#2 being younger than ramsay
flaysmen · 2 years
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@brokenalibi​  said:  ❝  I  need  more  bastard  content  thanks  Jen.  ❞
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     I  didn't  think  anyone  would  be  interested  in  anything  else  bastard  related  but  once  again  Zatan  proves  me  wrong.  In  the  original  post  with  their  sketched  out  concepts  I  mentioned  that  I  was  looking  into  Roose's  book  based  lore.  I  will  be  reading  the  books  as  soon  as  I  finish  the  show,  and  honestly  with  the  information  I  pulled  from  the  book  series  wikis  I  most  definitely  plan  on  basing  Roose  on  the  book  series  rather  than  the  TV  series.  While  glazing  through  the  wiki  I  found  out  what  the  First  Night  tradition  was.  Considering  that  Ramsay  came  to  be  from  this  I  thought  it'd  be  interesting  if  Ramsay  had  more  bastards  because  of  this.
     So  here  are  his  bastard  twins,  Segovia  and  Lucius  Snow.  Their  mother's  name  is  Astrid,  her  husband  is  Nikolai  Ashborn.  Thankfully  for  Astrid's  sake  Nikolai  doesn't  enjoy  having  a  woman  in  his  bed,  their  marriage  a  ploy  to  those  around  them.  A  year  after  the  birth  of  the  twins,  Nikolai  and  Astrid  did  have  their  own  child  since  it  was  obvious  that  the  twins  weren't  his.  On  the  first  night,  Astrid  actually  enjoyed  her  time  with  Roose  and  insisted  that  the  night  go  on  longer.  She  never  told  the  twins  who  their  father  was,  but  Segovia  was  able  to  figure  it  out.  While  she  wasn't  quite  book  smart  like  her  brother  Lucius,  Segovia  learned  how  to  read  and  work  people.  Just  based  off  how  her  mother  would  speak  about  the  Lord  of  Leeches  and  how  she  looked  at  him  when  he'd  pass  through  their  village  for  annual  checks.  After  she  knew  the  truth,  the  next  time  Roose  Bolton  passed  through  the  small  village,  she  threw  a  straw  doll  with  nails  jammed  into  its  head,  hands,  and  feet,  trying  her  best  to  replicate  his  house  sigil.  The  two  made  eye  contact,  and  without  any  words  falling  from  her  lips  Segovia  told  him  ❛  I  know  our  secret.  ❜  She  of  course  told  Lucius  what  she  knew  and  about  two  other  bastards  who  were  clearly  their  half  siblings.
     The  third  bastard  is  Clauneck  Snow,  his  mother  being  Eissa.  When  she  was  wed  to  Ivan  Erikson,  Roose  claimed  the  first  night.  Ivan  had  no  objections  but  was  disgusted  with  his  wife  afterwards,  he  never  laid  with  her.  When  he  found  out  she  was  pregnant  he  abandoned  her,  his  body  was  found  in  the  woods  weeks  later,  his  death  caused  by  being  attacked  by  a  wild  animal.  After  Clauneck  was  born,  Eissa  started  working  in  a  brothel.  She  never  tried  to  make  contact  with  Roose  when  her  son  was  born,  Roose  found  out  about  Clauneck  after  one  of  his  banner-men  had  seen  Clauneck  playing  with  other  children  in  the  area.  Segovia  later  sought  out  Clauneck,  curious  to  who  her  half  brother  was.  Clauneck  thought  Segovia's  interest  in  him  was  because  she  was  attracted  to  him,  he  found  out  the  hard  way  that  it  wasn't  when  he  tried  to  kiss  her  which  resulted  in  her  kneeing  him  in  the  crotch.  She  yelled  at  him  stating  that  they  were  siblings,  Clauneck  followed  it  with   ❝   Just  because  our  last  names  are  Snow  doesn't  mean  we're  related.  ❞   She  kneed  him  in  the  groin  again  then  informed  him  of  who  their  father  was  then  called  him  a  ❝  half  wit  whore.   ❞
     Clauneck's  strengths  are  his  swordsmanship,  his  physical  strength,  and  quickness.  Lucius  is  incredibly  book smart  and  well  versed  in  the  art  of  healing.  Segovia's  strong suit  is  being  able  to  read  people,  figure  out  what  drives  them,  their  intentions,  and  so  on.  The  three  grew  close,  almost  inseparable.  Roose  took  notice  of  this  and  started  watching  them  closely.  Out  of  all  his  bastards,  Clauneck  was  the  first  to  be  legitimized.  After  he  earned  his  father's  family  name,  he  met  Ramsay  who  told  him  the  fate  of  Domeric.  Clauneck  took  this  tale  as  a  threat,  out  of  fear,  Clauneck  ran  off  to  The  Wall  to  join  The  Night's  Watch.  
     Seeing  that  Roose  lost  another  son,  instead  of  just  giving  Lucius  his  last  name,  he  asked  if  he  wanted  it.  Lucius  said  he  wouldn’t  mind  having  it,  seeing  on  how  he  had  planned  on  going  to  Oldtown  to  study  in  the  Citadel  it  wouldn’t  matter,  but  he  would  return  after  finishing  his  chain  to  be  the  Dreadfort’s  maester  if  that’s  something  Roose wanted.  Lucius  did  take  on  the  Bolton  name.  Segovia  is  legitimized  after  Ramsay,  it’s  not  because  Roose  was  particularly  fond  of  her,  or found  her  useful  in  anyway,  his  thoughts  on  it  being  that  he  might  be  able  to  arrange  a  marriage  with  another  house  to  strengthen  an  ally  ship.  Segovia  wasn’t  pleased  with  this  when  she  found  out.
Here  is  a  piece  I  did  of  Segovia  and  Lucius.
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     Below  the  cut  is  something  short  I  wrote  up  on  the  twins  and  their  mother.
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     Roose  Bolton’s  bastard  twins  may  have  his  blood  flowing  through  their  veins,  yet  they  lack  the  coldness  of  his  heart.  Instead,  what  beats  in  their  thoracic  cage  is  their  mother’s  love.  The  warmth  that  it  brings  in  their  chest  is  one  that  can  combat  the  Northern  winds.  Their  compassion  could  never  be  hidden  by  ghost  grey  eyes  ;  their  only  feature  that  proved  they  were  Roose’s.  Every  other  trait  they  hosted  was  gifted  by  their  mother,  a  lowborn  with  a  queen’s  beauty,  if  only  she  was  born  to  a noble  family...  maybe  her  children  would  be  fully  acknowledged  by  their  father.
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jorjafrozen · 6 months
trolls headcanons because i’m bored!! i have a couple other posts on my @obesessedwithjohndory account however im posting this from my phone and can’t get into that account on here but anyways enjoy the hcs <3
john dory and branch hatched early, bruce and floyd were late, clay was right on time
john dory is named after rosipuff’s husband/ the boys’ grandpa who died before he was born
john dory gives branch a pair of old goggles and he wears them whenever they go to events etc
the glasses branch wears in both ‘perfect’ scenes in the movie originally belonged to john dory when he was a baby
john dory is like spencer from icarly, they always tease him for never having friends his own age etc because he lives in pop village and hangs around with branch, floyd, poppy etc and they’re significantly younger than him
bruce’s favourite song is the copacabana
bruce loves seeing his kids play with their uncles
sometimes when critics come to review his restaurant he gets his brothers to come for support because despite them always leaving good reviews he always gets really anxious
bruce would love the troll version of gordon ramsay but would definitely not want him coming to his restaurant because he’d probably pass away
his kids didn’t believe he was in a band because he was very hesitant of putting brozone songs on etc
he teaches them the old choreography
clay has made his bedroom very cosy despite it being in the admin building of the golf course like it’s got fairy lights and photos of his bros + poppy & viva
clay has had a crush on viva ever since he first met her when they were little
he rarely brushes his hair, not because he doesn’t want to, just because he forgets because he’s busy doing his cpa work
clay has 2 sad book clubs, one for his friends (even though he calls them his associates) and one for his bros, viva + poppy
floyd has lots of piercings, eyebrow, lip, ears, nose etc
he was definitely wild in his teenager years, always partying, drinking and whatnot
he’s had A LOT of boyfriends in the 20 years they were apart, mainly pop or rock trolls
hes very rebellious for the first couple months after they all reunite, he’s always like “i beat death, what do you mean i can’t go skydiving?”
floyd and barb would be best friends
he’s the one to help his brothers stop arguing after a fight, it’s almost giving “don’t be like this, this isn’t like you” (☠️☠️)
branch has a lot of collectible items he found over the years when he was in his grey state
sometimes to have a laugh he’ll steal john dory’s goggles and hide them somewhere in the bunker just to see him stress out looking for them, and they’re always usually in an obvious spot like on top of a cupboard or something
john dory gave him an old photo album and he likes looking through it because he likes seeing all his brothers when they were younger
branch is a lightweight
sometimes when he’s with john dory, he’ll subconsciously rest his head on his shoulder and has fallen asleep a handful of times
and he has most definitely called john dory dad more than once
hope you liked these!!!! <3
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Requests I have (if you don't see yours please let me know)
Jamie and Cersei Lannister X Daughter!Reader (Platonic)
(Cersei wants to marry off there daughter but she is Jamie”s pride and joy and wont let that happen)
FP Jones X Reader (Smut) (FP Jones x reader!Andrew!rough)
Joffery Baratheon X Sister!Reader (Platonic!!!) he’s sadistic like joffery? that’s the reason they’re really close and trust each other more than anything
Joffery Baratheon X Sister!Reader (Smut) (joffrey imagine where him and his sister (2 years older) have always had sexual tension but they never saw it that way and one night while she’s changing joffrey bursts through the door angry about something but stops when he sees her. both of them at this point are horny for each other and he comes up to her kissing her while he grabs her breast and shes kind of in shock still but melts into it and yeah they have sex on the bed and take turns topping each other)
Ramsay Bolton X Sister!Reader (Smut) (Ramsay (got) has a younger sister and they often have intercourse, but this one night Ramsay brings Reek, his father and mother into readers room and ties them up. He tells them to watch. So Ramsay and her have really rough sex and tells them to look at her and makes her look at them to make sure they knows how good Ramsay makes her feel. When they’re done they kill them)
Betty Cooper X Fem!Reader (damn! i would have never imagined myself being with betty but when i was reading your post, u couldn’t stop myself from smiling! soft girlfriends haha. i love it! 💖💖💖 could you do something like this but as best friends with cheryl/toni or even both if it’s not too hard for you? i wanna see where it would go!)
Daenerys Targaryen X mercenary!male reader (The reader is a mercenary whom Cersei hires to kidnap Daenerys shortly after she arrives at Dragonstone. But instead of bringing Dany to Cersei, the mercenary decides to keep her for himself and tame her into becoming his willing lover)
Cersei Lannister X Fem!Reader (The reader faints in Cersei"s arm)
Petyr Baelish X Baratheon Fem!Reader (Semi Requested!) (Now that all of her brothers are gone Robert"s legitimate daughter has risen to be seated on the throne. Her council is demanding a husband what will the new queen do!)
Robb Stark X Baratheon Fem!Reader (Hey I love your work! Could I request some angsty robb stark x reader? Maybe reader is Cersei and robert’s true child and was married off to robb. Cersei is very distressed about your wellbeing when the war breaks out and when she learns of the plans of the red wedding, she begs her father to spare you. He does but at a price for your continued show of hatred of the Baratheons and lannisters. Letting you have to watch as robb dies and returning you home without realizing you’re pregnant.)
A wolverine request but I can’t find the info (so if you requested a wolverine request please resend it)
1.Twisted Desires
Dean, Sam, and Y/N Winchester were trapped together from the moment John found yellow eyes had killed the mother of his child was killed by yellow eyes in 1988 exactly five years after his wife and mother of his eldest two children were murdered by the same demon. The three lived by there father’s code doesn’t go somewhere twice and you don’t stay long. They never got to make friends so they were all each other had so maybe it was a flower in the attic complex. The three siblings loved each other far more than anyone else ever but maybe Sam and Dean’s love wasn’t a way older brothers were supposed to love their little sisters and Y/N’s love wasn’t a way a little sister should love her brothers. But they controlled themselves the best they could. Sam went away to college and Y/N and Dean continued until Sammy got home. The three of them wouldn’t admit it but they needed each other but one night after all three Winchesters were frustrated over a particularly hard case and tightened sexual tension. Sam threatens to leave and Dean tells him to go. What happens when Y/N breaks down and begs him to stay? Will she confess how she feels or will there twisted desires remain hidden?
1.Going against the gods
Ivar the Boneless always felt like everyone tortured him everyone but his perfect goddess like Y/H/C (Your Hair Color) hair and Y/E/C (Your eye color) little sister. She was made for him she loved all her brother’s but Ivar knew he was her favorite. Whatever he wanted she gave him whatever he wanted her to do she did. When he killed Sigurd she didn’t call him a monster and never talk to him again. She began to cry and beg the gods to let him into Valhalla but not before Ragnar’s only living daughter took his hands softly and told him he needs to work on his temper but she still loved him. When Ubbe and Hvitserk boarded the boat she refused yelling, “He needs us I will not leave our brother and I will not choose between the three of you.” Though his sister began to distance herself after he married Freydis and realized he was a god. She began to pull away from Ivar and with ever pull there was a slide closer to there older brother Hvitserk. Ivar didn’t like it and as king he had to stop it even if that meant going against the gods.
1.Love At First Sight
Okayyy so It Would be the little sister of Scott (cyclops) and Alex(Havok) wich would fall un Love With logan the first Time she sees him☺️(3
1.I never stopped loving you
Billy Hargrove and Y/N Harrington were young and in love many years ago in high school. They broke up because Billy didn’t know his worth. Billy stayed in Hawkins went to a trading school and opened a garage. He even started steadily with a new girl after Y/N never came home at Christmas and then summer. She went to a big college a few states away her way of escaping her family even though Billy always said she was running from him and his messy life. A few weeks after moving to college she finds out the biggest shock of her life. She was carrying Billy Hargrove’s baby. Only one person knew, her twin brother Steve Harrington. Now four years later Billy is engaged and Y/N is finally coming home. What will happen with the two back in town together? 
2.Love Again
After Diana left him he though for sure he would never love again. Then the summer after the Hargrove's moved to town here comes Neil’s eldest daughter. 22-year-old Y/N moves to Hawkins Indiana after college. She pulled up one day to pick Max up from  El’s. The moment Jim swung the door open his breath left his chest. What happens when he hires her as Eleven’s tutor and Jim finds himself falling in love with the young woman. Will Y/N fill the same way? Is this Jim Hopper’s chance to love again or will he get his heart broken again?
MY girl
Nikki and her new girlfriend make it official
1.Two Broken Souls
Y/N is heavier than her friends and suffers from it. They are constantly putting her down. Her parents are constantly fighting at home. Jughead Jones is the loner boy from the wrong side of the tracks. Both are broken and hurting. Will They find Solace in each other or will they both suffer in silence.
2. Death … and new chances
Y/N Andrews's best friend dies and she is opened to a new possibility for her son
1. Together: 
Alex Standall Smut (4)
2. Our kids …..
Y/N Jensen is ready to co-parent with her one night stand 
3. octavia blake x sister reader smut
4. Rebekah mikaelson x sister reader smut
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jackoshadows · 2 years
I was wondering why they didn't make Sansa queen of the seven kingdoms on the show, why just the north. Even if it is about following some kind of book ending where Bran is king, it's not like they care about the books. This isn't really important, I just think it's funny that not even d&d thought it was a good idea to make her the ruler of everything lol
Because they love the idea of 'Subverting Expectations' and Bran randomly becoming King at the end is the epitome of that. Who would have expected that?! I still remember the lot of us hanging out on Freefolk reddit laughing at the leaked spoilers about the ending and the more that got leaked, the more we rejected it as being nonsense and then we got to the end of the show and yeah... all that nonsense was true.
By the time we got to the end nothing of the plot made sense, characters became supremely stupid, there were no consequences for actions and it was all about spectacle and shock and surprise.
The thing with Benioff and Weiss is that they lacked imagination, they had no interest in the source material. I would go so far as to say they disliked the source material except for some plots (Red Wedding for ex.) and some characters and their love for a character depended on which actor played the character. And by the time they got to the later seasons they were bored, exhausted and wanted to be done with it. They were also egocentric and arrogant, tightly controlled the writing and narrative, were spiteful against actors who gave suggestions based on the books, told actors not to read the books and refused to have a writer's room. Any criticism was ignored as being from 'book purists'. They cut off any discussion with GRRM by season 4.
This led to them not laying the groundwork for King Bran. They didn't care enough for Isaac Hempstead-Wright as an actor. Notice how much praise D&D have in all their interviews for Sophie and Maisie as child actors who grew up on the show and yet have nothing to say about Isaac who was even younger than them?
They were not interested in writing for Isaac as an actor, they ran out of book material for Bran, his story had the most fantasy/magic which they didn't like and his path to King of the 7K is likely through his role in defeating the Others which they didn't care for either.
The difference between how they treated Bran and Sansa is vast. By the end of season 4 they ran out of book material for both these characters. They had the 3 AFfC chapters for Sansa where it's just set up for Sansa's future arc with the Vale Lords and for Bran they had the Hodor plot that GRRM said was going to happen in TWoW.
(talking about the 2013 meeting with D&D) It wasn’t easy for me. I didn’t want to give away my books. It’s not easy to talk about the end of my books. Every character has a different end. I told them who would be on the Iron Throne, and I told them some big twists like Hodor and “hold the door,” and Stannis’s decision to burn his daughter. We didn’t get to everybody by any means. Especially the minor characters, who may have very different endings.
They had Isaac sit out a season instead of writing more for him as a 3ER. They could have done the same for Sansa. We could have rejoined Sansa in season 6 after she takes control of the Vale and then send her and LF to the North if they don't want to hire more actors and do the book Vale plot for her. However, they couldn't ask Sophie Turner to sit out a season like they could do with Isaac. So they wrote in book Jeyne Poole's role for her.
And it’s because of Turner’s strength, Benioff continued, that it made sense to give Sansa a dramatic storyline this season and to use Ramsay’s engagement for that very purpose. In fact, the showrunners first thought about putting Sansa and Ramsay together back when they were writing season 2. “We really wanted Sansa to play a major part this season,” Benioff said. “If we were going to stay absolutely faithful to the book, it was going to be very hard to do that. There was a subplot we loved from the books, but it used a character that’s not in the show.” 
And after ignoring the fantasy and magical aspects of the books for 8 seasons and neglecting Bran, they used his 3ER status to make him King. That was Tyrion's argument wasn't it? That making Bran king would be 'breaking the wheel'? It was idiotic because right after he makes that statement and Bran is made king, Sansa demands Northern independence because she's a Stark and gets it. So there is a Stark ruler in the North once again - how is that breaking the wheel?!
This interview after S8 gives you an idea of D&D as writers:
I blame both D&D and GRRM for the nonsense that is the show. GRRM for not finishing the story and D&D for being talentless hacks. However, GRRM is a good writer and if we are getting King Bran in the books, there is going to be set up for it.
Do you use to check the Internet forums in order to see the predictions made by your fans?
I am aware of the principal Internet forums about A Song of Ice and Fire and I really used to look at the American and English groups. Nowadays, the most important site is Westeros, but I started to feel uncomfortable and I thought it would be a better idea not to get to these sides. The fans use to come up with theories; lots of them are just speculative but some of them are in the right way. Before the Internet, one reader could guess the ending you wanna do for your novel, but the other 10.000 wouldn’t know anything and they would be surprised. However, now, those 10.000 people use the Internet and read the right theories. They say: “Oh God, the butler did it!”, to use an example of a mystery novel. Then, you think: “I have to change the ending! The maiden would be the criminal!” To my mind that way is a disaster because if you are doing well you work, the books are full of clues that point to the butler doing it and help you to figure up the butler did it, but if you change the ending to point the maiden, the clues make no sense anymore; they are wrong or are lies, and I am not a liar.
Good story telling is being able to manage to surprise the readers who can then go back and connect the dots to that ending. That is what is meant by subverting expectations. The Red Wedding was shocking and subversive and yet the seeds for it was laid way back in ACoK when Arya listens in to Roose Bolton and Aenys Frey talking strategy. Ned's death in AGoT was foreshadowed at the very beginning with the Stag killing the Direwolf.
For D&D subverting expectations means randomly dumping in endings that make no sense in the context of the story (king Bran, Dany burning down KL etc.). They would have salivated at the prospect of King Bran surprising everyone and instead the audience went WTF?! They wanted to keep GRRM's ending of King Bran on the Iron Throne for their show, then they failed to write anything for the character because they didn't care for the actor or the magical plot he is involved in and finally thought that everyone would love King Bran because it was so subversive.
Just think about this - they upended the entire theme of the books and dispatched of the Others in one episode to refocus back on Cersei and the Iron throne because they loved Lena Headey as Cersei so much.
The theme of the books - When dead men come calling do you think it matters who sits on the Iron Throne. The theme of the show - This existential apocalyptic threat that's an allegory for climate change does not matter, personal power and the Iron throne does.
That's why the show and the books are two entirely different entities and why King Bran does not work at all on the show. D&D's disconnect from the source material and the author meant that they failed to realize this. The show's ending is nihilistic and cynical and the selfish, power hungry characters end up winning. The book's ending is going to be bitter sweet and more hopeful and optimistic with most of the good guys getting a happy ending. And yes, that could include a King Bran that actually makes sense in the context of the story.
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gabriel-shutterson · 2 years
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121 notes - Posted August 13, 2022
I was thinking. As an oldest child myself, I suffer from oldest child syndrome.
Now, anyone who has been following my blog lately knows that I’ve been kinning Victor lately. This got me thinking.
Frankenstein Spoilers in the following explanation
Victor has two younger siblings biologically, plus Elizabeth— a sister figure. Out of these four, he is the oldest.
When thinking about Victor, his defining personality traits (other than sopping wet and pathetic) are anxious, perfectionistic, solitary, obsessive, a little egotistical, etc etc.
Funny thing is, all of these traits are associated with eldest child syndrome. Typically, these are brought on by high parental expectations. Now, as a C*roline and Al*ones hater, it’s pretty obvious that their expectations for Victor were a little much. I mean, Caroline’s dying wish was to control Victor’s love life. Alphonse preserved this wish, even reminding Victor of this said wish while he is recovering from his arrest and death of his closest friend. Alphonse and Caroline are also probably homophobic, I will not be taking criticism at this time.
That being said, there’s almost no question as to why Victor hardly talks to his family in Ingolstadt. Why he obsesses over his work, freaks out when it’s not up to his standards, abandons the paternal role he’s been forced into all his life. Also explains why he’s only miserable when it comes to marrying Elizabeth, and doesn’t argue about it at all. And why he’s so close to Clerval, someone who genuinely seems to care for his opinions and wishes.
I dunno. It’s definitely a theory that should be thought into.
137 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
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Shoutout to this line from J&H specifically, in which Mr Guest asked if Jekyll was sending Utterson love letters
164 notes - Posted August 18, 2022
Lo and behold, the promised headcanons.
Crack Headcanons for many lit characters (Mod Au):
~Lanyon still sleeps with a teddy bear, but denies it.
~in order to pay off college, Kemp worked at Dairy Queen for two (2) days. He was fired when the blizzard fell out of the cup ;-;
~Dorian watches RuPaul’s Drag Race
~Jekyll actually pours the milk before the cereal 
~Lord Henry uses Reddit
~Clerval cries whenever Gordon Ramsay yells on MasterChef
~Victor almost killed a Girl Scout over thin mints once 
~Jekyll was this close to drinking gasoline 🤏 and by that I mean none he’s drank gasoline before it was very unhealthy
~despite being well spoken, Utterson cannot pronounce ‘synonym’
~griffin owns 8-10 cats and they are all fluffy and white and named after dictators (Apawf Kitler is a sphinx cat tho, Grif felt bad for him) 
~other than cats, Griffin also loves geese, because they go “HONK” and yell and bite and is funny and relatable
~Elizabeth can beat Victor up if she wants to
~in college, Basil sometimes drew the vibe check emojis in Lord Henry’s notebooks 
~Lanyon enjoys the feeling of wet socks
~Dorian is a crystal and astrology bitch
he once claimed he liked astronomy not astrology and all the scientists got excited and then he started talking about being a Scorpio and Jekyll cried, Victor swore, and Griffin kicked the wall
~Basil actually enjoys being called a simp. He doesn’t see the harm in it .
~Griffin would dress as a cat maid, unironically
~Utterson used a joke pickup line (because pun) on Jekyll once, causing Jek to pass out
 ~if asked “boxers or briefs,” Griffin would reply “thong” (it’s actually boxers)
~Basil can and will get angsty if the first chord of ‘All Too Well’ comes on
~Clerval believed in Santa until he was like 14
~Jekyll cannot ride a bike and refuses to learn
~Jekyll uses Hyde to talk to customer service people because he gets scared
~sometimes Hyde just. Carries around a kazoo. And blows it at people.
172 notes - Posted July 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
So I saw a post that kind of made me want to post this.
I feel like there’s a lot of gatekeeping in the J&H fandom. I’ve see a lot of posts like “you’re wrong if you like TGS” “you’re not valid in the fandom if you interpret the duality differently” “we don’t stan if you think Jekyll is cis.”
It feels really toxic, imo. I interpret the story differently than others, and that’s fine. A lot of the story is really open ended and up for interpretation. Specifically with the second point with the duality, I’ve seen hate on the “Jekyll has OCD” interpretation on here in the past, and like? Why?
While that’s personally the interpretation I choose to agree with, that’s not what I’m talking about in this post. There’s really no need to hate on seeing the book differently. As with most other fandoms, you’re not looking at the big picture. There’s a group of people who enjoy the same media as you, and you’re really just going to trash their opinions?
I dunno. I don’t really have a solid point I’m getting at. It just pisses me off. I have a lot of opinions about the book that I’m afraid to share, and I’m sure tons of others do too.
Please be nice y’all. It’s not like Stevenson is coming back from the grave to confirm any interpretation is right.
178 notes - Posted August 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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maplepalette · 10 months
Red Bull and Mocha - Todd Ramsay and Yeti Farm Creative
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(art credit - Todd Ramsay)
There is no lie that animation is taking a hard hit in today's age. Large corporations valuing money and quantity of projects over quality and originality - however one studio continues to push on despite their struggle to find work in current years, Yeti Farm Creative.
Yeti Farm was founded back in 2007 by Todd Ramsay and Ashley Ramsay, working on many wacky childhood shows such as "Max and Ruby", "Pete the Cat", "Deep Space", and many other classic Teletoon shows.
Todd was a free spirit in his younger years - the typical teenager, going out and drinking, partying, hanging out at the skate park, and being a reckless kid with steady C's and B's. But there was one thing that Todd loved more than anything - art. He spent most of his free time doodling abstract art work of childish monsters and warped versions of people. Todd knew this is what he wanted to do for his career... but how?
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(art credit - Todd Ramsay)
Todd entered the work force as any young teen does, rolling with the punches, facing an ungodly amount of abuse, living pay check to pay check - he dealt with this for a year before finally saying "I quit!". Todd went on to take a year of fine arts - that he did NOT apply himself too, still very much holding onto that childlike wonder and immaturity.
it wasn't until he fell back into the cycle of dead end jobs and poor self esteem that he woke himself up and took a 2 year program of fine arts and animation at Vancouver's Film School (VFS).
By this time we've reached the 90's. Todd is scraping out of art school right before the ".com crash" and made his first pitch for a show called "knobs". Unfortunately the show never made it past character designs and a few test animations - however his characters do make appearances in his tik tok videos and Instagram posts.
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(art credit - Todd Ramsay)
When Todd graduated traditional animation had started to fade away with the creation of flash animation. Todd was determined to get that first animation gig. While working a 9-5, he would apply to the same animation studios every 2 weeks as well as teach himself flash animation to stand out to these employers.
After weeks of pestering and learning and working, Todd finally landed a job at Noise Media. However this would not be Todd's happiest moment. He was embarrassed by the job and didn't tell anyone about it, his self esteem plummeted and he barely had enough money to survive. Though this wouldn't be the case for long.
Soon Noise Media would go bankrupt and shut down, leaving Todd jobless and anxious. However this would be for the best as Todd met his Wife Ashley and scored a job working on the show "Yakkity Yak" at Studio B not too long after.
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(left Todd Ramsay, right Ashley Ramsay)
Things were looking great! In fact Todd got back into one of his childhood hobbies - skiing! It was like that inner teen was shining through once more, and with that followed the recklessness. While skiing, Todd hit another on the hill, sending him falling over 60ft. Among his injuries he had destroyed his right arm and wouldn't be able to continue working until he healed - putting Todd and Ashley in a financial rut.
This man is full of sheer determination and will power, I have no idea where he gets it! During his sick leave, Todd forced himself to keep drawing, but this time with his left hand. He refused to stop making art during this time! And soon enough he was fully healed and back in action - this time working at Bardel Entertainment on the show "Chaotic". Todd even had the opportunity to direct the last few episodes of the series. Around this time Todd would also have his first daughter - she herself being utterly chaotic (haha see what I did there).
Between then and now, Todd would continue to take odd jobs and even start selling his own paintings. This would lead to the beginning of Yeti.
Todd and his group of artists would partner up with EA and start their first major project, putting them on the map as a full animation studio in BC. Atomic Cartoons heard of Yeti and dove in to partner up with them for a 3 year contract. Now Yeti was official.
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Yeti Farm would go on to work on projects such as "Hotel Transylvania the series" (which Todd directed), "DNAce", "Max and Ruby" and others. The studio has been doing amazing for itself and is a popular creative company in BC! Yeti Farm has made it a wonderful space for freshly graduated animation students - especially those who are graduating from CATO!
Yeti Farm was built from determination, creativity, and bold choices which shine through even today! Despite the issues the animation industry is facing today with AI, corporate greed, and quality drops, Yeti Farm still pushes on - valuing their employees and their projects over all else.
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(art credit - Todd Ramsay)
I had the wonderful opportunity to be part of a group that met Todd Ramsay this week. It was so refreshing to see that the weird kid became such a huge success - as a weird kid myself I never dreamed of being on top, I was annoying and creeped people out, yet right there in front of me is a man with a unique style how likes to draw monsters and make butt jokes, holding onto such an incredible company.
Todd is fun, honest, and a child at heart. He is exactly what we need in the animation industry! Someone who values quality, humor, and creativity over the big money haul. I would be proud to work for Yeti Farm! And I mean, hey, they made a bunch of shows from my childhood - the nostalgia during that presentation was crazy!
Overall I really enjoyed the presentation, I think Todd and his story are inspiring and quite zany. Go give him love and check out his amazing work on his Instagram @todd.ramsay
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fairytheo · 3 years
enhypen as your boyfriend.
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boyfriend!enhypen x gen!reader. fluff. 1.9k. curse words. mention of bugs, food. not requested.
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🐈 ⸝⸝ HEESEUNG ˙𐃷˙
super-duper caring !!
he’s so whipped for you — he smiles just by thinking about you
also very giggly around you
LOVES lending you his beanies
(aka. you stealing them..)
+ you steal his earrings as well ! not that he minds
absolutely adores singing for you / he loves singing you to sleep :D
hold up, is being heeseung’s s/o just being his personal ramen cook 🤨🤨
he aaalwaays bugs you to play games with him (especially wii and nintendo switch lmao)
either that or you’re playing animal crossing while eating takeout at your dinner table
you’re the only person in the world who he’ll ever do aegyo for. 
he secretly enjoys it, but shhh you didn’t hear that from me
i think he likes calling you names like cutie, cutiepie or just a shorter version of your name <3 (if there is one !)
booping your nose is on his everyday to do list ☝️
lowkey therapist & boyfriend in one ngl
WAIT he loves making playlists for you two,, 
“y/n! i made another playlist, do you wanna listen to it? i made it while thinking of you.” <//3 
the type to write cheesy lyrics about you, then later cringes at his own writing bUT then leaves it like that because you like it !
you have his cover of lauv’s “i’m so tired” either set as your alarm or play it on loop everyday 
(random but for some reason i can picture him giving you a cassette with his cover on it just for the vintage vibes)
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🐈 ⸝⸝ JAY ˙𐃷˙
the mom-and-boyfriend in one ;] 
f a s h i o n  c o u p l e 
you are literally fashion icons. no disagreements. 
you have matching clothes or accessories ! even if it’s really subtle, the gesture behind it is super adorable <//3
cooking pt. 2 :D but this time there’s a gorden ramsay in your relationship
i can just SEE how you both two impersonate gorden ramsay while cooking which makes everything 10 times funnier !! checks every 5 seconds if the food is ready tho because he doesn’t wanna risk anything
never cleans up afterwards, either you do or no one does
since you’re both fashion icons your social media followers are going 📈📈📈
literally couple goals.
he loves taking pictures of you,, but also wants you to take pictures of him 
jay gets flustered easily so please make him flustered with sudden compliments, hugs, kisses, etc. !!
he’s also the only member i can really see calling you babe
confident but shy about pda at the same time ??? he’s both LOL 
you always tease him with his RAS moments and randomly quote them when you’re in the middle of a conversation with him lmao
random and idk if this fits here, but he likes making your lunch — leaves you encouraging notes too <3
last but not least: jokingly gets angry at you when he wants something from you, and you do the same thing back ♡
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🐈 ⸝⸝ JAKE ˙𐃷˙
sweetest and softest boyfriend to ever exist. i’m so soft for him JSHSHS
definitely calls you sweetie and darling. 100%. fight me if you think otherwise. 
shows you pics of layla everyday (it’s become routine for him >_<)
a tiny bit cliché BUT lends you his jacket whenever you’re cold (even when you’re inside !!)
random thought: jake puts his hands in your hoodie pockets...
it’s his personal goal to peck your cheek and forehead at least twice a day — gets pouty if he wasn’t able to do that ))):::
talks in english a lot because you love his accent !!
if you’re an english speaker, you’ll have conversations in english all. the. time.
if you’re not an english speaker, no worries, he’ll teach you !
+ reads you bedtime stories in english (jake’s australian accent >>>) 
dreams of travelling with you to australia <33  
if there’s a bug in the house you better know that jake will NOT be removing them and runs out of the house
WILL stay over at one of the other member’s houses untill that bug is REMOVED . 
so if you’re afraid of bugs as well,,, i’m sorry bae, but it’ll be your task to remove these little... creatures 😐
ngl you have more photos of layla than of him on your phone lol
(spams you with her pictures and captions them with “y/n!!! look!!! layla with a flower!!!! layla with a butterfly!!!!” it’s just so sweet aaa)
we need some “””drama””” so you make jokes about him being a “🥶💸🔥💪” boy a lot in your relationship LMAO
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🐈 ⸝⸝ SUNGHOON ˙𐃷˙
ice skating dates.
this has been mentioned in other headcanons a lot already but i just HAD to include it,,
convinces you to eat ice cream after your date LOL even if it IS winter
btw. fashion couple nr. 2 !!! 
ugh the visuals and the power you two hold,,,, i can’t,,,,,
has better clothes than you ngl so you share clothes lmao
it started with him lending you his sweatpants, but then you didn’t want to return them forgot to return them and BOOM 💥 here we are
extremely awkward and shy at first — don’t worry though, he becomes much more chaotic in the later phases of your relationship
he teases you SO MUCH. LIKE. SO MUCH.
always has small smile (smirk?) on his face when he’s about to make a cocky remark (so beware)
you tease him back just twice as hard which 1.) results in him in becoming flustered 2.) fails LOL
off-topic but he’d love a s/o that has a similar style to him ??? a more elegant, classy, dark style perhaps
when he’s away / busy he’ll send you some selcas and captions them with “how r u doing??” “did you eat yet?” “cheer up :P” 
kinda shy about pda but likes showing off too ???
i mean,, men... 🙄🙄 /lh
whenever someone mentions your name near him, he’ll just try to hide his smile while biting his lip (yk what i’m talking about???) and you’ll see his dimples and the affectionate look in his eyes and just AAAAA
the type of boyfriend that calls you love~
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🐈 ⸝⸝ SUNOO ˙𐃷˙
skin care routines with sunoo 24/7 🤝
he does your hair (if your hair is long enough to do different hairstyles with it ofc !!) 
send you daily weekly skin care products he thinks you two should try out / that’d be good for your skin <3
spa nights every friday at 9pm — he only lets you in if you wear a stylish pyjama LOL
you buy him peach items because they just remind you so much of him (。•́︿•̀。)
SELCA TIME !!! his phone is always ready !!! (apart from his storage maybe?)
loves to go on walks w u
does A LOT of aegyo,, 
and i know that you knew that this point will be in this headcanon.
for eg. instead of saying goodnight or bye he’ll just do aegyo for you not that anyone minds tbh
stages of sunoo flirting (?):
a — tries to compliment you (it sounds more like a flirty remark tbh)
b — realizes then blushes
c — cringes and runs away LMAO
playfully acts jealous, so you know it’s a joke but deep down he’s actually jealous
you two match each others vibes a lot — if one is sad, the other is sad as well
+ tells you your posture is bad when you sit like a banana or tells you to go to sleep early and when you don’t listen to him, he’ll show you an article that proves that (abc) and (xyz) is bad for you and says “i told you so.” 💀
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🐈 ⸝⸝ JUNGWON ˙𐃷˙
impresses you by doing kicks (does the kick cap challenge on tiktok and/or you play kick it by nct 127 for the funzies) 
poking his dimple is a MUST . 😩😩
though gets super shy when you kiss him and also if you buy him gifts !!
cheers you up whenever you feel down or are upset
compliments you a ton ))): will randomly come up to you and tell you that your fit is cute or that you look brighter today,,, little does he know it's because of him ;]
poking his dimple comes first, then hugging
the other members tease you two everytime you’re over LOL it’s like there are two koalas clinging onto each other
our yang garden gained another sheep +1
you two randomly play sheep,,,, like,,, everyday ???? sheep cosplays 👍
idk why ig it’s just fun to imitate sheep and go “mmmeEeEeeEhh” to annoy others
talking of that, even THOUGH he is a responsible leader he will not hesitate to do stupid shit with you
“hey how about we ring on that house there and yell “sheep for sale!” do you think they’ll open the door?”
“i don’t know... let’s find out!” 🤝
let’s just say that this didn’t end well..
also kinda bullies you (in a loving way ofc !!) pand teases you nonstop
either calls you asshole or love aHA
in conclusion: a very unpredictable relationship,, would 10/10 recommend.
very random but i feel like his love language is acts of service
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🐈 ⸝⸝ NI-KI ˙𐃷˙
oh look it’s our tsundere 😼
can’t go a day without dancing so you two have vibing sessions at 2am everyday ft. the others telling you to go to bed
you’re the only one that can make him soft lol
if you’re older than him, you would definitely take care of him like your own baby !! 
if you are the same age as him or younger it’d be awkward for him at first, because he isn’t used to taking care of someone younger, so he’d treat you as if you were his best friend at the beginning
you love to watch him dance !! it’s so satisfying,, LITERAL asmr.
pranks you 24/7. boy has NO mercy. will not care if the others will scold him later. he will do the prank smoothly (?) — doesn’t care about the consequences LMAO
probably sets your alarm to someone screaming or a cringy aegyo song <//3
wants to film dance covers with you !! you don’t have to be the best dancer either !! as long as you have fun ^__^ 
the other members find you really cute but are also vERY TIRED OF YOU,, two energized teens in a relationship was not a good idea ☝️
likes to randomly hold your hand and swing it around 
probably distant at the beginning of the relationship because a.) he doesn’t want to pressure you/make things awkward b.) he doesn’t really know what to do either ???
(if you’re not japanese or don’t know how to speak japanese) he’ll definitely teach you some japanese phrases and words !! introduce you to his culture as well :DD and he really wants to know more about your culture too <3
teaches you phrases like “sunoo is a dumbass” for the funzies LOL
randomly makes micheal jackson impressions,,, it’s hilarious LMFAO
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a-libra-writes · 3 years
okay so like what i thought of was basically it’s a stark reader(robb’s twin) like in the hc, BUT up until theon left to go recruit his father they had a kind of unspoken thing going on and we’re clearly in love with each other just neither one had the guts to say it(theon would even pick out whores specifically bc they looked like the reader) and so(like in the hc) roose bolton captures her and their direwolf at the red wedding to marry her to ramsay. who subsequently becomes slightly(but let’s be honest this is ramsay) obsessed with her, and one day her direwolf makes its way into the kennels only to find and lay next to theon. it refuses to come out and even snarls in a protective way if someone tried to get theon out of the kennel. the servants decide that the best way to get the direwolf out is with its owner, reader and theon have a ready reunion and he kind of snaps out of reek for a short period of time. butttttt then ramsay gets jealous and chaos ensues :))))) hope you like it!!!! yeah it is kind of based off of the hc you did lol
first of all how dare you anon???????? i thought about this ask way too much today and it HURTS
So lets start with this. Theon was ten when he was taken from his family, he’s witnessed his home be invaded and the castle walls destroyed. Heard about his older brothers being murdered. May have seen their heads on spikes. Taken from his sweet mother, and older sister, probably didn’t see his uncles and father??? there sure as shit weren’t any nice goodbyes.
Yes Ned didn’t approve of this whole thing, but he saw it as a better alternative to another war coming up. Robert saw it as mercy; he wasn’t destroying the whole Greyjoy line or burning their keep to the ground.
So with all of that, he arrives in Winterfell, where it’s freezing. Travelled with the man that may have led to the deaths of his older brothers. Meets this man’s wife, who clearly isn’t happy he’s there. And meets this man’s children, who are young and just staring at him and his strange clothes. 
Now that we’ve got that out of the way....
I really like Theon and Robb’s friendship, and how it almost progressed to the level of Jon and Robb’s brotherhood, but not quite. I think that’s because he’s older by several years in the books, and while Jon is “at least” Stark, Theon is not. He’s a hostage. A potential danger. Catlyn likely doesn’t want her oldest anywhere near him but if Robb is going off to play with the Ironborn boy, why can’t Y/N? She’ll sneak out if she has to! She wants to talk to him and ask him questions. He’s annoyed by a stupid girl trailing him around, and tells her as much. 
I like to think they have an annoying sibling relationship for a while, and Y/N is very fascinated with him, but she also has a great deal of empathy because she starts to realize his situation. She’s still a child, but she knows he was taken from his family and struggles to understand why her father would do that. Ned tries to explain it to her, but I think it’ll always feel wrong to her, so even if Theon teases her and she teases back, she’s always nice to him even when her mother tries to discourage them socializing.
And of course, my favorite trope.  They get older and start to realize feelings, she grows into a beautiful lady and still wants to hang out with him and Robb. She still smiles at him during feasts and comes to watch him practice at archery and still glares at anyone who dares insult him. “You’ll do well to keep your words to yourself, especially where it pertains to matters you don’t understand,” She’ll sneer at lordlings who come in to gawk at the Ironborn. Theon loves it when she talks “like a lady” to annoying guests and lords. She speaks far more casually with him and her siblings. 
His crush is intense!!!! It’s so much. It hits him early and puberty + Theon brain just makes it worse. Like you said, he absolutely picks whores that look similar to her - I HC he generally seeks whores at an early age bc 1) thats just an OK thing to do for young men in Westeros and 2) he’s really lacking in physical affection and acceptance in general. 
He has no chance with a Lady Y/N Stark. Not a single fucking chance, but he still daydreams. When he was younger especially, when he hoped the Starks would accept him, when he thought he’d never return home - maybe they’d see him like a son, maybe, if he was good. Maybe if he was good enough, she’d ... but no. That’s all pipe dreams. The older he gets, the more he knows it, but knowing doesn’t help the bitterness.
I think it’d be even worse if Y/N saw him in a more romantic light than a familial or platonic one. The yearning. The pain!! The shared glances after touching each other’s hands, wondering if the other person knows or cares as much, but never knowing for sure because how the hell can you ask that? How would it ever be appropriate? 
There’s so much to this. Ramsay just adds a dozen layers of angst and complications 😂
Obviously Theon’s betrayal and “death” would break her heart, among other things. The war is not kind to the Starks. She has a lot of pain by the time she’s married to Ramsay. 
Also YOU’RE BREAKING MY HEART like the idea of her direwolf sniffing out Theon, even after all that, or just seeing him and instantly curling up. Theon’s half asleep, half delirious, but he feels the warmth of the fur and for a wild moment believes it’s Grey Wind. He feels the wet nose on his face and the wolf gently licks his wounds. This isn’t the hounds that snap at him and bring their fleas. The wolf curls up with him, and it’s probably the most peaceful sleep Theon’s had in months.
Later Y/N realizes her direwolf has been gone for hours and searches for it in a panic. She doesn’t want to go into the dungeons, she hates them, hates the sounds and the smells coming from them, but she doesn’t know where else to look. She’s sick to her stomach wondering why her wolf is down there, what if Ramsay -? No. He wouldn’t... would he?
And yes, Ramsay’s men have been trying to get Theon out per their master’s orders and can’t. The direwolf refuses. Theon has to crawl out on his own, all bones and scars and scabs and wounds, and the wolf sticks to his legs. Shows its teeth to anyone even looking at him. That’s when Y/N hears the commotion and comes down, she has no idea who this old man is - then... Recognition. Terrifying, heart-wrenching recognition.
When she holds him, she’s not sure who falls down first. It could be either of them; Theon from weakness and shock, her from heartache and relief. And he’s Theon again. He says his name, and her’s, and it’s hard for him to think straight and get the words out. But there is I’m sorry.
She demands an explanation from Roose. There’s no point in hiding it now. And she turns on Ramsay for it, and lord knows he won’t feel guilty about it. I feel like Theon would get slightly better treatment now, both because the direwolf is at his heels as much as Y/N’s and now she has a close eye on him. If anything else happens, she’s going to raise hell in the Dreadfort. All the anger and fire and outrage has been stoked again. Ramsay is not pleased with any of these developments.
And yeah if she and Theon had romantic feelings, this is about to get much more complicated :^)
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starshine-effendy · 3 years
Mermaid Mikasa and Merman Levi and Human Reader
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters from Attack on Titans they belong to  Hajime Isayama! 
I just thought Hm
Ackerman...S... But... as... Merpeople... 
I’m sorry if this isn’t good! I didn’t reread it and It’s 3am so... Sorry! 
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You didn’t know how things got to this. Last week you just saved a girl with raven black hair from getting caught by the fishing nets and now she was in your cave with raw shrimp. 
You lived in a little house in a cave that connected to the ocean. The ocean was secluded and your cave was well hidden so you don’t have to worry about a lot of people coming in your cave and robbing your house. There was just fishermen who came once a month to catch fish. It wouldn’t happen either ways because you had someone. Levi. You saved Levi by releasing him from angry fishermen who wanted to sell him somewhere. When he was free you were going to make a run for it but someone screamed, “HEY!” 
You panicked and before you could do anything your feet was grabbed by the merman. He held you by your waist, making sure you could still breathe. He swam with you all the way to a cave. Half of the cave was water and the other half was land. There was an exit from the edge of the water and the edge of land and high on top there’s a medium sized hole to let sunlight in. In the middle of water and land there’s a house. It looks decorated and had a cute cottage aesthetic and you loved the beach so you decided to stay there. You thought your friendship with the merman ended there but no... He had the Ackerman bond with you and till this day you’ve grown to fall in love with him. 
The mermaid somehow found you and brought you a handful of shrimp. You looked at the mermaid you saved from fish nets last week and questioned her actions. 
Levi rose above the water and your attention turned to him. You asked who she was and he explained how she was... a distant... nephew? And apparently she bonded with you too. You gave the mermaid a head pat and her eyes glistened and her cheeks flushed light pink. Now you live with 2 Ackermans who are merpeople. 
Mikasa was the mermaid’s name. You weren’t home once and she asked Levi where you are and start getting ahead of herself and blamed the fishermen with a dangerous glare. Levi stopped her and reassured her you’re just running errands. Mikasa wondered why? Did you need more seafood? If that were the case she would’ve hunted a school of fish for you. Levi shook his head and explained how you also needed vegetables and land animal meat, sometimes more gas for the “Stove” and normal household supplies. 
Mikasa wanted you to explain to her what a “Stove” is. So when you came back you saw Mikasa waiting for you, her tail swaying around slowly. When Mikasa saw you her eyes sparkled and she called out, “Y/NH” (Ereh... Y/N+H... you get what I mean) 
You approached the mermaid holding two reusable bag filled with groceries in each your hand. She asked, “What’s a stove?” You gave her a gentle smile and told her you’ll show her tonight as long as she doesn’t touch it and Mikasa promised. 
That night you took out your stove and pans, and placed it in the land part of the cave. Mikasa and Levi watched as you cook your beef, boiled some broccoli and fried your fish. Once you were done cooking you took out some rice from the rice cooker and placed it on a bowl. You gave the first bite to Mikasa and she looked like she ate something from Gordon Ramsay’s kitchen. You gave Levi the a bite too and he gave you a nod of approval. You smiled and continued to eat the rest of your food while listening their stories. 
When it came to your well-being. Mikasa cared more about your sleep schedule and Levi cared more about your hygiene. Both of them would get you food incase it looked like you hadn’t eaten yet and they’d make you eat dinner. When Mikasa stuffed a raw shrimp into your mouth you learned it was better to eat dinner before they would. Before you met Mikasa, Levi would make you eat by giving you raw sliced salmon, which you would gladly accept. 
When Mikasa isn’t around you and Levi would have a romantic swim together sometimes they would lead to make out sessions too. You saw Mikasa as a child because she was younger than you and Levi so she accepted that role but it didn’t mean she wouldn’t be overprotective with you. 
When you go out swimming with the Ackermans, they would definitely make sure you don’t drown and when fishermen came into view they’d snatch you and swim away. You didn’t swim as fast as them since they were a mermaid and an Ackerman, giving them faster speed than any other merpeople. So you would probably hold both their hands so none of you gets left behind. 
One day, you came back with a scuba mask, snorkel and an oxygen tank. They asked what those were for and you only answered saying that now you could swim underwater longer and with your eyes open now. The excitement in their eyes tells you that it was worth every penny you spent for them. You reminded them that once your oxygen tank runs low they’ll have to go back and they agreed. They grabbed your hand and make sure you were secure. Once they confirmed, they gave each other a nod and Levi gave you a smirk which made you worry. You were pulled into the depths of the water. You were brought to a field of seaweed and the 3 of you swam through it. Levi took the lead once Mikasa got called by another merman. Levi took you to a beautiful coral reef and a sunken ship. When you got back you gave Levi a kiss as a “thank you” for showing you everything you saw today. You stopped in front of your house and glancing back at him. 
“I love you,” You said, quickly. 
Levi gave you a warm smile and said, “I love you too brat,” 
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sj-thefan · 3 years
Thank you all so much!
Below are a few paragraphs from some stories I've been working on. If it is part of a series that has already started, I have linked the other parts.
WIP: I’m Okay, You’re Okay, We’re Okay (David Budd) – P.2
“Charlie?” she called. He glanced at her, his eyes filled with tears. “Come ‘ere.” She extended her free arm, letting him come in for a hug. “It’s going to be okay.” Charlie snuggled deeper into her neck.
“Where’s Daddy?” Ella asked.
Charlie pulled away slightly to peer at Y/n. He wanted to know the answer too.
Y/n wiped Charlie’s tears away before answering. “There was a problem on the train, and Daddy offered to help. He’ll be back soon.”
The kids were quiet for a few minutes before Ella spoke up again. “Mummy says Daddy needs help. Does that mean he has a problem?”
WIP: Ramsay’s Lady (Ramsay Bolton) – Next Part
She could hear the screams as she made her way through the corridors
“Please, cut it off! Cut it off! Cut it off!”
The yelling quieted as she pushed open the door. Ramsay was standing in front of Theon. “I win.”
“You started without me?” Y/n pouted playfully.
Ramsay turned around to see his wife. “Oh, my lady,” he smiled devilishly, “the fun has only just begun.”
“No,” Theon huffed. “Please.”
“Ah, ah!” Ramsay turned around, holding his knife up. “What did I say?”
Theon didn’t respond, only hung his head and stifled a sob.
“Round two,” Ramsay continued. “Same rules.” He turned to Y/n, holding out the knife. “My lady, pick a body part.”
WIP: Under the Moonlight (Ahkmenrah) – P.4
Inside, the world was bright with life. Bones of a dinosaur moved as the creature sniffed its old friends. Y/n’s eyes were open wide as she tried to take in everything at once. She had seen the Smithsonian and been present when some of the Pyramids were built. She had seen some of the most beautiful places the world had to offer but nothing compared to seeing the place her husband had spent so much time in without her. The tablet brought this world to life, and it was spectacular. Creatures from every age roamed freely, conversing with each other as friends. Oh, how she wished she could have helped Ahkmenrah build this glorious world.
She sighed, wondering where she should head to see Ahkmenrah. Larry had instructed her and the others to head to the basement to wait until he could explain their arrival, but she couldn’t just head downstairs to wait when she was already so close. She spotted a map of the museum ahead and searched for the Egyptian exhibit.
She heard the familiar voice echo through the large hall over the other excited chattering. She glanced up, searching for the source.
“Larry?” Ahkmenrah exited one of the hallways. His eyes landed on the woman standing near the bottom of the stairs. Their eyes met, and his breath left his chest. “Y/n?”
WIP: Inheritance (A Ransom Drysdale x Reader One-shot)
“For the record,” Detective Lieutenant Elliot said, “we’re here with Y/n L/n, Harlan’s…” he paused, glancing over his notes. “We have a couple different comments on your relationship with Harlan; how would you describe it?”
Y/n sat in the library in front of the detective, Trooper Wagner, and a yet-to-be-identified man in the back. Usually, she was most comfortable in the library, but with the men in front of her scrutinizing her every word, she was tense.
“Harlan and I are—were friends. We met years ago when I was dating his grandson, Ransom. Even once we broke up, Harlan and I remained friends. When I found out I was pregnant, he offered to have me move in with him so he could ensure the safety of myself and his great-grandson.”
“So, you and Ransom have a child together.”
“You could say that, although Ransom hasn’t met Harry.”
“And is there a reason for that, or…”
Y/n smiled sadly. “Ransom and I didn’t exactly end on the best of terms. He cheated on me.” The room was silent, the men exchanging grim looks. “I wasn’t exactly eager to return to a man who broke my heart. Plus, Ransom… well, let’s just say after our breakup, he didn’t want anything to do with me again. I was alone, and the only one who cared was Harlan. He helped me keep Harry hidden. Now that Harry is getting older, though, Harlan and I were thinking about introducing him to the rest of the family. That was one of the reasons I attended this party—to get the family used to seeing me again.”
WIP: An Unnamed Robb Stark x Reader Series
Two short raps sounded on the other side of her door. Slowly, Y/n pulled the heavy door open, revealing Robb Stark, dressed in his finest clothes. She, too, had donned her finest dress for the occasion.
“Everyone’s asleep,” he whispered, a smile stretching across his face as he took in her appearance. “Jon and Theon are in the Godswood already.”
The question returned. Are you sure? She wouldn’t ask again. She had asked too many times before and wouldn’t bother him with another. Still, that nagging voice wondered if they were making a mistake: if their choice would turn out disastrous.
Robb could read her face like a book. “I love you.” He pulled her into his arms. “I always will.”
They raced towards the woods, keeping their steps as light and soundless as possible. Every now and then, they ducked into a dark corner to avoid being spotted by one of the guards on watch.
From the outside, the woods were thick and darker than the inky night sky. Robb and Y/n had spent much of their youth running through the forest and had memorized the way to the Weirwood Tree. They carried no torch, hoping to avoid being spotted by someone in the castle. Theon and Jon had gone ahead, bringing torches to light up the area around the sacred tree.
It was a truly beautiful sight as the couple entered the small clearing that surrounded the pond and the Weirwood Tree. Jon and Theon had set two torches on either side of the tree, letting the light bounce off the water and make the red leaves of the giant white tree glow as they danced in the wind.
The boys jumped up as they heard the couple enter.
“Are you sure about this, N/n?” Theon asked, taking his sister’s hand from Robb. “I’m quite certain you can do better than that halfwit.” He gestured to his best friend taking his place in front of the tree.
Y/n kept her gaze locked with Robb’s. “There is no one I would rather marry.”
WIP: An Unnamed Sirius Black x Reader One-shot
Mr. Weasley paused. “Harry, would you swear to me that whatever you might hear, you won’t go looking for Black?”
“Mr. Weasley, why would I go looking for somebody who wants to kill me?”
Mr. Weasley didn’t have a good answer, but Harry promised anyway.
As he was walking back to his seat, his eye was caught on one of the posters. This one wasn’t just of Sirius Black. Beside his photo was a woman he seemed to recognize. He read the caption under the picture.
“Y/n Black hasn’t been seen in 12 years. She is wanted for crimes against society and for questioning about her husband. Do not approach. Reward available.”
Harry gulped; his eyes focused on the woman as he realized why she was familiar. She was years younger, and her hair was longer, but he was certain. It was his Aunt Beth.
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amuelia · 4 years
yoooo do you think roose started being leeched after domeric died? B/c in ADWD he says something about the leeches getting rid of rage/pain, then immediately brings up domeric and how Ramsay killed him....
I personally don’t think he started leeching this late - Domeric died in 297 AC, which means at most a year before the northern plot in aGoT starts. But the way Barbrey talks about Roose, it seems to be a consistent character trait that she is used to seeing in him:
“Roose has no feelings, you see. Those leeches that he loves so well sucked all the passions out of him years ago.” - aDwD
While 297 AC is technically “years ago” from when she says this (300 AC), Roose has been in war for around 2 of these years where she didnt see him much, and before that they also didn’t live together, so he has probably been acting like that for longer than just 297 AC.
Catelyn also never comments on his paleness as though it is a new thing (though granted, we also don’t have a canon confirmation that the leeches caused it, but i think it’s likely). There’s also the line “This is a cold man, Catelyn realized, not for the first time“, which seems related to Barbrey’s assessment of him having no feelings, and also hints at him being like that for years. Not that leeches literally/biologically suck emotions of course, but Barbrey seems to connect his lack of emotions to his leeching habit as though both have been coexisting for a long time.
"My squire could take a lesson from you, it would seem. Frequent leechings are the secret of a long life.” - aCoK
"I know." Lord Bolton sighed. "His blood is bad. He needs to be leeched. The leeches suck away the bad blood, all the rage and pain. No man can think so full of anger.” - aDwD
Roose’ leeching habit is interesting because it seems to have an intersecting purpose of not only keeping his physical health, but also being a psychological crutch to keep his emotions mellow. The leeching habit itself likely started as a general caution; Roose seems to be a somewhat anxious person, with a lot of his actions centered around evading risks (stuff like sending out a decoy that wears his armor in aDwD, these grrm quotes [1] [2], his habit of hiding emotions which seems to have the purpose that people cant use them against him, his health-related food choices like drinking hippocras, being paranoid not to be poisoned in aDwD...). Events like his wife Bethany dying from a fever and his son Domeric dying from a sickness of the bowels probably made his health habits more intense (because they are events that happened to people close to him it might have increased his fear for himself), even resulting in what are probably adverse health effects in case of the leeching (which seems to make him pale due to how excessive it is, and likely makes him lack energy which could cause his quiet voice and probably even has an influence on his mellowed behaviour).
Since I generally hc that his leech habit got worse in the years after Robert’s Rebellion (not directly caused by RR, just generally getting worse with age), in pictures where he’s younger i usually give him a healthier skin tone 🤔
[Speculation, cw rape mention] I perceive it as likely that he went through somewhat of a character change, either in the years following Robert’s Rebellion or starting earlier. In the story of the miller’s wife (taking place before RR), despite current Roose trying to spin it as a rational act in his retelling, i believe we have an instance of past him acting very emotionally-driven (his retaliation to being “cheated” reads similar to ramsay being sent into a “black rage” when personally insulted). Barbrey’s statement i quoted earlier also has a tinge of bitterness to it, and it also seems Roose must have a reason to believe the leeches suck out “anger and pain”. Since Theon and Catelyn never comment on him having changed, it seems likely that he started a character change a little before Robert’s Rebellion - Though since Cat never was close to him, she’d also probably percieve changes in him more as her just adjusting the initial impression she had of him rather than an outright character development.
But i also don’t think he went through anything, like, Aeron-level drastic - he likely just took care to cultivate a very strong public persona (calm, quiet, emotionless) to avoid any risk of people reading his thoughts or him doing anything rash or embarassing. It’s also likely that age mellowed and matured him like it does most people, and the leeching may or may not have an actual physical effect that further influences his personality. While i don’t think that he was ever as bad as Ramsay (though Roose also undoubtedly did his fair share of horrifying acts), the way he gives him advice seems to show he’s under the impression that Ramsay could simply “clean up his act” (to the public eye at least), implying Roose might have done a comparable development. However, there also seems to be a frustration/disdain in Roose (considering he seems to avoid Ramsay somewhat - residing at Barrow Hall earlier in aDwD which Ramsay is banned from, indirectly sending him messages later in aDwD, and holding political meetings without him in A Ghost in Winterfell), hinting that he might realize by now that Ramsay is a lost cause.
Though again, since Roose is not a PoV and we don’t have any PoV that is close to him/likes him/talks about his past, this is all speculation which can be proved or disproved both by different readings of his lines and new developments in TWoW.
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Here is a list of my......
ship request
Things I have to do
let me know which of these interest you guys the most and I will start with that. I am not sure where to start with so many so if you guys could vote and any you would like to see first.
These are all the requests I have for ships and Imagines if you don't see yours it was either lost or I never got it please resend it. 
ship request
A Riverdale Male ship
A TVD unspecified gender X Gender Neutral ship
A male and female Riverdale ship
A TVD and Riverdale Male and Female ship
Male MCU and Riverdale ship
Actor and Character ship for MCU and TO
Jamie and Cersei Lannister X Daughter!Reader (Platonic)
(Cersei wants to marry off there daughter but she is Jamie”s pride and joy and wont let that happen)
FP Jones X Teen!Reader (Smut) (FP Jones x reader!teens!rough)
Joffery Baratheon X Sister!Reader (Platonic!!!) he’s sadistic like joffery? that’s the reason they’re really close and trust each other more than anything
Joffery Baratheon X Sister!Reader (Smut) (joffrey imagine where him and his sister (2 years older) have always had sexual tension but they never saw it that way and one night while she’s changing joffrey bursts through the door angry about something but stops when he sees her. both of them at this point are horny for each other and he comes up to her kissing her while he grabs her breast and shes kind of in shock still but melts into it and yeah they have sex on the bed and take turns topping each other)
Ramsay Bolton X Sister!Reader (Smut) (Ramsay (got) has a younger sister and they often have intercourse, but this one night Ramsay brings Reek, his father and mother into readers room and ties them up. He tells them to watch. So Ramsay and her have really rough sex and tells them to look at her and makes her look at them to make sure they knows how good Ramsay makes her feel. When they’re done they kill them)
Betty Cooper X Fem!Reader (damn! i would have never imagined myself being with betty but when i was reading your post, u couldn't stop myself from smiling! soft girlfriends haha. i love it! 💖💖💖 could you do something like this but as best friends with cheryl/toni or even both if it's not too hard for you? i wanna see where it would go!)
Daenerys Targaryen X mercenary!male reader (The reader is a mercenary whom Cersei hires to kidnap Daenerys shortly after she arrives at Dragonstone. But instead of bringing Dany to Cersei, the mercenary decides to keep her for himself and tame her into becoming his willing lover)
Cersei Lannister X Fem!Reader (The reader faints in Cersei"s arm)
Petyr Baelish X Baratheon Fem!Reader (Semi Requested!) (Now that all of her brothers are gone Robert"s legitimate daughter has risen to be seated on the throne. Her council is demanding a husband what will the new queen do!)
Robb Stark X Baratheon Fem!Reader (Hey I love your work! Could I request some angsty robb stark x reader? Maybe reader is Cersei and robert’s true child and was married off to robb. Cersei is very distressed about your wellbeing when the war breaks out and when she learns of the plans of the red wedding, she begs her father to spare you. He does but at a price for your continued show of hatred of the Baratheons and lannisters. Letting you have to watch as robb dies and returning you home without realizing you’re pregnant.)
A wolverine request but I can't find the info (so if you requested a wolverine request please resend it)
In my drafts
Billy Hargrove X Fem!Reader and Steve Harrigton X Fem!Reader
Lip Gallagher X Sister!Reader (Maybe smut not sure)
Jughead Jones X Plus Sized Fem!Reader
Joffery Barathen X Twin!Sister Reader (Smut)
Sam and Dean Winchester X Sister!Reader (smut but none between Sam and Dean)
Ivar the Boneless X sister!Reader (Maybe smut not sure)
Jim Hopper X Younger Fem!Reader
FP Jones X Younger Fem!Reader X Gladys Jones (Smut)
Sweet Pea X Fem!Reader X Reggie Mantle (Smut? Nothing between Sweet Pea and Reggie/ )
Cheryl Blossom X Fem!Reader X Betty Cooper (Smut /Nothing between Betty and Cheryl/)
FP Jones X Fem!Reader X Sweet Pea (Smut/Nothing between FP and Sweet Pea)
Daenerys Targaryen X Fem!Reader X Sansa Stark (Smut / Nothing between Dany and Sansa)
Joffery Baratheon X Sister!Reader X Sansa Stark (Smut)
Margaery Tyrell X Baratheon(Lannister) Fem!Reader X Sansa Stark (Smut/Nothing between Margaery and Sansa)
Ramsay Bolton X Sister!Reader X Sansa Stark (Smut)
Ragnar Lothbrok X Christian Princess!Reader X Ivar Lothbrok (Smut/Nothing between Ragnar and Ivar/)
Lagertha X Lothbrok Fem!Reader x Torvi (Smut)
lagertha x Ealhmunding!reader x ragnar Lothbrok(smut)
Billy Hargrove X Harrington Fem!Reader
Steve Harrgton X Henderson Fem!Reader
Jason Dean X Fem!Reader
Mark Sloan X Shepherd!Reader
other things I have to do
Post the next few updates to A Dark Truth
Update my books on wattpad
ideas I have that I may post to get back into writing to add to the drafts for another time
Bellamy Blake X Fem!Reader
Klaus Mikaelson X Fem!Reader
Lincoln Kom Trikru X Fem!Reader
Damon Salvatore X Fem!reader
Octavia Blake X Fem!Reader
Kai Parker X Fem!Reader
Raven Reyes X Fem!Reader
Sebastian X Fem!Reader
Josephine Lightbourne X Fem!Reader
Hope Mikaelson X Fem!Reader
Chuck Bass X Fem!Reader
Lizzie Saltzman X Fem!Reader
Blair Waldorf X Fem!Reader
Dark!Josie Saltzman X Fem Reader
Bellamy Blake X Sister!Reader (Smut)
Caroline Forbes X Fem!Reader
Bellamy Blake X Sister Reader X Octavia Blake (smut)
Rebekah Mikaelson x Fem!Reader
Klaus Mikaelson X Sister!Reader (Smut)
Klaus X sister!Reader X Rebekah (Smut)
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cometcrystal · 4 years
daphne and velma 2: the dark deception thoughts in no particular order
the book ends with daphne seeing an article was written by a “ramsay hansen” as if this name is supposed to mean something to me. they have NEVER been mentioned
during one of the alt POV segments, we get thorn’s perspective again, even tho the hex girls aren’t in this book beyond that. it talks about her singing and performing specifically for an unnamed “her”, who i assume is velma, cause it’s established in the first book that thorn has a crush on velma in this universe. but this like. isn’t expanded upon at ALL so gay rights i fucking guess.
there were smacks of it in the first book but this second book 100% confirms that this series is the author’s slowburn frelma and shaphne fanfic
less gay than the first one but still has some good vaphne moments
also daphne (who is 16 in this universe) has a thing with a 19 year old college guy in this book and their age difference is mentioned multiple times which is very gross. it doesn’t stick because he ends up being an ass but. bad. its only a 3 year difference i know but still very creepy the way older guys can manipulate younger girls like this.
overall the romance plotlines in this series are just VERY weird. thorn likes velma but velma likes fred and daphne likes new character ram but also kind of has hints of a thing with shaggy building up. fuck thorn lives ig. of COURSE the canon gay character can’t be someone in the gang.
there’s a new character named taylor who just straight-up displays signs of autism and the whole book daphne and velma just talk about how freaky and awkward she is and how uncomfortable she makes them. also she is repeatedly called a “kid” despite being in high school with the other main characters. feeling the love
the monster (the lady vampire of the bay) isn’t even seen up close. daphne just sees her from a distance in town thru a window on the third floor of velma’s house. which makes sense in a series that’s more grounded in reality ig bc monster costumes aren’t as convincing up close but still jarring
the villain holds a knife to shaggy’s throat which is literally the only riverdale-esque thing that happens besides some mild cusses like damn and pissed off so idk why everyone is calling this series scooby’s riverdale
3.5/5 stars it was fine. mystery was a bit anticlimactic tho
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tabloidtoc · 3 years
National Examiner, March 22
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson -- his journey from thief to superstar
Tumblr media
Page 2: These stars wheely like to bike -- Hugh Jackman, Eva Longoria, Matthew McConaughey, Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn, Russell Crowe, Arnold Schwarzenegger
Page 3: Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez, Al Roker, Pierce Brosnan and Keely Shaye Smith, Matt Damon, Justin Theroux, Ethan Hawke
Page 4: Jennifer Aniston's roles and costumes
Page 6: Susan Sarandon is 74 and single now and she admits she likes to date younger men because they have more inquisitive minds than older guys
Page 7: Golden Age of Glamour -- the shocking beauty tips, tricks and secrets of Hollywood's most stunning stars -- Mae West, Marilyn Monroe, Rita Hayworth, Sophia Loren, Elizabeth Taylor, Joan Crawford
Page 8: Listen to Granny -- older media influencers are getting into the act on social media, with women in their 80s and 90s earning huge followings and lots of money on Instagram -- while some are all about their head-turning styles, others go with decorating or fitness to create their granfulencer brands
Page 9: Go ahead and binge that new TV show because it's good for your mental health -- new research shows the lack of social connection we're all feeling now because of COVID-19 restrictions can be filled, at least to some degree, by watching TV, reading books and listening to music
Page 10: Lucia DeClerck has some advice for living a long life, and she knows what she's talking about because she's 105 years old -- not only did Lucia live through the 1918 Spanish Flu, she's the oldest person in her nursing home and she just beat COVID-19 -- how does she do it? Gin-soaked golden raisins
Page 11: 8 ways to prevent back pain
Page 12: Stars Still Strong and Sexy As They Hit Milestone Notorious 90 -- Marla Gibbs, Gavin MacLeod, Angie Dickinson, Barbara Eden
Page 13: William Shatner, Olympia Dukakis, Dan Rather, Rita Moreno, Willie Mays, James Earl Jones
Page 14: Dear Tony, America's Top Psychic Healer -- all marriages need care and attention to flourish
Page 15: There are nicer, more medically accurate ways to describe it, but "dead butt syndrome" says it all, that feeling of numbness or achiness from sitting too long -- it is no joke to the many people who experience the discomfort of DBS, otherwise known as lower cross syndrome, gluteal amnesia, or gluteus medius tendinosis -- people who sit at their desk all day for work are particularly prone to this syndrome, where muscle tightness in the hip flexors and weakness in the gluteus medius muscles in the buttock combine to create hip and lower-back pain, leading to numbness -- luckily there are simple remedies you can try to alleviate symptoms and even reverse the syndrome
Page 16: Princess Diana: little girl lost -- Diana's brother Charles Spencer reveals truth about heartbreaking childhood
Page 18: There are about 100 prepaid food receipts fluttering on the wall of Ruma's Deli in Missouri and if you're hungry and your pockets are empty, you can grab one, bring it to the counter and get a free meal, no strings attached
Page 19: Pixel the cat is so creepy-looking even a professional exorcist crossed himself and ran -- Alyson Kalhagen's cat has giant googly eyes, a Halloween pumpkin smile and oversized bat ears and he's also fond of making funny faces but the two-year-old has racked up a fan base online, where more than 12,000 followers find Pixel's peculiarities precious
Page 20: Cover Story -- Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is huge in every way -- the muscle-bound ex-wrestler has starred in dozens of blockbuster films, has tons of projects in the works, millions of bucks and a brand new show about his childhood but he hasn't always been on top of the game -- the dynamo has gone through so many tough times and bad decisions they would sink a lesser man but he's an open book about all of them and how he fought to get to the top every step of the way
Page 22: After a long break to raise her children, Michelle Pfeiffer is on the silver screen again and looking better than ever -- the 62-year-old is in a new film called French Exit, in which she plays a tragic widow who packs up and moves to Paris with her son -- the actress says to return and thrive in an industry formerly known as being obsessed with youth is a gift -- although her husband David E. Kelley has been behind dozens of hits like The Undoing and Big Little Lies, Michelle doesn't want to work with him because she's seen a lot of couples where they seem to have a great marriage, and then they work together and next year they're filing for divorce -- next up, Michelle will play Betty Ford in the upcoming series The First Lady
Page 24: A Texas grocery delivery driver got more than just shelter from the storm when her car became stuck in a customer's driveway -- the people who lived there took her in for five days and made her feel like part of the family
Page 26: Deep Focus -- stunning underwater pix from an unseen world
Page 32: Pet Projects -- family portraits get everyone into the picture -- photographer Tasha Hall creates "farmaly" photos, which include each and every one of the household where they've got two feet, four feet, paws, claws, hooves or wings
Page 34: While everyone loves a comfortable, cozy mattress, having a really good becomes more important with age because a bad one may leave you with aches, pains and posture imbalances but the problem is that these specialty mattresses are very expensive -- fortunately, Medicare may cover up to 80 percent of the cost if you go about this purchase the right way and you'll then be responsible for the remaining 20 percent, as well as any deductible
Page 40: Psychic Self-Defense -- many people are born with a psyche that is naturally sensitive -- there has been a modern-day rise in occultism and practicing psychics and the way of the world at this time had made many more people seek help -- this has produced a far greater awareness of the need to protect and defend ourselves when working in a magical or psychic context -- we are all constantly being bombarded with psychic vibrations, not all of them good
Page 42: 20 Things You Never Knew About Tiger Woods
Page 44: Eyes on the Stars -- Jenny McCarthy is in high spirits as she preps to tape a new episode of The Masked Singer in L.A. (picture), Goldie Hawn works out in L.A. (picture), Jane Fonda has given up on getting hitched -- she has three failed marriages and being single means she can watch whatever she wants on TV, Kelly Clarkson admits that since her marriage soured she no longer considers marriage a fairy-tale thing and she can't imagine being married again, Charlize Theron admits she hasn't made the grade when it comes to homeschooling her kids Jackson and August, Patrick Schwarzenegger is looking to follow in the footsteps of his dad Arnold Schwarzenegger but says his dad hasn't offered any pointers when it comes to a career in showbiz, Bindi Irwin is close to welcoming her little wildlife warrior with husband Chandler Powell and her 17-year-old brother Robert Irwin has some opinions about his sister's ever-expanding figure saying she's massive
Page 45: Duchess Kate and Prince William hold video calls with folks shielding at home during the pandemic to discuss the positive impact of the COVID-19 vaccine (picture), Chrissy Teigen goes shopping with daughter Luna (picture), Mary-Kate Olsen finalized her divorce from French banker Olivier Sarkozy and she was spotted in NYC having dinner with businessman John Cooper, Gordon Ramsay is steamed after being diagnosed with arthritis, Jessie J has a new boyfriend with dancer and choreographer Max Pham Nguyen, Alec and Hilaria Baldwin dropped a bombshell -- they've welcomed their sixth child via surrogate
Page 46: We all get a bit snippy at times, but if you tend to fly into a rage, it's not good for your health or friendships -- here are some simple anger-management techniques you can do any time
Page 47: Curious Earthlings have always been hungry for movies about the moon and its mysteries -- Cat-Women of the Moon, A Trip to the Moon, The Right Stuff, First Man, Gravity, Apollo 13, Hidden Figures
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thirstyforred · 4 years
Do you have some top 10 least favorite card arts?
i was this *fingers touching* close to making "I don't like Karol Bem's art and here's 10 reasons why" but that would be rude 🙃
10 Whoreson Junior aka old Blood Money artwork by idk because it's redacted on gwent.one and I don't want to guess lol
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ok, I actually Like this artwork, I really enjoy the general Ramsay/Roose Bolton vibe Whoresons have, but, similarly to Parasite I'm not sure this card should be in the game - thankfully no longer is. i guess I'm sounding kinda stupid considering that I'm super excited about upcoming Salamandra grossness, but I honestly think that Failed Experiment or Salamandra Abomination are just on the line of being too much, gross, violent, whatever, while the Blood Money fucking jumps over that like it's Olympics. idk I may be because Salandra is more fantasy and unreal, while this blood bath is somewhere in the realm of realism. if it was a fanart i wouldn't have anything to say, but since it was a part of the game for some time, I'm very glad it no longer is
9 Mage Torturer by Lorenzo Mastroianni
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again, not a bad art, BUT... the first time I saw this I literally thought I'm looking at X-Force vol 3 cover art, which technically is a compliment because if i could i would have the whole wall just with the cover arts from this series, but it's in no way Gwent aesthetic. i look at it, i love it, I'm confused, and tho the premium is kinda ugly - not the worst when it comes to "nice artwork, bad premium", but i won't spend my dust on this one
8 Syanna by Bogna Gawrońska
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not bad art, but i have so much personal beef if this whole the Black Sun storyline... i often will edit gifs to make premiums look a bit more vibrant than they are in reality, but damn this one is already an eyesore 
7 Bruxa by Bogna Gawrońska
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not a bad concept but... ugh... titties... sparkly titties... falling on my face
6 Ethereal by Karol Bem
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i don't even know where to start with this one 🙃 it’s not even gross or scary, it’s just fucking sad
5 Toad Prince by Marek Madej
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the muddy color palette is killing me
4 Arachas Nest by Marta Dettlaff
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Arachas Nest wishes to have what Salamandra Abomination has lol
bonus mention: only one, because it's a super personal thing that bugs me and i don't expect that literally anyone other on this earth will get this - Roderick de Wett, he looks so fucking old 😩 he's too old and it's homophobic and an attack on me specifically 😩 i know it's just my hc but i think that all things considered it would be incredibly funny if he was just barely older than Adda or even younger than her (and she's in her early 30s in TW1 just FYI)
3 Kerack City Guard by Bogdan Rezunenko
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acab and all that, but it still rubs me the wrong way that the flavor text and premium are both like yeah we have to make sure that everyone finds this woman ugly as hell
2 Sweers by Chris Rallis
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this man is going to spit at me any moment now and then call me slurs, and in retaliation, i will bite his ear off
1 Ele'yas by Diego de Almeida Peres
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she has a weird face. i literally have nothing else to say here. she has a weird face, it bugs me, and not only me because i think it's like a second version of this art and she looked differently before, but she has such a weird face
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carewyncromwell · 4 years
M E T and K for the OC ask >.>
Oooh, that’s a lot! x.x Okay! For M, I’m going to cheat a bit and use a surname, since a lot of the “M” first name characters I added onto in LOLS are expansions of canon characters (i.e. Millicent Bulstrode) -- the others I’ll use first names! :)
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Full Name: Lydia Julien Montmercy
Nicknames, If Any: Caeneus Jove (pen-name)
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Gender: Transgender Male
Sexuality: Gay
A Song I Associate With Them: Ascendance by Lindsey Stirling
3 Important Relationships
Eddie Carmichael ~ One of Julien’s best friends. They first met at school, and even though they were in different houses (Ravenclaw and Slytherin, respectively), Eddie and Julien bonded over their shared aspiration to join the Auror Department. Once they were both accepted into the ranks of that Department, they grew even closer, to the point that when Eddie was looking for people to help him with circulating a rebel newspaper during the Second Wizarding War, he knew he could depend on Julien, even if Julien’s father was one of the most high-ranking Death Eaters at the Ministry.
Antoinette Montmercy ~ Antoinette raised her child Julien almost entirely on her own, and so the two are incredibly close. There is nothing Antoinette wouldn’t do if it meant protecting her child -- even obeying the will of her cold-hearted Death Eater husband.
Etienne Montmercy ~ Julien’s father was in Azkaban most of Julien’s life for being a Voldemort supporter, and when he was released, it signaled a hellish new chapter in Julien’s life. Not only would Etienne never accept Julien’s gender identity, which forced Julien to stay in the closet longer than he’d intended for his own self-preservation, but Julien did not share Etienne’s blood purist beliefs in the slightest. To top it all off, Etienne forced Julien into an arranged marriage with the blood purist tabloid writer Uric Cuffe without even consulting Julien or caring if he objected. Etienne and Julien may look very alike, but they couldn’t be more diametrically opposed as people.
2 Fears
Losing his free will
His friends dying
1 Element of their backstory
Julien’s dead name is “Lydia,” which was a name Etienne had picked. “Julien” is derived from a line in an old poem that Antoinette used to read for her son about July gillyflowers.
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Full Name: Erik Landon Apollo
Nicknames, If Any: Rick (by Eos Amari), Jarvey (by Orion), Apollo (by most of his students), Sour Patch (by Wendy Copper @drinkyoursoupbitch)
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Gender: Cisgender Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
A Song I Associate With Them: “Remember the Name,” by Fort Minor
3 Important Relationships
Carewyn Cromwell ~ Erik’s legal guardian, after he lost his parents and was hauled before the Muggle-Born Registration Commission during the Second Wizarding War. Although Erik never calls Carewyn his mother due to the trauma of losing his actual mother Sadie, Erik admires and cherishes Carewyn like nobody else in the world. Although Erik by and large isn’t the sort to lose his temper, he’s never been able to let any insult toward Carewyn slide.
Roxanni “Roxi” Kim @mira-shard ~ Erik’s one true love and (in his mind) better half. Erik was immediately impressed by Roxi’s kindness, humor, and honesty, but was soon enough enthralled by her astounding emotional intelligence, to the extent that she could read people like a book and perfectly pinpoint the best way to help them solve their problems. Given that Erik himself has never been as attuned to his emotions and thinks with his head so much more than his heart, Roxi’s deep understanding of both herself and others is a marvel to Erik. And if you’ve so thoroughly awed Erik Apollo, especially while being drop-dead gorgeous like Roxi is, you’ve got yourself a rather awkward turtle for a suitor. :3
Alistair Schaefer @cursebreakerfarrier ~ Erik’s superior in name only and the mediating Obi-Wan to Erik’s reckless Anakin. Even if Erik is technically Alistair’s assistant, the two rarely see each other as anything other than equals, not just because of their equal levels of talent in Defense Against the Dark Arts and Wizard Dueling, but because of their immense respect for each other. Erik might swear and play favorites with their students way too much for Alistair’s liking, but their friendship is still resilient enough that it wouldn’t be unlikely that Erik could end up asking for Alistair’s help with an Auror assignment in the future, after leaving Hogwarts.
2 Fears
Being helpless
1 Element of their backstory
Erik’s love for Star Wars comes from his father Phillip -- it was one of the main things they shared together before Phillip’s abrupt death. Erik’s middle name “Landon” is even a reference to one of Phillip and Sadie Apollo’s favorite Star Wars characters, Lando Calrissian.
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Full Name: Tokala Kyon Mulligan
Nicknames, If Any: N/A
Hogwarts House: N/A (American: homeschooled)
Gender: Cisgender Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
A Song I Associate With Them: Dance Magic Dance by David Bowie
3 Important Relationships
Travis Fitzgerald ~ The Vice President of the MACUSA saw a lot of potential in Tokala from the get-go. Despite Tokala only being in his late 20′s, Fitzgerald (the real power behind the rather superficial and pompous President Aaron Crowe) was able to pull enough strings to move Tokala all the way up the ranks to become the Head of Major Investigations. Like Fitzgerald, Tokala is incredibly ambitious and determined to protect his country and all of the people in it, magical or otherwise, and so it’s unsurprising that both men are very glad to have such an valuable ally in their fight against the blood purity movement taking root in America.
Cho Chang ~ When the Chang family emigrated to the U.S. to escape Voldemort during the Second Wizarding War, there’s no way Cho would’ve expected to get wrapped up in the MACUSA’s Major Investigations Department. But when Cho and some of her Muggle friends were targeted by some American blood purists walking in the footsteps of the Death Eaters in Britain, Cho collided with Tokala, and soon they became unlikely allies and, later on, partners in espionage.
Mia Romero ~ Like Cho, Mia is a MACUSA employee who was secretly recruited as an agent for the Major Investigations Department for her strong dueling skills and expertise in human psychology. Mia would go on to become President of the MACUSA in the late 2010s, with her old cohort Tokala remaining as Head of Major Investigations -- it’s likely only thanks to friends like Tokala that Mia is able to deal with the chaotic whims of her Muggle counterpart, the so-called “Other President,” without going insane.
2 Fears
Losing his Metamorphagus abilities
A fascist government
1 Element of their backstory
Tokala, being half-Cherokee, was taught at home by the magical members of his family, rather than attending an American magic school like Ilvermorny. (Because seriously, there is no way in HELL either Tokala’s family or I as his writer would send him away to a British-style American boarding school. *glares at JK*)
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Full Name: Kevin Elijah Whitby
Nicknames, If Any: N/A
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Gender: Cisgender Male
Sexuality: Gay
A Song I Associate With Them: Merry-Go-Round of Life from Howl’s Moving Castle
3 Important Relationships
Astoria Greengrass ~ Despite being in the same year, Astoria and Kevin didn’t really spend much time together until they both ended up as contestants in Potions Professor Gordon Ramsay’s MagicChef contest (yes, really, that’s a thing, in Kevin’s fic). During the contest, the two really connected thanks to their similar personalities and shared interest in cooking, and they became even closer friends through the Cooking Club Kevin helped found. By the time they’re adults, they would both consider each other their best friend.
Colin Creevey ~ Like with Astoria, Kevin hadn’t interacted at all with Colin until the MagicChef contest and the founding of a Hogwarts Cooking Club right afterwards. After a traumatizing escape from an extremist group during the Second Wizarding War, Kevin ended up in a playground close to where the Creevey family was in hiding, and Colin and his brother Dennis brought Kevin home with them. It was thanks to the Creeveys that Kevin was able to heal both his physical and emotional wounds from that particular trauma. While living with the Creeveys, Kevin came to see Colin like the older brother he’d never had.
Dennis Creevey ~ Kevin bonded with Dennis while living with the Creevey family and came to see him like the younger brother he’d never had. After the end of the Second Wizarding War, Kevin and Dennis became even closer, with Kevin supporting Dennis not unlike how Colin had supported him.
2 Fears
Losing his family and friends
Being alone and unloved
1 Element of their backstory
Kevin is the son of an female Auror named Hattie Ollerton, who fell in love with a Muggle bobby, Elijah Whitby, during the First Wizarding War. It’s because of his parents that Kevin pursues becoming an Auror as an adult.
OC Asks! or Meet Julien, Tokala, and Kevin in Harry Potter and the Lack of Lamb Sauce!
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