#preserved egg
"The egg has been taken to the Natural History Museum in London. Edward Biddulph, the senior project manager at Oxford Archaeology said it had felt a little daunting riding on the tube and walking around the capital with such an extraordinary and fragile egg in his care." "Dana Goodburn-Brown, an archaeological conservator and materials scientist said: The egg ranks as one of the coolest and most challenging archaeological finds to investigate and conserve. Being the temporary caretaker and investigator of this Roman egg counts as one of the major highlights of my 40-year career."
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ivflondon · 3 days
Does Egg Freezing Impact Health? | Safe Egg Preservation
Wondering if egg freezing affects your health? Discover the facts about fertility preservation and its impact on your well-being today.
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firadessa · 8 months
2005- Official art sourced from disneyfairies.jp on the wayback machine!
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birchsapfaerie · 8 months
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reality-detective · 6 months
Here is a way to preserve your farm fresh eggs for winter or to just add them to your storage.
Want to try this method? Here’s how
• Load your clean jar of bucket with your clean (no debris stuck to them), but unwashed farm fresh eggs
• Measure out a quart of water and add 1 (weighted) ounce of pickling lime to the water, stir and pour over your eggs
• Repeat this until your eggs are covered by 1-2 inches with water/lime mixture. For every quart of water you will need to mix in 1 weighted ounce of pickling lime
• Cover jar and store in a cool dark place.
*this will last for up to two years if done correctly and stored correctly.
**if you wash the eggs prior to this process you will compromise the seal which will allow the lime water to leach into your eggs which will compromise the egg rendering it no good.
This will not work with grocery store eggs. 🤔
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buffetlicious · 1 month
You practically cannot see the rice in this box of Economy Rice (菜饭) because mum bought four different dishes for me. Starting from the centre going clockwise is a piece of steamed fish fillet, braised pork belly with preserved mustard greens (梅菜扣肉), stewed chicken and stewed potato. The fried egg on top is cooked by my sis and I took one for myself. :D
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yellowistheraddest · 5 months
fun fact: i eat potatoes raw, since childhood. one day i will die, it will be the potatoes
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loveletterworm · 2 years
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Unimportant but slightly funny thing i just found and had never seen mentioned before: The variable used for displaying what chapter you started your deltarune save in on the light world’s stats screen (oddly not the dark world’s...?) is called “krispreservationsociety” (society for the preservation of krises)
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i actually somehow never noticed this was a thing that displayed at all this whole time i suppose i just never looked at this screen in chapter 2...
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mumblelard · 1 month
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ruth acting out or fresh everything bagels sitting on the counter top waiting to be toasted
on friday, i went to a baseball game with finn and fall, and i drank a beer, and we ate hot dogs, and we watched the fireworks after the game like it was two thousand and twelve or something. it was a really nice night
we ran into one of their oldest friends at the game, someone they have known so long, i don't know if they can even remember meeting. i accidentally talked to her boyfriend as though he spoke my own language and it i guess it scrambled his brain for a bit, but i think he'll be alright
my dad usually takes me to a baseball game around my birthday, but a few days before the date of this year's game, i mentioned that i was looking forward to it, and he seemed confused. then he said, 'oh, that fell through,' and that was the end of that
this week has been full of unexpected, dark developments in the lives of people on the edges of my life. my usual experience of the world lives somewhere on the scale of tired sadness to hopeful joy, but this whole last week was stained by the lurking potential for tragedy
last night i dreamed about swimming through the crystal clear waters of a drowned city and massive waves would lift me up twenty stories in a moment and then drag me down into the depths. i dreamt about eating a package of ramen that tasted like a fried chicken sandwich with dill pickle chips, and i dreamt about finding a nest full of baby squirrels waiting to be fed
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julykings · 2 years
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made these carmelized onion egg sandwiches w my lover yesterday
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crepusculum-rattus · 10 months
thinks abt how ender hunted down all the dragons to extinction… :)
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nzoth-the-corruptor · 3 months
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World of Warcraft: Dragonflight → Wild Preserve, the Waking Shores
Ms. Dragonqueen, can you explain this? Can you please explain this?
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firadessa · 1 year
✨Fairies Finds✨: New Early Artwork and Promotional Video from 2005 Disney Fairies Japan Website with Gail Carson Levine- Author of Fairy Dust Trilogy
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Fly with you everyone and happy Friday the 13th! I have been looking into Disney Fairies pre-release stuff ever since some early stuff was posted into Art of Disney Fairies. I have also been interested in media preservation since late 2017 when I found Web Back Then. Truthfully, despite having this interest when trying to find the old Disney Fairies games from my childhood- I never really shared much with the world. I feel like I should remedy that! (this find is relatively recent though I found it yesterday!)
This is a video I found on the Internet Archive from disneyfairies.jp, a promotional page on the Disney Japan website that seems disconnected from the main Disney Fairies page which was a clone of the original website. See here
Through some research the gist of the video is this:
The video starts with an introduction to the original Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie, which is interjected with clips from Disney's Peter Pan. Then we see more artwork of Disney Fairies- including unfamilar designs including early Vidia, Rani, Fira etc. According to Part of the Magic, Disney Fairies started development in early 2001- the series was launched fully in 2005. Then Gail (dubbed of course) begins to describe the plot of Fairy Dust and the Quest for the Egg whilst we see several pictures of this early Disney Fairies art. Interesting pictures as we get to see the very early designs of Disney Fairies characters that I have never seen before.
Interestingly, this video was never embedded on the page, you had to download it and play it through a video player such as Windows Media Player or Real Player, it was 2005 after all.
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Here is the screen you'd see when you'd want to watch this promotional video. I recognize the leaves used in early flash games such as Lightball Challenge, Dragonfly Race etc.
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A page on the website that I found with my decomplier, i couldn't view it normally!
I tried looking for this video in English to no avail, or any version on the internet. It must have only been accessible through this website.
Interestingly, I found this other page whilst doing my page digging thing again and found this, suggesting this was also a Japan exclusive and not for the American market ... and there is more early promotional stuff to be found in relation to Disney Fairies!
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I also looked into one the main book artists on the creative team, Judith Holmes Clarke. She had a website I found on her IMDB page, that was live around 2017-2019. I saw this and wanted to add it as it had one of the stills in this video. It also has a sketch of Rosetta and Tink. This is what I found:
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It is probably a scan of this magazine, Disney Newsreel, mentioned on her IMDB.
Overall, I'm super happy with this find and I'm so happy to share it with you all!! I will be happy to share more now that I'm publicly outing myself not just as this fan of children's fairy media- an archivist. gasp...
Also probably making a website/blog which I will share later and will be in the About Me link with my other socials.
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And believe me, this is just the beginning
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kedreeva · 1 year
Eris laid her first egg today! She was super mad about it!
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buffetlicious · 2 months
These small abalones came frozen in shell and cost S$1 a piece. As this is the first time mum is cooking with raw abalone, she added them to the Mei Cai (梅菜) which is preserved Chinese mustards to be stewed with pieces of pork. She also reheated the red snapper fillet, fried some fishcakes and omelette for dinner.
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answersfromzestual · 5 months
Egg Retrieval- Basic Facts.
If you are considering "freezing your eggs (Oocyte cryopreservation) " here is an article for you.
So the process of "harvesting" your eggs prior to either IVF or Freezing, is called: Oocyte Retrieval.
The process of Oocyte Retrieval is rather simple and does not take much time. It requires four months off of testosterone and the time until your procedure (aprox another 14-15 days). Meaning you would be off testosterone for four and a half months total approx (everyone is different, ovulation schedules are different).
They start with timing your ovulation cycle and using that to determine a time that would be best to perform the procedure.
The average time range where you would have a stimulation cycle where you would be taking a "stimulating" medicine of some sort, takes 10-14 days total. This depends on your ovulation cycle, reproductive health, and other bodily factors can vary the days slightly more.
After that 10-14 days (on average) the procedure itself would be performed. The procedure takes approximately half an hour, I've read some doctors using general anesthesia without intubation (you're not 100% out, they may tell you it's like a "twilight state"), or with a strong oral seditative. This varies clinc to clinic.
The procedure itself should not be painful.
Post procedure you may feel abdominal cramping and general discomfort for up to a day or two.
prior to any of these procedures you will need to make an appointment with a gynecologist where they would have to do some minor testing that may take some time. This may include ultrasounds (inside and out), a general care appointment if you are a new client, blood testing, and sometimes they may want other forms of testing done as well depending on you and your reproduction cycle and health.
Any of these following symptoms see a physician right away!
If you have any sign of fever
If you have any signs of infection (such as foul smelling discharge)
Extreme discomfort
Not being able to eat and drink.
I also included a link specifically on the complications of this procedure. Find it here or in the source section.
Also you can re-start your hormone therapy after your procedure is done.
The quality and quantity of the eggs is very similar to a cis female.
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