torto-isemusings · 8 months
Dunno if I posted this yet, but here. I found it last Sunday
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cameracrew-blog1 · 2 years
Fashion-20131122-26 Fashion Director of Photography Camera Crew Hong Kong Steadicam Elite Model Look 2013 Own Your Style Suzys E from Camera Crew Hong Kong on Vimeo.
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lee-changjae · 5 years
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20131122 Changjae Twitter Update
translation | LCJ1129
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megane-tatata · 5 years
今自分が滞在しているロンドンでは、大英博物館にて「マンガ展」が開かれています。 マンガにおいて、メガネは非常に重要なツールだなと思ってたのですが、せっかくなのでちょっとここで振り返ってみたいと思います。
手塚治虫が仰って曰く、漫画とはその描くところの描写において、「省略」「変形」「誇張」の三大要素を持ち合わせているのが特徴だそうです。 そして、メガネは中でもその3つが高い次元で行われているアイテムとして、漫画のキャラデザインの中で非常に大きな役割を担っています。
マンガ(特に日本のマンガ)では「目」が表情を語るためのツールとしてものすごい大きな位置付けにあるのに、メガネはその辺りに余計な描写を入れる「邪魔な存在」のはず。 でも漫画家たちはその障壁を物ともせず、むしろ逆手にとってメガネを「表情や印象を付与するツール」として活用するため、様々な描写を発明していきます。
さて、ぱっと見て7つほど見つけたものを、一緒に振り返ってみましょう。 トレンドの変遷の一方で、それぞれが今尚手法として生きているのが、非常に興味深いです。
手塚治虫自身が太い縁の大きなメガネを愛用しているからか、彼は太めの大きなメガネをかけたキャラをよく描いています。 大きなメガネの中であれば、他のキャラと同様な目の描写ができ、また一方で「メガネ」を前面に押し出し誇張した表現によって、強く相手にイメージを与えることに成功しています。下の自画像以外にも、この「誇張された大きなメガネ」は、彼の漫画のキャラクターに個性を与えるツールとして用いられてきました。
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そしてこれは、後の世でも同様に漫画家たちに採用されています。 1980年代、鳥山明の作品である「Dr.スランプ アラレちゃん」では、主人公の則巻アラレが、本人と不釣り合いなほど大きなメガネをかけており、「アラレちゃんメガネ」というフレーズの流行の元となりました。 また、彼女の破天荒な性格、異次元の怪力と言ったキャラとギャップを生むメガネの存在が、どことなく「抜け感」のような可愛さをもたらすことに貢献しています。
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興味深いのは、90年代末にリメイク版で出てきた「Dr. スランプ」でのメガネは、より太い縁の、いわゆる「黒縁」感のあるフレームになっている点です。時代が進み、より細かい描写が可能になる中で、鳥山チームは「メガネ」の印象をもっと強くするため、あえて太くする方向を採用し、「誇張」の要素を際立たせることとなりました。
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一方で、「邪魔なので目立たないところに置こう」というのは最初の「変形」を用いたメガネの表現だったのかな、と思っています。 ここではメガネは「鼻眼鏡」みたいな感じでちょこんと乗っていたのが印象的。長谷川町子がこの手法を取り入れており、「メガネ」の印象と、目による表現を両立させることに成功しました。
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さて、そんな中、藤子・F・不二雄はさらに別の方法を取り、「メガネ」を完全に「省略」「変形」「誇張」することで、メガネを一つ高い次元に昇華することに成功しています。 メガネキャラといえば誰もが思い浮かべる「ドラえもん」ののび太くん。彼の代表作とも言えるこの作品においてメガネをよく見ると、実は非常に不自然な描写なのです。
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比較のためにご覧いただくと、スネ夫・ジャイアンの目は黒目の周りに白目があり、ドラえもんもまた同じ構図で描かれています。 一方でのび太を見ると、メガネの中が白く、黒目が中に。そう、実はメガネの中が全部「目」になっているのです。
しかし、漫画家によってはこれを逆手に取り、「表情の読めない人=マッドな性格」の表現として用いるようになります。 これを高い次元で行ったのは、「テニスの王子様」の乾。乾汁や異次元のデータ解析に基づく理論的テニス等、常軌を逸した取組から「こいつ何考えてるんだ?」と思わせてしまう彼のキャラに、「目の描かれないメガネ」は大きく貢献していると言えるでしょう。
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(引用:https://tenipuri-miya.com/乾貞治/ テニスの王子様2巻, 著者: 許斐剛)
同じくテニスの王子様では手塚国光がこの手法で描かれています。 「油断せずに行こう」の口癖からもわかるように寡黙で冷静な手塚部長。しかしながら、曲者揃いの部員をまとめ上げるリーダーシップを持った、意志の強い彼を表現する上では、目を描かないわけにはいきません。 一方で、目の周りで邪魔にならない最低限の存在感にするために、このフレームレスのメガネは非常に有用でした。 目をしっかり描く中で、多少目に重なっていても気にならない。線は最悪欠けていてもなんとかなる(後述の「省略メガネ」にも通じる要素)。
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見て、この目(「神風怪盗ジャンヌ」の主人公より採用)。顔の半分ぐらいある、もはやどうなってるのか謎な顔です。 この辺りが目の大きさでは極致とも思えるのですが、ここにメガネ当てたら、顔の中でのごちゃつき感が半端ない中、この中でどうメガネ要素を入れるかが、ある意味課題となっていました。
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そして、それまでクソほ��マイナーだったこのフレームが、逆輸入のような形で実際にも販売され、結構な注目を集めることとなりました。 コスプレ会場だけではなく、結構おしゃれなメガネとして使われるようになったアンダーリム。マンガの影響の大きさを感じさせます。
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※なお、アンダーリムなどについて深く知りたい方は、近添真琴さんのブログがおすすめです。 (参考:http://blog.livedoor.jp/chikazoemakoto/archives/8255332.html)
そして最後は、ukkahさんのブログで紹介されていた、気鋭のアニメクリエイター集団、京都アニメーション(京アニ)による新たなメガネ描写の提案です。 (参考:https://ukkah.hatenadiary.org/entry/20131122/p1)
敢えて目にぶつける。「境界の彼方」における栗山未来のメガネは、太めの縁が目にがっつりかぶさるという、メガネが最も避けてきた構図を敢えて取り入れる異色のスタイルとして、キャラデザに用いられています。 京アニは他の作品でも、このある意味禁断とも言える「横切りメガネ(命名:ukkahさん)」を積極的に用いるようになりました。
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よくある可愛さの表現の中に「上目遣い」があります。ぶりっ子系の女の子がよくやるやつ。 実はこのメタファーじゃないか、というのが僕が唱えている仮説です。
ついにメガネを使って目そのものだけでなく、目線まで表現するようになった、この表現技法は非常に注目すべき新技術であると言えるでしょう。 先日の放火事件で、多くの才能あるアニメーターと貴重な原画を失った京アニ。亡くなった方の冥福を祈るだけでなく、これだけの革新的技術をもたらすだけの類い稀なるクリエイティビティが、今後どうか再び我々に新たな感動をもたらす力強さを取り戻してくれることを願うばかりです。
さて、一気に語ってきたこの「マンガとメガネ」談義。最後までお付き合いくださり、ありがとうございました。 背景にある「メガネの持つ意味」からも大きな影響を受けているマンガにおけるメガネについては、さらに色々掘り下げていけたらいいな、と思っています。
(おまけ) ちなみに個人的に好きなメガネキャラは、BLEACHの石田雨竜。 彼のメガネは、下の表紙のように下側に凸のある五角形が基本なのですが(彼モデルのメガネもそのデザインを採用)、実写版映画ではただの四角いメガネが用いられていて少し残念だったりします。 …と思っていたら、作中でも四角眼鏡になるシーンが散見され、TITE先生のライブ感すげぇ…と思う次第です。。。
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Narcan and My Personal Experience
Narcan, the drug that can be used to help overdose victims, has been popular in the media recently with the rise of overdoses. It only makes sense that with the increase of overdose victims, the use of Narcan and the media around the drug would go up as well. The response to Narcan has been mixed, ranging from questions on whether it prompts drug use and the issue that Narcan is “free” while you have to pay for things like insulin and EpiPens. I am going to discuss where both of these debates have issues and why you should support the use of Narcan. 
To begin, it is important to know how Narcan works and the basics of the drug reversal substance. Narcan can not be used for abuse, which is only one of the good aspects of it. How it works is that the Narcan chemical will go towards the receptors and bind to it so other chemicals, such as the drug in their system, cannot bind to them. When used during an overdose, the Narcan will actually knock off the chemicals like heroin to bind to the site. This allows for the reversal of the overdose and can save the victim. This is why police are to always have Narcan on them. It is easy to use and has been suggested for everyone to keep Narcan in their car. With the ease of use and the life-saving quality of the drug, it should be easy for everyone to agree to it. Some suggest that being trained in administering Narcan should be a skill that is on the same level of importance as skills such as performing the Heimlich maneuver or performing CPR. 
One of the first arguments against the drug is that it is an incentive for people to continue using drugs. This type of argument is used in any controversial suggestions such as legalizing prostitution. Some say that if we legalize prostitution, people will up the demand for sex workers which would increase the cases of human trafficking. This argument is unnecessary because it does not take into account the people who would be willing to be a prostitute when it is legalized and made safer. This does not transfer exactly into the use of drugs but it does show that people will always find it a reason to be against change. 
Drug addiction is going to occur whether there is something to save them or not. When someone is addicted to drugs, they aren’t thinking about the consequences of said drugs and if they are, they don’t care about them. When you are addicted to some type of substance, everything else becomes secondary to that. My mother dealt with addiction and I can say for certain that it changes how you decide your actions and your life.  
I doubt that any drug addict is going to be putting their life in the hands of the police. Most of the time, drug addicts would want to stay away from the police as much as possible. Drug users aren’t thinking about whether they overdose or not when they use their substance. Their main thought is about feeling that high. For the drug use to go up due to Narcan, that means that the user has to think that a cop or someone with Narcan will find them soon enough to reverse that overdose. I believe a small number of drug users would think that way and I doubt that Narcan becoming more available to the general public isn’t going to increase drug usage to a noticeable extent. What it may do is allow people who do drugs with other people to have the Narcan so someone can use it on them in case they do overdose. 
One of the other issues brought up is the price of Narcan and how it goes against other substances like EpiPens and insulin. People argue that drug addicts are getting Narcan for free while others have to pay for what they need to survive. This has led to a lot of addiction shaming, something that shouldn’t be a thing. It is important to remember that addiction is a disease and that they need help, just like any other issue. I agree that it is a problem to compare them as apples and oranges, per se, but what is an issue is saying that someone being addicted to drugs is “their” fault. 
If we wanted to get to the nitty-gritty, we would say that in SOME cases, people who need insulin did it to themselves. While some diabetes is genetically based, others can be caused by poor life choices. With some EpiPen users, you can say that they should keep themselves from getting in those situations. The problem with these statements is not that these people do not deserve to have the drug that they need. The problem with those statements is then implying that drug addicts do not deserve the help or “deserve” to be helped without seeking help. People who think this way have never had someone in their family or close relation addicted to drugs. Or, they have never lost someone because of an overdose. If they had, they would not view it in the same way. 
Offering Narcan to someone overdosing is not just helping them. Saving someone from overdosing can mean keeping someone from losing their father or mother, son or daughter. Narcan can easily save a life. The one article suggests that “But an addict can be helped only when wanting help, and being revived from one near-death experience is not going to be life-changing”. Really? You are going to suggest that a near-death experience isn’t life-changing? Of course, there will be some situations where that may be true but to say that as if it is a fate is ignorant. To me, this article sounds like it is coming from personal annoyance with their daughter.
This may also be coming from my viewpoint where I found my mother overdosing on opioids when I was in middle school. Imagine having to walk in and see your mother in her bed, shaking and making some strange noise after never dealing with anything serious in your entire life. The next time she would have a seizure it would be in the winter when we were snowed in. The ambulance wouldn’t be able to get to her easily and so my father decided to take her himself. The roads were icy. My father told me I couldn’t come because he didn’t want me to die, in case they got into a wreck. I was then left home alone with only my dog and cat, thinking I was going to lose both my parents that night. 
The last time my mother would have to go to the hospital would be when I was home alone, my father out of town for a one-day trip. I had commented, worried if something happened and he said nothing would, it was only one night. My mother would end up taking an Ambien, forget she took one, and then take one again. This would repeat a couple of times. I can remember getting to the hospital and sitting in the harsh chair, rolling desk in front of me. A kind nurse would offer to take me to an empty hospital bed to sleep but I would refuse. I wouldn’t get much sleep that night. I had sent my father a text ‘I don’t feel well’ in the very beginning and by the morning, would have resent it twenty times. His phone was silenced. He would feel guilty about this to this day. 
To suggest that my mother would not deserve to be saved because she was struggling with addiction sickens me. Not every drug-addicted victim is the typical, needle-track mark arms and scratching. Some are nurses who suffer from back pain and were prescribed pain pills, which started everything. 
The issue is that EpiPens and insulin are so expensive, not that Narcan is free, which isn’t true, in a way. Civilians have to buy Narcan if they wish to carry it on their person. The police have to buy the amount of Narcan for their squad. Insulin can be gotten for free in an emergency situation if someone can not afford it.
Narcan should be free. EpiPens should be free. Both are to be used in emergencies. Insulin should not be free (Personally, all life-saving medication should be free but of course that isn’t possible), instead of being covered by insurance and such. If I have to pay to get the medications that keep me from wanting to stab a knife into my own hand or take an entire bottle of Advil (intrusive thoughts), then insulin should be treated the same. Both of these medications are needed to live. Without my medication, my mood isn’t stabilized in any extent and we won’t consider where I may be without them.
Websites Used: https://bjatta.bja.ojp.gov/naloxone/what-are-typical-costs-law-enforcement-overdose-response-program
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nathanopolis-blog1 · 7 years
Another great article about ideas to make cities more livable and all that jazz.
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parker-fritz · 5 years
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el-j-clipping · 7 years
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jesusloveslucifer · 7 years
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andyphotoblog · 11 years
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cameracrew-blog1 · 2 years
Fashion-20131122-26 Fashion Director of Photography Camera Crew Hong Kong Steadicam Elite Model Look 2013 Inside the US Contesta from Camera Crew Hong Kong on Vimeo.
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best-quotes-for-life · 10 years
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jesusloveslucifer · 7 years
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syub-per-man · 11 years
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cameracrew-blog1 · 2 years
Fashion-20131122-26 Fashion Director of Photography Camera Crew Hong Kong Steadicam Elite Model Look 2013 Fashion Boot Camp Fitt from Camera Crew Hong Kong on Vimeo.
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lee-changjae · 11 years
MiMiTV Tip Video [JIN-CHANG Version]
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