apod · 1 year
2023 June 17
Planet Earth at Night II Video Credit: NASA, Gateway to Astronaut Photography, ISS Expedition 53; Music: The Low Seas (The 126ers)
Explanation: Recorded during 2017, timelapse sequences from the International Space Station are compiled in this serene video of planet Earth at Night. Fans of low Earth orbit can start by enjoying the view as green and red aurora borealis slather up the sky. The night scene tracks from northwest to southeast across North America, toward the Gulf of Mexico and the Florida coast. A second sequence follows European city lights, crosses the Mediterranean Sea, and passes over a bright Nile river in northern Africa. Seen from the orbital outpost, erratic flashes of lightning appear in thunder storms below and stars rise above the planet's curved horizon through a faint atmospheric airglow. Of course, from home you can always check out the vital signs of Planet Earth Now.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap230617.html
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911gossipgirl · 5 months
Len and Gg were inspired to 126 by copying the 118. The new Len has been inspired to The Firehouse by copying the 126. Its just amusing. The new Len’s name begins with an S and he sure has made our lives interesting with the amount of out of context screenshots he has dropped. It doesn’t matter that he had no idea who or what he was talking about. So desperate has he been to run a fandom server when he’s just 3 months into the fandom that he came in like a wrecking ball and went smashing people’s hopes, dreams and reputations. He also repeatedly claimed to be beta reading for Len and then claimed to be writing for him. Meanwhile we have screenshots where GG admits to writing for Len. We like this little snake Mr. S. He slithers his way into stories to claim whatever he can.
One of the rules of the new server was shared with us is as follows -
“No screenshots may be taken of the server and posted in other locations without explicit permission from all individuals involved. While keeping receipts helps keep us all honest, everything posted here should be kept here in order to help retain everyone's rights to internet privacy and to allow for a safe and comfortable environment when expressing one's self and our opinions.”
Ah, the hypocrites. The mods chose screenshots, some of them edited to shelter the mods admitting to knowing about GG’s catfishing, some edited to hide names to protect themselves and plastered it all over the server as they opened a free for all and invited their members to come bash GG and Len. Imagine our surprise when a lot of folk who were friendly with the bestie duo rushed right in to bash them.
While busy protecting themselves and wanting to give the 126ers a new “home” to feel safe in, Mr. S had no qualms about screenshots he dropped where he painted a target on some of this fandoms old victims, 1 of which we’re told double G was quite enamored by and desperately wanted him back in her server. Now he’s the one we wish had been given space on the little bash-a-thon cause we’d love to hear his side of things. Out of all the sides, Bythia’s came across as the most authentic and we wished she had brought her two friends who she refused to name in with her.
There’s also the curious case of the missing little mod. He just disappeared. As the only one not to be invited into the new home they’ve made nor given space to share his story, we wonder if he was the only one who refused to go with the lies they’ve spread, or if he has been kept out because he’s in GG’s pocket. The latter doesn’t make much sense considering at least 1 mod is still GG’s friend and trying to help her continue her creepy little ways.
We gossip girls would love to have a chat with an author named B and a former mod named D. Reach out to us if you need a ear, we have several.
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alifibalife · 8 hours
the low seas by the 126ers
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vagminemusic · 2 months
Heads Up - The 126er || Vagmine - No Copyright Song
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marcuslash · 1 year
Planet Earth at Night II
Crédito do vídeo: NASA , Gateway to Astronaut Photography , ISS Expedition 53 ; Música: The Low Seas (The 126ers)
Explicação: Gravado em 2017, as sequências de lapso de tempo da Estação Espacial Internacional são compiladas neste vídeo sereno do planeta Terra à noite . Os fãs da órbita baixa da Terra podem começar apreciando a vista da aurora boreal verde e vermelha que cobre o céu . A cena noturna segue de noroeste a sudeste pela América do Norte, em direção ao Golfo do México e à costa da Flórida. Uma segunda sequência segue as luzes das cidades europeias, atravessa o Mar Mediterrâneo e passa por um brilhante rio Nilo no norte da África. Visto do posto orbital avançado, flashes erráticos de relâmpagos aparecem em tempestades abaixo e as estrelas se erguem acima do horizonte curvo do planeta através de um leve brilho atmosférico . Claro, de casa você sempre pode conferir o sinais vitais do Planeta Terra Agora.
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現代中國家庭暑假 2021 故事板。
SONGThe Bluest Star
ARTISTThe 126ers
ALBUMThe Bluest Star
LICENSESGet YouTube PremiumMusic
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artespana · 4 years
Water Lily from 126ers together with some beautiful illustrations and paintings by Czech master Alphonse Mucha. More beautiful illustrations here...
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cocorozasi · 6 years
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【 Relax 】Window sky – Jun 09 2017
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pragmatic-optimist · 2 years
“I definitely wanted something that felt like a contained emergency, something that had some scope to it, something where I could bring the entire team of the 126ers to respond to something," he tells EW. "And I wanted a happy ending. Last year the season ended with everybody about to be separated with the 126 burned to the ground, and this year I wanted a happy ending.” 
--Tim Minear via TVGuide about the 911 LS Season 3 finale 
Sorry, Tim. Say that one more time, I can’t hear you over the WEDDING BELLS. 🔔👀🎉🙌🏾
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ali-and-macy · 3 years
Shoutout to you, Artie!
You're fantastic and we appreciate you! We wrote you this little tune inspired by @thatsthat24's ShoutoutSunday's! We hope you enjoy it!
#ThankYouTSFArtie #ThankYouTSFriends
Lyrics: Artie, you're awesome And everyone knows it Dripping in confidence You work it, you own it
(Song: Jupiters Smile - The 126ers)
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apod · 3 years
2021 April 23
Flying Over the Earth at Night II Video Credit: NASA, Gateway to Astronaut Photography, ISS Expedition 53; Music: The Low Seas (The 126ers)
Explanation: Recorded during 2017, timelapse sequences from the International Space Station are compiled in this serene video of planet Earth at Night. Fans of low Earth orbit can start by enjoying the view as green and red aurora borealis slather up the sky. The night scene tracks from northwest to southeast across North America, toward the Gulf of Mexico and the Florida coast. A second sequence follows European city lights, crosses the Mediterranean Sea, and passes over a bright Nile river in northern Africa. Seen from the orbital outpost, erratic flashes of lightning appear in thunder storms below and stars rise above the planet's curved horizon through a faint atmospheric airglow. Of course, from home you can always check out the vital signs of Planet Earth Now.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap210423.html
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enyarwen · 4 years
Full Moon in the month of Virgo ...a space of time for serenity, wisdom, self-control ... Virgo opens the door to the incrediblly beautiful world of Fall ♥ La Pleine Lune  dans le mois de la Vierge ... un espace de temps pour la sérénité, la sagesse, la maîtrise de soi ... La Vierge ouvre la porte au monde incroyablement beau de l'Automne ♥ Music by The 126ers
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alifibalife · 10 days
the low seas by the 126ers moment
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yeyshonan · 3 years
Podcast in English 20210526
Podcast in English 20210526
It’s been 6 months since I last posted podcast here. I’m a funeral business consultant, a researcher of Reform of Death and I prepare the End of Life Journey.  I’m your host Yuusuke Wada, funeral business podcaster of Japan and you’re listening to the BGM called “The Bluest Star” by the artist “The 126er” from the YouTube Audio Library. Today is May 26 and it’s the birthday of the lovely lady,…
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csvkru · 4 years
Top CSGO Skins Of The Week [15] #CSGO
AWP | Chromatic Aberration
Desert Eagle | Steel Claws
USP-S | Crimson Crystline
MP7 | Ex Machina
P250| Neon lines
USP-S | Exodus
M4A4 | Lion Back
Nova | Gator
M4A1-S | Exodus 
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Music :
The 126ers - Stars Align
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musicpad · 4 years
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See You On The Other Side - The 126ers (copyright free music)
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