#12th And Sac Films
12thandsacfilms · 11 months
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Can’t wait to fill theater seats when THE LAWNDALE BOYS is released!
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jcrmhscasereports · 2 years
COMPLETE PENOSCROTAL TRANSPOSITION WITH MULTIPLE CONGENITAL MALFORMATIONS by Jafari B. Lutavi in Journal of Clinical Case Reports Medical Images and Health Sciences  
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Penoscrotal transposition (PST) is an extremely rare congenital anomaly of the external genitalia, characterized by malposition of the penis in relation to the scrotum. PST can be either complete or incomplete according to the positional exchanges between the penis and scrotum and both forms of PST are generally linked with hypospadias. Incomplete transposition is the common form of this entity and the penis lies in the middle of the scrotum, but complete transposition, the scrotum almost entirely covers the penis, which emerges from the perineum. Both forms are most often associated with a wide variety of other anomalies. We describe a case of a newborn with complete PST, with other associated malformations.
Penoscrotal transposition (PST) is a rare anomaly of the external genitalia, characterized by malposition of the penis in relation to the scrotum1,2,3. PST can be defined as either complete or incomplete according to the positional exchanges between the penis and scrotum and both forms of PST are generally linked with hypospadias. Incomplete transposition is the common form of this entity and the penis lies in the middle of the scrotum, but in complete transposition, the scrotum almost entirely covers the penis, which emerges from the perineum1. PST was first reported by Appleby in 1923. Patients with PST often have accompanying urological abnormalities, such as chordee, hypospadias, and vesicoureteric reflux4.
The etiology and embryological sequence abnormalities that occur in PST is still unclear. The genital tubercle and the labioscrotal swellings are the embryological origins of the penis and scrotum, respectively. During normal embryonic development, in the 9th–11th week, the scrotal swellings migrate infero-medially and fuse in the midline caudal to the genital tubercle that forms the penis by the 12th week of gestation. This is usually achieved under the influence of androgens and poor response or absence of androgens results in abnormal migration  of the scrotal swellings3. Somoza et al suggested that an abnormal positioning of the genital tubercle at the 6th gestation week (GA) concerning the scrotal swellings or a defective gubernaculum leads to PST2.
Complete penoscrotal transposition (CPST) is frequently characterized by major and often life-threatening anomalies involving the urogenital, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and skeletal systems2. Common genital anomalies include hypospadias and chordee, and 100% of cases have a renal defect.
A gravida 5, para 1, living 1 with 3 abortions woman aged 27 years was referred from Mwananyamara Referral Regional Hospital and admitted to Obstetrics and Gynecology department at Muhimbili National Hospital- Mloganzila. She has a referral diagnosis of antepartum hemorrhage and severe oligohydramnious at GA of 30 weeks 2 days. She had three previous pregnancy loses: 1st and 2nd loses both at 12 weeks GA with 6 months between the loses; her 3rd loss was 2 years after she had a term healthy baby by normal delivery.
She had no histories of phenotypic genetic abnormalities in their families, illicit drug use, cigarette or alcohol consumption, no chemical, radiation exposure, or any chronic illness. She is married, and is a university graduate, working as a transportation officer. She attended antenatal clinic (ANC) five times and all her laboratory work-up such as blood count indices, blood grouping, urinalysis, stool examination, and microscopy, and fasting blood sugar were normal. She was HIV negative and blood film for malaria parasites came back negative. Record of the ultrasound scan taken at 6th -week gestation indicates early multiple pregnancy (two gestational sacs seen) and the next scan performed at 27th weeks GA show a normal single fetus with no anomaly. She was given iron and folic acid supplements, received Tetanus Toxoid vaccine twice, sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) tables twice as part of intermittent preventive therapy for malaria and she was dewormed using Mebendazole. With her history of pregnancy loss and complaints of abdominal cramps, she had been kept on bed rest at home from 16th week of gestation as recommended by her obstetrician at Mwananyamala Hospital.
After she was brought to our hospital she had active vagina bleeding. A bed side ultrasound revealed placenta previa grade 3 and she was planned for emergency hysterotomy. She delivered a male baby, 1750 gm, who did not initiate spontaneous breathing after birth. The baby was initially resuscitated with a bag and mask before intubation at age 5 minutes. He was assigned an Apgar score of 3, 1, 4 at 1st, 5th and 10th minute respectively. On examination, baby had severe pallor, occipital-frontal circumference – 29cm, communicating anterior and posterior fontanelle, low set ears, short neck, wide-spaced nipples, undescended testes (empty scrotum), inverted genitals (CPST) with hypospadias (Figure 1), rectal atresia, prominent heel, and bilateral talipes equinovarus.
Figure 1: (a) shows a horizontal view of complete penoscrotal transposition and (b) shows an oblique view of complete penoscrotal transposition.
Penoscrotal transposition (PST) is a congenital urogenital anomaly described first in 1923 by Appleby. The embryological sequence responsible for this malformation remains unclear; however, it has been suggested that an abnormal positioning of the genital tubercle in relation to the scrotal swellings during the critical fourth to the fifth week of gestation could affect the migration of the scrotal swellings2. In this case report, there is a complete exchange of position with the scrotum located superior to the penis, which is inferior to scrotum. (Figures 1(a) and 1(b)). Also, there presents a spiral and hypoplastic penis crooked toward the anal position. Ayamba et al reported the same findings whereby noticed complete transposition of the external genitalia with cryptorchidism, hypoplastic penis from the perineum just above the blind anal position, and caudal to the scrotum3. Somoza et al also noted at birth a newborn has a complete transposition of the external genitalia, a 3.5-cm-long, hypospadic, and hypoplasic penis arose from the perineum, just above the anus and beneath a normal scrotum1–3,5.
CPST is often characterized by major associated malformations. Our baby had also other multiple physical abnormalities such as short neck, low set ears and talipes equinovarus. Unfortunately, due to our limited resources, we could not complete imaging of internal organs. Previous reports of CPST have also noted presence of other malformation with 100% occurrence of renal anomalies. For example, Parida et al had noted major renal anomalies in the form of agenesis, horseshoe kidney, ectopic and dysplastic kidney, obstructive uropathy, and hydronephrosis. Other systemic abnormalities are mental retardation, anorectal malformations, central nervous system, skeletal and cardiological defects5.  In our case, we did not perform imaging to detect renal anomalies, but literature suggests most likely there were there. The detection of CPST should warrant careful clinical evaluation to rule out other anomalies.
Although some reported a family history and genetic basis for the incidence of PST6, we did not find any evidence of positive family history of phenotypic abnormalities. When associated with severe hypospadias, penoscrotal transposition necessitates a staged surgical repair for physiological and psychological reasons.
Our newborn required advanced resuscitation at birth, likely due to hypoxia in utero as a result of significant blood loss (placenta previa grade 3). This is supported by the findings that baby was very pale at birth. However, we cannot rule out the possibility of other anomalies such as fatal cardiac anomalies which are incompatible with life1,5.
The newborn was transferred to the neonatal intensive care unit for further treatment and passed on after 4 hours. No any radiological or laboratory investigation were completed within this time.
Strengthening of antenatal care services in a primary health facility is a key for positive outcome of pregnancy. This is by early detection of abnormal development of fetus in utero by early ultrasound
Referring hospitals in low-income settings should be strengthened with well knowledgeable personnel (radiographers) and modern equipment. As we have notice in this case even a placenta praevia was detected after being received in a tertiary hospital despite the woman being scanned in late 2nd
There is a need of strengthening neonatal ICU by ensuring bedside radiological equipment’s is available also other ICU equipment’s are enough. As we have seen no any radiological investigation done to the baby due to the fact that the baby was in critical condition but based on critical care knowledge and experience this could possible by bedside equipment.
Learning culture must be strengthened in our institute; if we had good learning culture radiological investigations would have been done to the dead baby for learning purpose to detect if there is any other internal congenital anomaly and other cause of death to this newborn
Am so thankful for the services I receive from all hospitals and I declare to have no any experience of having an abnormal baby in my family and even my husband’s family. This is my first time to give birth a newborn with congenital malformation and i wondered the way it was not even discovered early during the antenatal period. Also, I promise to attend the clinic early for the next pregnancy and follow all instructions that i will be given by health care providers for the sake of the good health of herself and next baby.  Am so happy about this publication because it will help other doctors to identify the condition and treat it accordingly also for those who are in learning schools will learn more about this condition.
Competing interests: None.
Patient consent: Obtained
For more information: https://jmedcasereportsimages.org/about-us/
For more submission : https://jmedcasereportsimages.org/
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animemakeblog · 3 years
“Koukaku Kidoutai: SAC_2045 - Jizoku Kanou Sensou” For Movie and Trailer
The project's official website posted a trailer for Koukaku Kidoutai: SAC 2045, a compilation film. The film, which was co-produced by Production I.G and Sola Digital Arts, will be released in Japan on November 12th.
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72-81/100 days of Productivity
3rd-12th February
Man, school started and I’ve been genuinely busy for quite a while.
Over the course of the last 10 days, I have:
Finished a whole chapter’s worth of review questions for Chemistry
Filled in 2 tables (extensively detailed might I add) for character studies in English for Hitchcock’s film Rear Window
Wrote 2 practice creative tasks for English (basically fan fiction) for Rear Window
Watched Corpse Bride, 8/10, slightly cliche, but like, the film was from over a decade ago so it probably wasn’t cliche at the time. Beautiful character designs and animations.
Read one novel
Practiced Cello 2 or 3 times
Went through, SO many maths questions. Like, I think a fifth of my exercise book is already filled in from just the past 2 week’s worth of stuff
Wrote 1 practice essay for Japanese (I have a SAC in two weeks (゚Д゚)
Did a bunch of history stuff, read through quite a bit of the textbook
Did one History coursework on the Sugar Act in 1764
Happy Lunar New Years~~
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Oh also, Victoria went back into lockdown.
Why am I not surprised?
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hhhhhzsskksz · 5 years
Eridan leaves the door open. It’s oddly comforting, the stretch of light from the hallway like an outstretched hand, a tether connecting you to the troll who saved your life.
The walls of the room are rounded by legume-sack chairs. You’re disconcerted to find that they lack the familiar lumpiness and poking of a sack stuffed with legumes. When you touch one, it gives way under your hand like a sponge, enveloping the tips of your fingers in yielding gelatinous material. You withdraw your hand like you had been been bit.
One wall is made of hard green cartilage like the surface of a telegrub. There’s a shelf stacked with movie discs, and even with a conspicuous lack of mode to play them, you pore through the titles. For a while, you sit on the soft floor, a distance away from the unfamiliar not-legume sacks, surrounded by a rising barricade of CD-disc containers.
Seeing as they’re Eridan’s, it comes as no surprise to you that the movies are mostly a mixture of romcoms and dramatic historical war dramas. You set the latter aside with delicate disinterest and start constructing a stack of Reesee Wither filmography, fondly reading over the blurbs of familiar films and excitedly examining the covers of more obscure ones.
Even with the faces of glamorous Alternian moviestars to keep you company, after a while boredom begins to itch under your skin.
Realizing nervously that you had no hope of remembering the order of the discs on the shelf, you opt for your own system. You place the romcoms neatly along the top shelf, and the war dramas which you had half-interestedly scanned along the bottom.
You’re left standing alone in the recreation block. It’s immaculate, like off the cover of a blueblood magazine. The air is still, and the only sound and movement is your breathing, disturbing the sort of glossy purgatory that surrounds you.
Each breath is heavy in your breath-sacs, like something thick struggling down a straw.
Perching at the entrance of the still-open door, you look left and right, and step into the hallway.
You recognize the posters on the left, leading you towards the entrance block and the shining ablution. The thought of it makes you feel sick.
There must be something about space, you think, that makes your immune system flounder.
Of course, Eridan seems fine. Great, even.
You see your reflection in the light reflecting off one of the posters. You look unreal, the distortion of the glass smoothing your image into an off-color ersatz of itself. You lift your hand to your cheek, but the reflection wavers and breaks before you feel skin.
The hallway seems to go on forever, with unmarked doors shut tight. You’re fascinated, in a morbid way, by the prospect that every door has an accompanying block; this isn’t a ship of war, that’s clear, and you haven’t the slightest idea how a residential ship fills so much space. You wonder if they’re just empty, put there to confuse visitors, and the thought doesn’t register as being unlike a cruel game a highblood would play.
The door to the block full of movie-discs is behind you. You had closed it when you had left, and if you step back it blends into the rest of the hall, just another identical and unknown door.
There’s a nervous tic to the beat of your bloodpusher, and the thought of returning to that newly familiar and empty block makes you dig your stubby claws into your palm.
In a moment of compounded bravery, boredom and idiocy, you decide to explore.
You don’t see any other trolls, thank the fucking empress. In the back of your thinkpan, you wonder how this ship is maintained. As far as you’re aware, it’s just you and Eridan. And the helmsman, you suppose, but a battery doesn’t really count.
At that thought, a bit of bile stings your throat at the unspoken rule that you don’t really count either.
You keep the poster by the movie-block emblazoned in the forefront of your mind as you move slowly, cautiously down the hallway. Your surroundings are almost hostile in their hospitality, like the sweet smell luring small flybeasts into the pitcher of a carnivorous plant.
The temperature is comfortable, a far cry from the alternating stifling heat and frigid gusts around your former hive. Not having to steel yourself against the temperature leaves you feeling unfamiliarly comfortable, like how you imagine Gamzee feels when he eats sopor.
Wary of an easy situation, the ship somehow leaves you both on edge and with a feeling of having let your guard dangerously down.
You pause, and faintly, just barely on the edge of your hearing, there’s voices. Too quiet for you to make out the words, but one has a sort of accent that sounds familiar.
Your bare walkpads dart down the hallway and you pause again, listening, and- yes!, it’s Eridan’s voice, he hadn’t gone far at all.
You don’t stop to examine why finding him makes you so happy. He’s your morail, you guess. Of course you’d want to see him.
You creep towards the voice; your walkpads barely touch the ground, like when someone in your hivestem got culled by a drone when you were 4 and you spent the next few pedigrees walking on eggshells, too scared to garner any attention.
You almost trip on air when you come close enough to hear words. There’s your name, in a voice that’s not Eridan’s.
Her voice is calm and deep and you know, despite having having heard it only once or twice, who it is. Kanaya.
Kanaya, smart, lovely Kanaya. You adore her, and the sound of her voice makes you want to bolt in the other direction.
You had been so caught up in the amazement of being alive that you hadn’t considered how, or whether, you were going to contact your friends. It was as if on Ascension Day, as you and Eridan left your pupahood planet and breached the galaxy, the world outside of Eridan and you had ceased to exist, or was separated, like a shadow of a memory.
Kanaya was talking about you. Does she know? you think frantically, hand gripping your wrist as if hiding your veins would make them disappear, make you not have to confront this.
Eridan had made it so easy, you think darkly. He showed up, and he knew; there was no fighting it.
Kanaya laughs, and even through a wall and hallway it’s the clearest you’ve ever heard her voice. It’s the clearest you’ve heard her voice and you have to walk away, but she said your name, and this isn’t a conversation you’re supposed to hear-
You don’t feel bad about eavesdropping, really, but you’re almost certain that Eridan would have differing feelings on the manner, and that and the sheer terror of confronting Kanaya in your too-thin sleep-clothes with Eridan’s sign like a collar on your chest lead you down the hallway and back towards the room previous: reluctantly, at first, but the courage of exploration is brief and your fear of Eridan’s wrath is strong and so the last few steps towards the remembered poster are in a run.
You try to open the door. It doesn’t budge.
You nervously wipe your hands on your shirt, and they slip off. The door still won’t budge. Shit. Fuck. All of expletives, packed like ravers at an Xoloto concert, apply.
After three more attempts, you come to face the obvious; the doors lock upon closing. You try a few other doors in the hallway, and find the same result.
“Karkat?” You hear his voice behind you, and whirl around like a rebel facing the culling drone.
“Hey Eridan.” You gulp.
“I wwas talkin’ to Kan. Wwanna come?” He’s endearingly casual, and it reminds you of the pictures he’d send you during romcom marathons in earlier sweeps. It seems absurd, this fear you have of him, the sense of other. You’re just two dipshits figuring it out.
You drop your hand from the door as discreetly as possible. You can’t look, but you feel your sweaty palm leave an epitaph in the shape of your skin on the surface.
Eridan scrutinizes you for a moment before appearing to come to the revelation. He gasps in the dramatic way that he does for just about anything with you. It’s just about the cutest thing in the world, you think, except for crabdad sleeping upside down in the grubblock after marathoning movies with you on 12th Perigree’s Eve.
“Oh! You wwere probably looking for the ablution block. Shit, lemme showw you.” He goes to the door opposite and presses his finger into a sleek black sensor above the knob. A flash of light, and he’s turning the knob. While he’s turned, you press your own finger to the identical sensor of the movie-block’s knob. When you turn, the knob remains resistant and the door closed.
You enter yet another glistening ablution block, and are struck by a sense of miserable familiarity as you leadenly lean over the tap and stare at the unfamilar troll in the mirror’s reflection.
You can’t hide in here forever you, know. You wince at the soft-faced troll in the reflection, looking very much like the fragile lowblood quadrant-slave on the covers of trashy books. You make a note to ask Eridan for something to put over the thin, shiny sleepwear with Eridan’s sign before you face Kanaya.
The only place to go was foward, in this maze of a ship towards the only two trolls in the Empire with maps.
Dizziness and a sort of nausea are swirling in tandem within you. You swallow them down your throat. A nervous breakdown tastes an awful lot like choking on your own blood, you observe queasily. You don’t really have a choice. You step into the block, towards two trolls whom you pity very much and know nothing at all.
@are-u-kitten-me-right-meow ok I rewrote it!
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brevardmuseum-blog · 7 years
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The Origin of Oranges
 Generating over $9 billion per year and employing over 70,000 workers, the orange industry has long been a pivotal part of our state’s history. The first orange tree was planted in the mid-1500s in St.Augustine, possibly by the Spanish explorer Ponce de León. Presently, over 70% of oranges grown in the United States come from Floridian groves, and Florida is second only to Brazil in orange production-the latter growing a third of all the oranges in the world.
Orange trees dot the Floridian countryside, and their fragrant white flowers became the state symbol in 1909. A little over a decade ago, the orange was officially designated as the state fruit.
Although many have come to associate the tangy, sweet fruit with Florida, the humble orange actually traces its origins all the way to Southeast Asia, where it was first engineered by farmers thousands of years ago. The oldest known reference to citrus fruits can be found in Chinese documents that were written around 2200 BCE.
The word “citrus” refers to any flowering tree or shrub that belongs to the genus Citrus. The fruits produced by these plants typically all have a tough, waxy rind and are filled with juicy, edible flesh, which can range from tasting sweet to tangy. The sweet varieties of citrus include mandarins, tangerines, sweet oranges, and grapefruit. The tangy varieties include kumquats, lemons, limes, and bitter oranges.
Genome analyses have shown that a single common ancestor of citrus fruits first appeared around 7 million years ago. The same study also found that citrus fruits are highly prone to genetic mutation and that they have a propensity to hybridize.
These two traits have allowed for farmers and scientists to create a wide variety of citrus hybrids. In fact, some of the most well-known species are hybrids:
●       Grapefruit: cross between sweet orange and pomelo
●       Lemon: cross between bitter orange and citron
●       Lime: cross between citron, mandarin, and pomelo
●       Orange: cross between pomelo and mandarin
The word “citrus” comes from the Greek kedar meaning “cedar”. Cedar trees and citrus trees give off a similar smell, and this might explain how the two words came to be related.
The inhabitants of the region where oranges were first bred (most likely the area that forms the present day border between India and China) spoke Sanskrit, and their word for “orange tree” was nāraṅga. Trade brought Middle Eastern peoples into contact with oranges for the first time, the Persians calling the fruit nārang, which later became nāranj in Arabic. In the 12th century, Arab traders in North Africa brought oranges across the Mediterranean sea and into Sicily. Locals there called the fruit narancia, which later became arancia. Oranges finally arrived in Britain several decades later, and the english word “orange” comes from the Old French orenge, from the phrase pomme d’orenge.
It wasn’t until the 1500s-several centuries after oranges had been first brought to Europe-that the word “orange” came to be used to describe the color one produces when mixing red and yellow together.
Like any other fruit, oranges are covered in multiple layers of skin. The outermost skin is called the endocarp, but it is commonly referred to as the rind. This tough outer shell is leathery and waxy, and right below its surface lies another layer called the flavedo, which contains oil producing glands. The white, spongy film that covers the flesh of a peeled orange is known as the albedo. Triangular segments, separated by a membrane called the septum, spiral around the center of the fruit. Each segment bursts with innumerous juice-filled sacs, woven together like a web. This juice contains all the acids, oils, and sugars that combine together to give oranges their signature taste.
If you were to visit a tropical country where oranges are grown, you might be surprised to see oranges with lime green-colored rinds for sale at the marketplace (the inner, edible flesh is still orange, though). These oranges are not some sort of special variety, they are the same sweet oranges grown in Florida. Neither were these fruits picked before they ripened-in fact, ripe oranges are naturally green when grown in tropical climates. So why do some oranges never turn orange? Special molecules in plants called pigments are responsible for this discrepancy.  
Members of the kingdom Plantae produce these pigments in order to absorb photons (light particles) from the sun and ultimately convert them into chemical energy in the form of sugar molecules. The color of a pigment depends on which types of light waves are absorbed and which ones are reflected. Chlorophyll, carotenoids, and anthocyanins are examples of pigments. Because chlorophyll absorbs red and blue light and reflects green light, plants that are rich in this pigment appear green. When temperatures drop and the days grow shorter in the winter time, plants stop producing chlorophyll molecules, allowing the red and orange carotenoids to shine through. This is why leaves change color in the fall, and it is also why oranges from tropical parts of the world never turn orange: if it is hot and sunny all year round, the fruit will hold onto its chlorophyll and remain green.
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whatsupsac · 7 years
What’s Up Tonight, 9/7/17
Tampopo Foreign Film Series: Co-presented with Slow Food Sacramento in honor of farm-to-fork month, Tampopo has been called “one of the best food movies of all time” by eater.com. An homage to ramen, Tampopo dishes out hilarity in a series of vignettes all loosely based around the plight of a small ramen shop. Before the screening, at 5:30 PM, Chef Yasushi Ueyama will demonstrate the fine art of noodle-making and sake tasting as a first course to the film. The owner of Sacramento Slow Food Snail of Approval restaurant Shoki Ramen, Yasushi approaches the humble noodle with a passion and creativity that will whet our appetites for the movie. 530-830PM. $6 members/$12 nonmembers.
Sac Open Studios Kickoff Party + Guerrilla Girls Opening: Verge is kicking off the 12th Annual Sac Open Studios with a free Launch Party with local eats and drinks, kids activities, live art and music. Meet particpating Sac Open Studios artists and view over 100 artworks installed salon-style in Verge's classroom. This event will also mark the opening of our fall exhibition, Not Ready to Make Nice: Guerrilla Girls in the Art World and Beyond, curated by Neysa Page-Lieberman. This multimedia, expansive exhibition illustrates that the work of the anonymous, feminist-activist Guerrilla Girls is as vital and revolutionary as ever. 6-9PM. Free.
Yoga + Cider: Pause Yoga Room hosts yoga on Thursdays for a small group Vinyasa practice. Enjoy a glass of cider afterwards. At Two Rivers Cider. 7PM. $15.
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12thandsacfilms · 2 years
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Our latest feature film is heading toward pre-production, THE LAWNDALE BOYS! 
We’re working hard and assembling a dynamic, award-winning team.
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12thandsacfilms · 9 months
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Loading up new opportunities, great cheer, peace, love and joy!
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12thandsacfilms · 4 years
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Blended an amazing smoothie while obsessing over “Styling Hollywood.” Love Jason and Adair 😍🥰
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12thandsacfilms · 4 years
“What’s Good” is our ground breaking short-form video series, where inspiration and information meet the power of science. Produced by 12th And Sac Films for Brand Programming Studios and PBS.
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whatsupsac · 7 years
What’s Up w/Your Weekend, 7/21-7/23/17
CIP/Joy and Madness + more: At Cesar Chavez Plaza, the longest running outdoor happy hour, Concerts in the Park (CIP) is celebrating 26 years of music madness this year. Grab a cold beer, a bite to eat from a local food truck, and enjoy the tunes of  Joy and Madness, Ideateam, Mikey LP & The Krooks and Joseph_ONE. All ages, 5-9PM. Free.
Bike In Movie- Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Sacramento International Hostel is hosting bike-in movies.  Nothing says Summer quite like watching a cult classic outdoors on a massive screen with friends you haven't met yet. The movie will begin immediately following the conclusion of Concerts in the Park. Seating is available for about 80 people. Free popcorn and water, BYOB wine and beer only. 8PM. $3-5 donation requested.
B Street Brews at the Railroad Museum: An evening of sketch comedy with B Street Theatre. Beer pourings byTrack 7 Brewing Co. and Hoppy Brewing. Plus, Chando's Tacos for purchase. 21+ 6-9PM. $20 per ticket ($15 for members of the Museum or Theatre); $25 at the door. 
Warm Welcome Cocktail Party: Warm Welcome is a cocktail party and silent auction at the Sierra II Community Center to support SFBFS’ Refugee Resettlement Services. 21+ 630-930PM. $50, online only, via donation. 
First Fest Benefit Show: Shine hosts this benefit to support First Festival. All proceeds will be donated to First Festival, who aims to pre-fund their 2018 event in order to make it free to the public. Sacramento's Renaissance man Cory Barringer will be your host for the evening. Musical acts include: House of Mary, Sparks Across Darkness, and Vinnie Guidera (solo). All ages. 8PM. $8.
Sac Ladyfest 2017: Enjoy food, music, spoken word, conviviality and camaraderie at CLARA for this year’s Sac Ladyfest supporting the Gender Health Center. Held on Friday and Saturday, tickets are available for one or both days. More information and lineup at this link. 
Global Local Mercado: Global and Local artisan goods, food + music! Sol Collective is hosting its 12th annual Global Local Mercado along with African Marketplace. The mercado is meant to highlight handmade, arts & cultural goods by local and global vendors. This year will also feature curated vintage and much more. All ages. 12-5PM. Free.
Sacratomato Festival: This free family-friendly festival on the front lawn of Sutter’s Fort will feature live music, food for sample and sale, a salsa competition and more to celebrate the quintessential symbol of Sacramento summer, the tomato! 5-9PM. Free.
Golden Bear Day Party: Shaun Slaughter and Satapana Buthken bring you sunshiney and summery tunes from the disco, pop, yacht rock, house and other realms at this Golden Bear shindig. Cheap drinks and fun times. 21+ 5-830PM. Free.
Light * Noir Film Festival: Explore legendary director Billy Wilder’s contributions to film noir in the Light & Noir Film Festival at the historic Crest Sacramento. Presented in partnership by The California Museum and the Film Noir Foundation, this one-night festival features film screenings and discussion in conjunction with the Museum’s installation of “Light & Noir: Exiles & Émigrés in Hollywood, 1933-1950.” Highlights include: 
Double Indemnity at 5PM
Q&A with “Czar of Noir” Eddie Muller at 7PM
Sunset Boulevard at 730PM
Costume contest at 920PM
Tickets: $10.00 for each film or $25.00 for both films plus admission to view “Light & Noir: Exiles & Émigrés in Hollywood, 1933-1950,” a $9.00 value. 
Brunch Beats: Enjoy brunch and drink specials at Hot Italian plus tracks from DJ Epik. 12-3PM.
Solistic: This Sunday at Sol Collective, learn about family constellations and how they contribute to repeated patterns in your life.  If you have experienced trauma, separation, relationship difficulties, or health, financial or career issues, you will benefit from this workshop. Ancestral Healing can help uncover the root causes of your issues, and clear them quickly and effectively. 2-430PM. $20/person or bring a friend to save $5 each. 
Track 7 Chili Cookoff: Over 10 chili cooking champs will be out at the Curtis Park taproom with with their favorite secret recipe to impress and wow your tastebuds with some downright chili goodness. Come taste chili for FREE and cast your vote for your favorite. Both meat and vegetarian options will be available, and of course, lots of beers will be on tap. People's Choice trophies will be awarded to one meat chili and one vegetarian chili that receive the most votes. A Brewer's Choice trophy will be awarded to the chili that the Track 7 brewer's pick as their favorite. 12-3PM. Free admission.
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