#1x17 solitudes
jadelotusflower · 10 months
Stargate rewatch: 1x17 Solitudes
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aka episode of the blurry/dark screenshots. What is this, Game of Thrones?
A Brad Wright episode, and the debut of the franchise’s most prolific director Martin Wood.
Jack and Sam bond over his broken bones and her inability to make a splint, heh.
It’s Siler! aka Dan Shea, RDA’s stunt double and later Stunt Coordinator.
Hammond giving him half the time Siler says it will take to fix the Gate and Siler going “it doesn’t work that way sir” is great, nice subversion of a trope.
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lol, how many times do we get an extreme close up on Daniel’s face and a blurry pov shot of him waking up from being k’o-ed on this show? A lot, I can tell you.
Sam correctly identifies their situation (option 2) but gets stuck on the probabilities of the SGC finding them, leaving Jack to be the optimist. Nice callback (unintentional or not) to him sarcastically telling Samuels in 1x02 to “let me be the optimist for once.”
Sam then deduces that the matter steam jumped to a different but nearby Stargate, just as Daniel comes to the same conclusion. Wonder Twin powers, activate!
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At least they got good lighting in the close ups!
The gang's all here - even Harriman (who as this point is just Airman/Technician).
I do love it when they use the plexiglass map.
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What is Siler’s job anyway? Chief engineer?
Sam identifies this symbol (far right) as the point of origin on the DHD. We later learn this Gate was the original one used by the Ancients and this could conceivably be an Alteran-esque symbol since we know their written language is block based and their aesthetic is heavy on the circles. It could represent a sun and a pillar, or maybe a Stargate itself.
It does explain away a bit of a plot hole with Earth’s point of origin being a pyramid if the gate was built pre-Ra. It makes more sense that this is the original Earth point of origin and the other was built/chosen later.
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Oof Jack coughing up blood onto the snow.
Why Sam doesn’t try to dial any addresses other than Earth - la la la don’t think about it. Sam's brain too cold to function I guess?
Or maybe the DHD has something else wrong with it? We learn later that connecting the DHD designates that gate as the primary gate on Earth, so really the SGC gate shouldn’t be working at all if Sam is trying to use the Antarctic gate.
Nice little moment where Sam says that if they don’t make it she won’t have any regrets, and Jack says he’ll regret dying - a good reflection of both their characters.
Daniel with his ever-present coffee, but this time with good reason. There’s a cool shot of him in the control room worrying, tracking up to Hammond in the briefing room worrying. Martin Wood loves a tracking shot. I love a tracking shot too.
I also love how interactive the set is, the gate room, viewing room, briefing room, and Hammond’s office are all connected allowing us to move through the set as if it were a real facility.
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“I should have gotten you out of here by now.” Aw, Sam! Telling language through use of “you” and not “us.” She’s the problem solver but can’t solve the problem, and even though Jack is in command, given his injury she’s now the one who feels responsible for him and his safety when usually it's the other way around.
Amanda Tapping is great in this episode, we don’t often see Sam so frustrated, unable to push through to find the answer.
Also a tender moment when Jack calls out for Sara and Sam, having been told earlier that Sara is what got him through a similar situation, giving him the comfort of “I’m here, Jack.”
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Uh oh, I think that means there’s a T-Rex around!
“We ruled out a world we shouldn’t have.” Daniel thinking forth dimensionally again! Even separated the team are still working together, the juxtaposition of Sam trying and failing to the dial the gate but Daniel still receiving the message is great.
Ah, I love it when they work a retcon into the plot! The SGC installed “frequency dampeners” that stopped the shaking of the gate (and made the trip through smoother/less cold), so the shaking now is unusual and helps them solve the mystery.
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Aw, Hammond going along with the rescue party. He’s well and truly Papa Hammond now!
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goodwhump-temp · 2 years
SG1 Whump - Daniel Jackson
1x01 Children of the Gods - Knocked out 1x04 Emancipation - Regressed to primitive state 1x07 Cold Lazarus - Killed 1x13 Fire and Water - "Dead" 1x17 Enigma - Thrown out of gate high velocity, concussion, weak 1x18 Solitudes - Mind controlled, raped, catatonic 1x19 Tin Man -Consciousness & body duplicated 1x20 There But For The Grace of God - Quantum mirror, shot 1x21 Politics - Shot, blinded 2x01 The Serpent's Lair - Shot, badly wounded 2x02 In the Line of Duty - Zatted/hostage 2x03 Prisoners - Strangled unconscious 2x05 Need - Captured, almost dies/unconscious, addiction, extreme withdrawals, passes out, mental breakdown 2x13 Spirits - Tranquilized 2x17 Holiday - Mind transferred, in pain, coma, almost dies 2x19 One False Step - Induced anger, headache 2x22 Out of Mind - Captured, fake memory simulation device, manipulated 3x01 Into the Fire - Caught in explosion / shrapnel 3x02 Seth - Hit by ribbon device, mind controlled 3x04 Legacy - Schizophrenia, mental institution, drugged 3x06 Point of View - Shot 3x07 Deadman Switch - Runs into forcefield 3x08 Demons - Struck by lightning 3x09 Rules of Engagement - Shot by an intar 3x10 Forever in a Day - Ribbon device injury 3x13 The Devil You Know - Drugged/tortured 3x14 Foothold - Drugged/doubled 3x19 New Ground - Tortured, unconscious 3x21 Crystal Skull - Invisible, shocked 3x22 Nemesis - Appendicitis 4x03 Upgrades - Strength virus, fever, passes out 4x10 Beneath the Surface - Amnesia, enslaved 4x11 Point of No Return - Drugged 4x13 The Curse - Ribbon device injury 4x17 Absolute Power - Unconscious, learns consequences of knowledge 4x18 The Light - Addiction to the light, extreme depression, flatlines 5x04 The Fifth Man - Zatted 5x07 Beast of Burden - Zatted, tortured 5x09 Between Two Fires - Knocked down 5x13 Proving Ground - Shot by an intar 5x16 Last Stand - Crash landing; knocked unconscious 5x19 Menace - Thrown, head/wrist injury 5x21 Meridian - Radiation poisoning, dies, emotional 7x06 Lifeboat - Mind overwhelmed, headaches, life at risk 7x12 Evolution pt 2 - Beaten, tortured, shot 7x15 Chimera - Dreams manipulated, shot 8x03 Lockdown - Zatted twice, shot, passes out 8x06 Avatar - Dies in video game, shocked multiple times 8x07 Affinity - Zatted 8x10 Endgame - Zatted 8x12 Prometheus Unbound - (zatted + shot + kicked) by Vala 8x17 Reckoning pt 2 - Pierced with sword 8x18 Threads - Captured 9x01 Avalon pt. 1 - Passes out from Jaffa bracelets 9x02 Avalon pt. 2 - Passes out + restrained 9x03 Origin - Almost dies in fire with Vala (of course) 9x04 The Ties That Bind - Passes out x2 9x06 Beachhead - Almost passes out/adjusting 9x16 Off the Grid - Captured, beaten 9x19 Crusade - Body controlled by Vala 10x02 Morpheus - Sleep virus 10x07 Counterstrike - Choked 10x09 Company of Thieves - Zatted by a smuggler 10x11 The Quest pt. 2 - Merlin powers, extreme knowledge (pain) 10x14 The Shroud - Zatted, exhausted 10x16 Bad Guys - Stunned 10x17 Talion - Unconscious 10x19 Dominion - Suffocating 10x20 Unending - Emotional (same)
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denisa-blr · 6 years
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Jack O`Neill and Antarctic
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random-fandom-whump · 7 years
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Stargate SG-1 S01E17
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fyeahvulnerablemen · 6 years
Gosh, I'm just starting to watch Stargate SG-1 and there are three episodes that are like a whumper's paradise: 1x12 Fire and Water 1x17 Solitudes 2x05 Need And I just started! 😍 can you find some GIFs for these episodes? xoxo
Just reblogged a few posts for you! There's a lot more whump to come and I'm excited for you to see it all! :)
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Winn Schott - He Protects the Stars (a S1 masterpost, part II)
The first post got too long, so here are episodes 11-20, the full second half, of Season One. :)
Me, rambling about my favorite cape-less hero, in chronological order. This is an appreciation post for anything and everything I can mention and that is all.
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(the poor boy, he goes through a lot, and this is about the view of him we get this half. also, that gif is tagged as #winn schott #or is it jeremy and that is a legitimate question all the time.)
Episodic breakdowns under the cut again, enjoy!
This post will be reblogged as I add in episodes from E10 to the season finale.
1x11, Strange Visitor from Another Planet
a really mediocre title for an episode depressingly low in WinnContent
Kara: I miss my best friend, Alex.” We do too, Kara, we do too.
Winn. Awkward Winn. Upset Winn. At least coming to his senses enough to wish her a good day and smile, because even when he’s so unhappy, he’s never gonna stop caring about her the most.
Whenever they don’t actually write something for Winn to be in, but his desk appears in the background, they have his messenger bag slung over his chair so at least you know they haven’t forgotten about him. XD
You can tell he feels bad about shutting Kara down, initiating conversation the next time they see each other. “Space and time,” she offers. That smile he gives as the elevator closes tells you that they are going to be ok. :)
1x12, Bizarro
Another new tag added to the repertoire for this episode: salty cinnamon roll
Winn and Kara repairing their relationship, because heck, Winn will always care about her no matter what and I want to believe Kara will too. #supportive friend(s)
Cat found out from Winn what Kara’s favorite coffee is. I love all three of them so much. Winn doesn’t even use it to try and get back in Kara’s good graces, because he doesn’t like being manipulated and doesn’t manipulate the people he cares about, he just cares for them. Precious sunshine child. Please never change.
So offended by James’ questioning look. “I measured her for her suit!”
Is so observant of the people around him, he knew James was lying last time, and knows Kara is lying now. Also, these two opening scenes with them are actually very well written to break the ice, kudos to the writers for that.
even if the whole date thing is so awkward with James and Winn and Kara and all their recent/future history lol
but back to Winn. Calling James out on all James’ pretenses of “Adam’s great, yeah, who-hoo” - “You’ve never even met him.” XD XD #salty cinnamon roll
Reappearance of Winn’s bag standing in for a scene they didn’t write anything for the character, but need to remind us he does have a job there. *eye roll*
Two years. Two years’ worth of hospital/police records that Winn dug through to find Bizarro. And how long did it take him? Under 24 hours. #genius
I love that Winn is very quick to encourage James to not be the coward he was when it comes to Kara. Like, it’s incredibly awkward how everyone is crushing on her, but Winn putting his own feelings (now that they’ve been healthily addressed) to the side, and again calling James out on his crap as the dude is trying to date Lucy but more interested in Kara.... #supportive friend and #genius and just all around a good guy.
“Leave the bottle!” oh Winn. XD
1x13, For the Girl Who Has Everything
Look, the whole point of this post was to highlight that Winn is a true hero and honestly responsible for a lot of what goes right, it’s not my fault the show decided to focus so heavily on Kara’s love life, but here we go, back on track...almost.
He. Is. So. Concerned. About. His. Friend. that’s it - that’s the episode.
Winn telling the tick story to Cat is the funniest thing, also admirable how he’s the one trying to save Kara’s job like he and James agreed to do together. One thing I don’t think I can add to his Jack of All Trades list is lying. Concealing the truth? Yeah. Lying convincingly? Never.
Cat: “I have been watching you cover for her day after day, putting yourself and your job in jeopardy, and for what?” For a friend. For a person he cares about and would die for in a heartbeat. #supportive friend #hero
*sees an unknown person exactly replicating another and immediately wants to know the science of it* #nerd
“Hey Kara, wake up.” #supportive friend
Here we go! Winn being the one to hypothesize that the satellites being down could be something the invader’s are depending on. #genius #hero
Is the first one to realize Alex succeeded in saving her sister.
And is the only one present enough to talk to his friend and console her as she is jarred awake. #hero
With the gang, making sure she 1) could come back 2) save her job and 3) have a clean home to walk into and not be left alone. And being the one to crack jokes and make everyone smile. #supportive friend
Making sure that they are, truly, friends again. Yes. Good.
1x14, Truth, Justice, and the American Way
Not important, but the whole opening exchange between Kara and Winn is adorable and I love these two nerds’ friendship.
The arrival of Soiubhgsn
just pointing out the bag is standing in for Winn again while Cat is asking about Lord and Kara eavesdrops. #where is the boy
Aside: James is really good in this episode, more of that would not hurt.
More of Winn would be better though.
1x15, Solitude
#messenger bag (I don’t think that’s actually kind of bag, but it’s been doing a lot of stand-ins for Winn, and may I say, its acting ability is a s.e.v.e.r.e. downgrade)
“Toyman Jr.” never ever needs to be a thing
It takes Winn approximately two seconds to take Indigo’s traffic light remark and figure out what she’s doing, and then out of every single traffic light in the city, somehow finds the one with the most collateral damage and pinpoints it in time to decisively send Supergirl there and save lives. #genius #hero
-also, possibly is the one who hacks the traffic lights back to working order??? seeing as that’s the last incident and Kara isn’t in a panic to go save anyone else???
#cardigan hobbit
“He’s been mumbling to himself like that for over an hour, isn’t that the first sign of-” “Genius. Yes.” Thank you, Kara.
I appreciate the nerd vibes of Winn’s candy and popcorn, but heck. There are two coffees, a soda, and FIVE energy drinks. This guy is running on fumes, please someone fix him an actual meal???
Yes, let’s have the villain choke one of the characters, toss them across the room, and then have them jump up just fine and offer a snappy one-liner, because obviously they need zero time to recover from that. #protect him
Assisting Soudfgndf and listening to her when she opens up to him. #the most empathetic character on television
Really wants to help the DEO but checks with his friend first.
“You realize I’m learning an alien coding language in the time it takes to watch an episode of Doctor Who.” #genius
Not only helps the DEO reach the same conclusion as James, Kara, Lucy, and Clark’s information gets, but saves himself and the day by stopping Indigo by recreating a computer virus he accidentally made two years previously. #genius #hero
stands up to/comforts/??? Siobhan - we’ll get to her later.
1x16, Falling
Winn “computer droid” Schott Jr
“You are literally impervious to bullets and I’m worried about your safety right now”
Siobhan gets fired, Winn is again the only one to try and help (I promise I’ll address their relationship). #the most empathetic character on television
Winn and James’ concern for Kara, yes good.
Um, excuse me, but that is Winn putting a calming hand on James’ shoulder when he starts yelling at Lord. #supportive friend #priorities
The panic on many levels when he shouts “She killed Ms. Grant?!”
So, like, everyone remembers that Kara’s “best friend in the whole world” was very worried about her, even if he doesn’t appear at all in the last half of the episode, right? #where is the boy
1x17, Manhunter
Jack-of-all-trades #7: Assistant to Miss Grant. Open with Winn for the first time, if I recall correctly, being in on the whole group staff meeting in Cat’s office for breaking news coverage. Cat recognizes Winn as a valuable person to have around after recent events. Also, he has to remind her Kara isn’t there. XD (James helps, reluctantly.)
He is so supportive and encouraging to Siobhan?? Even when he knows she’s wrong?? And at the same time is getting her off Kara’s back??? #supportive friend and #the most empathetic character on television
Aside: Space Dad J’onn and Alex are good in this episode.
The way he stumbles to add “Jr” to his full name. Poor kid. #daddy issues is a tag I should have been using during “Childish Things”, but, well, that’s the entire episode.
Winn and Kara’s first meeting is a lovely moment. Platonic or romantic, if you don’t believe in love at first sight, you’ve never seen the way Winn looks after Kara as she breaks away for her interview. They are destined to be best friends.
Okay, but Kara’s shirt having snaps instead of buttons so she can easily become Supergirl in a second’s notice? That wardrobe design has Winn written all over it and you won’t convince me otherwise.
“Obsessive study of Kara for the past two years.” Cat doesn’t miss a thing.
Look at how disappointed he is, unhappy to tell Siobhan he found her out, and saddened that she would do that. #the most empathetic character on television
Someone please just keep this boy and his friends away from rooftops it never ever ever ends well and it’s going to give him a fear complex. #protect him
And his trying to help Siobhan. Again, always, never giving up on people and forever caring too much.
1x18, World’s Finest
His concern for both Kara and Siobhan is admirable, also, the times he and Kara get their best friends moments are always my favorite. She needs someone to confide in and he’s always there. #supportive friend
Ok. So. Winn and Siobhan never even had an actual date. Their entire relationship was built on her using him for her own ends whenever she needed something. Comfort, distraction, information, she got what she needed and invested nothing. It’s made very clear that she never cared about him. Now, on Winn’s side, it’s obvious he’s trying to move on from Kara in a healthy way. He just... finds absolutely the wrong person to be his girlfriend.
Noticed Winn’s little point at the powered on computer like he’s offended someone has been messing with his stuff. XD #nerd
Aside: I hope Barry paid for the ice cream???
Winn is enjoying James being the jealous odd man out for a change, and I kind of love it, I think he’s earned that much in the very least. ;) #salty cinnamon roll
Being the one to try and stop Crazy Eyes Silver Banshee, not by force, but by simply putting himself in her way and trying to reason with her, offering her help, caring for her. #hero
1x19, Myriad
Winn doesn’t get a lot of screen time in the two-part season finale, but there’s some good content in there even so:
Thank you, CW, for going one step further in the wrong direction from #messenger bag to actually hiring an extra to play Winn at his desk who doesn’t even look anything like him.
Scary little Myriad-controlled smile.
Friendly reminder that Mr. Schott Jr. reeeeeeaaallyy Does NOT Like Heights, and that Myriad (with Indigo, who may or may not remember the computer geek who threw off her groove last time) is used to make him be the one to jump off a building for a change. Also, friendly reminder that Winn was aware of what was going on while under Myriad’s influence. If he wasn’t scared of heights before, he would be now anyway. #protect him
#”nice socks winn”
Not sure why Kara isn’t concerned that her two friends who were just forced to jump off a building are now nowhere to be seen??
that’s literally all the Winn we get in this episode, folks.
1x20, Better Angels
Jack-of-all-trades #8: just, like, really good??? I’m sorry, I don’t know how to word this, but Winn is literally the first person shown to snap out of Myriad’s control: first by Supergirl saying the enemy has attacked his freewill and individuality, and then completely when he remembers his friend Kara, who is saying “you let me be who I’m meant to be.” The others don’t break Myriad’s hold until Kara reminds them of their own strength and ultimately calls them to action. #hero
James being awkward and Winn gracefully (if dorkily) backing off. #supportive friend
Winn gets in on the staff meeting again. He doesn’t even have to be called in specially, or need an ulterior reason for being there, he just joins the rest of the crew because he has a place there now.
Taking medicine for the headache that’s left after Myriad. #protect him
“A Guide to Caring for Your Superhero Best Friend” by Winn Schott Jr: Step 1) learn to immediately recognize when something is trouble your super friend. Step 2) ask if she’s alright. Step 3) offer her food, this has been proven to be helpful in the past. 4) try cheering her up with a joke. Step 5) listen to her when she decides to spill her guts to you. #supportive friend #the most empathetic character on television
*****STEP 6, love her very much and be very concerned when she gives a pretty speech and then leaves.
The .2 seconds we see of Winn while Myriad is at 70-90% kill me. Absolutely kill me. Everyone else is clutching their heads and faces, the pain of the attack overwhelming them. Obviously the pain is affecting our boy too, but the look on his face is not so much pain as it is sheer terror. Winn is five minutes away from dying, and he is in pain, and terrified and please someone protect him, he did not ask for any of this. (Kudos to Jeremy’s acting)
I’m hoping somebody gave our hero lots of aspirin and hugs.
Winn’s smile and laugh at the end family celebration (yes. they. are. all. family.) is LIFE.
That’s it for Season One!
Season Two, we get Agent Schott. :D :D And lots more impressive hero work for our resident genius, jack-of-all-trades, precious sunshine child. ;)
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random-fandom-whump · 7 years
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Stargate: SG-1 S01E17
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random-fandom-whump · 7 years
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Stargate SG-1 S01E17
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random-fandom-whump · 7 years
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Stargate SG-1 S01E17
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random-fandom-whump · 7 years
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Stargate SG-1 S01E17
O’Neill: Plan B. Go. Carter: No Sir. O’Neill: Sam, I’m dying.  Follow my order... please. Carter: Sir... O’Neill:  Please.
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random-fandom-whump · 7 years
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Stargate: SG-1 S01E17
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