#Mr love
purple-cat-demon · 2 months
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Happy Birthday to our beloved BirdCop!
(who has apparently been sent through the proverbial ringer but I wouldn’t know because it’s been ages since I’ve played last 😅)
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46inpm · 2 months
MLQC Housemates Party
Hello I’m back after… awhile but been wanting to do housemates headcannons
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PLEASE DRINK RESPONSIBLY🙏 as they may not lol
Victor - Red, Lucien - Purple, Kiro - Orange, Gavin - Blue, Shaw - Green, MC (You) - Pink
I'm changing MC to where she has a good alcohol tolerance and is a bit of a party girl herself
Okay now onto the actual headcanon
They do parties from casual get togethers to formal events to drinking like they’re in college
Rating: Mature
Casual Get Togethers
Just a few friends and co-workers for holidays, casual birthdays, and regular cookouts
Victor is normally the cook for this with the help of Gavin
Gavin is such a grill type of man
They’ll cook as friends are coming over with a movie playing
In the summer they have pool parties
Lucien would be in charge of taking photos of Kiro in his swim trunks to post online for later, gotta feed the fans
When they have a get together in the house there will be a few drinking games
Truth or Drink goes crazy because I know for sure none of the housemates except for MC will answer really personal questions
"Body count?" "Craziest drunken experience?" "Have you ever had a wet dream about MC?"
After that truth or drink wasn't allowed to be played anymore in the future
If it's just the housemates sitting around doing games then they'll be slightly more open
At the end when friends leaves, MC falls asleep on the couch with one cuddling her and the others continuing their conversation
“I’m telling you there’s a raccoon going through our trash.”
“We either call animal control or get rid of it ourselves.”
“Hey, you guys leave Chunky King Bob alone!”
“Great he’s named it…”
Formal Events
They have a whole mansion that's big enough to do an actual formal event
Victor and Kiro are normally the host as it’s kinda required for their reputation
Honestly, both wouldn't do them if they didn't feel obligated for work
Victor, Lucien, Kiro, and MC are the planning committee
Sorry Gavin doesn't have the imagination for this and Shaw is lazy
They'll hold meetings in Victor's office or in the dining room
Most of the time it's a black-tie event but a few times it's themed
The entire house goes on a cleaning rampage the days before
Victor punishes anyone who slacks off by making them wash the dirty garbage cans outside
Really Shaw’s punishment most of the time
Also I know Victor is going to be some animal in heat seeing you all dolled out
Just seeing the jewelry set he bought you decorating your neck and ears is doing something to this poor man
As you're getting ready before the guests start showing, he comes in your room to "check on things" but will just watch you get dress
Slow makeout session happens and when someone knocks, he'll leave pretending like he really was checking on things
"MC have you see my blue tie? Huh, Victor what're you doing?"
"Checking to make sure MC did her tasks."
You're just standing there flushed
Be prepared to be starstruck by the number of celebrities you'll see for Kiro's big birthday event
Lucien and Gavin will sneak you out of there to get alone time separately
"It's stuffy in here."
"Let's go get some fresh air."
You'll be out with them for a while having personal conversations that both of you lose track of time
Their eyes staring so lovingly into yours, never breaking eye contact, hands holding yours or rubbing your sides
More slow makeout sessions and boy do they want to keep going for the rest of the party
Like the Bachelorette when they have the one one-on-one convos
If Kiro or Victor find out they'll be the most grumpy toward you, imagine a pet that's giving you the silent treatment for not feeding them a third time
"While I had to have meaningless conversations with everyone, I wanted to be with you. Seems you didn't care."
Give the pouty idol your undivided attention for the next couple of hours and he'll immediately forgive you but good luck on Victor
To the housemates, it's a genuine mystery on where Shaw goes in the middle of the event
They'll see him but a second later he's gone missing for the next couple of hours
“Where’s Shaw?”
“I thought he was with you…”
“I thought he was with Gavin.”
“You need me? Did everyone leave already?”
“What the-”
“It’s been three hours.”
Normally all of you won't go partying together, even if someone invites the housemates out, only a few will go
Gavin, Kiro, and Shaw are always out with you having a blast
I don't ever see Victor or Lucien coming out for these
High levels of socializing and drinking just aren't them and they'll barely talk to each other while everyone's gone
Gavin is the DD (designated driver) and sober dad
Think of the meme with the dad having his children on the backpack leashes going in the opposite direction, that's him but with 3 adults
Kiro will be dancing with you, or drunk rants to someone while Shaw is doing beer pong
Shaw loves being by your side and his hand wrapped around rested on your hip
As much as Gavin and Shaw don't get along, Gavin always checks on Shaw and steps in the way if some drunks try to pick a fight
Back to the house, you're drunk along with Kiro, jumping practically off the walls
Victor and Lucien trying to get yall to drink water
You'll sing praises to everyone about Gavin taking care of everyone
When you're lying in bed, Shaw will sneak in to sleep with you
"Feeling lonely?"
"No, knowing you, you'll wake up hungover. Going to need someone to hold back your hair when you're yaking."
He'll never say the real reason to just cuddle
The only times all housemates go out to party and drink is the rare clubbing occasions
Normally high end clubs
Everyone dressed in their clubbing/partying outfits
The boys will wear nice button ups or plain t-shirts with pants that will go along while you wear a backless top and miniskirt
In the club they’ll reserve a table…for the Li family? so they can immediately sit down and start drinking
We all know Lucien says he’s a good drinker but he’s really not as he doesn’t space out his shots
You’re not helping as it’s shot o’clock every 30 minutes with you
“For going out! For finishing the week! For housemates bonding!”
“Okay, I think that’s enough. Also, Lucien you don’t have to keep taking the shots.”
“Haha, I’m fine.”
Takes a lot of pleading from all of you to have Gavin and Victor drink up (sober dads on break)
From there on things ramp up!!!
Everyone loosens up a lot and have the funniest conversations
Talking about inside jokes to personal stories
Later on the dance floor you’ll be grinding on one of them then the next and making out
The types of drunks: Lucien - possessive drunk, Kiro - happy drunk, Shaw - funny drunk, Victor - horny drunk, Gavin - crying drunk
Lucien’s Ares side come out a lot more that he just wants to be in your embrace and no one touches you
Takes a while for you to calm him down and let the others be near you
“Why did you let him kiss you?”
“Lucien, you also did too. It wouldn’t be fair to the others. Let’s all have fun.”
Kiro is the type to legit constantly compliment anyone and give some motivation speech as if they’re about to jump off a cliff
“Youu’re soo handsome and kind b-but I feel you don’t even know it.”
Shaw’s jokes are so perfectly timed with his expressions that everyone’s sides hurt from laughing, funny how he’s so calm when he says it
“I’m one drink closer to getting a tramp stamp.”
Victor isn’t a big fan on PDA but now he wants you to give him a lap dance mid club and says the dirtiest stuff
Even Lucien and Victor are at war while drunk
“You love the feeling of rubbing yourself against me.”
Poor Gavin has so much regret that he starts pouring out normally to Kiro about wishing he did things differently
“When I left I should have had-had more courage to tell her what I felt but I did not-I didn’t.”
“I get what you’re feeling! Trust me ev-everything has been working out. Like you’re here with Miss Chips getting wasted!!”
Ride share dropping all of you back home still drunk but trying to sober up, everyone is seriously tripping over themselves, laughing controllably
Trying to drink water and devour leftovers
After awhile everyone decides except Victor to sleep in his room because he has the biggest and comfiest bed
As everyone is falling asleep curled up to MC or snuggled in the comforter they knock out
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yourssinfullyquiche · 2 months
Happy Birthday to this beautiful Greek God of a 2D man. Wohooo!! I forgot how old you are but that's okay Gavin cos you will always be the bestest most handsomest 2D man to me~
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I know, I know it's been so long since I've written you and I miss youu but don't worry I'll never forget you. Because of the game and you, I've made amazing friends <3 Girls, thank you for always being there!!
Once again, Happy Birthday!!!
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rinharu-purple · 5 months
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beneathashadytree · 4 months
i once compared xavier to lucien
Hmmm… I guess that does make a lot of sense. Both sly foxes who are absolutely smitten by their one and only loved one, both come off as apathetic/distant to everyone else, both love teasing the MC but quickly give in to their desires when teased back, both jealous and possessive out of an almost crippling fear that they’ll be left behind, both charmers in the sense that the smoothest shit will leave their mouths and all they’ll don is a peaceful and deceptively-innocent smile, and both actually kinda fucked up if you look a little too close at their moral compass, because at the end of the day it seems that their lover IS their moral compass. They’re the only person that can be the deciding factor as to whether or not they want to save humanity or doom everyone else for their love.
Nonnie, you’re definitely onto something…
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thejournalmylife · 1 year
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They not Holding back anymore
New Type cards, UR, interactive cards
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lithopsy · 1 year
I made a spreadsheet with links to every single MLQC date/mind quest (including CN content that hasn’t been released globally yet)! there are still some that i wasn’t able to find, but almost everything is there! if you find something I’m missing or notice an error, please let me know <3
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missproducergirl · 1 year
Summer’s Covenant Date [CN Translation]
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word count: 3,103
requested by: @sj224
notes: This translation was done with Google Translate. 9 time out of 10 it spews none sense so I had to take my best guess on a lot. Take everything with a grain of salt!! Special thanks to the best person in the world, @hopelesstotstan for proofreading!
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[Part 1]
MC: Uh… So sleepy…
I opened my eyes with difficulty and used the person next to me to straighten up with one hand.
Even when I was on vacation with Victor, the long flight still made me unconsciously fall into a deep sleep.
Victor: Finally got enough sleep?
MC: Hehe, it’s so comfortable to sleep next to you… now what time is it?
I rubbed my eyes and looked at the laptop on Victor’s lap, wanting to glance at the time.
There seemed to be a file full of pictures and text on the screen. But before I could see it clearly, Victor closed the computer and reached out to open the window shutters.
Victor: See for yourself.
MC: What… Wow!
A bright golden streak of sunlight at the end of the cloud breaks into sight, and the quiet sunrise is extremely beautiful.
I woke up completely, picked up my phone to take pictures, and glanced at Victor.
MC: Speaking of which, why did you suddenly take me out on vacation?
MC: Could it be my reward for doing well recently?
Victor: Wasn’t someone talking about the end of summer?
Victor: Just this time, I’ll give you a chance to do it all over again.
I blinked and recalled the “encounter” when I said this sentence before—
While going out on location to film under the hot sun, three colleagues suffered from heatstroke one after another. Two colleagues fell ill at the same time, and a machine fell out of order.
Almost all of the late summer was devoted to work, and it was not until the breath of autumn turned the leaves gold that this busy time finally came to an end.
The leisurely activities and travel plans originally written in the summer plan were all wasted.
One day when I came home disheartened, I saw Victor packing a suitcase that I hadn’t packed for a while and suddenly felt wronged.
I couldn’t help shouting “I don’t like summer anymore”, and just stood there crying…
Now thinking of Victor’s surprised gaze at that time, I scratched my cheek in embarrassment.
MC: All those angry words… how do you remember…
Victor: After all, some people kept whining until winter, and it’s hard not to remember.
Victor: What’s more, with such a clear and feasible demand, there is no reason not to make it come true.
As if sensing my embarrassment, Victor raised his hand and rubbed my hair. I couldn’t help raising my smiling face, pretending to hold his hand solemnly.
MC: CEO Victor!
MC: Don’t worry, I will try my best to cover all the unhappiness from before!
[Part 2]
Sunglasses, skirts, fresh fragrance—
I took one last look in the mirror and patted my cheek with satisfaction.
Enjoying summer, of course, starts with dressing up beautifully. It would be even better if you can also fascinate the calm Mr. Li!
I adjusted my expression, opened the door of my room, and prepared to make my debut.
MC: Victor, I—
Victor: Ready?
The voice that sounded at the same time made me stunned for a moment, and before I had the time to feel sorry for my failed appearance, my attention was attracted by the person next to the sofa.
Victor seemed to have been waiting for a while, the computer at hand was still on, and he closed the screen when he saw me come out.
He rarely wore a fancy resort-style shirt, perhaps because he was used to his usual minimalist style. The colorful patterns looked particularly bright on him.
Although it has been a long time, I still recognized at a glance that it was the shirt I bought him.
I still remember his slightly helpless expression when he first received it, but I didn’t expect that I would really see the day he puts it on!
I hopped to his side, pulled his arm, and looked at him left and right.
MC: This shirt suits you very well!
Victor: I can’t think of another person with this peculiar taste.
MC: Isn’t that because there are people who can pull off these kinds of “outlandish clothes”~
MC: I haven’t seen you wearing it, I thought you didn’t like it.
Victor: I just didn’t find a chance to wear it.
I met his calm gaze and couldn’t help raising my eyebrows at him.
MC: I understand! What Mr. Li means is that we should go to the beach a few more times in the future!
MC: You can rest assured that I am here to ensure that your floral shirts can maximize their value.
Victor: Idiot. Is that the point?
Victor: Let’s have enough sun this time before talking about the future, so as not to leave any regrets.
MC: Mr. Li is right. It shouldn’t be too late, let’s go out now!
I took his arm and was about to go out, but Victor hesitated for a moment, turned around, and took a big backpack.
I watched him put the computer in, and then he took the items from my hand.
Victor: Put your things in here first. Some people will definitely lose them after running around.
MC: Some people don’t forget to complain about others even if they are kind enough to help…
I muttered while helping him organize his backpack, and took a second look at the computer that was inseparable from him.
MC: Victor, do you still have unfinished work?
Victor: Still a little bit. It will be taken care of soon.
It has been a long time since we got off the plane. Judging from his usual efficiency, this must be a lot of work.
Could it be that he decided to accompany me on vacation temporarily before work can be scheduled?
A trace of guilt rose from the bottom of my heart. I hugged him lightly and glanced at the clock beside me.
MC: Don’t worry. Work is important.
MC: It’s still early. How about I go around by myself first, and you can finish your work at ease and then meet up? How does that sound?
Victor hesitated for a moment, then nodded.
Victor: Okay. Don’t go too far, and keep in touch.
MC: No problem!
[Part 3]
I thought Victor would stay in the room to deal with work, but I didn’t expect him to come to the beach with me.
I was collecting shells by the sea, and he continued to work in a hammock not far from the shore.
MC: Are you going to work here?
Victor: What is the problem?
MC: It doesn’t suit your style to work in such a noisy place.
MC: Could it be…
I paused on purpose, leaned closer to him, and blinked.
MC: Am I so good-looking today that someone can’t take their eyes off me?
Faced with my teasing, Victor just smiled lightly without averting his gaze.
Victor: I’m just afraid that some dummy will get lost and I will have to find someone else.
[Flashback ends]
Recalling the conversation just now, I puffed up my mouth somewhat unconvinced.
There is just a coastline here, where can I get lost?
I turned my head, and I could see the slightly fancy shirt under the tree from a distance.
The person leaning on the hammock didn’t seem to notice me, so I took the opportunity to make a face, only to meet Victor’s gaze in the next second.
MC: !
Victor: ?
Even from a distance, being stared at by him like this made me a little guilty, and I hurriedly gestured to him and mouthed a sentence.
MC: “Concentrate!”
I don’t know if he understood it, but I saw him faintly smile and then turned his eyes back to the computer.
I breathed a sigh of relief and was about to continue my walk when suddenly a group of boys who looked like middle school students ran past me.
They wore uniform jerseys with the words “Youth Training” printed on the back. The leading boy proficiently took the soccer ball under his feet and called out to his friends behind him.
Boy: Come on! There’s no one here!
They ran towards a nearby net, appearing to be playing beach soccer.
Seeing that this place is going to become more lively, working in this environment will be difficult for even Victor, right?
MC: I’ll ask him if he wants to change places.
I put away the shells I picked up along the way, and quietly approached Victor, bypassing the children playing soccer.
However, when I saw the familiar figure clearly, I soon realized that my worry was unnecessary.
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Victor was half leaning in the hammock, wearing earphones, as if he was talking to someone.
Not knowing if he encountered a difficult problem, he scratched his hair unconsciously, revealing a trace of entanglement in his serious expression.
Victor: Is there anything else I need to do that day?
Victor: …Okay, let’s adjust it like this.
A low voice faintly floated into my ears. The sea breeze was blowing gently, and the sun fell on him through the shade of the trees, but it didn’t disturb him at all.
Although it was inappropriate, my eyes were still firmly attracted by the person in front of me.
His fluffy hair brushed against his fingers, and the light shirt hugged his waist tightly with the sea breeze.
I unconsciously slowed down, wanting to peek a little longer.
I’ve seen him at work a lot, but it doesn’t seem to be common to see him on vacation.
With the noise around, he leaned on a soft and comfortable hammock, and still stared at the computer so intently…
I couldn’t help but speculate about what kind of work and what kind of clients would be able to disturb Mr. Li who was on vacation.
??: Hey—watch out!
Before I could think about it, there was a call from behind, and I suddenly felt something lightly hit my ankle.
I looked down and there was a soccer ball at my feet. I looked over to the school boys and they were waving at me to kick the ball back.
MC: It’s a little far away…
I was a little embarrassed looking at the shoes on my feet. I subconsciously looked at Victor, and my brain suddenly had an idea.
I don’t know if he still plays soccer now. If the ball is passed to him, how will he react?
I cleared my throat, trying to get his attention.
MC: Victor!
Seeing him looking up, I lightly kicked the ball to him and pointed to the children not far away.
MC: They accidentally kicked the ball away, can you help pass it back?
Victor: I can.
Victor didn’t seem to notice my thoughts. He put down the computer and turned over, naturally aiming in the direction of the goal.
Then he took a step back, raised his leg, and kicked hard—
The ball drew a perfect arc in the air and flew towards the goal.
Seeing this, the boys started running. One of them ran to the goal, jumped high, and kicked the ball. It went straight into the goal!
Boy: Nice shot!
MC: Wow! Goal!!
The schoolboys cheered and hugged each other, and I also cheered and rushed toward Victor.
Victor: Be careful!
MC: That’s amazing! As expected of Older Brother Vic who kicked down my sandcastle!
Victor: …Are you praising someone?
MC: Hey, have you been playing soccer since then? Why haven’t I seen it?
Victor: I don’t…
MC: Oops I should have filmed it! Can you kick it again later?
Victor: …
I wanted to say something more, but Victor swept me off my feet and put me in the hammock.
Victor: Why are you so excited?
MC: I didn’t expect to see you play soccer. I feel very pleasantly surprised.
Victor: Even if it is a surprise, it is too easy for you to be satisfied.
MC: Because it’s all about you. Wearing the clothes I chose and doing things I’ve never seen before is a surprise to me.
MC: How about it? Isn’t this very touching?
I cupped Victor’s cheek and pinched it, but he didn’t hide, just left a chuckle in my palm.
Victor: Is there anything more I can want?
MC: Hmm… not for now.
Victor: Okay, then I will answer you one by one.
Victor: I started playing less soccer after breaking your sandcastle, less after working.
Victor: So that kick just now was pure luck, there is no second time.
MC: But…
Before I could finish speaking, Victor leaned over and turned off the computer. He then flipped through the shells in my hands with his fingers.
Victor: Our reservation for the water sports that you wanted to play is soon. Let’s go there together.
MC: Are you done with your work?
Victor: Yes, it’s taken care of.
Victor: Let’s go. Show me what treasures you picked up along the way.
[Part 4]
The short vacation passed quickly, and it was already our last night in a blink of an eye.
After dinner, Victor and I walked along the beach. Today’s weather is exceptionally nice, the night sky is clear, and the broken stars reflect in the sparkling sea.
A perfect vacation in every sense, even the ending. Looking at the scenery in front of me, I couldn’t help but sigh.
Victor: What’s wrong?
MC: I was thinking, this summer is really coming to an end, and there is no chance for me to regret it.
Victor: It seems that it is nosy to make up for your regrets.
MC: Not at all!
MC: It’s rare that Mr. Li is so proactive in cooperating with my sense of ritual, but I’m not moved yet.
I shook his arm fawningly. Victor chuckled lightly and held my hand.
Victor: Tell me, what kind of ceremony did you originally envision?
MC: Actually, it is almost the same as now. Enjoying the warm sunshine and cold drinks, and stepping into the water with your favorite people.
MC: After a leisurely day, it would be even better if you can watch the fireworks at the beach.
Victor: Fireworks?
Victor showed a thoughtful expression, and I waved my hands hastily.
MC: I just said it casually, just to make a deep impression.
Victor: However, it is indeed a good arrangement.
The person next to me seemed to smile a little, and I was about to ask more when I caught a glimpse of an unfamiliar scene out of the corner of my eye.
It was an area enclosed by a small fence and the small gate was ajar, which looked a bit strange on the flat beach.
MC: What is this? I haven’t seen it before while walking around.
Victor: Go and have a look.
I followed Victor and approached. I looked at Victor from outside the fence, but I stretched out my hand and pushed the door open.
There is nothing special in the enclosed area, except for a few rows of black shadows with small red lights on the ground.
MC: This is…
I felt that these black shadows look familiar, but the sky is too dark, and I can’t see clearly.
Just as I was about to get closer to confirm, the “black shadow” suddenly took off.
A slight hum lingered in my ears, and I instantly recognized it as a drone.
MC: Why are there drones here?
I looked around subconsciously but saw no one nearby. I vaguely had some guesses in my heart. I turned my head and glanced at Victor.
MC: Could it be…
Victor: Look up first.
He didn’t return my gaze, just squeezed my hand. I tried my best to suppress my curiosity and looked up at the sky with him.
The drones slowly arranged a pattern in the air, and I took a closer look. It was a small Shiba Inu.
MC: Hahaha, this looks like the doll I gave you.
Victor: Not too stupid.
MC: The next pattern… is pudding!
MC: Wait, aren’t these patterns all my favorite things?
Victor: You can guess.
MC: Then I guess the next one is Mr. Li’s red wine!
I opened my eyes expectantly and looked at the sky, only to be greeted by a camel.
Victor: Unfortunately, alcohol was not approved.
MC: Watching the drone show without getting drunk…
I muttered softly, subconsciously wrapping my arms around Victor.
The patterns in the sky are all related to me without exception. Kittens, bowknot hairpins, lipstick…
The memories of spending the summer together are brought back again and again, and those bright days spread a happy background in my memory, making the corners of my mouth uncontrollably curl up.
Looking at those colorful patterns, I gently tickled his palm.
MC: When was this prepared? The pattern is quite cute, not like Mr. Li’s style.
Victor: If it is not cute enough, I am worried that dummies will not appreciate it, so I adjusted it many times.
MC: I won’t… huh?
I was about to refute when I realized something.
MC: You have been staring at the computer busy with work before, so you are not talking about this, are you?
Victor smiled and squeezed my hand.
Victor: Let’s watch it first.
After all the patterns were spelled out, the drone flickered like a star for a moment, then moved slowly again.
I carefully watched and read out word by word—
MC: [In English] “See you next year”...
MC: Is this a message from summer?
Victor: It can be understood in this way.
Victor: Unpleasant things will always pass, and the life you look forward to will come again.
Victor: So there is nothing to regret. Instead of struggling for so long, you should just tell me what you want.
MC: But even if I didn’t say anything, you have it all considered.
MC: There are even plenty of surprises!
I pointed to the sky and tugged on his shirt again.
MC: Maybe you have a better understanding of me than I do.
Victor: Fool. Willing to bid farewell to summer this time?
I nodded vigorously, then shook my head again.
MC: It is true that I can let it go willingly now, but I will still look forward to the next summer!
The hovering drones landed back on the ground and parked neatly beside us.
Victor looked down at me, his deep voice overwhelmed the waves and reached the bottom of my heart.
Victor: That’s good. After all next time when summer comes…
Victor: I don’t want to be the only one looking forward to it.
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You can find the call that comes after the date here.
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streetcattournament · 4 months
Round 1 - Bracket 147
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purple-cat-demon · 1 year
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Happy Birthday to the Aerial Sweetheart! 🐺💙
(do we still call him that?? 😅)
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yourssinfullyquiche · 11 months
Hello, all you beautiful people🥰 SMUT SMUT SMUT— This is an NSFW drabble Hope you enjoy~
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The voice he uses when he wakes me. Husky and low. Sometimes it’s due to tiredness, lack of sleep, and work. Other times—most of the time, it’s the knowledge that my body tingles with goosebumps when I hear it close to the shell of my ear.
“Morning…,” he exhales softly against my ear that it tickles. The rough layers reverberate through me, fluttering around in my lower belly. The breath I take in is quick to calm my beating heart yet it is futile when his hand languidly traces the band of my panties over my cream nightgown. The hem has ridden up to my thigh and this does not go unnoticed by officer Gavin’s keen eyes. 
My voice comes out lazily. “Mmm morning.” The band stretches and smacks lightly on my hips as his fingers play with it. I bite the inside of my mouth, guide his naughty hand to my soaking pussy that awaits his fingers and the moan that escapes me is immediate when his fingers slip in and come into contact with the bud of nerves. 
It’s aching when one finger slips in, followed by another. They move without hesitation, those nimble fingers. My toes curl inwards, soft moans of his name escape my lips. Then I feel it, his hardened cock grinding against me, the quivering sighs teasing my ear knowing full well how it shoots sparks straight to my core, that it only serves to make me more hot and wet. 
My body’s on fire and it coils further and further into a tight knot desperately waiting for the inevitable snap that would release me into oblivion. “Almost there,” he whispers as he adds another finger. His lips rest on my temple leaving a few kisses. The couple of moans I let out are the only response he gets. His fingers are unrelenting in their mission, slamming in and out, teasing the bud of nerves—the friction as he rolls his cock to my ass makes me see stars. 
“Ga-gavin...” In my fogged out brains the squelching sounds register—it’s erotic and like a moth drawn to a flame my body responds to it, making me moan louder. The way I am right now—naked, vulnerable, an incoherent mess and on the verge of falling apart, it’s only for his eyes. I aimlessly find something to grip as I near the breaking point, the bedsheet is my victim but it slips away easily. Almost instantly, Gavin’s idle hand envelopes mine, our fingers fill the spaces between. 
“Thank y-ahhhh!” I grip onto his hand as I reach the blinding crest and feel my whole body tremble with overwhelming relief and satisfaction. It takes moments for my body to come down from the high, moments where I’m breathing hard, where Gavin licks his fingers clean, showers me with kisses everywhere he lays his lips on, runs his fingers through my hair with praises from his lips.
I turn to face him, meet his lips in a deep kiss. My hand travels to the obvious bulge, I don’t need to see to know what the dampness means. He shudders with a groan, eyes darting to mine and away from them in a second, hand on my hips bunching the fabric of my nightgown. And of course a red hue dusts his skin, ears in its wonted heavy colour. 
“It’s your turn,” I say softly. He puts his hand over mine, shaking his head. “It’s okay. You have to get ready for work,” he pats my bottom prompting me to leave the bed. Leave him alone as he takes care of himself. Who’s he fooling?
I push his hand away, look into his whiskey eyes that are clearly dilated and hungry and decide I won’t let him deny me the bliss I feel when I satiate his needs. I grip his clothed cock a little harshly and look directly at him when he moans. 
“You want me?”
He starts and swallows, blushes deeper and then nods, dark whiskey eyes never leaving mine. “Answer me,” I move to his jaw and pepper it with kisses. 
“Yes,” Gavin says, his voice tight. 
The kiss is hard and sloppy as my hand slips into his boxer and hold his aching cock.
“Then let me take care of you…”
A/N: Thank you for reading❤️
It's been far too long people. I've been busy with college, exams, results and the aftermath of being plunged into "the world." I just graduated and am in the midst of finding a job. It's tough and I've been adjusting to this new normal. So, I haven't had the mood to sit down and let my writing juices flow. But I'm working on something and this is part 1 of a smut series.
AND credits to @cafekitsune for the lovely dividers😚 Everyone if you need dividers to pretty up your posts, please check out the blog~ The creator has some awesome dividers!
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© YOURSSINFULLYQUICHE2023 — no part of this writing shall be plagiarised, translated or reposted in any way. Likes, reblogs and comments are always appreciated!
Taglist: @playheej  @purple-cat-demon @rinharu-purple (if you want to join my taglist, please visit my blog and click the link available on my pinned post)
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kiros-love · 6 months
🌟‼️SALE POST!‼️🌟
Please share around if you can! Thank you
I’ve decided to sell some of my Kiro merch that I’ve collected over the years! I feel some of it could go to a better home ☺️❤️
Please feel free to message me if you have any questions or want to see more images!
Payment will be via PayPal or cashapp.
Items will be shipped out within 3-5 business days after payment is sent.
Or you can buy the whole lot for $80USD
-All in good condition. Packaging on some of them are slightly open from when they were shipped to me overseas 😅
-If there ends up being a problem with the item I will require you to mail the item back to me before I send you a refund! Thank you!
Shipping is free. Only payment is for the item!
Buttons: $15 EACH USD
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Keychains: $15 USD
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Other/ Standees: $20 USD each
(Please note the third one with the carousel, the packaging is open on the side. This was due to poor manufacturing, but the item is still in good condition).
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thejournalmylife · 2 years
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160 notes · View notes
multifandom-worlds · 1 year
My Only Love
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Word count: 1.1k
Warnings: jealousy
Authors note: This is a request from @krishastumblernow from a few weeks ago; I'm sorry I only just got to it now! I hope you enjoy your beloved professor saying he'll be with you until the end of your days!
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It was a long day of lectures at the university - one right after another, but thankfully I had just finished my final one and much to my delight, Kristen could make it. She sat at the back of the lecture hall, pen in hand, as she took notes - I have always loved how interested she was in everything I taught. She was so focused, hanging on every word I said, unlike the other women in the audience; I suspected they hung over every word I said for a different reason. All my lectures were mainly filled with women, and should I hazard a guess, it has nothing to do with what I was teaching. 
By the time I had finished, all I wanted was to reconnect with Kristen, get her thoughts on the material and then go back home and eat dinner - I was starving. Before all that, though, I had to get through the crowds of students asking for my number or when the next time I would be back was, asking if I was single and other intrusive questions like that. I could see Kristen in the back, leaning against the wall, her arms crossed and the frown on her lips deepening the longer it took me to get to her. I could see the defeated drop of her shoulders as she silently pushed off the wall and left the lecture hall.
It took me another hour after Kristen left for me finally to get out of the university. When I stepped foot on the cobblestone pathway, I dialled her number, holding the phone to my ear as I walked to the parking lot. Her phone rang and rang, but she has not picked up. No alarm bells yet, she is likely at work and can’t pick up her phone or home and in the shower. I leave her a quick message before getting into my car and driving toward her work.
Throwing the car in gear again, I drive off toward our apartment, hoping she’ll be there when I arrive; a reason for why she was not answering me, such as she was in the shower, or she forgot her phone in the car. I needed her to be okay; I needed her to be.
Circling her office parking lot, her car appears absent, which does not necessarily mean she’s not here. I pull into a parking space before dialling the number for her office. Once again, my attempts at communication go unanswered. I hope she’s back home; now I am beginning to worry about her. I try to call her cellphone again, getting nothing but the answering machine.
“Hey butterfly, where are you? I’ve been trying to contact you for a while now. Are you okay? I saw you leave before I could talk to you; please call me back when you get this. I love you.” 
I made it home a lot faster than I should have, a sense of panic slowly growing in my chest the closer I got home. Her car was in the parking lot when I pulled in. Relief washed over me; maybe she was just busy and hadn’t heard her phone ring. I parked in our other parking space before getting out, grabbing my bag and entering the code to the front door of our apartment complex, eager to hear what Kristen thought of my lecture. 
“Kris, I’m home, butterfly,” I call out to the darkened house before placing my bag down and kicking off my shoes. To my surprise, Kristen never answered me like usual; perhaps she was feeling ill, which would explain why she had left earlier. However, she hadn’t mentioned anything this morning before we both went to work unless it was a late onset of something. Either way, I ventured deeper into the house to see where she could be, finding the light on in our bedroom; odd. She’s not usually in the bedroom at this time.
Peering into the bedroom, piles upon piles of her clothes lay on the bed and floor, more being added every few seconds. Following the airborne garments, I find her in her closet, taking clothes off the hangers and holding them to her body before throwing them behind her; soft sobs follow every throw. 
I caught one of her shirts and walked over to her, my favourite of all her clothes. Just the way it hugged her figure so perfectly but more how she smiled when she wore it. “Hey butterfly, what are you doing?” I question, grabbing a hanger to return the shirt to its rightful home. 
She looks at me, eyes bloodshot and teary, before looking at the ground between our feet. “I didn’t think you would be home so early,” she mutters softly, shifting her weight between her feet. I hook my finger under her chin, gently tilting her face to mine. The deep pain buried in her beautiful blue eyes hurts me. Had I done something? 
“Why are you throwing your clothes? You still wear most, if not everything, that is currently sitting on our floor. Talk to me, Kris, please,” I ask, gently running my thumb along her cheekbone. Her face and eyes held a mixture of anger, shame, embarrassment and many other emotions I can’t begin to decipher. 
“I’m not like them, your students. My clothes don’t look like theirs….so I was throwing everything out to buy more that looked like the students at the university. They’re your type, right? So if I start dressing and acting like them, I would be more your type, and you wouldn’t leave my side, wouldn’t leave me, right?”
I shake my head, leaning forward and kissing her forehead gently. “Kris, you are my type. The intelligent woman standing before me with tears shimmering in her eyes is my type of woman. I’m happy you’re not like them; I’m glad you don’t look like them; you look like you. I don’t want my students - they’re not there to learn from me anyways. Not one question after my lectures is about my material; you are the only woman who ever attends that wants to learn and discuss what you learned with me. You’re not there to swoon over me like they are.” I responded, keeping my voice soft.
She looks at me, wiping her tears before taking a shuddering breath to calm herself. “You’re not going to leave me for someone else, right?” 
I shake my head, smiling softly. “I will be by your side until the end of my days, butterfly. Now let me help you put your wardrobe back together, I can’t have you throwing out the clothes you love, and I love seeing on you.”
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mugoki · 2 months
My latest obtained cards:
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