#2 min doodle because I have no time and no energy
luciasatalina · 2 years
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organised-kitty · 10 months
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Tag 20-28 | 18/100 hours | 28/08/23
So basically this week I barely studied German, I only did like 2 hours in the entire week and I felt like a total failure to be honest. After careful analysis I realised I needed to re organize my goals, my plan, my study techniques and my mindset so I can make this work out the best possible. At this moment I’m in a stage where I feel like nothing works to help me get back on track but I need to see this as a period of experimentation to help me push forward. So this is my take on how to deal with failure and slumps in progress. (Inspired by selfcare-journey)
⭐️ Identify what’s not working
Personally, what’s keeping me from doing my tasks is the fact that I’m always feeling tired and I have frequent migraines; I have been sleeping less than 6 hours a day because of university and yet I haven’t done as much progress because I’m so tired, I can’t focus and therefore I worked very slowly which left me feeling lazier, very frustrated and unmotivated.
⭐️ Prioritizing health and self care
I think we have all been consumed at some point by the idea of toxic productivity where the one who works the most and sleeps the least is the best one, but ultimately enjoying learning and having quality study time will only be possible if we’re physically and mentally sane.
I feel hesitant to redefine my work hours because I feel guilty when I think of studying less, I’m scared of not meeting deadlines, but I already know that this toxic cycle isn’t working for me so I have to accept that it’s okay if I can’t study 8 hours straight, if I need more breaks than other people and it’s okay if I work slow, if I don’t grasp things quickly, it’s okay to fall behind..because I’m in the process of rewiring how I study and taking my time is better than not doing anything and giving up.
⭐️ Managing energy levels
Along with my horrid sleeping schedule this energy slump is also the result of me not eating throughout the day and then having a huge unhealthy meals later in the day, and it’s really affecting my energy levels. So I need to start keeping hydrated, doing light exercise, eating healthier and more regular meals along with having better sleep hygiene because honestly I feel half dead. I also need to go to a medical check up to figure out what’s the cause of my migraines.
⭐️ Dealing with procrastination
I think lately I really struggle with a sense of discomfort when I study because lately I associate studying with failure and frustration. So I think breaking my task into smaller bits might make it less overwhelming. When I was in therapy I learnt a lot about how to deal with intrusive thoughts and emotions so I will put some of those techniques into practice. I also want to work on self compassion and embracing the idea that even a little progress is a step closer to my goal, I think celebrating those small wins can create a positive cycle of motivation.
⭐️ Improving focus
For this aspect I will go back to the ultra short Pomodoro method. (10-15 min with 2 min break) Force myself to work for a small period of time and give myself a tiny break. It’s a pretty basic technique but the idea of this is to experiment and see how well it works for me, identify for how long I can work until things start to become difficult. I think the best breaks are those that keep you away from your phone, because 5 minutes of social media is a recipe for disaster. So I will try to do things like grab some water, stretch a bit, breathing exercises, clean my bag, walk around the room a bit, doodling, have a snack, so that I keep active but refreshed. I think being in a productive environment like a library or a cafeteria could also help to keep focused.
⭐️ Enjoying learning
Now that I’m coming across more difficult content I tend to get unmotivated, so I think the best strategy is try seeing it like a game, where I don’t focus on the learning outcome but rather focus on the process of understanding, problem solving and overcoming new challenges, perhaps that will make the journey more rewarding.
Reminding one self of why I started and connecting the connecting the content to my interests and real world applications could be really useful in boosting my curiosity and motivation as well.
⭐️ Active learning
My study sessions have turned into something very passive, just doing exercises and checking flashcards has become very boring. I think I need to re-incorporate more active learning techniques like writing in a journal in my target language and talking to native friends more.
Additionally I think I need to readjust my schedule and re organize myself so I can include these changes, track them and check for feedback, but this post is already long enough so I will make a separate one.
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yeocult · 4 years
ATEEZ as students studying
king of self-care! but studies for 15 minutes then take a 2 hour break and calls it self-care (omg he thinks he’s me or smth)
has power naps every single day at least 30 mins because he’s Stressed
always thinking of ways to drop out during the middle of lectures
that one kid that talks to nobody & sits at the back of the class with his hood on to hide his airpods
doesn’t do it anymore bc one time it disconnected and “there’s some whores in this house” blasted out loud & now he’s paranoid
shows up to group studies but lets the group carry him,,, but he puts out One Really good idea to get his name on the paper
only cares about topics he’s interested in, other than that he’s just astral projecting
“yo can you send me your answers so i can compare mine?” but he copies it and says “we got the same answers” (all men do is lie</3)
calculates his marks; “ok so i need at least a 80 on this...oh wait no, a 95...damn okay...”
the type to arrives late with ice coffee
wakes up at 5 am to study instead of staying up
scented candles and lofi music for the ~studying mood~
a linguistic learner
learns best by teaching others so he’ll do group studies often to help other people
teaches people without making them feel dumb
uses grammarly for his emails with 3 paragraphs asking 1 question with a proper greeting and a ‘sincerely, park seonghwa’
professor: ok - sent from iphone
you’ll never see him during exams week, he’s Gone
a loyal user of the outline method
his desk must be cleared at all times! a clean workspace makes it easier to focus
brings extra pencil just in case anyone needs them bc he’s the sweetest person ever (he’s fully aware that he’ll never get them back but it’s okay bc sharing is caring)
does his readings on time (you’ll never catch him slacking)
actually has his shit together for the most part 1/2
writes “i love you” or “sorry” at the end of his tests (that he bombed)
the type to ask you to print “just one thing real quick” and it’s 15 page and at 2 am
uses emojis like :D & \(^o^)/ when sending emails to his professors
has a bad habit of copying word for word on the slide and he doesn’t actually understand/learn anything
goes to the library bc he thinks that’ll help him be in the ~studying vibe~
it doesn’t. ends up texting or watching youtube gameplay
has never heard of the colour-coding system in his entire life and ends up with a page filled with neon highlight
snacks breaks are the only thing keeping him Normal
leaves himself an encouraging note at the end of the reading page so when he’s finished he feels good !!
friends with all of the professors and uses all office hours
strongest points are his guessing skills in multiple-choice questions (process of elimination ftw!)
he tries his best, doesn’t care about marks that much because he knows it doesn’t determine him (and he’s right!)
probably runs a studyblr/gram
has the cutest note ever, his handwriting is so pretty!!
he thinks that buying an ipad pro & apple pencil will make him smarter
likes it bc he can doodle on it then erase them easily :”)
has to wear blue ray glasses because of how he looks at a screen so much
mildliners, muji 0.38 gel pen, 6 ring binder, minimal planner, washi tapes, you name it! he visits muji and daiso every other week
buys wayyy too many planners and notebooks which he never ends up using
only uses pastel mildliners because they’re easy on the eyes. cringes every time he sees yunho’s highlighters v_v
his flaw is that he spends 10 mins writing his header with brush tip pens
mutes the group project gc but gets his part done like the good classmate he is
sweats every time he gets an assignment back, takes a whole ten minute to mentally prepare himself
a visual learner; makes mind maps, flow charts, etc
actually has a working printer that he uses pretty often to prints lessons before class just to be Extra prepare
tells everyone he slept well but his bullet journal habit tracker for sleep says otherwise (plz rest!!)
exclusively uses college ruled paper like the sane person he is
uses wide-ruled paper (unfortunately not everyone is perfect</3)
starts off very positive, motivated, and organized
then everything goes downhill by the second week
will definitely set byeol on top of his keyboard, take a picture, and send it to his professor as an ‘excuse’ as why he needs an extension (it works)
can’t sit still for any longer than 30 mins, his legs are always bouncing or fidgeting with pen
flashcard king! spends a lot of time on them but it’s worth it
a utensil chewer (always willing to share his pencil but when ppl saw the bite marks they’re like No Thanks >_>)
can’t study well with groups or himself bc he’ll be distracted,,, so he needs one person that can ground him bc when they’re in the zone, he will too be on his x game mode
sends his assignment at 11:58 pm hoping his professor will take the Hint (plz don’t be afraid to ask for help u_u)
prefers listening to ghibli studio soundtracks but then he either gets emotional or sleepy
sometimes forget to mute his mic and we just hear him groaning in frustration
“haha sorry i just stubbed my toe...”
then mutes his mic and goes back to his mental breakdown
the only person that studies every single day just to get his brain used to the information and running
probably listens to anime op or edm music for that Energy Boost
everyone either hates or love him because...
1. loves him bc he always comes clutched with study guides (and willing to share if he likes you enough)
2. he’s good at everything even if he’s not paying attention/doing it last minute
just naturally good at retaining information and applying them
asks Big Brain question that even the professors are shook
sometimes he gets super into the topic and wants to know Everything
“i’ve never failed an exam in my life” and he’s right! big brain mingi
fetal flaw is that he forgets easily (hence why the last minute) and has to write on his palm as a reminder
clicks his pens All the time so he switched to pens with caps just to keep others from jumping him
takes naps 10 mins before classes
actually has his shit together for the post part 2/2
“if no one got me, i know khan academy and quizlet got me. can i get an amen”
y’all know that one mf that doesn’t have a pencil?
yea he’s been using the same one someone lend to him before a test and never returned it
it’s been two months and it’s still working well and they’re never going to get it back
a minimalist,,,, but in a bad way</3 bc he carries his stolen pencil and paper that he spilled his energy drink over and that’s about it
just throw loose papers in his bag and forgets about their existence
doesn’t do binders or notebooks, just crumbled up paper
sometimes carries a textbook just to show everyone that he’s got his life together
really noisy for No reason, always wants to know other’s marks
a kinesthetic learner
hides his screen with he gets the kahoot questions wrong (you’ll never catch him slippin)
plays coolmathgames.com during class
doesn’t really know what to study/prioritize so he overwhelms himself with every single topic ever
thinks he’s god by pulling an all-nighter to look at the 60+ slides last minute
Swears he’ll change and do better next semester,,,</3
goes to the cafe, takes pictures of his notes & laptop, post it on his story, then leaves
thrives off of red bull and ice americanos
gets notes and study guides from his upperclassmen because everyone loves jongho
an audio learner so he’ll probably work out or go on a jog while listening to lessons/audiobook
never pulls all-nighters bc it messes up his sleep schedule and says he’ll do it in the morning but he never does
doesn’t even own a highlighter, he’ll circle or underline stuff with a red or black pen
has never touched a textbook in his life
only the study guides and slides, his textbook is collecting dust rn
his notes are literally Only for him because his handwriting only makes sense to him
has questionable handwriting,,, it’s like decoding
multitasks a lot but it ends up taking a lot longer than he wanted to (bc it’s a myth)
very spontaneous; he’ll grind for 5 hours straight but sometimes he won’t even touch a pencil
works best when he talks about the work in groups and share information with each other, like having a convo about the topic
unmutes his mic Once after the lesson to say “bye”
does his work right after the lessons but then takes a short break & doesn’t even Look back for the rest of the night
a/n: tag yourself ! i’m a bit of hohong (i projected myself on all of them in some way lmaooo)
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jungcupid-archive · 5 years
i dare you (to never let me go)
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pairing: jungkook x jimin               jungkook x taehyung (subplot)
summary: and after all that had passed, jungkook would always be pulled back to jimin. he didn’t know why, maybe it was fate (or maybe it was his 9-year-old daughter).
chapter: 4/?
    “Mina!” Jungkook sang as he closed the front door, “I’m home and I’m ready to party!”
     Jungkook felt terrible about leaving Mina alone for so long, not to mention extremely anxious, so he planned to spend as much time as possible with Mina for the rest of her birthday. Hopefully, she’d be up for Cheesy Cheesecakes today.
     “Daddy!” Mina exclaimed from the living room, she came running to the door and Jungkook crouched down to receive her hug. “I missed you!”
      Jungkook kissed the top of Mina’s head and murmured a quiet “I missed you too” into her hair. He took a look at her watery eyes and gave her a soft smile.
      “Did you read the letter?” Mina nodded and her eyes glinted in a fashion Jungkook had never seen before. Without saying anything, she reached for his hand and tugged his fist open.
     “This is so pretty,” Mina said absentmindedly while stroking the silver ring on Jungkook’s finger. He’d taken to wearing the wedding ring around a chain on his neck now so that it was closer to his heart, but he’d never quite found it in himself to take off that particular ring.
     Suddenly, Mina’s gaze sharpened and she looked up from Jungkook’s hand and into his eyes, “Is this your engagement ring?”
     Jungkook tried not to frown, Mina had never asked about his ring before. He thought back to the letter and wondered exactly what Taehyung had told her. “No, sweetheart, it’s from an old friend of mine.”
     “Really? Who? You don’t really have any friends here,” Mina cocked her head to the side inquisitively and Jungkook couldn’t help but think that she was asking a question she already knew the answer to. He stood up and slipped off his shoes, taking long steps towards the stairs with Mina patiently walking beside him.
     “What did your Daddy tell you?” Jungkook asked suspiciously, tickling Mina’s side. She swatted him away while giggling.
     “You know I’m not going to tell you! Come on, talk to me Daddy! You weren’t here all day,” Mina tugged on Jungkook’s arm as they climbed up the stairs. Jungkook scoffed, wondering if Mina had been taking online guilt-tripping classes lately.
     “Fine, he was just a friend from somewhere else. We knew each other when were in high school… and in University.” Jungkook came to a stop at the top of the stairs and looked at his fingers, he twisted the ring a couple of times and then caught himself, letting his hand fall back down. He wasn’t ready to talk to this Jimin about that Jimin. Not yet, anyways.
     When they arrived in his bedroom, Mina started tugging on his hand again, “Then where was he from? And you can’t not tell me, it’s my birthday!”
     “Well,” Jungkook picked Mina up and put her on the chair next to his mirror, “that’s the thing. I don’t know. Let’s leave it at that, okay?” Jungkook quickly changed out of his clothes and ran a hand through his hair to let it run wild again. God, he hated styling it for work. He always looked so old.
      “Now, as I recall, I still owe someone a trip to Cheesy Cheesecakes!” Jungkook smiled slyly and picked Mina up, feigning a groan as he did. “You’re getting too tall to carry, Min-ah.”
     “Maybe you’re just out of shape,” Mina shot back, sticking out her tongue. “Daddy, we’ll go to Cheesy Cheesecakes later tonight. Right now, I want to dance!”
      Jungkook held Mina with one arm and pulled out his phone to check the time with the other. It was only 12:30. Once they’d reached the bottom of the stairs, Jungkook put her down and bowed, “As you wish m’lady. Go down, I’ll be there soon. I’ve just got to call Grandma, okay?”
     He picked up the phone and dialed, holding it to his ear as he watched Mina open the door to the basement and skip down the stairs.
     9 years old, huh? Maybe he was getting old.
     Mina was already prancing and spinning around when Jungkook ended his call and joined her in their at-home studio. When Mina had first started dancing, Jungkook had decided to create a space for her where she could practice. The basement was perfect, seeing as no one used it. He’d had the flooring done and had placed a large glass mirror on one wall. The installation had cost him most of his good-quality paints, some luxury brand clothes he’d gotten as gifts back in University and about one third of his gold jewelry but seeing Mina’s face light up at the sight of her very own practice studio was priceless.
      He remembered the day after everything had been installed. Jungkook had whipped out his cheap acrylics and with Mina’s help, had decorated the walls with random doodles and words. It felt less empty to have pieces of themselves on the walls.
     Mina was bopping along to the music without a care in the world. No matter how many times he saw her, Mina never failed to impress him with how talented she was despite her young age. She moved with the grace of a seasoned professional and knew so many different styles of dance that it was getting hard for Jungkook to keep track of them all.
     Jungkook hadn’t been crazy about dance himself until University. Until Jimin. Jimin had taught him how to move with the music instead of to the music, he’d realized how relaxing it was. How good it felt to be caught up in a routine. When Mina had showed some interest in dance, Jungkook had enrolled her into ballet classes. Somehow, she mastered the basics and went on to learn some more advanced stuff in just under a year. After that, he put her in any class she wanted. She’d done jazz, quickstep, ballroom, lyrical, and so many more. Currently, she was enrolled in hip-hop, which she was picking up just as fast as she’d picked up the other styles.
     Mina never took off her tutu from ballet, though. She always wore it in every class she attended despite getting reprimanded several times for arriving in inappropriate attire. She wore it over sweatpants and shorts and tights and jeans, in fact, she was wearing it right now.
     Jungkook crept behind her and picked her up swiftly, swinging her from side to side and making her laugh uncontrollably. She fought her way to the ground and began striking poses to the beat that had Jungkook throwing back his head to laugh at. The music was loud, almost overpowering. Mina had set it to the highest possible volume, but it had never bothered the two of them.
     They danced together for so long that eventually, Jungkook had to turn the music down and force Mina to take a break. He rolled her a bottle of water from the mini-fridge and got on for himself. They sat down with their backs to the mirror and Jungkook rolled the bottle up and down his legs, eyes closing in satisfaction at the DIY massage. Mina tapped on Jungkook’s knee and he opened his eyes, looking at her.
     “Let’s play a game!”
     “Are you serious?” Jungkook laughed. He poured a tiny amount of cold water into his hand and gently rubbed Mina’s face with it, wiping her sweat clean. She dried her face with her sleeve and nodded.
     “Yeah! But, like, a low-energy one because you’re old and tired,” Mina shrugged her shoulders when Jungkook, offended, put a hand to his chest. “I only tell the truth.”
     Jungkook pressed his water bottle to his neck one last time and then placed it beside him, “Alright, what do you want to play with this old and tired man?”
     “A word game! We learned it at school. So basically, I say something and you have to say the first thing that pops into your mind when you hear it, okay?”
     Jungkook, confused (but not that confused, because he never really understood kids’ games anyways), nodded, “Okay, shoot.”
     Mina poked Jungkook’s belly, “Don’t be a sap. Um, art!”
     “Park.” Jungkook paused, turning to look at Mina.
      “Park Jimin? Who’s that?” Mina asked innocently. Jungkook groaned internally and reprimanded himself for being so stupid. “Daddy?”
     “It’s… that’s not what I meant, um. I meant park as in a playground? Because your name is Jimin, right? And you always go to the park-”
     “Not that often.”
     “Well, yeah, but you do go so-”
     “The best grandma in the entire world has arrived, my babies,” a voice called from the stairs. They both turned to look at Hyejung coming down the stairs with a box in her hand. “Happy birthday, Mina!”
     Jungkook thanked the gods for his mother and her impeccable timing. Mina ran to Hyejung and gasped when she saw the box.
     “A Cheesy Cheesecake?!” She shrieked in delight and threw her arms around Hyejung. Jungkook smiled at her in greeting and was met with a raised eyebrow. Clearly, she’d heard some of their conversation. Jungkook shook his head and waved a hand dismissively, getting up from his position. Mina seemed to be telling Hyejung something and when they pulled apart, Hyejung had a sly look on her face.
     She beckoned Jungkook over, took a sniff of his shirt and instantly recoiled.
     “It’s like you’re a pre-teen all over again, do you even put on deodorant?” Hyejung asked, handing him the cake box.
     “Of course I do! We’ve been dancing for 2 hours, mom, what did you expect?” Jungkook huffed, leading the two of them upstairs.
     “I expected you to have bathed before I arrived so as not to hinder my sensory experience in your household. Did you know associating bad smells with certain places make you not want to go there anymore?” Hyejung gestured to Mina to go to the kitchen and then turned back to Jungkook, “Go take a shower.”
     Jungkook nearly laughed in disbelief, “You’re kidding, right? Where are you pulling these facts from? I demand to see proof – mom! Stop walking away!”
     “If I see you before it’s been a full hour, I’m sending you back,” Hyejung called over her shoulder. She disappeared into the kitchen, leaving Jungkook to trudge up the stairs.
     “That’s a waste of water,” he muttered uselessly, but headed to his room to grab a towel and some clothes nonetheless.
     “The curious case of Park Jimin is what I call it,” Mina declared, shoving another piece of Cheesecake in her mouth. She was sitting on top of the island, her feet on the stool and the cake on her lap. She couldn’t believe her Daddy refused to talk about Park Jimin so intently, all her efforts were going down the drain! Mina looked at her Grandma, who seemed to still be processing the information she’d just been bombarded with.
     “We need to find him, grandma. Do you think we can?” Mina felt helpless. How was she supposed to find a man who didn’t want to be found? She violently put another piece of cake into her mouth.
     “Mina, slow down,” Hyejung warned with wary eyes, “And I’m not sure. It’s been many years since I last spoke to him and he was never clear about his past. I can only think of one way to try, but it’s a longshot.”
      She thought for a minute with her eyes closed and then opened them back up, looking straight at Mina, “Alright, we need to find a way to get your daddy to leave. Can you do that?”
      Mina’s fingers tingled with excitement and she straightened up, a chaotic grin planting itself on her face. “Oh yeah, don’t worry about that.”
     Mina scanned the counter for the phone and grabbed it from its position, placing her cake to the side. She had a call to make.
     Jungkook couldn’t stop thinking about Park Jimin.
     Losing a best friend was painful enough on its own but thinking that you were over it and then being reminded of said best friend only to find that you were not, in fact, over it was a different kind of painful.
     Jungkook towel-dried his wet hair and looked at himself in the mirror. He had noticeable dark circles under his eyes and a few wrinkles were visible near the corners of his mouth. Although his skin still looked young, he couldn’t help but think it was a trick. One of those “look too closely and you’ll see what’s really underneath the exterior” illusions. Jungkook felt tired. Period. He’d been so caught up at the office lately and keeping up with the energy of a 9-year-old was no easy feat. It was Mina’s birthday today, though, and Jungkook wanted to be there for her. Especially because of his absence in the morning.
     Jungkook briefly let himself wonder where Jimin was right now. Whether or not he had a family of his own, if he was worried about getting old and examining the lines on his face, if he thought about Jungkook from time to time. Before his mind could take him any further, Jungkook snapped out of it. His daughter would have his undivided attention today, not anybody else. He hung his towel to dry and slipped out of the bathroom.
     As soon as Jungkook reached downstairs, he groaned. “Mom! You’re not supposed to let her have dessert before dinner! You know she gets too full and doesn’t eat her dinner and then it takes forever to get her to sleep because she’s too high on sugar.”
     Hyejung checked her watch and nodded in approval, “One hour and two minutes. Good job.”
     “Mother,” Jungkook said reproachfully. Hyejung just shrugged.
     “I tried to stop her.”
     “No you didn’t!” Mina exclaimed, scandalized. Jungkook tugged the box out of her hands only to find there was only one piece left about an inch wide. He sighed and silently accepted his future of having to a wrestle a slightly crazed Mina into bed.
     After discussing why Hyejung had brought the cake (“I picked it up on my way here because I love my granddaughter.”) and why she’d allowed Mina to eat all of it (“It’s her birthday, of course I’m letting her eat it all. You not getting any is an added bonus.”), Jungkook flicked Mina on the forehead and sat down on a stool next to his mother.
     “You know,” Hyejung started in a tone Jungkook hadn’t heard a lot of since high school, “Mina’s 9 now.”
     Jungkook, knowing what was about to come next, replied, “Contrary to popular belief, I do know how to count.”
     Hyejung twisted Jungkook’s earlobe without looking at him and continued speaking, ignoring his cries of pain, “Maybe it’s time you get out there again. Start dating.”
     Jungkook rubbed his poor ear and looked to Mina for sympathy, she snorted and made a move towards the cake again. Traitor.
     “Mom, you know I don’t want that.”
     “I think you do.”
     “You can’t possibly know what goes on in my head-”
     “When your father left us, I started dating someone else within a week.”
     Jungkook held back from rolling his eyes, “Okay, first of all, you got divorced. Do I have to bring up why you got divorced in front of my daughter for you to come to your senses?” Jungkook’s father had left his mother because his mother, as it turned out, had “fallen in love” with another man. Jungkook’s father found out and a week after he left them, Hyejung started dating the other man. A week after that, they broke up. So sue Jungkook for not taking relationship advice from his mother seriously.
     He’d never blamed his mom for driving his father away, though. He’d always been a major dick.
     Hyejung cleared her throat, “I would like if you refrained from doing so.” Jungkook raised his eyebrow in a that’s-what-I-thought kind of way.
     “You’ve got a date tomorrow.” Jungkook whipped his head up to look at Mina. She licked her fork clean, placed it in the box and slid across the island to sit right in front of Jungkook. Her expression was nonchalant, bored, even.
     “How… what?” Jungkook asked, dumbfounded. He was too afraid to address how Mina even knew what a date was. “Since when do you set me up on dates?”
     Mina grinned devilishly and ruffled Jungkook’s hair like he was some sort of puppy, “Since Jisung from school told me that his mom thought you were really cute!”
     Jungkook felt like the 9-year-old instead of Mina, being talked to like this. He tugged Mina’s hand away from his hair and looked at her, squinting suspiciously. 
     “Did Jisung ask you out or something?”
     “Daddy! Not the point! Also, ew! The point is that you’re going on a date with his mom tomorrow, deal?” Jungkook didn’t know what to do. In the span of a minute or so, he’d learned that not only did Mina know what a date was but, she’d started playing cupid for him. Maybe it wasn’t that hard to believe, considering what he, himself, had known when he was her age. The school field was more educational than any teacher at that age.
      Maybe he should talk to her teacher about the students in her class…
    Jungkook sighed. Or maybe, that was his crazy parent brain talking. Exposure from the outside world was always good, he knew that, he just didn’t want Mina learning anything that was inaccurate, inappropriate or inconsiderate. Ah yes, the three ‘in’s.
     It’s not that Jungkook was uncomfortable with the idea that Mina was growing up, he just… didn’t want it to happen. He wanted Mina to be his kid forever. She never asked about her real parents, was never impolite and always came to him to talk about things she couldn’t talk to anybody else about. Jungkook would obviously tell Mina about her parents if she wanted that, and he’d respect her privacy and need for space when the time came, but he didn’t want her to grow apart from him.
     Maybe it was selfish, but he thought he could afford to be a little selfish when it came to his daughter.
     “So, you set me up. On a date. Tomorrow.”
     “Yup. I called Jisung and you and his mom are supposed to meet at that coffee place near the school tomorrow at 10 in the morning. So get some sleep! Big day tomorrow!” Mina’s eyes sparkled with something more than excitement.
     Jungkook felt a little blindsided and could only murmur something about “…birthday… stay up… party… only 4 o’clock…” as Hyejung pushed him away, telling him to go to bed.
     “I’ll get her ready for bed when it’s time. And I’ll lock up before I go,” Hyejung assured him.
     Jungkook shook his head, wondering if this was some alternate universe, but obliged and went to brush his teeth nonetheless.
     He couldn’t do this. He just couldn’t. Starting out with someone new like this after all these years, it just didn’t feel right. He didn’t know how to protest, though. He didn’t have anything to do tomorrow and saying that he wanted to spend the day with his daughter would earn him a tiny fist in his arm and a bruised ego after being called different variations of “lame”. He felt nowhere near ready, but he couldn’t let Mina down.
     As soon as Jungkook had finished brushing his teeth, he practically threw his bedroom door wide open and melted underneath his sheets. Exhaustion took over in a matter of seconds, pulling at his eyelids in a way he’d been restraining them from doing for the past month. Sleep took him before he knew it.
     “So, that was the plan?”
     “Yeah! Now you have to tell me your plan.”
     Hyejung nodded and pulled Mina into her side, sinking into the couch to get more comfortable.
     “Okay, sweetheart, here’s the deal…”
     The next morning, Mina and Hyejung were bent on herding Jungkook out of the house as quick as they could.
     “Mother, at least let me put my socks on!” Jungkook was struggling to sit on the edge of his bed as Mina pushed him from behind and Hyejung nagged him about being late from in front of him. His voice was reaching an indignant squeak.
     Hyejung had arrived at exactly 8:30 AM and had proceeded knock for 2 minutes straight on Jungkook’s door to wake him up. He’d opened his door with murder evident in his bleary eyes and had been promptly tossed into the bathroom, a towel and some clothes thrown in right after him. Then, for the final touch, Mina had popped up from nowhere and had given him a little wave before closing the door and yelling at him to put on some cologne.
     They were insane, Jungkook decided as he finally pulled his left sock on and speed-walked out the room. Certifiably insane.
     “Come on, daddy! You can’t let Jisung down! Or his dad. His dad is probably more important not to let down, okay let’s go!” Mina shoved Jungkook out the door as soon as he’d put his shoes on and Jungkook looked at her and his mother standing in the doorway.
     “You really want me gone that fast?” Jungkook asked, trying not to wince at the faint ringing of truth in his voice.
     Hyejung’s eyes crinkled in amusement, but her lips remained flat. She waved her hands airily, “Nonsense, we just want you to have fun.”
     “Good luck!” Mina yelled happily, then she promptly shut the door. Jungkook felt like he was going to throw up. He hadn’t been on a date since Taehyung passed. That was… a lot of time. Yet it didn’t feel like enough. He squared his shoulders, re-tucked his shirt into his jeans and began walking to the coffee shop. Just a few hours, he’d get through this. For Mina.
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kuriiiiiiiiiii · 6 years
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KC Coffee: guaranteed to keep you up all damn night while you perfect your interdimensional space cannon. What, you don’t have a space cannon to lose sleep for? Then feed your $3 to the miserable goo over there!
(caption credits to @duelmepharaoh​)
Anyway actual message is
Capsai got a Ko-Fi
(QR code in picture also works, guys :D (smushed
To find out how many ppl would throw me change to see my shitposts (my guess: 0) I’m opening ko-fi commissions - details under cut
What you throw in: A coffee ($3) and a request
What you’ll get: Anything from a 30 minute pencil doodle (something like this or this) to full color, depending on how free and motivated I am. Most likely a 30 minute doodle.
Plus my gratitude :D!
How long you’ll wait: Tentatively a week, more if there’s a line-up. I have a bit of work stacked up irl so things might get hectic before end of next month, but well... 30 min doodles are not supposed to take more than 30 mins right? :D (sweats profusely)
Note that I will not send progress, rework the piece nor do refunds. This is not a “standard” commission - I’m only looking for something to keep me busy when bored, which is why it’ll only cost you a coffee... but I will do my best to also entertain you in the process :P (is thoroughly smushed) 
Number of slots: Tentatively 7 (1 request per ID). Colour me surprised if I get more than that :P but I will consider adding slots if I have time/energy. Please check status on my ko-fi page or shoot me a pm on Tumblr to make sure the commission offer is still open.
How it works:
1. Feed me a coffee on http://ko-fi.com/capsai
Remember to mention your tumblr id in your support message.
2. BY TUMBLR PM: give me a character and (optional) a detailed prompt
eg - Marik dancing through a field of daisies
(is sent to shadow realm covered in daisies)
I won’t guarantee I’ll stick to the prompt, but it’ll at least be something close... (is consumed by goo-eating shadow realm daisies)
YGO-DM characters only. Please inquire for other series (including YGO-GX etc. I could draw other anime/games, provided I know the characters... please inquire)
Additional coffee for 1 additional character. Inquire for more than 2 total human characters. Inquire for any nonhuman characters. Kuribohs not counted as additional character - can include up to 11 free of cost
Additional coffee for NSFW - only accepting Atem/Seto/prideship, pls inquire for anything else
Additional coffee can also potentially guilt-trip me into putting more effort into your doodle (is smushed)
3. I will confirm your request by pm, and publish a list of pending requests. 
4. You’ll get your doodle around a week from the time I confirm your request... if it took more than that feel free to poke me a reminder. Doodle will be posted on Tumblr and you will be mentioned and notified by pm. Please let me know if you would prefer not to be tagged/mentioned in my posts.
You can do whatever the f* you want with the doodle, as long as you credit me when applicable and not use it for profit. I’m keeping the copyright, even though it’s a shitpost :P (is smushed)
That’s it - pm me if you have more questions :)
(and before you ask - I’m not opening “standard” commissions any time soon... mainly because at the speed I draw no matter how much you’ll reasonably pay me I’ll still be working under minimum wage (is shot))
Here’s the QR again :D
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mysweetkittae · 6 years
I recorded most of the concert so to see the videos please check my pinned thread on twitter (@bunkook20)
Let me just say right from the start that the UK LOVED Jin, and when I say that they loved him I mean that every SINGLE time he appeared on screen, whether in the MVs, the videos in between or just Jin himself, everyone LOST IT and screamed their lungs out to the high heavens. It was amazing.
I was in lower tier seating so I can’t say for sure since I wasn’t in standing myself, but every time I looked over everyone was being really respectful and no one was pushing (at least on my side) which made me really happy!
Also! All of the security and staff at the arena that I came across were really lovely too!
Maybe around 5 minutes before the concert was supposed to start an annoucement came from the translator that Jungkook wouldn’t be performing again because of his injury. He was apologising loads on their behalf but we were all like IT’S OKAY DON’T WORRY WE LOVE YOU!
A quick note on Jungkook: you could tell he wasn’t feeling well throughout the concert. He was very playful of course and was smiling and singing beautifully as always, but at times you could tell from his face that he was frustrated/upset at the situation which broke my heart because it’s not his fault :( He was also limping a bit when he walked, which shocked me because at that point we didn’t know that he had stitches on his heel and it made me really sad because I love him so much and the last thing I want is for him to be hurt and feel guilty about it :(( But, there was pretty much always a member with him and playing with him so thankfully baby bun was never too lonely! He definitely smiled the most and looked happiest when they were around him T-T
They went back to playing MVs after that, and played DNA, Mic Drop, and Fake Love. I think the concert started abut 10 mins late? 
THEN, my friends, the concert began with the beginning video and it was so pretty and magical.
Idol started playing next and I swear, as soon as the doors opened and they walked out I felt my body ascend to another plane and enter a state of pure bliss. For all these years I had only seen them through a screen, but now I was breathing the same air as them and looking at them with my own two eyes? Unfathomable. Also I could feel the heat of the fire from where I was sitting so I can’t even imagine how hot it must have been for them :/
Next was their opening ment and it was so surreal to hear them speaking and akdjakjfafa idk it was weird to expereince that but they sound so beautiful ;-; I kept saying hi back to them like the idiot I am lmao I couldn’t help it they were so adorable T-T Namjoon mentioned Jungkook’s injury and made sure to remind people to be mindful of their neighbours because he is the king of safety and we Respect that in this household.
They performed a bit of Save Me and all of I’m Fine but because I’m an absolute buffoon I forgot to press record so I’m really annoyed because I really love that song :( BUT at least I watched with my eyes and so I have the memory of it :’) It was an amazing performance and I loved it so much :(
They had their second ment here and then performed Magic Shop (one of my faves) which is just pure evil because how can they hit us with the feels so early on and expect us to be okay?? I was not fine. But it was so beautiful with all the purple lights and everyone singing together and it made me feel all warm and so happy :( You could really feel the love in the air
Just Dance was here but because I continued to be stupid I frickin forgot to press record again!!!! I’m super angry at myself. Hoseok though, his charisma and the way he entrances the crowd is insane! And his dancing!! omfg he is honest to god one of the best dancers I have seen in my entire life. He’s so mesmerising and you couldn’t take your eyes off him for even a second.
After this was Euphoria, which is one of my favourite songs ever because it makes me so happy and like everything is going to be okay. Jungkook has the most beautiful, soothing voice and I just can’t describe how hearing him made me feel. It made me feel like I was safe. He kept looking at the crowd with so much adoration and the most beautiful of smiles and he was listening to us singing along and it made me so happy because he looked so happy :(
I Need U was straight after and this made me !!! because this was the song that changed my life and made me an army so hearing it live made me totes emosh :(
Run was pretty hype and Joonie got us all jumping so it was really fun!
Serendipity!! Jimin has so much stage presence it’s crazy, it was truly a magical performance and it felt like we were all in a trance. He also kept putting his hand up his shirt to make it do the flappy doodle thing which was the epitome of rudeness :)) He is a beautiful dancer and you’d be a fool to deny it.
Love started and it was so much fun! He really knows how to work a crowd, everyone was singing and it was like we were all performing together aajfakfak I loved it. I also really liked Joonie’s jacket. idk if it’s clear in the video but at the end when the members were joining him on stage Jungkook was walking really slowly and that’s when I first saw that he was limping :(
DNA was amazing but all I could focus on was how sparkly Jimin was. I loved it. I love sparkly things. I’m like a magpie... or a niffler. ANyway, baby bun did as much of the choreo as he could in his chair and the members kept looking at him when they were singing at it was so cute huhu they love him so much he’s their precious baby.
They had another quick ment here before the medley of Dope, Go Go, Blood Sweat Tears, Boy In Luv and Fire. Jin and Jimin were playing with Jungkook so much it was the cutest thing and Jungkook had the biggest smile TT-TT
Airplane Pt2 was super fun but also kinda sensual and idk how to explain the feeling but it’s like there was something radiating from my chest throughout my body and I Felt It(TM) in my soul okay? 
FAKE LOVE!!! tbh I had forgotten that they might perform this lmao so it was a super pleasant surprise! I really love this song and the energy from them and the crowd was amazing. The video didn’t pick it up very well smh but the fanchants were so good! Especially for the WHY YOU SAD? IDK NAN MOLLA lmao it was like we were a cult summoning the devil it was Great. Also! At the end when jinkook are supposed to do their arm thing together Jungkook did it from his chair with Jin in the actual formation so they did it together but from a distance :(
Seesaw omfg I love this song so much and I was looking forward to it so much and it did not disappoint. It’s such a good song and such a good performance and he has such a pretty voice and I really really liked it ;-; Everyone went wild for when he slid down the bench it was so cool omg. The fanchants during the bit at the end could’ve been better but it definitely wasn’t bad and people were screaming loads! I would’ve done the fanchants better myself but my voice was hoarse from my cold before the concert even started and progressively got worse as it went on since I was screaming so much that by this point I was struggling to breathe and trying my best not to choke to death in the midde of the performance and have it be caught on camera because y’know, Priorities. 
SING.U.LA.RI.TY. Oh my goodness gracious me this performance was something else. The dance he does at the beginning with his hand was so sensual and mesmerising and I honestly couldn’t look away. It was so realistic as well, I obviously knew that there was no one there but it looked so real that if you told me that it was someone else’s hand I would’ve totally believed you. Also his hands are ridiculously beautiful. The first thing I noticed was how perfect Tae’s live was. Obviously they’re all amazing live and have been in all of the performances, as has Tae himself, but in this song it’s unlike anything I’ve heard before. It literally literally genuinely truly sounded EXACTLY like the studio version to an almost scary point. This man is an incredibe singer and if you can’t see or hear that god help your soul.  
Oh god Epiphany. This was the performance I think everyone was looking forward to, and you can clearly hear it with how loud everyone was screaming. Jin looked absolutely ethereal with his parted hair and beautiful face and beautiful voice and beautiful jacket. His voice has so much emotion that just pierces through your heart. This man has a true gift that is impossible to deny. Every was singing “I’m the one I should love” together and whether that was something we believed in or not, in that moment we all truly loved ourselves, and there’s nothing more beautiful than that. Listening to Jin sing Epiphany surrounded by the most beautiful lights... I felt at peace. I felt safe.
If Epiphany wasn’t emotional enough they went straight into The Truth Untold and I do not lie when I say that the emotions were tangible. Every single one of them looked angelic in their gorgeous outfits and their voices were like honey and I felt so light but my heart felt heavy at the same time? It was a very bizarre feeling. Everyone was singing along and it really was so beautiful. Jungkook’s adlibs at the end and Jimin’s change of the high note were incredible and if I didn’t have such a stone cold heart then I’m sure I would’ve cried like I thought I would. 
Listen. I had seen so many fancams so I KNEW that Outro Tear came immediately after The Truth Untold, but nothing could’ve prepared me for how insane that performance was. Not only for the whiplash it gave me since the previous 2 performances were so emotional, but the 3 of them are such phenomenal rappers and have so much control and power over the stage and audience that it’s almost terrifying. You couldn’t keep your eyes off them even if you tried. They each have their unique styles but the way they come together so perfectly and beautifully is unbelievable. I have no idea how they manage to show such individualty yet perfect synchronicity at the same time, but they do and it truly is a sight to see. They are a force to be reckoned with and I know for a fact that down the line they are going to have such important roles in shaping the music industry. Don’t ever doubt their abilities, not even for a second.
Next was Mic Drop, which Namjoon announced was the last song and I was like??? How??? It honestly only felt like it had been about half an hour but it had been 2 hours. Jungkook didn’t come out for this performance, not even sitting on a chair, so the whole time in the back of my mind I was really worried about him. This is only speculation of course so don’t take it as the truth or anything, but he really must not have been feeling well for him not to even be able to sit on a chair. Either he was in loads of pain or he fainted or something?? idk, I just hope it wasn’t too bad :( They just played the backing track for his parts with the members sometimes singing over it too. The performance itself was amazing though! They had so much energy and the dance break was the bomb dot com.
After this the main part of the concert had officially ended and the girls next to me were asking each other if it was over so I was like no no don’t worry there’s an encore they’re coming back! Don’t leave yet!
After some time it was ARMY TIME so everyone held up their banners and it was so nice! So What had started, which I was surprised about because I thought that they’d want us to hold the banners up during a slower, more emotional song but nope. So What was the hypest song out of the entire concert and everyone was jumping so much and it was just so so so much fun?? 
Jungkook was back for this performance but it was very obvious that he wasn’t doing well. He was singing fine and trying to be playful but you could see in his eyes and his face that he wasn’t okay, which is why I feel like he might have felt faint before or something, though I’m still just speculating so don’t hold it again me. Jin stayed by his side for basically the whole time and walked slowly with him down the ramp to the extended stage and!! You guys, when Jungkook did the shoot dance, although it was very slow he looked so so happy, it made my heart melt :( I’m glad he was able to do it because honestly that was one of the times he smiled the biggest :( Jin did it together with him and it was so sweet and I’m just so glad they all have each other to look out for them. Taejin had their Moment again it was fantastic. There was lots of cuteness throughout the whole thing and they looked like they were having so much fun! It made me very happy.
Anpanman was super fun and very enjoyable! It really is such a cute song uwu it made me smile a lot :’) Jungkook was looking at the audience a lot for this one and doing as much of the dance as possible in his chair what a cutie pie and Joonie and Jimin played with him too and he kept laughing uwu uwu this song was too much for me.
Then it was time for their ending ment. They started off with such a sweet event for us :( They made the army bombs turn rainbow coloured and took a picture with the arena in the background and it was so lovely :( Also lmao Hobi said it was photo time with an American accent, but Joon corrected him saying that is was “phoTo” with the enunciated ‘T’ sound like you say with an English accent if that makes sense?? It was really funny and after that Hobi kept saying photo with the harsh T and it was adorable. Joon then went on to say that Yoongles was going to do his ment first but he kept saying “sweetie sweetie sweetie suga” in an English accent again and alfjfkjfna I love him ma
Yoongs had his bling bling SUGA rings on and they were so sparkly! He was so smiley and just super cute. He repeatedly talked about how they were going to see us again soon so I’m certain that they’re coming back next year with either an epilogue tour or something so Wembley you better be prepared because next time we’re coming for you.
Hobster spoke in English and it was so good and it never fails to amaze me how hard he tries for all of his comments in all of the concerts. He was totes making fun of us though, when we said aww because he was sad it was the last concert day he said aww back and I felt the mockery but he’s so flippin adorable I don’t understand how can one human being possibly have so much power to make so many people happy it doesn’t make sense I don’t understand.
Tae. Eyebrows. Rude. He was being super cute talking about how he had seen London in movies (none that I knew of because he is evidently much more cultured than I am) and that he thought it was such a beautiful place and that armys were beautiful too (what a flirt). He then went on to saying some word but honest to god I hadn’t the faintest clue what he was saying and neither did my friend or anyone else around me and in the video you can hear a very faint “what?” because I was just so confused lmao. Apparently he said bloodclat? but I’m not from London so I have no idea what that means and I’m still no wiser. Twas a very confuzzling time.
Jin. Jinnie. Kim Seokjin. My man. My bro. Dude. Please stop looking so handsome, it hurts me. He was talking about how he looked like Kingsman and that next time he’ll dress up like Harry Potter. I’m holding that promise to you Jin, don’t let me down. At that point Namjoon said “shut up Malfoy” like he did in that one vlive last year(?) and it was so funny I couldn’t stop laughing why must they be so adorable?? 
Jimin was next and he kept saying that everything was lovely again and again and it was so sweet and oh my god he is literally the cutest thing ever I love him so much he is such a precious person please protect him 5eva. He also said that he wanted to come back so Jimbles! I’m holding that promise to you too don’t let me down.
Baby bun was next and he was apologising for not being able to show us more but we all just screamed NOOOOOOO really loudly because we love our precious baby in this household and he must never apologise for something that was out of his control :( Even though he was injured he still gave it his all and did his best and his health and happiness is more important than anything else!! We don’t need to see him perform, we just need him to be healthy.
Nimnams was next and my god he was so radiant. At first he tried doing an English accent but he quickly gave up on it lmao what a cutie pie I love him. He said that he fell in love with London and that it really inspired him and that he might write a song called London and we all just went !!! Because with Jungkook being injured in London it would’ve been understandable for them to associate the UK with negative feelings because that’s just how human brains work, but the fact that they seemed to have loved it so much and were inspired by it and want to write a song about it? It just made me feel so proud. I hope that when they come back they get the chance to travel around a bit because there is so much to see and it has such a different vibe to London and I’m sure they’d love it! He said how he was proud of himself for chosing this path in life and becoming a part of BTS and therefore being able to come to London :( This boy completely owns my heart and I would do anything for him :(
After this was the last song, Love Yourself Answer, but I didn’t have much space left on my phone so I couldn’t record it :( It was so lovely though and as one of my favourite songs it made my heart all wibbly wobbly :( Tae was on my side a lot and was beng super duper cute and it was the best. Jungkook’s seat was still in the middle so the members were playing with him lots and being all round cutie pies. Everyone was singing “you’ve shown me I have reasons I should love myself” and it was so beautiful to hear people saying that to themselves and actually believing it in that moment. This was another song that made my heart happy and made me feel very peaceful and like everything was okay in the world.
Then it was the ending and they were walking around the extended stage and waving to us all. Jimin kept saying that we were lovely and Tae said I purple you and urgh it was just so incredible and magical. They thanked their dancers and bowed with them and we all screamed for them too! There was loads of confetti and it was so so so beautiful. 
It ended then, and I remember suddenly feeling so empty. The past 2 and a half hours had without a doubt been the best of my life and the fact that I has seen bts live with my own eyes and been in the same place as them was still hard to comprehend.
One thing I can say for sure though is that they truly love performing on stage. They must have been so exhausted with how crazy their schedules have been, but they were constantly smiling and had high energy and put on the best performance that they could. Never once did I feel like they were being forced to do something they didn’t want to do, not like I sometimes feel with some other singers. No words can fully express how genuinely happy they looked to be on stage, and that in itself makes me so happy. Knowing that they are doing something that they love so much and are so passionate about is incredible and I hope that they are able to do the things they want to do for a long time. Anyone watching them can feel the amount of love they have for the stage, each other, and us.
And that’s the thing - people can try and dissect them and figure out what the ‘bts formula’ is as much as they want, but they will never find the answer; because you cannot formulate love, and you cannot formulate authenticity. Every moment since the creation of the universe led them to where they are today. It led them to each other, the most beautiful of soulmates, and it led us to them, our guardian angels who came into our lives when we needed them the most. Everything that has happened in our lives, both the good and the bad, led us to the moment where we discovered bangtan, and something in us told us that this was where we belonged. We all come from so many different walks of life, so many different journeys and destinations, yet here we all are, coming together because of these 7 beautiful boys with even more beautiful hearts, and intertwining our lives with one another. Despite all odds, we survived, and we’re living this life together; and that is nothing short of a miracle.
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woozibby · 7 years
Mr Detective; 2
- Mr Detective
- SVT X BTS AU ( X FEM Reader)
- Chapters will be posted every Monday
- Contains death, bad language, murder, kidnapping, bodily harm.
intro | 1 | 2 | 3 |
I was the first person in the office. The only person who seemed to be around was DK, and even though it was so early, it was like he had all the energy of the world.
I placed the tray of coffees I had brought onto Namjoon's desk and sat down in the chair next to it.
Pulling out my notebook, I flipped to the page that had little notes and doodles about how the place looked. Going back to writing notes, it wasn't long before the door opened and Wonwoo appeared.
"Morning" I smile, pointing to the coffees. "I brought you guys some coffee"
Wonwoo smiles, picking up the one with his name on. He took a sip and his smile beamed.
"My favourite! How did you know?" Giggling to myself, I shrug.
"Oh nothing, I just guessed" Actually, I asked DK when I left yesterday.
"That's awesome! Thanks (Y/N)!"
"That's okay"
Wonwoo went and sat down at his desk, placing some of his things on the table, and turning on his computer. I make a face to myself, trying to decide if I should ask him some questions before I can even move I hear a chuckle escape him.
"What do you want to ask?" I look at him, and he has one eyebrow raised and is sending me a smile.
"You have that look on your face"
"What look?"
"Like you want to ask questions" A smile and laugh awkwardly, nodding slightly.
"Yeah I do actually"
"Well," Wonwoo starts, patting on the chair next to his desk. "What do you want to ask?"
I smile wide, and quickly change seats, so I was now sitting next to Wonwoo. I flick to a clean page in my notebook and click my pen.
"So, how do you feel about working here?" I see Wonwoo make a face to himself, as he racks through his brain about how to answer.
"I love it, I love being there for people and helping" Wonwoo starts, "But I also love being able to put away the bad people and proving the innocent as innocent" I nod as he talks, noting down what he's saying, a small smile appearing on my lips.
"Are there any times you regret becoming a detective?" Wonwoo nods straight away.
"There are always times you think to yourself and you're like why this? Out of everything out there, why did you pick this? I get that sometimes, I get worried something will happen and I won't be able to the people I love most again" Wonwoo sighs, his face sinking into a frown. "Not being able to see the person I love ever again is what terrifies me the most in life"
"Who do you love?" I ask Wonwoo starts to smile again.
"My boyfriend" Wonwoo nods, and my smile widens.
"Tell me about him" I close my notebook, and place it on his desk so I could listen to his better and focus on him.
"He's 21, he wants to own a restaurant" He laughs, "We meet a few years ago through friends, and just instantly connected, we've been together for about a year"
"That's adorable!" I giggle, smiling like an idiot. Wonwoo laughs too, a pink blush on his cheeks.
"Are you with anyone?" He asks, and I shake my head.
"Me? No" I laugh. "I'm too awkward for that"
"Or you just haven't found the right person yet?" Wonwoo questions, and I shrug. "Or you're too focused on your studies"
"That too"
"Have you been in a relationship?" I nod, my smile dropping.
"Yeah, back when I started uni" I laugh, shaking my head.
"Something bad happened?"
"I feel like bad would be an understatement, but maybe that's just me overreacting"
"What happened?"
"We were together from about the end of high school, to around the end of the first year of uni, so just about over a year" I started, I started to fiddle with the ring on my finger, to keep me distracted- or occupied, whatever you wanted to phrase it. "And once uni started, I got focused on my work and I wasn't the party type either so I wouldn't go to parties, so we started to drift which wasn't surprising to be honest because we were totally two different people with two completely different sources of interest..." I blabbered on, making Wonwoo send me a look.
"You're babbling" I let out a sigh, nodding.
"I know"
"Well," Wonwoo said in a soft voice, "What happened"
"He started cheating on me, even with people I was closest with because to him, I wasn't being a good girlfriend and being giving enough so he had a 'valid reason' to cheat on me" I scoff, blinking rapidly. "So I decided to focus more on my studies, and to make sure I could do whatever I needed to let my dreams come true" I looked to Wonwoo, and he's frowning. I let out a breath, shook my head and forced a smile. "And now I'm here, I'm on my final year and I get to be on placement with a bunch of awesome detectives, and the other one" I laugh, and Wonwoo starts to smile.
"Well, first off, that guy sounds like an asshole and I'm sure you won't ever be a bad girlfriend, especially if you're so focused on your dream"
"Thank you"
"its okay" I let out another sigh, before looking at Wonwoo and changing my mood completely, so I didn't seem like I was feeling down.
"What do you thinks going to happen today?"
"To be honest, anything, I can't describe how unpredictable it is here"
"Is everything really that hectic here?" Wonwoo nods.
"Life of a detective and the station, you never know what's going to happen" Laughing, Wonwoo types in his password for his computer, and the screen turns into a photo of Wonwoo and his boyfriend smiling happily at the camera. "It's an adventure every day"
The room soon turns to silence, not a silence where it was awkward or uncomfortable, but a silence where it was nice, and it was understanding. I felt like I had grown a lot closer to Wonwoo even though I hadn't known him very long. I felt like I was going to grow close to everyone here in some way, even if they –he- didn't want to.
After a while, the other detectives started to arrive; first Namjoon, his hair seems to be still in a mess from waking up, but his best dress shirt and trousers were on, and his badge was again on his hip.
"Morning Namjoon"
"Morning (Y/N), Wonwoo," He noticed the coffee and looked between us. "Coffee?"
"(Y/N) brought them!" Wonwoo smiled, sipping again at his. "She even guessed our favourites"
Namjoon picked his up, sipped at it and hummed in gratefulness and sat down at his desk.
"Just what the doctor ordered so early in the morning, thank you (Y/N)" I smiled, as Namjoon met it.
"It's fine, it's the least I could do" I made a realisation that by the time, Namjoon had arrived, the coffees may have gotten colder. "Oh, sorry if they've gone a bit cold, I was here a bit early"
"It's okay (Y/N), they're still a perfect temperature"
"When do you think Yoongi and Seungcheol will get here?" I ask, and Namjoon shrugs.
"Yoongi should get here soon, whereas Seungcheol, he'll get here anytime between now and ten o'clock"
"Why does he get here so late?" I ask, generally intrigued.
"Oh, he just has some stuff to do before coming in, so it's okay" I nod and make a face to myself.
"I'm going to go get a drink for myself, but I'll be back soon"
"Okay, be careful" Wonwoo smiles, and I smile back.
"I will be, you guys want or need anything?"
"No, we're okay here" Namjoon replies. I nod and take my purse from out of my bag and head to the door.
"I'll be back soon"
I heard their replies and closed the door behind me. I make my way down the hallways and smile at DK once I get to the front desk.
"Hello Dokyeom" His smile is still beaming, and he's sitting with his laptop in front of him behind the desk.
"(Y/N)! Hello!"
"I'm going out to get a drink, do you want anything?" DK's smile somehow brightens even more and he nods.
"If you don't mind, can I have a drink please?"
"Yeah, that's fine, any certain thing you want?"
"Can I just have a soda please" I nod, and raise a thumbs up.
"Okay! I'll be back soon!"
"Be safe!"
Giggling to myself, I exit the building and raise an eyebrow when I see Seungcheol get out what seems to be his car, along with a boy who seemed a bit younger than myself. The way Seungcheol was smiling was something I had never seen before, he looked different to how he looked inside, how he looked as detective Choi Seungcheol. The boy smiled, before hugging Seungcheol and walked off to the direction of where the nearest school was located.
I take a breath, hiding my face, and changing my course quickly so Seungcheol were to not notice me. I look between my fingers and see him shaking his head slightly. Did he notice me? I had no idea, and I really didn't want to know, he already hated me enough, I sure didn't need him to have more reasons to.
Without looking back, I made my way to shop and bought what I needed to buy.
I bought a drink for me, a drink for DK, and I know Namjoon said they were fine, but I still bought them all little snacks and a drink for later so they wouldn't forget to eat when they were working so hard.
Paying for everything, and putting them in a bag, I headed back to the station, wondering if anything had happened in the time I was gone.
When I did arrive back, after giving DK his drink, the only other person to arrive while I was gone was Detective Sleepy, aka, Min Yoongi.
His coffee was on his desk, and his head on resting on his arms like usual.
"Hello, I'm back" I giggled, and both Namjoon and Wonwoo smiled.
I clicked my finger, and pointed to Yoongi and directed a question to the two other men.
"Sleeping?" All they did was a nod in reply. "I don't know why I asked" I laughed, and sat back down in the chair next to Wonwoo's desk. Placing the paper bag in my lap, I started to fish everything out.
"Now I know you guys said you didn't need anything, but I wanted to get something just in case you guys got too busy later" I placed four drinks, and four cartons of food onto the desk. "Now, I'm not sure what you guys liked so I picked a bunch of stuff and you can pick what you want to eat"
I heard Namjoon click his tongue, and come over and stand behind me, resting his hand on the back of the chair.
"Honestly, you spoil us" I laugh in response, and shake my head.
"It's okay honestly" I take my own drink from out of the bag and open it, taking a large gulp. "Now this will always be the best drink ever made," I say to myself, and Namjoon moves so he could see the can in my hand.
"Strawberry milk?"
"A gift given to us by the gods, the milk gods" Suddenly, a chuckle comes from Yoongi's corner of the room and we turn to see his head up off of his arms, and he's looking at us from above his computer screen.
"You're really something special you know that?" I laugh too.
"I know that, and thank you"
"Thank you for the coffee too, by the way, my favourite kind"
"I'm glad you like it" I smile at him, and he returns it.
"I love it" I continue to smile to myself, and Yoongi speaks up again. "I heard Wonwoo say you guessed our favourite types of coffee" I go to speak but get cut off before I can even start.
"She didn't guess, she asked DK about them last night" Seungcheol appears from the doorway, avoiding all eye contact with me, and sitting down at his desk.
"Did you really ask DK?" Namjoon asks, and I nodded.
"Yeah, I wanted to do something nice for you guys" I explain, shrugging slightly. "Sorry if you thought it was weird"
"It was weird" Seungcheol replies, his eyes focused on his computer.
"We didn't think it was weird," Namjoon says, sending a glare to Seungcheol, "Thank you for even considering getting us coffee in the morning" I smile sheepishly.
"It's okay"
The room soon turned to silence again, but not like last time, this time since Seungcheol was in the room it was different like there was an edge. I knew he didn't like me, like reporters, but this was just unnecessary, all I tried to do was be kind to them, and all he thought it was, was weird.
"Well we have a lot of work to do today," Namjoon says breaking the silence. "So let's get to it"
 I sent a glare to Seungcheol's desk, as I was standing next to Namjoon. I hear him chuckle, and he turns to me, a coffee cup in hand.
"Nothing going to help by just standing there and glaring"
"Maybe if I concentrate enough his head will explode," I say, keeping my gaze on Seungcheol's desk.
"This isn't Star Wars-..."
"Star Trek" Namjoon sighs.
"Whatever, either way, nothing will get better by just standing here and trying to make his head explode with your mind"
"When you said he was a handful you weren't lying"
"I did warn you"
"I don't know what I expected, I should have seen it coming" I mumbled, running a hand through my hair.
"He'll warm up to you eventually..." Namjoons sighs "...hopefully,"
"I don't think you could warm him up if you lit his ass on fire" Yoongi appears beside me.
"Then what can I do to actually make him acknowledge me?" I ask, not really aiming the question at anyone.
"Not be a reporter?" Yoongi suggests.
"I'm not a reporter!"
"Are you sure about that?" Seungcheol suddenly butts in, looking over to us from just above his computer screen. "You're here to learn to be a reporter and how to not give the truth, whatever gets the views" his face shows no emotions, I cross my arms over my chest, as I feel my blood start to boil.
"I am here on placement to learn about how people act in a workplace and how I can write about it"
"Basically the same thing," Seungcheol rolls his eyes, and sends me a glare. "but you want to be a reporter right?"
"Why are you so stubborn?!"
"I'm not stubborn, I just know the facts!" I scoff a laugh and return his glare.
"Oh, you know the facts?" I fake laughter. "Hilarious"
"What's that supposed to mean?!"
"Moving between three departments in two months because of bad behaviour towards reporters?" I continue to fake laughter, but my glare instantly snaps back. "You're so great at the facts and how to act towards people, just brilliant" I roll my eyes and speak sarcastically.
"How did you know about all that?!"
"I do what 'reporters'..." I finger quote the word reporters, "do best, research"
"You're unbelievable" Seungcheol shakes his head, as he clicks his tongue.
"Oh, I'm unbelievable?"
"You are!" Seungcheol yells, and I roll my eyes.
"Believe what you want"
Before Seungcheol can go to talk again, Namjoon cuts in. This is the first time I've ever heard him yell.
"Goddamn! That's enough!" His face looked completely different to how it normally looked, His bright and caring smile replaced with annoyance and rage. "I don't care if you guys don't like each other, you're working together end of story!"
"I never said I didn't like him!" I stated, crossing my arms over my chest. "It pisses me off he treats me like I'm nothing"
Namjoon sends a look to Seungcheol, causing him to roll his eyes.
"Seungcheol..." Namjoon hisses and Seungcheol lets out a puff of annoyance.
"Fine, I'll work with you, but it doesn't mean I like you nor do I like that you're a reporter" Seungcheol mutters, keeping his eyes away from any of us.
"But-..." Namjoon cuts me off with a look, letting out a sigh, I nod. "Okay, that's fine"
"Let's all work nicely together because next time I won't be so nice about it" Namjoon glances between us, raising an eyebrow, almost like he was daring us to try and do or say something.
I just nod in response. I felt like my voice had disappeared, and that I couldn't utter a word.
"I have to go do something," Seungcheol told Namjoon, and he nodded quickly.
"Be back straight after"
"Okay" With that final word, Seungcheol left the room and disappeared for a while.
I didn't move for a moment or two, unsure of what to do or where to go. Namjoon sighed, placed his hand on my shoulder and looked at me.
"I'm sorry if I frightened you" I shook my head, finally looking up at him.
"You didn't frighten me, I'll admit it was sudden, but it didn't frighten me"
"Okay" Namjoon nodded, moving his hand he pointed to Seungcheol's desk. "You should probably sit next to his desk, it'll get easier soon"
"I will"
"You just gotta power through it, he'll warm up to you eventually trust me" I look to Namjoon, and tilt my head slightly.
"How are you so sure he will?"
"Because I know what Seungcheol's like, yes he's a bit stubborn and hard-headed, but he'll come to his senses" Namjoon explains, he moved his arms out to his sides, showing the room. "It took him a while to get used to being here, but he warmed up to it, so he'll warm up to you as well"
A small smile appeared on my face, as I nod. Grateful to Namjoon, even though I hadn't known him long, he always knew what to say to cheer me up- maybe that was because of his role as a detective, to make grieving families happier again, to make them not as sad and to tell them everything was going to be okay.
"Okay, thank you Namjoon"
"Anytime (Y/N), anytime"
"Why are you doing this?" The tears collected in her eyes. She was struggling at the rope that bound her wrists to the chair. "Why me?" Her breath sharpened as he took a step from out of the darkness.
The smirk she has seen when she first woke up in the strange place, was still present on his face.
His knees clicked as he bent down in front of her. He let out a soft sigh, and brought up his hand, brushing his fingers through her hair, picking up some that had stuck to her forehead as she sat in fear.
"Because you'll be my next project"
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bitterrants · 7 years
Leopard Bikini Overload
This past weekend, I went to the Jersey Shore with my family, sort of against my will. As my get out of jail free card, I brought a guy friend for the nights I wanted to sneak away. And by sneak away I mean to some trashy bars to get vodka sodas where domestic fights were occurring all around between couples who wore shredded clothes. 
My friend and I left after work Friday night in my car at about 7 PM from his office. It took us almost 4 hours to get to Wildwood, New Jersey. The drive wasn’t too bad since we waited a little bit before leaving, but the motel and yes.. MOTEL with an “M” was pretty bad. If my parents thought this place was decent back then, then they most likely just got their eye prescription corrected. Let’s put it this way, if this motel were a person, it would be Mama June circa early TLC days. Everything was stained. Things you wouldn’t even expect to be stained were stained. The best part about the motel was the location though, right on the water. We were a step away from the sand and super close to North Wildwood where all the bars were. 
We dropped our stuff, quickly got changed and called an uber to go to a bar. We started at Keenan’s, a popular college bar in North Wildwood. They played pretty good music and their drinks were far from weak. My friend and I had a nice night, dancing and catching up, which then followed by a late night dip in the pool, semi interrupted by torrential down pour and thunder, but we stayed put. 
The following day, sunlight had a new meaning. I had never been so hungover and I was pissed because all I wanted to do was veg on the beach, but I could barely keep my eyes open to navigate. We grabbed bagels, fruit and coffee and headed to the beach despite my better judgement and longing for bed and darkness. We set up camp and took out our food only to get attacked by 3 aggressive seagulls. I looked around and it seemed seagulls were attacking people left and right. It was The Birds in real life. So I threw my food down and said, “ What good is a hangover if I cant eat, damn devil birds!” I laid there for about an hour, starving and then realized, I can’t do this. My friend had already left me by then to help my parents who just arrived. So I packed up and went back to Jersey Bates. 
That night we went to a fancy seafood restaurant that was very good called “Jersey Girl.” It was only 8 years old and received high praise for their drinks and food. My sister, her husband, their two kids, my parents, my friend and I all went. I’ve probably mentioned this before, but I have pretty severe food allergies, so granted, to scare the shit out of our waitress in warning her of my allergy I whipped out my epi-pen and put it right on the table. Of course she panicked and went back and forth to the kitchen as if she were being timed on each trip, but she did a good job. After that my sister and her husband walked the pier with my friend and I which was crawling with high schoolers and made me feel like a dinosaur. We quickly wrapped that up and parted ways to do 20-year-old things, like trashy bars round two. So that’s what we did. It was unfortunate because I was tired by then and broke from drinks the previous night, but we went anyway. We started at Westy’s and ended up at Flip Flopz, then back at Keenan’s THEN back at Flip Flopz. Flip Flopz was find up until some drunk girl fell on me causing me to spill my drink. She kept falling over me, pushing me on to other people so I did what any other girl would do in the situation, I pushed back, hard sending her flying into her boyfriend who was equally as drunk and when she tried to turn around I ran. The band that played ended up becoming friends with my guy friend who was so far up their ass he has shit on his sleeves. 
At one point, my friend left me and I was swarmed by dudes (can’t complain about that). I met this one guy Jack, that I hit it off with, who was a special ed teacher in Philly, who surfs and travels. Doesn’t hurt that he looked like a young Matthew McConaughey. Jack introduced me to his best friend, his cousin and his cousin’s friends. When my friend came back, he saw I made friends, introduced himself, yada yada, then got lost. I lied and said my friend was actually my brother, to avoid confusion as to why we aren’t dating, which my friend loved and ended up telling half the bar we’re brother and sister. Spread like wild fire, even in instances not worth noting. So Jack and I hit it off. We danced, laughed, he bought me a couple drinks. At one point, the beers hit me and I really had to go to the bathroom, so I told Jack “I’ll be right back” which was a mistake. I left, came back and Jack was gone. It was so dark in there that I had no energy or night vision goggles to see him so I looked for 2 mins and then gave up. Note to self: when talking to a cute guy DO NOT ABANDON SHIP, STAND YOUR GROUND. At this time, it was 3 AM anyhow and ready to bounce. So we ubered back to Jersey Bates, went swimming, my friend befriended our puerto rican neighbors by bumming a cigarette (gross) as I went up and jumped into bed. 
The next day was the best beach day and I was actually able to enjoy it without being hungover. Note to the young: PACE YOURSELF, no one is going to steal your drinks from you at a bar, so might as well enjoy it (just don’t get drugged whilst milking your drink). The beach is by far the best place to people watch and I have to say the people that were at this beach were far from boring. They were all crazy and there was a wide variety of beach goers. I saw several ladies in leopard print bikinis or cover ups. I saw a couple that actually wore matching American flat bathing suits. Mind you.. July 4th is over and that is the ONLY time it is okay to wear the American flag, ya yankee doodle wack job. I saw one very large woman who practically held her baby upside down while rummaging through a bag for diapers. The most annoying thing about this beach though were also the people because almost everyone smoked. Who wants to go down to the beach and breathe in the misty cigarette smoke? Uh, I sure fucking DON’T! Lung Cancer Activists, you can do whatever you want with your lungs, but I only have this one body and I choose to take care of it. 
Overall, the weekend was good. I always enjoy seeing my sister and her kids. They were adorable and very well behaved the whole trip. My nephew was loving the ocean. My favorite part of the whole trip was when he got pummeled by the waves then quickly came up and the first thing out of his mouth was “WHERE’S PAPA!!!!!!” I was like “Yo dude, relax, he’s behind you.”
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selfhelpfactory · 4 years
Steal Like An Artist Summary | 10 things to unlock your creativity
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Nothing is original, theft is the secret of a masterpiece that’s what you’ll know from steal like an artist summary. The author also shares what are the important factors in creativity, how you can boost it, how you can find your passion.
so let’s just begin……….
Art is theft -Pablo Picasso
10 Things No One Told You About Being Creative:
Steal Like An Artist:
Artists don’t get unique, creative ideas out of nowhere, they steal them. You should also look at the world as an artist. Look around, think, and decide what’s worth stealing and what’s not.
Nothing is Completely Original!! Everything we see around is build-up on what came before. So stop trying to be completely original and look for influences, references around.
“Everything that needs to be said is already been said. But, since no one was listening, everything must be said again.” – Andre Gide
Every idea is a mash-up of 2 or more previous ideas.
Be a collector, not a hoarder who collects everything. Collect selectively and collect good ideas. You’re only going to be as good as the stuff you surround yourself with.
know more about the power of creativity.
School and education are two different things. Whether you’re in school or not, it’s always your job to get yourself an education. Always be reading, curious about things, and google everything.
Don’t Wait To Get Started:
You won’t know who you are actually and how to get good ideas until you actually start making stuff. It’s the process where you realize what’s good& what’s not, what you should be doing, and whatnot. So don’t wait just start.
Fake it till you make it!!! Pretend to be the person you actually wanna be until you become that.
You start out as a phony and become real. – Glenn O’Brien
From childhood, everything you learned so far is by copying. Copying alphabets, practicing scales, etc. Copying is like reverse engineering to know how things work.
“Those who do not want to imitate anything, produce nothing.” – Salvador Dalí
Get influenced by many people, mash-up more than 2 things, figure out whom and what to copy. Don’t just steal the idea but, steal the thinking behind it too.
Don’t just imitate or copy, go one step further and make that idea your own.
Good news you are incapable of making a perfect copy. And when you fail to copy your ideal, hero that’s where you discover your own thing.
Write The Book You Want To Read:
Instead of writing what you know, you should be writing what you like.
The same principle applies to your life & career.
Think of your heroes, ideals, and their work, what did they miss, what could have made their work better according to you, go make that stuff. Do the work you want to see done.
Use Your Hands:
When you work on some projects until you use your hands you won’t get that feeling of making stuff. That’s why step away from screens. You should be moving your body, don’t make things only with your head but also use your body.
To create something unique and creative mind and body must function together. Go strum guitar, do doodling, write down your thoughts, or start kneading clay doing this will kickstart your brain.
Bring back the analog tools ( notebooks, diary, Pencils, pens, sticky notes, etc) in your working process again.
Use computers only to publish or edit your work/ideas but you can’t use it to generate ideas.
If possible then have two desks. One is ” analog” and the other “digital”. Start working from an analog desk. Here your most of the ideas will be born. Then shift to the digital desk to edit and publish that work.
Side Projects And Hobbies:
“The work you do while you procrastinate is probably the work you should be doing for the rest of your life.” —Jessica Hische
Having a side project is very important and useful. Work on more than one project at once so you can bounce between them. This way you’ll get things done even when you procrastinate.
Sometimes doing nothing is very important. You might have noticed you get the best ideas when you are bored. If you’re out of ideas, wash the dishes. Take a really long walk. Stare at a spot on the wall for as long as you can.
“Avoiding work is the way to focus my mind.” –Maira Kalman
If you are passionate about more than 1 thing then don’t think like you have to choose one. Keep them.
You can’t connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backward. – Steve Jobs
A hobby is something creative that’s just for you. You don’t try to make money or get famous off it, just do it because it makes you happy. That’s why having a hobby is very important.
Share With People:
Everyone is so busy they don’t really care about what you think. And that’s a good thing. No one will notice if you fail or took the wrong decisions. You want to people notice you only when you doing good work.
Make stuff every day. Know you’re going to suck for a while. Fail. Get better. Now share your with people via the internet.
Be curious and open about your passion. Share everything about your project, secrets, process. People love it when you give your secrets away and some of them even reward you by buying your stuff.
The Internet is a place where you can share your ideas also it will help you to shape your ideas which are not fully formed.
Having a site, social media account to share your art, ideas, thoughts always inspire and push you forward to keep creating more & better content. You always think about how I can make my audience happy & give them a little more.
Connect with the like-minded people over the internet, share things with them. Share something which will add value to others life. Share a handy tip you’ve discovered while working. Or a link to an interesting article. Mention a good book you’re reading. Etc
Geography Is No Longer Our Master:
You don’t have to live anywhere other than the place you are to start connecting with the world you want to be in.
And if you not happy then make your own world. Surround yourself with books and objects that you love. Tape things up on the wall. Create your own world.
All you need is a little pace and some time to do your work.
Sometimes being alone, just with yourself is necessary for creative work. But nowadays it’s kinda impossible, so try to find solitude. While traveling keep your mobile off, cut off your wifi for at least 20 min daily, go to the park, etc.
And don’t forget to carry a diary, pen, or notepad to write down your thoughts.
Your brain gets too comfortable in your everyday surroundings. — Austin Kleon
When you can’t do your work, feel exhausted, go out leave home. When you’ll come back home will be some but something in your mind will be changed, you’ll start thinking differently.
You have to find a place that feeds you—creatively, socially, spiritually, and literally. – Austin Kleon
Be Nice:
“There’s only one rule I know of: You’ve got to be kind.” —Kurt Vonnegut
You’re only going to be as good as the people you surround yourself with. Means following the best people online, who are smarter & better than you. Keep eye on what they do, suggest, share, etc.
Find the most talented person in the room, and if it’s not you, go stand next to him. Hang out with him. Try to be helpful. If you ever find that you’re the most talented person in the room, you need to find another room.
instead of arguing about stupid things over social media, try to channel that anger into making, or doing something meaningful.
Once you put your work into the world, you have no control over the way people will react to it. They may love it or hate it or some might even criticize it. At these moments you should be too busy doing your work.
Life is full of rejection, discouraging, criticism but if you lucky enough sometimes people even praise you. Maintain a praise file for these moments. In difficult times this file will give you the boost to keep going.
Be Boring:
It takes a lot of energy to be creative. You don’t have that energy if you waste it on other stuff.
You have limited time on this earth. Eat breakfast. Do some push-ups. Go for long walks. Get plenty of sleep.
Learn about money, cash flow, savings, stock market, etc. Having financial knowledge is very important to stay out of debt and wealth.
Honestly, to make a living off doing what you truly love, it will probably take you a while to get to that point. Until then, you’ll need a day job, which pays you decently, gives you enough time to work on other things.
The worst thing a day job does is take time away from you. But it gives you financial freedom and the money you get you can use on your side project.
Get a calendar, form a routine, plan work, and show up every day to do the work. It will keep you focused and on track.
keep a logbook!! It’s the book in which you list things you do every day. It’s very helpful for time management, you’ll also notice where you wasting your time when you are more productive and all.
Creativity Is Subtraction:
We live in a world of internet and the overload of information. You have to understand what’s important And what’s not. Leave out the unnecessary information. Don’t get paralyzed by the limitless options and possibilities.
make things with the time, space, and materials you have, right now.
Put constraints on yourself draw with one color only, don’t use an eraser, try to write a book with 30 words only, write a song in the lunch break, etc. The right constraints can lead to your very best work.
If you think you can do everything then you are wrong. Try to make stuff with less by starting now. Don’t wait!!
In the end, creativity isn’t just the things we choose to put in, it’s the things we choose to leave out. – Austin Kleon
Take a walk
Start your swipe file
Go to the library
Buy a notebook and use it
Get yourself a calendar
Start your logbook Give a copy of this book away
Start a blog
Take a nap
Steal Like An Artist Review:
ONE OF MY FAVORITE BOOK!!! I can literally read this book again and will whenever I feel stuck or face difficulty. Steal like an artist just inspires and shares tips and tricks which the author used to find out his passion, to do what he likes, to become more creative, to think out of the box. If you are 16,17 and you read this book now then you are very lucky. Austin Kneol shared 10 things about creativity which we never thought of. And each chapter is breaker down into tiny chapters also the presentation of the book is awesome. I will surely recommend you to read this wonderful book.
Let me know in the comments if you liked this Steal like an artist summary also if you liked it then make sure to read the full book. The book is available in paper, digital and audio format. And you can have this audiobook for free from below.
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laurelkrugerr · 4 years
How to Overcome Burnout Without a Netflix Marathon
April 17, 2020 6 min read
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
When it became clear that I’d be spending weeks on end at home, I initially thought that throwing myself into work would be a good way to pass the time and entertain myself. Although it’s certainly worked (pun intended), I’ve felt indicators of burnout creeping up as I’ve seldom left my laptop. I’ve been inspired by entrepreneurs sharing on social media how they’ve realized through this time of stillness that they’ve been going too fast for too long. Taking a step back from the “hustle” can be challenging, but this period of lockdown invites it. 
Related: How to Recognize and Beat Burnout
So, what to do? I’ve struggled with striking a balance between the work I need to do and … well … Netflix marathons. As leisurely and satisfying as it is to plop on the couch and turn on one of the many Netflix seasons beckoning after a long day of work, it’s not doing much to eradicate my burnout and energize me for the day ahead. So, I’ve put some other tactics to the test, and I’m feeling better already. 
1. Base your first task of the work session on an “energy test.” 
No matter how much you love what you do, there are certain parts of your workday that drain you more than others. Replying to emails and strategizing content are what drain me. When I begin my workday doing these necessary tasks, I find myself feeling burnt out before I even get to the good stuff. I recommend doing an “energy test” with each part of the work you need to do, which is simply done by feeling into your body and how energized you are before and after you do each task. 
Related: Understanding Entrepreneurial Burnout (And How To Deal With It)
Energy can’t be created or consumed, but it can be summoned. I believe that when we’re doing something we genuinely enjoy, we draw greater energy. I’ve found that recording a podcast episode or filming an Instagram story is what energizes me most. So, now when I sit down for a work session, I first whip out my podcast microphone or my phone and start recording. It might take some trial, but determine what order of business brings you into the flow, hones your focus and adds a pick-me-up to your already strong cup of coffee. Do that first. 
2. Get in sync with your body.
Although there are many symptoms of burnout, it’s usually something we feel physically. The exhaustion makes me feel heavy, like I’m being pulled downward, and while I’m not tired enough to take a nap, I feel tired enough to begin to think of my old pal Netflix again. This is where it’s always a good idea to get your heart pumping again. 
There are a few ways you can do this. I do 20 jumping jacks in place, stand up and stretch or engage what Kristin Jekielek, an expert in reviving energy post-burnout, calls the “rest and digest” system. “The fastest way to do this is to move your body in synchronicity with your breath,” she told me. “Yoga is one great way to do this, but my favorite is to make tiny twisting motions with my hands in rhythm with my breath, letting it be easy and relaxing. It really works!”
Related: 4 Science-Backed Ways to Prevent Burnout
Now when I’m starting to feel an afternoon slump come on, I find some way to move — even the micro-movements synced with my breath. This syncing of my breath and body brings me back to center.
3. Aim to go deep.
Prioritizing focus has also helped me. Rather than letting my mind be pulled in several different directions with my email, phone and dog near me while I’m working, I follow a strict schedule of what I need to get done and put all my focus on the task at hand. Going deep allows me to find more energy within my task, which keeps me working for longer and actually enjoying my work more.
Related: To Prevent Workplace Burnout, Ask These 3 Questions
I wasn’t surprised to learn that multitasking literally and scientifically drains your energy. Daniel Levitin, professor of behavioral neuroscience at McGill University, shared in an article that switching (moving from one focus or task to another) “comes with a biological cost that ends up making us feel tired much more quickly than if we sustain attention on one thing.” Hiding my phone in a dresser drawer out of reach helps me personally. If I have to put in effort to grab my phone and check my text messages, I have a few extra beats to catch myself and redirect my attention to the task at hand.
4. Create more than you consume.
Finally, it’s important to fill our leisure time with more creativity than consumption. Because we’re rigged to be productive, the usual day-to-day hustle of normal life (i.e., life outside of quarantine) doesn’t afford a lot of time to create for creativity’s sake. I’ve played around on my guitar, created colorful pages of notes and doodles while listening to podcasts and prioritized more time for leisure writing so far. Make a list of fun creative activities that you used to love as a child, and try swapping a Netflix episode for an hour of pure playtime creation. 
Related: 7 Ways to Get From Burnout to Balance
Research from Lund University has found links between playtime and productivity. Even doodling on a sheet of paper can help you remember more details. In creative playtime, there are no right or wrong answers, happy or unhappy clients or grades. Giving ourselves this artistic freedom reflects in all of the work that we do. As I lean into play during this quarantine, I know it’s helping me become less vulnerable to burnout, a practice I’ll carry with me for the rest of my life. No Netflix marathon needed! 
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source http://www.scpie.org/how-to-overcome-burnout-without-a-netflix-marathon/ source https://scpie1.blogspot.com/2020/04/how-to-overcome-burnout-without-netflix.html
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I feel like I should document this somewhere whilst the feeling is still relatively fresh although it was a few days ago.
So, on Friday I was trying and failing to do work, I just felt so restless. I felt so much motivation but not towards what I was doing. I started doodling and then scribbling that I needed something creative to do. I went to go draw money that out of Tesco and on the way found myself going the longer way round and running just because I had so much energy. I kept skipping like I couldn’t stay still. By the time I got back as I didn’t have my uni card I felt like I needed to scream or punch something. Walking back out again I felt really lost and just wanted to pace despite having somewhere to go and I felt choked up. The weird part was I felt like I could both burst into hysterical laughter or start crying. This was pretty fucking scary at this point so the option I didn’t really choose but went with was crying. I hadn’t even made it 50m out of the flat and I had to sit on a wall. I still felt really indecisive even tho I’d wanted to do archery before this had kicked in and I started to get palpitations (or what I’ve had before that I think are). Walking down it felt like the air was going in and out of my lungs but not going into the rest of my body. I didn’t want to talk to anyone when I did get to archery but equally wanted them to talk to me to distract me. Afterwards, I was pretty alright tho freaked out because I didn’t and still don’t understand what happened and when I shot particularly badly I would get a racing heart that felt for very brief periods - like 1-2 mins - like palpitations again. I want to share this with someone because I want to understand but equally I feel like saying all of this is not what the platform is meant for. Idk, I suppose this is just another thing to add to the list.
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egooksconnolly · 7 years
20 Bedtime Habits For Successful Weight Loss
Want to lose the unwanted flab from your body? Then you must change your bedtime habits.Because 1. it is scientifically proven that good sleep can aid weight loss and 2. habits define you and your life. Lack of proper sleep can lead to insulin resistance, increase stress and hunger hormone levels, and slow metabolism – leading to weight gain (1). And the best solution to safeguard yourself from obesity-related health issues is to change your bedtime habits. In this article, I have strategically created a bedtime ritual that will help you sleep better to shed the extra pounds. Here’s what you got to do.
So, you have finished your day’s work and left with just enough energy to have dinner and sleep. But you end up staying up late. One of the reasons for this is that though your brain is overworked, your body isn’t. And of course the distractions. In order to help your brain and body sync, down to get some exercise – dance, swim, run, brisk walk, strength train etc. before you have your dinner. Exercising will not only mobilize the fat but also improve brain function and reaction time, help you fall asleep quickly, strengthen your muscles, reduce stress, and bring a healthy glow on your face. Make sure to have a protein shake 1 hour before you exercise. You can also have a protein shake post workout but only if you are not able to get enough protein from the whole foods in your diet.
Have Chicken/Turkey/Tofu/Nuts
Worrying too much can also lead to insomnia. When you are stressed out, the cortisol levels are way too high leading to oxidative stress and inflammation. But the great news is that you can eat foods that can reduce the cortisol levels. And no, I am not talking about the “comfortably unhealthy food”. Consume foods that are rich in an amino acid, L-tryptophan that plays a vital role in the synthesis of serotonin or the “feel good” hormone (2). Have skinless chicken breast, turkey, tofu, and nuts for dinner along with other healthy foods to help keep your hunger pangs away and increase the serotonin levels. The less you feel anxious and worried, the better sleep you are going to get.
Consume Cottage Cheese/Cheese
Cottage cheese and any other cheese are also rich in L-tryptophan. Moreover, they are also loaded with casein, which has also been found to promote quality sleep. So, add cheese to your dinner so that you have healthy comfort food, help your body and brain rest, reduce stress levels, and wake up fresh in the morning.
Switch Off Mobile, TV, Laptop
Mobile, TV, laptop, X-box etc. are all the distractions I was talking about. We are all addicted to our mobiles and it is as dangerous as any other drug. What you can do is finish up your work in the office to avoid staying up till late in the night. Make a routine where you give yourself 30 mins time to check YouTube, Netflix, FB, Instagram or play games on X box. And then shut the electronic gadgets and do things that will help you release the stress.
Make Your Bed
Have you ever noticed how a well made, clean, and comfortable bed could invite you? A well-made bed relaxes the brain and induces better sleep. Use clean bedsheets and pillow cover. Use a mattress that doesn’t give you a backache and the pillows should be not too soft or too hard. You can also use a body pillow to rest your leg on. Make your bed by tucking the edges of the bed sheet under the mattress. Now, fold a comforter and keep it on the bed to use it if needed. Also, choose light-colored cotton bed sheets and pillow covers.
Foot Soak
Ever tried a foot soak before bed? Just use lukewarm water and add a little salt and 3 drops of lavender essential oil and soak your feet for 10 minutes. You can move your feet up and down to contract and release your calves. You can also use plastic foot rollers to release the stress from the foot sole. Do this regularly to induce sleep, or you can follow the next steps.
Take A Shower
Yes, if foot soak is not so helpful to you, you can try taking a shower before bed. You can use Epsom salt and essential oils and just relax in the bathtub or take a quick lukewarm water shower. Use a subtle smelling body wash and massage your body as your clean up. Use a moisturizer after showering so your body is not dry and itchy. This will help your body to cool down and is an effective stress reliever.
Foot Massage
After you have taken a shower or soaked your feet, you must give yourself a foot massage. Dab moisturizer all over your foot and then use medium pressure and circular motions to apply the moisturizer. Use your knuckles to massage the soles of your feet. Hold your toe in between your fingers and move your foot up and down to feel the stretch. Do this for 5 minutes. Wear a thin sock to prevent your foot from accumulating dirt.
Wear Comfortable Clothes
After you massage your feet, choose comfortable bedtime clothes made of pure cotton or satin. This will help you breathe properly and will allow you to move freely on the bed while you sleep. Never wear tight clothes or clothes that may cause itching.
Allow Ventilation In Bedroom
Your bedroom should be well ventilated. The temperature should not be too cold or hot. Keep the door and windows open for a while before going to bed.
Use Aromatherapy
If your room does not have good ventilation, you may use essential oils or mild room fresheners to set the “sleep mood” in your room. You can add few drops of essential oil to your pillow or to a bowl of water and keep it on your bedside table. Aromatherapy will not only help you fall asleep but will also keep your hunger pangs at bay.
Practice Bedtime Yoga
Feeling sore after a day’s work, cardio, and strength training? Try bedtime yoga. Practicing yoga before bed will not only get rid of the muscle pain but also help you be able to unlock the stress caused by negativity, worry, and the day’s chaos cluttered inside your head. And this is important for you to sleep better, lose weight, and focus on positive and important things in life.
Maintain A Journal
Instead of typing away on your laptop or watching rigmarole videos online, go old school – maintain a diary. Write about your day or how you feel about losing weight. You can also log your progress, prepare a business plan or just doodle! Give your eyes rest so that you get a better shut-eye.
Drink Warm Milk
I do it all the time, and it works! Drink one cup of warm milk with a pinch of turmeric before bed. You will sleep like a baby and wake up fresh like a flower! Milk is rich in L-tryptophan, but there is no scientific evidence that L-tryptophan from milk can help reduce stress and increase the serotonin levels. Casein may be responsible for the sleep-inducing property. If you are lactose intolerant, try drinking warm almond milk.
Close The Kitchen
Now that you have had your glass of warm milk, it’s time to shut shop. Clean the kitchen tabletop and turn off the lights in the kitchen area. If you don’t get into this habit, there will always be something you would want to eat. And late night snacking can contribute to a lot of weight gain without you even realizing it. After you close your kitchen here’s what you must do.
Use The Washroom
Yes, use the washroom before finally retiring to your bed. The urge to use the washroom can also hamper your sleep and keep you awake. Also, do not forget to brush your teeth. This also helps to curb hunger.
Get Comfortable
Head straight to your bedroom and crawl up on your bed and feel comfortable. Place the pillow and the body pillow in the right place, pull up the comforter, use hand moisturizer to moisturize your hands, loosely tie your hair or leave it open, apply a lip balm and a night cream. You are all set for the next step!
Read A Book
Reading a book or magazine can help you fall asleep quickly. It will also improve your attention span and vocabulary. Make sure not to read an ebook or check the news on your phone because your eyes need rest. Moreover, your skin also gets affected by the light and radiation from the electronic gadgets.
Lights Out
You will start to feel drowsy and before you finally put your book down, turn off the light. This is important as sleeping in the dark will help your pineal gland release a hormone called melatonin (2). Melatonin helps to relieve stress and improve sleep quality and sleep time (3).
Use Blue Night Light
If you are someone who can’t sleep without a little bit of light, then you can use a blue night lamp. The color blue tends to induce sleep. You may also stare at a blue color paper for better sleep.
So, those were the 20 bedtime habits for better sleep and weight loss. Try to inculcate these habits, and you will start to notice a difference in your energy levels and brain power. You must also eat clean and keep yourself active to lose weight. Make sure you turn these bedtime habits into a ritual, and you are sure to see quick results. Cheers!
The post 20 Bedtime Habits For Successful Weight Loss appeared first on STYLECRAZE.
The article source is here:Style Craze
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selfhelpfactory · 4 years
Steal Like An Artist Summary | 10 things to unlock your creativity
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Nothing is original, theft is the secret of a masterpiece that’s what you’ll know from steal like an artist summary. The author also shares what are the important factors in creativity, how you can boost it, how you can find your passion.
so let’s just begin……….
Art is theft -Pablo Picasso
10 Things No One Told You About Being Creative:
Steal Like An Artist:
Artists don’t get unique, creative ideas out of nowhere, they steal them. You should also look at the world as an artist. Look around, think, and decide what’s worth stealing and what’s not.
Nothing is Completely Original!! Everything we see around is build-up on what came before. So stop trying to be completely original and look for influences, references around.
“Everything that needs to be said is already been said. But, since no one was listening, everything must be said again.” – Andre Gide
Every idea is a mash-up of 2 or more previous ideas.
Be a collector, not a hoarder who collects everything. Collect selectively and collect good ideas. You’re only going to be as good as the stuff you surround yourself with.
know more about the power of creativity.
School and education are two different things. Whether you’re in school or not, it’s always your job to get yourself an education. Always be reading, curious about things, and google everything.
Don’t Wait To Get Started:
You won’t know who you are actually and how to get good ideas until you actually start making stuff. It’s the process where you realize what’s good& what’s not, what you should be doing, and whatnot. So don’t wait just start.
Fake it till you make it!!! Pretend to be the person you actually wanna be until you become that.
You start out as a phony and become real. – Glenn O’Brien
From childhood, everything you learned so far is by copying. Copying alphabets, practicing scales, etc. Copying is like reverse engineering to know how things work.
“Those who do not want to imitate anything, produce nothing.” – Salvador Dalí
Get influenced by many people, mash-up more than 2 things, figure out whom and what to copy. Don’t just steal the idea but, steal the thinking behind it too.
Don’t just imitate or copy, go one step further and make that idea your own.
Good news you are incapable of making a perfect copy. And when you fail to copy your ideal, hero that’s where you discover your own thing.
Write The Book You Want To Read:
Instead of writing what you know, you should be writing what you like.
The same principle applies to your life & career.
Think of your heroes, ideals, and their work, what did they miss, what could have made their work better according to you, go make that stuff. Do the work you want to see done.
Use Your Hands:
When you work on some projects until you use your hands you won’t get that feeling of making stuff. That’s why step away from screens. You should be moving your body, don’t make things only with your head but also use your body.
To create something unique and creative mind and body must function together. Go strum guitar, do doodling, write down your thoughts, or start kneading clay doing this will kickstart your brain.
Bring back the analog tools ( notebooks, diary, Pencils, pens, sticky notes, etc) in your working process again.
Use computers only to publish or edit your work/ideas but you can’t use it to generate ideas.
If possible then have two desks. One is ” analog” and the other “digital”. Start working from an analog desk. Here your most of the ideas will be born. Then shift to the digital desk to edit and publish that work.
Side Projects And Hobbies:
“The work you do while you procrastinate is probably the work you should be doing for the rest of your life.” —Jessica Hische
Having a side project is very important and useful. Work on more than one project at once so you can bounce between them. This way you’ll get things done even when you procrastinate.
Sometimes doing nothing is very important. You might have noticed you get the best ideas when you are bored. If you’re out of ideas, wash the dishes. Take a really long walk. Stare at a spot on the wall for as long as you can.
“Avoiding work is the way to focus my mind.” –Maira Kalman
If you are passionate about more than 1 thing then don’t think like you have to choose one. Keep them.
You can’t connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backward. – Steve Jobs
A hobby is something creative that’s just for you. You don’t try to make money or get famous off it, just do it because it makes you happy. That’s why having a hobby is very important.
Share With People:
Everyone is so busy they don’t really care about what you think. And that’s a good thing. No one will notice if you fail or took the wrong decisions. You want to people notice you only when you doing good work.
Make stuff every day. Know you’re going to suck for a while. Fail. Get better. Now share your with people via the internet.
Be curious and open about your passion. Share everything about your project, secrets, process. People love it when you give your secrets away and some of them even reward you by buying your stuff.
The Internet is a place where you can share your ideas also it will help you to shape your ideas which are not fully formed.
Having a site, social media account to share your art, ideas, thoughts always inspire and push you forward to keep creating more & better content. You always think about how I can make my audience happy & give them a little more.
Connect with the like-minded people over the internet, share things with them. Share something which will add value to others life. Share a handy tip you’ve discovered while working. Or a link to an interesting article. Mention a good book you’re reading. Etc
Geography Is No Longer Our Master:
You don’t have to live anywhere other than the place you are to start connecting with the world you want to be in.
And if you not happy then make your own world. Surround yourself with books and objects that you love. Tape things up on the wall. Create your own world.
All you need is a little pace and some time to do your work.
Sometimes being alone, just with yourself is necessary for creative work. But nowadays it’s kinda impossible, so try to find solitude. While traveling keep your mobile off, cut off your wifi for at least 20 min daily, go to the park, etc.
And don’t forget to carry a diary, pen, or notepad to write down your thoughts.
Your brain gets too comfortable in your everyday surroundings. — Austin Kleon
When you can’t do your work, feel exhausted, go out leave home. When you’ll come back home will be some but something in your mind will be changed, you’ll start thinking differently.
You have to find a place that feeds you—creatively, socially, spiritually, and literally. – Austin Kleon
Be Nice:
“There’s only one rule I know of: You’ve got to be kind.” —Kurt Vonnegut
You’re only going to be as good as the people you surround yourself with. Means following the best people online, who are smarter & better than you. Keep eye on what they do, suggest, share, etc.
Find the most talented person in the room, and if it’s not you, go stand next to him. Hang out with him. Try to be helpful. If you ever find that you’re the most talented person in the room, you need to find another room.
instead of arguing about stupid things over social media, try to channel that anger into making, or doing something meaningful.
Once you put your work into the world, you have no control over the way people will react to it. They may love it or hate it or some might even criticize it. At these moments you should be too busy doing your work.
Life is full of rejection, discouraging, criticism but if you lucky enough sometimes people even praise you. Maintain a praise file for these moments. In difficult times this file will give you the boost to keep going.
Be Boring:
It takes a lot of energy to be creative. You don’t have that energy if you waste it on other stuff.
You have limited time on this earth. Eat breakfast. Do some push-ups. Go for long walks. Get plenty of sleep.
Learn about money, cash flow, savings, stock market, etc. Having financial knowledge is very important to stay out of debt and wealth.
Honestly, to make a living off doing what you truly love, it will probably take you a while to get to that point. Until then, you’ll need a day job, which pays you decently, gives you enough time to work on other things.
The worst thing a day job does is take time away from you. But it gives you financial freedom and the money you get you can use on your side project.
Get a calendar, form a routine, plan work, and show up every day to do the work. It will keep you focused and on track.
keep a logbook!! It’s the book in which you list things you do every day. It’s very helpful for time management, you’ll also notice where you wasting your time when you are more productive and all.
Creativity Is Subtraction:
We live in a world of internet and the overload of information. You have to understand what’s important And what’s not. Leave out the unnecessary information. Don’t get paralyzed by the limitless options and possibilities.
make things with the time, space, and materials you have, right now.
Put constraints on yourself draw with one color only, don’t use an eraser, try to write a book with 30 words only, write a song in the lunch break, etc. The right constraints can lead to your very best work.
If you think you can do everything then you are wrong. Try to make stuff with less by starting now. Don’t wait!!
In the end, creativity isn’t just the things we choose to put in, it’s the things we choose to leave out. – Austin Kleon
Take a walk
Start your swipe file
Go to the library
Buy a notebook and use it
Get yourself a calendar
Start your logbook Give a copy of this book away
Start a blog
Take a nap
Steal Like An Artist Review:
ONE OF MY FAVORITE BOOK!!! I can literally read this book again and will whenever I feel stuck or face difficulty. Steal like an artist just inspires and shares tips and tricks which the author used to find out his passion, to do what he likes, to become more creative, to think out of the box. If you are 16,17 and you read this book now then you are very lucky. Austin Kneol shared 10 things about creativity which we never thought of. And each chapter is breaker down into tiny chapters also the presentation of the book is awesome. I will surely recommend you to read this wonderful book.
Let me know in the comments if you liked this Steal like an artist summary also if you liked it then make sure to read the full book. The book is available in paper, digital and audio format. And you can have this audiobook for free from below.
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