Imagine being an agent of chaos on the Red Force
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The crew : *deep cleaning up the cargo hold*
Benn: *just came back from up on deck and whispers to you* if anyone asks tell them the bathroom is occupied and don't let anyone up top, there are a bunch of ladies at the beach, and I don't want them distracted.
Shanks: *eaves dropping* what ladies?
Benn: Damn it.
You: He just said he can't wait to be done with this task to go see ladies of this island.
Benn: *relieved you're a convincing liar and a quick thinker.* Yeah, let's work double time, so we can get out there.
Shanks: I'm excited about the booze, I heard there are loads of bar here.
Yassop: *finishes his task and happens to see the ladies on the beach* They're having a swimsuit competition!
The crew: *tries to rush out on deck*
Benn: *blocks them with his body* No, we need to finish cleaning, we've put this task off too much already!
Shanks: *trying to climb over Benn*
Benn: Can this situation get any worst?
You: hey boys! The floor is lava!
The crew: *climb and jumping on things and stuff breaking left and right, and all manage to escape the cargo hold*
Benn: *glare down at you* that wasn't a challenge!
You: *shrugs*
Benn: *hands you a broom* Congratulations you'll be doing this on your own. Get cleaning, I expect it to be spotless when I get back.
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hubba1892 · 5 months
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"These boys are essential for what we do. It's really nice to see how they grow every day. […] Sometimes I walk behind them and think: “Did he grow since yesterday?!” It’s crazy. It’s so good that we can give them these experiences.”
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indigo--montoya · 2 months
one of my favorite things is elves having base 8 math. so you can have Situations™️ when someone in the dragang has a birthday. take for instance this hypothetical
Rayla: I'm so glad my parents and Runaan are back! And just in time for my twenty-fourth birthday!
Callum: your WHAT.
Rayla: My birthday!
Callum: no hold up a second. go back. you're HOW OLD???
Callum: so you were. you were twenty when we first started dating?
Rayla: yes? Is something wrong?
Callum: I was FIFTEEN
Rayla: WHAT?!?!?! How-- who-- what-- I think I'm going to be sick. You seemed older than that! I can't believe I-- so that means now you're--
Callum: Nineteen.
Rayla: what's nineteen
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jtl-fics · 8 months
Hope I’m not late! May I pretty please request a math nerd AU? thanksgiving has consumed my every waking thought 😣
WIP Wednesday - 10/18/23 (Closed) | Math Nerd AU
Andrew doesn't say anything, he just takes the shirt from Abby's hands and gets up from his seat. He offers her a single nod and heads out of the dining area and towards the bathroom.
The door is cracked and he can hear water running but knows it is from the sink.
Andrew pushes open the door and sees Neil without his contacts for the very first time since they had met back in Arizona.
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I drew some shit
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Close ups under cut
Find book:
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Life in the world pt 2:
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Chris dunne won’t go to therapy:
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Stuffed and wet Santa ft the sun:
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Jordan Peterson won’t go to therapy:
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(Is climate spelt wrong, yes. Do I care to fix it, no)
and saving the best for last
the eulogy of Bobby sugar bones:
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Sleep well my boy
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meirimerens · 8 months
straight up not respecting some of the alleged p2 characters' ages as they were given on the VA's papers bc you're telling me this is a 27yo man on the left & a 35(!)yo woman on the right? you jest. this woman is in her 20s at most. she doesn't have a wrinkle of age on her face. just worry. i know men age like milk this is taking the piss. i know patho 2 is the "hot blemishless 20something white(-passing) women" game but at this point own it. don't try lying to me. she doesn't look a day past 29. got friends below 25 with more winkles. in the first half of the 20th century too. where would she be getting her anti-aging serums.
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you're telling me this woman who's a chronic worrier, dealing with chronic pain, who smokes like a locomotive to cope is allegedly 5 years Older than this guy who's been drinking himself to sleep for like 5 years.
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(mike's mic voice) don't piss me off
#alledged(?) VA papers? would love to have a peep. might go wander VK if i can make the trek#sorry for getting heated over p2 yulia again. it's no secret i vastly prefer her design in p1#but this is aggravating. chrewly.#i know why that is. i knooooowwww why that is. it's because people in the team (coughs) (coughs) & in Media in general cannaeeeeee stand to#create women who actually look over 25. even women who are supposed to be older.#which while a media Trope/problem across media and genre it's not helped with a certain writer's. hmmm. alleged proclivities.#i would respect her being 35 if you have her to me looking 35. her skin is as smooth as 10 yrs younger Lara with one (1) slit#between the brows that just seems to come from her being a thinker & a worrier. nuh-uh!#ah hell naw!!!#i'm profoundly a p1 ages truther except for most of the kids + rubin. i know men age like milk but that guy is Not 23.#also p2 27yo daniil vs 30yo twins They Have Naht met at first year uni with that timeline. & it is important for me that they do.#most of the kids being averaged to ~15 real to me though. we all been here.#neigh (blabbers)#some of the ages on it make no sense [not just yulia but also like. aspity. who looks like a 20something & is actually ageless/5yo]#& while i can guess it's for like The Vibes / voice acting direction i assume it would make more sense to give the actual age & then add#like context to why they would sound older because that's something you might(?) need to know... would really want to see that with my eyes
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boydykepdf · 16 days
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tape collection is growing….
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burrow-ix · 5 months
I love those pics🥹 I would post the ones I took from training camp and the games but I don't trust people because they take them for granted🥲
I'll give y'all one for now. This one I took at the Seahawks game. Maybe if I start to lose my trust issues then I'll share more😂
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bugmistake · 12 days
sometimes its so crazy to realize that there's actually a lot of things i like. that i thought i didn't like because i was a depressed teenager. i love being outside! i love swimming! i love talking to people! even strangers sometimes! i love getting dressed in fun outfits and doing makeup! i love reading and going to art museums! i just thought i was doomed forever to a life of complete and total apathy and void! and now look at me! still a little shaky but i'm doing it!!!!!
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mijcky · 2 months
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photozoi · 6 months
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Munchy Mr Mung
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is-hinata-good-today · 8 months
october 15th, 2023
i can’t even begin to describe just how phenomenal hinata is, he’s so incredibly good today!!!
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froqpi-art · 2 years
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i have this silly little dcst modern au where everyone is their real age (since their ages get so messed up with the medusa) but it mostly circles around uni student ukyo who somehow gets roped into babysitting/chaperoning a bunch of the neighborhood kids. it’s so funny to me that ukyo, hyoga, sai, xeno, and stan are all around the same age
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jtl-fics · 8 months
Math 🧮 Nerd stan here 🙃 - thx
WIP Wednesday - 10/11/23 (Closed) | Math Nerd AU
Cass Spears.
Drake's biological mom. The last 'mom' he had before he'd gone to his final foster home in Columbia. She'd been a decent mother aside from the monster she'd harbored in her house. A monster that Andrew could recognize even if he never saw the full extent of Drake's monstrous intentions.
Alex had made sure of that.
"Andrew, it's good to see you." She says smile warm and to her credit she doesn't come to hug him. She'd been one of the better foster moms.
"Can't say the same." he returns. "Long way to come for someone who barely spent time in your house." he raises a brow. "Where's Richard?" he asks.
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reavenedges-lies · 2 years
Dana Heinze Video Tribute (Retirement Honor Ceremony)
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Fellas, is it gay to love something so much that any real reminder of it overwhelms you with emotion? Makes you curl up and throw it away so you don't break down and cry from just pure joy? Because you can't let yourself be happy and in love for some fucking reason, even if it's not a person you're in love with?
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