#17 is right here press conference
m00nlightshine · 5 months
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240429 Press Conference for 17 IS RIGHT HERE
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lizziexmeow · 5 months
[ SVT UPDATE 🌟 TWITTER ] 240430 - 00:00 KST
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[ SVT MEDIA 🌟 YOUTUBE ] 240430 - 00:00 KST
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galatariel · 5 months
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'95 LINE 17 IS RIGHT HERE — Press Conference (240429)
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roosterforme · 3 months
Covering the Classics Part 17 | Bob Floyd x OC
Summary: Anna is giving herself one last chance to get her manuscript before she moves on without it. She has friends, a job she loves, and a man who believes in her. There's nothing else she really needs now, but she's going all in on a plan that is perhaps just crazy enough to work.
Warnings: Angst, fluff, espionage, adult language, 18+
Length: 3400 words
Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x Female OC (this story is part of the Beer Boy/Sugar and Jake/Jessica universe)
Covering the Classics masterlist. Check my masterlist for more!
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Bob watched Anna emerge from the bathroom in one of Jessica's cocktail dresses after he picked her up from work and brought her back to his house. "I'm thinking this one?" she asked, turning back and forth in front of his bedroom mirror while wearing the black and white dress. It was a little snug and also a bit short on her compared to how it would probably fit Jessica, but he thought she looked incredible.
"Yeah," Bob agreed, standing behind her and zipping it up. "It's perfect." Seeing her in wedding rings was startling to him, and he had to remind himself over and over again that she had borrowed them as a cover. As part of the ruse. That they belonged to his friend. That she wasn't reconciling with Kevin. "What time do we need to be at the hotel?" he asked, running his hand along her hip as she started to clip her hair up onto her head.
"Eight o'clock," she confirmed. "The cocktail reception lasts from eight until ten, and there's no way Kevin will want to miss a single minute with all of these people who seemingly worship him."
Bob tightened his hold on her, his distaste for Kevin clearly written on his face as he looked in the mirror over her shoulder. She told him he needed to change out of his uniform, so he was wearing a plain undershirt and jeans. He looked a bit ridiculous next to Anna as she swiped some eyeliner on in the shape of a cat-eye before coating her lips in a deep red stain.
"That's pretty," he whispered, and he was rewarded with her turning around to press a kiss to his cheek, leaving her perfect lip marks behind. He didn't bother to wipe it away. He was so thankful she wasn't trying to do this on her own, even though she seemed calm and confident. He didn't want Kevin to have even the slightest opportunity to be alone with her. "You'll call me if you need me to come in," he said.
"Yes," she confirmed for probably the fifth time. "I'll keep my phone on me."
"And you'll get out of there if you don't feel safe?"
Anna nodded up at him, looking so beautiful with a soft smile on her lips. "Yes. My manuscript is not as important as I am."
Bob kissed her deeply. She finally got it. She tried to swipe at the lipstick smudged on his mouth, but they left his house hand in hand with some of the stain left on his lips. He helped her into his truck and took his time driving up to Carlsbad as she navigated along the way for him. When he reached for her hand, she laced her fingers with his, and he chuckled.
"I kind of hate her rings on you," he muttered. "I wonder what Bradley had to say about that one."
Anna made a face when he glanced her way. "I'm sure he's still asking her to explain where they went, and the more she says my name, the unhappier he's going to be with me."
"Nah," Bob replied as he made a left turn. "You're one of us."
She squeezed his hand. "That still sounds almost too good to be true. And we do need to return her rings tonight so he doesn't have a full panic attack."
"That sounds fair," he murmured, looking for a place to stop his truck and let her out. The swanky hotel where Kevin's medical conference was being held was just up the block, and now his heart was pounding.
"This is perfect," she told him, pointing out the window before unbuckling her seatbelt. "Just leave me off right here." He put the truck in park, but when she tried to pull her hand away, he held on tighter. She paused and looked at him before leaning in to kiss his cheek and saying, "I got this, Bob. It's okay." When she tried once more to get out of his truck, he tugged her closer to him. "You have to let me-"
"Anna, I love you."
She froze at his announcement, but he was getting tired of not telling her. He'd been thinking it for ages. He thought he almost lost her before, and he wasn't going to let Kevin of all people potentially ruin her night without her knowing she at least had him to come back to. So as she crawled across the seat toward him, he repeated himself. "I love you."
Anna climbed onto his lap as her lips met his cheek and his chin. "I want to listen to you say that all night," she whispered, finally kissing his lips. "And I want to spend an hour telling you all about how much I love you. But I need about thirty minutes to get shit done first."
Bob laughed as he nipped at her smiling lips. "No rush. I'll still love you in thirty minutes." He would probably still love her in thirty years, and he was more than willing to tell her that later. But right now he had to accept one last kiss from her before he watched her hop down from his truck, put Jessica's high heels on, and start to head for the hotel entrance.
"You can do this," Anna told herself as she tried not to stumble in the shoes that were a half size too small with heels which were way too high. "Just stay focused." But Bob loved her! He said it, and he meant it, and now all she wanted was to run back to his truck. But this was her last chance.
It was ten minutes after eight. Kevin's schedule was giving her enough time to get what she wanted, but only if it went smoothly. Anna had never been much of an actress, but in this exact moment, she needed to pull off an Emmy winning performance if she stood a chance at getting into Kevin's room. She cleared her throat and squared her shoulders as she walked into the beautiful lobby, opened her clutch purse, and pouted in frustration. "Oh no," she muttered loudly. There were a lot of people around, chatting and heading to the bar just past the concierge desk. She threw her head back in faux annoyance and marched in the terrible shoes toward the counter.
"How can I help you this evening?" asked the young man behind the desk with a smile.
Anna sighed and set her clutch down and glanced at his name tag. She made sure the rings on her finger were shining under the light as she said, "In my rush to get to the wine bar down the block in time for cocktail hour, I left my new necklace and my key card in my room. Think you could print me a new one, Marcus? My husband just gifted me the necklace and expects me to be wearing it."
"Of course, Mrs...."
"Webber. Mrs. Kevin Webber. We're here for the Neurological conference. My husband is a keynote speaker." She had to fight back the urge to choke on the words as she forced a smile. 
"Right," Marcus replied, tapping away on his keyboard. "Webber.... I found the reservation, but it's only under your husband's name."
When he looked up and met her eyes, Anna wanted to run away, climb back into Bob's truck and give up. Her heart was pounding as she tapped her fingers on the counter and rolled her eyes. "He always does that when he books a room for work. But I'm definitely linked to his rewards account."
She tried to keep her face neutral as she awaited a response. There was no way Kevin would have taken the time to update anything so trivial. He was never one to take the time to update anything. That always fell to Anna. She watched Marcus start typing again as he said, "I'll just need to check your ID, Mrs. Webber."
"Absolutely," she replied coolly, pulling her New Jersey state driver's license that was about to expire from her clutch and setting it down for him. The longer he typed away, the more she started to panic. She wondered if Kevin was already having his first drink at the bar or if he had moved on to his second. As long as he was there, it didn't much matter to her what he was doing.
Finally, Marcus pulled a new key card from the drawer in front of him, programmed it and tucked it into an envelope. He conveniently wrote #609 on it and slid it toward her. "Is there anything else I can do for you this evening Mrs. Webber?"
She shook her head, picked up her license and the key and said, "I think this is all I need. Thank you, Marcus."
Anna turned toward the bank of elevators and counted each step. One, two, three, four, five.... She tried to keep her pace as unhurried as she could while still getting away from the desk quickly. She pushed the little up arrow and waited for the elevator to arrive while she glanced around the lobby to be sure there was nobody who had taken notice of her. When the elevator got there, she ducked inside and pushed the button for floor six and pulled her phone out to text Bob.
I got the key. I'm in the elevator.
When she arrived at the correct floor, she put her phone away and held onto the key card with shaking hands. She could do this. She knew she could. But one step onto the plush carpet, and she stumbled in Jessica's high heels. "Shit," she gasped, reaching for the wall as the elevator doors slid closed behind her. Could she really take Kevin's computer? Technically speaking, it was hers, too. They picked it out together. When he started medical school. She paid for it with her credit card. The one he then maxed out.
She pushed herself off from the wall, more pissed off than upset. Kevin didn't deserve her concern at the moment. He deserved nothing. Room 609. She found it down the left side of the hallway. Just as she raised the key card to swipe it, the door jerked open an inch, and she gasped. Fingers wrapped around the door from the inside as it opened slowly, and she ran as fast as she could for the stairwell, tucking herself inside just as she saw Kevin step into the hallway.
"Fuck," she gasped under her breath, afraid she might throw up. It was close to 8:30 now. He should have been at the cocktail party. Why was he in his room? Terrified that he'd seen her, Anna stood in the stairwell with her back pressed to the wall. She counted to fifty and then to one hundred, but the door never opened. When she peeked out into the hallway again, it was deserted.
"You can do this," she whispered, even as the thought occurred to her that he may still be in the hotel room. There was no way she'd be able to overpower him if he was. Before she could give it too much thought, she knocked on the door and then pressed her ear to it. When nobody answered, she did it again. Then she swiped her card, watched the light turn green, and pushed the door slowly open.
The hotel room smelled like Kevin's cologne, and she gagged, but after a quick inspection of the bathroom and closet, he was definitely gone. Her hands were shaking like crazy now as she checked the desk area for his computer, but it wasn't there. She dropped to her knees and crawled across the floor to his computer bag, but it was empty except for folders and pamphlets from the conference.
"Shit," she said, eyes stinging with tears. She made it this far, and she didn't want to give up now. As she crawled around the king size bed, she saw the computer charging cable on the floor, plugged into the outlet along with his phone charger. And there it sat, tucked halfway under the bed. The laptop.
Anna lunged for it, opening it and waking it up from standby mode. She was prompted to enter a password, and she smiled; Kevin never changed anything. It had to be the same one he was using since college. She entered it, and her smile vanished. 
Incorrect Password
"You're joking," she gasped. This was supposed to be the easy part. This was the last thing she was convinced would trip her up. Perhaps she had just entered it wrong with her shaky hands, so she tried it again.
Incorrect Password
"Fuck!" Panic was setting in now. Should she just take it and risk pissing him off if the manuscript wasn't even on it? Her intention had been to check before she did. Her gaze settled on the little fingerprint reader down in the bottom corner near the keyboard. There was simply no way. If he had taken the time to actually update his passwords, then he would have taken the time to remove Anna's fingerprint access as well.
She bit her lip and slid her index finger down to the reader, and she was immediately rewarded with full access to the computer. Her eyes went wide as she tapped on the search option and entered the file name of her manuscript and hit enter, and when it popped up on the screen she burst into tears. She scrolled down and it was there. It was all there.
"Fuck you, Kevin," Anna said, voice hoarse with emotion as she yanked the plug from the wall, wrapped the cord around the laptop, and made her way to the door. She needed to act completely normal right now even though she felt like her heart might burst into a million brightly colored pieces of magic. She rode the elevator down, praying that Kevin was getting intoxicated enough that he wouldn't realize something was missing from his room right away. For the first time in her life, she didn't even care if he brought another woman back with him, but she did almost feel bad for pregnant Alyssa back in New Jersey. Almost.
When the doors slid open revealing the bustling lobby, Anna nearly tripped for the last time. She took her friend's shoes off and held them in one hand with her purse as she started speed walking toward the exit. She didn't see Kevin anywhere, but that didn't mean much since he had been in his room when she got here. Now she was counting on Bob to be where he said he would be.
Once she was outside, she immediately turned to the right toward the loading zone. She started to run barefoot down the sidewalk, and that's when she saw him. He was perfect, standing there next to the passenger side door in his white undershirt, running his hands nervously through his hair.
"Bob!" she called out, her feet already aching, and he came racing up the sidewalk to meet her.
"You got it!" he whispered excitedly. "Anna, Baby, you got it!"
"It's still on here," she breathed as he scooped her up with everything still held tight in her hands. "I got in with my fingerprint and I saw it, Bob. I have it." He kissed the side of her neck once, but otherwise he didn't stop walking. "Did you see Kevin?" she asked. 
"Yeah," he grunted, setting her down and pulling the door open for her. "He headed the other way up the block. When he came out after you went inside, I kind of started to freak out a little bit. If I didn't hear from you again in five more minutes, I was going to make my way inside. But you didn't need me at all."
Anna tossed everything onto the seat and scrambled inside, anxious to get out of here, but not before she leaned down to kiss Bob one more time. "That's just the thing though. I'm pretty sure I actually do need you."
He was smiling as he said, "Let's go home."
Anna was holding the computer to her chest while Bob drove down the dark local roads of Carlsbad and got onto the highway. She didn't say much, but she looked so happy, and eventually her hand crept across the seat to take his. When he took the first street off the bridge instead of the second one, she asked, "Where are we going?"
Bob laughed. "Just because he hasn't been freaking out at you all night doesn't mean he hasn't been texting and calling me nearly nonstop."
"Who?" she asked, clearly puzzled as Bob drove through the quiet end of Coronado. When he pulled up in front of the Spanish Revival style house that had every light, interior and exterior, shining bright, she laughed too. "I almost forgot about the rings in all the excitement."
Bob watched as Bradley came running out onto his porch in his slippers, gym shorts, and his hideous tie dye shirt with a concerned look on his face. His wife was right behind him waving merrily from the porch in a bathrobe that looked too big for her as he ran down the walkway toward the truck. Bob watched as Anna twisted both rings from her finger and then rolled down the window, and in an instant, Bradley's entire head was thrust inside, eyes searching wildly.
"Do you have them?" he asked loudly, reaching for Anna's open palm and the rings. "Jesus Christ." He turned around and shouted to his wife, "They have them!"
"I told you they did," she replied easily, shaking her head. "It's not like she was set on stealing something tonight, Beer Boy."
Bob and Anna both started laughing as Bradley turned back toward them, looking much calmer with his wife's rings in his hand. "These rings are so important to me. Elvis himself married us in Vegas with them."
Anna patted him on the cheek and said, "And they're both just as perfect as when Advanced Calculus gave them to me earlier. They worked like a charm, so thank you."
He nodded and sighed in relief before heading back up to the porch with a lot more swagger in his step now. While he was walking away, Bob heard him tell his wife, "Put these back on immediately, Sugar, or I'm getting my Beta Gamma paddle out."
"Oh," Anna gasped as Bob started to pull away from the curb. "That actually makes a lot of sense," she muttered, holding onto the computer once again.
"They are in for a wild night," Bob told her, heading toward his house now. "And so is Kevin. In a much less fun way."
"And so are you," Anna said with a little smirk. 
"I don't have a fraternity paddle," Bob replied as his cheeks grew warm.
"We won't need one of those for a good time. You have a collection of poetry that you wrote about me, and I think I'd like to hear you read it."
Bob was already twitching with need. "Will you put your black bra and panties on again?"
"What do you think I'm wearing under this dress? As soon as I pull my manuscript from the cloud and copy everything over to my own computer, I'm going to spend the rest of the night thoroughly thanking you for believing in me when I didn't believe in myself. And then we can discuss the plans to banish Kevin permanently."
There were so many things he wanted to do, but he knew his list would have to start after hers was complete. They would take care of her manuscript and get rid of Kevin. Then he could bring up going on some actual dates before she moved in for good and let their books get all mixed up. He was itching to get back to the bookstore again. He was dying to take her to Chippy's.
"You don't have to thank me for anything, Anna," he said softly, lacing his fingers with hers as he drove. "But when you finally feel free, just promise me you'll stay."
Anna! You badass!! Let's banish Kevin back to New Jersey forever! Thanks @beyondthesefourwalls
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jeonsupershy · 5 months
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WONWOO  '17 IS RIGHT HERE' Global Press Conference
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prettiestofpisces · 3 months
Breanna Stewart x Reporter
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💋: smut, fingering
-personally i wouldn’t know how to act if she looked like THAT around me
- i’m posting this on an airplane but autocorrect is always against me so if you see an error lmk ( ex. stewie turns to steve lolll)
-as always any and all feedback is appreciated…muah
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
standing up you fixed your pale blue blouse and tight black skirt, strutting through the libertys tunnel doors.
the new york liberty now stood at a new record of 17 wins, the number one best in the eastern conference.
questions cascaded your mind to ask the panelist, breanna stewart and jonquel jones yet none of them sounded good enough.
you practice with yourself still strutting down the empty stadium hallways.
“how did losing in the commissioners cup fuel the fire tonight to win by almost double digits?”
you scoff, kicking yourself at the originality…no.
“looking back at your previous loss to the lynx, what part of their game did you study coming into this one?”
this time a sigh exited your mouth.
hm a little better, but still no. you needed an obscure question for this post press.
you like to pose questions to athletes that bring out a side of them no one’s seen. whether it be excitement or vulnerability.
your companies sports articles offered rarity to sports news and discussed various, taboo topics, outside of ball.
wanting to impress your boss, this conference was to be no different and you needed a fun statement for this upcoming article.
as you entered the room voices could be heard everywhere. chatter was ambient, fellow reporters waiting patiently for the athletes to make their appearance.
looking around for a seat you find one in the front row off center to the left.
ten more minutes pass and suddenly complete silence takes over the room. shuffling in is breanna stewart and jonquel jones.
amungst the tallest in the meeting their prescence is almost intimidating.
sitting down right in front of you is stewart who’s expressionless. that is till her large dull eyes connect with yours and somehow it feels like it’s just you and her.
the two of you were fimiliar with each other, performing interviews here and there, but a true discussion was never held.
you take a deep breath looking around the room once more, and the press conference begins.
after thirty minutes or so the mediator announces.
“yes, final question coming from the front row, satin blouse.”
painfully boring questions had been thrown at them both left and right, now, finally it was your turn to do the talking.
you wiggle in your seat and inflate your chest to instill confidence. first introducing yourself and your company you lock eyes with breanna for a countless time and speak.
“…after a tough win, stewart i see you’ve changed into something more comfortable…” you look stewie up and down.
she he wore black sweat pants and a wife beater so tight her nipples, hard as ever, poked through perfectly.
“…fitting since you recently released new lounge wear to go with your new shoes color way. is it everything you envisioned and where is your brand going?”
stewie takes her hands and drags her palms down her chest and chuckles.
“yea it uh- doesn’t leave much to the imagination now does it” smirking directly at you.
“no, it doesn’t” shaking your head, you biting your bottom lip seductively.
jj takes notice of your flirtatious encounter, deciding to interject. “man if y’all don’t get a room or answer the question, we trying to get out of here!” stewie whips her head to her teammate laughing with her hands on her face.
“sorry…yea no the collection is called city of love and i’ve been dying to talk about it so thank you that’s a great question.”
stewie finishes up her statement as she watches you finish up your notes and record her the rest of her statement.
“alright, if that’s it we’re all free to go” the woman over the conference says.
breanna and jonquel thank everyone who attended and you place everything in its designated area in your purse.
feeling eyes on you, you take one more look around the entire room catching stewies bolted on your skirt.
you glance down and rush to pull down the fabric that had bunched exposing more of your bottom half than you’d like.
walking over to the exit where stewie stood you place yourself right infront of her. standing tall to her ear and whisper a quick message, “stop being a pervert.”
not taking another look at you she rubs her face with her hands as the other draped her side.
you roll your eyes and walk out into another empty hallway.
on your trek to leave the stadium you gaped, appreciating the structure now that it was almost vacant.
all that could be heard were the clicks of you heels against the tiled floor.
while nearing the exit, the ache in the balls of your feet were enough to need to sit down for a quick minute.
spotting some bar chairs you throw your purse and the rest of your belongings on the table before deciding to take a seat.
relief infiltrating your body, especially your feet.
kicking your heels off you huff “jesus christ.”
suddenly hearing footsteps behind where you sat, you can’t help but to turn your head.
the women behind you catching your eye, rightfully so. still in her lightly worn wife beater and sweats, breanna stewart appeared.
she took it upon herself to sit at your table and you watched as she did so.
“figured you could use some company.”
“i don’t but you’re welcome to sit..” you joke.
“ouch” she laughs.
there’s a pause of silence with you both looking at one another.
“you uh- with someone, single?” breanna blurts.
“what- who’s asking?” the questions catching you by surprise.
breanna points at herself signaling she wants to know, and in the blink of an eye she’s standing, towering above you in your chair.
you waste no time to stand up yourself as two can play that game.
“is there an issue stewart?”
you put a finger in her chest, pushing breanna outwards.
“you tell me” she says snarkily.
“honey you’re the one looking up my skirt” you counter argue.
“who’s to say you didn’t do it on purpose?” stewie shrugs with a toothy grin.
“ugh please” your bickering coming to an end as you turn on your toes and slip your heels on to head out.
that is till stewie pushes you against one of the surrounding walls. flipping you around to then face her. “oh shit-“
stunned, she left you pinned, arms by your side.
stewies grin gone, she gets just centimeters from your face
“listen, honey, not a single word leaves these lips while we’re here”
your breath hitches “okay..” eager for breanna to do whatever she wants to you, you comply.
“thank you baby” she says beginning to kiss on your neck, each sloppier than the one before.
you lightly close you eyes and in mere minutes she trails the hand that was once pinning yours up and down your thigh.
lifting your left leg to cradle her waist she then brings the hand to the hem of your skirt toying with it before reaching under.
your mouth agape ready for her digits to explore your cunt. moans escape your lips as grunts escape stewies.
she pauses removing her hand from to skirt to simply hold your leg in place.
your eyes flutter open to reveal breanna studying you and your face, the dimly lit stadium behind her.
“what’s wrong?” you whine.
she shakes her head. “nothing, i just wanted to make sure you wanted to do this” letting your leg fall. her accent being so thick made your pussy throb all the more.
you nod you head. “yes, i want you right here, right fucking now, no one’s here this late.” the corners of your mouth pull upward.
breanna pulls you off the cold wall for just a moment only to slap your ass.
“stewart!” you giggle, once again liking how rough she was being with you.
she returns the smile, her gums showing.
“even if there wasn’t i know you’d like a crowd”
you playfully slap her chest. “who’s the pervert now” she teases.
ignoring her comment you eye breanna, shimming off your panties and reaching for her hand, yearning to be touched. you place her hand back on your hips as you hoisted your leg over breannas waist again. she does the rest pecking your ear, then your jaw.
gliding her hand over your clit you groan at the sensation. “stewie go faster, or put your fingers in me, now-.” stewie cuts you off with a demanding kiss. no longer wanting to hear the attitude you were giving her.
stewie continues to rub your clit in agonizingly slow circles.
feeling how slick your hole was, she then knew you were ready for her fingers, her long, slim fingers.
you drag out a load moan as she inserts not one but two, her middle and pointer.
pumping her fingers in and out of you, you become more and more vocal.
“mm fuck, just like that!”
“stewie baby, i’m sooo close” tears running down your face.
you felt drunk, spiraling with how good your body felt, tingles radiated all over.
her two fingers sped up and she rubbed your clit vigorously with her thumb. the new friction sending you over the edge, orgasming.
the audible gasp and sloshing of your pussy’s juices were all breanna needed to come herself.
your knees buckled forcing you to collapse.
you would’ve hit the floor if breanna wasn’t there to catch and pull you in.
whimpering you regain your balance and embrace stewie in a hug, tired but in bliss.
she kisses your temple.
“you’re so beautiful”
with your head buried in her neck, stewie feels you smile against her pale skin. “you did so good for me”
the praise erupting butterflies in your stomach.
you finally look up her eyes glazing your face and the tear that stained your makeup.
you release from the hug, putting everything back in its place, your skirt, your hair and…
“you forgot something” stewie says, holding your underwear in front of her face
“oh- you’re sick” you say as she shoves them in the pocket of her sweats. you throw your head back in laughter.
“call me” she says nearing exit of the stadium.
you laughed “why so you can start a collection of my panties?!”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
breanna stewart i hope both sides of your pillow are cold
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thissying · 4 months
Thursday press conference, GP Monaco, 2024
Q: Max, can I bring you in on [Kimi Antonelli potentially driving for Mercedes]? What's it like being a 17-year-old coming into this environment? What is the most intimidating aspect of it?
MV: Well, hopefully nothing too intimidating, but, you know, you're such a rookie, you know, that there's so many things that you still have to learn. I mean, for me personally, the biggest one was actually doing a full race distance, you know. Like, in F3 at the time, you know, you did 35 minute races. So, you know, there's a lot more involved. Looking after your tyres is a big part of it. You know, these tyres are so particular and sensitive compared to some other categories. Of course, in F2, F3, you're running on Pirellis already. But for me at the time, that wasn't the case.
But yeah, just, you know, going through the good moments, the bad moments, how you come out of these things, difficult weekends, where it's just not working for you or whatever. Like, there's so much to learn. But on the other hand, also, don't try to think about it too much. Just let it go. When you're talented – and you can see that with Kimi, he's very talented – I don't think you should be too worried, you know, just... make mistakes. I mean you have to make mistakes. Ideally, of course, you like to make those mistakes when you're not fighting for championships or whatever, so I also got lucky with that, you know, starting at Toro Rosso at the time, not many people are looking at you all the time, so you can make some silly mistakes here and there. But it's important to make them because even though you tell yourself all the time I cannot do this or I cannot do that, you will only adapt really if you make them and then move forward.
And yeah, just in general, growing up as a person as well, I guess, even outside the car, knowing what you want in your private life.
And then it's just understanding the set-up of a racing car more and more over time. Of course cars evolve, but when you're with one particular team, at one point you know more or less what works or not. Being with the same kind of race engineers and people around you that fine tune the car for you, all these kind of things, the more you spend time with them, the more it comes to you.
But again, don't try to think about it too much, just let it happen. When you're that young, just focus on trying to go as fast as you can, make your mistakes, you know, have good race results and just, yeah. Well, try not to think about it too much.
Now you can explain all of this, but at the time you don't know that, right? So it's like, just ease into it. And then you have good people around you normally in the team that will coach you around this.
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its-avalon-08 · 1 month
hearts intertwined (hamilton x sister! driver!rosberg) p17
chapter 17: enemies and crashes
series masterlist avaspeaks - im sooo sorry i havent updated this series in so long. anyway here is pt17!
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It was race day at last. Over the past few weeks Nico and Lewis had become more civil and friendly. Lewis and Y/N had their fair share of moments where they felt as if they were the only ones who existed, hiding behind a facade of nonchalance, the two often sneaked in looks where they would just appreciate one another.
The air crackled with anticipation as the lights flickered off at the start of the race. Y/N, her adrenaline surging, shot off the line, her Red Bull a blur of crimson against the asphalt. To her surprise, she managed to slip past Max, taking the lead into the first corner.
Lewis, watching from his Mercedes, gritted his teeth. He knew he had to reclaim the lead, but Y/N was driving like a possessed woman, her every move calculated and aggressive.
The race was a battle of wits, with Y/N and Lewis trading places at every opportunity. The crowd roared, the tension palpable. Then came the pit stops. Y/N's crew executed a flawless pit stop, sending her back onto the track just behind Lewis.
The two cars emerged from the pit lane neck and neck, a battle royale brewing. Y/N, her eyes locked on Lewis's rear wing, pushed her car to the limit. She was inches away from his bumper, their cars a blur of color.
"Lewis, defensive driving!" his race engineer, Bono, barked through the radio.
"She's trying to take me out!" Lewis retorted, his voice laced with frustration.
Y/N's radio crackled with Liam's voice. "Y/N, focus! This is a dangerous maneuver!"
"I don't give a fuck!" she shouted back, her voice filled with adrenaline. "I'm winning this race! This is not slipping away from me."
Lewis was furious and shouted into his radio, "What the fuck is she doing right now? This will end both our races."
The tension between them reached boiling point as they approached a high-speed corner. Y/N made a daring move, clipping Lewis's front wing. Lewis's car spun out, crashing into the barriers. Nico gasped in shock of how all this had played out. "FUCK FUCK FUCK, What the fuck was that man? No I'm fucking done." Lewis shouted over radio. "Lewis are you okay?" Bono asked anxious. "Im fucking fine. No sorry Bono, I'm- I'm just shocked sorry everyone." Lewis responded. The crowd gasped as flames erupted from the wreckage.
Y/N's heart pounded in her chest. Fuck, fuck, fuck what had she done? But she kept her focus, determined to finish the race. She crossed the finish line, the checkered flag a blur of victory.
As she climbed out of the car, her team swarmed her with congratulations. She was elated, her adrenaline still pumping. The win was sweet, but the way she had achieved it left a bitter taste in her mouth.
She spotted Lewis being helped out of the wreckage, his face a mask of anger. She looked away, guilt gnawing at her conscience. But deep down, a part of her felt a strange sense of satisfaction. She had won, and she had beaten Lewis at his own game.
The post-race celebrations were muted, the shadow of the crash hanging over the paddock. Y/N avoided Lewis's gaze, her heart pounding with a mixture of triumph and remorse.
Lewis, meanwhile, stood alone, his face a mask of fury. He watched as Y/N celebrated with her team, a pang of jealousy piercing through his anger. He had lost the race, but more importantly, he had lost something else – respect for Y/N.
The night stretched ahead, a long and lonely one for both of them. The victory had come at a price, and the consequences would linger long after the champagne had dried.
The post-race press conference was a tense affair. Y/N had already given her interview, her victory still ringing in her ears. Now it was Lewis's turn to face the music.
The first few questions were standard fare, about the race conditions and his car's performance. But then, it happened.
"Lewis," a reporter began, a mischievous glint in her eye, "there was a particularly aggressive move from Y/N on lap twenty-three. Can you comment on that?"
Lewis's face hardened. His jaw clenched, and his eyes flashed with anger. "Aggressive? That was reckless," he spat out, his voice low and dangerous. "She took me out of the race. That's not racing, that's dangerous."
The room fell silent, the tension palpable. The reporter pressed on. "Y/N has a reputation for being a fierce competitor. Do you think that crossed the line today?"
Lewis leaned forward, his eyes boring into the reporter's. "I don't think she cares about lines," he growled. "All she cares about is winning, at any cost."
The room was electric. Y/N, watching the interview from her team's hospitality suite, felt a cold dread wash over her. She had known her move was risky, but Lewis was a fierce driver too. Why was he acting like he hasn't done this often? He did it to Nico more than once.
The reporter pressed further, but Lewis had retreated into a shell of fury. His answers were curt, his tone clipped. It was clear that the incident had left a bitter taste in his mouth, and he wasn't afraid to let everyone know.
As the interview ended, Lewis stormed out of the room, his face a mask of anger. The world could see the animosity between the two drivers, and the rivalry had taken a dangerous turn.
The paddock was abuzz with post-race analysis. Y/N, still riding the high of her victory, was surrounded by her team, their laughter and congratulations a welcome antidote to the tension that had gripped the race.
Then, she saw him. Lewis was standing alone, a solitary figure amidst the bustling crowd. Their eyes met, a silent battleground of unspoken words and simmering emotions.
Mustering her courage, Y/N walked towards him. The closer she got, the more she could see the anger etched on his face. It was a stark contrast to the usual composed demeanor he was known for.
"Lewis," she began, her voice barely a whisper.
He turned to face her, his eyes cold and distant. "Y/N," he replied, the words dripping with frost.
The silence that followed was heavy, laden with the unspoken accusations and recriminations.
"I won," Y/N stated simply, her voice steady.
Lewis scoffed. "By taking me out."
"It was a racing incident," Y/N retorted, her voice rising slightly. "You should know better than anyone what it's like to be on the receiving end of a tough move."
Lewis's jaw clenched. "But you took it too far," he countered. "You could have caused a serious accident."
Y/N looked at him, her eyes challenging. "Racing is dangerous, Lewis. That's the risk we take. I made a calculated move, and it paid off."
A bitter laugh escaped his lips. "Calculated? Or desperate?"
Y/N's anger flared. "Desperate? I was in the lead! You were trying to overtake me on the inside. I had to defend my position."
Lewis took a step closer, his voice low and menacing. "I would never do that to you, Y/N. Never."
The words hung in the air, a stark contrast to the fierce competition they had displayed on the track. Y/N felt a pang of guilt, but she quickly pushed it aside. She wasn't going to apologize for winning.
"But you've done it to people before Lewis. You did it to my brother. Don't act like you're a great saint, because truly you. are. not. Actions speak louder than words, Lewis," she replied coldly. "You'll just have to learn to accept it. We were racing, I was faster, I won. That's that"
With that, she turned and walked away, leaving Lewis alone with his thoughts. Lewis spoke up, "You're making enemies Y/N. And regardless of what I have done, I would have never dared to risk your life." Saying so he walked away. The victory tasted bittersweet, the adrenaline rush replaced by a growing sense of unease.
Y/N was swarmed by Max, who finished P2, her brother, Christian and more, all congratulating her. But she felt a metallic taste in her mouth. Was it guilt or something far more dangerous?
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taglist: @laura-naruto-fan1998 , @xoscar03 , @torossosebs , @jajouska , @lindsayjoy444 , @barcelonaloverf1life , @charli123456789, @heyheyheyggg
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chwedout · 5 months
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fy-wonwoo · 5 months
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240429 17 is right here press conference
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m00nlightshine · 5 months
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240429 Press Conference for 17 IS RIGHT HERE
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musubi-sama · 6 months
“Classmates” Chapter 3
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You end up spending all of Spring Break studying each other’s anatomy.
AN: I really want to go on this girl-date. Like, it’s just so fun and whimsical. Date or not, it’s on my list of things I want to do with a girlfriend. Here's the inspo for the outfits to keep in the back of your mind.
WC: 4.2k
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You awake to bright sun beaming into the room. Rolling over you check your phone on the bedside table, and it reads 11:17 am, Saturday. Rolling back, you feel movement beside you and look over to see a pair of half-open eyes staring at you.
“Mornin’ gorgeous,” Shoko says, with a deep sleepy gravel.
“Hi,” you say, letting out perhaps too much chipper in your tone.
“Oh no, you’re not one of those ‘morning people’ are you?” Shoko’s eyes shut as she tries to pull the covers over her head.
Trying to recall the events from last night with a small headache sitting right inside your forehead clouding your memory. You remember going to the bar, your boyfriend breaking up with you outside the bar, drinking a lot of beer, going back to Shoko’s apartment for wine, your first orgasm at the hands of another woman, a lovely bath and more wine, and wait, just how many more orgasms?
You groan as you reach over to the blankets covering Shoko, “do you want me to lie and say no?”
“No one’s perfect.”
“Can I at least raid your kitchen and make breakfast?”
“Be my guest. I don’t even know what food is in there,” Shoko rolls into you and leans up to plant a soft kiss on your jawline.
You return the gesture with a kiss on her forehead and then slide out of bed. Looking around, you see your discarded t shirt from after the bath sitting on the floor and toss it on as you walk out the door. You catch a catcall lobbed your way as you make your way out the door.
You respond with a flick of your hips and slip out of sight.
Shoko makes her way out of the bed and pulls on a short satin robe as she grabs a small clutch on her nightstand and steps out to the veranda. Shuffling through the clutch, she pulls out a lighter and cigarette pack. Finally freeing the stick from the pack, she lights the end and takes a drag.
A few minutes later you return to the bedroom with two coffees, a cup of milk, and a bowl of sugar.
“Oh, there you are,” you exclaim as you step outside. “I made coffee. But I didn’t see anything for breakfast in your kitchen.”
“Sorry, I don’t usually eat breakfast,” she offers a meek smile as she eagerly accepts the coffee and declines the milk and sugar.
“Bad habit,” you motion to the cigarette pack sitting on the table between you.
“Yeah. I’ve been considering stopping.”
Silence drifts between you as you sip coffee and take in the late-morning sun. As the caffeine innervates your brain, your jumbled thoughts start to reform into their usual confusing nest of twisted wires.
What was last night? Where does that leave you and Shoko? Are you bi or…? Drunken mistake? When can we go again? I was terrible at it, wasn’t I?
All knotted up, like a crowd of reporters at an urgent press conference. Pull on one thread, five others twist up tighter. You never had a problem with academic critical thinking and organizing your thoughts coherently. That was easy. Science has a logical start, middle, and end. But matters of emotions, those were pesky, illogical, and twisty.
You couldn’t blame your ex for breaking up with you, you weren’t exactly a good communicator when it came to your feelings. It was easy enough to talk about your opinions on the latest movie or video game, but to ask your brain to create a coherent thought about intimate concepts? Good luck.
Shoko put out her butt in the ashtray and finished her coffee. Crossing one leg over the other, her robe sliding down her leg to reveal a tease of her plush, bare, ass. The front open just enough to show off the soft dip in her cleavage. The movement and subsequent skin reveals snap you out of your thoughts. Your eyes flicker between the newly exposed chest and hips as you bring your feet up to rest on the seat of the chair and you lay your head on your knees.
“Care to join me on the couch?” Shoko’s eyes dart to your lips briefly as she shifts to stand up and take her mug and clutch back into her apartment.
“Happily," you follow her back into the bedroom.
You feel a little shameless immaturity as you stare at her while she drops the robe for a pair of leggings and a t shirt, hair clipped back with a few wisps hanging in her face in just the perfect messy-but-sexy way.
Heading into the living room, you pull a large throw blanket out of the closet as you curl up on one side of the couch, beginning a long session of ‘What do I want to watch when there are nigh-infinite choices and no pressing tasks to complete?’ Shoko grabs her own blanket and sits at the other end, legs extended on the chaise as she pops open her laptop.
“What are you in the mood for?” you ask Shoko.
“Whatever you want, angel.”
Your heart skips a beat and you fumble the remote for a moment but regain your grasp. “Ooo a new ancient civilization video podcast is out,” you start playing the video. It’s a long, four-hour video and you’re happy to lounge and not over think things for a while.
After a while, you shift your position on the couch and notice Shoko has been typing non-stop. You get up, head towards the kitchen and return with two glasses of water, sitting down one on the table near Shoko.
“For you.”
“Exactly what I needed right now,” She leans over to plant a small kiss on your cheek. You can’t hide your blush.
“So,” your voice comes out cracked. “What are you working on?” you scoot closer to her, apprehensively closing the distance on the couch.
“Oh, just my med school application,” she pushes her laptop away and turns to you.
“Woah. You’re so smart, a doctor-doctor,” you look at her with puppy dog eyes as you praise Shoko.
“I wouldn’t say that, just a glutton for punishment and school I guess,” she shrugs and takes a sip of water. You giggle, perhaps a bit too much, at her response. An awkward silence descends between you two, just taking sips of water and watching TV, you are unsure of how to continue the conversation.
So, did Shoko really mean it? That last night wasn’t just a one-time thing? You’ve known Shoko for around seven months, and you immediately noticed her poise, grace, and sharp wit. As you spent more long days and nights in the lab and office together, you saw her brilliance, dedication to helping others even if it meant a longer night for herself, and intensity. You’d get coffee with her and find yourself talking more than her, but every time you tried to steer the conversation back, she’d come back with another insightful question or comment for you.
Growing up, your friendships were polite and casual, never finding someone to call your ‘person.’ You filled your time with academics, hoping that you’d find someone via school to share secrets with or to call when a boy did something stupid. To get coffee with or just invite over to watch TV and drink wine.
You were starting to think that Shoko could be that person. And maybe this is what best best friends do. They get naked and touch each other in that way that makes their brains short circuit, and their eyes roll back in their heads to see colors beyond the realm of man. Just classmates who study from books and each other’s bodies.
You begin to feel a foot slowly sliding along yours, then up your leg.
“I need a break,” Shoko pulls her leg further up and slips it over yours.
She pulls both blankets over the two of you, creating a very cozy situation. Under the blankets, her hand snakes its way to your thigh and gives you a light squeeze. Your mouth goes dry, mentally cursing that you set your glass of water on the table.
“O-oh, uh, yeah?” you’re not very convincing while trying to keep a level tone.
“Yeah,” Shoko’s tone is sultry. She shifts herself under the blankets and slides to the floor, settling on her knees between your legs. Kissing up the inside of your thigh, leaving goosebumps in her wake and each breath of yours shakier than the last.
“You’re…picking this up-ahhh-quite fast,” Shoko is trying to catch her breath as she recovers from another orgasm. Water washes over her heaving chest as she pushes off the wall. You gently remove her leg from your shoulder as you rock back on your heels and look up from your position, licking your lips in satiated lust. You slide your hands up her body as you also stand, arms wrapping around her waist, hands hanging loosely on Shoko’s lower back.
“I’ve had a lot of practice, y’know,” planting a kiss on Shoko’s pulse point, then trailing up her jawline, and finishing by nipping her lower lip and pulling back slightly before releasing.
Shoko’s hands resting on your cheeks, arms caged in by yours. She’s enjoyed these moments of submission, being cared for and worshipped.
Being someone for whom friends and acquaintances came to for advice and an ear to bend brought the burden of information. Hearing of joys and accomplishments, the mundane meals one cooked or ate, but also the stress in someone’s life, the requests for advice in handling a tough situation. It warmed her to be considered a trusting person, but occasionally the secrets were too intense or the drama too much.
Sure, she had her best friends, Satoru and Suguru, to lean on and oh she did. But they weren’t her person, the one who would lay in her lap on the couch and be vulnerable towards. And take a bath with her and wake up in her arms. Could you be it? Or are you just close classmates?
“Let’s get out of here, I’m hungry and as much as I crave your pussy,” you bring your hand around to lightly graze Shoko’s core. “I need something that’ll give me more energy.”
Sitting at the table with a plate of sandwiches, you take a sip of water. Shoko sits down across from you.
“Hey. I was thinking, the weather is supposed to be exquisite today. I’ve got this instant photo camera and I saw an idea online recently where you go to the thrift store and pick out a new outfit for each other then go take pictures. Sound fun?” Shoko points over at her desk where you see a cute blue camera.
“Oh really? Yeah, let’s do it. We both could probably use the fresh air anyways.”
Dressed in your new-to-you outfits, you hop in Shoko’s car and make your way to a field of wildflowers.
“I know just the spot. I come here whenever I need to clear my head and get out of the city,” Shoko rests her hand on your leg as she cruises along the twisty, empty roads. Rolling hills with budding trees fill your view. Houses dapple the hills; sky is clear with the occasional wispy clouds. You enjoy the clarity the view brings, understanding why she likes coming out here.
Growing up in a high-rise in a city with career-married parents, you rarely took vacations or left the city. Even in college, you stayed near home and never took trips over school holidays. You found comfort in the cacophony; but this view (okay, sure Shoko is part of said view) is tickling a pleasant part of your brain you’d not felt before.
Pulling up to a small dirt road, Shoko stops the car and you both step out.
You’re in Shoko’s chosen outfit, a forest green and yellow leaf printed wrap skirt tied at your waist and reaching down just past your knees. The top is quite out of your comfort zone in orange and yellow striped fitted halter neck top with a keyhole detail, crisscrossed across your chest and fastened behind your neck. She also picked out some dainty gold chain earrings and some thin coordinating gold thin rings. The outfit is finished off with a pair of forest green mules.
Shoko is in a stunning pair of mustard yellow high waist wide leg trousers with a black cowl-neck one shoulder blouse, exposing her left arm. You also grabbed a pair of thick-framed black acrylic sunglasses and faux-leather booties.
You take a deep breath and exhale, “wow the air is amazing out here!”
Shoko smiles and walks around, taking your hand in hers and starts walking into the flowers “come with me.”
Following Shoko into the flowers, you find a small clearing and lay out a blanket. You sit across from Shoko, and she fishes in her satchel for her camera.
“I’m…I’m not really a ‘take pictures of me’ type of person…” you look down at your hands sitting in your lap, starting to fidget slightly.
“It’ll just be for our eyes only. And I’ll help you feel your best the entire time,” Shoko reassures you as she holds the camera to the side of her face. “Now, the best way to start is to make you laugh!
Remember at the bar last week when Mahito tripped over the step?”
“Oh, and then his beer spilled all down- “
“Right? And he grabbed the napkin to clean it up but then they- “
You both burst into laughter, and you hear the first click of the camera and a mechanical whirr as the photo begins to print. You continue chattering away while you wait for the photo to emerge and develop. Shoko gives it a shake and you lean over to look.
“Oh, I really like that one!” you give a surprised smile. Shoko just looks up at you while you examine the photo. She puts it next to her and readies the camera again.
“Can you daydream at night?” Shoko asks a sudden question, and you shift into an inquisitive expression.
*click whirr*
The questions and conversation continue as you trade the camera back and forth telling jokes, revealing shower thoughts, and watching the flower rustle in the light breeze. Clicking and whirring continue as the stack of photos piles up.
“I can’t stop thinking about kissing you,” you say, looking out through the flowers and sky after several clicks of the camera.
“Well, are you going to do something about that?” Shoko pulls the camera away from her face.
You push her legs so you can slot in between them and sit with your back to hers. You’re partially laying down, looking up at her.
*click whirr*
When it comes out, you gasp and lean up to kiss her on the cheek.
*click whirr giggles*
“Which med schools are you applying to? Maybe if we’re lucky we could, y’know, keep being classmates…” you trail off, an inflection of question in your tone as you settle your head against her shoulder.
“Is that so?” Shoko looks down, her expression unreadable.
“Ah well, we don’t have to. I just thought maybe…”
“You’re so easy to fluster,” she lands a kiss on the top of your head.
“I’d love to continue to med school with you. I didn’t realize you were planning on applying,” Shoko swipes a stray hair out of your face.
“I didn’t really plan on it till about a month ago. But I think I’ve got the professional references, and the application isn’t all too dissimilar to grad school. The hard part will be the MCATs, but I think it’ll be manageable. Unless…you’re trying to go to a really difficult school?”
“Oh god no. I’m only applying to schools I know I have a real chance at attending, and they all have modest bars of entry. I’ve seen your work in the lab, you’ll have an easier time than me!”
*click whirr*
At this point, the sun is setting, and you’ve lost the golden rays. But you’ve both given up on taking more photos, opting to lay down on the blanket, Shoko resting her head on your stomach. You’re lost in the conversation, it continues free-flowing and meandering. The questions tickling the far-reaches of your brain, talking about concepts you’ve never spoken about to a person before. A few threads in your brain untangling. Despite of the chilly spring air falling over the two of you, you feel a warmth spreading from your chest and a sense of serenity.
Eventually Shoko checks her watch and it’s well into the evening.
“We should probably head back now. Do you want to stay one more night?” Shoko sits up slightly and reaches a hand up to your cheek.
“If you’ll have me,” you reach your hand up to hold hers.
“Oh, gladly,” Shoko chuckles softly and for a brief flash you see a wisp of lust float through her eyes.
Returning to Shoko’s apartment, with bags of fast food in your arms, you both settle onto the floor around the coffee table and turn on some reality TV while you eat dinner.
After throwing away the final trash in the kitchen, you feel a pair of arms wrap around you from behind and a soft kiss planted on your neck. Before you can pull your arms around to grasp the ones around your waist, they’ve snaked their way up your abdomen and are clutching your breasts in your striped top.
“You look even better in this than I expected,” Shoko squeezes both hands, attempting to grasp all of your chest in her hands. You let out a soft moan and acquiesce into another kiss on your neck.
“Those pants make your legs go on for days, babe,” you reach back to grab Shoko’s ass. Her eyes roll to the back of her head at hearing the petname, simple as it is.
Shoko spins you around, leaning you against the counter, and immediately plants her lips on yours. She gets aggressive, biting and pulling on your lower lip. Her hands threading through your hair, giving a small tug with the bite.
You pull your head back and then aim right at her neck. You latch on and suck until you hear a moan and release your lips. Satisfied with yourself for leaving a deep mark. Your hands finding their way back to her ass and squeeze again, rubbing up and down, cupping them from underneath.
You continue to makeout with Shoko, tongues sliding around each other, puffy lips nipping at anything they can reach, both sets of hands roaming wildly across each other’s bodies, until Shoko lifts you up onto the counter. She slots in between your legs while finding the seam of your wrap skirt. Shoko peels it back and you spread your legs further.
She crouches down and plants light kisses up the inside of your thigh, hands sliding up along with her lips little by little. A trail of goosebumps in her wake. Her soft nose bumps your clothed clit, and you buck slightly at the sensation.
“Next time,” Shoko is panting lightly, “how about we pick out lingerie instead?”
She tugs at your panties, sliding them off and down your legs to drop onto the floor. Settling onto her knees, Shoko takes a soft lick up your quivering pussy. You lean back on your hands and throw your head back as you let out a long moan.
Shoko reaches her hand up, thumb rubbing lazy circles on your clit. Wanting to taste more of your sweet cunt, she begins to lick and suck, swallowing every drop that collects on her tongue.
Increasing the pressure, Shoko’s tongue touches every nerve that drives you closer to the edge. Each touch tightens the knot forming in your abdomen. After a week of fucking in every room and with little breaks, she’s figured out the exact ways to tease and touch, and the exact ways to turn you into a puddle.
Shoko takes her free hand and slides two fingers in with little resistance. Her tongue licking the outer folds, she turns her palm up and curls her fingers to slide across that spongy bundle of nerves waiting for attention. You immediately keen and wrap your legs around Shoko’s head, pulling her in closer. She moans at how needy you’re being.
Continuing to increase the movement and pace, Shoko looks up and sees your chest heaving and your stomach contracting. Your whines are getting louder, reaching fever pitch as suddenly the knot in your abdomen feels almost somehow tighter. As if Shoko has touched a new nerve, a string that has wrapped itself around the knot, squeezing it that much stronger.
The knot snaps and your hips launch up off the counter, leaving you to brace yourself on your arms. All rational and irrational thought ceases in your brain. All that courses through the neurons are the sounds of dialup internet. And for the first time in your life, you squirt. Shoko immediately latches on to your spasming cunt and swallows as much as she can, the rest falling past her chin. She stays attached to you until your hips return to the counter.
You slowly lift your head up, chest still heaving as your heartrate begins to normalize, and Shoko takes that cue to stand up and give you a taste of yourself. Moaning into your lips, she removes her hands from your oversensitive core, bringing them up to your cheeks, not caring of the mess it is making. Certainly, less of a mess than what just exploded from you. As your brain slowly starts to revive itself, you return the intensity of the kiss and sit up fully.
“What…what was that?” you are incredulous, pulling away from Shoko’s lips, but leaving your foreheads touching. “What-how?”
“You don’t think I haven’t been practicing for years on myself. Not to mention, we’ve spent how much time together this week? Surely you wouldn’t insult the skills of my hands?” Shoko pouts and puts on a fake hurt expression, exaggerating her last sentence.
“Oh god no.” Taking one of her hands in yours, you begin to clean off her fingers one at a time, wrapping your tongue around each wet digit. “Your fingers are a gift from above.”
You both giggle and Shoko feels weak every time you wrap your soft tongue around one of her fingers. Her aching pussy throbbing at each lick.
You finish your task and hop off the counter. Heading towards the bedroom, you sway your hips side to side with each step, and just before stepping around the corner, you look over your shoulder with your best attempt at a sultry gaze accompanied with a single finger beckoning at Shoko.
Shoko blinks twice, still in disbelief that you’ve spent not just one night in her bed, and not just coffee after classes or drinks with the lab, but a whole week exploring each other’s bodies, snuggling on the couch, and discarding your veils to just be yourselves.
Once Shoko arrives in the bedroom, you’ve already discarded your skirt and are attempting to work your way out of the halter top but are struggling to unlatch the buttons. Shoko approaches and the collar drops instantly with a flick of her fingers.
“Your turn. Drop the extra layers and go lay on the bed,” you attempt to sound commanding.
Shoko appreciated the attempt, and before disrobing, she slid a hand under your chin and whispered, “Oh I do love a woman in charge.”
Once Shoko settled herself on the bed, you climb up and face her, draping your left leg over her right and sliding your other leg under her left. You then start to slide closer to her. Once you are sitting within inches, feeling the heat radiating from her core, you reach out a hand to collect up a bit of what is leaking from her. You moan as the sweetness hits your tongue.
Bringing your cunt to reach hers, you slowly rub up and down, letting your arousals mix into a sweet concoction. You let your head fall back as you press harder, Shoko pressing back to you. Heavy pants are heard, but you can’t tell where one’s sounds end and the other begins.
The intensity increasing, Shoko’s head lolling down into her chest, chest heaving as your peaks approach. A sheen of sweat forming, arousal dripping onto the bed as you both push together and slip past one last time as your arms lose their strength and you both collapse in ecstasy.
Bathing in the afterglow, limbs still tangled, bodies touching in lewd ways, you slowly pull yourself up and shift so that Shoko can bury her head in your bosom. You thread your fingers in hers as you let your heartbeats even out together, keeping your pulses close to each other.
“Hey, I had an amazing week. And despite of how vigorously we relaxed, it really was relaxing,” you say to Shoko as you squeeze her hand for emphasis.
“I hope it helped ease the heartbreak,” Shoko starts to get up and head towards the bath. “Let’s get cleaned up and actually relax.”
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forseokgyu · 5 months
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[240429] ‘17 IS RIGHT HERE’ Press Conference
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lokisprettygirl · 1 year
Under his influence (Post Avengers! Loki x female reader)
Read chapter 17 here // Series Masterlist
Chapter 18
Summary : You visit NYC for Jane's birthday where you bump into the love of your life again.
Warning: mention of sex, mention of periods, heartbreak and angst, talk of murder and kidnapping, mention of psychological torture, angst, insecurities, self deprecating behaviour, panic attack, best friends to lovers who are also bestest of friends to just best friends to possibly lovers as well as best friends again, Melissa is mentioned
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"What should I be wearing?" You asked Jane and she started to ramble on excitedly. You had to leave first thing in the morning for NYC. First thing first you were glad to travel the distance with an actual flight this time instead of Thor's Mobonil. It would be a hassle but at least the chances of a sudden heart attack risk would remain low.
You tried so hard to convince Jane that that you won't be able to come because it's been just two months since that night when Loki and you had decided to continue this relationship platonically and it's been three weeks since you have seen him last. Avengers were on a mission, something about a certain winter soldier, you didn't understand much when Loki was telling you about it. He wasn't your boyfriend and considering how busy he was with his new job as an Avenger, you didn't want to continue to pester him with every little thing that you wanted to share with him.
Everyday you woke up with a heavy heart knowing that your friendship with Loki would eventually fade with time and he'd drift apart. A week ago Loki had arranged a press conference to come out with the truth about Melissa and the whole farce. The response was her filing a FIR against him for domestic abuse but Loki was able to get away because the Avengers refuted any such claims. He was surprised he had their support, their attitude regarding him was starting to change, some people were shocked over the break up and you still remembered when he was asked about whether the story of him ending up in a woman's apartment was true or not, he looked right into the camera as if he was trying to deliver a secret message to you and said that everything was true and it was real for him and being cooped up in your apartment was the happiest he had ever felt in his life.
You were still in love with him and you wished for him to feel the same but deep down you knew you weren't anything special, you saw several pictures of Loki where he was surrounded by a herd of men and women alike, he wasn't really doing anything with any of them, he didn't even seem to flirt, he was just talking but those pictures were still scandalized because an Asgardian god was single and everyone seemed eager to try their luck with him.
A week ago you had called him after that video of him preventing a whole skyscraper from collapsing went viral all around the world, while he did that the Avengers were able to get everyone out safely. It was truly magnificent but the longer you stayed away from him the more phantomic he became for you, you started to see him the way everyone else was seeing him and it wasn't that much of a shock that he was being lusted after so blatantly by everyone around him and you knew one of these days someone will catch his eyes and he'd give into those feelings and then he won't even be your friend.
No woman would ever want her man to be friends with his ex this way, especially a man like him, you'd be just another stranger for him. It's been six days since you had heard anything from him and it was starting to bother you alot.
You wiped your tears before you got up and decided to pack a little something for the trip. You'd leave tomorrow but you still didn't have any idea where you were going to stay, the day after her birthday Jane wanted to go sightseeing in New York City, then you'll return the next day.
She had just moved in the Avengers towards with Thor and her assistant Darcy, she was also an astrophysicist, you noticed her chatting up with Loki in one of the Instagram videos Jane had uploaded. Of course the focus wasn't on them but like an obsessed creep you downloaded the video, zoomed in and found them in the corner just talking and laughing with each other, you cried all night after that because you felt absolutely pathetic and scared about this development. He hadn't told you anything about her yet.
She was beautiful, funny and intelligent and she didn't seem to have a crappy personality like Melisaa so you couldn't even hate her. What else a man like Loki would ever need from a woman?
Did he even know you were coming there? You didn't tell him and he didn't ask either, maybe Jane hadn't told him yet. You felt nervous, your anxiety was over the roof, you knew there would be several high profile personalities there and you barely knew just three of them.
"Okay she's coming, now all we need to do is to hide her from him until the party" Jane said to Thor so he smiled.
"Oh that won't be a problem, I will take Loki somewhere"
Thor didn't know the full extent of what had transpired between you and Loki but it had something to do with the attack on Melissa. He did feel though that both of you were being really foolish about this situation.
He stepped out of his room to find Loki and located him in the living space along with Darcy, they were having a conversation about the alignment of the stars that he wasn't interested in participating in.
"Brother tomorrow you and me shall go see that statue everybody keeps hollering about" Thor told him so loki furrowed his brows,
"Really? It's Lady Jane's birthday. You wouldn't want to be here with her instead?" Thor gulped as Loki questioned him "Besides Darcy is taking me to the mall to buy presents for her" he said so Thor breathed in relief, he just wanted him out of the tower anyhow.
"Aren't you worried about being seen with a mortal again?" Thor questioned again so Loki smiled and waved his fingers, in a moment Loki and Darcy were turned into different people who had no resemblance to any of their real self whatsoever.
"Should I worry now?" Loki chuckled as he questioned.
"I suppose not"
The next day you woke up early in the morning to reach the airport on time, it took approximately three hours to reach NYC and it was around 2 pm when you landed, you called Jane immediately and she told you that there was a car waiting to pick you up so you found the person, hopped in and it took you straight to the Avengers tower, you kept your eyes on the road just enjoying the sight, you had never been to NYC before.
As you reached the tower, you were scanned and your belongings were checked carefully before they allowed you to enter. The place was huge and your anxiety was only bubbling more and more. When you reached the 18th floor Jane was waiting for you, she immediately pulled you in a hug and that's when you were able to calm down, even if just a little, Thor approached you as well and he grabbed the back of your hand to place a formal kiss. You wished her happy birthday and you could tell she was so happy, she was turning thirty and you couldn't help but feel envious about her accomplishments in life, you both were almost the same age and while she was on top of the world you had nothing going on for you.
"So ummmm where's Loki?" You asked them so they looked at each other.
"I think he's away with Darcy, they had to buy presents for Jane" Thor answered you and Jane grinned like a cheshire cat.
"I'm getting presents?" She asked him so he kissed her softly,
"Of Course you are, it's your birthday my beloved" you stood there awkwardly at the interaction, just the thought of Loki not being here and worse him being out there with Darcy was enough to make your heart sink again but before you could sulk in self pity Jane grabbed your arm and took you to a room on the same floor, you passed by Loki's room and your heart clenched again.
"Ummm Jane, is this dress good enough for the party? Or I can go buy something if it's not, this is the fanciest thing i had in my closet" you pulled out a dress from your luggage, it was a black fit and flare sort of dress with once inch wider straps. The hem of the dress was flared and it gave it a sexy but elegant look. Though your elegance probably wasn't up to their standards so you just wanted to ask for her opinion first, she invited you, the last thing you wanted was for her to be embarrassed of you in front of everyone. You were so nervous to be in the same room as the goddamn Avengers but she assured you that the dress was perfect for her birthday party and you had nothing to worry about.
You also lied to your mom about the trip, you told her it was an old friend from college and not Jane Foster because your mother knew everything about Avengers and who they were dating. Her opinions on Loki had pretty much stayed the same.
Once you had showered Jane took you to get lunch, it was nice to roam around the tower without needing the cloak of invisibility. You had the cloak in your luggage, Loki never asked for it, thankfully the man at the security had barely picked it up so it just seemed like a fancy robe.
Around 4 pm while you were doing your makeup you heard Loki's voice echoing in the hallway, your heart sped at the sound of his voice but then you heard her voice as well, Darcy. They were talking and laughing about something you didn't understand but your heart broke into pieces knowing that it wasn't you making him laugh like that. He sounded…okay, more than okay, he sounded happy. Was she the reason he hasn't been in touch with you lately? Was he moving on and falling for her? Your eyes welled up at the thought. You heard a knock on the door and felt your gut sinking when you heard his voice,
"Is someone in there?" He asked but you were frozen in your spot. Just a few months ago you were hiding with him and now you were hiding from him.
This wasn't the first time you had been here at this very place in your life but it always hurt the same. He was supposed to be your best friend, you probably never should have taken it any further than that because those romantic feelings always complicated the friendship too.
"That room is vacant Kiki, you know Jane said she was having a friend over for the party so it's probably her..how did you know someone was in there?" She even had a nickname for him. Wow.
"I just… I just thought that…nevermind" you heard him saying before their footsteps faded into the hallway.
What were you thinking coming here? You just wanted to get out of here and run away but it wouldn't have been fair to Jane, she had gone through so much trouble for you, you didn't think you would have ever done anything like this for her.
The party was in the lounge of the 18th floor, you had noticed the directional map of the floor in the living room so you just followed that and you bumped into Thor as soon as you did.
"Norns are you alright lady y/n? My apologies" he apologized immediately
"It's okay I'm okay" you let out a nervous laughter so he smiled,
"Lady y/n, would you be so kind as to grant me a favour?" He asked you and you looked at him nervously.
"Ofcourse anything "
"Please can you just go to Loki's room and retrieve him, i wouldn't want him to be fashionably late as always" you nodded as he said that and turned around to leave the lounge and into the hall again. You probably should have said no but you knew Thor knew that you both were still friends at least and you didn't want to make it more awkward than it already was.
You walked towards his room and sighed before you knocked. At last you had come face to face with Darcy but somehow you managed to find your voice. What was she doing in his room?
"Ummm hiii is Loki here? His brother has been looking for him" You asked her so she opened the door all the way to the end and you were met with his pale but pretty as always face, he seemed shocked and taken by surprise of your presence there. He had a black blazer on with a white tee shirt underneath and a black fitted pants, he slowly walked towards you and past Darcy to reach closer to you. He looked devastatingly handsome and you were devastated by it.
"Y/n?" He gulped as he looked at you so you faked a smile.
"I can't believe you are here" he smiled briefly before he pulled you in for a hug, the smell of his cologne immediately made you relive the memories you had made with him before everything fell apart. As he pulled away he cupped your cheeks and kissed your forehead.
"How come you are here? Why didn't you tell me?" He asked you so you looked at Darcy and then looked at him.
"It was so sudden..umm Jane invited me yesterday..I was going to call. I just thought you were busy" you said to him.
"I am never too busy for you, you know that. Right?" Your eyes teared up as he said that so you looked down and blinked rapidly in order to restrain your tears. You felt pathetic.
"Thor wants to see you in the lounge" you said to him so Darcy closed the door of his room and all three of you proceeded towards the lounge together.
"When did you get here and how?" He asked you so you told him. He looked at your room as you all passed by it and he had a sudden realization, his instincts were never wrong about you. He smelled you and he could feel you around him but he just thought he was overthinking as usual.
As you reached the lounge you got away from him to go be with Jane and it hurt him a little. Were you upset with him? You must be, he hadn't been calling lately but he had his reasons. This wasn't getting any easier for him by the day.
"Okay if anyone asks just tell them your name is Stacy" Jane said to you so you nodded, there was a woman you didn't recognise at the party and she was watching you like a hawk for some reason.
"Do you know all these people?" you asked Jane so she laughed.
"Not really but they all work for the Avengers" you nodded as she said that. You felt Loki's eyes on you and it made you feel nervous, you probably shouldn't have gotten away without saying anything but you just felt extremely hurt. Seeing another woman in his room had burned you with intense jealousy, there was probably nothing between them but you still felt bothered by their situation. When Jane took you to the open bar, you got a mocktail, you didn't want to consume alcohol and embarrass yourself any further. She had to go see other people so she left you on your own and that's when the woman who couldn't stop staring at you approached you.
"Hello" she raised her hand forward so you shook it.
"I'm Dalia, I'm their publicist" she introduced herself so you gulped nervously. You knew about her but you had never seen her. This was the same woman because of whom Loki wasn't able to get in touch with you when they had brought him here first .
"Ummm imm Stacy, Jane's friend"
"Really? So you're not Y/n Y/l/n?" She asked you and you looked at her a little shocked that she recognised you. She looked at you up and down before she started to speak again "Look.. nothing against you but I really hope you're not here to seduce Loki again, though I must say you're really fucking it up already with that dress" your eyes teared up as she mumbled. There was a smirk on her face that you just wanted to slap away.
"He's just a friend"
"Keep it that way..I mean I am glad you came. Now you can be around here and see that you don't belong with these people and especially not Loki" she walked away after saying that. You put the drink down on the counter as you had to get out of the lounge for a moment because you could feel the panic increasing in your chest. Your eyes met with Jane so you gestured that you wanted to go use loo and she smiled at you. How was she so much better at dealing with this stuff?
You walked out of the lounge and you wished you didn't have the stupid heels on so you could just run away but you were helpless, you cut the corner and braced yourself against the wall as the anxiety rose rapidly, your chest felt constricted again and you couldn't breathe properly.
You didn't belong here or with Loki, that was one of your fears coming here but having someone confirm it to your face was what tipped you off the edge.
You breathed heavily and hoped for the feeling to pass but it was only worsening every second. The tears rolled down constantly and you were so close to just burst into a fit of cries when you felt someone grabbing your shoulders, you looked up at him and it was Loki.
"Loo" you could barely whisper, you couldn't see his face properly because your vision had gotten blurry but you noticed those tears in his eyes "I can't breathe" your voice again came out breathless so he stepped closer to you, cupped your cheeks and you felt his fingers rubbing over your skin
"You can, just take a deep breath for me on the count of three alright, can you do that?" The broken look on your face clenched his heart. He hated himself in the moment, even more so than usual, he should have been here for you, he was supposed to be your friend, your best friend. You followed his instruction and the wheezing breaths were starting to diminish the longer he had you in his embrace,
"That's it, you're doing good my darling, you are okay i promise you are okay" he cooed gently before he pulled you into him for a hug. You cried as much as you needed to cry to let it all out but you had to pull away at some point.
"Thank you, and I'm sorry" you mumbled softly so he smiled.
"I am sorry too"
You shook your head as he said that.
"I shouldn't have come here, i don't belong here"
"Really?" He asked you as he was certainly offended so you nodded, he suddenly grabbed your arm and took you back to the party.
"See that lady over there? She's so inebriated you will find her hurling her insides out before the night ends" you looked at him a bit taken away by the sudden statement as he pinpointed towards a woman.
"Oh look at the Captain, he's drinking his sorrows away and once he's intoxicated he's going to embarrass himself by singing an old school love ballad" you looked at Captain America as Loki pointed towards him.
"See those two, they are publically having an altercation over something trivial" he gestured towards Tony and Pepper and you sighed, you knew what he was trying to say "These people are just humans like you, just mortals, they are not perfect or better than you, they could never be" you nodded as he said that.
"Thank you lo..thank you" he smiled as you said that.
"I have mis–" you cut him off before he had even finished his sentence. You wished later that you hadn't done that.
"What about her?" You hinted towards Darcy so he looked at her, he was confused by the question and the all the implications they carried..
"She's a friend, that is all" A friend, same as you two used to be?
You nodded as he said that. Things had gotten extremely awkward between you two, for once since you had known him you both felt out of sync with each other, the conversation just didn't feel natural.
The party went well and you couldn't have been more thankful for Jane that she invited you here but you shouldn't have come here because you felt as if this would ruin whatever friendship you had left between you two.
When you went back to your room that night all alone it was hard to fall asleep. It was even harder to not cry every other minute. You decided that you had to talk to Loki and see if you still had him in your life or not because if not you had to make sure you weren't hurting yourself like this every moment because this didn't seem healthy. You got up and walked into the hallway, halfway through you saw Loki walking towards you as well, as he stepped closer he seemed as if he had just showered.
"Hiii" you smiled at him, you just wanted to talk to him..
"Can we talk in your room?" He asked you so nodded, you both walked side by side back to your room, was he coming to see you as well? You truly hoped so.
As you reached there, you both sat down on the bed,
"I'm sorry if I have been weird today, I just.. it's hard, it's the most difficult thing I have ever done in my life" you said to him so he turned his head to look at you.
"It's torturous darling, I don't enjoy this and I apologize if I have been a bad friend to you but I just can't see you everyday because everytime i look at you I am only thinking of the things we'd never get to have with each other" your eyes welled up as he said that "I can't stop obsessing over the moments we have spent with each other, I can't stop thinking that I'd never get to kiss you again and I haven't slept in a month because all I think of as soon as I hit the bed is you. I stay awake all night just wishing for you to hold me again"
You felt speechless by the confession, you didn't know what to say to him.
"Lo, I miss all that too I really do. I was so scared coming here today because I felt as if we were drifting apart. Ten years from now I don't want to look back at my life and regret losing a precious person like you, ten years down the line I still want to have you by my side" he wiped his tears as he sniffled.
"I am upset you did not tell me that you were coming here" you placed your hand on his as he mumbled, he had every right to be upset with you. You would have been upset too if the roles were reversed.
"I am sorry, i should have, i should have told my best friend that I was coming here"
"Yes, you should have because If I knew I'd have come pick you up at the airport and perhaps we would have gone for sightseeing" he smiled and it was so infectious that you were compelled to do the same.
"I am staying tomorrow so we can go do that" he nodded as you said that. He brought your hand up to his mouth and gave it a few birdlike kisses and you hugged him as appropriately as you could. It didn't feel awkward now anymore, it felt perfect, all you had to do was communicate with him.
"We are definitely doing that" he got up and smiled again as he wished you a good night of sleep. But before he could step out of your room he turned around to look at you and smiled but his eyes were teary again.
"Darcy is just a friend, we have similar interests but she's not anything more than that and we definitely dont share the same affinity as both of us do" You gulped as he said that, he must have sensed your jealousy regarding her "No one could ever be you or take your place in my heart. I hope you will always remember that my sweet darling princess"
Your mouth stayed open in shock as he stepped out of the room and then you cried again. He still loved you and you loved him, then why weren't you two together? Why did he allow his fear of losing you to death win over his love? For once in your life why couldn't you just take a chance for the love you felt for him? What more did you have to lose here? You were pondering over this complicated situation when you remembered the saying on the knife he has gifted you.
"If you ever find yourself trapped by the twisted paths of uncertainties, remember that you can always cut through and make a new one" A new path, something in between, maybe tomorrow you'd be able to create that.
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opencommunion · 2 months
"Britain’s largest gathering of counter-terrorism experts assembled in London last month to discuss what one police chief called 'legal but harmful protest' following Israel’s war on Gaza. Inside a cavernous Docklands conference hall, companies at the Counter Terror Expo displayed gas mask-clad dummies and crowd control systems as enthusiastic AI reps promised revolutionary advances in surveillance. Tools for hacking phones with 'brute force,' monitoring someone’s emotional state based on their social media and rapidly digesting the contents of an 'acquired' computer were all up for sale. Among the potential customers were foreign police departments, including officers fresh from Georgia’s violent crackdown on anti-Russia protests.
Several salespeople declined to explain their products to the media. 'I can’t believe they let you people in here,' one rep told Declassified after seeing our press card. 'I think it’s disgusting.' Her company markets AI tools for military and law enforcement to process recordings of people’s voices. 
When delegates weren’t browsing spyware or sipping craft beer with a £12 'world food' meal deal, they could listen to the security industry’s leading lights. These included detective chief superintendent Maria Lovegrove who runs Britain’s Prevent strategy against radicalisation. She trumpeted 53 arrests for terrorism offences since October 7. Only one of these was for violence. The rest concerned social media posts or attending gatherings. Asked whether this data suggests police are overreacting to peaceful pro-Palestine protests, Lovegrove valorised an 'early intervention' approach. She told Declassified this was the 'greatest tool in preventing terror attacks' and insisted officers 'only arrest and prosecute when we have to.' Among those arrests were three women found guilty for wearing paraglider stickers at a protest.
Dom Murphy – the Met’s counter terrorism commander – told delegates he was monitoring 'legal but harmful' protests and the risk of 'low-sophistication' attacks by people radicalised online or at university since October 7th. 'If there are 100,000 people at a protest, and one person holding a Hamas flag, we will find them and arrest them,' Murphy reassured attendees. A majority of recent arrests targeted individuals aged under 17, he boasted, as proof that the 'early intervention' approach was working. 
Another panellist praised Britain’s ability to pre-emptively arrest people for public order offences at demonstrations and target them for terror offences further down the line. Craig McCann, a former senior Prevent officer, expressed the mood in the room when he described ceasefire marches as a 'permissive environment for the transfer of extremist ideology.' Like other speakers, he sought to delegitimise opponents of Israel’s war on Gaza by characterising pro-Palestine protests as an 'Islamist camp conflating with far-Right anti-Semitism.' McCann explicitly linked Palestinian nationalism with Nazism, an Israeli propaganda point. Fellow panellists claimed parts of London were a 'no-go zone for Jews.' Discussing threats from 'street protest all the way through to terrorism,' the conference presented far Left, far Right, 'Islamist' and 'environmentalist' ideologies as equal, inter-related threats to British society. ... After lunch, discussion turned to 'British values' and protecting England from the menace of social media and foreign flags that vexed thousands of officers under Murphy’s command. Many felt the next-generation tech on display would ensure ever more effective crackdowns on street protest and dissent."
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everyoneswoo · 5 months
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[240429] ‘17 IS RIGHT HERE’ Press Conference
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