vhscorp · 8 months
Besoin de rires et de frissons, de sourires et puis d'attention, besoin de joies à partager, en résumé, besoin de toi…
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nicoscheer · 8 months
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Oh god I’m crying
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elmaxlys · 8 months
Dreamed about reading a book and also living it at the same time so there are times I'm not reading in the dream but they're uninteresting so I'm skipping them.
Book was about magical cats, who can turn into humans. There's a second type of magical cat who are not only able to turn into human but are also "made of fire", a purple magic fire. So they die if they even so much as touch water.
Story follows a little cat named Calypso who's fire cat. She was living in the forest with her sibling but said sibling ended up dying so Calypso went on her way to find laughter again (the only laughter she'd known was her sibling's) so she's in the forest and hiding from rain etc etc. One day she hears clear pure unrestrained laughter, in a way she never heard before so she goes to look and it's a man playing with a forest monster, using fire magic the way one would use a rubber ball. She goes kitten form and stuff happens (the dude is traveling with other people including his teen daughter and another cat he just rescued etc) and Calypso goes back with them at the promise of a place where she'd be safe and she'd have a family
So then we meet said family but *gasp* there's a fountain in the middle of the room. She doesn't show she's scared because she mustn't let anyone know ever she's a fire cat. We meet all 12 other cats, which makes a total of 14. The main ones to remember are Mylena, the oldest and a complete bitch (they lost a kitten the previous day and she jokes about it and all), and one guy whose name I don't remember but whose human form was that of a pale red-haired guy. And also the cat who was brought in with Calypso, her name was Lucky.
So here starts my problem becsuse in the irl portions of my dream, I kept somehow skipping pages so I saw illustrations of stuff that hadn't happened yet (yup it was illustrated and it was frankly gorgeous. I need that book) and also accidentally read pages of parts I hadn't reached because??? I didn't notice I opened the book in the second half of it or something?? yeah idk.
But anyway as the story goes on, we learn that the old man and his daughter are looking for a fire cat, a very specific one wearing khakis. There was a prophecy and there are experiments to be done and other stuff.
So! One day while playing with Daughter and Lucky, Calypso accidentally falls into the fountain! No one reacts much because it's not deep and other cats have fallen there and gotten out immediately, but then they notice that Calypso isn't getting out and is just floating, inert. So Daughter looks at Man and they look alarmed and Man says to take Calypso out of the water so does Daughter. They manage to make Calypso revert form and *gasp* she's wearing khakis. Man ticks "wearing khakis" in his mental list of stuff he's looking for. The only second thing on the list is "dead upon contact with water". But Calypso still has a pulse, so he's disappointed, he crumples his mental list and tells his daughter to do whatever she can to save Calypso. Mylena makes some remarks about how it wouldn't be a big loss and Redhead frowns at her. She shrugs. (human Mylena looks like a middle aged lady, with drowsy eyes and black and gray hair with a lot a lot of volume, she has a little smile on and she's wearing a white tank top)
So that's where I skip half the book and reach some big revelations about Some Dude (who frankly looks extra sinister) who modified Calypso and her siblings not to die. He tested a different thing on each sibling and Calypso was the only one with the correct formula. He's her Master, but he had made her forget all about him so he could observe and find the Fire Cat hunters (that's how he calls them but it's because they search for them, it's unclear what they want to do with them).
That's the point where 1) I notice I skipped half the book and try to find the place I was before and accidentally see all the other illustrations in between therefore spoiling myself further (Calypso reveals to Man she's a fire cat! :0 they play with a forest monster together about it) 2) I go back fully to the irl portion of the dream, where I see my window completely covered in snow and apparently my uncle comes eating and my sister is listening to songs about lamas and so and so.
So in the end I Do Not Know who the Real Bad Guy is (for Man and Daughter, Master is the bad guy, but Master is framing it when talking to Calypso both in story and in her memories that Man is the real danger here)
For the stats: 1) book sections: a woman (and a cat) named Calypso 2) irl sections: usual me, both legal name and Elmax used.
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rennarita · 9 months
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pigeonneaux · 8 months
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sir-duckalot · 1 year
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faggotry-enjoyer · 9 months
if you're here because i reblogged your post with an image description: please edit it into the post. make whatever modifications you want, with or without credit
if you know me in real life: please block me and stay away. i'm not joking, i'm not being hyperbolic. leave.
everyone else: hi
introduction: i'm some guy who hasn't picked a psuedonym. he/it, 18-24, conversion student, disabled transmasc.
this post is required reading (archive link in case my beloved mutual OP deactivates or changes her url), and this post has a number of recommended readings and resources.
pfp source: jewish-microwave-laser
DNI: not really my thing, i'll block you if i feel like it
tagging: i have a very intricate tagging system which i do not fully comprehend. most of my tags are primarily for archival and search purposes rather than filtering, and many of them are vibes-based. if you have anything you'd like me to tag, feel free to ask and i'll either tag it or tell you that i won't.
i take misinformation very seriously. if you see me share some, please let me know in good faith and i will either take it down or publicly correct depending on the exact situation (after verifying your correction, of course). same goes for any and all forms of bigotry and hate. "OP is a Zionist" does not count as good faith correction.
lastly: feel free to say hi, introduce yourself, or reach out in general whether in replies, asks, or DMs. i might take awhile or even forget to respond but i do appreciate it regardless.
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myheroacademia277 · 8 months
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nemo07 · 8 months
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sus-amogus-bot · 8 months
Simply these two words: sus amogus amon g sus sus among among sussy sus sussy sus among among sus sus
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snkrbonbon · 5 months
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 Playstation x Puma Suede
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nicoscheer · 8 months
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terastarst0rm · 8 months
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rennarita · 9 months
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wandering-in-the-mist · 4 months
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m-bige · 4 months
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Saturday, 1st of June, 2024
Current progress:
Hygiene - Had a shower and brushed my teeth twice today.
Physical activity - Not any tbh.
Eating - Mc Donald’s.
Sleep - Not much at all. Maybe 4.
Selfcare - Nothing today.
Academic growth - Nothing.
Overall mood - Fuckin’ shit. Heads playing up and I can’t stop thinking. I’m angry and sad and unmotivated and fuck I just miss her.
Today’s been a fuckin’ struggle. I’ve barely gotten through the day without losing my mind or losing my shit. I want to bawl my eyes out and smash shit and smash myself.
I’m losing my mind and it’s all so fuckin’ hard but it doesn’t seem hard for her. Like she doesn’t miss me one fuckin’ bit and holy fuck it hurts. I’ve just spent all day looking at birthday gifts for her and she talks to me as little as she can.
I’m fuckin’ hurting today.
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