“You know I’ll stay by your side without marriage. I’m more than happy as your lover.” Marriage had never been part of my dreams. “It’s not necessary.”
“You misunderstand. It is very necessary to my continued happiness that you become my wife. Until that blissful moment occurs, I intend to at least use the term ‘my fiancée’ on a daily basis.” He leaned down and placed a slow gentle kiss on my lips, one of reverence, one that said what his words could not. Then, he pulled away, and with that smirk, he added, “After all, do you not want to marry the man who can, to quote your brother, put that goofy smile on your face?”
I knew that was going to come back to haunt me.
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@lorei-writes @bestbryn @selenacosmic @tele86 @lyds323 @akitsuneswife
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spoopy-fish-writes · 3 years
—Rating Ikesen characters based on their shoes <3
Tw: Swearing, I'm literally just bullying them, someone stop me
Notes: @mllorei I don't know why it took so long but I finally did it! || Just saying that these opinions are all based solely on how aesthetically pleasing and comfortable I think they are/ would be for me personally and this is written with no intention to offend anyone. My comments on their clothing are not in relation to the actual historical aspect of them
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Wait, are those socks with sandals?
I've been staring at them for 10 minutes and still can't figure it out but they look like socks and sandals to me and that in itself is awful to me because that combo is simply unbearable to me. I cannot stand how they feel together
Like, the sock is just- eeeeh
I can vibe with the colours and the design though
Armoured and protecting the shin from me kicking him and suits the rest of the outfit, keeping it mostly monochrome and simple
The knots on the foot look actually well done and suit the rest of the design so it works
Also points for historical accuracy though, that I can applaud even if I personally find the design uncomfortable
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The longer I look at them, the more I hate the very obvious contrast between the cold colours of his outfit and the black of his sandals
Otherwise, I have very few complaints?
The straps are thick so it more practical and less likely to let his feet get messed up and plus he's more of a long distance fighter so it kind of works???
They're also black which only matches with the half gloves that he wears which shouldn't bug me as much as it does because of the really stark contrast between the really cold colours of his clothes and the sandals
Then again, it's like, half a shoe at the top and a sandal at the front which really doesn't make any sense to me. At all
I don't really know what's going on there
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Dude, don't you often fight on the front lines? These shoes are gonna get really scuffed and that's gonna be so sad
THEY'RE WHITE FOR FLIPS SAKE! He has clearly never heard of grass stains
Also hating the shade of green used
Other wide the design is really good
Feet are protected and the shoes look flexible and look like they can move easily
Also vibing with the silver accents and armour
Also, what's up with the grass (?) pattern on the armour shin pad thing?
It isn't bad and suits the rest of it but :////// idk
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I'm sorry but the fact that they're both not the same hurts me so much but if you get rid of the silver armour on the right leg, it actually really works and looks really good
The gold accents around the ankle are really pretty and I like how the shoes are black and white
The grey also goes really well with the rest of the clothing and the gold is still a really nice accent to the rest of his clothes
Honestly can't find much to hate about it
Then again, still trying to understand what the pointy thing at the back of the shoe is
I mean, I'm not the one wearing them but I'd probably stab my hand on it at least 7 times a month at the minimum trying to take them off but I suppose it fits with his vibe
He does after all have that pointy moon thing which I am unable to name at the moment so it does work
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Ngl, I spent more time staring at the poofiness of his trousers than the actual shoes because it's so cute to me
They're very simple and seem to be sturdy, not made of a material that looks too easily scratched up or ruined so that's a good thing
Shape and colour also work really well but kind of iffy about the brown tint that I may just be imagining because of the brown armour but it still works since his outfit is comprised mainly of oranges, browns and yellows
Also looks like they are fairly thick so they're definitely provide his feet some protection though the comfort is questionable
They look like of chunky and uncomfortable though that might just be me but you gotta be comfortable if you're gonna be moving a lot and riding a horse
The armour on his shins also looks like it would hinder his movements in his ankle a little so still questioning it's flexibility but otherwise liking it
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I love them
They're perfect
I know for a fact that I am biased but I don't care
The colours match, they're boots so the design isn't painful to look at, they aren't difficult or complicated
What more could I ask for?
I can't even rag on him for his boots being white like I could with Hideyoshi because he's the tactician
His fighting is done behind the front lines
Plus he fights intelligently so, if he were to be fighting anywhere near the front lines which is doubtful because he isn't the most efficient with a sword, he wouldn't be likely to get into a situation where he would happened to get off of his horse as you can see in Kenshin's route
Then again, he's Mitsunari, so I have to take into consideration the fact that he'll get them messed up outside of the battleground but, with Hideyoshi mothering him, I don't think he'll have too much of a problem
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Dude, are you really wearing these kinds of sandals into war? 😃
You're gonna get shot in the foot and there's gonna be absolutely nothing to even minorly protect it because the straps and shit are too thin
You're gonna be walking in a field of corpses and fighting on it
Everything is gonna be all over your foot because you fight upfront!
Blood, people, horse shit
Did you not think this through???
Like the design is kind of practical in the sense that they won't be coming off too easily but I've got experience with those kinds of sandals
They don't come off too easily at least the kinds that I've worn but the likely hood of them getting displaced is very high and that shit will be digging into your foot and let me tell you that that hurts like a bitch and you'll have to take the whole sandal off guys to get it back into place. No ankle support whatsoever
I don't think you wanna do that in the middle of a war
Otherwise, I very much like the sandals
Looks like something I would wear in Egypt when I feel pretty and decide to wear a half decent outfit
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I love and hate them
On the one hand, sleek, practical, not sandals, not flashy, suits the rest of his clothes, definitely the kind of thing that I would wear because it's not complicated or overly difficult
On the other hand, looks very scratchable, kind of like leather, and looks like it's gonna get all marked up
Knowing Kenshin, he's gonna be on the front lines, messing up his sleek shoes and that honestly really bugs me because it's gonna get all messed up :/
Like, yes he's rich and can buy as many pairs of them as possible but they look like they're made of some kind of bendable plastic and it hurts me
Otherwise, really good taste but the fact that they're really likely to get scratched up hurts me :/
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I can't be the only one who thought they were heels when they first saw them
I just immediately thought "STILETTOS!" and it still won't leave my mind
They look like boots my mum bought a while back and why are the toes pointed???
Dude, you're gonna be running around and shit, believe me, riding a horse and sitting down for that long with pointed shoes does not end well
For that reason alone, I hope they hurt
However, the colours work really well
The red black and silver seem to work and the design isn't half bad
However, I can't get over just how uncomfortable they look
I'd probably cry of I had to wear boots like that for extensive amounts of time
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Ah yes
The one man whos clothes and sense of style are a constant subject of my scrutiny
I'm sorry but I hate your outfit so much
Anyways! The shoes! The only half decent thing about the entire outfit
They look so shiny like Kenshin's so I also feel like they'd get easily scratched up
Same with the gold soles (?) and the green and gold thingies at the top
The thing at the top I guess I can understand but wouldn't gold soles hurt???
Like, the shoes look really uncomfortable
Might just be because of how it looks so shiny but they look like they'd be so stuffy and difficult to move in which is bugging me to an unnecessary degree
However, they're the only half decent thing about his whole outfit so I cut him some slack for this because at least the colours almost work
Wait a minute, isn't he also supposed too be a ninja?
They look kinda like they would squeak so wouldn't that give him away really quickly???
The practicality is slowly (very quickly) plummeting
Do not repost, edit or claim. Only reblog 💜
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nightshadeshimin · 3 years
Why I Didn't Like Masamune's Route?
First of all, I want to say; I know that many people will disagree with me as I can clearly see Masamune is very popular. But these are just my opinion and I'm sorry if this offends you.
I had really high expectations of Masamune's route, it is really popular and people like it a lot. But it was disappointing to me and here are the reasons why:
Their love didn't felt deep. It was always physical, MC enjoyed Masamune's touch, carefree smiles, kisses, -all that flirting- they barely had a speacial moment and MC was saying she was in love with Masamune even before that war scene. Masamune was like "I'll kill anyone if I have to. Even you." while MC was like "We are so different but I want to understand him better." and the next moment she was so in love with Masamune, she decided to go to war with him and protecting him, even if that means shooting a man. She was the biggest simp all of a sudden and it disturbed me. I didn't even understand how she was in love, just when? All because of physical touch.
MC is so unrealistic, childish, immature and ridiculous.. It is beyond naivete. Masamune was saying he could kill MC for the sake of his dreams and even though she is scared, she never really thinks much about it. And suddenly she is ready to give up on her life and chooses to kill for Masamune. I'm sorry?? This guy was saying he could kill you that time. No matter how much you like him, have fun with him, how much you want to know him better, it's stupid that she chose to kill (and giving up on herself, NOT EVEN REALIZING IT UNTIL MASAMUNE POINTS IT OUT.) for a man who is saying he can't protect you. It was very unrealistic that she didn't realize she was doing such a bad thing to herself. Just when did you fall so blindly in love? They didn't even had a special moment back then, they were just having fun? Yes they fought etc but it wasn't something to fall for? You were noticing how different you and Masamune are and decided to know him better. But how stupid are you to blindly trying to kill a man for this?
Masamune was so pushing sometimes. He was pushing himself to MC when they were basically strangers and even though MC pushes him away, she was enjoying it inside and all of the physical affection before they fall in love disturbed me a little. I know that Masamune is a pushing guy from other routes, so i prepared myself for it but still, i didn't like it.
I currently finished chapter 10 and about to choose Dramatic Route. And look at this scene.
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She is SO IMMATURE here. I get that you fell in love now, but you have a work as a castle caretaker here in NOBUNAGA'S CASTLE. How come you expect IN SENGOKU PERIOD you can live your love so freely like a highschool girl? And expect that just because you fell in love you can abonden your work here, expect everyone to understand it? She was even having dreams about "The castle is in north, it will be cold, I can cuddle with Masamune hehe"? Are you even aware of your position? Especially when your lover is THE Date Masamune. It really disturbed me how she talks about Nobunaga here. And at the same moment, Hideyoshi was saying he was worried about Masamune and the MC's relationship, she answers him "It's not for you to decide." Yeah we all know, Hideyoshi is aware of it as well, he's just sometimes over-mom-like but wow you don't have to be rude?? He's just worried and that's all. She treated Sasuke coldly as well. She didn't know Masamune at the beginning too but she was never distancing herself from Masamune (AT THE VERY BEGINNING) and now she acts distant to everyone. It's like she only cares about Masamune and their love. She's really like a highschool girl who is overexcited about his new crush and expects every responsibility to solve itself on its own.
Maybe I was too angry writing this and exaggrated, I don't know. It was just things were like this from my perceptive.
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yukina-otome · 4 years
Otome game MC’S
Hello everyone ! Today i am gonna tell you about my opinion on the mc’s of the otome games i played ! Again this is just my opinion so feel free to share yours or complete with your opinion on mc’s of otome games i didnt include !
This is not a ranking btw !
MLQC MC: Youran
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Job: Producer | Queen
Age : 22 year old
Good points : 1-Brave and take risks 2-Never give up 3-Smoll bean (seriously she's so cute) 4-Really nice and helpfull (walk around the city for hours every week to help anyone in need) 5-Hardworking 6-Tell whats on her mind and doesnt hide her feelings 7-Can play piano
Bad points: 1-Bad decision making 2-Rely on the boys too much 3-Mary sue 4-Clumsy AF 5-Sneez\ stomach noises when boy is about to kiss her
Mystic messenger mc:
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Age and Job: Depends
Depend on the route 1-Yoosung : Super patient and mature 2-Jaehee: Supportive 3-Jumin : God levels of patience but also kinda always have to agree with jumin which i hate 4-Seven : Happy go lucky and clueless about her whole situation (Seven : There is a BOMB | MC:LOL OK) 5-Another story : Guillible but also very patient. (i would take none of that s**t) Common to all routes : Have no eyes
My candy love MC: Lyn Darcy AKA Candy
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Age : 17 during 1st season \ 23 during 2nd season \ 25 during 3rd season
Job : High schooler\ college student\ coffee owner
Good points: 1-Friendly 2-Helpful 3-Open minded 4-Pretty 5-Very strong mentally (during the highschool part) 6-Appearance can be customized 7-Energetic 8-Can get angry and speak her mind (depend on your choices)
Bad points: 1-Nosy AF 2-Mary sue 3-Play terapist with literally anyone she meet even if that mean getting herself in trouble and ignoring her own love life 4-Paranoid 5-Childish (even for a highschooler and even more in campus life)
7hotties MC AKA the worst mc (No pic for her cause tumblr says only 10 pic per post)
Job : Freelance designer  Age : middle 20′s
Good points :
3-Absolutely nothing
Bad points: 1-Weak 2-Useless 3-Doormat 4-Almost jobless (never seen her work aside from keita's route because he is the one who gave her the job) 5-Bland AF 6-Forgive everything a guy do to her (even rape) 7-Never actually get mad (even after a guy sleep with her and dump her literally right after she's like "pls don't abandon me! Tell me if i did anything wrong ! I'll fix it")
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Job: Concierge at the royal shining
Age : Early 20′s
Good points: 1-Sassy 2-Have a goal in her life and a dream she will not abandon no matter what 3-Can solve mental illness with love (because otome game power) 4-Described as extra pretty (All the boys at her workplace like her) 5-Doesnt give up easily 6-Actually got some backstory 7-Thirsty AF 8-Relatable
Bad points: 1-Forgive too easily (Minami's route !!) 2-Always get caught when spying or listening on someone's conversation 3-Clumsy AF 4-Can't brew coffee even after two weeks of trying (toma's route) 5-Actually not so good at her job but she's trying really hard
Le secret d'henri\Henri's secret MC: Lyla (Actually not an otome game, more like a visual novel but i wanted to include it because i absolutely love the mc and also because it's getting a remake and i wanted to promote it a bit)
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Job : Highschooler
Age: 17 then 18
Good points: 1-Strong 2-Naive in all the right ways (she know how naïve she is but still choose to be naïve because she'd rather get backstabbed because she trusted than miss the opportunity to know a good person because she didn't trust)
3-Very pretty (Said to be the prettiest girl in all the high school and literally every boy she met aside from her brother and clement her bestie want to date her.)
4-Very popular 5-She is so nice even Henri call her a saint 6-Have the best family 7-Have the best friends 8-Supportive 9-Likes to play detective and solve people's problem 10-You really get attached to her by the end of the story you are almost sad because you wont get to see her again
Bad points: 1-Overreact 2-Drama queen (I understand tho as she is still a highschooler so she get emotional and depressed quite easily specially when it comes to a certain someone)
3-A bit too perfect sometime : Pretty girl, nice , friendly, cool, like nailpolish and fashion but also manga and video games, smart etc etc 4-MARY SUE 5-Nosy but not in an annoying way
Ikevamp MC:
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Job: Travel agent and blogger | Housemaid
Age: Early to middle twenties
Good points : 1-She's said to be very beautiful (leo's route) 2-Speak many languages and seem to have a wide board of interests 3-Adapt fast to her new environment (depend on the routes) 4-Mentally strong (specially in napoleon's route) 5-Kinda mature (sometimes and depend on the route) Bad points: 1-Inconsistent personality even in the same route 2-Mary sue 3-Can be very weak and submissive (depend on the route) 4-Have no reason to stay aside for the boy she loves (what I mean is that by the end of the route the only thing she have in 19th century France is her boyfriend, in some routes she doesn't even meet or talk to most of the other resident and she have no job aside from cleaning the mansion with Sebastian)
5-Also get kidnapped every route (don't know yet for Theo) 6-Always wear the same clothes
Ikerev MC : Alice
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Job: Help at a bakery ?
Age: Early twenties (saw somewhere that she was the same age as ray, not sure tho)
Good points : 1-Like food 2-Foodie 3-Enjoy food 4-Food = Happiness 5-More seriously she's super positive and optimistic and adapt really fast to her environment 6-Friendly and happy go lucky 7-Have the power to repel magic and protect herself and sometime her suitor to some degrees
Bad points: 1-Clueless 2-Dumb AF 3-Bad decision making 4-Get kidnapped almost every route 5-Zero observation and deduction skills (Oliver's route) 6-Technically squat at the black\red army headquarter\Oliver and Blanc's house or Harr and Loki's house
Ikesen MC : Mai AKA the queen AKA the fireball AKA the little mouse AKA The godess AKA the wild boar
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Job: Seamstress
Age: around 25
Good points : 1-Strong AF 2-Take no sh*t (Kenshin's route\ Nobunaga's route...) 3-Adapt quite fast to her new and very dangerous environement (if i was her i would not leave my room for the next 3 months) 4-Fireball 5-Saved her suitor in many routes (Kenshin, Ieyasu, Shingen...) 6-Sass Queen 7-Have a life in sengoku era aside from her suitor (kinda the opposite of ikevamp mc as i said in bad point 4) 8-Have a dream and a goal 9-Very beautiful (even kenshin said so outside of his route and he was not in love with her!) 10-A lot of chemistry with all of the boys even outside of their routes.
Bad points : 1-Mary Sue 2-In some routes she is weaker but it never really disturbed me as it suited the love interest of the route(Sasuke and mitsuhide's route) 3-Kidnapping
Midcin MC:
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Job : Princess
Age: Heard somewhere that she is 19 but not sure about it
Good points : 1-Adapt fast to her new situation 2-Try her best to learn everything 3-Try to take responsibility as the new princess 4-Can't think of anything else for her...
Bad points : 1-Weak 2-Bland 3-Doesnt speak up when she actually need to (The dumpster fire that is Alyn's ever after) 4-Kidnapping sometime twice in the same route 5-Submissive depending on the suitor
Okko's games MC'S : Honestly they r all the same so reunited them all in one
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Job and age : Depend on the game
Good points: 1-Hard working 2-Have goals and dreams 3-Usually have a backstory 4-Some of them are sassy 5-Pretty but doesn't take care of herself 6-Always have a very fashionable bestie with a lot of experience with dating that help her and listen to her problems
Bad points: 1-Emotional maturity of a middle school girl 2-Doesnt want to admit her feelings and keep denying them even when there is no reason to 3-Self sabotage 4-Blame herself for every bad thing that happens 5-Some of them are very weak and submissive
And that’s pretty much it ! Thank you for reading until the end ! Pls feel free to reblog and add on those with your opinion ! 
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happylady215 · 3 years
Have I fallen in love with him...?
Mitsuhide x Reader
(English is not my first language. So, I'm sorry if there's any bad grammars 😅😅)
(Reader POV)
Spring has come. Many beautiful flowers were blooming. Spring is the most beautiful season. Besides enjoying the beauty of flowers, spring is the season where you meet the people you miss or your true love.
…. At least, that’s what I heard from people around here. I was in the middle of preparing to open my teahouse. I have a teahouse located in Azuchi. My shop is not always crowded, but, many people like the food here. This teahouse is the last legacy of my parents. My parents… they died 3 years ago, and it makes me a little lonely everytime I remember them.
While waiting for customers to come, I drink a cup of hot tea. “I’m bored…” The spring wind blew and hit my face. It feels really nice. I closed my eyes, remembering something. “Speaking of spring, it always make me to remember that person…” Yes, spring is the first time where I met that person, my only childhood friend that I missed a lot. “I really want to see him again…”
(Around 10 years ago)
I was playing in a meadow full of flowers. At that time, I found a very large cherry blossoms tree. “It’s so big..!” I thought, while staring at it in amazement. My feet move automatically into that direction. “I wonder how old the tree is?” “I don’t know, maybe almost a hundred years old?” I hear someone answered my question. I was startled and immediately turned my body.
There was a boy who seemed 2-3 years older than me. His eyes were golden, he has silver hair and long lashes. Where did he come from? I’ve never seen him at all. Ah, he actually handsome too, but, why does his smile looks sly like… a fox?
“So you see me as a fox, huh?” he grin.
Wha-?! How did he know what I was thinking about?!
“Are you surprised because I know what were you thinking?”
“H-hey, how did you know what I was thinking?” I asked him.
“Because I’m ‘Satori’, a mhytical creature who can reads people minds. But don’t worry, I won’t eat you.”
Is he being serious? Or just joking? I can’t tell. He just keep smiling.
“Don’t lie to me, there’s no way you’re a monster or anything.”
“Oho? I thought you will get scared with this kind of thing, little mouse.”
“As if! I won’t get scared by that! And, ‘little mouse'?? Did you see me as a little mouse?”
“Didn’t you see me as a ‘fox’ too, earlier?”
Damn, he’s right. I tried to search another topic to change the subject.
“Hey, where are you from? I’ve never seen you. And, are you a noble? Your clothes looks expensive.”
That boy paused for a moment.
“I’m just a merchant son. And yes, I’m not from here, I came here to visit my distant relatives. But sorry, I can’t tell you where I come from.”
“Oh, I see”
“Then, what’s you’re name?”
“Hmmm? Why do you want to know my name, little mouse?”
“You don’t want to be called ‘fox’ forever by me,right? And I don’t want to be called ‘little mouse’ by you either.”
“Shouldn’t you introduce yourself first before asking other people names?”
Ughhh..! how long will he tease me like this?! How annoying!
“My name is (y/n)… (full name). "
“My name is Mitsu, nice too meet you little mouse.”
“Hey, didn’t I tell you that I don’t want to be called ‘little mouse’? And introduce yourself properly, will you? At least, tell me your full name.”
“Hoh~? Since when I will call you by your name? And since when I will introduce myself properly?”
Since that day, Mitsu and I always meet each other and play together. We always meet under that cherry blossoms tree. We became close friend very quickly. He always tease me until make me angry, but he actually has gentle side too. He always cheer me up every time I feel sad, he always protect me whenever someone bully me. But, one day he must return. That day, he came to me to say goodbye. I’m sad. Of course. He’s my bestfriend, how could I not sad?
“Mitsu… will you come here again…?”
“I don’t know.”
“Can we meet each other again…?” my body is a little bit trembling, trying to hold back my tears.
Mitsu noticed that, and then, he hugged me. And slowly, he gently stroked my head.
“Little mouse, I promise that someday we will meet each other again. No matter how long it is, we will meet. I will find you.”
“You’re not lying, right?” I hug Mitsu tightly.
“This time, I’m not lying.”
I can’t hold back my tears anymore. I’m crying while hugging Mitsu. Mitsu kept silent and still stroking my head. He’s gentle touch make me comfortable, it makes me feel calmer.
“Good bye, (y/n)…”
And that’s the first and last time he called my name.
(Back to present)
“Iss..? Miss..? Excuse me? Hello?”
“Huh? Ah!”
“Oh my god, are you tired? You shouldn’t have to open your teahouse if you’re exhausted, dear.” Apperantly there’s a customer who wake me from my nap.
“Oh, no. I’m perfectly fine. Do you order as usual?”
“Yup, as usual, please. I’ll sit on the bench outside, okay?”
“Okay, please wait.”
I can’t believe I fell asleep, and my customer is the one who wake me up. Gosh, this is embarrassing. Why did I dream about that again? Even though I try to forget it. ‘We will meet each other again’ he said. Hah, how funny. It’s been years and we haven’t meet again.
Oh, come on! Why am I keep missing him? This longing makes me uneasy.. Can we really meet again? I’ve been waiting too long. Was it just a lie that time?
“Thank you for your visit, please come back anytime.” I bowed my head to the customer who just walked out of my teahouse.
“Excuse me.” Ah, I guess there’s another customer.
“Yes? May I help you-“ I gasped. My eyes widened staring at the person in front of me in disbelief. Otherwise, that person also looked at me with a look of disbelief.
“Little mouse…? Why... Are you here...?”
Yes, there’s no mistaking it. This person is Mitsu, my childhood friend that I missed a lot since that day. I didn’t answer his question. Instead, I immediately run to him and hug him tightly and can’t hold back my tears once again. Finally… finally, we meet again..! I’m so happy.
“Little mouse, we should go inside first.”
I think my eyes a little bit swollen, it hurts a little. Fortunately, today only a few customers came here. I’m glad they didn’t have to my ugly appearance, now. “Little mouse, how did you ended up here? Aren’t you not from Azuchi? I tought you live in another village a little bit far from Azuchi?” Mitsu ask me while comforting me. His voice sound very gentle. “This teahouse is mine, Mitsu. Our family decide to move to Azuchi, not long after you return to your home. I think it’s 3 months after that.” “Oh, I see… so that’s why I can’t find you..” he mumble. “Did you said something, Mitsu?” “Ah, no. it’s nothing.”
And after that, he explained everything. That time he can't tell his real name because he actually on a secret mission with his father. His real name is Mitsuhide, Akechi Mitsuhide. Oda Nobunaga’s left-hand man that called as ‘Silver Kitsune’, many bad rumours surrounded him. I can’t believe that the ‘Silver Kitsune’ is my childhood friend!?
“How about your family? Are they healthy as usual?”
“Ah, about them… they died 3 years ago because of illness.”
“…. I’m so sorry to hear that.”
“It’s okay. By the way, why did you keep calling me ‘little mouse’? Did you forget that I don’t like being called that??”
“Hooh… You hate it? I thought it’s cute, though.” Finally he smile again.
“Geez, it’s not cute!”
“I’ll call you whatever I want and you can’t deny it.”
He’s teasing me again.
Since then, Mitsu always came to my teahouse when he wasn’t too busy. We chat and spend time just like when we were kids. Oh, how miss am I to feel this atmosphere.
“Mitsu- ah, no. I mean, Mitsuhide.” I still not used to call him by his real name.
“You can call me ‘Mistu’ like you always do. I don’t mind at all.”
“Oh, okay. Mitsu?”
“Are you aware that you have been called ‘Silver Kitsune’? Did you know that there’s many bad rumours surrounded you?”
“Of course I’m aware, little mouse. Because I’m the one who spread those rumours.” He answerd it calmly. He seems very calm I must say.
“What..?! Why did you do that?”
“It’s just part of my job as Lord Nobunaga’s left-hand man, you don’t need to know the details.”
“… still… Don’t you ever feel angry or qualmish by those rumours?”
“What do you mean?”
“People said you have intimidating and cold gaze that makes people scared of you, no ones know what you think, people called you ‘Kitsune’ or ‘Snake’ and anything. Don’t you feel angry?”
Actually I’m the one who angry to hear such rumours.
“Oho? I didn’t know that my rumours became that much. How fascinating.” He chuckle.
“Hahh… nevermind, forget it.”
“But it seems, that you angry with those rumours, little mouse?” It seems he read my mind.
“Of course, I am.”
“Oh? Please do tell the reasons.” He seems interested to hear my reasons.
“Because they’re wrong. You maybe often to tease and trick me, but you never do anything harmful to me. You always protect me. You have gentle side too, you know? You actually care about other people, but you never let anyone see that side of you. I even like it when you’re beside me, Mitsu. I love your gentle touch when you stroke my head. It makes me feel safe and comfortable. But yeah, I’m always comfortable when we’re together.” Unconsciously, I smiled when telling the reasons.
Huh? Why is he even silent? And also lowered his head instead? “Mitsu, what’s wrong?” When I was about to touch him, he slightly back away from me while covering his face. “Hey, what’s wrong with you? Are you sick?” I feel a little bit panic because he didn’t answer me at all.
“Ha…. Haha…Hahahah….” He chuckled.
“Oh, dear. You've never changed a bit since we’re a kid, huh? Always being a straight forward and speak what’s in your mind.”
He finally showed his face. And I’m a little bit surprised what I saw.
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His cheeks were painted with blush to the tips of his ears. This is the first time I’ve seen him like this. The usual Mitsu I’ve known always looks calm and cool.
Ba-thump Ba-thump…!
Oh,god why my heart is pounding right now? I feel my cheeks become hot too.
“Little mouse.”
“Y-Yes!?” dammit, why am I become nervous suddenly??
“Why are you blushing too? Yo’re like an innocent teenager, you know?”
“Hah? Shut up, and stop smiling you-“
“But that’s why I like you since we were kids.” He take one of my hand, and lifted my chin with his other hand. “(y/n)?” this is the second time he call my name.
“Yes?” I felt my cheeks became more hot, because he brought his face closer to me.
“I like you since childhood. You are my first love, who I always miss since then. (y/n), I love you from the bottom of my heart. Will you be my life companion forever?”
“Are you teasing me right now?”
Without any warnings, he suddenly pull me closer and kiss me. He kissed me slowly and gently. It feels nice, I don’t hate it at all. Instead, I feel very happy. It feels like my heart could explode anytime.
After that he release me.
"Do you think I was teasing or lying to you, right now?” he smirk.
My heart is pounding harder right now. What is this feeling? What is this euphoria? I can’t think anything but him. Have i… Have I fallen in love with him….?”
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darlingkay · 2 years
ikemen opinion 7/?
it's me! i'm in the mood to write some more so i bring you yet another ikemen route review!! this week's suitor is... hideyoshi toyotomi from ikemen sengoku. hideyoshi was the first ever cybird suitor i ever romanced so i have quiet the soft spot for him. you know the drill, spoilers below!! i might add more to this later, i always have moe thoughts after posting.
i've decided to start leaving links to both the previous otome post and my masterlist! getting boujee out here.
previous post: yves kloss (ikepri)
otome opinions list: masterlist
*disclaimer* : please keep in mind that these are my personal opinions which will of course differ from others!! i’d also like to disclose that i do in fact pay to play, but i only pay for that i deem worth it. i don’t spend money on events or for chapter tickets.
character: hideyoshi toyotomi (ikemen sengoku)
route: romantic
rating: 7/10
overall thoughts: i liked hideyoshi a lot, he's very sweet and caring which is something i really like probably because of my daddy issues but that's irrelevant. there's just a couple things i didn't love in the route like his overwhelming devotion to nobunaga, but nothing too serious. honestly, a great starter suitor if you're new to otome games in my opinion.
like i said before i do like how sweet and caring that hideyoshi is. i also like that you have to prove that you aren't a threat to unlock that personality trait as well, because otherwise i think it would be boring if he was like a doting older brother right off the bat, it just gives him more depth and shows how intense he can be. damn emmie, overanalytical much??
i loved his dynamic with mistunari. mitsunari is only a really great character, especially when you play kenshin's route, he really steps up as a supporting character.
although you all know im a hoe for a tsundere, hideyoshi is refreshing. he's cute, sweet and doting. i just like how sweet he is because he really does make you blush and feel cared for in his romantic scenes.
not really about the story but i love his design. he is so handsome and confident looking. he's just so good looking and put together. the colors they chose for him are just so nice and yeah i just love his design. 10/10 cybird.
even though mitsuhide is a rat i like that he was worried about hideyoshi's happiness and sent mc's letter to him. kinda doesn't make sense since he's a rat and all that, but it was still nice. wouldn't have the same effect if it was anyone else in the oda.
i don't hate that he was so devoted to nobunaga, i mean that's like his main personality trait. i think i just hate that he doesn't really overcome that obsessive dedication?? maybe that's just me i mean i don't wanna sound like i'm against dying fopr what you believe in but like,,, boi we can't raise a family if you're always taking an arrow in the shoulder for fun
didn't love the older brother thing. i know that obviously mc and hideyoshi aren't related, but when you insert that dynamic it's a little weird regardless.
sometimes the dynamic felt weird because of the relationship that nobunaga had implemented between mc and himself and then the obvious romance between mc and hideyoshi. just because of the whole "im oda nobunaga and i own you because you're my good luck charm" and "im hideyoshi and i'd die for you nobunaga, you breathe my air".. just that.
the whole plotline about mitsuhide confused me a little. i know thats accurate to history but it's just weird in comparison to the other stories because he isn't an antagonist in ieyasu's which i think is weird, but i know the stories are all going to be different. im just being difficult i think.
honestly the main reason hideyoshi doesn't rank higher is because of personal preference. im much more of a ieyasu type of girl. i havent played nobunaga's rout, but im sure i'd like him if i could get over his misogyny since hes such a dom like chev (ikepri).
favorite memory: i think my favorite memory is mmmm i don't know i really like it when hideyoshi is like girl how tf can i scold you if you're 500 years in the future???? or something like that. that premium story was worth it overall, sweet and steamy, just how i like it.
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Ikesen Boys meeting Calliope the Cactus
For full context I have a zygocactus named Calliope, Cali for short, and I thought this would be a funny thing to write.
Kennyo, Nobunaga, Yoshimoto, Masamune, Mitsuhide, Hideyoshi, Kenshin, Motonari
Warnings: Historical inaccuracies as far as the eye can see
👘”Hello Calliope.”
👘He pretends to not care about them. All “I am a demon who feels nothing but rage.”
👘When they’re alone Kennyo is just the most caring. He has Ranmaru bring back a copy of my notes on how to care for Cali, he talks to them about his day, and he’ll even save their flowers when they fall.
👘The ONLY one who I’d trust to take care of Cali. He is a responsible caring adult who needs an emotional support cactus. He would NEVER let anything happen to my cactus child.
🗡I would kill him if he EVER took a STEP towards Cali. 😤😤
🗡Not just because I hate him
🗡He would actually not give a single shit, like he'd just have a smug smirk thinking I was some sort of naive idiot.
🗡Definitely would not refer to Calliope by name, not even to tease me, just "it" and "the Cactus".
🗡Probably say something like this "Seems like my good luck charm is enjoying their cactus."
🗡10/10 for respecting my pronouns tho.
🦚"They're beautiful, the green is lovely and their red blooms are magical."
🦚The only reason I don't trust him to take care of them is because I already don't trust him to take care of himself.
🦚Yoshimoto 100% gave me a fancy pot to plant them in and every time I have to repot them he brings an even fancier one.
🦚Could sit for hours just enjoying Cali's company as he painted or something.
🐯I don't CARE if it's a joke I WILL revoke your cactus privileges!!
🐯Ok he'd tease like Nobunaga but he makes it clear that there's no malice.
🐯He genuinely likes Cali and thinks that everyone caring about them so much is really cute.
🐯He just likes teasing a little but more.
🐍 Genuinely does not know how to look after a cactus. Especially a zygocactus. He hides it behind teasing.
🐍Lowkey might actually eat the eggshells I use as fertizler. Not on purpose, he just couldn't tell that it was for the plant.
🐍mistuhide would totally break a dude's hand if the even implied a threat towards Cali.
🐍Like "Sir, thats my emotional support time traveler's emotional support cactus. I will kill you if you lay a hand on either of them."
🐍Would accidently over water them if I ever left them in his care. Like he meant well, but didn't realize that cacti need less water than other plants.
🐍Never let him plant sit. Never.
💓He'd be weirded out at first, like "why are you talking to a plant? Do you feel ok?"
💓Once he's introduced though.
💓Hideyoshi adds a plant to his Oda children.
💓He really wants to take care of them, but he's so busy that he really doesn't have the time. But every now and then he shows up to spend an hour with Cali and give them a little mist.
💓Mamayoshi is lowkey trying to steal my cactus child.
🐇Straight up doesn't care for Cali
🐇If it can't pick up a sword why should he care?
🐇He's fully content to leave the plant stuff to Yoshimoto but if Shingen teases him enough he'll demand to take care of them.
🐇The only reason Cali is still with us after the whole thing is because Kenshin would die before letting Shingen beat him.
🏴‍☠️Keep him away from all living things for everyone's safety.
🏴‍☠️Just. No.
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amenomiko · 4 years
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Thank you for requesting @otome-land 😘😘😘💕💕💕💕💕
IkeSen Lords x Pokemon
First of all, he will name 6 of his pokemon with the name of his vassals, and MC.
The possibility for him to choose anything related to them is high. Nah. Knowing him he will make it possible.
Like.. Having Mankey (Hideyoshi), Dragonite (Masamune), Ninetales (Mitsuhide), Jigglypuff (Ieyasu) and Psyduck (Mitsunari).
And Torchic (MC).
"It's adorable. Besides. It is a fire pokemon like you, my fireball. As I couldn't find pokemon based on lucky charm."
Also, named his rival as "Tiger Wannabe".
Favorite Pokemon - Ho-oh. Reason: Majestic and Legendary.
Masamune: Is it because you always say the word "Hooh?"
*Is jabbed hard on his waist by Hideyoshi*
Obviously will do a shopping spree on potions, defense items, power-up items, particularly on those things to take care of his pokemon's well being.
Gasp dramatically when his Pokemon's HP is less than 30%.
+Heavy breathing when they are poisoned / cursed / paralyzed / put on sleep powder.
Complains a lot about the main character's age.
"What kind of game that allows 10 year old children goes for his adventure A L O N E??"
Favorite Pokemon: Arcanine. Why?
Mitsuhide: LOYAL because he is a dog? Pfft-
Relate himself to Lance.
Cause... Dragon Pokemon.
Name his rival "Ghey". Because "G*y" is inappropriate and he is lectured by Hideyoshi about names.
"Will you name your son like that?? Will you?? MC will cry!!"
"Psssh it's just a game~~"
"It's just a game?? Then is dating and marrying and having child with MC is a game to you??"
How did this escalated like that-- anyway-
Favorite Pokemon: Rapidash.
He really wish it exists so he can go for a Formula 1 riding. Horse version.
Was grinning the entire time of playing until Hideyoshi assume he uses hack in it.
"My my how silly of you, I am playing fair and square."
"Then care to explain WHY your pokemon is level 100???"
"I wonder. I don't understand modern things ¯\_(ツ)_/¯."
Yeah right.
His team is nothing but those of ghost pokemon, dark pokemon, and psychic pokemon a.k.a the pokemon that puts misery on their opponent.
His favorite would be Ninetails. Cause... Fox.
Ieyasu: I thought your favorite is Gengar. The grin is the same 😒.
Hideyoshi: Did you just name your rival as "Castle Hen"--
He won't play this childlike game.
Also Ieyasu: His team are of those cute looking pokemon.
Instantly heal his Pokemon just like Hideyoshi.
"It's not that I care or anything-- they must stay strong in order to win. Hmf."
Have this certain happiness whenever he win against a magikarp with 1 hit-k.o.
*Points at Magikarp and show it to Mitsunari* "You."
Milotic is his favorite. He relate Milotic to his past of where its first evolve is weak and shunned, then grow into stronger pokemon once it evolved.
Meanwhile, Masamune: I see Seadra or Jigglypuff in you when you are angry though. HEH.
Ieyasu: ಠ_ಠ I hate you.
The one who take his sweet time to grow his Pokemon.
Most probably need a month to finish it as he will read those walkthrough and tips and storyline behind each Pokemon to understand it better.
Also one of those who named his Pokemon after his fellow vassals, but those Pokemon will be a majestic and stronger ones.
Oh our dear angel (´;д;`).
Despite taking his time to play the game, he is always ranked no.1 thanks to his tactics and planning. There's no single loss in each of his battles.
His favorite Pokemon is Skitty. "Because I want Neko-san to be my pet, even in this world (❁´◡`❁)."
Then Ieyasu: I don't understand why Psyduck is not your favorite. That is your twin, do you know that?
Mitsunari: But I don't have any siblings, Ieyasu-sama (´・д・`).
Shingen: There he goes again, glaring into his game as if he is the one who is battling someone.
Yukimura: Nah. If he does, he will stab them and become a Pokemon Master in 3 days.
"...Be quiet or I will Dragon Rage you both (눈‸눈)."
Sasuke peeks to Kenshin's favorite Pokemon, Kingdra. "I see that you are fond of this Pokemon, Kenshin-sama. Is it because you have the same color (Blue and Yellow)?"
"Hm. He is a majestic water and dragon type. And he kills in just one attack. Just like me."
Sasuke: Please refrain the word 'Kill'. That game is not rated R-18 you know.
Shingen: Kingdra? I thought you are a beedrill who likes to stab people-- *stabbed* H E Y
Indifferent face to male NPC, and suddenly sparkles when he is met with female NPC.
"Ah, yes, Nurse Joy. Please heal my Pokemon as your name brings my heart with joy 😏😏✨✨✨✨."
Yukimura: Shingen-sama. If that is a pun, I want to tell you that I wish to reverse time so I could get out from this room.
Also Yukimura: Did you just put my name for your Piplup just because I'm Tsundere??
Sasuke: He didn't even deny he is a Tsundere.
"Now now Yuki, allow me to focus on capturing my favorite Pokemon. Ah, here comes Entei..! He is very charismatic, just like me 😏😏😏."
Kenshin: *Casually* I was confident you are like Jynx.
"Tsk. This Team Rocket is annoying. Why did they even choose that kind of name in the first place--"
Sasuke: Prepare for trouble, bro.
"...Sasuke stop."
Sasuke: And make it double, bro.
"Sasuke, we have discussed about this."
Sasuke: To protect the world from devastation--
"Sasuke, for the 157th time, STOP OAO! My Pokemon passed out AGAIN!"
Sasuke: ......
MC: *Skips into the room* Team rocket blast off the speed of light ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ!
Sasuke: Surrender now or prepare to fight (/OAO)/!
Both: Meowth! That's right ٩( ᐛ )( ᐖ )۶!
"...If only Moltres is here, I've already burn both of you like those chestnut buns ʕʘ̅͜ʘ̅ʔ.
+Also the type to name his Pokemon after his lord, bff, gf, and most importantly... Ieyasu.
...And it was Jigglypuff. Except the name is Ieyasupuff.
Kinda freeze when he have to battle NPC that has butterfrees. Poor Sasuke.
He have this habit of calling Pokemon with the names of people that has the same features too.
*Encounters Sylveon* "Oh. It's Yoshimoto-san." *Encounters Sharpedo* "*Gasp* Oh wait, it's just Motonari-san."
*Fights with Beedrill* "Kenshin-sama please don't poison sting me, I'm out of antidotes-- you just did. *sigh* As expected of you. No mercy indeed."
MC: Who is your favorite Pokemon, Sasuke?
"Hmm.. Staryu."
MC: Ah! I know! It can heal his own HP right? How convenient--
"Because he sounds like Ultraman and acts like Ultraman when it is injured. You know, the red thing on its center?"
MC: Ah.. Haaah. I see (´・w・`).
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I posted 686 times in 2021
39 posts created (6%)
647 posts reblogged (94%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 16.6 posts.
I added 200 tags in 2021
#ikemen sengoku - 35 posts
#ikesen - 33 posts
#cybrid - 31 posts
#otome - 27 posts
#ikemen vampire - 15 posts
#ikevamp - 14 posts
#cybird ikemen - 14 posts
#ikesen mitsuhide - 13 posts
#mitsuhide akechi - 10 posts
#ikemen series - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 93 characters
#idk i think he was more my brothers fav but he’s the only one o still remember besides eeyore
My Top Posts in 2021
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This is the most Nobunaga thing I've ever read. Of course his name is inscribed on his sword.
54 notes • Posted 2021-10-20 22:26:01 GMT
Hahahah so my friend @jinglesmiserablyacrossthefloor said these couple things about Shakespeare and Da Vinci and I can't unsee it now
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I can't stop thinking about Leo going to cosplay conventions, it's gonna live in my head rent free now
54 notes • Posted 2021-04-29 13:59:57 GMT
Guys guys
So I keep seeing ads for these Van Gogh inspired clothings (clothing? clothings? clothes? CLOTHES) these Van Gogh inspired clothes and today there was a Mona Lisa one for Da Vinci as well now.
And I just- could u imagine wearing these in front of their respective LI’s?!
The rings are cute and honestly would kinda be cute wedding rings for mc and Vincent tbh.
But the Mona Lisa sweater?!!
My mind is stuck on it and if I could write I would do a head canon but please any writer for ikesen please imagine this hahaha
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66 notes • Posted 2021-06-10 04:06:08 GMT
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Theo? Sorry, Theo? Sorry, Theo?
72 notes • Posted 2021-10-09 17:30:23 GMT
This has probably been said before but I hate how underrated a lot of the smaller relationship dynamics between the LIs in ikesen are.
Like Mitsuhide and Masamune being the gossip / teasing duo of Azuchi.
Mitsuhide and Ranmaru kinda hating each other.
Ieyasu and Nobu kinda being almost brotherly in a way (I’ve seen Ieyasu step in a lot in Nobu routes and events to help make sure his relationship with mc is ok)
There’s probably some more I missed but I think they are kind of cool.
109 notes • Posted 2021-05-13 21:26:14 GMT
TBH This is the funniest thing I’ve ever fucking seen.
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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lorei-writes · 3 years
Match-Up #22
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Hello, Abby @gossamer-sky​​ ! Also... Off, really, I may consider opening the slots at an earlier time for the next round, please don’t disturb your sleep for match-ups. >,<”
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Let’s start with empathy and compassion. As much as I presume the first quality would be universally desired (and as such, no points were distributed based on it), I think it may not be the case for the second one. Compassion in the times of war... It may be controversial, at times - some could take it as a display of naivete or a death-wish, while others would probably see it as a sign of still upholding hope. 
Nobunaga (-1) Mitsuhide (+1) Hideyoshi (+1) Mitsunari (+1) Ieyasu (-1) Masamune (-1) Shingen (+1) Sasuke (+1)
Now, intelligence could be approved greatly by those similar in this regard (or perhaps the more-so scholarly and intellectual suitors). I think that combined with observation skills... Well, it could lead to great many things. As such, I’d like to consider those two qualities together - and to point out that it could be used both for science and reconnaissance. 
Nobunaga (+2) Mitsuhide (+2) Mitsunari (+1) Ieyasu (+2) Masamune (+2) Kenshin (+1) Shingen (+2) Sasuke (+2)
Lastly, being a hard-worker would be well-appreciated by those who know how much effort it takes to achieve their goals - and by those who tend to be strict teachers themselves, I presume. HOWEVER, it is also important to know when to slow down - as such, bonus points to a certain monther hen, who could perhaps make sure of that.
Nobunaga (+1) Mitsuhide (+1) Hideyoshi (+2) Ieyasu (+1) Masamune (+1)
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Oof, okay, okay, let’s consider the combination of all five of those. I think it would mix particularly poorly with both Nobunaga and Masamune. First of all, their actions may be hurtful (Masamune treats the relationship very casually at first, Nobunaga never cares much for how he is perceived and does not waste time looking for delicate words). Then, given Masamune’s disregard to danger and Nobunaga’s “funny” jokes (and his tendency not to explain his intentions to MC), I would not pair them a sensitive overthinker in particular. Both are or border being perfectionists - so they may provide a skewed outlook on the matter. And lastly, they also aren’t exactly comfortable with being vulnerable and do bottle up their feelings as well. I don’t think this gives plenty chances for a relationship to develop. Then, there’s Mitsuhide - all of 5 of those, I think only the “perfectionist” trait would be left untouched (as he does tend to change his approach upon realising it wasn’t right). The reasoning from above applies to him as well.
Nobunaga (-5) Mitsuhide (-4) Masamune (-5)
To consider the traits by themselves... I think that a person who isn’t too harsh with their words or tries not to be actively harmful may be a good idea.
Mitsunari (+1) Ieyasu (-1) Shingen (+1) Yukimura (-1) Sasuke (+1)
There’s little that can be offered for overthinking, but perhaps a partner who is reliable and overall, tends to find a way out of plenty situations by himself? Somebody who could be a sort of rock of support? A person who isn’t prone to acting unpredictably? 
Hideyoshi (+1) Mitsunari (+1) Shingen (+1) Kenshin (-1) Sasuke (+1)
Now, for fear of vulnerability and bottling up feelings - a suitor who is somewhat fluent in both of those and is willing to open up.
... I guess we will have to go with suitors who are willing to learn how to recognize feelings or who already do as much as recognize them fluently. 
Mitsunari (+1) Shingen (+1) Sasuke (+1)
I think that being a perfectionist was indirectly addressed in paragraphs regarding being a hard-worker, overthinker and then, in the one about vulnerability. 
1st Summary:
Shingen (+6) Sasuke (+6) Mitsunari (+5) Hideyoshi (+4) Ieyasu (+1) Nobunaga (-3) Masamune (-3)
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Points distributed for likes:
Mitsunari (+2) - reading, mixed points for listed branches of science Ieyasu (+1) - anatomy/biology  Masamune (+1) - he loves his partner’s art and encourages them to share it Shingen (+2) - crafting, as above (Masamune’s description)^ Sasuke (+3) - reading, astronomy, crafting (given how he created some itmes, it must have been involved)
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Points distributed for dislike:
Nobunaga (-3) - ignoring others, arrogance, being condescending Mitsuhide (-1) - may act condescendingly  Mitsunari (+1) - he can take care of math Ieyasu (-2) - ignoring others, condescending  Sasuke (+1) - he can take care of math; he may appear condescending at times, however, he does dislike bugs as well - so those zero-ed each other out. 
2nd Summary:
Sasuke (+10) Shingen (+8) Mitsunari (+8) Hideyoshi (+4) Mitsuhide (-1) Masamune (-2) Nobunaga (-6)
Only characters with positive value by their name will be considered in the final stages of the match-up.
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As far as I am aware, none of the remaining suitors should fall within the listed deal-breakers. 
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Shingen (-1) - unclear communication
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Oof, I hope you’ve got the vaccine or will be vaccinated soon enough. Healthcare workers are in dire situation seemingly all around the world, so... I hope you will be safe. Also, I sincerely hate  how people treat tears. If anything, keeping one heart’s open is a display of strength, for it’s an easy thing to hurt and well, it isn’t exactly safe to leave it exposed like so.
But, regardless. I think that none of the remaining suitors would benefit any greater from any of those than the other. All would deffinitely appreciate a loving, caring and strong patient - and all would do their best to provide adequate support. 
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Haha, poor Ranmaru, it seems he was rejected by so many people by now. 
Final Ranking:
Sasuke (+10) Mitsunari (+8) Shingen (+7)
Confessed first: Sasuke. It took him a while, though, given how he couldn’t identify the feeling at first.
Makes tea in the morning: You.
Hogs blankets at night: Sasuke.
Is the little spoon: Most often you, although it happens that you both forget to sleep entirely and then just sort of... Well, end up sleepin in any position, limbs tangled in an odd combination with the covers.
Possible points for conflict: Sasuke struggles with understanding feelings (despite being a hopeless romantic). At times, he may be a bit too direct, only realising his mistake after the words left his lips.
Free time ideas: Field research, enjoying absolutely chaotic experiment ideas, crafting together, designing items to make life in Sengoku more convenient. 
Favourite date spot: Not so much a spot, but an activity - research dates, each one touching on a somewhat different topic, the data gathering phase being always equally interesting. It may very well be observing starts at night or strolling through the fields or forests in search of medicinal herbs - or perhaps observing animal behaviour? Who knows.
A secret you share: At times, although it happens very rarely, you pretend to have lost or broken his glasses - so that Kenshin has no way but to give Sasuke a day off. However, you try not to overuse it, given how he may end up being chased by his lord without them.
His favourite thing about you: How passionate you are about your work and science in general, always bringing his faith in humanity whenever it wavers. 
His message to you: // late at night “Abby? Are you free now by any chance? The stars are beautiful tonight and I think I could use your opinion...”
My secret here: Tumblr glitched as I was finishing to write this and of course, I did not have any back-up, so my heart almost sunk. Luckily, it was a harmless glitch.
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the12thnightproject · 4 months
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Chapter 42: Mitsuhide POV Chapter - Other Half - Catching up with the Kitsune, as Hideyoshi attempts an intervention of sorts.
Mitsuhide x OC; Hideyoshi x MC (Mai)
All Chapters Archived on Ao3 
Logline - With Mai, Hideyoshi, and Aki missing, Mitsuhide and Katsuko reluctantly team up. Disguised as a merchant and his concubine, can they outsmart the man known as the God of Deceit?
As soon as the guard captain ordered their unit to the top of the castle wall, he knew. Something had gone wrong for Katsuko. Although Mitsuhide was certain his encounter with her in the courtyard had remained undetected, he had not been able to watch out for her as she returned to the castle.
Whatever just happened had resulted in Motonari and Iekane having a low-voiced conversation while the rest of them waited at attention, hands on the hilts of their swords, ready to draw them upon command.  
Mitsuhide stayed at the edge of the line, keeping his posture at attention, with his helmet low on his head. It would do her no good if he were to be identified before he could even determine the extent of the problem. So he stood still. Even though every muscle in his body was alert for an opportunity to take control of the situation. Even though his mind was already racing through a number of scenarios – none of which reached a positive conclusion.
In a few moments, another contingent of Kanamori vassals marched Katsuko and Yoshimoto onto the wall. She was still wearing that fur cloak, while Yoshimoto, on the other hand, was dressed in an informal kimono, and as usual, unarmed. Mitsuhide doubted that the man would be much help in this, but perhaps he was counting on the gloss that came from being an Imagawa. Indeed, he was already puffing up into the parody of an annoyed high-caste Prince. "Master Iekane, what is the meaning of this insult?"
"This doesn't concern you, Lord Imagawa." Iekane’s voice was a few degrees short of the groveling that Yoshimoto seemed to expect. Since this man was not yet familiar, Mitsuhide kept his attention on him, hoping to learn as much about Katsuko’s enemy as possible. From what she’d revealed of him, Mitsuhide knew that Iekane was a good liar with the patience of spider; able to spin a web and lie in wait for it to snare an unwary victim. "Motonari has a problem with a member of your household."
"I don't see how. My page has devoted his attention to me since the moment we arrived. Any insult would have come about because he was merely doing my bidding." Thus far, Yoshimoto’s approach was to throw around his status to protect Katsuko.
Unfortunately, what would work against the Kanamori vassals was unlikely to work against Motonari and that man’s distain for the current societal structure (a philosophy that Mitsuhide somewhat sympathized with, though he disagreed with a ‘burn it all down’ solution). Indeed just as expected, Motonari focused his ire on Katsuko, having apparently recognized her from their prior encounters. "Lord Imagawa, yer page is a spy who works for Mitsuhide."
Yoshimoto whipped out his fan and yawned. "Of course she's a spy. But she works for my cousin, not Mitsuhide."
For one very short moment, Mitsuhide wondered if that was in fact true. Was Katsuko one of the mitsumono? Had she always been so? He glanced over at her, and noticed a quickly concealed flash of surprise, that was then followed by a straightening of her posture, as if she was mimicking what she believed a Takeda spy would look like.
It seemed that Imagawa was improvising.
Keep talking. It would give him an opportunity to figure out how to defuse this situation without giving up his mission.
Rescue her first. Hang the mission.
No. Now was not the time for indecision.
Iekane started to speak, but Motonari took control. "Shut up." He turned to Katsuko and asked, "Yer one of the Mitsumono? Why’d ya help Mitsuhide?"
“The best way to gain his trust was to help him. And of course once he pulled us off your ship, I figured the only way I was going to get back to Kasaguyama was to work with him."
Good girl. That sounded plausible.
“By burning down my camp." Motonari’s words came out as a growl, but there was a different kind of light in his eyes.
"Next time tell your men not to store, the gunpowder so close to open flame.” She shrugged. "Hell of a fire though."
For a moment, Mitsuhide worried that she had pushed Motonari too far, but then the man started laughing. ”Hell of a fire."
The guards near Mitsuhide shifted uneasily, apparently not used to this type of volatility. Iekane looked around and seemed to be preparing to try and re-take control, but Katsuko spoke up first. "Lord Iekane knows this, because he and I were both originally trained by the same spymaster." She addressed the rest of the Kanamori guardsmen. "Just a suggestion, but you might want to get a food taster in for Mozumi's meals and drink."
Iekane put his hand to his heart. "Are you accusing me of harming my dear father? The man took me in, saved my life. I'm devoted to his health."
Hmmm. From that response, it was possible that Katsuko had hit a nerve. Mitsuhide continued to study him, watching his face for reactions, looking for any opening that would allow him to subtly help matters. As always, in the back of his head, help Katsuko warred with stop Yoshiaki.
But thus far, Yoshimoto appeared to have a slight edge of control. "Yes, of course you must be. A poor orphan is always grateful to the rich man, especially if he has no other living offspring."
The difficulty of this whole situation was threading the needle in such a way to get both the Kanamori vassals and Motonari on their side. Katsu and Yoshimoto had yet to manage that task, for Motonari simply shrugged away all hints of that accusation. "Heh. This is all very interesting. I don’t care if Iekane is offing his Pap, it all ends up the same in the end. Imagawa ya in for destroying Nobunaga and getting this party started or not?"
"The desire of my vassals is clear." Yoshimoto snapped his fan shut. "That said, I do not agree that Sakai is a worthwhile target." Did that translate into ‘not interested in wanting to stop Yoshiaki’? Or could Mitsuhide count on Yoshimoto’s aid?
"Iekane when you caused the cart accident, was your target me... or was it Hiko?" Katsuko sent her former friend a lethal looking glare.
Iekane caused that accident? Why hadn’t she told him that? As far as Mitsuhide knew, Iekane had not been to Sakai. Or was this something she’d only recently discovered and not had time to share with him?
"Accident?" Iekane laughed, and turned to look at the guardsmen, sending them a ‘do you believe this nonsense?’ look. "Kaya, you've always been clumsy. And little boys, well, they can get into so much mischief."
Interesting. It seemed that Katsuko had just led Iekane into a trap.
"Lord Motonari… Has Iekane ever met Hiko?" Her posture was triumphant as she snapped that trap closed. Mitsuhide felt a quick shot of pride in her interrogation skills.
Motonari frowned. "No. He ain’t been to Sakai. Do you have a point, spy? Or are ya wasting time waiting for reinforcements?"
"How does Iekane know Hiko is a little boy?" She took a deep breath, and spoke faster. "Hiko is in danger, from Iekane. Before my former master disappeared, he sent me a letter, asking me to find Hiko and protect him from Iekane."
Akihira’s letter… if only he’d let her have it back earlier… could this have been prevented? What did Hiko have to do with Iekane and Akihira?
"Why, why would I care about some street kid?" Mitsuhide was looking at Katsuko’s face when Iekane asked, and he caught her hesitation. She doesn’t know.
"Because," Yoshimoto must have noticed her panic as well, and began spinning a tale. "Hiko is actually Mozumi's son. His blood son. Hiko's mother was one of Mozumi's concubines. But Mozumi's second wife Osumi was jealous of Niwa, and arranged for an attempt on her life. Frightened for her safety and realizing she was carrying a baby, Niwa decided to fake her death, at least until the child was born. Unfortunately, during childbirth, poor Niwa’s death became a reality. This was when her sister decided to raise Hiko as her own. She already had a daughter, Sho, and the children were devoted to each other."
It was a wild tale, full of the Imagawa’s flair for the dramatic. Mitsuhide noted it was partially striking sympathy from the Kanamori guards and vassals, and was gaining a little ground on Motonari as well.
"And that is why Iekane plans to attack Sakai. It would be easy enough to kill one small boy in the confusion and make it look like an accident of war." Katsuko seemed more confident in this answer, an answer that Mitsuhide internally agreed might be effective on Motonari, whom he knew was not convinced that Sakai was an appropriate target for the shogun’s forces.
"That's ridiculous." Iekane addressed Motonari, "Lord Imagawa has spent so much time on the arts that it’s rotted his brain. No true warrior would believe such a fanciful tale."
But the Kanamori were on the edge of believing it, and Mitsuhide added in his part to tilt the balance in Katsuko’s direction. “Mozumi did have a concubine by name of Niwa.”
Iekane looked hesitantly over his shoulder but Mitsuhide was already hiding his face. He placed his hand in front of his mouth and directed his voice so that it appeared to be coming from the vassals. A stage trick, but a useful one. “Lady Osumi was the jealous type.”
“Are you really believing this nonsense?” Iekane’s voice was shaking. A cornered beast is a dangerous one. As he spoke, fumbled for something he had in his kimono. Something that made Katsuko turn pale, her fear visible even in this deepening night. Was he armed with one of those Nanban pistols?
It was only a split second of hesitation while he tried to calculate whether he could stop Iekane from shooting without jeopardizing his own mission. Failure in either could spell disaster for not only Katsuko but also Nobunaga. How could he weigh one against the other?
How could he weigh his head against his heart?
Before he could determine the best course of action, Katsuko gave him one last look, then before he could stop her, she jumped on Iekane. Mitsuhide leaped after, this time knowing he could use the excuse of protecting the Kanamori to grab her, but for some reason, Iekane pulled her close, and let the motion carry both over the side of the castle.
Mitsuhide put on a burst of speed and lunged for her, his hands only reaching empty air.
It wasn’t that far to the ground, a ground covered in soft snow… a fall from that distance would have been survivable. Even so, Mitsuhide would have forgiven if he had shut his eyes to the sight of her body hitting the earth.
But he didn’t.
Which was how he was able to witness Katsuko and Iekane vanishing into a shimmer of thin air.
“What happened to… ah…” Yoshimoto trailed off, but Mitsuhide caught his tone of voice. It was the voice of someone who had made a realization. Yoshimoto looked at him, and his eyes widened. Hm, it seemed that he had not been informed of Mitsuhide’s presence here.
“You know something.” It was only his disguise that stopped him from grabbing Yoshimoto by the neck and dangling him over the edge.
“I promise to explain… later. If you will back me up now.” Without giving Mitsuhide a chance to respond, Yoshimoto whipped around and addressed the vassals. “Witchcraft! The Kanamori imposter has escaped into the spirit realm and stolen my personal guard in the process.”
“Master Iekane was Yokai! Before they vanished, he revealed his true form is that of a Tengu.” Mitsuhide turned to the Kanamori guards. “We have been misled by a demon.”
“Yer not a Kana-“ Motonari scowled in his direction, then apparently decided he had had enough of the Kanamori and Yoshiaki in general. “Never should have trusted that the shogun had the brains to pull this off.” He made a mocking bow toward Mitsuhide. “Until later.”
Then he stalked away.
Mitsuhide debated stopping him, but Goro was still outside the castle, and was smart enough to follow Motonari back to his lair, back to where Kennyo was holed up as well. At the moment, Yoshiaki was still the more dangerous of the two, and stopping the shogun was his primary mission.
And at least in this, he could keep an eye on Yoshimoto, ready to question him about Katsuko’s mysterious disappearance.
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It was well into mid-morning before Yoshimoto and Mitsuhide were able to have their promised talk. With a bit of prompting from Mitsuhide, Mozumi had tottered up from his sickbed, and in no uncertain terms, told his vassals he was honoring an alliance with Nobunaga. Generally disgusted by the attitude of both the shogun and the too-proud Imagawa vassals, the Kanamori vassals and guards evicted their former allies.
Yoshimoto seemed to have exhausted his supply of diplomacy and was unable to convince his vassals to return to Kasugayama. Therefore, when Mitsuhide had finally followed the man back to his quarters, it was to watch him pack his things in order to journey with Yoshiaki. This was a journey that the Imagawa Prince was clearly dreading. “However, if I am with the shogun, I may be able to distract him from his plans, at least until he meets with an unfortunate accident.”
Mitsuhide raised his eyebrow but did not comment. In truth, whatever Yoshimoto was going to have to do to “distract” the shogun sounded even less pleasant than any plans to assassinate him.
“Yoshiaki is not good for this country.” Yoshimoto’s voice was quiet but full of conviction. “I am uncertain if Nobunaga is the answer, and certainly my cousin does not believe so. But Yoshiaki’s use of my vassals is a mess of my making, and I see now that I must do what I can to unsnarl it. In any case, even with what is left of the Imagawa clan, the shogun does not currently have the resources to make trouble.”
Though this was indisputable Mitsuhide resolved to keep an eye on the situation, well aware that even with a small force, the shogun was capable of plotting revenge. But he had a more urgent question to be answered. “Do you know where Katsuko is?”
“I expect she has returned to her original time.” Yoshimoto rummaged in the shelf and pulled out a familiar pack. Katsuko’s. “She is from the future. About four hundred and fifty years forward in time. And… if you think such a thing is impossible, I suggest you discuss the matter with Mai.” He plopped the pack in Mitsuhide’s hands.
He hadn’t realized he was even reaching for it.
It sounded less plausible than Yoshimoto’s tale of Hiko’s origins. If Mitushide hadn’t seen Katsuko and Iekane disappear between the castle walls and the ground, he would have accused Yoshimoto of telling more folk tales. But the explanation of time-travelling explained so much, not just about Katsuko, but also Mai. “She told you of this?”
Yet another bit of Katsuko that Yoshimoto knew and Mitsuhide did not. It… hurt that she had never confided this in him.
“She did not originally, though we have discussed it. I have been aware of the existence of time travel for several years, and Kenshin’s ninja is from the future as well.” Yoshimoto kept his focus on packing up his own belongings. Even though the man took care to neatly fold his clothing, his hands were shaking. “If I must spend the next few months with Yoshiaki, I will be unable to give Katsuko her things, not to mention her horse… if she returns. I am given to understand that she comes from a time of peace. Perhaps she has had enough of these troubled times and the people in it.”
Perhaps. Perhaps she is safer where she is now….
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"I'm not going to Azuchi. There’s no place for me."
"You undervalue yourself. If we don’t find Akihira, you have plenty of skills to make yourself valuable at Azuchi. Your language facility alone would be enough for Nobunaga to employ you as a translator."
“I know. Actually he offered me a job the first time I met him. But that wasn't what I meant." She had then put her hand on his heart. "There's no room for me here."
Mitsuhide rubbed his chest, as if he could still feel that touch of her hand as she reached for something he had no business giving away. Something he was no longer certain he had.
 “Shall I unpack this?” Kyubei’s voice was full of impatience.
Mitsuhide looked up from the pile of reports on his desk, to find his vassal uncharacteristically out of sorts. He was holding the pack of Katsu’s things that Mitsuhide had brought back from Genba. Though he had turned the horse over to Ieyasu, who appeared to get along very well with the temperamental beast, Mitsuhide had kept control over the rest. Control… but he had yet to look through them. (He had of course, taken the time to decode his handmade copy of Akihira’s letter – however it did not contain anything beyond what he had already learned from Yoshimoto).
Her personal items… though it was unlikely she would ever return for them, it now seemed… impolite… to search them. However, to refuse Kyubei’s request would only make the man overly suspicious. “Dear me, I had forgotten I had that. Yes, of course.”
He bent his head over the correspondence. As expected, Goro had managed to track Motonari to the Chugoku region, which was still home to the Mouri clan. Unfortunately, he had not yet located where Motonari had stashed Kennyo, as it seemed they were indeed lying low until Spring. Meanwhile the Imagawa and Yoshimoto had not even bothered to keep their escort of Yoshiaki secret, and had blazed an easy to follow trail to the port city of Tsuruga. Thus far, the Shogun was simply throwing his weight around the city without managing to increase his meager forces. And…
A flash of turquoise silk caught his attention. The yukata he had had made for Katsuko. It seemed that she had kept it. Or at least tried to before she’d been pulled back to her original time. He watched Kyubei shake out the wrinkles, and then a scroll of paper fell out of the garment.
It rolled within Mitsuhide’s reach. Without thinking, he opened it, and was surprised to see a drawing of a young man. What was she doing with this? The drawing was old… creased… the paper thinning as if she had taken it out and looked at it many many times. The subject … was a familiar face.
“Katsu’s brother.” Kyubei answered a question he had not asked. “She has been searching for him for as long as I have known her. Apparently they were attacked by bandits and he was carried away, possibly sold to the Nanban.”
No he was not. Katsu’s brother was currently living in Sakai, working as a healer. Toshiie.
“Will you return to check on her?”
The man backed further away from the bed, glancing down at his stained clothing. “No… I can’t. Not like this.”  With that, he fled from the room.
Only after it was clear the healer had left the building did Shojumaru speak into the silence. “Toshiie is a strange one, but he’s saved many considered too injured to survive.”
If only he had thought to ask her brother’s name when she mentioned he’d disappeared. Or asked even one question about him. Of course she would have devoted her life to finding him… and of course she transferred that obsession to Aki when he disappeared as well. Having already lost her home, her mother, and her brother, she would be fixed upon finding the one person left to her.
The one person who could be left for her.
“I am standing right in front of you, Lord Mitshide.” It was said with touch of dry humor.
“So you are.” He tapped the drawing. “This man is living in Sakai as a healer. He should be easy for you to find.”
Kyubei nodded. “And bring him to Azuchi?”
He considered for a moment. It had been clear that Toshiie had not wanted to be recognized by Katsu, had not wanted her to see him. “Not yet. Not unless he seems to be preparing to leave the city. Simply… watch the man, and report on his well-being.” If Toshiie needed help, Mitsuhide would provide it. If he wanted to return to the future to be with his sister, Mitsuhide would figure out how to make it happen. She deserved that much, at least.
“I will do so.” He laid Katsu’s belongings on Mitsuhide’s desk, bowed, and took himself out of the room.
Never happy with a task half-done, Mitsuhide finished unpacking her things, and finding a place for them amongst his own. Though he deemed her return unlikely, there was at least some comfort in placing her small shogi set on the shelf, putting her clothing next to his in the closet, and setting aside a place on his desk for her brush and ink. At the bottom of her pack, he found another letter, this one from the ninja Sasuke, though it simply named two places, Honno-jo and Togakushi, each followed by a series of dates. He suspected that this might be an item more easily decoded by Mai, so he set it aside.
Then, he returned to his report, making plans for his next journey, whether it be to Chugoku to root out Kennyo, or to Tsuruga to help bring about Yoshiaki’s “unfortunate accident.” Wherever his lord needed him to go.
He had work to do. Work that no one else could accomplish.
That no one else should be asked to accomplish.
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It was to be Tsuruga, it seemed. A secret trip, so secret that Nobunaga would not even be aware of it until after Mitsuhide had left.
Instead of outright telling Mitsuhide to go to Chugoku, Nobunaga had surprisingly assigned that task to Keiji, who… Mitsuhide supposed was capable enough to avoid getting kidnapped by Motonari, but didn’t quite seem terribly skilled in… as Katsu would describe it, ‘the art of being invisible in plain sight.’ Nor had his lord believed that sending Mitsuhide to Tsuruga was necessary. “To make any move upon Yoshiaki while the man is not actively rebelling would be considered an insult to Emperor Ōgimachi. In your own words, the shogun is not keeping his activities in Tsuruga a secret. A few spies placed in the city will be sufficient for the winter months. We will lay a trap for him in spring, should he attempt another attack.”
With the rest of Nobunaga’s council as witness, Mitsuhide could do nothing but publically agree to Nobunaga’s plan. In private… well, Nobunaga hadn’t specifically said that Mitsuhide couldn’t be one of those spies.
And so, it was under the cover of darkness that Mitsuhide stepped out of the entry of his manor.
The telltale sound of a sword whistling through the air gave him enough warning to meet that sword with his own, easily diverting the strike… although his attacker hadn’t been aiming to kill. “My dear Hideyoshi, if you wished to pay me a visit, you had only to knock upon the door.”
Hideyoshi gestured to the door in question with his weapon. “After you.”
“As you can see my friend, I am on my way out. Perhaps tomorrow.” Or in a few weeks, when I have returned. When Hideyoshi lifted his sword again, Mitsuhide sighed. “I’d prefer not to take arms against you.” He could, if he put his mind to it, best Hideyoshi in battle, but that would defeat the purpose of leaving Azuchi undetected. More than likely they’d just send Masamune after him. Another who could not master the art of invisibility.
“I insist.” Hideyoshi normal manner of speaking was one of gentle bossiness, however in certain instances, he could become as immobile as a statue. This, clearly, was one of those instances.
Stubborn ass.
Bowing to the inevitable, Mitsuhide went back inside, into his office, with Hideyoshi close at his heels, so close that if he stopped suddenly, he was certain that the man would slam into him. “Do you not trust me? I am wounded to the core.”
“Of course I don’t trust you. Not in this at least.” Hideyoshi waited until Mitsuhide was seated before settling down between the desk and the door. “I would trust you with my life. I would not trust you with your own.”
“Perhaps I was simply on my way out for a late night stroll.” He brought out a bottle of sake, and two cups. He would not need to fight his way out… he could simply drink his way out, as Hideyoshi had a lower tolerance for alcohol.
“You were not. You plan to set yourself up as a traitor, offer aid to Yoshiaki, while the rest of us wonder how much is an act.” Hideyoshi took the offered sake cup, but set it in front of him untouched. “Much as you did this summer, when you pretended to support Kennyo. Such an act won’t work a second time.”
“On the contrary, most still believe I am a traitor, and those who don’t would not expect me to repeat myself.” He drank his own portion of sake, hoping that Hideyoshi would join automatically out of politeness. When Hideyoshi simply continued to look at him, Mitsuhide poured himself another. It seemed he would not be leaving tonight after all. “You and Mai are exceptions, not the rule.”
For the first time in months, speaking Mai’s name did not cause that internal twist of pain. Apparently what was needed to get past that was to inflect a far deeper wound upon himself.
“You are not required to take on the burdens of all of the unsavory tasks.” If Hideyoshi settled back on his heels, looking as if he intended to spend the night if necessary. This was confirmed when the man gestured to Katsu’s shogi set. “Up for a game?”
“I didn’t realize you played. No… not that one.” Mitsuhide pulled his larger shogi table out from the corner, and withdrew the tiles from the drawer hidden inside.
“I know how to play, but as you are aware, Nobunaga prefers Go. There’s not been any time to play for my own entertainment.” Hideyoshi began setting up the tiles in the wrong order, immediately disproving the ‘know how to play,’ claim. “What is wrong with the other set?”
“Nothing is wrong. It simply does not belong to me.” He considered resetting the tiles in the correct order – or at the very least, flipping the ones that were wrong side up over - before deciding that it might be an interesting experiment to start from this unusual pattern. He therefore set out his own pieces mirroring Hideyoshi’s.
“How did it come to be in your possession?” Again ignoring the conventions of the game, Hideyoshi moved his tile first.
“Katsu… er, Kaya, was not able to take it with her when …” Mitsuhide paused, then figured that Katusko’s origins would not be a surprise to Hideyoshi. “… when she returned to her own time.”
“Did you simply let her go, or did you drive her away?” Hideyoshi moved his rook in a direction that the piece was not legally able to make.
“Are you certain you know the rules of this game?” When Hideyoshi simply answered the question with an ashamed smile, Mitsuhide gave up and began building a fortress with his tiles. “In this particular case, her return was somewhat of an accident of fate.” Or something involved with Iekane’s strange device.
Hideyoshi reached out a finger and knocked over Mitsuhide’s fort. “Was it? And the circumstances that led to this accident? Also fate? Granted, my information is third hand, as I am only aware of what Kyubei told Mai.”
“Kyubei is too loyal to gossip.” He thought a moment. “Mai charmed the information out of him.”
“While I’m certain she could do just that, in this case, your vassal is worried about you. You have jumped from one dangerous escapade to another without stopping to rest.” Hideyoshi nodded at the pack that Mitsuhide had brought back inside. “That seems rather a large bag if you were simply going for a midnight stroll.”
“Oh my, you do have a rather liberal definition of escapades. I prefer the word missions, and they are vital to the health of Nobunaga’s cause.” Although as honest as Hideyoshi was, maybe he would never understand the necessity of having one person willing to crawl through the muck for the good of the whole.
“Must it be you? Must it be now?” The question was posed philosophically. There was no anger in Hideyoshi’s tone. He began picking up the tiles and rearranging them again, this time in the correct formation on the board.
“It absolutely cannot be you. Not only it is essential that there be one person on the Devil King’s side with an unblemished reputation… you could not do that to Mai.” Hadn’t the entire experience with Motonari convinced Hideyoshi of that?
“’Ah?’” Mitsuhide put his hands in his lap in an attitude of peaceful silence. After a long moment, he said, “You must be aware that I am well versed in the art of interrogation. Dropping a one syllable ah and waiting only works if you target feels he has something he must say. Therefore. Ah?”
“You believed, perhaps still believe, that you are in love with Mai.” Hideyoshi professionally tossed five pawns in the air, and counted the results. “I win first move.”
“Setting aside the issue of the truth of that statement, you can’t possibly think I would attempt to take her from you. I’ve known from the start that you and Mai are two halves of one.” He watched as Hideyoshi play an advanced opening. Apparently during the first ‘game’ Hideyoshi had been teasing him. Interesting. He hadn’t thought the man had it in him.
“Yes, we are.” Hideyoshi smiled. “I suspect, however, that you also believe that we,” he gestured to himself then to Mitsuhide, “are also two halves of one. I am the light half and you are the dark half.”
“Interesting theory.” Mitsuhide studied the game board, and realized that he would have to work to win this match.
“There’s more.”
“Oh do enlighten me.”
“I suspect that you were less in love with Mai, than with the idea of sacrificing a chance of happiness, as penance for the things you believe you must do.” Without even a shred of reluctance, Hideyoshi advanced the knight. Demon killer opening.
It was also, one of Mitsuhide’s favorite openings. He knew how to counteract it. He moved a pawn to protect the bishop.
Hideyoshi wasn’t finished with lecture. “Do you think that because I’m the right hand and you’re the left, that if I am happy, you must be miserable? You are permitted happiness, my friend… you only need to reach for it.”
“My happiness, as it were, is about four hundred and fifty years in the future. That is a bit of a reach.” Instead, he reached for his sake cup, and finding it empty, refilled it. “Even if there weren’t some rather pressing issues to take care of here. Kennyo. Motonari. Yoshiaki. Not to mention Kenshin and Shingen.” Although from what Yoshimoto had said, it appeared that Shingen had also travelled to the future. He and Katsuko might even be in the same place.
And… that was something he didn’t want to contemplate.
“Mitsunari has analyzed the situation and does not believe any of them will make a move until Spring. That gives us five months to plan. That also gives you some time to determine how to make amends to your Kaya. Time that will be available to you if you give up on these suicide missions.” Hideyoshi’s silver general ruthlessly tore a hole in Mitsuhide’s line of pawns.
“She is … not mine.” Even discounting the rest of Hideyoshi’s words, discounting the issue of time travel, or the necessity of the missions at hand, even if he could believe that the Gods would permit one such as himself to have a love… “My life is dangerous, and she would never be safe.”
“No one is safe anywhere, and would you not rather keep her at your side, than wonder what sort of danger she has gotten herself is into alone?” Perhaps thinking he had gotten the final word, Hideyoshi was silent for a while, as they moved from the opening of the game, until… “Check.”
Mitsuhide blinked as he searched the board for options. How had this happened? He never lost.
“I cheated when your back was turned to get more sake,” Hideyoshi said, unprompted. “No one is purely good or purely evil.”
Message received.
Be honest. Can you live without her?
No. He could not.
For that matter, he supposed he was curious to see if Hideyoshi could handle it if Katsuko went full on chaos goblin in Azuchi. It would serve him right if she did.
Mitsuhide picked up the piece of paper with the mysterious numbers and dates. “I suppose I should ask Mai what she knows about time travel.”
“Oh Good!” Without warning, Mai suddenly bounded into the room. At Mitsuhide’s raised eyebrow, she added, “Kyubei let me in after you guys. I was the back-up plan if Hideyoshi couldn’t change your mind.”
She plopped down in Hideyoshi’s lap. “Now… let me tell you about a modern concept we call the Grand Romantic Gesture. It’s got to be big, not just flowers, but something meaningful. Oh, and when you get settled we need to go on a double date…”
Hideyoshi met Mitsuhide’s gaze. “I believe I will have another drink now.”
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@lorei-writes @selenacosmic @bestbryn @lyds323 @tele86 @akitsuneswife
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vexillumalbum · 4 years
Hi, I would like to ask you since your askbox is open what are your favorite characters in games you play? or maybe you could rank all the characters? thanks in advance, take care :)
Hello, Anon! Of course, I’ll gladly do that! I actually play a lot of otome games (or games like MLQC since I don’t know if it classifies as otome) so I’ll only do it for IkeVamp, IkeSen, MLQC and MysMe since these games are the closest to my heart. 
I tried to keep it spoiler free and I think I succeeded but please be aware that I’m talking about the games mentioned above so there might be some tiny spoilers.
Also, be prepared for a long post.
Let’s start with MLQC:
1) Obviously Gavin - he’s the love of my virtual life, I adore him so much sometimes I catch myself staring at his karmas for a good few minutes. I know he has some flaws, but in this house we stan Gavin despite them. Overall Birdcop Agent B-7 10000/10
2) Victor - partially because my boyfriend is very similar to him and that just makes me have a soft spot for him and partially because I love men in power (yes, I have issues, I'm aware of that). I’d say 8.5/10
3) Shaw - he’s okay, I have not enough info about him to really place him anywhere but some fanfictions made me feel some things for this man. So we can say I love him on Tumblr, not in game (yet, maybe it’ll change in future chapters). 6/10
4) Kiro - okay, hear me out, I don’t like men like him. I prefer dark types over these bubbly personalities. Since this is spoiler free I won’t talk about him more but if you want to know my thoughts on him, let me know. Maybe 5/10
5) Lucien - I’m sorry, Lucien stans. It’s not that I dislike him or something, I just don’t have a good connection with him. And his voice in eng dub is really creepy for me, I can’t handle his phonecalls. Oh but his dates are amazing, I’ve read 4 so far but I loved them all. 4/10
Okay now IkeVamp. Here I’ll rank them in a different ways: routes I played (they will have explained a bit about character) and routes I haven’t played since they are not available in English version (there'll just be names) (please know I haven't played Isaac’s route too since I haven’t had time to fully dedicate myself to it since it came out):
1) Comte
2) Arthur - my husbando 2.0, I love him, his character is my go-to in otome games. Again, I am aware of his flaws but I love him regardless. Thank you very much. 10/10
3) Theo
4) Leonardo - he reminds me a lot of one of my brothers so I see him more as a friend than love interest but I like him regardless and Think his route deserved some better drama(but that just my opinion). 8.5/10
5) Mozart - I loved his route, truly, and I like him a lot, just something about him seems off to me, I don’t know... 7.5/10
6) Napoleon - he’s okay, nothing too much, nothing too little. A good boyfriend, calls me nunuche (so like dummy). Overall 7/10
7) Vincent - I really struggled through his route, but he seems to love MC so much. Ugh, he reminds me a bit of Kiro, so 6/10.
8) Dazai
9) Issac
10) Jean
11) Sebastian
12) Shakespeare
Time for IkeSen, here I will only do Oda forces and Uesugi-Takeda forces (without Kennyo, Ranmaru, Motonari and the others, sorry):
1) Nobunaga - again, men in power, ekhem. But really I just love how his relationship with MC blossoms through his route and his dramatic route is awesome for me. 10/10
2) Hideyoshi - mamabear, I get him, he’s like a male version of me so I sympathize a lot with him. I feel like he would give great hugs. 9.5/10
3) Shingen - I actually don’t know why I like him so much. Maybe because he’s somewhat similar to Arthur from IkeVamp or maybe his dramatic route made me so emotional I cried for a few day straight. I don’t know. I’d give him 8.5/10
4) Mitsuhide - we all know he, we all love him. I was a bit disappointed by his route but overall a good experience. He would do everything for MC I think so I'd give him 8.5/10
5) Masamune - he was my first route in IkeSen so I’m a bit sentimental when it comes to him. Also, he has a sexy eyepatch, come on. 8/10
6) Sasuke - in every route he was there for me so of course I like him a lot. Sometimes his jokes were weird but hey, we all love weirdos here, right? 7/10
7) Ieyasu - sometimes I don’t know what to think about him. Playing his route was a challenge for me but in the end I found I liked it. Just not a lot. 6/10
8) Kenshin - I get why people like him, I just don't so much. He’s okay, his story was okay, a little bit... too much for me. I’d say 5/10
9) Yukimura - meeeh, he calls me boar woman so it’s an instant no from me, sir. But sometimes he’s funny. 4/10
10) Mitsunari - he’s soooo sweet but also soooo much not for me. 3/10
And now MysMe, please don’t bash on me for this, I’ve only played for a couple of months with breaks so I’m not an expert yet:
1) Jumin - I TOLD YOU MEN IN POWER, he’s actually very sweet and caring, he makes me feel really loved all the time and he’s also intelligent and can make pancakes (my boyfriend can't even boil eggs even though he’s been trying to do them properly since March so please let me fangirl over someone who can do pancakes). He’s my husbando 3.0. 10/10
2) V - at first I liked him a lot, then I didn’t like him, then I liked him even more. Now he’s my second place because I really sympathize with him and I think he deserve a chance to get a normal loving life. Also he’s super caring and attentive so point for him. 9/10
3) Ray - his route is a rollercoaster but it’s worth it I think. There’s so much I want to tell about him but I don't want to spoiler anything so I’ll just say he’s my precious baby. 8.5/10
4) Zen - his route was boring for me but his character made up for it I think. He’s also caring and I like his good ending so much (I don’t know why). Overall 7.5/10
5) Seven - I have a bit of love-hate relationship with him. He’s okay, but I expected so much more from his route. I see him as a very good boyfriend, just not for me. 6.5/10
6) Jaehee - It’s not that I don't like her, but it's also not that I like her. You know, she’s just there. Her route was very plain and in Jumin’s route she played on my nerves a bit. 5/10
7) Yoosung - I’m sorry but I really don’t like him. I see him as a child and only thing I like was his DLC. 3/10
8) Rika - I hate her. I understand her but I still hate her. 0/10 Thank you very much
Thank you for reading this whole thing, I know it was long, I’m sorry. If you would like to ask me more about certain characters please send me an ask! Love you all!
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spoopy-fish-writes · 3 years
—Ikesen MC [Habiba Malik]
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Image made on picrew because I was too lazy to draw her 😙✌
[Character sheet still a work in progress]
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Name: Habiba Malik
Pronouns: They/ she
Nationality: Egyptian
Birthday: June 23rd
Height: 5'8
Occupation: Fashion designer
Likes: Glitter, cooking, sitting in the grass and staring up blankly at the sky, getting on Hideyoshi's nerves, Lilith (@a-chaotic-dumbass's MC) (platonically)
Dislikes: Silence, boiled/ fried tomatoes, kimonos, sitting still, people proving her wrong, people in positions of authority
Favourite food: Grape leaves, anything excessively spicy
Hated food: Anything bland. Literally, if it's not seasoned properly she will not eat it and will just make something for herself while eyeing the other food with distaste. Also anything with boiled or fried tomatoes in it
Specialities: Cooking, belly dancing, clothing design
Weaknesses: Self control/ impulse control
Hobbies: Cooking, tree climbing, horse riding, playing the guitar, making earrings, correcting Masamune on his use of herbs and getting frustrated when they realise that certain foods and ingredients haven't been introduced to Japan yet so they can't use them when they cook
Appearance: Gnc af. Mitsuhide is the only one who was able to tell their gender (well, half of it) from the beginning but didn't say anything at the beginning in favour of just watching the chaos unfold as literally everyone struggled to figure it out. Slightly darker and more tanned skin and shoulder length, black hair with a chunk of it being slightly longer which they leave out when they put up their hair. She wears a binder for personal comfort as well and will 8 times out of 10 be wearing heels because she likes feeling even taller than she is. She does this even more often when she travels back to the Sengoku to annoy Nobunaga and reassure herself that, if anyone gets on her nerves, they can just kick them and stab their eye out.
Personality: Fucking spiteful idiot. That's it. That's them in a nutshell. As a result of their shit self control, they're spiteful as hell and go to ridiculous extremes to prove people wrong or just go "fuck you". An example of this is the fact that, after the first night, they refused to wear a kimono in favour of making more traditional Egyptian clothing for them to wear and throwing a mini fit over the fact that can't find any glitter for it because "I'm not wearing something uncomfortable to make my kidnappers happy and you not liking it is your problem because I look fucking fabulous in this". Cannot hide her emotions for shit though. If she doesn't like you, bitch you'll know. Judgemental as hell and isn't afraid to show it; they will do the whole up and down look right in front of you. It's worse if you're in a position of authority.
They have great attention to detail but can't see the most obvious things and are really clingy. And I mean really clingy. If you're even just friends with her, there's a good chance that just about everyone will think that you're in a relationship with them. Hand holding, hugs, cheek kisses, sharing food, the whole shebang unless you're uncomfortable with that in which case you get little supportive messages along side a home cooked lunch everyday.
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Eeeep Nemo darling❤❤❤☺☺☺! Eeeeep it is i Justin! //snorts 🤣🤣😂😂😂 awww dammit i forgot u turned anon off pfffft🤣🤣 hehhe could i pretty please with ice cream ontop ask 2 + 33 + 24+ 4 for the cool ask thingy🥺🥺🥺🥰🥰 love ya lots sweetheart nemo! Hope ya having a good day❤❤❤ sending ya a catbus hug😳😳🌻🌈
Haha, yes, it is Monday (unfortunately) and that means the anon function is off! And otherwise you’re much too recognisable even on anon. 😂😂😂
-- I just realised I have been ranting against a wall after reading up on a particularly infuriating case instead of writing down the analysis so... that’s my Monday so far. Might as well spend it by answering some random questions! 😂😂😂
2. Who’s your least favourite warlord?
Hands down, Sasuke Sarutobi. I thought we were cool, but after his route we’re not cool. 
4. How would you survive the Sengoku Era?
By asking Shingen to adopt me. I’m super cute and a good kid, and I come with corny pick-up lines that he can use on his ‘conquests’. He can’t refuse, fool proof plan! 
24. Least favorite thing about the IkeSen fandom?
Is Zeta-dearest trying to stir something here? 😂😂😂 I generally dislike the single-minded focus on fandom-favourite: Mitsuhide and how he can get away with some really questionable actions and performances but still remain everyone's sweetheart (and even get celebrated for his shit) whilst if anyone less beloved pulled the same trick (which has happened) they get condemned and hated upon. Double standards much? 🤨🤨🤨
-- Though, in part, Cybird is also to blame for the way they write it. They definitely downplay it a lot when Mitsuhide is involved and try to make it seem more ‘justified’ but that is an entire other gripe. 
33. Which warlord would you want as a brother?
Ranmaru! As an older sibling I want this little cutie to be my younger sibling! 10/10 would still troll him, but also not leave him on read whenever he texts me. 😂😂😂
Ikesen Question Meme
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diagnosed-by-doyle · 4 years
Saw your previous anon answer! Why is Cybird upsetting you? :(
Many, many reasons.
1. Gacha is a trap. I don’t need or want a gambling addiction. Most of the time you get worthless avatar items. *cough* bears *cough*
2. I very much hate games with energy or tickets. I prefer to get the full story upfront. I’d rather be able to finish a story in a couple hours than have to play a tiny bit every day for nearly a month and have to try to remember the beginning. I find that reading everything at once is more emotionally impacting than sleeping on it over such a long period of time.
3. Sure they give you lots of “new” content with the use of events, but you have to pay an arm and a leg to rank high enough to get decent rewards.
4. Some (most) things are ridiculously priced. I’ve spent enough on IkeVamp to be able to buy at least 3 games for my Xbox that are beautifully voiced and have amazing graphics.
5. I hate having to do missions and love battles to be able to continue. Especially when you’re trying to get through love battles in the middle of an event.
6. I don’t like having to deal with avatars. Not to mention that customization is very poor unless *cough cough* you pay for new items.
7. Their games in general don’t do anything for me emotionally. And that probably has something to do with that “let’s see what happens tomorrow” BS.
8. I’m really over the whole “transported to another world/time period” thing.
9. MC usually has some goofy expression in the CGs.
10. They use the same character types/personalities for every game.
11. They make the more popular characters harder to get rewards for.
12. They like to tease for months on end about a new character coming out. They announced in December I think about Mitsuhide and we didn’t get him until this month. I feel like they just did it to try and keep IkeSen relevant but who knows. I don’t even like Mitsuhide, I just think it was an insanely irritating thing to do to the people who do like him.
13. They bring in new characters when they haven’t even released the routes for the characters they already have. I understand that they run out of things to do when there’s so many characters to create stories for, but it’s just something that gets on my nerves.
Thanks for listening to my rant.
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professor-tammi · 3 years
some more general SW5 thoughts, since I am possessed by a need to ramble:
- I am less worried about how Koei will portray younger Nobu after the (admittedly brief) cutscene with Nobuyuki and Nou they showed during the stream; I feel like this Nobunaga is still very much “I do things my own way” and not just “generic hothead”, so I’m very happy to see that. (I hope he also retains his troll tendencies though :D)
- on Nou: I actually think I like the idea of a more girlish, reserved Nou! also noticed Nobunaga actually calls her Kichou in this game. kinda cute :D I sincerely hope she retains her friendship with Hanbei, that was always one of the most wholesome things about the series to me
- SPEAKING OF Hanbei seems largely unchanged and I adore his SW5 design. he looks great!! I have no complaints at all here
- Kanbei no longer has that sickly zombie look which I am so so grateful for because ngl I always hated how SW Kanbei looked ahaha... I’ve seen people say he looks too much like Jia Chong which, well ok he does, but I don’t mind :’D
- I have also seen a lot of people joke about how much Ieyasu looks like SW1 Ran which is... also true... though he’s certainly not meant to be a Ran replacement -- him now having a brotherly bond with Nobunaga confirms that for me
- Toshiie is another of those characters who doesn’t seem massively changed, except that SW5 will actually be getting into his friendship with Nobunaga (something other SW games most definitely did not), which I’m interested in. honestly Toshiie is actually one of my SW faves so I’m also just happy he wasn’t changed much (AND if they do add Ran... please give me Ran + Toshiie friendship content again...)
- Oichi seems to be basically SW3 Oichi but younger, who is... not SW2 Oichi as clearly SW5 Oichi is much spunkier than that version of her (thank god). I’ve always thought Oichi’s relationship with Nobunaga was rather cute and it’ll be much easier for Koei to explore it with a less inhuman Nobu so I’m hoping to see some of that
- Shikanosuke is a surprising add and, as I’ve seen people point out on reddit and Twitter and whatnot, means the Mouri will surely be in the game in some capacity. which begs the question... will someone from the Mouri be playable, or will they just be UNPCs?
- Sena is another big surprise, but I adore her design!! the site states that she “later becomes Ieyasu’s wife,” which is indeed historically accurate, but I’m not sure SW5 will actually show her and Ieyasu as wife and husband? the people on stream joked about how it’s more of a big sister / little brother vibe... I dunno!! we’ll see!
I’m also curious as to whether they’ll show her death, as historically Ieyasu actually ordered it himself; I think, in SW5, it’ll happen against his wishes and by Sena’s own choice, as it’d be odd for Koei to have the seemingly boyish SW5 Ieyasu make such a decision. (in the little interview bits on the JP site, her VA also mentions a “decision she makes for Ieyasu’s sake” which tugs at the heartstrings, or somesuch, which is surely what this is about.)
- apparently clones are confirmed but I Do Not Care. it’s fine. gameplay still looks fun and I am here more for story/characters than anything else anyway so :)!
- on UNPCs: Dousan and Yoshimitsu are neat and all but I’m especially interested in Nobuyuki tbh! curious to see how Nobunaga’s relationship with his brother will be portrayed here :D
- e: also interesting to me: on the JP site the characters all have internal numbers, starting from 0. currently missing are number 5 - 7 (between Yoshimoto and Nagamasa) and number 9 (between Nagamasa and Nouhime). 10 - 14 are all characters with a close relationship to Nobunaga; 8 as well as 15 - 16 are close to Mitsuhide; 17 - 19 are Toyotomi retainers, and 20 - 21 are Tokugawa retainers.
so my theory is this: numbers 5 - 7 are “antagonistic” warlords (to the Oda) in the vein of Yoshimoto, most likely Kenshin, Shingen, and *maybe* someone from the Mouri, or alternatively a Takeda retainer such as Masayuki.
number 9 is someone close to either Nobunaga, Mitsuhide, or both -- if Ran is in, this is his number.
22 is most likely Hanzou. then we also have to account for whoever the person briefly shown next to Hideyoshi in the trailer is (Nagahide?).
this would still leave 3 silhouettes unaccounted for; honestly not sure about those, but. these are my thoughts, anyway. :’)
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