moxley · 6 months
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EVERY DARBY ALLIN MATCH IN AEW - #2 Fight For The Fallen, 13.07.2019 - MJF, Sammy Guevara & Shawn Spears defeat Darby Allin, Jimmy Havoc & Joey Janela
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svt-archivo · 2 years
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13.07.2019 Weibo de The8
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erwinkoschmidder · 3 months
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gelesen am 13.07.2019
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lanagromova · 6 months
Думала, что расскажу полноценную историю, но она несколько запутана, поэтому то, что мне точно известно, можно выразить одним предложением. Так называемая «кельнская вода» (фр. eau de Cologne) это всем нам знакомый одеколон, который впервые начали производить именно в Кельне. Подробнее можете ознакомиться здесь https://amp.dw.com/ru/istoria-kelnskoj-vody-odekolona/a-4477451
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seemabhatnagar · 8 months
Proactive evidence gathering is the responsibility of the litigant
Ajitsinh Chehuji Rathore v. State of Gujrat and Another
SLP Crl. 16641/2023
Before Supreme Court of India
The Criminal Appeal was dismissed by the Division Bench of the Apex Court comprising Hon’ble Mr. Justice B R Gavai J & Hon’ble Mr. Justice Sandeep Mehta J on 29.01.2024
The present Criminal Appeal is filed against the rejection order of the Gujrat High Court where by the Criminal Misc. Case filed u/s 482 Cr P C by the Appellant Ajitsinh Chehuji Read With Section 391 Cr P C was rejected.
The present appellant was prosecuted for the offence punishable under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act.
It was alleged by the Complainant Shri Mahadevsinh Cahndaasinh Champavat before the Trial Court that the cheque for an amount of Rs.10 lakhs which was issued by the appellant in his favour upon being presented in the bank was dishonoured “for insufficient funds and account dormant.
During the course of trial, the appellant preferred an application before the Trial Court praying to send the cheque to the handwriting expert for comparison of the handwriting as well as signature appearing thereon with a plea that his signatures had been forged on the cheque in question.
The Trial Court rejected his application observing that the application is aimed at delaying the trial. The Trial Court also observed that the matter is at the stage of defense and the accused could lead evidence to prove his claim pertaining to mismatch of signatures.
The order of the Trial Court dt. 13.07.2019 was not challenged by the appellant as such it attained finality on 07.11.2019
The appellant subsequently preferred an appeal before the Principal Sessions Judge, Gandhinagar and during pendency thereof, he also filed an application under Section 391 CrPC for taking additional evidence at appellate stage and seeking a direction to obtain the opinion of the handwriting expert after comparing the admitted signature of the accused appellant and the signature as appearing on the disputed cheque.
Appellant also prayed for summoning the concerned officer from the Post Office to prove the defense theory that the notice under Section 138 of NI Act was never received by the accused appellant.
This application of the appellant was rejected by the Principal Sessions Judge, Gandhinagar vide order dt. 25.07.2023.
Against the rejection of his application by the Principal Sessions Judge Gandhinagar, Appellant invoked extra ordinary jurisdiction of the Gujrat High Court u/s 482 Cr P C.
Gujrat High Court dismissed his application vide order dated 25.10.2023.
Against the rejection of Petition u/s 482 Cr P C present SLP/Criminal Appeal is filed.
Observation of the Apex Court
Settled Law –
Power to record additional evidence under Section 391 CrPC should only be exercised when the party making such request was prevented from presenting the evidence in the trial despite due diligence being exercised or that the facts giving rise to such prayer came to light at a later stage during pendency of the appeal and that non-recording of such evidence may lead to failure of justice.
The Apex Court observed that the Principal Sessions Judge, Gandhinagar had taken note of the fact that during the trial, the appellant examined the witness of the Bank of Baroda in support of his defense but not a single question was put to the said witness regarding genuineness or otherwise of the signatures as appearing on the cheque in question.
Cheque return memo of the Bank dat.26.02.2018 clearly recorded the reason for the cheque being returned unpaid “funds insufficient and account dormant.”
The cheque was not returned unpaid for the reason that the signature thereupon differed from the specimen signature recorded with the bank.
If at all, the appellant was desirous of proving that the signatures as appearing on the cheque issued from his account were not genuine, then he could have procured a certified copy of his specimen signatures from the Bank and a request could have been made to summon the concerned Bank official in defense for giving evidence regarding the genuineness or otherwise of the signature on the cheque.
The appellate Court was not required to come to the aid and assistance of the appellant for collecting defence evidence at his behest.
It is for the accused to rebut such presumptions by leading appropriate defence evidence and the Court cannot be expected to assist the accused to collect evidence on his behalf.
Appellant ought to have challenged the order of rejection of his application seeking comparison of the signature as appearing on the cheque through the handwriting expert.
The order attained finality as it was not challenged.
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tafakkor · 2 years
روزگاری او هم نگاری بودست
روزگاری او هم نگاری بودست
روزگاری دل ِ من، بند ِ سر ِ زلف ِ نگاری، بودست
در بند ِ نگاه ِ دلبر و، چشم ِ نگاری بودست
هر جام که پُر کرده و با عشوه و ناز، دستم داد
از گوشه ی چشم، منتظر ِ خنده، خماری بودست
آن نگار ِ دل نشین رفت، زنی گوژپشت، گشت
سال ِ من رفت ز ِ هفتاد و، پی ِ دل می گشت
تا که دل، در پی ِ ناز ِ رُخکی، وا بدهد
آن که ناز کرد به من، بود زنی هشت در هشت**
۲۲ تیرماه ۱۳۹۸ –  13.07.2019
** ۶۴ ساله 
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karustatiana · 2 years
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Дневник 📓 Пациента вёл Опекун во время лечения и реабилитации в клинике @harbin_china_nanmunan 🔹 🔷Пациент А. Мужчина, 56 лет, Санкт-Петербург, Россия. Диагноз: Болезнь Двигательного Мотонейрона БАС (диагноз поставлен в России, в Китае подтвержден) При поступлении в клинику ТКМ Наньмунан: Ходит медленно в сопровождении Опекун, Без поддержки может упасть. Руки не работают, правая рука атрофия сильнее) не может сам кушать, взять поедметы, не может самостоятельно одеться и разде��ься. Речь тихая, слабость голоса. @harbin_china_nanmunan Реальная история из архива #наньмунан Дневник ведет Опекун. 13.07.2019. Прибыли в г.Харбин. После обеда познакомились с персоналом Клиники Наньмунан. Самочувствие удовлетворительное. 14.07.19. Проведена диагностика, обследование. Начали работу по укреплению иммунитета. Самочувствие удовлетворительное. Речь слабая, слизь, состояние рук и ног, слабость. 15-19.07.19. Процедуры принимаются, сотояние удовлетворительное, Спит, ест нормально. Днем отдыхает, сон, полный покой. Каждый день прогуливаемся, ни на что не жалуется. Принимает лекарственные отвары травы, болюсы. 20.07.19. Утром давление нормальное. После процедур ходит довольно далеко. Не устает. Говорит,что сил прибавилось. Принимает во время все травяные отвары лекарства. Осложнений нет. Дома в квартире сам себя обслуживает моет посуду, прибирается. 21.07.19. Самостоятельно снимает верхнюю одежду(раньше с помощью) Медленно, но сам одевается. На дворовом тренажере для рук прокрутил круг 1 раз. 22-23.07.19. По моим наблюдениям, стал ходить не «шаркая» , поднимая ноги! По лестнице поднимается довольно легко, увереннее . Питается по диете: фрукты (груша китайская желтая, желтый арбуз и др,) утром –каша, овощи, суп, различные крупы, и тд. ⬇️ продолжение следует #наньмунан #ЧинСин #art #aesthetic #aesthetic #pride #khv27 #china (at Khabarovsk Novy Airport) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjX4kURDrYA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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world-of-wales · 2 years
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13 JULY 2019 || The Duchess of Cambridge attended the Women's Final on day twelve of the 2019 Wimbledon Championships at The All England Lawn Tennis Club in Wimbledon in London.
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nhupdates · 5 years
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Niall in London 13/07/2019
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hemhalim · 5 years
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" Bir takım güzellikler bıraktım ardımda ve kalbimde yama, zihnimde hepsinden birer parça... 🌿"
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hayatagci · 5 years
Biri sizi haksız yere incittiğinde,
Ona beddua etseniz tutar mesela.
Fakat onun cezası, size ödül olmaz...
Siz en iyisi bu tarz durumlarda
dua hakkınızı kendinize kullanın ki ödülünüz olsun...
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penseeephemere · 5 years
Je suis calme. C’est un calme qui me maintient toujours dans le même mutisme. Il me rend muette face à mes orages, face à mes coups de sang, face à mes incendies. Comme autant de cris d’enfant qui ne débordent plus. Et les ravages de ce feu sont invisibles : tout reste intérieur. Et les débris de ces fumées sont incendiaires : leurs émotions me brûlent la gorge. Je sais cacher ma misère sous ma peau mais
j’ai des cendres entre les draps
des étouffements dans la tête
et je m’asphyxie de tout ce que je ne dis pas.
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svt-archivo · 2 years
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13.07.2019 Instagram
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dave-ivanov · 5 years
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Nine 8 One: Feuertaufe mit neuem Line-Up bestanden
Okay, war zwar am 13.07. nicht besonders im Lüdenscheider Stock / Alte Druckerei besucht, aber das kenne ich leider schon vom letzten Mal. Wir wollten es uns dennoch nicht nehmen lassen, unser neues Line-Up mit Mirko an der Rhythmusgitarre und Teffe am Schlagzeug für die Die-Hard-Fans zu präsentieren. Und ich denke auch, wir haben super gespielt. Übrigens auch eine geniale Supportband dabei gehabt. Nächster Halt: Headliner auf den Bismarcker Rocktagen. Auf einem Bild seht ihr übrigens eine der Veranstalterinnen, Gesangslehrerin Kerry, die mich bei zwei Songs im Duett unterstützt.
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findasongblog · 5 years
Epicure. & more: Single Release Show + Screaming Fields (Pt. 2)
(pt. 1)
Screaming Fields is a festival / competition for young Luxembourgish musicians giving them the chance to gain more exposure. In addiition to the awards (best live performance, best composition; the most important one being a support package by Rocklab to help the artist’s development), there are also several live slots to be „won“, eg. at FdlM in Dudelange. Now, don’t get me wrong: I’m not saying that the big winners of the evening – ÆM and Francis of Delirium who both got four awards each – didn’t deserve it. I couldn’t say that because I arrived late and didn’t see their performances (and after checking later, I liked ÆM’s City Ties so much that I instantly added it to one of my Spotify playlists). But – none for Epicure.? Seriously? I mean:
They weren’t the only ones to remain without a price: the first artist I saw that evening was Christina Kalyss, a young r&b singer, whose stage performance really impressed me and whose style is, as far as I can tell, quite unique for the Luxembourgish scene.
At least the next band was chosen to play at Fête de la Musique in Dudelange next year: Drife. I’ll make sure to watch them on the Rocklab Stage (a new addition to the festival) because not only do they play catchy rock songs, but they also have fans who know how to party 😎
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(my complete photo set can be found here)
To fill the gap between the last act and the announcement of the winners of the 10th edition of Screaming Fields, participants from the last years got together to form The Screaming AllStars (Tuys, District 7, Only Two Sticks, C’est Karma...) and play songs – mostly their own, but also this one (which was announced as “NOT Wonderwall” 🤣):
While I wasn’t too happy about the results, Screaming Fields surely is a great way to get to know new Luxembourgish artists and I regret not having been there from the start – next year!
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baibakl · 5 years
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Uz Jūras svētku tirgu pēc auskariem. Uz sporta laukumu fanot par savu basketbolistu. Uz mežu pēc 2 sēnēm un dīķi pēc nevienas zives. Uz siltumnīcu pēc gurķīšiem.
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