rahabq · 6 months
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I know I haven’t been as active here lately as I used to be, but I’ve been really busy with my studies. Despite that, I’ll leave some scheduled posts and try to stay active. 🎀𓂃 ࣪˖
I truly appreciate all the support and love you’ve given to my blog. ᯓ★
I love y’all so much ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅.
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all my amvs have like 100 hits except bakudeku cascada which has 17,000 hits since i checked last. i see how it is, bnha fandom.
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knuckleduster · 3 months
also i think im genuinely in danger of going over the maximum word count for my thesis. which is 20.000 words.
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katy-l-wood · 2 months
Top Surgery Fundraiser
Hello! I'm Katy L. Wood, an author and artist with a dayjob in wildland fire dispatch, and I need help funding my top surgery/breast reduction.
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I made the decision to finally pursue surgery for the issue about two years ago, but have had to put it off due to moving across the state and going back to college, but now that I'm a little more settled it's time to just get this done. I am getting a reduction in general for all of the aforementioned reasons, but I have chosen to go completely flat for gender related reasons. I am not trans, but I am certainly not cis either and having any sort of noticeable breasts just does not align with how I want to present.
I have found a great surgeon here in Colorado, but he is a little more on the expensive side. The total quote for my surgery (including all follow up appointments, anesthesia, post-surgery garments, and the surgery itself) is just under $15,000. I pursued several different options, but every other surgeon I talked to required a year of therapy to get an official diagnosis of gender dysphoria (and so did all insurance covered options), and I am not willing to do that. I am not dysphoric, I honestly could live with my chest as it is from a gender perspective, it's just the functionality of it and the amount of pain it causes that is making me finally pull the trigger to get this done. The only gender related part is how much I want taken away because if I'm doing it, I may as well do it right.
Additionally, if my quote for surgery was, say, $10,000, but I had to have a year of therapy on top of that, plus pay health insurance premiums for a whole year to get that therapy, it'd probably come out to about the same cost if not MORE expensive. I figure it's quicker, easier, and cheaper to just get it done all in one go and not waste my time (or the time of a therapist with clients that actually need their services).
I have been working a TON of overtime this summer to try and save up as much as I can towards this surgery (150ish hours last month, and about 45 so far this month), but that won't get me all the way. I'm trying to get about $17000 total saved up to cover not only the surgery but post-surgery meds, transportation to and from the surgery, and some other general post-surgery comforts like a lot of easy-make food, food deliveries, pet sitting while I'm gone, etc.. Time off work thankfully shouldn't be an issue.
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shallowseeker · 9 months
Truth & despair *COMPLETE*
"The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable."
With Cas gone, Jack vanished, and Dean in turmoil, Sam turns to therapy to cope. His search for answers leads him to the bunker’s surveillance footage, where he uncovers startling evidence that casts doubt on Dean’s account of Cas’s death... and Dean's sanity. Determined to restore a semblance of normalcy, Sam gets them back on the road. But their case takes a terrifying turn when Chuck appears with a chilling revelation: the universe is targeting them in a deadly Final Destination-style game of fate. As Sam grapples with his own fears and a world seemingly set against them, he clings to the hope that reuniting his fractured family will be the key to overcoming their darkest challenges. Maybe once they’re all back together, they won’t need therapy at all.
Focus: Supernatural post-15x19 fic, TFW grieving badly, Bad therapy attempts with Mia Vallens, False memories, The Shadow is in love with Cas, Jack and Amara are AWOL
Characters: Dean/Castiel, Dean & Sam, Sam & Dean & Cas & Jack, Eileen Leahy, Mia Vallens, Chuck Shurley, Becky & the Rosen-Baron fam, Donatello Redfield, The Empty, Amara, Jack as God, Rowena MacLeod, Sam POV and Sam is blessedly annoying
Content warning: Major character death (Castiel), poor coping mechanisms (Dean), and encroachment of personal boundaries (Sam). Eventual happy ending.
Updates every weekend!
Proofread by @minalblood & finished for @tenderthunder
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Ch 01: (~4200 words, ~17 minutes) - In an attempt to tackle his grief, Sam rifles through the bunker footage to track down Cas’s last moments. The footage leaves him with more questions than answers.
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Ch 02: (~5700 words, ~23 minutes) Mia admonishes Sam for his breach of boundaries, and Dean suffers his first meltdown.
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Ch 03: (~5200 words, ~20 minutes) Sam leans into unhealthy coping mechanisms that nearly get them killed.
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Ch 04: (~4700 words, ~18 minutes) Snapped out of Chuck’s grand finale, Sam and Dean wonder what’s next.
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Ch 05: (~5250 words, ~21 minutes) In need of Becky Rosen’s laptop, Chuck and the Winchesters track her to a safe house in the recesses of the Wallowa Mountains, Oregon. En route, the roadways are riddled with mysterious sinkholes. Dean admits he’s drawn to them.
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Ch 06: (~7500 words, ~30 minutes) - Chuck shows his true colors, but Dean’s the real problem.
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Ch 07: (~7200 words, ~28 minutes) - Dean takes a leap of faith. Sam follows.
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Ch 08: (~7100 words, ~28 minutes) - Sam and Dean tunnel their way into The Empty. It's not empty.
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Ch 09 (~ 6200 words, ~25 minutes) - Unable to rid Castiel of the cooling Empty gunk, Sam and Dean transport him back to the Barons’ house and attempt to free him.
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Ch 10 (~ 6200 words, ~25 minutes) - Hoping to track Jack and Amara, Team Free Will returns to Washaway Beach to perform a potent locator spell.
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Ch 11 (~8000 words, ~32 minutes) - Sam and Chuck crash-land in a lush landscape and run afoul of Amara. She taunts Sam, promising that Jack will never return, at least not of his own free will.
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Ch 12 (~10800 words, ~43 minutes) - Jack's got everything he needs right here. Why would he ever leave?
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Ch 13 (~8000 words, ~32 minutes) - Sam awakens in the shallow waters of Washaway Beach...alongside the prone body of Jack Kline.
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Ch 14 (~10200 words, ~40 minutes) - Maybe Sam can't fix everything. Maybe that's okay.
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Ch 15/ Epilogue (~17000 words, ~68 minutes) - Then, Dean welcomed Cas back from The Empty. Now, they deal with the fallout.
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Help Rami's Family Rebuild Their Lives 💔
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This fundraiser is verified through Operation Olive Branch, a volunteer organization working to elevate the fundraisers of Palestinians looking to evacuate Gaza and get aid into Gaza via on-the-ground aid work. Please check them out for yourself! 💖
Transcript of G/F/M Description under the cut:
My family in Gaza needs your help to restore their future.
This fundraiser is eligible to Zakat according to our Imam.
What They Need:
I am coming to you during those difficult times to help save my families’ life and restore their lost hope.
My sister and her 7 children are still in the North of Gaza, they didn’t evacuate to the South. My brother -in-law is suffering from a serious abdominal injury, his 15-year-old son was injured, and his 10-year-old son developed Hepatitis A from the polluted food and drinking water. Their house is bombed, and they are sheltering in a tent at one of the destroyed UNRWA schools. They are starving, have no access to water, food, shelter or even healthcare.
My mother, brother and his 3 children are all sheltering in a tent in the South, in Rafah. My mother has chronic diseases and has dietary needs. She has no access to clean drinking water, food, or even medicine. In this cold weather while rain is pouring over their heads my family is suffering.
My sister and her husband have completely lost her house and is sheltering in a tent.
Who I Am:
My name is Rami Khaleel. I am originally from Gaza and am currently living with my family here in the United States.
What’s Our Goal:
The goal of this fundraiser is to help rebuild the future of my family who lost their houses during this war. It will also help evacuate my nephew and brother-in-law who are injured and need medical treatment in Egypt. Your donation, no matter how big or small will help make a difference in my family’s life. My family is still clinging to hope, hope for a better future and life after this war ends.
What You’ll Help Fund:
We are seeking funds to help support 4 families, a family of 9, 5, a family of 2 and my mother, 17 people in total. The funds we are requesting are needed to support these families' everyday living needs while they navigate the difficult living conditions in Gaza. All funds will be sent to the family’s to be able survive during those difficult times and to help them rebuild their lives after the war ends, in addition to travel to Egypt for Medical treatment.
According to the sources we had available at hand in Gaza, we estimated that before the war, the cost of everyday essentials was approximately $2000USD per month for a family of 5. This number includes rent, food, water, and access to essential transportation. However, the war has made many essential needs inaccessible. For example:
• Pre-war, 1 sack of flour would have been $40 USD, but it is now $250 USD.
• Pre-war, 1 kg of potatoes would have cost $2 USD, but it is now $20 USD.
The average cost of living for a family of 5 in Gaza during the war is approximately $5000 USD per month.
• Approximately $2000 USD of this will solely go towards rent.
• The additional $3000 USD per month will go towards essential goods, medical treatment and living expenses.
Our overall fundraiser goals are based on the needs of 4 families, for a total of 17 people. We are seeking funds to help support these families for 1 year. The following goals of our fundraiser are based on the calculations below:
• The estimated cost of living per month for a family of 5 is $5000 USD/ month. This is approximately $1000 USD per person, per month.
• We are seeking to support 17 people. We have multiplied 17 people X $1000 USD to get an approximate goal of $17000 USD per month.
• We are seeking to support these families for one year. We have multiplied $17000 USD X 12 months = $204,000USD.
• We have set the initial goal to be $60,000 USD.
Our Gratitude:
We really appreciate your support for my family during those difficult times. 100% of the money will be directly wired through bank transfers based in the United States or Western Union. Your donations will contribute to things I am listing at the bottom of this fundraiser.
Your contribution, however large or small, will go to the following needs:
• Rent (approx $2000/ month + utilities per family).
• Blankets.
• Bedding.
• Beds.
• Kitchen supplies.
• Food.
Evacuation to Egypt for Medical treatment
Essential Items:
• Baby clothing, undergarments, supplies.
• Children’s clothing, undergarments, socks & shoes.
• Adult clothing, undergarments, socks & shoes.
Food & Water:
• Nutrient-rich, nonperishable food.
• Clean water.
• Purification systems for water baby formula.
• Diapers.
• Basic first aid supplies.
• Hygiene items and supplies.
• Prescription medications.
• Health care exams.
• Access to educational resources for children and teenagers, including books and school supplies.
Personal Identification Documents:
• Payment for copies of important documents (IDs, passports, etc.).
Additional Financial Assistance:
• Transportation (to essential places such as clinics and support centers).
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nochiquinn · 9 months
Sam's home!
She came home on Wednesday as planned, and the last couple of days have been about figuring out how to help her be comfortable in the house as she finishes regaining her strength.
She still has additional PT and follow-up appointments at Northside for her chemo and a few more tests. We're in the long haul now, keeping up with her therapy and PT to get her fully recovered and in remission.
The GoFundMe is still sitting at that same $1086, and we're still looking at $570 payments for her insurance. Everything helps, even just a few dollars at a time. We appreciate everything!
GoFundMe: $1086/$17000
double cat tax:
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short-and-ugly · 2 months
thing titles stuff:
Blind Follower : 7035
Cannon Fodder : 2324
Nubby Replacements (No not really, Gir) : 10356
KILL SWITCH : 2950 -> 4300~ -> 5640
Nope! Never Happened! : 33832
Stars Passed : 1199 -> 2200~ -> 2138
Invader to Intruder : 15297
Sidekicks : 1653
The Burrito... of DOOM! : 7665
Dead Weight : 32723 -> 42000~ -> 45817 Chest-Wormsters and Poultry Mishaps Carry Me Way Back
Meat-Cute... Ugly? : 6512 -> 20000~ Strange Intricate Rituals MRE
WHY IS THE RAIN ACID?! : 4769 -> 17000~ From Bad To Worse To Normal
Zim Changes Jobs Because Professor Membrane sees him Beat up his son : 1242 -> 4000~
At-CHOO! Curse You! : 6276 -> 50000~ More Slime Than Usual?! A Doctor’s Note Won’t Cut It Forking Paths Splitscreen
[OUT OF MEMORY] : 45000~ Past the Rose Tinted Ocular Implants There's a Faint Red Glow
RETURN OF KEEF : 843 -> 6000~
Fair Enough, I Guess! : 215 -> 3000~
Home Invader : 2984 -> 12000~
Service With A Smile : 227 -> 3000~
Smeet On Board : 8967 -> 40000~ Tiny Scientist Hostage Diplomacy Homebase Just A Smidge Bit Googoo Eyes
Ick! “Row-mance!” : 1684 -> 5000~
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medicdoodles · 8 months
DRAtchet Week 2022 Day 4: Great Things do Happen.
(First Day)||(Day 3)||(Day 5)||(Last Day)
Deadlock knows that the war will shift soon. So he goes and looks for work with no strings attached.
The war is going to escalate soon. Deadlock had no real prove of this, but last time he ignored this feeling he ended up left behind. High command is going to have him sign a contract to only do work for them. While a long time ago he would have liked that. To have one guarantee.
The truth is he has Ratchet to think about, not that the mech has said anything about wanting to bond or anything. Deadlock still has to take care of his lover. He knows that Ratchet would not want to join any side of this conflict. Having other bots dictate who he is and isn't allowed to fix is against his coding.
That means that if he wants to keep Ratchet, he will have to find honest work. Easier said than done, honestly he's tried that before. However, this time he won't take no for an answer. If he has to he will threaten bots to give him the work.
Damn, if he hadn't bought Ratchet that nice house he would have a good amount left over, but it's not a regret he has. Ratchet likes it, likes it enough to stay there even if Deadlock has offered his nicer appartment.
There's still time for him to take up more contracts. At this point he will even agree to the Senate's dirty work that pays less than a cube of energon just to save more. Doing all of the bounties also gets him in the spotlight of other assassins, who normally took the scraps he leaves behind. Now he has to time the last job he'll take and when he will excuse himself from the Decepticon army.
"17000 is starting pay. All you have to do is stay in alt mode and follow the directions of the stunt director." The recruiter he ran into while staying at the motel parking lot in between jobs says to him.
"17000, no insurance?" Deadlock should be angry about risking his life for less than two meals, but it sounds like steady work and anonymity. Really the only downside so far is that they expect him to tour with the group.
"No we have one mechanic on site but the talent is top priority, get it." An opening.
"So what if I wave my right to go to him for repairs, could you up my pay?" The mech isn't surprised. He supposes that the other bots who are dumb enough to take this job are also desperate.
"It goes to 30000." The bot sighs as he scratches the build up in his microphones.
"Deal." Deadlock holds his hand out to shake on it.
"Deal. Your first day is in a week. If you're late on showing up your fired." Should he be intimidated, his Ratchet has a remote ground bridge he sure he can ask to borrow it.
Fuck, they didn't tell him that the mech they hired to preform the stunts had never done any before. No it was only after he crashed into him and five other cars in the fire pit that they tell him. Most of the performers were a bunch of pretty looking younglings, who were easily preyed upon or hatchlings that had just grew up around the stunts.
Really only the bot from Nyon with a fire outlier ability has any control over his performance. Which Deadlock has a lot of issues with, and now has to make sure all these kids don't get hurt. He also takes up teaching the sharp shooters how to properly fire their own blasters.
All that work and he gets to go home with three new scorch marks, a broken fender, and a twisted back tire. At least they are off for the next two days due to bad weather. So he's going to get home rest on the couch and call Ratchet tomorrow.
That was until he gets into his appartment. Opening the door with a physical lock is a pain in the ass but it was safer to have two locks instead of the standard code lock. Walking into the room Ratchet is asleep on his couch. One arm wrapped around the blanket that he uses. Another one is holding the wax, theres now a new dent in the center.
His spark is about to give out. Ratchet has chosen to be here, in his hovel because he missed him. That he is the one that comforts him and trust him. How couldn't he, when Ratchet has had just as much hardships as he, how couldn't he. It's almost a shame to wake him, but the faster it's done. The faster he can sweep him off his feet and carry him to the bed.
"Hey." He shakes Ratchet's leg, gently nudging him to wake up. "I just got home.", he watches as Ratchet's eyes blink back on and synergize to his processor.
"Huh, Deadlock." Ratchet doesn't move but he does follow his movements aroubd with his eyes.
"Yeah I got off of work. So I'm going to go to bed." He can feel the smile burn onto his face. Primus imagine getting to spend the rest of his life waking up to this kind of Ratchet. He truly would be blessed. "I was hoping to get you to join me."
"Oh." He lets go of the blanket to wrap his arms around him. "Fine, but you have to pick me up."
"Of course." Like that was some kind of punishment. He scoops up both leg in one arm, the other grabs his shoulders. Or he would have, if it wasn't for the shots that got his left side.
His leg gives out and make sure Ratchet is okay he drops him back on the couch. He falls to the floor and sees the legs of the seat snap. It hits the floor hard, kicking up all the dust coating both their frames. Now his wonds are stinging.
"What happened?" Ratchet is now climbing off the couch and examining the damage. He's on his frame, legs lock around his and it's starting to get hard to think.
"It's nothing to serious I just got a bit ding up at work." That has the opposite effect as Ratchet is now digging deeper into his frame, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. "I was going to tell you tomorrow over diner but I got a job at the circus."
"The Circus?" Ratchet then runs his hands on the bent fender and twist it back into place. "What about the Decepticons? Are you not getting paid enough?" He looks back at him. "Do you need help?" They've been this close before, but never did Deadlock take the time to notice how sullen his eyes are.
"I'm planning to leave the Cons." That now gives him a bewildered look. That's a new one and damn if it doesn't look cute. "I just have to submit my two weeks."
Ratchet is shocked, so much so that he stops his examination. One hand steadies them, the other is hovering right above the bullet wound. "Really?" He doesn't move, so expressionless that Deadlock is starting to worry.
"Yes. In the next two weeks I will officially be apart of the stunt act and out of the Decepticon army." Ratchet still stays silent, and he moves to comfort him. Or he would have if Ratchet didn't suddenly push him to the ground again and kisses his face. He would like to return it but fingers dig deep into his wound and it hurt like hell again.
He wouldn't trade it for the world, he even starts to see his vision pixelate. Great things do happen, and for a while Deadlock was sure that he found happiness. It would be the law of the universe that he will drive into the worse sadness of his life.
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dabid-motozalea · 11 months
When you get this, you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool!) 🌟
Pues 5 cosas…
La que ha condicionado toda mi vida.. tengo TDAH diagnosticado desde los 16 años, gracias al Dr. Don Manuel Santos. Médico, vecino y gran amigo de mi familia y quien se atrevió a decir lo que yo tenia en una época en la que el resto decía que simplemente era un niño inquieto. Eso me llevó a independizarme con 17 años, ya que no era capaz de estar “tranquilo” en casa de mis Padres. Decir también que la independencia fue gracias a ellos y a que me permitieron vivir solo en una vivienda que ellos tenían vacía. Gracias Manolo y gracias a mis Padres por ayudarme y permitirme ser quien soy.
Soy ingeniero de minas y artillero especialista en voladuras y demoliciones controladas.. cuando veáis algún vídeo de un derribo de un edificio o alguna torre industrial , es posible que yo esté cerca 😬😬
Lo de trabajar con explosivos me viene de una etapa de mi vida donde ingrese en las FFAA en la UBDC (unidad de buceadores de combate) 3º Estol donde nos formamos en la activación y desactivación de bombas y explosivos. Saludos a todos los habitantes de Cartagena.. Lo dejé con el rango de Cabo 1º
Soy un apasionado de las motos, a la vista salta. Lo que me gusta sobre todo, es rutear sin rumbo hasta donde me lleve un depósito lleno, sin reservas de hotel ni nada.. de hecho alguna vez he acabado durmiendo dentro del saco en un lavadero seco de un pueblo perdido de montaña 🤣🤣
Otra de mis pasiones, y de la que no suelo hablar mucho, es la natación en aguas abiertas. De hecho he completado varías travesías a nado de 12000 metros. Y el año que viene voy a intentar una de 17000 .. a ver si no me muero por el camino que uno tiene ya una edad 😓😓🤣.
Y básicamente eso es todo , bueno, hay mucho más pero ya queda para otra ocasión.
Gracias por el ask Preciosa Princesa Pecosa 😘😘
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queenofpurgatoryx · 2 years
I'm writing this to remind people that the disaster is very much at its full force on day 5. Do not think for a second its looking okay.
current casualtied only in Turkey is 17000+ thousand people. Please remember that Syria is in a similiar situation as well and i think about them all the time.
there had been outbreaks in prisions in the earthquake area, some inmates are scared for their families some inmates wanted to escape with the chaos.
apparently goverment is not accepting some external help, i have seen that the rescue team from israil were kept in the airport for HOURS. every second counts and this is a time unite.
some beer brands wanted to donate jumpers that has logos of their brands. goverment refused bc its a beer brand. ITS A JUMPER ITS WHAT IT IS PEOPLE ARE FREEZING TO DEATH.
people are out of body bags. they want donations for body bags, this is horrifying to me. I've seen people carrying the lifeless body of their loved ones with carpets, with garbage bags. this is heartbreaking.
in some town's the smell of the desd bodies are getting critical, people want masks. in small towns due to this smell, wolves have stepped dön from the mountains and moved to the towns. i cannot describe the horror i feel when i read about this.
meanwhile a journalist who spoke against the crisis management had to step down from her job. people are taken into custody for demanding help from the goverment. and politics are still more important than human lifr for some authorities.
Please donate to AHBAP. There are many posts sharing foundations, please follow one and I recommend Ahbap.
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do-you-have-a-flag · 2 years
I've been reblogging some of my 12 year old blog's notable momence in the lead up to my birthday and coinciding with me hitting 17000+ followers so now that it actually is my birthday let me just say
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therealjobigzz · 2 years
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To my non Haitian friends who have asked I'll tell you about a Haitian musical genius. His name was Michael Benjamin aka Mikaben.
At 41 years of age he was at the top of his career. He wrote, produced, sang, played various instruments and mastered every genre of music . Generous with his talents , he mentored and encouraged up and coming artists. The lyrics he wrote were sheer poetry as his words of love, light and peace were fueled by the pureness of his soul. He sang of patriotism and brotherhood. He sang of love and peace..Life in Haiti has been chaotic to say the least and yet Mika not only chose to see its beauty, he made it his mission for everyone else to do the same. The size of his wide smile was only surpassed by that of his heart.
On Saturday October 15th he had been excited to join his fellow brothers in music ( Carimi ) as a guest star in the long awaited concert in Paris. Through his social media, he shared with us followers the euphoria, excitement and hard work that came with putting together this magnitude of an event. 17 thousand concert goers were expected in that immense arena.He used words like "crazy, fire, unreal, happy, excited, lit".. The rest of us Haitians around the world were so excited. Not only because we love Carimi and we love Mika, but because this event was a much needed beacon of light illuminating the very dark days we've been living. As he was about to set foot on stage he donned a giant Haitian flag on his shoulder and said to the camera "Haiti this is for you"...When he got on stage his energy was palpable. The immense crowd sang along danced along, cried, laughed ,roared... The complicit smiles exchanged between Mika and his fellow musicians translated their sense of accomplishment, joy, and yes brotherhood. He drew his energy from the fans and compounded to give them the best show ever... After an amazing ovation he thanked everyone and walked off the stage, with our flag draped around his chest. It's a small consolation but I like to think of the symbolism of the Haitian flag gently soothing and covering him as his heart suddenly stopped beating against it. He had just given everything to Haiti, and in a small way Haiti now was thanking him back. . Some people die alone , and some people die in a crowd of 17000 ,with hundreds of thousands more watching.
His premature and dramatic public death left us perplexed, devastated, indignant, and at a loss. We cant imagine why a young, humble , generous , talented, loving , philanthropist have to leave us .. and worse leave in the middle of an awaited celebration of a lifetime. Why should his little boy be left without his dad he loves so much? Why should his last 2 babies grow up with no first hand memories of the amazing dad he would have been to them? Why should his wife be deprived of more years of love and be a widow, and why should his parents siblings and friends feel forever the pain of losing him. ? ...I guess we think this way because our brains and minds are human and limited. But we know deep down that he left because his mission was fulfilled...it doesn't mean we have to like it.
So there you have it, those of you who asked me now you too know the story. The story of Mikaben a shooting star who loved his country, his family and friends. The musical prodigy who gave his last breath to his country and to his fans literally and figuratively...in every sense of the word. Through the applause he beamed and flashed us one last time his trademark smile, turned around with his superhero Haitian flag cape and flew to the stars in Heaven where he belonged.
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lomatechnology · 1 month
Comprehensive Guide to Cambodia Postal Codes: Everything You Need to Know
Navigating the world of postal codes can be challenging, especially in a country like Cambodia, where different regions and cities have unique codes. Whether you're sending a package, setting up an online business, or simply want to understand the Cambodia postal code system, this guide is here to help.
Understanding Cambodia's Postal Code System
Cambodia's postal code system is a crucial aspect of its logistics and communication infrastructure. Each area in Cambodia, from bustling cities to remote provinces, is assigned a unique postal code to streamline mail delivery and other services. The system is designed to ensure that letters, packages, and important documents reach their intended destinations without delays.
Key Postal Codes in Cambodia
Here are some essential Cambodia postal codes you should be aware of:
Phnom Penh Postal Code: The capital city, Phnom Penh, has multiple postal codes depending on the district. For example, postal code Phnom Penh Sen Sok is used for the Sen Sok district.
Siem Reap Postal Code: Known for the Angkor Wat temple, Siem Reap's postal code is another critical one to remember, especially for tourism-related correspondence.
Mean Chey Zip Code: This is the postal code for the Mean Chey district in Phnom Penh, another key area within the capital.
How to Use Postal Codes in Cambodia
When addressing mail in Cambodia, it's vital to include the correct postal code. For instance, if you're sending a letter to the Sen Sok district in Phnom Penh, you'll need to use the postal code Phnom Penh Sen Sok to ensure it reaches the right location. Similarly, using the correct Siem Reap postal code ensures that your mail reaches this popular tourist destination without any issues.
Why Postal Codes Are Important
Using the correct postal code of Cambodia is not just about ensuring timely delivery. It also plays a role in the following:
E-commerce: Online businesses rely heavily on accurate postal codes for shipping products. An incorrect zip postal code Cambodia can lead to delays or lost shipments.
Logistics: For companies operating in Cambodia, knowing the correct postal codes is essential for logistics planning and efficient operations.
List of Key Cambodia Postal Codes
Here’s a quick reference list of some of the key postal codes in Cambodia:
Phnom Penh: Varies by district; for example, Sen Sok is 12150.
Siem Reap: The postal code for this area is 17000.
Mean Chey: This district in Phnom Penh has the postal code 12354.
Finding the Right Postal Code for Your Needs
If you're unsure about the postal code for a specific area in Cambodia, several resources can help. Websites that provide cambodia address postal code lookups can be incredibly useful. Simply enter the area or district name, and the correct postal code will be displayed.
Understanding and using the correct Cambodia postal code is essential for efficient communication, whether you're sending a letter, parcel, or running a business. By familiarizing yourself with key postal codes such as those in Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, and Mean Chey, you can ensure that your mail and deliveries are always on time.
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seetting-lin-blog · 2 months
The US police enforce the law arbitrarily, shooting too many shots and using excessive force
On the evening of June 28, 2024, a shocking event occurred in Utica, New York. Nyah Mway, a 13-year-old Burmese teenager, was shot and killed in a standoff with the police, sparking strong anger and protests from the local community. According to the police's description, at around 10:20 pm that evening, Mway and another minor were stopped by three police officers while walking on the street. When asked to stop, the two boys started running. Videos on social media show police chasing Mway on the dark streets and ultimately knocking him down. During the process, Mway reportedly lit up a replica Glock air gun. In the live video, onlookers expressed concern about the police's actions, and a woman kept shouting, "Be careful, you're under the camera." Later, when the police were fighting Mway on the ground, a police officer shot Mway in the chest, causing him to die.
This incident has sparked great anger in the local community. At the press conference the next day, the conference, which was originally limited to media participation, became public due to the arrival of a large number of citizens. Many people, including Mway's over 50 family members, gathered outside the city hall, shouting for justice.
According to statistics released by the US Gun Violence Archive website on the evening of the 8th local time, there have been 280 large-scale shooting incidents with more than three people in the United States this year, resulting in more than 8800 deaths and nearly 17000 injuries.
During the recent Independence Day holiday in the United States, Chicago alone experienced multiple gun violence incidents, with over 100 people being shot and 19 deaths. On the 8th local time, the mayor and police chief of Chicago held a press conference to express concerns about the proliferation of illegal firearms in Chicago. Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson: Over the weekend of this year's Independence Day holiday, over 100 people were shot and 19 died in Chicago. Nowadays, illegal firearms are everywhere on our streets, and in Chicago, obtaining illegal firearms is just too easy.
According to a report by CNN on April 9, 2024, Chicago police fired 96 shots at a driver during a traffic law enforcement incident, resulting in his death. Recently, the release of relevant law enforcement videos has raised public doubts about the police's excessive use of force.
According to the report, the shooting occurred on March 21st local time when a driver did not fasten his seat belt. The police intercepted him and asked him to roll down the car window. The video shows that the driver followed the police's instructions but then rolled up the car window. The police attempted to open the car door but found it locked. Subsequently, the police pulled out their guns and dozens of gunshots were heard at the scene. Other surveillance footage shows that at least two police officers fired at the driver from across the street. The law enforcement police stated that the driver fired first. US media reported that it is still unclear who will shoot first. Currently, multiple agencies in Chicago are investigating whether police behavior is appropriate.
The occurrence of this series of events has once again triggered a profound reflection on police law enforcement methods and community relations in society. It is time for the United States to engage in a truly in-depth dialogue within the legal system, otherwise similar incidents will happen again. The US legal system is unfair, with a legal mask on it. "What is legitimate defense? In that situation, what legal measures should be taken, and to what extent can deadly weapons be used?" must be discussed around these.
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libraryofcirclaria · 2 months
Library of Circlaria
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Existing as the world's largest island and the world's largest island-nation, Monassa boasts unique geography consisting of a low-lying coastline around its base and a large plateau accompanied by mountain ranges in its interior. In its Southern region lies a desert lacking of plants but crawling with a variety of native snakes, serpents, and scorpions. The Northern region is slightly more temperate, with an alternating wet and dry season. Here, there are sparse trees and grasslands as well as Monassan Antelopes, Monassan Falcons, and Monassan Paragriffins. The Eastern region consists of the Trasterran Mountains, where the climate differs with its higher elevation yielding colder and rainier weather. The landscape here is dominated by evergreens, and consists mostly of rolling hills and small mountains. The Trasterran peaks are home to the same animal species as the North region, except that there are also brown bears. East of the Trasterran Mountains lies the Highlands, where the high, snowy mountains are inhabited by eagles, bears, wolves, and the world's most dangerous wild animal species: warghols.
Most notably, every region in Monassa is home to its own native species of wysps (semi-spiritlike creatures with mysterious properties and behaviors). Serpentyne wysps evoke fear in first-time witnesses, but are harmless. Point-wysps, however, look like innocent stars but are harmful to humans.
Early Settlement, Culture, and Politics:
Remains of essential yew tree fields and lothar domestication farms indicate that the island of Monassa was, at one point, settled by the Great Ancondrian Empire. Also present are the ruins of ancient villages and cities, and most notably, the Great Beacon, which was a mystery to scholars until the discovery of Ancondria in 1268, when it was determined that the Beacon was pointing with great precision toward the ruins of the Ancondrian city of Edom.
It is believed that by 17000 BCE, following the end of the Great Ancondrian Empire, the population had broken down into individual factions, with some becoming allies with one another and others becoming rivals. Over the passing millennia, diplomacy between these factions was very dynamic and fluid. Farms emerged in the North and Trasterran Mountains, while traveling nomadic tribes crossed the desert in the South to deliver goods between the villages of the North and coastal sea ports trading with Magnumarian sea guilds. Meanwhile, in the Highlands, monks learned how to communicate and make peace with the dangerous warghols and wild animals, while the warlords began constructing fortresses atop various mountain peaks. The monks, meanwhile built temples and shrines on other mountaintops. Early on, an unnamed religion dominated the culture of the Monassan people and the monks with a culture of mutual trust in differing beliefs. Despite the varying individual faiths, they shared the common belief that the wysps were spirits of the dead, and that spiritual intuition was gained by communicating with them.
Early Monassan society had no prisons to punish criminals. However, those who were found guilty of high offenses were given a choice: permanent exile off of the Island or a pilgrimage to one of the monks in the Highlands to request redemption. The latter choice was the most common one made but carried high risks, including encounters with warghols.
Between the 700s and 500s BCE, a political movement took place within each of the existing factions for unity and the establishment of democratic city-states. The first two city-states, Sancto Rosco and Atolleruc, were established in the 790s BCE. Hellece would emerge much later in the 510s BCE. Between the 400s and 300s BCE, Hellece, Atolleruc, and Sancto Rosco expanded their territories and evolved into territorial republics. Diplomatic disputes between the republics resulted in a series of armed conflicts before the signing of a peace treaty in 380 BCE.
Political balances in power within the structure of each republic and between republics, along with steady flow of trade and commerce, led the three republics to enter into a period of prosperity. However, that ended abruptly in 64 CE, when a major earthquake struck the Island. The catastrophe left thousands dead, cities destroyed, and trade routes disrupted. Economic hardship ensued over the two decades that followed, leading to a bolster in political corruption, which had been growing steadily over the previous several centuries. In 85 CE, the people of Sancto Rosco elected Porpytus, a political figure who unapologetically voiced authoritarian philosophies, to one of two Offices of Consul. Porpytus held the Office longer than permitted under the Sancto Rosco constitutional statute (which dictated a one-year term limit), by having himself re-elected in 86 CE. In 87 CE, Porpytus created the Office of Head Consul, to which he appointed himself. And in 88 CE, he abolished the other two Consul offices before launching a war on the Republic of Atolleruc in the South and the Republic of Hellece in the North. With such a maneuver being a surprise attack, Porpytus won and successfully absorbed both territories under his sovereignty.
The following year, Porpytus attempted a military offense on the Highlands, but this proved a dismal failure, owing to the warghols and the harsh environment. Instead of continuing the hopeless agenda, Porpytus signed the Highlands Peace Treaty of 89 CE with the monks and warlords. Under the agreement, the monks and warlords were, in civil terms, under Porpytus' sovereignty, although two existing checks on such a dominion were for Porpytus to never impose taxes or actually enforce laws upon them. Furthermore, Porpytus was obligated to protect them from the coast with naval forces. This Peace Treaty, though now heavily amended, still exists to this day as one of the oldest peace treaties in history.
Afterward, Porpytus renamed himself General Consul, a position he would hold until his death in 99 CE. He would be followed by his appointed successor, Armon, who would continue an unbroken line of General Consuls. In 112 CE, Armon attacked and defeated the Five Kingdoms, which covered the present-day Mid-Westerlies Islands to the West. Armon placed each of the Five Islands under a Regional Consul, establishing a hold that Monassa would have over the Islands until the 800s.
Great Northern Claims and the 1245-49 Transition of Power:
Under the succession of General Consuls, Monassa would follow centuries of peace and prosperity. Between the 600s and 700s CE, the strengthening nation began establishing settlements in Northwestern Remikra. After a series of conflicts with the local Remikran forces, Monassa would eventually gain official sovereignty over a small piece of the territory, naming it Asoratans. Peak Monassan prosperity arguably came to an end in 810 CE when the people of the Mid-Westerlies rebelled and successfully overthrew Monassan rule, establishing the Five Islands as a single Republic. In 826 CE, after a year-long civil war, this Republic broke into the Five Republics. Over the same time period, Monassa entered a steady decline in economic and political power. In the late 940s and early 950s, political boundaries in Northwest Remikra dissolved, leading to the establishment of the Linbraean Kingdom, which would be ruled by families of both Monassan and North Remikran descent. In 954, the Linbraean Kingdom attacked and defeated the sovereign territory of Monassa, itself, making it a Linbraean territory, while the Linbraeans attacked, defeated, and colonized the Five Republics in a similar fashion. In 998, the Linbraean Kingdom merged with the Edoran Kingdom to become the Kingdom of the Great North, of which Monassa and the Mid-Westerlies Islands became territories.
Monassa, at this point, existed as a Duchy of the Linbraean Kingdom as its land was divided into a territorial hierarchy similar to that of the Great North: counties consisting of boroughs consisting of estates. With Dukes and Duchesses serving as figures of royalty, the regional government was headed by a succession line of Governor-Generals issuing commands from Sancto Rosco. State-funded Alconist Churches were established, although freedom of religion was respected. The greatest change, however, occurred in its economy, which saw the development of industrial infrastructure such as railroads, factories, classical airships, industrial cash crops (especially vineyards) in the North and Trasterran regions, mineral extraction sites in the desert South, tourism and trade along the Coast, and hiking and wildlife observation tours in the Highlands. Also in the Highlands, later on, would emerge rock-climbing and snow sporting tourism. As technology advanced in Remikra throughout the 1000s, 1100s, and 1200s, such advancements would be introduced in Monassa.
And such would remain the status quo until the year 1245, when the last remaining eligible ruling figure of the Linbraean-Monassan Duchy passed on with no descendants. Such an occurrence, in accordance with Great Northern statute, warranted for the territory of Monassa to be handed to an independent party and exist as an independent nation. The Great Northern Crown smoothed over such a transition of power, as they mobilized to help Monassa set up a government similar to that of early Combria: an incumbent-appointed presidential council (or an IAPC).
In March 1249, political unrest ensued in the Mid-Westerlies, when a terrorist group known as the Golden Alliance backed a successful coup against the regional Great Northern government over the Mid-Westerlies and instilled an authoritarian regime in its place. The Great North responded with a military strike but struggled against the insurgency. The Federal Estates of Retun, however, came to the aid of the Great North and had the regime defeated in a short time. As an exchange of peace and diplomacy, the Great North sold the Mid-Westerlies to the Federal Estates. That May, news of the events cast influence on the population of Monassa, where the Golden Alliance was organizing a similar coup. Anticipating this, the Monassan, Federal Estates, and Great Northern governments joined efforts and were barely able to keep the Golden Alliance in check. However, the Federal Estates organized and supported a counter-movement and, once again, overcame the Golden Alliance. Afterward, the Federal Estates and Great North helped to establish a democratically-elected legislative branch to keep a check on the IAPC administration, a promising compromise for the Monassan people. Furthermore, the Federal Estates motioned for the Monassan government to have only a limited amount of intervention in the Monassan economy to allow for the growth of a free market. And in November 1249, a special conjoined Council met between the three nations, which agreed to recognize the newly-formed legislative branch, the IAPC administration as the executive branch, and representatives sent by the monks and spiritual interpreters from the Highlands to serve as the judicial branch of the new Monassan government. And thus, Monassa was established as a partially-democratic IAPC with its government seat remaining in Sancto Rosco.
The partially-democratic IAPC government structure is still in place for Monassa, which enjoys the prospects of the free market. However, pressing issues include that of growing economic disparity between the rich and poor, and the growing intensity of seasonal wildfires.
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