#2 hours or writing later i'm going “WHAT EVEN IS THIS SHOW”
sarucane · 11 months
OFMD Spiral Narratives 43: Stede's Fantasies Creating Reality
Intro: What I love most about how season 2 builds on season 1 of OFMD is the spiral narrative structure. Ground is repeatedly and explicitly re-trod from season 1 to season 2, but in season 2 everything goes deeper than season 1. Meanings are shuffled, emotions are stronger and truer, and transformation is showcased above everything. The first season plucks certain notes, then the second season plucks the same ones--but louder, and then it weaves them together to create a symphony.
At the beginning of each season of OFMD, Stede is living in a fantasy. In the first season, it's a fantasy of being "the greatest pirate who ever lived." In the second season, it's a fantasy of romance (and a bit of uber-pirate fun). In each season, the fantasy is tempered over time by reality. Stede adapts, changes his expectations, and figures out how to keep moving forward. But a funny thing happens: over time, his fantasy ideas of reality reshape reality around him. It's not the perfect reality he once imagined and projected on the world. By the end of each season, it's a fantasy that has outgrown him, spread from him to others and enriched their lives, and the result is imperfect, hard-earned, and absolutely beautiful.
In season 1, Stede is blissfully unaware of how out of touch with reality his fantasy is. By all signs, he genuinely seems to believe his first "raid" goes well, and that he came off as a "real" pirate while stealing a plant.
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And he thinks he's doing a great job as a pirate captain, even though he's totally unaware of what's going on in his crew. They don't remember his crazy shit about "talking it through," and they don't care.
They don't really get what the hell he's trying to do with his "amenities," (Pete demands to know what game he's even playing), and Stede's attempts to overlay his class-shaped fantasies onto reality lead to a "ballroom" and a library full of books the crew can't read. He doesn't think he's living in a fantasy world, but he is.
Stede's fantasy world of Season 2 is spiraled in to become more intense: he's literally in a fantasy when the season opens.
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The fantasy starts with the season 1 fantasy: he's a super-pirate, complete with sword skills to match Izzy's, one-liners, vengeance for betrayals, and an earring. Then the older fantasy merges with the more recent fantasy, as references to Ed appear--followed by the man himself.
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But this isn't the real Ed: this is a fantasy super-pirate version of Ed (hence the return of his beard, even though Stede last saw him completely clean-shaven). And this is a fantasy version of Ed who isn't mad at all over what Stede did last season. Love conquers all and sunset bearded* beach sex awaits. Fantasy (adolescent) romance.
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And then the reality of Stede's situation attempts to suffocate him to death: Ed marrooned his crew and went off to chase madness in Stede's ship (largely as a consequence of what Stede did to him, although Izzy gets a hunk of blame for that one too), so now Stede and the gang are living in squalor.
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Just like, in Season 1, Stede was lost in a fantasy that Lucius was inscribing (a literal example of Stede imposing his fantasy on reality, the idea being the this book of shit will be what future generations think of him) so it would eclipse any reality--right up until Buttons intervened with bad news.
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In season 1, Stede is able to avoid reality tossing him overboard by imposing a second layer of fantasy over reality, claiming he killed Nigel so the crew will respect him.
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In season 2, Stede is also using writing to avoid reality, also presenting a narrative of what's happening around him that only bears the most basic resemblance to reality (like the book Lucius wrote).
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But this time, his relationship to the fantasy is more complex: it's his way of trying to cope with how quickly his life spiraled out of control; to cope with the distance between him and Ed right now; to banish the insecurity-birthed fears of his past.
But despite the fact that Stede is still struggling with the mismatch between fantasy and reality, he also demonstrates real growth in the second season.
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In season 1, Stede really believed that his fantasy would come to life in front of him, as soon as he arranged it so the conditions would be right.
But in season 2, Stede knows he's creating a fantasy. He knows the fantasy that things are going well is pure copium. And that fantasy is an evolution of his "perfect pirate" fantasy from season 1, the fantasy that meant Stede's dream started with dueling and defeating Izzy, not with reaching Ed. But in season 2, Stede is able to recognize and set aside that fantasy before it takes over his life and gets him killed, like it almost did in season 1.
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But the second part of Stede's season 2 fantasy is Ed, and his desperate belief that their romance will survive what's happened since they last met. Stede could have written these letters and then set them aside, to give to Ed when they meet again. Instead, even after acknowledging that the odds of Ed finding the letters are slim, even after acknowledging reality, Stede chooses a fantasy. Chooses to hope, and defies reality to hang onto that hope.
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Stede's different relationships with his fantasies foreshadow his resolution this season: his fantasies about being a super-pirate captain will fade, but his romantic dream of Ed will not. And by the end of the year, of course, he'll set aside one in favor of the other.
But in the meantime, as the seasons unfold, Stede's fantasies run up into reality and lose--but not before they get him where he needs to be.
In the first season, Stede hangs onto his fantasy and hangs onto his fantasy and ends up on a Spanish warship, where he's stabbed and almost dies.
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But even though riding his fantasy here was insane and misguided, it's changed his life forever--for the better. Because Stede's fantasy of being the Gentleman Pirate had a measurable effect on reality.
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If Stede hadn't held onto his fantasies well past knowing "I'm not a pirate, I'm an idiot," if he hadn't imposed one layer of fantasy after another on reality, he never even would have met Ed. The odds were slim, as Stede said, of him and Ed finding each other in the first place--but Stede grabbed reality with both hands, closed his eyes, and hummed, and here they are.
And something similar happens in season 2.
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If anyone had asked Ed at this point whether he wanted to see Stede--that Stede wanted to apologize--the answer would probably have been a deafeningly loud "NO." Stede's been wandering around telling anyone who will listen how crazy he is about Ed and how they're "on a break" but it'll all be fine, and if anything the obstacle will be that Ed's doing so well without him that Stede'll disrupt his life. All of this is ridiculously out of sync with reality. But it all got Stede where he needed to be. Stede believed so hard, and so long, that he was in the right place at the right time to make something fantastical really happen.
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The structure gets a bit tricky here, because Stede's reckoning with his fantasy in season 1 comes before it works out for him (with Ed's arrival), but comes after it works out for him in Season 2.
In season 2, first off, just as Stede's pirate fantasy led straight to him being stabbed, his romantic fantasy leads right to him being headbutted.
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Reality asserts itself, and Stede has to deal. Both times, he starts dealing with some denial.
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And both times, his attempt to deny is punched in the face by reality.
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In season 1, Stede's development balancing fantasy and reality is fairly straightforward--Stede believes his fantasy long enough to attract Ed, who then helps Stede not get killed by his fantasy. In season 2, Stede sits and talks to Ed and does the relationship work that lets them move forward, embracing real communication instead of romantic fantasies. He works with Izzy and learns how to bring his piracy closer to reality, to respect other people's fantasies (the cursed suit)
But here's the thing: even as Stede adjusts, sets out to become a better pirate (by taking notes, but still, he is trying) and to become a better partner, the seeds of his fantasies have been sown.
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The fantasies Stede tried to impose on reality return, and they serve to reshape reality--to save him, and to give hope in darkness to the man he loves.
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In season 1, Stede's fantasies of being a bloodthirsty killer and having murdered Chauncy almost get him executed--but they also get him saved. And in season 2, Stede's fantasies and resulting brief reign as a "super-pirate" may be gone, but he's still gained enough skills in pursuit of that fantasy to survive for this:
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It's hardly equivalent to defeating Izzy Hands in a duel, but Stede's fantasy followed by his work has gotten him where he wants to be.
And then, in both seasons, Stede's Episode 1 fantasy appears in his Episode 8 reality. His dream of being a different kind of pirate captain is animated by his crew. His fantasy of creating a place where traumatize pirates can grow as people has come true, because other people came to want it as much as he does.
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And in Season 2, going deeper as usual, the same music as in Stede's dream plays as Ed and Stede reunite. And when this fantasy becomes reality, it's more complicated than it was in Stede's dreams. But it's shared, and so it goes deeper--and it's all the more true for being earned by two imperfect men who defied the world and their own fears for each other.
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And of course Stede knows. After all, his knowing made all of this happen.
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magentagalaxies · 4 months
going to a comedy open mic tomorrow mostly to watch my friends (it's at a cool venue that my improv troupe performs at once a month and a few improv troupe friends are doing standup there) but when these friends were asking if i'd be interested in coming they were like "btw there's usually a ton of open spots on show days if YOU want to do something... and they're not strict about it only being standup either, people have done character pieces and sketches etc like they embrace the weirdness... and they're not strict about time limits you could probably do anything between three and eight minutes... sometimes if there's not enough people signed up they'll even let you go twice..." and i'm like god damn it i thought i was gonna take a break from aubrey but this setup is like tailor made for an aubrey appearance lmao
#still on the fence about it bc the burnout i experienced at the beginning of may extended to aubrey#especially bc so much of my aubrey stuff is comedy about gender and my brain was more in ''set everything on fire'' mode#and i think i've gotten to a good place with that burnout but i still haven't worked on any aubrey stuff since i got home from college#but even still even tho my mental health is better than it was a few weeks ago#recently i have had this horrible insomnia where i haven't been able to fall asleep at night in over a week#(i've made up for it with naps but still i am not mentally 100% rn. i've tried so many things and nothing has worked.)#so that's my justification for *not* doing aubrey tomorrow. however.#i reeeally need to get more performance experience bc there's only so much you can develop a sketch character without performing them#and this venue is so good. it's an art gallery like an hour away that's designed to be part gallery and part performance venue#especially for comedy. like the venue owner is this veteran comedian who used to work with bobcat goldthwait and a lot of other big names#and it's a low-pressure environment bc everyone there has seen me do comedy before with my improv troupe#but they still haven't seen me do aubrey at all so it's bringing a new side of my comedy to some of my main collaborators#like this is so much better than my previous aubrey performances bc they were all either#1. shows in CLASSROOMS with a bunch of my classmates who generally don't get my comedy (very clique-ish)#or 2. a guest spot on a show at a coffee shop where everyone knew each other except me#plus the biggest thing for me is the lack of a strict time limit. like as much as having a good 3-minute monologue can be#i think aubrey is a character you need to get to know a bit longer than 3 minutes. and a lot of my stuff is long while also being very tigh#like not every monologue is like this but my best aubrey monologues are almost like aubrey is telling you a sitcom storyline#and removing too many lines makes the whole narrative jenga tower fall over#and as much as i want to figure out how to make every monologue a good starting point#having the chance to perform multiple monologues if i get to go twice so that they can build off each other would be perfect#idk i'm not sure how often the open mics are there. at least monthly tho i might be missing next month's depending on when i'm in toronto#so like this wouldn't really be my only chance. but yeah i'm on the fence about whether to bring aubrey back for a performance tomorrow#i probably wouldn't do new material. i'd do the 5 minute version of my uncle reg monologue bc it's the one that's worked best so far#and if i get to do multiple. maybe i'd do the ''nom de plum'' monologue bc i think it's also very strong#and it has a good callback to uncle reg#but idk i also think doing the song would be very fun and on-theme since it's pride month and the song is a satire of rainbow capitalism#tho i'd probably have to rework the monologue that leads into the song bc even tho i loved the concept i don't think i articulated it well#or i could write an entirely different lead-in and make the previous monologue (''C/H/M'') a separate thing to revise later#which would probably go better and somehow be less work to write. but even so i don't know what the venue's sound setup is
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jinwoosbabyboo · 28 days
"Will You Marry Me?"
How I imagine LADS Men would propose. This is part 1 of 2. I tried to do the sweet elegant writing, but that ain't me so here you go....
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Zayne definitely shows his love through his actions.
He's the type to be nervous the weeks leading up to his proposal. He won't show it though his coping mechanism would just be to work more hours to avoid thinking about all the reasons you'd say no. So you'd barely see him for weeks.
Don't worry though trust he's planned everything down to the last minute. He even tried to plan how the conversation would go. He quickly scraps that idea when he remembers he can never predict your response considering the way you always surprise him with your antics.
He's private about your relationship (Private not a secret read that again twice). He wouldn't want a crowd or prying eyes he'd want a cozy afternoon at home with you. The PERFECT cozy afternoon. He'd have you sit down on the couch as he'd bend a knee and give you the most Shakespearian speech you've every heard in your life before ending it with a......
Zayne: I know I've told you before nothing last forever but I'd like to be your nothing and last forever .... Will you marry me? MC: You're my everything Zayne Zayne: Is that a yes? MC: Yes yes of course
How could you even think of saying no? He would also turn you every which way but loose to celebrate. The aftercare would consist of a hot jasmine scented bath with you to relax your muscles. That nap would hit different after that cozy afternoon. ;)
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Rafayel is so silly he'd stumble and drop the ring down a drain or something. I bet you thought thats what I'd say huh? Wrong number babes.
He can be serious when he wants to and he'd want his proposal to be perfect as well however he would want to have fun prior to asking just to calm his nerves. He'd take you to a festival or a farmers market or the arcade anything to take his mind off his racing heartbeat for his plans later.
When the time comes he would take you to a quiet gorgeous beach at sunset (A place where he feels the most calm) and right when nightfalls. Fireworks. Perfect timing huh? Coincidence? I think not!
He always finds you beautiful no matter what. He could stare at you for hours and never get tired of looking at you. There was something about you in the moonlight mixed with the awe on your face while watching the fireworks. You were unreal.
He'd wait until you're completely enamored by the fireworks before subtly mentioning something further down the beach. You'd turn quickly seeing beautiful candle light set up complete with a heart shaped flower archway covered in Flame Lillies. It was ethereal.
MC: Oh my gosh someones getting proposed to Rafayel: Lets get a closer look MC: No we might ruin it let's stay here Rafayel: It'll be fine I know the person proposing they haven't got there yet we can go look MC: Fine but quickly
Rafayel would lead you over directly in front of the archway where you would pull at his sleeve to try and leave. Because why does this man got you in the middle of someone else’s proposal set up??
MC: Your friend could be here any minute we should leave Rafayel: He's here MC: *Looks around frantically* Where?!? Rafayel: It's me MC: *Turns to see Rafayel on one knee*
His speech is an absolute tear jerker. He'd promise to love you endlessly and passionately. "I promise to chase you to the ends of the earth even in death I'd find you in the next life"
Rafayel: So ... will you be my beloved bride? MC: YES!
Me personally I'm tackling his fine ass in the sand after he slips that ring on
Xavier & Sylus here...
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ggukiepie · 1 year
one of your girls (jungkook x reader) (part 1)
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we don't gotta be in love, no i don't wanna be the one, no i just wanna be one of your girls tonight ~ i wanna take your light inside dim me down, snuff me out ~ give me tough love leave me with nothin' when i come down
pairing: fwb!jk x oc, brief jimin x oc
tags: smut, angst, a little bit of fluff (like teeny tiny)
warnings: two smut scenes, kissing, marking (hickeys), fingering, brief handjob, protected sex, slight dom!jk, sub!oc, praise, dirty talk, grinding, edging, oral (f. & m. receiving), throat fucking, dacryphilia, spit kink, brief masturbation (m.), squirting, brief anal play, back shots, cum shot, multiple orgasms (you'll see), aftercare
word count: 5.8k
a/n: been in my feels lately i had to write it out lol; wrote this in one sitting my hands actually hurt omg; inspired by the song "one of your girls" (ik don't roast me idk why it's stuck in my head fml); if this gets taken down then bye bye i literally just wrote it here directly lmaooooo; anw enjoy !!!! part 2 / drabble i (flashback)
You knew what you were getting yourself into the night you said yes to Jungkook. You knew you'd fall for him, be under his spell. You knew you'd end up getting hurt. You prepared yourself, you really did, yet you were still surprised when you woke up each morning and he wasn't beside you in bed. You felt your heart break a little bit more when you saw him with another girl, whether she'd be one of your friends or a complete stranger to you.
You tried to guard your heart. Reminded yourself to prepare for the worst. Forced yourself not to fall, not to be blindsided. I'm just having a little fun, you told yourself for the nth time.
jk: u busy tonight?
you: not really! just writing a paper that's due next week
That was sent hours ago and you mentally cringe at your reply. You always find yourself oversharing to Jungkook when you didn't even need to. You wanted to make it seem like your whole situationship was just casual. Like you didn't care. He rarely shared much about his personal life and so should you. But that hardly happened. You didn't want him to think that you cared, that you were clingy or waiting for him to text. You didn't even wait five minutes before replying and he hasn't even texted back.
You know what his text means. He wants to fuck and that's it. But he doesn't say it outright. No, never. He wants to make it seem like he cares, that he wants to know how your night is going. But he just wants to know if you're free to fuck and once you reply, he'll keep that as a reminder in the back of his mind, like he has a mental list of girls he can sort through at the end of the night when he's bored or when he wants to have a little bit of fun.
You know you're just one of his girls on his roster and you're fine with that. You're not his girlfriend and he's not your boyfriend. Though it does seem like that on some days, which is when you get the courage to not reply to his texts. When you try to shut him out and move on. He usually shows up outside your lecture hall with a cup of coffee in hand, bunny smile on his face as he waits for you to walk into the hallway. Like he's waiting for you, picking you up from class like a good and loving boyfriend.
It's all for show and it's only to get himself on your good side again. It works every time. You don't question yourself anymore. Jungkook likes the chase, likes the adrenaline of going after girls and trying to get them to fall for him, or sleep with him, or whatever. It's all the same to him.
You sigh again as you check your phone, hoping for a reply but knowing he won't text back. It's a Friday night and he's probably at some party. You go through your texts and open the conversation with your best friend.
jihyo: see u later! im picking u up so u better be ready >:(
You can't help but laugh at her insistence. Jihyo knows what you're going through since you tell her everything. You tell her you don't care though, that you're not looking for a relationship right now and your "thing" with Jungkook is just casual. But you know she sees right through your lies. It's even more obvious when you ghost all your friends and lock yourself in your apartment every night. She's trying to make you forget and move on and have some actual fun so you indulge her every time.
You get ready in less than an hour and actually put some effort into your appearance. You're not sure which party you're going to but you won't be surprised if Jungkook will be there as well. Maybe if you look hot enough he'll choose you tonight.
You hear a knock on your door and open it immediately, finding Jihyo laughing at something her boyfriend has just said. Most of the time you end up hanging out with her and Mingyu because she's always dragging you with her to keep you from being lonely. You don't mind it though because they're fun people to be with. Even though Mingyu is Jungkook's roommate and best friend. But Mingyu isn't anything like Jungkook. He looks at Jihyo like she's hung up the stars and moon. Loves her with all his heart and doesn't leave her second guessing. You always wonder why him and Jungkook are friends when they're so different.
Jihyo turns to smile at you, but it's still the lovestruck smile she gave Mingyu just seconds ago. You know you have the same kind of smile reserved for Jungkook. You wish you didn't but at the same time you're glad you do, like you have a part of yourself only Jungkook can see. Even though he doesn't do the same.
"You look so hot tonight!" she squeals as she pulls you in a hug. You laugh and roll your eyes, making eye contact with Mingyu as he nods his head in greeting. Jihyo steps back and grabs your hand, dragging you out your apartment so fast you barely have time to lock the door behind you. "Let's go before all the good drinks are gone."
It's a short but fun walk to the house where the party is being held. You find yourself laughing with Jihyo and Mingyu the whole time. They're the type of couple that doesn't make third wheeling a bore.
Loud music blares in your ears the moment you step inside. You feel your heels sticking to the floor. A typical frat house throwing a typical Friday night party. You immediately take shots with Jihyo and Mingyu. You need it to be able to survive the night since you already feel yourself tensing up at the possibility of Jungkook being in the same place as you.
You spot your other friends and hangout with them for the rest of the night. It's when you're playing beer pong with Jimin as your partner do you see Jungkook at the other side of the room. He's talking to some girl which is nothing new. It shouldn't phase you but it does. You thought you were going to be his pick for the night since he texted you a while ago.
You feel your heart fall at the sight of them, your chest physically hurting that you make Jimin throw the ball twice for the both of you since you can't focus. You feel all the fun and happiness slowly leave your body. You feel your stomach churn at the way he's got her trapped against the wall, tattooed arm placed beside her head, mouth whispering right against her ear. She's smiling and giggling at whatever Jungkook is telling her. You wish that were you.
"Forget about him," Jimin mutters in your ear. He's watching your beer pong opponents take their turn as you're watching Jungkook and the girl.
You shake your head at Jimin, turning your head to smile at him just to make it seem like you're okay. Just like Jihyo, he sees right through you.
Jimin's another close friend of Jungkook. They're not so different. Jimin likes to sleep around but he makes it clear that he doesn't want anything serious. Always nice and gentle with the girls he sleeps with. Jungkook makes it seem like you're his and only his. You wonder again why they're friends.
"Seriously, Y/N," Jimin says, a little bit of urgency in his tone. It's probably the look of longing on your face that raises concern in your friend. Everyone sees how broken you look when you catch Jungkook with another girl.
"I know," you say after a while. You talk just a little bit loud enough to be heard over the music. "Jungkook and I just sleep with each other. It's casual and that's it."
You hear Jimin sigh. He nods his head and it's his turn to throw the dirty ping pong ball. You've had this conversation with him and Jihyo numerous times already, sometimes it's the both of them and sometimes it's on separate occasions. You say the same thing every time. You think your friends are starting to give up on you. Maybe you should as well.
You force yourself to have fun for the rest of the night, always trying to be in a room where Jungkook isn't. You're not sure if he's spotted you. You don't know which hurts more—him not spotting you because he doesn't even bother looking for you in the crowd, or him spotting you but not talking to you because you're not his choice for the night. Either way, he doesn't care. You know he doesn't but you wish you did. You thought you'd catch his attention with the black dress you're wearing. Or with the way your hair is styled. But it doesn't work and you tell yourself that it's okay. You always see him in your peripheral though, either talking to someone or flirting with that girl.
You decide to leave when you see Jungkook leaving as well, fingers tangled with the girl's. She looks like a giggling mess and you can't blame her. Everyone falls for Jungkook's charms. You try not to dwell on the fact that they're going to have sex.
It's Jimin who walks you home. He can tell you're sad so he talks about his day and his classes, avoiding Jungkook's name even though you're positive that they hung out today. Jungkook's intertwined in so many people's lives it's hard to leave him out. But Jimin makes an effort just to distract you. You're grateful for it though and he keeps up the act all the way to your apartment. He asks if he can use your bathroom and you say yes, mindlessly changing into your pajamas once the bathroom door closes behind you. You thought you'd have a little bit more time to finish changing but you suddenly hear Jimin swear behind you. You live in a little studio apartment so there's not much room to hide.
"Oh fuck— Shit," he says. You turn around laughing to see him with his hand over his eyes. "Sorry," he mumbles.
You're in your underwear but you don't mind. "It's not like you haven't seen me like this before," you chuckle.
"Still," he reasons.
Because you're stupid and heartbroken and hurt, you walk up to Jimin and gently grab his wrist, bringing his arm down to his side. You look at him looking at anywhere else but you. Eventually he looks down at your body for a split second and you laugh at him.
"We shouldn't," he whispers.
You shrug your shoulders. "Just a little bit of fun, right?" you ask with a smile on your face. "Like old times?" you giggle.
Jimin lets out a scoff but it's more of a laugh. Like he can't believe you're both doing this again. "You sure you're not drunk?" he asks as he makes eye contact with you. Bingo. You got him.
"Nope," you say sweetly.
"But Jungkook?"
You roll your eyes to mask the hurt. "Don't care."
Jimin looks at you intently to make sure you're not bluffing. While you wait for his answer you unclasp your bra and let it fall down your shoulders, exposing yourself to him. His eyes widen at the sight.
"Okay," he breathes out. He suddenly holds you by the waist to place you on the kitchen counter. It has you giggling at him.
"Eager?" you ask when he starts kissing your neck. You feel him drag his teeth across your skin, like he's thinking if he should mark you up or not. You stretch your neck out even more and feel him biting at your skin, sure to leave a bruise.
"Just excited," he mumbles against your neck. You feel him smile.
You unzip his pants while he's busy sucking your nipples. He's hard already when you start pumping your hand up and down his cock.
"Feels good, baby," he moans in your ear. You're still wearing your underwear but Jimin doesn't mind, just pushes it to the side to insert two of his fingers inside your pussy.
"Oh," you choke out. He finds your spot right away and rubs his fingers against it. He doesn't make you come, just fingers you to make sure you're prepped. It's quick when he takes his fingers out and grabs the condom in the back pocket of his jeans. You watch him tear the packet open and roll the condom down his length.
You both don't say anything else as he pushes his cock past your tight walls. Doesn't give you a moment before he starts pounding, his skin slapping against yours.
It's always like this with Jimin—just quick and easy and no feelings attached. You both don't do it much, it happens at the most random times. Usually when you want to forget or when he's stressed from school. And after this you're both back to being friends. It's never awkward. You wish it were like this with Jungkook instead.
"Jimin," you moan when he starts rubbing your clit. "Gonna come."
"Go ahead, baby," he breathes out, placing a soft kiss on your cheek and leaving his lips there. You push yourself to release and Jimin follows right after. You're both breathing heavily when he pulls out, taking off the condom and throwing it in the bin. He zips up his pants and starts looking for something on your bed. You're still trying to catch your breath when you feel a shirt being put over your head. Jimin's sweet like this—does aftercare in the most platonic way possible.
"There," he says after helping you wear the shirt he found. He doesn't know it belongs to Jungkook. You don't think he minds if he does though.
"Thank you," you say quietly and give him a small smile.
"Anytime. I'll see you around, okay?" He kisses your forehead and you watch him leave your apartment.
The silence engulfs you and you think you should feel disgusted with yourself—that you're pining over a guy but you just had sex with another. With his close friend out of all people. But you push the thought to the back of your mind as you jump down from the kitchen counter and walk into your bathroom. You're just like Jungkook, you tell yourself. Just casually sleeping around and nothing else. He doesn't care and you don't either. You feel a teeny bit better.
You take a warm shower to wash all the remnants from tonight. You actually take your time just to clear your jumbled up mind. It's almost 30 minutes later when you step out and check your phone while you're drying off, heartbeat stopping at a text you've received almost an hour ago.
jk: u up?
jk: hey reply to me :(
jk: coming over
Your eyes widen at the last text. It was sent just 10 minutes ago. You don't know where he's coming from but the campus isn't that big so he'll probably be here soon. You quickly finish drying off and change into comfortable clothes. You hear a knock on the door the moment you finish changing. You take a deep breath before walking to the door and opening it.
You notice Jungkook's wearing the same clothes from the party but his shirt is a bit wrinkled. You think he just came from the girl's place. Probably fucked her and is here now because he's not satisfied. You should feel disgusted and mad but you're not. You're no better. You just slept with his friend.
"Hi," you mutter.
He smiles at you and leans in to kiss you on the lips. "Hey, sweetheart." It has you swooning.
You step to the side to let him in and he walks straight to your bed, sitting down to take off his shoes before lying down comfortably. You follow him and sit down on your bed right by his waist. He stretches out his arm to drape it over your thighs and you start tracing his tattoos absentmindedly. This is your usual routine.
"Did you stay in all night?" he asks. Just a little bit of conversation before he does what he's really here for. At least he has a little bit of decency. You don't mind though, it makes you think that he cares about you when he asks things like this.
You shake your head and smile at him. "Nah, Jihyo and Mingyu dragged me to that frat party." You can tell he's trying to hide his surprise.
"Oh, I didn't see you there," he mumbles.
"It's okay." You shrug. "There were a lot of people."
"We could've played beer pong together, I know you like doing that every time you're out."
Your heart clenches at his remark. You're surprised and hurt every time he remembers little things about you. "I was with Jimin, don't worry." Jungkook doesn't know the double meaning to it.
He nods and runs his fingers across your thighs. "Missed you. Sorry I didn't reply to your text earlier, got caught up in something." You know that's a lie. "Just got back from the party too, that's why I came here late." Another lie.
You nod and smile as if you believe him. And you force yourself to because it's easier than knowing the truth. It's silent for a moment before he mumbles c'mere and brings you on top of his lap.
"Missed this," he says quietly as he squeezes your thighs. His hands trail up your waist till he's squeezing your tits beneath the shirt you're wearing. You start grinding on his cock, getting out of breath too quickly. You missed this too. It's been a week since you last had sex with Jungkook which is a long time for the both of you.
"Kook," you pant. He's pinching your nipples knowing that's where you're most sensitive.
"I know, sweetheart. Take your shirt off for me, hm?"
You nod your head dumbly and do as you're told, watching Jungkook stare at your body. He stops moving beneath you and you're about to ask what's wrong when he brings his hand up to touch the hickey on your neck that Jimin left.
"Who's this from?" he asks. You can't tell if he's mad or just curious. Jungkook isn't showing any emotions on his face and you're starting to get nervous.
"Just..." You think if you should tell him the truth. You look into his eyes and try to see if there's any semblance of care. You don't know. You really can't tell. Then your eyes trails down his body, to his neck and the wrinkly white shirt he's wearing. There's a red stain on the collar and you know it's lipstick. From the girl he slept with earlier. "Someone," you finally mumble.
"Someone?" He continues rubbing the spot gently until he presses down on it with his thumb. He doesn't press down too hard, but it's with enough force to have you hissing slightly.
"It's from Jimin," you finally say. He doesn't say anything but raise an eyebrow at your reply. You don't know if he already knows that you and Jimin have slept together. He doesn't look so surprised, or maybe he is and he's just really good at schooling his expressions.
He makes eye contact with you again and you feel his hand going to the back of your head, grabbing a handful of your hair to press your lips against his. The kiss feels urgent and rushed, his tongue instantly slipping in your mouth and tangling with yours. You're on top of him yet you feel defenseless as he holds you by your hair and kisses you hard. You let Jungkook do as he pleases and forget about the little conversation you just had. You start grinding on his cock again and he reciprocates this time, hips moving against yours.
Before you know it, he rolls you over and pins your arms above your head. You stare at him with wide eyes and he smirks at you in return. He holds your wrists with one hand and takes off your shorts and underwear with the other. He's fully dressed while you're not and you know you're at his mercy. He knows this too as he spreads your thighs apart with his hand.
"Keep your hands there," he whispers. You hold your bed frame for good measure. You just want to please him. He trails kisses down your body, from your neck to your nipples to your tummy. He stops by your thighs and you feel his breath against your skin. You squirm beneath Jungkook to get him to do something, to touch you and pleasure you. He shakes his head, still with that damn smirk on his face. He starts kissing your thighs, close to your pussy just to tease you.
"Didn't know you and Jimin have a thing going on," he says against your skin. You shiver at the vibrations his voice provides.
You feel Jungkook bite down on your inner thighs. "We don't," you choke out. He scoffs and starts kissing your pussy. Just light kisses that start making you crazy because you just want his mouth on you. "We're just friends," you say weakly.
He looks up from where he's laying between your legs. "Like us?"
You know what he means but at the same time you don't. You're friends with Jimin like you're friends with Jungkook. But you don't long for Jimin like you do for Jungkook. You don't yearn for Jimin the same way, don't look for him in every place you're at, don't pine for his affection or his touches. Jimin isn't like Jungkook and you both know that. You just don't know if you're different from the other girls Jungkook fucks.
"No," you say truthfully. It's said with defeat and desperation because you know he's not going to touch you till you answer him. "Not like us."
You know Jungkook won't pry anymore because he finally starts licking your pussy, starting with your outer lips until his tongue is inside your hole licking every crevice. Then he starts sucking your clit and that's when you truly lose it, legs going around his head to keep him against your cunt.
"Fuck," you almost scream. You're so close already that you should feel embarrassed but you're not. Jungkook knows your body too well. No one holds a candle to how good he eats you out. "Please," you whimper.
"Please what, sweetheart?"
"Please make me come!" you beg. "Need it, need it so much." You starting grinding your hips against his mouth.
"You're so desperate," he chuckles. It's said meanly but the comment flies over your head. You don't care anymore; you just want some sort of release. "But not yet."
You suddenly feel cold because Jungkook removes his mouth from you, standing up and getting out of the bed to remove his clothing. You continue holding the bed frame above you because you want to be good for him. You watch him strip his clothes off till he's naked just like you, tattooed hand wrapping around his cock.
It's long and thick and it splits you open every time he fucks you. You really don't know how you manage to take him every time.
Jungkook is so mean and unfair with the way he's teasing you right now, pleasuring himself while you lay on the bed. You're about to open your mouth to complain when he finally nods his head, motioning you to get up. "Kneel. Hands behind your back, okay?"
You nod your head and get in position on the bed, head tilting up to look at his cock. It's so hard and the tip is already leaking. You just want your mouth around him.
"Open," he says.
You open your mouth and stick your tongue out, just the way Jungkook likes. As expected, he spits directly into your mouth and you swallow right away.
"Good girl. Now suck."
He brings his cock to your lips and you immediately start sucking. You push your length all the way in till you feel him at the back of your throat.
"Gotta take all of me in, pretty. Or else I won't fuck your little pussy."
You know Jungkook takes his threats seriously so you back up a little to catch your breath before taking him in your mouth again. God, he's so big and thick your jaw is already starting to feel sore. But you power through and keep taking him in your mouth until your nose touches his tummy. You try not to gag around him but it's no use. You also feels your eyes tearing up.
Jungkook doesn't care you're struggling. In fact, he loves it because he's got that stupidly handsome smile on his face. He strokes your cheeks for a while and you try to even out your breathing.
"I wanna fuck your throat, sweetheart. Can you take it?" he asks sweetly.
You know it's a rhetorical question but you nod anyways, as much as you could with a dick down your throat.
"Let me in then."
You close your eyes and relax your throat even more. Jungkook holds your head then and pushes you towards him even deeper. You're helpless since your hands are behind your back. You gag again and start feeling lightheaded.
"There we go," he finally says once his whole length is in your mouth. You feel the tip down your throat. You're struggling so much but you try not to move. You just want to please him. "Gonna move now," he mumbles and starts moving his hips. You let him fuck your throat for God knows how long. You're full on crying when he stops and withdraws his length halfway out your mouth. You take the time to gasp for air and you even cough a little, head bowing down to regain your breathing. You faintly hear Jungkook laugh above you.
"I'm not yet done, love. Was just feeling nice enough to give you a little breather."
You nod your head and look up at him, mouth opening wide to let him know you're ready again.
"You just let me do whatever I want, huh?" he chuckles. You're not sure if he means something else but to you it does. You willingly let Jungkook do anything to you. Even if it results in heartbreak.
He stares at you for a while and spreads the spit and precum that's on your lips. "So messy." Then he's back to inserting his length inside your mouth. The glide is smoother this time since you're already prepped. "There we go," he groans out. He stays still and feels the imprint of his dick on your throat. "Look so pretty for me."
Jungkook starts moving again but thankfully his pace is slow this time. You're sure you'll have a sore throat by tomorrow.
"Keep your eyes open, okay? Wanna see you cry."
You look at him while he's fucking your mouth, looking at the way his cock moves in your throat. You're starting to lose your breath and you think Jungkook could tell as well because he grants you reprieve and steps back. You're coughing more this time, hands catching yourself in front of you. You barely get enough time to regain your breathing before you feel Jungkook grabbing your head and bringing your lips to his.
"Did so good for me," he says against your mouth.
You're trembling in his hold and you grab his arms to steady yourself. "Fuck me please," you try to say but your voice comes out hoarse and ragged.
He kisses your cheek and then your jaw. "I will, don't worry," he coos. "Always gonna give you what you want." Another lie. You know that's not true.
You're putty in his hands as he maneuvers you to the position he wants to fuck you in, which is on your hands and knees with your ass high in the air.
"Just like that," he whispers. He pushes down on your shoulders even more so that you're wide and open for him. He starts rubbing your pussy and you can't help but moan out loud. "You're so wet, sweetheart. All from sucking my cock?"
You nod wordlessly from your position on the bed. "Jungkook!" you scream as he plunges two fingers in your pussy. He's ruthless as he fucks his fingers fast and hard, hitting your g-spot right away. "Please," you cry out. You're so wound up and tense and you just want to come already but he won't let you.
You hear Jungkook chuckle from behind you. "Still so tight, baby. Thought Jimin stretched you out already." You're about to reply but you feel his thumb press against your rim and your senses go haywire, mind going blank because you're so overwhelmed.
"Please, please," you beg quietly. You're crying again and you'd do anything at this point to get Jungkook to fuck you. He withdraws his fingers from your holes and you hear the crinkling of plastic behind you. You turn your head slightly to see him slipping a condom on. Jungkook has never fucked you raw and you never asked why because you already know the answer. You'll get hurt hearing the truth anyway.
He holds your hips to steady you. He rubs the head of his cock up and down your folds. "You want this?" he asks roughly.
"Yes. Please."
Finally, finally, Jungkook pushes his cock in your pussy. It doesn't take long because you're so wet he slides right in to the hilt.
"You feel so good around me." He stills for a moment and you grab your ass to spread your cheeks even more.
"Please move, Kook."
You hear him groan. "God, baby, you're filthy." He starts fucking into you and your mind goes blank. You feel his thick cock slide in and out, the tip already kissing your cervix.
"Feels so good," you mumble incoherently. Jungkook fucks you quick and hard, holding your hips so tightly you know it's going to bruise. You feel his balls slap against your clit which adds even more pleasure. You feel yourself getting close again and arch your back.
"Can I please come?" you ask through your moans. "Please let me come, Jungkook. Please—"
"Come," he finally says. It's the only word you need to hear before you let go, that coil in you snapping and bringing pleasure all over your body. You don't know you're moaning so loudly you're almost screaming. You feel your pussy just gush and it gets so wet and sticky you're surprised Jungkook doesn't slip out. It's so filthy that you hear squelching noises as well. Your orgasm goes on for so long you don't know how you're still holding yourself up.
"You creamed my cock so much, baby," Jungkook says. He slows down his pace but he's still moving so you can ride out your high. "Got me wet and even your sheets."
You barely hear him and there's just a buzzing sound around your head. Your body feels so heavy and you just want to collapse but you arch your back even more for Jungkook.
He laughs. "Think I fucked you stupid." He increases his pace again and you just kneel there and take it. "Gonna make me fucking come," he growls as his hips snap against yours. "Fuck." He fucks you some more and you groan every time he hits your g-spot.
Suddenly, he pulls out so fast. "Don't move," he groans. You stay in place and watch him remove the condom off, hand going to stroke his cock as he brings himself to his release. You feel his come on you, right on your pussy and asshole. "Fuck, baby," he groans. You feel even stickier with his load on you. Then he bends down to kiss your neck, and then your cheek, and then a gentle one on your lips.
"You okay?" he asks quietly. His arm goes to wrap around your waist and you slowly start sinking onto the bed.
"Mhm," you mumble and try to keep your emotions at bay. You always feel so overwhelmed after sex with Jungkook. You let a few tears fall down your cheeks but it's the kind of tears of relief from an intense orgasm.
Jungkook presses his front against your back, not caring that his come is still on you. He starts kissing your face again then rubs his nose up and down your throat. "Just breathe, yeah?" he says quietly. You nod weakly against his hold and do just that. The both of you say nothing as you try to calm your racing heart.
You don't know how many minutes pass by until Jungkook stands up. You don't have the strength in you to move your position on the bed or ask where he's going. A few minutes later you feel a wet rag on your back. You let Jungkook clean you up while the both of you still don't say a thing. Then he's moving you on the bed again so your head is on the pillows and he's right behind you, lying down comfortably to be the big spoon. You feel him kissing your head.
"Sleep," he mumbles against your hair. With Jungkook holding you and with his steady breaths guiding yours, you fall asleep right away.
You don't know what time it is when you wake up but there's still sunlight peeking through your curtains so you suppose it's still morning. You turn to face the other side of the bed only to find it empty. You don't know what time Jungkook left, if he stayed the night or left the moment you fell asleep. You're used to it already but it doesn't mean you're not hurt. Your heart constricts at the empty space beside you. You move again to lay on your back and cover your face with yours hands, letting out shaky breaths while trying not to breakdown. God, maybe Jimin was right. Just forget about him.
But it's hard not to. It's hard to forget about him when you have sex constantly, when his touches are gentle but also rough. When he wants you to reply to his messages and when he wants you against his body. It's hard because he's friends with your friends. It's hard when he takes care of you after every intense orgasm. It's hard when he makes it seem like he wants you just as much as you want him.
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lucy90712 · 3 months
Hey so for Jude Bellingham can you write like Jude cheating on reader, he is very distant with her and she tries to make plans or asks him things like how has ur day been but he either just gives her blunt replies or just completely ignores her. Reader finds out he cheated on her via his phone and she confronts him and she admits it. Then reader leaves him and moves on with someone else (not a footballer just someone random) and Jude regrets what he has done but it is too late. Like pure angst and please make it long! Thank you!
A/n: the timeline on this doesn’t really work but just ignore that
Part 2
Sitting in a restaurant alone waiting for someone to show up is embarrassing. It's even more embarrassing when people know who your boyfriend is and are very clearly judging you and thinking about what might be going on in your personal life. Then the most embarrassing part of it all is having to leave after sitting there for an hour. 
No text no call and no answer. After getting home from the restaurant I stayed up for as long as possible to try and wait for Jude to come home so I could ask him why he didn't show up to the date he planned and invited me on but by 3am he still wasn't home. The next morning he wasn't in bed but he had clearly been home and then left for training but he still hadn't even read the texts I sent him last night. He did post on his Instagram story which explained where he was, he was at a party with all of his friends. I'd love to say that's the first time he's done this but it isn't in fact he's done it countless times in the last few months. 
Valentine's Day
Two hours ago I got ready in a cute dress and did my makeup ready to go out to dinner with Jude. He's been so busy recently so we haven't spent much time together but he promised me we'd spend Valentine's Day together, he got us a reservation at my favourite restaurant and told me to dress up. That's exactly what I did now I'm sat here still waiting for him to get home two hours after when he said he'd be home. 
It hurts to be left just waiting I was looking forward to tonight and getting to spend some time together as I've missed having him around. He made this move to Madrid out to be the best thing for us but ever since things just haven't been the same. He's always busy and when he's not he chooses to spend time with his teammates instead which I understand but at the same time he's neglecting me and our relationship. I tried to bring this up but he shut me down and promised to spend more time with me which is how we ended up with this date but clearly it's not that important to him. 
Close to 3 hours later Jude finally came home and looked at me incredibly confused when he saw me all dressed up. 
"Where are you going?" He asked 
"On a date with you remember you said we would go out for dinner because it's Valentine's Day" I said 
"I'm so sorry baby I completely forgot this week has been crazy I promise I'll make it up to you another day but I'm so tired is a movie night instead ok" he said 
"Yeah its ok" I lied 
As always I woke up to an empty bed and Jude having left for training. Today isn't any normal day though it's my birthday so all my friends are coming over and we are going to go out for lunch together then hopefully Jude and I can do something together this evening even if it's just watching something together on the sofa. When I grabbed my phone from my bedside table I had loads of messages from friends and family wishing me a happy birthday and my social media was filled with edits done by Jude's fans which were all so sweet. The only notable missing thing was a text from Jude but that's ok he might've been running late and forgot. 
I forgot about Jude as soon as my friends arrived as they all spoiled me far too much but I had so much fun with them. It was nice to be distracted from real life and stop worrying about when Jude will be home, if he will remember it's my birthday or if he still cares about me at all. Once I got back home Jude's car was already in the driveway so I smiled and happily made my way inside to see him. I wasn't expecting Vini and Eduardo to be over but there they were sat on the sofa playing video games with Jude. 
"Hey y/n happy birthday" Vini said 
"I didn't realise it was your birthday Jude didn't mention it but happy birthday" Eduardo said 
"Thanks guys" I said 
"Where have you been babe?" Jude asked still not saying happy birthday 
"I was with my friends they took me to lunch" I said 
"That sounds fun" Jude said going right back to his game 
His friends tried to leave saying he should spend time with me but he said it was fine and that I wouldn't mind so they stayed. While they all sat down stairs having more fun than I was I did some work with tears streaming down my face. My own boyfriend doesn't care about my birthday his teammates cared more than he did. 
"Happy anniversary love" I said when I found Jude in the kitchen this morning 
"Happy anniversary" he said 
I tried to give him a kiss but he dodged it and went to start packing his things as he has an away game later today so he's leaving soon. 
"I'm sorry baby I've got to go I'll see you later though" he said as he left leaving me all alone yet again 
Today is a day I always like to forget. Both of my parents died in a car accident two years ago today so it's always an emotional day for me and my siblings, we would like to spend it together to distract ourselves but as I'm in Madrid we can't do that. Instead my friends invited themselves over so that I'd have someone with me which made me feel so much better. They came over early so early that Jude was still here as he hadn't left for training yet. He was doing his own thing as the girls all sat with me and let me get out all my emotions now by telling them memories I have with my parents. 
"You know they'd be so proud of you" one of my friends said 
"I just wish they were here to see all the things me and my siblings have done all thanks to their constant encouragement" I sniffled tears still falling down my face 
"Why are you crying babe?" Jude asked as he walked down the stairs 
"Just thinking about my parents it's the anniversary of their death so I'm just a bit emotional" I said 
"I'm glad the girls are here to make you feel better then I'll see you later ok" he said 
With that he left and my friends all looked at me with an expression I didn't quite understand.
"How long has he been like that?" My best friend asked 
"Like what" I questioned 
"Like you don't matter he didn't even hug you before he left even after you told him why you were upset which he should know anyway dates like this are important for partners to remember" she said 
"I mean it's been a good few months he missed our Valentine's Day dinner he didn't wish me a happy birthday until like 5pm and we didn't do anything on our anniversary" I said finally thinking about how badly he's been treating me
"Girl he doesn't deserve you he's taking you for granted and you don't deserve that" one of the girls said 
"I hate to say this but you need to break up with him clearly he's given up on your relationship and now I might be wrong but wrong but it seems to me like he's found someone else" another said
They were right for months now I've been at the bottom of his priority list and he's nowhere near the Jude I used to know and love. There is no affection there anymore it's like the love we once had is gone. He also has definitely been distant and he's never home so there is a possibility that he could be cheating on me. That's a thought that I'd put in the back of my mind and didn't want to think about but now that someone else that has mentioned it I can't let the thought go. Whether he's cheating or not things definitely aren't how they used to be and I need to get out of this relationship before it's too late. The girls all offered their support and said I can stay with them for as long as I need which gave me the confidence to actually talk to Jude later today. 
When Jude arrived home all the girls left and they wished me good luck which I definitely need as I'm nervous to actually have this conversation even though it needs to be done. Jude went straight to get in the shower so I decided to look at his phone because he told me the password but I have never used it as I trusted him at least until now. It took just seconds of looking for me to find texts between him and this one girl who he had clearly been seeing for months now. He kept saying he would break up with me but the time wasn't right yet and that he wasn't in love with me anymore which hurt to see. I wanted to cry but I held back my tears and instead just sent myself screenshots of everything and then deleted the evidence so he wouldn't know that I knew. 
After his shower Jude took ages to come back downstairs but when he finally did he was looking at his phone and smiling it made me wonder if he was talking to her the girl he'd apparently fallen for. He quickly noticed me staring at him and he just stared back not having a clue what was going on. 
"Jude we need to talk" I said 
"Oh ok is everything alright?" He asked 
"I'm just gong to say it I know what you've been doing and don't lie to me I have screenshots I just want to know when you fell out of love and why you did this instead of just ending things" I said barely holding back tears 
"I don't know it all just happened I'm sorry I should've handled this better I didn't want to hurt you but clearly I haven't done a good job of that" he said 
"Yeah you really have hurt me I should've known when you forgot about our valentines reservations but I was foolish and believed that you were just busy now I know you were with another girl" I said 
"I'm sorry" he said 
"I don't believe you Jude if you were sorry you wouldn't have let this go on for so long it's safe to say we are over I wish you well but please don't try and contact me again I need to just move on" I said 
With that I gathered my things and just left. I left my key, the memories and what felt like half my heart but it had to be done I had to get out of there before I got hurt any more. It's time to move on and start a new life with people around me who truly care about me. 
1 year later 
"Come on amor let's go" Carlos called from downstairs 
"Coming" I said running down the stairs 
"Oh wow you look gorgeous" Carlos said 
"Thank you you look good too" I said 
He kissed my cheek and grabbed my hand so we could head out to the car that was outside to pick us up. Just a few days ago Carlos won the French open so we are going out to celebrate. I met Carlos not long after I broke up with Jude I wasn't even looking to date but I just happened to meet him on a night out with my friends and we just clicked. He understood that I wasn't ready to date properly but he didn't give up on me so when I was ready we went on a date and the rest is history. My plan definitely wasn't to date another athlete in fact I wanted to just have a normal life and date a normal guy but I couldn't just let Carlos go and I'm glad I didn't. We have been together officially for 6 months now and they have been the best 6 months of my life he always treats me right and he makes it known how much he loves me. 
Carlos has a lot of friends in Madrid so he decided to come here and celebrate his win with me and my friends as well as his before he goes back home to be with his family. There wasn't really any time to prepare anything so we are all just meeting at a club in town that isn't just open to the public so there shouldn't be lots of people there. All our friends were already there when we arrived as we got caught in a bit of traffic but they didn't seem to mind our lateness they congratulated Carlos on his win and we all went inside. 
As we walked down the stairs all my friends turned to me at once and I wondered what was going on for a second until I saw what they had seen. Jude was right there along with a few of his teammates. I haven't seen him since our breakup which is somewhat of a miracle seeing as I still live and work in Madrid and he has become part of the city. I knew one day we'd meet again I was just hoping it wouldn't be in a day like today I don't want to be thinking about him or to talk to him while celebrating Carlos as tonight shouldn't be about me or my past relationship. Carlos knows everything that happened so once he saw Jude his hand reached for mine and he gave it a comforting squeeze which made me feel a little bit better. The thing is I don't miss Jude at all I'm so much happier now but what he did still hurts me so seeing him for the first time since is a bit painful. 
"We can go somewhere else if you want" Carlos said 
"No it's ok tonight is your night plus he shouldn't affect my life now that's the past you are my present and future" I said 
"Ok as long as you're sure but you are sticking by my side all night" he said 
Jude's POV
"Is that y/n?" Vini asked 
Him saying that caught my attention so I looked in the same direction as him and there she was with all her friends and a guy by her side. I recognised the guy as Carlos Alcaraz the tennis player who just won the French open and a the guy y/n has been dating for at least the last few months. I found that out when late at night after we lost a big game I stalked her Instagram and saw a photo of them together on her private account that she forgot to remove me from. Since that night I have kept an eye on her Instagram I usually check it at least once a week to see what she's been doing and how happy she is without me. 
Since the night that she broke up with me I regretted making all the dumb choices I made that led to that point. Within days I broke things off with the other girl I was seeing and I have been alone ever since I just can't bring myself to see anyone else because they aren't y/n. It sounds stupid because I'm the one that ruined everything I'm the reason she's with Carlos and not me but she was the one I just didn't realise how much I loved her until she was gone. My mum has always told me not to take things for granted as once they are gone you'll realise their true value and that's exactly what I did with y/n I didn't realise just how important she was to me until I made some stupid decisions and let her go. 
I watched her with Carlos for a while and she seemed genuinely happy which made me realise that she hadn't been that happy with me for a long while before we broke up. It was clear to see that she loved him and I could tell that he loved her too because he looked at her the way I did when we first got together. It hurt to see her so happy with someone else because I know I could've had that but now I won't get to share any moment like that with her ever again. I deserve everything that has come to me I made bad choices and as much as I regret them now it won't change anything. 
I have to let her go because for her to be happy I need to not be in her life as much as that hurts. They say if you love her let her go and that's what I need to do let the one go because as much as she might've been the one for me I'm not the one for her. 
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simphornies · 8 months
Glitchy [ Vox x F!Reader ] pt. 2 (NSFW)
A/N: Was not expecting the attention the last one got. I already had a part 2 in my head as soon as I posted it. Sorry if the writing is off! I'm a bit rusty. Enjoy!
Warnings: smut, teasing, light bondage(?), oral, creampie
Velvette's fashion show was ongoing. She somehow set you up to model one of her latest pieces as the grand finale. You liked to dress up but being in front of crowds that didn't involve killing made you nervous. "C'mon bitch! Are you ready?" She switches up your hair into a fitting updo, showing off your TV wire inspired earrings. "Oh Vox is going to love this one." To be honest, you did want to tease Vox a little bit to get back at him for spying on you. Valentino sneaked you into his office while he was asleep at his desk and you saw that most of the cameras were paused on you. "Did you really put on a whole show to fuck with him?" You asked, straightening out the skirt she had you put on, "And does this outfit have to be this short. You know I don't like showing off too much skin. Gives too much to look at." Your statement made Velvette and Valentino laugh, "Babe, with a body like that you should be showing off. It's almost a crime to keep them hidden." Val slaps your ass and pushed you towards the curtain, "You're almost up, knock Vox dead. Do that move I showed you too."
You rolled your eyes at them and walked away. Val looks down at Velvette, "$100 bucks if he short-circuits." She grinned, "$100 if he gets up and they fuck later." The two shook on their deal and walked around to get to their seats.
Vox didn't typically sit for Velvette's shows but you had asked him to show up because of a piece you said you wanted him to see. The two other Vees sit next to him, "You look like you're having the time of your life, Vox." Val teased. "Fuck off, if Y/N didn't ask me to be here, I wouldn't be. Where is she anyways? I would expect her to be here considering she wants me to see this piece so bad." Velvette gasps, "Wow. So you wouldn't even show up to my show if I told you to come? I'm so hurt." Her words filled with sarcasm. "Shut up. It's almost time for her part."
Vox blinked, "What? What do you mean he-" Her finger covered his mouth and Val moved his head to look at the stage, blowing out some smoke for "effect" as you make your way down the catwalk.
You donned a gorgeous off shoulder top that showed too much, or too little as Val would say, of your cleavage. A skin tight skirt that rode up a little bit as you walked the catwalk hugged your hips. Above your skirt, the strings of your thong (that Velvette insisted you wore) peeked over adding a little extra flair. And the best part? You were of course in Vox's signature colors. You did a spin showing off the outfit and scanned the crowd. Your eyes locked with Vox's and you smirked as you thought about what Val taught you hours before. You bent over in his direction, one hand on your knee and one hand on your hip. You spun on your red bottom heels and posed one last time for the cameras, looking at Vox before leaving him with a wink. You looked away as soon as you see his screen glitch, red liquid oozing from the side of his mouth.
After the show, you put on a mesh coat. Velvette came running at you with a hug, "You did wonderful! I knew you could nail that. Have you seen the ratings?" She whipped out her phone with an article raving about the latest show with you front and center of the pictures, "The people love you! And the sales are coming in." You smiled, happy that you impressed the fashion critic herself. "Glad I could make you proud, Velv." Claps came from behind you and you turn to see Valentino and Vox, walking side by side. "Amazing work, sweetie. You nailed the tit show." He smiled, giving you a hug as well. "Thanks Val. I would never have done that move if you didn't teach me the art of captivating an audience with my tits. You're the master." You elbowed the tall sex demon. "So, did you like the show Vox?" You looked up at him, trying to make the eye contact that he wasn't reciprocating. "Come on~ Did my tits glitch you out." You teased. He cleared his throat, finally making eye contact with you with his signature smile. "I already knew you were hot, baby. I love the color combo." He gives you a hug, whispering into your ear, "Did you do that on purpose to fuck with me?" "Pfff. Me? Why would I ever do such a thing?" You spin around and pulled Velvette close to you, arm over her shoulder, "Besides, I'm not the fashion genius here. She is." Velvette gave him a teasing look and laughed, "Oh I would never! You're reading too much into it. Now shoo, Y/N and I have an afterparty to go to!"
You weren't a fan of parties but Velvette insisted you come. Well, she bribed you with some drinks. You grab a glass of wine and walked out of the club to get a breath of fresh air. As you scrolled through your phone, you see from the corner of your eye a familiar red figure walking towards you. It was the radio demon himself, Alastor. "Alastor! Pleasure to be meeting you. Quite the pleasure!" He grabs your hand to shake it, "I've seen your influence around town from the latest fashion show put on by the overlord Velvette and might I say you're quite the stunning lady." He plants a kiss on the back of your hand. You had your guards up, this was Alastor. The demon that brought down overlords as soon as he manifested into hell. What the fuck could he want from you? "Thank you for the praise." You say as you pull your hand away from him, "What can I do for you, Alastor sir?" You back up slightly, taking steps back towards the entrance of the club hoping Velvette could see the predicament you're in. "Nothing too much. I just have a couple of...questions for you, my dear!" He grins menacingly, "You seem to be in close quarters with Vox, would you like to make a deal?" You scoff, "A deal? I'm not stupid. I'm not making a deal with you. What do you want?" "Would you like to go on a little outing with me?" "A what." "An outing! A gorgeous doll such as yourself must be exhausted having to deal with that annoyingly loud picture show." He was talking about Vox, "I could show you a better time. I can give you aid taking down all those who you wish if you permit me." Before you could answer, a glowing blue circle appears at your feet plunging you down to hell knows where. You land in Vox's lap, his face glitching with rage. "That fucker--Thank the seven rings I was watching around the club you were at." "Vox I-" "That little prick! I'll show him he shouldn't mess around with the Vees! That motherfucker-" "Vox." "-is lucky I wasn't there!" He chuckles, his one eye going crazy at the thought of Alastor hurting you. "Vox!" You yell, finally getting his attention. He seemed to have forgotten you were still in his lap in his fit of rage. He looks down at you, blushing a bit as you were still in the clothes from the fashion show. "Can you let me down please. Your little desk is cramped and I can't get myself off without getting tangled in your cords." Vox, in a panic, backs his chair up, a cord getting caught in one of the wheels and throwing you both back. He catches your head with his hand as to not hurt it. "Fuck. My bad. I was ju-" He cuts himself off noticing the position you're both in and the state of your clothes. He was on top of you and your top got yanked down a bit which meant your tits are now in full view. Not to mention the fact that you somehow got wrapped up in his cables. Him glitching at the sight of you made you smirk, "You like what you see? Or are you too angry at the radio demon talking to me to notice anything?" You cockily said before laughing, pulling your top up to put your tits away, "Now can you help me out of your cables, please?" Vox didn't move. He was frozen. You thought that maybe he short circuited. "Hello? Vox?" You place your hand on his screen, trying to knock him out of his daze, "Vox are you in the-" Before you could say another word he pins your wrist down above your head as he crashes his lips on yours. You melt against his, returning his affection. You taste a faint hint of mint on his tongue as he wraps it around yours, almost battling for a spot in your mouth.
When he pulls away, you were out of breath. You watch his eyes scan your body and take in the sight. "Sorry. I couldn't help myself to you. You just look...so hot right now." He says, taking his hand off of your wrists and trying to back up to free you. Your eyes wander and notice the bulge in his pants. A dirty thought crossing your mind. "If I look so hot, why don't you do something about it." You smirk up at him, gently guiding your knee over his bulge, sending shivers down his spine. "I'm stuck Vox, helpless under you. You really going to throw this golden opportunity away for both of us?" You teased. Vox composes himself and lets out a low chuckle, the antenna on his head letting out some sparks. "You've been driving me insane all day, babe." He speaks in a low tone, his voice turning you on. You feel around above you and grab the nearest cables and tangle your wrists in it, "Show me what you can do, Vox."
He didn't hesitate to undo his bowtie. He took off your top, tossing them to the side before lifting up your skirt. He was taken aback at the thongs you were wearing, they matched his shirt. "Did Velvette put this one on you too?" He asks as he caresses your inner thigh. You purr at his touch, "Mmm...No. Those ones are mine. I got them after your confession~" "You know how to drive me crazy." He slides your thongs off and lightly drags his finger over your slit, making you shiver in excitement. "Now it's my turn to drive you crazy." His blue tongue sticks out of his screen and goes straight into eating you out, relishing your taste. You suppress your moans as to not let anybody else hear. "Be loud, this room is soundproof."
His tongue enters you and swirls around, driving you as crazy as you've been driving him. You squirm in pleasure as the overlord feasts upon you, licking up all the juices. You feel a knot forming in your stomach, your face flushing in delight, "Ah. V-Vox." You moan out, "I-I'm gonna-" He doesn't stop one bit, if anything it seems like he sped up. The knot grew tighter and tighter until you came all over his face. He pulls away, grinning as he looks at your shaking body.
"Let's go somewhere, more comfortable for you." He untangles you with ease, besides your wrists, and teleports the two of you into his already locked bedroom. He plops you down on the bed before taking his pants off, his cock leaking pre-cum. You drool at the sight of his length, "Come here." You say, still a bit out of breath, as you get on your knees for him. "Giving me orders now?" He chuckles as he got closer to your face, his cock resting on your cheek, "Is this what you want, babe?" You look up at him with lust filled eyes before you take him into your mouth, tongue wrapping around his length as you your head up and down. He grabs your hair, making sure it stays out of your face as he looks down at you sucking him, "What a good girl," He purrs, caressing your cheek. You pick up your speed, eager to taste him. Vox grunts in pleasure, thrusting his hips as he pushed himself deeper into you, "Make sure you take every last drop." He grabs your head and starts fucking your face deeper as he gets closer. His cock twitched before letting a load down your throat. He pulls himself out of you, your lips making a pop as he did. You open your mouth to show him what was left, closing it to swallow and opening it back up again to show him that you didn't leave a single drop. He puts his hand under your chin, "Now ass up, sweetheart." You wasted no second getting into position for him. You've been dying to take his cock ever since he confessed to you. Ever since you found out he watched you on his screens. Ever since you laid eyes on him actually. "You're drenched, babe." He grins as he rubs his tip at your entrance, "Beg." You whine and wiggle your hips, trying to see if you can slide him in yourself. He grabbed your hips firmly, slapping your ass, "I said, BEG." he demanded. "Please Vox." "Please what?" He teased his tip, pushing just a little bit in, "What do you want? Speak up." "Please fuck me senseless, Vox. Please." You pleaded in desperation. He grabs your hair, pulling your head up closer so he can whisper in your ear, "Good girl." God the way his voice changes sent shockwaves through out your body.
He enters you slowly, "I'm going to make your entire body glitch the way you made me glitch." He was relentless. Torturing you almost. He picked up his speed and started pounding into you. You moaned in delight, enjoying how rough he was with you. "Faster, please Vox." Your request filled with pleasure, "Vox. Pl-please!" He slaps your ass in response, letting go of your hair and holding your head down on the bed, "Since you asked so nicely." He kept himself at a quick pace, taking in the sight of you drooling on his sheets. He pulls out of you to flip you over, you were about to whine but him suddenly filling you back up again stopped that quick.
Your walls tightened around him, "You're so tight. Are you gonna cum for me like a good girl?" Your brain was turning into mush, rendering you unable to form a real response. The only sounds coming from your mouth were ineligible slurred words and moans. "I'm going to fill you up as deep as I can. I'm making you mine." He growls, pinning your tied wrists above your head. He plants on your chest before licking your exposed chest. He leaves hickies all over your chest, marking this night on your body for only him to see. You feel the familiar knot forming in your stomach again and you're positive he can feel it too. He grunts as he thrusted into you with reckless abandon, pounding you senseless into his mattress.
"V-Vox. Pl-please." He kisses you with as much passion as he could give as you cum around his cock, tightening your walls so much you squeeze him dry as he released his fluids deep into you. The electricity crackled as soon as he came before everything powered down around you. He pulls away from you, resting his head on your neck as he tried to catch his breath. You can see the light emitting from his face flickering different colors.
He pulls out of you, his cum flowing out. He grabs a towel to clean you off as well as he was able to before cleaning himself off. He unties your wrist before plopping down next to you. You nuzzle up next to him. The city lights turn back on and the light seeped into his room. He seems to have kept the lights off in the room. You feel his arm wrap around you. You look up at him, hand resting on his chest.
"Was the teasing worth it or what?" You asked, giggling a little bit. "Hell yeah it did. I'm so glad I sat through the whole show just for you." He sighs contently, pulling you closer to him. "Will you run this entire hell with me, dear?"
"Gladly, Vox."
Valentino groans as he sends over $100 to Velvette. "You of all people should know he wasn't going to be able to pussy out this time." She grins.
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damiansgoodgirll · 2 months
HIIIIIII I saw you're Damian and Rhea x reader that you just posted AND I HAVE A IDEA (No rush I'm just sending it so I don't forget)
OKAY SO in the same universe as the previous fic what if backstage on Monday night raw finn starts trying to convince the reader to join the new judgment day (bc he obviously still cares for the kid) like trying to get jd or Dom to guilt trip them or even getting liv Morgan to be buddy buddy since reader had trouble making friends.
But the reader STAYS LOYAL to the terror twins 🖤
running to write this because i love it, here’s part one
the judgment day x reader (platonic) , mention of drew mcintyre
‼️finn being a good manipulator lol, family issues, fear of abandonment, angst, reader feeling insecure, brief mention of suicidal thoughts (sorry it’s a little angst)
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don’t break my heart - part 2
you lied if you said that you slept the night right after summerslam. no, you were in your hotel room watching the ceiling over and over, thinking of what was going to happen now. damian and rhea made sure to stay with you a few hours after the show, helping you calm down and making sure that you would eat something.
but they were tired and angry, so you perfectly understood when they waved goodbye and went to their rooms. they needed time to think and to cool off.
5 am and you were up to board on your next flight that didn’t leave until noon. you were living off on caffeine and sugar drinks but you didn’t care. you had no idea what was going to happen on monday night raw because you weren’t supposed to have any matches that night, you knew you would go with rhea and damian but you didn’t know what your future was going to be.
once you landed and you checked in into your new hotel room, you received a text from finn, saying to let him know once you arrived at the arena because he wanted to talk to you.
you drove along with rhea and damian and they both sensed your fear as you kept quiet, “you okay there?” damian asked you.
“uh?” you woke up from your trance.
“dam asked if you were okay, is everything okay y/n?” rhea added turning to face you.
“oh yes, i’m okay, just a lil nervous…” you hated lie to them, you hated lie in general but you couldn’t tell them that you were about to meet with finn. they would probably get mad at you and the last thing you wanted was to have your best friends hating on you too, so you kept it for yourself.
damian kept driving, knowing that eventually you would open up to them when you were ready.
once at the arena you waved them goodbye and went straight to your changing room. rhea told you to get ready in case something happened and if she needed your help so you did as she told you.
you texted finn and told him he could come over if he needed to talk to you so bad and not even 10 minutes later you heard a knock on the door.
“come in…” you screamed and he let himself in.
“hi” you couldn’t deny that the situation was awkward. you stood there for a couple of minutes before he could talk.
“listen…y/n i’m so sorry for everything that happened at summerslam” he apologized to you but you knew he wasn’t sorry at all.
“you lied to me finn…”
“and you lied to damian and rhea because i’m pretty sure they don’t know i’m here” he smirked at you and that look made you sick in the stomach.
“are you here to threaten me? are you to destroy the little family i have left? what do you want finn…i have no time for more bullshit, please” your voice sounded broken and finn hated himself for the way he treated you.
“i know…i’m so sorry for everything and you have to believe me…i’m not sorry for damian or for rhea because i got tired of being their little puppy, dominik too…but i have nothing against you, never have, never wil…i care about you y/n…don’t you remember all the things we shared? all the things we’ve went through?”
and you couldn’t lie to him. you will always remember how kind and patient and caring he has always been with you.
he was the first person you told about your past, even before telling damian and rhea. he was the one who held you while you cried when you told him about your thought of ending your life. he was the one who comforted you and made sure you never felt left out. and he was true when he said you’ve been through a lot because he was always there for you.
but so were damian and rhea so you couldn’t understand why was finn telling you all of that.
“why are you here finn?” you simply asked him, his way of bringing back memories made you feel guilty. seeing how much you depended upon someone made you realize that you probably were better alone than with someone.
“i want you to join us…”
“join who?”
“me…y/n, me, dom, jd and liv…listen, i know you and i know damian and rhea and they will leave you at some point…they are both chasing vengeance and power, they want their titles back, they won’t be with you forever and, i’m sorry to say it but they won’t take care about you forever…you saw the way rhea treated dom or the way damian treated jd…” his words were starting to impress in your head “jd kinda likes you” he chuckled “no, i’m pretty sure he has a crush on you…and listen, liv is really a friendly person, i know you don’t like her right now but i promise you, if you get to know her you will like her more…just give us a chance”
maybe he was right.
maybe you would ended up being alone one day and he was right about that damian and rhea had their own lives apart from you. hell, rhea just got married, maybe she would like to start a family one day…maybe finn was right.
finn always cared about you, he proved it many times so why were you afraid of trusting him?
“i-i…i don’t know finn…” your mind started to overthink. you were feeling overwhelmed and despite you still loved finn, despite you still caring for him, you couldn’t betray damian and rhea.
“listen i-…”
“no finn, you listen to me. how can you expect me to choose between you or them? how-how can you tear this family apart like this? because maybe for you it was nothing but for me…for me it was everything…” tears slowly falling down your face.
finn knew that it was wrong putting you in all of this mess. he knew that no matter what he still would have a space for you in his heart but the idea of choosing them instead of him made him feel useless, like somehow he failed you.
“i can’t choose between you or them because you are the ones who broke this group apart…” more tears falling from your eyes “i-i can’t finn…i can’t” and before he could say anything else, you turned to face the door and quickly left your changing room.
drew noticed you walking down the arena corridors with teary eyes and no matter how many time he called you, your mind couldn’t register any sound or noise. it felt like you couldn’t hear anything except your heart beating in your chest.
i just saw y/n crying and going towards the emergency exit of the arena. finn balor just came out of her changing room. don’t know what happened but she seems overwhelmed, she needs you.
drew texted rhea. he was pretty worried when he saw in what state you were in. he knew that even if he chased you, you probably would have just pushed him away. he knew something about your past and he knew how the other females in the roster would give you “the looks” and honestly he felt for you, he just wanted you to feel welcomed because for him, the wwe was just a big huge family. he knew that you needed time, that’s why he warned rhea.
when she read the text, she felt her heart missing a few beats.
“what?” damian asked a little concerned when he saw the look on her face.
she was still a little shocked “drew texted me…he saw finn leaving y/n’s changing room and he said that when she left she was crying…she’s probably going’s back to the hotel, he said she’s going outside”
that was all damian needed to hear before leaving rhea’s changing room and sprinting over the emergency exit. rhea following behind, making a note to thank drew later.
they both saw you sitting on the emergency stairs and slowly they both approached you.
damian sat in front of you while rhea sat next to you “hey angel…” rhea slowly turned your face towards hers “why are you crying beautiful?”
in that moment you saw it in their eyes.
they cared.
they cared like a family.
rhea was about to cry because she couldn’t stand the idea of seeing you upset.
“finn wanted to talk to me…he, well, he basically offered me a spot to join him alongside with dom, jd and liv…” you said. you feared that they would get mad but rhea’s eyes told you the opposite.
“and what did you say?” damian asked you, gently smiling at you.
“that i can’t…i can’t leave you, i can’t even look him in the eyes, it just hurts too much and i can’t have you hate on me too” you softly spoke.
damian looked at you and saw nothing but pure intentions “y/n…we could never hate you. we know how close you and finn are, and i know it hurts right now so we won’t forbid you to see him again if you want to…”
“but i can’t damian! it doesn’t feel right, it’s not right! i’m not turning my back on you, i would never do that…you guys mean so much for me and i can’t stand the idea of losing you or hate you but…but finn said some things that made me think…”
“what did he say sweetheart?” rhea gently asked.
“well, for instance, rhea you just got married…and i can’t hold you back for the rest of my life just because my head is a fucking mess, you have your life and i don’t want you to feel the need to look after me forever…same goes for you damian, i can’t depend on you for the rest of my life…”
“that’s absolute nonsense y/n” damian said and rhea agreed with him. she was mad with finn for playing those mind tricks with you, knowing exactly that your mind wasn’t in the right place and that you would get negative thoughts very easily.
“listen” damian spoke “we are a family okay? we stay together, now, tomorrow and in ten years okay? just because we have a life outside this company doesn’t mean that you’re not a part of our life outside of it okay? we stay together instead and outside…i love you like you are my own sister, fuck you could be my daughter y/n…” damian joked making you laugh.
“damian’s right” rhea held your hands “we stay together because we care about you, now and in a million years…”
“thank you for everything guys…” you smiled at both at them.
“you don’t have to thank us love…” rhea wiped some of your tears away “now, why don’t you help me getting ready uh? tonight’s gonna be a big night and i want to look perfect” she laughed making you laugh too.
“yup” you smiled and with their help you got up from the uncomfortable stairs.
rhea mentally noted to thank drew and to kick finn’s ass because he made you doubt yourself, and most importantly, he made you cry.
okay so what about part 3 with reader and drew getting to know each other and developing feelings for each other and damian and rhea acting like big parents to reader?
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orchidniins · 6 months
oh i NEED pt 2 of Serendipitous Beginnings🙏
Serendipitous Beginnings Pt. 2 | Arthur Frederick
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Summary: Y/N and Arthur finally spend some much time together and go on their first date. Between movie nights and cute museum dates, it's clear they've fallen hard for each other. Pairings: ArthurTV x afab!Reader Warnings: Mature content, Smut, Fluff Word Count: 6k
A/N: Thanks to everyone who showed love on my first post! I wanted to write a part 2 for this with all the cute little ideas in my head. This fic is basically a little collection of events and just a little sprinkle of smut right at the end. I hope you enjoy!
Masterlist ⟡ Part 1
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You awaken on Saturday, later than your usual wake-up time, feeling a faint headache throbbing behind your temples. Despite the headache, your mind is abuzz with the memories of last night's conversations with Arthur. The lingering memories of the night's events are still fresh in your mind.
As you reach for your phone, a smile tugs at the corner of your lips, eager to see if Arthur had messaged you. Sure enough, his name lights up your screen, and you can't help but feel a rush of happiness as you read his message. The two of you had stayed up pretty much all night texting, the conversation flowing effortlessly between you.
Eventually, it was mutually decided to stop texting and finally catch some sleep, but now, even with maybe only two hours of sleep, you're still buzzing with excitement to keep the conversation going. You couldn't help but grin at your phone, fingers tapping out quick replies
Arthur: Hey! Morning! 😊 Arthur: Did you manage to get any sleep in? Y/N: Hey! Good Morning 😊 Y/N: Yeah, I did. Just barely. Did you sleep well? Arthur: Yeah, I managed to get a few hours in too. Couldn't stop thinking about our conversation though. Y/N: Haha, same here! I guess we'll just have to continue it in person, huh? 😉 Arthur: Did you wanna maybe grab some lunch today? Y/N: That sounds great! I'd love to. Where were you thinking? Arthur: How about that place we talked about yesterday? Y/N: Perfect! Can't wait 😊
Eagerly agreeing to meet Arthur for lunch, excitement courses through you at the thought of spending more time with him. However, as you're about to set your phone down, a sinking feeling settles in the pit of your stomach. You had completely forgotten about your plans with Sienna to meet up with a mutual friend who was in town for the weekend.
Y/N: Hey, Arthur! I'm so sorry, but something's come up for today. Can we reschedule for tomorrow? Arthur: Oh, no worries! Tomorrow won't work for me, I've got a shoot scheduled. Y/N: Ah, got it. No problem. Maybe another time then? Arthur: Definitely! Let's figure something out soon. 😊
After a bit more back-and-forth, the conversation trails off, leaving you feeling disappointed that your plans with Arthur didn't pan out. With a sigh, you set your phone aside and get out of bed, heading towards Sienna's bedroom to check in on her.
Entering her room, you find her sprawled out on the bed, half of her body hanging off the edge, her hair messy and makeup smeared. You try to wake her up gently, but she protests, murmuring, "No, not yet, five more minutes."
"Siii," you say, nudging her shoulder, "you know I turned down a date for this lunch today, so you better get up, or I'm gonna have to use violence." Sienna groans in response, still half-asleep, but your mention of a date piques her interest. "A date? What do you mean, a date?" she asks, her eyes fluttering open as she tries to grasp the situation.
You chuckle at her confusion. "I was just kidding, but we better make it to that café on time. You're the one who insisted we go there, even if it's a 50-minute drive from here. Now, get up." Sienna, still groggy, fixates on the idea of a date. "Okay, but what date?" she mumbles, her words slurred with sleep.
With a laugh, you shake your head and say, "Nothing, just get ready," before leaving her room to get ready yourself.
Over the next few days, despite the promise to meet up, neither you nor Arthur seemed to find the time. It had been over a week since the initial plan was made, and your schedules were keeping you both occupied. Arthur had spent a few days away from London for a shoot, while your own commitments to classes, coursework, and your TA job filled your days from dawn till dusk.
The conversation between you over text seemed to flow effortlessly though. Whether it was during breaks between classes or late at night after a long day of work, hours slipped by unnoticed as you traded stories, shared interests, and laughed at each other's jokes. Even through the screen, you felt like there was undeniable chemistry.
In person, however, it was a different story. Whenever you crossed paths with Arthur in person, whether for the few minutes you had while entering or leaving your apartment, the atmosphere became charged with a hint of awkwardness. Your face-to-face interactions were tinged with an unspoken tension. Probably owing to the fact that neither of you had addressed the hot and steamy kiss shared the other night, leaving many unanswered questions. And neither of you knew how to broach the subject, leaving the issue lingering between you like an elephant in the room.
Today, you're rushing out of your apartment, a whirlwind of activity as you stuff papers into your backpack, your mind preoccupied with the evening class you volunteered to handle for a professor.
You stand outside the elevator, tapping your foot impatiently, waiting for the doors to open. As they slide open, you're about to step in when you're met with Arthur's smiling face.
"Hey," Arthur greets you warmly, his eyes brightening at the sight of you.
"Hey," you reply, mustering a smile as you step into the elevator beside him.
"How're things going?" Arthur asks, his voice laced with genuine interest.
"All good," you respond, offering a brief nod. "Just heading to TA for an evening class."
Arthur nods in understanding. "You've been pretty occupied lately, huh?"
You chuckle softly. "Yeah, well you know… Where are you off to?"
"I'm meeting some friends for a drink.", Arthur responds.
"That sounds fun," you say, though inwardly you can't help but feel a twinge of disappointment that your paths are diverging once again.
The elevator ride continues in silence, the awkward tension lingering between you like a thick fog. You bite your tongue, racking your brain for something to say to break the uneasy atmosphere. Finally, just as the elevator doors slide open, you blurt out, "Are you free tomorrow night?"
Arthur's eyebrows raise in surprise. "Um, I think so," he replies, sounding intrigued.
"I was thinking of having a movie marathon," you explain, feeling a surge of nervous energy. "And I was hoping to have someone along for it."
A hint of a smile plays at the corners of Arthur's lips. "That sounds like a plan," he says, his eyes brightening with interest. "What were you thinking of watching?"
You grin, feeling a sense of relief wash over you. "How about 'The Lord of the Rings'?" you suggest eagerly.
Arthur's eyes light up at the suggestion. "Yes! I love Lord of the Rings. Have you watched the extended versions? If not, we could watch those," he says, genuine excitement in his voice.
Just as excited, you reply, "Yeah! I’d love that."
"Great, sounds like a plan," Arthur confirms with enthusiasm.
Feeling a weight lift off your shoulders, you say, "My place tomorrow? I’ll text you the time."
"Definitely. I'll see you then," Arthur replies.
With that, you bid Arthur goodbye as you step out of the elevator, feeling a sense of excitement building in your chest. Maybe this movie marathon would finally give you the chance to address the elephant in the room and see where things could go with Arthur. But your thoughts are interrupted by the fact that you didn't want to be late to set up for class. You wave him goodbye and head out.
Before you know it, the day of your movie night arrives. You make sure to stock up on snacks and drinks, preparing for a cozy evening. With Sienna out of the city for work till next week, you have the place all to yourself. You take the time to set up the couch with extra pillows and grab an additional blanket from Sienna's room, ensuring everything is just right for your evening with Arthur.
However, for a fleeting moment, you can't help but overthink why you're going to such lengths. It's not like this was a date, just two friends hanging out. But you quickly brush off the thought when you hear a knock on your door. Taking a deep breath to shake off the nerves, you stride over to the door and swing it open, revealing Arthur standing on the other side.
"Hey!" he greets you with a warm smile, holding up a bag of snacks. "I brought some snacks for movie night. Hope you like popcorn and chocolate!"
You return his smile, feeling relieved at the sight of him. "That's perfect! Come on in," you say, stepping aside to let him enter. "I've set up the living room for our movie marathon. Make yourself at home."
As Arthur steps in, you close the door behind him, trying your best to calm your nerves. Tonight was supposed to be fun, you remind yourself, a simple movie watching experience between friends. Definitely not a date, just two friends hanging out.
You settle onto the couch, gesturing for Arthur to join you. He takes off his jacket and joins you. There's a brief moment of silence as you both get comfortable, but you're determined to keep the atmosphere light.
"So, how's your week been?" you asked, turning to Arthur in an attempt to break the awkward silence.
Arthur leaned back against the cushions, a thoughtful expression crossing his features. "Kind of busy," he replied with a chuckle. "Filming schedules have been hectic lately, but it's been pretty fun filming with my mates. How about you?"
You shrugged, a wry smile playing on your lips. "Same old, same old. Classes, TA gig, grading papers, dealing with undergrads….," You trail off, not wanting to bore him with the details of your day-to-day responsibilities.
But Arthur seems genuinely interested. "I bet you're great at it though," he says, leaning closer, his eyes sparkling with sincerity.
You feel a warmth spread through you at his words, grateful for his encouragement. "Haha, thanks, Arthur," you reply, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips, your eyes locked with his.
As the movie progressed, you found yourselves immersed in discussing your favorite scenes and characters. The initial awkwardness began to dissipate, replaced by an easy flow of conversation and laughter, and soon the movie became nothing more than background noise.
Before long, you realized that as the conversation flowed, you were sitting much closer to Arthur. Your knees brushed against each other as you faced one another on the couch. His arm draped over the back, his fingers lightly grazing your shoulder, sending delightful shivers down your spine.
Lost in the moment, you couldn't help but wonder why you had ever felt awkward around him in the first place. It felt as though the universe had conspired to bring you together. The desire to kiss him again bubbled up inside you, igniting a warmth that spread through your entire being.
With each passing second, it became increasingly difficult to ignore the palpable tension between you, leaving you hopeful that perhaps Arthur felt the same way.
In the silence that followed, the air between you seemed charged with anticipation. Slowly, almost hesitantly, the two of you leaned in towards each other, the space between you narrowing with each heartbeat.
His gaze met yours, "This feels familiar," Arthur murmured, breaking the silence. You couldn't help but laugh, relieved that at least one of you had acknowledged it.
"Does it now?" you replied, a playful grin tugging at the corners of your lips. "So, you do remember."
"How could I forget?" Arthur's voice was barely above a whisper, his words sending a shiver down your spine. "It's been on my mind ever since."
As he leaned in closer, a surge of excitement coursed through you. "Well, good then," you replied, your heart pounding in your chest. Without hesitation, his lips meet yours.
You shifted closer, your hands finding their way to his shoulders, his arms wrapping around your waist, pulling you into him. With a gentle but firm grip, he pulled you onto his lap, your bodies fitting together perfectly as if they were meant to be intertwined. The warmth of his touch sent a jolt of electricity through your body.
You melt into each other in a passionate kiss, the world around you seems to fade away, leaving only the two of you in your own private universe. His lips were soft, moving with a rhythm that matched yours. With each brush of his lips, it sends the blood rushing down to your core.
Lost in the heat of the kiss, you pressed yourself closer to him. Tangling your hands in his soft hair, savoring the feeling of his arms around you, the warmth of his body against yours.
When you finally pulled away, breathless, you found yourself lost in his gaze, unable to tear your eyes away from his. And you couldn’t remember the last time someone looked at you with such intensity.
As you both caught your breath, a wave of relief washed over you, the tension that had been building between you finally dissipating. With a gentle smile, he breaks the silence, his voice soft but determined. "Let me take you on a proper date," he says, his eyes never leaving yours.
"Okay," you chuckle softly, feeling excited at his words, a fluttering in your stomach as you look back at him. "I’m free this Friday," you reply, your voice filled with warmth. With a playful smile, you lean in and give him a little peck on the lips.
You were thrilled when Arthur suggested meeting at the history museum after class, eagerly looking forward to spending time together. You even took the extra effort to dress up a bit for the occasion. However, as you hurriedly made your way there, excitement turned to frustration as you realized you were running late. The class you were assisting in had unexpectedly extended, leaving you racing against time as the museum's closing hour approached. You quickly texted Arthur, apologizing for the delay and assured him that you were on your way, determined to make it there as soon as possible.
Y/N: Hey, sorry I'm running a bit late 😅 Y/N: Class ran over, but I'll be there soon! Arthur: No worries at all. I'm just glad you can make it Arthur: Take your time 😊
With determination, you quicken your pace, determined not to let the opportunity slip away. As you finally arrive at the museum, you spot Arthur waiting patiently outside the entrance. He looks great, dressed in a nice crewneck sweatshirt and black cargos, it makes your heart skip a beat at just how good he looked.
You hurry over to him, eager to make up for lost time. "Hey!" you exclaim, a wide smile spreading across your face as you reach him.
"Hey," Arthur greets you warmly, his eyes lighting up with genuine delight at the sight of you. He opens his arms, inviting you into a warm embrace.
You gladly accept the hug, reveling in his warmth and the comforting scent of his cologne. "Sorry I'm late," you say softly, pulling away slightly to meet his gaze.
Arthur shakes his head, a reassuring smile playing on his lips. "No need to apologize. I'm just happy you're here now," he assures you, his voice filled with warmth.
You feel a surge of relief at his response. "Thanks for waiting," you say gratefully, reaching out to give his hand a reassuring squeeze.
Arthur squeezes your hand back, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through you. "Of course, it's no problem. We can always do something else if the museum's closed," he suggests, ever the considerate gentleman, despite the museum being almost 15 mins past closing.
But you shake your head, determined not to let the evening go to waste. "No, no, just trust me on this," you insist.
Arthur raises an eyebrow, intrigued by your enthusiasm. "Alright… I trust you," he says with a smile, willing to go along with your plan.
With a grin, you take Arthur's hand and lead him towards the side entrance of the museum. As you walk, you quickly glance at your phone to confirm the last-minute plans one final time, the ones you made on the subway over, sending a quick text message. Then, slipping your phone back into your pocket, you look up to flash Arthur a smile, and he returns it with warmth in his eyes.
You head to the side entrance and spot your friend. Waving enthusiastically, you exchange greetings and shake hands, expressing your gratitude once again. "Thank you again, I owe you big time," you say appreciatively.
"Not a problem at all," your friend responds warmly as he lets the two of you in "Anything for a friend. Just make sure to leave before 8 p.m."
You nod in agreement and turn to Arthur, excitement bubbling within you as you lead him inside. His curious gaze prompts you to explain the situation. "That guy was an old graduate advisor of mine," you begin, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "He's works here as a curator now."
Arthur's eyes widen with interest as he looks around, taking in the museum's atmosphere. "I have to say… that’s quite impressive," he remarks, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.
"Yeah, his job's pretty cool," you reply, nodding in agreement.
But Arthur interrupts you before you can say anything further. "No, not that… you. You are quite surprising… in a good way," he adds with a playful smirk, his hand still holding yours. You feel a blush creeping up to your cheeks at his compliment.
You chuckle softly, feeling shy at his words, "Just give me more time to impress you further with my wildly interesting mind," you playfully quip, unable to contain the grin that spreads across your face.
Arthur's smile widens in response, his eyes sparkling with amusement as he admires your playful banter.
Turning away to hide your embarrassment, you reply, "Anyways, we have two hours now… best not waste any time," as you pull him towards the main hall.
The museum is bathed in the soft glow of a few lights, casting a gentle ambiance over the now empty hall. Excitement courses through you as you eagerly lead Arthur around, pointing out each exhibit with enthusiasm. Arthur listens intently, his eyes filled with genuine interest as he witnesses how passionate you sound.
With each second passing, he finds himself increasingly impressed by just how intelligent you are, finding himself melting at each of your words.
He often found himself just looking at you, mesmerized by your beauty, and sometimes forgetting to even glance at the displays. It still felt surreal to him that you were here with him right now.
"You know," you share, a hint of nostalgia coloring your voice, "when I was a kid, my dad used to bring me here whenever he had work in the city. He’d always bring me along with him."
"It's always been one of my favorite places in London," you conclude with a smile.
Arthur smiles warmly, his admiration evident as he responds, "I can see why."
As the two of you continue to explore the halls, the world outside the museum fades away, leaving you in your own private sanctuary. Stolen glances, brushes of hands, and a shared electricity fill the air, making this the most enjoyable date you've ever had.
As the evening progresses, you find yourselves completely immersed in each other's company, sharing stories and laughing without a care in the world. Arthur's admiration for you grows with each passing moment, his heart feeling lighter in your presence. Lost in the magic of the moment, you both find yourselves laughing and running around the museum halls, creating memories that will last a lifetime. Arthur captures candid photos of you, the echoes of your laughter filling the empty corridors.
Caught up in the magic of the moment, Arthur can't help but stare at you with admiration, his eyes drinking in your beauty. You stand before a display of jade artifacts, leaning closer to examine the intricate details, while sharing a story about a similar find or an excavation you volunteered on last year. "This is fascinating, isn’t it?" you remark, turning to Arthur with a sparkle in your eyes.
As you await his response, you're met with a lingering gaze, his eyes intense and unwavering. Feeling a warmth spread across your cheeks, you can't help but inquire with a small chuckle, "What?"
"You know," he begins, his voice soft with sincerity, "you're absolutely stunning."
You chuckle at his compliment, feeling a warm blush spread across your cheeks. "Oh, stop it," you tease, playfully nudging him. "You're not so bad yourself."
His gaze remains fixed on you, his expression filled with genuine affection. "I mean it," he insists, his voice barely above a whisper. "You're truly amazing."
You meet his gaze, feeling a flutter of excitement in your chest. "Well, I guess I can't argue with that," you joke, a playful grin tugging at the corners of your lips. "But I must say, you're not so bad at dishing out compliments either." You pause, your tone softening. "Thanks, Arthur."
Arthur smiles warmly, his eyes reflecting the sincerity of his words. "Anytime," he replies, his hand squeezing yours gently. "I just call it like I see it."
With a contented sigh, you fully face him now, reveling in the comfortable silence that envelops you both. The quiet of the museum amplifies the intimacy of the moment, and you find yourself drawn to Arthur, his presence filling you with warmth and affection.
Arthur leans in closer, his heart pounding in his chest as he presses a soft kiss to your lips. As he pulls away slightly, his breath tickling your skin.
You smile back at him, your cheeks flushed as your hand finds the back of his head, gently pulling him closer. As your lips meet his, you eagerly return the kiss, losing yourself in the sensation of his lips against yours. In that moment, nothing else matters, not caring about the passing time or potential interruptions.
As you reluctantly pull away, a soft smile plays on your lips. "It's getting late," you murmur, glancing at your watch. "A lot later than we were supposed to stay."
Arthur rests his forehead against yours, smiling down at you. "Okay, let's head back," he suggests, his voice tinged with a hint of disappointment.
"But hey, how about we grab dinner on the way back?" you suggest, a playful glint lighting up Arthur's eyes as he nods eagerly.
With a smile, you reach for his hand, intertwining your fingers as you make your way out of the museum. As you walk, you take a moment to text your friend, expressing your gratitude for letting the two of you sneak in and apologizing for overstaying your welcome.
After leaving the museum, the two of you walked a few blocks to a cozy restaurant nearby, to grab some food before you sadly had to end your date. The warm glow of the restaurant's interior welcomed you as you stepped inside, finding a quiet corner to enjoy your meal together.
As you savored each bite and shared lighthearted conversation, it became evident that neither of you were quite ready to end the evening just yet. With a reluctant sigh, you eventually found yourselves back in the lobby of your apartment building, waiting for the elevator to arrive.
The anticipation hung heavy in the air as you stood side by side, nerves buzzing beneath the surface. Unable to resist the urge any longer, you finally turned to Arthur, your voice tinged with nervousness. "Do you want to come back to mine?" you asked, your heart pounding in your chest.
Arthur's gaze met yours, his eyes reflecting a hint of apprehension. Slowly, he nodded his head, his own nerves evident.
He had been to your place before, but tonight felt different, the stakes somehow higher, or perhaps that was just the horny part of his brain taking over. He wanted nothing more than to be glued by your side, yet he also wanted to be respectful of your boundaries, especially after the wonderful time you had today.
A nervous chuckle escaped him as he tried to ease the tension. "I'd love to," he replied with a slight voice crack. You couldn't help but laugh, your laughter bubbling up uncontrollably, joined by his as you both shared in the moment, breaking the tension that had settled between you.
As soon as you and Arthur step into your apartment, the door closes behind you with a soft click, enveloping you both in the intimate glow of the dimly lit space. The air feels somewhat thicker, and though you had spent quite a cute and romantic evening, all you could think about was just how much you wanted him right now.
As if on autopilot, your body moves on its own accord. You close the distance between you in an instant, pressing your lips against his. Your hands instinctively find their way to his firm chest, while his slowly rise to grasp your waist, pulling you closer as you usher him further into the apartment. The kiss is hungry and urgent, reflecting the desire between you two.
You continue to kiss each other, your lips locked in a fervent kiss. Occasionally, you break apart just long enough to catch your breath. As the heat between you grows, your hands roam eagerly.
In the midst of your passionate exchange, you manage to breathe out a whispered "Bedroom," your warm breath grazing his skin, sending shivers down his spine. Without hesitation, you both stumble together towards the bedroom, both of you equally as eager.
Once you're in your bedroom, you guide him to sit on the edge of the bed, your movements fluid and confident. You position yourself between his legs, feeling the heat radiating from his body as his hands find their place on your hips, pulling you closer.
You lean in, capturing his lips again, igniting a fiery passion between you. His hands trail up the back of your shirt, leaving tingles in their wake as you deepen the kiss, your fingers tangling in his soft, fluffy hair.
With newfound boldness, his hands move down to your ass, giving it a teasing squeeze that sends a jolt of electricity through you, before he trails his hands down to the back of your thighs.
Arthur pulls you onto his lap, a low hum escaping his lips as you shuffle over his growing arousal. You bite down on his bottom lip, a gasp escaping you as you feel the hardness beneath his clothes. "God, Arthur," you breathe out, your voice heavy with desire as his hands continue to knead the soft flesh of your thighs.
As your shirts come off in the heat of the moment, your hands eagerly explore his body, tracing every contour and eliciting soft groans from him. His mouth and tongue muffle your shuddering gasp as you grind yourself against his clothed crotch, the friction sending waves of pleasure coursing through both of you. Your kisses grow more passionate, tongues intertwining, exploring each other's mouths desperately.
You pant out his name, your body overtaken by the intense sensation, but Arthur suddenly pulls away from the kiss and grips your hips firmly, halting your movements. Confusion clouds your expression, wondering if this wasn't what he wanted after all.
He notices the flicker of self-doubt in your eyes, his hand instinctively reaching up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear, his smile as reassuring as ever. "Don't worry, darling," he begins, his voice gentle yet earnest. "I love what we're doing, don’t get me wrong…big fan of sex, and you are incredibly sexy. But I just want to make sure you know that I like you very much, Y/n. I mean, really like you. This is more than just something physical for me. I love spending time with you, and I think you are one of the most beautiful women I have ever had the opportunity to lay my eyes on."
You melt at his heartfelt words, a blush creeping up on your cheeks at his sincerity. Arthur's genuine expression reassures you, his intent clear as day. It's endearing how he takes the time to ensure there's no doubt in your mind about his feelings.
You reach for his face, holding it gently between your hands as you stare deeply into his captivating eyes. "I really like you too, you know," you admit, sincerity echoing in your voice. "I don't just jump into bed with any odd guy." A smile dances on your lips as you share a brief moment of understanding, sealing it with a small kiss on the tip of his nose.
As you pull back, his fingers linger on your waist for a few seconds, sending goosebumps rippling across your skin in a sweet, tingling sensation.
As you resume kissing, your hands begin to trail down to the button of his trousers, starting to undo them. But once again, Arthur stops you, gently pulling away from your embrace. "Wait," he murmurs, his voice low and husky, "Lay down on your back for me."
You comply, as Arthur gently moves you off of him, the anticipation building as you settle onto the bed, watching intently as Arthur moves closer. With ease, he helps you slide off your jeans and panties, his touch sending tingles down your spine, each moment feeling more intimate than the last.
Once you're fully exposed before him, Arthur takes a moment to admire the sight before him, his gaze filled with desire and admiration. He begins to remove his own clothes, his movements deliberate yet filled with an undeniable hunger.
The atmosphere in the room shifted from one of urgency and desperation to something lighter and sweeter. He leaned over you, his touch gentle and reassuring as he positioned himself between your legs. With one hand resting softly on your hip and the other providing support beside you, he lowered his head to spread kisses along your body. Each touch of his lips spreads a heat throughout your body, making you even wetter than you already were.
As his lips found their way to your breast, a soft sigh escaped your lips. Arthur's mouth moved with a practiced rhythm, his movements calculated to elicit the sweetest of moans from you. With each kiss and gentle suckle, he drew out your pleasure, his touch igniting a fire within you that burned hotter with each passing moment.
His lips trailed from your breast to your neck, peppering delicate kisses along the sensitive skin. Finding a spot that made you gasp and arch your back, he lingered there, his ministrations drawing out a deep, primal moan from deep within you. He had surely left a mark, something that you would have to worry about covering up tomorrow.
Arthur shifts slightly, supporting himself as he rises, granting you an enticing view of his hard cock. With a few quick pumps of his hand, he looks at you, both your eyes glazed with undeniable lust. Without a word, he poses the question, "Condom?"
Your body slightly moves to the side and your hand reaches instinctively to the nightstand drawer, quickly retrieving a foil packet. You tear it open, pulling out the condom. As you carefully slide it down his throbbing length, a soft groan escapes him, his body responding eagerly to your gentle touch.
The anticipation hangs heavy in the air as the two of you lock eyes, dark with desire. You search his eyes for any hint of hesitation or doubt, but all you find is pure admiration reflected back at you. And in that moment, there was no need for words, you knew how much you craved each other.
He gently rubs the tip of his cock against you. Your eyes shut tight, a soft moan escaping your lips as you feel the sensation of his cock exploring your wet folds.
Arthur's voice breaks through the haze of desire as he asks, "Ready?" You nod eagerly in response, your body craving the intimate connection that only he can provide. With a gentle thrust, he enters you, eliciting a gasp of pleasure from your lips. Your hands instinctively grip his shoulders for support, while his hands firmly grasp your hips, guiding each rhythmic movement with care.
You pant out his name between breathy moans, the sound reverberating in the air as he continues to thrust into you. "Arthur," you gasp.
He pauses, his movements slowing, and he looks down at you with genuine concern. "Is this okay?" he asks softly, his eyes searching yours for any hint of discomfort. In that moment, the connection between you felt deeper than mere physicality and it all started to feel more intimate and meaningful.
He waits for your response, his breath mingling with yours as he gazes into your eyes. When you nod in affirmation, a wave of relief washes over his face. With a tender smile, he resumes his movements, each stroke of his cock against you more passionate and deliberate than the last.
Arthur murmurs, "Y/N, you feel absolutely amazing, darling," as he grunts with each slow thrust, a subtle force behind each movement now, hitting your sweet spot deliciously.
You grip his shoulders tighter, your voice a low moan. "Fuck, Arthur."
Your moans and grunts intertwine, echoing throughout the empty apartment as the two of you become lost in each other.
Arthur rests his forehead against yours, his movements still steady as he continues to pleasure you. A soft smile graces his lips as he whispers, "You're so beautiful, Y/N," planting a gentle kiss on your forehead.
Your mind swims in a sea of pleasure, every sensation heightened as you surrender to the moment.
Arthur maintains his pace, gradually speeding up as the intensity between you heightens. Each movement feels like a perfect fit, as if your bodies were made to intertwine in this exact moment. As you feel your orgasm approaching, you can't help but release a string of uncontrollable moans, "Shit, Arthur, I'm close."
Arthur slows his pace slightly, his thrusts becoming deeper and more intense with each movement. You can feel him filling you completely, sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body. "Me too," he responds breathlessly, his arousal evident in his voice, matching the urgency in yours.
Moments later, Arthur reaches his peak, his release triggering your own. You cry out into the crook of his neck as waves of ecstasy wash over you, your bodies trembling in the aftermath of shared pleasure.
Both of you are left as absolute panting messes, your bodies still intertwined. His lips move across your face, peppering tender kisses everywhere, trailing down to your neck where he places a kiss at the mark he had previously left.
Gently, he pulls out of you and excuses himself momentarily. He returns with a wet towel from the bathroom, carefully cleaning you up before tossing the towel aside. A gentle peck on your lips follows, his affectionate gesture speaking volumes.
Settling into the spot next to you, he pulls you onto his chest, his arms wrapped protectively around you. "I'm so lucky to have met you," he murmurs softly, his words laced with sincerity. He places a sweet peck on your forehead, feeling the weight of the day finally catch up with you as sleep begins to overtake you.
You snuggle closer, a contented smile gracing your lips. "No you have no idea how lucky I am," you whisper, your voice barely above a breath. With a final sigh of contentment, you drift off into a peaceful slumber in his embrace, the gentle rhythm of his heartbeat lulling you into a deep sleep.
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
A/N: Thanks again to everyone who sends in requests. I appreciate all of you so much. I have about 6 works in my drafts right now that I am working on getting out as quickly as possible.
Check out my other fics and oneshots here. Not working on any new requests currently but feel free to drop into my asks for a chat! 😊
312 notes · View notes
reiderwriter · 10 months
could you write a fic with a fem reader where spencer’s going through withdrawal and he’s being like snappy and stuff when she’s just trying to help? idk if that makes sense?
A/N: Thank you so much for the request! I'm sorry it took me so long ㅠㅠ I hope this is everything you were looking for!!
Pairing: Spencer Reid × GN! reader
Warnings: mentions of drug use, mentions of addiction in the family, and spoilers for Season 2 of Criminal Minds.
You can check out my masterlist here!
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In comparison with the other members of the BAU, you had the most experience with recovery. So you knew that it wasn't easy. Spencer Reid didn't. 
The moment you'd noticed him stepping out on the team, spending more time isolated and with a shorter temper, you knew. Tobias Hankel had only tortured Spencer for a day, but he was still inside him even months later. 
The day you realised he was using, you moved yourself into his apartment. 
“Hi,” you said as he opened the doors, bleary-eyed from whatever hit he just dealt himself. “My apartment flooded, and I had nowhere else to go.” 
Spencer Reid would always help others before he helped himself. It took a few more hours to broach the discussion of the drugs, but when you did get him to give in, you could feel the weight flowing off his shoulders. 
“I can't get his face out of my mind. The drugs, they help. And I know they're not really helping, but it's like I'm not strong enough to care.” He'd broken down into tears, placed his supply on the tables in front of you  and picked open the wound that had never fully healed properly. 
Step one to recovery was accepting you needed help. Step two was harder. 
Slowly decreasing his intake until he was free of the drug. Watching him for any negative reactions in the field and at home, dealing with the underlying trauma. 
You had to talk to Hotch about it, of course. But he knew about your father, and to a certain extent, you knew about his. A single shared look was enough for you both to agree that Spencer needed everyone's support. 
So you dropped him off at his meetings. You picked him up afterwards. You watched him in the field for any mention of addiction and drug-related psychosis that could lead him down a dark path of what ifs. 
You held his hand. You kissed his head. You were there. 
Even when he tried to show you he didn't deserve it. 
“Spencer,” you'd started the conversation trying to get his attention, knowing from the far away look that he was missing the numbness that came with the high. 
“Spencer, you look tense. Are you okay?” He'd whipped his head around at the words, a scowl on his face. 
“You don't need to hover over me like I'm a child, Y/N.” 
“I want to know that you're okay.” You said back, pouring yourself a glass of water to calm yourself again. Sometimes, Spencer made every little question an attack, and you had to learn to dodge the blows.
“I can take care of myself.”
“I want to take care of you.” Your calm reply had him angrier though, as he snorted with a single reply. 
“Like you took care of your dad? That worked out so well, didn't it.” 
Ten years and any mention of the man who had raised you still had you freezing in shock. You almost didn't notice when your glass tumbled to the ground, to be smashed into a thousand tiny pieces.
It was almost as if the crash woke Spencer up from his stupor, his gaze growing regretful as he stood and approached you quickly. 
With a hand and a shake of a head, you stopped him, though.
“Let me clear the large pieces on my own. I don't want you to get hurt.” Kneeling, you did just that, picking out recognisable edges and sides and transporting them carefully into the trash. 
“I'm not going to sit here and let you do all the work, Y/N. I'm… I'm sorry.” His voice whispered those last few words as he kneeled next to you  sweeping the glass up, careful not to cut himself on it. 
You wiped the tears from your eyes as both of you worked busily, letting your argument hang in the air between you.
“I know you're sorry, Spencer,” you whispered as the two of you worked, still not brave enough to look him in the eyes. “My dad was, too. He never meant it, though.” 
“I mean it.” He stopped moving, and you finally looked up to his eyes, to the life there that sparked, that had been buried by Tobias Hankel. Motivation. 
With the glass cleared, he stood, reaching out a hand to you to help you up. You took it, letting him assist you. He didn't let go after, though. Not immediately. 
He stepped closer, and you relaxed into his chest, resting an ear over his heart. It was still beating, and that was what mattered. 
“I can't fix you, Spencer. I can't make this better. I can't do that for you, because you have to do it for yourself. That's what my dad never understood.” Your voice was barely audible, but you knew he could hear and knew he was listening. 
“I can't reverse what he did to you. But I promise, I will be here to remind you that you are a good man. To remind you of what you are like when you're you  how much I love you, how much we all love you.”
“I'll stand next to you and look into that mirror every morning and tell you what I see. A good man on the bad days, the same man on the good days. I don't want to fix you, Spencer. I want to love you, and I want you to accept that you're worth it.”
His head rested on top of yours, and you could feel his small wrecks of tears as he sniffled. Inhaling your scent, he could've spent the night wrapped in your arms like that.
“Thank you. For saying that. For being here. I know it's not easy.” 
“It's not. But you're worth it.” Clinging to him, you let the moments tick by, never releasing him from your warm embrace. 
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st-eve-barnes · 2 years
(Osferth x fem Reader)
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Summary: The night before he leaves for battle Osferth seeks comfort from you.
(Baby Monk has stolen my heart so I had to write something for him. I'm only on season 3 of TLK so this version of Osferth is mostly based on the ending of season 2)
Word count: +3100
Warning: 18+ for explicit content and language. Virgin Osferth, cock warming, seriously so much cock warming I have no idea where that came from but it's his thing now.
Comfort smut (cause apparently that's my thing), lots of fluff and cuddling. Uhtred is the best wingman. Quite a bit of angst as well, I may need to write a Part 2 ;)
All my fics are also on AO3
It was a quiet night in the ale house of Winchester where you served the customers. The majority of the crowd that night already went home hours ago, it was only Uthred’s men that hung around a little longer, wanting to prolong their last night before preparing for battle.
The group had settled in your little town a couple of months ago and they had quickly become your favorite regulars. Unlike some other locals they always treated you with respect, even when they had too much to drink they never forgot their manners. Both Finan and Sihtric as well as Uhtred had jumped in numerous times to help you deal with rude or too handsy drunken assholes and you had come to respect their group not only for their strength as warriors but mostly for their kindness. Having them around made you feel safer.
You were cleaning up behind the counter when Uthred came to you.
“Lady Y/N,” he leaned against the bar, greeting you with a big smile,”We will be out in a little while, I am sorry for keeping you here so late tonight.”
“That’s alright, I know you guys are leaving tomorrow. And I have no one waiting for me at home so…take all the time you need.”
He looked at you and shook his head,”How does a lady like you have no one waiting for her at home?”
You put down the glasses you’d been cleaning and gave him a smile,”I don’t know, the men in this town are idiots.”
“They must be,” he agreed, making you smile.
“Did you come here to flatter me or was there something else you wanted to ask?”
“Actually…I did have a question for you.”
You leaned against the bar to look at him,”Ask away.”
“We are leaving for battle tomorrow.”
“Yes, I have heard. Again?” you raised your eye brows at him.
He shook his head with a small grin,”Unfortunately again.”
“What do you need?”
“It is not me,” he explained,”But my friend…your favorite baby monk.”
You couldn’t help your lips from curling up into a smile at the mention of him. “What’s with my favorite baby monk?”
“He is very anxious tonight.”
“Then maybe you shouldn’t be so hard on him all the time and show him some more compassion.”
“He does not need compassion from me, my lady, that would not benefit him.”
“And what would benefit him then?” you asked, knowing precisely where he was going with this but wanting to hear him say it.
“Maybe…he just needs someone to be soft with him, tonight.”
“Be soft with him, huh? Uthred of Bebbanborg, you’d better not be suggesting what I think you are…”
He lifted his hands in innocence,”I would never suggest such a thing, my lady. I am merely…opting that maybe you could offer him some…comfort on this difficult night.”
You rolled your eyes at him,“I’m thinking maybe you should ask someone in the house next door.”
He was quick to shake his head at your words,“That is not the kind of comfort he seeks. I think he would much prefer…someone he knows well…someone he likes.”
You stayed quiet.
“You know he has the biggest soft spot for you,” Uthred then added, putting a smile on your face.
“Yes, I do.”
“And you for him?” he asked.
You sighed and smiled softly. “Maybe, yes,” you confessed.
Uhtred smiled. “Well then, he is by the river, just outside of the castle walls, should you wish to find him. Don’t tell him I sent you.”
You found Osferth an hour later by the river just as Uhtred said, sitting in the grass by himself, eyes fixated on the water in front of him. It was dark but still warm, the summer breeze a welcome solace after another hot summer’s day.
When you moved closer you could see he was clutching at his cross and his eyes were teary. Year heart sank.
You had come to care for the monk more than you’d ever expected over the course of the past months. The most quiet one out of Uhtred’s group with his sweet smile and innocent eyes, he had caught your attention quite early on and stole your heart just as easily. The two of you had built a friendship that involved a lot of playful flirting but neither of you ever crossed that line. You knew his group was only passing through and you had no intention of getting involved with someone who was likely going to leave soon. You had known enough heartbreak already in your short life.
But tonight you didn’t care about any of that. Looking at him now you just wanted to crawl into his lap and cuddle up to him, kiss away his sorrow and just hold him close, in your arms, where you could keep him safe. 
You carefully stepped closer.
“May I join you?” you asked, making him look up. His lips instantly curled into a smile at the sight of you and he nodded.
You sat down next to him, close enough for your knee to bump into his. Osferth didn’t seem to mind, instead of pulling back he let his leg lean into yours.
“I didn’t see you at the tavern tonight,” you stated.
“No, I…I preferred solitude over ale tonight,” he explained, looking away from you and making you hesitate.
“Maybe I should leave you to it then.”
“No!” he was quick to grab your wrist before you had a chance to move,”No, please, don’t go.”
His eyes met yours again and you could see the tears he was trying to hide from you.
“Stay, please, my lady, stay with me,” he begged quietly, keeping his hand on your arm. 
You placed your hand over his, giving him a soft smile,”I’ll stay, as long as you want, my sweet baby Monk.”
He smiled through his tears and leaned into you, letting his head fall down onto your shoulder. You didn’t hesitate to put your arms around his shoulders, pulling him into a hug. Osferth melted into you, arms wrapping around your waist, holding you tight while he buried his face into the crook of your neck. You could feel his heartbeat against yours and after a while you also felt his tears on your skin, making you hug him even tighter.
You sat like that for quite some time, just letting him cling to you while you caressed his hair and his back, trying to soothe him. 
Uhtred hadn’t been exaggerating when he said Osferth was anxious. It took him a while to stop shaking in your arms and you gave him all the time he needed.
When he finally pulled back his eyes carefully locked with yours, his hands were firmly locked on your waist, not planning on letting go any time soon.
“We leave in the morning,” he then explained.
”Yeah, Uthred told me. You’re going with them? Into battle?”
He nodded.
“You don’t have to do that, you know? You have nothing to prove, Osferth.”
”No, I know but…I want to fight, I want to help, it’s just…,” he bit his lip and shook his head,”why am I so terrified?”
You cupped his face and pressed your forehead against his.“It’s okay to be afraid, it’s normal, they should all be afraid.”
“I just…want to be useful,” he said, letting his eyes rest on yours.
“And you are not useful if you don’t fight?”
“I don’t…”
“What about me then, huh? I don’t fight, am I not useful?”
He just stared at you before a soft smile played on his lips,”How can you think that you are not? My lady…your beauty makes my life worth living. Your smile…makes me feel like I have a reason to fight, that no matter how dark it gets there is so much light here and all I have to do is…look into your eyes to find it. You light up my whole world.”
Your heart was melting and for the first time in your life you were completely lost for words.
His hands were caressing your hips and he softly nuzzled your cheek. “I’m sorry,” he then whispered shyly,”That was too much, wasn’t it?”
You smiled and leaned into his touch.”No, it wasn’t, that was…the sweetest thing anyone’s ever said to me.”
You could feel him smile against your cheek and you both cuddled up to each other. You moved your fingers through his hair and Osferth sighed into it. HIs shyness disappearing a little more with every touch.
“Can I stay close to you tonight?” he then whispered into your ear.
“Yes,” you answered softly,”I’d really like that, Osferth.”
You both leaned back to look at each other. There were no more tears in his eyes now but something else, something more pressing.
“May I kiss you, my lady?” he breathed.
You nodded,”Yes, please.”
His lips found yours in a soft but needy kiss, you pulled him closer and when his tongue found yours you knew you would given him everything he wanted tonight.
You didn’t do anything more than kiss for a long time, melting into each other. His kisses were addictive and the way his hands kept caressing your back and your hair, gentle but with purpose, was only making you want him more.
“May I kiss your neck?” he asked after a while, his voice merely a whisper against your lips.
“You may kiss me everywhere you want, you don’t need to ask.”
Osferth carefully pulled you closer into his lap and you went willingly, legs on either side of him as you straddled him. He kissed your neck, soft and slow, letting his tongue trace patterns all over your skin, tasting you.
“Fuck,” you breathed,”I didn’t know monks could kiss like that.”
He smiled bashfully,”How did you expect monks to kiss then?”
“Not like that,” you breathed and bit your lip, letting your hands move through his short hair while your hips rolled against him.
It had been a while since you’d been with a man and even though you’d had a little crush on Osferth for some time now you had never imagined being with him like this. But right now, feeling his lips and feverish breath on your skin and his growing hardness between your legs, you couldn’t imagine ever thinking of anything else.
“Osferth,” you moaned his name and he bucked his hips in response.
“Is it too much, my lady? Do you need me to stop?” 
You shook your head and looked into his eyes,”No, it’s not too much. It’s…it’s not enough.”
He licked his lips while keeping his eyes on yours,“You sure?”
You nodded and moved your hips again, making his cock twitch in response.
“Give me more,” you breathed.
He kissed your lips again, hot and sloppy and with a need that matched your own. Osferth pushed your skirts up, hands finding a way underneath to cup your ass over your underwear, holding you down on his, by now fully hard, cock.
“Will you have me, my lady?” he whispered against your lips,”All of me?”
“Yes,” you breathed.
He started fumbling with his own clothing, trying to get rid of the many layers between you both. Your hand slipped into his breeches to wrap around his length and stroke him slowly, Osferth’s mouth opened in the most delicious moan.
“My lady,” he whimpered,”I need…please….oh god…”
“Have you ever laid with a woman, Osferth?” you asked.
He was quick to shake his head,”No, I have not, my lady.”
Your eyes met his and you halted your movements.
“No, don’t stop, please,” he begged.
“Osferth,” you cupped his face, forcing him to look at you,”Look at me, baby. Slow down for a second, are you sure?”
He frantically nodded his head. “My lady…I want this, I’ve wanted this for a while now…with you…I want this with you. I want you.”
HIs lips found yours in a deep kiss and any hesitations you may have felt faded. You wrapped your hand around his length again, pushed your underwear aside and guided him between your legs, Osferth was quick to move his hips, pressing his erection against your clit, making you lose focus.
You moaned into his kiss, encouraging him to do it again, dragging the tip of his cock through your folds and then teasing your entrance.
“I want to feel you,” he breathed into your mouth.
You lowered yourself down on him, taking him in inch by inch. He was bigger than you’d expected, and it took you a few moments to adjust and catch your breath.
Osferth was clinging to you, burying his face against your neck, teeth grazing your skin while he breathed hard and tried to control himself. You both stayed still, bodies wrapped around each other and his cock buried deep inside of you.
“Can we…can we just stay like this?” he then asked softly,”For a while, please.”
You nodded and hugged him close, foreheads pressed together. 
“You feel so good,” he breathed,”so warm…and so safe. I just…want to stay.”
You closed your eyes and tried to calm down your breathing. The feel of him, stretching you and filling you up was heavenly but it was more than that. It was the way he touched you, so much longing in every kiss, the desperate way he clung to you and that soft fondness in his eyes every time they locked with yours. 
You had never felt so full or so wanted in your life.
You didn’t want this moment to end, didn’t want him to leave you in the morning with the prospect of him not returning to you. The thought suddenly made your heart sink with anxiety. You clung to him harder and Osferth kissed your forehead and your jaw to finally land on your lips again, his kiss slow and unhurried.
“It’s okay, my lady,” he smiled softly into the kiss.
Both of you allowed yourselves to get lost in the moment, prolonging the inevitable and doing everything you could to make it last. You forgot how long you sat there, just kissing and coming up for air to stare into each other’s eyes, the moonlight and soft waves of the river your only companions.
After some time you both lost the fight, your hips started moving against his and Osferth was quick to join you, soft little whimpers escaping his lips as he buried his face into your neck and surrendered to his needs. 
He grabbed you and slowly pushed you down onto your back on the grass. You protested when he carefully pulled out but your protest was silenced with another kiss as he pulled down both your underwear all the way, giving him easier access. 
He slid in again with ease and then he was fucking you, slowly and thoroughly, pushing into you deeper with every snap of his hips.
You moaned his name and held him close, meeting his thrusts. His lips were back on your neck, kissing and biting as his moans grew stronger and heavier. You knew he was close.
“My lady,” he whimpered,”I can’t hold back any longer.”
You grabbed his hand and pushed it between your legs.
“Touch me, here,” you begged in a needy whisper.
“Teach me,” he breathed,”Show me what to do.”
Your hand moved over his, guiding his fingers over your clit and slowly circling it,”Just touch me…like this.”
Osferth was a quick learner, he pushed your hand aside and took over, his fingers putting the perfect pressure to make you see stars. You clenched around him and with a few more deep thrusts he filled you up and came with your name on his lips. He crashed on top of you when it was over and you wrapped both arms around him to hold him in place, close to you, his head on your chest as he listened to your racing heartbeat.
He didn’t pull out for the longest time after that, still wanting to stay inside of you, neither of you wanted to move.
You were the first to eventually speak, caressing his hair and kissing his forehead,”Osferth, we shouldn’t stay here, you need your sleep if you are to leave tomorrow.”
“No sleep…all I need is you,” he whispered against your neck.
“You can sleep in my bed, if you want,” you offered with a little smile and he reciprocated instantly, lips curling up into an eager smile as he leaned back to look at you and nodded his head. You couldn’t help but laugh,”Come on then, baby monk.”
The rest of the night was spent in your bed, but it didn’t involve lots of sleeping. Osferth made love to you twice more that night, once more fast and needy in the heat of passion and then once more slowly and relaxed afterwards, the both of you relishing every touch and every caress as if it would be the last. Because it might very well be.
You both eventually fell asleep when the sun was already starting to come up, his cock still buried deep inside of you.
You said goodbye to him a few hours later, clinging to him as he stood in your doorway. You had done what you’d set out to do that night, take his anxiety from him, only you had done it literally. Osferth was calmer that morning, evidently feeling stronger and more determined than the night before. But you were shivering in his arms, feeling weaker and uneasy, terrified to let go of him and have him disappear from your life.
Being so intimate with him last night made you realize how strong your feelings for him were and now the thought of losing him was the scariest thing in the world.
“Come back to me,” you whispered in his ear.
“I promise you, my lady,” he whispered before leaning back and giving you a reassuring smile. You pulled him into one last soft kiss before letting him go.
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” you then sighed and avoided his eyes. 
Osferth cupped your face, caressing your cheek with his thumb while he stared deep into your eyes.“Have some faith, my love.”
But faith wasn’t your strong suit, you were a heathen, much like Uthred. Worse even, you didn’t believe in anything, not even Valhalla, yet the following weeks you were on your knees every night praying to any God that would listen, begging them to bring your baby Monk back home to you safely.
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writingwithciara · 8 months
18 (Part 2) ~Matt Sturniolo~
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summary: back in la, things start heading south for y/n & matt while a little bit of jealousy drives y/n into the arms of chris
word count: 10.4k (longest thing i've ever written. holy)
pairing: matt sturniolo x fem!reader, brief chris sturniolo x fem!reader
notes: i wasn’t sure i wanted to write another part of ‘18’ but i had an idea the other night and had to write it. wasn't aware it was going to fit with ‘18’ but i’m happy it did. insecurity, jealousy & swearing throughout. toxic matt & sweet chris. a few suggestive moments & allusions to sexual content, smut at the end. enjoy!
part 1 !
as soon as y/n and matt walked through the door to the triplets house 3 days later, chris was attacking them with questions. matt ignored every single one of them and went straight to his room. chris looked at y/n hoping she had an answer but all she did was shrug.
“he was like that the entire plane ride. don't know what’s wrong with him.” she sighed and sat down on the couch. chris took the seat next to her and resumed the tv show he had been watching.
“he’s normally moody. wouldn't worry too much about him. he’ll snap out of it eventually.” chris took a moment to look at his friend. “did anything happen in miami that could’ve caused this mood?”
“not that i can remember. everything was great while we were there. and even after we kissed, everything seemed to be perfect between us.” y/n shook her head.
“you guys actually kissed?!?” chris nearly yelled, pausing his show and giving her his full attention. “i knew it. nick owes me 10 bucks.”
“chris, now is not the time to be thinking about that.” y/n sighed. “what if matt only said all those sweet things and kissed me because it was christmas? what if he only did it because my dad had just proposed to crystal and he was caught up in the moment?”
“y/n, i’m sure that’s not why he kissed you.” chris looked up at her with sad eyes. “he’s just being stupid right now. it will definitely blow over.”
“i hope you’re right because valentine’s day is coming up soon and i was hoping that matt and i would be doing something that day. something romantic.”
“if he doesn’t snap out of his mattitude soon, if worst comes to worst, i’ll be your matt replacement for the evening.”
“i appreciate the offer, chris. thank you.” y/n let out a small chuckle and looked at the tv.
“anytime.” he looked at his phone quickly before turning his show off. “it’s getting late and i'm heading to bed. nick is gone for the night so you can sleep in his room if you want. but you are more than welcome to come crash in my room if you don’t feel like being alone tonight.”
“okay.” y/n grabbed her phone and followed chris downstairs to his room. chris sat in his chair and faced the bed.
“if you want, we can play some fortnite or something. shooting things might help take your mind off of matt for a while.” chris picked up his controller. “you up for it?”
“sure. why not?” y/n pulled his extra chair over and looked at the screen. “i wish matt was as easy to read as you or nick.”
“what do you mean?” chris opened the game and looked at y/n. “you think that i’m easy to read?”
“well, easier than matt. i can mostly tell what you’re thinking at any given moment.”
“okay. what am i thinking of right now?”
“you’re thinking that i'm a better fortnite player than you, obviously.” y/n smiled.
“wow. lucky guess.” chris rolled his eyes playfully and started a match. as they took turns playing, y/n’s worries about matt began to fade. she focused on taking out as many opponents as she could while chris watched in amazement. after a few hours of playing, chris pointed out it was nearly 4 am. “we should probably get some sleep. that jet lag should be hitting you soon.”
“you’re right.” y/n stood up and took her spot on the left side of chris’ bed. he quickly joined her on the right side and plugged both of their phones into the chargers.
“see you in a few hours, y/n.” chris yawned and quickly passed out after. y/n stayed awake for another half hour before she dozed off herself.
around 7 am, matt was in the kitchen getting some water when he nearly tripped over y/n’s suitcase. he thought she had gone home but realized how late they got back to la and went to check nick’s room for her. when she wasn’t in his bed, he began to panic. then he remembered that y/n and chris liked to play fortnite together. so he ventured down to chris’ bedroom and opened the door as quietly as he could.
chris' arm was placed delicately across y/n’s waist and she was snuggled up close to him, essentially being the little spoon to chris’ big spoon. matt swore he could feel his heart break at the sight. he slowly closed the door and headed back to his room, his thoughts taking over and keeping him from going back to sleep.
a few hours later, y/n stretched and looked behind her. at some point in the night, she and chris had moved into a cuddling position and although it wasn’t a rare thing, she felt guilty. part of her knew that if matt had seen them, he would be heartbroken and she couldn’t deal with that. she felt chris’ arm move slowly as he began to wake up. y/n turned to face him and smiled.
“good morning.” he returned the smile and removed his arm from her waist completely. “sleep alright?”
“yeah.” she sat up and pulled the sleeves of her shirt down to cover her hands. “i still feel a bit upset about the whole matt thing though. he keeps running through my mind and i hate that.”
“don’t waste all your energy trying to solve the mystery that is matthew sturniolo.” chris sat up and looked at y/n. “he’s my brother and i still haven’t quite figured it out yet.”
“i suppose you’re right.” y/n moved herself off the bed and grabbed her phone. “i should head back to my apartment soon and unpack. i'll stop by later though, okay?”
“yeah. alright.” chris grabbed a shirt and followed her out of his room. “um, do you want a ride home?”
“well seeing how you can’t drive and the only other person in the house who can is matt, i think i’ll pass.”
“i can ask matt & if you think it’s going to be awkward, i can come with you guys.”
“it’s fine, chris. i only live a few blocks away. i've made the walk before.”
“yeah but you never had to do it with a large, heavy suitcase.” chris pleaded with her and when she sighed, he knew she was about to give in.
“i hate when you’re right.” y/n went to lift her suitcase but almost fell over. “i really hate it.”
matt wasn’t as willing to drive her home as chris was hoping but he did it anyway just so he would have time to think without her around.
when y/n walked into her apartment, the first thing she did was facetime nick. his bright smiling face appeared and even though he reminded her of matt, y/n couldn’t help but smile back.
“hey. you back in la?”
“yeah. we got back last night and i crashed at your place. i was really sad you weren’t there.” y/n sighed and looked around her apartment.
“i know. but I’ll make it up to you later when you come back over.” he paused for a second after taking in her expression. it was pensive. “you are coming back over, aren’t you?”
“i don’t know, nick. things have been really weird between me and matt since we got on the plane.” y/n sighed. “i did promise chris that i would come back later.”
“then it’s settled. and if things seem awkward with matt, chris and i will act as buffers.”
“i love you, nick.” y/n smiled at her best friend. he didn’t even have to ask what happened or why it was all of a sudden awkward. he believed her wholeheartedly, without question.
“i love you too.” he offered her a kind smile. “so i’ll see you later?”
“yeah. about an hour or two. still gotta have a shower and unpack.” y/n glanced over at her suitcase and sighed. the memories of the trip filling every vacant part of her brain. “talk to you later, nick.”
“can’t wait.” nick smiled and hung up. y/n set her phone on the coffee table and headed to the bathroom. while the warm water washed over her, she thought back to the last day of the trip
matt and y/n were sitting with brooke and jackson on the lounge chairs around the pool. matt’s hand rested gently on y/n’s thigh as he talked to jackson. brooke was on the other side of y/n and she was observing everything matt did to show affection to y/n. she gently nudged her cousins shoulder and pulled her attention away from matt.
“what’s up, brooke?”
“your boyfriend is perfect. just thought i would let you know.” brooke beamed. “he’s hot, funny, sweet & most importantly, he treats you like an absolute princess. and an added bonus is he gets along with every member of our family. that's almost impossible.”
“he’s pretty perfect, i suppose.” y/n nodded and faced matt, only to find him already staring at her.
“hey.” y/n smiled and it felt like they were the only two there.
“when did you want to head back to the hotel?”
“after dinner. dad and crystal are making my favorite meal.” y/n played with the necklace around her neck.
back at the hotel that night, y/n was stepping out of the shower and wrapping a towel around her body when matt decided to walk right in.
“sorry. thought you were dressed already.” he turned around and left the bathroom, not bothering to shut the door. just as y/n reached for the handle, matt came back. “for what it’s worth, you look amazing.”
“matthew bernard!” y/n pushed him out of the bathroom and got dressed quickly. she got in her bed and faced matt’s direction. “i can never thank you enough for coming with me this week, you know.”
“you don’t have to thank me. it was a lot of fun.” he smiled widely and placed his phone down on the nightstand between the beds. “we’ve been sharing the same bed all week so why are you over in that bed?”
“not quite sure.” y/n glanced over at him. “instinct i guess.”
“well is it okay if i join you over there?” matt looked at her hopefully. she nodded and matt wasted no time climbing into the bed behind her. he cautiously placed his arm over her waist, doing his best not to put too much pressure on the situation.
y/n noticed his behavior and placed her hand over his much larger one, turning her head just enough to see the awkward half-smile on matt’s face.
“you okay with this?” matt whispered into her ear. y/n felt a shiver crawl down her spine at the thought of how close they were. instead of focusing on that, y/n began to play with the rings on matt’s fingers. she nodded in response to his question and felt him loosen up a bit. he got as close as he possibly could and placed a soft kiss just beneath her ear.
“matt.” her voice came out as more of a soft moan than the intended whisper. matt smirked to himself and placed more kisses on her neck, causing her to to pull her bottom lip between her teeth. the hand that was resting over her waist began to wander her body but matt stopped when y/n turned to face him.
“i’m sorry. i should’ve checked with you to make sure that was alright.” He began to stumble over his words so y/n shut him up with a kiss. as their lips molded together perfectly, y/n took matt’s bottom lip between her own, causing him to groan. something stirred inside y/n for the first time and her confidence took over. she climbed onto his lap and deepened the kiss as he held her hips tightly.
the kiss went way beyond the confines of their friendship and even though they had admitted their feelings the day before, it still felt like uncharted territory.
matt's hands moved from their place on y/n’s waist to just beneath the bottom of her shirt. or rather, his shirt that she had managed to steal from him at some point in time. his fingers danced delicately on the bare skin, causing y/n to shudder a little bit. matt pulled away from the kiss and raised an eyebrow.
“you alright?”
“yeah but your fingers are cold.” y/n hid her face in the crook of matt’s neck, gently placing a kiss there. she then rolled off his lap and pulled herself into him. matt didn’t question the sudden change. instead, he opted for holding y/n as close as possible and placed a kiss on the top of her head. “good night, matt.”
the water in the shower was nearly ice cold by the time y/n was finished. and when she got out, she realized that maybe part of matt’s sudden mood change was her fault.
she got dressed and headed out to her car. there were so many things she needed to talk to matt about.
when she got to the house, she knocked hard and waited. matt answered the door and silently let her inside.
“matt, can we talk?”
he ignored her question and headed to the kitchen. “chris is in the shower right now and nick still isn’t home. you're free to hang out here until one of them returns. i'll be in my room.” matt turned away from her and headed down the hall. but y/n wasn’t about to give up. she stepped between him and the door, causing him to sigh in annoyance.
“you can’t just ignore me, matt.” she followed him as he turned to head back to the kitchen. “we need to have a serious conversation and you need to stop acting like a child.”
“how am i acting like the child?” he leaned against the counter and crossed his arms, sipping on the root beer he had pulled from the fridge.
“matt, seriously?” y/n mirrored his position and pinched the bridge of her nose. “this is ridiculous. you're ignoring me and acting like nothing happened in miami.”
“well that’s because nothing happened.” matt shrugged casually and looked at her.
“really? you're still going to act like this?” y/n scoffed. “matt, we had a really heated moment and then it was over. how can you say nothing happened?”
“because it didn’t.” he sighed. “look, you can live in your little delusion all you want but i'm sticking with the facts.”
“so what? the kisses meant nothing?” she grabbed his shoulder and forced him to face her. “tell me they meant absolutely nothing to you and i'll leave it alone.” she searched his eyes for an answer and when all she got was silence, she felt tears begin to fall. her hand dropped from its position on his shoulder and she took a step back. “silence is all the confirmation i needed. see you around, matt.” y/n grabbed her keys from the counter and began heading for the door.
chris had finished his shower and was on his way up when he heard the argument taking place. he froze on the stairs until he heard y/n’s voice crack. he could tell she was crying and he wanted to punch matt for the silence. y/n said goodbye and chris could hear her footsteps heading down the front stairs. he emerged from his spot and went after his best friend, not sparing a glance matt’s way as he followed y/n out to her car.
“y/n, stop what you’re doing. you are not about to leave in this state. i refuse to let that happen.”
“i need to leave, chris.” y/n leaned her head on the car door and sobbed. “how can he say that the kisses meant nothing?”
“well, he never actually said they didn’t.” chris pointed out, earning a glare from y/n.
“the silence was all i needed to hear, chris.” y/n turned to lean her back against the door. she slid down until she was sitting on the driveway. chris sat next to her and sighed.
“i told you my brother was an idiot, y/n.”
“chris, in case you haven’t noticed, i'm not in the mood for an i told you so.” y/n almost snapped until she saw his face. she hardly ever raised her voice and it was never towards him. “i'm sorry. i-i didn’t mean to yell.”
“it’s okay. you should let it out. get angry.”
“i am not going to take my anger out on you, chris.” y/n smiled and chris saw it.
“i got you to smile!” he clapped his hands together excitedly. “if you want, we can go to a rage room.”
“i think i just want to go to your room and play some fortnite.” y/n bumped his shoulder and stood up. chris took her outstretched hand and ushered her back inside. he took her keys from him and they both headed down to his bedroom.
from his own room, matt could her them laughing whenever they killed an enemy player. little snip-its of their conversation could also be heard and it caused matt’s blood to boil. he shouldn’t be feeling this way, considering how he had just treated y/n not even 10 minutes ago.
a few more hours went by before nick came home. at this point in time, y/n and chris were in the living room laughing at a stupid movie they picked. when y/n saw nick, she jumped off the couch and hugged him.
“oh how i missed you. really glad you and chris didn’t kill each other while we were gone or else i would be forced to live a life without my 2 favorite people in the world.” she squeezed nick tightly and chris joined the hug.
“it wasn’t easy because chris is very annoying.” nick chuckled. chris punched his arm and almost fell backwards. y/n caught his arm and smiled.
“easy there, chris.”
“guess you could say i'm falling for you.” chris shot a smirk her way at the exact moment matt emerged from his room. the air around the group suddenly became heavy and quiet.
“why are you looking at me like that?” he questioned. y/n was staring at her feet while chris sent a glare his brothers way. nick had a sense of what had happened but didn’t want to ask any questions so he just looked anywhere else. “fine. don't answer me.”
“wasn’t planning on it.” chris spit out. matt grabbed a can of root beer from the fridge and looked around the room quickly before turning his attention to nick.
“remember how we were going to film a vlog on valentines day since none of us had plans?”
“yeah what about it?” nick shook his head and looked at y/n.
“turns out i have a date that night so i will be unavailable to film.” matt smirked and y/n wanted to slap that stupid look off his face. the only person he should’ve made plans with that night was her. she scooted closer to chris without even thinking.
“who with?”
“madi.” he turned and headed back to his room. nick stood in his spot, completely speechless. chris put his arm around y/n’s shoulder and rubbed her arm.
“what the fuck?” she muttered under her breath, her voice beginning to crack. chris removed his arm and stood in front of her while nick took his place. they were trying their best to comfort her but the gestures weren’t working. y/n felt like her heart had been ripped out twice in one day.
“that’s it. you and i are definitely making plans now.” chris pulled her in for a hug, feeling extremely protective of his best friend. “i promise to make that kid regret his choices today.”
“how do you plan on doing that, chris?”
“gonna do everything for you that he should be doing. i'll write you love letters and shower you with gifts all day.”
“you don’t have to.” y/n tugged at the sleeves of the sweater she was wearing.
“i know i don’t have to. but i want to. i promised you earlier that i would be your matt replacement for the night, remember?”
“of course.” y/n looked up at him and smiled. he always knew how to pull her out of the worst moods.
“kinda wish i had been here earlier so i would know the full story.” nick shook his head and went up to his own room. y/n and chris went down to his room and played fortnite for a few hours.
after what felt like the 50th round, y/n stood up and stretched her body. chris averted his gaze out of respect when the sweater she was wearing rose up a little, revealing the small sun tattoo she got with nick last summer.
“i should get going. thanks for making today a little better for me.”
“you don’t have to thank me. you’re my best friend and i was just doing what any good friend would do.”
“well you’re the best friend in the entire world, chris.” y/n smiled and ruffled his hair playfully. “i love you.”
“love you too.” he smiled widely before checking his phone. “wanna stay for dinner? i was going to order a pizza. pepperoni, your favorite. we could even sit in the living room and watch your favorite movie.”
“you had me at dinner.” y/n ran up to the living room and laid on the couch. chris lifted her legs and placed them in his lap. matt walked out of his room, saw the way they were sitting together on the couch and rolled his eyes before looking down at his phone.
“hey matt. i'm ordering pizza for dinner.” chris didn’t look towards the kitchen as he informed his brother of their dinner plans.
“okay cool.” matt glanced up from his phone long enough to see chris place his hand just above y/n’s right knee. they were always affectionate with each other and matt knew there was no attraction between them so why was this bothering him so much? “i'll be in my room facetiming madi. come get me when the pizza gets here.” he nodded in their direction and went to his room. he wasn’t going to be facetiming anyone. he only said that to get a rise out of y/n. and judging by the way he saw her tense up, he knew it had worked.
y/n waited until she heard matt’s door shut completely before speaking again. “chris, do you think matt likes madi?” her fingers played with the strings of her hoodie as she spoke.
“i doubt it. but who knows with him?” chris focused on y/n as she began fidgeting in her spot. she was laser focused on the strings.
“am i only good enough when we’re not in la?” she glanced up at chris and felt like crying. chris noticed her intake of breath and his hand began tracing circles on her thigh. slow at first but speeding up every 5 seconds. it was the most effective way to calm her down.
“stop talking nonsense. you're more than good enough everywhere, y/n. matt is just being ridiculous.”
“i think his sudden shift in mood is because of what happened on our last night in miami.”
“what happened on the last night?” chris raised an eyebrow as y/n dove into the story. she explained how they almost hooked up and why she stopped it. chris didn’t judge her. he understood everything.
over the next week, whenever y/n was over at the house, chris would make sure to hand her little love notes when matt was around. he also called her every pet name he could think of. and did the bare minimum of what a ‘boyfriend’ should do.
every day, matt observed their interactions and with each passing day, he started to regret trying to make y/n jealous of madi. he wanted to be the one to write y/n notes and he wanted to be the one she adored endlessly. but he was too blinded by his own jealousy to realize what he had given up.
it came to the point where whenever y/n was at the house, which was pretty much all the time, he would have to stay in his room until she ended up in chris’ room for the night or went home. 9 times out of 10 she stayed overnight & it almost made matt sick seeing her with chris.
at some point in their little charade, the love letters chris gave y/n to feel real. to him, at least. he knew that the way he was feeling was wrong but he was so mad at his brother that he didn’t care about moving in on his girl.
one night, while y/n was laying on his bed in his fresh love crewneck & scrolling through tiktok, chris couldn’t help himself. he ended his game and laid beside her. he moved a piece of her hair out of her eyes and carefully placed it behind her ear. this little action drew y/n’s attention away from her phone, causing her gaze to go elsewhere, meeting the blue eyes she adored.
“hey.” she smiled, causing chris to blush profusely. “that’s really cute.”
“what is?”
“the way you’re blushing. and all because i smiled at you.” y/n kissed the tip of his nose and smiled again.
“you’re the cutest human being alive.” chris tried hiding the blush that crept up on his cheeks but y/n noticed it and held his face.
“excuse me but do i look like a fucking mirror, christopher? because how can i be the cutest human being alive when you also exist?” she looked into eyes and smiled at him again.
that smile. that damn smile. it’d be the death of him at this point. if there was ever a moment of tension to do something that could potentially make or break a relationship, now would’ve been the perfect time for him to make his move. but he didn’t have any time to react as y/n’s lips quickly found his.
he was shocked at first but after a moment, he kissed her back, pulling her close. he rolled onto his back, taking her with him. y/n was now straddling him and the kiss didn’t break.
y/n deepened the kiss and ran her hands down his chest, causing chris to groan and pull away for a second.
“wait.” he looked at her. “i need to know something before this goes any further.”
“are you only doing this to get matt jealous? or are you actually into me?”
“can we just not complicate things right now, chris? you’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”
“yeah of course.”
“then let’s just go with that. no need to make things more complicated than they already are.” y/n looked at chris and bit her lip. he was a sucker for her, that’s for sure.
for the remainder of time before valentines day, y/n and chris began an arrangement that really stretched the boundaries of their friendship. they never slept together but they were both willing to do whatever they could to please the other. chris was never one to leave a girl unsatisfied so there were times their encounters lasted hours. and chris loved every second of it.
matt tried to drown out the noises he heard coming from downstairs each time but even through his headphones, he could still hear it somehow. whether it was the sounds y/n made or the way she said chris’ name, matt couldn’t get it out of his head no matter how hard he tried.
how can she sleep with chris when she wouldn’t sleep with me? he often thought to himself. it was a constant reminder that falling for his brothers best friend wasn’t a good idea.
when valentines day finally arrived, chris woke up incredibly early and decided to make y/n some breakfast in bed. just as he finished plating everything, matt came out of his room and eyed chris’ neck before scoffing and opening the fridge.
“happy valentines day, matt.” chris smiled and grabbed the tray of food before heading down to his room. when he entered, y/n was sitting up, scrolling through her phone. she looked up when she heard his footsteps come closer.
“what’s all this?” she smiled and inspected the tray.
“well, it’s valentines day. the day of romance. and since i agreed to be your matt replacement today, i thought it’d be nice to wake you up with something delicious.”
y/n took a bite of the french toast and moaned at the taste. “this is the best fucking french toast i have ever had.”
“you think so?”
“yeah. it’s delicious.” she kept eating while chris sat next to her. “so what’s the plan for tonight?” she asked with a mouthful of food.
“i was thinking we could stay in and i could make you your favorite meal.”
“you can make chicken cordon bleu?”
“no.” he chuckled. “what’s your second favorite meal?”
“i like cheeseburgers and i love your cheeseburgers.”
“if that’s what you want, then that’s what you’ll get tonight.”
“you’re the best.” y/n slipped on one of chris’ hoodies and walked towards the door. “i'm gonna go see nick for a minute but when i get back, i'm going to thank you properly for the breakfast.”
y/n left the room with a devilish smirk and headed up to nick’s room. she knocked lightly and waited before walking into his room. he was still asleep so she jumped up on his bed and tickled his nose. he quickly swatted her hand away and opened his eyes.
“let me sleep. you and chris are two floors below me and i could still hear everything that was going on down there.” he closed his eyes and turned away from her. “you guys are disgusting.”
“okay mr grumpy pants. i was just coming to wish you a happy valentines day.” she giggled, kissed his forehead and left the room. as she made her way through the kitchen, matt came out of the bathroom. he took in her attire and rolled his eyes. “what the fuck is your problem, matthew?”
“i just think it’s pretty funny that you wouldn’t sleep with me, someone you were supposedly ‘in love with’ but you’ll sleep with chris every chance you get.”
“well if you hadn’t been a jerk the entire time we’ve been home, you’d probably be the one who gets to do things to me. you’d be the one getting to leave these marks on me.” she rolled up the bottom of the hoodie and showed off the inside of her thigh. dark marks littered the skin there. matt clenched his jaw and stared at her.
“this is ridiculous.” he shook his head. “can’t believe you’re acting like such a whore.”
“fuck you, matt.” y/n shot him the finger and headed back down to chris’ room, slamming the door and causing herself to jump. “sorry, chris. didn’t mean to slam the door.”
“it’s alright.” he walked over to her and looked at her face. her eyes were welling up with tears and chris felt bad.
“i know i said when i got back from nick’s room that i would thank you properly for the breakfast, but can we just lay in bed, please?”
“of course. don't worry about it.” he ushered over to the bed and laid down with her, holding her tight. “are you alright?”
“matt’s an asshole.” she sighed, wiping away at the few tears that fell down her cheeks.
“what did he say to you?”
“he said i was acting like a whore.” she sniffled. chris shot out of bed and headed for the door. “chris, please don’t.” y/n fiddled with her fingers and looked at chris.
“i'm sorry but he can’t just say something like that and get away with it.” chris turned the knob and it was y/n’s turn to get out of bed. she hurried over to the chris and wedged herself between him and the door, gently placing a hand on his cheek.
“please?” she whispered lowly, on the verge of tears. chris crumbled and let her lead him back over to the bed. she played with his hair as they cuddled on the bed. it was clear they needed each other on a deeper level than just intimacy.
an hour later, chris noticed y/n had fallen asleep. he slipped out of her embrace and made his way up to matt’s bedroom. he knocked twice before matt yanked the door open.
“what do you want?”
“i want you to apologize.”
“i'm not apologizing to you.”
“no. you need to apologize to y/n for saying she was acting like a whore. last month, you were so madly in love with her and now you’re acting colder than you ever have. this is not the way you’re supposed to treat the person you love.”
“i'm over her, chris. she’s yours now. you can have your turn.” matt tried shutting his door but chris stopped it.
“look, matt. that girl is still hurting and she’s blaming herself for what’s happening between you guys.”
“then she should’ve thought about that before she started sleeping with you after basically rejecting me in miami.”
“she didn’t reject you, matt. and we’re not sleeping together.”
“oh please. save it, okay? i can not only hear you guys going at it in your room but i’ve also seen the marks you left on her. if those aren’t clear signs you’re having sex, then i don’t know what is.”
“it’s literally everything but sex.” chris ran his hands through his hair. “did you ever stop to think about why she didn’t sleep with you in miami? it’s because she was scared, okay? she was terrified that if she gave you everything that you would just turn around and hurt her. and you guys didn’t even have to have sex to do that. you’re killing her slowly, matthew. and honestly, i hate you so much for it right now.”
“don’t hate me for your girlfriends choices.” matt checked his phone. “now, if you don’t mind, i have a date to get ready for.”
chris stood in shock as matt closed the door roughly. why was his brother not understanding the situation clearly? it was driving him crazy.
instead of going back down to his own room, chris headed up to nick’s.
“nick, i need you to ask madi to be your date tonight.”
“what are you talking about? doesn't she have a date with matt?”
“yes but matt and y/n need to go on a valentines date. they're supposed to be together. not him and madi.”
“wait, i'm confused.” nick held up his hand and shook his head. “why are you trying to set your girlfriend up with matt?”
“she’s not my girlfriend.” chris ran his hands down his face. “her heart belongs to matt.”
“so? if he doesn’t want to be with her, then you gotta take a chance.”
“but he does want to be with her. you should’ve seen the way he got jealous when he thought i was having sex with y/n.”
“you guys aren’t having sex? then what the hell are you doing that makes so much noise?” he questioned, the realization hitting him a few seconds later. “oh. ew.”
“so, can you text madi or not?”
“i can try. but if she’s into this date, there’s not going to be a way to get her out of it.” nick began typing on his phone. within seconds, madi was requesting to facetime. nick answered it quickly and it didn’t take long for madi to start speaking.
“what are you even talking about, nick? i don’t have anything planned with matt tonight.” she raised her eyebrow and got closer to the camera. “why would he say that? oh my god. do you think he likes me?”
“no.” chris shook his head and turned to nick. “he’s an idiot.”
“i agree. why would he say he’s going on a date with madi if it’s not true?”
“because he was trying to make y/n jealous, obviously.” chris sprinted out of the room and almost fell as he took 2 steps at a time to get back to his room. y/n jumped back as he threw the door open, as she was just about to go looking for him.
“you look like you’ve been running laps around the house. what's going on?”
“change of plans tonight. instead of me cooking dinner for you, i'm taking you out to eat.” he smiled and looked around his room.
“okay. i'm not complaining, but why the sudden change?”
“just want an excuse to dress up.” he held her face gently and smiled widely.
“oh, how about you still cook for me and i'll still get all dressed up.”
“that sounds like a better plan.” he leaned in to kiss her and smiled when she kissed him back. “do you have something at the house you can change into?”
“yeah. it’s up in nick’s room.” she looked at him. “be right back.” y/n dashed out of chris’ room and went upstairs to nick’s room. she paused outside in the hallway when she heard nick and madi talking.
“so if he likes y/n, why doesn’t he just tell her? i mean, didn’t they just spend a whole week together in miami?”
“they did and from what i learned, something happened and it screwed up their relationship. i’m not sure what it was exactly, but matt’s been ignoring her since they got back and y/n’s been spending all her time with chris.”
“so, are y/n and chris together now?”
“no. well, i'm not quite sure. they might as well be.”
“but she needs to be with matt. maybe you should tell her that matt’s ‘date’ with me was never actually a thing.”
“no. it’s gotta be matt who tells her.”
y/n knocked on his door and looked at nick. “hey.”
“hey. how much of that did you hear?�� nick turned towards her, still on the call with madi.
“almost everything.” she shrugged her shoulders.
“hey y/n.” madi waved with a smile.
“hey.” y/n returned the smile and looked back at nick. “i came up to get that dress i left up here. need it for my date.”
“it’s in my closet.” nick nodded towards the door and y/n walked in. nick was right behind her. “who’s your date tonight?”
“chris.” she reached for the baby blue piece of clothing. “instead of going out to a fancy restaurant, we came to a compromise. he's going to cook for me and we’re going to dress up as if we actually were going out tonight.”
“why are you still going on this date with chris if you know matt’s date with madi was never happening? i thought you would be happy.”
“why would i be happy about something matt lied about, especially after he basically called me a whore?”
“he did what?!?” both nick and madi exclaimed.
“not going to get into details. but he called me a whore earlier. well, he said i was acting like one because i was sleeping with chris.”
“but you’re not. does he know that?”
“no and let’s not tell him. he doesn’t deserve to know.”
“you two are incredibly stubborn and i hate it.”
“what are you talking about?” y/n turned to nick and eyed him.
“you and matt. one minute, you’re in love & the next it’s like you’ve never met before. why can’t you guys see that you’re supposed to be together?”
“we’re not meant to be together, nicolas. if there was any indication of that, something serious would’ve happened in miami.”
“what the fuck even happened while you guys were gone?”
“do you really want to know?”
“duh. that's why i asked.”
“okay, smartass.” y/n carefully set the dress on nick’s bed and looked at him. “it was our last night in miami. we were alone in the hotel room and we were cuddling on my bed and things started to get…intimate.”
“so you slept with him?”
“no. after a really steamy make-out session, it was over. that’s as far as we got.”
“who broke the moment first?” madi questioned.
“technically, he pulled away first. but he was only checking on me to see if i was okay with what was happening. his fingers were really cold and it made me shiver. but after that, the moment was over.”
“so let me get this straight. he touched your skin and it caused you to shiver. he then pulled away to check on you and the moment was over?” nick raised an eyebrow. “sounds like it might have been your fault, sorry.”
“nick, are you crazy? matt's the one who pulled away first. it’s totally his fault.” madi shook her head on the other end of the phone.
“it’s both our faults, i will admit.” y/n sighed. “and it sucks because i really, really liked him too.”
“then fucking tell him, dumbass.”
“nick, be nice.” madi scolded him. “it’s hard to tell a guy how you feel.”
“i am well aware.” nick chuckled then looked back at y/n. she was focused on the dress. the dress she bought for a party, hoping to get matt’s attention with the color since it was his favorite. she didn’t notice if it caught his eye. he had spent most of the party talking to some random girl she didn’t know but whenever she wasn’t looking, matt would look over at her.
“what am i supposed to do?” at this point, y/n was sitting on the edge of the bed. “i obviously still love matt. but now there’s the thing with chris. so no matter which brother i choose, i know i am going to break someone’s heart.”
“right now, you’re breaking my heart, y/n. i don’t like seeing you upset.” nick sat beside her and sighed. “i wish there was a better to go about life.”
“me too.” y/n looked at him.
“i've lived with them both my whole life and i know enough to tell you that no matter who you end up choosing, the other one will for sure get over it. neither of them hold grudges.”
“you’re right. now the only issue is trying to talk to matt without an argument breaking out.” y/n looked back at the dress. “and i also have to talk to chris. damn it.”
“you can do this, y/n. i believe in you.” madi grinned, happy to know she was helping a little. “i'll come by tomorrow to see you if you want.”
“that would be nice. maybe we could have a girls day.”
“yes that would be nice. in the meantime, good luck with the boys.” madi waved goodbye as y/n grabbed the dress and headed down to chris’ room to shower.
after an hour of getting ready, y/n took a look in the mirror. nick stood behind her and smiled.
“you are so gorgeous.” he rubbed her shoulders in a calming manner. he then quickly checked his phone. “well, it’s time to head up to your dinner. good luck.”
y/n took one last look in the mirror before heading up the stairs. chris turned away from the stove and whistled.
“wow. you look so good right now. well, you always look good. but tonight, you’re just…glowing.” he smirked and walked over to her. “ready to eat?”
“you bet.” y/n smiled and sat down when chris pulled the chair out for her. he hurried over to his chair and handed her the plate he prepared for her.
the two of them began to eat in near silence. the only sound they could hear for the first few minutes was the background music chris had picked out. after y/n finished half her burger, she looked up at chris.
“i really appreciate you, chris. you know that right?”
“yeah of course.” he set his food down and gave her his full attention. “this last week or so has been insane, right?”
“yeah.” y/n kicked her feet slowly. “can we talk about that, actually?”
“sure thing.” chris rested his head on his hands and let her do most of the talking.
“what we’ve been doing has definitely been fun. the most fun i think i have ever had.” she blushed. “and although i thoroughly enjoyed it, i think we should stop.”
“you’re not gonna believe this but i've been thinking the same thing.” chris let out a breath. “obviously, i will always care about you and i will cherish the time we spent together. but you and i both know that you’re supposed to be with matt.”
“this is why you’re the best, chris. you’re so understanding and you’re the sweetest person i know.” y/n reached across the table and took ahold of his hand. chris absentmindedly ran his thumb over her knuckles. "thank you for the most amazing 2 weeks of my life.”
“i should be the one thanking you.” he placed a gentle kiss to her knuckles and they both went back to eating. after their meal was done, y/n stood up slowly.
“guess it’s time to talk to matt.” she sighed and looked towards his bedroom. chris walked up behind her.
“good luck, y/n.” he kissed her forehead and headed down to his own room. y/n approached matt’s bedroom door and knocked lightly. while she waited, she thought of what she was going to say.
when he pulled the door open, he wasn’t expecting to see y/n standing before him. his eyes widened as he took in the way she looked. and when he saw she was staring at him, he quickly placed his gaze elsewhere and replaced the confusion with anger.
“what are you doing here?”
“matt, stop. you and i are going to talk and there’s nothing you can do about it.” she pushed him backwards and closed his bedroom door behind her. matt tried to protest but instead, she sat him down on the edge of his bed before taking a seat on his computer chair. the air grew thicker the longer they both stayed silent.
“well, you wanted to talk. so talk.” matt couldn’t help but let his attitude out in the moment. this caused y/n to roll her eyes but she started talking.
“look, i'm sorry about what happened in miami. i shouldn’t have just given up when the moment got a little too intimate.” she looked down at her lap and sighed. “truthfully, i was so scared. i know how experienced you are and i didn’t want to let you down with my lack of experience. i've never had sex with anyone and i thought that if i wasn’t good at it, you would stop talking to me. and as soon as i got off you that night, i regretted it. i was so stupid and i thought i was ready. even now, i don’t think i am. i'm still so terrified that i'll make a fool of myself and it’ll get spread around like a sickness.” y/n’s leg began to shake and matt watched as a tear landed on her lap. he wanted so badly to reach over and wipe it away but he wanted to be respectful. so he waited for her to go on. with a shaky breath, she continued her speech. “i hate that i drove you away. i hate that i loved you enough to introduce you to my family and then i threw it all away.” she shot her arm out to emphasize her point and it was then that matt noticed the necklace he gave her. it laid perfectly around her neck, only moving when she took a deep breath. “i’m so sorry i put you through what i did. i never wanted to hurt you and i only wish i could’ve explained why it happened the way it did.”
“you don’t owe me any explanation.” matt spoke. it shocked her to hear his calm voice again. he saw her head jerk up at it but he continued to speak. “i never should’ve gotten so pissed off that you wouldn’t have sex with me. that’s not who i am. if anything, i should be the one apologizing to you. you didn’t deserve the way i treated you and you most definitely did not deserve hearing what i said to you this morning. that was the lowest blow i could’ve dealt out and i'm so very sorry for it. i don’t think you’re a whore. you’re the farthest thing from it. i was just insanely jealous because chris was the one doing what i one day hoped to do. and i know jealousy is not an excuse but it was wrong. y/n,” he got on his knees and held her hands. “i am so fucking in love with you and i need you to know that. i may have dated other girls in the past but i have never loved any of them. you are by far the most kindhearted person in the world and definitely the most breathtakingly gorgeous. you could wear a fucking garbage bag and i would still love you. hell, i would love you even if you were a fucking worm.” matt met y/n’s gaze and smiled. “you look really good in this dress and i swear i meant to tell you at that party the first time you wore it but i was scared that you would just laugh in my face and call me stupid or something.”
“i do think you’re stupid. always have.” y/n nodded and smiled even with the tears cascading down her cheeks. matt chuckled and reached up to wipe them away, causing y/n to sigh contently.
“god, you are so perfect. i want everything with you. not just the sex. i want the stupid future with you. the one where we have 2 or 3 kids and a nice house in the suburbs where our kids can play safely. i want the late night conversations with you. fuck, i even want the stupid fucking rom-com shit with you. it’s always been you. there is absolutely nobody else and there never has been. god, you are it for me. you’ve ruined everybody else for me.” he looked up at her. “i just…i want you in every possible way. good and bad.”
“fuck, matt. i want you too.” y/n caved and pulled him in for a kiss. one he was more than happy to return. her hands went to his hair while his moved from her knees to her face. he craved every part of her. he detached his lips from her to place rough kisses trailing from her jawline down her neck. with every tug on her skin came a gentle kiss to soothe the pain.
matt stood up but y/n was not willing to break the kiss. thankfully, matt picked up with ease and she wrapped her legs around him as he carried her over to the bed. the strap of her dress hung loosely on her shoulder as matt kissed every part of her he could. her hands remained in his hair as his lips explored every part of her body.
y/n felt matt getting frustrated with the strap of her dress so she slid it off her arm entirely. he was more than eager to show how thankful he was for the simple action. and as he kissed her now bare shoulder, she took the opportunity to slip the other strap off as well. her dress staying in place only because of the position she was in. if she had been standing or even sitting upright, the top of her dress would’ve already slipped down to reveal the black lace bra she wore.
“fuck, matt.” y/n bit her lip as he kissed just above the top of the dress. she could tell that her being fully clothed was causing matt to grow impatient. “want me to take this off?”
“fuck. yes please.” matt groaned and watched with hungry eyes as y/n maneuvered  herself in a way that was so sensual to matt. the dress came off and matt wasted no time exploring the new territory. there was a faint mark just above the top of her panties, next to her sun tattoo, that matt knew chris had left. he took it upon himself to bite the skin with a little bit of pressure. not too much to hurt her, but enough to make a new mark.
y/n moaned as he left a trail of sloppy kisses up the inside of her thighs, stopping every few seconds to make new marks over the ones chris left behind. the idea of his brother getting there first only made him slightly more aggressive. his kisses on her thighs halted as he made his way back to her lips. his hands held her hips as he kissed her. instead of fisting his hair, she dug her nails into his back, causing him to let out a quiet groan.
“fuck. keep doing that and i'm gonna be finished before my pants come off.” matt whispered in her ear. he placed a kiss just beneath her earlobe, exactly like he had that night in miami.
he retraced his steps and traveled back down her body, stopping when he was just above where she needed him the most. he looked up at her and she didn’t hesitate to silently answer with a nod. matt slid his finger in the waistband and pulled them down her legs. once they were off, matt placed a kiss on both of her thighs before diving right in.
as his tongue moved in all the right places, y/n’s left hand clung to his bedsheets while the right one grabbed a fistful of his hair. he groaned into her and picked up his pace.
“jesus christ, matt. not gonna last long if you keep that up.” she spoke with a strained voice as she tried not to be too loud. matt just smirked and pulled her as close as he possibly could. she threw her legs over his shoulders and he was suddenly able to hit a new angle.
y/n could feel her orgasm approaching as matt continued to devour her. when the knot began to take its shape in her stomach, matt slowed down, but only a notch or two. he was trying to make it last as long as he possibly could, wanting to savor every moment.
it wasn’t long before her orgasm reached its peak and she was releasing all over his tongue. matt was more than happy to clean up all her juices, making sure he didn’t miss a single drop.
“fuck that was hot.” y/n breathed out, releasing her right grip of the bedsheet.
“and we’re not even close to being done, baby. i'm just getting started.” matt smirked.
“what do you mean?” y/n was about to ask him again but ended up biting her lip as matt shoved two fingers inside. the moans came spilling out of her mouth faster than she could even process them. as he worked on pumping his fingers in and out of her, he kissed up her body and stayed on her lips. she could taste herself in the kiss.
matt inserted a third finger, causing y/n to bit his lip. he groaned and she almost came right then and there. but she held out. nearly 2 minutes passed before she felt the knot build back up.
“matt, fuck. i'm gonna-“
“i know. come on. you can do it, baby.” he placed a gentle kiss on her nose as she came all over his fingers. he licked them clean very quickly.
“this isn’t fair.”
“what do you mean, princess?” matt raised an eyebrow.
“i’m completely naked and you still have clothes on.” she managed to get out with strangled breaths.
“you’re not entirely naked, since your bra is still on, but i'm willing to level the playing field.” he kissed the top of each of her breasts before making quick work to rid himself of his own clothing. y/n eagerly took her bra off and bit her lip as her eyes travelled down his body. she had heard many stories about his size but none of them seemed accurate. he was definitely larger than the legends said and easily the biggest she had ever seen in her life.
“jesus, matt.” she continued to chew on her bottom lip as she took him in her hands. she began to pump him slowly, almost like she was teasing him. the precum leaked from the tip slowly and matt watched as y/n expertly moved her hand up and down. he was not able to last very long.
“y/n, i'm about to-“
“i know. come on, baby. let it go.” y/n looked up at him and bit her lip as he came in her hand.
“fuck, that was hot.”
“i’m not even finished.” she repeated his words from earlier and before he could even ask what she meant she was taking him in her mouth.
“oh god!” matt threw his head back and propped himself on his elbows so he could see exactly what she was doing. “wow. you’re doing such a good job at taking all of me. holy fuck.” he closed his eyes and without warning, he was unloading into her mouth. the sight of her swallowing it all was enough to make him come again but he knew better. he wanted to last as long as possible for her. he wanted the experience to be just as pleasurable for her as it was for him.
y/n placed a kiss on his tip and stood up. matt grabbed her waist and positioned her on his lap. before anything went further, he looked at her.
“are you sure about this?”
“yes absolutely. wouldn't have it any other way, matty.” she kissed him deeply and without breaking the kiss, he flipped them over so she was laying on his bed. he hovered over her and gave her another look, silently asking if it was okay, to which she nodded. matt lined himself up with her entrance and started moving slowly. he took note of the way y/n winced so he stopped for a second. “okay. you can move now.”
matt kissed her gently as he began to move at a faster pace than he ever had before. the way their bodies moved together so perfectly sent chills down their spines, but in a good way.
his thrusts were powerful and addictive and y/n dug her nails into his back, moving them up and down his back with every movement he made.
the sounds coming from their mouths were crazy.
matt began to slow his pace and his thrusts became sloppy, signaling that he was close. y/n was close as well, digging her nails in further and locking her legs behind his back.
“do you want me to pull out?” he asked timidly.
“no. need you to fill me up, matt.” y/n kissed his neck, making sure to prolong the orgasm. he released inside her at the same time she finished too. as matt pulled out of her slowly, he placed a kiss to her neck and grabbed a towel from his bedside table to clean up their mess. he also noticed that he left both of her boobs untouched the entire time.
“oh my. how could i forget to give you any attention?” he chuckled and placed a gentle kiss to each nipple. y/n looked down at him with most loved up look she had ever given anyone. “you doing alright, y/n?”
“i am doing absolutely perfect. thank you for asking.” y/n grabbed her clothes and placed them neatly in a pile on the floor before grabbing some of matt’s clothes and putting them on. she crawled into bed and matt joined her seconds later, throwing his arm around her and holding her close.
“fuck, that was the hottest thing i've ever seen in my life. easily the best sex of my life.” matt chuckled, his breath still a little shaky. “how about you? how are you feeling?” y/n looked up at him and grinned.
“well, lucky for you, i have nothing to compare the sex to so clearly it was the best of my life too. as for the other things, you’ll be happy to know you beat chris.”
“oh, really?” matt grinned smugly.
“yup. a landslide victory. one for the record books. gold medal performance.” y/n giggled as matt began attacking her with kisses.
“i'm so in love with you.” he stared at her face and couldn’t help himself as he placed a soft kiss on her neck. “so so in love with you.”
“i know. and i'm so so in love with you too, matty.” y/n whispered, causing matt to sit up straight with her still in his arms. he looked like he was suddenly deep in thought. “what’s going on in that pretty little mind, huh?”
“just thinking of how we can now have sex whenever we want now.”
“so, you have sex with me once and think you’re going to be the only one now?”
“oh i better be.” matt sounded offended but when he looked down at y/n’s face and saw her smiling, he started to laugh. “don’t say shit like that. are you trying to give me a heart attack?”
“of course not.” y/n smirked. “i love you, dummy. why would i want to have sex with anyone else?”
“i'm glad i'm the only one.” he kissed her head. “i am the only one, right? like, you’re completely done your thing with chris?”
“yes. it's over between me and chris. now it’s just you and me.”
“thank god.” he smirked and leaned in to kiss her. y/n slowly climbed onto his lap and wrapped her around his neck, deepening the kiss. “you up for a round 2?”
“with you or chris?” y/n smirked playfully and kissed him passionately when he rolled his eyes. how could he think for even a second that she would want to sleep with anyone else? she was glad he could take a joke and she would forever be grateful for the way he loved her.
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taglist: @worldlxvlys @carolinalikesthings
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doctor-dusk · 27 days
𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐬 | 𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐱 𝐭.
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a private session, as he said.
warnings: mutual masturbation, fingering (f receiving), exhibitionism and voyeurism.
word count: 3.4k
part 1, part 2
it took me longer than expected. ngl that i've been feeling a bit discouraged and insecure about my writing lately and i've been putting off posting. anyway, hope you like it :3
you haven't stopped talking for a minute since alex got your phone number. like, for hours, going into the early hours of the morning sometimes. 
you found out he lived a few minutes away from you and was a bartender at a night pub, so eventually he had to be absent when he was on his shift. of course you understood, but you couldn't help but miss talking to him when he was away for too long, especially at night. you found yourself looking at his profile picture, or at the photos he sent you throughout the days. 
obviously, at this point you already had a certain level of intimacy, so he didn't see a problem in sending you some kind of spicy photos, for example, after the shower. oh, these were your favorites. you loved his toned muscles glistening with water, the fluffy towel wrapping around his waist, the marked v line. and of course, you loved seeing the outline of his cock in the towel. 
a was a tuesday night. particularly rainy, the wind was not violent and the news reported that it could last until the next day, but that doesn't bother you. you were reading a book peacefully on your bed when you felt your cell phone vibrate under your pillow.
you fumbled around the bed looking for your cell phone, reaching under your pillow to grab the phone, turning on the screen and smiling when you saw that he had sent you a message.
“hi baby, just got back home.’’ he texted you.
you smiled at the nickname. it was already natural for him to call you that, but you still found yourself giggling about it whenever he called you like that.
“did something happen?” you texted him back. he should be working now, since he had said he had a shift at the pub that night.
“the power went out at the pub because of the rain,” he explained in another message after a while. “guess i'll have to go back tomorrow to make up the hours. yay.” 
you chuckled softly. it wasn't like he didn't like his job, he just found it tiring sometimes.
“what are you going to do now?” you asked him. 
“well, for starters, i’m gonna take a shower and eat something.” he answered, sending another message afterwards. “but first of all take off these clothes. i'm so fucking wet.” 
“hey, that's my line.” you joked, imagining he must have laughed when he read it. and he did.
“cheeky. later i'll make you wetter than i am now, what do you think?” he suggested. you bit your lip.
“i’ll wait for it.’’ you texted back, swaying your legs up and down like a teenager.
“good. i’ll call you in 30 minutes. wear something nice for me, love ;)” 
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you thought you were dressed appropriately for him. a cotton cropped shirt and a flared mini skirt. but you thought there's something missing. it wasn't "nice" enough for him.
you opened your closet and drawers, looking for some suggestion. you didn't even know exactly what you were looking for. 
your eyes landed on your underwear drawer, remembering that you had a pair of white knee socks somewhere. you didn't know if he would like them, but knowing him well enough, you could deduce that was worth a try.
you put on the socks, the soft fabric gliding over your legs like a massage, the hem resting right above your knees. you looked at your reflection in the mirror, flexing your leg and bending your knee to see how it looked. then you turned your back, looking over your shoulder to see how it looked from this angle. it wasn't bad. it showed off your legs nicely. he might like it, but if he doesn't, he'll be polite enough to ask you to take it off.
you made sure your door was locked, turning the knob twice as a precaution. once confirmed, you jumped on your bed, grabbing your phone. as if on time, a message from him popped up on your screen.
‘’yep.’’ you texted, settling yourself in bed, lying partially between your pillows, your back resting on the headboard, your knee bent so you could rest your phone on it.
seconds later, a video call popped up on your screen, and you answered it without delay.
oh, as always, he was handsome. unlike you, he was standing, probably walking around his apartment, the position of the camera revealed that he was holding his phone a little too low. and of course, shirtless.
‘’hey love, i- fuck, no, no! wait a minute.’’ he said before you could say anything, leaving his phone in a corner, the camera focusing on the ceiling was all you could see now. you waited for him to come back, listening for some noises and trying to figure out what it was. seconds later, he came back. ‘’sorry, i had to put the neighbor's cat out. the bastard tried to steal my last slice of pizza.’’ 
you laughed at what he said. you expected anything but that. 
‘’how did he tried to steal your pizza?’’ you asked as he was making his way to the bedroom, turning off the lights on the way.
‘’he came in through my kitchen window. can't turn my back for a bloody second.’’ he rolled his eyes, entering his bedroom, sitting on the edge of his bed. ‘’you look lovely, baby. new necklace?’’ he pointed out. you looked at your chest, the silver necklace resting on your collarbone. you didn't even think he would notice that. but he was very observant, especially when it came to you.
‘’yeah, i bought it yesterday when i went out to shopping with my mom.’’ you answered and he hummed, his mouth was too busy eating a piece of pizza. ‘’although this isn't the necklace i was looking for.’’
‘’which one did you want?’’ he asked, his voice a little muffled as he was finishing the slice of pizza.
‘’your hand.’’ you answered him, causing him to cough almost uncontrollably because he almost choked on the piece of pizza. you would have laughed if you weren't so worried about him. “are you okay? i'm sorry, i-”
‘’no, no, i'm fine. wasn't expecting it, you can't do this to me, jesus.” he laughed after catching his breath, his face was a little red because of it. “you can't have my hand as your necklace if you choke me to death on a piece of pizza.”
“sorry, i didn't know you'd be so surprised.” you chuckled softly, watching him wipe his mouth with a napkin, throwing the paper in the trash.
“you just caught me by surprise, hon. you're not usually this forward.” he said. he was right, sometimes you were a little shy, even though you've done things that say otherwise. “by the way, are you wearing something nice like i asked you to?”
you nodded, adjusting your posture, getting into an angle so he could see your body when you stretched out your arm holding your phone in your hand, giving him a good view. he let out a low whistle, enjoying the view.
“no way, knee socks?” he asked with raised eyebrows as his eyes landed on your legs, making himself comfortable in his bed. it wasn't in a disapproving tone, by the way.
“yeah, did you like it?” you asked a little insecurely.
“hell, a lot.” he licked his lips, taking a look at you. “i have an idea, do you want to know what it is?”
you nodded eagerly. by the tone he spoke, he was certainly going to suggest something for you to do.
“take off your clothes. i want you in nothing but those knee socks. can you do that for me, love?”
the idea made your hair stand on end. you knew that eventually you would undress for him, but you didn't know that you would be so nervous about the idea and that it would be so exciting to be naked for him, wearing only a pair of white knee socks.
“you can take your time, baby. don't worry, i've got all the time in the world for you.” he reassured you, making you even more comfortable with the idea.
“shirt?” you suggested and he hummed in agreement.
“are you wearing a bra?” he asked and you shook your head. “good. i miss those nice tits of yours.”
you giggled, grabbing a pillow and placing it on the middle of the bed, positioning your phone so that it rests on it.
“is the angle okay?” you asked him, sitting with your legs spread on the bed. he could even get a small glimpse of your panties.
“amazing, baby. keep going.” he said. he didn't really care about the angle as long as he could see you and your body on full display for him on his phone screen.
you pulled your crop top up, pulling it over your head. the mere sight of your breasts on the screen made him groan, biting his lip as he palmed himself over his sweatpants, even though you couldn't see it for now.
‘’so beautiful. one day i'm going to suck those tits, mark my words.’’
you smiled at the idea. alex seemed like the kind of hungry man who could devour you if he could. and he really was. he wanted to mark you, to sink his fingers and teeth into your flesh, so that he and everyone else could see that he was the one who did this to you. he wanted to make sure everyday that you were his, that only he could see you like that and make you feel that way. 
you touched your boobs, adding a little more anticipation to the moment, your nipples hardening with the mere stimulation on them, your eyes rarely looking at him on the screen, focused on losing your shyness as you touched your left breast while your right hand went down your belly.
“the skirt too?” you asked him, tracing your index finger along the waistband of your skirt.
“everything.” alex answered, a minimally authoritative tone was noticeable in his voice, but you didn't think it was bad. it turned you on even more.
you shifted in bed, your fingers hooked on the sides of your skirt, slowly pulling it down, letting the material slide down your legs, his eyes watching every move without blinking, as if he would never see something like that again in his life. his hand tightened his grip on his cock, feeling that sooner or later he would have to take it out, such was the pressure inside his boxers.
“you have beautiful legs, love.” he praised you as he drank the sight of your semi naked body, the only thing that kept him from seeing you naked were your panties and knee socks.
“thank you.” you smiled, you liked it when he complimented you, even when it was something simple. you felt desired, in a way.
“you're nervous, aren't you?” he asked. he had never seen you in person and never lived with you physically, but he knew you well enough to know that.
“god, yes. i'm sorry, i've never done that.” you mumbled, closing your legs a bit so you wouldn't feel so exposed.
“that's okay, baby, you're doing so good. take your time.” he said in a reassuring tone, not wanting you to feel insecure or embarrassed around him. “just remember that sooner or later i'm going to see this pretty pussy of yours. and believe me, i'm going to gorge myself on it.”
you chuckled awkwardly, still feeling a bit insecure. he pouted slightly.
“hey, look at me.” he asked you, he couldn't just hold your face and make you look at him, so he expected you to look back at the screen, which is what you did. “don't worry about it. we're just going to have some fun, i want you to enjoy yourself with me, hm?” he spoke calmly and patiently, knowing he needed to be careful with his words.
you smiled, nodding in response to him. he knew how to reassure you, how to make you feel safe. you were in this together, after all.
you tried opening your legs again, your hand running over the fabric of your underwear, testing the waters as he swallowed hard at your actions. you touched your sensitive bud, feeling it contract inside your panties with the touch of your fingertip.
‘’mhm, that’s it. doing so good, love.” he said, his voice almost in a whisper as he stuck his hand inside his sweatpants, squeezing his cock more directly over his boxers, his thumb ghosted over his sensitive tip, leaking precum and staining the fabric of his underwear. 
he felt uncomfortable with this, shifting in bed to get his sweatpants and boxers down, freeing his cock, the angle he was lying at made the tip touch his stomach.
“you're making me hard as fuck.” he moaned in a somewhat anxious way.
“yeah? show me.” you instigated him.
fuck, you didn't even need to ask twice. he angled his phone so you could see his cock, his free hand grabbing it firmly by the base, massaging it deftly, working his way up until he reached the head, pulling back the foreskin so you could see his glistening tip practically taking over your screen.
you leaned against the headboard, supporting your body weight there while your hands were free. one hand hooked your panties, finally pulling to the side, showing him your most intimate area.
“beautiful. just like i imagined.” he bit his lip, watching your fingers firmly grip the fabric of your panties like a real hook while the fingers of your other hand roamed the skin of your crotch, teasing both you and him. “god, i can already imagine myself with my face buried in this pussy all day.”
you giggled, you loved how vocal he was. your index and middle finger wandered through your folds in an inverted 'v' position, sliding up and down your labia, feeling your digits getting wet.
“so fucking wet.” you answered and he groaned. you also knew how to tease him with words, his dirty thoughts getting the best of him as he saw you touching yourself like this.
“yeah? think i can shove my cock inside you without needing lube?” he asked you, starting to pump his cock faster.
“oh, you have no idea.” you said in a sly tone, moving your hands away from there only to pull the panties down your legs, discarding them on the bed among the sheets. and you were just the way he asked, completely naked, except for the knee socks. oh, that made his cock throb.
“god, you're so fucking hot.” he hissed, pumping faster, his fist closed so tightly that his tip was getting redder and the veins were getting more visible. “touch yourself for me, love. please.”
you brought your index and middle fingers to your mouth, thinking about it. please. he never asked you “please”, not that you remember. he always asked, in a polite but authoritative tone, sounding like a gentle order. but never added the word please. 
it sounded like he's begging you. and you liked it.
“please?” you repeated the word, wetting your fingers, bringing them down to your sensitive bud that was aching to be touched.
“fucking please…” he said in a desperate growl, his eyes fixed on your body as you tesed him furter, circling your fingers on your clit, the contact making you hiss. “feels good?”
“mhmm, so good…” you hummed, circling your fingers counterclockwise, the way you always did when you pleased yourself alone in that bed in your room. “i wish you were touching me right now.”
“don't say that to me or i might come out in the rain and climb in through your bedroom window just to fuck you.” he panted, making you imagine the scene, a small whimper leaving your lips.
“yeah? would you fuck me good?” you asked, moving your fingers down, teasing your wet and slick entrance, your fingertips sliding in with ease.
“so good, baby. would you like it hard and deep?" he asked you, feeling the pleasure starting to get the best of him, he tried to hold on as much as he could.
you nodded eagerly, sliding two fingers inside your tight heat. he watched as you buried your own fingers inside your cunt until reached your knuckles, withdrawing them just to repeat the motion. nothing had ever turned him on as much as this. he felt like a teenager watching porn for the first time, but it was a thousand times better. it was real, and it was for him. only for him.
“so be it. gonna fuck you good, baby. the way you deserve it.” 
his words entered your mind like a virus, your eyes squeezed shut as your fingers went back and forth, coating them with your arousal. you couldn't help but vividly imagine him fucking you hard, his hips snapping against yours, his cock filling you to the brim as he squeezed your neck, calling you his little slut who takes his cock so fucking well.
“oh my god, please…” you whimpered breathlessly, your legs starting to tremble involuntarily, your head tilting to the side.
“are you going to come for me, love? you're so close, i can see it.” he hummed, watching you nodding, his fist was hurting, but he didn't want to stop, not when he was so close too.
“yes, yes, oh alex…” you moaned his name, making him grunt in response, his breath ragged and his body trembled, he could barely concentrate on holding the phone anymore, even though he doesn't want to miss a single second of you fingering yourself, chasing your climax.
“fuck, i can't hold back…” he almost whined, and you let out a satisfied smile, so close that you're already seeing stars.
“yes, fuck me, alex…” you moaned, and that was the last straw for him. he moaned loudly, his head falling back into the pillow as he came, making a mess of his own belly and chest, but he didn't stop, even though his senses were overwhelmed at this point.
as you watched him fucking his own fist through his orgasm and heard his whimpers, you followed him suit, cumming on your fingers, your free hand covered your mouth so you wouldn't moan loudly as the climax hit you, your trembling legs closed automatically around your hand as your fingers pumped and curled inside you to prolong your pleasure.
in the seconds that followed, all that could be heard besides the sound of the rain outside were the panting breaths as the bodies lay completely exhausted on the respective beds. it was so intense, you couldn't remember the last time you had an orgasm that good, especially when you were touching yourself.
after a few seconds, he broke the silence.
“still there?” he asked. you gave him thumbs up and he chuckled. you needed a few more seconds to recover.
“yeah, yeah…” you mumbled, taking a deep breath through your nose and letting it out through your mouth. then, you lifted your head, looking at him. he was as broken as you were.
“it just gets better, princess. you're amazing, really.” he said. and he was sincere, you could see it. or at least he gave you enough confidence to make you think that.
“you're amazing too. you must be even better in person.” you answered him next. it was like you were having pillow talk after sex. the difference is you hadn't had sex. not yet.
“well, baby, i'll try to impress you. i have to win you over every day.” he chuckled, groaning as he saw his own mess, knowing he would have to clean himself up. “hate this part.” 
“i wish i could lick you clean.” you pouted and he pouted too, chuckling at your boldness.
“you always get feisty after having your orgasm, huh?” he questioned and you giggled, picking up your panties to put them back on carefully, your legs felt like jelly. 
“only with you.” you winked at him, licking your fingers as he sighed at the sight of you. he was quiet for a while, just looking at you, his mind working in different ways. “what?”
“i want to see you.” he answered after a few seconds of silence.
“you’re seeing me already.” you chuckled and he shook his head after letting out a weak laugh.
“no, i want to really see you. to meet you in person.” 
oh. now that was another level.
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utilitycaster · 7 months
Do you think part of the D20 journalistic bias comes from D20 being edited? It gives the appearance of much more effortless play and lets them control the pacing in a way unedited play like CR simply can't do. They get to (potentially) hide a lot of stuff people would jump on as flaws while CR has no choice but to let it all play out. I greatly prefer CR's approach, despite it biting them in the ass a bit through no fault of their own.
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Answering these both together to group cause and my opinions, and I do want to note this is specifically about journalism/press coverage, not their respective fandoms even though there's obviously some overlap.
I think there's a couple things, but I do want to note this was actually prompted by Daggerheart, not Critical Role. The response from several prominent voices in the Actual Play journalism community, whom I will not name here but whom I do not respect intellectually, really was, within hours of the open beta (which as far as I know they didn't have early access to - more on that later) "um it could be better, I don't like xyz and also it's sooooooo important to have criticism" and again, it is important to have criticism, but also you act like D20 has never had a mediocre moment and that Kollok is brilliant, so.
This...got away from me a bit. I'd say I'm sorry but actually I adore writing thousands of words about actual play and it will happen again but I'm putting the detailed answer below a cut. The short answer is I think a lot of Actual Play journalists actually sort of fell into their jobs through being vaguely involved in nerd spaces and aren't actually equipped to talk intelligently about TTRPGs and actual play as a medium that should, at its best, be a perfect fusion of narrative and mechanics. So instead they're distracted by flashy edits and bright lights and cool noises and some abstract concept of "novelty" and write only about that. Also Critical Role is the 700 lb gorilla in the AP space (though not, actually, the TTRPG space) and doesn't give them early access and that's meaaaaaan. Indeed, for all I think a lot of their coverage of D20 and Worlds Beyond Number is obsessively fawning, I also think it's extremely surface level, frequently factually wrong, and fails to get at what's truly excellent about those shows either.
I think, honestly, the biggest one is that I don't actually think a lot of Actual Play journalists watch series in full. I was looking for Polygon coverage of Fantasy High Junior Year and they have one glowing article but it's more about Fantasy High as setting and institution and D20 "changing the game" (also more on this later) to the point of outright contradicting the pull quotes they used from interviewing Brennan Lee Mulligan (also more on this later). So I started looking through their coverage and actually, quite a number of their write-ups are based on only one episode, or half a season. Clearly, they haven't read the full open beta (nor have I, but I think their complaints about the character build process belie a profound misunderstanding of what TTRPGs are, also more on this later). So editing is certainly part of it because it's really easy to see cool special effects and sound design within one episode and shit out a hacky article about it, whereas actually getting to the substance - character relationships, cohesive narrative, storytelling - requires work that I do not think they're doing. And on the one hand I do kind of get it, because yeah, if journalism is your livelihood then you perhaps do not have the time to watch 4 hours of D&D a week for 2-3 years if you're only going to get one article every six months out of it. But I don't think the answer is "focus intently on Microsoft Powerpoint-esque scene transition tricks while ignoring that nothing occurring at the table is actually fun to watch." For more on this, see this post.
The second, which is very relevant to Daggerheart but also is actually a big gap in D20 and WBN coverage in my opinion, and which I put in the tags, is that I actually don't think a lot of journalists have a solid understanding of TTRPGs nor of most genres. And I think Critical Role has a particularly good understanding of both these things, actually, if one skewed towards collaborative storytelling that is not rules-light. I think one really big example is that one person within the space is mad at the Daggerheart questions for the character archetypes because what if your character doesn't fit these. I think this is dumb as shit. I actually think that a common criticism of D&D - that you can't play ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING - is not valid, or rather, it's a valid opinion to hold but if you want to play a character who doesn't fit into the available archetypes perhaps you need to find another game. We all inherently understand that Blades in the Dark characters will be members of a criminal organization in a relatively low-magic setting, correct? That you can't show up to BitD and play a lawful good wizard prince because that's not the story being told? Or like, how in Honey Heist, you are a bear and you are trying to get honey, and you cannot play a human child investigating the old abandoned house at the edge of town, but there's a cool game called Kids on Bikes that will let you do that? Great! Why is this suddenly so hard to understand in the realm of heroic fantasy, that you will fit into specific archetypes? Why do people's brains, if they have them to begin with, vanish suddenly? I know I just did a big old rant that included this within it but genuinely I think a lot of people are deeply ignorant of heroic fantasy, or don't like it, and either is fine, but then they get mad at the heroic fantasy game for having heroic fantasy archetypes when the answer is "maybe this will never make you happy because it's not for you." (Frankly, I think this is also why they love D20, because it doesn't really do straight-up heroic fantasy, and that's fine, but they do keep acting like doing a Game of Thrones pastiche is equivalent to the invention of the wheel.) Like...I remember in the Midst Q&A that Xen said they tend to not like playing typical D&D classes, but their solution was to, you know, create Midst instead of sitting around going "actually, because D&D doesn't support cyberpunk narrative and the character archetypes within very well it is an utter failure." (I could go on forever about how actually TTRPGs are not a showcase for your already extant OCs to prance around but that's a totally separate post).
Mechanics and story are inherently intertwined, is what I'm trying to get at (sorry I'm really tired and have a lot to do but I'm passionate about this answer, it will be rambly, she says like 3 pages in) and I really don't think most actual play journalists get this. At all. And I do think that CR, and Daggerheart, and the people working for it, and especially Spenser Starke, Rowan Hall, Matt Mercer, and Travis Willingham, get this more than almost anyone else in the field. I also think Brennan Lee Mulligan and Aabria Iyengar get this, and the thing is, for all the praise showered upon them, much of which I think is deserved and most of what I think is undeserved is not because they are lacking but because the person writing about them is an idiot crediting them for things they (Brennan and Aabria) would never claim to have invented, their mechanical prowess is rarely if ever written about well. Fantasy High Junior Year's downtime mechanics actually fill in a famous gap in D&D, namely, downtime, and provide an excellent marriage of story and mechanics in my opinion, and I haven't really seen any discussion, because that would require watching the part of the TTRPG show where they play the TTRPG, and knowing the vague word on the street about D&D criticism that isn't just "*nods sagely* capitalism is the BBEG."
And finally: related a bit to the edit but Critical Role used to not be able to provide any early access to press, because it was literally a live show, and I suspect they never broke the habit, and I think that is for the best. As discussed a lot of D20 coverage actually feels like they watched the press screener and then never returned to the show. And I do not know the politics about them, but given that several of these publications (notably Polygon, but some others) have been shitting on Critical Role for several years, and just generally given the way CR's leadership vs. how D20's leadership respond to fandom pressure, I suspect Critical Role does not give these journalists a ton of early or increased, if any. Honestly, why should you, if you're getting interviewed in Variety? And I think the journalists are mad, because they think they're special and should get treated as such.
I do want to wrap something up, and I want to thank @captainofthetidesbreath for talking a little about this in game design/ttrpgs and giving me the idea, but in story, you should be challenging your audience, expanding their horizons, and being new and interesting. In the actual playing of TTRPGs, especially a new one, it is vital to be inclusive and easy to understand and patient and provide points of reference. I really feel like many Actual Play journalists and some TTRPG ones as well have this equation flipped and are looking for challenging concepts that most people will never be able to get a group to be willing to play, and bells and whistles in production, but leave story as an afterthought. Critical Role designs games to actually be played and to be used specifically to tell good stories, and puts story before production, and I think that undercuts those journalists' whole deal.
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Aita for not making any of my characters, that I have to crank out daily, pansexual/polysexual/omnisexual specifically and only making them bi?
🏳️‍🌈👶🏼 so i can recognize this later lmao also I'm not panphobic or anything, this isn't about the validity of the label, pan is fine.
So i (20snb bi) have a project I'm working on where I take all the characters from a specifc media I'm into and pair them up with each other to make every possible ship kid from every possible ship(excluding characters who are kids themselves or are related or something, that shit is gross). Basically taking every character and pairing them up with another and creating a kid I think they'd have. Its a big project with lots of characters and I'm easily over 400 at this point. I really enjoy this, even if I'm not even 25% complete.
However I set a schedule for myself that at least one ship kid needs to come out each day which, considering I draw them, color them and give them some development and some even have siblings, (The refs themselves easily take me an hour to an hour and a half) I have to make lots of them quickly to keep up with my daily grind. I've been doing this project for over a year and although it's stressful, I can get them out quickly with breaks for myself.
Their character sheets all have some pretty basic info like their name, gender, pronouns, personality and more but it also includes their sexuality/orientation. I have a pretty basic list of options for what their sexuality will be: straight, lesbian, gay, Enbian, bi, Aro, ace and aroace with a few random things like polyam, WLW and a good amount of the something-loving-something/juvelic terms. I did this because, well, there's not many entirely unique orientations outside of them and although I love mogai/xenogenders and complex identities, I dont want to potentially drag up discourse or bring problems to my budding art blog over it. Its just not worth it to me to turn something I really care about on its head, even if I like microlabels.
In this case, I'm using bi as an umbrella term as most of the other terms share the same definition with slight variations in wording or action but not much difference in practice. We all like everyone, it's basic stuff. However, apparently this is a problem.
I've gotten one or two anons asking me questions about my guides asking some kind stuff like is this lesbian ship kid a butch or femme or Is this picture of them now or just at the age you put on the ref and other harmless stuff. Then things got rude with some Nbphobia but thrice now I've gotten asks:
1. Asking snarkily if im a panphobe
2. insulting me for not specifically writing pan or Omni and just writing bi.
3. Saying that I "clearly dont care about pansexual representation." Then brought up how my primary oc is native american so i clearly care about representation but that oc used to be a sona and I'm native?? Its confusing. (And Lowkey racist shit to just assume any native character is a "diversity quota" character instead of just a person existing but I digress-)
Im not pan, im bi so ig these people assume I'm not cool with pan people which isnt true? I have nothing aginest them, they are just pretty similar and I dont feel like it matters if they are specfically bi or pan or poly or any other label. I don't go into details like that for any other sub-group, not even pronouns and I included combinations and some common Neopronouns. I understand the importance of representation but my project has less than 50 people looking at it every day, Im not netflix or something. I'm one guy on the most LGBT blogging site with a big project and very little audience, I'm not showing people who wouldn't already know what pan is that pansexuality exists.
This project isn't that deep considering the characters in question aren't human/dont have human characteristics.(no it's not hazbin/helluva) Also ive never spoken about lgbt discourse or stated anything remotely close to it beyond the guides just passively having characters who are an LGBT identity. I've not even mentioned all the potentional orientations they could have so I'm not sure where/why this came up in the first place. The most politcial things ive said are calling out a creator in my fandom who outed themselves as a transphobe and mentioning im pro-palestine. That's it.
I mean this is pretty low stakes, I can just block these people and be done with it and this some seriously online shit but I just wanna check.
Am I being an asshole for just writing bi instead of specifying their mspec label because I have to produce characters quickly and I don't see enough of a difference to warrant a change/specification that would ultimately slow and clog an already stressful and complex project?
I dont think I am but idk lol
What are these acronyms?
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dianawinchester03 · 4 months
Season 2, Episode 1 - In My Time of Dying
Series Masterlist
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(Authors Note: TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️. Reader has a minor panic attack, before anyone gets offended. Though it's not anybody's business I will put it out there that I personally have suffered with trauma induced panic attacks. So I am not writing out of my ass, this is all based off of MY experience and not anyone else's. If it's not the same for you, you can skip over it. Thank you🫶)
Third Person POV
The possessed truck driver that crashed into the Impala and Harley purposely, steps out of his truck, black eyed and unharmed. He strolls slowly to the crash site in-front of him. Y/N sprawled out on the road, unconscious. Just meters away from the drivers side door of the Impala. All three Winchester men also unconscious in the demolished car.
Sam begins to come to a bit when he hears the footsteps. He tightens his grip on the Colt as the demon approaches. The demon then rips the drivers side door off with all his might, "Get.Back..." Sam warns the demon in a deadly tone, glaring at his through his bloodied eyes. "...or I'll kill you. I swear to God" He aims the gun at the demon.
The demon smirks, "You won't. You're saving that bullet for someone else" The demon calls him out of his bluff. Sam breathes heavily, cocking the gun at the demon. A 'no bullshit' look on his face. "You wanna bet?" Sam seethes through his teeth, his mouth coated in his own blood.
The demon just smiles widely and then starts screaming, barfing up a black smoke, exactly the way John did when Yellow Eyes possessed him. The truck driver falls to his knees, no longer possessed. Sam sighs heavily, gripping his sprained arm as the driver comes too. A horrified looks on his face at the sight infront of him.
"Oh my God. Did I do this?" The driver gasps terrified. "Dad?" Sam groans, calling out for his unconscious father. "Dean?!" Sam calls out for his unconscious older brother. Sam's eyes flicker outside to Y/N sprawled on the ground, her body limp. "Y/N/N!?" Sam screams painfully.
Hours later, paramedics finally showed up. The sun is now shining as the helicopter above scans the area. Dean is being strapped to a gurney along with Sam and John. They rush him into the ambulance as Y/N begins to come to. Her eyes flutter open, her face twice as bruised as it was.
"Y/n/n..." My fathers weak voice croaks, he weakly pulls the machete from his gut, the blood escaping from his wounds through and through.
"I love you, baby" He says weakly. "I love you too, daddy" I sob, staring into my fathers eyes. "It's okay....you can go now" I cry, holding my father in my arms as he takes his last breath. The light that was once in his eyes, now going out.
"No...no....NOOOOOOO!!!!" I scream painfully.
I'm woken up to the sound of shouting. "Significant passengers soace intrusion. Unresponsive. BP. 180, over 50. Heart rate—". My eyes shoot open to the sight of the sun blinding me, a helicopter over head. "NOOOOO!!!" I scream loudly, trying to toss and fight off the paramedics holding me down on the gurney. "Miss! Ma'am! Please! We're trying to help you!" The female paramedic holds me down, putting a clear oxygen mask over my nose.
"D-d-dean...Sammy..." I croak weakly. "What's your name sweetie?" The male paramedic asks me. "Wheres...my....Dean??" I breath heavily. Groaning from the sticking pain in my left side, I'm pretty sure my ribs are broken. I look around, my eyes searching for the boys. "Sammy....where's...Sammy?" I sob. "Ma'am, we're doing everything we can. But we need to focus on you right now." The male paramedic says gently.
"Tell me if they're okay!! Tell me my fellas are okay!!" I plead with them. "You have to stay still!" The female paramedic tries to calm me down. "Are they even alive?!" I yell as I sob. "You dislocated your knee in the crash. We're gonna need to pop it back in. So take a deep breath okay sweetie?" The female paramedic guides me gently as the man holds my knee in place.
"Yes ma'am" I nod tearfully. She gives the man a nod. "On three. One...two..." She didn't make it to three but that's when a sickening snap in my knee sounded as he popped it back into place. "AHHHHH!!" I screamed painfully at the bone being placed back into my knee socket. I clutched my knee in pain sobbing.
Deans POV
I jump awake in a hospital bed. A white T-Shirt on with some hospital pants. Surrounded by goddamned EKG machines and all that technical nerd stuff Sammy and y/n/n know all about. My eyes scan the empty room, groaning slightly, I throw my legs off the bed and I begin to make my way to the door.
"Sam? Y/N?" I call out for them but the hallway is empty. "Dad? Anybody?!" My voice fills the empty corridor. I make my way to the large staircase leading downstairs to the hospital. "Shiloh County, Nurses' Station. How can I transfer your call?" A woman by the receptionist desk answers a phone.
"Excuse me" I call out for her, groaning as I walk down the stairs and towards the reception desk. "Hi. I uh- I think I was in a car accident. With my dad, my brother and my gir-...my friend. On her bike. I just need to find them." I clear my throat, explaining to the receptionist. But she doesn't take me on.
"Hello?" I call out to her, confused as to why she didn't answer me. Is she not hearing me? I snap my fingers in-front of her face and wave my hands but it's like I'm invisible. She then walks away. I rush down the halls looking for anyone, that's when I stumbled on a room. My room. What I saw shocked me to my core.
It was Y/N sat next to my hospital bed, her face buried in her hands sobbing. In the bed was me, hooked up to a life support machine, tubes sticking out of my mouth. I stepped closer, horrified at the state I was in. The state Y/N was in. "Y/N? Princess? Are you okay? Please tell me you can hear me with your ESP thing" I knelt next to her, pleading for her to hear something.
She raised her head a bit, almost as if she heard something. Her swollen red eyes directed at me. Her face glassed over with concern and confusion. She only had a sports bra on with a hospital pants, a cast around her right knee, a stitched up gash on her forehead similar to mine and a white wrapping around her midsection.
Blood was seeping through the gauze a little on her left side ribs. Her hair was in a mess and she looked as though she hadn't slept all night. But somehow, she still managed to look effortlessly beautiful. My heart stopped at the sight, shock taking over my body. I wasn't sure if she saw me but I'm praying she does.
Third Person POV
The second Dean stepped into that room, Y/N felt the hairs at the back of her neck stand up. She wasn't sure what it was, all she had on her mind was the man she loved, was next to her strapped to life support. Fighting for his life. She raised her head a bit when she felt his presence but she didn't pay mind to it.
Sam emerges through the room door, his heart sinked when he saw his brother on that hospital bed. "Sammy" Dean says relieved. "You and y/n/n  look good...considering..." Dean trails off realizing Sam can't hear him either. "Please tell me you guys can hear me" Dean pleads. "Oh, no" Sam gasps, tears forming in his eyes at his brothers state.
"How's dad? Is he okay?" Dean asks worried. His heart beats out of his chest. He turns to Y/N, "Come on, sweetheart. You're the psychic. Give me some ghost whispering or something" Dean pleads with her. Turning to his brother. "Come on dude, talk to me" He pleads with his brother.
Something in the back of Y/N's mind tells her to ask Sam something, "How's John?" She asks the younger Winchester in a worried tone. He turns to her, tears in his eyes. "He's asleep. Resting" Sam informs her. "Did the doctor say anything about Dean?" Sam asks her tearfully. She shakes her head, tears flowing down her cheeks.
"I haven't seen his doctor yet. I'm supposed to be in my room. I found him here" Y/N admits to Sam who sighs heavily. A doctor enters the room, "Your father's awake" The doctor tells them. They all turn to him, "You can go see him, if you like" He adds. "Oh thank god" Dean and Y/N mutter relieved. But of course, she can't hear him.
"Doc, what about my bo-...my friend. What about my friend?" Y/N asks worried, clearing her throat she bites on her nails nervously out of habit. Dean notices this, "Quit biting your nails" He mutters rolling his eyes, her eyes flicking in his direction. But she doesn't hear him, but she removes her finger from her mouth hesitantly. Dean is taken back when she looks in his direction. Though she can't see him, he's sure she can feel his presence.
That's good enough for him. At least he's got his foot in the door. Hope rises in his chest. Sam looks at the doctor with a pained expression, hoping for a good answer. "Well, he sustained serious injury. Blood loss, contusions to his liver and kidney. But it's the head trauma I'm worried about. There's early signs of cerebral edema" The doctor explains.
"Well, what can we do?" Sam asks him. "Well, we won't know his full condition until he wakes up" The doctor sighs. "If....he wakes up" He adds as they look down at Dean nodding. Their gazes snap back to him, grief stricken. "If?" Y/N gasps, pushing herself up from the chair. "What are you talking about, doc. I'm waking up!" Dean insists but they can't hear him.
"I have to be honest, most people with his degree of injury wouldn't have survives this long. He's fighting very hard" The doctor assured them honestly. "But you kids need to have realistic expectations" The doctor puts it bluntly. "Come on, guys. Go find some Hoodoo priest to lay some mojo on me! I'll be fine" Dean presses angrily but they can't hear him. Sam and Y/N are distraught, they felt as if their whole world was ending.
First her dad, and now Dean. Y/N's chest begin to heave furiously and he palms began to clam up. The doctor walks out as Dean calls out for them. Y/N felt her body getting weaker, her knee felt as though it was engulfed in flames. The thought of Dean not making it, she couldn't bare it. Tears brimmed at her eyes. She began to wobble a bit and Dean noticed. Rushing to help her but his hand went right through her.
"Sam? Y/N! Come on!" Dean pleads. Y/N grips onto Sam to stop herself from falling, he snaps out of his daze. "Crap, sorry. Hey I got you" I tells her gently, holding her up by her waist. Her breathing quickens further and Sam noticed this, Dean knew exactly what this meant. She was having a panic attack. "Hold her, Sam! Tell her to take deep breaths!" Dean urges his brother but Sam can't hear him.
"Y/N, babe....hey hey hey. It's okay, it'll be okay. I'm here" Dean coos gently, trying talk to her. "Sam..." Y/N breathes out, clutching onto Sam's shoulder, her sweaty palms grip tightening around his shoulder blade. Concern and panic etched on his face. Not knowing what to do. "Y/n/n, hey look at me" Her gaze snaps to Sam's eyes when he says this, her chest heaving with anxious.
"Take deep breaths. One....two...three..." She nods shakily, listening to the sound of her best friends voice. Wishing it was Dean's voice. Meanwhile, he's looking on, terrified her heart might give out. He's helpless, he can't hold her, kiss her on her forehead and tell her it's gonna be alright. As y/n takes the deep breaths, she calms down subsequently.
"Thanks Sammy" She says gratefully, breathing heavily. "You're welcome, y/n/n" He gives her a small tight genuine smile. He takes her hand and wraps it around her shoulder, helping her walk out of the room to go and check on John.
"Alright. Here. Give them my insurance" John hands Sam his wallet with his insurance card. "You covered, sweetheart?" John asks Y/N. "Yes sir" She responds, holding up her fake insurance card. Sam looks down at the name and smiles a bit, "Elroy McGillicuddy?" Sam snickers, pulling a chair for Y/N and then one for him to sit next to John's bed.
John smirks a bit, "And his two loving sons" He smiles. "I'm Mildred Tulworts. Loving daughter of Harold Tulworts" Y/N shows Sam her fake insurance card, who chuckles a bit as John shakes his head smiling. "Your father always knew how to come up with the weirdest aliases" John chuckles. Y/N's smile drops a bit, tears in her eyes.
"Every Alias he had was a joke" Y/N chuckles lightly. "So...What else did the doctor say about Dean?" John asks concerned. "Nothing" They respond in unison, with a shrug. "Look, if the doctors won't do anything, then we'll have to. Thats all" Y/N says calmly. "What could we possibly do?" Sam asks her cocking his eyebrow. "I don't know, we'll go find some...hoodoo priest and lay some mojo on him and..." Y/N says sighing, unconsciously repeating Deans words earlier.
"We'll look for someone" John assured them. "Yeah" They both nod sighing. "But, kids....I don't know if we'll find anyone" John says honestly. "Why not?" Sam asks confused. "We found that faith healer before for y/n" He adds. "Alright, that was one in a million" John says. "So what, then we just sit here with our thumbs up our ass?" Sam scoffs irritated.
Y/N looks between the father and son nervously. "No, I said we'd look. Alright? I'll check under every stone" John says firmly. Sam and Y/N sigh nodding. "Where's the Colt?" John asks. Y/N's eye twitches angrily at this as Sam looks at his father in disbelief. "Your son is dying and you're worried about about the Colt?" She spits angrily, narrowing her eyes at John.
Sam scoffs in disgust that his father is so nonchalant about Dean fighting for his life but the only thing he truly sounded concerned about is the Colt. "We are hunting this demon and maybe it's hunting us too. That gun may be our only card" John says defensively. They shake their heads, "It's in the trunk. They dragged the car and y/n's bike off I-83." Sam answers quietly.
"Alright, you gotta clean out that trunk and whatever is is y/n's bike before some junk man sees what's inside" John instructs them. "I already called Bobby. He's like an hour out. He's gonna tow the Impala and Harley with his truck back to his place" Y/N informs him. "Alright. Sam, you go meet up with Bobby. You get that Colt and bring it back to me. And watch out for hospital security" He instructs Sam.
"Y/N, you stay here. You could barely walk so take it easy and rest" He says gently to her. "I think we got it covered" Sam says in a cold tone. Sam helps Y/N up, they both begin to walk out the room, "Hey" John calls out for them. They stop in their tracks and turn to John. "Here. I made a list of things I need. Have Bobby pick them up for me" John hands Sam a piece of paper.
Y/N peers to take a look at this list, "Acacia? Oil or Abramelin? What's this stuff for?" She questions curiously. "Protection" John simply answers. They sigh and begin to walk out again but Sam stops. "Hey, Dad. You know the demon? He said he had plans for me and y/n. And for children like us. You have any idea what he meant?" Sam asks him, hoping for an answer.
John shakes his head, "No, I don't" He responds but y/n narrows her eyes suspiciously at him. Something tells her he knows more than he's letting on. "Okay, thanks" She simple says, both her and Sam make their way out of the room. Y/N limping as Sam helps her. Without their knowledge, Dean was at the corner of the room listening the whole time.
His arms crossed over his chest as he stares at his father with a suspicious look, "Well, you sure know something" Dean mutters knowingly. The guilty expression on his fathers face was easily read by him, he knew the man like the back of his palm. John was hiding something, and Dean was gonna have to be the one to figure it out.
Now at I-83, Sam strolls over to Bobby, his mouth agape when he takes a look at the Impala and Harley. "Oh man" He gasps. "Dean and Y/N are gonna be pissed" He states as Bobby shakes his head at the completely demolished Impala and Harley. "Y/N might blow a gasket, that was the only thing she had left from her dad" Sam sighs sadly.
"Look, Sam, it's- These just ain't worth a tow" Bobby says honestly, walking over to the trunk. He opens it up as Sam goes over to Y/N's bike, stopping down. He pulls off the seat top to empty out the compartment under the seat. "I say we empty the trunk and sell the rest for scrap. Y/N could figure out what to do with her bike when she gets back" Bobby suggests.
Sam shakes his head, going over to the flattened backseat to take out his crushed computer. "No. Dean would kill me if we did that. And y/n would bleach my hair in my sleep" Sam scoffs. "When they get better, they're gonna wanna fix it" He adds, placing the computer on the roof.
"There's nothing to fix. Frames a pretzel. The engines ruined. There's barely any parts worth salvaging" Bobby points out to the Impala. Then turning to the Harley, "The engine is basically a pancake. The only thing here that's worth keeping is the helmet" Bobby points out to the Harley. "Listen to me, Bobby. If there's only one working part, thats enough. We're not just gonna give up on..." Sam trails off, taking a deep breath.
Bobby gives him a sympathetic look before nodding, "Okay. You got it" He responds. Sam sighs and takes the list John gave him out, "Here. Uh...dad asked if you could get this stuff for him" He hands Bobby the list over the top of the Impala. "What John want with this?" Bobby asks, cocking an eyebrow after he scans the list.
"Protection from the demon" Sam shrugs. Bobby has a troubled look on his face and Sam notices this, "What?" He asks. "Oh, nothing. It's just-" Bobby tries to brush it off but Sam cuts him off, "Bobby. What's going on?" Sam asks him firmly. The guilt on Bobby's face was obvious.
Meanwhile, Y/N is sat by Deans bedside, her hand resting gently on his. She strokes the back of his palm with her thumb, her lip quivering. She takes a deep breath, trying not to cry anymore. Dean is in the corner of the room, his heart yearning just to feel her touch. Guilt seeping through, all he could do was watch from a distance. A pained expression on his face.
She sighs before starting, "This is gonna sound crazy....but then again. According to you, I am" She weakly chuckles, a small smile appears on Deans face at her comment. "You sure are" He mutters chuckling. "I don't know if you can hear me, but I think you can. I've been feeling that 'ESP thing' you're always on about. And I want to believe you're here, listening" She says tearfully as Dean listens on.
"Me and Sam. We miss you. And we need you. You're the glue to our families, we'd be nowhere without you....you're one of the strongest people I know, Dean. And I know you can get past this. Screw what the docs are saying, they don't know the things we do" She sobs, bringing his hand to her lips. "They don't know you like I do" She whispers against his knuckles.
Deans heart breaks at her words. "Y/N...." He sighs sadly as she kisses his knuckles. She sniffles slightly, "I miss you, goddamnit. I miss your idiotic jokes. Your horrible yet funny movie references. I miss your cheeky smile when you see pie. I miss your overly sexual corny jokes" She chuckles lightly, Dean shaking his head chuckling along with her. A blush rising to both their faces. "I miss flirting with you back and forth and you getting all flustered." She blushes.
His eyes widen, "I was hoping you didn't notice that" Dean mutters embarrassed, walking over to her. He takes a seat on the bed in front of her. "I'm gonna do something. And you're probably gonna make fun of me. So screw you in advance" She mutters jokingly, bringing her other hand to clasp around his palm in a praying gesture. She closes her eyes slowly, taking a deep breath.
"Son of a bitch...you're gotta be kidding me" Deans agape when he realizes what she's gonna do. "Hey, God...whoever is listening. I don't do this as much as I should. I don't even know how the fuck it start this-oh shit I just cursed. GOSH, sorry. Ugh, I'm terrible at this" She curses herself for swearing while praying. Deans hand is over his mouth trying not to burst into hysterics as she struggles to pray.
"I know I'm doing this in a somewhat selfish situation. But I'm not doing this for me. I'm doing this for Dean. Because he of all people deserve to live. Now he's not prefect, I mean-" She scoffs a bit, "Dean is definitely not perfect" Y/N chuckles shaking her head as Dean rolls his eyes. "But he's got a bigger heart than he likes to admit. He's done nothing but protect me and Sam our whole lives. But no one really protected him, he doesn't deserve this. So I'm begging, I'd get down on my knees if I could" She pleads, tears threatening to fall again.
Dean is speechless that Y/N would go to the extent to pray for him. Despite everything that they've seen in their lives, she was never much of a believer and neither was he. "But he's family. And if you really are an all knowing type of God. You'll know, he deserves to walk out of here without a scratch. Please. We need him.....I need him" Y/N prays tearfully. "Amen" She finishes, opening her eyes that are red and burning. Still swollen from that demon attack.
Her gaze rests on Dean laying in the bed. While she was praying, Dean was sobbing the entire time, unbeknownst to her. "You can make fun of me for that all you want, when you get better" She whispers to Dean on the bed, smiling, she brings her hand slowly to the crown on his head. Caressing his short dark blonde hair gently.
Tears flowing down his face, he kneels in-front of her chair.
Then resting his hand gently on her cheek, "Princess..." Dean whispers. Y/N jumps slightly, a cold yet soothing warmth filling her body. She could've sworn she heard him call out to her. Dean is surprised when she felt him touch her this time. Her gaze falls to the exact spot Dean is knelt down at. Her eyes wide and his eyes wide. She still can't see him but she could feel the drift of a touch. "Charming?" She whispers shocked.
John is sat at the foot of Deans hospital bed, his eyes filled with sorrow as he looks at his elder son, fighting for his life, hooked up to a bunch of machines. Y/N was asleep on the couch across from the bed, her right sprained knee propped on the couch, with her left leg dangling off the edge. A crutch she stole from the medical closet was leaned up against the wall.
Deans spirit enters the room, "Come on, Dad. You gotta help me" Dean pleads but John can't hear him. "I gotta get better, I gotta get back in there" He stresses, his eyes trained on John's face filled with despair. "I mean, you haven't called a soul for help. You haven't even tried. Aren't you gonna do anything?" Dean painfully scoffs.
"Aren't you even gonna say anything?!" He snaps angrily, John's eyes still resting on his son on the bed. Dean shakes his head angrily, "I've done everything you and f/n have every asked me. Everything! I've given everything I've ever had! And you're just gonna sit there and you're gonna watch me die?!" Dean yells painfully. "What the hell kind of father are you?!" He snaps.
A rumbling sound outside catches Deans attention, cutting him monologue short. "What is that?" He mutters, turning around. He steps out of the room, only for something that looked like a spirit to come flying past him. He jumps back, turning to John and a sleeping Y/N on the couch. "I take it you two didn't see that" He mutters, chasing after the spirit.
He speed walks down the hall, looking for the spirit he just say. He felt a gust of air behind him along with a whooshing sound. Turning around to see the ghostly transport figure turn the corner. He rushes after it, stumbling upon a room to see a woman gasping and choking on the ground. "Help. Help. Help!" She pleads, convulsing.
"Hey! I need some help in here!" Dean calls for help but no one could hear him. "I..can't...breathe..." The woman chokes for air. Dean rushes over to her, stooping next to her. He tries to give her CPR but his hand goes right through her. Her gasping stops suddenly, Deans eyes widen in horror at this.
Later, Sam came back from Bobby's and told y/n what the list was actually about. Both pissed beyond shit. Y/N limps into John's room on the crutch, Sam infront of her, his bag draped over his shoulder with the items. A stoic expression on both their faces. Dean enters the room frantically behind them. "Sammy, y/n/n. Tell me you two can freaking hear me. There's something in the hospital! Now you gotta bring me back and we all gotta hunt this thing" Dean tries to warn them but they can't hear him.
Sam just rests his bag down on the chair, his back turnt to John, his eyes trained outside the window. "Sam! Y/N!" Dean calls out for them. Since entering the room. Sam and Y/N haven't said a word. Y/N leans on the crutches at the foot of John's bed, glaring at him. "You two are quiet" John states. Y/N's eye twitches angrily, her jaw clenched.
As Sam turns to his father, a aggravated look on his face. He tosses the bag onto of the bed by Johns foot. "You think we wouldn't find out?" He snaps. "What are you talking about?" John feigns confusion. "Cut the crap, John." Y/N snaps back. "That stuff from Bobby. You don't use it to ward off a demon. You use it to summon one" She states, fuming with rage. John's face drops, caught redhanded.
"You're planning on bringing the demon here. Having some stupid, macho showdown!" Sam yells angrily. "I have a plan, kids" John says calmly. "That's exactly our point. Dean is dying and you have a plan!" Y/N yells as Dean walks over to the bed next to her, a scared look on his face as the three argue.
"You know what? You care about killing this demon, more than do you your own son!" Sam shouts at the top of his lungs, pointing to the door and back to John. "Come on guys. Don't do this!" Dean pleads but they can't hear him. "Do not tell me how I feel! I am doing this for Dean!" John shouts back defensively. "How?!" Sam and Y/N exclaim in unison. "How is revenge gonna help him?! You're not thinking about anybody but yourself. It's the same selfish obsession!" Sam adds angrily.
Dean places his hand on his head stressed, "Please guys, don't do this!" Dean pleads, anger building in him. "This demon killed your mother and it killed your mother too, y/n! It killed your girlfriend, Sam! You begged me to be apart of this hunt!" John barks at the two younger hunters, their faces contorting painfully.
He then turns to Sam. "Now if you killed that damn thing when you had the chance, none of this would've happened!" John further adds. Sam grimaces, stepping closer to John. "It was possessing you, Dad. I would've killed you too!" Sam growls. "Yeah and your brother would be awake!" John retorts. Their faces dropped at this. "Go to hell" Sam grits his teeth at John.
Y/N's eyes widen at Sam's words. "Okay, that's enough!". "Shut up all of you!!" Y/N and Dean yell at the same time. She puts her free hand infront of Sam, trying to push him out of the room. "Let's go Sam!" She tries to get him out. "You know, I should've never taken you along in the first place. I knew it was a mistake!" John seethes through his teeth as Y/N tries to pull Sam out of the room.
"I said, SHUT UP!!!" Dean bellows, absolutely fed up of the bickering. He slaps John's glass of water off the table, the glass smashes into pieces on the ground. The three conscious hunters head snap in the direction of the glass breaking. Their argument cutting short. They all look at each other shocked and confused, mirroring Deans expression.
"Dude, I full-on Swayze'd that motherfucker" Dean mutters proudly but still shocked. "I knew it" Y/N gasps, realization hitting her like that truck. "Sam, take a walk" Y/N instructs him calmly. Sam's gaze snaps to her, "But, I-" He goes to further argue but she cuts him off. "Take a walk, Samuel!" She snaps firmly, pointing to the door, the three Winchester men eyes widen at her tone, now realizing she's serious.
He nods obediently before giving his father one last glare before walking out the door to head to Deans room. When Sam finally leaves, y/n turns to John. Pure fury in her eyes. "Listen, y/n. I don't wanna hear i-" John goes to say but she cuts him off with a huff. "No. You're gonna listen to me, John Winchester. Because I'm not your kid who's gonna take your crap. And I'm certainly not, Dean" She clenches her jaw angrily.
Dean is still at the corner of the room, his mouth agape at the fact that Y/N is standing up to his father for him. "Excuse me?" John scoffs baffled by her tone. "You heard me." She snaps back. "Dean has done NOTHING but WORSHIP the ground you and dad walked on from day one! And this is how you repay him?! You just toss him away like trash?!" Y/N growls enraged. John's chests heaves with anger, clenching his jaw as the guilt rises in him.
"No you don't get to tell me t-!" John goes to argue but she cuts him off. "How bout for once, instead of being a drill sergeant, you be a father?!" She exclaims exasperatedly. His mouth snaps shut again, speechless. John's eyes doesn't meet hers, his head bowed in shame. "I mean, Dean does everything you ask him to. If you ask him to jump off a bridge and it means saving the world. He would swan dive straight off without hesitation, just to make you happy!" She further reiterates.
"Your.Son.Is.Dying." Y/N grits her teeth, tears threatening to fall out her eyes again. "And he needs you. Right now, it's not Sam he wants. And it sure as hell ain't me. It's you, John" She sighs. John's tear filled eyes finally meets her, "Just please, go hold his hand and tell him it'll be okay. You never know what could happen" She pleads with him. John nods tearfully, grief stricken.
Dean felt a sense of admiration, his heart swelling as he stares at the scene unfolding in-front of him. Y/N cared about him, that's all he could ever ask for. "You're right" He admits, sniffling back tears. She's shocked from this and so is Dean. "You're damn right I am" She says firmly. At that second, Dean begins to feel a pain in his mid section. He falls to the ground knee first, groaning in pain. The image of his spirit fading. Y/N and John notice some nurses and doctors rushing down the halls.
"What-" Dean mutters, gasping in pain. "Something's going on out there. Go check it out" John tells her urgently. She nods before making her way out of the room. She reaches to Deans room to see Sam standing in-front of it, tears in his eyes. Limping towards Sam on her crutches, she asks, "Sammy, what's-" She goes to ask, her statement cutting short when she sees some nurses and doctors around Deans body.
He was coding and the doctors were shocking him to get his heartbeat back. "No" Y/N gasps tearfully. Clutching onto Sam, both their hearts breaking at the sight. "Clear!" A nurse exclaims, shocking Dean with the paddles. "Still no pulse" Another nurse says. "Come on, Dean. Come on!" Sam prays, as he holds y/n up. Both crying as y/n's head lays on his shoulder. "Okay, let's go again. 360" The doctor instructs.
"Charging" the nurse obliges. "All clear?" The doctor asks, resting the paddles to Deans chests. "Clear!" The nurse responds, the doctor then shocking Dean. Sam and Y/N look on in tears as the doctors shock Dean but he's not coming to. Deans spirit emerges from behind them. His eyes widening when he sees the spirit from earlier hovering above his body. "Get the hell away from me!" He bellows angrily.
"Stay back!" He yells, running into the room past Sam and Y/N. The spirit still hovers over Dean, "I SAID GET BACK!!!" Dean screams, grabbing onto the spirit, only to be tossed into the wall. The spirit turns to look at him before disapparating out of the room. Dean rushes after it and then the nurse says, "We have a pulse. We're back into sinus rhythm" to the doctor. Sam and Y/N let out a harsh breath of relief.
Meanwhile, Dean is canvassing the halls. Looking desperately for the spirit. He's unsuccessful so he goes back to his room to see Sam and Y/N still there. Tears still in their eyes as they stare at the machine monitoring Deans heartbeat. "Don't worry Sammy and y/n/n. I'm not going anywhere. I'm getting that thing before it gets me" Dean assures them but they can't hear him.
However y/n feels a familiar chill to her right side, the side where Deans standing. She looks over quickly, only to see there's no one there. "It's some kind of spirit but I could grab it. And if I could grab it, I can kill it" He adds. Sam notices y/n look over to her right side. Feeling almost the exact same chill but not as strong.
"Did you feel that too??" Sam asks her quietly. She nods shakily, "Yeah..." She whispers. Dean smiles a bit, hopeful that they'll find a way to communicate with him.
Dean wanders down the halls, the sound of a woman's voice drawing him out of his sullen mood. "Can't you see me?!" The woman yells frustrated. "Why won't you look at me?!" The woman further yells. Dean huffs in irritation, "Now what?" He grumbles, following after the sound of her voice.
He ends up at the stairs near the receptionist he was earlier, "Somebody talk to me! Say something, please!" A young beautiful woman, dressed similar to Dean tries to get the attention of people in the hospital but she's unsuccessful. "Can you see me?!" Dean asks her. She turns around shocked. "Yeah" She breathes out relieved.
Hope rises in Deans chest, "Hi, just uh...calm down" He says to her gently. "What's your name?" He asks. "Tessa" She responds a bit shakily. "Okay, good. Tessa. I'm Dean" He introduces himself. "What's happening to me?" Tessa asks fearfully. Dean felt pity towards the girl, she wasn't aware of anything going on. "Am I- Am I dead?" She stutters, her voice breaking. "That sort of depends" Dean responds honestly.
They're now infront of Tessa's room. Her physical body also on life support like Dean. A woman next to her bed who Tessa makes out to be her mother. "I don't understand. I just came in for an appendectomy" She says confused. "I hate to bear bad news but....I think there were some complications" Dean says awkwardly. "It's just a dream. That's all. This is just...a very weird...unbelievably vivid dream" Tessa tries to convince herself firmly.
Dean gives the girl a sympathetic look, "Tessa. It's not a dream" He says honestly. Her face drops, "Then what else could it be?" She asks him. Dean hesitated to answer, trying to find the right words, "You ever heard of an out-of-body experience?" He asks her but she shakes her head. "What are you, some New Age-y guy?" Tessa huffs.
Dean scoffs, "You see me messing with crystals or listening to Yanni?" He retorts. She looks down shaking her head, "It's actually a very old idea. It's got a lot of names. Bilocation, crisis apparition, fetches. I think it's happening to us" He explain to her calmly. "And if it is....it means that we're spirits of people close to death" He adds. Tessas eyes widen in fear, turning back to look at her body and then back to Dean.
"So we're gonna die?" She asks, "No. not if we hold on. Our bodies can get better. You can snap right back in there and wake up" Dean responds firmly. She looks at him hesitantly.
"What do you mean you guys 'felt something'?" John asks Sam and y/n who are explaining what they felt earlier. "I mean..." Y/N sighs, looking between the two of them nervously. "Go on sweetheart" John urges her. She sighs before starting, "I mean, when I was in Deans room earlier. I was praying" She begins. "You prayed?" Sam cocks his eyebrow, surprised at this.
"Yes. Shut up" She huffs, rolling her eyes as Sam puts him hands up in surrender. "As I was saying" She says exasperated. "I was praying. And when I finished, I felt this kind of chill on my cheek and it spread to the rest of my body. I was sitting at his bedside and I could've sworn I heard someone say 'Princess' " She adds, giving them a knowing look. Their eyes widen.
"The only person on this earth that calls me that is Dean. And the same thing happened after the doctors got his pulse back. Sam said he felt it too" Y/N tries to further explain. "Exactly, it felt like...Dean. Like he was there but just out of eyeshot" Sam defends her point. "I don't know if our psychic thing or what. But do you think it's even possible? You think his spirit could be around?" Y/N asks John.
John smiles slightly, "Anything's possible" He says nodding. "Well, there's one way to find out" Sam says firmly. "What's that?" Y/N asks confused. "You'll see, let's go" He says vaguely, helping her out of the room. "I've got it. I'm not a child" She grumbles, slapping his arm out of the way as she limps using her stolen crutch. Y/N hates the feeling of being helpless, she appreciates Sam's helpfulness but it still sucks.
"Okay Thumbelina, if you fall I'm not picking you up" He retorts, putting his hands up in surrender. She narrows his eyes at him, huffing because of the smug look on his face. "Shut it, little Winchester" She huffs. "Where are you guys going?" John asks them. "I gotta go pick something up. I'll be back" Sam responds. "Wait, kids" John calls out to them as they go to walk out.
They turn back to him, "I promise, I won't hunt this demon. Not until we know Deans okay" John promises. They share a look before nodding firmly, now headed out of John's room.
"I gotta say, I'm impressed" Dean says to Tessa as they wander down the halls. "With what?" She asks confused. "You. You know, most people in your spout would be Jell-O by now, but you're taking this pretty well. Maybe better than me" He responds. "Don't get me wrong. I was pretty freaked at first. But...now I don't know. Maybe, I'm dealing" She turns to him, sighing.
"So you're okay with dying?" Dean cocks his eyebrow at this suspiciously. "No, of course not" Tessa scoffs. "I just think, whatever's gonna happen is gonna happen. It's out of my control. It's just fate" She puts it simple while Dean nods, the look on his face is not convinced with what she's dishing out. "Now that's crap" Dean blurts out, causing Tessa's face to drop.
"You always have a choice. You could either roll over and die or you keep fighting no matter wh-" Dean begins to say firmly but stops mid sentence when he hears a woman over the PA say, "Dr. Kripke to Room 237. Code blue. Dr. Kripke.." as some nurses and doctors rush to the room. Dean turns and begins to follow behind him.
"Dean, where are you going?" Tessa asks panicked. He turns to her, "Just wait here" He says calmly before turning back to run behind the doctors. He reaches a room where a little girl is being resuscitated, "Give me another amp of epi please" A doctor says to the nurse, Deans face is contorted with horror at the sight of the little girl dying. His eyes flicker above her to see the spirit that was hovering over him earlier, hovering over her.
"Get away from her!" Dean growls, reaching over to grab the spirit but it disapparates quickly. He watches as the doctors try to restart her heart but they're failing.
"Come on"
"Still nothing"
"Alright, let's call it"
"Time of death, 5:11 p.m."
"At least she's not suffering anymore"
Reality hits Dean, his heart paining because the little girl just lost her life. And soon enough, whether he wants to accept it or not. That could be him.
Y/N has her head laid on Deans bed, sitting on the chair next to it. Half asleep as Sam walks into the room with a paper bag, "Hey, wake up" Sam says gently, reaching over to shake her shoulder lightly. She shoots up startled, "Huh, what? I'm awake" Babbling sleepily, wiping the drool from her mouth. Sam shakes his head with a small smile on his face.
Heart warmed from the fact that y/n refused to leave Deans side this entire time. It's a stressful day for all of them and he's surprised she hasn't reached for her pack of cigarettes yet. "What's that?" Y/N asks, pointing to the paper bag in Sams hand as she yawns. Sam sighs deeply, looking over at Dean. "We think maybe Deans around, and if he is....you both will make fun over me for this but um...." He pauses, looking down at the bag.
He reaches in to pull out an Ouija Board, "But there's one way we all can talk" Sam says. Dean scoffs behind him, the two still not seeing him as Y/N shoots Sam an unimpressed look. "Oh you gotta be kidding me" Dean and Y/N mutter in unison. Sam beckons y/n over to the foot of Deans bed, taking a seat on the ground cross legged.
"It's our only option y/n/n" Sam defends. "It's an ouija board, Sammy. I feel like I'm in a slumber party" Y/N scoffs as Dean chuckles at her humor. Sam gives her a pleading look, her face softens at his desperation before sighing. She obliged, limping over to the foot of the bed. Dean scoffs, "Come on, one puppy dog look from him and you're jello" Dean rolls his eyes, feeling a bit jealous.
"Here, let me..." Sam helps her to the ground to take a seat across from him. "Don't you forget who thought you that puppy dog look" Y/N points at him firmly as Sam smirks lightly. He takes the board out of the box and places it between him and y/n. They place their fingers in the planchette. As y/n touches the board, a slightly tingly feeling creeps up her fingers and down her spine. "Dean?" Sam calls out to him brother. "Dean, are you here?" Y/N calls out.
She sighs, "Well, that's a bust. How bout we braid each others hair, Sam?" Y/N retorts jokingly with a cheeky causing Dean and Sam to shake their heads amused, "We might as well break out into pillow fights" Dean mutters, taking a seat on the other side of the board, he sits crossed legged like Sam. "Alright, guys. This isn't gonna work" Dean then places his fingers on the planchette like them.
She gasps lightly the second he touches it, a surge of power running through her. She quickly pulls her hands away. "What's wrong?" Sam asks her concerned. She's still shaken, not sure why she did. "I thought I felt- Nothing" She responds, slowly putting her hands back. Dean cocks his eyebrows at this and then slightly begins to move it towards the 'Yes' on the board. Sam and Y/N scoff in relief, "Y/N...if that's you moving it- " Sam says warily.
"I'm fucked up, Sam but I'm not that fucked up. That ain't me" She mutters back. Dean is stunned that it worked. "I'll be damned" Dean mutters. Sam and Y/N smile at each other, chuckling in relief. "Oh, It's good to hear from you, charming" Y/N says softly, her heart swelling. A smile takes over Deans face. "It hasn't been the same without you, Dean" Sam says tearfully. "Damn straight" Dean responds.
In that moment, a white flash engulfs y/n's eyes. She gasps in pain, tilting her head towards the ceiling. "Y/N?!" Sam calls out for her concerned. His face is etched in horror when he notices her eyes are pure white. Dean is stunned, "What's going on?!" He asks. His voice filled her ears, as if it was her favorite song. Her eyes widen, settled in Deans direction.
Her fingers remain on the board, "Dean?" She whispers shakily, absolutely taken back that she could see Dean now. "Y/N? You can see me?!" Dean is shaken. She nods tearfully as Sam looks confused, "Can you see him?" Sam asks baffled. "Yeah" She croaks. "Oh thank g-" Dean goes to reach over to hug her but she stops him. "No, don't!" Y/N says, making him holt in position.
He looks at her confused. "I think us touching this is why I can see you" She says calmly. Dean nods understandably, "I'm just happy you can see me" Dean sighs as y/n smiles tearfully. "Me too" She sniffles. "How can you see and hear him but I can't?" Sam asks confused, a bit heartbroken he can't see his brother. "I don't know, but I can communicate for us now" She says hopefully.
"There's a spirit in the hospital. We need to hunt it" Dean quickly tells her. Her eyebrows raised at this, "A hunt? You're hunting" She gasps. "A hunt?" Sam asks. Y/N nods, "He said there's a spirit in the hospital and we have to hunt it" Y/N reiterates Deans words. "Ask him what kind of spirit is it" Sam tells her. She nods, "What kind of spirit do you think it is?" Y/N asks him.
"A reaper. I don't think it's killing people, I think it's taking them. You know...when their time is just up" Dean responds. Her heart drops, tears welling up in her eyes again, "So you think...it's after you?" She whispers. "It is" Dean says sadly. "What did he say?" Sam asks. "Oh, sorry. It's a reaper. And it's after him" Y/N says. Sams heart drops painfully.
"If it's here naturally...there's no way to stop it" Sam says in a solemn tone. "Yeah, you can't kill death" Dean sighs. "Dean, you're uh-" Y/N stutters. "I'm screwed, babe" Dean responds pessimistic. "No. No no no." She says firmly. "There's got to be a way" Sam insists, shaking his head he takes his hand off of the board. "Dad'll know what to do" Sam says, getting up from the ground.
"Where are you going?" Y/N asks, her hand still on the board as Dean looks on. "Dads room" Sam answers, leaving Dean and y/n in the room. They look at each other tearfully, "You'll be okay" Y/N insists. Dean shakes his head sighing, "I'm gonna make sure of it" She says firmly. Dean smiles sadly, "Thanks princess" He says tearfully before taking his hands off of the board, disapparating infront of y/n's eyes, tears brim at her eyes.
Finally allow herself to break down again. Her chest aching. She already lost her dad, she couldn't bare to lose Dean too. Deans heart swells painfully as Y/N cries into her hands because he probably isn't gonna make it. But Dean hasn't given up, he's determined to find a way to protect him family, to be there for them. One way or another, he's gonna make it.
Sam enters John's room in a rush, only to see the bed empty, his father no where in sight, "Dad?" Sam whispers in confusion.
In that exact moment, John enters the boiler room of the hospital. One of his arms in a sling, the other carrying the bag of stuff he asked Bobby to get for him. He rests it down in the middle of the room, groaning from the pain coursing through his body. He kneels and takes out some chalk and begins drawing a line with a circle on one end of the line, possibly a trap for the demon.
Y/N hears the door open and quickly wipe her tears away, "Hey, so dad wasn't in his room" Sam tells her whilst helping her up from the ground she was still on, "Where is he?" She and Dean ask in unison worried, dusting herself off as she uses the crutch to balance. "I don't know. But I got Dad's journal, so who knows? Maybe there's something in here" He tells her, taking a seat on Deans bed while she sits on the chair she was on earlier.
Dean moves closer as Sam flips through the journal and that's when she felt the chill she got earlier. She's pretty sure Dean is standing next to them. "Thanks for not giving up on me, guys" Dean says gratefully, although they can't hear him anymore. He takes a look at his vegetative state on the bed, painfully grimacing.
Sam then flips to a page about reapers, Deans face contorts in disbelief when he reads off of the page, shaking his head he mutters, "Son of a bitch" before running out of the room to look for Tessa. Leaving Sam and Y/N in the room. Dean trudges down the hall, back to Tessa's room only to now see her dressed in a black pantsuit, the room empty, not a soul in sight.
"Hi Dean" Tessa says in a solemn tone as she leans on the hospital bed. "You know, you read the most interesting things." Dean grits his teeth. "For example, did you know that reapers can alter human perception?" Dean states ironically, offering a sarcastic chuckle as Tessa looks at him guilt ridden. "I sure didn't" He scoffs.
She doesn't answer so he continues, walking closer to her. "Basically, they can make themselves appear however they want. Like, say a....a pretty girl" He points out, calling her out on her true identity. "You're much prettier than the last reaper I met" Dean states angrily, a small smile appearing on Tessa's face. "I was wondering when you'd figure it out" She says calmly.
Dean shakes his head, "I should've known. That whole 'accepting fate' rap of your is farrr too laidback for a dead chick. But you know, the mother and the body, I'm still trying to figure that one out" He further says. "It's my sandbox. I can make you see whatever I want" She simply puts it. "What is this, like, a turn on for you? Huh? Toying with me?" He spits angrily.
"You didn't give me much choice. You saw my true form and you flipped out. Kinda hurts a girls feelings" She shrugs as Dean looks at her with disbelief. "This was the only way I could get you to talk to me" Tessa says calmly. "Okay, fine. We're talking. The hell do you wanna talk about?" Dean spits. Tessa gets up from the bed and moves closer to Dean.
"How death is nothing to fear" She says, bringing her hand up to place it on his cheek. "It's your time to go, Dean. And you're living on borrowed time already" She says calmly as she strokes his cheek. Dean shakes his head, refusing to believe it.
Meanwhile, John set up an altar with red candles. A pentagon with circles at each point, red candles in each circle. He sits crossed legged in front of it, chanting an incantation in Latin, trying to summon the demon. He pulls out his knife, pressing the blade to his palm, digging it into his skin as he groans from the pressure and pain, continuing to chant the incantation as the blood drips into the bowl with the ingredients he made Bobby get.
He then strikes a match, before finishing the incantation. Dropping the lit match into the bowl, it lights aflame for a couple seconds before diminishing. John gets up from the altar and warily looks around the room for any signs on the demon. His heart stops when a man grabs his shoulder of a sudden, "What the hell are you doing down here buddy?" The man asks him suspiciously.
"I can explain" John quickly tries to come up with a lie. "Yeah? You're gonna explain to Security. Come on, follow me" The man says firmly, proceeding to usher John out. But he narrows his eyes at the man before smirking, he then cocks the Colt in his direction. "Hey!" The man turns around, eyes wide at the gun trained in his direction.
"How stupid do you think I am?" John smirks smugly. The man's eyes turn to a flash of yellow, a wide smirk taking over his face. "You really want an honest answer to that?" The man chuckles as two demon possessed doctors emerge from the background. "You conjuring me, John. I'm surprised. I took you for a lot of things....but suicidally reckless wasn't one of them" The yellow eyed demon smirks menacingly, mocking John.
"I could always shoot you" John retorts, mimicking his tone. "You could always miss" The demon smiles, pretending to try to take the gun away from John before chuckling darkly. "And you only got one try, don't you?" The demon winks at him. "Did you really think you could trap me?" The demon says smugly.
"Oh, I don't wanna trap you" John smirks, uncocking the hun. He lowers it, "I wanna make a deal" John says simply. The demons eyes widen in shock but his smile also widens.
Sam and Y/N are still in Dean's room, "Dean. Are you here?" Y/N calls out for Dean but she doesn't feel or see anything. She looks over at Sam sadly and shakes her head. "We couldn't find anything in the book, I don't know how we can help you" Sam stresses, talking to Dean as he takes a seat on the couch. He rakes his hands through his hair nervously. "But we'll keep trying, alright?" Y/N adds. Resting her hand on the crown of his head.
"As long as you keep fighting" She says gently as she strokes his hair. "I mean, come on. You can't leave me and Sam all alone with John. They'll kill each other. You know that" Y/N jokes lightly, chuckling painfully. Sam cracks a smile at this. "We'll probably send y/n to an early grave because we stressed her out so much" Sam adds jokingly, earning a scoffed chuckle from y/n.
"I give it two weeks tops" She chuckles shaking her head. Their smiles drop slowly, "Dean, you gotta hold on. You can't go, man. Not now. We were just starting to be brothers again" Sam whispers tearfully. Y/N gives him a sympathetic look, "Can you hear me?" Sam sobs lowly, his head bowed in his hands. Y/N sighs, getting up from her chair.
She slowly limps to the couch, settling next to her best friend. She then wraps one of her arms around his shoulder comfortingly, "He never stopped being your brother, Sammy" She says gently. This makes whatever Sam was holding onto break. The dam inside of his just started flowing. He buries his head in her shoulder sobbing. "He'll be okay" She tries to convince not only Sam, but herself. Stroking his hair as he sobs painfully.
Back in the room with Tessa, "Look, I'm sure you've heard this before but...you gotta make an exception. You gotta cut me a break" Dean pleads with the reaper as he looks out the window. "Stage 3, bargaining" Tessa says. He turns to her. "I'm serious" He says. "My family's in danger. See we're kind of in the middle of this....um...war. And they need me" He tries to explain.
"The fights over" Tessa says calmly. "No it isn't" Dean insists. "It is for you" She states making his heart drop. "Dean, you're not the first soldier I've plucked from the field. They all feel the same. They can't leave. Victory hangs in the balance. But they're wrong" She further elaborates. "The battle goes on without them" She assures him.
"My brother. Y/N. They could die without me" Dean pleads. "Maybe they will. Maybe they won't. Nothing you can do about it" She tells him honestly. Deans face drops, he turns away not answering her. "It's an honorable death. A warriors death" She tries to persuade him. "I think I'll pass on the 72 virgins, thanks. I'm not that into prude chicks anyways" Dean scoffs, covering up his sorrow with humor.
"That's funny. You're very cute." Tessa smiles. "There's no such thing as an honorable death. My corpse is gonna rot in the ground. My family is gonna die!" Dean bellows. "No. I'm not going with you. I don't care what you do" Dean says firmly, shaking his head. Tessa sighs and moves closer to him. "Well, like you said. There's always a choice. I can't make you come with me. But...you're not getting back in your body. And that's just facts." She states.
Dean looks at her confused, "So, yes. You can stay...you'll stay here for years...disembodied, scared. And over the decades, it'll probably drive you mad. Maybe you'll even get violent" She says calmly. "What are you saying?" Dean asks fearfully, not wanting to believe what she's saying. "Dean...how do you think angry spirits are born? They can't let go and they can't move on. And you're about to become one" She explains. Realization dawns on Dean, "The same thing you hunt" She adds. His heart stops, fearing he'll end up a vengeful spirit.
Back in the boiler room, "It's very unseemly. Making deals with devils. How do I know this isn't just another trick?" The yellow eyed demon says suspiciously, "It's not trick. I will give you the Colt and the bullet...but you gotta help Dean" John says firmly. The demon moves closer to the patriarch Winchester. "You gotta bring him back." John says.
"Why, John, you're a sentimentalist. If only your boys knew how much their daddy loved them" The demon grins widely, John doesn't allow his words to get to him. "It's a good trade. You care a hell of a lot more about this gun than you do Dean" John says plainly. "Don't be so sure. He killed some people very special to me" The demon growls as John smiles smugly.
"But still, you're right. He isn't much of a threat. And neither is your other son, of course" The demon smirks. "Their little hot friend though, she is a gamble....I can't read her cards. But I will eventually" He smiles widely as John's smile falters, moving closer to John. "You know the truth, right? About Sammy, y/n/n and the other children?" The demon asks.
"Yeah. I've known for a while" John responds in a low tone. "But they don't, do they? You and f/n have been playing dumb" The demon presses. "Can you bring Dean back? Yes or no?" John grits his teeth angrily, glaring at him, not wanting to talk about this subject further. "No. But I know someone who can. It's not a problem" The demon responds with a dark smile.
"Good" John responds plainly, still glaring at him. "And before I give you the gun, I'm gonna wanna make sure that Deans okay, with my own eyes" He bargains. "Oh, John, I'm offended. Don't you trust me?" The demon feigns innocence in a mock hurt tone. John just scoffs, "Fine." The demon obliges. "So we have a deal?" John asks. "No, John, not yet. You still need to sweeten the pot" The demon growls.
"With what?" John scoffs. The demon glares at him, getting up into his face. "There's something else I want as much as that gun. Maybe more" The demon says in a menacing tone. John gulps fearfully but keeps his game face on.
Dean and Tessa are sat on the hospital bed, "It's time to put the pain behind you" Tessa is still trying to convince Dean, caressing his hair gently. The way she's doing it right now, it doesn't seem to bring comfort to him. Part of his is wishing it was Y/N comforting him. All he wants to see is that beautiful cheeky smile on her face one last time before he kicks the bucket. "And go where?" Dean asks, his face filled with despair.
"Sorry. I can't give away the big punchline" Tessa says softly, taking her hand off of him. "Moment of truth....so what's it going to be?" She asks him. Dean hesitates for a second before turning to Tessa. He doesn't get a chance to answer because the lights in the room started to flicker, the electricity began buzzing.
They look around in worry, "What are you doing that for?" Dean asks her fearfully. She looks over at him confused, "I'm not doing it" She tells him. Their eyes flicker over to the vent when they see a black cloudy smoke coming out from it. It begins to engulf Tessa."What the hell?" Dean mutters confused. "You can't do this! Get away!!" She screams pained as Dean looks on, eyes wide with terror.
"What's happening?!" He screams fearfully as the cloud enters Tessa's mouth, the reaper screams as it does so. She then turns to Dean in a snap, with now yellow eyes. "Todays your lucky day, kid" before resting her hand on his forehead. Deans eyes widen, groaning in pain.
Back in his hospital room, Y/N is still consoling a broken Sam. Dean gasps awake, causing their heads to snap up in his direction. "Dean?!" They exclaim surprised as Dean chokes on the tubes in his mouth. "Help!!! We need help!!!!" Y/N screams for help from the doctors.
"I can't explain it. The edemas vanished, the internal contusions are healed. Your vitals are good" The doctor explains as he reads from the file after doing a fully body work on Dean. He's stunned by this and so are they. "You got some kind of angel watching over you" The doctor comments, still in disbelief. "Thanks doc" Dean thanks him before the doctor walks out of the room.
"You guys said a reaper was after me?" Dean asks the two younger hunters. "Yeah" Sam responds. "I saw you, full form everything. You talked to me. It was weird, I'm not gonna lie" Y/N says. "How?" Dean asks her surprised. "Beats me" She scoffs. "How'd I ditch the reaper though?" He asks them. "You got me." Sam responds shaking his head. "Dean, you really don't remember anything?" Y/N asks him again but he shakes his head.
"No, except this pit in my stomach" Dean responds, looking over at them. "Guys, something's wrong" Dean insists. A knocking on the door draws their attention, they turn to see John leaning on the door frame. "How you feeling, dude?" John asks his elder son with a smile. "Fine, I guess. I'm alive" Dean responds. "That's what matters" John says softly with a content smile.
"Where were you last night?" Sam asks his father suspiciously. "I had some things to take care of" John responds vaguely. "Well, that's specific" Sam retorts sarcastically. This makes y/n shake her head scoffing,  "Come on, Sam" Dean groans. "Did you go after the demon?" Sam asks. "No" John lies. "You know, why don't I believe you right now?" Sam picks an argument as Dean and Y/N shake their heads.
John sighs and enters the room, "Can we not fight?" John pleads. The three younger hunters look at him surprised when a smile takes his face over, "You know, half the time we're fighting. I don't know what we're fighting about. We're just butting heads" John chuckles, Sam is beyond taken back. "Sammy, I've- I've made some mistakes. But I've always done the best I could." John says tearfully.
Dean turns his head to his father in suspicion as Y/N narrows her eyes at John. "I just don't wanna fight anymore, okay?" John says calmly. The boys have no idea how to respond, "John, are you alright?" Y/N asks him concerned. He just smiles wider, a content look on his face. "Yeah. I'm just a little tired" John nods smiling, she isn't convinced but they take the bait.
"Hey, Sam. Would you mind- uh. Would you mind getting me a cup of caffeine?" John asks him younger son. "Yeah. Yeah sure" Sam says hesitantly before looking over at Dean and walking out the room. The silence is a little awkward so y/n gets up from her chair. "I'm gonna, uh, catch up with Sam and give you two some privacy" Y/N says, balancing herself on the crutch. John gives her a grateful smile.
"You take it easy, alright sweetheart?" John says to her gently. She looks at him confused before he engulfs her in a hug. She's taken back by this as Deans eyebrows shoot to the sky. "Uh, yeah. I will, Mr. Winchester" She chuckles awkwardly, patting his back. When John pulls away, "It's John" He smiles. She smiles back, "Sorry, John" She responds, guilt rising in her chest.
"And I'm sorry about yelling at you" She apologizes sincerely. "It's alright, we were all stressed. You've been through a lot already." He smiles, giving her a sympathetic look. "Thanks" Y/N sighs in relief gratefully before she limps out of the room. Y/N and Dean share a confused look from behind Johns back. She mouths, 'What the fuck?' To Dean who just shrugs.
He notices the look of despair on his fathers face and breaks the ice, "What is it?" Dean asks him. John sighs, "You know, when you were a kid...me and f/n come home from a hunt. And after what I'd seen, I'd be....I'd be wrecked" He admits. A tearful smile on his face, "And you....you'd come up to me and you'd put your hand on my shoulder, and you'd look me in the eye, and you-" John holds back a sob, tears brimming in his eyes threatening to fall.
"You'd say, 'It's okay, Dad' ". He smiles tearfully. Dean doesn't know how to answer, "Dean....I'm sorry" John apologizes sincerely. "For what?" Dean asks. "You shouldn't have had to say that to me. I should've been saying that to you" John says honestly. "You know, I put- I put too much on your shoulders, I made you grow up too fast. You took care of Sam and Y/N, and you took care of me and F/N. You did that. And you didn't complain, not once" John says proudly.
"I just want you to know...that I am so proud of you" John sniffles. "This really you talking?" Dean asks warily, not expecting any of this from his father. "Yeah. Yeah it's really me" John responds smiling as he sniffles. "Why are you saying this stuff?" Dean asks. John just sighs and takes a seat on his sons bed. He then reaches into his pocket and pulls out an old red velvet box, Dean is confused when John hands it to him.
"Dad, what's this?" He asks his father when he opens it to see white gold princess-cut ring, the diamond was small but dazzling. The band was thin but sturdy. "It's your mothers wedding ring" John answers. Deans eyes snap up to his fathers in shock. "Why are you giving me this?" Dean asks his father stunned. "Because it's always been with me and the right person to give it to is my eldest son" John smiles.
His eyes flickers to the door then back to Dean, "And I think you and I both know, who the right person for you to give that to is" He gives his son a knowing look, Deans heart swells at this. "I- I don't k-" Dean stutters, his eyes trained on the gorgeous ring. "It's okay son" John assures him chuckling. "Y/N is an amazing girl. She didn't leave your side for one second, and might I mention, came to your defense without hesitation and gave me a hefty piece of her mind" John chuckles shaking his head.
"I don't know what to say that" Dean says still taken back. John smiles, resting a hand on his shoulder. "Just promise me you'll watch out for Sammy and y/n/n, okay?" John orders him gently. "Yeah, Dad. You know I will" Dean responds in a cracky tone, clutching the ring box in his hand. Closing it to look up at his father, tears now running down Johns face. "You're scaring me" Dean croaks at the sight of his father crying.
"Don't be scared, Dean" John assures him tearfully, he then leans over and whispers something in Deans ear. The ring box falls from Deans clutches, his face dropping at his fathers request,not expecting those words to come out of his mouth. Wondering, why in tarnation would his father give him this ring, ask him to take care of Sam and Y/N but then request such monstrosity of him.
When John pulls away, he stands up and looks down to see his son with pure disbelief, conflict, pain etched on his face. He gives his son a firm nod and a tearful smile but Dean can't even look him in the eye. John then exits Deans room, strolling down the hall. Despair and horror on his face. He reenters his room, met face to face with the man he made the deal with to save Deans life. He then takes the Colt out of his pocket, resting it on the table.  "Okay" He says to the man in a solemn tone.
Sam and Y/N stroll down the hall, "Did you put sugar in mine?" Y/N asks him, sipping her coffee. She grimaces a bit at the bitterness. "I put three packs" Sam informs her, chuckling at the look on her face as she limps, "Jesus, this tastes the the bottom of the filter" She grimaces. "You're just deprived from nicotine and also, a sugar junkie" Sam retorts jokingly scoffing.
"Don't be a hater Mr. Half-Caf Double Vanilla Latte" She retorts rolling her eyes chuckling and Sam smiles. Her smile drops and she stops in her tracks when her eyes land on a man sprawled out on the floor in a room. Her heart sinks to the floor, "What's w-" Sam asks, looking in the direction her eyes are trained in. "Dad?" Sam whispers pained, rushing to his fathers side.
His grip on the coffee cup he was bringing for John falters. "Help!!! We need help!!!" Y/N screams for nurses along with Sam. "Please! Somebody help us!!" Sam pleads. Nurses and Doctors pile in within seconds.
The doctors are trying to resuscitate John Winchester as the three younger hunters look on, tears in their eyes. "Guys, you'll have to wait outside" A nurse tries to usher them out. "No, it's our dad. It's our dad!" Dean snaps. The doctors have an oxygen mask over John's nose, pumping his chest. "Okay, let's try again. An amp of atropine" The doctor orders the nurse. "Come on" Dean pleads tearfully.
"Pushing atropine....In" The nurse does as the doctor says. Sam is breathing heavily looking on as y/n tries to control herself, staying strong for the boys. "Okay, stop compression" The doctor orders. "Stopped. Last breath" The nurse obliges taking her hand off of John's chest as the other nurse takes the mask off.  The monitor showing he has no heartbeat.
"Come on, come on, come one" Dean mutters pleadingly. "Still no pulse" Another nurse says, placing her finger to his neck. "Okay, that's it, everybody. I'll call it" The doctor says.
"Time of death, 10:41 a.m."
Authors Note: DING DONG THE WITCH IS DEAD!!😁I took way longer with this chapter because I got sick over this past week, but I'm doing a little better now. Updates might be a bit slower but I'm trying, thank you to those who are reading and here is the season 2 premiere!!! Note that this chapter is not edited. Hope everyone enjoyed.
Taglist: @hjgdhghoe @rach5ive @tiggytaylor @star-yawnznn
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iammeiamwe · 2 months
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At first I wanted to colour it using a more dull/cold colour pallette, but then I remembered how much I love the vibrant and colourful sunrise/sunset kind of lighting scenario so I just went for it. Killer's presence is still making it creepy enough anyway😅 (click for better quality)
This is actually a small gift for @signanothername , because, well, they are kind of one of the reasons I even started the blog:)
For the ones who want to read me rambling about them (and probably my whole life story as well because I literally couldn't stop writing haha), go ahead:
I mean I used to be more of a reserved and even shy kind of person, I didn't use social media too often (if YouTube and a couple other apps can even count). And even when I used it I mostly only watched and I didn't interact with people/content creators much. (I didn't even comment on YouTube like at all).
I've actually been drawing digitally (both my characters and fanart for different fandoms) since 2018 and I've never posted my art online anywhere, only showed it to my friends. And I thought I would actually never do it.
But then I randomly stumbled upon tumblr a couple weeks ago, and then I stumbled upon signanothername. I was like so heartwarmed and amazed and blown away by how they interact with their followers and community - like seriously I just couldn't stop reading their answers to all the asks they got they were all so cool and cute and I probably was glued to the blog for nearly 2 hours after I first saw it. This blog (and a couple of others) actually made me realise what a nice and welcoming community and people you all have here on tumblr (and how many cool features tumblr has for communication both between creators and their followers) and I immediately went: "I want to be a part of it!"
And yeah, they've also (almost) singlehandedly brought me back into the utmv fandom. I've actually been out of it for a while, and even when I was a part of it I didn't actually really contribute anything to it, I was kinda scared to draw something new I had never drawn before (skeletons) and I also didn't really see the point in it since none of my friends were interested in the fandom so no one would actually see my art.
But something about their beautiful art made me think: "Yeah, I can make and post cool stuff too!"
And don't get me wrong, there are also other people and blogs that have motivated me. I'm actually planning on making small gifts for them too, just a bit later. It just so happened that signanothername goes first.
So. Get my first ever drawing of Killer, of my three first ever drawings for utmv, on my first blog on tumblr, which is actually my first ever social media account where I actually create and post stuff.
Yeah. And take a small heart🩷
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