#2 after more than 5 years in what is basically a military camp runned by your PARENTS
jokey05 · 5 months
Luke Castellan is still the best tragic villain/ fallen hero of all fiction. And I don't like how the show is doing him, he is too nice, he should be angrier. The Book character is perfect. I don't even think Uncle Rick knows what a masterpiece of a character he created. The only thing that should be changed is his last line to Annabeth, and even that I always read it in a platonic way. But the thing with Luke is that it hits you later. You are so angry with him after the betrayal, after that he is the main villain and does terrible things, and you want him gone, until he is bleeding on the floor still asking for others. Until he dies and you think of May Castellan alone in her kitchen waiting for a kid that is already gone. Until Percy asks for the drape.Until you read the secret diaries and realised how much he cared. Until you read the sequels and see that despite everything Zeus still acts the same. That when it gets you. That where I think the pjo show failed, too much explaining, we need to SEE this character arch. He should be scary right know, I still think the betrayal scene in the books is PERFECT. Percy is 12, Luke is 19 there is no way they are on the same level, that was a major point in the books. Also another major plot point I don't see enough is how Luke and Percy weren't friends. Maybe Luke had a sorta of mentor role for Percy in the first book, but the fact that they weren't superclose and Percy only got to know him through others is really important for the phrofechy and also what allows Percy to make the choice at the end of the last olympian. They have a much more complex connection that simply hero Vs villain and I wish more people could see that.
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f0xgl0v3 · 8 months
Camp Jupiter Ranking Hc
Alternatively: ‘Camp Jupiter: Re-imagined Ranking hc rework thingy?’ Wooo okay, 14 pages later of me trying to get this all formulated I can finally share the fruits of my labor!
Like always I’ll talk about roles that were in the Ancient Roman military, mushed together with concepts from Camp Jupiter and my own ideas, and then still don’t take anything I say like super duper seriously. I’ll also mention the units, which are based on after the Marian reforms(?). I kinda ripped apart the legion..? Nicely, love my guys but I wanted to nerd out a little for the ranks, but I pretty much just switched some stuff around but it’s totally still like the three levels and I still think it’s pretty simple? Or like yeah, I did like metaphorically smush the sandcastle and then rebuild it in my design, but that’s the whole point of it being a headcannon/au/re-imagining thing. Hopefully, uh. I’ve tried to make all of this actually make sense and have function. So, enough of me yapping,
Senior Officers/ the important people
Senior officers get their own little thing. This is where you’d put your like Praetor, Senator, Centurion in canon terms. I’m just calling them senior officers (I did it for note optimization so I wouldn’t pull my hair out while writing) but yeah. There are some new roles; Legion Legate(s), Tribune Lacticlavus(?), Senators, and Centurions.
Legion Legates have effectively taken the role of what Praetors are in canon? I kept the 2 (even though historically there would be 1 legion legate) they would run in pairs (most of the time, though there’s probably exceptions). The legate would serve for 4-5 years, it’s possible for the Senators if needed to remove a Legate or Tribune from power. Legion Legates have to meet the same requirements a Centurion would, and would be voted in by the majority. Like I said really similar to Praetors (just not Praetors because I wanted to move that to the New Rome government.) doing most of the same roles that a Praetor in canon would serve, being the referees during the War Games, directing the legion in battle. They’d also decide what the war games would be that time, form the schedules of the cohorts, call for senate meetings under certain circumstances.
Tribune Lacticlavus, the second in command to the Legates. Generally there acting as a stand in for distributing things like spoils to the cohorts after battles, takes majority of the words from legionnaires and sorts out smaller issues, would run with their legate pair and serve the same amount of time as their legates. Also removed the gender lock on them that the Praetors in canon had. Not necessarily needed (A legate pair can slip past having on and still perform their duties) though it’s very, encouraged to have one? It’s basically odd to have a term where there is no Tribune Lacticlavus
Senators; very similar to canon, elected annually, with 2 senators per cohort. Can run for re-election, Centurions/other lower ranked roles can also be senators jointly (excluding things like an Aquafiler)
Centurions; Elected by the Senate (like canon) 2 serve per cohort, typically have 4-5 year long terms. Though can serve for longer times (*Like Jason for example) Centurions must’ve served at least one year in the legion and performed in a quest to be eligible. This time they get to have their silly special names for differentiating the Centurions. Primus Pilus for the senior Centurion of the First cohort (*My dude Octavian. Uses it too, needs all the respect he can get from his title so maybe people will actually listen to him-) Pilus Priors for Senior Centurions of the other cohorts (Example; someone like Dakota would be the Pilus Prior of his Cohort.) and the basic Centurion for the not senior Centurion (sorry Primi Ordines but I didn’t really want to make this more long than I already made it). Most names for Centurions literally are just to differentiate (Like the Decanus role I’m gonna bring up). Other than being able to pull rank by being the Senior Centurion but that’s about it.
Optio; Optiones(?)/ default Optio Centuriae, are the second in commands to the Centurions essentially. They keep the troops in order, re-enforce orders from Centurions, and generally just like- helping out? Their specific title can change based on what their curated role is (like an Optio being an Optio Valetudinarii; or in charge of the Hospital) but as default Optio Centuriae; there to be aid to the Centurions. Usually each Centurion will bring up one of their friends to be their Optio.
Aquafiler; actually a canon role (Our current camp Jupiter Aquafiler is Jacob!) holds the legions standard, carefully picked by the Senate. A very honored position.
Okay that is the like, important roles that are more than like. Just an extra role? Like a title that aaa, but here are the just. Legionnaire extra silly roles,
Decanus; a title with no power. Decanus is the term for those who commanded a Conterbanum (more info on them later). Saying someone is a Decanus is more of a way to distinguish and make separating the Conterbanums easier (like being in a line of people and having the first person be what the line is referred to as) a Decanus is chosen as a group in the Conterbanum, there is no standardized way and it doesn’t really affect how the Conterbanum works.
Immunes; Immunes are the specialized members of the legion. Medics, engineers, those types of specialized jobs. They still fight but are exempt from basic legionary duty (trench digging and stuff). They play a role in like Conterbanum stuff that’ll come up later.
Probatio; The same to canon. I didn’t change it but thought it was still worth to include them and stuff.
Okay. OKAY. Almost done, it’s taken upwards of almost a week to type this and finally I establish the one last thing, the introduction of Conterbanums!!
Conterbanums are a sub unit in the Roman military made of 10 people (8 common legionary, 2 Immunes) these relate to the Decanus role I mentioned. But like in the Roman military these serve more just for troop like morale? Building that family bond stuff. A Conterbanum is formed of like I said, 8 common legionnaires and 2 Immunes. The immune distribution is most likely with one being a medic and the other being… something? Conterbanum’s are mainly implemented 1) for organization, it’s easier to manage the cohorts and keep records with everyone in these easily recorded groups. And 2) to make Camp Jupiter overall more interwoven, to promote more community and more of a bond between legionnaires, it would probably serve a narrative purpose to like make camp seem more alive, and also does what it did in the Roman military which was like. Comradery (I can’t spell but you know what I mean).
Okay! Okay that’s all, I think. I’m sure. I did a lot of yapping, and I did a lot of things. Generally do I have any issues with how camp is structured? Not really, other than the gender locks on Praetors and like the super duper murky rules I don’t really have anything against it. But for the re-imagining that exists in my head I want Camp to be much more traditional, and much more complex because like something something we first see it through Percy’s eyes and it’d be confusing and whatever.
Also it took me a week just to write this out not to mention the month of cursory research because I’ve been getting sick and recovering then getting sick again all throughout January so I apologize for not including New Romes government system. But I also didn’t want to think about the Roman government system of like Julius Caesar time frames (what I’m generally planning on basing it off of. Just that general time period because it’s the one I’m most familiar with-)
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aurorawest · 2 years
Reading update
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Once again Cat Sebastian took characters I actively disliked/didn't care about from a previous novel and made me love them. This one was lovely and the twist totally took me by surprise, even though it shouldn't have. A+ Cat Sebastian please write more books (I have totally already preordered her next book).
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Who would think a book about living through the AIDS epidemic in NYC in the 80s would be as funny as this book is? It will also tear your heart out and stomp on it. Highly recommended. This was a 5 star read. Also takes place partly in Minneapolis (and is by a Minnesotan author) so it gets bonus stars for that.
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Another delightful entry into Roan Parrish's Garnet Run series. This one was the most lighthearted. My only problem with this series is that I kind of don't want the old characters showing up as much as they do. I never like them as much when they're just side characters.
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Neal Stephenson...you might want to consider taking a break from writing. Parts 1 and 2 were pretty good - typical Stephenson, though I wouldn't say he's at his best in this one. The science is super interesting (I have no idea if it's realistic) and it's an interesting doomsday scenario. Part 3, on the other hand, was unnecessary and simplistic (Cold War in space! Noble Savage! White Savior!). It was such poor payoff for the first 2/3 of the book that I repeatedly wished he hadn't bothered at all—and that I hadn't bothered reading the book.
Also it was almost 900 pages long.
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I didn't LOVE love the first book in this series, but you know, it was good enough for me to pick up the sequel. I was actually enjoying this one more, but it fell apart for me during The Break Up. One of the main characters is basically allowed to get away with his bullshit because...I don't know, he's just Like That. It irritated me.
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Despite the printing error, I was able to read this book. I love this series and am sad it's over. If you want a good space opera with a friends to lovers to enemies to lovers again, I highly recommend this one. It's also Very Gay! Plus great female characters.
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This is a queer military series so if that's not your thing, you won't like this book haha. So far it's followed two guys serving on a submarine. It's pretty typical Annabeth Albert, and tbh the military stuff is pretty secondary (and in this one there is 0 time spent on a sub). This one has a single dad as the love interest, and while I'm always pretty eh about romances involving children, Albert does it pretty well.
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Man was this one heavier than I thought it was going to be. Milo and Marcus both come from very conservative families and meet at Bible camp, where they room together and fall for each other, though neither of them acts on it. Milo decides he's going to tell Marcus how he feels, only for Marcus to disappear from camp. Three years later...Marcus moves to Daytona Beach and starts at Milo's high school! There is a lot of internalized homophobia in this one and a lot of Milo struggling with what he's been taught in church and by his parents, and at times it got hard to read. It was really good, though.
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This is one that I kept almost buying because it's pretty, but then I'd read the summary (again) and think, eh. I ended up picking up a used copy at my local indie bookstore, and...eh. Definitely not a bad book. I loved the world, and I really like Lexos. Rhea was...not great. I realized after reading this that I really don't care for the current popular trope of the Unhinged Woman Who Doesn't Know What She Stands For. Like, she's got this thing that's ostensibly driving her, but that thing gets taken away, and now she's empty. I don't know that I've ever seen it pulled off in a way where I didn't go at the end, "Oh, so she actually was just a super flat character all along?" I was trying to think of examples of male characters who fit this trope. I'm sure they're out there but I couldn't think of any. Anyway, I'll probably read the sequel, because the world really was cool, and Lexos is poor little meow meow material (spent his whole life trying to earn his father's love and respect, never could).
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Oh man this book was great. The first one had some horror elements, but this one was straight up horror for large portions of the book. Like, action-horror—think Army of Darkness. I love all the characters so much. The bond between Rune and Brand is *chef's kiss*. Male friendship done beautifully.
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KJ Charles is like Cat Sebastian in that no one does historical romance like she does. I confirmed once more that I love the interwar period, especially when one of the mains is a Wounded Veteran of WWI. This book actually reminded me of Cat Sebastian's Hither, Page (which is post WWII) which I love, so I was pretty primed to also love this. I'd love to see the further adventures of Archie and Daniel, but considering it was written in 2015, I'm not sure that's going to happen.
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I liked this book, but also the dialogue got very annoying at times. Is this how The Kids talk these days? Also rolled my eyes hard at the section devoted to the author getting up on his soapbox to share how he feels Call Me By Your Name is really problematic. But overall I enjoyed it, and the bi rep was top tier, as was the yearning.
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Okay so while I enjoyed this book well enough, it would have been half the length if Pons had cut out all of the 'I've never felt so connected to another person in my life' paragraphs. I swear, the main character was constantly connecting with his boyfriend in a way he never had with anyone else ever. The book was very much about Will, but there was some heavy stuff introduced about Graham that I didn't think was really given the due it deserved. But it was a sweet love story, and a story about healing. Also I didn't see the twist coming.
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So coincidentally, Call Me By Your Name was right there in my TBR pile as I was reading This is Why They Hate Us. I liked it a lot, though the weird racist interlude really threw me and I can't figure out what the metaphor was or what Acimen was trying to say.
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Fam, I am finally reading Dark Rise. It is not gay yet, but I'm only up to page 100. I really didn't know what it was about and only picked it up because Pacat wrote it, so the plot has surprised me so far. Very different from Captive Prince.
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Guest Post: On Japanese Internment Camps
Since I am currently very 
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I’d like to post a piece of writing from one of this blog’s fave guests (and humans in general), Dr. Stephanie Hinnershitz; please note that this was originally posted to her personal facebook page, and is shared here with her permission: There's a reason why historians are moving away from using "internment" when discussing the forced removal of close to 120,000 Japanese Americans during WWII. I also realize that I recently used "internment" in an article I wrote. This was a stylistic choice on behalf of the editors and I should have pushed back more, but it made sense for context and readership. Incarceration is the appropriate term. Here's why: I received a few private messages and emails from friends and strangers asking if I knew that German Americans and Italian Americans were also interned during WWII. Yes. I am aware of this. Many times, people bring this up in a "gotcha!" way to try and prove the point that the incarceration of Japanese Americans was not racially-motivated or had no racial angle to it at all because if it did, why did close to 15,000 "white" people end up interned? In a more charitable way, people bring up the internment of German and Italian Americans because they did not know about it until well into their adult years and assume that I might not know about it. But let's return to the internment issue. I study the removal and incarceration of those--foreign and American-born--of Japanese descent. The internment of "enemy aliens" is not my area of specialty. Under American policy, internment during WWII was a specific term for the detention of immigrants who were nationals of enemy nations (Italy and Germany, for example). Now, there were certainly Japanese enemy aliens, but the majority of them were held with other German and Italian enemy aliens in detention centers overseen by the Department of Justice. Internment fell under the DOJ.
The word "internment" doesn't apply to Japanese Americans who were removed from their homes by the Army and then transferred first to "assembly" (detention) centers and later to the "relocation centers" or "camps" (or concentration camps--yes, this phrase was used by many officials in memos and correspondence--prisons, prison camps, etc.). The reason why internment is not the correct term is because the majority of those Japanese Americans who wound up in one of ten prison camps were American citizens, not "aliens." They were not "enemy aliens" because a) they were from America and America was not at war with America and b) they were citizens. Even the planners of incarceration and a lot of the military officials I researched were careful to avoid the term "internment" when discussing the removal and imprisonment of Japanese Americans after Executive Order 9066 because it was basically incorrect. (Side note: Many government and military officials knew that incarcerating American citizens was constitutionally a bad idea and tried to persuade FDR to avoid including Japanese American citizens in enemy alien roundups.)
Because internment was not really applicable to the majority of ethnically Japanese American citizens, the government created a new agency--the War Relocation Authority (WRA)--to oversee the ten prison camps. The Army was supposed to be free of any responsibility once Japanese Americans were transferred to the camps, but--if you read my article--this didn't work out. The WRA a bureaucratic nightmare, a massive waste of taxpayer money, and just a poorly-managed civilian agency tasked with running an unconstitutional program.
Internment of Germans and Italians WAS NOT the same as incarceration of Japanese Americans. Two different programs overseen by different agencies. So, really, there are responsible and interesting ways to place incarceration and internment in conversation, but you can't really responsibly do it if you're trying to say that there were not racial elements to Japanese American incarceration.
BUT--if you want to try and make that argument, here are some other reasons why you're wrong:
1) When you make a decision or policy based on the belief that an entire group of people behave a certain way because of racial characteristics, that's racism. And that's exactly what happened with Japanese American incarceration.
2) Did General John DeWitt (in charge of the military zones along the West Coast where most Japanese Americans lived) believe that ALL enemy aliens should be removed from vulnerable areas regardless of race? Yes. BUT this starts to break down once we get into citizenship...
3) German and Italian Americans (whether foreign or American-born) made up a HUGE portion of the American population, particularly on the East Coast. Initially, government officials thought that even American-born citizens of German and Italian descent should also be removed and incarcerated like Japanese American citizens, BUT Italians and German Americans should be given an opportunity to explain themselves--due process--before a committee. Japanese Americans did not receive this consideration at any point AND the idea of removing and incarcerating German American and Italian American citizens was eventually dropped. Officials argued that it would be impossible to do this because there were so many Italian Americans and German Americans. Also, because many of Italian and German descent were American citizens, they were obviously loyal to the U.S. and we shouldn't really be concerned
I hope after reading that you were able to stop and think, "But I thought you just said the majority of Japanese Americans who ended up in the prison camps were American citizens?"
Yes! I did say that! Please continue reading.
4) Officials determined that Japanese American citizens were less trustworthy than Germans and Italian American citizens because even if ethnically Japanese individuals were born in the United States (and many of those incarcerated were members of the second generation--never been to Japan, went to public schools, had plenty of American-born friends), their parents (immigrants from Japan) were unable to naturalize or become American citizens...BECAUSE RACIST LAWS SAID ASIAN IMMIGRANTS WERE UNABLE TO NATURALIZE. See what's going on here?
5) Okay, so the next "whatboutisms" that usually pop up include planned attacks by Japan coordinated with Japanese Americans in the U.S. and the dual-citizenship of those born in America to Japanese parents. Were there attempts at or completed attacks of the West Coast by Japan? Yes, the "Bombardment of Ellwood" for example. Is there any proof that these were coordinated with the help of Japanese American citizens or even "enemy aliens?" No. Were there Japanese enemy aliens who did suspicious things or expressed anti-American attitudes? Yes--just as there were with German and Italian enemy aliens. But the fact remains that it was predominantly Japanese American CITIZENS with no connections to any subversive plans who ended up in the camps--a significant difference compared to German and Italian Americans.
As for dual citizenship, if you use this argument to justify the incarceration of Japanese Americans, congratulations! You're a bona fide 1920s racist! This is the exact argument used by 1920s racists and there's a grain of truth in there: Because of citizenship laws and negotiations in Japan and the United States, Japanese Americans born to Japanese parents in the United States before 1924 were automatically both citizens of Japan and--because of birthright citizenship under the Fourteenth Amendment--were also U.S. citizens. Officials used this to argue that with dual citizenship, even Japanese Americans born in the U.S. had loyalties to Japan and deserved to be locked up. What this argument did (and does not) take into consideration is the fact that between 1924 and 1940, Nisei (second-generation Japanese Americans) began to renounce their Japanese citizenship--approximately 70% (according to records kept by the WRA and other data). And after 1924, this dual-citizenship situation no longer existed.
6) The end result of this was that the government and the military determined that even Japanese American citizens were less trustworthy simply because they were of Japanese descent. Discrimination and segregation laws along the West Coast made sure that Japanese Americans had a difficult time fully integrating into American society...and then this was used against Japanese Americans to argue that because they remained unintegrated, this meant they were disloyal to the United States! Anti-Japanese sentiment had been building for a long time along the West Coast, and enterprising and racist politicians and farmers who wanted access to Japanese farmland (Japanese were incredibly successful farmers because they took risks and developed different crops in California especially) took advantage of wartime hysteria and lobbied for removal. And it worked.
So what does this all mean? You can't compare Japanese American incarceration to German and Italian enemy alien detention if you're trying to make the argument that there was no racism in incarceration. Some 11,000 German Americans (most enemy aliens) were interned in enemy alien detention camps. As for Italian Americans interned, you'll see the misleading figure of 600,000 Italian Americans interned. This is not true. The government classified 600,000 non-citizen Italian Americans as enemy aliens and they were placed under curfews and other restrictive actions that violated their civil liberties--but 600,000 Italian Americans were not interned. About 10,000 were removed from the West Coast and ultimately under a thousand interned--all enemy aliens, not citizens. Additionally, on Columbus Day in 1942, FDR officially declared Italian Americans no longer enemy aliens (he got a lot of pressure from Italian American Democrats in NY who basically said, "If you want our support for the New Deal, don't even think about it, clown."). Japanese American citizens were removed from their homes, placed in prison camps in terrible areas, and denied due process. People also like to say incarceration was not that bad because Japanese Americans had places to live, the camps provided games and entertainment, and they got to leave to go work by 1943. All true. But many of you can't even wear a goddamn mask without griping, so to say that "it's not a big deal" to have the government remove you from your homes and place you in a desert somewhere is a little disingenuous, no?
And if you're still going to say it's not a big deal--Japanese American citizens also had their guns confiscated. So there's that.
AND here's the best part: About 15 years ago, some members of Congress tried to issue pass legislation to issue a public apology to German Americans interned during WWII and create some required programming in school curriculum to be sure kids learned about this. But you know what? Republicans refused to have anything to do with it because it was "un-American" and unpatriotic.
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ghostmartyr · 4 years
SnK 129 Thoughts
This month: More people screaming and dying.
Next month: Probably more people screaming and dying.
Eventually: Just a whole heck of a lot of screaming.
(Not dying because there will be no more people.
They will be dead.)
This chapter has people screaming and dying in it.
As well as the continuing strangeness of actively rooting for Reiner and Annie.
Ding-dong, Magath is dead?
Yet again, we land on the problem of a chapter that is largely self-explanatory, and the perhaps deeper problem of people committing themselves to doing a thing once a month, even if they’re not sure they’re able to do said thing. There’s good stuff here, I’m just hesitant to start talking about it lest it comes out like a random spew of instantly forgettable bullet points.
Since I don’t care, I guess we’ll start with Magath dying.
I don’t care. Moving on!
Theo Magath is a man who has always cared for the children under his command. Even though they’re Eldian, he has routinely gone above the expected amount of effort in securing their safety. He is the one who worries and waits for Reiner, Annie, Bertolt, and Marcel to come home. He is the one who destroys the worst of the military he’s a part of so they can stop depending on titans. He cares.
What a fucking bastard.
Keith Shadis dies with him. After a life of trying to make himself special, putting lives at risk every step of the way, he finds an appropriate time to make his exit. He’s the one who raises every fighter out in the port. He’s the one who has watched as the other instructors kill them so that they can find the ones strong enough to make the cut.
He’s the one who picks Eren up and brings him back to his bed after he inherits his father’s burden.
One thing I do think is important to note, whenever I’m inspired to say, ‘Fuck Marley,’ is that Paradis is not great.
Paradis has child soldiers too. They’re just slightly older.
Paradis fully expects their soldiers to go out and die too. Their consent just skates through needing air quotes.
Paradis has a corrupt government run by self-interest -- until they have a coup.
Magath’s job, his entire career, has been to make the most of the enslaved Eldian lives he’s been handed on a platter. It is his job to train children up to murder people. If they are not good enough at murder, they will be fed to other children.
Shadis feels more comfortable. He’s been a reasonable authority figure for most of the manga, with his worst crimes being in his past, and even that reveal coming with a greater show of humanity than any other displayed that night. He tries to run Eren out of the military before he destroys himself. He worries for the boy, and gives a voice to the struggle of trying to be special when you’re most gifted at fucking up.
Paradis’ military, at the start of the main plot, gets its recruits via shaming teenagers into being willing to die, or starving teenagers into being willing to die.
The primary difference between it and Marley’s system is that in that section of the totem pole, the oppression level is relatively neutral. The wall systems are kind of fucked, the nobility is kind of awful -- but like. Their last genocide was what, two years ago? And it was killing poor people, not people people.
Everyone in Paradis’ military has to deal with the fact that they’re in a shrinking safe space and they’re either going to starve, or monsters are going to eat them. That is the great equalizing force. If their commanding officer fucks up, he is going to get eaten. If the person next to them fucks up, they are going to get eaten.
They are not crouching down, approaching tiny children, and explaining that it is for the good of humanity that they are the ones eaten because their blood is dirty. Anymore.
Fuck Marley. Fuck its internment camps, fuck its slavery, fuck its brainwashing, fuck how it turned Good Eldians and Bad Eldians into war rhetoric. Fuck just about everything it has to offer.
Paradis is fucked up in the spirit of everyone there being equally fucked (unless you’re rich) (or nobility). Marley is fucked up because it’s made being fascist, warmongering assholes a national policy.
So you have two men on a boat waiting to die. They’ve both sent children to their deaths. They’ve both pushed over the lines trying to let their uniqueness carry change instead of doing the difficult legwork it actually takes.
One of them is not an active agent of genocide.
One of them is.
They both have sad feelings.
It is sad.
The important part is however badly they fucked up, the traumatized children they’re leaving behind are about to be more traumatized, and they’ve realized what a bad thing this is.
Only not really because Keith did his job, did his first job badly enough to find a new job, did that new job, and has continued doing that new job up to the point where he’s blowing himself up, and has no particular qualms about any of that since he’s pretty much been acting his conscience the whole time.
I’m lingering on this because you have both people who trained up our primary cast making a choice for the good of humanity, and dying the same way. It is a clear and obvious parallel, and it is being milked.
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But it’s one of those parallels that makes me twitchy the longer I look at it. Probably because of that conscience part. These men play the same role, but besides their stages having massive differences, their choices do as well.
Magath’s conscience doesn’t stop him from shouting racist rhetoric at a preteen on a battlefield. In his introductory scene.
Shadis’ conscience, however warped some of the intent is, leads to him quitting and passing his job up to someone more qualified.
...Essentially, Shadis is kind of a bastard for a lot of things, but Magath is a fascist bastard, and continues to be a fascist bastard even when he takes steps to overthrow a fascist regime, and I know and appreciate that Magath realizes this and feels bad about it, but it’s hard not to resent the manga comparing Shadis and Magath so strongly.
Magath’s fucked up a lot. It’s good he admits it.
Shadis feels like one more person who sees death as all he has to offer the world.
In a series that actively opposes that line of thought whenever it comes up, it’s really difficult not to find the whole dynamic frustrating. Yes, the manga doesn’t say these two people are the same. They’re just in the exact same boat making the exact same decision.
Like that other group over in their boat.
Shadis is looking to die. Magath is looking to make a last stand.
I don’t think I’m doing a great job of putting into words why it’s so aggravating for me, except, you know. Fuck Marley. Also Magath helped cause all of this. Keith’s sort of sat around feeling various forms of guilt for years over things he screwed up because he was trying so hard.
Shadis forfeits his life.
Every other time someone with that mindset is ready to die, it’s met with no, you’re not done yet.
Shadis doesn’t get that. He’s done. Magath is the only one there to tell him otherwise, and Magath has his own problems.
There’s a vibe here that these two old teachers have outlived their purpose. Their kids are grown, for better and worse, and they’re the ones who will control the turn of the future. I don’t oppose them making that decision, but in Shadis’ case, it really comes off as him being cool with whatever, now that he’s made his stand.
Ugh. I don’t like it, but articulating why is probably best represented by me sulking and crossing my arms. Artistically, I get it. They’re the same piece on opposite ends of a chessboard.
But they’re different people and aaaargh.
Anyway, we continue the proud tradition of making Gabi cry.
Sorry about your life, Gabi.
In other news, we continue to not have any way to stop Eren.
At all.
We have an estimate of four days before Eren succeeds in wiping out a continent.
Their only chance of stopping that is powering up an airship, using some of that good ol’ talk-no-jutsu, or killing Eren.
If they take the route of killing Eren, all of the Colossals he’s been ordering on their walk will stop being under his command. Because he will be dead. Meaning that the continent, as well as our heroes, will now have to contend with a wild hoard of Colossal Titans out for a stroll.
Which is bad.
It’s basically where Paradis started out, but worse in every possible way.
Even if they manage to have someone on their team eat Eren, there’s a good chance that OG Ymir might not react well to her savior being axed. There’s a similarly good chance that the ability to use the Founder’s power just won’t be functional.
So if they kill Eren, they will stop having intentional destruction.
Instead, we will have unintentional destruction, of which there will be a lot.
Leaving us with talk-no-jutsu.
When the last attempt at talk-no-jutsu led to Armin punching Eren and being bad at it. And Eren punching Armin and being less bad at it.
Basically, everyone’s really hoping that by communicating with Eren, they can somehow make this all go away. There is no evidence that this will work, and no evidence that any of the added backup plans will do anything but cause different problems, but by golly, they’ve completed step .5 of their 3-step plan to maybe changing their circumstances.
(Step 1: Get Air Boat Step 2: Fly Air Boat To Eren Step 3: Talk Eren Out Of Genocide)
I’m not upset, I would just really like all of this to feel meaningful. Right now there’s a ridiculous amount of stress and dead bodies going into a goal that could easily end up pointless.
There’s merit to that as a story, but none of that stress lands properly, because the tension of “will they save the day or won’t they” isn’t dependent on what they’re doing here. The ticking clock might be making the characters stressed, but it’s not where the consequences lie.
I will continue to complain about this every month because I can.
In more positive news, Connie is best boi and no one appreciates him they way that they should.
Once upon a time, Reiner bullied Annie into taking a more active role in murdering Marco.
One of the arguments he used to provoke her was that she saved Connie’s life.
Not long after that, Reiner and some other recruits find themselves stranded in Utgard Castle, where a titan gets in and goes after Connie. Reiner charges in, gets his arm chomped on, and through everyone’s combined efforts, the titan gets shoved out a window.
Annie and Reiner both make the choice to save Connie’s life, even though it does nothing to benefit them.
In this chapter, beheaded and missing their arms, Connie swoops in and saves both of them.
The first taste of this technically goes to Mikasa, because she can’t help being a hero. She doesn’t like Annie. Annie is about the only human being whose existence can make her lose her temper. When a soldier gets behind Annie, Mikasa is there to back her up. It’s done casually and smoothly, because Mikasa’s just that good.
We’re still left with multiple shots of Annie staring at Mikasa.
Later followed with her staring at Reiner.
Annie and Reiner are used to being the traitors. They’re the ones their friends have every reason to hate. They’re the ones who spend years living with the victims of a war they brought to their shores. They’ve never expected forgiveness. They’re condemned, and almost welcome it.
Their trio interplay is never great. Reiner is trying too hard, and shielding Bertolt. Annie gets stuck with the grunt work, and knows they’re the bad guys. They don’t get along. They’re comrades, and allies, but their friendship is never portrayed as anything but their last lifeline.
Reiner and Bertolt are friends.
Annie’s the only one who has her fight with the Survey Corps alone.
This time, Reiner’s there, and he’s protecting her.
If you dig into any combination of these relationships, there’s not exactly a shortage of rot. They’ve all hurt each other, and they all know it.
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But at the end of the day, they’re all just a bunch of damaged kids looking to be found.
None of the surviving cast is without a shoulder to lean on. They’ve made the decision to be there for each other, and as bleak as circumstances are, Annie’s face spends so much time this chapter shouting that she’s never been able to have that.
Even Magath, who goes off with the intent of dying alone, doesn’t.
There’s still some human warmth left in the world, and that’s what they’re trying to protect.
Please just do it with an actual plan, I’m begging you guys.
Also, Floch gets shot! So that’s nice.
I do not see a corpse.
That is less nice.
Isayama also gave Falco a fucking birdsona titan.
We’re not without things to cheer.
Tune in next month for more screaming and dead bodies.
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eskalations · 4 years
Smoke and Gunpowder, Chapter 5
A/N: Below the “read more” since it’s a bit long!
Summary: Even now, in the privacy of her room and away from the prying eyes of their government, he stiffened at her proximity. The careful lines drawn between the two of them seemed to blur at times like these when they were alone and out of uniform. In the dim light of her room, it was easy to imagine that they were just a quiet country boy and bold city girl again. (ROYAI GENDERBEND AU)
Tumblr: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
Chapter Summary:
There was no way he could be here. The last time she had spoken to him, he had not said a word about joining the military. She had always thought he had wanted to become an engineer or something of that nature. Surely, with his father's notorious distaste for the State Military, the young man would have never considered becoming a part of its ranks – right?
A/N: Another chapter down! I thought it was finally time to introduce Maes Hughes. Most of the dialogue in this chapter has come straight from the manga, since I wanted to keep this AU as much in the realm of canon as possible. The only slight change that has been made is to the timeline. In this AU, Mustang joined the Military Academy in 1905 post-Master Hawkeye's death, while Maes Hughes graduated from the Military Academy in 1906 instead of 1905. Other than that, everything is pretty much the same from the original telling of this. Don't worry about the slight lack of Royai in this chapter, this was mostly used as an opportunity to build up some backstories. We will be returning to Ishval in other chapters, so you WILL get to see more of their time together during the war.
Please let me know what you think! Comments are always welcome!
Ishval, East Area - Summer of 1908
Over the dull ringing in her ears, the young Major could just make out the sound of someone calling her name. The voice sounded familiar, though she couldn't be sure. Under the burning sun of Ishval, hallucinations were prevalent – and she had had more than her fair share since arriving here.
However, when she glanced back at the group of soldiers huddled around the water trough, she sighed gratefully. Running towards her was a dark-haired man with glasses situated over his sharp, Amestrian features.
"Hughes!" She called from the wash station, her tired voice tinged with relief. Oh, how good it was to see a familiar face amongst this hell. Maes Hughes, as always, had impeccable timing. "So you're here too?"
The man, who was four years her senior, had to stop for a second to catch his breath. Under the heavy wool of their uniforms, any minor exertion of energy suddenly became a marathon of effort. Once his breathing had finally returned to normal – a bright grin broke out on his features. It didn't escape the young woman that the smile didn't reach anywhere near his eyes though.
"Hey it's been awhile Musta – ," Maes paused as the girl reached out to give him their customary fist bump. The overcoat she was wearing over her uniform slipped, giving way to the single star on her shoulder. This caught the man's attention immediately. "Oh! Now you're 'Major Mustang,' aren't you?!"
Raina could tell the words were meant to have a competitive edge, given the man's own lower status – however, she could hear a great amount of pride within them as well. His smile only grew bigger as their fists touched.
After taking her certification to become a State Alchemist, Raina had insisted on being given the opportunity to earn her keep by joining the Military Academy. Though she would be instantly given the title of Major due to the nature of her skills, she still wanted to pay her dues and learn what it was like to be a REAL soldier – one who wasn't just intended to be used as a human weapon. She wanted people to respect her and acknowledge that she had earned any rank she had received by merit rather than chance.
This was more of a challenge than she had expected given her age and gender. Though the State Military did not discriminate between male and female – that didn't mean the lonely cadets of the Academy didn't. She was 16 when she entered the Academy, the Fuhrer himself approving her enrollment and bypassing the normal age requirements, which caused tongues to wag throughout every branch of the military. Her male counterparts in class had ogled her, seeing her as nothing more than a nice thing to look at while they completed basic training.
Hughes had always seen her as the little sister he had never had. After their initial competitive streak in the Academy, the two of them had found that they were a backwards set of kindred spirits. Hughes with his endless optimism and unrivaled wit and Raina with her fiery determination and lofty goals. The pair had become quite the undefeatable duo during their time at the Academy.
Unfortunately, others didn't hold her in as of high regards as Hughes, despite her already promised title upon graduation. In fact, that only seemed to add more fuel to the fire.
During her time at the Academy, the men had constantly whispered about the young and beautiful Flame Alchemist. No matter how many times she tested at the top of her class or received amongst the highest marks in her physicals, her fellow cadets never seemed to take her as seriously as she would have liked. The only one who truly ever saw her as a threat was Hughes himself.
Hughes with all his enthusiasm and desire to be the best had seen the young Mustang for what she was – competition. Never had he focused on the fact that she was a girl, all he saw was a fellow soldier. Thus, began their competitive streak.
Over time, a bond had formed between the two. After having taken her leave of the Hawkeye residence, Raina had begun to miss the constant male presence she had grown used to when she was out east. Though Maes Hughes and Ray Hawkeye were about as different as night and day, it was the steady nature of the two that seemed to bring Raina such unmatched comfort.
While Hughes had graduated long before she had, the bond they shared was one she was never able to replicate in her remaining years at the Academy.
It figures that they would both end up in Ishval. Pretty much everyone was ending up in Ishval.
"To be more precise, it's a position equivalent to a Major," She removed her ignition gloves, waving them in front of him as a reminder. It wasn't like she had to put much effort into gaining her current rank. "Actually, I only have as much authority as a Captain."
While she dipped her hands into the cool water of the wash station, Hughes released a victorious whoop. "Ha, same as me then!"
"You became a Captain? When?" There was genuine curiosity in her tone. Hughes sure had climbed the ranks quickly, even without the help of alchemy. She splashed water in her face, letting it cool her heated skin.
"Just now!" He remarked brightly, handing her a towel. "Out here, people high and low keep dying. If you gain a little credit…"
Raina paused with towel in hand, glancing over at the man to see what had caused him to stop. It was the first time during their conversation that their eyes had met. Hughes looked uneasy.
"You…" The man had to clear his throat before continuing. "You've got a different look in your eyes."
Yes, she supposed she did.
Toweling off the dampness that still lingered on her skin, Raina threw the used towel into a waiting basket. She and Hughes walked off to the side, allowing the soldiers behind them to gain access to the basin. Despite hearing the disappointment in his tone, Raina found it impossible to look away in shame.
"You do, too." She met his gaze head on. "They're killer's eyes."
Hughes smirked, though there was no real humor behind the action. "Yeah."
With that they chose to distance themselves from the camp, knowing that their conversation was about to take a dangerous turn. One could almost say traitorous. If the look in their eyes was any indication, then it certainly didn't seem like either of them was terribly happy about what they had been called to do.
Once the voices of their fellow soldiers were but a mere hum in the distance behind them, they stopped walking. The endless Ishvalan desert went on for miles in front of them. Off in the distant sky, they glimpsed a large plum of smoke, signaling that another Ishvalan town was also under siege.
At the sight, Maes sighed heavily.
"It feels familiar, like it was just a while ago." The man gave another humorless laugh, turning to face his companion. Though his eyes shined with mirth, he couldn't hide the pain that lingered behind them. "Your eyes were sparkling at the Military Academy. We all sure talked about this country's future."
Raina remembered those days quite vividly. Despite her dour mood from earlier, she couldn't fight back the smirk that appeared on her features. "Yeah, we sure did."
Hughes hadn't been the only one she had shared her vision for the future with. It was one of the last things she had ever spoken to Master Hawkeye about. Oh, how he would be disappointed in her now. The exact worries he had for his flame alchemy had come to fruition and there was very little she could say to defend herself.
"How funny it is to think about that beautiful future now."
"Raina, you know this stuff wasn't a part of that beautiful future." Hughes rarely used her first name. He had always made sure to address her just as he would any other man in the field – to validate the respect he felt towards her. However, at the sight of her guilty countenance, he chose to throw that out the window. "This wasn't what any of us imagined."
They walked a few steps, passing by a gaggle of dead Ishvalans already covered in sand. Neither reacted to the sight.
"How's life here?" The Captain asked casually, stepping over some rubble as they made their way further from the camp. "I haven't seen you since I graduated."
They continued in that vein, discussing what they had seen since being called out to the field. It seemed much the same – gunfire and blasts. The only objective at this point was complete annihilation of the Ishvallan race, plain and simple. They knew of nothing else. Every morning was the same.
"Lieutenant! Lieutenant Hughes!" They paused their chat as a fresh-faced cadet ran to where they stood. The young man was puffing by the time he caught up to them. There was a letter in his hand.
"It's Captain," Hughes grumbled as he turned to receive the young cadet.
"Oh! Excuse me!" The soldier raised his hand to salute his superior, apology evident in his tone. "It's a letter!"
The man handed it over to him before taking his leave – catching wind that this was very much a private conversation. Hughes turned the envelope over in his hands to read who the sender was. The exclamation that escaped him had Raina jumping in surprise.
"What is it?!" Raina asked, one hand clutching at her heart. You just couldn't scare soldiers like that. Hughes was unperturbed by her reaction, too busy rubbing the parchment against his cheek.
"It's MY beautiful future!" He held up the envelope for her to read. Raina had to squint to read the tiny cursive.
"Gracia? You've got yourself a woman?"
"She's in Central!" The man brought the envelope to his chest, raising one fist in an impassioned fashion. "She's been waiting for my return all this time."
Raina snorted at the display, hardly able to believe this man was the same one that was a killer on the battlefield.
Noticing her less than stellar response, Hughes smirked. There was a playful glint in his eyes. "What are you disappointed that I'm no longer on the market?"
Raina gave him a wry grin. "Not at all, I'm happy for you."
During their time at the Academy, their relationship had been brought to question many times by their fellow cadets. Since most of the boys spent their time shamelessly flirting with the young girl, they had a hard time imagining that any man would try and befriend her. To them, the entire friendship had to be a cover up for some kind of sordid affair.
But their accusations simply weren't valid. If anything, Hughes had become a surrogate big brother to her in the Academy. He was constantly helping shield her from unwanted advances, although he knew she could handle herself just fine. She had been offended for a while at his behavior, until she realized this was just a part of him. He was protective of those he loved.
By graduation, their supposed romantic relationship had become somewhat of a joke between the two of them.
Hughes gave her an appreciative smile – however, it soon slipped from its place, replaced by one of sheer anxiety. Under the hot, midday sun, Hughes went white as a sheet.
"It just occurred to me – what'll I do if some other guy is making a pass at her?!" Raina opened her mouth to calm him fears, but Hughes ignored her – continuing to mutter near incoherently. "No there's no way that Gracia would leave a great guy like me to have an affair."
"Hughes – "
"No no no!"
"Hughes, I don't think – "
"But there's still no way the guys around her would leave such a great woman alone!" The man grabbed his face in a dramatic fashion, his turmoil evident in the fearful expression on his face. Raina was not amused by the display.
"Hey!" The frustrated shout stopped the man's ranting. He turned to where his friend stood with an annoyed look. "Hughes, I'll give you one word of advice."
The Captain raised a single brow, curious as to what his companion had to say.
"It's a common pattern in movies and novels. Guys who talk happily of their families or lovers on the battlefield?" Hughes nodded, hanging on every word. That was until Raina made a pistol with her fingers and pretended to shoot. "Have a higher chance of dying."
"Not funny, Mustang."
"It's true! How can you talk about such things out here?" She pointed an accusatory finger to his chest, her expression hard. "How can you talk about that when you're out here killing?"
"What are you saying you don't have ANYTHING light hearted to talk about?" Hughes countered, hands on his hips.
As their squabble continued, both failed to noticed the sound of sand shuffling behind them. One of the Ishvalan men that they had passed, whom they had assumed to be dead, had risen from the rubble, knife in hand. He raised it high above their heads before either of them took notice of his presence.
Once Raina realized that a shadow was descending upon them, she turned to face the threat head on. Hughes had already pulled out one of his own blades, but the girl was completely defenseless with her gloves still stuck in her pocket.
Before the man could plunge the knife forward - a shot rang out.
Both soldiers stood in shock as their attacker crumpled to the ground – blood pouring heavily from a fatal wound to the head. The red liquid stained the sand at their feet, running under the thick rubber soles of their boots. Neither said a word as they silently stared at the scene in front of them.
Regaining her senses, Raina quickly pulled out her gloves, sliding them in place over her fingers. "A shot?"
The girl's eyes were scanning the area for any potential threat that could still exist, when Hughes reached out to put a comforting hand on her shoulder, blade already back in his pocket.
"It's okay." He assured her, his eyes glued on the sniper tower that lay in the distance. "We have a 'Hawk's Eye' on us out here."
Raina fought the urge to jolt at the name, her heart beating a million miles a minute. "Hawk…?"
There was no way he could be here. The last time she had spoken to him, he had not said a word about joining the military. She had always thought he had wanted to become an engineer or something of that nature. Surely, with his father's notorious distaste for the State Military, the young man would have never considered becoming a part of its ranks – right?
Not noticing her distress, Hughes continued. "Yeah, it's a still nameless sniper. It's become quite a topic among us. He's still a cadet in the Military Academy, but at any rate, he's got a good arm. It seems they brought him all the way out here because of our dismal numbers."
His companion nodded in acknowledgement, though she could barely hear him over the roaring in her ears.
"To think they had to pull out a fresh recruit like that." Hughes shook his head in disbelief, a heavy sigh leaving his lips. "This must be the end."
Raina's eyes never left the tower, even as they began to walk back into camp.
Could it really be…?
As night fell over Ishval, the distant sound of explosions and gunfire lowered to a buzz. Soldiers milled about campfires, swapping stories over meagre rations while they passed around bottles of liquor. One would never know that most of the men, who were drunkenly singing bar songs off-key and swaying with their arms around each other, were cold-blooded killers.
Raina had stuck by Hughes' side for most of the day, catching up on events that had transpired since they had last saw the other. At this point – she knew Gracia's favorite flower, her favorite position, her blood type, and many other details about the woman that she would have rather remained a mystery. However, she had way too much on her mind to really be too frustrated with Hughes' seemingly endless prattle.
She was still distracted by her own thoughts when Hughes called out to a group of snipers huddled around the campfire.
"There he is!" Before the Major could say anything more, Hughes called out to a cloaked figure seated by the fire. "Hey! Thanks for before. You were the one that shot that, right?"
"Yes," A deep voice answered from beneath his hood.
Raina's blood ran cold.
The sniper stood to his full height, a single hand raising to remove his head covering. The moment his flaxen blonde hair was revealed, the young soldier knew exactly who their savior was.
Ray Hawkeye was in Ishval.
His familiar features were hard against the dancing light of the fire. The sharp cheekbones and pointed nose that she had become so well acquainted with both looked much the same as they had the last time she saw him. She supposed he did look older – it had been four years – but other than that, he was still the Ray Hawkeye that she had grown up with.
The only difference was his eyes. Those amber pools used to have a gentle quality to them. Now, they were hardened by war.
Now, they were the eyes of a killer.
"It's been awhile, Miss Mustang." His tone gave nothing away as his gaze fell on her. "No, perhaps I should call you 'Major Mustang' now."
Though to anyone else, his tone would have come off as highly professional, she knew him too well to fall for that. There was a hint of accusation in the way he said her new title. Even over the den of the still rowdy soldiers, she could hear the disappointment in the words he spoke.
Maes was confused by the interaction, letting out a sound of confusion. Both the soldier and the sniper chose to ignore him.
"Have you begun to remember?"
"How could I forget?" She swallowed hard, her voice shaking with immense guilt.
Of course, she remembered. She remembered nearly every conversation he had engaged her in for the two short years she had lived with him. She remembered every smile, every joke, every story shared between the two of them, that spoke of friendship rather than the strictly professional relationship that he had tried to build up with her – and she most definitely remembered what they had given each other the last time they were together.
Ray Hawkeye had given her flame alchemy, while she had given him hope.
'Some hope,' She thought as they continued to stare at one another.
Hughes at some point had decided to remove himself from the situation, joining in on the drunken shenanigans taking place around the fire with pictures of Gracia held in his hands. Raina would have laughed at such a sight if she wasn't so flustered by the events of the day. Never would she have believed she would see him here.
With Hughes gone, the two drifted away from the camp. Learning her lesson from last time, Raina didn't dare remove her gloves. When they were safely hidden behind a half wall of bricks, Hawkeye set his sniper rifle down before turning to her.
Raina Mustang had seen Ray Hawkeye beaten down before. She could remember the hard looks he would give her when he walked out of his father's study after receiving a verbal lashing. His amber eyes would appear defensive, just daring her to say a word about what had transpired, but there would be sadness there as well.
The Hawkeye that stood in front of her was beaten down – but in a way, that she had never seen before. This wasn't just a young man who was considered a disappointment to his father, this was a young man that got thrown into a war when he didn't believe in what he was fighting for.
Raina could relate to this man, more than she had ever been able to relate to him before.
The silence stretched between them until Hawkeye's quiet voice finally broke it.
"I was afraid of my father."
The admission was so quiet, that Raina half believed she hadn't actually heard it. She supposed though, that this was nothing new. She knew that Ray and Master Hawkeye had never seen eye-to-eye. Though Ray would always gaze at her coldly when he left his father's study, it wasn't enough to erase the memories she had of the voices she had heard beyond those doors.
'You're no good,' Berthold Hawkeye would say to his son from behind the wood, vitriol evident in his tone. 'You never took to alchemy, so I had to take on an apprentice just to ensure that my research does not die with me. The least you can do is help protect it. You act like it's such a burden to bear when really you are nothing more than the keeper of it.'
Raina had never understood what they were fighting about until the day of Master Hawkeye's funeral. That was also the day she had come to understand where the bruises on Ray Hawkeye's skin had come from and why he always seemed to be plagued by dry eye.
She knew he was afraid of his father, but god she never thought he would admit it.
He took her silence as a signal to carry on. "I was afraid because the sight of him absorbed in his research was as if he was possessed by something."
Raina nodded. "I remember."
She knew exactly what the man meant. Master Hawkeye would sometimes go days without speaking – days without eating – all for the sake of his research. He was practically catatonic during those episodes of extreme hyper fixation, and there was very little either she or his son could do to shake him out of it. As he got closer and closer to death, the episodes got worse and more volatile. He would yell and scream if you tried to deter him from his research. It was like a little piece of humanity left him every time he made a new discovery, like some kind of twisted form of equivalent exchange.
"Yet," He continued, sighing deeply. His dark eyes turned to the stars as if searching for an answer. His face grew remorseful. "I still believed in my father's words that this great power would bring happiness to many people."
Raina could remember Master Hawkeye carrying on about how important his research would be in building a better future. Despite his violent behaviors, the man was genuine in his desire to see his work be used for good.
Hawkeye switched his gaze from the stars to his hands. The hands that now could kill with only the twitch of a finger. Rough and calloused, he now had sniper hands.
"I truly believed alchemy could be used for the good of the people and that the military would protect this country's future…" His eyes moved to meet her own dark set. The disappointment in his expression was evident. "Please tell me, Major. Why are soldiers, who ought to protect citizens, killing them instead? Why is alchemy, which ought to bring happiness to the people, being used for murder?"
His words were like a knife to her heart.
She knew why he was posing this question to her. There was no mistake about it. Just as she had remembered every conversation between them, he had taken note of them as well. He remembered what she had told him when she ran off to join the Military Academy – the hope she had instilled within him that led him to handing over the secrets to flame alchemy.
He remembered that hope, because It was the same hope that had thrown him straight into a war.
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partnersrelief · 3 years
An Inside Look: Excerpts From Partners’ Project Reports: Southeast Asia Health Projects
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(Photo: Clinic staff providing health education)
Southeast Asia Health Projects: January-June 2021
Those of us who have the honor of getting to work at Partners’ get to witness on a daily basis the ingenuity, care, and sensitivity with which our team approaches crisis relief and sustainable development at every level. Last month, our Operations Team sent out the bi-yearly reports that outline the context, process, and outcomes for each of our projects that are actively being carried out on the field this year. 
To us, these reports highlight the multi-layered actors and systems of care that go into every project we do. These reports also serve as a source of encouragement and hope as we get to celebrate the impact that has been made on the lives of children and their families. While these reports are long and detailed and often contain sensitive information that isn’t safe to share publicly, we wanted to share excerpts of their core components with you to give you the opportunity to both celebrate with us and to gain a deeper understanding of what goes into our work at Partners. 
Over the next weeks, we will be amplifying the voices of the IDPs and refugees we work alongside on our social media and breaking down our project reports in an ongoing blog series. Enjoy, and we hope this series encourages you in the knowledge that love in action, no matter how small the step may seem, makes a difference in the lives of children and families. May we walk in this hope together.
Where We Are
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Rohingya Community Health Location: Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh
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Migrant Community Support Location: Mae Sot, Thailand
Why We’re There
There have been more than 60 years of underinvestment in health in Myanmar with the government spending less than 1% of GDP on health each year.
Spending increased in 2013, but much of the increase was for infrastructure rather than increasing services. Spending is highest in regions with better health, and less in areas with the highest health needs. 
Our health projects take place in a variety of refugee, migrant, and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) communities, including in:
Karen and Shan State in Myanmar
Mae Sot, Thailand
Cox’s Bazar, a refugee camp along the Bangladesh/Myanmar border
Karen and Shan States: Myanmar has been struggling with civil war for over seventy years. From 2015 to 2021 there was a short time of peace and relief resulting from a nationwide ceasefire agreement between the Myanmar government and the Restoration Council of Shan State, as well as the Karen National Union’s delegation. Since 1 February 2021, the country has been in turmoil again because of the military coup. There is little or no care provided for the Karen and Shan people. Our Karen and Shan Health teams have been helping vulnerable people from Karen and Shan States and from along the Thai-Myanmar border with primary and secondary health care for over ten years.
Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh: The horrific violence of 2017 led to the mass displacement of the Rohingya people. This created a staggering humanitarian crisis, with more than 723,000 refugees pouring over the border having faced starvation and other grave human rights abuses in Myanmar. This constant wave of new arrivals quickly overwhelmed the established camps in Bangladesh and the International NGO and local charity support could not meet the demand for shelter, food, and healthcare. It is estimated that there are now more than 1.1 million refugees in both registered and non-registered camps in Bangladesh.
Mae Sot, Thailand: Many migrants do not have legal documents to work in Thailand, so they are only able to get low-income jobs. The wages they earn barely cover the costs of day-to-day living and they cannot afford healthcare, education for their children, or other essentials.
Migrant people work on farms, in factories, and some work as housemaids. During the COVID-19 pandemic, migrants in Mae Sot could not work every day. Some factories were closed, while others reduced the number of workers, creating additional hardships for both employees and employers during this period. As the border was shut down to control the spread of COVID-19, those without jobs could not go back to Myanmar. 
Current Crisis: The developing, but fragile democracy was suspended following a coup on 1 February 2021. The country is now ruled by the Myanmar military. Widespread protests were followed by a severe military crackdown with thousands of arrests and at least 873 deaths. Health services have collapsed due to protests from healthcare workers and a later military crackdown on health care workers. The head of Myanmar’s COVID vaccination program has been arrested. Most state hospitals are barely functioning. Health personnel are trying to provide some healthcare in secret underground clinics. Since the coup, there has been a marked increase in conflict and deaths, and displacement of villagers. 
What We Did
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(Photo: Health activities at NBD migrant school)
Under the Karen Health Project, there are three sub-projects. They are as follows:
The Patients Referral Program, based in Mae Sot. We help refer patients with acute needs to hospitals and clinics that can help them.
The Karen Clinic Project works together with the Karen Department of Health and Welfare (KDHW) to support seven clinics in Karen State.
The Village Health Workers (VHW) project trains sixty-two village health workers and their managers for community health care in fifty villages in Kler Lwee Htoo District, Karen State.
Our goal is to provide training and medical supplies as well as referring patients that need additional care to appropriate facilities. 
Total number of patients directly helped from January – June 2021: 7,710 
212 from the Patient Referral Program
4,831 from Karen Clinic Program
2,500 from the Village Health Worker Program
167 from Mae Sot health team mobile activities
Migrant Community Support Project:
The Migrant Community Support project is focused on coming alongside the migrant people from Myanmar who live and work near the Thai-Myanmar border. The target communities are Myanmar migrants from the Mae Sot area in Thailand’s Tak Province. 
Our project provides emergency food, healthcare assistance, sewing training, help finding stable jobs, and later help getting legal documents when they have the money. 
Total number of people directly helped from January -June: 1,576
35 people were directly helped by receiving food during meetings. 
110 people were directly helped by receiving lunch after church in the Mae Sot Community. 
41 people were directly helped by receiving health care and health insurance (M-fund insurance). 
100 families were directly helped by receiving dry food, hygiene packs, medicine, and village document fee support. On average there are 5 members in one family. (500 people) 
530 individual people were directly helped by receiving dry food, hygiene packs, medicine, and village document fee support.
34 people were directly helped by attending a dengue disease prevention training and receiving mosquito nets.  
298 people were directly helped by attending COVID-19 prevention training, Bible training, and music training. 
Rohingya Community Health Project:
The target population for this project is Rohingya refugees, and particularly those receiving limited assistance from other NGOs. Partners founded the Rohingya Health project in 2015 in response to the local community’s lack of health knowledge and hygiene-related disease prevention. Through our training, we have seen a group of Rohingya with little to no previous health knowledge develop skills and grow into advocates of health for their community. We run community health training as well as small mobile clinics and home-based visits. As the presence of foreigners and NGO workers remains fragile, Partners uses local volunteers to build sustainable programs like this. The training covers various topics including Basic Nutrition, Basic Hygiene, Health Care training, Disease Prevention, Maternal Health, and Infant care which are used to educate a small group of Rohingya community health workers. Since 2017 the role of the health workers has increased to also include running clinics within the refugee camps where they do a health check and give out some basic medication. Patients that have more severe illnesses are referred to a doctor which is paid for by Partners.
Total Number of People directly helped from January to June 2021: 2,615
Total Number of Trainings – We have conducted 1 training so far in 2021 for a total of 10 people.  
Shan Health Project:
In 2009, Partners Relief and Development began working with the Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS) to train community health workers. Community health workers can manage some basic illnesses. But their primary role is as community educators and facilitators for health care. Since then, the program has added 2 more levels. Medic level one students can diagnose and manage a wide variety of conditions. They also identify patients who need referrals for specialized or emergency care. They staff clinics in very remote areas or backpack medic initiatives. Medic level two students have additional training in diagnosis, disease management, and supervised clinical experience. Once graduated they can supervise a clinic and the clinical care within it. 
Two CHW training courses have been undertaken in two clinics inside Shan State. The classroom part of this training has just finished and the 76 CHW students have moved into various clinics for the practical part of their training. 
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(Photo: Dengue prevention training and COVID-19 prevention training in Mae Pa and Ban Mai)
Your Part 
We are celebrating every packet of medicine delivered to families and children; every home visit carried out by our incredible health workers; every medical training session completed. 
From emergency medical supplies that were carried by boat and motorcycle to the support of clinics and health worker trainings, you are a critical part of making sure families and children have access to life-saving care. Thank you for all the ways you showed up this year to make sure this work continued, made even more crucial in the face of a military coup and a raging pandemic. 
To learn more about the work of our Community Health Workers, watch this.
To provide medical supplies to families and children fleeing from the Myanmar military and to support the training of medical professionals who can provide long-term, critical care to refugee and IDP communities in Southeast Asia, you can donate here.
To learn more about our work in Southeast Asia, you can visit here.
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darkwatercomics · 3 years
~ Issue # 8 ~ Book One: Chapter Eight: Days Darker Than Night ~
Page width panel. Aerial overhead shot of an open baseball field, a street that runs alongside it and a row of suburban houses with gardens. In the foreground birds are flying through the air, and playing on the field are the two small figures of young Jesse and Lincoln.
YOUNG LINCOLN: That’s it, sis, just throw it a little higher this time, okay?
YOUNG JESSE: Okay, Linc.
Three panels on this bottom tier. Full shot of them now sat up on the bleachers. In the foreground autumn leaves blow across the field. There’s a clear blue sky behind them. Jesse is about 10 years old.
YOUNG LINCOLN: You know, Jesse J, you gotta helluva pitch on ya.
YOUNG JESSE: You swore, you said hellva.
YOUNG LINCOLN: Sorry, and it’s helluva
It’s still a full shot of them on the bleachers but it’s a closer shot now.
YOUNG LINCOLN: Heh, heh, by the time ya get to my age, Jesse J, you’ll probably be swearing like a trooper, oh, can’t wait to see that.
PAST JESSE: Not me Linc, ya ain’t ever gonna find me cussing.
JESSE ( O.P ): What the flying dick fuck is this?
In the foreground is a full shot of ghost Lincoln and grown up Jesse from behind, stood on the field, watching as young Jesse and Lincoln get down off the bleachers. Ghost Lincoln is dressed the same as issue # 4.
LINCOLN: It’s the story of us, sis. Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten.
JESSE: I haven’t forgotten anything.
Page width panel. Low angled wide full shot of young Jesse and Lincoln now walking across the baseball field. Jesse is balancing the baseball bat up on the palm of her hand and idly looking up at it.
YOUNG JESSE: I like it here, Linc, it reminds me of home.
YOUNG LINCOLN: Yeah, I kinda like it here too.
YOUNG JESSE: Almost feels like things are normal again.
SPLASH: High view of them as they pass the edge of the baseball field, and beyond the tree line either side of them is a huge sprawling encampment of tents, with military vehicles, soldiers and medical personnel moving about. There are many civilians as well. Men, women and children and dogs. It’s basically a refugee camp. Beyond it is the town itself, the most distant parts of which are dark with thick black trailing smoke pluming up against the sky.
ARTIST NOTE: Written across the horizon beyond the town and the camp is the title, Book One: Chapter 8, Days Darker Than Night.
YOUNG LINCOLN: Yep, almost.
Half page panel. Full shot of grown up Jesse and ghost Lincoln stood at the edge of the camp, with young Jesse and Lincoln up ahead.
JESSE: So, is this a thing now, you turning up in my dreams?
LINCOLN: Looks like, Jesse J, but remember you’ve been in the Veil now. Once you’ve been in there dreams ain’t just dreams anymore.
Two panels on this vertical tier. Head to waist profile shot of them both now turned and facing each other, with Jesse looking sceptical.
JESSE: Really, another trip down memory lane? What’s the point, Linc?
LINCOLN: Memory is the point, sis. It’s about how you chose to remember.
Similar to the previous panel but now it’s a closer head to chest shot.
JESSE: Okaaay, why here though? We were here, what, a few shitty weeks?
LINCOLN: Shitty Jess?
JESSE: Yeah, shitty. Tell me, Linc, why here?
Three panels on this bottom tier. Full shot of them still facing each other with the camp behind them. Young Jesse and Lincoln are out of sight and a woman is now stood just ahead of them. She’s in her late 50’s. She’s dressed in dark slacks and a jumper,  glasses and holding a clipboard, with short greyish brown hair and bearing a definite resemblance to the actress Frances McDormand.
LINCOLN: Because this is where it really began.
JESSE: Where what began?
LINCOLN: Where you stopped remembering how things really happened.
Full shot of Frances looking up as a young man walks up to her, dressed in white short sleeve shirt, black trousers and black tie. He’s in his 20’s, with slicked back hair and thick black rimmed glasses.
CARL: Mrs Miller.
FRANCES: Yes, Carl, what is it? What did they say?
Head and shoulders semi-profile shot of Jesse, literally open mouthed in shocked recognition as she realises this woman is her mother.
Page width panel. Full shot of Frances and Carl facing each other. In the background a soldier is directing an army truck into the camp.
FRANCES: I need to know what you know, Carl. I can help. I’ve already helped them to get this damn place organised. You don’t work at the governors office without learning how to deal with people.
CARL: Didn’t he have to resign, something about having under age … ?
FRANCES: Not the point, Carl, not the point.
Page width panel. Similar to the previous panel but now the truck has stopped and the driver is stood near its rear talking to the soldier.
FRANCES: This place was a shit show before I got here. A goddamn shit show.
CARL: Problem is, Mrs Miller, they see you no more than a civilian.
Three panels on this bottom tier. Head to chest shot of Frances from Carl’s P.O.V, looking at him, bringing a cigarette up to her mouth.
FRANCES: I’m also a mother, Carl, trying to make sure her family makes it through to the end of the month. And there’s a lot of mothers in this camp, mothers that have the same questions I do, and if those answers ain’t forthcoming soon, then I’m telling you Carl, your superiors are gonna have a little civil unrest on their hands.
Over the shoulder shot of Carl with Frances facing him, clipboard tucked under her arm, clicking the lighter, the cigarette in her mouth.
CARL: Okay, okay, but I can only tell you what I heard, which ain’t  much.
FRANCES: Ain’t much just might be enough for now, Carl. Spill it.
Similar to the previous panel but now Frances has the clipboard back in her hand again and holding the cigarette in her other hand.
CARL: Well, most of the Eastern Seaboard is still down. They’re guessing the power’s out in D.C. The President is probably in lockdown too. Ain’t nothing been heard from Canada or Mexico yet.  
FRANCES: And Europe, the Middle East, the Far East, they heard anything?
Two panels on this top tier. Overhead shot of them stood together.
CARL: Nothing yet, they haven’t even got coast to coast up and running.
CARL: Emergency supplies are being rolled out as we speak, but it’s difficult when most things still aren’t working. The whole grid is still out. A pulse bomb the size of New York would have done less damage.
Head to waist profile shot of them facing each other. In the background the driver and the soldier have opened the truck’s rear.
CARL: Any older vehicles that can be jury rigged, then they’re using them. They’re even getting the steam engines back on the tracks, ain’t nothing moving yet though so that’s holding things up.
Page width panel. Full profile shot of them facing each other. In the background is the truck and from the angle we’re now seeing them we can see beyond it to a hub of activity where people are erecting tents and constructing ramshackle huts and shower cubicles.
FRANCES: How long before those supplies get here?
CARL: It could be weeks. Nothing’s flying, everything’s grounded. It’s a massive undertaking. They’re back to where we were over a century ago, they’re gonna have to go cross country. And with any kind of electronic communication out as well they’re down to a snail’s pace with everything. The world we had is just about gone now.
Page width panel. A view of them from the opposite direction with the truck, the driver and soldier in the foreground of the panel.
CARL: We’ve never faced anything like this.
FRANCES: So, what you’re really telling me is we’re on our own here.
CARL: For now, basically yes.
Two panels on this bottom tier. Head and shoulders semi-profile shot of Frances, smoke pluming as she holds the cigarette by her mouth.
FRANCES: Okay, so you go back to them, you tell them Frances Miller said if they can get those supplies here we can organise the rest and they can keep their focus on the bigger picture. Don’t let them give you that civilian bullshit. Way I see it, it’s all hands on deck.
Head to waist shot of Carl walking away in the foreground of the shot, with a full shot of Frances in the background watching him go.
CARL: Okay, Mrs Miller, I’ll try.
FRANCES: You do that, Carl, you do that.
Three panels on this top tier. Head to waist shot of grown up and ghost Lincoln from behind, Frances walking away in the background.
JESSE: Damn, mom was kind a of badass.
LINCOLN: Yeah she was. Do you remember what happened to her?
JESSE: Course I do, she died.
Head and shoulders semi-profile shot of Jesse looking sideward at Lincoln.
JESSE: What?
JESSE: She died, just like you did, what’s the point of going over it, after all this time. It’s done. You’re both gone. Ain’t no going back now.
Similar to panel 1 but now it’s a full shot of them from behind. Frances is stood among a crowd in the camp, bent over, talking to a girl.
LINCOLN: So you remember how I died?
JESSE: What? Yes.
Three panels on this bottom tier. Head and shoulders semi-profile shot of Jesse. In her expression it’s clear this is just too painful.
JESSE: You died, and like everything else it was magic’s fault. Isn’t that enough?
Full shot of her now stood a few feet in front of Lincoln. Her shoulders sagged, head bowed, her fists clenched with restrained emotion.
JESSE: Why are you doing this?
Similar to the previous panel but now it’s a head to waist shot of her.
LINCOLN: I’m doing this because you’ve let yourself forget too much. And I’m going to help you remember whether you like it or not.
Page width panel. On the left of the panel two men in lumber jackets and baseball caps are facing up against a young man, leaning in threateningly. On the right of the panel young Jesse and Lincoln are glancing behind themselves as they hear the voices.
MITCH: Hey Deke, think we got ourselves a genuine Magic Kind here.
DEKE: That so, Mitch, that being so things, ain’t gonna end too well.
MAN: I’m … I’m not.
MITCH: Oh, I think you are.
DEKE: Your kind wrecked our whole damn country, you know that?
Three panels on this tier. Head to waist shot of Jesse and Lincoln as they watch their younger selves and the situation that’s unfolding.
JESSE: Uh oh, I think I might remember this bit.
Head to waist profile shot of Mitch, his face full of anger as he leans in closer, now inches away from the clearly scared young man.
MITCH: So, Magic Kind, you gonna show me some of that magic, come on now.
MAN: No, please, I …
Similar to the previous panel but now Mitch is shoving his hands hard into the young man’s chest, who is shocked and falling backward.
MITCH: Show me!
MAN: Arrghh!
Three panels on this bottom tier. In the foreground is a full shot of young Jesse and Lincoln from behind. Lincoln is moving forward, clearly ready to intervene but a scared Jesse is pulling at him. In the background the young man is on the ground with Mitch and Deke stood over him, kicking him hard in the back and stomach.
YOUNG JESSE: No, Lincoln, whatcha doing?! We can’t get involved!
Head to waist shot of young Jesse and Lincoln. Lincoln’s face is full of righteous fury while in contrast Jesse’s fear is clearly showing.
YOUNG LINCOLN: We can’t just stand by, sis. We gotta do something!
YOUNG JESSE: No, we gotta wait, look, the soldiers are here, Linc. It’s okay now.
Full shot of armed soldiers, two of them with one hand on their holsters as they push Mitch and Deke away with their other hand, rounding them up. A third is crouched, attending to the young man.  
CAPTION: “It’s okay.”
Two panels on this top tier. In the foreground is a full shot of Jesse and Lincoln from behind and in the background an old fashioned yellow school bus is pulling up on the street near the camp.
JESSE: I know that bus? … Father Marcos.
LINCOLN: Yep, I remember the day him and his whole parish drove into town.
JESSE: Me too.
Full shot of them together, Lincoln watching the old bus wistfully.
LINCOLN: Funny, we had no idea how things were about to change.
JESSE: What do you mean?
LINCOLN: I mean, maybe things didn’t happen like you thought they happened.
Page width panel. Full shot of the school bus now pulled up at the curb, the door open. Father Marcos, a Mexican priest, thin moustache, grown out hair, wearing a dog collar under a brown jacket, with denim jeans. He’s stood on the doorstep, with Frances greeting him, stood on the kerb, reaching up to shake his hand.
FRANCES: Father Marcos, I’m Frances Miller. Welcome to the camp.
FATHER MARCOS: Good morning, Mrs Miller. Are you the welcoming committee?
Two panels on this tier. Similar to the previous panel but now it’s a tighter shot of them both, closer together as they’re shaking hands.
FRANCES: I guess you could say I’m in charge of logistics around here.
Head to waist profile shot of them now both stood on the sidewalk.
FATHER MARCOS: I’m afraid, Mrs Miller, you may find I am the opposite of logistic.
Two panels on this bottom tier. In the foreground are Jesse and Lincoln’s trainers, leaves blowing at their feet and in the background Frances and Father Marcos are walking along the sidewalk in a full shot from behind as other parishioners get off the bus.
FRANCES: Well, frankly, I think we could do with some of that round here.
Low angled full shot looking up at Jesse and Lincoln as they watch this conversation unfold, the leaves blowing across the sidewalk.
JESSE: My Spidey senses are tingling. Why are my Spidey senses tingling?
LINCOLN: You’ll see.
Three panels on this top tier. Overhead shot of them stood on the sidewalk.
JESSE: So, you got me intrigued, how exactly did things change?
LINCOLN: You don’t remember?
JESSE: Nope.
In the foreground is the camp, with an open patch of grass between the tents that’s surrounded by several trees. Beyond this are the sidewalk, the school bus, the parishioners and a pale blue morning sky. Jesse and Lincoln are stood watching on the sidewalk.
LINCOLN: Then keep watching.
JESSE: Anything in particular I’m looking for?
Head to waist shot of Jesse and Lincoln, Jesse clearly waiting and watching.
LINCOLN: Just wait.
JESSE: Okay, waiting.
Three panels on this tier. Similar to panel 2 but now a woman has wandered onto the patch of grass. Something is wrong though. Her hair is a mess, muddy too, and she looks dazed and confused. She’s holding her hands out in front of her. Just across from her, on the left of the panel, a soldier cautiously approaching, hand on holster.
WOMAN: I’m sorry, something’s wrong, please … I feel kind of …
SOLDIER: Ma’am, you okay?
Similar to the previous panel but now the woman has fallen to the ground, vomiting black as the soldier steps away from her alarmed.
In the foreground is a forehead to chin shot of the woman lying on the side of her face, unconscious, her eyes open with the yellow tinge of dark magic. It’s clear that she is some form of Reaper. The soldier’s boot is just in shot as he crouches down to  her.
SOLDIER: I need help! Hey, I need some help over here! Medic! Medic!
Page width panel. In the foreground is the soldier beside the woman, one hand checking her pulse, the other on his holster. In the background Jesse and Lincoln watch this unfold from the sidewalk.
JESSE: She’s a Reaper.
LINCOLN: Yeah, this was how it started. They thought it was just a virus.
Page width panel. Head to waist shot of Frances from behind, partly in shadow under the evening sky, the light watery under an horizon of pale blue and orange. She’s moving through the quiet, mostly sleepy camp, looking off to the left, keeping an eye on things.
Page width panel. In the foreground is the front of the school bus, now parked within the camp, several tents now set up around it. Parishioners are moving or sat, and Father Marcos stands beside a makeshift fire, looking toward the approaching Frances, who we now see is carrying an unlit old fashioned lantern.
FRANCES: You settling in okay, Father. Ain’t even seen you unpack yet.
FATHER MARCOS: Oh, we have no intention of staying, Mrs Miller.
Three panels on this tier. Full shot of Father Marcos in the foreground from behind, his figure lit by the fire’s glow. He’s now fully turned to Frances, who is now stood several feet away, facing him.
FRANCES: Scuse me?
FATHER MARCOS: This is simply a way station upon our journey. No offence intended.
Full profile shot of both of them stood either side of the fire, the school bus and the sky in the background. There’s a hint of twilight in the sky now and a feeling of it hanging heavy over them.
FRANCES: None taken, Father, but I gotta admit you got me kinda curious.
FRANCES: This isn’t a Promised Land kinda thing, is it?
FATHER MARCOS: I suppose it is in a way.
In the foreground Frances, in a head to chest semi-profile shot is holding the lantern up, examining it, with Father Marcos in the background.
FRANCES: Really?
FATHER MARCOS: We are returning to the Seat of the Church.
FRANCES: You mean Rome?
Two panels on this bottom tier. Head and shoulders semi-profile shot of Father Marcos, his face lit by the warm orange of the fire’s glow.
FATHER MARCOS: Si, the Vatican. We have heard many things over the past few weeks, Mrs Miller, and one of those things is that Europe has been far less afflicted by this catastrophe. In fact, from what we have heard it is this land that has taken the worst of it.
Similar to panel 3, but Frances is now holding a lit lantern as the world grows fainter about them, a stronger sense of twilight seeping in.
FRANCES: I’d like to know your sources, Father. Our government ain’t heard a damn thing.
FATHER MARCOS: My church has existed far longer than your government, Mrs Miller. Neither did we abandon the old ways of communication.
Half page panel. Similar to panel 4 of page 9 with Frances and Father Marcos stood either side of the fire, their figures lit by the glow.
FRANCES: Yeah, more fool us. So how exactly are you planning on getting across the Atlantic? Last I heard the Navy was out of commission.
FRANCES: San Diego, now you gotta tell me more than that, Father.
Two panels on this vertical tier. Similar to the previous panel but now it’s a closer head to waist shot of them, both lit in the fire’s glow.
FATHER MARCOS: This is a biblical exodus, Mrs Miller, a hundred civilian ships, all ready to take those in need to the Old Land.
FRANCES: That’s an ambitious plan, Father.
Forehead to chin semi-profile shot of Father Marcos, his face lit by the glow.
FATHER MARCOS: It is the role of the Church to be ambitious in such testing times, Mrs Miller. Of course, we can always fail, but I feel if we do not at least try then it is perhaps the same as giving up.
Two panels on this vertical tier. Head to waist shot of Frances, now holding the lit lantern nearing her face as the evening grows dimmer.
FRANCES: Lot of people already have, Father.
FRANCES: You‘re right though, these are certainly testing times. I’d be careful about advertising, ‘cause these are pretty chaotic times too.
Head to chest semi-profile shot of Father Marcos looking upward thoughtfully. It’s clear from his expression that he’s considered this.
FATHER MARCOS: Quite so, we are spreading the word … carefully.
Half page panel. Similar to panel 4 but now it’s a closer shot of Frances.
FRANCES: Well, I’m honoured to be included in that select group, Father.
FRANCES: Won’t nobody hear it from me.
Three panels on this top tier. Night. Overhead shot of one of the tents, with Frances stood outside it, lighting a cigarette. Her figure lit by the lantern light, now hanging from a post near the tent.
Similar to the previous panel but now Frances is holding a lit cigarette, the smoke coming from it pluming up into the night air.
FRANCES: Carl, you can either keep loitering in the shadows or you can unburden yourself. Just so you know, I‘m turning in  soon.
Similar to the previous panels but now Carl has stepped into the light given out by the lantern and is stood a few feet away from her.
CARL: Sorry Mrs Miller, it’s just it’s a little bit sensitive.
FRANCES: I can do sensitive too ya know, Carl. So, what’s up?
CARL: Well, I … It might be better if I show you.
Page width panel. Full shot of Frances and Carl from behind, stood on one of the roofs of the buildings, both of them looking past the edges of the town. It’s a hive of activity they’re looking at under the starry night, with two lit bio domes, flood lights and trucks.
FRANCES: What am I seeing here, Carl?
CARL: People are getting sick, Mrs Miller.
FRANCES: Sick, what kind of sick?
CARL: The kind of sick they’re trying to keep secret.
Two panels on this bottom tier. Head to chest semi-profile shot of them.
FRANCES: Is this connected to the incident in the camp the other day?
CARL: Yes, it’s directly connected, Mrs Miller, that was start of it.
Head and shoulders semi-profile shot of Frances looking outward.
FRANCES: I suppose it’s kind of understandable them wanting to keep it under wraps for now, after everything that’s happened lately.
FRANCES: Head’s up to yours truly would’ve been appreciated though.
Three panels on this top tier. Exterior shot of the bio dome with the fields surrounding it. Under the flood lights are soldiers and medics and an army truck is pulling away, leaving a dust trail in its wake.
CAPTION: “I’m not sure that’s what this is, Mrs Miller. Something a lot bigger is going on. They’re throwing everything at this. It’s extremely hush hush. They’re only telling people who need to know.”
Interior shot of the bio dome, with patients in pale blue gowns on medical beds, positioned in semi-circles either side of the dome. The beds have I.V drips, ECG machines, etc and medics in blue Hasmat suits are attending to both the patients and equipment. The patients are deathly pale, eyes closed, and not one of them awake. There’s cables snaking across the floor, leading to a generator.
CAPTION: “They’ve been moving patients at night. They’ve got this locked down tight. It’s not like how they’ve dealt with things so far.”
“This is something very different, Mrs Miller. If I didn’t know better I’d say this is something they were completely unprepared for.”
Overhead shot of the woman who collapsed in the camp on one of the beds. She’s restrained and unlike the other patients is wide awake. Her eyes are open, wild with the familiar yellow tinge of Dark Magic, and it clearly looks like she’s fighting against a rage within.
CAPTION: “You’re saying they don’t know what this is?”
CAPTION: “It seems that way, yes.”
CAPTION: “How bad do you think this can get?”
Page width panel. Similar to page 11, panel 4. Head to waist shot of Frances and Carl from behind stood on the roof, with the flood lit bio domes in the background, the dust trail of the army truck in sight.
CARL: By the way they’re reacting to it I’d say pretty bad.
FRANCES: So, why tell me?
Two panels on this bottom tier. Head and shoulders semi-profile shot of Carl, his glasses now in his hand as he wipes at his forehead.
CARL: Because you’ve always been good to me, Mrs Miller. I’ve always respected you and your family, and if this goes the way I think it might then I’d rather you knew and were prepared for what’s coming.
Full shot of a shadowed Carl walking away in the foreground, with Frances stood outside the tent in the lantern’s glow watching him go.
FRANCES: You’re a good man, Carl.
CARL: Thank you, Mrs Miller.
Three panels on this top tier. Night. Exterior shot of the tent. No lantern now, just moonlight. The two figures of Frances and Jesse’s father, Frank Miller, are shadowy shapes through the canvas.
FRANK ( O.P ): Jesus, Frances, are you serious? This is the first safe place we’ve found in weeks. I mean, just the work you’re put into it, you’ve been up every day dawn till dusk, and now you want to up and leave.
FRANCES ( O.P ): Want to? No. Might have to? Yes.
FRANK ( O.P ): Based on a bunch of rumours, for god’s sake, why?
Interior shot of the tent. Head to waist profile shot of both Frances and Frank stood talking, their figures partly in shadow, partly lit by the lantern now on top of a wooden crate. Frank is a heavy set bearded man in his late 40’s. He resembles Scottish actor Gerald Butler, similar to how he looked in the 2021 film ‘Greenland.‘
FRANCES: Because I’ve known Carl since he was a snivelling kid, Frank. I’ve seen him nervous, worried, agitated, you name it, but in all that time I’ve never seen him scared, and I mean, properly scared.
Head and shoulders semi-profile shot of Frances, looking deadly serious. It’s clear from her expression she’s given this some thought.
FRANCES: Oh, he tried to hide it, but reading people is kinda my thing.
FRANCES: You know that, Frank.
Two panels on this bottom tier. Head to waist profile shot of Frances and Frank stood a few feet apart, Frank with his hands on her shoulders and staring at her intently, searching her face for answers.
FRANK: You really believe this, don’t you?
FRANCES: I’m up from 20 to 40 cigarettes a day, what does that tell you?
FRANK: But the kids?
In the foreground are young Jesse and Lincoln asleep, next to each other in sleeping bags, bathed in the lantern’s glow. In the background is a full shot of Frances and Frank, looking over at their children, knowing they may have to uproot their lives once again.
FRANCES: They’ll get over it. If it makes you feel any better then we can blame me. They need at least one parent who isn’t the villain.
Evening. The sky a splash of orange and purple. Full shot of Frances and Father Marcos stood near the front of the school bus. Behind them Frank is guiding Jesse and Lincoln onto it. Jesse is looking across at her mother, her face filled with undisguised disdain.
ARTIST NOTE: The images on this page have no borders, instead bleeding into each other and the background is a desert landscape.
FRANCES: Thank you for doing this, Father.
FATHER MARCOS: No thanks are needed, Mrs Miller, I only ask that you are sure?
FRANCES: Sure? Not sure I’ve been sure about anything since this began.
Full shot of the school bus moving off along the street from the camp, with Carl in the background, on the sidewalk watching it drive off.
CAPTION: “But sometimes you just gotta go with your gut.”
Night. Wide shot of the school bus approaching, small against the desert landscape and vast sky above. In the foreground is a full shot of Jesse and Lincoln from behind stood on the side of the road.
JESSE: I never knew, I never realised. I was so angry that we had to leave. It never occurred to me she had her reasons for doing it or what she was giving up. I just wanted to blame her for spoiling things.
In the foreground is a head to chest semi-profile shot of Frances sat in the bus looking thoughtful. Behind her and sat opposite young Jesse is looking over at her, the resentment clear in her face.
CAPTION: “You were ten, J.”
CAPTION: “I was stupid.”
Morning. Wide shot of the school bus navigating its way along a highway, with cars and trucks, abandoned and blocking its path. The lanes and surroundings eerily empty and neglected of people.
CAPTION: “Young. Stupid. Same thing sometimes, but that doesn’t mean any of what came next is your fault, cause none of it was.”
SPLASH: Morning. Shot of the school bus arriving at San Diego Bay. It’s over crowded, with people of all cultures and creed, and a kind of shanty town has built up. The bus barely has a few feet around it to get through, with so many in its path. Soldier can be seen among the heaving masses. In the background is the wharf and the sea beyond, smaller ships already birthed like cruise ships and yachts, behind them a tanker. There’s also a heavily damaged aircraft carrier crashed into a jetty, burned and dwarfing the other ships.  
FRANCES ( O.P ): Looks like word got out, Father.
FATHER MARCOS ( O.P ): It would seem so, Mrs Miller.
Two panels on this tier. Full shot of the front of the school bus now parked. Father Marcos can be seen through the windscreen sat at the steering wheel. Frances is stood on the doorstep talking to him, while Frank is stood outside with young Jesse and Lincoln.
FRANCES: Stay in the bus, Father, look after your flock. I’ll find out who’s in charge ’round here. Trust me, this is kind of my thing.
FATHER MARCOS: Then we are in your hands, Mrs Miller.
Full shot of Frances almost among the crowds, gesturing to Jesse to go with her, but Jesse is stood firm, arms folded and glaring at her mother, while both Frank and Lincoln are stood behind them.
FRANCES: Okay, Jesse. You can come along with me okay. Jesse?
YOUNG JESSE: No, I don’t want to go, not with you anyway.
FRANK: Jesse …
YOUNG JESSE: I’ll say with dad.
FRANCES: Jesse, we don’t have time for this.
Two panels on this bottom tier. Full shot of Frances now crouched in front of Jesse, her hands put on her daughter’s shoulders.
YOUNG JESSE: You never have time for anything, do you?
FRANCES: Jesse, everything I do is for you and your brother, okay?
FRANCES: *Sigh* Okay, if you really don’t want to come with me, then how about you stay with dad, okay? I’ll take Linc with me, okay?
FRANCES: But just you make sure you stay right here. In this exact spot with dad till we get back, okay. None of your wandering off.
YOUNG JESSE: I don’t wander off.
Full shot of Jesse from behind, stood with Frank, as Frances and Lincoln look back toward her as they disappear into the crowds. Lincoln is doing an ‘OK’ sign with his fingers and smiling toward her.
FRANCES: We’ll see you later, okay Jesse.
YOUNG LINCOLN: Later, Jesse J.
Page width panel. Full shot of Frances leading the way along the wharf with Lincoln slightly behind her. The sea is to the right of them, the main part of the wharf and the crowds is to the left in the background. Seagulls swoop against the pale blue morning sky.
FRANCES: I’d appreciate it if you’d have a word with that sister of yours, Linc.
YOUNG LINCOLN: Don’t think she’s up to listening to anyone just yet, even me.
FRANCES: When you think she’s ready then.
YOUNG LINCOLN: Okay, will do.
Three panels on this tier. Full shot of them from behind, now stopped. Up ahead is a glass office like a Harbour Master’s hut with the jetty and the aircraft carrier beyond. Outside are harbour and military personnel. There’s small groups of people but no big crowds.
FRANCES: Right, yes, this’ll do. We might just get some answers here.
Full shot of Frances and Lincoln near to the Harbour Master’s hut, one of the soldiers now facing them. In the background a teenage red haired girl with a back pack is approaching along the wharf.
SOLDIER: Can I help you, ma’am?
FRANCES: Only in regards to who’s in charge around here, Sergeant.
SOLDIER: Right about now that would be us, ma’am.
Head to waist shot of them talking as the red haired girl with the backpack is passing in the background, stealing a glance as she passes. Something about her is a little off, something just feels wrong.
FRANCES: I was under the impression this was a civilian operation.
SOLDIER: Yes ma’am, that it is, but when a civilian operation gets this big, this fast, then trouble usually follows. We’ve already had some civil unrest. We were in the area anyway so we got put onto it.
FRANCES: If you’re policing is there anyone who’s co-ordinating things?
Three panels on this bottom tier. Full shot of the red haired girl now stopped further along the wharf, near the jetty and the aircraft carrier, crouched and putting her back pack on the ground. On either side Frances and the soldier are framing the shot.
SOLDIER: There was. At least that’s what we were told. They’re A.WO.L though. Some trouble before we got here. To be honest, ma’am, it’s been chaos since we arrived. More people are coming in all the time. It’s taken all our resources just keeping some kind of order.
Full shot of the red haired girl reaching into her back pack. She looks so young, so fresh faced, but there’s a clear hatred in her eyes.
SOLDIER ( O.P ): Sorry, ma’am, it could be days before we get this sorted out.
FRANCES ( O.P ): I was afraid you were going to say that, Sergeant.
Full shot of Frances and Lincoln walking away from the soldier and behind him the red haired girl, partly obscured, is now stood again.
FRANCES: Okay Linc, let’s give the others the bad news shall …
GIRL: Hear this, those who are not Magic Kind.  
Three panels on this top tier. Head to waist shot of the red haired girl looking down at something she is holding, which is just out of sight.
GIRL: We are not defeated. Not beaten. We shall take our rightful place.
Head to waist shot of Frances and Lincoln. Sensing danger she has instinctively stepped in front of him, somehow knowing she has to protect him from what‘s coming, sensing something is very wrong.
FRANCES: This isn’t good.
YOUNG LINCOLN: What’s she doing?
Head to chest shot of the girl bringing her hands up toward her face, blue energy crackling from them and over the mask she is holding. It resembles the distinctive masks worn by the followers of Magellan. Her eyes are now tinged with the familiar yellow of Dark Magic.
GIRL: He is gone but his teachings live on.
Three panels on this tier. Full shot of the girl, now fully wearing the mask, staring up at the morning sky with the soldiers now stood around her, aiming their guns. In the background the groups of people dotted around are stood looking at her, clearly alarmed.
GIRL: Easy now, miss, you just hand that mask over to us, okay.
Similar to the previous panel but now it’s a closer head to waist shot as the blue energy begins to envelop her whole body and the soldiers are a step closer. She’s clearly building up to something extreme.
GIRL: They will live on in us.
SOLDIER: Don’t you do it! Don’t you goddamn do it!
Head to waist shot of Frances, who’s pulled Lincoln tight into her, almost cradling him as he looks at her confused. There’s a sadness in her expression, an inevitability they can’t outrun what’s coming.
FRANCES: Sorry Jesse.
Head and shoulders shot of the girl, her yellow eyes seen through the mask.
ARTIST NOTE: Insert is positioned in the top left hand corner of panel 8.
GIRL: We will rise again.
Page width panel. Overhead shot of the girl as she literally explodes with blue energy which expands outward like a huge wave.
Three panels on this top tier. Head to waist shot of young Jesse, arms still folded, half a smile as she watches Lincoln going into the crowds.
YOUNG JESSE: See ya later, Linc.
LATINO MAN # 1 ( O.P ): Hey, what the hell are you doing? Make room man. I gotta pregnant wife here, okay. Hey, Jesus! Just let us the hell through!
Full shot of young Jesse stood among the crowds, looking across the wharf as she hears the raised voices getting louder. In the foreground is a head to chest profile shot of two men arguing, one is a Latino man in slacks and a white vest, behind him is his pregnant wife, and stood behind the other man, who’s dressed in a casual suit, is his daughter, a young girl who is crying, clearly overwhelmed.
MAN: Back off, Mr, I gotta get my daughter through. I’m trying to find her mother and I’m not about to let a gang banger get in my way.
LATINO MAN: Gang banger, huh? News flash, man, I ain’t no gang banger. I work for my living. You sit behind a desk, am I right?  
MAN: I don’t have time for this.
LATINO: But you got time to just walk all over my family, that it man?
MAN: Your family isn’t even born yet.
Head to waist shot of young Jesse stood among the crowd, Frank behind her, her arms no longer folded, frowning as she intently watches this confrontation. Lincoln’s earlier words now ringing in her head.
CAPTION: “We can’t just stand by, sis. We gotta do something!”
Three panels on this bottom tier. Head and shoulders semi-profile shot of Frank looking over his shoulder and frowning as he realises Jesse is no longer stood next to him. In the background is a build up of blue light from the red haired girl, illustrating this is happening simultaneously with events by the jetty.
FRANK: Looks like something‘s going on, Jesse, better stay close to me.
FRANK: Jesse?
In the foreground is a full shot of the crying girl, now standing on her own, forgotten about as the two men continue confronting each other. In the background a concerned Jesse is approaching her, with Frank behind, now half turned as he looks over his shoulder.
FRANK: Damn it.
YOUNG JESSE: Hey, you okay?
Full shot of Frank grabbing Jesse and pulling her backward. She’s looking up at him, the frustration showing clear in her  expression.
YOUNG JESSE: No, I want to help!
FRANK: Jesse, what did your mother say about wandering off, we need to -
SPLASH: Overhead shot of the wharf as the air craft carrier is impacted by the magical explosion that results from the red haired girl killing herself, setting off a chain reaction, a massive surge of energy that expands outwards in all surrounding directions.
Two panels on this bottom tier. In the foreground is a head to waist shot of Frank holding Jesse close into himself, shielding her as the shockwave reaches them, two figures against a raging whirlwind.
In the foreground is a full shot of them from behind, stood with their clothes full of dust and smoke, turned back toward the wharf, which now looks like a war zone, with debris, people walking around dazed or lying on the ground and beyond that the aircraft carrier and the jetty now a smoking twisted mass of wreckage.
YOUNG JESSE: Dad, where’s mum and Linc?
FRANK: Jesus …
Three panels on this top tier. Full shot of grown up Jesse stood on the wrecked wharf, smoke pluming up into the air. Behind her a shocked Father Marcos is stood outside the damaged school bus. She looks utterly defeated, looking downward, shoulders sagged, with Lincoln stood a few feet behind her, his gaze fixed firmly on her.
JESSE: She told me not to wander off. It was the last thing she said.
JESSE: If I hadn’t …
Head to chest semi-profile shot of Lincoln, clouds of black smoke pluming in the background, darkening the previously pale blue sky.
LINCOLN: If you hadn’t then ain’t nothing would’ve been any different.
Similar to panel 1 but now it’s a head to waist shot of Jesse. Lincoln is stood right behind her with Father Marcos in the background.
JESSE: How could you possibly know that?
LINCOLN: Because I was there. What happened, it happened. There was no one could’ve stopped it. No one could’ve seen it coming.
LINCOLN: Fact is, Jesse J, if you’d stayed put then you’d be dead too.
JESSE: Why now? Why after all this time do I have to remember now?
Two panels on this bottom tier. Head to chest profile shot of Jesse and Lincoln now turned and facing each other but the view is now from the opposite direction with the sea and the horizon behind.
LINCOLN: Because you have to remember every painful little detail if you’re ever gonna move forward. It’s time to stop forgetting.
JESSE: Why now, Linc?
LINCOLN: Because this is more than just a dream, sis. You’re in a world of trouble right now. You need to be strong, you need to fight.
Head to chest shot of Lincoln from Jesse’s P.O.V, but now the background has grown opaque, like it’s fading, like a dream that’s ending.
LINCOLN: But most of all you need to wake up.
Head and shoulders profile shot of Jesse, her eyes wide as she awakes, gasping, her mouth open as she snaps out of her dream state.
ARTIST NOTE: Insert is positioned in the top left of the full page splash.
CAPTION: “Wake up Jesse!”
FULL PAGE SPLASH: In the foreground is a full shot of Jesse lying on the ground, pulled into herself, glass sprinkled all about her. Her shirt is torn, her face bloodied and blackened by smoke, her NASA cap lies on the earth in front of her. In the background are the buildings of the main street of Magic Town, possibly damaged from a battle, and behind her Mother M’s hotel is ablaze.
0 notes
jheselbraum · 7 years
What to Do if the Bombs Come Down
So. Today a military mistake that should never have happened sent out an alert to the state of Hawaii, telling people that a ballistic missile was on its way.
I can’t do much.
But I can do this.
This isn’t official, I encourage you to do your own research, but this is a special interest of mine, and here’s what I’ve found.
*Note: I encourage you to purchase or make a faraday cage for your electronic devices, or they will not work after the blast
1) Get underground, if you can
Get to know your area. Find out which buildings have basements, especially if you’re in a southern area where basements aren’t common. You’re looking for underground concrete structures without windows.
The nuclear weapon was not designed to destroy military bases, it was not designed to destroy reinforced structures like concrete and steel buildings. The nuclear bomb was designed, essentially, for civilians.
If you live near a military base or a nuclear power plant, your odds of being attacked increase dramatically.
Places to look for undeground shelter include: museums, government buildings, office buildings and apartment high rises. Parking garages are dubious at best, but if they’re marked as an official fallout shelters or have closing doors, your chances of survival increase.
If you can’t get underground, get on the first floor of the building, in a central room, away from doors and windows. You got books? Furniture? barricade as much of that around (and above if you’ve got an attic or a second floor) your central room as you can. Stock the area with food and water before the blast. 
You’re also going to want to have some sort of bathroom plan. Running water won’t be a thing for at least a few weeks after the blast, and clean running water would be even harder to come by. (There’s also the chance the water in your tap could become contaminated by the fallout).
2) If there’s enough time and the roads are clear, get out.
Some places, like Hawaii, won’t have enough time to evacuate or can’t physically evacuate. I wouldn’t recommend evacuating by boat even if you’ve got one ready to go and are on the easternmost side of the big island, it’s still over 2,000 miles until you hit land. 
But if you get the alert and you’re already on the edge of town? Get out. Don’t think just drive, perpendicular to the wind, don’t look back.
Staying put and sheltering in place is probably your safest bet, statistically speaking. Especially if you’re in Hawaii, or even a major city on the mainland. You’re just not going to be able to get out in time
So what do you do when you shelter in place?
3) Stay inside, prepare food and water ahead of time.
Hopefully, you already have an emergency kit prepared. If you have the space for your own shelter or space in your pantry, keep two extra weeks of non-perishables and at least 28 gallons of water per person (at 1-2 gallons/3-7 litres a day, this would be the minimum for a person to survive)(this number drops in cooler conditions, but, well, cooler conditions are not likely to happen after the blast). This water should be stored in BPA free containers, so there’s no chemical breakdown of the plastic during those (hopefully) very long stretches of time you’re not using them.
As mentioned above, the water in your sink and toilet is probably going to become contaminated at some point (via waste buildup or radiation) so you won’t have that as an option if your stored water starts growing some new friends while you’re sheltering in place. Life Straw and similar products are your best bet (life straw is the cheapest but) for clean water if you’re unsure how safe your stored water is. There are also water purification tablets you can buy that’ll allow your water to keep longer.
If you live in a hurricane or earthquake prone area, you should definitely have these things stored already, we’re just adding more.
Your food should be non-perishables (canned goods, jerkey, dried fruit, etc)(if you get rice, get the kind that just needs to be microwaved and doesn’t require water)(same with soups) that you and your family normally eats. After a nuclear blast is not the time to discover that little Timmy has a tuna allergy.
If you have a walk-in pantry, perfect. If you don’t but have a basement, go ahead and keep all your non-perishables down there, save some space and use the tiny pantry for dishes or something.
If you’re like me, and you live in a small apartment building with no basment and don’t even have a pantry?
Grocery store and a megaphone. Befriend your local cashier, the bagger, the stocker, the manager, the people behind the deli counter, the bakers. When you get the warning, head over to the store with your megaphone and get as many people as you can to use whatever they can to barricade yourselves in with all the perishables. All the canned goods in the average grocery store could feed a single human for about 70 years.
Get pottassium-iodide if your pharmacy has it.
Get a cooktop, like the kind used for camping, and some pots and pans.
4) Staying informed
Two weeks is a long time to go without electricity, especially in a crisis. If you have an emergency kit already, it should have a radio (either hand crank or battery operated, with extra batteries) a flashlight (they make flashlights that are hand crank and charge your cell phone) and those cell phone recharger packs in it.
Emergency responders will not be physically able to enter the area for about two weeks, so you need to keep informed. Keep an eye on the weather reports, which way the wind is headed, and keep an eye out for an all clear signal, as it could come sooner than two weeks if the missile is small enough.
5) Staying healthy
This is probably going to be the most costly portion of your emergency kit (which, I remind you, if you’re in an area where hurricanes and or earthquakes are common, you should have one) but it’s necessary. Keep your regular stocks of ibuprofen, allergy medicine, cold medicine, etc, in your emergency kit. Talk to your doctor (especially if you’re in an area where natural disasters are frequent enough, you’re much likelier to be caught in a hurricane or an earthquake than a nuclear disaster) about 90 day supplies of long term perscription medications instead of 30 day supplies.
*side note, re: natural disasters: get a lockbox with some cash and put it in your kit. If the power’s down and no one can swipe a card, you’re gonna need it. You won’t, however, need it for a nuclear blast because no one will be going outside
5) If you don’t have shelter
Some shelter is better than no shelter, but if you can get from bad shelter to good shelter in under five minutes, go for it. Thing is, you’re not gonna know if that shelter is still there. This is where you’re gonna want that crank radio and a vehicle.
By the time the blast actually hits, the roads will be clear enough if you stay off the major highways. 
Wait about 30 minutes in your bad-but-still-shelter shelter. This will give you enough time to wait out the initial blast and the shockwave, most of the firestorm, any atomic rain (reported after the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings), it’ll give meteorologists enough time to tell you where the fallout cloud is headed (this is where the crank radio comes in handy) and it’ll give you enough time to put on as many clothes as you can. I’m talking ski masks, I’m talking gogles, I’m talking thick jackets.
After 30 minutes are up, get in your car, plug up your vents, and drive wherever the fallout cloud isn’t. Once you’re in adequate shelter, decontaminate. Leave all your clothes outside, better to be embarassed than dead, and if you have the opportunity to shower, do so. Wash your hair without using conditioner and discard all items used a safe distance away from your shelter.
*Note: this step is dependent on you being a significant distance away from the blast. See belowe for what to do if you’re too close to the fireball
6) Wait, what about the EMP, won’t that render the car useless?
Depends on the car, even if you don’t have a working car after the blast you should still put as much distance between you and the blast as possible, whether that’s sheltering in place or on the move.
Nothing conclusive has been found regarding the effects an nuclear electromagnetic pulse would have on an automobile.
Faraday cages for your phones, chargers, radios, and other electronics are definitely a good idea.
7) The blast is happening, what now?
Ok so let’s assume this was a warhead from North Korea.
Pray to whatever you do or don’t believe in that you’re not within about 1-2 miles of the blast radius, especially without shelter.
You actually are going to want to duck and cover before the blast wave hits, get under something iff possible.
Keep your mouth open, it’ll equalize the pressure when the bomb goes off and your eardrums don’t burst.
Basically, you’re either vaporized, badly burned, or crushed under collapsed buildings and other debris.
If you happen to be outside that 1-2 mile radius, you’re in luck. You probably survived the initial blast. Wait in your shelter until the all clear is given.
If you’re in that 1-2 mi radius and you did survive? You’ve got less than half hour to get the fuck out of there. Good news is most of your obstacles are vaporized, and you just need to get about a mile away from where you’re presently standing, in the opposite direction relative to you where the blast was, perpendicular to the wind. Basically, towards the part of town that’s still standing.
Sidenote, don’t look at the blast. 
If you can’t do that, get the fuck underground and into a shelter.
The bad news is, pretty much everything’s going to be on fire. If fire is approaching your shelter it’s time to move. Put on heavy clothing and cover up as much as you can, and get to safety.
If it rains, don’t touch, drink, or interact with it. It’s radioactive. Get something sturdy over your head and keep dry at all costs.
Now, at this point, I feel I should let y’all know that a nuclear confrontation, while not off the table, isn’t likely. Or at least, wouldn’t last long.
It’s not known exactly how many weapons North Korea has, but the concept of MAD (or, mutually assured destruction) still stands. In fact, I’d say it’s probably skewed in America’s favor, especially if North Korea strikes first.
If there’s a nuclear attack in our lifetime, it’ll likely come from a stateless terrorist group. My guess? Based on the types of channels youtube recommends me every time I search things like “Chernobyl Documentary” or “Manhattan Project” or “Nuclear Survival ted talk,” neo-nazis and other white supremacists are the most likely to commit such a crime. (Luckily, they’re historically bad at nuclear physics).
These attacks are likely to be a ground burst. Which means you have one other option for shelter. A high rise, more than ten floors above ground level and more than ten floors below the top floor. It also likely means a lower yield, so that’s less time spent in the shelter. Still 48-72 hours minimum
8) The all clear hasn’t been given, but I can hear first responders outside, and helicopters, should I seek help?
Yes, absolutely! Depending on the size of the bomb, first responders might be on the ground as soon as 24 hours after the explosion.
Luckily for those caught in the firestorm, the fire department is designated by the US as the lead agency on the ground, they’re going to at the very least bring resources as close to the victims as possible.
They will be blocking off areas and denying entry, so be aware of that if you’re crazy enough to try to go get your loved ones.
This, like every hospitalization situation, is where you should thank your lucky  stars if you’re waiting for treatment.
These guys are gonna get you out of there.
9) What about the sick, the disabled, the poor, the elderly, the homeless?
If you’ve got the extra cash, stock more food and water. Invest in a geiger counter or a dosimiter (even if there’s no nuke, still probably a good idea to know how radioactive your surroundings are. 1 in 3 Americans live within 50 miles of nuclear waste after all). Stock up on home remedies for things like arthritis, apple cider vinegar works well for aching joints, with a heavy preference for actual medicine. Be prepared to invite strangers into your home if necessary. Get involved with your local homeless shelter or elder care facility, make friends, see who’s in your area that may need help in an emergency. And this goes for any emergency! Whether your area is known for earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods or fire, you should be helping the vulnerable people in your community.
Get involved, stay safe.
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CaptainSwan FF One-shots Recs p.5
Hello Beautiful Fandom, look I made another rec list! Thanks to CS AU Week we have some lovely new one shots featuring our favorite couple, but this list also includes some old one-shots that I believe you should check out, If you haven’t already. Hope you enjoy.
You can find here my other lists as well. 
Side note, I try to tag the authors by their tumblr name, but I couldn’t find some, if you know it, let me know. 
But Consider This...Aliens, @welllpthisishappening
Killian Jones is going to lose his mind. He's never going to sleep again. Because there is an alien living in the apartment above his. And maybe he's ok with it. Yeah, definitely losing his mind.
Prompt, @its-imperator-furiosa
Emma and Killian has been dating for a while but they haven't tell their friends yet, because they don't know how Emma's brother David will react, since he ones told Killian to not go near his sister, but he walks on them kissing or something and he yells Finally.
Past the Clouds, We’ll Find the Stars, @blowmiakisscolin
CS + Adoption and more: A dash of angst, a sprinkling of humor & a whole lotta fluff.
Prompt, @initiala
You buy your man a mug without looking inside... 
it’s a party in the usa, @jmosfreckles
A Fourth of July AU written for CS AU week day 1: Holiday AU. America vs. Great Britain antics ensue.
Old Habits Die Hard, Ok?, @jmosfreckles
I kissed you goodbye on accident - old habits die hard, ok?!
worth the risk, worth the guarantee, @piratesails
The rule is simple enough: don't fall for your best friend. No matter how loudly her laugh echoes in your head in the middle of the night, or how beautifully endearing the freckles that climb up her arms look under the afternoon sun. Every single movie and book and story he's come across has warned him of this in one way or another.
And yet, Killian finds it hard to run out of reasons why Emma Swan is the most perfect person he has and will ever meet.
Unhand the Carnations, @blowmiakisscolin
CS Flower Thief AU: I saw a prompt on Tumblr (see notes) and I did a thing. Emma catches Killian stealing flowers from her garden and assumes he's being a cheap date. She insists on coming with him to find out whether the girl is pretty enough to warrant flower theft...and he doesn't know how to break it to her that he's taking the flowers to the graveyard.
Never Drinking Again, @its-like-a-story-of-love
Emma Swan wakes up on her 21st birthday with no recollection of what happened the night before. All she has to piece everything together are her Snapchat story and a handsome stranger. (Drunken Snapchat story AU) 
You Make Me Better, @ilovemesomekillianjones
CS Neighbors AU where Emma is a nurse and Killian is her definitely-faking-it hypochondriac neighbor who uses illnesses and injuries as an excuse to talk to her.
You Look Happier, @cutieodonoghue
Radio DJ David Nolan’s sister Emma moves to town to be close to him as he prepares for his upcoming wedding to Mary Margaret. Maybe he’s just a little bit crazy from wedding stress, but he kinda wants to set her up with his co-host and best friend Killian. 
i’m missing you like crazy, @cutieodonoghue
“Established long distance relationship, one of them surprises the other by showing up right before midnight [on New Years Eve].” with a side helping of vloggers au! (a mixture of angst and fluff beyond this point)  
already in love,   @icapturedkindness
For CS AU week beloved tropes - friends to lovers.
a dare and a truth..., @startswithhope
Bed sharing prompt: “Would you please get comfortable and go the fuck to sleep already?”
Body Say, @seriouslyhooked
AU where Emma and Killian are neighbors in Boston. Emma gets home from a girls night only to stumble upon Killian who she has been crushing on since he moved in. Sparks fly and it is basically just a mini smut fest if I’m honest, but we then get a flash forward to see what happens with Emma and Killian in the future. I’m sure I have done a oneshot or two like this before, but hey, we can always use more fluff right?
Frigging in the Rigging, @passing-fanciful
Friends do things for other friends' birthdays. No big deal, right?
Camped Out,  @always-a-slut-for-pirates
A reluctant Emma goes camping with David, Mary Margaret and Killian.
the love boat, @captainnagata
“How good is your mother with dealing with the unexpected?”
“Because ship captains have the power to officiate weddings and the idea of her own daughter entering a marriage in a matter of days, on a cruise, could sober her up enough to leave you alone for good.”
a (sort of) cinderella story, @jennifer-morrison
sure she sits with him for a while after he’s put henry to bed following a late stakeout and sure she invites him over to make dinner more often than she doesn’t but that’s their usual. it isn’t because she likes him, likes him. (no one tell henry he agreed to this silly masquerade because he likes, likes her, okay?)
something so magic about you, @mycaptainswanjones
Emma Swan just found the perfect gift for Mary Margaret's birthday. The only problem? A blue-eyed stranger with a ridiculously attractive face and accent just stole it from right under her nose. Modern AU. Captain Swan.
The Kinship Harvest, @thesschesthair
We’re going to pretend the portal at the end of S3 never opened and Zelena was defeated without any interruptions. We’re also going to pretend Emma couldn’t go through with leaving for New York much to everyone’s relief. We’re also going to pretend that I can make up a believable holiday for the Enchanted forest lol.
Untitled, @distant-rose
Emma Swan is a crusty twice divorced bailsbond person who is a lone wolf by nature, excluding the company of her seven-year old son, of course. Her occasional companion of choice is a Seattle detective who is also a divorcee and an ex-military guy who got his hand blown off on some super secret Black Op mission in Afghanistan. Killian Jones is nearly as crusty as Emma and a closet sci-fi nerd who never fails to help Emma with a difficult skip or babysit her son last minute. There’s always been an unspoken attraction between them that’s held back by their memory of their failed marriages.
The Worst/Best Christmas Ever,  @captainhookcaptainfreedom
When their flight home is cancelled, Emma is convinced that she and Henry are going to have the worst Christmas ever. However, their next store neighbor, Killian Jones, has different ideas. 
stranger to the ground, @evil–isnt–born
Test pilot Killian Jones and engineer Emma Swan spend their days making history as part of the Avro Arrow program. When the program is suddenly cancelled and the jets ordered destroyed, the choice becomes whether to let it become a thing of the past or save a piece of their shared history.
STRAIGHT AS AN ARROW (TO YOU),  @nightships 
The Avro Arrow program was a shining beacon for Canada - when it was cancelled, questions went unanswered, and reporter Emma Swan has no intentions of leaving them that way. Major Killian Jones couldn't agree less, especially given his own history with the program, but Emma wouldn't be Emma if she let that stop her.
Too Hot (Hot Damn), @this-too-too-sullied-flesh
Emma just doesn’t know what’s hotter--the weather and the fact that the air conditioning is out in her building, or her neighbor.
stop talking in codes,  cocoa-and-rum
Killian Jones has been in love with Emma Swan for as long as he can remember. He often told himself it wouldn't be wise to fall for his best friend, but his heart has a queer way of never listening to his brain, especially when a breathtakingly alluring woman with pretty green eyes and lovely blonde waves is involved.
1-2 Crush on You, @allrightfine
"We'll skip all this, go right to a place where you're more comfortable. We'll want to aim for that sweet spot between knowing all those little idiosyncrasies and them becoming annoying, I'd imagine." (vaguely Halloween-flavored AU smutty fluff!).
A Lifetime of Kissing, @justanotherwannabeclassic
There were many things that were becoming of a princess. The ability to carry on polite conversation, fluency in many languages, and an appreciation of both the arts and sciences were such things. What wasn’t becoming of a princess was drunkenly marrying a Naval lieutenant while on a diplomatic visit to a nearby kingdom. (Lieutenant Duckling).
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thesportssoundoff · 7 years
“What’s At Stake In St. Louis ?” The UFC Division Breakdown
(Gonna try this for a month or so. See how it goes)
Jan 11th
Middleweight Fights Booked: 1 (Vitor Belfort vs Uriah Hall) Fights This Year: N/A
What's At Stake? A torch passing.
Vitor Belfort has spent plenty of time in the UFC and while his value has dipped from being a potential title contender and bonafide numbers maker to being a guy who makes his bread as a dude who fights frequently and more often than not puts over the next generation of talent at the 185 lb division. Vitor is planning his retirement which is a big deal until you realize that he's basically retired about eight times now. Vitor is more than likely "retiring" to head elsewhere but in his place, he potentially could pass the torch to a new Vitor Belfort. If one truly wishes to think about it, Uriah Hall is basically what Vitor Belfort is. He's the ultra fast athletic striker who looks awesome in a highlight reel but has all of those dead spots in between Point A and Point B. Hall's best value to the UFC is what Vitor's value is; he fights frequently and is a name who more than not drags in viewers because of what MIGHT happen. There really isn't anything pertaining to relevance inside the division but there's a good shot that Uriah Hall is basically taking a good glimpse into his future when he faces Vitor.
Welterweight Fights This Week: 2 (Emil Meek/Kamaru Usman, Thiago Alves/Zak Cummings) Fights This Year: N/A
What's At Stake? Keeping Pace
There's something to be said for keeping pace with your cohorts as opposed to waiting for the perfect opportunity. For Thiago Alves, he's taking a serious step down in name value from the likes of Patrick Cote, Carlos Condit and Jordan Mein but at this point, he was losing steam compared to the other veterans in the division. After two straight losses, the popular Alves probably needed to get back in there ASAP or run the risk of being forgotten for good as this WW division develops and matures. This though is mostly about Kamaru Usman. The one major component to Usman's game that's prevented him from really having top 5 potential in my opinion were his hands. He took a big step forward in that regard vs Sergio Moraes en route to a decisive violent finish. Since then, Mike Perry has fought twice (once on Fox), Darren Till ruined Donald Cerrone, Yancy Medeiros had a war for the ages which has vaulted HIM into a main event spot, Stephen Thompson made Jorge Masvidal look as bad as he's ever looked in the UFC, Colby Covington has set the world on fire with his words and Tyron Woodley has flirted with big fights. I would probably pick Usman to beat most of those guys if not all of them but he sort of needs to force the issue and make this happen because otherwise he's not going to be getting many call to arms when it comes to getting those fights.
Lightweight Fight This Week: 2 (Matt Frevola/Marco Polo Reyes, James Krause/Alex White) Fights This Year: N/A
What's At Stake: Staying On The Track
If 2018 is anything like 2017 then at least once a month we're all going to have a brand new lightweight prospect to go crazy over. MMA's gone from being big and bulky to where 135 to 155 lbs produces prospects by the bushel and so chances are, these four guys are all competing just to stay in the conversation. James Krause is a local guy who has been in the UFC a good spell while Alex White is a top prospect from yesteryear who has sort of lost his way. He's from "the area" so it's basically Missouri vs Missouri for the fans. Matt Frevola vs Marco Polo Reyes is the battle between two dudes pitted through some UFC gimmickery. Frevola was  the final DWTCS signing and he's an ultra exciting prospect out of Serra-Longo while Marco Polo Reyes is a TUF LAM brawler who will forever have a gig in the UFC by virtue of the fact that dude throws hands consistently.  The likelihood is none of these guys have big money futures in the UFC as major stars but the key is to stay on the track the entire time.
Featherweight Fights This Week: 3 (Doo Ho Choi/Jeremy Stephens, Darren Elkins/Michael Johnson and Mike Santiago/Mads Burnell) Fights This Year: N/A
What's At Stake: The potential for a shake up.
Any division with the headliner on a card is in line for something big to change but this could be a much different scenario. Doo Ho Choi had the FOTY (and maybe top 10 fights ever) vs Cub Swanson, was booked for Renan Barao and pulled out due to injury. He spent the entire year rehabbing and recovering but he's back----just in time for his mandated military service to creep into the scene. It's worth pointing out that Choi's rising star power once rivaled the likes of the Korean Zombie and Brian Ortega prior to dipping out. Now we'll see if the fans still love him the way they did before he lost and took a year off. If Choi beats Stephens then it wouldn't surprise me to see him fast tracked just behind the likes of Ortega and Emmett as a potential title challenger. I don't think he'd GET a title shot but he'd at least have some weight to challenge for it. Another potential shake up? The arrival of Michael Johnson to 145 lbs. If he can make the weight and if his power carries then Johnson has the ability to really stick at the weight. With 145 losing some talent to surrounding weight classes then Johnson might be a bit of a mid level cure in the division. One last shake up could be Mads Burnell as an arrival at 145 lbs. Burnell is moving to his more natural weight class after pinch hitting at 155 lbs on short notice. The Dane is just 23 years old and is flush with athletic potential so you'd imagine he's got a great chance to stick if he can pick up some wins.
Bantamweight Fights This Week: 1 (Kyung Ho Kang vs Guido Cannetti) Fights This Year: N/A
What's At Stake: A dark horse returns at 135 lbs.
Kyung Ho Kang has a 2-1-1 UFC record which isn't overly impressive but it's not about the record its about how we get there. Kang took on Alex Caceres and give him fits en route to a split decision turned no contest. He gave Chico Camus fits in a frustrated/infuriating fight he lost by razor thin decision. From there, Kyung Ho Kang subbed  Shunichi Shimizu in Singapore and then beat Michinori Tanaka in a fantastic fight in Japan. From there? He also got hit with the mandatory military commitment. He's been gone for OVER three years now but he's still just 30, he's a frenetic grappler and he's got some upside as a pesky gnat at 135 lbs. Guido Cannetti is a TUF LAM-er who hits really hard.
Women's Bantamweight Fights Booked: 1 (Talita Bernado vs Irene Aldana) Fights  This Year: N/A
What's At Stake: "The Future Of WMMA"
That ill fated photo of Irene Aldana, Dana White and Alexa Grasso paints a picture of being a bit too overenthusiastic with some insanely talented women. Alexa Grasso for the most part has lived up to the hype with a 2-1 record in the UFC that could've/should've been 3-1 had she ramped up the tempo vs Felice Herrig. It's Irene Aldana who stumbled hard. She was overwhelmed by Tanya Evinger in Invicta and then eventually got to the UFC where she's amassed an 0-2 record. She's been game and put on great efforts in those losses BUT in both losses, she's either not done enough offensively or been too lax defensively. She's got a third shot against Talita Bernardo in what is, in my estimation, a more favorable matchup for her. A loss here and I don't think they'll be any rope left for her.
Women's Flyweight Fights Booked: 2 (Paige Van Zant/Jessica Rose Clark, Jessica Eye/Kalinda Faria) Fights This Year: N/A
What's At Stake: A Title Shot?
So this MAY burn a few asses but here's an inconvenient truth; this division probably benefits more from PVZ fighting for the title ASAP. She brings notoriety and attention to this division that the likes of Valentina Shevchenko or even Joanna Champion couldn't bring to the discussion. It makes sense for the UFC to want to see Paige win and yes, as much as it might burn our collective asses, the division is better off with Paige fighting for the belt on free TV than it is with a more accomplished 125er or a bigger named 135er popping up to handle business. The problem is getting there and Paige Van Zant is no lock to win this fight. Jessica Rose Clark is the sort of fighter that Paige CVan Zant normally beats comfortably----but we haven't seen Paige in a year. She's changed camps during that time period and undergone shoulder surgery. She has squabbled with the battle to balance her entertainment career with her fighting career and at times squabbled with the UFC itself. Who knows where her head is at, if she's made any improvements and if she's just here to kill time until something better comes along.
Women's Strawweight Fights Booked: 1 (JJ Aldrich vs Danielle Taylor) Fights This Year: N/A
What's At Stake?  A streaker.
115 lbs is in a weird spot. The division seems to be a somewhat morphed version of the 135 lb division where there's a ton of fighters who can all beat one another but no definite dominant person to reign above all. Joanna may not be long for this division and even so, the problems she's suggesting about the weight class leave me no comfort in believing she can come back and beat Rose Namajunas in a rematch. As such, it's a collection of fighters who can all beat one another on any given week which in turn paints the picture where instability and chaos will reign until one rises to rule them all. That means that accumulation of wins is probably as important as the quality of competition. JJ Aldrich is coming off a win over Chin Mi Jeon while Danielle Taylor is living well after decision wins over Jessica Penne and Seo Hee Ham. In a division where I think a grand total of three women are on winning streaks, you'd assume Taylor going to three in a row could open up her up for potential big fight opportunities.
Off This Week
Heavyweight Fights Booked: N/A Fights This Year: N/A
Light Heavyweight Fights Booked: N/A Fights This Year: N/A
Flyweight Fights Booked: N/A Fights This Year: N/A
Women's Featherweight Fights Booked: N/A Fights This Year: N/A
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princess--cynthia · 7 years
The Future
3 Years of Cynthia Reward Drabble for @invisibleimpossibilities, who asked for Bad Future worldbuilding. 
Length: 2,000 words
A series of excerpts from Forgotten History Vol. 3: Logistics, a handbook about the future by Laurent Milistin
Much has been said about the wars, both in my own accounts and the perhaps more flamboyant ones by my contemporary Cynthia Ylisse. However, as 'glorious' as the conflict was either in hindsight or the moment, perhaps the true terror and struggle came from trying to live in the world as that happened. I understand not everyone wishes to read about supply issues and finding shelter, hence why I kept this information out of Forgotten History volumes One & Two, but it is just as important to creating a true understanding of the scenario we were in. 
CH. 1 [Civilization]
Shortly after the fall of Ylisstol (see Forgotten History Vol 1), Ylissean society collapsed almost entirely. With no central government we scattered, most of the major population centers deciding to flee to the countryside in their droves - returning to relatives on farms or smaller villages. The resulting overpopulation of areas never intended to hold so many people caused illness and famine to run rampant, and a lack of strong leadership or organized legal system (see: Chapter 5) resulted in the further deaths of thousands. Of course, due to a lack of manpower and time they were placed in shallow graves - which as Grima's influence spread to these more remote reasons, caused the newly created Risen to claw their way from the ground with little to no aid at all. 
Civilization in other regions of the world fared better - Plegia was mostly intact until three years in, when Grima apparently decided he no longer needed the Grimleal anymore and used his puppet Validar to organize what we believe was a mass ritual suicide among members of the cult. Ferox was used to having individual settlements become self-sufficient due to the nation's sheer size and harsh winters making it a necessity, and life continued in relative normalcy in each of these regions until they were eventually swallowed by the Risen hordes in their own time. 
Across the ocean in Valm, Walhart completed his conquest unimpeded. Grima struck far too quickly, however, and his army was weak from two years of campaigning and the constant guerrilla attempts at rebellion from Chon'sin and Roseanne among others. When Valm fell, the only surviving 'civilizations' were roaming groups of people like ourselves, a mix of military and civilians. When someone died, we stripped them of any supplies we would find necessary and burned the bodies before burying the skeleton in two different graves, to try and save them the desecration of becoming a Risen - and ourselves the trauma of having to fight any more resurrected friends. 
Groups would form intense bonds, forming their own symbols to identify themselves. We mostly remained as one, only splitting up when we absolutely had to - hearing about artifacts we could recover to perhaps turn the tide, but also to find more survivors. Sadly some survivor groups simply couldn't believe that such a large group could have survived, or even worse, were driven to anger by the mere sight of Lucina and the others of royal descent - believing that the royal family had failed them. More than once, groups would come to blows, fighting over supplies or even simply a difference in belief. This resulted in similarities to tribal society, an apt comparison considering the quasi-nomadic lifestyle we were forced to adopt. 
As far as identification went, our group continued to identify as ‘Ylisse’. Other groups would refer to themselves by village, or the last name of a leader character. 
CH. 2 [Supplies]
Fresh fruit and vegetables came into short supply, with most of the farms actively destroyed by Grimleal at first and later risen. Grima's doctrine was very much salted earth, and as the world decayed so did sources of nourishment. Fish became a mainstay for the first few years, until he poisoned the rivers. Occasionally we managed to set out to sea and recover some, but never for long - boats risked being spotted by Grima's flying scouts far too easily considering the fact that no shipping fleets remained. 
I understand this next segment may disgust some readers, but understand we had little choice. We had to live off the land from what we could find - our diets, towards the end, mostly consisted of root vegetables found in the wild, a smattering of berries, and any non-poisonous or venomous creature we could safely catch. Bear was a luxury, for example, being one of the few creatures that could survive a few roaming risen but still be killed safely by a well-prepared hunting team. Ultimately most of our protein came from insects - locusts and crickets, mostly. Whenever we were along the coast we harvested as much seaweed as possible, storing it in barrels of brine. We mostly drank hot water, boiled and blessed to purify it of any natural or magical poisons - lacking the time to ferment alcohol, and not having access to any fresh springs. The last two winters were harsh, as we had rode out previous ones by smoking and salting meat we caught through the rest of the year, but such preventative measures simply didn't work with insects. Eventually we realized that we had to stay near the coast in winter if we wanted to survive, the dangerous-to-catch fish the only source of food we had. Thankfully it seemed that the risen were also susceptible to the cold, and patrols were far less common, reducing the risk fo these harvests. 
I would be quite happy to never see seaweed on my plate again after that second winter.
Treats were carefully created to help keep morale up. When we stumbled on bee hives, we would carefully take as much honey from it as possible, and boil it with the water ration. With time and effort we could turn it into taffy, which we would keep in a sealed container and given out sparingly - as rewards, mostly. A single batch could last us almost six months regulated properly. Sweet berries would be turned into preserves, jams to be eaten with a spoon from a cup, or topping crushed ice during winter or when near a peak. 
Military supplies were hard to come by. Armor was almost non-existent, not having the time to properly craft it for the individual. Surviving pegasus knights or cavaliers protected theirs religiously, sleeping in them to make sure they never lost a piece and hardly ever letting it out of their sight. Protection was shields - often of rough, uneven metal, since he had no forges - and at best boiled leather. Weapons we would take from the dead, friend or foe, as required - spellbooks were used sparingly, as only Grimleal mages had any more tomes we could recover. Thankfully our own group had an ordained minister with us, who knew how to create rough healing staves from branches and prayer, so we never ran out of those - but we have heard other groups had to resort to traditional medicine, frequently including amputation to prevent the corruption from a Risen's claws spreading and killing the man. 
Arrows and javelins would be made from stone heads, enough to kill a basic Risen but nothing else. [...] Other primitive weapons were used for these lower-tier opponents, as metal swords and axes were too important to waste on footsoldiers. 
Medical supplies - bandages, vulneraries, and so on - were made by civilians during downtime, from home remedies and whatever material we could find. Poultices were based off of folk remedies, as we simply lacked the refinement to rely on the scientific ones - thankfully, several of them worked. As time went on and the supplies to make these grew rarer, we grew ever more dependent on magical healing, which simply could not deal with everything. 
Ultimately, these supply issues resulted in an average attrition rate of 50-60% of a group per year, either from a lack of nutrition or infection. 
CH. 3 [Shelter and Transport]
Buildings were death traps, even if they were still standing. Often the people who lived there were still around as Risen, and they were too easily spotted from the sky. We would move from cave to cave, or at the very least sufficiently dense forests to hang up sheets without exposing ourselves. Winter was hard, our movement limited - if it was not for the winter also weakening the Risen, we would have been found almost immediately. 
Horses were used to draw carts, and pegasi for scouting. Most of our travelling was on foot, although towards the end as our numbers grew smaller we either rode the horses or the carts.These carts would be stacked high with supplies, and guarded with our lives - the loss of a single cart could mean the loss of almost three week's rations, medical supplies, and arms & ammunition. These carts and the creatures who drew them were given higher priority for shelter than even us humans, for without them we would be dead. If we found a cave just big enough to store the carts and the horses and we slept outside under sheets and blankets, even if it was storming, that was what we did. 
CH. 4 [Recreation]
Books and games were too heavy to carry with us, mostly. I know of several people who kept a few of the lighter, physically smaller works on them - stories of questionable quality, but any reading material was good. Oftentimes, we would scratch boards  into the dirt when we made camp and use stones or chips of slate as markers for backgammon and checkers. 
In a bout of creativity, some of us found ways to make training 'fun'. Spars would become aspects of a play, taking on characters in a competitive contest. Athletics training would feature elements of the absurd, lifting increasingly outrageous items to show off to our companions and provide some form of levity. 
Crafting arrowheads from flint and other stones became an outlet as well, with many of us taking the opportunity to learn how to create different heads. Barbs, serrated, straight - it was a skill most of us mastered by the end. Similarly we learned how to engrave, leaving notches on leather armor to show who it belonged to and designs in the sides of wooden carts and barrels. This was indicative of most of our methods, where we turned chores into recreation to avoid going insane - by the time we finally went back to the past, our cart was an absolute mess, engravings of a dozen different styles absolutely covering it. 
CH. 5  [Law]
We had to do away with the right to a jury and minor punishments. With supplies so thin, we were forced to resort to capital punishment for even the smallest of thefts - either execution, or banishment from the band and left behind for the Risen. Morale suffered for it, but we persevered. I believe that the intense belief in justice that some of my compatriots have come to hold comes from this rough legal framework, where we were forced to define every action into 'right' and 'wrong' and keep the ultimate punishment in mind. The one exception was when the victim would openly forgive the criminal, at which point his/her rations would be docked and we moved along. 
The manner of execution was simple - beheading. It was preferred to use blessed weapons such as Falchion or other minor artifacts we retrieved on our journeys, for these seemed to prevent them from rising as Risen. I believe Princess Lucina was forced to carry out twenty-three of these executions before these days ended, from anything ranging between assault (physical or sexual) to theft to murder.
I understand this does not cast a very good light on those of us who survived. But I think it is necessary, to help establish a picture of exactly what we lived through - so that in the horrific event that Grima or some other mythical threat returns, we know what will happen should we fail to stop it. There can be no compromise, for I refuse to let the souls of anyone else become as marred as our own. 
Naga have mercy on us for what we did.
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shoesreviews · 4 years
Comfortable lightweight mens work boots shoes.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Make footprints on your favorite trail in our waterproof hiking boots. Keeping your feet dry in rugged style, these leather hikers take on any terrain and look great with your performance hiking gear and with jeans and a tee.
Uppers made with 100% premium waterproof leather from an LWG Silver-rated tannery. Seam-sealed construction. Rustproof, speed lace hardware with lace hooks at top. Fully gusseted tongue. EVA footbed. EVA midsole. Solid rubber outsole with multi-directional lugs.
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You're sure to have an outdoor positive experience when you have these waterproof boots on your feet. They're comfortable, durable and great looking.
Timberland set new industry standards for craftsmanship, durability and protection when it introduced an authentic, waterproof leather boot in 1973. A global leader in design, engineering and marketing of premium footwear, Timberland values consumers who cherish the outdoors and their time in it. Timberland has been an industry leader in the use of both sustainable and recycled materials in its shoes, as well as its footwear packaging. The Timberland Company believes in corporate responsibility and supports numerous civic and social projects throughout the year.
Customer reviews :
Great outdoor boot
I'm not exactly an expert on boots, this is the most I have ever spent on a pair of hiking boots, and I know they can run 4x the price of these easily. I used to buy nice work boots, and not have enough left over for nice hiking boots, so I either hiked in work boots, or bought $25-30 hiking boots. It was finally time for an upgrade. I couldn't be happier.
I've had these now for a year or so, and have used them in every season. They have excelled. I'm not a long distance hiker, and that factors in. For fall and spring, these are brilliant all around. In winter they aren't insulated, so you need really good socks. In summer, they aren't very breathable, so again you need really good socks, and ample opportunity to take them off and cool your feet. I tend to do shorter hikes with heavier pack loads, for bushcraft camping. For the various on and off trail, wet and dry, rocky and muddy, infinitely varied conditions, there are none these haven't been comfortable for.
After all this use, they are just broken in really, no noticeable wear. This year I applied some sno-seal, and I'm very happy with how the leather has responded to it. I think these boots are going to last me at least a few more years, and even then it may just be a case of some new laces and insoles.
Still holding up well, though the soles are showing a little wear, it's consistent wear. The lugs are a little worn, but grip hasn't been compromised. I haven't really been keeping track, but I've put at least a couple hundred miles on them. The original laces are getting frayed from thorns catching on them, but haven't broken. Treatment with sno-seal annually has kept them waterproof and the leather is holding up great. I'm not convinced these are the greatest boots in the world or anything, but if you are looking for a hiking boot for environments that are cool and wet, you won't regret buying these. They do get pretty hot if it's 80f and you have sun hitting your feet, breathability is limited.
Good looking and completely waterproof
I ordered these for my husband who has wide feet with a pretty flat arch. He's incredibly hard on his shoes and he needs shoes that are supportive and can really stand up to everything he puts them through. In this instance, he needed waterproof boots and I ordered these despite being concerned that they might not be waterproof enough.
I'm happy to say I was wrong - these are great! Not only do they look great, but they held up to him hosing down a ship deck and soaking his boots in the process and his feet stayed dry!
The fit is great and he needed zero break in time. They're now his go-to shoes whenever he's going anywhere and he's says they're extremely comfortable to be in all day with no soreness or irritation.
I'm really pleased with how well these are made, and how well they're holding up to heavy, regular use. They still look brand new, and if you knew my husband, you'd know that's really saying something!
Great Waterproof Boot!
This is my second set purchased. I ordered my first pair 4 years ago and they're still going strong. I just wanted a second pair to wear for around-town use.
1. Waterproof - I've had no issues with tromping through streams and deep snow with these. They keep my feet nice and dry. 2. Tread - I've never had a slip or fall due to loss of traction with these boots. They will go wherever you need to go. I've worn them around town, hiking through streams and over rocks in the Colorado Rockies, day hikes on managed trails, tree climbing... lots of places. These boots will get you there! 3. Sizing - I always order wide width when I can because of my foot size, and this boot has been one of the most comfortable I've ever purchased. 4. Laces - The laces are good length, and work best if you double knot them. They've lasted as long as the boots have so far (my first pair, 4 years old). 5. Foot support - I don't have arch issues, so I can't really comment on arch support. I can definitely say that my feet don't feel worn out after a long day hiking in these boots.
Excellent boots; highly recommended.
Note: I base my reviews on a) the functionality of all parts of the product based on its manufacturer intended use [not what I want or expect it to be able to do], and b) the usefulness of the product for my intended use [which I tend to base off the manufacturer intended use].
Happy with sizing and quality
The sizing recommendation (1/2 size smaller than tennis shoe size) was spot on for me. I struggle when buying shoes online because I sometime fit in 11s, and sometimes fit in 11.5s. I took their recommendation and ordered 11's and they were a perfect fit. I've been on several multi-mile walks on pavement with them so far and no problems with blisters or fit right out of the box. Quality is nice. Haven't tested the waterproofing and hope not to, but purchased them with the intention to wear riding motorcycle in the off chance I get caught in the rain. Will update if they meet/exceed/fail expectations in the wet.
Comfrotable, light, and nice looking
First: size. Fits as expected but runs small for a timberland. I have 9.5s of the basic 6" boot with leather collar and they are a tad too large. These at size 9 fit almost too snug (my big toe just sometimes touches the front, it's acceptable but just know this shoe model doesn't run as large as other timberlands.) So this shoe fits as expected, and the 6" basic runs a tad too large.
Second: Comfort. Hot darn, this feels like a sneaker. I've worn boots for years for work and got used to it. I wear boots all the time because I like the versatility. But these are very light and comfortable. I laced up and my foot felt nice inside. I tightened the laces and it still felt comfortable.
The shoe looks great and doesn't feel cheap. The sole is a bit soft which is good for grip but may wear often.
I wear the same shoe every day until they break. My 6" recently got splattered so I got these to replace them. I don't think these are as durable but I would definitely buy again. I paid $60 during a sale, well worth that price.
Great Boots!
I use these for work (Black) and I have a Brown pair for casual wear. I wear a 8.5W in these and have bought three pair of these excellent boots. They are water proof and relatively warm. I work outside and in the winter I wear two pair of sox and either toasty toes or a hand warmer on top of my toes in between the two pair of sox. There is enough room for all this, but not too loose if I don't put them in. My experience with timberland has been high quality footwear with Wide sizes available. I need wide as timberlands seem to be engineered towards a narrower foot than mine in the regular sizes. I always buy wide in timberlands and the sizing seems to be universal among other kinds of boots as I have purchased other waterproof boots in 8.5W but these are the best so far, I bought these when Amazon no longer carried the kind I bought last time which looked more militaristic as I work federal armed security. This pair does not look as military but they have been slightly more comfortable and at a better price.
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forsetti · 7 years
On Ignorance Of Facts and History: The Democratic Party Has Moved To the Right
Whenever I bring up or post something critical of Bernie Sanders (or more often his most ardent supporters) the Vegas over/under on how long it takes for someone to tell me the Democratic Party has moved to the right is now at under five seconds.  According to far left progressive lore, the Democratic Party was once the bastion of all the things they believe the government should be.  To this group, which is overly populated with younger, mostly white males, the Democratic Party was nearly perfect under FDR and has moved to the right ever since.  In their addle-brain notion of history, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are to the political right of Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan.  
I have just two words to say-”This is some ignorant, ahistorical bullshit!”  Okay, make that six words.  I have a lot of other adjectives to describe this situation I can and am willing to provide upon request.   The Democratic Party has moved farther to the left SINCE FDR, not farther to the right.  I'm old enough to remember reading about the mass incarceration of Japanese Americans in internment camps under FDR.  I also remember he met ONCE with an African-American in the White House early on in his administration and never did again.  Please recite to me all the pro-female policies he stood up for and helped get passed?  Go ahead, I'll wait.... (*sound of crickets.)
FDR has been labeled the “Lion of Liberalism” for reasons both deserved and undeserved.  He certainly deserved credit for all the policies he pushed in order to get America out of the Great Depression.  These were necessary and important for the economic survival of the country.  However, a lot of these policies were the second, third...fifth attempt.  Many of FDR's initial responses to address the Great Depression didn't do a damn thing and some made matter worse.  I give him credit for willing to learn from his mistakes and pivot to different ideas/policies.  It is important to keep in mind exactly why/how he was able to try different solutions to fix the problems-major majorities in both houses of Congress.
THE ONLY REASON FDR was able to fail, learn, and succeed was because his party held massive majorities in the House and Senate EVERY SINGLE YEAR HE WAS PRESIDENT.  It is a lot easier to fuck up and try different things when your party controls the entire government with veto-proof majorities.  If FDR would have had thin majorities or the Democratic Party had control over only one part of Congress, the outcomes from his time in office would have been very different.  If you can't understand how/why this is the case, I suggest a basic civics course or maybe watch some Schoolhouse Rock. The other factor that immensely helped FDR's policies was America's entrance into World War II.  It is one thing to tell Americans they need to come together and work for the common good.  It is another when there is an external force/situation to make this unity more likely.  What WWII did was coalesce Americans of all economic and political groups to come together around a common cause.  When the vast majority of Americans are invested in a cause, it is really easy to get them to support your policies.  The only time this has happened to some level since then was directly after 9/11 and the things America rallied around, (Dept. of Homeland Security, Patriot Act, Invasion of Iraq...) were bad ideas with even worse consequences because they came from a conservative administration. I dare anyone who tells me the Democratic Party has moved to the right to provide an example of a Democratic president who has had the Democratic majorities FDR had.  I dare them to also come up with an example of an internal or external example of something that unified the country like WWII did along with these majorities.  I could go all Rip Van Winkle and when I finally awake from my twenty-year slumber, I promise you there won't be a single factual response to my query.
Here are the real fucking political truths these “progressives” don't want to admit: 1-From civil rights, gay rights, women's rights, health care reform, immigration issues... the Democratic Party has been at the forefront moving the discussion and policy forward. 2-They've done this without the luxury of veto-proof majorities in Congress and without a lot of help from state legislatures.
3-In fact, some of this progress was made IN SPITE OF Republican control and obstruction. 4-If you fucking want FDR-like progress, you better do everything you can for FDR-like majorities in Congress. 5-If you don't give a Democratic president massive Democratic majorities in Congress and in the states, then you can eternally SHUT THE FUCK UP about how Democrats are “letting you down.”
6-Democrats in 2017 are more progressive than Democrats of FDR's time. 7-The problem isn't Democrats have moved to the right (they haven't) but Republicans have moved significantly farther to the right.  This movement along with the media's incessant “both sides are the same” gives the perception Democrats have moved to the right as well. Point #7 is really important to understand.  If the political difference between A and B is 50 points and A moves 5 points to the left but B moves 30 points to the right, the problem isn't A has moved to the right (something that is empirically false.) The problem is people look at the difference to make their opinion of the political situation. I'll See-Spot-Run this for you. If Democrats started out at -10 to the left on the political spectrum and Republicans started at +30 to the right, the difference, the median is +10 to the right.  If you use the median as your measurement, then our politics and politicians are +10 to the right. This by itself is a stupid way of viewing the situation but it is how it is reported by the media.  Our overall political landscape might be +10 to the right but that doesn't mean those on the left have moved to the right one iota. What has happened the past forty years is the Democrats have moved to -20 to the left and Republicans have moved to +80 to the right.  Objectively, Democrats have moved farther to the left than they were forty years ago. However, when the median is what is constantly discussed and reported on, it looks as if everyone has moved
+30 points to the right.  When the right moves +30 point farther to the right and the left moves -10 points farther left, the media report, is the “both sides have moved farther away from the center,”  as if starting point and how far each has moved and in what direction are irrelevant.  If you don't understand how this works, besides taking basic civics, you need to take a basic statistics course. Democrat HAVE NOT MOVED TO THE RIGHT!  Stop believing this.  Stop saying this. Stop being ignorant of history.  “But what about corporatist Dems?”  There have always been Democrats from states like New York, Delaware, etc. who have leaned more towards large corporations because large corporations and their employees make up a good chunk of their constituents.  What pisses me off more than progressives attacking Democrats from specific states catering to their constituency (you know, democracy) is when they are willing to overlook and excuse their preferred candidate of similar “sins.” If it isn't cool if Hillary Clinton casts some votes that can be viewed as being “pro-Wall Street,” then it should be as big a problem that Bernie Sanders votes in favor of private military contractor spending that will help his state. If you want to be a political purist, good luck with that but you had better be fucking logically consistent.  If you deride Hillary for saying “superpredator” then you damn well better bring as much emotional opposition to Bernie actually voting for the 1994 crime bill (you know, that bill that the then FLOTUS Hillary didn't and couldn't vote for but Bernie did.)  You better be upset Bernie advocated harsher sentences for cocaine use during the 90s.  You'd better be upset he voted against the storage of harmful nuclear waste in VT but fine him voting to strip out Paul Wellstone's amendment and sending the toxins to Sierra Blanca, a mostly minority community in Texas.  You had better be upset with his vote against the Magnitsky Act which prevents Russia from using the U.S. banking system to launder money. You had better be upset with his defiance at releasing his complete tax returns.  If you aren't equally upset with these things as you are with other Democratic candidates' histories, you are a partisan hypocrite and a huge part of the problem with today's politics.
I'm not pointing these things out so much as a criticism of Bernie but to point out the hypocritical purity of many of his followers and the far-left.  There never has been and never will be a politician who does what you want them to or believes in all the things you do.  Their job, their responsibility is not to cater to one person's beliefs but the average of their constituents.   This is how democracy works. Learn it.  Live it.  Love it.  
This brings us to modern-day progressives.  Instead of having an iota of understanding of progressive history, how government works on a basic civics level, they either conjure up Democratic lore out of whole cloth or buy whatever snake oil is being sold to them by the political Svengali du jour.  These are the so-called “progressives” who are adamant FDR was progressivism in purity distilled form.  They respond to any comment about anything or anyone other than what comes from their Svengali with “corporate Democrat,” “neo-liberalism,” and “the current Democratic Party has moved to the right.”  
Most, but not all of these “progressives” are young.  For those who are older, I have zero understanding, empathy or sympathy for their ignorance.  For those who are younger, I am willing to concede they don't have the experience to know what they are spouting is complete bullshit and give them a small pass.  If you really want to know why I have such a problem with Bernie Sanders it is because he is more than old enough to know the history of the Democratic Party, yet he intentionally mislead many younger voters to where they not only believe complete bullshit but he has taken an already jaded generation of voters and turned them into a negative horde who are unwilling to even contemplate they might be wrong.   As someone who has pushed for every progressive policy, there is for the past forty years from gay rights to women's rights to raising the minimum wage and universal health care, I've never seen anyone do more damage from the left on politics, how government works, and history than Bernie Sanders.  Ronald Reagan codified anti-government sentiment on the right in 1980 with his “government IS the problem.”  Bernie Sanders pretty much did the same on the left in 2016.  Both men were full of shit and did extensive damage to our democracy.  The only difference between the two is Reagan was able to do more damage because he was elected to the presidency. Conservatives have spent the last fifty years undermining faith in the institution of government.  We've all see the horrible consequences this has had on the country.  This same effect but from a different angle is just as horrible.  While conservatives are hell-bent on rolling back cultural progress to 1840 and economic progress to 1920, there is a faction of progressives who are more concerned with reviving and arguing for a mythological Democratic Party than making sure conservatives don't undo every single progress made the past hundred years.  While progressives are fighting like hell to stop the leaks in the progressive dam caused by conservatives, the purists are on the sidelines bitching about how the dam isn't the right construction, how a “real progressive” would stop the leaks “this way,” or insisting the best thing to do is allow the dam to completely collapse in order to build the perfect dam from utopian, progressive scratch.
In order to justify and rationalize their behaviors, the far left has to create a Democratic Party Straw Man.  This Straw Man comes in the form of “the Democratic Party has moved to the right,” “both sides are the same,” “the Democratic Party abandoned their base,” “the reason Democrats have lost elections is because they aren't progressive enough,”...  In order to maintain this Straw Man, the far left have to completely ignore history, how government works, actual fucking data, and the impacts of their own behaviors.  This Straw Man has been worshiped and referred to so many times it has become part of far-left lore.  Any mention of the Democratic Party or a Democratic candidate/leader who isn't their Svengali du jour and the shibboleths start to flow unabated.  Context doesn't matter. Logic doesn't matter.  Facts don't matter.  Nuance sure as fuck doesn't matter.  The only thing that matter is maintaining the Straw Man, maintaining the lore.
If you want a good example of this looks like, look no further than health care. The current belief among the far left is anyone who isn't for single payer is a corporatist sellout and the enemy of progress.  This simplistic ascription only works in the mythological world of progressive purity.  In the real world, anyone with two working neurons knows that single-payer is one way to universal health care but by no means the only way.  Single-payer = universal health care but universal health care ≠ single-payer.  To put this is simpler terms, All bears are mammals but not all mammals are bears.  If the goal is to deliver a mammal, you've achieved it if you bring an ocelot, lemur, opossum, hedgehog...  Right now, the far left claims that you cannot be a good progressive or for universal health care unless you are completely for single-payer.  This is not only completely ignorant of universal health care it is a stupid political strategy.  Yet, in spite of this ignorance and stupidity, the far left is hellbent on making support of single-payer a litmus test for Democratic candidates.
Meanwhile, as the far-left are creating moronic litmus tests, the right are passing voter suppression laws, rolling back civil, women's, and environmental rights.  In the addled brains of the far-left, these things are seen as equivalent.  They are not.  An imperfect health care system that has reduced the non-insured rate to historical lows is not on the same level as taking away health care from 15-30 million people.  If you think these are the same, your political and moral calculus are seriously fucked up.  The Affordable Care Act is imperfect (a fact acknowledged many times by President Obama) but it was a huge leap forward.  It moved the bar towards universal health care forward more than anything since the passage of Medicaid/Medicare and accomplished something EVERY single Democratic president since FDR tried to do but failed.  Instead of being elated when the Affordable Care Act was passed, the far-left did nothing but bitch about it.  Meanwhile, the right used the passage of the ACA to motivate their base to come out, take over the House in 2010 which led to gerrymandering, right to work laws in states like Michigan and Wisconsin, voter suppression laws... without any push back from progressives.  The most progressive law passed since the Civil Rights Act and the far-left couldn't be bothered to support and defend it. Go ahead, let this political and moral calculus sink in and then tell me why on earth anyone should listen to the far-left.
I make it a point to not listen to or take the advice of extremists. They are always a small subset of the whole and always ethically and strategically wrong.  Just because they are extremely vocal doesn't mean a damn thing other than they are loud.  That they can alter the outcome of an election, as we've seen in 2000 and 2016, doesn't mean they need to be catered to and their views completely adopted.  To think so is political suicide along the same lines as the left trying to cater to white Republican voters.  Show me one city, even the most blue, progressive city where the far left has political power.  Go ahead, I'll wait (*insert sound of crickets.)  This scenario doesn't exist.  If the far left can't control city governments in the bluest areas in the bluest states, why in the hell should we listen to them when it comes to national political strategy?  
Democrats have not moved to the right.  They've moved to the left and then some.  That they haven't moved as far to the left as the banshees on the left demand doesn't change reality.  It should be remembered that at the height of FDR's progressivism, the far left of his party was bitching about him and demanding he is primaried.  To the far left of his time, the Lion of Progressivism wasn't progressive enough.  The same is true today.  No matter how progressive someone is, the far left will find fault with them.  The problem isn't the Democratic Party or progressive candidates.  The problem is and always has been with the far left who demand political purity in an imperfect, democratic system that represents a very diverse population.
My current frustration with politics isn't that conservatives are being horrible human beings.  I fully expect nothing less from them.  My frustration is with so-called progressives who mean well but their fervor for their ideals supersedes everything including strategy, actually winning elections, preventing conservatives from retaining and solidifying power...  I will say this until it is etched into the progressive psyche-”The only thing that matters right now is keeping conservatives from winning elections!”  Everything else is 100% irrelevant and a complete distraction and detrimental to progressivism.  As long as “progressives” don't have large majorities, any purity test is complete nonsense and bullshit.  If your political strategy is focused against Democrats and not against conservatives, I think you are full of shit, shouldn't be listened to, and banished from rational political discussions.
The longer the far-left drags out this fight for their purity, the longer they focus their anger and attacks on Democrats instead of conservatives, the more the people progressives claim to defend will suffer, the longer conservatives retain power long after they should. I have no understanding or sympathy for anyone who enables this.
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k2kid · 4 years
On January 24, 1916 a man from Hastings, Ontario enlisted with the 93rd Battalion, so beginning his military career.
We have one postcard and three letters from his overseas service, and they give us the opportunity to look a bit deeper into the war experience of Private John Edward Parker (reg. no. 195573).[i] Private Parker was a native of England, being born in the Lincoln, England region on August 10, 1889.
Having joined the Canadian Expeditionary Force with the 93rd Battalion Parker was sent to England with his battalion in July 1916 and sent a brief postcard to his mother upon his arrival in England.
Source: Deryck N. Robertson from the 18th Battalion Facebook Group.
Source: Deryck N. Robertson from the 18th Battalion Facebook Group.
July 24, 1915
Mrs J Parker Hastings Ontario Canada
Dear Mother,
Just a few lines hoping to find all well and to le you know that we landed cross safe. From J Parker
The short card, written one day prior to the R.M.S. Empress of Britain’s arrival at Liverpool, was a quick note to his mother letting her know he has arrived safely. It appears he wrote this card in preparation of landing in England with the realization he may not having time to write for some time as the battalion would be on the move to its training base and would begin the next stage of training in preparation for service on the Continent with the rest of the Canadian Corps.
Parker would soon find, in a space of 2-months, that he would be placed in a battalion that was not from his geographic region. Instead of a battalion from his region, such as the 21st Battalion – a battalion raised in Kingston, Ontario – Parker was assigned to the 18th Battalion, based out of Western/Southern Ontario. Arriving October 3, 1916, Parker would fight with the battalion until his second wounding on October 10, 1918.
The next communication from Private Parker is a letter written on February 28, 1917.
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Source: Deryck N. Robertson from the 18th Battalion Facebook Group.
Feb 28th 1917
Dear Sisters,
Received your letter and pleased to hear that you were all well. I have not had a chance to answer it last week as we were in the line.
We are having some better weather now not quite so cold but mud and water up to the knees so you can imagine what it is like to walk through.
We are on a different part of the front now and we cannot buy a candle or any thing to eat either love nor money but we are making the best of it but we will be pleased when we can say we have done our bit and on our way home to a country that is worth living in, not a country like this.
We received the parcel with [the tabbles] and the sausages it was the first one for a long time. We are not getting very much mail for the last few weeks. We got a small parcel from Mrs. Markham last night and I tell you it came in alright but it did not last us very long. Well I don’t think have any more to tell you so I think I must come to a close. Hoping this will find you all in the best of health as it leaves us so at present so will close with love to all from your brother.
Pte. J E Parker
Parker had been in the field for five months. He joined the Battalion at the Somme and experienced some of the toughest action the 18th would endure. After the Somme, the Canadian Corps was moved to the Vimy Sector at the end of February 1917. The Battalion had moved out of the front-line on the 26th into the rear as Brigade Support and Private Parker had a chance to write home from his billet at one of three “shelters” (named Vistual, Rhine, Maison).
The letter aligns with the 18th Battalion War diary as it had been in the line prior to the letter. It had been a busy tour with the Battalion finding the trenches, “…in poor condition in several parts… This sector in very muddy condition necessitating continual work by the battalion to keep in repair.[ii] The tour in the lines was not without tragedy as the Battalion suffered two members killed in action and four wounded. It also relates the state of the trenches as Parker shares that the trenches had, “…mud and water up to the knees…”
He gives us insight to the nature of the rear area being isolated from larger population centers offering more opportunity to purchase supplies as the Battalion is based in a rural area, approximately 8 kilometres from Arras. He and his mates cannot acquire some of the comforts of home and the basic necessities, with candles being in high demand as the Battalion is stationed in three of the sub-terranean “subways” used by the CEF to shelter and hide troops from the German reconnaissance resources. Private Parker obviously prefers Canada to this part of France.
In closing, he relates how important a parcel from home was for him and one gets a sense of the value of such mail as Mrs. Markham’s “small parcel” did not last him and his compatriots very long. It was quite common for soldiers to share the contents of their parcels and add variety and interest to their diet from the contents of such parcels.
The next letter, dated December 22, 1917, is written after the battles at Vimy Ridge, Hill 70, and Passchendaele. Since the last letter, Private Parker’s service life has been eventful, being wounded on May 6, 1917, at Willeraval. On the night of May 5/6 the Battalion made a relief, “…under very heavy shellfire,” perhaps which led to Private Parker being wounded in the right arm. A month later he was discharged to duty with his Battalion. The nature of his wound was treated in the rear areas and did not require formal hospitalization at Etaples, France or over in England. Parker was promoted to the rank of Lance-Corporal on July 10, 1917, in response to the promotion of another soldier of the Battalion (C.W. Boyd, reg. no. 455590). It appears that complications from his GSW would lead to Parker suffering inflammation of the connective tissues of his right-hand. Five days of treatment off the line at the end of July 1917 resulted in the return of the newly minted Lance-Corporal Parker to the Battalion.
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Source: Deryck N. Robertson from the 18th Battalion Facebook Group.
22/12/17 France
Some Where in France
Dear Sister,
Received your letter pleased to know that you were at the time of your writing. How do you like been in Peterboro[iii]? Is it better than Norwood? You said that you told Gertie to write. I had a letter from her yesterday. I have had leave to England and had a fine time. I hear that Roy Parker has been trying to get an exemption so that he will not have to come over here. Well Annie it will soon be Christmas and we look like been over here for a while yet. I hope this is the last Christmas for us in France. Hope we will be home before the next one. I supposes Lilian is living with you by what I heard from them at home. Well we are having some very sharp weather over here. I suppose you are having about the same over in Canada. [Ivey] said in her letter that she was going to live in Peterboro after Christmas. I don’t think that they will get along together. Her and Becky. Well I will close hoping this mite [sic] find you both in the best of health as it leaves me so at present [no I write run at] up with best love to both from your brother John.
2nd Can Div Wing CCRC[iv] France
There appears to be some confusion about where this letter was written. Taking the service records as a true representation of this soldier’s service from its entries for Parker he should still be with his battalion and this letter would then have been written at Febvin-Palfart where the Battalion was billeted in barns and homes in that community.[v] The Battalion had been out of the line for since December 13, 1917, and had been involved in voting in the Canadian General Elections on December 14 and then a series of parades and exercises until their move to Febvin-Palfart, where they became more serious about the training in the daily syllabi. But the closing of the letter clearly shows that Parker is detached from the Battalion and with the Canadian Corps Reinforcement Camp.[vi] This discrepancy between the date of the letter and the acknowledgement in his service record of his attachment with the Canadian Corps Reinforcement Camp was 2-months. His service record did not acknowledge his service with this unit until February 2, 1918.
This letter relates family gossip. We know that he is writing a sister by the name of Annie and she has moved from the village of Norwood[vii] to the town of Peterborough. Parker had a leave in England, though his service records do not, oddly, reflect this. He has concern for a possible member of his family, a Roy Parker, trying to get an exemption from the military. This part of the letter is illuminating as the recent election had conscription for the war effort as a major issue and the majority of serving soldiers agreed with this program. If Roy was a family member, then Lance-Corporal Parker, as a serving soldier, might have reason to be disappointed in his relative.
As he was writing so close to Christmas, he expresses a common sentiment about being ‘home for Christmas’, which would be an oft-expressed sentiment of the men of the Canadian Corps throughout the war. He would have to suffer one more Christmas overseas before going home.
Having participated in the Battles at Hill 70 and Passchendaele, he was on the roll of the Canadian Corps Reinforcement Camp at Lilliers, France on February 2, 1918. It is unknown what his role was there, but one of the roles that Parker could fill, especially with his combat experience, was that of a credible trainer of technology and tactics. In addition, as this camp established reinforcements for each battalion he would be a conduit helping to prepare and familiarize these new men to the culture of the “Fighting 18th”. He had valuable combat experience after 1-year and 3-months of active service through some of the hardest battles the Canadian Corps had experienced, and adding to his credibility, had been promoted in the field. This assignment lasted until August 29, 1918, when he was despatched back to the 18th Battalion.
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Attachment of service record. Note that it does not show the date Parker left for the CCRC but does not that he in on the roll as of February 2, 1918.
The third, and last letter of the article, confirms that Parker was stationed at the Canadian Corps Reinforcement Camp prior to his service record’s entry to that fact. The entry for February 2, 1918, acknowledges that he is “on the roll” of the Canadian Corps Reinforcement Camp but does not note a date of departure from the 18th Battalion to the Canadian Corps Reinforcement Camp.
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Source: Deryck N. Robertson from the 18th Battalion Facebook Group.
6/1/18 France
Dear Sisters,
Received your welcome letter and please to hear that you were well at the time of your writing. I had a letter from Fanny and she said that she was not feeling well she had an awful cold by what she said. She said she was lonely when I left but she had got over it she is expecting Earnest [sic] home on leave any time now. I received your parcel alright and [it] was ok and now I must thank you for it.
We are having some very sharp weather over here but not very much snow. It seems to be turning a little milder today. You said about R P[viii] not wanting to come over here to help as he must have cold feet or he would been over here a long time ago. I had a fine letter from E sister the other day, and she said she was well and hoped that I would soon being going on leave again. Well I have no news to tell you only that I wish the war was over and we could be back again to home. Well I will close hoping this will find you both in the best of health as it leaved me so at present. Will close with love to both from your brother J E P.
18TH Canadians BTN CCRC Wing France
In the new year, Lance-Corporal Parker writes his sisters a quick letter. He thanks them for a parcel sent to him and relates some family news about an ill relative and his hopes for another leave and the war to end. He refers to an “R P” having “cold feet” regarding his enlistment into the Canadian Forces. It is a brief letter that touches on some of the most common themes in wartime letters: leave, parcels, and a wish the war would end.
For Lance-Corporal John Edward Parker, the war would end. But only after returning to the 18th Battalion as The Hundred Days began during which he joined the Battalion “in the field” on September 3, 1918, at Beaurains, France while the Battalion was in Brigade (H.Q.) Reserve. Upon joining his Battalion Parker served until he was wounded again on October 10, 1918, during action near the L’Escaut Canal. That day’s butcher bill resulted in the Battalion suffering 6 other ranks killed and 70 wounded. Lance-Corporal Parker was one of those wounded with a GSW to his left leg (thigh) and he was admitted to No. 32 Stationary Hospital at Wimereux where his journey to “Blighty” and home would begin. His wound would heal relatively quickly, and he was transferred to Kinmel Park Camp and then returned to Canada and was discharged from service at Kingston, Ontario on February 10, 1919, and returned to Norwood and his family.
Lance-Corporal Parker’s experience in the Canadian Army resulted in being wounded twice, the first a minor “flesh” wound and the second more serious wounding that resulted in his transfer to England. By October 1918 the end was in sight for the war and the tempo of combat had increased. The last action Parker was involved in contrasted with this first wounding. There he was involved in static trench warfare. In 1918 the nature of the war had opened up and the combat was more fluid and dynamic. His letters home enhance our understanding of his service and, to this author’s experience, shows one of the few examples where the diligent record-keeping of the service records of a Canadian soldier had a gap when Parker’s service record did not accurately record the start of his assignment with the Canadian Corps Reinforcement Camp.
Service Record
18th Battalion War Diary Transcriptions
Letters posted at the 18th Battalion Facebook Group
End Notes:
[i] These letters were posted at the 18th Battalion Facebook Group. The images of the letters are at the end of this article and have been transcribed by this author for clarity. This is to assist the audience with reading the letters but to get a true feel of the text please refer to and read the images.
[ii] This entry is an interesting aside and may indicate frustration in the maintenance of the line by the proceeding unit though the War Diary does not indicate what troops held these trenches before the 4th Brigade took them over. It appears that the 5th Canadian Brigade was the unit relieved by the 4th Canadian Infantry Brigade.
[iii] Common spelling for the now City of Peterborough, Ontario, Canada.
[iv] Canadian Corps Reinforcement Camp. This camp was established to channel soldiers for the Canadian Base Depot (CBD) at Etaples to the next stage of training and preparation for combat. From the CBD to the CCRC the soldiers would be moved closer to the front line. In the summer of 1917, the CCRC would hold for each battalion 100 reinforcements. These men would be further trained and prepared for the next assignment with an active unit. 10% of all other units (i.e. engineers, pioneers) would be held as reinforcements at this camp. The camp was moved in June 1918 to Aubin St. Vaast and the establishment of each battalion for reinforcements was increased to 200 other ranks and 10 officers.
[v] Mostly likely the officers were billeted in the homes, and the other ranks in the barns.
[vi] The Canadian Corps Reinforcement Camp was first established at Lilliers in the Summer of 1917 and then moved in June 1918 to Aubin St. Vaast.
[vii] It appears that the family moved from Hastings to Norwood, Ontario sometime after Parker joined the 93rd Battalion. He notes in his discharge papers that his proposed residence will be at Norwood.
[viii] Possibly referring to Roy Parker from the previous letter, dated December 22, 1917.
“…we cannot buy a candle or any thing to eat…”: Letters from Lance-Corporal Parker On January 24, 1916 a man from Hastings, Ontario enlisted with the 93rd Battalion, so beginning his military career.
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xmenthefanficseries · 7 years
Sigyn MCU Headcanon - Part One
I have a MCU canon-compliant headcanon which explains where Sigyn has been and why she hasn’t appeared on screen. It’s a long story that I want to write as a fic, but I would never finish because it is so very long. It’s three seasons of an imagined Avengers Assembled tv series with Carter and Friends that starts in the 60s. Then at least one season of a Netflix Journey into Mystery tv series.
 Per @pokemon-james-bond’s request, I am typing out the headcanon details which, are themselves, fairly long. (I’m sure I could condense it to five paragraphs but this is too vivid in my mind, I need to get it out somehow).
 I will be posting it in parts, and there will be a TL;DR at the end.
  Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | TL;DR
 Avengers Assembled Season One Episodes 1, 2, & 3
 Episode One: The year is 1960-something (between 1962 and 1969) and SHIELD is doing its thing. Peggy is awesome. Stark is drunk. Jarvis is quietly judging. You know the drill.
 Anyway, in the first episode everything is going great, but wait, there is a new bad buy, things are getting sketchy, must investigate! A potential threat is neutralized, but is the mystery really solved? All signs point to an otherworldly mastermind. Sousa, who never got the see the things Peggy did in the war (aka the Kree body), is all ‘yeah, but there is no such thing as aliens.’
 Cue a final shot of the desert with the Bifrost etched symbols and a woman lying on the ground. She gets up, looks around, and starts walking towards the only source of light: Las Vegas.
 Episode Two: The woman, who is Sigyn but the audience doesn’t know that yet, has walked into Las Vegas. She doesn’t look decked out like a typical Asgardian, looks almost homeless. She watches everything around her, seeing that food is given in exchanged for paper, and the tv’s in the window are showing Sara Lee ads.
 Sigyn ends up walking down an alley and someone calls out to her, creeping on her. She flicks her wrist and nothing happens, to which sighs, “This is going to get annoying.”
 Meanwhile, creepy dude is fast approaching, but then gets body tackled by another guy and taken down. New guy is an army vet, you can tell by his coat, we’ll call him Cleo. He warns Sigyn that this isn’t a good place for young ladies, but he realizes she’s probably newly homeless, and invites her to an encampment. She sees said coat and asks him if he’s a warrior, and Cleo’s like “I guess you can call me that.”
 As a good Asgardian, she trusts the warrior and follows Cleo to a homeless encampment. They are very nice to her, offer her food and a blanket, just being nice people who understand what it’s like to have nothing. Many are Korean War vets. Sigyn is confused as to why they aren’t being cared for, they are warriors after all, had seen battle, they should want for nothing.
 When they ask Sigyn her name, she hesitates because she doesn’t know how much of Midgard knows/remembers about Asgard. She says her name is Sara (yes, I did that on purpose). They ask her where she is from and one guy says “It’s obvious she’s English.” Another says “No, I served with the English in (something). Obviously she’s Australian, right?” Sigyn is more than happy not to correct him. So yeah, sure, she’s Sara… of Australia, whatever that is.
 Meanwhile, Sousa is on a different case for SHIELD (homeless have been going missing) and heads to Las Vegas. (He actually showed up earlier, yay integrated scene edits.) But he was asking questions he shouldn’t and gets himself kidnapped that night.
 Next day, everything is going fine. Sigyn subtly moves something heavy for the encampment (a visual cue to show she still has strength, just not magic). But then the camp is attacked. Cleo tells her to hide, he’ll draw away the attackers (who are using tranc guns). He goes down. A little clever editing and the attackers are like “you missed one” and pick up another sleeping body, aka Sigyn.
 At the secret lair of the kidnappers, Sigyn, who was never actually tranc’d, “wakes up” and makes a fuss, like a very panicky fuss, so they take her into the main room to be processed first to just get rid of her. Once she’s established that this is the extent of this particular operation (homeless are being grabbed to be sold as test subjects for subplot you don’t need to know about), Sigyn says “Okay, good, that’s all I needed to know.” Then proceeds to knock everyone the fuck out.
 It’s clear she’s not a trained fighter. She basically bats people around because she’s stronger than them and they can’t hurt her. Sousa is in a room, being interrogated, when shouts are heard. His interrogator goes outside only to get thrown back into the room. Sigyn sticks her head in.
Sigyn: “I should untie you.”  Sousa: "Yes, please, I work for SHIELD.” Sigyn: “Is that some kind of military detachment?”
 Sousa has no idea who is the woman is, she’s supper strong and bit strange. He followers her back into the main room. He comments that she’s only knocked people out, she hasn’t killed anyone (not that he’s complaining, it’s just set up for what happens next). Sigyn explains that most of these men are just hired fighters and while they should be punished for their impropriety they should not also be punished for the sins of those who would direct them to do such things in the first place.
 Then one of them slams a chair into her back as he yells bitch. This does little more than make her rock on her feet.
Sigyn: “Of course, there are always exceptions.” 
Cut scene to said guy being thrown out the window. (Yay, character building moment!)
 Sousa is completely ‘I can’t even’ right now. Sigyn grabs two duffle bags which holds lots and lots of that paper she saw earlier. She goes to the holding pens now that the bad guys have been neutralized and the trancs have worn off. Getting everyone out, she stops Cleo and hands him one of the duffels. She thanks him for being a noble person, for sharing with a stranger when he had little of his own (nod to mythology when gods did stuff for people who were nice to them when they didn’t know they were gods).
 Sigyn takes the second duffle and bids her farewell, disappearing outside behind convenient set pieces. Sousa askes Cleo, who was that? Cleo, who has just looked in the bag and seen the stacks of cash, can only go wide eyed and say “Sara, of Australia.”
 Sousa goes back to SHIELD explaining that while his case of the missing homeless is solved, now there is some super soldier, from Australia, running around. They didn’t even know Australia had a super soldier program!
 End scene is Sigyn standing in a boutique playing with a pair of sunglasses, “Are Midgardian eyes so sensitive? Oh well, as they say, when in Vanaheim.” She walks out, she’s in LA (or somewhere thereabouts), dressed in fashionable blue with gold accent clothing, carrying shopping bags, and basically looking like someone who has their shit together.
 Episode Three: Introduces Janet but you only want the Sigyn bits of this series and OMG I’ve already topped 1k words I hope this counts for NaNo.
  Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | TL;DR
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