oelnet · 1 year
L'exposition Harry Potter à Paris ouvre ses portes : plongez dans une expérience immersive - LeHuffPost
L’exposition Harry Potter à Paris ouvre ses portes : plongez dans une expérience immersive  LeHuffPost Plongez au cœur de l’exposition Harry Potter à Paris, une expérience immersive  Le HuffPost Pourquoi Harry Potter est si célèbre ?  1jour1actu Harry Potter l’exposition : nos photos de l’événement immersif XXL à Paris Expo Porte de Versailles – Sortiraparis.com  Sortiraparis L’exposition…
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fidjiefidjie · 3 years
C'est qui, Napoléon Bonaparte ? 🇨🇵
1jour1actu © Jacques Azam – © AFP
Bel après-midi 🙋‍♀️
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allabroadfrench · 4 years
Another great video from 1jour1actu.com, this time comparing life in France with life in French-speaking Senegal in Africa, for kids in CM2 (Cours moyen niveau 2 - equivalent to years 5&6 in UK ie. 10/11 years old). It shows there aren’t so many differences as you may think!
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mamotto · 3 years
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Il y a quelque temps, j'ai été contacté par @1jour.1actu pour apparaître dans leur hebdomadaire. Je fais donc une petite apparition dans l'hebdomadaire pour les 8 - 12 ans édité par Milan Jeunesse ! Dans ce numéro, ils ont parlé de Pokémon (et du Mont Blanc). Un format sympa avec une rédaction simple pour la compréhension de tous. Je vous montre la photo qui a été publiée. J'ai essayé de mettre toutes les cartes que je possède. Ça a été très compliqué et en vraiment tout n'y est pas 😅 En tout cas j'ai aimé faire cette photo même si il nous a fallu une bonne heure pour tout préparer et ranger 🤭 #Pokémon #PokemonCollection #CartesPokemon #pokémoncards #cartepokemon #1jour1actu #milanjeunesse https://www.instagram.com/p/CVip6c6r1Vz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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en24news · 5 years
The year 2019 on video: the “yellow vests” demonstrated - 1jour1actu
The year 2019 on video: the “yellow vests” demonstrated – 1jour1actu
The year 2019 on video: the “yellow vests” demonstrated 1day1actu
France is not going! Le360.ma
Retro 2019: Notre-Dame de Paris, Yellow Vests, Jacques Chirac … a year in France FRANCE 24
Carcassonne’s yellow vests don’t want to give up on anything in 2020
How to make the story of 2019? France Culture
See full coverage on Google News
[ad_2] Source link https://www.1jour1actu.com/info-animee/…
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mea-lingua · 4 years
French Magazines/Newspapers
Current Events
1jour1actu (geared towards kids & teens, with simple vocab & lots of visuals)
Geared towards more advanced/native speakers
Le Figaro Magazine
Le Point
Paris Match
Le Monde
Culture & Entertainment
Livres Hebdo (literary magazine)
Première (movie, TV, and pop culture content; great for finding French movie/TV show recommendations)
Ministère de la Culture (offers virtual museum tours in French! + the kids section has numerous arts & culture resources that could be of interest to less advanced level speakers)
Science & Geography
Wapiti (geared towards kids; on science, nature, and ecology)
GeoAdo (geared towards teens; on ecology & traveling)
Geo (the grownup GeoAdo; on ecology, traveling, and history)
Psychologies (on... well, psychology!)
Bonus (for reading practice)
Topito (aka the French Buzzfeed, with lots of visuals & great for contextually learning more informal vocabulary)
Kwiziq (offers short stories by level from A1-C1; stories are accompanied with audio recordings and a built-in French-English translator)
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senchais · 5 years
pt à pt | lutte des places
been trying to learn some vocab organically by reading random french articles! my go-to’s are:
le figaro: news articles, politics
madame figaro: fashion, food
tv5monde & 1jour1actu: random articles
vocab from lutte des places, coups bas… enquête dans les coulisses des premiers rangs des défilés
avachi | slouched
bassesse (f) | baseness
debout | standing
écrouler | to knock down
se faufiler | to weave in and out, sneak in
fourbe | deceitful
la grappe | bunch
se gausser | mock (litteraire)
impitoyable | ruthless, brutal
pailleté | glittery
le pesant | weight
le quinconce | staggered rows
renchérir | to go one further
la sinécure | easy job
sournois | sly
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bonbonlanguage · 7 years
my favorite french apps
duolingo (ios/android)
dr. french (android)
conjugaison (ios/android)
lingvist (ios/android)
mindsnacks (android)
quizlet (ios/android)
mango (ios/android)
1jour1actu (ios)
lemonde (ios/android)
memrise (ios/android)
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ilovefisqui · 3 years
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allabroadfrench · 4 years
Another wonderful animation from @1jour1actu, this time explaining the Holocaust - whats, whens and whys, on this #HolocaustRemembranceDay, with this scene depicting very simply 'juif' [Jew] and 'allemand' [German].
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sangklp · 4 years
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RT @QueFaireAParis: L'ennui pour les enfants n'est plus permis 😉👍 (avec @parismusees, @Citedelarchi, @bayam_fr, @citedessciences, @le_muz, @sartmuser, @opera_comique, @1jour1actu, @origami_plus, ...) https://t.co/GqZSN8besV https://www.youtube.com/c/lifesang
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appventice · 7 years
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RT @1jour1actu: C’est quoi, les fake news ? - 12 janvier 2018 Une étude vient de révéler que 8 Français sur 10 croient facilement à des informations, qui sont en fait mensongères et totalement inventées ! Ces informations truquées sont appelées fake news. Découvre, e... https://t.co/hHobhVPv22 À voir : http://twitter.com/Appventice/status/953176777538572289
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i can't believe i just went on 1jour1actu to see if i could find a video on micro loans
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senchais · 6 years
Hey! For 2019 I want to learn French and I was just wondering if you have any advice on where to start when learning a new language? Thanks x
hi there, hope you’ve had a smashing start to the year! 
i think a good way to start off to keep two things in mind: plan and revise (also that desire to learn french ofc). don’t bite off more than you can chew and make sure you have a solid foundation before you go off learning the fancy stuff 😊
there are two major parts of a language: vocab and grammar.
vocabthere are plenty of vocab lists here on tumblr which you can use, but since you’re just starting, you should pick and choose. collate small, basic lists which have essential vocab (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs). that way you can gradually build up your vocab and make sure there aren’t any gaps. 
don’t overwhelm yourself with too many words and use apps like quizlet to test yourself. wordreference is an amazing online french dictionary which you can use for checking words and conjugations.
there’s also an interesting post by darasteine which lists out important words in a language, which might help for picking out what vocab to learn.
grammarlearn the basic conjugations (so how verbs change depending on i/you/he/she/we/they). start with present tense and the infinitive (the basic form of the verb). learn some important irregular verbs and how they work too, like être (to be), avoir (to have), aller (to go) and faire (to do).
then go to things like participles, imperative (orders like go! do! run!) and agreements (i’m sure you’ve heard, because in french, nouns have genders and verb endings change according to these genders). at school, we used a site called languages online for grammar exercises.
there are textbooks out there but i can’t really recommend any since the one i used at school is no longer printed… there are the DELF courses, which i used for A2 french and basically are recognised by the french ministry of education, but they might be pricy so i’m not too sure.
other hopefully useful stufflistening / speaking1. watch french youtube with subtitles! get used to the sound and rhythm of french. other langblrs have suggested some greats in (link 1 & 2). my personal favourite is cyprien; he does some fantastic short film style videos (court-métrage) & lots of humour! 
2. there’s also a site for french kids which i actually really love; it’s called 1jour1actu and they have super cute clips on world news with manageable grammar / vocab. 
3. music! that’s really just for getting used to the sound of the language too. if you’re bothered, read the lyrics while you’re listening. i quite like lej, an acapella trio who do wonderful covers, mashups and recently released their own album. other french artists i know of: zaz, alma, louane, indila, maître gims, stromae & cœur de pirate. go and explore, i guess.
4. if possible, find a native speaker to practise with. if not, watch some more youtube and keep their pronunciation in mind. 
readingonce you’re starting to get on a roll, read some articles in french! both tv5monde and 1jour1actu (which i mentioned before) have some useful and topical info.
writingkeep a french journal! use it to keep track of what you’ve learnt. write a sentence or two each time you study, even if it’s super basic or not particularly interesting. this forces you to consolidate information actively instead of passively.
tldrbe consistent and:
1. learn vocab and grammar in sections. keep revising and going back to previous study sessions.
2. actively engage with the language (music, articles, youtube)
3. write little diary entries to keep track of what you’ve done.
hope this helps & best wishes for your studies!! 
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bonbonlanguage · 7 years
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hi everyone! i made a french masterpost about a year ago which can be found here, but it’s a little outdated and i don’t use some of the resources anymore. here is a new updated masterpost about how to learn french! 
duolingo is good to start out with, but don’t rely on it entirely. duolingo is more beneficial if you use it as a review rather than a learning resource. 
memrise is amazing for any level of french! 
drops is a really good vocabulary app. it exposes you to everyday vocabulary you may need while traveling to france. it’s also super aesthetic! it only allows you to use it for 5 minutes a day, but i find it perfect to use before i go to bed.
mango is offered free from libraries in the u.s. and canada. it teaches you with a conversation. this app is very practical and it helps with speaking skills. if you live outside of the u.s. message me and i can make you a free account.
mindsnacks is also a fantastic vocabulary app, but it doesn’t work with ios 11 and you have to pay $4.99 to unlock all the lessons. but if you can get it, it’s definitely worth it! the app forces you to remember all the vocab, and it pronounces everything for you very clearly. 
write/read something every day in french! no matter what it is, it will greatly benefit your learning. try to use what you learn each day in your daily writing practice. 
here is a website with french children’s books for free. it pronounces the words and offers an english translation which is great for beginners.
1jour1actu is good for A2-C1 learners. they have an app as well as a website. 
for more advanced learners, i recommend lemonde.fr
there are several strategies for what to do when coming across a word you don’t know. i usually use a dictionary/google translate and highlight/write down the word i looked up, then review those words before i sleep (sometimes). the more exposure you get to words, the more familiar you will become. keep reading!
forvo is an amazing website where you can see how a word is pronounced by a native speaker. it’s a literal blessing to this earth. 
it’s very important to keep a notebook for your french studies, because french grammar can get really crazy. review your notes weekly to retain the information!
pick a good textbook/workbook to take notes from. i personally used french for dummies. many free textbooks and workbooks can be found at this link, so you can choose which one you think will be best for you. 
thoughtco is a good website for when you need help on a specific grammar topic. you can add some of their lessons to your notebook!
rocketlanguages is also good to start out with. same as mango, it’s free to anyone in the u.s. and canada with a library card. it’s good for conversation practice and grammar. 
my favorite place to go to for practice is youtube. check out this list of most popular french youtubers! 
music is good for listening practice as well. if you have time, look at the lyrics while you listen. maybe memorize a song! 
here’s some audiobooks!
dividing your time
a weekly schedule could look like completing 1 lesson in your textbook, reviewing previous lessons, practicing with apps, writing/watching/reading something, etc. 
each day you can pick something off of the picture below! listening monday, writing tuesday, reading wednesday…
depending on how much time you have to study, spending 1(+) hour per day is a good ballpark if you want to advance easily in the language. 
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everyone is different, but this is how i choose to study french. i made a table with each form of practice and i choose 2-3 things off the table to study from (see the picture below). making this is helpful because you spend more time studying the language than looking for ways to study the language. everything is already there for me!
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other masterposts
how i study languages by @lovelybluepanda
french resources masterpost 
a french masterpost 
good luck with your studies, and as always message me if you need any help!
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