#1700 years old
"The egg has been taken to the Natural History Museum in London. Edward Biddulph, the senior project manager at Oxford Archaeology said it had felt a little daunting riding on the tube and walking around the capital with such an extraordinary and fragile egg in his care." "Dana Goodburn-Brown, an archaeological conservator and materials scientist said: The egg ranks as one of the coolest and most challenging archaeological finds to investigate and conserve. Being the temporary caretaker and investigator of this Roman egg counts as one of the major highlights of my 40-year career."
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blueiscoool · 17 days
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1,700-Year-Old Roman Ringstone Depicting Goddess Athena Discovered at Assos
Archaeologists have unearthed a significant Roman Imperial Period ringstone engraved with the image of Athena, the protective deity of the ancient city of Assos. This discovery took place within the Ksenedochion structure—believed to be ancient hostel buildings—among the Assos Ruins located in the Ayvacık district of Çanakkale, Turkey. The city of Assos, nestled in the southwestern corner of the Biga Peninsula within Behramkale Village, has a storied past that dates back to the Bronze Age. Scholars have drawn parallels between Assos and the ancient cities of Assuwa and Pedasos, referenced in Hittite texts and Homer’s epic, the Iliad. The city, as it is known from historical records, was founded by settlers from the island of Lesbos in the 7th century BC, with Athena, daughter of Zeus and one of the twelve Olympian deities, honored as its protector.
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For nearly 40 years, a dedicated team of Turkish archaeologists has been excavating this ancient site. The ongoing work is led by Professor Nurettin Arslan of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University’s Archaeology Department, supported by Turkey’s Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the sponsorship of İÇDAŞ. Professor Arslan provided insights into the recent find, stating, “This season, we uncovered a stone ringstone within the Ksenedochion. It bears an engraving of Athena, the city’s primary goddess, depicted in a standing position. Such seals were widespread during the Roman period and were used in earlier and later times as well. This particular ringstone, likely belonging to a notable individual in Assos, served a function similar to that of a modern-day signature. We estimate its age to be between 1,600 and 1,700 years, dating it to the 2nd or 3rd century AD.”
The history of Assos is marked by its passage through various empires and rulers. In the 6th century BC, it fell under Lydian control before being absorbed into the Persian Empire after Lydia’s defeat by King Cyrus II. The city later joined the Athenian Confederacy in the 5th century BC, only to be reclaimed by Persia until Alexander the Great’s conquest in 334 BC. Following Alexander’s death, Assos changed hands among his successors, eventually becoming part of the Kingdom of Pergamon and later the Roman Empire. Assos flourished during the 1st and 2nd centuries AD but gradually declined as it came under Byzantine, Seljuk, Frankish Crusader, and Ottoman rule by 1330.
By Ivan Petricevic.
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ocpdzim · 1 month
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We have a far future "AU" (canon status dubious) for our MOTW game now set 500 years after the event of the game. Filonyn's immortal so they're still around. They finally got fed up with not being able to participate in the latest fabric innovations and went and got a chemistry degree so they could manufacture polyester. After the events of the game magic could no longer be kept secret so they don't have to hide their face anymore and just wear sunglasses. They're minding their own business and having a good time with absolutely 0 exciting adventures. They fixed their financial problems by charging academics money to come to their house and see all their super old stuff. They have finally made a website. If you're thinking "those outfits don't look particularly futuristic" get off my ASS they were wearing shit from the Baroque period in 2020 ok. That's why they're dressed like this in 2500
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thecoolestcowboy · 11 months
i was recently rewatching ofmd s1 (for the 3rd God-forsaken time.) and i was wondering “wait why does Stede look so… sick? after the kiss?” and now i’m realizing just how scared Stede was, even though he loved Ed and wanted to do anything in his power to make him happy 😭 Stede thought that he would eventually disappoint Ed so he decided to leave without telling him to ‘spare’ both of them the pain
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i absolutely love how djenkins doesn’t portray only perfect queer relationships in the show and demonstrates the realistic ups and downs that happen in most relationships
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the-marquis · 4 months
Werner Hinz as Frederick the Great.
Der alte und der junge König 1935.
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omg it's a chicken
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doriandrifting · 1 year
Casual ST fans who make fun of “older” fandom people (aka anyone who’s not a teenager) and cosplayers literally irritate me so bad. Like it would be annoying for any show, but Stranger Things??? The show literally focuses on three age ranges, it’s about fucking nerds, the characters cosplay, and it was written by 40 year old men who play DND. Like have I seen things in fandom spaces that make me cringe on reflex? Sure, but I don’t say shit because people are just enjoying themselves and having fun. And how are these tiktokers just openly reposting videos of fans cosplaying AT A FUCKING CONVENTION just to make fun of them and call them smelly and “too grown”?? Like maybe they’re not the ones who need to grow up, babes. 😬
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ask-hws-norge · 1 day
Ice looks like Sailor Star Healer from Sailor Moon
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boysonly111 · 4 months
I just told my crush that I liked him and everything went smoothly. I wasn’t asking him out or anything but oh my gosh I’m still shaking
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tchaikovskym · 1 year
Microdosing on going to the bathroom in the middle of the night with my cousins during summer break by watching ghost files
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lilirot · 5 months
When Solomon was talking about his past I got like Salem witch trials vibes but that doesn't really make sense unless Diavolo is a lot younger then we thought lmao
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fangmother · 30 days
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@sorrowsick gives us: this tea will strengthen you and help cleanse the blood. / rosie
He doesn't know how exactly she found him, and he's not sure yet if he's glad she did. The wound runs nearly the entire length of his sternum, so deep that when he could still make himself look at it, he could see the chipped bones of his ribs. Rainer had fallen from his horse what felt like days ago in the woods and she'd stood over him silently with her head low, snorting and stamping her feet at the predators and scavengers drawn by the scent of blood and rot.
It's hard to say what made the Hellbitch allow Zahrosa to take him-- he was unconscious for it, or at least delirious with blood loss and fever. He feels a bit like a wounded dog now, awake and half-living and blinking in the soft, low light of her home, taking the offered mug and holding it up to his nose. He doubts she'd go to all this trouble to poison him, but the concoction smells herbaceous and bitter, and the warmth feels nice in his hands.
"How did you find me?" He finally asks, taking a sip of the brew. "Where... where are we?"
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blueiscoool · 7 months
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1,700-Year-Old Roman Tombs Discovered in Bulgaria
A farmer in Bulgaria accidentally discovered two graves of a wealthy Roman-era family, but they appear to tell "a sad family story."
Two large graves discovered in northern Bulgaria likely tell "a sad family story" about wealthy Roman landowners whose child predeceased them in the third century A.D., archaeologists say.
In December 2023, a farmer unexpectedly found the graves while plowing his field in the village of Nova Varbovka. Because this region was a Roman province called Moesia in antiquity, archaeologists from the Veliko Tarnovo Regional Museum of History came to excavate the graves.
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Both graves were built of brick, with plaster lining the walls and a large slab of limestone covering them. The larger of the two was roughly 10 feet (3 meters) long and contained the remains of two adults — a man and a woman who were both around 45 to 60 years old at death — buried with jewelry, coins, and ceramic and glass vessels.
The smaller grave, made somewhat earlier, contained the skeleton of a 2- to 3-year-old child and a rare bronze medallion depicting the Roman emperor Caracalla's (ruled A.D. 198 to 217) visit in A.D. 214 to Pergamon (also spelled Pergamum) in Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey), where he sought out the temple to Asclepius, the god of healing. Collectively, the two graves may represent a family's final resting place.
Some of the limestone from the graves appears to have come from a quarry near Nicopolis ad Istrum, a Roman and early Byzantine town founded by the emperor Trajan in the early second century. "This peculiarity and other indications make me think that the deceased are somehow related to the territory of Nicopolis ad Istrum," Kalin Chakarov, an archaeologist at the Veliko Tarnovo Regional History Museum, said in an email.
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Chakarov, who excavated the burials along with colleagues Nedko Elenski and Mihaela Tomanova, noted that the Caracalla medallion could point to an Asia Minor origin for the occupants of the graves, which would be consistent with the fact that Nicopolis ad Istrum was built mainly by settlers from Asia Minor. "Of course, we are searching for an opportunity to make DNA and other analyses which our museum can't afford, to see if this hypothesis is correct," Chakarov said.
"The discovery of such tombs in the territory of Bulgaria is not a surprise, since the climate and soils are very good for growing agricultural crops," Ivan Tsarov, director of the Veliko Tarnovo Regional History Museum, said in an email. "Probably the tombs are of rich landowners," Tsarov said, since "it was the practice in Moesia Inferior for landowners to live in the warmer months of the year and be buried on their estates."
The artifacts discovered during the excavation are still being processed in the museum laboratory, where they are undergoing conservation and restoration, according to Tsarov. These include objects used during the deceased's lifetime, as well as those that would accompany them into the afterlife. In addition to jewelry made of glass beads and gold, there were six coins that dated to between A.D. 200 and 225, as well as a lamp, a leather shoe and several glass bottles, three of which were "lacrimaria," small flasks for collecting the tears of mourners.
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"I think that it is a sad family story from the first half of the 3rd century," Chakarov said. "A dead infant, buried by their parents, who had their last resting place on the same spot where they buried their child."
Chakarov plans to conduct work in the area to try to find where these people lived, which he thinks was likely close to this newly discovered cemetery.
By Kristina Killgrove.
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iamthemaestro · 1 year
unfortunately catholicism knew how to do one (1) thing right and that was Be Sexy
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shoutout to the v&a for this note on a pair of socks
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eoieopda · 1 year
how can you find out who they are when you block them? when i block anons, im basically blocking thin air… nothing happens and nobody shows in my blocked list
my understanding is that when you block an anon, you block the IP address, which means they can submit asks but they don’t show up in your inbox. essentially, their abusive garbage is condemned to the abyss where it belongs. you can do this by clicking the three dots in the top right corner (on mobile, but i assume it’s the same on desktop.) as far as i know, you don’t figure out who they are — maybe an account you know can no longer submit asks off anon?
i believe they can still see your blog, unlike when you block an account outright…. but i also didn’t even know blocking anons was a thing until my angel baby @here2bbtstrash clued me in, so i am…. woefully undereducated on this topic, lol.
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