mykimi2 · 2 months
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New 10000yen
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girlyholic · 1 month
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Rojita is currently giving away French Girly hair bows for purchases over 10000yen.
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twimshi · 2 years
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In which Reigen and YN make a bet
A snippet of chapter 5 of chilli flakes on AO3. The current chapter takes place in middle school
“No I don't get it, run me over your plan again"
“All...I'm saying h-hah god...is that we should participate in the twin bicycle competition f-for our hah school, I hate the stairs”
Reigen stared at her suspiciously “YN….you are literally out of breath as we speak.”
The school cultural festival was starting soon, everyone was getting ready to make their fair buck for their own booth. They had walked past the school bulletin board while taking out the trash and saw the sign.
Come all students, let's all participate in the once a year school canteen program !! where you show off your class’s hidden talents
You can sell food, open cafes, and many more (with terms and conditions) 
YN turned a blind eye while Reigen saw the reward.
Students can win prizes such as a 
-Second-hand camera
He totally wanted one of them, Reigen grabbed one of the posters, ripping it from the school board. It might be vandalism, but nobody was there to see, so it's not technically vandalism.
Reigen then shook YN, who was beside him “YN LOOK!” He shoved the piece of paper in her face “I can't exactly see anything...IF YOU'RE SHOVING IT IN MY FACE” She comically yelled back, snatching the piece of paper “Okay...and?” 
“Is that the only reaction you're gonna give me?” He said he wasn't getting a reaction, so he placed the paper in his hand pointing “Idiot, look at the prize.”
YN rolled her eyes before letting them wonder about the paper “So? Reigen Arataka, we need'th not spend our time on such childish activities” she gripped the paper and started glowing.
The school’s way of competition was super rigged, Komina participated in all three competitions which were not allowed but she did anyway. Every year, Komina (a mean girl) would win just because that's why YN was so hesitant in joining.
"You can do it, but I am not" She makes a serious face.  
“C'mon YN doesn't give me that look, I know you want to participate” She giggled “Was my tsundere look that convincing?” 
“Please, you couldn't even fool a fly” In reality, Reigen was totally not fooled by YN’s acting skills and did not in fact get worried. 
YN and Reigen walked down the halls, skipping club activity to hide in a secluded part of the school where no teachers would walk since it was ‘haunted’ but the two teens lived for the unknown and just went along.
This was a routine for Reigen and YN, skip club, hang out, gossip about the art teacher and so on - they would smuggle PokeMob cards inside the sole of their shoes to get away with bringing what the school likes to call ‘contraband’
“Anyways….Are you serious about this?” YN quired taking a right “Yeah for sure, I was thinking you could participate in the pie-making comp-”
“Since when were you deciding my plans Arataka? We’re not even married yet”
“U’huh okay anyways, you always talked about how your grandma made pies, I thought we could y’know do that” They reached towards a door that was loose enough for them to squeeze their tiny bodies between
YN looks at him thoughtfully before replying “Well, I do…..but it's not that often..” 
“I pay attention... when you ramble” 
“Sap” Cute
“Shut up” He gently shoved YN and got their PokeMob cards ready to play.
YN pondered while shuffling her deck, if she were to participate in this competition she would have to ask her mother for money for the ingredients since she highly doubted the school could prepare jack shit for them.
“Hmm, I’ll think about it” She placed her fully evolved Magikarp down to eliminate Reigen's legendary “Pikachu'' card “You may win with luck my friend but…..never underestimate me at a card game.”
Reigen laid his head on the wall, hitting it in the process “Dangit! I thought I had this one” Every time they would play PokeMob YN had instantatioly won every game she played with Reigen, the game was more on intuition than luck - which normally would work in Reigen's favor, but sadly, YN was a God.
She grabbed a deck of cards, holding it as if she was a news reporter “Incoming news, REIGEN FUCKING SUCKS AND.I.RULE” She shoved all her glory in Reigens face, which to be fair was quite an amusing sight.
“That's our queue to leave” They packed their belongings and made their way carefully towards to main school grounds, fortunately all the teachers were zombies t notice the teens make their way out of the closet together “I have made my decision Arataka” she stopped mid-walk that also made Reigen stop in his tracks.
“I’ll be participating in the pie competition~” She was going to do this for many reasons, to make her granny proud and…
“In return, if I do~” 
“Huh, what do-” She shushed him with her finger “Shush dear boy, I mean if I win at least third you will be my wife” Reigen was in disbelief, he shook his head frantically “No no nope” He said, popping the ‘p’. He wasn't mad, just confused? “What do I even get out of this?” He wasn't mad, it was just confusion?
“Simple. If you win, then I’ll be your wife”
Reigen did not just blush, he was absolutely not embarrassed.
He was now shushing her “D-Don't say that type of things” God why was YN so shameless at times like this.
“Psh, c’mon Juliet~ I want to teach you something today, let's go” They walked out of school, Reigen knew YN didn't mean much from what she said, knowing the girl she could accidentally tell a student she had a pole and everyone would think she actually had POLIO which was completely off - but since some of her classmates would mishear her over the recess they thought otherwise and showed up to her table with flowers and goodbye cards. This may or may not have happened last month, they don't talk about it.
A small rustle and giggle could be heard from behind them, Reigen snapped his head left and right to see if anyone was eavesdropping on their conversation, there was no one.
The duo set their way towards the local market before heading to their little spot, scanning the foods YN decides not to buy anything as Reigen buys his soft drink. Setting it on the counter he looks at the girl “You not buying anything YN?”
“..Nah, I wanna save it for another day” Reigen shrugged, a little suspicious of her action, he did know how to read people after all.
He grabbed a chocolate bar and placed it on the counter “Hey I'm not buying anything-”
“Uhuh, you say that now but come steal my food, don't worry about it. It's on sale anyways” YN looked slightly guilty but did not reject the offer. 
They both skipped to the garden eating/drinking their snacks to only get stomach cramps on their sides “We should not have skipped-ow” YN clutched her stomach as Reigen and her limped their way to a dry flower patch to sit down
“Soo, what do you have in mind we do today?” YN reached to her pocket pulling out tomato seeds “Well, i thought maybe since I've been here for what 69 years we should-”
“YN that is not possible-”
“Shush boy, as I was saying. I always respected this place, watering the plant and stuff and maybe I want to leave my mark here. Hence, this” She waved the seeds in front of him 
Reigen squinted his eyes “You want to plant a….what is that?” 
YN called him over to the soil patch “Well these my friend, are daisies” Reigen let her continue “I heard that their super low maintenance and look” she pointed at the sidewalk of the entrance “They even grow on concrete”
“Why do you even have seeds in the first place?”
“Well for starters it's just the yellow part of the flower and I walk to school and collect them”
Reigen thinks, then replied shrugging his shoulders “Sounds weird but I guess that's nice, we ought to decorate this place with some of our things anyways”
“Woah daisies are pretty rough huh, the government should use them for war and….stuff” They both thought about bombing Komina’s house at that moment but didn't fancy the thought of cleaning up Komina’s body. Well YN thought that, not Reigen.
YN digs a small hole trying to loosen the soil a little, Reigen placing the seeds in before covering them in soil “I think that ought to do it” She says admiring her handicraft “Now we have to water it every dayyyyy”
“Dude we come here like...almost every day”
“True……” YN leaned on him with her dirty soil-filled hands “Then?”
He just looked away, his face scrunched up “Ugh, I didn't want to say this now but it's about my mom...” YN didn't move, still on him “Oh yes Mrs.Mom, what did she have to say? I hope I get more leftovers, my mom hasn't been cooking much lately”
A sigh left his mouth, it was dry despite him drinking only a minute ago “I don't...don't know if we can hang out after this month a lot…” YN got up “If you want space I totally don't-”
“No! That's not it...It's…..It's about me and you changing…. OH yea I don't wanna miss watching adventure mob, yea adventure mob, we won't be able to record it” It was a lie but he couldn't tell her, not yet - another time, not when their friendship is on the line
YN sighed in relief. She knew he might be hiding something, but maybe he wasn't. She was being a little too paranoid. Slapping Reigen in the back, she laughed “Phew dude, you scared me for a second, getting all serious and stuff”
He tried to laugh, but it came out sounding like a choking cat “H-hehe, totally..” Changing the topic he chirps in “So you're participating in the pie competition?”
“Oh yeah, I am. You're doing the essay one, right?”
The knots in his stomach grew “Yup, I'm a little worried”
“Why? You're on top of the class for your amazing essays, I'm sure you can write an amazing story or something”
The way she worded it seemed so easy. “Yeah but….what if..” 
What if he couldn't do it? What if he just made a fool of himself? What if-
She stroked his hair gently, pulling him out of his thoughts “Hey ‘Taka, if anyone were to win that competition and make me their wife, I'm sure it's you”
The way she so shamelessly said it made Reigen not react, he was going to make her proud.
He leaned into her touch, taking a deep breath while taking her hand in his, shaking in an awkward position with a smile.
“May the best wife win”
[Hope you guys enjoy this!! Tiny reigen and YN bring me so much joy I can't even explain it, and yes platonic is like the best way to go with these cuties]
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therapistmisato · 2 years
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急な開催決定ですが❤️ このタイミングにバッチリな方 いらしたらぜひ!! きてきてきて❤️ 3・19 Sun 横須賀市 佐島のゴンちゃん宅にて Collage Tarot 来ていただく時間の目安 ①11:00 ②12:00 ③13:00 ④14:00 ⑤15:00 ◉ Collage 10000yen   Collage+Tarot 15000yen ◉ Tarot 30min 5000yen 60min 10000yen ※こちらの料金に、出張費をご参加人数で割っていただき 加算させていただいております。 ご了承ください。 ※駐車場は、佐島のプールの駐車場が1日600yenとなっています。 ※個人のお宅での開催なので、ご予約をいただいたお客様に住所をお伝えさせていただきます。 どなた様もご参加ください〜! お問い合わせ・ご予約はDMへお願い致します。 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp4vIaxPLGt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sweetcoord · 2 months
broke but i gotta check closetchild daily to see if theyll have something on my wishlist for <10000yen (silly) (absurd) (pure folly) (will never happen)
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kyukicho · 1 year
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Kiss day! 😘😘😘
@mcwscollective asked: 😘 all the inupi kisses for koko <3
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This is a moment he lives for. Barely in the door and already getting littered with kisses from his true love. Koko snickers at the kisses. Arms draped around Seishu's waist he spins them gently around. It's ethereal, this feeling of adoration and love. It makes his heart feel light and fuzzy.
"I love you too." He smiles when he can get a word in. Nuzzling his nose against Seishu's. "Each of those was definitely worth 10000Yen, easy." He gave the best kisses in the world.
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giaosuteenhoc · 2 years
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#japancoinset #10000yen #1000yen #olympics1964 https://www.instagram.com/p/CioQFg8vwGB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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shocotate · 2 years
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鋼の錬金術師 FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST 直筆キャラ設定 61
プライド ラフ
Pride, rough draft
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instageekosan · 4 years
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Hello les Geek ! 😊 Je vous présente ma figurine Son Goku Super Saiyan 4 ! Une forme assez badass dommage qu'elle soit arrivée que dans DBGT 😅 . #lafrenchgaming #instagamer #gamer #instapic #supergamerludo #dragonballz #dragonball #dragonballgt #figurine #goku #gokussj #supersaiyan #supersaiyan4 #billet #gold #10000yen #case ---------------------- Codes Promo : - "Geekosan" -20€ chez @clivewatches - "Vitre protection écran" pour toutes marques de smartphones/tablettes/Switch me contacter en MP ---------------------- @la_french_gaming ---------------------- Compte partenaire : @lacademiedunoob @carogames @zazou_g4ming @_geekeries_ https://www.instagram.com/p/B_fmvAjH2pY/?igshid=1pdn4nv4ruv10
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lescargotdesign · 7 years
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Golden Week
It is now Golden Week in Japan. Golden Week is a succession of national holidays from April 29th to May 5th.  April 29th, May 3rd, 4th and 5th, are fairly large holidays and this year they run into the weekend. The name “Golden Week” was coined by a film company’s executive for a promotion in 1951. As a result, NHK, Japan Broadcasting Corporation, never use this name for these holidays.
Some people take the days off between the holidays, and travel somewhere such as overseas. Other than traveling abroad, many people go outside of the Tokyo area, their home towns or the usual leisure spots. City centres become quiet. Everyday places, such as trains and shopping areas are not so crowded. Some people, including myself, prefer to stay in the Metropolitan area. You can enjoy shopping and going to the cinema without stress.
Secondhand fashion boutique Cabourg in Ebisu, Tokyo, which is run by my sister and her husband, is now having a fukubiki (lottery) campaign. For each 10,000 yen you spend, you can have one try. The first prize is a 10,000 yen gift token. They always sell high end brand clothes and fashion items such as bags and shoes at reasonable prices.
L'escargot Design Office is open on May 1st and 2nd as usual, and reopens for regular business on May 8th.
——————————– http://www.lescargotdesign.com/en
>Secondhand fashion boutique Cabourg
>more detail about Cabourg
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beansproutsong · 2 years
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[Proxy] Free x Mizuno Collaboration Items 
Preorder is open until 5th June. Estimated shipping in December. 
Line up: 
Character Jersey (Haru / Rin / Ikuya Model) 
Jacket: 17600yen 
Pants: 13200yen 
Iwatobi swimming towel: 2420yen 
Hand towel (Haru / Rin / Ensemble version): 2420yen 
Tshirt: 5280yen (Black / White Version)
Price does not include proxy + shipping fee
Bonus clearfile is only given for purchase above 10000yen 
DM me to place your order :) 
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mykimi2 · 8 months
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I just had a CT scan and I'm still crying over 10000yen even though insurance is paying for it.
0 notes
anotherhellchild · 4 years
Okay so! Contrary to what many people think, Katsuki is NOT rich. 
[Quick side note: I’ve decided this headcanon applies to my model Katsuki fic (you don’t need to read it for this to make sense)]
See, many people assume he is very -uhm comfortable financially, because he lives in a big house, he wears nice clothes and well, his parents are famous and thus pretty fucking LOADED. However, Katsuki’s parents have never ever spoiled him and they strongly believe that their son should work for his own money. 
And Katsuki does. The boy models but, the thing is, he’s saving up for his eighteenth so he can emancipate himself. This means that basically all of the money he earns from working goes straight into a savings account that he won't be able to access until he becomes a legal adult. (There’s an actual law for this btw, it’s called the Jackie Coogan Law and it’s for child actors).
Of course, it’s not like Katsuki gets zero money from his parents (there’s pocket/ clothing money or whatever) but, since Katsuki has had to take care of himself for most of his life, all that always gets spent on groceries, school supplies or other basic needs. Therefore, Katsuki’s just always lowkey been pretty broke. 
Anyway, I think it’d be really funny if you throw Todoroki, Inasa and Camie -aka the remedial squad- into the mix, because I like to think that they are all rich, and with rich I mean like.. r i c h rich.
Camie bullies the boys into going shopping with her because “C’mon guys, this’ll be like, totally lit.” Inasa is obviously super excited, Todoroki is neutral but willing to join and Bakugou ends up very reluctantly agreeing -after a week of pestering, that is.
So the four of them are out and at the mall, and welp, Katsuki knew the others are rich but he didn’t know they were this rich. Holy fucking shit.
Camie buys a bunch of designer shit, Katsuki’s willing to bet that she’s spent around the same amount as Japan’s average monthly salary, within three or four hours. 
Inasa, because apparently he liked legos as a kid, has Legoland stocks. 
And Todoroki -fucking Todoroki- just has this need to throw money at all his ‘problems’. Katsuki’s not lying when he says a part of his soul descended when he came back from the bathroom, just to find Todoroki standing there, paying a gardener 10000yen to blow a spider away with his leaf blower.
First of all, did he not realize Inasa is literally the human fucking equivalent of a leaf blower?
And second of all, what the actual fuck?
In other words: Katsuki quickly comes to the conclusion that he’s surrounded by rich bastards.. with zero fashion sense.
Eventually, lunch time comes around. Katsuki’s three dumbass companions want to go to this super fancy, expensive restaurant, but obviously Katsuki doesn’t want that cause he can’t fucking afford it.
They all just sorta blink at Katsuki, now realizing that the blond’s the only one who hasn’t bought anything. 
It makes them sad :(
After the realization, all three of them offer to pay for the food plus they just try to buy a bunch of things for Katsuki. Obviously though, Katsuki doesn’t accept any of this -I don’t think I need to explain why- and just flat out refuses anything and everything they try to give or do for him.
In the end the group goes to a normal place for lunch, the bill gets split four ways and Todoroki, Inasa and Camie make this silent pact to start spoiling Katsuki as much as they can, without the boy in question finding out of course.
It becomes somewhat of a competition.
And, luckily for them, Katsuki’s too much of an oblivious dumbass to realize what’s going on.
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art-now-japan · 3 years
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YUKICHI (gold-b) by snAwk, THE blank GALLERY
A stencil art by a Japanese artist, snAwk. One of his early works from 2010. (According to Wikipedia) Yukichi Fukuzawa was a Japanese author, writer, teacher, translator, entrepreneur and journalist who founded Keio University. He was an early Japanese civil rights activist and liberal ideologist. His ideas about government and social institutions made a lasting impression on a rapidly changing Japan during the Meiji Era. He is regarded as one of the founders of modern Japan. Today, he is known most for appearing on the current 10,000-yen banknote and has been compared to Benjamin Franklin in the United States. snAwk -Stencil Artist Born and raised in Japan. Graduated Emily Carr Institute of Art + Design (Vancouver, CANADA). Bachelor of Fine Arts. Currently lives and works in Japan. Heavily influenced by pop art, street art, and punk culture, snAwk's works embrace fine details of hand-cut stencils, rawness of spray paints, and addictive colour scheme. Having a sense of “nostalgic modernity” and inspirations from imported/exported cultures, as he has been “re-imported” to Japan after graduating an art school in Vancouver, his works provide multifaceted perspectives. website: http://snawk.web.fc2.com/ Keywords: Japan, Tokyo, Yukichi Fukuzawa, 10000yen, Hand-cut stencil
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Okay, now that the hype is over, here’s my sincere opinion on the HypMic ARB game: it fucking SUCKS.
It’s not that the game itself is bad. The songs are fun to play, I liked it, although only 8 gets old soon. But the system is GREEDY. You need fucking 2500 gems for a 10 characters pull and they give you barely any for free, and even if you can buy them, the prices are absurd. With 10000yen you can’t even get 4 pulls, what the fuck. You complete all the daily missions you get only 50 gems. How nice. And then your stamina takes way too long to fill up, like, an hour for 1 of stamina, really? And 20 stamina at max? It doesn’t even increase as you level up? This is bullshit. lmao Like, compare with Disney’s Twisted Wonderland that came out around the same time, its system is MUCH MORE FAIR. It’s easier, it’s more fun, it’s better.
Rio’s event was absurd as well. 35 gold coins that are difficult as fuck to get bc you need stamina and we know how stamina works. Even if you get bottles of stamina, you’ll rarely get one that fills up more than 10 at once.
ARB is like, in 3rd in the rank by a HUGE difference in comparison with the second place, and considering HypMi’s popularity I’d expect it to get at least in 2nd since Twisted Wonderland is Disney and all. 
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For real, if ARB sinks down and is cancelled I’ll laugh and they deserved it for being so greedy. 
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toxgo · 4 years
ACID 92 LS / Neon Green
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INTL. Tech Logo LS
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The Intl. Hoodie
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Bio-Net Hoodie
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ACID Trippy Reflective Hoodie
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Censored ACID Hoodie / Green
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Censored ACID Hoodie / Violet 
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Sz : M , L , XL
Censored Baby Rug
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