#and if anyone likes them enough ill either make this a multi or throw them on a sideblog
flaysmen · 2 years
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@brokenalibi​  said:  ❝  I  need  more  bastard  content  thanks  Jen.  ❞
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     I  didn't  think  anyone  would  be  interested  in  anything  else  bastard  related  but  once  again  Zatan  proves  me  wrong.  In  the  original  post  with  their  sketched  out  concepts  I  mentioned  that  I  was  looking  into  Roose's  book  based  lore.  I  will  be  reading  the  books  as  soon  as  I  finish  the  show,  and  honestly  with  the  information  I  pulled  from  the  book  series  wikis  I  most  definitely  plan  on  basing  Roose  on  the  book  series  rather  than  the  TV  series.  While  glazing  through  the  wiki  I  found  out  what  the  First  Night  tradition  was.  Considering  that  Ramsay  came  to  be  from  this  I  thought  it'd  be  interesting  if  Ramsay  had  more  bastards  because  of  this.
     So  here  are  his  bastard  twins,  Segovia  and  Lucius  Snow.  Their  mother's  name  is  Astrid,  her  husband  is  Nikolai  Ashborn.  Thankfully  for  Astrid's  sake  Nikolai  doesn't  enjoy  having  a  woman  in  his  bed,  their  marriage  a  ploy  to  those  around  them.  A  year  after  the  birth  of  the  twins,  Nikolai  and  Astrid  did  have  their  own  child  since  it  was  obvious  that  the  twins  weren't  his.  On  the  first  night,  Astrid  actually  enjoyed  her  time  with  Roose  and  insisted  that  the  night  go  on  longer.  She  never  told  the  twins  who  their  father  was,  but  Segovia  was  able  to  figure  it  out.  While  she  wasn't  quite  book  smart  like  her  brother  Lucius,  Segovia  learned  how  to  read  and  work  people.  Just  based  off  how  her  mother  would  speak  about  the  Lord  of  Leeches  and  how  she  looked  at  him  when  he'd  pass  through  their  village  for  annual  checks.  After  she  knew  the  truth,  the  next  time  Roose  Bolton  passed  through  the  small  village,  she  threw  a  straw  doll  with  nails  jammed  into  its  head,  hands,  and  feet,  trying  her  best  to  replicate  his  house  sigil.  The  two  made  eye  contact,  and  without  any  words  falling  from  her  lips  Segovia  told  him  ❛  I  know  our  secret.  ❜  She  of  course  told  Lucius  what  she  knew  and  about  two  other  bastards  who  were  clearly  their  half  siblings.
     The  third  bastard  is  Clauneck  Snow,  his  mother  being  Eissa.  When  she  was  wed  to  Ivan  Erikson,  Roose  claimed  the  first  night.  Ivan  had  no  objections  but  was  disgusted  with  his  wife  afterwards,  he  never  laid  with  her.  When  he  found  out  she  was  pregnant  he  abandoned  her,  his  body  was  found  in  the  woods  weeks  later,  his  death  caused  by  being  attacked  by  a  wild  animal.  After  Clauneck  was  born,  Eissa  started  working  in  a  brothel.  She  never  tried  to  make  contact  with  Roose  when  her  son  was  born,  Roose  found  out  about  Clauneck  after  one  of  his  banner-men  had  seen  Clauneck  playing  with  other  children  in  the  area.  Segovia  later  sought  out  Clauneck,  curious  to  who  her  half  brother  was.  Clauneck  thought  Segovia's  interest  in  him  was  because  she  was  attracted  to  him,  he  found  out  the  hard  way  that  it  wasn't  when  he  tried  to  kiss  her  which  resulted  in  her  kneeing  him  in  the  crotch.  She  yelled  at  him  stating  that  they  were  siblings,  Clauneck  followed  it  with   ❝   Just  because  our  last  names  are  Snow  doesn't  mean  we're  related.  ❞   She  kneed  him  in  the  groin  again  then  informed  him  of  who  their  father  was  then  called  him  a  ❝  half  wit  whore.   ❞
     Clauneck's  strengths  are  his  swordsmanship,  his  physical  strength,  and  quickness.  Lucius  is  incredibly  book smart  and  well  versed  in  the  art  of  healing.  Segovia's  strong suit  is  being  able  to  read  people,  figure  out  what  drives  them,  their  intentions,  and  so  on.  The  three  grew  close,  almost  inseparable.  Roose  took  notice  of  this  and  started  watching  them  closely.  Out  of  all  his  bastards,  Clauneck  was  the  first  to  be  legitimized.  After  he  earned  his  father's  family  name,  he  met  Ramsay  who  told  him  the  fate  of  Domeric.  Clauneck  took  this  tale  as  a  threat,  out  of  fear,  Clauneck  ran  off  to  The  Wall  to  join  The  Night's  Watch.  
     Seeing  that  Roose  lost  another  son,  instead  of  just  giving  Lucius  his  last  name,  he  asked  if  he  wanted  it.  Lucius  said  he  wouldn’t  mind  having  it,  seeing  on  how  he  had  planned  on  going  to  Oldtown  to  study  in  the  Citadel  it  wouldn’t  matter,  but  he  would  return  after  finishing  his  chain  to  be  the  Dreadfort’s  maester  if  that’s  something  Roose wanted.  Lucius  did  take  on  the  Bolton  name.  Segovia  is  legitimized  after  Ramsay,  it’s  not  because  Roose  was  particularly  fond  of  her,  or found  her  useful  in  anyway,  his  thoughts  on  it  being  that  he  might  be  able  to  arrange  a  marriage  with  another  house  to  strengthen  an  ally  ship.  Segovia  wasn’t  pleased  with  this  when  she  found  out.
Here  is  a  piece  I  did  of  Segovia  and  Lucius.
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     Below  the  cut  is  something  short  I  wrote  up  on  the  twins  and  their  mother.
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     Roose  Bolton’s  bastard  twins  may  have  his  blood  flowing  through  their  veins,  yet  they  lack  the  coldness  of  his  heart.  Instead,  what  beats  in  their  thoracic  cage  is  their  mother’s  love.  The  warmth  that  it  brings  in  their  chest  is  one  that  can  combat  the  Northern  winds.  Their  compassion  could  never  be  hidden  by  ghost  grey  eyes  ;  their  only  feature  that  proved  they  were  Roose’s.  Every  other  trait  they  hosted  was  gifted  by  their  mother,  a  lowborn  with  a  queen’s  beauty,  if  only  she  was  born  to  a noble  family...  maybe  her  children  would  be  fully  acknowledged  by  their  father.
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Redacted Incorrect Quotes Pt. ?
Haha you really thought my lazy ass was gonna work on WIPs? Nah. Have some redacted incorrect quotes based on tweets I saw, either on the app or screenshots of.
No I don’t care if the dashes are uneven.
Redacted Masterlist
Angel: *Flirting poorly with Davey at the grocery store* Hey so do you eat food often?
Sweetheart: Curious George is not a monkey because he has no tail. He is an ape. He will grow into a silverback gorilla and kill the man with the yellow hat in a display of dominance.
Milo: I’m literally just trying to read to Aggro.
Milo: I love when kittens yell, but their heads are too big so they squint.
Guy: Roommate broke up with boyfriend that cooks for us. Excuse me while I go die.
Angel: In 1920 we took children out of the coal mine. In 2020 the most popular game on the market is minecraft. 
Baabe: Children yearn for mines.
*3 AM*
No one:
Asher, in wolf form: I wonder if I can break the record with how loud I can lick my paw.
Darlin: If civilization crumbles, I have a little flashlight in a drawer somewhere.
Sweetheart: Paul McCartney’s “Wonderful Christmastime” is about friends practicing magic but when someone walks in they have to play it cool.
Milo: No. It isn’t.
Sweetheart: *starts singing* The moon is bright, the spirits up. We’re here tonight, and that’s enough. *whispers* This is the part where someone comes in. *Continues pointedly* Simply having a wonderful christmastime!
Angel: My husband gives people a thumbs down instead of flicking them off when driving. He reports that a thumbs down makes them a lot more angry.
Adam: I would be such a good “dead wife”. Like, can you imagine how good I would look in a dead wife flashback sequence? Someone make me their “dead wife.
David: As a kid I thought Simba was crazy for running away after the death of Mufasa. But now watching it as an adult, I get it. It did look pretty incriminating of him leading Mufasa to that gorge. Witnesses saw him singing “I just can’t wait to be king.” A persecutor could do some real damage with that conviction.
Honey: I don’t like the saying “don’t speak ill of the dead”. It always struck me as disingenuous. People are multi-layered. Yes, I did light up a room. But I also stole my roommate’s milk to make mac and cheese blackout hammered. Let’s acknowledge both sides.
David, giving a pep talk to the pack: For anyone feeling down, just remember Velveeta cheese has been on the market since 1918. If trash cheese can succeed, so can you. And for anyone who likes Velveeta cheese, I’m sorry. I’m sorry you like trash cheese.
Angel: Lying awake thinking about the time I ordered a giant magikarp plush from Japan but then got refunded because the plushie got crushed under a shipping container.
Asher, and maybe Guy too: I’m here if you need moron support. It’s like moral support but I’m stupid.
David: If I have to throw a party for my pack, it will be breakfast. Not lunch. Not dinner. It will start at 8:30 am so there is a valid reason for no one to come and I can kick them out before noon because I only promised breakfast, not lunch. The introverts will win even if it kills me.
Milo and Ollie: My cat has no responsibilities, but all day he walks from around the house, from room to room, with this sense of purpose, as if he has a long to-do list of tasks no one asked for. Just a weird small furry dude going about his little cat errands.
Freelancer: Aww my microbiome fancies some high quality fermented foods, does it? A little kombucha perhaps? I don’t give a shit. I’m a megabiome, I do what I want. I’m having a fanta lemon. I’ll swallow coins.
Lovely: I would be an awesome drug dealer. Like, can you imagine? *giggles* We don’t have coke, is pepsi okay?
Freelancer: Math professors be wildin like “a man tossed a coin, find the probability of him getting a head?” BRO WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU GOT A H-
Huxley: I wanna reply back same to my data analytics professor so badly!!
David, at the pack solstice parties: I, myself, am understaffed at this time.
Milo with Marie watching Aggro for him:
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Asher: Fuck your zodiac sign, what button do you press when it says “press any button to start”
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jedimasterbailey · 1 year
barriss for the character asks!! 1 (i think we know), 7, 9, & 32
Hello there! 😊 It makes me laugh knowing that you know me well enough to know what my feelings are going to be on that first question 😂 Thank you for giving me the excuse to talk about my girl Barriss 💙
1- Canon I Outright Reject
That Barriss is not a terrorist or evil. She wasn’t out to get Ahsoka or anything out of spite or jealousy. She wasn’t abused or neglected by her Master. She didn’t want to hurt or kill anyone (she’s canonically a healer and it’s pretty clear from her words, actions, and facial expressions that she was tormented by what happened. The Temple bombing was a terrible accident Barriss got involved in, which can easily happen if an adult gets into your head about how wrong everything is and you’re most likely suffering from a multitude of mental illness as a result of being involved in war. People seem to forget that Barriss was a child like Ahsoka. At that time she didn’t have the wisdom or maturity to know that she was being used for nefarious reasons via Letta. Was it wrong what she did and how she went about it afterwards? Absolutely, but she’s still a kid at the end of the day, they’re not gonna make the best of choices especially if they’re already at a disadvantage (i.e riddled with PTSD and who knows what else).Barriss was a proud and gifted Jedi who cares for Ahsoka and everyone else she personally knew in the Order; she simply just hated the war and felt that the Jedi shouldn’t be dying or losing themselves to a cause that was orchestrated by an evil entity. Barriss says this clearly in her confession yet people wasn’t to have selective listening and only listen to the parts they want to hear to fit their narrative. The fact that Feloni and his goons decided to pick a Muslim coded character to be the one to bomb the Temple to further Ahsoka’s story and throw her on the pyre for toxic Star Wars fans to burn for years to come is disgusting and should be retconned immediately.
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7-Age/Height/Weight Headcanon
Okay the age one is interesting because this is something we fans have wanted to know for years ever since Barriss got de-aged to be a companion for Ahsoka. It’s been said that Barriss is supposed to be a little bit older than Ahsoka in the Clone Wars. So if Ahsoka was 14-17 during the show, then I’d put Barriss roughly between the ages of 15-21ish. She’s likely 1-3 years older than Ahsoka if I had to guess. Height wise, she looks pretty tiny like 5’2-5’4 ish with the heels and weight would most likely be anywhere between 100-125 ish pounds considering she’s so thin.
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9-Scene That Made Me Love The Character
I always thought Barriss was so cool when I first saw her in AOTC and in the Clone Wars 2003 mini series, but the scene that made me fall for her is undoubtedly when she introduces herself to Ahsoka in the 2008 Clone Wars episode “Weapons Factory”. Her sweet little bow had me and she is such a delight in that episode that I just fell for her right then and there and then it became obsession when she was willing to die when she got infected with brain worms so that others can live. In the three episodes she’s in, she showed the audience that she’s a multi layered character and I love characters like that 💙
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32-Something Guaranteed To Make Them Smile/Laugh
I believe this to be a toss up between her Master Luminara and Ahsoka. Either woman most likely know all the ways to make Barriss smile or laugh, but I don’t think Anakin slipping on a banana peel or something wouldn’t do the trick either. Barriss has a big heart so I believe the ones she loves most would bring out the best in her.
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Thank you again for this excellent character asks! Feel free to me what y’all think! 💙💚
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amused-bouche · 7 months
You can call me Ace. (She / They)
I'm in the Central time zone.
I’ve been RPing on other sites and tumblr collectively for well over 10 years. I’m mostly multi-para, but I do not mind shorter responses either. I’m very much quality over quantity. You can always feel free to reach out to me OOC via the ask box, tumblr IMs, or Discord (given upon request to mutuals.) I’m open to chat about RP or anything else. It is not required, I just find I write better with with people who I can chat with.
P.S. I’m always on throughout the week, but my replies are normally written on Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays. Sometimes I can get to them throughout the week, but I have the most energy on those days. I’m always open to plot and chat any day of the week! I do throw things into a queue if threads start to pile up, which isn't always the case.
My guidelines are simple:
Please only follow me if you are 20+. I don’t like to interact with minors / people who are under age. It’s not about your writing skills, or anything personal. It just makes me feel a little creepy with that large of an age gap. I like to play it safe.
If you RP off a sideblog and you follow me with your main / personal, that’s fine! Just please please please let me know which sideblog you intend to use with me so I can check it out. My IMs and askbox are always open.
Please check the bottom of my muses’ bios for their AUs and if they have any established AUs. If you are from a particular fandom, I may already have an AU for that. If not, it’s easy to make one!
Communicate and be honest with me. If you have a problem with me, a thread, muse, anything, talk to me. If you want to drop a thread, that’s cool, just give me a heads up.
If you follow me first you have two weeks to contact me after I follow you back before I unfollow. Similarly, if you follow me back and I message you, you have two weeks to respond before I unfollow.
If I reach out to you multiple times and I receive no response, or the conversations or threads are constantly dropped within one or two responses, I will not be reaching back out to you. I am not chasing anyone down to plot / RP with me. You either want to or you don't. If this persists over a long period of time, I will unfollow. You want to write after that? You can contact me. It's not my job to babysit.
I don’t write smut, that doesn’t mean my characters aren’t sexually active. I just prefer not to write it out. The writer is Demi-sexual and leans more Ace than anything else on the spectrum. I don’t mind writing some foreplay stuff if I’m comfortable with the mun, but any further and I would prefer to skip to after the fact.
If you decide we don’t mesh well enough to rp, that’s fine. Please unfollow me. I’d like to know who I can come to for RP and plotting. I don’t like wasting my time.
I will tag what triggers I can. If you let me know, I will do my best to keep up with tagging them. I use “tw: insert trigger here”. Ex. tw: blood
I will not RP the topic of abortion. Further more, I will not talk about it ooc. It is a topic that makes me extremely uncomfortable and can sometimes make my physically ill. Do not bring it up.
Try to avoid ooc drama.
Do not godmod.
Try to be a decent person and let’s have fun, alright?
Memes? They don’t expire here. Just let me know which meme it was if it’s been a while. I love memes.
I don’t send passwords, but I always read everyone’s rules.
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iloknalem · 1 year
Its almost 11 PM in the library.
The ceiling, checkeredly patterned, with light fixtures in some of the squares, beaming down to the adequately illuminated, neatly packed tables. The library. It's "residents", slowly dwindling in numbers, as they one by one go home, internally smiling after one days worth of good work, while the rest, a number of them, are still left here, continuing their business, burning the midnight oil. The library.
Today is quite a cold day at the end of August, The HVAC systems sets itself accordingly, maintaining the internal temperature quite close to the outside, as to not give shock, making the Library somewhat chilly.
I forced myself to continue this draft of my thoughts, as I have not been able to do any studies today. This might be a multi day entry, I don't think ill be able to complete it in one go.
So, where do we go from here, now that you're so far away, knowing you feels like a lifetime ago. What should we do, when you avoid me like the plague.
It took me, quite a while, to give, to make some kind of order to my thoughts. To process my feelings. All has been sitting in the backlog, due to the impending Klausur and work I still have.
Today is a Thursday, which means I get to do my weekly meetings with my colleagues at work. The PR team is not as cohesive as it can be yet, but its getting there. We're planning to post some changes to our Instagram accounts. I hope it will go out soon.
Your reason, I respect it. I think its a good reason because it's honest.
I really dont want to think that you would want to just throw things up in the bin, all that we have. Youre just being true to your feelings, and thats something commendable. But still. "Gue sayang, tapi ngga romantically", what a blow that..... what KIND of fucked up lessons of life was this?
I really wonder when you said those words, does it means that i need to try to give what you actually want instead of what i thought you want, or that i havent tried hard enough for you, for us. Or maybe you expect me to be someone im not, to fill a triangle shaped hole he left you with my round shaped love. Or maybe, there is just no deeper meaning to it.
Wouldn't you want to just give us some more time, to make things work, to maybe carve the hole in our hearts slowly into a fucked up rounded triangle. I tried to, I don't know if you noticed nor care, and I didn't now if it was enough or not. Apparently its not enough for you I see.
You, having those kind of idealism of love, is that really realistic? Would anyone be able to accomplish that? Those kind of things hindered me on living back then, and so ive decided far long ago that true love doesn't exist, at least not in that sense.
Love for me, its just a matter of checks and balances, make compensations, but for a positive net outcome, and with all the hardships and problems, it looks like i've been tipped over.
Whats not enough from me? Is it because of how i look? How i do things? I've asked you whether im enough in your books or not. Did your answer comes out only to please me? Maybe I shouldn't have pressed you into the corner with this question back then.
I really want to know why I'm not enough, but at the same time, im also afraid to know, and face the realities. Being comfortable with myself, and accepting myself, has been a long unending journey for me, and i don't exactly want to jeopardize that either.
Its already the next week. I kept on postponing to post this one, as i dont have time, nor the energy, nor the capacity to continue on, assembling, this feeling of mine. I need to function.
This week is a hot week, which usually means it's the last hurrah of summer, before we slowy saunter into autumn.
Today, is also a Thursday. There's a new girl at the office, working at my department. Not exactly my type, but she seems fun and much more gen z-ish. She has much more knowledge about how Instagram works so its a fresh breath of air at the meeting today. Finally, were going somewhere interesting...
When you said all of that, did you consider how I would feel?
Did you try to see from my perspective, who see, someone I trusted, to see all the things we had, turn 180 degrees in a few moments, or in a few words in that matter.
I really wonder what runs through your mind when you finally said it. Did you consider about softening it up? Or did you think that brutal honesty is just the better way?
Did you even consider my feelings at all?
I hope you did, I want to believe you did, and sorry for making you do the hard part if you did.
And if you didn't, remember when i hesitate everytime we make plans? This. This is why.
And i dont know if you wholly catch it before, this is a big deal for me, something im afraid of, having someone i trust, just, go away with the wind, right under my nose. Even worse, right when i need them.
Betrayal of the highest order.
Didn't you promise to come back to me? You promised to fix things up? Were you contemplating about this thing since a long time? Was all of it just a lie?
Was it all just an act of pity around me? And maybe after all of it, now you're just that fully repulsed by me, and that I just forgot my place, and I shouldn't have even ask these questions.
I even got to some point where I had a glimpse of thought, that all of this might just be a very cleverly arranged revenge scheme from all of you guys. I don't even know. Unlikely, but not out of the question.
It's now almost 12 in the library, 2 weeks and 2 days after I started putting all of this into words. It has been a very hot week, and so I brought my small fan with me to the library. The view right across of me are of empty lonely chairs, left out on this Saturday night. My friends, they all went home early, to their partners, to enjoy the short weekend we have.
This, essay, has been a kind of outlier from the others. My other entries are mostly delve into my lowest points, but this one, I made it in a wide spread time, with considerable introspection to it. I would describe it as being written on a low plateau..
The last few weeks has been filled with unhealthy grinds and crippling temporary ecstasies, with me procrastinating, delaying the finishing of this writing, refusing acknowledgement to summarize my feelings. I feel like death. This cycle must end, and I need to close this chapter of my life.
I'm sorry I was rude and insensitive on the previous part, not considering how you would've feel back then too, but that is how it looked for me, how i felt, and i want to be honest.
Despite all of that, deep down, there's still a voice inside. A voice that tells me I should still want to fight for us.
Do I still love you? What's love anyway, lets just not use that phrase. I still think you're someone fun. Someone I don't mind, having around 'til the end of time. Is that love? I don't know.
I've lost my trust for you, and that's what keeping me on the fence.
But after all said and done, you might still be worth it, and as I said, that's all that actually matters for me at the end. The total balance.
...and I don't know if there would be another you. I feel like I'm going to miss out badly if I don't try. I really cherish us.
I don't know about you, how do you feel about me. Looking at how things are, it seems that you don't even want anything to do with me though. You're the one who asked to still be friends and yet, here we are.
About acting on this thought, I don't think I have the energy nowadays, nor the confidence, and maybe nor the time, to push again grandly, do it properly. I cant exactly afford to fail either, with my fathers breath looming behind my neck, asking me tetchily about my studies. And there's also lots of things I'm currently doing and I want to do too in the mean time.
Furthermore, I think making deep connections like this will just nauseate me these days.
But then again, I also feel that it's just my ego holding me back to reach out and try to fix all of, this. Is there anything I'm still able to do? I was also afraid that the reason you can't fall for me is because i sold myself too easily, and if i reach out then it would be counter-productive.
Sorry, that I'm not someone good with these kinds of initiative. It's just how I am.
Maybe that's ultimately why you can't fall for me, my indecisiveness.
So where do we go from here
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hoboal87 · 4 years
In Secret
Title: In Secret
Pairing: Jensen x F!Reader
Summary: Y/N and Jensen have been in a secret relationship for five years, and she wants more.
Warnings: Angst, Affair, Open Relationship, Oral (F receiving), Implied Smut, Jensen Is A Bit Of An Ass
A/N: This is my entry for @winchesterxfamilybusiness​ “Make Me Swoon” writing challenge!  My prompt is “I’m tired of being your secret.” 
A/N 2: Y’all, I never expected such an overwhelming positive response to this one-shot! This will soon be a multi-part series, I’ve already started working on the next part, but I don’t know if I’ll get anything posted before Elastic Heart is complete. 
No Beta all mistakes are mine.
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The air is thick around you, the smell of sex filling every inch of your room. You could die just like this, here, with the man you love, holding you tight against him as you both come down from your highs. He rolls you both over, his hand gently rubbing over your stomach, inching down to your sore and swollen pussy. You groan when he dips a finger into wet heat.
“I love cumming in you,” he whispers, gently biting at your ear, and you can feel his smile. “Wish I could do it every day.” He starts pumping his finger, tightening the coil again, and you bite back another moan.
“Mmm,” you hum as he sinks another finger in, his thumb brushes over your clit. You reach behind you, palming his half-hard cock. “You could, y'know.”
The atmosphere between you changes in an instant, he huffs, and pulls away from you, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. You should’ve known this is how he would react, every time you breach the subject it always ends the same way. The guilt you both feel, the lying, all of it comes to the surface, rearing its ugly head.
“Just tell her,“ you beg as he leaves your bed. "That’s the whole point of your agreement, isn’t it?” He doesn’t respond, reaching down to grab his once hastily discarded jeans off the floor. “She gets to fuck whoever she wants and so do you.”
“This is different, Y/N. You know that,” he sighs and steps into his jeans.
“Why?” You sit up, using the sheet to keep yourself covered. “Tell me, Jensen. Why is this different? Why is okay for her to think that your out fucking some random girl instead of me?”
“Y/N,” Jensen turns around, his emerald eyes staring you down. “It’s more complicated than that. We-” he gestures between you, “we have a history. You don’t think she knows about our past?”
“Our past?” You can feel the heat rising in your cheeks. “We were friends. There’s nothing in our past, we didn’t even start any of this until after you two were together. You had years- years Jay, to do something about that. You knew how I felt about you, but instead you jumped from girl to girl and I was the one who had to put you back together, she doesn’t get to take all the credit.”
This isn’t the first time you’ve had this fight with Jensen. Every time they go on hiatus you beg him to stay just a few days longer, knowing that it would be almost two months before he’d be back. You know deep down that it isn’t fair, he spends nine months out of the year in Vancouver, and when he’s here it’s almost like you’re a normal couple. Almost. You and Jensen couldn’t go out in public, not even as “friends,” all it would take was one ill-timed photo to throw both of your worlds into utter chaos.
Being the other woman came with its own set of rules. When it all started you were just happy to be able to be with him, even if that meant it began and ended at the threshold of your home. When you were together you were the only two people in the world, you didn’t discuss her or the fact that she was pregnant. You, in particular, were allowing yourself to live in ignorant bliss cherishing everything he had to give you. You never thought you were the type of person who’d be having an affair with anyone, let alone Jensen, but you can’t help yourself from falling into bed with him every time he comes over.
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You’d gone to high school together, and for four years you waited patiently for him to ask you out on a date. Instead, he dated one of your friends, biting your tongue when he told you about their relationship ending; you knew it wouldn’t last.
You went your separate ways after high-school, you’d stayed in Texas to go to college, and he’d gone off to Hollywood, you’d kept in touch through the years. Reconnecting when you’d moved to Vancouver for your job. It started out as harmless flirting, double entendres, and teasing.
The first time you slept together it wasn’t something either of you had planned. She was in L.A. working on her latest movie, and you were still on the rebound from your latest break-up. It was a night of too many drinks and loneliness drove your actions. You kept your distance from each other in the weeks that followed, sorting out your feelings, unsure if it was a one-time drunken mistake or the start of something real.
The second time you were both sober. He’d come over to discuss what happened; how he would never cheat on her, he was in love with her, he wanted to marry her. You tried to understand, Jensen was always a fantasy, someone who you could never have. You didn’t want to ruin your friendship with him over sex. You both agreed to put it behind you, never discuss it again, “pretend it never happened,” he insisted. It nearly killed you, but you nodded hesitantly.
He reached out to squeeze your knee, and you made your way towards the front door. You fidgeted with your hands as you entered the front walkway, not wanting him to leave. There was a hesitation as Jensen reached for the doorknob, and you pulled him in for a hug, melting your body into him. Before you knew what was happening, your lips were on his, wanting, needing more. He had you caged against the wall, hands pawing at you, lifting you up, encouraging you to wrap your legs around his waist and he ground himself against you. His mouth never left yours as he carried you to your bedroom, dropping you playfully on the bed.
Jensen rid himself of his shirt while you shed your own, desperate to have his skin against yours. The first time was messy, rushed, this time you wanted to take your time, appreciate every moment that you were having with him. He placed sweet wet kisses over your breasts, making his way down, tugging at your jeans to expose your soaked panties. You lifted your hips as he hooked his fingers around them, pulling them along with your jeans down, tossing them onto the floor.
Jensen placed gentle kisses on the inside of your thighs, you could feel him smiling against your skin as he moved towards your aching pussy. His eyes met yours, giving you a final chance to stop him. “Please, Jay,” you murmured. Each swipe of his tongue was pure ecstasy, you reached down for him, holding his face closer to you.
You try to clench your legs around him, but he keeps them apart, eyes flicking up at you as you fall apart. He continues his assault on your cunt, removing one hand, and teasing you with his finger. You groaned as it slid through your folds up to your clit, pressing down as his tongue fucked into you. Unable to make any intelligible sounds, you heard a low chuckle come from him as two fingers entered your weeping hole.
He pumped them fast, spurring you on as you felt the coil tightening. You felt yourself clenching around him and you breathing grew heavier, his fingers finding your sweet spot, brushing it again and again as his mouth focused on your bundle of nerves. You lost all control of yourself when he added a third finger, cumming hard on his face.
“Fuck,” you moaned as he pulled away. He climbed up your body, placing wet kisses over you until he was hovering above you. His cock was hard and ready, precum leaking from the tip, you gently wrapped your hand around him, and he let out a soft groan as you slowly began to pump him. He kissed you passionately and you could taste the release of your climax on his lips.
“I love you, Jay,” you whimper. It wasn’t something you were ever planning on admitting to him, or to yourself, but you couldn’t stop the words from leaving. “I’ve always loved you.”
“I love you too, Y/N,” he whispered in your ear as you guided him towards your entrance. Jensen’s eyes bore deep into you, studying your face as you took in his words.
“Please, Jay,” you begged, “fuck me.”
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Jensen doesn’t move; you know he doesn’t have an answer.
“I’m tired of being your secret,” you huff. “It’s been five years.”
“Goddammit, Y/N!” He shouts, throwing his hands into his hair. “She’s my wife, the mother of my children. You want me to throw it all away?”
You try to stammer out a response, but he continues, pacing in front your bed.
“You act like this is easy for me, it isn’t. I told you after that second time, I’m never going to leave her. You said you could accept that. That’s the only reason we continued this. She’s paranoid enough about you as it is, and you want me to tell her that we’ve been sleeping together for the past five years, how do you think that will make her feel?”
“How will it make her feel?” you scoff. “What about how I feel? My feelings don’t matter?”
“That’s not what I said, Y/N.”
“I’ve kept my feelings to myself for years, Jay. I’ve tried to be understanding, I haven’t asked you for anything. I don’t push the subject, but I’m tired, Jay.”
He paces in front of you, muttering to himself.
“I want you, Jay, you’re all I’ve ever wanted,” you whisper, it’s something you both know, but you never planned to say it out loud. “I broke up with Steven for you.”
“He never deserved you, sweetheart,” he says, and a smile creeps upon your face. For a moment you think that he’ll admit that he wants more with you.
"You never like anyone I date, Jay,” you chuckle slightly, “I think it because you’re jealous.”
Jensen’s body stiffens, and you know immediately that he doesn’t like your joke. He grabs his shirt off the dresser and pulls it over his head before storming out of the room.
“Jensen, babe, I was just-” you follow him out, quickly pulling on a camisole and yoga pants, not bothering with underwear. “Jay, it was a joke.”
“We both know it wasn’t Y/N,“ he snaps back and your smile quickly fades. "You think I like watching you parade with some douche? You wanna slut around with some fuckin’ prick, I ain’t gonna stop you.”
“You don’t get to talk to me like that, Jay,” you hiss. “You don’t get to act like some jealous boyfriend. You’ve made it very clear just now, that I am not your girlfriend or whatever you wanna call this.”
“You’re right, babygirl, I’m not,” he huffs, “and I’m never going to be. I’m never going to be yours, Y/N. If I wanted that, I would’ve made my move a long time ago.” Jensen’s words are like stabs to your heart, and you try to conceal the tears forming in your eyes. “I chose her over you, I’ll always choose her over you.”
There’s a flash of regret playing on his face. There they were; the words that you knew were coming sooner or later. You’d hoped he’d never say them, that the two of you could go on the way you had been for years in denial. He remains stoic as you use every ounce of willpower to not break down in front of him.
"We’re never gonna be more than this, Y/N,” he says softly. “You have to know that.”
“Y'know Jay, if you wanted this to stay casual,” you wipe the tears away, “all you had to do was say so. You’re so concerned about her, but she’s in Austin ‘slutting around’ as you delicately put it, sleeping with who knows how many people-”
“Shut the fuck up, Y/N!” Jensen screamed, and your heart fell into your stomach. He’s never yelled at you like this before, you pushed him too far this time, letting your own jealousy take over. “Don’t talk about what goes on in my relationship with my wife. She is nothing like you, she doesn’t spread her legs every time someone gives her the time of day.”
“You fucking asshole!” You yell, picking up everything that you could get your hands on, and throwing it at him. “Get the fuck out!”
“Y/N,” he tries to reason with you, blocking himself from the barrage of items being thrown at him. “Baby, listen.”
“No!” You push him towards the front door and he stumbles backwards into the hallway.
“Y/N,” Jensen reaches out to soothe you. “I’m sorry, I didn’t- I didn’t mean it.”
“Don’t touch me,” you slap his hand away. “You’re never gonna touch me again,” you push him again, moving him closer to the door. “You can go back to your perfect wife, your perfect family. Congratulations, Jay. You don’t have to choose. We’re done.”
Part 2
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I'm primarily a Mephiro shipper but I know you like MephAmaiRin and I'm curious about how you feel about your OT3 in these scenarios: 9, 27, 29, 31, 36 and 45 (This is for that "Send me a ship and a number and I'll tell you" ship post) and sorry I know it was supposed to be one number but I was curious about all of these haha
I will also gladly do a mephiro too ;D don’t hold back, I’m a multi-shipper at heart. But hell yeah ot3 :D
9. Do they discuss big issues? Religion? Marriage? Children? Death?
-Religion probably not, or in the vein of what goes on in canon so it’s nbd to any of them. Marriage, Rin is pretty much well if they’re happy with whatever we’ve got going on, it’s cool (tho he’d also be thrilled for an actual wedding, if only as a reason to get all his friends/family around for a celebration bc he’s sociable like that). But it’s right up there with the “love” topic and something Rin edges around bc he knows they’re not quite ready to hear that stuff. Children never really come up bc Rin doesn’t realize it’s even an option (tho given certain demons’ shapeshifting abilities~). And again, all things human concerns so Mephisto/Amaimon don’t look at them the same way Rin does so when the topics do come up, it’s usually Rin being the odd one out with his human upbringing making something like death more of a big deal. Mephisto knows to handle heavy topics a bit more delicately in a way that Rin understands if only bc he’s used to humanity by now. (I could write like an essay on how they each approach these topics and heavy issues in general but I just realized how many questions I have to get thru yet XD).
27. Do they have kids? Grow old together? Split up?
--I see Rin either adopting various strays he’s picked up and imprinted on over the years and Mephisto/Amaimon just huff and accept that they’re gonna have to share Rin’s attention with others. (Tho again, fun with shapeshifting vessels means I’d get to play with the ot3 and their horrible eldritch abominations/children and Rin being trailed by a flock of monsters he refers to as his babies lol). I tend to take that Rin’s demon heart makes him more like a demon king/satan than a typical nephilim that only live for 200 years so they definitely grow “old” together in a sense of the word lol But for splitting up, I’d say that in the end, it becomes a good-natured relationship between them and Rin throughout the ages. They might spend some centuries closer than others, and some more apart as they enjoy their various hobbies but never really “break up”.
29. How do they handle disasters or emergencies? Minor injuries? Sickness?
--Oooh well they’re really going thru it rn in canon XD So much like that, Mephisto’s probably got a plan, Amaimon’s a one-demon battering ram, and Rin is out there in the middle of things totally clueless but ready to throw hands  lmao Minor injuries are made a big fuss of by Mephisto for himself, those giant bandaids and requests for someone to kiss his owies better while Amaimon just stares into the camera like he’s on the office and Rin sighs and complies. Sickness is just an excuse for attention and they all take advantage of it since it happens so rarely (if ever, do we even know if demons can contract an illness? Maybe a demonic one like I did for the Quarantine Au lol). Thus, Rin becomes a living space heater and provider of hot soup, Amaimon is there with the absentminded hair brushing and tea, and Mephisto is awful but he might carry them to bed or help them take a bath/order Belial to give them a bath when he’s especially lazy lmao
31. Do they finish each other’s sentences? Pick up any phrases or habits from each other? Know when the other is hiding something?
--Rin and Mephisto are kings of being teasing shitheads to each other and definitely not above poking at inside jokes or little things like finishing sentences. Amaimon picks up habits all the time, constantly watching Rin/Mephisto bc he’s curious about the things they’re interested in and why. Rin is a terrible liar and they both know when he’s hiding anything, rip to him lmao Though they might guess he’s hiding something, but not what and he surprises them all the time. Amaimon is another open book, but only bc he doesn’t see the point in lying and will be blunt about most things or clam up and not say anything when he doesn’t want to answer. Annnd Mephisto is a horrible/perennial liar and at this point it’s safer to assume he’s hiding something than not. Tho he rarely fully lies, preferring to lie with the truth or let ppl lie to themselves. Rin/Amaimon are used to picking out when he’s masking things he’d rather not talk about, tho cornering him is the tricky part.
36. What’s their greatest strength as a couple? Their weakness?
--These guys are a power ot3 100% :D Rin doesn’t humanize them so much as bring out the best aspects of them, and they repay it with meeting him halfway. It’s all about getting Rin to recognize his role as Satan’s nephil/ the new godking of gehenna while also accepting the human piece of Rin and accommodating it into their lives. Their weakness is definitely that Mephisto refuses to let anyone really know his plans, and those can be unintentionally self-destructive, plus he tends to displace all his stress onto Amaimon as a convenient punching bag and Rin isn’t cool with that. They’re all incredibly stubborn too, so arguments aren’t always about changing each other’s minds, so much as letting them know what they’re going to do and doing it anyway.
45. Any special dreams or goals they have as a couple? Any heartbreaks? Regrets?
--Annnnd last question~ This is fun lol Mephisto just wants what he always has, to have the freedom to play with his sandbox/Assiah without someone trying to take his toys away or mess with them, as long as he has that, he’s happy playing with his toys and enjoying the excitement Rin and Amaimon bring to his life. Rin mostly just wants to explore the world (I’m thinking end of the series he goes off and takes Amaimon with to see all the cool places he’s always wanted to travel to, possibly picking up new cooking techniques along the way lol). He probably sticks around as paladin and mephisto sends him on fun missions to pick up haunted dolls for his prank collection XD They live it day by day, eternity makes it less crucial to have an end goal. Tho Rin’s biggest goal is to get them to the point where they can hear him say love without it making them act weird lol Heartbreaks probably come into play when the people closest to Rin begin to die from old age, leaving Rin to come to terms with it. Mephisto/Amaimon can logic it out why he’s upset, and they’ve seen enough humans die/react to death that they understand it’s difficult for them, but they still lack the compassion/sympathy to really help him and he’d have to do the emotional brunt work.
Ooh man this ended up long lmao There’s so much more to add too T.T
Thanks for the ask~ @entitycreation
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writing-the-end · 4 years
LoL Chapter 20- True Family
A Wizard Hermits tale (AU and Red belongs to @theguardiansofredland )
The past comes back to haunt Mumbo as a familiar, familial face returns to his life and offers him the unthinkable. Is Mumbo loyal to the hermits, or his he willing to return to the place he grew up in?
“Today’s the big day.” Iskall whispers, looking around the room. Once again packed full of hermits sitting on beds, on furniture, and on the floor. Mumbo hasn’t taken off his gold medal since he won it yesterday, even sleeping with such a spectacular prize. The only hermit missing from the group meeting was False. She made it to the final round of the endurance battle, facing off wave after wave of illusions. Pushed beyond exhaustion, hardly able to stand, she backed down from the last wave. She claimed she could’ve gone forward, but a sudden feeling of pressure on her shoulders, her head swimming and her magic falling from her bones left her unable to continue. She’s still in bed now, recuperating. Grian did his best to heal her illness, but when he attempted to, he discovered her magic was nearly drained. Beyond anything a spell could cause. She even looked pale, the pink color of her cheeks lost and her hair a platinum blonde.  The gold medal was won by Avon, beating out Doc and Jerome soundly, and False by a single  round. 
But Doc was still at the meeting. He didn’t last nearly as long as False, and while he was tired, it was nothing like what she has. Grian was able to heal his aching lungs, the wounds sustained from their fight with the Guild of Gideon. He was tired, but nothing was going to stop him from being a part of his own heist. He’s been looking forward to this for too long. To finally discover who’s the bastard that destroyed Gildara, that attacked the Asklepions, and tried to take out his friends, his family. 
“I never thought I’d say this, but we’re leading the Championship by leaps and bounds.” TFC chuckles, shaking his head. “I know we surprised the guilds, the Council, and all of Lairyon. But you all surprised me as well.”
“Guess Grian’s pep talk really brought the team spirit out in us.” Etho tosses a ball in the air, catching it and bouncing off Doc’s head. He’s the only one brave enough to anger the criminal. 
“Either way, whatever happens today, I just want to tell you all that I am so proud of all the work we’ve done. And best of all, no one suspects a thing as to why we’re really here. That being said, let’s go over today for everyone.” TFC clears his throat, skimming across the scroll in his hands. “This morning has the water battle. Ren, you’re going to be going against one of the wanderers, and judged based on your performance against all the other contestants. Stress, you’ll be playing in the kipling dodgeball. That’s a last one standing event, and we all know how hard you throw.” The guildmaster hums with a smirk, continuing down the schedule. “And in the afternoon is capture the flag. Tango?”
“They won’t even know what happened to their flag.” He grins, the healing wound on his cheek burning. But none of that will stop him from grinning. 
“That’s what i thought. Tonight is the duel- the biggest event of the games. All of Lairyon will be watching. Which makes it the best time for the heist. Our job is to put on a show while our infiltration team here learns the truth. Boys-” TFC stares directly at the heist team. “Do whatever it takes, we have your back. The rest of us, we’ll be supporting our fighters in the duel. If we win at least one event today, we’ve secured our spot in the Labyrinth run on the final day.” 
“Do you think we’ll actually win?” Joe questions. The labyrinth run is only for the top two teams. It’s a challenge beyond all challenges, an ever changing maze filled with enigmatic enchantments and feral beasts. 
“If not us, then certainly Team Crafted or the wanderers will. Either way, we made history. All of us, being the first nonguild team to win the championship.” TFC smiles, rolling up the scroll and slipping it in his bag. “Good luck to everyone, I dunno about you guys but I’m gonna go get myself a celebratory drink before the water battle. One that doesn’t taste like swampwater.” 
TFC hops over the rest of the hermits, sauntering out before anyone else can realize the meeting is over. Ren hops to his feet, only to be grabbed and held still by Doc. “We have our own heist meeting, man.” 
The guild filters out, but the sea of hermits is cut through by one sole fish swimming upstream. Quentin grabs at Mumbo’s sleeves, missing once, twice, before finally grabbing hold of the black fabric and tugging him to the side. “Mumbo, right? You- you’re Mumbo, the one that beat Ian in the tech competition? The multi-mage?”
Mumbo looks around, but the hermits have disappeared within the woodworks. “Ah, yep. That’s me. Is something wrong, chap?” 
“There’s some people down in the tavern that asked for you.” He pauses, looking up at him. “You specifically.” 
Mumbo frowns, his heart picking up pace and thumping against his chest. He clutches the black robes, trying to still the racing muscle trapped within his ribs. Is it the arcane guard? Do they know why the hermits are here? That they’re still congregating as a guild, not just a team? But why him specifically? Do they know he’s the easiest, perhaps they’re using him as bait, the fastest to lure into a trap? “O-Okay. Can you l-lead the way?” 
The kipling nods, blue and light orange curls bouncing across his finned ears. He guides Mumbo down the open, rickety steps. He jumps over the last one, to which Mumbo trips over as it buckles under him. He tumbles to the sticky wooden floor, rubbing his head. With one eye open, he winces and sees who’s here for him. 
“Mumbo. Still never got your own two feet beneath you?” Mumbo’s breath falls out from his lips, his father’s voice cutting across the wood. The upper crust, noble accent pricks against Mumbo’s ears, immediately souring his mood. He hasn’t seen his father since the morning of his last guild exam. The last thing his father had said to him- until now- was to never return home if he failed another test. 
“Father? What are you-” He falls silent as soon as his father raises his hand, motioning for him to be silent and stand. Dammit, Mumbo hates how he still has control over him like that. Hasn’t a year with the hermits taught him anything? 
“You did well, boy. Your magic has grown leaps and bounds since I last laid eyes upon you. I saw your performance yesterday. Yesterday, I had a son again.” Mumbo’s head snaps up, hearing that word fall from his father’s lips again. Mumbo’s lips open and close, only weak noises escaping his throat. A sharp glare from the grey eyes they share silences him once more. “Mumbo, it’s time for you to come home. You have brought honor to our house, as a champion,” His father’s eyes fall to the medal at Mumbo’s neck, eyeing the prize hungrily. “I’m sure every guild will welcome you after that.” 
Mumbo’s eyes snap up, and he steps back. “What? Why would I leave a perfectly good guild? Why would I leave my friends?” 
“Those ruffians are not a guild, Mumbo. Listen to your father, and come ho-” He reaches forward, only for his hand to jerk back as a spark of lightning crosses between father and son. 
“No! They’re my friends, they’re my guild! They care about me more than you ever did!” The tavern crackles with energy, lightning shooting out in small branches. 
“Be silent, boy. You’ve forgotten your place as a nobleman.” A dangerous glare meets Mumbo’s angered stare. 
“No! I’m done listening to you! The day you disowned me, I found a better family!” He remembers the pain of rejection, lost and alone in the alleys of Milliara. No family, no one to help him when a gang of robbers attacked. His father didn’t come to help- he was saved by Grian. A stranger saved him, now his best friend. The one who invited him to join the guild. 
“Those heathens? They aren’t a guild, Mumbo, they’re criminals! Would you really prefer that to your own flesh and blood? Your fam-”
“You’re not my family! You said it yourself. The hermits are always there for me, always my family no matter what. Whether I’m a champion or an amateur. They loved me despite my struggles, cared for me and welcomed me. It was their care, their devotion, their support that won this gold medal! This is for them, because of them. It’s not for you.” Mumbo steps up, feet leaving the ground as he looms over his father. “Grian, TFC, Xisuma...they’re better people than you ever were to me. They’re my family. I’m already home. Now- leave.” 
Mumbo doesn’t know when the nobleman leaves, he just hears the sound of the tavern door closing, the empty air before him. And that sticky floor, the old wooden boards, and the crooked iron nails are the best sight ever. He wipes his tears on his sleeve, crackling with lightning as his feet come to rest on the ground once again. He remembers to breathe, air rushing in and out of his lungs. When he opens his eyes again, there’s a mug of ale in front of him. He looks up, seeing Quentin leaning against the bar. How long was he there? Did he see that all? “You look like you could use a beer, man.” 
And with friends, even the worst tasting swill was the best thing ever. 
Mumbo, Quentin, and a few other hermits joined to walk to the coliseum together. Grian and Iskall noticed Mumbo’s tearstained eyes, and did their best to keep him laughing. But he hardly needed it, just being with them was the best of all. The hermits take their seat, Quentin leaving to join his own team. He nodded to Stress, wishing her good luck in the dodgeball tournament they share later on. 
Hovering at visual height to the seats, an orb of freefloating water hangs in the air. Like a water droplet suspended midsplash, held aloft by a number of water mages- most kipling. In the water, the hermits can see Ren getting used to his wet surroundings. Across the other side of the battlefield, Red is floating. At home in her element. 
“Ah, this is going to be easy. Red’s so sweet and kind, Ren will easily win.” Stress chuckles, leaning forward and watching the two. “It’s not a tournament style- he just ‘as ta impress the judges an’ win this wee battle. He’s got it in the bag- Ren’ll show ‘em what an imagination wizard can do.” 
They're on the edge of their seats, peering into the water. Across the rippling mass, they can see the crown seat, the Council watching as Ren and Red bow. Magistrate Dolios leans back, resting his cheek on his hand. A small smirk appears on his face as the fight begins. 
Ren doesn’t wait, making the first move. A shark conjures up from his imagination, teeth in a circular jaw gnashing towards Red. He doesn’t back down, brushing his hand to the side with a happy-go-lucky smile on his face. A massive internal wave throws the shark off course, the undertow pulling on both his sundappled cloak and Ren’s ears. The imaginary shark dissipates into a school of colorful fish, schooling along the interface between air and water. 
The smile on Red’s face changes. Glittering, innocent eyes grow sharp, and Ren tucks his tail between his legs. He...may have underestimated the little kipling. The water around him shifts forward, dragging Ren closer to the kipling. He’s trapped in the rip current, unable to swim free. Even though he can breathe underwater thanks to mimicking a kipling, it’s still terrifying. He’s within striking distance, and Red doesn’t waste a second. A flash of light, illuminating from nowhere blinds Ren, but he rebounds quick thanks to his sunglasses. 
Just in time, too. Poison seeps through the water, brushing against his arm and leaving it numb. It would have paralyzed him, if he didn’t swim back. He imagines a barrier around him, his magic circle appearing briefly before turning into what he has in his head. How quickly the tides have turned, Ren forced into defense. 
Water tumbles and turns Ren, his own magic devoted solely to keeping himself from harm. A shield to block poison, a rubber ball to take on the electrocution. He sloshes backwards, the tips of his ears peeking out of the water bubble. Ren lowers his shields, creating coral platforms and jumping across. Rushing towards Red. He creates a giant fish hook, slinging it around Red. She only laughs, looking down at the ornately carved hook. “I’m not a guppy, you know.”
“I know.” Ren smirks, then pulls Red forward. Grabbing hold of his arm- just long enough for the magic to settle in. “Ladies get in line.” 
“Not a lady.” Red squeaks out, just in time before the hook disappears and he’s thrown back. A massive wave nearly casting Red from the water. Ren grins, rolling his shoulders and getting a feel for the new magic he’s mimicking. It’s only as strong as he is, but he knows he can make use of Red’s magic. Across the water, Red shakes his head, regaining his senses from the spin cycle. “Now it’s fun.” 
Red twirls, cloak wrapping around her as a curtain. She extends her arm, and snaps her fingers. Beneath the dueling wizards, kiplings jump back as the water they command is pulled from their control. The entire sphere of water is at Red’s command, tightening inwards. Forcing Ren to flee the constricting edge. He shoves his hands out. It keeps the water directly around him from disappearing, but he’s playing tug of war with a mage much more powerful than him. 
He huffs, breath and chest rising and falling. How is he already tired? Why does his throat feel like it’s closing up, his lungs pressing inwards? Why does it feel like he’s drowning, even though he can clearly breathe? He needs to win. Ren shoves his hands forward, and a tsunami pulses forward. 
The kipling just barely stops the massive wave from knocking him out. It thrashes Red, pulling on his fins and hair. One arm is cut against the coral outcrops, skeins of blood dancing in the orbiting water. For a battle, that was the first blood drawn- the beauty of magic. Ren puts his hands on his hips, accomplished. 
The sight of blood in the water, the scent, turns the kipling into a shark. Before Ren can realize what’s coming for him, it’s too late. The bubble reels backwards, gathering in strength and pulling on Ren. He stays rooted in place. Sharp teeth appear under a dangerous smile from Red. 
Ren’s doomed. He knows that. The wave surges forward, growing and ripplings. Cresting and crashing. Right on top of him. His safety bubble pops, the rushing water sending him sprawling into the mud at the floor of the stadium. His ears flick water, gasping air and coughing up the water still in his lungs. He completely forgot about the crowd until he hears the raucous cheering around him. Water splashes beside him, and he turns to see Red plopped beside him. Smiling that innocent smiling again. They’re both exhausted, beyond what they should be, struggling to breath. Red tilts her head, shaking hands with Ren. “That was an epic fight, your magic is super cool.” 
“Thanks, my dude. That was a sound thrashing. I bequeath the win to you. And I can only hope I stay on your good side.” Ren laughs, sitting up and shaking water off his hair and fur. Even though he lost, that was the most fun he’s had since Eremita. 
He could go for a fight like that everyday, if it didn’t mean he felt this horrible pain in his chest, the exhaustion in his body. What’s causing this? Why does he feel so tired? Why does his skin look pale, lost of color? Why does even his clothes seem dull?
And why does his magic feel like it’s gone missing?
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fromtheringapron · 3 years
WWE WrestleMania XXVI
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Date: March 28, 2010.
Location: University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Arizona. 
Attendance: 72,219.
Commentary: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, and Matt Striker. 
1. WWE Unified Tag Team Championship Match: ShoMiz (The Miz and Big Show) (champions) defeated R-Truth and John Morrison 
2. Triple Threat Match: Randy Orton defeated Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase Jr. 
3. Money in the Bank Ladder Match: Jack Swagger defeated Christian, Drew McIntyre, Dolph Ziggler, Evan Bourne, Kofi Kingston, Kane, Montel Vontavious Porter, Matt Hardy, and Shelton Benjamin. 
4. Triple H defeated Sheamus. 
5. Rey Mysterio defeated CM Punk (with Serena and Luke Gallows).
6. No Holds Barred Lumberjack Match: Bret Hart defeated Vince McMahon. Bruce Hart was the special guest referee.
7. WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match: Chris Jericho (champion) defeated Edge. 
8. Layla, Alicia Fox, Maryse, Michelle McCool, and Vickie Guerrero defeated Kelly Kelly, Beth Phoenix, Mickie James, Gail Kim, and Eve Torres. 
9. WWE Championship Match: John Cena defeated Batista (champion) to win the title. 
10. No Disqualification Career vs. Streak Match: The Undertaker defeated Shawn Michaels. Per stipulation, Michaels retired.
My Review
WreslteMania XXVI is a difficult show to sum up. It’s a pretty good WrestleMania, but also one that happens to be all over the place in tone and focus. Perhaps its reflective of how indeterminate the future of the WWE felt at the start of the 2010s. The roster was such a mishmash of eras that you’d be forgiven of not having a clue where the hell the company was going. John Cena, Batista, and Randy Orton were at the top of the card after their rise to superstardom in the 2000s, but the spotlight was still shared guys who rose to stardom in the ‘90s like Triple H and The Undertaker. Then there was a new generation of talent—The Miz, Sheamus, Drew McIntyre, etc. — bubbling in the undercard who seemed poised to rocket into the top at any moment. But wait! Time was also given to  . . . the 13-year-old feud between Bret Hart and Vince McMahon?!? Suffice to say, with the show splintering off in so many different directions, it’s not surprising it has some misfires.
Let’s start with the good stuff, though. The main event between Undertaker and Shawn Michaels is fantastic and I’m gonna throw it out there that I like it more than their match from the previous year. The stakes feel higher, the suspense level feels higher, and there’s more of a story here than just Shawn needing to beat Taker. He puts his entire career is on the line here, for heaven’s sake! And speaking of his career, like many at the time, I didn’t have a clue this would be Shawn’s last match. Most on-screen wrestling retirements are never legit, so there was plenty of basis to believe this one would be no different. But alas, this one was different, and we get about as good a sendoff as we could’ve gotten for someone who’s been dubbed Mr. WrestleMania.
On another show, the WWE title match between John Cena and Batista would’ve been the main event. Their match here is great fun. It’s actually an end of an era for the two men who were crowned as the leaders of the next generation at WrestleMania five years earlier. Batista would move on to Hollywood shortly after this and, while certainly not his last WWE run, it would mark the end of his career as a full-timer. Interestingly enough, Batista was really coming into his own as a heel at the time of his departure, even winning over fans who previously couldn’t stand him. He would resurrect his heel run in 2014 and 2019, again only for a short spell. A shame we haven’t been able to spend much time with arrogant heel ‘Tista and his impeccable designer fashion, but then I guess that’s what makes it so special.
As for what doesn’t work, I probably don’t need to go into much detail about the Bret/McMahon clash. The basics of the story are solid — Bret gets his long-awaited revenge on McMahon, with his family right by his side. It’s just not super fun to watch in execution, however well-meaning it may be. They match is dragged out much longer than it should and it takes the crowd completely out of it. Another misfire is the Money in the Bank match. This would be the final iteration of the match at WrestleMania before it becomes its own pay-per-view. It’s clear the concept needs some rejuvenation by this point as it’s now a lazy, bloated affair where everyone gets in their allotted number of spots and there are way too many participants. To cap it all off, the ill-advised decision is made to push Jack Swagger into the main event scene, an idea which would run out of gas in a matter of months.
The show seems to have some weird pacing issues as well. In the era of the Network, I’ve grown so accustom to Manias being stretched to the point of exhaustion, so it’s always little odd to go back and watch one that feels like it doesn’t have enough time. It’s almost like it’s struggling to figure out how spread out time across a card so stacked. The tag opener and Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk feel like abridged versions of the matches we would’ve otherwise gotten, while Bret vs. McMahon gets more time than either combined. Even Money in the Bank feels somewhat rushed. I’m definitely not a huge fan of WrestleMania becoming a seven-hour event, and WWE has proven they struggle with time management on longer Manias, but this is one show where it seems an extra hour absolutely would’ve been to its benefit.
At its best, WrestleMania XXVI is a nice sampler plate of eras, even if struggles to give you equal portions for all of them. The multi-generational makeup of the card ensures there’s a little something for everyone and even closes the books on a couple of legendary careers. You’re bound to dislike some it but for better or worse, and this is a cheeseball thing to say, it definitely puts the “showcase” in the Showcase of the Immortals.
My Random Notes
No joke, I really did not think this would be it for HBK and even seriously thought Taker’s streak was in jeopardy. Am I a fool for thinking that? Maybe, but I like that wrestling conned into believing it in a way it hardly ever does anymore.
I feel like the temple entrance set is something that should’ve been more impressive than it is in actuality. They just stacked LED screens on top of each other and just rolled with it. It looks like something from Minecraft.
Ah, this show reinvigorates my fond feelings for Matt Striker. Such a handsome chap! Not surprising at all he would appear on a Bachelor ripoff a whole decade later.
I chuckled at Bruce Hart being the special guest referee for Bret vs. McMahon. You just know he huffed and puffed his way into that one, much to Bret’s annoyance.
I also chuckled at Diana Hart-Smith walking down to the ring with her best “evil, vindictive femme fatale on the cover of a pulp novel” look. God bless her. She needs to write another book.
I know Rey singing Happy Birthday to his daughter is meant to be a heart-warming thing but if I were a kid in the same situation, I would be traumatized. Just think of how uncomfortable it is when a room full of people is signing at you and then think of enduring that in an arena filled with thousands of people. CM Punk did her a huge favor by crashing the moment, as far as I’m concerned.
Not saying anything new here, but the whole Spear thing with Edge is cringe as hell and it’s for the best that it’s been forgotten in the annals of his career.
I know some people like to mock Vickie Guerrero doing Eddie’s frog splash, but I personally thought it was a sweet moment while staying true to comedically heel Vickie.
The official theme song to this Mania is “I Made It” by Kevin Rudolf. A time-period appropriate choice, I must say. I feel like the dawn of the 2010s is the only time a Kevin Rudolf could be a success.
I identify myself as someone who will always be more embarrassed by John Cena haters than Cena himself and I gotta say him posing next to the guys in the front row hating his guts is fucking hilarious. Cena is funny sometimes when he just straight-up trolls.
On the Legacy fallout: The storytelling for this was weird as hell. Am I the only who remembers that one time on Raw where they teased Ted turning face and the crowd was actually kinda into it? Then they completely abandoned it for whatever reason and just had Randy be the breakout face (as if he needed it) and dunk on both Cody and Ted at WrestleMania. I feel like Cody’s AEW origin story more or less began here.
Awwwwe, this show has little baby Drew McIntyre. It’s so interesting watching this with the benefit of hindsight. I remember a lot of people Not Feeling It when he was anointed as the Chose One, and truthfully I wasn’t feeling it at the time either, but watching it back really makes you appreciate how much hard work he put in to get to where he’d be a decade later. A lot of folks were dreading the inevitable Drew world title run in 2010. The title run did happen, but it was much later and much more welcome than anyone back than anyone could’ve imagined.
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charlctterussell · 3 years
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Writer is 25+
In turn I prefer to write with writers who are older, you don’t have to necessarily be over 25 but, certainly and definitely older than 18. I won’t interact with anyone younger than 18 and if you are over, and don’t conduct yourself in an adult manner, the same will be said for that as well. I have no tolerance for bullying or shaming of any kind, and my tolerance for childish bullshit is like < 0.5 I’m not here for that, and I think everyone would agree that we all come here to explore creative things together with relaxation in mind and to have fun doing that. Although I know the cest pool of nonsense-isms accompanying the role-play world is a tale as old as time, but I will be selective in the company I keep here socially and collaboratively in that regard for my own peace and sanity.
Writing Style
Novella / Multi-Para
I really am such a sucker for detail, like seriously, if you want to capture my heart — detail me up mah friends! Having said that, I do again prefer collaborating with writers who write in the Novella and Multi-Para style as well in threads. I will also write in para too though because guess what? TONS of detail can be added in para bits just as well. But I get ambitious sometimes and descriptive, so BUYER BEWARE. Im really down to write and play in any length but when it comes to more serious scenes / pieces as far as threads — I do prefer my partners be the same in that regard or at least amped and enjoy something more than para. As a general rule here: Role-play is a dance between two people, sometimes more, and of course in that partnership you have to align for things to flow and the magic happen. Which I think is what we all strive for— really being able to indulge our imaginations collaboratively with like-minded partners. I have also always been a writer who puts a lot of thought and detail into the breaths of life big and small that live in words for my muse, so it’s important for me to sync up in that way for what I’m receiving as well. It’s also important for me to have chemistry with my partners cause it again, is role-play.😘That being said, I LOVE DRABBLINGS OF ALL SHAPES AND SIZES IN PLAY, so please feel free to send/ tag me anything your heart desires. Like nothing is off limits there. — I live for mentions, and kinda inhelpably am a social butterfly so I really dig and will reply, and play, with any bit of back and forth you feel inspired to throw at me.
please do it. Please? If I’m following you back, it means I want to write with you and work with you. That also means talk to you too. If you have a question or kinda wonder about anything, anything at all, just message me. I love connecting with people, and happen to be super nice also. So, please don’t ever be afraid to connect and slip into my ims. I also do the disco, and communication is totally welcome there too. Member that chemistry thing I talked about earlier? (Whispers behind hand) This adds to it.
Like/Reblog Etiquette
I don’t care if you like anything of mine, or reblog it. In fact please do! Especially if you love/like them. Omg in fact if you do it you’ll capture a little piece of my heart more than you had the first time you did it. 😆With me, it really is the small things and I get giddy over many of them. Just don’t flat out copy my work, save it, and then post it. Unnecessary. —unless you’re stealing and then in that case don’t do that either.
I ship with only one, and that is @isawthelight
This means I am not interested in doing this with anyone else here. My fingers are nimble though and my imagination runs far and wide, so there’s tons of other connection opportunities out there in that sea where our muses are concerned. Basically, just feel free to shoot me a message about anything you’re thinking at all if you’d like to write together! I also promise to do the same. If I follow you, I will read your rules and message you thereafter. It’d be cool if you also did that if you follow this blog, but totally not a rule breaker if you don’t. If I’m interested, I’ll be reading your stuffs and hitting you up! As a general note: I’d really love to hear from anyone who has interest enough to follow first like; why did you? What idea did you have? Don’t be shy to tell me what you’re thinking! I loveeee brainstorming too. My imagination is super vivid, so lots of times I can come up with something enjoyable and am really open to ideas or expanding upon those in ways that work. Or even if you haven’t followed me yet, and you’re interested in writing together and you had an idea butttt aren’t quite sure...Shoot me a message. I’m crafty so I promise you and your muse a good time either way.
So I’m going to be honest...and it’s kinda ironic...considering the themes in The Devil All The Time, but animal gore/cruelty where it involves slaying, or killing animals is something (and literally the only thing) I am sensitive about. That being said, my ‘husband’ things — (side-eyes him from afar 👀)
But I also want to say I’m in this verse writing and all in in doing so, so please feel free to write anything to your heart’s content where it fits or you have the idea to in this verse, or with and around me. Although I have my sensitivity, it’s a part of the story and if it’s mentioned, or written it’s okay! I will grimace and either skip past it if I’m reading something of yours, or read it and thank the lord it’s just words and fiction like I did with the book and film! :p Having said that, at this time, I won’t myself be tagging more than a couple of triggers outside of cancer, nsfw. That certainly will change once I begin/ and get into works on this blog, but at this time there won’t be too awful many just because I may not think of them all and really don’t want to make myself crazy in my attempt to be on the safe side 😆. I have to mention as well that I also prefer to write with partners who don’t really have many (hardly any as a matter of fact, or none at all) triggers and with that I tend to feel as though, if you’re here, and you’re reading, you must at least be aware of the book and/or film and it’s themes. If you arent or like me have sensitivities you’d like at least noted someplace cause we totally read one another’s stuff and love one another, tell me! If you’re here, I love you, and also certainly we all are different and human and have our own feelings about things. Let me know. I’m happy to tag something for anyone who reads mine, or my partners things. In the meantime though, I’m going to assume most are not squeamish around blood mentions, illness, swearing, murder, violence, sex, or anything else graphic in content. Because this blog will contain those and a bundle of other themes that more than likely will grip a persons soul/heart strings. I want to also say that I do read everyone’s rules I work with and if I notice something in a potential partner’s about a specific trigger that may be a constant thing here, or even upcoming or past, I’ll always courteously provide tags for them on my blog without any word about it. But once more, I will not be adding many trigger tags to start because this story is one for mature audiences, so I’m going to assume folks venturing here are of that sort. But there’s not just all that gritty grimey grimes stuff. There’s also so much love and fuzzy feels too.💘
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(To be continued.......)
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aglimmerintheriver · 4 years
How to mentally keep baneful spirits out - no tools required AKA How Not To Give A F*** About the Uninvited
You can find so much info on here and throughout the web about negative entities and protecting yourself from them. Just as there is so much info, there are all of these different perspectives on how our energies associate with them. In this post I hope to cover a lot of different perspectives, as well as some creative methods for dealing with baneful spirits and your own defense magic tool set.
A lot of mythical creatures are based in energetic truth- the vampire is aligned with the energy vampire, the evil and feared witch (like in the Witch movie) is aligned with the early-Christian understanding of the Wise People. The word Witch came from Wic, which means ‘Wisdom’ in Germanic languages. Think of anything given malevolent or benevolent power in the media, and you can likely tie it to misconceptions about the witchcraft and pagan community.
In Shonda Rhimes’ “Grey’s Anatomy” there is an episode where Dr. Miranda Bailey talks about how her OCD creates negative, scary fears within the mind that feel so real that they become real, but she also says that if her mind can think up and believe in these terrible, scary things, she can also think up positive things that make her feel better about those fears- things that help create a buffer, to save her from being so afraid. I’m completely blanking on which episode this was, if you know please let me know and I’ll add it in. By bringing this up, I want to point to something that inspired me to write this post: that elasticity of our perception and of the power we hold within ourselves being dependent on our awareness of our power.
All of this to say that this is not a post created for someone experiencing demonic intrusion. I may or may not have experienced this kind of interaction and if I have, I was simply saved by calling on Jesus (holy freaking heck did not expect the Christian god to help me out but he did) and asking that he save my soul from the attack. If you are under demonic attack or believe that you are, please consult a shaman or a witch who knows how to deal with demonic power. My understanding of demons is that they were the very first spirits here, and so they are the oldest of the old and have a lot of power. That’s not to say your power stands no chance against them, but if you feel overwhelmed by the spirits you’re facing, a lot of the times it is helpful not just for our spiritual protection but also for our perception of how safe we are to call on someone outside of us for help- whether that be a deity or other type of spirit we revere as having badass protective strength or another human we believe can help protect us/banish whatever’s in your sphere.
Perception and Reality
What we believe is what we see. Another way to phrase this is, ‘Where the mind goes, your energy flows”, a very famous phrase within the spiritual community (I believe it has Buddhist origins but not sure of who said it first). This is why a lot of witches are recommended to meet with a therapist or psychologist regularly to ensure our mental health is strong. A lot of people within our community believe that mental health creates spiritual gaps wherein baneful spirits can creep in and target us, but others believe that the cause of mental problems is our spiritual health itself. I’m in the camp of believing mental health is important no matter how you see the correlation- taking care of your brain is just as important as keeping up with the rest of your practice. 
Another aspect of protection and magic is not just ‘what we see’ but how. To bring in a little cognitive function theory, someone with extroverted intuition (or Ne) would likely see a situation and the world from twenty or more different lenses. This is like viewing the world through a multi-faceted crystal and being able to look at all these different crystal-edges and see a different distortion. And that’s really what our view is mostly, because it is nearly impossible to go around living your life and be able to see everything EXACTLY as it is. It’s just not reasonable to think you’re going to be able to have a clear lens every time. If you do and if you’ve developed that, please share how you did and help me figure that out haha, but until then I’m going to work with my understanding that our perception is going to have some type of illusion to it.
And here comes what this post has been leading to- the thing I’m excited about. The Imagining, and the power in that imagining. This is mental craft.
The You-Shaped Perception
In focus meditation you’re told that attention to the breath or to one sensation is important, because you’re narrowing your cannon-sized attention to the size of a pinhole. In much the same way, mental magic is about not just changing your lens, but also how you use that lens.
You       can.         do.            Anything.
It’s true. I mean, within physical means, right? You’re only going to fly if you know how to build mechanical wings, so this isn’t some offhanded promise meant halfheartedly. Nope, I mean this with all of me.
The mind is our friend and our enemy. I’m not even a big fan of meditation and yet I know that. It’s that changeable lens we see things through and how we think of them.
Our mind, my friend, is our power.
In speaking of the mind, I am not just thinking about your brain matter, or your reason, or whatever. I’m talking intention (leading to manifestation) and conscious attention to changing our thoughts.
Think something long enough and you start to believe it. Don’t like your thoughts, or how you feel? What thought or visualization would help you feel better?
There are rabbit holes we fall into where we either can’t control our thoughts and feelings due to mental illness and other times when we just don’t want to control them. Sometimes it feels good to be swept away by our own ocean of emotion and madness. It’s part of being human. The former situation (with the rabbit holes) is likely to be helped by a mental health professional and possibly some anti-depressants. The latter can  a p p a r e n t l y  be helped by meditation. 
(Also, did you know that meditation helps grow the gray matter in your brain? Sitting down and just watching your thoughts pass like clouds, allowing your body to rest, opens you up to expanded compassion, self awareness, contemplation, and helps your memory. If anyone is interested in practicing this, I’m going to be working through this free online MBSR/Mindfulness course in the hopes of helping my depression and my powers of intention- it looks like a great resource especially during this time of political and global tension. I believe our souls are deeply connected to one another and also to the overall soul of the world. Everything that happens in it is something we collectively experience and all of the stress along with this social isolation that the majority of us are experiencing is incredibly traumatizing. I highly recommend checking this out and seeing how it affects you over a few weeks’ time: https://palousemindfulness.com/ )
The point I’m trying to make here is that 98 times out of 100 times, YOU control your perception. And that’s a very empowering and creative thing. Especially when you identify as a witch 😄
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gif of Joaquin Phoenix as the joker with a smiling mask on, then pulling up the mask and grinning.
Okay okay. Here’s my point.
You can use creativity in your craft. You know this already. But you don’t need a book of spells (they’re fun to read though) and you don’t need the latest books on psychic magic. You can seriously just use your magical brain.
Intention is everything. Your natural intuitive powers are where your strength lies- I’d say it’s the key to unlocking whatever the heck you want in life. 
Look at your life like it is a children’s story book or movie, alright? It sounds stupid but please stay with me if you made it this far, because I think this is where it gets good. You know how the main character faced this seemingly impossible task or challenge, and they didn’t know how they’d do it but they did it anyway? Things just worked out for them, either because they did some work to help meet their goal and they fought to believe in themselves, or because the writer(s) wanted to throw them some tools that would help them easily get their goal.
You’re the main character and you’re the author of your story. And not only are you the author, but you’ve got all these spirits helping you co-author what unfolds in your life. So it doesn’t matter if there’s a damn fire-breathing knife-throwing monster standing on top of you while you sleep because in your witch brain, all you need to do is say “I am stronger than you will ever be. I am the apex predator” and watch that nasty bugger fucking deflate.
What is the most empowering thing is realizing that you are worth fearing, yourself.
Now this isn’t an excuse to take on a bad-bitch persona and mess your life up. Don’t go around hexing people willy nilly, please. Don’t think you can conjure a demon and be able to control it.
Just know that you can control yourself and the space you’re in. Cause you a badass, bitch.
An actual example from my real life
I have a little known disorder called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. Essentially it’s scary AF because I have dislocations on the daily and they’re painful and honestly, it’s the bane of my existence. 
That’s not even exaggerating haha.
So along with it comes a lot of second guessing self worth, because of how it’s perceived and how I’m perceived because I’m a lady with EDS. The questions I’ve fielded, the conversations I’ve had, the experiences I’ve had to deal with as a result of it are utterly ridiculous (sometimes, downright despicable). 
One day I was talking to my therapist about self-perception and not feeling strong enough to face life with my handicap, and she asked me to point out the strengths it’s encouraged in me. I was able to point to a few things and while I did, I could see Brigid beside me and this oak shield forming around my body, and I imagined that every word I spoke, every good quality I have grown from having my disorder, made that shield stronger.
There are the times when I rabbit hole and I forget what that armor means and looks like. I forget that it’s there. But inevitably, something happens that would normally feel like it was undermining me and instead, I remember that oak shield and Brigid’s protective, loving energy, and I remember how expansive it feels to see myself as being worth this life and as having valuable traits to offer to the world. That’s when I see that shield again.
As you can see this isn’t only for spirits, but it applies even in those situations too. I’ll detail my channeling session that ended with calling on Jesus another time haha as this is getting quite long. To wrap this up:
TL;DR: “How not to give a f*** about unwanted spirits”
- Decide not to give a f***
- Decide what you will give a f*** about
- Find a couple practices for protection that you like and stick with them
- Know what clairs you have that are strongest (and if none feel that strong right now, that’s perfectly normal. Don’t put pressure on yourself, just enjoy exploring how your intuition works and pay attention without obsessing (or try not to obsess anyways). You have time to experiment with intuition, I’ll try to find some good sources for this and write something for those of you frustrated with figuring out where your skills lie or how to use them.
- Know that they’re working, that you’re a freaking badass witch, and that nothing can come into your space without earning your wrath (which can just be a GTFO and a call on your fave deity if you like)
A lot of the time, spirits who show up don’t actually have any dominion to stay. You have the power. You own the space, you own YOUR space (the space of your body). So own that you own it and do it with certainty. Feel the POWAH haha.
Sources mentioned:
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The Party - Brandon x Chris Threesome
This is my first proper fanfic, and it took a while to write but I enjoyed writing it! The vocab isn’t amazing but I hope you like it anyway. I doubt I am going to write anymore anytime soon as I have essays to write for University that are due soon soooo haha. I also included the names of my besties in the story cause I love them. Anyway here is my pure filth about Chris and Brandon. 
Tags: @ionlyloveuinthemiddleofthenight​ @estefania723​ @undeadspazzattack​ @ericksmamita​
Word Count: 4k+
Warning: 18++++
You found yourself midway through the weekend with nothing to do, you finally finished all of your assignments for University and were left bored as ever. But then, *buzz*, you notice your phone go off *Steph: Hey girl, there's a party tonight that I've been invited to. Rute's coming and you better be there sis, don't let me down!! It starts at 8, see ya there! xx* "Well, I guess I'm going to a party tonight then. I hope I have something hot to wear" you said to yourself. You then take a moment to put together an outfit in your head. You were thinking maybe to go for a classic tight black dress, simple and cute. You got up and walked towards your wardrobe and had a peak inside for what options you might have. Then, you found it, something which was hot and would show off your figure perfectly. You knew that was the one to wear tonight. You grabbed your phone and had a look at the time, [Hmm.. its 6pm. that might give me enough time to have a shower, shave, do my makeup and drink a bit before I go. Lets do this], you thought to yourself inquisitively. You decided to start get a move on and hopped in the shower.
You were nearly ready, all that was left was to try on the dress and have a quick couple of shots on your way out. You finally got undressed and tried it on. It was a tight red dress that had a split on the front of your right thigh, showing the perfect amount of leg. It hugged your figure flawlessly and made both your assets look incredible. Along with your hair being perfectly wavy with some curls in it and your makeup making your skin look unblemished. You were most definitely ready to party after weeks of assignments and boredom. After doing your final checks in your bathroom mirror you made your way downstairs to do your final shots of alcohol and head on to the party. 
You were outside the house and already feeling nervous. You could hear the music bursting through along with the multi-coloured flashing lights. *deep exhale* [Lets go do this, this is gonna be fun even though I know barely anyone. But you are looking fly and that's what matters]. You start walking towards the house and open the doors slowly. You make your way in and notice that there is ALOT of people here. You see a mixture of sweaty bodies dancing, people throwing up, people downing drinks and people trying to rip each other's clothes off. You stood near the entrance in search for Steph and Rute, your eyes scanning the room. Until, you notice a beautiful guy with amazing hair and glasses staring right at you. He was super cute and you couldn't take your eyes off him. When he sees you looking right at him, he turns all red and looks away instantly. [Hmm.. maybe he's a bit shy]. You keep scanning the room still in search for them but then you meet eyes with another guy, he had big brown eyes and serious style. This guy was different to the last he was most definitely not shy because you could feel him checking every inch of your body. It made you go a bit nervous but you responded with a little smile and moved your eyes towards scanning again. You finally saw Rute waving at you and signalling for you to come over. You made your way towards the girls, noticing a few looks you were getting while walking over. "Hey! You made it, finally. We were worried you might not come" Rute said relieved. "Haha, yeh well I'm finished with all my assignments so I thought I would make an appearance" you responded. They both then stood back and had quick look up and down at you in shock. "What? Is it too much, is it not enough or do I look fat?" you said anxiously. They both laughed and Steph said while smiling, "Noo actually quite the opposite, you look incredible!". You smiled and flipped your hair to the side. "Well what can I say. It took a lot of blood, sweat and tears" you said with a wink. "Same here sis, was not easy" Rute said while laughing. You all then exchanged small talk for a while and decided to get some drinks from the kitchen then head to the dance floor aka the living room. 
"All the women, who are independent Throw your hands up at me All the honeys, who making money Throw your hands up at me All the mommas, who profit dollars Throw your hands up at me All the ladies, who truly feel me Throw your hands up at me" Destiny's child was your jam and you couldn't help but lose it. You started moving your body and flicking your hair around. Eyes were drawing themselves to you as your truly confident side was coming out due to the tremendous amounts of alcohol. As you were getting really into the music you took a step back and bumped into someone. You quickly turned around to apologise promptly but then you notice it was the cute guy with the glasses from earlier. "I'm so sorry, Destiny's child really takes control of me what can I say" you said apologetically. He places one hand behind his neck, then looks at you shocked and almost lost for words. He then quickly snaps out of it and says quietly "haha, its okay. Queen B is pretty powerful". You laugh and share a smile. "So, whats your name then" you ask curiously. *He pauses*, "Its.. Its Brandon" he said while stuttering. "Well Brandon, I am (Y/N). *pauses* You seem nervous Brandon, you might need more alcohol in your system.", you say as you place a hand on his arm. You can tell that the little bit of contact was a lot for him cause he started getting seriously red. For some reason seeing a boy this nervous made you feel empowered, it actually made you feel a bit hot. Noticing how much power you had over how he was while talking with you made you feel so dominant. Something you secretly loved being, something that most boyfriends you've had never knew. He blushes, "haha yeh I guess I should follow that advice. I guess I just get nervous around girls like you". You smile and tugged on your bottom lip. In which Brandon couldn't help but intently look at after that action, it made him take a moment to lick his lips and think about all the things your beautiful mouth could do. You could tell that all he wanted to do was submit to whatever you would inflict on him, he so badly wanted it. "Hmm.. girls like me? Care to elaborate?" you said with a cheeky smirk. I don't think it was possible for Brandon to get any redder to be honest with you. He reached prime tomato colour. "Yeh, beautiful girls like you" Brandon said while looking down at the floor like as if he looked you in the eye while saying it he would turn into a hot mess. "Well thank you, you certainly aren't too bad yourself gorgeous" a sentence you matched with a wink. Brandon started laughing nervously. "Well lover boy, I am going to get more alcohol. Hopefully see you later", you said while gently rubbing your hand down his arm. He nodded while lost for words to say. You walked away with a little wave, but you could feel his eyes staring at your body while you walk away. You definitely left him speechless. 
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You found yourself in the kitchen in search for mixers for your rum, [there is nothing here, I cant drink this straight Ill be on the floor]. You walked over to the fridge and opened it. You could see the Coke on the bottom shelf and you bend over to grab it. When you got back up and closed the fridge you noticed a guy staring intensely at you. It was that guy with the amazing brown eyes and cool sense of style. The way he stared at you made you feel hot as ever, the way he was admiring your body just did things to you. You tried not to smile or give away the weakness he was making you feel and carried on with what you were doing. You started pouring your mixer with your rum. But then you heard a deep voice to your right, "Ay mami, Rum's a good choice but pretty strong don't you think". you laughed and look towards the gorgeous guy. You could tell this was the type of guy who likes to be dominant and is used to girls being helpless around him. Yet, you told yourself that you were not going to be the submissive all the time just to please a guy. You were going to be the dominant one, you want to make someone beg for more or beg for you to stop. Either way you wanted to be the one making them utterly and completely surrender to you. "Well, you would be surprised with how much I can handle papi." you said with a little wink and a smirk. He was shocked that he got that response, you could tell he was not used to it. On the other hand, you could also tell that he liked it. Very much. "Mmm I bet, What's your name?" He said intently. "What's yours first, or shall I just scream papi later tonight?" you said while giving him the most lustrous eyes. He choked on his drink and took a second to process what he heard. *pause* "Its Christopher, and yours, trouble?" he said while licking his lips and adjusting his trousers from the obvious hard on that he was getting. God, boys are so easy, I've barely said anything and the big dom is already putty in my hands. "Mine is (Y/N) and I have a dance floor to attend to, see you later Christopher", you winked and walked towards the living room. On your way out you noticed Chris was standing there still in shock and processing what happened. [This party has been so much fun already, I wonder what else could happen]. You found your friends and started your sensual dancing again. The combination of music and alcohol was always so good at taking control of your body. 
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"It's gettin hot in herre (so hot), so take off all your clothes I am - gettin so hot, I wanna take my clothes off It's gettin hot in herre (so hot), so take off all your clothes I am - gettin so hot, I wanna take my clothes off" You were swaying your hips side to side while getting lower and lower. You then put one hand through your hair while sliding one hand down your open thigh, in which the slit in your dress is perfect showing. You close your eyes and completely lose yourself in the moment. After a few seconds you open them again to see Brandon staring at you, looking you up and down, in complete awe. You make eye contact with him and signal him to come over. He gulps and walks over to you. You grab him and place him behind you with his hands on your hips. You both start moving together in sync while grinding to the music. You could feel him getting progressively harder in his pants and his breathing getting heavier. You turn around to face him and move your lips very close to his ear. "Is this a bit much for you gorgeous?", you start slowing sliding your hand down his chest. "Are you suffering?", you then nip at his ear. "Ye..Yes," Brandon said breathlessly. You bit your lip and laughed. Brandon took a deep breath, "I'm going to get us a drink, I'll be a moment". You nodded and continued to dance. You loved making him suffer, you didn't think you could make someone this weak. You wanted more, you wanted to keep going. You were desperate to keep edging him, see how far you could take it. The mere thought of grinding Brandon until he cummed in his jeans on the dance floor in front of all these people just made you extremely wet. You felt a hand wrap around your waist, you turned and realised it was Christopher. He looked hungry and to be honest so were you. "Ahh couldn't stay away could you papi?" you whispered into his ear. He laughed and tugged on his bottom lip, "Not from you (Y/N), you are something else". You smiled and licked your lips, "Mmm, you have no idea baby". You then saw Christopher move his eyes upwards and his smile dropped. You turned around and saw Brandon who looked pretty annoyed with two drinks in hand. "You alright (Y/N), is someone bothering you?" he said while staring down Christopher. This was a dominant side of Brandon that has most definitely not been present at all tonight. "Naa man, nothing wrong here. Just talking with this beautiful girl" Christopher said sarcastically. You could feel the air getting tenser and you weren't sure how to approach it. The men started getting close to one another while you were in the middle. Most would feel uncomfortable, but you had to admit you liked it. It was turning you on like nothing before, two men fighting over your attention. God, if it was your choice you would take both of them upstairs have your way with both. [Wait that is an idea, could I ask for both. Would they be up for it? No, I shouldn't. But if I don't take what I want then doesn't that beat the point of me being the new improved dom woman that I truly want to be]. You snap yourself back to the moment of the boys bickering of whoever talked to you first and which one they think you want. "Step back bro, its obvious we were vibing way more before you got here and ruined it.",  Brandon spat. "Yeh sure man, its obvious shes having more fun with me" Christopher snapped back. "Well, maybe I want both of you. That's my only offer. All three of us or nothing at all" you strongly asserted. Brandon and Christopher looked at you in shock, unsure on what to say. You stood there waiting for a response while the boys exchanged looks of uncertainty. You got impatient and decided not to wait any longer. "Right come with me", You grabbed both the boys hands and led them upstairs. 
You all entered the room and you locked the door behind you. "Sorry I don't want to wait for you boys to decide anymore. I'm drunk and right now I'm hungry" you said while kicking off your heels. You walked over to Brandon and pushed him up against the wall. He was ready to say something but was interrupted by you kissing him roughly. Moving your tongue in his mouth in ways that made him become completely lost in you and your control. He moved his hands to your waist, and was grabbing intently at your beautiful love handles. You then turned around and started grinding your bum into his jeans. You moved you hair to one side to leave space for Brandon to attach his lips to your open neck. He followed your lead and placed small kisses along your neck and shoulder. This gave you the opportunity to grab Chris by his shirt and place your mouth on his beautiful lips. Christopher and you were moving your tongues in sync with each other, it was more than amazing. You moved your spare hand towards Christopher jeans where you gave him a gentle squeeze on his obviously hard cock. This caused a moan to leave his lips which only turned you on more. You could feel how hungry they both were, they both were desperate for your touch and what you could do to them. You then grabbed Brandons hand to place it on your thigh while slowly directing him to move it upwards to your core. You were soaked at this point, having both these boys on you was too much for you to handle and there was no stopping. Brandon followed your lead and started rubbing your folds through your underwear, he could feel how wet you were, there was no hiding. A moan escaped from your mouth that stopped your intense kiss. Christopher's eyes looked down and notice that Brandon was teasing you, he could see the effect it was having over you. Christopher then took his top off and his trousers as he was clearly becoming way too hot. The way the light reflected onto Christopher skin made him look 10 times more hot. Brandon was still working his fingers on your core, sliding up and down on your folds through the material. That god damn material needed to go, and you were getting fed up with it. "Shes soaked man, she wants it so bad" Brandon said to Christopher with wide eyes. Christopher grabbed me from Brandon with one hand around my waist and placed his spare fingers directly where Brandon's was. "Mmm you seem like your struggling to handle this mami, I thought you could take it?" Christopher said trying to assert his dominance. You took a moment to breathe and snap back. Brandon began to undress and my god was his body perfect. You looked up slowly at Christopher and your eyes went dark. You grabbed them both and dragged them to the bed. They both semi-lied down with their bodies half up right on the headboard.  While you stood in front of them next to the edge of the bed. "Don't underestimate me papi, you wont like the outcome" you said mockingly. You then turned around and started to slowly unzip your dress. The boys was watching your bare back being revealed inch by inch from the zip and it was painful for them. You weren't wearing a bra and only had your laced red thong on. Your dress finally dropped to the floor and you turned around to see the boys in awe.  They were inspecting every inch of your curvy figure and it was clear they loved it. You then started crawling up to them on the bed and they could not look away. You sat up in front of them and said "One rule, you can only touch me and yourself when I say so. Understood?". Both boys shook their heads up and down still not processing most of the information as they were just thinking about how hungry they were for you. You then slotted yourself in between them and laid on your back. They both looked at you confused and anticipating your next move. You then started gently hovering your fingers from your hardened nipples down to your heated soaked core. You slipped your hand underneath your underwear and started moving your fingers through your dripping folds. You couldn't help but moan, you were starving for a touch. You could see that Brandon was struggling so hard, seeing you pleasure yourself was killing him. You grabbed Brandon's hand and started moving it towards your core. He began to work his fingers on your bundle of nerves, rubbing it sluggishly. You were moaning like mad craving for him to do more. Christopher was struggling like mad, he was jealous that Brandon could touch you like that and he needed something. You then grab Christopher's hand and place it down your underwear also. You move two of his fingers to direct him to insert them inside. He started pumping his fingers in and out of you at a slow pace. Having Brandon work your clit while Christopher finger fucks you felt euphoric. You could feel a knot building up it was getting more and more intense. "Carajo, this is so fucking hot", Christopher said breathlessly. "You are so right" Brandon said while still intently watching. You smiled and demanded "Faster boys, I can feel it". Both the boys complied and picked up the pace. You placed one finger in between your teeth and moved your other hand to your breasts where you began to play with your nipples. The knot was getting tighter, you were so fucking close. You started biting down on your finger while closing your eyes as you felt your high approaching. "Cum for us, mami. You know you want to", Christopher exclaimed while the knot in your stomach undid. Brandon continued to rub your clit while Christopher was pumping you with his fingers. "FUCK" you screamed as the boys road out your high. When you finally caught your breath you removed the boys hands from your underwear. You took off your underwear and chucked it to the other side of the room. "Mm thank you boys, now who wants to be next?" you said smirking. "Me, I definitely need it" Christopher begged. You enjoyed torturing Christopher more because you could tell he was the type who got what he wanted with ease. So you shot a look at Brandon, "remove your boxers, now". Brandon nodded his head and tried to take his boxers off as quick as possible.  You then jumped on top of him and aligned his hard dick with your soaked entrance. You steadily inserted only the tip in and started moving up and down only on the tip, Brandon moaned out of frustration. "You are so mean nena, not only did you ignore me but you're teasing him like that" Christopher said while rubbing his hands on his hard length. You turned to him, "I don't remember saying you could touch yourself Christopher". Christopher stops instantly in fear of punishment. You smirked and carried on teasing Brandon. Your painfully slow pace on Brandon's tip was torture but you could feel Brandon getting closer to his edge just from this. "Please (Y/N), I cant anymore. I cant." Brandon cried. You felt yourself get tingles just from that sentence, making him weak and begging for more was too much for you that you even craved to orgasm again. In one swift move you moved your pulsing entrance down fast engulfing all of Brandon's throbbing member. "Fuck!" Brandon screamed as I began to go up and down on him at speed. Brandon was getting closer and closer. His high was approaching and he was not able to hold it in any more as you could feel himself throbbing inside you. "Fuck, I'm going to cum." Brandon moaned. It was all so incredible, the way Brandon felt inside you was too much to process. As you could feel Brandon about to release you decided to tease Christopher also. You then grabbed Christopher's fingers and sucked on it slowly, swirling your tongue around it so he felt every movement of your tongue on his fingers. Christopher watched you roll your tongue on his fingers while fucking Brandon into oblivion. Christopher was shocked and his mouth was wide open as his brain couldn't comprehend all of what was happening. Brandon finally released and you rode him until his high was over. You removed Christopher's fingers from your mouth, "Its your turn now papi". Brandon laid there out of breath with his hand over his eyes, he definitely needed a moment or few to regain consciousness. You jumped off Brandon and jumped on top of Christopher. You brought Christopher up to your level so that your sweaty bodies were touching. You grabbed Christopher's hair and pulled it backwards, "How much do you want it papi, how much do you want my pussy. Tell me." you said. Christopher then grabbed me and without notice shoved me down onto his dick. You cried out from Christopher filling you up so abruptly, it was sensational. "I want you bad princesa and I'm not going to wait any longer" Christopher demanded at you. He then flipped you over so you laid on your back and Christopher started going at you hard. He was not going to go easy after all that you have done to him tonight, no more teasing and you loved it. Christopher fucking you hard and fast while you were already so sensitive was killing you, you felt yourself near to cumming. Christopher was not holding back too, he would go all the way out and fuck his big dick into you deeper and harder. You both were getting closer and closer. The edge was coming, it was right there. Christopher then wrapped one hand around your neck and applied a small amount of pressure. This just set you off, that was it you were lost in your high and you were screaming his name. His thrusts became sloppy and you felt his warm liquid filling you up. It was incredible and you were speechless. Christopher removed himself and flopped next to you. You were in the middle of two guys who were incredibly hot and fucked you amazingly well. While you all were attempting to gain your breath back, Brandon quietly said "I was not expecting that to be so good, jesus". You laughed and agreed. "I agree man, I can barely even move right now" Christopher said breathlessly.
As you all laid there, you couldn't help but think [How did I manage to pull this off. That was the best sex I've ever had, I have definitely ruined normal sex for myself now].
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15001700tt · 4 years
Descendants of The Moon
Descendants of the Moon Masterlist
Tag list: @chastja  @multi-fan-trash @serpentityx @syublush @laadychat @whoissheff Dm me if you want to be on the tag list!
Word Count: 5,154
Key: Italics- things that happened in the drama but do not old any importance to the story line
Key: Bold- Dialogue said in the Drama
Getting Caught and Catching A Virus
Episode 10:
Captain Yoo doesn’t respond to Dae Young’s radio calls so they head to where they are, but by then Agus and his men have left. Shi Jin summarized what happened. Fatima is a girl that was going to get sold today and she managed to shoot Agus from behind, Mo Yeon was able to remove the bullet and they left but Captain Yoo doubted this would be the last time they would meet. The soldiers help the children to get into the truck and back to the field hospital to get treated.
Once they’re back, Mo Yeon helps the doctors test and treat the infected children. Doctor Sang and Nurse Ha were treating one kid while Mo Yeon looked at the X-rays. 
“I see signs of pneumonia,” she told Sang Hyun. 
“We’ll take it from here, go wash up,” Sang Hyun told Mo Yeon. she nodded and went to the water basin and started scrubbing her hands. She was so distracted she didn't notice Yoo Ji approaching her.
“Are the children vaccinated?” Yoo Ji asked, her eyes not focusing, but it was subtle. Mo Yeon didn't catch it. Mo Yeon was snapped back to reality when she turned to respond but was taken off guard by the strong smell of alcohol.
“Have you been drinking?” she squinted her eyes at her friend, who in return shrugged.
“A little” Yoo Ji responded, her words slurring together. 
“I won’t even ask where you got the booze but why are you drinking now?” Mo Yeon thought Yoo Ji was doing so well staying sober or at least not abusing her alcohol allowance.
“Gwang Nam is being an ass,” Yoo Ji muttered. 
“He seems pretty nice to me” Mo Yeon scrubbed her hands harder. 
“It's a facade, why do you have blood on your hands?” Yoo Ji slurred, but her gaze didn't falter from Mo Yeon’s hands. Mo Yeon sighed, she didn't know how to explain what happened in the last few hours to her friend.
“I’ll explain later when you’re sober” Mo Yeon chose the easy way out.
“So what happened with First Sergeant Lim?”
“He keeps digging information about the Kim Hoon Jae case” Yoo Ji picked at the loose hem of her shirt.
“He won’t let it go, and I have no idea how to distract him enough that he forgets about it” she huffed.
“You still have the nightmares?” Mo Yeon asked that case affected Yoo Ji the most out of all her work. What she had gone through, changed her so much, sometimes Mo Yeon can barely recognize her friend. Mo Yeon knows the kind of psychological damage that Yoo Ji endured because of her involvement, she recommended multiple psychiatrists to Yoo Ji but she never confirms nor denies whether she actually goes or not. Yoo Ji nodded.
“I think it's good to tell him about it, maybe actually help you feel lighter. Holding it in isn’t going to make anyone feel any better,” Mo Yeon tried to recommend. Mo Yeon wiped her hands on the cloth towel by the sink, Yoo Ji shook her head, her face was red from the alcohol. Mo Yeon’s eyes were drawn to behind Yoo Ji to the moving figure behind them. 
“Doctor Kang! The girl you brought with you says that she’s leaving. What should I do?” Nurse Choi’s concerned voice sounded out, her eyes drawn to the drunk girl beside Mo Yeon.
“Are you drunk?” she asked Yoo Ji with surprise, Yoo Ji smiled cheekily and gave her a smile.
“Shhh, don’t tell anybody” she hushed Nurse Choi. 
“Take her back to her room and I’ll handle the kid,” Mo Yeon told Min Ji and nodded at Yoo Ji who was dozing off. Min Ji nodded and guided Yoo Ji away from the Medi-Cube. 
“I can walk” Yoo Ji shrugged Min Ji’s hand. Halfway through they ran into a few soldiers. Min Ji bowed and excused themselves before Yoo Ji made a fool of herself. Gwang Nam was one of the soldiers they passed. He paused and looked back.
“Yoo Ji?” he asked with uncertainty. Yoo Ji looked drunk, her cheeks red, and her eyes were unfocused 
“That’s my name, don’t wear it out” she responded with a goofy chuckle. 
Gwang Nam told the soldiers to go ahead and he’ll see them inside. He came closer to the two girls. 
“Please don’t tell anyone, if someone knows she might get fired.” Min Ji excused.
“It’s ok, I’ll take her back, you can go back to the Medi-Cube” Gwang Nam smiled at the nurse who nodded and left.
“Aw, everyone is leaving me tonight” Yoo Ji huffed and pouted. 
“I haven’t, but you’re pushing me away” Gwang Nam took her shoulders and steadied her as she started swaying.
“And you’re driving me crazy” she responded. Gwang Nam looked at her hard, it was throwing him off how she can be so drunk that she can’t walk properly but can hold a conversation just fine.
“Why won’t you tell me anything about yourself or your work?” Gwang Nam tried again.
“Because it’s not as exciting as I want you to think” Yoo Ji pointed her finger at his nose, her eyes glistening and unfocused. 
“Besides, it’s not like you’re telling me anything either” Yoo Ji slurred. 
“This is a different situation” Gwang Nam refuted, “you’re a reporter, isn’t everything out for the public?” he continued.
“Indeed, but not my personal psychological problems, I’d like to keep those private” Yoo Ji responded rolling her eyes.
“Just what are you hiding?” Gwang Nam’s curiosity filled him but he couldn’t get more out of Yoo Ji because right after her head hit his shoulder and her soft breathing evened out. 
Gwang Nam sighed again, she’s proving to be more work as they get to know each other more. He looked at her face that seemed so peaceful. He wondered if something happened that made her so wary of everyone around her. He reached the bunker and laid her down. He covered her and left her to sleep for the rest of the night. He glanced at the empty whiskey bottle by her bed and put it in the trash, just in case someone decided to look for Yoo Ji in her room.
Gwang Nam made his way to the Medi Cube, at this point he’ll miss the meeting but he’ll talk with Captain Yoo about it later. Gwang Nam was going to find out what happened with Kim Hoon Jae that Yoo Ji is being more resistant to giving information. Well, more than she already is but he knows sometimes she does that to annoy him and remind him that he’s also withholding information about his job too.
He found both First Lieutenant Yoon and Doctor Kang stocking up the cabinets in the Medi-Cube. They were talking about Myung Ju’s trip to the village to treat the remaining kids. It looked like Mo Yeon was ready to leave but halted when she saw Gwang Nam coming to them.
“Power of unity” Gwang Nam saluted Myung Ju and she nodded at him. 
“Did you need something?” Doctor Kang asked.
“Uh yes, I was curious about something” Gwang Nam started, turning to Mo Yeon. Mo Yeon raised an eyebrow, she knew he was with Yoo Ji and was bugging her about the Kim Hoon Jae case. She stared at his face and tried to see if he had any ill intentions, she knows Yoo Ji won’t ever tell him about what happened when she was on that case, but that doesn’t mean Mo Yeon won’t tell him the basics. He needs to stop bringing it up and just accept it.
“Yoo Ji was involved in the serial killer case of Kim Hoon Jae, she won’t let me ask about it” he continued looking uncomfortable, “I wanted to know if it had affected her in any way”.
“Mun Yoo Ji was involved in that case?” Myung Ju’s surprised tone told Mo Yeon that she didn't know any of this either.
“It was a very complicated case, he was on the loose and had killed so many girls and the detectives had no idea how to find him, his killings were irregular, he didn't have a pattern or a connection to his victims” Mo Yeon started leaning against the shelf lightly. 
“But he was found because of his medical records, right? I heard about it on the news, it was very impressive” Myung Ju commented. 
“It was Yoo Ji that was able to tip the police of his location, she looked up his medical records and his file from the police department, she was able to find the exact bar he hung out at because he had Hodgkin's lymphoma-” Mo Yeon was cut off by Gwang Nam.
“And the bar he hung out at was the only one in the area that had two separate bars with virgin drinks, yeah, I know that part but was she ever involved in the arrest or came in contact with him?” Gwang Nam asked but Mo Yeon knew that he would come to realize that Yoo Ji is psychologically hurt from that case.
“I only know some of what happened, not everything but yes, she was involved in the arrest,” she answered.
“Wait, didn't Kim Hoon Jae break out of prison and kidnap someone” Myung Ju’s eyes widened as she started putting the pieces together. 
“Yoo Ji’s connection to the major media channels was able to leave her name out of the news, but yeah, she was the one that was kidnapped by him. He had her for two weeks, he psychologically and physically abused her,” Mo Yeon told them. Gwang Nam held his breath, he didn't know it was this serious.
“Her need for information is just something that helps ease her anxiety, because when she was with him, he seemed to know everything about her life, like he was there when it happened, and that broke her. Yoo Ji is not the kind to feel helpless often and this one really did a number” Mo Yeon informed them of the severity. Myung Ju and Gwang Nam made eye contact. With Gwang Nam’s line of work, he may never be able to tell her the entire truth. 
“But this need for information is destroying her from the inside out, it’s not healthy and she often has insomnia because her brain is going haywire with so much information, and the nightmares,” Mo Yeon told them. 
“I feel like a jerk now because of what I said” Myung Ju sighed. 
“You can’t take it back, Yoo Ji will know that I told you and will get pissed off” Mo Yeon informed her.
“She doesn’t want people to know because if they do they might change how they act around her, she doesn’t want to be tiptoed around or get any pity” Mo Yeon explained Yoo Ji’s thought process.
“She’ll know I told you tonight, and she’ll be pissed off. Don’t let it put you off though, it’s her way of testing you” Mo Yeon told Gwang Nam, she picked up her stuff and bid them good night. Gwang Nam sighed and leaned against the wall. Just as he thought things were getting easier.
“Regretting asking about it?” Myung Ju asked him.
“No, but I thought she was messing with me, I didn't think it was something this serious” his tired and defeated voice responded. 
“You should’ve known from the moment she kicked the crap out of the thugs at the hospital; she’s not normal, none of us are” Myung Ju finished off, and smiled at him sympathetically, she told him good night and left him alone.
-The Next Morning-
Dae Young and Myung Ju went to the village but they found it completely deserted, so they came back, Mo Yeon and Shi Jin were having a moment *the hair tying* and then the packages from Korea came. At this point in their morning/afternoon, Yoo Ji woke up with a hangover and drank coffee, and moved on with her day, a hangover was not stopping her from doing her usual routine. 
She heard the packages had arrived so she went to see if she got anything, she noticed a box with lots of hearts and the names of the Captain and his Deputy leader on it and knew that they were in deep shit. So she hung out near the corner of the room to watch the show.
“Sergeant First Class Seo, there's a package from someone named Shin Ji Young.” Mo Yeon radioed Dae Young, which made Yoo Ji choke on her laugh, Myung Ju should be coming any minute now.
“Where are you now?” his voice was serious yet panicked.
“In the kitchen” Mo Yeon responded. Almost five seconds later, Myung Ju came bursting through the door and grabbed the box from Mo Yeon’s hands.
“Oh! That surprised me.” Mo Yeon squeaked
 “I'm going to have to inspect this real quick.” Myung Ju glared at the box. Myung Ju read the messages written on the box, each sentence growing angrier.
“Does Dae Young have a younger sister?” Mo Yeon asked curiously.
“Dae Young is an only child!”
“That shouldn’t be my fault” Mo Yeon defended. Myung Ju huffed and ripped open the package and got out the envelope, it seemed like there was a picture in there because Mo Yeon got closer to Myung Ju to get a closer look and squinted her eyes.
“Omo, why is Shi Jin here?” Yoo Ji silently laughed, looking at those two jealous fools. 
“The day we met Shi Jin Oppa. We send our memories to you.” Mo Yeon read out loud.
“First Lieutenant Yoon, bring your gun.” Mo Yeon looked murderous, it made Yoo Ji crinkle her eyes more, just to stop herself from making any noise.
“It’s a misunderstanding” Shi Jin and Dae young came barreling in, probably ran all the way here from where they were.
Yoo Ji watched as they tried to explain the package but failed miserably and were digging themselves into bigger holes. Mo Yeon told Shi Jin to follow her leaving Myung Ju and Dae Young alone. As they left Yoo Ji noticed three people behind the wall and she went over and found Woo Geun, Cheol Ho, and Gwang Nam.
“What are you doing?” she murmured, hiding with them
“I was right. It was obvious it was a blind date.” Gwang Nam broke his stare off with Yoo Ji, well it wasn’t really a stare-off, she avoided his gaze.
“You’re talking about the first birthday party of Bravo Team's Sergeant Park's son? They both disappeared right after they gave their presents” Cheol Ho confirmed.
Woo Geun sighed in annoyance and brought out money to pay the bet that he had with Gwang Nam, Yoo Ji smirked, it seemed like Woo Geun was horrible at making winning bets.
“They said that a high school classmate's father had passed away.” Woo Geun scoffed
“It doesn't even make sense that the two of them would have the same classmate.” Gwang Nam told him, they didn't go to school together. Yoo Ji chuckled
“They couldn't even get their story straight with us either.” Cheol Ho smiled. 
“A room full of special forces agents and none of them can lie correctly” Yoo Ji mused, shaking her head. Yoo Ji turned and left them.
“Nurse Choi called Mo Yeon because of an Emergency in the Medi-cube, Yoo Ji made her way there, Sang Hyun and Nurse Ha followed her. Mo Yeon arrived before them.
“The narcotics are gone,” Nurse Choi Min Ji said.
“Who would’ve taken them?” Sang Hyun pondered.
“All the patients are here and nothing else is missing” Nurse Ha stated.
“Not everyone, someone has been missing” Mo Yeon sighed, getting out her radio.
“Has anyone seen Fatima lately?” 
“Come on we need to find Shi Jin” Yoo Ji informed Mo Yeon.
Once they found him, they made their way into town, the bar valentine ran might have information.
“How have you been?” Shi Jin greeted Val, Yoo Ji nodded in acknowledgment at the girl.
“You need something,” Val stated, getting straight to the point.
“Information. A red dress, a 15-year-old girl. She's stealing narcotics.” Shi Jin gave her the basic info. Val shook her head, already refusing his request.
“I keep telling you, we sell everything here except women and information” she reiterated.
“Val please, this is urgent and serious.” Yoo Ji pleaded for her to hear them out.
“You don’t have to, but there must be someone else who could” Shi Jin interrupted.
“Please, she’s only 15 years old,” Shi Jin asked again. Val cleared her throat and looked away, she sighed and rang someone up on her phone.
“Where is the black market for narcotics?”
As soon as they got the location, Yoo Ji paid Val the amount she wanted and they were set on their way. 
“How do we find it?” Mo Yeon asked once they reached the place, there were a bunch of buildings that looked run down and were on the verge of collapsing. They didn't wait long until they heard a girl scream. They ran over to the sound.
“Son of a bitch! were you lying to me this whole time?” Fatima asked angrily.
“No, Fatima you trusted me too much, now follow me before I beat you harder,” the boy said as he held Fatima by her hair.
“Stop! Don’t touch her” Yoo Ji shouted at the boy. 
“Is he a soldier?”  one of the boys asked, Yoo Ji sighed.
“Your uniform is always bringing us trouble” she Sighed as she looked at the boys pulling out their weapons.
“Don’t worry, we have more weapons than him,” the leader, Yoo Ji assumed, said.
“I hope you weren’t looking for us” he continued with a smirk on his face as all three of them put their hands up in surrender.
“More guns? Why are there guns every day? What kind of country is this?” Mo Yeon whined as she felt fear penetrate her, Yoo Ji chuckled.
“It's because you both ran in with no plan,” Shi Jin told her.
“If we came later, she might’ve been hurt more” Mo Yeon refuted. Yoo Ji is still making eye contact with the leader.
“Yes, good job because Fatima will be fine while we get shot at” Shi Jin’s sarcastic voice was lowered but Yoo Ji still heard him. 
“What are they saying?” one of the goons, asked.
“Who cares? Put your gun down if you don't want to die” the leader told the captain.
“What the hell are we going to do now?” Mo Yeon asked.
“Well, it isn't like there isn't a way” Shi Jin said as he evaluated the situation.
“Seven guns. Mun Yoo Ji takes the right side. I'll take the left side.” he joked, Yoo Ji nodded.
“Don't be scared,” he whispered to Mo Yeon. 
“I hope you were serious” Yoo Ji gritted her teeth readying herself to fight with speed she never used to beat the boys with machines that can kill her in twenty seconds.
“Let’s see if you're really made of what you say you are,” Shi Jin said to Yoo Ji with a chuckle.
“Okay, let’s make a deal” Shi Jin moved forward, with his hands still raised in surrender.
“I’ll drop my weapon and you let the girls go”
“What do you mean, you’re gonna drop your weapon and the girls get on their knees now” the boy refuted shaking his gun around. Yoo Ji noticed his loose grip, either from carelessness or from inexperience. Probably only shot it once or twice before today. She surveyed the other boys and found them to be pretty much the same.
“Huh, I thought I could fool him” he paused, “okay, no more jokes when I say now, you run back to the car and wait by the door,” he instructed Mo Yeon. 
“Five minutes should do it,” he evaluated once again.
“You’re overestimating my ability to move fast enough to avoid the guns Captain Yoo, make that 10” Yoo Ji added.
“If five minutes pass and we’re not out, just leave no matter what.” he continued, ignoring Yoo Ji’s comment.
“Oh god, Gwang Nam is going to kill me” Shi Jin glanced at Yoo Ji. 
“I’ll try to spare you by not getting injured,” Yoo Ji told him.
“What is that bastard saying? Shut up and drop your weapon” the leader said moving towards them and putting his hand to stabilize the gun in his other.
“Okay, okay” Shi Jin muttered. 
“I’ll drop it, do you like this spot?” Shi Jin asked with a small smile on his lips.
“I can’t use this gun anyway” Shi Jin continued, the boys can’t understand him still because he was speaking Korean but Yoo Ji understood. He’d had to write a lot of reports.
Yoo Ji realized that he was going to take the leader’s gun and use that instead, so she quickly picked a target and zeroed in on his actions. 
Shi Jin waited until the boy was lowered enough and slid his gun backward and jammed the boy’s hand upwards so he couldn't shoot him. 
“Now!” Mo Yeon sprung in action and so did Fatima. Yoo Ji quickly grabbed the boy’s hand towards one of the other boys so that he wouldn't shoot, and then kicked him in his stomach so he would double over. She quickly was able to get his gun.
“You think I’ll get arrested if I use the gun” Yoo Ji wondered out loud to Shi Jin.
“Yes!” he yelled back. She huffed and threw the gun far away from their reach. Shi Jin was able to grab another boy’s gun and twisted his elbow so he had no control of his hand and shot in the clutter of boys’ direction but didn’t hit anyone specific mostly to scare them and to make them back off. 
Yoo Ji yelped as she heard the gun go off and quickly punch another boy coming at her. She disabled another gun as another smaller boy came at her, the gun in her hand went slamming down on his shoes. He yelled in pain and she looked away and saw Shi Jin do the same.
“Aw man, now you're just stealing my moves,” she called out to him, but she was running out of breath, she breathed hard as a blond boy circled around her, his hands on his gun shaking. 
“Do you even know how to shoot that?” Yoo Ji asked him in English, taunting him. He clicked his safety off but didn't get a chance to press the trigger before Yoo Ji hit his knee cap to the side, breaking it. He fell to his knees and she kneed his nose, he dropped the gun and she kicked it toward the other pile of guns.
She held her breath, noticing a boy sneaking towards the direction Fatima ran to take cover in, her call of warning died in her throat as Shi Jin started shooting towards the boys’ shoes making his fall and stay down. She didn't think he was shot, just knocked out. He started walking backward towards Fatima, who didn't run with Mo Yeon to the car as Yoo Ji assumed. Yoo Ji breathed hard.
“Well this was a work out” she tried to slow down her breathing. She started making her way to them when she saw the boys getting up and starting to shoot again, she rolled her eyes and snuck up behind one of them and elbowed the back of his head, knocking him out. 
“Why don't you guys stay down” she growled. They pointed their guns between her, Shi Jin, and Fatima.
“Shouldn’t Mo Yeon do something to help us?” Yoo Ji shouted at the Captain.
“I told her to leave if we don’t come out” he yelled back as he ran out of bullets and took cover behind the old truck. He tried to reach for another gun but couldn't get it in time. 
“Now what?” Yoo Ji yelled as she kicked another boy away from her and grabbed his gun and pointed at him. Her question went unanswered as she heard a car come screeching towards them, she managed to roll out of the way. She glanced at the car to see it was the military car that they came in and Mo Yeon was driving it now. 
She suddenly backtracked the car almost crushing Shi Jin’s hand,
“Hurry, get in!” she told Shi Jin. Yoo Ji who was on the other side of the car from Shi Jin opened the door and jumped inside the front passenger seat while Shi Jin and Fatima got in the back. As they made their way back, Mo Yeon was grinning.
“Wow, awesome! This is totally exciting!” she said laughing. Yoo Ji looked back towards Shi Jin who looked at her disbelief. Yoo Ji and Shi Jin were heaving, trying to catch their breath from fighting a whole gang.
“I'm still excited! Did you become a soldier for this?” Mo Yeon asked the Captain.
“I fought off the enemy!” she yelled in glee. 
“You mean you ran over the enemy, we fought off the enemy” Yoo Ji responded with amusement in her voice.
“You almost ran me over too!” Shi Jin told her.
“I knew you would avoid it, it was all calculated” Mo Yeon replied with a grin on her face.
“With calculations like that, how did you make it through medical school?” he grunted in the back. Yoo Ji chuckled.
“She could save people but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t put them in hospitals” Yoo Ji replied jokingly, which Mo Yeon fake glared at her. The car started slowing down and came to a stop.
“What’s wrong with this car?” Mo Yeon asked in confusion.
“Why don’t you know? You beat it up too much, this woman now wrecked three cars” he said Yoo Ji laughed as she got out of the car.
“I'll try to get in contact with anyone nearby.” Shi Jin pulled out his walkie talkie.
“Big Boss transmitting. The location is roughly 15 km from the city towards the barracks. The car is down. If there is any soldier within the radius, contact me.” Captain Yoo said. A second later Dae Young’s voice responded.
“Wolf transmitting. Currently on landmine operation in the direction of Phantom Village.”
“What’s the matter? Why do you always get stuck on roads?” Dae Young’s voice cut through with a bit of an edge.
“No kidding” Shi Jin responded while looking at the car engine.
“I’ll send Sergeant Gong” Dae Young sighed. 
“They’re sending Cheol Ho to pick us up,” Shi Jin told the girls. Mo Yeon took Fatima a little farther to scold her while Yoo Ji stayed near the car
They were finally able to make it back to the base and Mo Yeon went to take a shower and Yoo Ji decided that she should do the same, her muscles will start to ache from her vigorous workout. As soon as Yoo Ji got out of the shower the lights went out. She sighed and felt her way back to her room.
-The Next Morning-
The Alpha team got the news that manager Jin got arrested for identity fraud by the Mohoru Police and then one of the patients told Shi Jin and Dae young that manager Jin has a fistful of diamonds. Shi Jin concluded that he was probably on the run from someone. 
*The Alpha team gets all suited up in all black and goes to save the manager but it's a black op so it’s not officially said that they rescued the man. While they are there Shi Jin faces off with Agus one more time. As he is the one that’s been haunting manager Jin down for the diamonds.* 
They came back with the man and he was put into the Medi-Cube. Shi Jin was interrogating him. When Manager Jin started coughing and calling for a doctor. It turns out he has internal bleeding from the diamonds. 
Yoo Ji sighed as she shook her head trying to shake away the dizziness. Damn it's happening more often now. She felt light-headed and couldn't focus. Gwang Nam came running towards her, he looked so shaken up.
“Doctor Kang and First Lieutenant Yoon” he stated but paused. 
“They’re in OR, what’s wrong?” Yoo Ji said, confused.
“Manager Jin has the M virus” Gwang Nam spilled out finally. Yoo Ji’s chair fell as she suddenly stood up.
“What?!” her voice rang through the room. 
“They are in isolation in the OR” Gwang Nam informed her. Yoo Ji’s dizziness was forgotten as she booked it towards the Medi-Cube, Gwang Nam following her. 
Once she arrived, she found Shi Jin and Dae Young glued to the doors separating the girls from the rest of them. She pushed through the doctors and stood in between the men.
“The U.S. base has a laboratory but I am not sure they will cooperate,” Myung Ju said.
“I'll take care of that,” Shi Jin said as he opened his phone.
“I'll go prepare the transportation,” Dae Young said as he ran out. 
“What’s going on?” Yoo Ji’s voice was strong but her eyes wavered, looking at both her friends.
“Manager Jin seems to have the M Virus, we both got contaminated by blood” Myung Ju responded. 
“We’ll be ok,” Mo Yoeon assured Yoo Ji. 
Yoo Ji started swaying slightly, the rush of adrenaline had left her body and all she felt now was exhaustion, days of not sleeping, and not getting any rest was taking its toll on her. Her swaying got more noticeable and Mo Yeon gasp alerted everyone that's wasn’t aware, as Yoo Ji almost hit the floor. Gwang Nam swooped in and supported Yoo Ji holding onto her waist. Shi Jin looked at Yoo Ji with complete shock. 
“What is wrong with her?” Gwang Nam asked.
“She needs an IV and dextrose solution, she needs rest” Mo Yeon instructed one of the nurses. This wasn’t the first time this happened, but it put everyone on edge, the circumstances were horrible.
“Overexertion and insomnia, she’ll be fine.” Mo Yeon explained, “we’ll be fine” Myung Ju looked at Mo Yeon with concern for Yoo Ji while she was also anxious about their own situation. Gwang Nam settled Yoo Ji on one of the beds.
Captain Yoo and Deputy Leader Seo came back, Gwang Nam saw both of them march to the OR. Gwang Nam peaked at the situation, Dae Young hugged Myung Ju tightly and wouldn’t let go. Gwang Nam figured that she’s probably the one that got it. He looked back at Yoo Ji, she was sleeping peacefully, but once she wakes up, he’ll have to tell her.
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yoificfinder · 5 years
Any recs for the best omegaverses?
Hi nonnie~, preference is subjective so I don’t know about “best”, but here are some a/b/o stories I really enjoy(ed) reading:
a covenant with a blazing star series by @seventhstar [G to E, 56K] *WIP
The A/B/O Regency marriage of convenience AU no one actually wanted.
In which the reclusive and highly respectable Lord Yuuri Katsuki is offered fifty thousand pounds if he remains married to poor, scandalous trademan’s son Viktor Nikiforov for a year. Desperate for funds, he accepts.
It’s only one year, after all. What’s the worst that could happen?
A Silhouette of Three by Anna (arctic_grey) / @finleighsaid [E, 21K]
Yuuri and Viktor are aiming for a third consecutive Grand Prix gold as the new skating season rolls around. Halfway through the qualifiers, however, Yuuri realises that he’s pregnant. He can either tell Viktor, who he knows would freak out and demand that he withdraw from the Grand Prix, or he can keep his mouth shut, keep his mate at bay, and win the gold that he’s worked so hard for.
Easier said than done.
Black Ink by Anonymous1313 [Not Rated, 60K] *WIP
Being together was what nature had dictated them to be. Alpha and omega. Their families had thought so too, agreeing to marry them to one another once they were old enough. A joyous union between the Nikiforovs and the Katsukis.
But Viktor had decided that they would not be controlled by what their parents had set out for the both of them at a time in the past when neither he nor Yuuri even knew the other existed.
“I was hoping as soon as you turn eighteen, you’d… sign the termination contract.”
Because after all, he and Yuuri were no good for each other.
"If… if that's what you really want."
 "It is. I'm sorry."
By Any Name by @kiaronna [T, 7K]
Makkachin pounces, and the white paper bag spills from Yuuri’s hand onto the floor of Yu-topia’s entryway. A printed out medical prescription—and two bottles of what are unmistakably heat suppressants.
“Beta,” is all Viktor can croak as Yuuri stops kissing Makkachin’s head enough to start unceremoniously scooping the mess back into the bag. “But you’re a beta?”
“Hmm?” Yuuri says, eyes flicking to the pill label, “oh, these are for Mari.”
“I see,” Viktor replies, gathering himself together enough to sweetly wink at his student, “Mari.”
Yuuri just squints at him, tilts his head. “Yes, that’s what I said?”
Viktor Nikiforov is convinced his student has a massive, sexy secret, and will not be swayed (or distracted)! He will be supportive! Even when the evidence isn’t lining up…
Choice by ayn2390 [E, 5K]
“Look, it’s a shitty world for Omegas, kid. I’m not going to pretend it’s not. You can either make the best of it or–” she waves her hand, beer sloshing in the bottle “–give up on it. That’s the one thing you have a choice in.”
don’t call me baby (unless you mean it) by sparklespiff [E, 9K] *Yuuri/Victor/Yuri
When Yuri got home that night, he couldn’t help himself. He lifted the fabric to his face and inhaled. Their scents had faded a little, but it still smelled like Victor and Yuuri, mixed with his own scent. This was what it would smell like if he were theirs. If they were his. This was what it would smell like every day, if he lived in a world where they wanted him. He took another deep sniff– champagne and fresh ice and saltwater and metal and Yuri– and then, instead of throwing it in the wash like he should have, he brought the hoodie with him to bed.
He wore it the next day, and if anybody noticed that he smelled like Victor and Katsudon, they didn’t say anything.
Yuri has a hopeless crush. (spoiler alert: it’s not hopeless)
hold me tender, hold me sweet by @crossroadswrite [M, 9K]
Here are a couple of things to have in consideration about the scenario Victor finds himself in:
1. Yuuri is wearing three different pairs of very soft looking socks because his feet are very cold, a pair of boxers, Victor’s blanket and nothing else
2. Victor’s never actually helped another omega through a heat. He’s barely had enough heats to know what he’s doing, choosing to supress them until his doctor’s lips were a thin line and they started talking about impact on his performance and making the supressants less effective. There wasn’t really anyone around when he had to have his heats, so it’s not like he even has the experience of watching others do
3. Yuuri’s room smells like sex, strawberry candy and energy drinks
4. Victor likes Yuuri very, very much and he has no idea what to do with himself around him most of the time
(OR: what if heats sucked a little bit and you just cuddled a lot and also being touch starved made you physically ill?)
my feelings, this love for you series by crossroadswrite [T to E, 7K]
a/b/o AU where Yuuri is a dog groomer omega and Victor is a dog clothes designer omega
My Name On Your Lips by @feels-like-fire [E, 108K]
Yuuri Katsuki has been betrothed to the High King's son, Victor, since he was just a child; furthermore, as an omega, he's forbidden from practicing magic in combat. For years, he's been able to put off the former because the Prince was traveling abroad, and gotten around the latter by practicing with his mentor in secret.
Now Victor Nikiforov has finally returned home, and Yuuri is being summoned to the capital for their wedding. He needs a plan to put off marriage long enough to find a way to break the betrothal, while keeping his practicing from being discovered.
If only the Prince didn't have other ideas.
(Or, the swords-and-sorcery arranged marriage AU. Updates weekly.)
Panta Rhei by Kashoku [E, 93.8K]
This was a mistake. Viktor needed to somehow pry Yuuri off of him and leave the room immediately. Viktor was drunk, and Yuuri was so far beyond gone that there wasn’t even a word for it. But the alpha in Viktor was having an incredibly difficult time resisting the pungent scent of cherry blossoms and ocean that filled his nose. Viktor snapped.
They had been reckless.
Take Care by @burningphoenixwings [T, 2K]
Yuuri Katsuki is an alpha.
He hates it.
Growing up, he never thought he’d present as anything. Classmates would talk about what they wanted to be — in hushed tones, since it wasn’t considered a polite subject for children—and could spend hours discussing why they were so sure they were an alpha or how this one thing that happened this one time definitely meant they were an omega.
Yuuri just wanted biology to leave him alone.
Those Three Words by @azriona [M, 31K]
Their one night of passion in Sochi left Victor Nikiforov with a bit more of a souvenir than either he or Yuuri Katsuki bargained for. Oops?
To Hold, To Have Universe series by @jaeger-babe [E, 41K] *WIP
Summary of the first fic in the series
Yuuri pulls the sheets back over himself, despite his burning skin. “My heat has come early, is all.”
“Oh!” Minami gasps, wringing his hands and suddenly looking hopelessly lost. “Should I get Lord Nikiforov for you?”
“No!” Yuuri says sharply. The fear of his Lord Husband seeing him in his heated state far outweighs any guilt he feels for yelling at his servant. “Minami, you are not to tell Lord Nikiforov that I’m in heat!”
Unintentionally Yours by articas_ursula [T, 77K] *WIP
Yuri foolishly barges in right before Yuuri’s heat starts; Victor attacks him, thinking Yuri wants to steal his mate; Yuuri nearly kills Victor for harming “their pup”; Yuri just wants his skates back.
In the present, the three grow as a family while in the past, Victor faces the events of Yuri On Ice with an ABO twist.
You Can’t Plan for Everything by RivDev [E, 168.8K] *WIP
Yuuri forgets that he has a scheduled heat coming up until it’s just a couple weeks away. He scrambles to get everything ready in time, including deciding whether he’ll spend it alone or with someone. Victor only wants to help.
@alykapediaaa’s a/b/o fics in their like an overripe fruit series [M to E, 8K]
@dreaming-fireflies’ Three Prompts AU Collection, some of which are set in omegaverse [M, ?]
@yukipri ’s Future!Verse ABO AU, a multi-media (art, comics, headcanons) Yuuri-centric polyamory (with Victor, Yuri, Phichit, Minami, Chris, and Otabek) a/b/o AU. Mostly domestic fluff with OC children. [G to M, ?]
ETA - Other people's rec:
The Art of Scraping Through by fuzzycatsandgoofyhats, IncandescentAntelope
Thanks for the rec, @alistairvt! ❤
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texastheband · 4 years
Super Shar
Interview by Simon Gage, Photography by Wayne Maser Taken from Marie Claire UK - December 2001
Tumblr media
She's one of the most successful women in British music, but Sharleen Spiteri refuses to let fame go to her head. And she doesn't mince her words about people who do. Here, the Texas singer gives Simon Gage the lowdown on babies, relationships and having Madonna and Guy round for tea. Photographs by Wayne Maser.
'And you need white wine vinegar, which is weird, but it's the secret ingredient,' says Sharleen Spiteri as she jams another slice of toast into her mouth and peers through the steam from a mug of tea big enough to soak your feet in. She's sitting in the television room of the huge house near London's Regent's Park she shares with her boyfriend, Ashley Heath, editorial director of The Face, explaining a pavlova recipe. (She doesn't mention she is making it for Tom Ford, designer for Gucci and Yves Saint Laurent.) The dustbins outside are full of carrier bags from Alexander McQueen - an old mate of hers from way back - and the kitchen is big enough to drive a Jeep around, but it's a homely home, not a stupidly luxurious swank pad. Although goodness knows, it could be. The house is fairly new to Sharleen - bought with the cash she's earned since Texas's resurrection with the White On Blonde album in 1997 made her a multi-millionaire - but it already looks lived in, with books and candles everywhere, a huge Aga and comfy settees. Her mum and dad are down from Glasgow to help her redecorate. Obviously, she could afford to employ a team of painters - she is one of the wealthiest women in the UK, with recent rich lists placing her higher than Posh but she sees this as a nice way of spending more time with her parents. 'And I get a lot of satisfaction from it.' she adds. 'We've been taking thousands of books off the shelves so we can paint. It's one of those jobs where you end up going, "Why the fuck did I start this?", but they're all back now and it looks fantastic.' Sharleen, 33, may be one of the most successful women in British music -the Greatest Hits album is six times platinum and counting but she is not going to let that stop her getting on with painting her shelves and sloping into cafes for junk food. She may have no time for the Mariah Careys of this world - they fell out last year - but to the women in the second-hand clothes shop we stop off at in Camden on our way to Marks & Spencer for bread, Sharleen's probably the nicest customer they'll have all day. The thing with Sharleen is she doesn't do the superstar thing and has a great talent for not being spotted. It's not like she's in disguise or anything - her hair is tied in a makeshift knot, she's wearing 'great label, but low-impact' clothes and she keeps her head up, talking non-stop in her recognisable Glasgow drawl. She even gives me a body-popping run-through of a Missy Elliott video in the middle of a road without anyone batting an eyelid, then goes on to say how shocked she was when a paparazzo tried to take a picture of her nipping out for milk. Shocked not in a 'How dare you?' way, but in a 'Why would you?' way. But that's Shar all over. She still doesn't quite get what all the fuss is about.
So we hear you're about to take two years off. SS: So people keep telling me. I'm not rushing to do the next record. I think people need a little break and so do I. Johnny [McElhone] and I are still writing [songs], but sometimes it's difficult to know where you want to go musically so we had to take a break. Two years is ample time to have a baby. I knew you were going to say that. Even my friends are phoning up and saying, 'Do you want to come to this party?' and if I go no, they ask, 'Are you pregnant?' and I'm like, 'Piss off!' If it happens, it happens. Hell, I ain't getting any younger. You're doing alright, aren't you? Is there anything you still want and can't have? No. I don't think having something you want has got anything to do with being a millionaire [laughs], but you can say that when you're loaded. I've never been happier. I can come and go, see my mates, have them round to the house and just have a laugh. Did you always dream of being a popstar? I never dreamed of being a popstar What defines a popstar? Someone who sings for a living and everyone screams at them. What defines a musician? Someone who does that but no one screams. So, what am I? You're a popstar. Yeah, but am I the same as people like Hear'say? I don't have a group of producers and writers who are writing songs for me and getting records ready so I can walk in and do my vocal. I don't sell newspapers, I sell records. Those popstars who sell newspapers don't sell albums.
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Now you've made it, do things still impress you? Like when Alan Rickman phones to say he wants to be in your video? It's funny because [since the In Demand video], women come up to me and go,'Oh, what is Alan Rickman like?' He's lovely, we're mates. There's no bullshit to him. When we were doing the video, he told me he was up for a part in Harry Potter and I was like, 'Oh, my God! I love Harry Potter' When he got it, he phoned and said, 'Do you want to come down to the set?' I was like, 'You're damn right I do.' I took my niece and two nephews. It was so cool. You were supposed to be in Moulin Rouge, weren't you? What part? The Nicole Kidman part, but it would have meant spending a year filming in Australia. Now it's released, don't you think, 'That could have been me'? No. When I say no, it's no. I didn't ever see me doing that part. I was doing The Hush [Texas's fifth album] and that was more important than doing a movie.
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What about when Madonna phones to ask you to dinner, does that impress you? My first meeting was at her house, so it's different from being in a popstar environment. It's pretty funny walking in the door and she's like, 'Hi, I'm Madonna.' You're a bit like, 'Yeah, I know that.' But isn't she just like all those popstars with the producers and the writers standing by? I honestly think she takes the music thing very seriously. We played with her and that wasn't a show where you just walk on and go, 'Let's see what happens.' It was very slick. Were you scared of her? Absolutely not. She's very bright - you don't get that amount of success without being bright. And what is Guy Ritchie like? Guy's nice. He's very real. But he gets criticised for being fake. Everyone reinvents themselves. It's bullshit when people go, 'That's not your background and you can't act like that.' I couldn't care less where Guy comes from. You're either nice or you're not. I don't need your family history to be in your company. Have they been to your house yet? No. It's just a case of getting it together. How would you be able to relax? Why wouldn't you? I don't understand. 'Oh my God, Madonna's coming round, I'll have to get the house repainted.' For fuck's sake. The night we went over, it was me, Stella [McCartney], Ash [Ashley Heath], Guy, Madonna, Guy's dad and his wife, and it was dead relaxed, like any dinner.
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‘I don’t do cleavage, Cleavage is overrated’ - Sharleen
Did you see Madonna in concert? No. I was really busy. Was she upset? I'm sure she couldn't have given a flying fuck. So if you're not worried about meeting Madonna, what do you worry about? I'm really worried about my niece, because she's being bullied at school. I get angry more than I worry. I'm really bad at biting my tongue. I've seen people's jaws drop in a 'I can't believe she just said that' way. So you don't dream of having a body like Geri? Everyone would like it, but I wouldn't want to do the work. I couldn't bear having to think about it every time I want to eat. That's not living. I think she looks like a very ill girl. I'm just like, 'Get over it.' Would you ever do the bikini thing for a magazine? I don't need to. Some people might find the need to have a photo of them retouched, but I can't think of anything worse than going home after your boyfriend sees you on a magazine cover with your arse up to here and tits ping, ping, and then you go in and it's reality, gravity. Don't get me wrong, I really care that it's a nice picture. If I go into a studio and there's a stylist going, 'We really think...', I'm like, 'No, this is what I'm wearing because this is the way I look.' You have a big female following, don't you? A woman liking me is the biggest compliment you can pay me. After the Elvis video, so many women said, 'Well done, you're so brave.' Why brave? Because it wasn't you in a sexy little dress. I'm so bored with tits and arse. Did you know you were above Kylie and Madonna as the act most requested at Gay Pride this year? I couldn't believe it. I was like, 'Bring it on, the queen has got her crown back.' You've got a big lesbian following. Have you ever been tempted? No. I love women, but I don't fancy them. I look at women and think, 'Man, she's gorgeous.' I'd like to look like Angelina Jolie. I think she's so sexy. I love her big lips and her kooky character, and I find her madness appealing. I don't think she acts it. How does your boyfriend cope with you being a superstar? A lot of men would find that hard. Ashley's not that type. He's a very confident person, always has been. That's what attracted me to him.
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When I walk into the East London photo studio about a week later, the first voice I hear is Sharleen's. She's in the middle of telling the team of internationally celebrated photographers, stylists and make-up artists some off-colour stories. The photographer reckons he doesn't know Texas's music, so someone puts on the Greatest Hits, to which Sharleen lip-syncs like a drag queen, throwing in some comedy Mariah Carey moves. As she changes from her white T-shirt into a variety of top-drawer designer togs, most of which she's brought along herself, the only thing that stays the same is her attitude. Halfway through doing a glamorous shot laid out on the floor, she asks if we can see her balls up her skirt, then she comes out in a top with a plunging neckline, pulling the sides together because, 'I don't do cleavage. Cleavage is over-rated.' Are you still big mates with Chris Evans? SS: I haven't spoken to him since he got married, but I really believe that he and Billie are in love. I met her at a funeral with Chris. Everyone is going on about Billie and Chris and you think, 'OK, so Chris has fallen in love again,' because Chris does that. When I met him with Billie, I thought, 'Oh, this is different.' I don't know her, but she was very relaxed in his company, and he was in hers, and I don't see Chris like that very much. I thought she was a really nice girl. I was quite taken aback. But you forget how young she is. What age is she? Nineteen. I never knew she was that Young. Age makes no difference to me. At that age, I was writing I Don't Want A Lover. I still stand by the lyric. Did you go to Madonna's wedding? No. There were only 60 people invited. If Madonna had invited me to her wedding, I would have wondered why. She's only known me a year. Are you going to invite her to your wedding? Who says I'm getting married? [Laughing] That was the cheesiest way of asking me I've ever heard. So ... ? Probably... I don't know how you decide. I always find it horrible when people talk about it. You're big on monogamy, aren't you? I'm a romantic. I think I'm a realist, to be honest with you. Is monogamy a big deal to me? Fuck, yes. If it lasts a week or lasts the rest of your life. So you won't put up with any running around? No. That's like [split sound] material. It's not good. Would you end it even for a minor indiscretion? Yeah. Why would you have a boyfriend? You might as well just be shagging people. Don't you ever fancy a meaningless shag? No. A shag is the ultimate closeness you can get to me, mentally and physically. When I'm having sex, that's completely me. It has to be really special. That's the way I am. You don't think there are different sorts of sex? You're talking like a man; 'I shagged her and it didn't mean anything.' How do you know it didn't to the other person? I think there are lots of girls who kid on that they don't care, but I don't believe women are like that. But I'm not interested in other people's sex lives. I love having a laugh and a great conversation, but you've seen me with my girlfriends and we're like, 'You dirty devil' and laugh like other women. We talk about sex, but not our sex lives. It's an urban myth that women talk about what they do in bed. So what are your thoughts on Posh? Every time I've met Victoria, she's been a sweetheart. Everyone goes on about her, but you still pick up the paper to see what she's up to. She seems pretty normal. Well, not in the sense that I'm normal, but I think she's actually quite normal in her heart.
See the photoshoot: here Read the scans: here Text originally posted on texasindemand.com
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Deal with the Devil, Part 3
The final part of the main story, but there’s a few more fics upcoming. More on that later.
AO3 Link Right Here!
Maria, Joan, and Bessie have no idea what Maggie’s doing in the kitchen.
With the secret out, Maggie had become more overt with her potions preparations, which actually seemed to make her happier than ever. All of the burners on the stove were active, boiling a few multi-colored concoctions that Maggie refused to say its contents - “It’s a secret! And by secret, I mean you probably don’t want to know because you might have to drink it later, ha” - and various different types of vials are laid out on the counter.
“So all of this will help us defeat Henry?” Maria asks, raising an eyebrow as she copies down another symbol on to the paper she was writing on. For preparations, Maggie led the Ladies in Waiting in sigil making and helping her create potions while the queens talked strategy. 
“Sigils can do a lot of things,” Maggie explained with a smile. “They can banish, cleanse, corrupt, empower, contain... a few other things. They’re also called seals for a reason.” she holds up one of Maria’s finished sigils. “This will help us contain, banish and cleanse the darkness.”
“And you said we just... throw it... onto Cathy or Jane when we see them?” Bessie asks, raising an eyebrow.
“No, we’ll need to find their weak point, but that’s on me and my preparations after this. We don’t have time to attune everyone to magicks, so that’ll be on me and Anne.” Maggie looks over at Joan’s sigil and quickly corrects a line before going back to her potions. “For the most part, we just need you all there for when Jane and Cathy are back. We need you all to get them back to safety so we can take on Henry and save Katherine.”
“Makes sense to me,” Maria says with a shrug. “What other stuff can we do? And after this is over, are you gonna teach us more of this?”
Maggie absolutely is excited at the question. 
“Do you... do you want to learn?!? Oh, I’d love that! It’s been ages since I’ve had a proper pupil- here, we can start now! Did you know that a lot of potions can be made into teas? Like gingeroot and lemon can combine with...”
She goes on and on and on, and Catherine can’t help but smile at the girl’s enthusiasm. She can see Anne out of the corner of her eye smiling at her lady in waiting as well.
“She really loves this stuff, she’s been dying to share it with the other ladies for ages,” Anne says with a smile. “With her as their teacher, they could probably learn advanced potions and sigils in no time flat.”
Anna chuckles at that. “Glad someone’s having fun,” she says, though she looks back at Anne. “But we should get back to business.”
Anne sighs and nods.
“Of course. But I’m afraid a lot of your jobs will be to recover the lost. The rest I’ll try to use my Radiant energy for.”
“Radiant?” Catherine asks, raising an eyebrow.
“There’s a certain type of light-based magick that I’ve learned,” Anne replies. “I think that’s our best bet to repel the darkness.” She looks over at Aragon, giving her a gentle smile. “If it helps, Aragon... the magicks are called Blessed Magicks. They’re given by the goddess.”
Aragon frowns. “Goddess?”
Anne nods. “And only people who have the purest of intentions and want to help can even conjure it up. If you don’t have the purest of intentions at heart, it will burn you instead- or worse, abandon you altogether.”
Aragon is listening very closely.
Anne continues.
“Way back when - farther back than our previous life - there were warriors who wielded the light against the darkness. They were called the Blessed. Nowadays, though, that magick is available to everyone.”
Aragon nods. 
“I promise,” Anne says gently, putting a hand on Aragon’s shoulder. “It’ll save us. I know it.”
A beat.
“... and if it doesn’t, well, that’s what the sigils are for. Could just do it the old-fashioned way, get him to hit into a sigil and trap him in a pocket universe, but that seems far less likely.”
“Why is it less likely?” Anna asks.
“Because there’s no way I can do that alone. I’d need someone else to help with the setting that up when Henry is around and I...” she sighs. “The plan is for you lot to never have to worry about Henry at all. You save the three queens, I take care of him.”
“Isn’t that dangerous?” Catherine asks, tilting her head.
“It is, but this is my fight. He became far more aggressive when he learned I was a witch.” she sighs. “This is my responsibility.”
“But we’re Six,” Anna presses, not caring how cliche it sounds. “We do this together, or not at all.”
“We’ll be together,” Anne replies, “but have different roles. If things go well, you lot will be safe and sound by the time I hit Henry and, possibly, Katherine. Actually, definitely Katherine, now that I’m thinking about it. He’ll likely keep her close.”
Catherine looks warily at Anne’s hands. “And you can control that, right? So it doesn’t hurt anyone else?”
Anne raises an eyebrow. “I’ve had decades of practice-”
“But you said it yourself, you didn’t use your powers a lot,” Catherine replies. “How can we be sure?”
Anne sighs.
“Do you trust me, Catherine of Aragon?”
She wants to say something, she really does, but Catherine of Aragon doesn’t really know what to do. So, she simply nods again.
“I trust you, Anne,” she says softly. “It’s just... it’s a lot to put my head around.”
“I know,” Anne replies sympathetically. “But we’ll get through this, and hopefully I’ll never have to really use these blasted magicks ever again.” A pause before she smirks. “At least, not the combat magicks. Anna already asked if I could make her taller so she could mess with Parr.”
Aragon chuckles, rolling her eyes at that, before she settles. “We’ll follow your lead, then,” Aragon decides. “Whatever you need-”
She’s cut off, though, by a tight hug from Anne.
“Thank you,” Anne says.
Aragon hugs back.
A moment later, the ladies in waiting arrive.
“We’re ready... just, uh, someone’s gonna have a really bad time doing dishes later, sorry,” Maggie says slightly apologetically.
“Alright, ladies, get ready. We’re headed to the Tower for the livestream, then we’re disrupting the livestream, then we’re taking down a champion of a god.” Anne smirks at the rest of them.
“Sound like a plan?”
The others nod in agreement.
A few hours later, they’re exactly where they need to be.
Catherine of Aragon walks around the tower, towards the area where this so-called “big announcement” was supposed to be taking place. It’s the exact place where the stage was when Anne was executed, she notes, and she can’t help but notice Anne tensing when she realizes it.
“The idiot’s got a flare for the dramatics still, I’ll give him that,” Anne mumbles. She looks at the screens that are on either side of the stage. “That’ll probably go live when the stream goes live. Anything yet, Joan?”
Joan shakes her head. “Nothing.”
“Alright.” Anne nods, moving towards the back. They’re now hidding in a corridor in the outer wall, away from the majority of prying eyes; based on what Anne’s seen, they should be safe here. “Maggie, can you set it up-?”
Just as she starts that, however, the screens flicker on.
Joan’s eyes go wide as the livestream starts on her phone. “It’s starting!”
They all look towards the stage.
Katherine is standing there, looking completely ill. She’s shaking as she stands, eyes glassed over. 
Anne glares before she simply stands up.
“Alright. That’s it. Maggie, we’re going with your plan.”
“Really?!?” she says, perking up considerably. “Oh, okay!”
She suddenly rushes away from the Ladies in Waiting, digging into her bag as she does so. Maggie takes out a piece of chalk and writes on the ground, adding a few symbols and the like to a circle she’s created.
A sigil, Maria realizes. She’s making a sigil.
When she’s done, Maggie steps back to admire her handiwork for a moment, then she adds a few things to the outside of the circle - offerings of lavender, sage, a candle, something Maria doesn’t recognize - before she steps back completely.
“Whatever you’re doing, do it quick,” Maria says, looking up. “They’re about to start.” 
Anne nods, stepping inside the circle without delay. She extends her hands, closing her eyes before she starts writing in the air; once again, blue magicks trail from her fingertips, forming multiple shapes in the air, until she jabs her hand through the writing. 
It somehow sparks an electric current to run through her arms. With a grimace, Anne steadies herself before she quickly shoots a bolt of lightning into the air, hand remaining raised to the sky.
At first, nothing happens.
But then, quickly, the sky clouds up.
Anne, with a smirk, brings her hand down.
The heavens open and it starts to downpour, lightning striking all around the area. Katherine’s eyes slowly close and she falls backwards, landing unceremoniously onto the ground. She disappears into shadows as the rest of the crowd scatters in panic.
The feed is cut.
Henry collects Katherine, just in time to spot Anne from the crowd.
He, Jane and Cathy leave, Howard in tow.
Anne smirks.
“Let’s go.”
They move together.
Anne and Maggie are rushing forward, Anne still have lightning crackling around her arms. Joan and Maria are second up, then Anna and Catherine, then Bessie. They enter the Tower of London in all the chaos. They all look around, trying to find any indication that Katherine was nearby, but the hallways are empty.
“How do we even know if they’re here?” Maria asks, walking a bit farther than the others down the hall. 
“They have to be, he wouldn’t dare leave them on their own,” Anne presses.  She is about to turn to the others until she spots someone approaching Maria.
“Maria!” Catherine yells, quick to move forward, but it’s too late.
Maria yelps as she is suddenly grabbed, a blade held to her throat.
Maria tries to struggle, but her attacker holds firm. Catherine’s eyes widen.
Sure enough, Catherine Parr was standing behind Maria. The girl was shaking, eyes fully black as she pulls Maria with her down the hall.
“If you want her alive,” Parr growls out, “you’ll stay out of our way.” She glares at Anne. “You especially, witch.”
Anne narrows her eyes.
“Maggie, be ready.”
“Of course,” Maggie replies, moving behind Joan as she rustles about in her bag. “Be safe.”
Anne closes her eyes for a moment, channeling her energy...
... and then suddenly, Maria is on the floor next to Catherine of Aragon and both Parr and Anne are locked in close combat.
Parr snarls at Anne, narrowing her eyes as the tendrils of darkness that are coming from her try to thrash out. Anne winces as one hits her cheek, but she keeps going, keeps fighting.
“Catherine!” Aragon yells, “Please!”
Parr throws Anne off of her and snarls again, this time getting down on all fours before she propels herself towards her godmother, attempting to take the fight to the non-magickal one, but again, Anne manages to counter with lightning-fast speeds.
“Damn you!” Cathy yelled, quick to turn back to Anne.
Anne holds her own.
“Do you see where, Maggie?” Anne asks as she continues to fight the girl in front of her. “Come on, Cathy, need you awake now-”
“The back of her head! It’s right there!” Maggie says, quick to pull out two potions. One, she passes to Maria to drink. The other, she throws directly at the ground in front of Anne and Cathy.
Cathy yelps and stumbles backwards, trying not to get hit by the bottle, which makes her completely caught off guard for Maggie to rush forward and put some sort of paper on the back of her head. Parr yelps, then gasps, then slowly sinks to the floor as the darkness leaves her.
“Cathy?” Catherine asks, quick to grab the girl. “Catherine?”
“She’ll be okay in a moment,” Anne promises. “It needs some time to settle.” She looks over at the others. “Maria, Catherine, and Bessie, stay here. Anna, Maggie, Joan, and I will go take the fight to Seymour.”
“Are we safe here?” Maria asks, having drank the potion. She seems better already. “Are you honestly sure?”
“If you head outside - where there’s natural sunlight - you’ll be okay,” Maggie says. “IT can’t get to you or Parr there.”
Catherine of Aragon nods. “We’ll head outside, but girls...” she looks directly at Anne for this. “Be safe.”
Anne keeps her gaze for a moment before she nods, moving away.
They rush into the hallways that seem to twist and turn and take forever to go down.
“This isn’t normal,” Anna observes.
Joan nods. “This place wasn’t nearly as big.”
“It’s the magicks,” Maggie says with a sigh. “He’s bewitched this place. We may not even technically be in the Tower anymore, just connected to it through different universes.” 
Anne shakes her head with a sigh before she suddenly stops. She smirks.
“Finally, it’s about damned time you showed yourself.”
Darkness starts to form around the women, creating a little dome around them.
“Don’t touch the dark,” Anne says, getting into a ready stance. She holds up a flame with a smirk. “He got to you a bit more than Cathy, didn’t he, Jane?”
Sure enough, out of the shadows, Jane Seymour makes her grand entrance.
“Parr wasn’t a willing subject,” Jane replies, voice cold as ice; so cold that it made the others shiver.
Anne raised an eyebrow. “And you were?”
“To protect them, yes.”
“Of course. Let’s get this over with, yeah?”
The darkness starts to move in, but Anne is able to fend it off slightly with her flames and light. When Jane extends a hand, the darkness surges, but Anne quickly ignites the flame into Radiant energy - a type of light energy - and it helps fend off the darkness.
Jane tilts her head. “So unwilling to die, eh, Boleyn? I thought you learned the last time-”
“Oh, my god, can you just tell me where the hell her weakspot is, Maggie?” she asks, head tilting back towards the others as she continues to hold the Radiant magic like a shield against Jane’s abilities. “She’s getting real annoying-”
“Got it!”
That’s exactly what Maggie said as she suddenly appeared from behind Jane. Maggie, having drank a potion herself, had faded into the background and snuck up on the third queen, finding the weak spot in order to save her. Jane tried to spin back around to find her, but unfortunately was too slow; instead, Maggie put the seal on Jane’s neck, causing her to collapse and the darkness to subside.
“Guess we dodged a bullet there, eh, Mags?” Anne asks with a smile. “That would have been bad.”
“Well, we’ve got the two down,” Joan says, walking over to kneel next to her mistress. She puts Jane’s head in her lap. “What next?”
“Now, we’ve got the boss battle,” Anne explains. “You lot stay here.”
“What? No!” Maggie yells, eyes wide, but Anne shakes her head.
“You know as well as I do there’s little chance to escape this place alive, let alone in the right dimension, if we’re in the room when Henry falls,” Anne says gently. “I’ll get Katherine out safe. But I can’t risk any of you going with me. And besides, Mags, you’re the only one that knows the way back. You gotta get the others to safety.”
Anne smiles brightly at the scared lady in waiting, kissing her forehead.
“I’ll be fine.”
“No, we’ll be fine.”
Anne looks over to find Anna stepping up to her. “I’m not letting you do this alone, Boleyn. Magick or no magick, you need backup. You’ve been tag-teaming with Maggie here, and without her... this could go really bad. I can get Katherine while you fight him, and we can end his tirade.”
Anne considers it.
“You... you may not be able to come back. I might be able to only pick one of us. This could be a death mission.”
“But would it or would it not increase Katherine’s chances of surviving?”
“It would.”
“Then what are we waiting for?”
Anne sighs but nods, looking back at Maggie. “I trust you and Joan are able to get out of here. Meet up with the others. Explain what’s happened. And... tell them I’m sorry.”
Anna nods. “We’ll see them soon.”
“Wait!” Maggie says, moving to Anna. She gives her something - a paper? No, Anna realizes, it’s a sigil. “You’ll know when to use it.”
Anna, with a soft nod, smiles. “Make sure everyone’s good, but especially Bessie, alright?”
With that, Anne and Anna rush away, leaving the third queen in the hands of two ladies in waiting.
They get to the top of an impossibly tall staircase just in time to see the door open. It’s quiet up in this tower - wherever they are - and it causes Anne to pause.
“Last chance, Anna,” Anne says. “You can find your way back from here, you still have time-”
“Enough of this,” Anna replies. “We’re going.”
Anne, with a nod, pushes forward.
Katherine Howard was in the center of the room, body levitating in the air. She’s wearing exactly what she wore back then - back when she died. She’s still got that lifeless, mid-panic-attack look on her face, gasping for air as her eyes are blown wide.
To Anna, she’s just floating.
But to Anne, all she can see is a veil of darkness surrounding her cousin.
“Gods protect me,” she mumbles; as close to a prayer as she’ll get.
She walks inside, Anna close behind her. They reach Katherine.
The door closes immediately. 
Boleyn expected that.
Darkness pulses towards her but she’s quick to turn and ward herself, protecting herself and Cleves from the attacks. Anne stands in front of Anna and Katherine, defending them as much as she is herself.
When she sees the darkness walking towards her, she cringes; it’s a gelatinous, hideous creature, half-beast and half-man. 
“What even is that?” Anna asks, eyes wide.
But Anne already knows.
“You really have gone far deeper than you ever should have, Henry.”
He roars - an unnatural sound, a completely demonic sound - as he grows in size, gelatinous blob that he currently is, and attacks. He swipes at Anne, but she blocks it and Anna dodges. He continues his animalistic rampage, screaming and charging and clawing towards the other two women.
Anne gets a few good hits on him with holy fire, but she fears it won’t be enough. 
“Anna, take Katherine when you can!” Anne calls, quick to make sure the girl did what she was told. Unfortunately, it was a moment too late, and now Henry had an opening.
He quickly pounces on top of her, catching her off guard, and she falls to the ground. The darkness surrounds them.
Anne’s eyes go wide and she feebily tries to move, but it’s no use; she’s been bested. She’s lost-
- or, at least, she would have, if Anna of Cleves hadn’t just pummeled the massive black blob with a nearby chair.
With strength Anna didn’t realize she truly had, she whacks the thing off of Anne and sends it sprawling towards the sigil on the wall - the sigil Maggie gave to Anna. As soon as Henry hits it, the sigil activates, a blinding light engulfing the room. 
When the light fades, Henry is successfully vanquished.
Anne looks over at Anna, eyes wide.
“That... Anna of Cleves, you legend!”
Anna laughs, offering Anne a hand. “That worked, right?”
“That was brilliant!” Anne says, so incredibly hyped at the turn of events. “You might have just saved us all, babes.”
“Just another Tuesday, I suppose,” Cleves replies with a wink as Anne takes her hand to stand up. “Though I guess saving you lot from a demon rather than Jane’s wrath is a bit more notable.” Anna looks behind Boleyn. “Now I think Kitty needs your help.”
Anne looked over and instantly rushes to the girl; she’s still barely breathing, eyes wide, seemingly frozen in a mid-panic attack scenario. With a gentle prayer, her hands glow and she lays them on Katherine’s forehead.
Color returns to Katherine’s face as she suddenly gasps to life, body spasming as she finally intakes the air needed. Anna is quick to move over to hold onto her oldest friend as Anne works her maigck to heal her up a bit.
“What’s-?” Kat asks; she feels like she’s surfacing after being in water for ages.
“It’s alright, Kit,” Anne says gently. “You’re alright.”
“Mum,” Kat says. “And... oh, god, Anna, I-”
“It’s alright, it wasn’t you,” Anna says gently. “There’s a lot of things to explain. We can do that later. What matters right now is getting everyone back home and safe.”
Katherine looks down at her clothes and frowns. “I’ve... I didn’t change into these.”
“You didn’t, that’s correct,” Anne says, nodding at Anna. Cleves picks the girl up with a smile as Anne continues. “Again, lots to explain. I’ll do that later. For now, Kit, just rest.”
Katherine quickly obliges.
The door they opened to enter the room doesn’t lead to the same winding hallway that was once there; instead, it’s directly outside, right to the others. 
Cathy is leaning against Maria’s shoulder as Catherine looks her over. Joan and Maggie, meanwhile, tend to Jane’s scratches.
Bessie had been guarding the door, but sighs in relief when she sees her mistress and the other two queens arrive.
“I take it everything’s been sorted?” Bessie asks. 
“As much as it can be,” Anna replies with a nod. “We... kind of don’t know what’s happened, but he’s gone now, banished with that sigil you gave me, Maggie.”
“Oh! That’s my best work yet,” she says with a smile. “He’ll not be back for centuries, and when he does return, I imagine his patron will have a very, very long discussion on him about obliging terms of a contract.”
Katherine looks around and gasps when she sees the state Jane and Cathy are in.
Jane, just barely managing to get up, smiles. “Hello, Kat,” she says quietly, moving over to the girl. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”
“Thanks for saving us, everyone,” Cathy says, not daring to leave her godmother’s grasp. “That darkness... it was so scary.”
“It’s alright now, love,” Catherine says gently. “We’re okay.”
Jane kisses Katherine’s forehead, smiling when Kat smiles back. She looks over at Anna and mouths a quick ‘thank you’ before looking over at Anne.
“What’s next, now? Is there anything we can do?”
“Probably no, not that I know of, anyways,” Anne replies. “Maggie and I will work with some mages around the area to monitor the Tower, make sure it isn’t doing anything wonky. But beyond that, we just... go on with our normal lives.”
“Can we do that when we know about you now?” Maria asks, raising an eyebrow. “About both of you?” she nods at Maggie.
Maggie and Anne look at each other for a moment before Anne gently wraps an arm around Maggie’s shoulders. “I guess we can be a bit more covert with our practicing now, eh?” Anne says with a smile. “Finally, I don’t have to wait until all of you are out to telekenetically steal cookies from Jane and blame it on Kat.”
“What?” Jane asks.
“What?” Kat asks.
“That’s personal gain, she wouldn’t dare,” Maggie assures them. Then, with a moment and a look. “Right?”
“Look, the point is,” Anne says, changing the subject entirely, “we’re all okay, and I think I can help make our lives better with this. It’s actually... really, really nice, being able to use my powers. I don’t want to go full-on witch or anything, but... for little stuff, I wouldn’t mind using it, you know?” Anne looks over at Catherine. “If that’s alright with you, anyways.”
Catherine tilts her head in thought for a moment before she nods. “I don’t really... I don’t know what to think about it,” she admits. “But I’m willing to learn more and give it a try. I just...” she sighs, moving over to Anne now. “I’m sorry you didn’t feel comfortable with us to tell us sooner.”
“Oh, no, that wasn’t the issue, the issue was that you could have became targets if you had known,” Anne replies honestly. “Really, Catherine, it wasn’t about trusting you lot. I trust you with my life. It was for your safety.”
Catherine frowns at that. “Well... I hope you know that we’ve got each other’s back, regardless of that.” She smiles and pulls Anne in for a hug. “We love you, Anne, we want to see you happy and safe.”
Anne chuckles. “Funny, I was about to say the same thing for you lot, too.”
There’s a moment before Anne breaks away.
“Alright, everyone. We go home, I cook up dinner, and we hang out. Thank the goddess it’s our off day, I dunno how any of us could possibly do a show after this.”
Anna smiles as she picks up Katherine in a piggy back ride while Jane happily moves with Bessie and Joan. Maggie is happily chatting away with Maria while Catherine and Cathy discuss what happened.
A big, happy family, all fully aware of her abilities and not giving a damn.
Yeah, Anne thought, she could get used to this.
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