prfm-multiverse · 3 months
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Hello, I have seen some things going around for a while now. 1MM [1 million moms] has been trying to shut down shows, ads, games, and more with the LGBTQIA in it, and has been doing this as a pure Christian and American family lead organization, they are doing this to have more control over what is put into their kids lives, and forth hurting them, the community, and the LGBT community and already fully grown and out and proud gays/lesbians/bisexuals/nonbinary/trans/genderfluid/aroaces/pans/etc more. Pushing us back into the darkness we have only recently begun to climb from. They use their own money and have their own business. I have seen many people in our community with money that could help, none of this is forced, but if these people continue the way they're going, we will all be back to being ridiculed, beaten, and shamed for being who we are. This isn't only affecting their kids anymore, this is going to start affecting the people who've fought all their lives just to be seen.
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akasaito · 2 years
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sunshine-soprano · 8 months
the end of ghosts s5e5 is by far the best example of how to react when a loved one comes out to you. i will no longer be accepting any response other than a fully choreographed line dance when i come out to people.
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bearhats · 1 month
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my bugs
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sweaterkittensahoy · 2 months
I ran out of thread again
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And the whole thing will definitely need to be starched to absolute fuck and back, but I was assuming that part from the photo.
Ordered three more skeins. Based on what the other ruffles have taken, that should be enough. I hope.
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billford-dump · 8 months
The plate in Ford's skull is powerful. Absurdly so. But that power mostly comes from how specific it is.
Every ward and symbol etched into it, every enchantment, every single aspect of its design down to the molecular structure of whatever alien metal it's made of, it's all meant to ward off Bill's influence. To disrupt a deal giving Bill full and unconditional access to Ford's mind and body.
It's powerful to the point that even though it's designed to only keep Bill out of his head, it also happens to keep out most other types of mental influence. Even the ones that can get past the plate are usually so weak from the effort that by the time they reach Ford's mind he can fight them off on his own.
And it still doesn't keep Bill out of Ford's dreams, because the world of dreams isn't a place you can reach from within the safety of your own skull.
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ae-neon · 11 months
No shade to any posters but all shade to the posts : I need more people to be aware of their ableism against Papa Archeron.
Like, dislike him all you want, but when you talk about why he sucks or what he deserves and suddenly his disability is part of that or even left out entirely - think about what you're saying
Also you see and understand there's nuance and unspoken context surrounding Nesta, Elain and Feyre's actions but not extend that to the only other person there?
Like realistically you think that man wasn't mentally affected by his financial ruin? The death of his wife? His assault that resulted in a physical disability? You think he was mentally okay through all of that??
Again, you don't have to like him or "forgive" him but blaming him for the cabin years or saying things like he should have just gotten up off his lazy ass is actually so insane? The man could barely stand and was disassociating half the time
It's so tiring and disheartening seeing these takes again and again.
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dawnthread · 2 months
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five gil for a flower? :3
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prfm-multiverse · 9 months
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windvexer · 8 months
Most of my creative energy for the past few days is planning extremely elaborate projects for which I have no skill to accomplish.
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akasaito · 2 years
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em-xzm · 1 month
Neil discovering emoji's:
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era-eternal · 1 year
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i tried to think of a lot of things to say to justify myself but im just gonna release all these into the world and you can draw whichever conclusions you want about me. i cant be bothered to correct you
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My local wool shop ordered me some teeny tiny knitting needles so that I can knit the stocking for my Lady Sauron outfit!
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spoofyleaf · 27 days
Okay tumblr decide my fate, bc I think it’s funny
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