#10th Doctor imagine
star-writr · 1 year
The Music Room
Another 10th Doctor x reader drabble. Requests are appreciated. You can also find this on my Ao3. Reader is gn and plays guitar. Enjoy!!
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You had always been the TARDIS's favourite companion. Every-so-often, the spaceship would make a whirring noise in your presence, and if the Doctor was around he would smile and tell you: "she says you're the best person I've ever brought on board". It always made you chuckle and stroke the control panel in an attempt to return the flattery, which made the Time Lord either sarcastically ask if you two wanted to be alone, or look at you quietly with a gleam in his eye before suddenly announcing your next adventure.
As if that wasn't enough to make you see that the TARDIS had a weak spot for you, she would always find ways of comforting you when something was wrong; before you could even sigh with exasperation, you'd be distracted from your troubles by a familiar smell of blackberry pie, or by your favourite song playing faintly on a radio somewhere, or by a book dropping next to you on the cold pavement from god-knows-where.
In a similar occasion, returning in the TARDIS after almost dying as usual, the ship's hallway lighting threw you off a bit. You were just trying to reach your room, only wanting to collapse on the bed, but it was almost as if she didn't want you to, leading you in a different direction. The blinking light bulbs guided you until reaching a door; it looked exactly the same as all the others, so at first you couldn't understand what made it so special that the TARDIS wanted you to find it. As soon as you saw what was inside, however, everything else slipped off your mind.
It was a room full of instruments. There was a huge piano between some marble columns, resting on a glass pedestal; a drum set occupied a nearby corner; and, shifting your vision, you were greeted by the biggest guitar and bass collection you had ever laid eyes on. Every last one of them looked like it had been taken straight out of your dreams and into that room.
Since then, you had found yourself visiting that paradise every time you had the chance. You already knew how to play a guitar, so you usually handled those, shifting between different models. There were brands you had heard of and brands you didn't recognise, and they came in every possible colour imaginable. You were fond of all of them, especially the more extravagant ones with unusual shapes.
The Doctor was aware of how you spent most of your time on the TARDIS, and didn't have anything against it. You wouldn't lock the door or anything, so everytime the Time Lord wanted to check up on you, you'd let him. Sometimes he'd linger in the room, sit down on the floor while you attempted to read a music sheet, or he would suggest you played something so he could sing it. The Doctor wasn't very fond of or very good at singing, but it gave him an excuse to stay with you a little longer, and that was enough for him. On very rare occasions, he would also ask you to tutor him. Of course, he had picked up many guitars in his 900+ years of life, and knew perfectly well how to play, but again, he wanted to spend time with you without admitting it was for no reason other than his fondness of you. Honestly, his hearts melted every time your fingers stroke those strings, making him helplessly realize that he couldn't get away, and that he didn't want to. Therefore, he obliged to his feelings, staying by your side as long as possible. And you were more than okay with it.
With time, your bond grew stronger, making you question your feelings again and again. The music room kept almost all of your attention on each other, so to avoid feeling helpless your ritual started to take place in complete silence. Aside from monosyllabic replies to monosyllabic questions, you and the Doctor didn't talk as much as before, but it went without acknowledging, growing on you both. That habit came to a halt when the TARDIS made the first move instead of either of her passengers, tired of the mutual pining and determined to fill the silence that had grown inside the room. After all, it was a music room. It wasn't meant to be quiet.
She made sure it didn't go silent ever again by doing the only thing she could, which was locking both of you in. As soon as you realized the door wouldn't open, it startled you.
"What if there's something wrong with the TARDIS, Doctor?" you worried, while he tried to get the door open with his sonic.
The alien sighed. "The only thing wrong here is her attitude," he mumbled, "she's doing this deliberately. Let us out!"
You were confused. "How do you know? Why would she do that?"
The Doctor stopped in his tracks, putting one index finger on your lips, shushing you, and the other on his own. The TARDIS was speaking to him. A few expressions made their way onto his face, substituting each other and, once the spaceship's whirrs quieted down, shifting into a frown. The first thing he did was thank the stars that you couldn't understand the TARDIS. The second thing he did was curse everything because you didn't understand the TARDIS and he had to tell you everything himself.
"What happened? What did she say?" you whispered, his finger still on your lips. He removed it quickly and took one good look at your unaware expression.
The Doctor acknowledged the knot in his stomach and looked away, unable to keep eye contact with you. You were gorgeous to him, too gorgeous to ignore. It would've made him stutter, and he hated stuttering.
"There may or may not be something you need to know" he started.
"About what?"
"About..." about how much I want to kiss you, the Doctor thought. "...about me."
You raised an eyebrow. "And what about the TARDIS?"
"She locked us in here because she's giving me no choice but to tell you."
"Tell me what?"
"The thing. About me. The thing you don't know."
"Yes, I know that. But what is it, then?"
It was one of the very rare times when the Doctor genuinely did not know what words to use, which was worrying considering how much the Doctor liked words. He got out of life threatening situations with words. He also got into those same life threatening situations with words. He liked words, he really did. He also liked you. Considering he liked both you and words, the realization of not knowing what words to use with you was like a slap on the cheek. Specifically, it was exactly like one of those slaps only mothers gave him. Specifically his companions' mothers. He remembered Martha Jones and her mother. He also remembered Donna, but not her mother, because it was Donna herself who slapped him a couple times. Maybe more that a couple. She would've probably slapped him now. "Tell them, you twat!" she would've shouted. It would have been very effective. It would've certainly got him to say something, anything, even "ouch", which would've been better than standing completely still like he was doing now. A slap, that's what he needed. "I'm a genius", he thought. Then he slapped himself.
"Doctor!" you exclaimed.
"Sorry," he apologized, "I needed that. Sorry."
You took his hands in yours. "Are you alright? Is it something bad? Do you have to tell me something bad?"
"No. Well, it depends."
You kept looking in his eyes, insistent and a bit curious.
The Doctor held his breath. "Look, the thing is I'm usually good with words. What I'm not good at is speeches. I hate speeches. Especially heat-felt speeches. I like listening to speeches, but I don't like when they come from my mouth, because before they get to my mouth they go through my brain, and my brain is too messy to actually figure out a speech without screwing it up and changing the subject too many times. And now I have to give you a speech."
You smiled, a bit amused. "And, in a few words, what is this speech about?"
"Uhm. Well. I can think of a couple things." The Doctor looked away.
"Such as?"
"Such as the fact that I want to kiss you. And go out with you."
You smiled, surprised. "On a date?"
"Yeah, sure. I just need to figure out the speech first."
"The speech to ask me out on a date?"
"Yes. I just need a second."
"Go right ahead. I'll wait."
He smiled. "Thanks."
The Doctor spent more than a second with his thinking face on. Then, he realized what he just said, and looked at you with his eyebrows raised and his lips parting without making a sound. You laughed, hugging him. It didn't take long to hug you back.
"I'll go on a date with you, Doctor" you said, kissing him on the cheek and causing him to blush. "However many dates you want."
"No speech needed?" he asked, smirking.
"No speech needed" you replied.
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bloody-cupcakes · 5 months
Yandere/dark Tenth Doctor x reader; he helps you celebrate your birthday
Tw: yandere/dark content, soft yandere, threatened force feeding (it doesn't happen though), implied kidnapping/Stockholm syndrome, gender neutral reader, the Doctor uses affectionate pet names such as star, angel, and love, brief swearing, referenced past hypnotism/mind control
A/N: it's my birthday and I happen to share it with none other David Tennant himself so naturally I had to write something a little dark with the Tenth Doctor in order to celebrate 🥳🎈🎂
The bed dipped down beside you as you tried to play it off like you were still asleep. "Happy birthday, star," the Doctor softly cooed in your ear, gently shaking you as you laid there. Obviously he figured out you were faking. "It's time to get up so I can give you your gift."
You pressed your face closer into the pillow and let out a defiant huff. "I don't wanna," you whined quietly, almost too quiet for him to hear. As much as you might've enjoyed your birthday before, you'd recently been dreading its approach due to the circumstances you found yourself in.
Part of you had hoped that maybe he wouldn't remember, and then you could say you didn't remember either if it ever came up in further conversation, but unfortunately you had no such luck. You didn't even question how he knew it: at this point you didn't want to know where he got any additional information that you didn't willingly give up.
"I said, it's time to get up." His tone was a bit more forceful than before; it made you gulp nervously and sent shivers down your spine. "I don't want to have to repeat myself again, understood?"
"Yes, sir," you responded obediently, your voice sounding timid and meek as you slowly sat up in the bed. "I'm sorry." You stuck your bottom lip out and widened your eyes, trying to make yourself look as innocent and unsuspecting as possible, something you knew he always fell for.
"I guess I'm just a little upset that I won't be getting to spend today with my family." It could very well have been a bold faced lie, but he didn't need to know that. It wouldn't matter, anyway. You knew he wasn't going to take you back home, but at the very least you were hoping for some sympathy, which you got.
"Oh, angel..." His voice went back to its usual soft spoken tone as he pulled you onto his lap, his brow furrowed as his eyes filled with concern. "I know you miss them, love, but I can't take you back. You know that. Besides, this is your home now." He gestured to your room inside the TARDIS, one that he filled with items he'd taken from your old place.
Against your better judgement, you cuddled up close to him on his lap, nuzzling your face into the side of his neck. You inhaled the scent of his aftershave, something that you thought you'd always hate when he first took you. Now, though, it provided you some much needed comfort whenever you were feeling down.
"I'm going to go get your gift, okay? I'll be right back." You made a soft noise of protest as he slipped you off his lap and back onto the bed, watching as he got up and left the room. Pouting, you crossed your arms and just sat there, waiting for him to return.
The Doctor soon returned, carrying a plate with a large slice of birthday cake on it. He chuckled upon seeing the grouchy look on your face. "I told you I'd be right back." He walked over and took a seat back on the bed, setting the plate down in front of you. "Boy, you must've missed me an awful lot, hm?"
You stuck your tongue out to show you didn't appreciate his teasing. "Careful, otherwise your face is going to freeze like that." He picked up the fork and stuck it in the slice of cake, breaking off a piece before holding it up. "Look, I got your favorite."
Knowing exactly what he wanted, you kept your mouth shut, refusing to eat the piece of cake on front of you. If you were in a better mood, then maybe you'd be fine with it. After all, you'd grown used to him feeding you, even if it was a tad bit degrading.
But today was just not the day for all of that. You couldn't be sure exactly what time it was, as there wasn't a clock in your room, but you were fairly certain he'd woken you up just past midnight . Honestly, the nerve to not even let you sleep on on your own birthday.
"I don't want any. I'm not hungry," you mumbled as you looked down, not feeling brave enough to meet his gaze, even if you were openly defying him by refusing the "gift" he'd gotten you.
"Very funny, star. I woke you up early, so now you're going to be a brat and refuse to eat your cake," he said sarcastically, rolling his eyes at you. "Look, would you just eat it? It's only one slice, love, c'mon now."
"No. I said I don't want to," you blurted out in frustration, glaring at him. The moment his eyes darkened, you felt your blood run cold, realizing you'd made a mistake. "I- I'm sorry, I'm just a little tired-"
Your poorly made excuses were cut off quickly by the Doctor's harsh tone. "I don't care how tired you are, do you hear me? We are going to sit here until you eat every damn bite, if I have to force it down your throat."
A loud whimper of fear escaped you at his scolding tone, causing him to let out a sigh as he recognized he'd gone a bit too far. "Love, I'm sorry, alright? I didn't mean to be so rough sounding with you," he gently reassured you as he shifted closer to you on the bed.
Deciding it wasn't worth it to fight him (despite how much you really didn't want to be held), you allowed him to pull you onto his lap for a second time. "I'm sorry, angel. I didn't mean to upset you in that way," he spoke in a low and soothing voice while wrapping his arms around you.
"You were mean," you choked out as your eyes began to fill with tears. Although it was ridiculous to believe, especially with no proof, you always thought he'd done something that made you much more emotional and sensitive than you used to be, just so he could have the chance to comfort you.
(Technically your suspicions weren't all that far off, as he'd asked a favor from his best enemy back when he first took you. He figured that maybe if you were more docile and submissive it'd be easier to make you stay with him, so he convinced the Master to hypnotize you in an effort to change the chemistry of your brain and make it so you'd be dependent fully on him. Of course, you didn't know any of this, though it wouldn't have surprised you even if you did.)
"I know I was, love, and I'm sorry." He reached over and moved the plate, resting it on your thigh as he picked up the fork again. "Just eat this, then you can go back to bed, okay? I promise." The offer was certainly tempting, and the cake didn't actually look (or smell) that bad.
"Okay," you sniffled in a small voice, opening your mouth just enough for him to stick the fork in. The taste of the buttercream frosting hit your tongue first, the silky smooth texture followed by the fluffiness of the cake. The Doctor smiled in delight as he watched you eat it.
"Good, good. There you go, see? I knew you'd like it." He broke off another piece from the slice and held it up to your mouth again, feeding you in almost the same manner a mother would to her child. "You're doing so well for me, star, I'm so proud of you."
You felt your face heat up in a blush at his praise, humming happily as you continued to eat. His words of encouragement pushed you to keep eating, even if you weren't really that hungry to begin with. A full belly and an empty plate later, you were finally done, licking your lips clean of icing.
"See, that wasn't so bad, now was it?" He placed the fork on the plate and set them both down on the bedside table. "Did you enjoy your gift, star, hm? I thought you might like it, seeing as that's your favorite."
As you were still savoring the final bites of the slice of cake, you nodded your head eagerly. He grinned in response, glad to know you'd liked it. "Good, I'm glad." Noticing there was some icing smeared on your upper lip, he leaned in and dragged his tongue across it suddenly, an action that left you both shocked and flustered.
Laughing at your reaction, he gave your lips a quick kiss before saying in a low and suggestive voice, "I'm sorry, angel, I just couldn't resist. You looked too sweet not to taste for myself."
Too embarrassed to say anything, you turned and buried your face into his chest, which only caused him to laugh harder. "Oh, star, you're always so easy to tease." He ran his hand up and down your back in a comforting fashion, smirking playfully.
A soft yawn could be heard coming from you as drowsiness started to overcome you. "I'm really tired, can I go back to sleep now?" You asked in a sleepy mumble, looking up at him with eyes that were droopy as an effect of being woken up in the middle of the night.
"Of course you can, love. I won't keep you awake any longer." He pulled the covers over top of you before flicking off the lamp beside the bed. Pressing a loving kiss to your head, you could hear him faintly murmur just before you drifted off to sleep: "happy birthday".
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Not Leaving You
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Prompt - "You need to leave."
Requested - anon
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The Doctor never said more about his past than he had to. Most of the people who travelled with him never asked too many questions, too caught up in the life that came with knowing the Doctor to ask about who he really was. When they did ask he gave them just enough to stop asking. 
He didn’t know what was different about you. When you asked he found he didn’t mind sharing a part of himself with you, a part of himself that nobody else knew. He couldn’t say for sure why because it ached his hearts terribly to talk about a life long gone but it was a little bit easier with you at his side.
You were a curious thing too, he’d lost count of how many times he’d lost you, you wandering off, too distracted by something or other and ready with a million and one questions by the time the Doctor finally did find you.
He knew sooner or later you’d be curious about him too, once you found out he had two hearts that had taken up about a week’s worth of conversation, you asking questions about Time Lords and what else was different about them, not knowing that there were no more Time Lords out there and missing the sad look that the Doctor forced off his face.
He had taken you to a planet he had found many, many years ago, one that made his chest feel warm and a smile pull on his face as you repeated the name after him, the word Zirafell sounding as beautiful as the planet itself coming from your lips. He had never shown it to anyone before but there was something so extraordinarily different about you that he wanted to share all his hiding spots and secrets with you.
The two of you were sitting in the field, the TARDIS parked not too far away. The grass was littered with little pink and blue flowers and a lilac lake glistened under the two suns in front of you.
“Where are you from anyway?” You asked softly, breaking the peaceful silence that had settled between you causing the Doctor to look at you in surprise but you kept your gaze on the lake.
“Me? Oh nowhere really.” The Doctor answered after a few beats of silence, watching as a frown pulled at your face.
“Everyone’s from somewhere.” You told him, finally turning to face him and seeing the discomfort on his face. You wondered whether to push it but before you could decide the Doctor spoke again.
“Not me. Not anymore.” The Doctor sighed and you stayed silent for a moment, just looking at him.
His gaze was on something just passed your shoulder, refusing to look at you as his mind played memories from long before you could even imagine. You wanted to know what he was thinking about though, wanted to know what put that sort of look on a person's face. 
“You could always go back home.” You told him, keeping your voice soft.
The Doctor looked back at you, a sad smile spreading across his face. You hadn’t seen that smile in a while, of course you’d seen it plenty when you’d first met him. A sad man sitting alone looking like his whole world had fallen apart around him and there was nothing he could do about it.
It took some time but eventually he told you about the people he’d lost and how travelling with him was dangerous. He had told you he’d take you home, that he’d understand if you wanted to leave but you just wrapped your arms around him, pulling him in for a hug, smiling into his chest when he gripped you tight.
“Not even I can do that.” The Doctor laughed softly, no amusement in it as he turned to look out at the lake. He never wanted to talk about it, about all that pain and suffering, about what he had done and yet sat here with you, he wanted you to know that sad, angry, lonely part of him. 
“My home’s long gone, Y/N.” The Doctor said after a long silence where you had figured he wasn’t going to share anything with you. “It was a beautiful place, you’d have loved it. I’d love to have shown you. The Time Lords, my people, the universe was so much brighter with them in it. People would cheer when they saw one and now, now they’re gone, my planet’s gone.”
“What happened to it?” You asked, voice barely above a whisper as you looked at him, his eyes glazed over. 
“There was a war.” He told you, swallowing around a lump in his throat. “It doesn’t matter, but nobody won that day. Nobody ever really wins I suppose. Everyone died. Everyone but me.”
When you first saw the Doctor, before you knew who he was, you just referred to him as the sad man. Watching him now you couldn’t think of a better way to describe him, the sad man, the sad man who was all alone in the universe, the sad man who had lived through the destruction of his whole planet, his whole race.
The sad man with a magical box who spent his life bringing hope everywhere he went.
“The last of the Time Lords.” You murmured, remembering what a woman from several months back had hissed to him, at the time the Doctor brushed it off when you asked questions, now you knew why. 
“The last of the Time Lords.” The Doctor agreed just as quietly and neither of you said anything else, there was nothing left to say so you rested your head on his shoulder, his coming to rest on top of yours as the two of you stared ahead at the lilac water.
From that day onwards you and the Doctor were closer than ever, he shared more of his life with you and you found yourself falling a little bit more for the man as each day passed. It was a dangerous thing to do, falling in love with the Doctor and yet you let yourself fall, not bothering to question if he would catch you but enjoying the fall while it lasted.
You felt closer with the Doctor than you had with anyone you had known back home, not a single day went by where you regretted leaving, regretted choosing the Doctor over your old life. You knew you’d make the same choice over and over again. You could never give the Doctor up.
Months passed since that day, months where you and the Doctor would spend your nights floating through the galaxy, legs hanging over the TARDIS door as the Doctor told you about the different stars and planets that surrounded you with such fondness, months were he took your hand in yours and you couldn’t help but smile, savouring the feeling of his thumb running softly across the back of your hand as he pulled you along, tugging you back to him when you went to wander off. Months were you and the Doctor traded secrets in the quiet of the night, things that you’d never have dreamed of sharing with anyone else and yet knowing the whispered words were safe with each other.
“You’ll love this one, Y/N/N!” The Doctor told you with an excited grin on his face, hurrying you to put your coat on causing you to laugh before he finally grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the TARDIS, pausing long enough to lock the box before the two of you were off.
“Welcome to Thucruiruta.” The Doctor beamed at you and you couldn’t help the gasp that escaped you as you finally looked around.
The planet was beautiful, the sky was golden and all sorts of creatures were moving around you, so many things demanded your attention and the thing that won it was the Doctor squeezing your hand.
“It’s beautiful, Doctor.” You breathed out, watching as the Doctor’s grin softened and you didn’t even try and stop yourself from smiling back, leaning into him before letting him lead the way.
The Doctor was eager to show you everything, used to your curiosity and the hundreds of questions you came up with, more than happy to show off and answer them, making his way through the stands and insisting you try all the different foods on display. 
It was hard to imagine such a perfect day taking a turn but you had also gotten used to trouble following the Doctor by now, so when an explosion sounded not too far in the distance you immediately turned to the Doctor, waiting for him to do something.
It didn’t take him more than a second to grab your hand, pulling you into the heart of the danger and you went along with him willingly. You knew you always would, you never gave it a second thought, you knew that you would always follow the Doctor no matter where he went.
You gasped as you took in the scene, people were scattered all over the floor, some crying out and others not moving at all. You gripped the Doctor’s hand in yours and he squeezed back before moving further into the chaos, looking around for some clue as to what had happened.
There was a child on the floor, a deep cut in their green skin as blue blood poured from it. You pulled your hand from the Doctor’s and made your way to the child’s side as the Doctor pulled the sonic screwdriver out to try and find what had caused the explosion. 
“You alright?” You asked softly, pulling your jacket off and using a sharp bit of rubble to rip the end of your shirt in lieu of a bandage. 
“Hurts.” The kid whimpered and you gave her an encouraging smile, warning her it might sting as you tied the torn material around her arm as tightly as you could.
“Good job, that’ll be good until we can get you to your family.” You told her standing up and holding a hand out for her, pulling her up by her uninjured arm and looking around. “Where was your family?”
You watched as she pointed the way you had come from, away from where the explosion was and you glanced over your shoulder to see the Doctor glaring down at the sonic, a furious expression you couldn’t ever remember seeing on his face that sent a shiver down your spine.
“Come on then, let’s see if we can find them.” You said, pulling your gaze from the Doctor and forcing the uneasy feeling you suddenly felt in the pit of your stomach away, leading the young girl away from the scene.
Even in the sea of screams and shouts for friends and family you managed to find the young girl's family quite easily, her mum falling to her knees and wrapping her arms around her daughter, mindful of her arm after she winced. 
You stayed long enough for the family to thank you tearfully and the girl to hug you before you pushed your way through the crowd and looked around for the Doctor, frowning when you couldn’t see him.
You made your way further into where the explosion had gone off, gasping when something sharp dug into your arm, looking to your left to see a tall figure beside you, sharp teeth visible as the thing grinned down at you and pushed you forward, dragging you alongside it and not even pausing as you fought back against it.
There was a slimy sort of wet texture to the creature and you couldn’t stop yourself from wincing as it’s nails drew blood from you, the thing snarling the whole time until it pushed you onto the floor and you were staring at sharper nails and blue feet, looking up to see more than a dozen of the things standing together.
“Let her go.” The Doctor’s voice sent a wave of relief through you and your head snapped around to look at him. “Now.”
The Doctor’s voice was cold, so devoid of any emotion that it scared you. The creatures, however, didn’t seem at all phased by him and instead laughed at the Doctor.
“The Doctor always was too fond of the humans.” One of the creatures laughed, sending a wave of spit flying from his mouth. “Too bad he can never save his precious little pets.”
That seemed to hit a nerve with the Doctor and you had heard the stories of his past companions, of how much danger they had been put in simply by being with him. You knew it was scarred on his two hearts, every loss, every defeat, every life lost, every life he blamed himself for.
“The Doctor’s not good at saving anybody.” Another one called, amusement clear in its voice, “Poor little Doctor, all alone, no Time Lords around anymore.”
The creatures all laughed together and you winced as you watched fury take over the Doctor. It seemed these creatures had history with the Doctor, at the very least they knew exactly what buttons to press to tear him apart.
The Doctor looked different, he didn’t look like the Doctor you had seen every day, he looked like a whole different person. Cold fury in his eyes, mouth set in a thin line and his knuckles bone white from the grip he had on the sonic.
“You will let her go and you will leave this planet.” The Doctor told them, voice low and commanding the attention of everyone.
You could only stare at him, fear in your eyes, not sure who you were more afraid of in that moment. Usually you could read the Doctor easily, always seeming to know what his next step was but right then, in that moment you didn’t know what he was going to do.
“Or what, Doctor?” One of them spat but you didn’t bother looking behind at them, keeping your gaze on the Doctor. “The last time we met you were a coward, what’s changed?”
“What’s changed?” He shot back, taking a step forward and you felt your breath catch in your throat at his tone. “What’s changed? The last time I showed you mercy. That was a mistake. I won’t make the same one twice. Now leave.”
“Or what?” It asked again, tone hard as the creatures refused to move.
“Or I’ll burn this entire planet with you on it.” The Doctor said without hesitation and your eyes widened, staring at him in shock.
“You wouldn’t, the Doctor wouldn’t harm innocents, not in the name of revenge.” One of them laughed but it sounded nervous, like it didn’t believe its own words and looking at the fury on the Doctor’s face you had to agree with it.
“Do you really want to test that theory?” The Doctor asked, the silence stretching as the creatures all looked at each other. “All I have to do is press this button and you’ll be dead before you realise it.”
The Doctor held the sonic up and you shook your head, not that he was looking at you but you couldn’t believe him. He wasn’t bluffing, he wasn’t improvising whilst he came up with a plan to deal with this without harming anybody. He was being deadly serious.
You were terrified of the man before you. He wasn’t the Doctor, not the Doctor you knew anyway.
“Liar!” A creature yelled and the Doctor gave it an unimpressed look before going to press the button but you stood up before he could.
“Don’t!” You shouted, reaching a hand out like one would around a scared animal, locking eyes with the Doctor for the first time since you’d been pushed onto the floor. “Don’t.”
“Y/N, you don’t know what these are.” The Doctor told you, his thumb hovering dangerously close to the button on the sonic. 
“I don’t care. This isn’t you, you’re the Doctor! People look to you for hope, you’re not a murderer, don’t do this! Don’t become them.” You pleaded with him but his face was still set with cold fury and you feared there was no changing his mind.
“Get to the TARDIS and don’t look back.” He instructed and you immediately shook your head.
“No.” You told him. “No, I’m not letting you do this. There are millions of innocent people on this planet and you will not destroy them for whatever grudge you’re holding.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about, you need to leave. Now get on the TARDIS, Y/N!” The Doctor snapped and you felt tears sting your eyes but held your ground.
“No. If you’re going to burn this planet you’ll do it with me on it.” You said, voice shaking as tears made their way over your eyes, hating that you didn’t know what the Doctor was going to do.
“Get on the TARDIS.” The Doctor commanded through gritted teeth but you shook your head again.
“I already told you I’m not leaving.” You told him, blinking away the tears as they carried on running down your face.
The Doctor held your gaze, the small part of him that wasn’t consumed with anger and hatred felt guilt and hurt as you looked at him like you were terrified, like he was the monster instead of the creatures behind you. 
“Leave.” He spat out, not taking his gaze of you as he addressed the creatures. “Get off this planet and if I ever see you again I won’t show a shred of mercy.”
The creatures wasted no time scurrying away, hurrying over to their ships and taking off just as quickly, leaving you and the Doctor staring at each other. Just as the Doctor opened his mouth, you cut him off.
“Take me home.” You told him, suddenly feeling drained.
“Y/N,” he sighed but you just shook your head at him, moving past him and making your way back towards where the TARDIS was parked, using your key to unlock the box and letting yourself in.
The Doctor sighed to himself, rubbing a hand across his face before pocketing the sonic and following after you, desperately trying to think how he could salvage this. He hadn’t wanted to let himself fall for you but over the year and the months you’d spent at each other’s side he couldn’t help it.
Now he was losing you because he had held onto a grudge from so many years back.
The anger had taken over him to the point he couldn’t control himself but you could, you stopped him even when he didn’t think he could be stopped.
When he walked into the TARDIS you were sitting in one of the chairs, looking away from him as he quietly worked on setting a course for Earth, hoping you would change your mind before you got there.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered, watching you closely. He could tell you were listening but you didn’t say anything. 
“Those creatures, Y/N…” He trailed off and you finally looked over at him, seeing him take a deep breath before he spoke again. “Those creatures are called Eelvo’s. I met them a long time ago, long before I had this face. I lost somebody because of them and I let them go.”
“You don’t kill people.” You told him, your voice quiet but firm and the Doctor sighed as he came and sat next to you. 
“I have bad days, Y/N. Days where I am not a good man.” The Doctor told you, ashamed of himself, ashamed that you had seen him like that. He had never wanted that.
“Doctor, today I was more scared of you than any of those other things.” You said softly, glancing at the Doctor as he shut his eyes and swallowed thickly around a lump in his throat, fighting back tears.
The last thing he had ever wanted was for you to be scared of him.
“I’m sorry, Y/N, I’m so, so sorry. I don’t know what happened, seeing them again after so long, seeing the destruction they were still causing, the pain and lives they were still taking…” The Doctor trailed off, a single tear making its way down his cheek.
You sighed softly, reaching over to take his hand in yours and giving it a gentle, reassuring squeeze. You were still unsure, still hadn’t liked seeing the Doctor so furious but he was still the Doctor, he was your Doctor again and seeing him in pain was the last thing you wanted.
“I’m sorry, Y/N/N, I never wanted you to hate me.” He whispered, his voice breaking around the words and you felt your heart break with them.
“I don’t hate you, Doctor.” You told him honestly, “I’ve never seen you like that and I didn’t like it but I don’t hate you. I’m not sure I could ever hate you.”
The Doctor smiled over at you sadly and you returned it, squeezing his hand again.
“I’ll take you home.” He whispered and you frowned, you had asked him to take you home but the thought of actually leaving the Doctor behind sent an ache through you.
“How about Zirafell instead?” You asked him, a small smile pulling at your lips as he looked over at you in surprise. 
“You sure?” He asked, a hopeful note in his voice and you nodded, watching as his shoulders lost the tension in them and he let out a small breath, nodding himself before standing up and moving around the console to change the course, hoping that the two of you would be alright. 
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10th Doctor Taglist (Click the link in my bio to add yourself!) - 
@ajordan2020, @nyx2021, @etanordoesbullsh1t, @book-fic-reader, @buckystrash, @queen-who, @cinderellacauseshebroke, @black-rose-29, @kodiakwhiskey, @alexxavicry, @instabull, @rosesinmars, @freeshavocadoooo, @audrie-bryant, @leothesquishy, @etanordoesbullsh!t
Thank you so much for reading!
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nghtwngs · 2 years
silly human traditions
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description: you’ve never had a new year’s kiss before. neither has the doctor. you decide to change that tonight.
pairing: tenth doctor x reader (you can probably read it as eleven too!)
genre: fluff, friends to lovers, mutual pining
word count: 1.2k
warnings: alcohol consumption (by the doctor), ten might be ooc bc im literally rewatching eleven’s episodes (im on the second christmas special rn!) and i think ive lost his voice but i hope that’s not the case
a/n: happy new year!! i wrote this up like real fast bc i was thinking about kissing ten and well… yeah
You walk into the TARDIS’s control room with a huge grin plastered on your face. “Doctor, we have to celebrate our first New Year!”
The Doctor looks up from the control console and turns his head to face you. “New Year?” His eyebrows are furrowed, lips curled down into a frown. “There’s no concept of time in the time vortex—how would we celebrate New Year’s?”
“Well, my phone’s calendar doesn’t change.” You pull out your device, opening the calendar app and holding it up for him to see. “It’s currently December 31st. And also we celebrated the holidays this past week.”
He pulls out his glasses out of his suit and puts them on. He squints at your screen anyway. “Well, I guess so. How’d you figure we do that?” He jumps up, running over to you. “What about a planet where everything is made of water? Or we could watch a galaxy of stars fizzle out into nothing but dust!”
“Well, Doctor, I was thinking we could just, I don’t know… spend it on Earth? Watch the ball drop in Time Square or something? Hm, actually maybe not that.”
“You little humans and all your traditions.”
“You love it.”
He mirrors your cheeky grin. “Alright, then! I think I have just the place.” He rushes over to the console, doing his thing. The TARDIS makes her signature wheezing noise, reminding you to hold on tight. “New York! Present year… well, for you anyway. Two hours ‘til midnight. Dress well. We have a party to crash!”
You make a sound of excitement, giving the Doctor a chaste kiss on the cheek. “Amazing.” You run off to the TARDIS’s vast wardrobe to find an appropriate outfit.
After finishing getting ready, you pop back into the control room to find the Doctor fiddling with his tie. He’s dressed in a black suit. A classic. You think it suits him well. (Pun not intended.)
“No bow tie this time?” you ask, walking over to him.
He just shakes his head. “Nah.”
“You clean up nicely,” you say, tightening his tie for him.
He smiles so softly at you that it makes your heart ache with need. “You do too.”
You clear your throat when the intensity of his gaze hits you. “Well, we better get to the party. Don’t wanna miss anything else.” You link your arms, dragging him out of the TARDIS.
Turns out, the party he took you to crash is filled with a bunch of celebrities. No one either of you care for, but celebrities nonetheless. It makes you feel important to be around all these people. Like you’re important enough to be around the Doctor, who you’d say is the most famous of them all. It makes you feel special. Being here. With him, but maybe not with him.
He doesn’t even bother to correct anyone when they mistake you for being an item. You often wonder if there is any deeper meaning behind that. It makes your heart stumble off beat. But that’s silly. A ridiculous, quite pathetic notion.
Silly human things, you suppose.
But it’s okay. He makes you feel special. Anyone the Doctor chooses to be his companion is special.
The very best of humanity, he’d say.
The Doctor has a sip of some random alcoholic drink you were both offered (you declined) and sticks his tongue out in disgust. He immediately places the glass back onto the tray. “That was dreadful. Absolutely dreadful.”
You can’t stop yourself from giggling until he grabs your water and chugs the entire thing. You grumble, “I was about to drink that.” But your words come out much too soft, too fondly for him to believe you’re really upset over it.
He leads you out onto the balcony with his hand on your back. You forget all about your drink.
“Oh my, God!” You double over, holding onto the Doctor’s arm. “They were sentient? How can grass be sentient?” You both continue to wheeze like it’s the funniest thing the two of you ever heard.
“Yeah, they were quite rude honestly. Telepathic. Said my hair looks ridiculous,” he muses. His voice suddenly goes quiet. He leans into you, staring into your eyes like it’d make you any more honest. “Does my hair look ridiculous?”
You run your fingers through his locks, making sure not to mess them up. “Your hair looks great. I always like it.”
“Yeah? You think so?”
You nod in agreement.
Cheers erupt from inside, and you’re worried you missed the countdown. But there’s still another five minutes left.
“Do you have any resolutions for the New Year, Doctor?”
“Resolutions? Why would I need resolutions? Is that some human tradition? Why do you have so many traditions?”
“People just want to have goals, I guess? I never really stuck with mine. And well, it’s really just that and uh… the New Year’s kiss.”
“New Year’s kiss?” He frowns.
“Yeah, they say if you kiss someone at midnight on New Year’s, it’ll strengthen the bond between you? I don’t know. It’s silly. I’ve never had a New Year’s kiss before, so I couldn’t tell you if it’s true or not.”
“Huh.” There’s his thinking face. Nothing good ever comes from his thinking face. Not unless you’re in a life or death situation, and you don’t think you are right now. At least you really hope not. “Do you… Would you like to test that theory out?”
You almost choke. “What?”
“Well, I mean, it’s not like we have to or anything.”
“I didn’t peg you as the superstitious type.”
“I’m not. But no harm in trying it out, right?”
No, there’s a lot of harm in trying it out, you want to say. You think your heart might explode out of your chest. That would be a horrible way to start out the new year. He’d have to find another companion whose heart stays in their chest cavity and away from both of his.
“Yeah, no harm at all.”
Why can’t your mouth just stay shut sometimes?
You hear the countdown start.
He holds your chin between his index finger and thumb.
His warm eyes look into yours.
You’ve never been touched with such gentleness before.
His scent is so clean and warm and so him.
The proximity is completely dizzying.
You think you can feel your knees buckle.
How can he look at you as if you’re the only interesting thing in the universe?
When he’s seen it all.
A quick glance at your lips.
The Doctor presses his lips against yours. It’s wonderful. He tastes like berries. When in the world did he have berries? Your arms slink around him, pulling him as close as possible. He doesn’t seem to mind. He cups your face with his hands. What a brain melting kiss. The strings of his hearts are knotting with yours. You want to be consumed by this feeling.
It doesn’t register that you have to breathe for a minute, but you think you’d kiss him forever if you could. You have all the time in the world anyway. You wonder how long can Time Lords go without air. Probably much longer than humans, yeah? You, with much reluctance, pull away.
He pecks your lips again. He grins cheekily at you. “A while.”
You scoff. You hate it when he does that. And when he smiles at you like that. Your neck grows hot even though it’s cool outside. “It’s midnight.” You’re still breathless.
“It is.”
“You’re my first New Year’s kiss.”
“You’re mine.”
Maybe it’s true; the bond between you does feel stronger this year. You kiss him again and then some more.
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starfirette · 2 years
School Reunion
He was a a lithe figure of all rhyme and very little reason...
...especially he gestured for you to come closer. Tousled tufts of soft, brown hair flopped over his forehead, not so strictly gelled back today. His hair was ultimately the first thing that warmed you up to him. His previous face was undoubtedly your first, true love--all blue eyes and ears, knit sweaters under leather jackets, and a secret soft side...
❇Tenth Doctor x Fem Reader
❇hmmmm this took a month to perfect! I shall page @bellaswansrealgf because this does indeed have a size kink portion :)) this is cross posted to my ao3 (username is the same if you want to check that out!)
❇ masterlist | 17+ | size kink goes brr | cheeky Tenth doctor | "Mr Smith" | Sexual Roleplay | Vaginal Fingering | Penis In Vagina Sex | Age Difference kinda technically | this word is so gross but I have to put it in the tags Squirting | Also some degradation | Overstimulation | Creampie | switchy Tenth doctor, but he's a dom rn | Older Man/Younger Woman and teacher student vibes but also not really
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You were the illustrious and young English teacher, and he was the older, more experienced Physics teacher.
But it had only been a game. It was the ruse for a job at some school.
Of course you had "just" graduated college; you needed a guided hand to show you how to handle those rowdy students. "Professor Smith," you said as you batted your eyelashes. The size difference between you two was enough to make you squirm, thighs clenched and heart beating in anticipation. 
"Poor thing," 'Mr Smith' had said. His hand is ruffling up the chiffon of your knee length skirt. "You're so needy for attention. You'd take any bit of attention from even the science teacher." 
You wouldn't yet go into further detail of what conspired that day. After all, it was a little bit inappropriate of you two to do such fooling around during the hours of an investigation. Rose would have been livid to know that while she was slinging chips and pizza to students and staff, you and the Doctor were rather preoccupied with teaching not the students but yourselves just how Miss [L/n] and Mr Smith ought to behave. 
Of course, the roleplay was divine. Mr Smith was a role that the Doctor deeply enjoyed to act with, especially when it came to shamelessly flirting with you as if he didn't know you. You suspect he had all his fun that way. 
Apart from the canoodling in the workplace, everything else was really a ruse. The way it all started is a little bit convulated, but Rose heard from Mickey who must have heard from someone else that strange things were going on back in her hometime. (Hometime was a bit of a private joke between you, Rose, and the Doctor, it's a play on the word hometown! You and the Doctor fight for the credit of who actually coined the term but Rose often sides with the argument that you truly did.) The Doctor went into full dramatic effect, as he tends to do, and he created you a full fledged identity and a college degree. In real life (for lack of a better term)you're almost done with college where you're honestly pursuing a degree for English Literature.
The Doctor surprised you with the position at this school. Albeit it's undercover, he wanted you to have some fun. His face lit up like the lights on a Christmas tree when he saw how excited you were. Granted, this was a far cry from being an English professor at a prestigious university, as you drunkenly confessed to his prior face while celebrating the win against the nanogenes during the second World War. Though he looked different then,  he still loved you with the same, big heart. 
Force of habit. 
Day One of the mission was the easiest mostly because day one didn't require real work. Rose helped you research the winning numbers for some lottery tickets. She dropped off two winning tickets at the homes of a couple teachers from the school: one from the Mathematics department, one from the Literature. 
Needless to say both resigned in an instant. Unfortunately this sparked nasty rumors which accounted the two teachers (who really didn't know one another at all) were having an affair. Well, so long as they enjoyed the money. And since neither of their spouse's seemed to believe these rumors, you supposed there was no real harm done. 
Day two consisted of applying for the jobs and actually getting them. The interview process went well. You interviewed with the superintendent who claimed the headmaster was busy. 
'This isn't fair,' Rose said. 'I want to be a teacher.' 
'You'd look so cute as the lady administrator,' you pointed out from the sofa of the Tardis common room. 'You could wear fake specs. Y'know, look over them and give students dirty looks. Type obnoxiously on your clunky laptop. It's such a shame mini iPads weren't invented sooner. I'd look soooo cute carrying mine around.'
Rose groaned theatrically as she collapsed onto the sofa. She rolled on top of your lap, pushing the remote out of your hands so you could pay attention to her. 'Tell your boyfriend to make me a teacher,' Rose indignantly said.  Her nose scrunched as you shifted your thigh to push her off. 
'My hands are full,' The Doctor said through a mouthful of snack food. He tossed a sprinkle of crumbs at Rose, consequently catching some on your lap. You shoved his face with mock disregard. 'You mean your hands are tied,' you corrected.
'Sure,' he said, 'that too.' 
The start of day three. You dressed in a knee length skirt with pointy flats and a smart looking blazer. You decided to forgo a pair of fake specs (though you were known to occasionally need a pair of real lenses ever since a strange trip with your blue-eyed, prominent-nosed Doctor to an interesting laser show which had some nasty effects on your eyes; it was some sort of festival on Mars in the year 3000). As you walked down the hall to your class room the Doctor walked past, heading the opposite way to the Mathematics department. He sent a prolonged look up and down your outfit. 
"Hello, Mr Smith," you said curtly. You had to fight the grin that tussled with your lips. You enjoyed playing your role too, too much.
Mr Smith uncharacteristically fumbled over his feet as he looked over his shoulder to meticulously study the way your bum and hips moved as you went about your merry way. Needless to say this is when he decided to amp up his game. 
The children in your classroom couldn't have been older than fourteen. You didn't expect anything outwardly startling at this point, because you didn't yet realize the secrets this school held. 
You took a look at the lesson plan the students had been going through before their previous teacher took a miracle vacation to Sicily to renew their marriage vows.
Good for them. 
"Who would like to examine the motifs of this scene?" you asked. You were picking through a bit of Macbeth. A beginning scene with the three witches; it should be easy enough. How typcal to have stumbled upon their Shakespeare unit. An obligatory staple of middle school. Or highschool. Whatever grade these kids are in. You tried thinking of it in terms of Harry Potter; are they fifth years? Harry Potter was certainly fifteen during Order of the Phoenix. 
You contemplated this as no one actually tried discussing Macbeth. 
"Would anyone like to mention anything?" Your attempts to get them talking was dismal. Perhaps they missed their old teacher. You felt a little guilty. Even more guilt poured in you when you obnoxiously thought that their old teacher wasn't missing them, not while they were having a second honeymoon in Sicily!
You could have heard an eyelash drop in that room. 
"Going on about motif, it's rather interesting that when Macbeth enters, he notes...? What does he say that directly links him to the witches? Oh, goodness, I've lost my place...'So foul and fair a day I have not seen.' Does anyone remember what the three witches say in the opening scene?"
Finally a hand is raised.
You want to thank the kid profusely as you call on her. "What's your name?" 
"Addie Jones," the girl said. 
"Wonderful! Nice to meet you, Miss Addie. Do you remember the line?" 
"'Fair is foul and foul is fair. Hover through the fog and filthy air.'" 
"Excellent," you tell her with a smile. "Not only does this line set the overarching theme for the story, it also is a neat trick Shakespeare put in. Macbeth enters a few scenes later and by repeating their words, he's effectively sealed his own fate. This is a pretty good example of a motif. Does anyone know what a motif is?" You scanned the room, hoping for another arm to pop up, but Addie's hand waved shyly in your sight. You understood, then, why teachers threatened to call on students at random. You'd threaten that yourself if you knew anyone else's name. Besides, Addie seemed eager enough to share her answer. "Addie!" 
"A motif is a series of repeated patterns, often dialogue or imagery, in literature used to further a narrative." 
"Great answer," you told Addie, a sincere smile capturing your lips. "Given that definition, can anyone find other motifs in the play?"
Addie raised her hand. 
"Does anyone other than Addie have an idea?" you tried. To no avail, you nodded at Addie. You took a seat behind your desk, grabbing a pen to jot down a forethought about Harry Potter. 
Addie took a loud and deep breath. "Another integral motif in the play is sleep. Banquo states, act two scene one, 'And yet I would not sleep. Merciful powers restrain in me cursed thoughts that nature gives way to response.' Act two, scene two, Macbeth by now has killed the king. 'There's one did sleep laugh in's sleep, and one cried Murder!' 14 lines later, same scene, Macbeth then says, 'Methought I heard a voice cry 'sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep. The innocent sleep, sleep which knits-,'"
You were extremely puzzled. You tried to gently interupt Addie's train of thought, which seemed to be more than just reading directly from her book than actually answering your question. Taking a stand, your flats smacking the linoleum floor, you strolled back to the front of the classroom, your lesson plan in hand. You caught a glance at Addie's desk. Wherein you'd been expecting to see her fingers eagerly scanning along the pages of her open book, you found that her textbook was rather shut, her hands clasped atop it as she waited for you to say something. 
Blinking in surprise, you looked back at the lesson plan. You skimmed through a couple pages. Just when did they begin studying this play? That thought was muting all of your prior Harry Potter saga theories. Only at the start of the week...and they were only assigned an at home reading for the first four scenes. 
Perhaps Addie liked to read. Perhaps she enjoyed Macbeth so very much that she chose to memorize the entire damn play.
You hadn't seen any notes marking Addie's remarkable abilities in the subject, so you wondered on about how she could have done such a quick study of the play. "He certainly prattles on about sleep, doesn't he?" you asked Addie, who grinned toothily and nervously. "What do you think it means?" you continued as you hugged the lesson plan to your chest. 
That smile faded. "Oh. I'm not sure." Addie, who had memorized all the lines and their scenes regarding 'sleep', was at a loss for words. 
You felt a little bit guilty to find that she seemed incredibly embarrassed to be without an answer. You didn't necessarily care, but you wanted to probe for more answers. "Want to venture a guess? Why do you think sleep is so important here? What might it symbolize?" 
Addie went red in the face. She played with the edges of her textbook. Her nails pulled apart the layers of the hard cover, flaking specks of cardboard across her desk. 
"We could ask ourselves what a literary symbol is," you continued, quickly trying to move on before Addie could explode. "What's a symbol in literature? Maybe someone aside from Addie?" 
You sighed. Defeated again. Tomorrow you'd have to try harder. "Alright, Addie, take it away." 
After taking a breath of relief, Addie prattled away, "A symbol in literature is one of the literary devices that an author might use to convey a hidden message or theme. Symbols often are represented through objects or ideas that serve with a literal purpose but have metaphorical meaning which furthers the narrative, much like a motif." 
Puzzled by her in depth definition all you could really do was nod in response. 'That's correct," you informed her. Though it was far too correct. It didn't sound at all like the answer of a thirteen year old girl. It sounded like a line from a thesis paper or even from some dictionary. Her knowledge us certainly expansive but robotic in nature. She can identify patterns, like motifs and sleep and what not, but she can't analyze their meaning. 
You frowned. More accurately, she couldn't form her own thoughts on the subject matter. 
During lunch break, you searched the cafeteria for the Doctor. You went through the line, declining food after food. You made a scene of asking Rose for an apple, and then  you leaned in close as she handed it to you. "I found something a little bit strange. Sweet girl in my class basically memorized her English textbook. She might as well have memorized mine. Have you seen him?" 
Rose's brow twitched with contempt. "No," she said sharply. "Fuck 'im, really, I'm stuck back here slinging chips at bratty kids and he's off doing who knows w-oh, there he is." She pointed him out in the crowd of students, the man sitting at a table and picking apart a turkey and cheese sandwich layer by layer. "He's bein' weird again," Rose snickered. The Doctor smelled one slice of bread. "Oh, God, go stop him. I can't watch him deface himself like this. Wait, take your apple, now. If I was working on commission then you'd be of no use to me. That's right, take some milk, too. Not the skim, you daft. That's basically water. Take the two percent." 
You tried to juggle the milk and apple that Rose had tossed in your arms as you sped walked towards the Doctor. You dropped the apple on the table as you took a seat in front of him. His nimble fingers dropped the bread in a split second and he eyed you close. "I've got something," you said. 
"Ah, ah," the Doctor said sharply with a wag of his finger. "I don't even know you and you're going to sit down, without even asking, and try and engage in conversation? Tsk. You naughty thing." 
You rolled your eyes. "It's nice to meet you," you told him, playing into his game. "I'm Y/n L/n, yada yada. Anyways. Girl in my class-"
He shook his head. "Nope. You didn't ask my name." 
"I know your name," you mocked his tone. "We met at the staff meeting." 
"How do I know you actually remember it?" the Doctor challenged you. "Go on, just ask my name!" He looked much too amused as you angrily peeled open the cap to your milk. 
"What's your name," you therefore said monotonously, trying to void the words of any inquiring tone. 
"John Smith, physics professor. I'm single, by the way." 
"Anyway! Girl in my class! Basically memorized the entire textbook. She had an answer for most of the questions. However, those answers were all...materialistic. I don't know how to describe it. She didn't know how to input her own thoughts. It was like she just downloaded all the information to her brain. Does that make sense?" 
The Doctor nodded. "I've had a similar experience. Kid in my own class has knowledge way beyond planet earth." He pushed his plate of food forward. "Try some."
"No, thanks," you said politely. "I'm not very hungry. Something about this food weirds me out," you drawled as you poked his lightly tousled food around. He was more sampling everything rather than eating. "I've always hated school food. The chips look...odd. The smell of them is somehow off. Does that make any sense?"
"Come with me," the Doctor responded, not saying anything to your earlier rebuttals regarding the school food. "Toss that, I'm not going to eat it," he added. He took the tray and dumped it. You followed behind him as he slid his tray with the other dirty ones. Rose sent him a glare so foul you were surprised he didn't collapse on the spot. A glare like that could make him regenerate. "Found anything strange?"you ask Rose before she and the Doctor can get into a cat fight, an occurrence which frequents the TARDIS.
Rose gossiped, "Half the kitchen staff got replaced not too long ago. And this lot are weird. Get this! The entire lunch menu has been designed by the headmaster himself. What qualifies him to even do that? Don't you have to study...nutrition?" Rose shook her blonde fringe from her milk chocolate eyes. A flare of mischief came in her eyes. "I bet he didn't."
"Is nutrition a course of study? Actually, it is, isn't it? Oh, Rose you should be a nutritionist!" You said gleefully. 
The Doctor sighed. He furrowed his eyebrows as he tried to keep up with his two companions.
"Oh, shush," Rose chided to you. "The point is we've been at this for three days! We don't even know what's going on. More like you two don't even know what's going on. I've done my part! I reported back to you an' all!" She looked at you both with arms folded across her chest and her eyebrows raised indignantly. She licked her lower lip in a dare for you or the Doctor to argue back, her chocolate-brown eyes strangely malicious. "That's right, isn't it? You've got nothin' to say but-"
"Stop yelling at us!" The Doctor finally dished back. He seemed irritated beyond his senses, which was typical of him. "Your boyfriend is the one who called us."
Rose's mouth quivered at the term. Her lips opened and closed as though she was a fish out of water. "Mickey's not my--hang on a minute, where are you two going?" she finally demanded as the Doctor started to manhandle you. You looked vaguely surprised, staring at him with incredulity. 
"Research!" the Doctor called without looking as he kept his deft fingers tightly wound on your wrist. "We've get a lead!"
You struggled to let her know as he escorted you away. 
The halls were empty as the Doctor pulled you contently down the Mathematics hall. His classroom was certainly empty, all students eating their lunch for the next thirty or so minutes. 
"Show me what you've got," you told him excitedly as he turned the lock on the door. You looked around eagerly for whatever gadget or gizmo he was going to produce. You waited for another moment before you watched with curiosity as the Doctor settled himself easily on the edge of his desk.  "Where is it?" you asked.
"What do you mean?" The Doctor countered, crossing his arms with some semblance of an attitude.  You mimicked the pressing of a sonic screwdriver. "Where's the...gizmo...aren't you going to sonic something?" 
"Oh. No gizmo," the Doctor said. "Not this time. Well, not right now, actually, I'm sure I'll sonic some sort of gizmo sometime soon. No, I actually wanted this time for ourselves. I'm not fond of your attitude, Miss L/n." 
You raised a brow. "My attitude?" 
The Doctor nodded. "Exactly. Your behavior has been nothing short of abysmal. Neglecting me, running about with Rose, and entirely disregarding your duties here. I supplied you with a title of superiority and you have sorely misused it. There's only one word to describe you these past two days." 
For a brief moment your heart stuttered with genuine fear, but then you watched the sparks which flickered in his hazel brown eyes burst into a large flame. 
You barked a laugh. You put a hand over your fast beating heart. "That's not funny," you chastised. "I thought you were being serious!"
The Doctor raised an eyebrow. 
No going back now. Not with the rapid pooling of warmth in the bottom of your belly. The Doctor shook his head, tutting his tongue as he folded his arms. 
He was a a lithe figure of all rhyme and very little reason; especially he gestured for you to come closer. Tousled tufts of soft, brown hair flopped over his forehead, not so strictly gelled back today. His hair was ultimately the first thing that warmed you up to him. 
His previous face was undoubtedly your first, true love--all blue eyes and ears, knit sweaters under leather jackets, and a secret soft side with a not so quiet splash of kinky foreplay. There were zero hints of that face in this one, and the first time you saw it you didn't know what quite to think. 
The Doctor had burst into a bright, ball of golden light. Spheres, marble sized, of such light fizzled around him, orbiting his figure while Rose gripped your hand. Her fingers slipped on the fresh blood, making you wince as she slid over the fresh slice.  The fight against the Daleks had been the most important matter in all the world just moments ago. And now you felt as though...you were about to lose everything. 
Your mouth burned with the hard kiss the Doctor had given you. His tongue had meddled against yours, sweeping the roof of your mouth the way he knew you liked. His thumbs swiped away the tears that dotted the corners of your eyes, and just like that, he was saying goodbye. And then this. 
Dizzying rushes of blinking in and out of reality coursed through you. This almost felt like a dream. The image charading in front of you didn't seem right. This wasn't how it was supposed to go, afterall. You three were supposed to find Jack and go home, wherever 'home' was. No matter where home was, the day would always end with you laying on the Doctor's chest, ear to dual hearts while he played with your hair. 
And yet that wasn't how this was going to end. 
Rose gripped your hand tight. Your vision flickered with stars as her fingers slipped into the gash on your hand. Nausea punched you in the gut as the light grew brighter and brighter. Stop, you wanted to tell him. It's not funny. 
It wasn't funny at all. 
The energy surged, so loud you could almost hear it, you could practically feel it sizzling inside of you. Energy sang inside the TARDIS: the chime high and loud, the pitch far beyond any regular frequency. And God, it hurt. 
The ringing ascended frequency and finally it shut off as the Doctor cried out just a bit. 
The light disappeared. 
And so had your Doctor. 
You crept closer. 
He pushed his leg out, patting the top of his thigh. "Take a seat, Miss L/n," he sighed, making a point to sound disappointed. He would really be if you didn't play along! So you hopped up to take a seat, holding onto the back of his neck for leverage as you made yourself comfortable. 
It wasn't unusual for him to become unexpectedly horny, especially in the midst of a mission such as this. He was one for taking fortified risks. 
"What do you have to say for yourself?" he asked. 
"Just that I've been a very bad girl," you informed him with an exaggerated pout. You puckered your lower lip. "I just wanted your attention, Mr. Smith." 
"Consider it done. You've certainly caught my attention with this little garb," the Doctor said as he pushed a hand up your skirt. His lean fingers squeezed the inside of your thigh, making you squirm. The flash of quick pain on the easily bruised skin made your heart rush. Looking up at him, it was easy to spot the remnants of the other Doctor. Your first Doctor. 
Though his face has changed, and you love him all the same-if not more-he'll always have that face. 
"Professor Smith," you said as you batted your eyelashes. The size difference between you two was enough to make you squirm, stomach clenched with eager anticipation.
"Poor thing," 'Mr Smith' said. His hand kneaded the jiggling flesh of your leg, pinching it and grinning at the way you wiggled in his grip. "You're so needy for attention," he cooed. "You'd take any bit of attention from even the science teacher." 
His mouth pressed against yours. Lips against lips, both soft as the petals of a flower, but clashing hard, as if you two had never kissed before! But kisses are less than few-and-far; they're frequent. They're the Doctor's favorite past time.
Even with this face you two spend nights in his study, laying in the chaise lounge, your ear against his chest and listening to his dual hearts. Even with this face do you two kiss passionately into the hours of the ambient night lights that the TARDIS has set for you. Your hands plucked at the buttons of his shirt.  His build was entirely different from the previous one he bore. Where then he'd been slightly bulkier with more muscle and mass, he was now slender, lithe, and graceful. He walked like a cat with cunning mischief on his mind. His deft fingers were slipping up your skirt, hooking across the band of your underwear and cheekily tugging them down as he pushed his thumbs into your hips.
He loved, loved, the curves of your body (he always had. It wasn't something that would ever change). He liked to grip the fleshy parts of you tight, squeeze and fondle any parts of you he could get his hands on.  You splayed your fingers out like a starfish, pushing your hand on his sternum just between both hearts. You could feel them both beating fast as his shirt drifted open,  framing his clavicle and abdomen like a picture. He couldn't be more gorgeous than this; freckles constellated his pale skin. The shades that stood out on his skin compared  to yours made your lips curl. The colors were like blots of paint on a pallet in the hands of an artist. 
Confidently, you believed that a painting with every shade your two bodies had to offer would outshine the Mona Lisa or Starry Night. 
The Doctor's hand crept below the threshold of your underwear. His thumb padded through the plush lips of your pussy, nudging at your pearled clit. "Not nearly as wet as I'd prefer," the Doctor chastised as he flexed his thumb in a circle on your clit, not bothering to start at a slow pace. The quick lashings of a hurried pleasure made your body tremble. Like a startled newborn you spasmed in his hold, nearly collapsing backwards. If he hadn't had an arm around your waist you would have made a fool of yourself. 
"Can't stay still?" The Doctor cooed. "The more I rub this little clit, the more wet that oozes out of you. That makes it so easy for me to simply..."
Your voice strained as the Doctor slowly pushed his middle finger inside of you. He moved slowly so that you could feel every bit of your cunt that he stretched out. For all the times you'd ever attempted to stick something inside of yourself, this really took the cake.
Every time you tried it just felt...like you were sticking something inside of yourself. Like there was just something inside a vaginal cavity; Just something inside that was vibrating.
Not sexy, nor pleasurable.
The amount of times you'd attempted to do gymnastics around your bedroom in your home time, stretching your legs or doing back bends, all to find the magical spot that the internet claimed existed. These exploits were all for naught.
Imagine how strange a feeling it was for you to be proven wrong by the Doctor. You swore up and down there was something wrong, something maybe even broken, but no matter what, you just didn't have what other women suspiciously claimed to have. Well, the Doctor loves to prove others wrong. You can imagine how that first night went, with him grinning down at you and touching both the inside and outside of you at once to bring about a genre of pleasure you hadn't realized existed. 
You gnawed on your lip as the Doctor slowly pushed a second digit inside, still tending to your clit to keep the feeling from being too uncomfortable. "It's alright," the Doctor said softly. He shifted his body, making a swift stand as he set you on the desk and settled between your legs, without removing his hand from you at all.  He widened the gap between your legs so your knees laid hip length apart. His tall figure stood straight as he looked down at your cunt which dropped over his hand. 
"And there it is," he sighed. "You're taking it like a good girl, aren't you? Even though we're in a school. A learning facility. Have you no shame?" 
Whether or not he wanted an answer, you couldn't say. Your vision was blurry as he pumped up into a secret place inside of you while also stimulating your clit. The small bundle of nerves was pulsating, having become a bulbous bud of despair and anxiety. It tensed and twitched under every touch but ultimately it yearned for more. You kept tensing around his fingers, holding onto the lapels of his jacket tight. 
The Doctor looked down at you. He smirked. 
"You're holding onto me with quite a strong grip. Afraid I'll pull away? Afraid I'll stop? Your cunt just keeps squeezing onto me. So hot and wet. So comforting. Don't you wish it was my cock?"
You panted out a reply, not bothering to sound witty or naughty. Not the time. "Yes."
A laugh. A genuine sound. The musical chime of it faded before the Doctor replied, "I do, too. But first I'll watch you cum on my fingers. It's alright. Door's all locked. My attention is entirely on you. You've been working so hard, so eager to please Mr Smith. Now you ought to let Mr Smith please you. Although...I should be punishing you. Shouldn't I? I'm sure it wouldn't be much of a real punishment, though. After all, you tend to enjoy it when  I spank your sweet ass."
The mere words sent the images into your brain. The thought of it made your pussy flinch, and the Doctor laughed again though this time round it was a touch harsh sounding. "I knew you enjoyed it," he said quietly. He kissed your forehead, his lips curled into a smile as he did so. "It's alright, dear, it's only me. You can be honest. I quite like it. Oh, my, you're dripping all the way onto my wrist!" 
He feigned annoyance. "Just look...look at this mess you're making."
You dared to take a look. 
A small gasp choked in your throat, the sound making the Doctor chuckle. The muscles of your thighs twitched. The knee length skirt was thrown back so you were sitting bare assed on the cool desk, the skirt gathered around your hips. Your panties were stuffed in the Doctor's trouser pockets: you could see them sticking out. When had he done that?
The tendons in his wrist were flexing as he thrust his two fingers up and in, while his thumb angled upwards to continue the steady pace on your clit. The lazy rhythm which he had set was making you sweat. He didn't seem terribly bothered by the writhing around you were doing.
"Don't you like the sight of it?" The Doctor's content was evident in the way he spoke, looking at the mess with a dreamy sparkle in his eye. 
He appeared visibly intoxicated as a long and loud 'mmm' escaped you. You had a difficult time remembering that the sounds were your own; you didn't always feel physically mounted in your body during your horny escapades. Sometimes the thrall of an orgasm separated your physical self from your metaphysical self like the whites and yolk of an egg. You were being gradually poured apart with every furthering motion the Doctor made. Joules of an intense pleasure rumbled inside of you. Your stomach had a slippery feeling, like a pad of hot butter on a skillet, fuzzy and warm and enticing. 
Your legs jerked around, ankles flanking into the back of his thighs and effectively pulling him closer. He was trapped between your legs-just the way he liked. 
Tension unfurled in your shoulders, slipping away like drops of rain on a window pain. It tingled down your back and you tilted away, Your chin raising towards the ceiling as one of your hands roughly gripped the edge of Mr Smith's desk. Anchored to the British classroom of 2005, you started to feel the edges of a smooth and velvety orgasm close in on you. It was a feeling that couldn't be physically embodied by much else than a velvet ribbon, or a warm vanilla latte, or-
"Fuck!" You whined. "It's-"
The Doctor pushed the familiar feeling forward. It was an intensity that you could only ever feel with the Doctor, with his hand or his cock or his anything. It no longer mattered that the year was 2005; the pressure on your clit felt nothing short of a pulsing burst of energy and fire. Gold fizzled in your vision. Your cunt felt heavy. Something tickled behind your bladder, the feeling making you beg. "Doctor, wait!" You urged him as you pawed at his torso. "I think I'll-"
"That's what I want," the Doctor muttered. "Don't worry, darling, I'll take good care of you. It's alright. Just keep squirming like that and let me rub your pussy to completion. Don't tire yourself-I want to feel you with my cock, too, so just relax and enjoy it. Can't you try?"
The urge to clench your walls and even the muscles around your clit was hard to fight. But when you did, it allowed an enormous wave of pleasure to drown you. You tremored and babbled a string of incoherent words. Some kind of begging, you think, or perhaps declarations of love, hatred, or anything in between. Passions had built up inside you and now  they're spilling out like the waters from a broken dam. Judging by the bleary grins of content through your teary eyes, you were praising him to high ends. Likely spilling out your love for him and his hands. 
Pressure started to release as the gradual high came about. It wasn't an overt transition from pleasure to climax; it was never black and white, it was a grey scale that slowly blossomed to a bright gold and silver.  Weight transpired from the top of your head to your torso and then to your belly. It sank low, behind your ovaries. A heavy, swollen sensation was hanging right over you, taunting the burst of energy that would soon make a mess over the Doctor's hand and shirt. You feared the worst as you pathetically tried to wiggle your hips around. You were so close to that feeling. If you just pushed yourself a little bit more than you could reach it. 
"If I didn't know better, I'd say you're about to cum all over me," the Doctor murmured in a harsh tone. "That's repulsive. That's so human of you. It's disgustingly easy to make you leak with just a hand."
You buried your face into the chest of the Doctor, trying not to be too loud with the whimpers and shallow breaths you were releasing as though you were a television woman in labor. 
Babbling out vowels, your entire body released a burst of warmth; like pink ribbons and fresh croissants and the tops of your thighs after you sat by a bonfire. The convulsed through you as that swollen feeling finally burst, indeed making a mess on the Doctor as you feared. 
You looked down at yourself in shock. A grim sense of shame started to take over the pink-flakey-croissant-bonfires-with-Rose feeling. "I'm so sorry," you whispered, your voice a cracking piece of foil as the Doctor licked the corner of his mouth. He quickly licked his fingers clean before shaking his head. "No, no, don't apologize," he said as he quickly moved his fingers to the button of his pants. "It was quite a learning experience, I should say. I learned that you are a very cute, young, little cunt in desperate need of an older, wiser cock. I'm just going to give you what you want. You don't have anything otherwise to say. I know you don't."
You shook your head as you watched the Doctor palm himself. His bulge was prominent and you had to restrain a whimper as he pulled back the boxer briefs he wore, which you insisted on because he wanted to wear boxers, but you found boxer briefs undeniably sexy, and so he wore them; he couldn't exactly do otherwise when the Tardis was replacing his go to wardrobe with other garments--it was totally accidental the way the Tardis now listened to your opinion before his. But he couldn't deny: blood runs thicker than water. And your blood had sizzled on the heart of the beloved Tards. So yeah, sometimes the Tardis chose to play Christmas music when it was only November (according to the earth-calendar programmed into the mainframe, but that was also another story). 
You pulled him down by the scruff of his neck, forcing him to kiss you as he played with himself. Your sloppy kiss was all tongue against tongue, open mouthed groans into one another as you guided his hand up and down on himself. 
Now leaking precum, he smothered himself   In the lubricant and thumbed the slit of his cock, a clenched-teeth hiss escaping himself as you urged him to prepare. But the Doctor likes to edge himself; he likes the discomfort of wanting to chase an orgasm, the self control it required to ignore the body's instinct. 
"Come closer," he groaned against you. His forehead rested on yours. You both watched him pump his cock a few more times; your chest was rising and falling as hard as his. 
He guided himself inside you, kissing your forehead as he slowly inched forward. The brief discomfort as he pushed past the curve of your walls was strictly rewritten into a song of bliss. Mint green paint, fresh croissants with oozing chocolate, an open campsite by the sizzling fire. 
He hunched over your little figure; he was completely towering atop you, the size of a dire wolf pinning a rabbit against his own torso. He grunted as he pulled himself out only to slam his way back in, the motion making you feel full and heavy. 
He worked his hips to thrust in and out of you, pulling himself practically to the tip each time. His hand was tending to your clit as he moved. Each touch on your clit felt like torture, in the best sense. You already felt swollen and every touch was amplified. The starts of a new orgasm made you tired and shudder, your mouth desperate for water as it worked its way through your body. 
"You're so small," the Doctor huffed through a laugh as your figure jerked with each thrust. You were trapped against his torso, feeling the doubly beat of his hearts pounding as he plowed in and out of you. "So pliable," he added as he groped the side of your thigh exposed by the wrinkled fabric of your skirt. "So hot and tight while I have my way with you. You couldn't help yourself. You just had to be fucked right now, just like this. Always needing my attention, always, always. I never thought you'd be so bratty in public! I like it."
"Stop talking," you groaned. "That's all you ever do. Talk, talk, talk. I think you like that, more." 
The Doctor gripped your chin, slowing his movements down. His hand skittered away from your clit but you were quick to pin it in place. You pushed one of your fingers inside of his mouth, watching him pucker his lips around the digit and sucking. His thick eyelashes fluttered before he jerked his head back. "Not your turn, princess," he sneered. "I'm in charge right now." 
"You like when I'm in charge, too," you retorted. "You could just give up, you know." 
The Doctor once again groped at you, squeezing hard on your pebbled nipples with a growl of warning. "Not the time," he told you with a rough thrust up. It made you gasp and heel over as the spotlight of sudden pleasure shone over you; the Doctor smirked as he carefully weened his way back into a quicker pace than he had been previously going at. "Don't you dare stop," you pleaded as you gripped him by the collar of his button down. "Or you're in for a load of trouble when we get home." The Doctor's brown eyes twinkled at the idea: home on the Tardis, being straddled and used by you, it sounded like a marvelous plan. 
"I'm not the one who's about to get a load," the Doctor said, grinning at the gross slang, but he was unable to really care because your cheeks had tears dripping down them. "Can't wait to see how full you become. I'll be dripping down your legs the rest of the day." 
"Shut up," you whimpered as you tilted your head back. 
Honestly speaking you quite enjoyed his babbling chit chat. He really did like to hear himself talk. You liked it as well. 
"Make me." 
You two pressed your mouths into a rough mold, your tongues slithering over tips and teeth. Your arms wrapped over the back of his neck, locking him in place. His chuckles dripped down your throat as he vocalized his own pleasure. Your breathing hastened. Panting like a dog in the summer heat, you were kissing him back as if it were a fight for your life. You clenched all your body into a rigid stake as the peak of the orgasm finally prodded into your cunt. The Doctor's hands pressed into your hips and legs, his thumbs rubbing calming circles into you as he moaned. He was much more accepting of the pleasure wave as it rode through him. 
Hiccuping whimpers fluttered into the Doctor's mouth as your slick, wet released. The feeling made the Doctor groan, loud and strong as he finally released the gates of his own seed. He grunted as he made sloppy thrusts; cum mixed and squeezed out of you like the lemon custard in a powdered donut, a rare, sweet, tart taste that made your eyes water. 
Your mouths pulled apart with a loud smack. You both looked down at the mess. He pumped in and out a few times, hissing as you suckled a bite on the underside of his jaw. You cried out a curse as he swiftly pulled out and gripped his cock, the limb still half hard. He pushed the tip of himself against your clit, making a harsh circle so your bodies both shuddered. "Too much," he said between clenched teeth. He released a breath as final spurts of his seed painted on the lips of your pussy. 
The strain on his chest eased. 
The Doctor swayed forward. His face lulled into a lazy grin, tucking itself within the crook of your neck. Carefully exhaling your last deep breath, you slid back so you were laying face up, looking at the ceiling as the Doctor remained curled atop you. He hummed with content, rubbing his hand over the soft skin of your pelvis. Your skirt was still flipped up; his pants were unbuttoned. 
Panting. The fluorescent lights seemed so homely in the aftershocks of this feeling. Left over in your core was the tingling of the orgasmic pain on your clit, now soft and bruised, but for good reason. 
"I really think there's something strange going on," you mentioned after a few minutes of calm silence. You softly scratched his scalp, combing through his soft hair while he purred at the feeling, reminding you of a cat. "This school seems off." 
"I'm tired," the Doctor said. "Work seems boring, now." 
"It's life or death," you pointed out. 
"Is it?"
"You're just fucked out, aren't you?" you pointed out again but with a laugh this time. 
"Yeah, you're probably right...probably." 
"I'm always right," you informed him. "The sooner you realize that, the easier your life will be." 
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Peace At Last
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A purely self-indulgent Ten x Reader fic because I just love Ten so much okay! (gif made by me)
Let me know what you think!
Read on ao3
Tagging some people I’ve recently followed who I think might like it: @denaliwrites @tatennant @doctor-donnaa @quite-right-too @theetherealbloom @my-lonely-angel @casasupernovas @kbishop @tennant @raining-stars-somewhere-else @davidtennan-t
Ten x Reader, she/her/hers pronouns, one use of Y/N
(Sorry if this causes pain especially since it’s the last episode with Fourteen and David Tennant as The Doctor today. Wishing everyone so much love and hope you can cope with the pain we will all be experiencing in 5 hours!)
They bumped into each other.
He wasn’t looking where he was going, just trying to focus on not collapsing in the street before he could make it back to the TARDIS, and she was coming out of a shop.
This was almost the end.
He could feel it.
He felt it when he saw Rose but he couldn’t let go.
Not yet.
He had one more stop.
He wanted to be near where she lived.
He just wanted to be near her.
One last time.
He didn’t want to wipe her memory but he had to.
It wasn’t like it was with Donna but he knew that one day she would die because of him and he didn’t want that.
He couldn’t bear the thought.
It had to be done so she could live and she never would have left of her own accord. She would never leave him willingly so what other choice did he have?
Especially after trying to change time and becoming The Time Lord Victorious. Look how that turned out.
Adelaide Brooke still died only it was his fault instead of it being an accident.
“Oh shit! Sorry! I should have been looking where I was going!” A voice said.
“No, it’s m-” He knew that voice. His luck really was great(!)
He must’ve paused for a beat too long because she spoke again. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”
That was her all over. Always worrying and caring about others (him especially).
“Yeah! I’m fine!” He replied, trying to sound nonchalant. “Just feeling a bit under-the-weather. Winter and all, you know?” His voice didn’t sound like him. It was nervous, slightly high-pitched, and shook a little. He hoped that she didn’t know that there was something wrong.
“I know. You might want to invest in some actual winter clothes though to keep you warm. Converse and winter are not the best combination,” she laughed, looking him up and down at his unusual (to her now anyway) attire.
He could’ve cried and hugged her at hearing the jibe she’s told him multiple times while travelling with him. Instead, he forced himself to laugh and smile at her.
“Yeah, I suppose I should. Maybe one day,” he replied, scratching the back of his neck. A habit that he had developed when he was nervous.
She would have noticed and usually tried to comfort him. But not now. The thought made his hearts ache.
“Sorry but do I know you?” She asked, staring at him with a slight frown. His hearts leapt into his throat. “You just seem so familiar. What’s your name?”
He quickly composed himself before replying with a classic phrase. “No, sorry, I don’t think you do. I guess I just have one of those faces. Name’s David. David Smith.”
She had told him to stop with the John Smith alias as “no-one believes that’s your name. I may as well call myself Jane Doe.” So he had changed it as soon as he wiped her mind. Just in case he ever saw her again and the name John Smith made her remember.
“David…” She trailed off, as if she was trying to place the name, still slightly frowning until the crease between her eyebrows eased. “I guess you do just face on of those faces. Sorry about that,” she finished, smiling sheepishly.
He mentally released a breath that he didn’t realise he was holding.
“No worries,” he replied, smiling to try to ease her embarrassment that he knew she was feeling.
She may not remember him but he still knew her like the back of every hand he’s ever had.
They stood there for a few moments, longer than two seemingly strangers should, just smiling at each other before she looked away, a light blush colouring her already flushed cheeks from the cold.
His hearts ached again and pain filled his entire being.
He would never get to see her blush from embarrassment due to looking at him for too long again.
“I should probably go before the snow gets worse,” she said.
He looked around and noticed that the snow had started to get heavier since they had been talking.
“Of course. Get home safe.” His voice cracked. Home should be in the TARDIS with him.
“You too. Before you go,” she said, putting a hand on his arm as he was turning the leave.
He could feel the pain of having to leave her almost bring him to his knees due to feeling her touch again. It had felt so long since he had felt that and he never wanted her to stop.
He would never feel her comforting touch or her hand in his again and he was starting to break
She was rummaging through her bag and took out a blue scarf. TARDIS blue.
“Here,” she said softly as she leaned up on her tip toes and wrapped it around his neck. “I don’t know why but I just bought this. It’s not really my thing and I don’t have anyone else to give it to but there was something in my mind that urged me to buy it. Maybe this was fate,” she chuckled. “There! Looks great!” She grinned, smoothing out the scarf and his breath caught as her fingers grazed the back of his head.
“Thank you, he responded quietly, tears filling his eyes “Truly. Thank you.” He took her hands in his and kissed the back of them.
“You’re very welcome,” she said, just as quietly as him, and blushed once more.
He let go of her hands and took a step back. He swore that he saw disappointment on her face at that.
He didn’t have time to dwell on it for too long as she had thrown her arms tightly around his waist and pressed her face into his chest, taking a deep breath of him in.
He wasn’t sure if his hearts had stopped completely or if they were beating so fast that he couldn’t feel them beating properly anymore.
He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head, taking in the familiar and comforting scent.
The hug ended as quickly as it had started but before he could feel too disappointed, she had placed her hands on his shoulders, almost wrapping her arms around his neck like the scarf was, and pressed her lips to his cheek.
She stepped back and smiled brightly at him
“Merry Christmas, Doctor,” she said as she walked away.
He was frozen.
Did she just-?
Could she-?
She couldn’t remember him.
Could she?
His brain was working faster than normal.
“Merry Christmas, Y/N,” he called after her before he knew was he was doing.
She briefly turned back and waved, that beautiful smile still on her lips, lighting up her whole face.
“Merry Christmas, my love,” he whispered, turning the corner as quickly as he could to find the TARDIS before him.
He could feel the old girl humming happily in his head and he smiled at her in return.
The image of his love didn’t leave his mind.
Not even as he noticed Ood Sigma.
Not even as he started to feel the pain of death returning.
Even when the Ood started singing to him and he felt himself burning, he could still see her.
Her smile bright and warm, helping him find peace.
At last.
~ A few streets away ~
“Huh. That was weird,” she said out loud.
Shrugging, she entered a café, still smiling and felt a warmth that travelled deep into her soul.
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doctorcrowleywho · 2 years
Midnight Dances (10th Doctor x Gn! Reader)
Midnight Dances (10th doctor x gn! reader)  
Word count -   1753  
Warnings - tons of fluff with angst sprinkled in
Pairing(s) - 10th doctor x Gn! Reader
Summary - You show The Doctor a few new moves
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Never travel alone. That was the one piece of advice The Doctor always seemed to get. But, no matter how hard he tried he always lost everyone. Some would call him a hero, others a villain. He would call himself a lost cause, a soul floating alone in the wide universe desperate for a friend. 
He never viewed his past companions in a negative light. For him, they sparkled like diamonds in the Gallifrey suns. Only to be tarnished by the sadness that seemed to wash over him if he sat and thought about them for too long. 
Especially Rose, always Rose. She was one of the special ones. The one that saw him for who he truly was and still choose to stay and even love him. Gods did he truly love her. She was everything to him, and that’s why it pained him so badly to say goodbye and that's why he’d never let something like that happen again. At least not if he could help it. 
The Doctor needed a break, he needed to go somewhere where he wasn’t a walking hazard to everyone around him. Where ever he went trouble always seemed to follow, and he wanted to desperately avoid that this time. He wanted to live up to his name this time around and actually do some good (at least good in his eyes).
So, he sent the Tardis to 14th-century England. The good old renaissance period! He wasn’t exactly sure what he was expecting when it came to showing up in this period. If anything he’d just walk around watching the humans as they were a little more native during this period, and maybe even eat one of those big turkey legs. He always wondered how humans were able to simply eat a turkeys leg that big. But, that's humans for you - always finding new ways to eat things. 
With a small hum, he parked the Tardis in a discreet corner and trudged around the town square. A tiny shadow of a smile began to tug at his lips as he let his eyes wander around the town. The hustle and bustle of it all warmed his heart. Slowly but surely he spun around trying to get the full effect of everything that was happening around him. 
Sudden music lit up the town as he walked deeper into the heart of the square and everyone seemed to happily join in on the fun. Respectfully he kept his distance from it all. He wanted to watch for now instead of interrupt things. However, that plan was practically destroyed when he saw you.
You were in the center of what looked like to be a dance circle. Spinning, dancing, and clapping to your heart's content. The Doctor felt both his hearts melt at the same time and knew he was truly in for it now.  
Without even realizing it he began to walk closer to the action, or if he was being truthful- closer to you. You were like the warmest bit of sunshine the universe had to offer, and he was freezing to death. The simple sight of you was enough to grip him by his wacky tie and pull him deep down for a wild ride he had no idea he signed up for. 
Whilst you were dancing you couldn’t help the smile that graced your features. You weren’t relatively sought after on any other normal day. Being the daughter of the village's flower seller didn’t come with any amazing dowry. However, when you danced during the festival heads turned. You secretly adored the attention, any person surely would. 
However, this night was different and you couldn’t put your finger quite on why. Until you saw him. The tall handsome stranger that seemed to only have eyes for you. He wore the strangest clothes you had ever seen. But, they seemed to fit him rather well. Your eyes mainly wanted to focus on his deep brown chocolate eyes and the messiest hair you’d ever seen. 
As he seemed to get closer and closer to you, you reached out your hand silently asking for a dance. The whole world seemed to stop as he slowly glanced down at your hand and then back up to your eyes. His right eyebrow rose up almost to ask if you truly meant it. To this, you nodded and noticed the sweetest gentle smile that rose to his lips upon seeing this. 
Even The Doctor, the oncoming storm, couldn’t deny nor fight the spark that rose within him when he finally took your hand in his. Excitedly, you practically dragged him into the center and let the music move your feet. Both of The Doctor’s heart’s raced against his chest as you lead him in a semi-traditional dance. His eyes were glued to your feet desperately trying to save you from the pain of him accidentally stepping on you. 
You, however, would not settle for this. Gently you stopped and took his chin in your fingers lifting his head up to meet yours again. With the warmest smile on your face you took one of his hands and guided it to your waist, and helped the other up with your hand. Lacing his fingers with yours, which seemed to make the entire universe halt to a standstill. 
“Ready?” He said taking the biggest breath his lungs could manage.
“Always,” you replied with an eager grin on your face.
“Well in that case,” he paused for dramatic effect (time lords were drama kings but you knew this already) “, ALLONS-Y!” He cheered along with the crowd.
This was when he truly let loose, showing you exactly what he was made of. Each giggle that escaped your lips only pushed him further as he skipped with you throughout the dance circle. Lifting you high into the air, you practically felt like you were flying. When he did bring you back to earth, you could feel yourself slowly fall in love. You two spun and twirled, and he even managed a few dips in there. 
“And here I thought you weren't a dancer!” You giggled as he spun you in a lift, that giggle being music to his ears. 
“Well, you know what they say…. You have dancing shoes with nimble shoes. I have a soul of lead.” he spoke fast trying to brush over the fact that what he said hit too close to home, and that he just ripped off a future playwright.
The evening seemed to fly by with the brightest colors. You and The Doctor were stuck to each other like paper and glue, and neither of you wanted to leave the other's sight. You showed him everything your small English town had to offer, and he even got to impress you by buying you whatever you wanted from the local vendors.  
“Wait so you’re saying you’ve never had a turkey leg?” You over dramatically gasped as you stared at him with wide eyes. In which he swore he could see stars.
“Yep!” he said popping the ‘p’ “What is that so hard to believe?” He raised an eyebrow trying to keep a serious expression. But, that was proven impossible by what happened next.
You shoved a turkey leg into his hands as you looked up expectantly. “Yes it is, try it!” You sassed not leaving him any room to question you. Well here went nothing. The things people (and timelords) did when falling in love right? Closing his eyes he bit into it, and surprisingly it wasn’t…the worst. In fact, it was far from it. “Oh my goodness this is brilliant! What legs will you humans think of eating next?” he chuckled shaking his head as he prepared himself for another bite.
There you stood utterly bewildered by the fact that this man in front of you could look at life with as much excitement and joy as you did. But, perhaps that’s because he called you lot humans instead something…..normal. Which, should have worried you more than it did. Maybe all you needed was a man from the stars to truly understand you, to whisk you away to far-off places, and help you never return again. But, that was just wishful thinking. 
As the night came to a close you couldn’t help but feel a bit sad at the fact that you might never see this handsome stranger ever again. But, perhaps that’s all you were ever meant to be. Just two passing ships in the night.  
You two walked aimlessly back to the center of town where it all began, and The Doctor paused for a brief moment. Thinking that what he was going to say next he might regret in the future, but he had to let his hearts try. At least one last time. 
“So, listen tonight was great…fantastic even and I was-”
“Doctor listen if you’re trying to let me down easy, just tell me I’m used to it by now.” you cut him off nervously and his eyes widened. 
“What no! I was wondering if you’d like to come back to my erm…box I’d love to show you something.” Once that sentence left his lips he inwardly cringed, that never EVER came out right. 
Your face scrunched up hearing this “Show me something….in your box?” you asked awkwardly. So, he was crazy. Leave it to you to fall in love with the crazy visitor. 
“It’s about as weird as it sounds, but trust me it’ll blow-oh just come with me.” he huffed taking your hand in his once more and tugging you towards his Tardis. 
Jokingly, you rolled your eyes finding it hard to keep up with him at times. “Well, Allons-y then.” you teased repeating him from earlier that night. 
Upon seeing the strange blue box your suspicions were only raised. At least he wasn’t lying about the box part. Your eyes flicked back and forth between The Doctor and the box. A soft grin lay on his face as he opened the door. 
“Please you first,” he said holding the door wide open for you. 
Sighing, you swallowed your courage and walked into The Doctor’s box not even slightly prepared for what you were about to see. 
Your eyes widened as you danced around the center console room trying to grasp what exactly was happening. 
What fell out of your lips was The Doctors absolute favorite part of gaining a new companion. “It’s bigger on the inside!” you gasped. 
The Doctor smiled.
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obsidianimagines · 9 months
All of Time and Space
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After a would-be alien invasion, The Doctor offers you the opportunity to travel with him in the TARDIS.
Ten × gn!reader
Warnings: None
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"This is supposed to be a spaceship?" With a raised eyebrow, you looked away from the blue box and back to the pinstripe suited man—The Doctor, he'd called himself—his hands shoved in the pockets of his trousers. "It's just an old Police Box."
"Well, looks can be deceiving, can't they?" The Doctor headed towards the box once again, taking your hand to bring you along.
He'd been doing that on and off for the last few hours, holding on tight as the two of you ran from the strange aliens that had apparently infiltrated your workplace. You helped The Doctor send them back to where they came from, only for him to give you an enticing offer.
"You and me. All of time and space. What do you say?"
Even after what you'd witnessed that day, seeing more than just your little corner of planet Earth still seemed far-fetched. But something in The Doctor's eyes told you that you could trust him with your life without knowing him for more than a single afternoon.
You shook the thought away just as the two of you reached the door, and he pushed it open for you, nodding his head towards the inside. "Go on then, give her a look."
Seeing the blue box made you start to rethink that a little bit. Sure, he'd stopped an alien invasion like it was something he dealt with every day, but what if he was just some madman? And even if the box really could travel through time and space, how could the two of you fit in the thing? The Doctor was quite slim, yes, but the idea of being in such close quarters with him...
Hesitantly, you let go of him as you stepped in.
Instead of a dark, cramped box, you found a warmly lit room. The walls were covered in a hexagonal pattern, and it had what looked like curvy support beams spaced around it. In the center of it all sat a console, litered with various knobs and buttons and screens.
And the sound...almost like the ship had a heartbeat.
You didn't even notice that The Doctor had already ran past you and to the console, tossing his trench coat onto the padded railing. He flipped a switch, watching as you took in your surroundings. There was something he enjoyed about seeing others be awestruck at the sight of his beloved TARDIS.
Unsurprisingly, the first thing you said was, "It's...it's bigger on the inside."
"It's called the TARDIS. Time and Relative Dimension in Space." The Doctor leaned on the edge of the console, his hands resting on either side of him as he looked at you expectantly. "Fancy a trip?"
You walked towards him, still looking at the room and wondering if you were dreaming. "You said 'all of time and space'..." Stopping in front of him, you smiled. "How could I not?"
The Doctor grinned and, in an instant, began pushing buttons and flipping even more switches. "The question is...past or future?"
"Future," you said without a thought. "Show me something amazing."
"Coming right up!" The Doctor stopped running around the console to pull a lever, and the TARDIS began to make a strange grinding noise. You found yourself glad for the railing as the ship's movements threw you around a bit. The Doctor seemed unfazed by that, continuing to pilot the ship.
Finally, the TARDIS came to a stop, and you were able to let go.
"Sorry about that," The Doctor said, already moving towards the exit. "Her navigation system can be a bit tricky."
"A warning might have been nice." You jogged to catch up to him, stopping in front of the doors.
The Doctor looked over at you with a smile, "Ready to see the future?"
When he opened the door, your first thought was that it was most definitely not Earth, evidenced by the twin suns in the sky. The buildings looked almost to be made of pure gold, all shining bright where the sun hit them. Dreaming felt like even more of a possibility at the sight of a place so beautiful. "Something amazing: check."
Before The Doctor could say that it wasn't where he meant to bring you, you grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the ship. "What are we waiting for? Let's look around!"
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"So..." you began, catching your breath as you slumped down in the chair that you had neglected to notice on your first flight a few hours earlier. The Doctor had just landed the TARDIS somewhere else, but you hadn't asked about that yet. "Do your trips usually end with trouble?"
He leaned against the railing, not quite as worn out as you were after all that running. It wasn't his first rodeo with killer robots. "More or less. Mostly more." He looked down at you with an eyebrow quirked. "Why? Have you changed your mind?"
"No way." You eagerly stood up next to him. "What's next?"
The Doctor didn't hesitate to return to the console and whisk you away again.
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Imagine feeling insecure but the Doctor is there to reassure you.
If someone had told you yesterday that you would be the lifesaver of an alien princess, you'd probably believe it. Maybe you'd be a little sceptical, "What are the odds of that happening?", but it definitely was on your Space-and-time-travel bingo.
And there you were, sitting at a long table in an even longer hall under an open sky, celebrating the saving of princess Axalari III. The whole ordeal had started with the Doctor promising to show you a shower of meteorites, except the meteorites turned out to be invading spaceships ready to wipe out an entire species. So you did what any reasonable person would do: throw yourself in the middle of the action. In hindsight, listening to the celebratory music and laughs, it seemed as if the calamity had happened so long ago you could hardly be sure it was ever real. The wraith of war did not leave a mark on the people of this world. Judging by their happiness and celebratory mood, it seemed as if peace had never left their hearts.
The princess was dancing with some commoners - a sight both hard to believe and entirely heartwarming. Once again, she was the star that shone the brightenest, the spotlight in which everyone wanted to stand even for a second. The Doctor and you had the privilege of being named "friends of the crown" but the fame that came with such honour disappeared rather quickly in the court of public opinion: somewhere after the first appetizer during the dinner, the aliens forgot all about the peacemakers. You still haven't made up your mind about whether it was a good thing or a bad one.
"I've always wanted to be like that," you broke the silence. That quiet confession of yours was barely audible over the celebrations but he heard you. He always did, for better or worse.
"...have tentacles growing out of your head?" he asked sheepishly. A grimace of confusion contorted his features. "Nah, you wouldn't look good with tentacles, sorry."
A dry chuckle left your lips. To some degree, you were in disbelief at the direction his thoughts took. "No, it's just... I've always wanted to be inimitable, you know?" you looked at him for a moment. His expression became serious but unreadable except for that. "For people to look at you and in a split second they realise they've never met someone like you and probably never will again. I mean, look at her! It's like she has this magical, one-in-a-million aura. She could be a princess even without the royal title."
The Doctor scrunched his nose and shook his head:
"You're not one in a million."
"Yeah, I know..." you answered quietly. A heavy sigh left your lips. How could you ever think that an immortal, time travelling alien would understand your mundane, egoistic problems? The sentiment probably seemed at best petty to him.
Longingly, you admired the princess dancing with her people. The flowy material of her dress shone as she twirled under the starlight. With that bright smile on her face and a tear in her eye, she couldn't be anything except happy.
"You're so much better than that."
Quickly, you looked back at him. The Doctor had a soft smile on his face like he was fondly thinking about something. There was something adoring yet intense in his eyes and you felt the need to nervously look away. He rarely got like that.
"You think so?" you asked him unconvinced.
"I know so."
You felt his hand tightly squeeze yours.
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at1nys-blog · 9 months
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.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ My own Valkyrja (15th Doctor)
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ more to come
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.➳ nothing yet
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writersblockedx · 2 years
All Consuming: Chapter One
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Chapter One: Instinct
Pairing - Tenth doctor x Fem!Reader Summary - Bumping into a rather strange man, Y/n is oblivious to the fact he's about to become her saviour Warnings - None I don't think! Lmk if there is Words - 1.7K
A/n - Hello! Happy Halloween! I hadn’t watched Doctor Who in ages, but in light of David Tennant’s return, I couldn’t help but go back and re-watch it. I had this idea for a little mini series and decided to write it so I hope you enjoy :)
➪ Next Chapter // MASTERLIST
She never would have joined him had she known who he was - no, what he was.
It had been a busy day in London. In fact, had Y/n been honest with herself she would have known it was a busy day for her every day. Her hours blurred together, which led to the days becoming a blur, and suddenly weeks were passing her in a haze. Her bleeding headaches seeped into her sense of her normality and with no one stepping in, she became ignorant to her own symptoms.
But while Y/n herself, the one who became prey to these curious feelings, was completely oblivious, it was in lands far away from her own which saw her like a blinking ambulance siren. This too, she was oblivious to. The busy streets, the ones she had blamed on her normality, played stage to those who hunted her. In Y/n's haze, she never caught sight of them. Maybe that was because she was never looking for them. That was until she ran right into one.
"Oh, God! I'm so sorry!" Y/n exclaimed, pulling away from the body she had just run into. It was then her eyes met the coffee-stained shirt; her coffee, his shirt. "I wasn't even looking. I'm so sorry again, I just-"
Her apology came to halt as she suddenly came to realise what the man was doing. In his hand, he held a blinking, beeping machine which he trailed over Y/n's body. He pulled it up and down, towards and from her before coming to the conclusion that it beeped much louder when it was closest to her heart. "Wow," He spoke to himself as if in utter disbelief. "Impossible but brilliant all the same."
And this time, her sorry came out in a question, "I'm sorry?" It was only then that his eyes snapped to her and a grin followed. A grin of which Y/n didn't understand.
"Just erm-" He stuttered slightly, shoving the small piece of tech into his blazer pocket before looking back once more. "Statistics." He flashed that grin again. "Marvellous things."
"Coffee." Y/n referred to the problem which still littered his shirt.
"Coffee?" The man in the suit reiterated. "I'd love some - if you're offering."
The girl chuckled before gesturing to the stain, "I mean your shirt."
His gaze followed her fingertip. Shrugging, he button his blaze which hid the stain just enough. "Oh, no bother. It'll come in out in one of them machines. What do you call them now?" The man took a moment, brows knitted and eyes facing the sky before, finally, it hit him. "Washing machines! I'm sure I can figure one of them out." And his grin returned.
He was a strange man, Y/n was sure of that. Maybe he was high, maybe he was drunk, or maybe he just had a dash of personality that you never seemed to come across in London anymore. Whatever it was, it just made him all the more alluring. Rather than excusing herself and rushing off to her next meeting, Y/n found her feet staying planted right where they were.
He huffed and it seemed as if only now was he taking his first breath of air. His hands shoved swiftly into his trouser pockets and his eyes wander to the girl in front of him. The very curious, seamlessly unknowing girl. "What?" She finally asked.
He scanned her pupils for any sign and came up with nothing. His head tilted and in his confusion, he let slip, "You don't know, do you?"
His assumption was proven correct when she replied, "I don't think I know what you're referring to."
She had absolutely no idea.
The man's gaze soon was drawn to something else. Something of which Y/n hadn't spotted. Something she would never spot. "That's not good." While the words he spoke were to himself, they were loud and clear to Y/n.
He was already gone, already walking away. By the time Y/n spun to try and catch him, she faced a crowd which blended together far too well. The mystery of that strange personality blended with it and she was left lonely in such a crowd. She could blame that interaction on a million things. She could blame his odd behaviour on a million more, but that wouldn't stop her from feeling a certain spark within her chest which told her this wasn't something she could forget. And God knows she didn't.
The memory of the strange man followed her everywhere. By the time she finally got to that meeting of hers (ten minutes late), she'd explored every possible reason for why he had run from her. But still, it just wasn't adding up.
Well, that was until only a few hours later when she was finally leaving work. Serval files tucked under her arm and her bag hanging from her other shoulder, she wandered the quieter streets of the city towards her bus stop. In fact, as she finally looked around her, she came to realise the street was completely empty. Empty as if even she shouldn't even be standing there.
It was then, within a blink of an eye, she turned and the street wasn't so empty anymore. But it was a whole lot creepier.
Standing a few meters from her, ever so still, was someone, something. Dressed in a Santa outfit with a matching mask which sufficiently hid a face. It was taunting her. Its lack of movement suggested that, no matter how fast she would turn and run, she was already dead. It was only when she turned that she understood. At the other end of the path, meters away stood another one. Stood completely still.
Survival instinct kicked in and she bolted. She slipped down an ally adjacent to the street and ran as fast as her legs would take her. Her breath soon swept into uneven pants, and her glances back soon showed the creatures were getting closer to her. Everything truly was a blur in that moment.
She kept glancing between the distance in front of her, and the distance behind her. She didn't know when or how she hadn't realised sooner, but that distance in front of her was suddenly cut short as the ally met its inevitable end. Which led her to an inevitable slow. She stood in the midst of two brick buildings and two creatures which she was left to believe wanted her dead.
They were getting closer and closer, their hard thudding steps stripping her from any hope which remained.
Until hope found her. A door on one of the brick buildings swung open and the strange man stuck out his head, "There you are!" She glanced between him, his hand which reached out to be taken, and the creatures. "Come on then!"
She shrugged and took his hand. "Don't have to tell me twice."
They slipped through the doorway, slamming it shut before weaving through what Y/n assumed was a closed shop. "Sorry I didn't find you first!" He yelled as his grip on her hand never left, only tightening.
"You found me before I was dead - that's good enough for me."
They came to the front of the shop, and opened the door, only to stop. There stood double the creatures behind masks. "Oh, looks like we've got a party." Said the man as Y/n searched for their next exit.
She pointed to the left, "Window!" As that door shut, they opened the window. Y/n went first, swinging two legs through the glass as the man support her. "We're not gonna die are we?" She questioned as he went next, slipping through without worry.
"No, not at all." He told her as they continued to rush through the quiet streets, intertwining their fingers once more as if it were a needed security. "Just pilot fish. Nothing to worry about."
"I know what they are." She glanced back, still seeing their figures in the distance which prompted her speed. "Are they ever going to stop chasing us?"
The man turned down another ally, "Course they are! Once we get away..." If we get away, Y/n thought, though she didn't voice such.
He slowed as they came towards a police box. Y/n wanted to question why he was slowing but then he opened the doors and, before she could say anything, she was pulled inside. "I really don't think that this is going to-"
She stopped herself as she turned. 3 Meters of nothing didn't stare back at her. She didn't find herself in a confined police box, but instead, she was inside a large control room of the sorts. At first, she might have convinced herself she was dreaming. But her beating heart told her this was real. This was real and it was right in front of her eyes. "Oh my God."
"Oh yes! Welcome to the TARDIS." The man finally said as he noted her reaction, walking towards the middle of the room. "It's bigger on the inside, isn't it? Pretty sure it has something to do with the paint colour."
Y/n found her eyes hitting each corner of the room, completely be-widdled by the space around her. "This is alien tech, isn't it?" She queried as her eyes found him again, eyes bubbling with wonder and curiosity that the man had found himself envious of.
He clicked a few buttons and switched a few others. "Very observant." He commented as he walked back towards her.
"You'd think this was the point where I got a name." Y/n raised a brow. Honestly, she wasn't sure what she was going to get in return. Though, she had a feeling that was just the norm when it came to the man in front of her.
"I'm the doctor." There was something in his eyes, something which left Y/n searching for more. "Oh and, by the way, you might want to hold on."
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star-writr · 1 year
Fever Dreams
Hello!! Just a short drabble while i work on my requests. enjoy!!
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Homunyxch wasn't an interesting planet. On any normal occasion, the Doctor would've just set his course for somewhere else without even stepping off the TARDIS. That time, however, had been the first time he had ended up there since beginning his travels with you, and you had insisted. Against all expectations, trouble had followed you and the Doctor on the rocky shores of Homunyxch, giving you another day of adventures. Once back on the spaceship, though, you'd started to feel quite sick.
Stranded on the seat next to the console, your hands gripping the leather in an attempt to focus only on tightening their grip rather than the headache which was slowly making the veins on your forehead bigger and your blood circulation faster, you could faintly hear the Doctor express his satisfaction with the most recent events. You would've loved to listen to him ramble, but you were covered in sweat and your legs were killing you.
"Doctor," you called, your voice a whisper, staring at the floor. It only took a few moments for the Time Lord to make his way over to the seat, kneeling down in front of you and cupping your cheeks. He was calling your name, you realized, but not in time for you to answer; your eyelids fluttered shut, and you lost your senses, precipitating into the Doctor's arms.
You woke up in what seemed like an ocean of blankets and pillows. Even under all that you felt like you were freezing. Your palms and forehead were sweaty, and yet you couldn't help but shiver.
"Doctor?" you called faintly from under the blankets. Soon enough, rapid footsteps approached the bed, and the Doctor's messy hair and worried look suddenly came into sight.
"I'm right here", he whispered, sitting next to you. His hand rested on your forehead for a couple of seconds, and the Time Lord furrowed his brow. He was clearly worried.
You were still very confused. "What's happening?" you asked.
The Doctor forced a light smile on his face to reassure you. "It's all right, sweetheart, it's only fever. You're going to be fine."
"Alien fever?"
"I'm afraid so," he muttered, "but nothing you can't handle. Do you feel like sitting up for me?"
Your body ached and you couldn't feel your fingers, but nonetheless you managed to get up. Now your back was resting against the pillows and you were holding onto the Doctor's sleeve. "You're doing very good", he remarked. "It probably feels exhausting, doesn't it?"
You nodded. Just sitting upright felt way more tiring than usual. The Doctor gently stroked your cheek. "I made you some broth. It should help warm you up." You noticed the fuming bowl on the nightstand.
"What kind of broth?" you questioned him, suspicious. The Doctor had the tendency to give you stuff to eat without explaining it was alien.
"Chicken. From Earth. I didn't even make it, I bought it. Right now we're parked in Rome, next to a pharmacy and across from a convenience store."
You smiled. "We're in Italy? Really?"
"When you get better we can have a look around," he replied, "but it's best if you recover first. Come on, eat up."
The Doctor handed you the bowl and in a few minutes you managed to gulp down every last drop of the broth. It was hot and warmed you up, just like the Doctor had said it would.
"There we go. Good, isn't it?" the Time Lord spoke, putting the bowl back on the nightstand. You nodded. The Doctor planted a kiss on your forehead. "Get back under the covers, you need to rest." You did as he told you, grateful for his company. He stroked your hair, gently and consistently, and you closed your eyes. Everything ached, but at least the Doctor was by your side.
The day went by in a haze. Once a while you could feel the Doctor putting a wet towel over your eyes, and fragments of his stories whispered from time to time. He also laid next to you throughout the night, and you tugged on his sleeve every time you came back to your senses for a few seconds, just to see if he was still there. He never left your side. If he had to, he would press his lips on your forehead and tell you he was going to "be back in a mo", but you didn't even notice his absence since he wouldn't spend more than a minute outside your room, doing whatever it was he needed to do.
Some time passed, and luckily your temperature got lower and lower. Slowly but surely, you even managed to get up from the bed and take a long, warm shower. The Doctor was so worried that he even suggested he went in with you, and even if you told him to piss off, you found it very sweet of him. "If you feel dizzy, scream really loud. Try not to slip, sweetheart. Also, I'll wash your clothes when you're done. Are you sure you don't want to eat first?" he rambled, but you told him off and had the most ordinary shower of your life. He almost hugged you when you got out, but your bare shoulders and death stare made him settle for a relieved smile in your direction.
You got your PJs back on and, soon enough, fell asleep once again. Even if you were recovering, that shower had exhausted you. The Doctor, having come inside the room to check in on you, smiled at your sleepy face and laid down next to you. Still asleep, your arms found their way over to his figure, your fingers clinging on to his clothes, and remained motionless. The only movement was your chests rising and falling, and the Time Lord's lips bending into a content grin.
When you woke up, an hour and a half later, the Doctor's hand was striking your head. Lazily, your eyelids lifted enough to let you see the Time Lord smiling at you.
"You alright?" he asked, in a murmur.
You nodded, then yawned, making him chuckle. "I wanna go to Rome," you pouted.
"You're not ready yet." The Doctor hugged you. "We don't want to make it worse, now, do we?"
"No..." you grumbled. The Doctor kissed your head. "Good", he said. "Are you hungry?"
"Not really."
"Okay. But I'm still going to make you something in a while. You can't recover on an empty stomach." His voice was low and made you want to spend forever with him, right there, laying together on a million pillows.
You pecked him on the lips, grabbing him by the collar. He didn't protest.
"Thank you," you whispered, breathlessly, still very close to his face. "For everything you do for me."
He grinned. "Anytime, sweetheart." You chuckled at his words, hiding your face in the crook of his neck.
This was his paradise, he thought.
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bloody-cupcakes · 3 months
i loved your platonic tenth doctor fic sm 💞 would you ever consider doing a pt.2? maybe with the reader sort of figuring out what’s up and trying to get back on their own
I would love to do a part two, I'm so happy to hear you liked it! (Part one is here for anyone who wants to read it first)
Platonic! yandere/dark! Tenth Doctor x teen reader; you discover he's purposely keeping you from leaving
Tw: yandere/dark content, gender neutral reader, the Doctor has possessive tendencies due to seeing the reader as his child, not technically kidnapping but the Doctor goes to great lengths to make sure the reader won't/can't leave so there's that
After your conversation with the Doctor about returning home to earth, you went to your room on the TARDIS and began packing. Part of you felt bad for possibly hurting his feelings (after all, you were currently his only companion, and while you didn't get the whole story you knew he had others before you that met less than ideal fates) but you couldn't just stay with him forever. You knew you had to go back home eventually.
The next day when you found him, he was fiddling with the control panel and humming cheerfully to himself. It was as if you'd never even spoken about leaving the day before.
"Um, Doctor?"
He looked up immediately when he heard your voice, a bright smile covering his face. "Ah, there you are! I was just waiting for you before I put the coordinates in for our next adventure. Are you ready to go?"
You made a visible face of confusion at his words. Next adventure? What was that supposed to mean?
"No, Doctor, I'm not. I already told you, I have to go home now."
His right eye twitched slightly with irritation as you mentioned that word again- "home". It wasn't fair that you kept talking about it as if your time with him didn't matter. I mean, he didn't even have a home to go back to, and he was perfectly fine. He learned how to become a well adjusted Time Lord after some time he assured himself while lying.
"Yeah, yeah. I know that." He waved his hand dismissively as if it was no big deal. "I just figured you'd want to go on one last trip before you had to leave. You know, just to cap off everything."
The exhaustion still in your body was screaming at you to say no, but he looked so hopeful as he stared at you with his big brown puppy dog eyes that you ended up saying yes despite yourself.
"You know what? Sure, why not. One last trip, to commemorate our time together."
The Doctor beamed with joy at your words, estatic that he was able to make you relent so quickly. "Great! Now, let's be off, then. Allonsy!"
It would just be one quick trip, you thought to yourself as the TARDIS started up, prepared to take you wherever you decided to go. It wouldn't take too long, and them he'd take you back home as soon as you were done.
So sure that you were right, you didn't even bother to keep track of the amount of time the two of you spent adventuring that day, which meant the Doctor was able to keep suggesting more and more things for you to do on your "last day" without any fuss. By the time you finally made it back to the TARDIS, you were exhausted, heading straight to bed without any more mentions of returning home for the time being.
The Time Lord was beside himself with delight as he realized his plan on keeping you too busy and tired to even think about leaving was beginning to work. He kept at it day after day, insisting that you just needed one more adventure to top it all off, just one extra trip. And because you didn't want to upset him by declining, you said yes to every single one.
This all came to a head the day he momentarily put his plan on pause due to the TARDIS needing repairs. It had been beeping nonstop at him for the past four days, and he'd finally had enough. He parked the TARDIS and told you to stay put, not that you had the energy to go anywhere.
While he was out for supplies, you finally got the chance to relax somewhat. Deciding to spoil yourself with this newfound free time, you took a long bath and put on your comfiest clothes before settling yourself in one of the several armchairs adorning the TARDIS library. You were just about to pick up something to read when the TARDIS started beeping again.
"I know you need repairs, he'll be back soon, don't worry," you tried to reassure it, but it simply ignored you and continued on.
Letting out a somewhat exasperated sigh, you set down your book and got up, making your way to the control room. "What seems to be the problem here?"
The TARDIS made a chirping sound as it brought up the coordinates that would take you back to the time and place of your home on earth.
You frowned in confusion, your brow furrowing as you studied the screen. The Doctor had been complaining about how it had been malfunctioning lately, so it's possible that what the screen was currently displaying could mean nothing.
In reality it had actually been scolding him for keeping you from your family on earth, but of course he ignored it, meaning it decided to take drastic measures in order to help get you back home.
"Yeah, that's my home. What about it?"
Something that sounded like a huff of annoyance came from the control panel. What its next few beeps meant you couldn't know for sure, but you were almost positive it had called you stupid.
"Hey, I'm doing my best here! I'm not a Time Lord, how would I know what you want?"
You could practically feel the way it was rolling its eyes at you before pulling up all the other places you'd been to recently. The log dated that they'd all been auto-saved on the same day, the day you told the Doctor you wanted to go back home.
A chill went down your spine as you realized he'd planned this out all ahead of time, knowing you'd be far too exhausted to argue if he kept taking you on one trip after another.
"Wait, why are you showing me this? What does this all mean?"
The TARDIS let out a few more beeps as it showed you the coordinates for earth again. It seemed to be trying to tell you something, but it was hard to know what it was exactly.
"Are you... are you trying to say that I should make my way back home, all by myself? Without the Doctor?"
The affirmative chattering of beeps and boops that came next told you the answer was yes. Now that you thought about it, the TARDIS seemed to be working perfectly fine, bringing you to the conclusion it had lied to the Doctor on purpose in order to help you.
"That's great and all, but I don't know how to manage these controls. I'd probably cause us to crash before we ever got there." You rolled your eyes at the noises it made in response. "Yes, I realize the Doctor crashes you all the time, and no, I don't want to take that risk. At least he knows how to fix you afterwards."
Your argument was cut short by a series of anxious beeps, the TARDIS frantically trying to warn you of the Doctor returning. You could hear him cursing from the outside as he tried to get in through the doors, the TARDIS having apparently locked him out.
"I can't fly you. I don't even know how to work all these buttons and knobs on your control panel." The sad and dejected boop it let out made you give it a look of sympathy. "I'm sorry, but I'll have to get home some other way."
The doors finally opened, the Doctor nearly falling over as he entered. "Ah, there you are! I was just about to look for you. We should be ready to leave for our next trip once I've fixed whatever's wrong with the controls."
The TARDIS made an offended noise at the implication that there was something wrong with it, which both you and the Doctor ignored.
"Actually, I was wondering when you were going to take me back home."
The grin on his face immediately dropped at you words. "Home? You want to go home now?"
You hesitated briefly, not exactly sure what to think after the recent discoveries you'd made involving him trying to keep you from leaving. Surely he wouldn't do anything to actually hurt you, but you decided to tread carefully regardless.
"Well, yeah. I miss my family, and I'm sure they must be missing me. And I can always come back to travel with you again, you know." You added the last bit in hopes of easing the apparent pain of him losing you.
"But I'm your family now," he insisted in an almost pleading manner, gesturing to the inside of the machine. "This is your home. I don't understand why you'd ever want to leave any of this."
The Doctor shot the control panel a dirty look when it made a noise that sounded like sarcastic muttering. "Besides, I can offer so much more than they can. Can they take you anywhere in time and space? I don't think so."
"I'm not your family, Doctor," you blurted out in a desperate attempt to get him to see reason. "I'm not. I'm not your kid, and this isn't my home. I need to get back to my real home with my real family."
He turned away from you, resting his hands on the control panel so he wouldn't fall over from shock. His hands gripped onto the side of it so tightly his knuckles turned white.
"Doctor...?" You questioned gently, starting to feel bad for what you'd said. "Are you alright?"
Shaking his head, he responded in a quiet voice. "No, I'm not." He sighed as he leaned over the controls. "You're right, I'm not your family."
You felt a tiny bit of hope bloom within you despite yourself, hope that maybe, just maybe he was starting to see reason.
"So, does this mean-" You began eagerly before he suddenly cut you off.
"But that doesn't mean I'm going to let you leave, just like that." He turned back towards you, his face hardened as he gave you a look of determination. "Maybe I'm not your family yet, but I will be. And this will be your home, whether you like it or not."
A shiver of fear went down your spine at his firm declaration, causing you to realize you'd made a severe judgment in error when you decided to tell him you weren't family. It was at this point that you were beginning to wish you'd listened to the TARDIS when it told you to run while you still had the chance.
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Wishing on the Stars
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Prompt - Y/N, the Princess of Vathea, has spent her whole life wishing on the stars, waiting for a life of adventure and excitement. The stars answer in the form of the Doctor.
Inspired by - this post by @cxnnorussy
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Zaliri was a beautiful planet full of the brightest greenery and beautiful sparkling stretches of water. For most children growing up on such a planet was exciting, there was never a dull moment, so many secret spots just waiting to be discovered, mountains to climb, hills to roll down, lakes to swim in and beaches to explore. There was always something happening, the many towns were always full of life, whether it be from stalls filled with beautiful things or the nicest of foods, celebrations thrown or fun days hosted. 
Most people couldn’t complain much about life on Zaliri, it was a good life. 
For you however it was anything but. For you as Princess of Vathea, the Kingdom that your father ruled, filled by many towns spreading all the way to the eastern border where the Kingdom of Thavis started, life wasn’t as good.
You hadn’t always lived a life so sheltered, one where instead of joining the festivities in the closest town, you had to watch from the windows of your bedroom, envying how the children danced and ran around together, hating how people hugged and laughed, sharing stories and food without a second thought.
It was all you wanted, to live a life away from the castle, one where you could laugh freely and explore the lands. 
But that wasn’t the life you led. Instead you were confined to the castle and its grounds, hardly allowed to leave and on the rare occasion you were granted permission to venture beyond the castle walls you were surrounded by guards and never allowed to stray from them. 
It hadn’t always been this way, you couldn’t remember much of your life before your mother died but you could remember her taking you outside, the Queen joining her people as they celebrated, you and the other children playing together as if you were no different from them.
It was only after her death that your father had sheltered you away, ignoring your cries and pleas to go back to the village. Your father was a fair ruler, the people liked him well enough though they had loved their Queen. It didn’t matter that the King didn’t come down to the villages and give his time to the people as his wife had once done, he kept them safe and they were happy.
You had grown used to your life, you might not have liked it, feeling as though you were wasting it, but you had accepted this was how things were. It wouldn’t matter for much longer anyway, soon a time would come when your father would let you go.
The day after your next birthday you were to be married and you would leave Vathea behind to live in whatever Kingdom your future husband would come into power of. You weren’t all too thrilled to be married to a complete stranger, you hadn’t liked it from the moment you’d found out your marriage would be decided for you but the thought of leaving the castle was enough to keep you from protesting too much.
Silently you mourned though, mourned a life that could have been, one of adventure and excitement, one of travelling to far off places and never having to be trapped again, being able to go wherever you wanted and fall in love with somebody who you truly wanted to marry.
You knew it was an impossible dream, even more ridiculous than the fairy tales you had read as a child and yet you still found yourself wishing and pleading to the stars that shone high above the castle, begging for them to save you, to show you the life you wanted.
Your wish was never answered though. Instead you watched from your window as carriage after carriage pulled up within days of each other, Princes and Kings coming to convince your father they were the best suited to create an alliance with, each leaving with dejected looks on their faces.
You couldn’t say you were too disappointed but as your birthday grew closer and closer you couldn’t help but worry your father would decline every suitor that pleaded their case. 
“I have met with Zaliri’s best and finest and I have yet to decide who you will marry.” Your father started that evening, his eyes narrowing as you slumped in your seat. “That is why a ball will be thrown, there you will meet the men I have picked out and you can choose whom you marry.”
You weren’t sure how to feel, of course the thought of marrying anybody you didn’t know was a wretched one but you feared that this was your one chance at freedom. Your father wasn’t concerned by your silence, focusing on his own meal and missing the way you pushed at your food with your fork, an action that if he had noticed would have had him lecturing you on the proper manners expected of a Princess and future bride.
The rest of the meal passed in silence, your thoughts on the upcoming ball with a feeling of dread.
“The ball will be hosted the day of your birthday and the wedding will be planned for the day after.” Your father told you before leaving the room and you sighed, heading up to your own bedroom to stare up at the stars, wishing for a miracle.
The castle was filled with life over the next few days, the workers were busy with the impromptu ball and as the day drew nearer royals from all over the planet starting arriving at your castle.
You did your best to avoid the men but unfortunately they were on a mission to win you over, finding you all over the castle no matter where you ran off to. It was exhausting and you found yourself debating whether a life with one of these dull men was worth it. 
Each one you encountered was more boring than the last, all of them were prim and proper, fussing over every little detail and seemed only capable of talking about themselves and their Kingdoms. You weren’t quite sure a single one of them had enquired about you yet, if they did ask questions they were about your father.
You sighed as you ducked out of the castle and out onto the grounds. There was plenty of room, though it didn’t feel that way when you were confined to them, but right now you were grateful for the chance to escape the madness inside, taking a breath of fresh air as you tried to avoid anyone else.
You had been walking for some time, lost in your own thoughts, before you were startled out of them by a body colliding with yours. You let out a yelp, waiting to feel the cold, hard ground, frowning when you felt a pair of arms around you instead, helping you back upright.
“Sorry about that!” The man before you said, a grin on his face as his arms fell back to his side. “You alright?”
Your eyes widened at the man, something about him was…odd. Different in a way you couldn’t quite put your finger on. He was so different to the other men in the castle, his brown coat that seemed so very unlike anything from Vathea, the way he smiled at you and addressed you so informally. 
“Miss?” The man prompted and you shook your head, unable to stop yourself from smiling back at him.
“My apologies, I’m quite ok, thank you.” You answered and watched as his smile widened even more, his eyes seeming to light up but you couldn’t say for sure why they would.
“Well I’ll let you carry on with your walk then, my lady.” He grinned, stepping out of your way and holding a hand out for you to walk past him.
You hesitated for a moment, every other suitor had taken up as much of your time as they could before you could politely slip away and this one was leaving you be, not even introducing himself or telling you how well off and important his Kingdom was. 
“Thank you, kind sir.” You laughed softly, stepping past the man, pausing to look back at him and shaking your head fondly as he waved at you.
You decided you quite liked the man.
That night the evening meal was a dreadfully boring affair, you had contemplated if you would be able to sneak out when your suitors continued to go on and on about why you should pick them. You looked around the long table, wondering where the man from the gardens had gotten off to, sighing as you realised you had never gotten his name to ask about him.
Hours passed before you were finally able to leave, forcing smiles and laughs as you excused yourself, nodding as you backed away from two men who refused to take a hint before simply turning and walking away from them.
On the way up to your room you suddenly stopped, the hallway was freezing and the lights were dimmed. A shiver went up your spine as you took a step back, unable to explain what it was exactly that had you so unsettled. You couldn’t get to your room any other way and contemplated taking one of the many guest rooms as you took another step back.
When your back collided with something hard you let out a small shout and turned around quickly, turning to see the man from earlier with his hands raised.
“It’s alright, it’s alright, it’s just me.” The man said softly, your chest raising and falling quickly as you struggled to catch your breath. “That’s it, you’re alright.”
“My apologies, I didn’t mean to-”
“No need for apologies, my lady.” The man said, smiling at you, even as his eyes shifted around the hallway, looking past you at something.
When you went to turn around he caught your hand in his, pulling a gasp from you as you turned your gaze back to him but he was still looking over your shoulder. It was only when you cleared your throat did his eyes meet yours and you watched as they widened, your hand falling from his.
“Sorry about that. Won’t you let me walk you to your room?” He asked and any other time you would have declined but something about the hallway scared you so you nodded, watching as the man lifted his arm for you to take.
You couldn’t help but smile as you wrapped your arm in his and let him lead the way down the hall, your gaze darting around the room like you were waiting for something to pop out but you made it through without anything happening and breathed a sigh of relief when you came to a stop at your door.
“There we are now,” The man grinned, “safe and sound.”
You couldn’t help but frown slightly as you looked back towards the direction you had come from, a feeling of dread still weighing on you.
“Did something feel…wrong to you?” You couldn’t help but ask, dragging your gaze back to him just in time to see his eyebrows knit together.
“Wrong?” He prodded and you shook your head, unable to put it into words. “Trust me, nothing’s going to harm you.”
Your frown deepened at that and you looked towards the man, curious about his words, curious about who he was and where he had come from but the man just smiled and took his arm from yours.
“I’ll let you get some sleep, Princess, busy days ahead and all.” He dismissed himself, turning back towards the hallway and leaving you staring at his back.
How improper. One never turned away from a Princess, especially not a suitor who was trying to win her favour and yet this man was so peculiar. You sighed softly and entered your room, shoulders losing some of their tension at the warmth.
It took a while for you to change from your dress and into your sleepwear, turning the main light off and leaving only the soft orange glow of the lamp to light the room, as well as the moonlight that shone through the window.
You walked past your bed and sat on the seat that rested against the window, looking out at the lit up gardens before your gaze lifted towards the stars. You thought back on the strange man, his words, a promise that nothing was going to harm you.
What had he meant? It was a strange thing to say to somebody but mixed with the uneasy feeling you had it made you suspect he knew something you didn’t. He seemed so unlike anybody here and yet you found yourself doing as he requested.
You found yourself trusting him.
So far he had been different but charming and he had been pleasant towards you, something you couldn’t say for anybody else. As much as you hated that your only options were marriage or confinement, you couldn’t help but think you wouldn’t have minded much marrying that man. He seemed anything but dull, he seemed like he was ready for something exciting and you wanted to join him.
The next two days passed without much happening, you didn’t feel that horrible, cold unease you had felt days before and almost wished for it when compared to how bored you were listening to the men drone on and on. 
By the time Sunday came, the day before the ball and two days before the wedding, you were just about ready to damn it all and run far, far away. You had noticed your strange man had been absent from all meals and you hadn’t bumped into him again, only catching passing glances at him, unable to stop the smile that pulled at your lips as he grinned and waved at you before running off to do whatever it was he did.
That night you couldn’t find sleep, instead you spent hours staring out of the window from your place in your bed. There was a feeling in the pit of your stomach, not unlike the one you had felt the other day in the hallway. You felt on edge, every little creak making you jump until you sighed and sat up, hesitating before climbing out of your bed and shrugging a coat on.
You slipped your feet into a pair of shoes and opened your door, holding your breath as you waited for something that never came. When you stepped out you couldn’t help but shiver, hesitating for a moment as you debated whether you should just go back to your room.
You shook your head and practically ran through the hallway, making your way out of the castle and avoiding the guards as you snuck outside. You let your feet lead the way, not paying too much attention to where you were going, not until you came upon a tree that towered over you. The tree was always in shades of reds and oranges, never green like every other trees, no matter the season it never lost its leaves or colour.
Underneath it was a gravestone, one that you hadn’t visited for a long time, one that hurt every time you so much as thought of it. Still you let yourself fall to your knees, brushing your fingers along the stone.
You didn’t say anything, what was there that could be said? Everything that would happen from tomorrow was as set in stone as your mother’s name was on the stone before you. Nothing could change it, no amount of wishes to the stars could change what your life was going to be like.
You couldn’t say for sure how long you sat there but a sudden cold breeze had you shivering, the air had been still and warm not a second earlier and you lifted your head to see a mist that had come from nowhere.
You felt your breathing start to quicken as you stood up, looking around the gardens and feeling cold to your bones. A noise form above had your head snapping up and your eyes widened at the figure that watched you.
It was hard to make out exactly what it was, the sky dark behind it but you could see the wings, black and red giant things that flapped ominously as the thing stared at you with cold, unblinking eyes. 
Your heart raced, beating so loud you were afraid it would beat right out of your chest. You couldn’t move either, frozen as still as a statute, only able to stare at the beast in the sky. You gasped when a phantom pressure tightened around your neck and you felt yourself struggling to breath, pained gasps escaping you.
You closed your eyes, unable to fight back and knowing you were going to die. That was until a warm hand took yours, seeming to break whatever had been holding you in place and when your eyes snapped open you turned to see your mystery man.
“Run.” He commanded and pulled you along after him.
You wasted no time and followed after him, letting him drag you all the way back to the castle and only stopped when the two of you arrived at your doors.
“Come on now,” He said, opening your door and gesturing for you to step inside. “In you go, that’s it.”
You entered your room and he followed in after you, an act that if it had been any other suitor and any other time would have had you calling the guards but right now he was where you wanted him to be.
You couldn’t explain it but you felt the safest place for you right now was wherever this man was.
“What was that thing?” You asked, hurrying over to your window and staring out at the night sky, not seeing anything there but the moon and stars.
“A creature I haven’t seen for a very long time.” The man said and you turned to look at him with wide eyes.
“You know of such beasts?” You exclaimed, moving over to the man. “Just who are you? You’re unlike any man I’ve ever met before.”
“Thank you.” He grinned before seeming to remember the beast and sighed. “Right now I’m the man who’s going to come up with a plan to save your life.”
“Save my life? What in the stars are you talking about?” You asked, feeling more confused and frightened than you had ever felt in your life. 
“That creature out there, it’s a Lonix. It’s a very old and very dangerous creature and for some reason it’s locked onto you.” He said causing you to frown, the man might as well have been speaking another language for how much of it you understood. 
“You’re mad.” You told him, watching as his face softened and he smiled sadly at you. “Completely and utterly mad, talking such nonsense.”
“I wish it was nonsense, Princess, believe me I do but right now you’re in a lot of danger and I don’t know how to stop it.” He told you, his words so brutally honest that you couldn’t even try and deny them any longer.
“Who are you?” You finally asked, eyes filling with tears that you struggled to keep at bay.
“I’m the Doctor and I’m going to help you.” He promised and you let out a sob, the Doctor pulling you into his arms and you let yourself cry into his chest.
“You said you don’t know how to stop it.” You finally managed to say, the words barely a whisper but you were close enough to the Doctor that he heard the words just fine.
“I don’t.” He told you, his voice matching yours. “But I’m going to stop it, that much I can promise you.”
You nodded into his chest before pulling away, rubbing at your eyes with the sleeve of your coat, taking a seat on the bed and looking towards the Doctor.
“You said it,” you said, shaking your head in disbelief before trying again. “You said this thing, this Lonix had locked onto me. What does that mean?”
“The Lonix is a creature that keeps itself alive by feeding off others but it can only do that by making deals.” The Doctor started, coming to take a seat next to you on the end of the bed as he continued. “It promises something and takes a life, then it comes back years later and takes another life.”
“I have never made such a deal.” You told him, looking at him and hoping he knew you were being honest.
The Doctor easily saw how scared you were and he took your hand in his, stroking the back of your hand with his thumb softly.
“I believe you but somebody did make a deal. What about your mum and dad? The deal could be years old, it could have been for anything.” The Doctor asked and you glanced away from him only for your head to snap up, wide eyes looking at him.
“You said the creature takes one life and then another years later.” You said, watching as the Doctor nodded. “My mother died when I was five years old. My father, he, he never told me how she died, only that she had passed in her sleep.”
“If they made a deal then the Lonix should be after your father, not you.” The Doctor murmured, more to himself than to you.
“Is it going to kill me too?” You asked once the silence became too much and the Doctor focused back on you again.
“No, listen to me, I am not going to let it get you, do you understand me? You’re going to be just fine.” He promised and you took a shaky breath before nodding, forcing yourself to believe his words because what other choice did you have. “I’m going to fix this, I promise.”
The Doctor left that night despite your protests and somehow you managed to get some sleep, though your dreams were filled with monstrous beings and the Doctor not being quick enough. 
It was strange waking up the next morning, knowing danger was close by and yet having to go about your morning as if nothing had changed. You spent most of the day preparing for the ball later that evening, no chance to see the Doctor as you were pulled this way and that, into one gown and then another. 
You wanted to see him though. He was the only suitor that you wanted to see, you hoped he was able to figure out how to deal with this Lonix, hoped that afterwards it could be him you married. 
Your thoughts stayed on the Doctor all day. Such a peculiar man, you were still not certain which Kingdom he came from and what a strange name, the Doctor, he had offered no more, nothing other than the Doctor. 
Last night had changed something in you, not just seeing that terrifying beast but the way the Doctor held you in his arms, the way he held your hand and promised you everything would be ok. Marrying the Doctor didn’t seem like such a chore the way it did when you thought about marrying any of the other men who thought they had a chance. Marrying the Doctor seemed like a lifetime of excitement and you had a feeling he wouldn’t keep you locked away from it but instead he’d introduce you to a world you could only dream of.
It seemed as though the stars, after all those years of wishing on them, had finally heard you and decided to answer your pleas in the form of the Doctor.
You walked into the ballroom after all the guests had arrived, standing at the top of the stairs and immediately scanned the busy room for the Doctor. Every other time you had tried to find him he had seemed to disappear but tonight he was here, gone was his brown coat and bizarre shoes and in their place was a black suit, a white shirt and black tie along with a shiny pair of black shoes. 
Your eyes stayed locked to his, a smile spreading across your face as he grinned at you, standing off to the side as you walked down the stairs. 
Immediately you were surrounded by suitors but you only had one person in mind. You pushed your way through the crowd, ignoring the shocked and offended gasps, coming to stand before the Doctor who’s smile softened as he looked at you.
“You look beautiful, Princess.” He murmured and you laughed softly, a blush coming to your cheeks.
“Thank you. You look rather handsome yourself, Doctor.” The Doctor opened his mouth to say something but the sound of music coming from the band interrupted him, the men around you talking over themselves as they tried to be the first to dance with you.
“May I?” The Doctor asked and you grinned at him, slipping your hand into his, the two of you laughing as the others complained amongst themselves.
You and the Doctor joined the dance floor, his hand going to your waist and yours resting on his shoulder as your other hands entwined with each other and the Doctor took the lead.
“Doctor, I hate to ruin such a moment but I must know-” You began but the Doctor cut you off.
“The Lonix. There’s a way to stop it.” The Doctor told you, still moving the two of you to the beat of the music, dancing together like you’d been doing it your whole lives. “The only way to stop it is to trap it. If it doesn’t kill you by the time the day ends then it dies.”
“How do we trap it?” You asked, staring at the Doctor with a mix of hope and fear in your eyes and the Doctor squeezed your hand softly.
“It’ll be easier if you’re with me. It’s you it wants, it’s you it’ll follow.” The Doctor told you and you took a deep shuddering breath. “You can stay here though, if you’d like, I can find another way to trap it. This thing is pure evil, feeding off people’s weakest moments and destroying them, I’d understand if you didn’t come.”
“I’m helping you.” You told him, trying to be firm even as your voice shook. “This creature, this monster killed my mother and it wants to kill me. No other family will suffer because of it.”
“I like you, Princess.” The Doctor murmured, a smile pulling at his lips and you chuckled softly.
“I like you too, Doctor. I can honestly say you’re the most exciting thing in my life.” You said and watched as he looked at you in disbelief.
“Come on now, you’re a Princess on a planet that’s full of exciting things.” You couldn’t help but laugh at his words, watching as his eyebrows knitted together.
“For most that’s true, for me though my father never lets me leave the castle. I haven’t left the castle grounds more than a handful of times since my mother died.” You told him softly, unsure why you trusted him to tell him things you’d never told anybody. “I wished for so long for something to change, for a life of adventure and excitement, one where I could explore and never be stuck in one place ever again. I’m just not sure the universe wants me to have that sort of life.”
“Oh I don’t believe that.” The Doctor grinned. “I think we were meant to find each other, Princess.”
You blushed at his words, looking towards where your hands were still tangled together before forcing your gaze back to him.
“I think I’d rather like that.” You murmured, both you and the Doctor pressing closer to each other, your eyes shifting from his down to his lips.
Before either of you could move there was a loud screeching sound and the whole castle seemed to shake. People around you started to scream, all looking around as they tried to figure out what was happening but your gaze stayed locked on the Doctor’s.
“Allons-y.” He grinned at you and before you had time to question the strange word he was pulling you along with him, his hand still tangled with yours.
He led you out into the grounds and didn’t stop running until the creature was in view. There was a determined look on his face as he suddenly stopped, the creature roaring and flying down towards you.
“Doctor.” You called, voice shaking as you gripped his hand tightly in yours. “Doctor, what are you doing?”
He turned to face you, pulling your gaze away from the Lonix as he cupped your cheeks in his hands, forcing you to look at him.
“Do you trust me?” He asked seriously and you didn’t even hesitate, it should have been a silly question, you’d only known the man for a few days and yet they had been the most memorable days of your whole life.
“Yes.” You answered honestly, without the slightest bit of doubt and the Doctor smiled at you.
“Good. Now remember what I said, I’m not going to let anything happen to you.” The Doctor promised and you nodded, putting your life in his hands.
Your breath caught in your throat as the creature flew towards you, your hand still holding the Doctor’s like it was your lifeline. The creature roared as it started its descent towards you and you held your breath, eyes scrunching shut as you waited for something to happen.
When nothing did happen you opened them and gasped at the creature in front of you, it was even bigger from up close. The Lonix thrashed against an invisible barrier, trying to break free but it was no use. 
“Told you I wouldn’t let anything happen to you.” The Doctor said, drawing your attention back to him and you turned towards him with a deep breath.
“That’s it? It can’t hurt me?” You asked, wincing as it shrieked in its cage.
“Nope, it can’t hurt anyone ever again.” The Doctor told you and you couldn’t stop yourself from throwing your arms around him, pulling him into a hug and letting a few tears of relief slid down your face.
“Thank you, Doctor.” You whispered into his chest as his arms came around you, holding you close to him and resting his head on top of yours.
“You’re most welcome, Princess.” The Doctor held you until you pulled away, his hands coming up to cup your cheeks again, wiping the few tears that had fallen. “You should probably get back to your party, wouldn’t want anybody to come looking and find this.”
“That would be difficult to explain.” You laughed softly. “Won’t you join me?”
The Doctor hesitated, looking over his shoulder before turning back to you.
“Of course, Princess.” The Doctor agreed softly, taking your hand back in his and leading you back to the ball which seemed to have continued, forgetting all about the events from before.
The Doctor let you pull him back out onto the dance floor, the two of you talking softly over the music, blocking out all the other suitors who desperately tried to pull you away from the Doctor but most had realised it was no use.
The night went on, you and the Doctor alternating between dancing and sitting alone at a table with drinks in your hand, the alcohol slowly working and making you feel tipsy and you let yourself lean into the Doctor, the Doctor not complaining in the slightest as he pulled you closer.
It wasn’t until a member of the staff finally broke through your bubble that you realised it wasn’t just you and the Doctor in the room. The woman nervously interrupted the two of you and told you your father wanted to see you. 
You excused yourself from the Doctor, letting the woman lead you to where your father stood frowning at you.
“Is everything ok, father?” You asked and watched him shake his head.
“Who is that man you’ve spent the entire evening with?” He demanded to know and this time it was your turn to frown. “He is no King or Prince!”
“What are you talking-” You began to say, looking over your shoulder to see the Doctor was nowhere to be seen. “Excuse me, father.” 
You ignore his protests, walking away from him and leaving the ballroom, making your way out of the castle, hoping the Doctor was just going to check on the creature considering it was past midnight. 
You saw him off in the distance, the creature nowhere to be seen and the Doctor looking as if he were leaving. That wouldn’t do at all, you had chosen him, he was the one you wanted. At first it had been a marriage of convenience but now you were glad of it. 
You liked the Doctor, you felt like you could spend forever with him. 
You followed him down, frowning as you tried to figure out where he was going when you watched him unlock a small blue box before he pushed the door open and went inside. You ran down the hill to catch up with him, most confused about what he was doing.
When you finally got to the box your frown deepened, what in the stars was he doing in there?
“Doctor?” You called, waiting a moment before touching the box, just as you did the door opened and you took a step back as the Doctor stepped out. “What are you doing?”
“Oh well, um, I just had things to check on.” The Doctor stammered and you looked at him as though he had grown another head.
“In a box?” You laughed in disbelief and the Doctor looked between you and the box. “The box doesn’t matter. Doctor, I just spoke with my father and he says he doesn’t know you, that you’re not one of my suitors? How can that be? You were invited here were you not? None of those other Kings or Princes stood a chance once I met you, it’s your bride I wish to be, not theirs.”
“Oh Princess.” The Doctor sighed, looking at you with warmth in his eyes. “I’m not a King, I’m not a Prince.”
“Then who are you? Why are you here if not for me?” You questioned, confused and a little bit devastated that it wasn’t him you could choose.
“Believe me, the only reason I’m here is for you. I’m sorry, I didn’t, I was more focused on the Lonix than those men in there.” The Doctor told you sadly.
“Who are you, Doctor?” You asked because you had always known he was different but you couldn’t begin to know how.
“I’m a Time Lord. This box is the TARDIS, it travels anywhere in time and space.” The Doctor told you, watching as your eyes widened and you shook your head in disbelief. “It’s true, look.”
The Doctor clicked his fingers and the door to the TARDIS flew open, your eyes followed the moment before looking back to the Doctor who gestured for you to enter. You hesitated before doing as he instructed, gasping as you walked in.
“It’s bigger on the inside!” You laughed, walking up to the console and running your fingers along it. “Doctor, it’s amazing!”
“I can take you somewhere, if you’d like.” The Doctor offered and you froze, staring at him with some much hope that it made him smile. “Anywhere you like, any time you like.”
“You mean it?” You whispered, taking a step towards him and the Doctor nodded, taking your hand in his as he spoke.
“I can show you the life you wished for, I can show you the stars you wished on.” He promised and how could you possibly say no to that. 
You didn’t hesitate to agree, unable to stop yourself from hugging him again, blinking away the tears in your eyes as you realised you were finally leaving the castle grounds and you didn’t have to marry a man you didn’t love to explore the universe.
“One trip to the stars, Princess.” The Doctor grinned and you couldn’t help but laugh as he moved around the console, flicking switches and pulling leavers as he went.
The stars were beautiful, you happily listened to the Doctor tell you all about them, getting lost in both the stars and the Time Lord for hours. The one promised trip turned into two, the Doctor insisting you had to see the festival of lights on Luiria which really were the most beautiful sight, the Doctor would have agreed but he’d spent more time watching you than the lights and that was a far better sight. After that he couldn’t let you leave until you’d visited Oaphus and then of course there was Vaetis.
“Hey Doctor?” You said to him one night as the two of you wandered the streets of Noavis after watching a play, the Doctor’s hand in yours, his thumb brushing softly against the back of your hand every once in a while.
“Yeah?” He answered, tilting his head to look at you with a smile, you’d never been able to stop yourself smiling back at the man.
“How long can I stay with you?” You asked him, watching his smile widen as he pulled his hand from yours to drape his arm over your shoulders to pull you closer.
“For as long as you want.” He murmured and you lifted your head to look up at him.
“Forever?” You asked and the Doctor laughed, a laugh full of happiness as his eyes crinkled with how wide he smiled at you.
“Forever sounds perfect, Princess.” He told you, pressing a kiss to your hair and you couldn’t help but agree.
Forever did sound perfect.
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10th Doctor Taglist (Click the link in my bio to add yourself!) - 
@ajordan2020, @nyx2021, @etanordoesbullsh1t, @book-fic-reader, @buckystrash, @queen-who, @cinderellacauseshebroke, @black-rose-29, @kodiakwhiskey, @alexxavicry, @instabull, @rosesinmars, @freeshavocadoooo, @audrie-bryant, @leothesquishy, @yeehawbrothers
Thank you so much for reading!🤎
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doctorwhocreations · 2 years
You tolerate it.
A/N: hello!! Well it certainly has been a while since I have created any form of fan fic like this! However me and my bestie @whodoyoudo just exploded with idea’s one day and together we have co-written this piece! So please do enjoy! ✨
Warnings: mentions of heart failure, angst! Lots of angst, feeling unwanted, mentions of near death?? I guess? (I think that’s all! I do hope, I am uploading this at 23:48 with very tired eyes so please correct me if I should add more warnings) happy ending, fluffy end 💕
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I was sitting underneath the control room of the TARDIS. Knees tucked into the chest, hands completely covering my face as I cry into them. Hiding away in the tiniest nook I could find (and get myself into) of this somewhat secret little compartment of the room.
I knew I couldn't hide forever, like a child avoiding a sibling or parent after an argument. It felt like he hadn't even noticed my absence, I immediately got up once the Doctor retreated to his room. My mind was swimming with thoughts as I packed my bags. "He doesn't care. He is going to ask you to leave, so leave before he has the chance."
My heart hurt in my chest, why did I have to care? Why did I have to fall in love with him? I was an idiot, clearly he would never feel the same.
I knew we still hadn't taken off yet, we were parked not far from Cardiff (the Doctor always seemed to like it there). So I walked out the TARDIS doors and didn't look back… well at least that was the plan, until I heard footsteps and my name being called
in the distance.
"Y/N!!!" A familiar voice echoed.
I kept my back turned. I didn't want him to see me cry, so I wiped my eyes quickly. But the tears just kept coming out.
Words I couldn’t form, only stifled silent cries. So quiet the Doctor didn’t even notice.
What he did notice when he finally entered the room though was all of the bags I had packed to take with me the very first day he asked me to become his companion. (I always hated being called that though, because I always saw him as so much more than just his companion.) Snapping out of his flashback the Doctor asked in a very serious voice, his eyes laid on me.
“What’re you doing?” Raising an eyebrow as all I could do was face away from him, while continuing to now frantically pack. He continued with the questions, “Do you want to leave? Is that why you’re packing?” The Doctor now asks in a more upset manor. Building up some form of courage I finally respond back, “Well.. I can just tell.. you don’t want me to be here anymore” Looking over my shoulder ever so slightly only to look at the Doctor’s converse shoes, the glossy eyes and tears evident on my face as I continue, “Because…why would you?”
Those words cut through the Doctor like a knife. His eyebrows knitting together in complete confusion, he responds “Why wouldn’t I want you to be here?”
I build up enough courage now to finally get my words out. I now fully turn to face him and say “Isn’t it obvious? You never look at me, we haven't had a proper conversation for days! Even when we’re on adventures together, lately it’s like being with a tour guide rather than with-” I paused as I hated to say the word but I say it anyway “...with a companion. You can’t even bare to touch my hand."
My face began to blush, I smiled sadly, "Like I remember how your hand would brush over mine when you taught me how to use the control panel. But now.."
I sighed, "But now you avoid me like you’re allergic to me.. So I thought I best just go, it saved me giving an explanation, since it was, and still is too painful. So I saved you the time, so you wouldn't need to ask me to leave, I got the message crystal clear.”
His eyes now locked with mine, my heart sank. To see him standing there with so much confusion in his eyes like he doesn’t even know But I know he does. I know he just doesn’t like me anymore and he is too polite to admit I’ve overstayed my welcome.
He just stands there and says “What!?” He shakes his head slightly, baffled by what I had just told him. Though I thought it was the reality of what was happening.
The Doctor walks a little closer to me, but not very much.
“I just..can’t believe you would even think that I don’t want to look at you!” He was clearly deflecting having to finally explain his true feelings and the truth. Getting very irritated by him in my mind denying the obvious I loudly erupt with “Oh Doctor just admit it, will you!!” Tears now streaming from my eyes, a snotty tearful and emotional mess standing before him. It was so frustrating that I had to spell it out to him, the so-called ever so intelligent Doctor, he knows everything about everything. Except THIS. “You’re so much older and wiser and I…” I look down as if to be ashamed of myself, for even thinking that he would even like me back, let alone LOVE.. The same way I love him.
“I’m always taking up too much space or time.. So I’ll just go.” I tell him in a stern tone. I frantically continue to pack my things, wiping my nose with my sleeve as I do.
“It's okay, I'd rather know where I stand, then have you keep putting up with me. I know you’ve just been tolerating me.” I say crying a little harder than I wanted too whilst saying that. This is exactly why I wanted to sneak off without confronting the Doctor, I knew I'd be a weepy mess.
The Doctor just stayed frozen still. Tears now forming in his eyes, I am slightly taken back, I had never seen the Doctor like this before. He gently touches my arm to pull me to face him, as things now get heated up with emotion. I look up at him now with the tears still streaming, “You’re wrong. So.. SO wrong. I couldn't bring myself to tell you the truth. About how you can spend the rest of your life with me, but I can’t spend the rest of mine with you. That’s the curse of the Time Lords, Y/N.”
I look at him baffled. “What do you mean, Doctor?”
“You grow old Y/N, you wither and you die! Imagine seeing that happen to someone you…” He paused. Bringing himself to say the words he so desperately tried to suppress.
My heart throbbed, “What Doctor?”
"...Someone you love. Someone I love! I wasn’t looking away from you or avoiding you because I didn't want you around anymore. It's quite the opposite." He ruffled his hair, I had never seen him so open and honest before, I noticed his face turn a rosey shade of pink, "I have been suppressing my feelings for you, failing to stop them from becoming any deeper because I can’t bare to see you hurt because of me.. I can't stand the thought of watching the woman I love wither and perish.”
The Doctor now in floods of tears, he didn’t even expect to be telling you all this. But it had to come out, for he couldn't stand by and watch you leave with those very same bags, of things you brought along on a day with so much happiness. Now reminding the Doctor of that hurt look on your face that has been burnt into his memory.
I stare as one final tear falls down my cheek and crash lands on the tip of the Doctor’s converse. I am speechless, I drop my packed bag and fling my arms round him, holding him close, we stand embraced in silence for a little while.
"I love you too, Doctor." I finally confess, he squeezes me a little tighter.
We finally wiped our tears and sit at the end of the bed together. He placed his hand in mine, the other gently caressing my cheek. "So are you going to stay?"
My heart sings with joy and I can't help but find myself kissing his lips.
I smile playfully, "Does that answer your question, Doctor?"
The Doctor winks at me and with a smirk answers “Yeah, I suppose it does.”Only seconds after the moment of pure bliss shared between me and the doctor, my heart begins to race. A sensation I have never experienced before.
I stop, frozen in the one spot as the sensation continues. The Doctor is in a sudden panic. “Y/N what is it?? What’s wrong!? What’s going on!?”
"Something doesn't feel right, my heart beats.." The Doctor placed my head between his hands and looked me in the eyes. "It's okay, just take deep breaths."
He walked away to grab a stethoscope, he placed it on my chest, he was suddenly very quiet. “Doctor, what is it? You scare me when you go quiet.”
He looks at me with a face I have never seen before. A look of fear that he has never expressed to me. “Well…y-you’re.. You’re going into cardiac arrest."
"WHAT?! Doctor! You're scaring me! Am I dying??" My eyes begin to cloud with tears. "No well.. maybe.."
He rushed over to the control panel and to check the monitor, "Just scanning your antibodies now for any anomalies."
As the scan was completed, "No that can't be possible." The Doctor quickly runs his hands through his hair. Unable to take in what he is seeing on the monitor screen. Images flashed through my mind, I felt slightly out of breath. Sparks began to shoot into the air from my body and a gold mist floated from my mouth. The Doctor quickly kissed me, as the energy surged through my body, it suddenly died down and my heart beat returned back to normal. I felt slightly weak and fell into the Doctor's arms.
"Y/N! Stay with me, are you okay?"
I was in a slight daze, "What.. What just happened?"
The Doctor sits me up not letting go of me until he knows I am fully capable of supporting my body. When he does he gets up and rushes back over to the monitor and begins to unbeknownst to me run a plethora of tests and scans on my body that thankfully the TARDIS can undertake in less than a minute. The Doctor smiled towards the console, "She’s great isn’t she, old girl!”
He turned to me, “I’m just running a few scans and tests, you okay? How’re you feeling?”
I gently rub the side of my head and wait a minute as I slowly regain my vision after it became blurry.
“I-I think I’m alright actually, what’re you running scans and tests for exactly?” I look up at the Doctor with a slightly scrunched up, confused expression. The TARDIS monitor then makes a ding noise. “Ahh! Here we go!” The Doctor quickly exclaimed before he began quickly reading out what it says. His smile drops as a blank yet serious expression crosses his face, he gets out his sonic screwdriver and slowly begins to circle round to scan me.
“Doctor?! Please tell me what is going on!? What just happened to me?!” I half shout out of frustration and fear. Watching as he scans me all over with that bloody annoying screwdriver! The noise only heightens my anxiety.
“Well…” He begins as he holds up the sonic screwdriver to his eye level. “It appears you have just experienced..Something I can’t quite believe to be real. As it is impossible.”
I folded my arms, “Are you quite done yet?”
“Oh sorry,” He lowered his sonic screwdriver and put it back in his jacket, “Your body cells have rejuvenated from spending so much time (he winks at you because of the pun) in the TARDIS.. So basically that means, somehow you’ve become part Galifreyan.”My mouth hung open, “I.. I.. I what?? I didn’t know that was a thing.”
“Neither did I until now.” The Doctor broke into a grin and picked me up into his arms, “You really are something!” At the sudden swiftness of the Doctor lifting me up, spinning me around once into my arms it was as if all my fears and worries just evaporated. I smile and hold onto him like I’d never let go. “So now that I’m part Galifreyan does this mean I can regenerate?” Thinking about it for a split second I quickly answered myself with “Ah yes but only if necessary it would seem.” The doctor cheekily smirks as he places you back on your two feet. “It looks like you get twice as smart too” ;) I playfully shake my head at his remark with a matching cheeky grin.
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starfirette · 2 years
tenth doctor | nsfw alphabet
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❄️someone requested a regeneration fic where the doctor is always really horny after a regeneration and I'm working on it! It's become really long! I hope that it turns out good ❤️ Merry Christmas and Happy Winter Holidays!!!
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
A needy, giddy man in need of a good meal! You two wrap up in bed and snack. He's got his arms around you in someway!
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
The Doctor is extremely self aware. He knows he's hit the regeneration lottery with this face. His favorite bit is the hair.
On you, absolutely your pussy ☺️I got nothing else to say. He of course admires all of your body. He loves to hold your hand. He loves to cuddle. But the chokehold your cunt has on him is impossibly strong and he'd do anything to touch it, to lick it, to just feel it tight around his cock....yeah
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically)
Inside. Of. You. INSIDE OF YOU!!!
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Not sure if he has secrets. More like dirty war stories
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He's got tons of it. 900 years of experience under his belt, he's got the ability and patience to make you scream and cum until you wish you never would again.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
He's controlling and sometimes sadistic. He's more of a dom. Whether you want a daddy or a master, you can decide but he'll be on board with either.
Of course he'd never really want to hurt you, but he gets kinky and caught up in the moment. His dark side can easily jump out. He could tie you up, pin you down, have you in your knees, and he'd be happy. But on the more heartfelt note, when he really loves you he could be so easily on his knees for you, worshipping your pussy and sucking on your clit with moans of his own.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Totally. He's always got a witty one liner up his sleeve!
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
I kinda doubt it. I see 9 as the guy who trims and 11 as the guy who shaves. 10 probably just does enough to keep neat, for your sake.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
It depends on how close you two are. Upon being in total love with you, he'd become very intimate, and he'd quickly go from fucking to love making!
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Probably not often, unless he's given a real reason. Being with you gives a real reason. Watching you prance around the Tardis, seeing the fun outfits you put on for trips in time. He'll totally find the excuse to rub one out. He's an absolute vision when he jerks off. He's got his head tilted back and his plush mouth opened up to let his little gasps and moans out. He jerks himself hard and rough, edging himself over and over while he thinks about you: your ass in those bell bottom jeans, your breasts in the corset you wore when you took the visit to 1700s France. But also your smile when you see grand waterfalls or a cascade of shine meting meteors.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Edging! Making you beg to finally cum makes him feel so proud. He feels so pleased with himself when you grovel and plead, clawing at his chest and hair. He's also, as I mentioned earlier, a massive dom. Being in control is his forte. He'd feel awkward otherwise. I think he can sometimes let you take control but like I said he'll feel awkward the entire time!
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
ON👏THE👏CONSOLE. Literally every Doctor would feel this way! But also perhaps in his room or your room just so you two can play hard with toys and other things
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Sometimes he gets really really horny. Like after a regeneration (ANON IM LOOKING AT YOU 🥹🥹🥹) But also watching you glide into the console room with a bright smile makes his heart swell and his cock go hard. Whether you're dressed as a Gibson Girl or in pajamas with hair tied up in a towel, he seriously feels the desire to grab you by the hair and fuck your cunt until it gushes 😭
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Probably something obviously gross. I can't see him being turned off to more degrading or intense kinks. I think he'd find pleasure in impact play or something similar, but consent obvi comes first.
He'd be capable of using context clues before pitching ideas. If he thinks you'd be into it, then he'd find it easier to suggest it. He knows you, after all, and he can gauge your preferences if you haven't shared them already.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
It depends on the mood he's in. If he was more upset or frustrated, he'd have no qualms in fucking your mouth.
But he also finds pleasure in locking you up and slowly licking your pussy. Pushing his tongue through your puffy folds and kissing your clit is one of the ways the Doctor likes to unwind or even reward you.
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Fast and rough for sure! But I think that the Doctor gets in a romantic mood where he just wants to slowly please you
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
All the time! In countless worlds, eras, places, etc. He likes the thrill!
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He's absolutely willing! He doesn't find it necessary and he'd probably be happy with you no matter what! However if you were willing to get risky, he'd be absolutely excited!
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
A LONNNNG time! You probably have to call it quits by the end of the night.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Oh hell yeah he does! He uses them on you, predominantly, but he'd be willing to experiment on himself!
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Total tease! Especially if you're being subjected to a punishment!
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Vocal. He is talkative. He cannot shut up. He seriously likes to hear himself talk.
He'll grunt and groan and growl, and especially he'll moan out praises for you. You're his very special girl. He takes the extra time for you to know this.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Has had experiences with men, and generally other alien beings. Pansexual king
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He's thick, probably average five or six inches, just due to his height, but probably not bigger than that.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
HIGH! It makes it so difficult to love you. He can't keep his hands off you. He's always fondeling your breasts or sneaking his hands down your pants.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Does the Doctor even sleep? He probably does once in a blue moon. I think he'd rather watch you sleep. He likes that you're so normal. He likes that you sleep with your limbs sprawled out, mouth open, snoring the night away. He looks at you and observes the sexiest creature in the universe.
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