#195th anniversary
rabbitcruiser · 4 months
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The Accordion patent was granted to Cyrill Demian in Vienna on May 23, 1829.  
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tuttocenere · 1 year
I realize I haven't made any text posts about Comte Ory, but really, what is there to say? It's a purely 4fun opera, no deeper message other than maybe "let young people have fun" or "men in nun costumes are sexy". But the plot and characters are compelling enough, the melodies are super fun, and there's just enough one can do with the basic war / religion / love theme that every production finds its own interesting angle. Love it.
Happy 195th anniversary to this most bisexual Rossini opera.
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a-bonb · 18 days
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This June we celebrate the 195th anniversary of the birth of Goyathlay (Geronimo), a famous and important Apache warrior.
Goyathlay, commonly known as Geronimo, is one of the most famous and significant warriors of the Apache people. Born in June 1829 in No-Doyohn Canyon, Mexico (now Arizona, USA), Geronimo became renowned for his fierce resistance against the encroachment of the United States and Mexico into Apache territory. After his family was attacked and killed by Mexican soldiers in 1858, Geronimo became a determined warrior, leading retaliatory attacks and fighting to protect Apache lands. He led many uprisings and military campaigns against American and Mexican forces, becoming a symbol of indigenous resistance. Geronimo was not only a courageous warrior but also an important cultural and political icon, representing resilience and bravery. His life and career significantly contributed to the preservation and dissemination of Apache culture, and he is recognized as one of the most important figures in the history of indigenous struggles in North America. After years of fighting, Geronimo surrendered to the U.S. Army in 1886 and was sent to Florida, then Alabama, and finally Oklahoma. Despite being imprisoned, he maintained his influence and prestige within the Apache community. Geronimo's legacy continues to be honored and remembered in indigenous communities and around the world, symbolizing resistance and the defense of indigenous rights.
Diesen Juni feiern wir den 195. Geburtstag von Goyathlay (Geronimo), einem berühmten und wichtigen Apachen-Krieger.
Goyathlay, allgemein bekannt als Geronimo, ist einer der berühmtesten und bedeutendsten Krieger des Apachen-Volkes. Geronimo wurde im Juni 1829 im No-Doyohn Canyon, Mexiko (heute Arizona, USA) geboren und wurde für seinen erbitterten Widerstand gegen das Eindringen der Vereinigten Staaten und Mexikos in das Gebiet der Apachen bekannt. Nachdem seine Familie 1858 von mexikanischen Soldaten angegriffen und getötet worden war, wurde Geronimo ein entschlossener Krieger, der Vergeltungsangriffe anführte und für den Schutz des Landes der Apachen kämpfte. Er führte viele Aufstände und Militärkampagnen gegen amerikanische und mexikanische Streitkräfte an und wurde zum Symbol des indigenen Widerstands. Geronimo war nicht nur ein mutiger Krieger, sondern auch eine wichtige kulturelle und politische Ikone, die für Widerstandsfähigkeit und Tapferkeit stand. Sein Leben und seine Karriere trugen wesentlich zur Bewahrung und Verbreitung der Apache-Kultur bei und er gilt als eine der wichtigsten Figuren in der Geschichte der indigenen Kämpfe in Nordamerika. Nach jahrelangen Kämpfen ergab sich Geronimo 1886 der US-Armee und wurde nach Florida, dann nach Alabama und schließlich nach Oklahoma geschickt. Trotz seiner Inhaftierung behielt er seinen Einfluss und sein Ansehen innerhalb der Apache-Gemeinschaft. Geronimos Vermächtnis wird in indigenen Gemeinschaften und auf der ganzen Welt weiterhin gewürdigt und in Erinnerung gerufen und symbolisiert Widerstand und die Verteidigung indigener Rechte.
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valleyledger · 5 months
Yuengling Celebrates 195th Anniversary with Keep PA Beautiful
Yuengling employees clean Route 209 and Schuylkill corridors in Pottsville.   ~ Yuengling partners with Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful and Keep America Beautiful for local community improvement event ~ Through a partnership between Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful, D.G. Yuengling & Son, Inc. and Keep America Beautiful, Route 209 in Pottsville received extra care and attention by way of a roadway cleanup…
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geopolicraticus · 7 months
James Fitzjames Stephen and the Right Side of History    
Sunday 03 March 2024 is the 195th anniversary of the birth of Sir James Fitzjames Stephen (03 March 1829 – 11 March 1894), 1st Baronet, KCSI (which means “Knight Commander Star of India,” a chivalric order founded by Queen Victoria), who was born in London on this day in 1829.
James Fitzjames Stephen was prominent nineteenth century jurist who also wrote on philosophical matters and was a critic of John Stuart Mill. I will use the disagreement between Mill and Stephen to examine the idea of being “on the right side of history.”  
Quora:             https://philosophyofhistory.quora.com/ 
Discord:          https://discord.gg/r3dudQvGxD
Links:              https://jnnielsen.carrd.co/
Newsletter:    http://eepurl.com/dMh0_-/
Podcast:         https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nick-nielsen94/episodes/James-Fitzjames-Stephen-and-the-Right-Side-of-History-e2gipb4  
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rodjbeerventures · 7 months
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mybookof-you · 1 year
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entwinedmoon · 3 years
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It’s December 10th where I live, so it’s TORRINGTON DAY!
For those who are new, today is the day John Torrington, my favorite member of the doomed Franklin Expedition and my favorite ice mummy, was baptized in 1826. We don’t know his birthday, so this is the closest we can get for now.
For the past two years I’ve shared blog posts about the research I’ve been doing (and by research I mean playing around on Ancestry and other databases for fun--no one is paying me to research my cold boy), but this year I haven’t had a chance to do any research or put together anything new for this day. But I still want to celebrate (it’s the 195th anniversary, y’all!). So instead I will be reblogging some of the posts from the past two John Torrington Baptism Parties. I will be sharing art, music, poetry, and completely ridiculous memes. You can also read all my previous research posts about Torrington here.
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marryat92 · 4 years
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I posted this on twitter on the 19th March, one day after the 195th anniversary of Frederick Marryat writing this cheque in 1826—and I will share it on tumblr as well. I purchased this autographed cheque from an antiquarian bookseller in 2019, but I have never shared it online until now. It was surprisingly affordable since there isn't much demand for Captain Marryat's autograph (although I have seen brief letters from him sell for $1000 and up).
I am frankly still amazed that I own this; this is definitely one of the most special things in my possession (and I plan on getting it professionally framed with a portrait of Marryat).
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Marryat was 33 years old when he wrote this cheque for £20 on his account with his naval pay agents, Messrs. Stilwell. (The equivalent of $2341.28 current USD, using a historical currency converter.) The Stilwell agency had a broad range of many clients, including many officers of the Franklin expedition according to O'Byrne's naval biographical dictionary, which lists naval pay agents.
Captain Marryat had paid off the 26-gun Tees on 11 January 1826, home from the First Anglo-Burmese War a few months before writing this cheque, and he had achieved post-captain rank at last. He wouldn't resign his commission until November of 1830, with his last commmand being the 28-gun Ariadne. He published his first two novels before leaving the service.
In early 1826 Marryat was known as the creator of his Code of Signals, published in 1817, and as the author of an anti-impressent pamphlet. He was also an established collaborator with the caricature artist and engraver George Cruikshank by this time, behind the 'Life of a Midshipman' series of prints. The height of his fame was probably in the mid-1830s, but by 1826 he was enough of a public figure that some person almost two centuries ago may have deliberately saved this cheque.
I rarely handle this 195-year-old document, and I am more than a little in awe of it. It appears to have been written at two different times in two different hands. A very neat script (and probably not Marryat) for Messrs. Stilwell of Arundel Street and other information, and Marryat filling in 18 March 1826, £20 in the left-hand corner, writing out Twenty Pounds, and signing his name. I have seen samples of Marryat's handwriting, Alan Buster's Captain Marryat: Sea-Officer, Novelist, Country Squire reproduces an entire letter. If anyone in the 1820s was having a clerk or other servant prepare his cheques for him, it was definitely young Captain Marryat.
Around this time of his life he wasn't a famous novelist, but he was about to become an equerry to the Duke of Sussex and was already the recipient of awards including being a Fellow of the Royal Society (1819) and a gold medal from the Royal Humane Society (1818), for saving lives at sea.
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okaykiddo · 3 years
Happy 195th anniversary of Thomas Jefferson’s death! He was a coward and a bitch
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Former Bolivian president Evo Morales, speaking to Radio Kawsachun Coca on the occasion of the 195th anniversary of the Armed Forces, denounced that according to his information, the government and the military are preparing a coup d’état to prevent the holding of general elections.
Two US planes arrived a few days ago, bringing military equipment, “we don’t know if it’s a donation or a purchase, the army’s immediate response team has been mobilized,” he added.
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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Initial issue of the Cherokee Phoenix was the first periodical to use  the Cherokee syllabary, invented by Sequoyah, on February 21, 1828.
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villainanders · 6 years
Aside from requesting the “writ in water” epitaph, Keats did not lament his coming end or curse his enemies on his deathbed. If anything, he lamented his continued life. He wrote to a friend of “leading a posthumous existence,” and complained in the same terms to Severn, who wrote that Keats would sometimes weep when he awoke and found himself still living.
When Keats was calmer, he would speak to Severn of the “quiet grave” that awaited him, which Severn described to him. Keats pictured it strewn with daisies and violets (which it still is) and looking up to the apartment’s ceiling—still, as it was then, patterned with white and yellow flowers on a sky-blue background—reflected that he could already feel them growing over him.
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genderretired · 6 years
Abolish “Australia Day” dont just move the celebration of the genocide of Indigenous peoples to another day esp since white settlers like to turn it into a joke with “may 8” and honestly can’t be trusted to celebrate this country in a way that doesn’t glorify white supremacy
Also happy 195th wedding anniversary to Maria and Robert Lock!!!
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galleryyuhself · 2 years
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#DidYouKnow that this year, Angostura Ltd. is celebrating the 198th anniversary of Angostura Bitters! Angostura Bitters were first created in the town of Angostura, Venezuela in 1824, by founder Dr. Johann Siegert.
He moved to Angostura from Germany in 1820 to serve as the Surgeon General of Simón Bolívar’s armies. By 1824, Siegert created a formula for aromatic bitters, which he used in his medical practice as a tincture for alleviating stomach ailments among soldiers.
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 During the 1870s, Siegert’s three sons migrated to Trinidad where they established Angostura Bitters as an essential ingredient in cocktails and food. In particular, Siegert’s son Don Carlos Siegert pioneered the brand, and expanded the company internationally.
The company was officially established as Angostura Bitters (Dr. J.G.B Siegert & Sons) Limited on August 30th 1921, after surviving a half century of war and conflict around the world. The company’s name was changed to Angostura Limited in 1992, and this month marks the fact that it has been over 100 years since it was established in Trinidad and Tobago.
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This photo showing an April 1901 advertisement for Angostura Bitters is courtesy of the book, “The New Illustrated Guide to Trinidad” by J. Paget, which is part of the National Archives of Trinidad and Tobago Rare Books Collection. References:“Our Story.” Angostura, 12 Sept. 2018,
angosturabitters.com/our-story/.Paget, J. New Illustrated Guide to Trinidad. Government Printing Office, 1901. This book is part of the National Archives of Trinidad and Tobago Rare Books Collection.Doodnath, Alina. “Angostura Celebrates 195th Anniversary with Rum Day Specials: Loop Trinidad & Tobago.” Loop News, Loop News, 15 Aug. 2019, http://tt.loopnews.com/.../angostura-celebrates-195th.
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aframnews · 2 years
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