#2. those drains are in the SP area. NOT the to go area. i was on to gos tonight
ilguna · 2 years
managers really think they know it all, huh?
#ilguna#okay story time because this needs context#sometime in november my GM went thru another delusional phase where she thinks she needs to revamp rules#she does this every couple months#and so she put up like cleaning duties every day for every position#and it was split between am team and pm team#and it was minor shit that would be easy to upkeep if we did it every week#like cleaning the kitchen doors or wiping down the drink station#really easy shit#well when we were doing that#the morning team ESPECIALLY on slow days would HAVE to do that shit#however. night team and busy days like friday saturday and sundays would skip out because it was too busy#which left the am team on mondays tuesday and wednesdays to get stuck cleaning#and the other bitches got out of doing it#well. i was one of the poor unlucky bastards stuck cleaning on slow days.#and it was pretty fucking often this would happen#skip forward to today. now that we don’t do that cleaning shit anymore bc that phase lasts 2 weeks at best#the new kitchen manager has it in his head that he wants us to put ice in the drains to keep the fruit flies from having babies#1. the fruit flies originate from the dish pit and the bar. not really the drink station.#2. those drains are in the SP area. NOT the to go area. i was on to gos tonight#well new manager comes over to tell me to do it. i tell him no and to have the SP’s do it. he tells me we’re all a team#listen here motherfucker. i just ran SP food when i’m not even in that position AND i’m not gonna get tipped out for it. that’s team playing#so i tell him to have the fucking SP’s do it. bc tonight is FRIDAY and they GET OUT OF SO MUCH SHIT#so i try to have my other manager cash me out bc i was pissed off bc he pestered me twice about it. and she told me to just do as i’m told#*clasps hands together* no.#and i didnt. i literally cashed myself out and left out the front door bc i wasn’t doing that shit.#i’m getting real fucking sick and tired of them picking on people like me to do shit bc they know the other person won’t#how about you MANAGE them and NOT ME. i’m not the fucking issue. i have cleaned so much shit for them. it’s criminal.#i did the drains. i cleaned the kitchen walls. the kitchen door. the wall behind drinks. the drink station. the food area. i did the lobby.#im out of tags but you get the point. managers are so fucking stupid and they don’t even realize it
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funkymbtifiction · 3 years
Enneagram Centers
Sometimes if you're not sure of your core type, you need to consider the "centers" in order to figure out where your focus lies. (And... don't allow yourself to tritype yourself until you're 100% positive of your core. It will explain most of your behavior and coping mechanisms, so tritype isn't an excuse to mistype.)
Centers... there are three. Each one makes decisions differently and focuses on different things. Sometimes you can narrow down your type to the center, and from there, decide which of the three fits you best.
Centers: heart, head, gut.
They are exactly the way they sound.
Heart types make decisions from an emotional place, because their focus is on earning love. How are you seeing me? What image am I presenting to you? What do I want you to see? They are all about a conscious crafting of "self" in comparison to others. Others can see them as emotional, as needing approval, or as making decisions based on what others think of them. It's an image center. How do I feel about this? What does it lead me to do? (2 - find love, earn love. 3 - impress to earn approval. 4 - too broken for love, separate, must show my uniqueness to get love.)
Head types make decisions from a rational place, because their focus is on being secure. They think, think, think. Over-think. Analyze. Observe. Gotta think about that. Need time to mull it over. Their energy is all in their head. Nervous energy. Active energy. Thoughts. What I think, not what I feel. Buzzing. Busy mind. Converting everything to thinking about it. Distrusts their emotions. Emotions lead you wrong. Must be rational! (5 - detach, observe, don't participate. 6 - too many thoughts, unsure, find something to trust, hold onto it. 7 - stay busy to avoid anxiety, lots of thoughts, run with them all, don't want to feel stuck.)
Gut types make decisions from an instinctual place, through body energy. How things "hit" me. What I "sense" is right. How the world slams up against me, and the barriers I build against it. Putting up boundaries to protect myself. Are these boundaries stable? Knowing what to do. Or not knowing. I just know. It's an obvious choice. This is where I'm being lead. (1 - set firm boundaries, I know what's right and wrong. 8 - be a wall others slam into, expand to maintain control, things anger me and make me push back. 9 - the world seems to be taking me over, it's easy just to go along with it, pretend to agree and then do my own thing, avoid conflict.)
Another thing, which goes for mistyping in MBTI as well -- lots of people think they are X so they "act like X" -- but acting is pretending; it's not real. A fix or a core or a type is real when there's no acting involved; it's just what you naturally do, the air you breathe. For a 2 fixer, pretending to be separate, and broken, and craft an identity as a 4... that is hard work, tiring. For a 6 to pretend to be a 9, and stay calm, and not be full of thoughts and over-thinking, is impossible. It's draining. People start acting THE BEHAVIOR instead of looking deep into their motivations. "Oh, I will act like a 7!" You can't act like a 7 and be convincing, a 7 generates those behaviors through their thinking process. Identifiable behaviors are the result of mental energy. Heart processes are the result of emotional energy. And gut responses are instinctual, immediate, no thinking necessary, my body is reacting, sometimes before I can even think about it. ("I felt sick through my body before I even knew what was happening...")
Social variants are much the same, in that your dominant trait is where your attention goes immediately when you are asked a question or forced to come up with a conversation on the spot. It's rapid. Your dominant instinct absorbs most of your thoughts and focus and concern, even if you aren't aware of it.
Like the typing video I linked to the other day -- when asked questions, Megan Fox drew attention to sexual topics and encounters, because she views her past in an sx-dom way; she remembers school by the first boy she French kissed. When she wanted to interrupt her interviewer and pull him off a "boring topic," her brain said: admit you have a crush on him in a "there are only three guys I'd do" way. Again, sx. Her photos -- sx displays. Provocative clothing intended to elicit an sx reaction from others.
With variants, give yourself time and space to discover it. Your variant is probably more obvious to other people than yourself, because they see it's where your mind goes. You can't think your way through this, head types ;), you have to get an instinctual sense of things through comparisons. Think about the variants on their own, what they are about, what their focus is on, and then put them into the context of your core type and what that means.
If it's sp, look for sp's in the world around you. What's their focus on? Sp concerns. What does that mean? They focus on... my body, how I feel, what I can do, can my body withstand this? What's this look like? The guy you know who is an exercise master. The person neurotic about their health. The 2 who focuses on "health and home." (What does that look like? Well, he checks my tires, changes the oil, etc, for me without being asked! Mom makes lunches for us all, packs them, has them waiting by the door, and makes sure to take care of us at home!)
Socials? Inspiring others. Being the go-to person. Sharing what they know in a friendly manner. Focus on community, on inspiring, on being socially appropriate, on noticing when others AREN'T playing by the rules. What's that look like in person? The 1 who sets a moral example through their behavior and frowns on misbehavior. The 3 who wants to impress you with their inspirational journey. (Not their stuff, stuff is sp. Admire my new car? Sp 3!) The 5 who loves to share their expertise about ancient Egypt (their one thing). The likable 2 who runs a YouTube channel about "how to..."
Sexuals? Focus on sex. Heat. Attraction. Scent. Impact. Provocation. Am I turning you on or off? I want to find out, that's why I do it. People are either drawn to me or hate me. That's fine. Attracting them all isn't interesting to me. What's that look like in number terms? The sexy 2 who only "helps" their special person. The 6 who is protective of their mate, while also being anxious and suspicious and fearful of being left OR who goes to an extreme to become attractive in an expected way (the hot girl next door, the man who can protect you, the sensitive man, the tough girl). The 9 who molds themselves into another person and disappears into them (Bella).
It's an area of over-focus, neuroticism, a need you have to fill, whereas your second fix isn't that important. It's how you play, dabble, the stakes aren't as high, and your focus doesn't always go there first. I want this, don't always chase it. (Sx? Intense heat comes after social awareness or self-protection. Soc? Socially aware, but being an influencer comes after sx drive or "my health and home." Sp? Survival comes after public influence or awareness or sx pursuits.)
Being "blind" means... I rarely focus on this. It's not on my radar. Sp blind? Safety?? Survival? Eh, it'll all work out fine. :) Sx blind? Throwing myself recklessly after intense attraction, thirst traps, being super provocative, seems tasteless and risky. Soc-blind? Oblivious to how that statement made you feel about me, or judge me, unaware of how I dress or act being inappropriate to a situation.
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thecreaturecodex · 4 years
Asura Rana, Cas
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Image by Daarken, © Wizards of the Coast. Accessed at the Heroes of Horror Art Gallery here
[Furtober finishes off with a big bang and a Big Bad. Heroes of Horror introduced Cas, the Lord of Spite, and I remember a lot of people making fun of him at the time. The idea that a supervillain evil god has the head of a moose was seen as ridiculous, and comparisons to Bullwinkle were common. Nowadays, the fact that moose are huge and terrifying relict megafauna seems to be more appreciated, and there’s something I find appealing about the idea of a prey species becoming the hunter. Appropriate for a god of spite and revenge. The knee pads and codpiece made of human skulls are admittedly silly, though.
The original Cas was NE and a god, and his CR 25 avatar was basically just a 20th level ranger with some extra outsider HD and a few surprisingly weak SLAs. I’ve moved him to LE to fit with his retribution theme, and because his hatred of the gods seems very appropriate for the asuras. I’ve left some of the ranger abilities, but added some inquisitor material as well, in addition to a few new surprises.]
Asura Rana, Cas CR 26 LE Outsider (extraplanar) This giant has reddish brown skin and the head of a moose, the antlers stained with blood. It has clawed hands, cloven hooves and brandishes a large mace of black metal. Its body seems to shimmer with heat.
Cas Lord of Spite, the Red Grudge, He Who Balances the Scales Concerns spite, disproportionate retribution, vengeance Domains Destruction, Evil, Law, Strength Subdomains Corruption, Ferocity, Hatred, Judgment Worshipers inquisitors, vigilantes, the wronged Minions asuras, devourers, revenants Unholy Symbol a rack of blood-stained antlers Favored Weapon heavy mace Devotion spend one hour ruminating aloud on those that have wronged you, beginning in a whisper and culminating in a scream. Gain a +4 profane bonus on Diplomacy checks to gather information, Survival checks to follow tracks, and Intimidate checks. Boons 1: bestow curse 1/day; 2: transformation 1/day; 3: energy drain 1/day
Cas the Lord of Spite is an asura rana who nurses hate and frustration, stoking the fires of vengeance until they erupt destructively. According to his cult, he was once a mortal huntsman with a loving family. He and his family grew isolated from their community, until violence erupted and his whole family was slain. Due to the social standing of his assailants, he could not turn to the law for recourse, and so turned to the gods. When divine intervention was not forthcoming, he swore vengeance against both his assailants and the divine order, fueling his apotheosis through pure rage and resulting in the destruction of the entire kingdom.
Cas’ ultimate hatred is towards the gods, making him a natural member of the asura ranas. His ambition is still greater; he is currently brooding over his lesser position surrounded by more powerful asuras, the Lords of the Nine and even Asmodeus himself. Cas covets true divinity, but he knows he has a long way to go, and this sulking bitterness fuels him. His violent outbursts at every slight make him a fiend of few allies and many toadies, but more powerful archfiends attempt to steer his rage into useful directions.
The Red Grudge enjoys combat, but he even more enjoys drawing out the hunt of a victim and increasing their terror. He is rarely found without the Ebon Rod of Cas, which he wields in two hands in order to feel more savagely its crushing blows. Cas’ blood boils with the heat of his rage, and the shimmer this causes makes him difficult to strike in combat. Cas is a skilled spellcaster despite his love of violence, and uses magic to inflict pain, forbid actions and heal himself and his allies.
Cas’ faithful are few and far between, and often keep a low profile. His cult broods in dungeons and cellars, not meets in exalted temples. He delights in perverting those with legitimate grievances, as he once was, turning them into ruthless vigilantes who kill to punish minor crimes. His priesthood believes that civilization is a thin veneer beneath which lies nothing but chaos, and it must be kept in order through savage violence. They also believe that anyone, even the most holy and pure, can become a follower of Cas if wronged sufficiently. The faithful of Cas have an unfortunate tendency to rise as undead upon their death, continuing their campaigns of violent revenge beyond the grave.
Ebon Rod of Cas (major artifact) The prized weapon of Cas, he occasionally loans it out to his devout in order to strike somewhere where he cannot go himself. The Ebon Rod of Cas is a Large +3 vicious adamantine heavy mace. It acts as a bane weapon against any creature that has caused injury to its wielder for up to 1 year. It is effectively immune to sundering and other forms of direct damage; a creature that deals damage to it must succeed a DC 25 Will save or take that damage instead. The Ebon Rod of Cas can only be destroyed if it is carried for 100 years by an empyreal lord devoted to peace and forgiveness, whereupon it evaporates into mist. 
Cas      CR 26 XP 2,457,600 LE Large outsider (asura, asura rana, evil, extraplanar, lawful) Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., detect good, Perception +39, see in darkness, true seeing Aura frightful presence (60 ft., DC 34) Defense AC 44, touch 26, flat-footed 36 (-1 size, +7 Dex, +1 dodge, +9 profane, +18 natural) hp 573 (31d10+403); regeneration 25 (deific or mythic) Fort +23, Ref +23, Will +28; +8 vs. mind-influencing, improved evasion DR 15/good, epic and cold iron; Immune ability damage, ability drain, charm effects, compulsion effects, curse effects, death effects, disease, divinations, energy drain, fear, fire, petrifaction, poison, polymorph; Resist acid 30, electricity 30; SR 37 Defensive Abilities freedom of movement, hateful ward, heat shimmer Offense Speed 50 ft., fly 100 ft. (perfect) Melee Ebon Rod of Cas +48/+43/+38/+33 (2d6+25 plus 2d6 vicious/19-20), gore +40 (2d8+7 plus 2d6 fire) or 2 claws +45 (2d6+12 plus 2d6 fire), gore +45 (2d8+12 plus 2d6 fire) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks agony beam, favored enemy (dragons +2, good outsiders +6, evil outsiders +4, humans +4, magical beasts +2) Spell-like Abilities CL 26th, concentration +35 Constant—detect good, freedom of movement, mind blank, true seeing At will—bestow curse (DC 23), enervation, greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. material only), malicious spite (DC 23), permanent image (DC 25), vampiric touch 3/day—command undead (DC 26), fire storm (DC 27), greater dispel magic, instant enemy, quickened major curse (DC 25), summon asuras 1/day—energy drain (DC 28), unhallow, wail of the banshee (DC 28), wish Spells CL 20th, concentration +29 6th (6/day)—blade barrier (DC 25), harm (DC 25), heal (DC 25), mass fester (DC 25), overwhelming presence (DC 25) 5th (7/day)—dispel good (DC 24), geas/quest, greater command (DC 24), mass castigate (DC 24), unwilling shield (DC 24) 4th (7/day)—cure critical wounds (DC 23), divination, divine power, fear (DC 23), greater invisibility, spell immunity 3rd (7/day)—arcane sight, deeper darkness, dimensional anchor, heroism, terrible remorse (DC 22), ward the faithful 2nd (7/day)—cure moderate wounds (DC 21), howling agony (DC 21), knock, resist energy, silence (DC 21), spiritual weapon 1st (8/day)—bless, comprehend languages, cure light wounds, divine favor, expeditious retreat, shield of faith 0th—bleed (DC 19), brand (DC 19), create water, detect magic, read magic, resistance Statistics Str 35, Dex 25, Con 37, Int 22, Wis 28, Cha 28 Base Atk +31; CMB +44; CMD 61 Feats Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Dazzling Display, Dodge, Improved Critical (mace), Intimidating Prowess, Mobility, Power Attack, Quicken SLA (major curse), Shatter Defenses, Spring Attack, Staggering Critical, Stand Still, Stunning Critical, Whirlwind Attack Skills Appraise +29, Bluff +35, Escape Artist +11, Fly +41, Intimidate +47, Linguistics +29, Knowledge (arcana, history, nobility, religion) +29, Knowledge (local, planes) +32, Perception +39, Sense Motive +35, Spellcraft +29, Stealth +31, Survival +35; Racial Modifiers +6 Escape Artist, +4 Perception Languages Celestial, Common, Infernal, 23 others; telepathy 300 ft. SQ asura rana traits Ecology Environment any land or underground (Hell) Organization unique Treasure double standard (Ebon Rod of Cas, other treasure) Special Abilities Agony Beam (Su) Once every 1d4 rounds as a standard action, Cas can unleash a beam of pure pain in a 120 foot line. All living creatures in the area take 12d12 damage and are filled with pain for 1 minute, suffering a -4 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks and ability checks. A successful DC 34 Fortitude save halves the damage and negates the penalties. Multiple failed saves cause the duration of the penalties to stack. This is a pain effect, and the save DC is Charisma based. Asura Rana Traits (Ex, Su and Sp) Cas has the following traits:
Cas can grant spells to his worshipers as if he were a deity.
Cas’ natural weapons, as well as any weapons it wields, are treated as lawful, epic, and evil for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Infernal Resurrection (Ex) Cas rules an infernal domain. If he is slain, his body rapidly melts into corruption (leaving behind any gear he held or carried), his soul returns to a hidden location within his realm, and it is immediately restored to life (as true resurrection) at that location. Once this occurs, Cas can’t use this ability again until a full year has passed. An asura rana that is slain again during this year or is killed by unusual methods (such as by a true deity or an artifact created for this purpose) is slain forever.
Immunity to ability damage, ability drain, charm effects, compulsion effects, death effects, energy drain, and petrification.
Regeneration (Ex) Only chaotic, epic and  good  damage, or damage from a creature of equal or greater power (such as an archdevil, deity, demon lord, or protean lord) interrupts Cas’s regeneration.
Resistance to acid 30, and  electricity 30
Summon Asuras (Sp) Three times per day as a swift action, Cas can summon any asura or combination of asuras whose total  combined CR is  20 or lower. This otherwise works like the summon  universal monster rule with a 100% chance of success, and counts as a 9th-level spell effect.
Telepathy 300 feet.
Favored Enemy (Ex) Cas gains the favored enemy ability of a 20th level ranger. Hateful Ward (Su) Cas gains a profane bonus to his armor class equal to his Charisma modifier. Heat Shimmer (Su) Cas’ body radiates heat, warping his position and protecting him from attacks. Creatures gain a 20% miss chance on attack rolls against Cas if they use sight, and a creature that strikes Cas with a melee weapon, natural weapon, unarmed strike or touch attack takes 2d6 points of fire damage. Weapons with the reach property do not endanger their wielders in this way. If Cas takes 30 or more points of cold damage from a single spell or effect, this ability is suppressed for 1d4 rounds. Spells Cas gains spellcasting as a 20th level inquisitor. He does not gain other class abilities of inquisitors, such as the judgment ability.
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derenger · 4 years
Growing up, parenting and gaming - Longread on life, computer games and finding yourself
This longread is dedicated to and written for all those current and former kids, who had or have troubles growing up, taking decisions, finding themselves in the world they live in, who play games independently of age and – perhaps – have not lost their love for a good game, good times and good buddies.
Perhaps it will help someone in their life. If that happens – I shall think of this writing as useful and my time writing it as not completely wasted.
The ideas have been on my mind for over 2 years now (they started getting very clear when I started doing therapy) and I have to put them on paper now.
Here it goes.
I grew up in the 90s in Eastern Europe. After the USSR collapsed millions of people found themselves without work, perspectives and means of existence. We were lucky that my dad had a good job that was paid in hard currency, however he was barely home – and by that I mean like seeing him 2 or 3 times a month.
We had good living conditions compared to others and my mom did the best she could too take care of my younger bro and me.
The first time we were exposed to computer games was when I was like 7 and my bro was 5 – in the office where the boyfriend of our aunt has been working. We played Dangerous Dave, Scorched Earth, Socoban, Digger, Civilization, The Incredible Machine and some others I do not recall the names. And of course, we liked it and it did not take long for our dad to install them on his PC at home. 2 years later my best buddy got Doom 2 installed on his PC and that was the absolute blast. We spent weeks trying to figure out how to get through level 2 and it was a big holiday when our buddy finally did.
My dad tried to restrict TV and computer time per week, so we always opted for the PC. Over time I learned to turn it on by myself and play when there was no one at home. My dad did not know.
A couple of our friends had 8bit consoles - soviet bootlegs of Super Nintendoes, with TMNT and Chip n Dale, but that was probably it. After all, we were living in a small village with not that many possibilities to make money.
When I was 10 we moved to a bigger city into a 1 room apartment. All 4 of us. This was 1996. 2 other very important things:
We started going to a far bigger school than before, where the mood was totally different from what we were used to. We were bullied and beaten, could not get along with other pupils and teachers and no one actually cared.
Father was home every day.
We started going to a far bigger school than before, where the mood was totally different from what we were used to. We were bullied and beaten, could not get along with other pupils and teachers and no one actually cared.
Father was home every day.
I mean, father was present home every day. It is not like he spent time with us doing sports or whatever. He just had any idea what to do with us as this was his first long time exposure to kids in the 11 years we were a family.
He was more of an authoritarian guy – we were not supposed to waste time in gaming clubs, listen to stupid music (Prodigy, Beastie Boys), we should have studied well, read books, have been doing sports and in general act like good kids.
We were doing some martial arts sports cause mom brought us there. We were taking music classes cause “everyone has to”. We were supposed to help out at home. We were not supposed to hang out with “bad” kid or stay outside till late hours. We were not supposed to smoke, swear and simulate illness to miss classes. We were not supposed to get into trouble.
It is not like we were putting a lot of thought into it. We just moved to the city from rural area and frankly speaking were absolutely not happy about. I guess we just went with the flow.
This was also the time when the first “gaming spot” in town opened – they had 2 Sega Mega Drives II and 1 Sony PlayStation. MK3, MK3 Ultimate, Contra Hard Cops, Golden Axe, some samurai fighting games for the Sega. SPS – Red Alert, Twisted Metal, Duke Nukem, Doom and of course – an incredible breakthrough for its time – Quake 2. And that was a revelation. I recall mom giving us money from time to time. To go play. Sega cost like 1 buck and hour, SPS – 1,5 bucks – far more expensive, so we played mainly on Sega.
At the same time we did have some games at home – Doom, Power Formula 1, Lines, the same Civilization, Lion King, Alladin, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, Gods and Dune 2000. Dad did not want to allow us play games. Like, at all. Don’t ask me why he never deleted the games. The PC was mainly used for him to work. So when he left home, he took the power cable of the monitor and closed it in his spare suitcase. What we did was to unplug the cable from the printer and use for the monitor. Later on he hid both cables – from the monitor and the PC in the suitcase. I found a way to open the suitcase with a very fine flat screwdriver. Mom hid the fact from our dad for a while until he noticed the suitcase was “broken”. I believe they did not speak with each other for a week. But I am still proud of the fact of cracking that suitcase! Fuck yeah!
Things started getting worse when I transferred to a lyceum - 1998. I was 12. This was like a gymnasium for hardcore science-kids, where they went deep into math and natural sciences. I was hysterical the first 2 years as I was barely making the program. Even my dad had troubles solving the math they gave us. Music classes turned to shits. I had no time nor mood for sport. But I had to keep doing it all. Just because. There were a couple of bullies in class, whose parents bribed the management of the school so that their kids would have fancy graduation papers at the end and frankly speaking no one could get a grip on them. That had me very depressed.
Around 13 I started stealing money from my parents and missing classes to go to computer clubs – their number was getting bigger every week, consoles started to disappear. Half Life, CS 1.6, Age of Empires 2, Q3, D2 1.07, Black and White, SimCity 2000, NOX, StarCraft Brood War and many other games had our full attention. The biggest part of it was the fact you could play with or against your friends! That was so fucking awesome! At the same time I started discovering sci-fi and rock music, but that is a different story.
We stole a lot of money from our parents in those times and missed a lot of classes and of course after 3 or 4 months it all got revealed. Boy oh boy our dad smoked us. That was very very tough for a kid when all the things he actually liked were taken from him. Dark times when we were seriously asking ourselves what the hell our parents wanted from us as aside from the stuff they told us to do they never really told us what was it for. Everything else was useless, stupid or waste of time.
Somehow my marks at school got better closer to graduation and I graduated almost with a medal, went to university. I remember they had this PC club with like 200 PCs and from time to time we skipped one or the other lecture to play Starcraft or CS, but very quickly boozing with buddies became the major leisure activity and pushed gaming to the back. I did pretty well at the university, made my master with excellence and that was it – 6 years flew by in a blink of an eye.
I got my own PC during the first year at the uni, played a bit of Warcraft 3, HOMM 3, Quake 3, Lineage II but it was not like I was deep into that. I remember after defending my master I spent like 3 days playing Crysis without anyone saying a word. I mean, I was through with the university. I was free!
Soon after that I went on to work abroad as a project engineer in the chemical industry.
At the moment I am doing sales engineer for a good salary in Berlin, I am married and except for the Corona and all the restrictions it brought life seems ok.
During the last 10 years of my “adult” life I have been in many different situations. I have been very sick a couple of times, running on the edge of life and death. I have been in some useless relations that only drained energy and nerves from me. I also have been diagnosed with depression and burnout at some point, did therapy and consider myself fully recovered from both. I’ll be summarizing it all below.
When I look at my life it did occur to me that gaming was far more important than just the sheer desire to shoot buddies and skip school.
Growing up under the conditions where everything is predetermined one does not really get the chance to expose your own wish. After all, my parents both come from very unhappy families and did not have the exactly best examples of parenting.
It occurred to me that they never really cared about anything we achieved – whether in school, music or sports. I recall a couple of times when I did really good, like winning the City-contest in English language or getting my first “good” in algebra in 7th grade as that shit was extremely tough. I do not recall any reaction. In fact, mom and dad put their close attention to us only when things started getting really bad, like when we were skipping classes or got arrested for setting up fireworks in a crowded place. We never really got any positive feedback for anything we did because our parents just had no idea how to do that. I do not blame them – they were trying their best from their own experience.
And gaming was the absolute opposite to all of that.
Going to computer clubs we knew exactly that we were surrounded by like-minded lads. We made some good friends along the way – lads, who were always ready to jam on de_dust or bring their D2 chars to share some loot. One of the owners of the club had a daughter who was really good in Q3 – I remember everyone has been looking at her like she was some sort of demigod. The games gave us the space and playground we needed so much – clear even rules for everyone. If you frag – you win. If you don’t – you lose. If you suck – the older guys would always help with a couple of tips. Games also gave us control. I really liked the games where you went on an adventure, like NOX or Will Rock or serious Sam. Gaming also gave us the space to take our own decisions and suffer the full consequences if these were wrong – getting overrun by zerglings or getting fragged with rocket launcher with QUAD DAMAGE.
Gaming clubs were our safe space. At some point our dad did raid the computer clubs and did bust us a couple of times. Sure we got beaten on those occasions.
I recall my bro being very proud on getting 1st in the national 2v2 ladder in SC:BW later in the uni. He also used to game the whole night long at my parents place. This was over 10 years ago and they still do not know. He is still very good in SC though he does not play anymore.
I do play sometimes – currently grinding D2 and refreshing my knowledge in chess. I do not have more time for any other more or less serious game.
I am slowly approaching the point where I should write a conclusion – it is going to be quite simple. Gaming was the first opportunity to take my life into my own hands. It took me 32 years of my own life to find the power in me to take responsibility for myself and not to rely on someone else. My decision – my choice – my consequences. It took a lot of trouble and turmoil for me to get to this point and finally embracing the power within feels great. It was also the first surrounding of dudes just like me, which was a very good feeling back then.
During the last 6 months I switched to a job that pays almost the double of my previous one, my wife moved in with me from abroad, we have a nice apartment and are looking forward to vacations in the Alps. I still have to find a way to approach my parents though I am not sure the old hive is worth disturbing. I guess time will tell.
Whenever I am down or things do no go according to play – I do turn to gaming occasionally, just to get back into the world where I am in full control. It gives me power and I guess hope that everything will work out. If not now – then over time. You just have to keep practicing. And ask for help when it is needed.
I hope you found this read interesting.
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dramallamadingdang · 6 years
Hi there, I’m pretty impressed that you create and use a lot of high res textures and I was wondering whether you had run into pink flashing stuff because some people including me have been complaining about it since we play UC on Windows 10. I also use a Nvidia graphics card and Leefish said that the game doesn’t go well with these cards so if you don’t have any of these pink flashing issues, what graphic card do you use? Your advice might be helpful if I ever need to buy a new gaming computer.
I've privately answered these kinds of questions a number of times now; I hope you don't mind me publicly answering your questions so that, if I get more similar questions in the future, I can just point to this post. :)
Before I cut for length, I'll say that no, I have never experienced pink flashing, ever. That said, I am VERY conscious of what I put in my game, and I make content/playing sacrifices/compromises in order to have higher-res textures (within reason) without having, so far, such issues. I'll go into more detail about that and my machine and stuff behind the cut.
Also, I am a loyal NVIDIA customer after having had multiple issues (not related to Sims but to 3D rendering in architectural CAD) with AMD cards. I have never had issues with TS2+NVIDIA. This could, however, be due to the fact that I deliberately use older drivers and do not allow the drivers to automatically update.
So now, here's that cut...
My approach to this game, whether we're talking about computer hardware or content for the game, is that it's a game that was originally coded in 2004, meant for the sort of machine that most people had at that time. It makes sense to me that, from a hardware angle, a machine that's as 2004-like as possible would be the optimal choice for playing TS2, specifically. That being said, aside from occasional non-serious poking at TS3, TS2 is the ONLY game I play, so I am entirely unconcerned about my Simming machine being able to play other/newer games. This machine is "optimized" for playing TS2, making TS2 content (using Photoshop CS6 for the graphics editing), and dinking around on the internet to download stuff and interact with the community. That is literally all I do on it. I have other machines to do other things on.
Anyway, my Simming machine. It's a desktop because I'm not fond of laptops in general but especially so when it comes to playing games. It's an older HP machine that I bought as a refurb from Newegg about a year ago, for ~$120, including tax and shipping. It came loaded with 64-bit Windows 7 Pro (I won't touch newer OSs with a 99.5-foot pole), 4GB of RAM, had integrated graphics, and has a 3.0GHz Core2Duo processor, the latter of which is fast(ish) but its architecture is as close to "2004" as I could get in a "stock" machine. I then maxed out its RAM to 8GB and upgraded to a dedicated video card, in this case an NVIDIA GTX750 Ti with 2GB of DDR3 RAM (I think...or maybe it's DDR5; I can't remember), which was as powerful as I could get without also having to upgrade the machine's stock 375W power supply...which might be difficult/impossible to do because it has an HP-proprietary one. As I said, I installed the driver that came with the card and do not allow updates. (Once, I did allow an update and it FUBAR'ed the graphics in my TS3 game, although TS2 was fine. I'm not risking it, though. I rolled back to the old driver, which works, and that's what I'm keeping forever.) I did the CFF Explorer thing so that the game uses 4GB of RAM rather than 2 and used the Graphics Rules Maker to force the game to use all of my video card's texture memory. The latter, I think, is very important for avoiding pink flashing, Win10/UC bullshit aside.
Speaking of UC bullshit, my game is all installed from disks. I have all EPs/SPs installed, and I keep the CC to ~5-7GB. (It fluctuates. :) ) I neither have nor want the UC because I want zero, zip, zilch, nada chance of EA being able to "update" my TS2 game for me because any update would probably upset the apple cart and I would be very, very pissed. :) For my "backup," I have a pirated complete collection of the game, about which I have zero guilt because I've bought the full game on disk many times over now and, also, EA itself now gives away the game for free. I tested the pirated version so that I know it works if I should need it in the future if something happens to my disks, but my installed game is from legit disks.
Now we come to content, and here's where things get "personal." As I said, I make sacrifices/compromises to prioritize being able to use high-res textures on objects and walls/floors in my game because that's what I, personally, like. The primary sacrifice is that I am VERY choosy about what I download, particularly when it comes to hair and new objects with custom meshes. I do not download things mindlessly, and everything I download is checked for poly count and texture size(s) before I decide whether or not it goes into my game. In particular:
I am rigorous about poly counts/texture sizes for hair in my game because aside from things like high-res terrains/skies/horizons/neighborhood deco, they are the biggest drain on texture memory in my game. I allow myself only a certain number of high-poly (which I define as "more than 10K polys") hairs. In terms of helping with pink flashing, I have also been experimenting with using smaller texture images for hairs. (512x512 instead of the 1024x1024 that most of them seem to be. That's 1/4 the size/texture memory usage.) So far, in those hairs that I've messed with, I am not noticing much in the way of loss of quality in normal gameplay. Anyway, my rule is that, if I want to download a new high-poly hair, I have to delete one I already have. I don't think polys contribute to pink flashing, BUT they definitely contribute to general video card strain. AND, high-poly hairs tend to have large textures as well, so...double whammy.
For build/buy objects I tend to stick mostly with Maxis meshes and add-ons that people have made for them and older objects that were made for TS2, not those converted from newer games. This is primarily because such objects are low-poly with low-res textures. I can improve how they look with better and/or higher-res textures, but they remain low-poly. I also avoid useless, non-functional clutter (Exception: Plants :) ) because such things are often high-poly and do nothing. I would rather do this that have a bunch of high-poly AND high-res custom meshes in addition to higher-res textures for the Maxis objects. This means I have fewer choices when it comes to furnishing/decorating, but I am entirely willing to make that sacrifice for the sake of prettier/clearer/sharper textures in general.
The other thing I am conscious of is what I use in my general playing. For instance, I like using high-res terrains and (very) high-res skies and horizons and such. I like to take pretty scenery pics and use them as computer desktop wallpaper, for instance. BUT, I will often remove skies and/or horizons when I'm just casually playing a neighborhood that I don't take pics of. Those things eat a LOT of texture memory, and running out of texture memory is what causes the pink flashing. If I remove such things from neighborhoods when I'm "just playing," I can pretty much go wild with most other things. Or, if I want to leave in skies/horizons because I am, for instance, taking outdoor gameplay pics, I will often turn off neighbors in game so that only the lot I am currently playing (plus any visible-from-the-lot neighborhood deco, but that can be turned off, too, if you want to be really conservative) renders. Lot imposters do not. This reduces texture memory load as I play.
So, basically, it's all a balancing act. If I want pretties in one area, I have to settle for less-pretty in other areas, and I'm willing to do that settling. It's an old game, not meant to be high-poly/high-res, so if you want to force it to be high-poly/high-res in certain ways, you have to be willing to make such compromises because the game's age/limitations (regardless of the shininess of your computer hardware) are such that you really CAN'T have it all. I realize that the exact things I do in my playing won't suit everyone's playing/building/decorating style, but I'm pretty sure that anyone can make similar kinds of compromises in order to make prettier the things that are of primary importance to them.
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ubcsmercenary · 7 years
(Open) Starter
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1./ Carlos Oliveira /00/ Sewers Outside Safe Zone/ Day 1
After having laid low for a long time after Raccoon City to avoid bad publicity or potential criminal prosecution for having been part of Umbrella's Biohazard Countermeasure Service during the incident, Carlos Oliveira heard the news of the more recent Outbreak. He didn't want to spend his whole life a hermit hiding in isolation but who could he turn to? The B.S.A.A. would probably declare him a fugitive bioterrorist. Ever since the time which they founded following the collapse of Umbrella, they've been on a huntdown after every last spec of Umbrella. Carlos knew Nicholai Ginovaef was still alive, but where did he go? Who did he sell his combat data on Umbrella's B.O.W.s to? Could he have a hand in or some type of connection to what's going on now? That's what Carlos wanted to find out. Multiple times he saw Nicholai cheat death. But despite the B.S.A.A. having presumed Nicholai dead as his whereabouts were unknown just like Carlos himself, Jill still knew Carlos survived Raccoon City.
"OK first things first" Carlos said to himself. "Infiltrate the hot zone, dig up intel related to what the hell's going on and avoid contact with the B.S.A.A." according to a layout of the city map Carlos found, there appeared to be a massive network of underground sewers and waterways that connected routes together so he could use those to avoid checkpoints at the gates to the safe zone. The intel also confirmed an armory outside the safe zone, possibly a former military supply logistics depot before the outbreak occurred that the troops were forced to abandon leaving behind whatever guns ammo and vehicles they couldn’t commandeer with them before the infected took over the sector of the city it was located in. An entry way to the sewers was connected via a drainage ditch near the armory. (Similar to the factory drainage ditch leading to the sewers below the tower in RE Revelations 2) Carlos Oliveira made his way through the tunnels until he had reached the drainage ditch. The whole armory was surrounded by zombies outside. The electric barbed wire fence had acted as a bug zapper to the charred zombies stuck to it (like the choice in RE3 to increase electricity output at the power station) however very few zombies were inside except maybe a GI or quartermaster or 2 unfortunate enough not to have made it out in time. Quite an adequate supply of ammunition and accessories the troops were unable to gather up and transport out in time still remained. So Carlos decided to make this his supply stash. In one of his various hideouts he created (similar to the save rooms in the early RE games) he loaded and chambered his M4A1 Assault rifle and Sig SP 2009 handgun the same guns from his U.B.C.S. days.
He wrote a log of each day and recorded where he went and what he found (in a similar fashion as saving on typewriters in early RE games) so for today "Sweep and scavenge the Armory" he logged. "If any infected come my way I’ll have to take them down quietly" he said to himself. "Can't give myself away or draw the whole horde in by the sound of shots fired hopefully I can find some suppressors for my guns there." He brought a couple of molotov cocktails and a survival knife along to barbecue any groups or impale the heads of any zeds that got in his way. Moving through the sewer tunnels he saw a lone zombie by itself he stabbed it through the temple of its head pushing it forward face first and then kicked its skull in. Following that he entered the waterway carrying his rifle above his head through the knee deep sewer water. There were a few zombies snarling in the distance but not in the way of where he was going. "Ok now to get in there and grab myself some new goodies." Carlos said to himself as he reached the drainage ditch behind the armory. He saw an armored blackhawk helicopter flying above but heading away from his direction. Carlos clenched his fists and cringed upon the memory of an unpleasant encounter he and Jill had at the Dead Factory back in Raccoon City which that had triggered.
Carlos made his way to a ladder along the cement wall of the drainage ditch and started climbing. Carlos looked along the exterior. The snarling chorus of zombie moans echoed loudly throughout the distance. Carlos noticed the buzzing crackling zapping sounds coming from the electric barbed wire fence and light jolting through it. "Hmm? So this place still has power? Then I guess I can rule out trying to jimmy open the electronic gate lock." he said to himself looking around over the gated off area. On the concrete floor of the area where the supply trucks used to park, near the back gate, although no vehicles were in sight, he spotted a metal grating or cover on top of what appeared to be a storm drain gutter. "Aha!" Carlos thought to himself as he looked along the wall of the drainage ditch until he saw a gutter opening with water pouring out. "And there's my ticket in." he said to himself. Carlos crawled through the gutter for a good few yards until he finally reached the area inside the armory. He pushed the drain cover off and climbed out inside.
"Ok I'm in!" He said to himself. He opened the door into the armory building. Inside he saw zombified soldiers in B.D.U.s with M4A1 rifles on their backs and wearing bulletproof armor. A crowd of about 4 or 5 in the concrete corridor. Fortunately there was nothing flammable, so he lobbed one of his molotovs on them barbecuing them to a crisp. Alot of the rooms were left open. "Looks like they were in a hurry to get out of here." Carlos said. He found a map on the wall and used it to locate the weapons and ammo storage. Inside, he was greeted by a zombified quartermaster along with 2 zombie MPs whom he'd tripped to the ground and kicked in the heads of outside. Carlos stabbed the zombie quartermaster in his head.
"Now we're talking!" He said. As he scavenged noise suppressors for his M4A1 Assault rifle and Sig SP 2009 handgun. He also found an underbarrel M203 grenade launcher that he mounted onto his M4A1. In his backpack he loaded it with a couple frags and every last magazine of 5.56mm NATO 9 x 19mm parabellum and 40mm gremade rounds he could fit. "Ok this should do me for now. Can apways come back if I need more." He said. He went back to rear gate emtrance and opped open the gutter cover and crawled back through the gutters. Coming back out into the drainage ditch he found another zombie straggler in the water. He drew his Sig SP 2009 to the zombie's head and pulled the trigger. No sound was heard except for a "pffft" as he a 9mm to the zombie's head. It fell back into the water and floated on the surface. Carlos continued back towards his hideout and pulled out his notebook log. He put a checkmark by "Sweep and scavenge the armory" and folded up the map he found of the area with it.
"I wonder if I should go into town tonight." He asked himself. Carlos mapped out different sewer and subway tunnel access points in and out of the town’s “safe zone” to bypass any checkpoints but when in the safe zone he was limited on what weapons he could carry due to the risk of breaking his cover. He knew how to conceal his handgun if necessary not to mention if for some reason he did have to fire it his noise suppressor would be able to keep the shot from being heard. The frame and body of his Sig Sp 2009 was lightweight and mainly made primarily of plastic so it was less likely to set off a metal detector. However, if going through an X-Ray scanner that’d give him away on the spot.
Carlos changed out of his tactical gear and combat fatigues hit the showers and then put on his street clothes black jeans and a System Of A Down Toxicity concert T but kept his combat boots and tactical gloves on.The rest of his gear he put in his backpack to keep out of visible sight hopefully the biker/metalhead look would deter anyone from wanting to pick a fight with him. He also put a bulletproof vest on under his shirt with a carry conceal holster for his handgun. To keep the outline of the gun from from showing through he also wore a leather vest unbuttoned or unzipped in the front over the concert T. Before he lef he cleaned ou he barrel on his M4A1 assault rifle and fitted I with a noise suppressor and configured the underbarrel M203 Grenade Launcher attachment on it and then put it up in his hideout which was a lodging area for sewer workers complete with a bunk and a shower facility. After he left the safe area, he pushed a metal shelf over over the entrance doorway to camouflage it. ”That should do for now,” Carlos said, “Now remember if anyone asks who you are you are Carl Oliver” he said to himself. Carlos continued through the sewer tunnels until he reached the passageway to the subway access route. From there he followed the tracks using his handgun’s new suppressor to silently put 9mm rounds through the heads of any zombies that stood in his way through the derelict subway tunnels and climbed up onto the boarding platform. From there it was a straight shot up to the streets. Carlos reholstered his handgun before haeding up to the ground level.
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rideofbrunhelga · 7 years
nycc recap!
so now I'm on my computer finally ( I slept most of the day lmao ) so lemme give a rundown on my nycc experience!
So. I got a SUPER late start because I barely slept this week due to work stress and just general stress about getting a bunch of stuff done prior to leaving for NY. I drove to Hamilton station in NJ and was told that their overnight parking was full so I had to drive to Trenton. Then I think because I was so in a tailspin just trying to get there when I was already running behind, I missed the train and had to wait for the next one. I got into NY around 2:30. I was meeting my BFF and she thought I wasn't getting in until 2:45ish so I waited for her outside MSG at Penn Station for a bit.
So, we finally made it to the con around 3:15 and it was packed. I couldn’t even believe it (this was both our first con). But right when we walked in, the shrine with spongebob pineapple was at the entrance and I got emotional (I was also tired so emotions were running high) but there was a huge line. Not for the shrine, but to meet Spongebob and Patrick who were basically in front of the shrine. The guy told us they would be leaving soon so we decided to come back later.
We walked around for a bit, we got a pic with BB-8. They explicitly told us not to touch him. And then after our pic I subconsciously used him to pull myself up LMFADJSAKLDJAKDJA. omfg the girl looked like she was ready to murder me but it was a complete accident the second I did it I was like OMG I’m so sorry. and I HIGH TAILED IT THE HECK OUTTA THERE.
While we were walking (by the way I felt like I couldn’t even stop to look at things because people were EVERYWHERE you felt like you had to keep moving), we saw Kevin Smith. I didn’t know who he was and I was standing right next to him and this guy ran up to him to get a selfie and he was like “thanks man it means a lot” I was like “who is this guy?” lmfao. Then I noticed there was security and the one said “he can’t take anymore pictures he’s on a tight schedule.” and my friend then realize it was Kevin Smith hahahahaha. Then we headed back to the shrine and spent a good half hour there. NO one was taking pictures with it. I have no idea why because it was so neat. The people at the Nickelodeon booth didn’t care that we were just like having a full on photoshoot with it so that was cool. 
We went outside and there was this Jigsaw escape room and we’re like “oh yay fun” but the girl was like “we’re closed for the day” so :(. Oh well. We bought overpriced drinks and sat on the floor for awhile to decompress before we met up with our other bff for dinner. 
We then had dinner at this ramen place on the upper west side. It was fun except so bizarre. This woman tripped over my friends chair, fell to the floor and for like 45 min she refused to get up from the floor. The owner looked panicked and kept asking to call the ambulance and she was screaming “NO!” “NO!” like 500x making a HUGE scene. She wouldn’t get up and was just sitting there. Someone eventually called an ambulance because like wtf? If you don’t think you can get up you can’t just sit on the floor of a restaurant the whole night? People were so uncomfortable and trying not to laugh because she was being so dramatic lmfao. When the EMTs came they basically were like “lady we’ve been doing this for years, your shoulder is not dislocated and we need to get you off the floor” so finally that was that. Then we went to have gelato and they made mine into a really beautiful flower I was like omg?? Then I went back to my friend’s apartment and we watched AHS: Cult which I think I cannot watch another episode of because it was so traumatic. 
I woke up around 7. Took a shower and got ready for the panel. I knew I wanted to get there around 9 because I planned to sit through the first panel. In line I met two girls from the Facebook group and they were so sweet and so fun. We all sat together and managed to get front row. I’m not sure HOW that happened but I think it’s because the rows behind us were reserved so people assumed our row was (it wasn't). so that was so good! Especially considering I think I was in the first 100 people at Hammerstein and still managed front row. 
This girl and DJ were hyping the crowd and then the first panel started. It was for both Amazon’s Man in the High Castle and Electric Dreams shows, both Phillip K. Dick works. It was cool. It would’ve been cooler if Bryan Cranston was there but Liam Cunningham from GOT was there and Rufus Sewell. 
Finally that ended (lmfao). I swear. 85% of that crowd was there just for Arnold. There was 45 min in between panels. It got a lot more crowded for Arnold. The DJ was spinning some 90s tracks and people were dancing in the aisles lmfao. The hype girl then brought some people on the stage, one of them in Helga cosplay ( she was AMAZING, she was stomping around like Helga too we all were cracking up ) and two 14 yr old girls in Arnold apparel. She asked them how they got into Hey Arnold! since they were so young, and the one girl said from watching The Splat and we all cheered. The other girl was like “it’s a long story” I was like ok I guess? Then we played a game where the DJ played like two seconds of a 90s cartoon theme and the audience had to guess what it was. I also got another Arnold hat that they were giving away. 
FINALLY it was 12:15 and the panel began. 
It was hosted by Keely Flaherty (sp?) from BuzzFeed. She was cute. They started playing the music and introducing everyone. Everyone got a huge reception, especially Craig and Franny. I was freaking out. I started getting choked up the moment I saw Craig LMFAO. The audience was going NUTS. They spoke about doing the show all those years ago and if they remembered their first auditions (Toran revealed he didn’t originally audition for Arnold, he possibly auditioned for Stinky but wasn’t sure). Craig said they were doing the auditions where they made Ren and Stimpy. Then they discussed each of their characters at length. Craig noted he voiced all the animals including Abner, lol. Anndi also talked about how she was competitive like Phoebe, and tried to join Boy Scouts as a kid. 
It was revealed that Toran was playing a character of Che, who is Olga’s love interest in the film. We saw the character lineups that we’ve seen before as well as some new ones. Everyone was laughing with Rhonda’s newly revealed jungle outfit. Craig said she Rhonda is going to have a hard time in the jungle. Olivia was like “Thanks Craig. Do you hate me or something?” lmfao. 
They were showing new stills and every time a new one was shown the audience oooh’d and ahhh’d. Craig then introduced the trailer and I died. I really fricken died. I was a mess. The girls I was sitting with were choking up too. When the lights went back up, Franny looked over at Anndi with her hand over her mouth like she was ready to cry and they hugged each other, Anndi started crying. Most of us stood up and clapped and cheered. I CRIED EVEN MORE. Craig was like “let’s play it one more time!” and we all cheered lmao. So we watched it again, and I caught things the second time around I for some reason didn’t notice the first time. We then had a Q&A.
The one girl I was sitting with asked a really great question about if Craig incorporated any of the technology and animation styles from Dinosaur Train and Ready Jet Go into TJM. He seemed impressed by the question. People asked about Mr. Simmons sexuality, Gertie’s role in the film, Phoebe x Gerald, so on and so forth. Some people just complimented Craig on things that they loved about the show. There were a couple weird moments. Someone asked Craig how it felt when the first movie didn’t do well leading the series cancellation...I was like ??????? He then got up from his seat and was like “WELL AT LEAST WE’RE GETTING THE JUNGLE MOVIE NOW!” and we all cheered :D
SADLY the panel came to an end and I started crying again. It was so much fun. I can’t even express it properly here. The vibe in there was awesome and everyone was so excited and happy. They were taking a group picture on the stage and people then rushed up to the stage to shake Craig’s hand like a freakin rockstar (I have pics of it). It was so funny. He was like “guys I have to get off the stage” lmao. 
I then had a couple hours to kill between the panel and the signing so I headed over to Javits. It was MOBBED. I wasn’t sure how it could be worse than yesterday but it was lmao. I saw amazzzzzing cosplay. My phone was dying and my portable charger was drained but I was like whatever we can’t take pics at the autograph session anyway (which apparently was not enforced -_-) I sat for awhile and calmed my nerves down and then realized I had no idea where the signing was since it wasn’t clear in my email. I asked so many people and staff and NO ONE knew. I finally found it in the corner of the Autographing area. I saw the one 14 yr “it’s a long story” girl hanging around there and I was like “is this the line for Arnold?” and she was like “Yeah, but it’s for lottery winners ONLY.” I was like ‘I know I have a ticket.’ and she shot me this weird look and was like “You’re lucky.” LISTEN HONEY, YOU WEREN’T EVEN BORN WHEN THIS SERIES ENDED I’VE WAITED TOO LONG FOR THIS don’t sass your elders like that!
I got in line. I was pretty okay waiting. I realized Lucius Malfoy from Harry Potter and Pornstache from OITNB were doing signings at the booth next to us lmao. Finally the cast came out and I was okay, totally calm. Then I was up next and my heart started beating out of my fricken chest lord have mercy.
I can’t tell you everything because I feel like I blacked out a portion of it lmao. Craig was the first person you go up to. I said “Hi Craig.” and he said “Hi! What’s you’re name?” I said Andrea and he asked me to spell it. Then I was like “It’s really so nice to meet you.” he asked me if I watched the show growing up and I as like ?!?!??!?!?!@!@PUQIOERDuwqajdJALSDJAKLD YES. I told him how I made a petition when I was 11 and mailed it to Nickelodeon. He got a kick out of that and asked if I sent to the 1515 New York address, which I do remember was the address I had at that time. He’s like “so maybe in a way you influenced this” I was like, “I hope so!” and he asked me if I went to the panel and I was like ALDJASLKDJAKLJLK YES. I told him how the energy in the room changed once the first panel was over. I was like, “IT WAS COOL AND ALL BUT WHEN IT ENDED THE ENERGY CHANGED” and he loved that and said he heard the hollering from the audience backstage and asked the staff what the audience was cheering for and she said it was for them and he couldn’t believe it! I told him that it really meant so much to me to that this was happening. I told him I was beyond thrilled for him and couldn’t wait. He thanked me and I really felt like he meant it. He was sooooo nice and so interested in what I had to say. Franny was next to him and I said “Hi Francesca, so nice to meet you” And she asked how I pronounced my name and such. I told her I was like “I don’t know if you remember but a few years ago I emailed you about doing a paper on Helga.” She was like “YEs!” And I thanked for her for taking the time to do that and giving such great answers. She asked me if I graduated college, what I majored in, what I was doing now, what the class was for, etc. Like, me? Let’s talk about you? Then I spoke with Anndi, who asked if I would consider shortening my name to hers lol. She was very very sweet and warm and beautiful in person. I think I blurted something stupid to her and Olivia at the same time about Instagram like, “you guys are so cool!” LMAOOO. What a moron. 
Anyway they all were incredible and down to earth, they seemed just as excited to meet us as we were to meet them. Olivia asked if I went to the panel, and Anndi said “She was in the front row!” I think they asked this because prob some of the lottery winners were not even fans lmao. 
I’m missing some detail because like I said, I feel like I blacked out aldkjasdjasdkl, but it was AWESOME. The whole day was just so fun. It was beyond my expectations. The trailer was incredible - I really am so stoked now. Like, the movie looks so fun and action packed. I am so glad I decided to go because it was really something I will remember and hold close to me the rest of my life. I wish we could all have a screening to watch the movie together because it was too fun being in that room with all the fans experiencing that collectively. I am so grateful for the experience, and to be apart of such an incredible fandom that has such a wonderful cast and creator behind it. I could not ask for better. I feel so lucky.
I love you guys! I hope you enjoyed my coverage on ig story. I’m gonna image dump on here soon from my experience. I’m so excited, we are so close and it’s all feeling real now!
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rainteaanddragons · 7 years
Smoke & Mirrors: Eighteen - Natsu
Prologue |  Ch 1 | Ch 2 | Ch3 | Ch4 | Ch 5 | Ch 6 | Ch 7 | Ch 8 | Ch 9 | Ch10 | Ch 11 | Ch 12 | Ch 13 | Ch 14 | Ch 15 | Ch 16 | Ch 17 | Ch 18 |
Read on ff.net and ao3
Wendy knelt in front of where Gray and Natsu still sat, while behind her Rufus had begun to pace. Luckily for him, once cast, the spell only drained the physical and emotional energy of Natsu and Gray. Otherwise he'd be exhausted by now. It had been almost half an hour and there had been no movement until now.
Wendy frowned at the small shift in both Gray and Natsu’s expressions. “I think something’s wrong.” She said, worry lacing her voice, “Natsu looks like he’s in pain.” She was certainly right. Natsu’s brows were creased firmly, and his jaw had tensed, while his grip on Gray’s hands seemed to have tightened.
To the relief of most of the group, Rufus stopped his pacing. “He may well be.” Though he sounded blatantly relaxed it was easy to tell his lack of concern was for the right reasons.
“Can’t we do something?” Lucy demanded.
“From here, sadly not,” Rufus answered steadily.
“Hmpf.” Lucy crossed her arms. She was about to continue but a loud knock on the front door of the guild hall drew everyone’s attention.
“Hey,” A familiar voice said, “It’s Matt. I’m just coming to check up on Gray. I have some family who live in the area and I was coming to visit so I thought I’d drop in and see how he’s doing.”
Matt? It took Lyon a moment before it all clicked, “Oh, Matt, of course!” He watched as the nurse approached. Sensing something wasn’t quite right, he placed himself between Matt and the pair seated in the centre of the room.
“Lovely to see you again.” Erza grinned, “will you be here long?”
“Just until some family business has been sorted, but I’m only here to check on Gray, I don’t have much time.” He glanced around, “Where is Gray anyway?”
“He’s here.” Lyon stepped reluctantly to the side again. “We’re trying to work out exactly how Natsu was taken from Gray’s mind. We hope it will shed some light on how to get Gray’s memory back.” If that is possible at all.
“Anything yet?”
“Not quite,” Loke mused, “but time will tell.”
“Oh. Well, I hope you work something out soon.”
“You’re not the only one.” Cana spoke up, “it’s damn quite around here without those two causing a scuffle.”
Matt grinned. “Okay, I better head off. If you find out something you can give me a call at the Magnolia Inn.”
Erza’s head snapped up, a frown creasing her eyebrows. “The Inn? I thought you were here visiting family.”
“Huh?” Matt’s breath caught in his throat, as the silence settled between him and Erza. “Ohh. Not enough room at my cousins’ apartment. Plus, you know, family gatherings…” He let out a sharp chuckle, “they get loud.”
“You can say that again.”
Matt nodded his head, grinned, then turned and left with a wave.
“Who was that?” Sting had stayed uncharacteristically silent throughout the whole conversation.
“Oh, him?” Loke replied. “That was Matt, Gray’s nurse from the hospital in Gladiolus.”
“Nurse?” Rogue repeated, “I didn’t know nurses made house calls like that.”
Lyon nodded in agreement. He was about to speak but a sharp intake of breath then a sob from behind him brought his attention back to Natsu and Gray. As Gray let out another sob, tears began to leak out from beneath his closed eyelids.
“Gray?” Juvia whispered, staring wide eyed at her friend.
At this point Natsu was dry eyed, but it wasn’t long before he had tears rolling down his cheeks too. Then suddenly the pair began to shake. The scarf shifting over their clasped hands as they gripped each other’s hands tighter still.
“Shit!” Loke cried out, “What the hell is going on in there?”
“There is no way of knowing, not until they ask to be broken out of the spell. If I release them now and they are in the middle of a memory it will be very painful for them to come back to reality.”
“–There is no telling when Natsu is in memory limbo, and that is the safest time for him to be forcibly removed from Gray’s mind.”
“What!” Juvia snapped, a fearful look in her eyes.
“If Natsu says the code word in the middle of a memory it breaks the spell on his end and I can safely release the sp–”
“–Smoke and mirrors” Natsu spoke in a broken whisper. Turning every head in the room.
Natsu let out a cry of pain as the magically charged whip came down upon his, well, Gray’s bare chest again. How did he endure this? Why didn’t he just tell them?
“I hope you're ready to talk now," the beefy man, whom Natsu now knew as Giganto, snapped, “you've been here three months, most would have cracked by now. So why haven't you?"
"I'm surprised you're still trying.” Natsu shot the man a glare. “I won't tell you a thing." As the words left his lips Natsu’s stomach sunk. He knew that resolve very well.
"You will tell us!" Giganto spat the words out, "Who is E.N.D.?"
As he took another hit from the whip, Natsu felt the skin over Gray’s guild mark tear and beads of blood leaked onto his pale chest. Shit. Natsu grit his teeth in pain but as the burn flared on his skin again he couldn’t help but yell in pain. Panting now, he glared up at the beefy man in front of him. “You bastard! I won't tell you anything!" Gray no!
"No, we know you will!" Giganto smirked, "no one can hold out like this forever."
"Well you're about to be proved wrong." Natsu couldn’t help the small smirk, that’s the Gray I know, it didn’t last long as another lash from the whip pulled a strangled yell of pain from his lips.
"Who and where is E.N.D.?" Giganto yelled.
"I. Won't. Tell. You. Wha- whatever you do to me I will not say a word." How much more of this did he have to deal with?
A momentary silence settled before Giganto broke it with a dark chuckle. "You don't just know who E.N.D. is, you know E.N.D. personally. More than that, you care." He sneered, "Anyone who doesn't know this demon personally would have cracked by now. No one can endure this much for someone they don't even know."
"I can."
Though Natsu had known the truth deep down, he could feel Gray’s despair as it settled in his stomach. All of it, everything Gray had endured over that year had been because of how much he cared. Feeling that fear of somehow telling them the information they needed, Natsu was sure of just how little they believed him. Gray had felt it too. If anything, the look on Giganto’s face said it all as he turned and slammed the door behind him.
Natsu didn’t have much time to collect his thoughts as moments later he felt his skin begin to tingle, then sting, then a dull ache flooded his whole body. It wasn’t exactly painful, but it annoyed him, more and more as the feeling refused to subside. Then as the ache began to radiate throughout his body, it worsened until it felt like he was burning inside and out. A feeling quite alien to Natsu. Then as a bolt of magically fuelled fire flooded his already weakened body Natsu yelled out in pain. Blacking out entirely. At this point he was in so much pain he wasn’t sure if it was that or the memory spell pulling him into the darkness.
Natsu was still shaking as a dull light filled his vision and he found himself back inside Gray’s cell. He watched as Gray curled in on himself. I’m so sorry my friend, I put you through this. I wish I could have got you out of here earlier. I really am so sorry. “This is all my fault.”
Natsu spun round as the cell door opened behind him and two men barged in. They grabbed Gray under the arms and half marched, half dragged him from the room. Natsu followed with a sinking feeling in his stomach. He knew what was about to happen, he could feel the finality of the whole situation. As they walked towards the brightly lit room, the corridor felt much longer than it probably was.
As the door slammed shut behind him, Natsu watched helplessly as Gray was chained to the chair in the centre of the room.
Natsu said the only thing he could think of. Though he knew it was no use. “You sure about this?”
Natsu felt his heart clench as Gray looked up straight into his eyes, “I’m sure.” There was something in his expression, sadness, or maybe even guilt. Either way, Natsu never wanted to see that look on his friend’s face again.
“I’m going to give you one last chance Fullbuster. Tell me who E.N.D. is and we won’t have to do this.” Giganto growled.
Please Gray, just tell them the truth. I can deal with them, trust me.
“Fuck you.”
Natsu didn’t want to watch but he couldn’t seem to draw his eyes away. It was as if his vision was locked directly on Gray, he could only listen as a disembodied but strangely familiar voice started to work the Kakusareta Omoide spell. Then as the light surrounding Gray began to grow, the mage began to mutter under his breath. It wasn’t long before the light began to fade. At the same time, Natsu felt as if he was being pulled backwards from the room.
No. Please, no.
“What's he doing?” Giganto’s voice sounded panicked.  
“He’s hijacking the spell!” The caster replied, his voice laced with confusion.
“How is that even possible?”
“It shouldn’t be, not for him, not with how weak he is right now.”
“But he is, so do something!” Giganto spat the words out.
The nameless man continued to speak, but it was now in a completely different tone. This spell sounded more aggressive, forceful. When he stopped speaking, Natsu could hear he was panting from the exertion.
“Did you stop him?” Giganto asked him. The man looked familiar to Natsu, but in his distress he couldn’t quite pick as to why.
“No, but I did manage to do something.”
As Natsu listened to the young wizard as he explained what he’d done to Gray, he felt his stomach sink. There was nothing he could do now, not without putting Gray in more of a difficult position than he already was.
Silence settled over the room as if no one quite knew what to do.
Natsu could feel an emptiness spreading throughout his chest, starting from where Gray’s guild mark would have sat. He knew then, that though he was no longer ‘Gray’ those feelings were Gray’s. Fear mixed horribly with sadness, it settled in his stomach. Natsu still couldn’t seem to shake a feeling of deep rooted guilt. You’re still thinking about everyone else, Gray. Even now, even when you’re the one in trouble.
Gray – and now Natsu – knew that this would be the last time he would know who Natsu was. There was only one thing Gray could think of which would maybe stay beyond the spell. “Smile for me, Natsu, please...”
Gray’s shaking voice brought Natsu from his thoughts. I didn’t know you could see me here. His stomach clenched. How can I smile now? But as he looked as his friend, and felt his fear, his sadness, Natsu knew he had to. So through his tears Natsu pulled his face into a wide grin.
Gray smiled. A sad, broken smile. “Thank you, my friend. Goodbye…Natsu.”
Fighting the urge to be sick Natsu forced himself to keep watching as his friend’s eyes glazed over and seemed to stare right through him. Natsu knew Gray couldn’t recognise him now.
There was nothing else they needed to know. Nothing at all. With a deep breath, Natsu tried to steady his voice, and this time, he knew these were his own words.
“Sm– smoke and mirrors.”
A massive flair of white light filled the room as Rufus countered the spell. As the light cleared it was easy to see the boys were definitely not alright. Natsu’s breaths came in ragged pants as he stared at the ground while tears dripped off his nose, soaking into the thick scarf wrapped around his shaking hands. Violent sobs wracked Gray’s frame, his face turning a sickly, ashen colour.
The scarf slowly unravelled and fell to the floor between them.
In that moment, Gray stood. His shaking legs only just carrying his weight. His chair hit the wooden floorboards with a crack making Natsu jump. It wasn’t until Gray was out of the Guild Hall that he doubled over. Bile rising in his throat he crashed to his knees in the gravel driveway. Shaking, tears still damp on his cheeks, Gray didn’t even move when Lyon put a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“I saw it all too. Everything that Natsu saw, I watched it all through the eyes of my own consciousness.”
“What do you mean?” Lyon whispered, not quite sure what to do.
“I– I remember now. What happened to me in that place they took me to. I understand why they took me, any one of us could have known the identity of the demon E.N.D..”
“…but that doesn’t explain–”
“Their end game was always to kill E.N.D., and they knew they couldn't kill it themselves, but they knew I could. That’s why they took me.”
“Ohh.” Lyon had no words. Just more questions. First, how did they know about Gray’s Demon Slaying Magic?
“It wasn’t long before they realised I was protecting someone I knew. So when they saw I was hijacking the Kakusareta Omoide spell they put in a fail-safe.” Gray swallowed, “He guessed that either I would, or someone else would want to bring back my memories, and he used it against me.”
Lyon knelt down in front of Gray. “Gray, what did they do?” Panic was rising in his throat. When he’d run after Gray, Natsu hadn’t yet spoken a word and was just staring blankly at the floor of the guild hall. So whatever he was about to hear it couldn’t be good.
“If we bring back my memories…” Gray brought his eyes up to meet Lyon’s. “If we bring them back I won’t just find out who Natsu is to me. They put part two of their plan into action without knowing who E.N.D. actually is because they guessed I knew E.N.D. personally.”
“Spit it out Gray!”
“If I get my memories back I will try and kill the demon E.N.D., and I won’t be able to stop trying until I have done so.”
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yardmasterz1 · 5 years
Black Friday Lawn Mower Deals
Black Friday Battery Lawn Mower Deals
by Christian Rogers | Updated 11/11/19
Our Top Picks for Black Friday
Editors Pick: GreenWorks 25223 G-MAX 40V
“I was impressed by the power through thicker grass as well as the longevity of the 2 lithium ion batteries..”
Best Features: WORX WG774 Intellicut 20″ Mower
“I really like all of the features of the WORX WG774. It’s easy to push and maneuver, has decent battery length and good power.”
Top Value: Black & Decker CM2043C 20″ Cordless Mower
“This battery powered mower isn’t going to mow your 10 acre ranch, but it will get your lawns looking nice without breaking your back or your bank.”
Best Battery: EGO Power+ 21 Inch 56-Volt Lithium-ion Mower
“Cool looking design, solid battery life and enough power to handle nearly any backyard make this one of my top battery power lawn mower choices.”
Best Power: Snapper XD SXDWM82K 21 Inch Cordless Mower Kit
“The Snapper XD is a serious player in the cordless lawn mower game. It has a ton of power from dual 82V lithium ion batteries and 45 minutes of run time.”
Best Self Propelled: Greenworks 21-Inch M-210-SP Self-Propelled
“At 70lbs, you don’t even notice the weight, even when mowing thick grass.”
Best Mower for Large Yards: Yard Force YF120vRX Lithium-Ion 22”
“If you have large areas to mow, the Yard Force YF120vRX will make quick work of it”
Best Battery Riding Mower:  Ryobi 38 in Electric Rear Engine Riding Lawn Mower RY48111
“If you have an extremely large area of lawn to maintain this Ryobi is the riding mower to buy. You will get 2.5 hours run time from the 48V 100 Ah battery.”
Best Robotic Lawn Mower: Husqvarna AUTOMOWER 315
“The Automower is so quiet you can schedule it for night mowing without bothering the neighbors. The AutoMower 315 weighs about 20 pounds and has a 70 minute mow time on full charge.”
Top 5 Cordless Mowers We Reviewed
So you’re shopping around for the best battery lawn mower for your buck? The new generation of cordless, battery powered lawn mowers aren’t your Daddy’s old mower. These beauties pack power, style and some cool tech into an otherwise boring piece of gear that sits in your garage 99% of the time. Let’s face it, lawn mowers aren’t the sexiest of backyard tools. At least for me, they bring back nightmares of having to mow the yard as a kid when I’d rather be out doing something fun with my friends. If you are going to blow a few hundred bucks on a tool, wouldn’t a nice chain saw or nail gun be a lot more rewarding?
There are a lot of models & options available, so we put together our list of the best cordless lawn mowers that won’t break the bank, but will still get your lawn looking amazing.
TOP PICK – GreenWorks 25223 G-MAX 40V 19-Inch Cordless Lawn Mower
The GreenWorks Model 25223 mower came as the #1 lawn mower pick for 2019/2020. It has a bunch of amazing features that any homeowner will love. GreenWorks is a relatively newcomer to the home & yard care industry, but don’t let that bother you. They make an extremely high quality product which can be seen in the 25223 mower. With this lawn mower you get two 40V lithium ion batteries and charger (same as the B&D model above). You also have a 7 way, single lever grass height adjustment which can handle even the tallest grass. 3 in 1 bagging, mulching & discharge ability.
The handle collapses for easy storage and transportation. This model has a 19″ cutting width and weighs in at only 53.1 pounds, which makes it very easy to push and maneuverable around borders and other objects. This mower has over 2 hours of charge time and has enough power to tackle just about any lawn. The GreenWorks Pro 25223 also has power adjusting technology which senses the grass height and increases or decreases power as needed to help save the battery. With 69% 5 star ratings at Amazon, others also agree that this is a solid lawn mower, with plenty of power on tap. A bonus is if you already own a leaf blower by GreenWorks, the batteries are the same. Sweet!
Review Summary
Even though the company is newer to the market, I really like the GreenWorks Pro 25223 G-Max. I was impressed by the power through thicker grass as well as the longevity of the 2 lithium ion batteries. It’s very nimble due to the lower weight which makes mowing 800+ sq/ft a breeze. This unit is very comparable to the B&D unit above. The price is a bit higher, but I could honestly go with either unit and be completely satisfied.
Top Features
Only 53.1 pounds
10″ rear wheels
2 40V lithium ion batteries + charger
Over 2 hours charge time
7 level height adjustment
SmartCut Technology
4 year limited warranty
Needs Improvement
Not self propelled
#2 WORX WG774 Intellicut 20″
I’ve had very good experiences with the WORX brand products in the past. I’ve owned a WORX leaf blower back in 2018 as well as a hedge trimmer. Both have been going strong for over a year now so I was excited to test out the WORX WG774 Intellicut 56V.
WORX did right by me, so I was sure this lawn mower would perform just as well as their other gear, and I was right.
The WORX has all of the features you would expect in a quality cordless lawnmower in this price range. It comes with 2 56V batteries and charger that will let you cut up to 9,400 sq/feet of lawn. It features a 2 in 1 mulching and rear bagging option and easily folds down into a compact unit for easy storage. I was able to mow relatively tall grass with ease and got about 50 minutes of run time. I even let the kids push it around and they didn’t struggle, even in thicker grass.
One of the cool things that I haven’t seen on other lawn mowers is the wash out port. You can literally hook up a hose to the port and it will clean under the deck, removing all of the grass clipping debris that accumulates. I love this feature. You can use the “Turbo Mode” for an extra boost of power, but keep in mind you’ll run through the batteries fast if you use Turbo too much.
The WORX weighs in at about 65 pounds, which is pretty average. Unfortunately, this unit isn’t self propelled, so if you have hilly areas to cut, it will likely be a bit of work with this mower. But for flat yards, this lawn mower performs great. A 3 year manufacturers warranty is included. And if all this wasn’t enough, it’s got a awesome looking design, which you all know I like.
Review Summary
I really like all of the features of the WORX WG774. It’s easy to push and maneuver, has decent battery length and good power. It would be nice to see larger bag capacity, but for small to mid sized lawns, this is a solid choice. The price is under $500, which is great for a dual 56V battery powered lawn mower.
Top Features
19″ actual cut width
(2) 56V batteries + charger
Ultra lightweight at only 65lbs
3 year tool warranty
1 hour mow time
Easy mow height adjustment
One of the quieter mowers tested
Steel Deck
Fully collapsible for quick storage
Needs Improvement
Doesn’t bag wet grass well
Not self propelled
Mulching drains battery fast
#3 Black & Decker CM2043C 20″ Cordless Mower
Black & Decker has been making high quality, affordable power tools and equipment since 1910 and the CM2043C cordless lawnmower is no exception. While this mower is a bit on the higher end price wise, I really like the features packed into this model.
You get two 40v MAX lithium ion batteries, which gives you plenty of run time to get your lawns mowed without having to sprint around the yard hoping it charge. The variable speed motor does an excellent job in conserving battery life which extends the run time. This model also features mulching, side ejection and bagging. The height adjustment is very simple, with 6 settings that can cut from 1.5″ to 4″ and handle all varieties of grass.
Did I mention that this lawn mower can actually sense the thickness of the grass and adjust the power when it needs more juice for the really thick stuff or drop the power for lighter grass. Again, this conserves battery life, which is a brilliant feature. If you’re tired of gas powered mowers and gummed up carburetors that never start when you need them, the Black & Decker CM2043C is one of the premier mowers on the market.
Review Summary
The Black & Decker CM2040 is light weight, has a long run time at 2.5 hours, comes with a couple lithium ion batteries and is powerful enough to handle nearly any residential yard work. This mower isn’t going to mow your 10 acre ranch, but it will get your lawns looking nice without breaking your back or your bank. Definitely put this model on your short list of mowers to consider.
Top Features
Comes with two 40V lithium ion batteries
2.5 hour run time
20 inches of wide cutting path
AutoSense grass height tech
2 year limited warranty
Brushless Motor
59 lbs
Needs Improvement
A little more expensive than other models in it’s class
#4 EGO Power+ 21 Inch 56-Volt Lithium-ion Mower
You’ve probably seen some of the commercials on TV for the EGO line of cordless yard equipment, including the EGO Power + cordless lawn mower. The first thing I thought when I saw the advertisement was how cool and modern the mower looked. They did a very nice job on the aesthetics of the EGO Power+ mower. So much so that it makes you want to go mow the grass (ok, maybe it’s not that cool looking). But it does have some style, that’s for certain. This model is self-propelled, so you will have no problem mowing hilly yards and thicker grass.
As for features and performance, it’s extremely quiet, has a good bit of power(600w High Torque motor) and features a 56V Lithium-ion battery which gives you up to 2 miles of mowing time. This mower folds up into a very compact unit that makes storage a breeze. If you’re like me, where garage space is at a premium, you’ll be more than satisfied with how little space this mower need when folded down.
A few other cool items to note are the 5 year tool / 3 year battery warranties. LED headlights for those times when you just have to mow your lawn at 2:00am, and multi-adjust height settings for getting the perfect cut.
Review Summary
Cool looking design, solid battery life and enough power to handle nearly any backyard make this one of my top battery power lawn mower choices. The 5 year warranty is a nice bonus as well. The price is about what you would expect for a 21″ cordless mower, but the single battery and tendency to clog under tall grass bring the EGO Power + down a notch. Still a great mower for the price and features plus it has excellent reviews on Amazon.
Top Features
21 inches cut width
56V lithium ion battery
Compact folding capability
Weather resistant construction
Rapid battery charger included
Mulching, bagging or discharge capability
30% less noise than gas powered mowers
5 year tool warranty / 3 year battery warranty
Needs Improvement
Only 1 battery included
Heavier than other models in it’s class
Has a tendency to get clogged when mowing very high grass
#5 Snapper XD SXDWM82K 21 Inch Cordless Mower Kit
I’m thoroughly impressed with nearly all of the goodies included with the Snapper XD. This lawn mower is a beast and while it’s a little more expensive, in the $450 range, if you have some serious mowing to do, and don’t want to go with a gas lawn mower, definitely put the Snapper XD on your short list of lawn mowers to consider.
So you get about 45 minutes mow time from two Briggs & Stratton 82V Lithium-ion batteries, which is more than enough to handle most residential lawn mowing applications. The a batteries charge very quickly, so even if you do run out of battery power, you don’t have to wait long to get enough charge to finish your mowing job.
This unit is one of the heavier models I reviewed, coming in at 90 pounds, but it still considerably lighter than most gas powered models and relatively easy to maneuver. One Amazon purchaser said that even his 10 year old daughter could push the lawn mower with ease. However, I would like to see them make a self-propelled version of this mower, just to help a little with the additional weight.
The ergonomics of this lawn mower are great and it looks cool too (that’s important right?) It’s very comfortable to push and it folds up nicely for storage. Neighbors have commented on how quiet it is compared to the old, gas lawn mower I had for years. It’s nice to know that there’s less noise pollution in the neighborhood.
Another nice perk is that there’s a full Snapper yard care system that includes a leaf blower, chain saw, hedge trimmer & weed edger. They all use the same battery system, so it’s a 100% interchangeable system.
Review Summary
The Snapper XD is a serious player in the cordless lawn mower game. It has a ton of power from dual 82V lithium ion batteries and 45 minutes of run time. With easy push button starting and 7 lawn height adjustment settings, you can take down even the tallest grass. This unit is extremely quiet, which will make the neighbors happy and it folds into a very compact size for easy storage. The Snapper XD made my top 5 battery lawn mower least with ease and has solid reviews on most of the popular shopping sites.
Top Features
21″ cut width with 3 in 1 bag, discharge, mulch options
45 minute run time
(2) Briggs & Stratton 82V Lithium Ion 2.0Ah batteries
Push button start & 7 position cut height adjustment
Extremely quiet
Brushless Motor
Compact folding for vertical storage
Needs Improvement
Heavier than other models at 90 lbs
Best Self Propelled Mower – Greenworks 21-Inch M-210-SP Self-Propelled
The M-210-SP is one of the latest self propelled battery powered mowers from Greenworks. It features a durable 21″ steel deck which will allow you to tackle big lawns with ease. With this lawn mower you get a quiet brushless motor that has tons of torque and a long life. The 3 in 1 design of this mower allows you to easily rear bag, mulch, or side discharge your grass clippings. A great feature you won’t find from many other manufacturers is the dual battery port, which allows you to store one battery, while the 2nd battery powers the mower. When one battery runs low, you have battery number 2 ready to roll, saving you a trip back to the garage.
Other cool features include an onboard USB port for charging cell phones, tablets and devices. The M-210-SP has SmartCut technology which automatically adjusts the cutting height depending on the height of the lawn. Easy push button start is nice as well. When you’re all done, this model folds up into a small footprint for vertical storage. Obviously the self-propelled feature is the main allure for this particular mower. At 70lbs, you don’t even notice the weight, even when mowing thick grass.
This package comes with one 40V Greenworks battery and rapid charger. The 40V GMAX battery is interchangeable with the full line of Greenworks 40V tools, including hedge trimmers, leaf blowers, chainsaws, edgers and snow throwers. You can expect to get about 40 minutes of run time on a fully charged battery and batteries will rapid charge in approximately 30 minutes. Like all Greenworks battery lawn mowers, you get a 4 year warranty on the machine and 2 year warranty on the battery/charger. Yes, the price tag is a bit hefty, but you’re getting a solid self propelled mower in the Greenworks M-210-SP. You’ll be glad you spent a little more on the self propelled model.
Best Mower for Large Yards – Yard Force YF120vRX Lithium-Ion 22” 3 in 1 Mower
WOW! Right out of the gate the Yard Force YF120vRX 22″ self propelled mower is a MONSTER. This unit boasts a 120vRX brushless motor that has torque and power for days. So much so that you’ll think you’re using a gas powered mower which is exactly what you need if you’re going to be mowing larger yards. What makes this mower especially effective for big yards up to 1/2 acre is the dual battery port, which let’s you run for over 100 minutes when the twin 120v Lithium Ion batteries are at full charge. You can recharge a battery in about 30 minutes and be back on the job in no time. This package comes with the mower, (2) 120v Li batteries and the quick charger.
As for the mower construction, it is rock solid and heavy at 109lbs. But don’t let the weight of this cordless lawn mower scare you. The self propelled motor makes pushing this unit through tall grass a breeze. The 22″ steel deck converts from bagging, to mulching, to side discharge with no hassle at all and the bag release is smooth and easy. The YF120vRX has easy push button start, single lever mow height adjuster and a quick release adjustable folding handle. Speaking of folding, this model folds down to 70% of it’s normal size. This makes storage in your garage or shed so easy. So the bottom line with the Yard Force is that if you have some serious lawn to cut, I’m talking in the 1/2 acre or more range, this beast will handle it without issue. You’ll think you’re using a gas mower with all the power on tap. You’ll find the price tag to be on the higher end, but let me tell you that you’re getting so much bang for the buck with this model, that you’ll quickly forget about the price once you start mowing down the back 40 of your property at record speeds.
Best Battery Riding Mower – Ryobi 38 in Electric Rear Engine Riding Lawn Mower RY48111
If you have an extremely large area of lawn to maintain, having a riding mower is essential. If you also like the convenience and simple maintenance of a battery operated mower, you’re going to love the Ryobi 38″ electric rear engine riding mower. While there are still not a lot of options for battery riding mowers, Ryobi has a winner on it’s hands with the RY48111. This model looks like a hybrid of a riding mower and dune buggy. Don’t let the looks fool you as this mower can handle seriously tough lawns..hills and all.
If you’re worried about the battery life, don’t. You will get 2.5 hours run time from the 48V 100 Ah battery, which will let you mow approximately 2.5 acres of lawn. To charge the mower, simply plug it into any standard 120v outlet. Some of the other features included with this lawn mower are LED headlights, USB phone charger, cruise control, 38″ dual blade deck and 12 position manual deck adjustment. According to other owners, you can safely take this mower on 10-15% inclines without spinning the wheels. At 595 pounds, you will want to avoid soft or wet areas of your yard. You will easily leave some major tire tracks in the ground or even get stuck. Just something to be aware of.
If you choose to go with this Ryobi, you’ll not only have a reliable machine that can handle even the largest mowing jobs, but you’ll be helping the environment by removing the harmful gas fumes produced by traditional riding mowers. It’s definitely a big investment, but riding mowers have never been cheap. In comparison to equivalent gas riding mowers, the Ryobi is a value and one you should consider.
Best Robotic Lawn Mower – Husqvarna AUTOMOWER 315
If you’re all about new “smart” technology then a robotic lawn mower just might be what you need to keep your lawn looking great while you sit back and watch the football game. Can you image how much time you’ll have for activities when you let your new robot mower handle the yard care duties? Believe me, it’s got my attention as well. So here’s the specs and details for this Husqvarna model. The AutoMower 315 weighs about 20 pounds and has a 70 minute mow time on full charge. You can charge the battery in one hour. The 315 can be adjusted to cut the lawn from 0.8″ to 2.4″. The max incline this mower can handle is approximately 22 degrees.
To set things up, you will need to have boundary wires installed around your yard either by yourself or an authorized installer. These keep the mower on your property. After all, you don’t want to be mowing your neighbors yard right? You will also need to install the Connect@Home app on your mobile device. From there you can set and adjust the mowing schedule. The Bluetooth connectivity works up to 100 feet. Next, the Automower will train itself to learn your yard so it can smartly mow your lawn perfectly every time. The grass clippings are cut very fine and act as natural fertilizer for your grass. No bags to empty or endless raking.
The Automower is so quiet you can schedule it for night mowing without bothering the neighbors. Imagine waking up to a gorgeous lawn after a good nights sleep. Rain or shine, the Husqvarna AutoMower will keep your yard looking amazing while you spend your free time doing the things you enjoy.
Cordless Lawn Mower Buyers Guide
Even though most of the cordless lawn mowers on the market today are very similar, it’s a good idea to educate yourself on a few of the details for what you should be looking at in a new battery mower. Take a second to read through this buyers guide and you’ll have no problem picking the right lawn mower for your lawn.
Battery Voltage & Run Time
You probably noticed that there are some different battery voltages in the units I reviewed above. Anywhere from 40V up to 84V. So does this mean the 84V battery will last twice as long as a 40V battery? Not necessarily, while you will get more run time from the larger voltage battery, the voltage is similar to the horsepower of the lawnmower. The higher voltage battery, the more power the electric engine can produce. The higher voltage lawnmowers will generally cost more than lower voltage models, so take that into consideration when choosing a model.
Mower Blade Cut Width
This is fairly self explanatory. A 19″ cut width will cut less grass in a single pass than a 21″ cut width. While this may not seem like much, it’s usually best to get the most cut width you can afford, but don’t sacrifice battery voltage or other nice features just for the larger cutting width.
Lawn Mower Weight
This can be a big deal, especially for homeowners who are older or not able to push a traditional, heavy gas powered mower. Most of the cordless mowers weigh between 40 an 90 pounds, and you will notice the difference in weight after pushing it for 30 minutes, especially in thicker grass. A mower in the 50-60 pound range will be powerful, yet light enough for just about anyone to use without problem.
Single vs. Dual Blades
This comes down to personal preference really. The only mower I tested with dual blades was the Poulan and it performed nicely, but not any better than the single blade models. This was the first dual blade lawnmower that I had ever used, but I don’t think it’s a “must have” feature. More importantly is keeping your blades sharp. Using a mower with a dull blade will look like you tried to mow your lawn with butter knife.
Corded Lawn Mowers vs. Cordless Mowers
Electric Lawn Mowers
The big issue for corded electric lawn mowers is having to deal with that power cable. The cable clearly limits just how far you can you can go from your power source. Also if you have trees, shrubs and garden ornaments to navigate around then this becomes increasingly difficult with a cable trailing behind you. To increase your range you could use an extension cable, but this has serious safety implications in that it increases the risk of running over and accidentally cutting the cable. Also makes it more likely that your cable will become tangled up along the way.
Cordless Electric Lawn Mowers
Cordless electric lawn mowers have no such limitations. You just have to make sure that your battery is fully charged and you can mow away without having to worry about an electric cable. The range of your mower will be limited of course by how long the battery will hold its charge; the premium lawnmowers have batteries that will allow it to mow a third of an acre from a single charge. If your lawn is larger than this then you could purchase a model where you can remove the battery. This then gives you the option of buying a second battery to increase the range of the mower; simply swap over the batteries when the charge of the first one has run down.
Having a battery on board does increase the weight of the lawn mower slightly, but they’re still very easy to push along.
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from YardMasterz https://www.yardmasterz.com/black-friday/battery-lawn-mower-deals/
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I live in a pretty magical place. Florida gets a bum rap for being the redheaded stepchild of the South. We are like flypaper to crazy people (my friends from Up North regularly refer me to this gem: Florida Man), old people (Heaven’s Waiting Room), and people who are itching to get drunk and sunburned (I can’t believe this place is still around).
My little corner of Florida, however, is actually special. Though Señor Frogs is a bit of a hike, the freshwater marsh that occupies our backyard, or ‘savannas,’ stretch more than 10 miles from Ft. Pierce to Jensen Beach. This preserve is the largest and most intact remnant of Florida’s east coast savannas. From the Florida State Parks site (FSP): “During the Second Seminole War (1835-1842), Lt. Colonel Benjamin Pierce first used the term ‘savannah’ to describe a series of ponds and marshes found here. In 1879, Captain Thomas Richards planted the first pineapples, grown from cuttings he transported from Key West. The plants thrived in the sandy, well-drained soils and dozens of plantations appeared along the Atlantic Ridge. From 1895 to 1920, Jensen Beach was known as the ���Pineapple Capital of the World.’ The park encompasses more than 6,000 acres and joined the Florida Park Service in 1977.” Pretty awesome, no? There are those sneaky pineapples cropping up once again!
We have all sorts of amazing flora and fauna (literally) in our backyard. As a native Floridian, the sight of palm trees, pine trees and your “greatest hits” plantings of the planned communities are familiar. I grew up on a farm, my mom loves trees, but until I had my own little patch of dirt, gardening had never really called to me. My son was very little when I started to see the need to fence in our yard (part of the Savannas charm is that you are on nature’s doorstep, but that also means alligators are, at times, your neighbors. Nicer than some other neighbors, I might add!), but I didn’t want to obscure our beautiful view with a white picket situation. Our house is architecturally inspired by Frank Lloyd Wright, so in that vein, I wanted something that would blend in with our surroundings, as well as keep out the majority of the critters.
(Thunbergia grandiflora is an evergreen vine in the family Acanthaceae.[2] Common names include Bengal clockvine, Bengal trumpet, blue skyflower, blue thunbergia, blue trumpetvine, clockvine, skyflower and skyvine.)
On the farm growing up, we would use diamond wire to fence in the colts to keep them from slipping through the three board horse fence that surrounded our property. This fencing is strung together by round posts at three foot intervals and is, in my mind, the perfect setup for a natural trellis. As the fence began to take shape, the overall picture of my landscaping started to grow in my mind. Summers of trips to the Abacos must have made an impression because all I could think about was giant trellises of bougainvillea. I would go to Home Depot, with my little people in tow, and buy 5 gallon pots of bougainvillea when the price was right. It did not take me long to become obsessed. I delved further into the world of native Floridian plants: Native Plant Society. There is a lot to learn! I have a rather large area to fill, so I started off my landscaping plan with the idea of making a giant butterfly garden.
Butterflies love to land on our bougainvillea trellis
If you have small children or are a nature lover (or like me, fall under both umbrellas), incorporating larval and host plants to attract butterflies (and other pollinators) to your yard is a labor of love that will pay big dividends for years to come. In addition to having “floating flowers”, as my daughter so poetically describes butterflies, dancing around your yard, you will also be doing your part to prevent monoculture and improve the overall tableau of flora that will help our pollinators thrive. Here is a great resource for starting your garden of native plants: Gardeners Play A Role In Creating Wildlife Corridors.
(Lantana comes in many colors and pollinators LOVE IT!)
The biggest boon to my butterfly project has definitely been interspersing milkweed plants throughout my existing landscaping. Now! Milkweed is a fascinating plant with over 140 known species (Milkweed: The Most Interesting Plant IN THE WORLD). I’ve primarily planted yellow and red varietals, which continue to surprise me! They get to be really leggy, can get to be at least 3′-4′ tall, and they are incredibly prolific- which means once you plant a few and they go to seed- WATCH OUT- you will have milkweed popping up all over your yard (if you like a more manicured look, they are easy to transplant). I found a fun varietal called “Globe” that gets really tall and sprouts these giant alien egg-sac looking seed pods that burst open when they ready. SO COOL.
Butterflies and pollinators alike love coneflowers and vibrantly colored flowers; so this is a lovely dual purpose aspect of planting with pollinators in mind. Adding color to an otherwise rather green landscape is so much fun, especially when you know what you are planting will only augment the overall health of your ecosystem.
(You keenly-eyed people might notice the milkweed planted next to the red pentas and next to the coneflowers! I’ve done this all over our yard- the bushy, red flowers attract the butterflies and pollinators, and the milkweed is where they lay their eggs and food for the baby caterpillars.)
Vibrantly colored, delicious smelling popcorn cassia (Senna didymobotrya) are super tropical and interesting set piece to add visual interest in your yard. I’ve got mine planted next to some huge dark purple crinum lillies and also in another area, close to some coral honeysuckle that has been grafted from a vine to a small ornamental tree.
There are truly so many larval and host plants to attract butterflies and pollinators; it can be somewhat overwhelming to a neophyte gardener. This landscaping project has taken me years and continues to take shape as my plants begin to mature. I’ve added a lot of fun climbing vines to my trellis/fence because the bougainvillea has established itself (it likes dry roots, but we can have a lot of water, depending on the time of year) and the climbers will attach to anything! Below are photos of my four different varietals of passion vines (the red- passiflora miniata, the purple- passiflora incarnata, the third is the Lady Margaret- Passifloraceae, and the corky stem- Passiflora suberosa) and a visual of just how prolific they are! They use the little curly vines to grab on to things and pull themselves outward:
  My advice is try not to get too overwhelmed; there are so many plants to choose from and once you start seeing the butterflies, it’s pretty satisfying. Get started with a couple of milkweed plants and go from there. One of our local nurseries has classes that help gardeners and non-gardeners alike get started with their pollinator gardens (Pinder’s Nursery). This handy table is from their website:
FLORIDA NECTAR PLANTS “Butterfly Attractors”
Plant 3/4 to 2/3 of your garden with nectar plants
Common Name Botanical Name
Yellow butter cup Turnera umifolia Cigar plant Cuphea ignea (Sp) (HB) Dianthus Dianthus spp. (Sp) Gaillardia Gaillardia spp (N) (Y) Guara Guara lindheimeri (Y) Bulbine Bulbine fructens (Y) Heliotrope Heliotropium amplexicaule (Sp) Hummingbird Mexican mint Agastache rupestris (HB) Lavendar Lavendola (Sp) Lemon shrub marigold Tagetes lemmonii (Sp) Mexican or False heather Cuphea hyssopifolia (Y) Mexican or Scarlett milkweed Asclepias curassavica (Y) Pentas Pentas lanceolata (shade) (Y) Porterweed Stachytarpheta spp (Sp,F) (HB) Bush Daisy Euryops pectinatus (Y) Tickseed Coreopsis leavenworthii (N) (Sp,Su) Bog sage Salvia uliginosa (Sp-F) Hot Lips sage Salvia Microphylla (Y) Hummingbird sage Salvia coccinea, Salvia spathacea (Y) (HB) Indigo spires Salvia farinanea (Y) Mexican sage Salvia leucartha (Sp,F) Red shrimp Justicia brandegeana (Y) Lantana Lantana camara (sterile form) (Sp,F) Purple Weeping Lantana Lantana montevidensis (Y)
Honeysuckle lonceri app (Sp, Su) Florida flame Pyrostegia venusta (Sp)
Shrubs and Trees
Butterfly bush Buddleia davidii (Sp, Su) Dwarf powder puff Calliandra emarginata Firespike Odontonema strictum (Shade) (N) (HB) (F,W) Firebush Hamelia patens (partial shade) (N) (HB) Golden dewdrop Duranta repens (Sp-F) Plumbago Plumbago auriculata (sun to partial shade) (Y) Wild coffee Psychotria nervosa (prefers shade) (N) (Sp)
Key: N=Native, HB=Hummingbird, Sp=Spring blooming, Su=Summer blooming,          F=Fall blooming, W=Winter blooming Y=Year round blooming
  Just get started. The butterflies will thank you!
Butterfly Post I live in a pretty magical place. Florida gets a bum rap for being the redheaded stepchild of the South.
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cheolestatine-blog · 7 years
Cheolestatine’s Persona 5 Journey: Kamoshida’s Palace
I’m definitely not a pro gamer or anything. I’m just a fan that want to share what I had been through on this game :-)
Party: MC, Morgana, Ryuji, Ann
Max Level Achieved by MC: Level 11
Kamoshida’s Palace is the first dungeon of this game and you will be given 14 days to finish as the deadline will be MC and Ryuji’s expulsion date. For people who had been playing other Persona games, it’s understandable if you want to pull out Persona 3 Portable’s tactic: to finish the dungeon in one go aka one day and use the rest of days until deadline for social links or stats. That was what I (and the guide that I used) intended to do but for clumsy gamer like me....or maybe for some newbie to Persona...i think it’s okay to finish the game for 5-6 days. Also it might be also impossible to finish it in one day because:
1. IT WILL BE A LONG JOURNEY. Kamoshida’s Palace will be filled with room trick, obstacles and lot of shadows, so your journey for Treasure, which is located on top of tower, will be hard one. 
2. There are two point that will make Morgana decided to call it a day and head back to castle gate. First point is on 1/2F and second one is on moving floor at tower. Morgana will stop you from advancing so yea you really have no option to object Morgana.
3. SP/HP draining. I will explain below.
I personally not recommending to leveling up during this phase. Most of shadows can be beaten as long as you picked good strategy but sometimes it can be SP draining. There’s still no option to restore SP at this early point so it will be more wise to saving up SP or HP by avoiding fighting shadows. If you really want to leveling up, there’s still chance to get ambushed by shadows especially during opening treasure chests or sometimes you don’t really have other option beside cleaning up few shadows to getting through to next passage. 
Finding Save Room is REALLY IMPORTANT. Thank godness it’s not really hard to find them, as long as you completed the map, it will showed where the Save Rooms are. Make sure to save after you get important items or significant advance. Most of path in the dungeon is quite nervewrecking for clumsy people like me so I really don’t want to lost all of my progress just because my MC died after ambushed by powerful shadows. 
If you want to beat some powerful shadows, here’s the trick: Try to get Ann using Dormina or MC using Succubus’s Marin Karin. Unlike P3 or P4, probability of getting any shadows even the stronger one to fell into the spells is higher. I keep chanted those spells on powerful shadows even the floor guard one,and it still succeed. It will SP draining so just use it when you are getting nearer to top of tower, which is around swinging bridge. 
Getting items on Treasure Chests can be important or not. Sometimes, you will get useful items for battle such as Bead or Snuff Souls, sometimes you will get key item or materials?..idk anyway, just leave it in case you want to pursue top of tower first. I personally suggest to get Bead on Treasure Chest that located at alley of floor that can be reached by levator. There will be Succubus guarding so if you really want to fight them make sure you have the first move unless they will chant Marin Karin on you and your team. One trick is to let Succubus showed up first and make the team run as fast as possible to reach exit door so that once you entered back into the treasure room, Succubus as shadow is no longer exist. 
Chapter Boss
You will fight Kamoshida as shadow the next day after you reached top of tower, so good thing is that you don’t really have to worry with your team HP/SP. Kamoshida isn’t hard boss to fight. There will be 4 phase:
1. Hitting area on Kamoshida
Just attack since it’s his first barrier. Kamoshida will occasionally looking at Ann, a sign that in next turn he will ‘Lick’ to Ann which is quite HP draining (around 40 HP) so make sure to have Ann on guard. After a while, Kamoshida will have Libido ???? and his HP will restored. You now will have 2 target, Kamoshida and the Cup. 
2. Hitting area on Kamoshida and Cup
Hit the cup. Kamoshida will be angry and Morgana will tell us the cup must be something to hit. Keep attacking the cup until it runs out its HP. Kamoshida will be throwing Volleyball or Lick Ann, but it’s okay. Just use Defend or Rakukaja occasionally to prevent from Kamoshida’s critical blow. 
3. Stealing the Crown
Once cup’s HP went into 0, Kamoshida will having mental breakdown, and Morgana will offer to steal the crown or treasure. I picked to steal the crown, which is not something that Morgana planned, but she/he followed anyway. Morgana will ask which member will be sent to steal the crown. Pick Ryuji, as Ann will be useful to freeze Kamoshida for one turn. As Ryuji trying to find open to stealing the crown, keep hitting Kamoshida. Ryuji will ask you to keep hitting Kamoshida for 3 times, after that, Ryuji will be succeed stealing the crown.
4. Crown is stolen and Kamoshida is weakened
As the crown fall from Kamoshida’s head, Kamoshida weakened. Any kind of attack will do massive hit for him (300 HP) and after 3-4 turn you will won. 
That’s the review!! I personally think Kamoshida’s palace is quite challenging for first dungeon of the game. I totally feel sad for not being able to fully leveling up ( not to mention I had my Arsene fused up ! :-( ) but I guess the main point of this game is rather picking smart move to finish the quest as efficient as possible. Also, if P3/P4 has card shuffle to get free persona, in P5 talking to shadow is the only way to get free persona. All shadows had different personalities and level, sometimes they will be mad at you for choosing wrong reactions or they gave you items instead because you still underlevel. Anyway, my tips is: just wait, pick All Out Attack, until you quite high leveled as most of shadows will offered to becoming your possession instead continuing the battle. This way, you will put zero effort for negotiating. 
Will try to continue soon<3 Now I’m going to sleep Gnight<3
0 notes
yardmasterz1 · 5 years
Black Friday Lawn Mower Deals
Black Friday Battery Powered Lawn Mower Deals
by Christian Rogers | Updated 11/11/19
Our Top Picks For Black Friday
Editors Pick: GreenWorks 25223 G-MAX 40V
“I was impressed by the power through thicker grass as well as the longevity of the 2 lithium ion batteries..”
Best Features: WORX WG774 Intellicut 20″ Mower
“I really like all of the features of the WORX WG774. It’s easy to push and maneuver, has decent battery length and good power.”
Top Value: Black & Decker CM2043C 20″ Cordless Mower
“This battery powered mower isn’t going to mow your 10 acre ranch, but it will get your lawns looking nice without breaking your back or your bank.”
Best Battery: EGO Power+ 21 Inch 56-Volt Lithium-ion Mower
“Cool looking design, solid battery life and enough power to handle nearly any backyard make this one of my top battery power lawn mower choices.”
Best Power: Snapper XD SXDWM82K 21 Inch Cordless Mower Kit
“The Snapper XD is a serious player in the cordless lawn mower game. It has a ton of power from dual 82V lithium ion batteries and 45 minutes of run time.”
Best Self Propelled: Greenworks 21-Inch M-210-SP Self-Propelled
“At 70lbs, you don’t even notice the weight, even when mowing thick grass.”
Best Mower for Large Yards: Yard Force YF120vRX Lithium-Ion 22”
“If you have large areas to mow, the Yard Force YF120vRX will make quick work of it”
Best Battery Riding Mower:  Ryobi 38 in Electric Rear Engine Riding Lawn Mower RY48111
“If you have an extremely large area of lawn to maintain this Ryobi is the riding mower to buy. You will get 2.5 hours run time from the 48V 100 Ah battery.”
Best Robotic Lawn Mower: Husqvarna AUTOMOWER 315
“The Automower is so quiet you can schedule it for night mowing without bothering the neighbors. The AutoMower 315 weighs about 20 pounds and has a 70 minute mow time on full charge.”
Top 5 Cordless Mowers We Reviewed
So you’re shopping around for the best battery lawn mower for your buck? The new generation of cordless, battery powered lawn mowers aren’t your Daddy’s old mower. These beauties pack power, style and some cool tech into an otherwise boring piece of gear that sits in your garage 99% of the time. Let’s face it, lawn mowers aren’t the sexiest of backyard tools. At least for me, they bring back nightmares of having to mow the yard as a kid when I’d rather be out doing something fun with my friends. If you are going to blow a few hundred bucks on a tool, wouldn’t a nice chain saw or nail gun be a lot more rewarding?
There are a lot of models & options available, so we put together our list of the best cordless lawn mowers that won’t break the bank, but will still get your lawn looking amazing.
TOP PICK – GreenWorks 25223 G-MAX 40V 19-Inch Cordless Lawn Mower
The GreenWorks Model 25223 mower came as the #1 lawn mower pick for 2019/2020. It has a bunch of amazing features that any homeowner will love. GreenWorks is a relatively newcomer to the home & yard care industry, but don’t let that bother you. They make an extremely high quality product which can be seen in the 25223 mower. With this lawn mower you get two 40V lithium ion batteries and charger (same as the B&D model above). You also have a 7 way, single lever grass height adjustment which can handle even the tallest grass. 3 in 1 bagging, mulching & discharge ability.
The handle collapses for easy storage and transportation. This model has a 19″ cutting width and weighs in at only 53.1 pounds, which makes it very easy to push and maneuverable around borders and other objects. This mower has over 2 hours of charge time and has enough power to tackle just about any lawn. The GreenWorks Pro 25223 also has power adjusting technology which senses the grass height and increases or decreases power as needed to help save the battery. With 69% 5 star ratings at Amazon, others also agree that this is a solid lawn mower, with plenty of power on tap. A bonus is if you already own a leaf blower by GreenWorks, the batteries are the same. Sweet!
Review Summary
Even though the company is newer to the market, I really like the GreenWorks Pro 25223 G-Max. I was impressed by the power through thicker grass as well as the longevity of the 2 lithium ion batteries. It’s very nimble due to the lower weight which makes mowing 800+ sq/ft a breeze. This unit is very comparable to the B&D unit above. The price is a bit higher, but I could honestly go with either unit and be completely satisfied.
Top Features
Only 53.1 pounds
10″ rear wheels
2 40V lithium ion batteries + charger
Over 2 hours charge time
7 level height adjustment
SmartCut Technology
4 year limited warranty
Needs Improvement
Not self propelled
#2 WORX WG774 Intellicut 20″
I’ve had very good experiences with the WORX brand products in the past. I’ve owned a WORX leaf blower back in 2018 as well as a hedge trimmer. Both have been going strong for over a year now so I was excited to test out the WORX WG774 Intellicut 56V.
WORX did right by me, so I was sure this lawn mower would perform just as well as their other gear, and I was right.
The WORX has all of the features you would expect in a quality cordless lawnmower in this price range. It comes with 2 56V batteries and charger that will let you cut up to 9,400 sq/feet of lawn. It features a 2 in 1 mulching and rear bagging option and easily folds down into a compact unit for easy storage. I was able to mow relatively tall grass with ease and got about 50 minutes of run time. I even let the kids push it around and they didn’t struggle, even in thicker grass.
One of the cool things that I haven’t seen on other lawn mowers is the wash out port. You can literally hook up a hose to the port and it will clean under the deck, removing all of the grass clipping debris that accumulates. I love this feature. You can use the “Turbo Mode” for an extra boost of power, but keep in mind you’ll run through the batteries fast if you use Turbo too much.
The WORX weighs in at about 65 pounds, which is pretty average. Unfortunately, this unit isn’t self propelled, so if you have hilly areas to cut, it will likely be a bit of work with this mower. But for flat yards, this lawn mower performs great. A 3 year manufacturers warranty is included. And if all this wasn’t enough, it’s got a awesome looking design, which you all know I like.
Review Summary
I really like all of the features of the WORX WG774. It’s easy to push and maneuver, has decent battery length and good power. It would be nice to see larger bag capacity, but for small to mid sized lawns, this is a solid choice. The price is under $500, which is great for a dual 56V battery powered lawn mower.
Top Features
19″ actual cut width
(2) 56V batteries + charger
Ultra lightweight at only 65lbs
3 year tool warranty
1 hour mow time
Easy mow height adjustment
One of the quieter mowers tested
Steel Deck
Fully collapsible for quick storage
Needs Improvement
Doesn’t bag wet grass well
Not self propelled
Mulching drains battery fast
#3 Black & Decker CM2043C 20″ Cordless Mower
Black & Decker has been making high quality, affordable power tools and equipment since 1910 and the CM2043C cordless lawnmower is no exception. While this mower is a bit on the higher end price wise, I really like the features packed into this model.
You get two 40v MAX lithium ion batteries, which gives you plenty of run time to get your lawns mowed without having to sprint around the yard hoping it charge. The variable speed motor does an excellent job in conserving battery life which extends the run time. This model also features mulching, side ejection and bagging. The height adjustment is very simple, with 6 settings that can cut from 1.5″ to 4″ and handle all varieties of grass.
Did I mention that this lawn mower can actually sense the thickness of the grass and adjust the power when it needs more juice for the really thick stuff or drop the power for lighter grass. Again, this conserves battery life, which is a brilliant feature. If you’re tired of gas powered mowers and gummed up carburetors that never start when you need them, the Black & Decker CM2043C is one of the premier mowers on the market.
Review Summary
The Black & Decker CM2040 is light weight, has a long run time at 2.5 hours, comes with a couple lithium ion batteries and is powerful enough to handle nearly any residential yard work. This mower isn’t going to mow your 10 acre ranch, but it will get your lawns looking nice without breaking your back or your bank. Definitely put this model on your short list of mowers to consider.
Top Features
Comes with two 40V lithium ion batteries
2.5 hour run time
20 inches of wide cutting path
AutoSense grass height tech
2 year limited warranty
Brushless Motor
59 lbs
Needs Improvement
A little more expensive than other models in it’s class
#4 EGO Power+ 21 Inch 56-Volt Lithium-ion Mower
You’ve probably seen some of the commercials on TV for the EGO line of cordless yard equipment, including the EGO Power + cordless lawn mower. The first thing I thought when I saw the advertisement was how cool and modern the mower looked. They did a very nice job on the aesthetics of the EGO Power+ mower. So much so that it makes you want to go mow the grass (ok, maybe it’s not that cool looking). But it does have some style, that’s for certain. This model is self-propelled, so you will have no problem mowing hilly yards and thicker grass.
As for features and performance, it’s extremely quiet, has a good bit of power(600w High Torque motor) and features a 56V Lithium-ion battery which gives you up to 2 miles of mowing time. This mower folds up into a very compact unit that makes storage a breeze. If you’re like me, where garage space is at a premium, you’ll be more than satisfied with how little space this mower need when folded down.
A few other cool items to note are the 5 year tool / 3 year battery warranties. LED headlights for those times when you just have to mow your lawn at 2:00am, and multi-adjust height settings for getting the perfect cut.
Review Summary
Cool looking design, solid battery life and enough power to handle nearly any backyard make this one of my top battery power lawn mower choices. The 5 year warranty is a nice bonus as well. The price is about what you would expect for a 21″ cordless mower, but the single battery and tendency to clog under tall grass bring the EGO Power + down a notch. Still a great mower for the price and features plus it has excellent reviews on Amazon.
Top Features
21 inches cut width
56V lithium ion battery
Compact folding capability
Weather resistant construction
Rapid battery charger included
Mulching, bagging or discharge capability
30% less noise than gas powered mowers
5 year tool warranty / 3 year battery warranty
Needs Improvement
Only 1 battery included
Heavier than other models in it’s class
Has a tendency to get clogged when mowing very high grass
#5 Snapper XD SXDWM82K 21 Inch Cordless Mower Kit
I’m thoroughly impressed with nearly all of the goodies included with the Snapper XD. This lawn mower is a beast and while it’s a little more expensive, in the $450 range, if you have some serious mowing to do, and don’t want to go with a gas lawn mower, definitely put the Snapper XD on your short list of lawn mowers to consider.
So you get about 45 minutes mow time from two Briggs & Stratton 82V Lithium-ion batteries, which is more than enough to handle most residential lawn mowing applications. The a batteries charge very quickly, so even if you do run out of battery power, you don’t have to wait long to get enough charge to finish your mowing job.
This unit is one of the heavier models I reviewed, coming in at 90 pounds, but it still considerably lighter than most gas powered models and relatively easy to maneuver. One Amazon purchaser said that even his 10 year old daughter could push the lawn mower with ease. However, I would like to see them make a self-propelled version of this mower, just to help a little with the additional weight.
The ergonomics of this lawn mower are great and it looks cool too (that’s important right?) It’s very comfortable to push and it folds up nicely for storage. Neighbors have commented on how quiet it is compared to the old, gas lawn mower I had for years. It’s nice to know that there’s less noise pollution in the neighborhood.
Another nice perk is that there’s a full Snapper yard care system that includes a leaf blower, chain saw, hedge trimmer & weed edger. They all use the same battery system, so it’s a 100% interchangeable system.
Review Summary
The Snapper XD is a serious player in the cordless lawn mower game. It has a ton of power from dual 82V lithium ion batteries and 45 minutes of run time. With easy push button starting and 7 lawn height adjustment settings, you can take down even the tallest grass. This unit is extremely quiet, which will make the neighbors happy and it folds into a very compact size for easy storage. The Snapper XD made my top 5 battery lawn mower least with ease and has solid reviews on most of the popular shopping sites.
Top Features
21″ cut width with 3 in 1 bag, discharge, mulch options
45 minute run time
(2) Briggs & Stratton 82V Lithium Ion 2.0Ah batteries
Push button start & 7 position cut height adjustment
Extremely quiet
Brushless Motor
Compact folding for vertical storage
Needs Improvement
Heavier than other models at 90 lbs
Best Self Propelled Mower – Greenworks 21-Inch M-210-SP Self-Propelled
The M-210-SP is one of the latest self propelled battery powered mowers from Greenworks. It features a durable 21″ steel deck which will allow you to tackle big lawns with ease. With this lawn mower you get a quiet brushless motor that has tons of torque and a long life. The 3 in 1 design of this mower allows you to easily rear bag, mulch, or side discharge your grass clippings. A great feature you won’t find from many other manufacturers is the dual battery port, which allows you to store one battery, while the 2nd battery powers the mower. When one battery runs low, you have battery number 2 ready to roll, saving you a trip back to the garage.
Other cool features include an onboard USB port for charging cell phones, tablets and devices. The M-210-SP has SmartCut technology which automatically adjusts the cutting height depending on the height of the lawn. Easy push button start is nice as well. When you’re all done, this model folds up into a small footprint for vertical storage. Obviously the self-propelled feature is the main allure for this particular mower. At 70lbs, you don’t even notice the weight, even when mowing thick grass.
This package comes with one 40V Greenworks battery and rapid charger. The 40V GMAX battery is interchangeable with the full line of Greenworks 40V tools, including hedge trimmers, leaf blowers, chainsaws, edgers and snow throwers. You can expect to get about 40 minutes of run time on a fully charged battery and batteries will rapid charge in approximately 30 minutes. Like all Greenworks battery lawn mowers, you get a 4 year warranty on the machine and 2 year warranty on the battery/charger. Yes, the price tag is a bit hefty, but you’re getting a solid self propelled mower in the Greenworks M-210-SP. You’ll be glad you spent a little more on the self propelled model.
Best Mower for Large Yards – Yard Force YF120vRX Lithium-Ion 22” 3 in 1 Mower
WOW! Right out of the gate the Yard Force YF120vRX 22″ self propelled mower is a MONSTER. This unit boasts a 120vRX brushless motor that has torque and power for days. So much so that you’ll think you’re using a gas powered mower which is exactly what you need if you’re going to be mowing larger yards. What makes this mower especially effective for big yards up to 1/2 acre is the dual battery port, which let’s you run for over 100 minutes when the twin 120v Lithium Ion batteries are at full charge. You can recharge a battery in about 30 minutes and be back on the job in no time. This package comes with the mower, (2) 120v Li batteries and the quick charger.
As for the mower construction, it is rock solid and heavy at 109lbs. But don’t let the weight of this cordless lawn mower scare you. The self propelled motor makes pushing this unit through tall grass a breeze. The 22″ steel deck converts from bagging, to mulching, to side discharge with no hassle at all and the bag release is smooth and easy. The YF120vRX has easy push button start, single lever mow height adjuster and a quick release adjustable folding handle. Speaking of folding, this model folds down to 70% of it’s normal size. This makes storage in your garage or shed so easy. So the bottom line with the Yard Force is that if you have some serious lawn to cut, I’m talking in the 1/2 acre or more range, this beast will handle it without issue. You’ll think you’re using a gas mower with all the power on tap. You’ll find the price tag to be on the higher end, but let me tell you that you’re getting so much bang for the buck with this model, that you’ll quickly forget about the price once you start mowing down the back 40 of your property at record speeds.
Best Battery Riding Mower – Ryobi 38 in Electric Rear Engine Riding Lawn Mower RY48111
If you have an extremely large area of lawn to maintain, having a riding mower is essential. If you also like the convenience and simple maintenance of a battery operated mower, you’re going to love the Ryobi 38″ electric rear engine riding mower. While there are still not a lot of options for battery riding mowers, Ryobi has a winner on it’s hands with the RY48111. This model looks like a hybrid of a riding mower and dune buggy. Don’t let the looks fool you as this mower can handle seriously tough lawns..hills and all.
If you’re worried about the battery life, don’t. You will get 2.5 hours run time from the 48V 100 Ah battery, which will let you mow approximately 2.5 acres of lawn. To charge the mower, simply plug it into any standard 120v outlet. Some of the other features included with this lawn mower are LED headlights, USB phone charger, cruise control, 38″ dual blade deck and 12 position manual deck adjustment. According to other owners, you can safely take this mower on 10-15% inclines without spinning the wheels. At 595 pounds, you will want to avoid soft or wet areas of your yard. You will easily leave some major tire tracks in the ground or even get stuck. Just something to be aware of.
If you choose to go with this Ryobi, you’ll not only have a reliable machine that can handle even the largest mowing jobs, but you’ll be helping the environment by removing the harmful gas fumes produced by traditional riding mowers. It’s definitely a big investment, but riding mowers have never been cheap. In comparison to equivalent gas riding mowers, the Ryobi is a value and one you should consider.
Best Robotic Lawn Mower – Husqvarna AUTOMOWER 315
If you’re all about new “smart” technology then a robotic lawn mower just might be what you need to keep your lawn looking great while you sit back and watch the football game. Can you image how much time you’ll have for activities when you let your new robot mower handle the yard care duties? Believe me, it’s got my attention as well. So here’s the specs and details for this Husqvarna model. The AutoMower 315 weighs about 20 pounds and has a 70 minute mow time on full charge. You can charge the battery in one hour. The 315 can be adjusted to cut the lawn from 0.8″ to 2.4″. The max incline this mower can handle is approximately 22 degrees.
To set things up, you will need to have boundary wires installed around your yard either by yourself or an authorized installer. These keep the mower on your property. After all, you don’t want to be mowing your neighbors yard right? You will also need to install the Connect@Home app on your mobile device. From there you can set and adjust the mowing schedule. The Bluetooth connectivity works up to 100 feet. Next, the Automower will train itself to learn your yard so it can smartly mow your lawn perfectly every time. The grass clippings are cut very fine and act as natural fertilizer for your grass. No bags to empty or endless raking.
The Automower is so quiet you can schedule it for night mowing without bothering the neighbors. Imagine waking up to a gorgeous lawn after a good nights sleep. Rain or shine, the Husqvarna AutoMower will keep your yard looking amazing while you spend your free time doing the things you enjoy.
Cordless Lawn Mower Buyers Guide
Even though most of the cordless lawn mowers on the market today are very similar, it’s a good idea to educate yourself on a few of the details for what you should be looking at in a new battery mower. Take a second to read through this buyers guide and you’ll have no problem picking the right lawn mower for your lawn.
Battery Voltage & Run Time
You probably noticed that there are some different battery voltages in the units I reviewed above. Anywhere from 40V up to 84V. So does this mean the 84V battery will last twice as long as a 40V battery? Not necessarily, while you will get more run time from the larger voltage battery, the voltage is similar to the horsepower of the lawnmower. The higher voltage battery, the more power the electric engine can produce. The higher voltage lawnmowers will generally cost more than lower voltage models, so take that into consideration when choosing a model.
Mower Blade Cut Width
This is fairly self explanatory. A 19″ cut width will cut less grass in a single pass than a 21″ cut width. While this may not seem like much, it’s usually best to get the most cut width you can afford, but don’t sacrifice battery voltage or other nice features just for the larger cutting width.
Lawn Mower Weight
This can be a big deal, especially for homeowners who are older or not able to push a traditional, heavy gas powered mower. Most of the cordless mowers weigh between 40 an 90 pounds, and you will notice the difference in weight after pushing it for 30 minutes, especially in thicker grass. A mower in the 50-60 pound range will be powerful, yet light enough for just about anyone to use without problem.
Single vs. Dual Blades
This comes down to personal preference really. The only mower I tested with dual blades was the Poulan and it performed nicely, but not any better than the single blade models. This was the first dual blade lawnmower that I had ever used, but I don’t think it’s a “must have” feature. More importantly is keeping your blades sharp. Using a mower with a dull blade will look like you tried to mow your lawn with butter knife.
Corded Lawn Mowers vs. Cordless Mowers
Electric Lawn Mowers
The big issue for corded electric lawn mowers is having to deal with that power cable. The cable clearly limits just how far you can you can go from your power source. Also if you have trees, shrubs and garden ornaments to navigate around then this becomes increasingly difficult with a cable trailing behind you. To increase your range you could use an extension cable, but this has serious safety implications in that it increases the risk of running over and accidentally cutting the cable. Also makes it more likely that your cable will become tangled up along the way.
Cordless Electric Lawn Mowers
Cordless electric lawn mowers have no such limitations. You just have to make sure that your battery is fully charged and you can mow away without having to worry about an electric cable. The range of your mower will be limited of course by how long the battery will hold its charge; the premium lawnmowers have batteries that will allow it to mow a third of an acre from a single charge. If your lawn is larger than this then you could purchase a model where you can remove the battery. This then gives you the option of buying a second battery to increase the range of the mower; simply swap over the batteries when the charge of the first one has run down.
Having a battery on board does increase the weight of the lawn mower slightly, but they’re still very easy to push along.
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