#1950 stuff
jessicanjpa · 9 days
evil alligator king
It's Edward's first time in medical school! He has been shadowing a local doctor and this is his first time treating a patient. An excerpt from this chapter of 1950.
I snapped the chart shut, feeling accomplished. I had just written my first doctor's note, which Dr. Warren had read and signed with only two corrections.
"Next one's yours, kid," he said loftily, handing me the new chart.
"What do you mean?"
"Another cast coming off. You watched me do that one last week, so you're going to do this one. You're getting your lab coat tonight, after all." In addition to the chart, he laid the cast-cutting saw onto the high counter of the nurse's station. Its sharp teeth gleamed in the artificial light.
"But we're not supposed to—"
He scowled. "Look, do you want to get some experience or not?"
"Of course."
"Well, hop to it then. And besides, you're really not treating the patient. Technically speaking, you're untreating her." I don't understand this kid sometimes.
I took the chart, frowning when I saw that our patient was another young girl, only five years old. She had broken her arm while trying to "fly" off of the dresser in her bedroom. Her time in the cast was up, and it was supposed to come off today.
Dr. Warren had just handed an oscillating saw to a vampire and told him to apply it to the squirming arm of a five-year-old human girl. Was this a bad idea?
He took a long drag on his cigarette, frowning at me behind his ever-present cloud of smoke. "What're you waiting for?"
I stared at the saw again, trying not to imagine what could go wrong here. After all, if I was ever going to treat real patients, I had to start somewhere. I scooped up the saw and the chart, heading on into the exam room and making my announcement before I could change my mind.
"Good morning, ma'am. My name is Edward Cullen, and I'm a medical student at Dartmouth. I'll be assisting Dr. Warren today, if that's all right." Assisting. I liked the way that word sounded.
The girl—her name was Mary—looked exactly like the kind of girl who would jump off a dresser and break her arm. Her pretty blue party dress was enhanced with a pair of cardboard wings, which had been cut from a box of Corn Flakes. Her barrettes were askew in her hair. She was already perched up on the exam table, lying on her back with her feet tapping on the wall. Animal noises came out of her mouth while she flew a doll around in the air with her casted left arm.
Her childish mind was a wonder. I smiled as I observed the fantasy world in which the doll (who was secretly a fairy herself) was flying through the night to save the fairy princess from the evil alligator king. While she played, Mary was wishing that her mother had let her bring both her dolls so that she could have a battle.
The mother was sitting down, holding Mary's crying baby brother and looking pretty frazzled. She raised her voice to be heard over the baby's cries. "Mary dear, sit up like a lady! I'm sorry, young man, what did you say?"
Dr. Warren came into the room, and to my rescue. "Morning, Mrs. Wilson. Edward here is one of our medical students, and he'll be taking care of the cast."
She glanced at me. "Are you sure? He looks awfully young…"
Dr. Warren waved his hand dismissively. "He's one of our finest. Go on, Edward."
I approached little Mary with the saw, unsure how to begin. I couldn't remember having ever spoken to anyone this young before. Why would I? How did one address children? "Hello there, Mary. I see your arm is feeling better…"
Her animal noises increased in volume, and the doll flew across the room to be caught in midair by the mother. Not bad for a human.
I cleared my throat. "So, it's time to take the cast off today. May I see your arm, please?" I inched closer, reaching for the cast with my empty hand.
Mary finally noticed my presence, and her eyes caught immediately on the sinister-looking object in my other hand. Her animal noises ceased, to be replaced by screaming. The baby brother took a deep breath and added his own dissonant squall to the mix, hurting my ears. I retreated, looking anxiously to Dr. Warren for guidance.
"Now, Mary," the mother called over the racket, "Listen to the doctor. We'll have a cookie at home afterwards, if you're a good girl."
Mary screamed louder, and Dr. Warren sighed in resignation. It's no good. I'll have to hold her down. "Edward…"
That wasn't going to work. Children were squirmy enough, and throwing Dr. Warren's restraining arms into the mix wasn't going to help me. I needed her to be perfectly still if I was going to be wielding a vibrating blade half an inch from her skin.
"Wait." I had an idea. I set the saw down behind me on the counter and approached Mary again. She was clambering against the wall to get away from me as I sat on the exam table beside her. She didn't seem to be instinctually afraid of me; she was only picturing me cutting off her arm with a much larger version of my "scary sword." Of course, I was laughing maniacally as I wielded it. In her imagination my face morphed into the scaly visage of the evil alligator king.
"Mary," I said quietly, throwing every ounce of sweetness I could into the word. She stopped crying instantly and turned to face me. I swung my legs up to sit fully beside her and leaned casually against the wall. Her eyes finally met mine, and a tearful smile tugged at her lips as I favored her with the best Prince Charming smile I could muster. She sighed, and her mind instantly replaced my evil persona with a fairy prince, complete with wings.
Without looking away, I held out my hand toward the mother. "May I have the doll, please? She's very important to this… ah, mission."
The mother stood and handed me the doll. I finally released Mary from my gaze so I could study the doll intently. "This is no ordinary doll," I began, and Mary's eyes grew wide. "I think that she may secretly be a fairy. If only she had wings…"
I took my notepad out of my pocket and ripped out a page. While Mary watched in awe, I quickly fashioned a set of tiny wings and affixed them to the doll's back.
"Much better," I pronounced. "Now, the mission is going to be to rescue the fairy princess from the evil alligator king. The trouble is, that if she's going to be, um, rescuing in the water, she'll need a boat, and fairy boats are always made of plaster. Don't you agree?"
She nodded dumbly.
I looked around the room. "If only we had some plaster… oh! There's some!" I pointed to her arm, and moved my face downwards to catch her eyes again before she could get suspicious. "If we could get that off your arm, it would turn into two fairy boats. One for this fairy, and another for a friend."
Mary stuck out her arm. "I have another secret fairy at home," she announced.
"Well, that's perfect," I replied, sliding off the exam table. "I'm going to separate the boats now, using my… boat-maker. But you must be very still, or the boats will be mussed."
She nodded solemnly, and I explained that the boat-maker made a buzzing sound, just like huge fairy wings. I turned on the saw and took a deep breath, just in case the worst should happen. But Mary was a trooper. She and the doll watched carefully as I turned her cast into two perfect doll-sized canoes.
I flicked the saw off, letting my breath back out. "Well done, Mary," I said in relief.
Well done, Cullen, Dr. Warren thought in awe. I hope he's planning on pediatrics.
I shuddered inwardly at the thought. It was one thing to risk the lives of human adults with my ministrations. But despite my success just now with Mary, I didn't think I would ever care to endanger human children on a regular basis. And besides, their screaming and crying was offensive to vampire hearing, to put it mildly.
But Mary wasn't finished with me yet. Before I could react, she jumped into my arms and planted a kiss right on my cold cheek. She giggled at the temperature, thinking that I felt like ice cream. Her acceptance did something strange inside my chest; I felt the most curious feeling of warmth.
"Well, everything looks good," Dr. Warren told the mother after poking quickly around Mary's arm, which was still wrapped around my neck.
"And I think this little fairy has definitely earned her cookie," I added, gingerly removing Mary from my torso. She gathered up the halves of her cast and the doll, hopping down from the exam table with her treasures. She was already imagining the rescue mission, now enhanced with her new boats.
I headed out behind Dr. Warren, and was just closing the door when Mary blurted out, "Goodbye Doctor Ice Cream!"
My mentor sputtered out a cloud of smoke. "Doctor what?"
I closed the door behind me, grinning and shrugging in confusion. "That was interesting," I said.
"I'll say," he replied. "You never told me you were so good with kids. You should go into peds."
"I might," I surprised myself by saying. "I just might."
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crudaka · 2 months
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That's not my neighbor but the neighbors are actually doppelganger traps created by the DDD MORE PAGES:
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ritahayworrth · 4 months
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Dexter, this is Ms. Imbrie and Mr. Connor from SPY magazine. SPY? Your tastes have changed a little, haven't they, Sam? HIGH SOCIETY (1956) dir. Charles Walters
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hecatesbroom · 3 months
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Betty White in Life with Elizabeth (again, because look at her!!)
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zeeckz · 8 months
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toot-toot · 7 months
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Le Roi et L'Oiseau (1980)
Les Appartements Secrets de Sa Majesté
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pinkpinkstarlet · 4 months
I really think I’m nailing this art style. The main goal is drawing Rio in it though hehe
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reference below ofc
@ace-and-sleepdeprived @cheonstapes @c4ndytr4p @chessbox @cuichichan @darksidescorner @fancylala4 @gltzpzy @hoe-bie @kaidan-z @l0starl @ohara-n-brown @punkeropercyjackson @ptizzy @skullghoulz @sp1derw1re @tatumis-a @urmadiik @primaviva @loveclovers @weirdo09 @pawnshoppeblues6
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my-1red-heart · 2 months
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shupito · 4 months
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A small "affectionate?" interaction between my ocs. I"l be posting about them in the future since they're a just a perfect study material (I definitely won't abuse this >:) )
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herigo · 7 months
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jessicanjpa · 5 months
Shout out to that time Edward got kicked out of medical school
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majortomwaits · 2 years
Out Of To(shiro)uch Thursday
Special thanks to @aersidhe for the idea
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desertangels70s · 3 months
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pinkragdolly · 1 year
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Marilyn Monroe🤍
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nathsketch · 1 year
Hi! I love your Cinderella drawings, and they remind me of her little golden book dress! It’s quite similar to your style!
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This isn’t a request or anything, just wanted to tell you I love your drawings :)
Ahhh this has made my day! You know, one of the biggest inspirations behind my digital illustrations is precisely the vintage style of Little Golden Books. I have a folder filled with references like these, and my Pinterest board is basically just Little Golden Books goodness 😂!
In fact, now that you mentioned it:
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This right here is my ideal aesthetic hahah 🥰
Thank you so much for the love! Happy Wednesday! 🎀
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solradguy · 4 months
What's up with people on here comparing me to the most random stuff. Like what am I supposed to do with that information lol I don't even know what it is like 90% of the time
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