#2014 AND 2017 ON THE WII .... THE MUSIC IS SO .
weirdmarioenemies · 1 year
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Name: Now or Never!
Game: Splatoon Series et al
Hi :3 Mod Cat Flopter here. I was too busy sleeping in a sunbeam to post until now, but I’m here with an oddball.
Now or Never! is an iconic song by the band Squid Squad, one of the first popular rock bands in the Splatoon world! Now or Never plays in the last minute of a Turf War in all three Splatoon games, as well as at other times in other forms.
The first hint of Now or Never! that world saw was at E3 2014, a weird boogie that helped show off Splatoon (for the Wii U console!!)
The Beta version of Now or Never! is unavailable in a clean quality. Most of the footage has ink flying everywhere! However, one intrepid fan recreated the sound on youtube :3
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The original track goes for even more of a hard rock sound than the final Now or Never! This song REALLY tells you to Ink or Sink down the rankings, and Splattack the enemy to win! However, it doesn't quite sound like a Squid Squad song to me, with a lack of their trademark vocalist and the synthesizers Splatoon is known for. Overall, I like the finished Now or Never! betta, but the changes have me Kracken Up!
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The finished Now or Never! by Squid Squad, which debuted in Splatoon 1, is such an iconic piece of Splatoon that it's hard to imagine the game without it.
The track is high energy and establishes lots and lots and lots of Splatoon's sound, from the rock influences, to the synths, to the inklish vocals and the energy! To quote a cool video, it's loud, bold, and Booyah! (please imagine a guitar riff!) I'm just a little guy and I don't know music theory so please watch this video instead https://youtu.be/38h8eudzy7k
it's only 11 Now or Never!s long, it's a good use of your time.
Squid Squad is soooo creative for soming up with this song all on their own :3
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Next is the Squid Sisters’ splatfest cover of Now or Never!
With more of a Jpop feel, the Squid Sisters change up the sound immensely, going for MORE synths and a BUBBLEGUM feel! It’s so cool. I bet the original creators of Now or Never! Were so happy when they heard this cover by a famous band!!
The next iteration is a slightly altered live performance by the Squid SIsters from 2016!
The song is modified to be extended in this version, although i have to say- too much of a good thing :c. The new sections that aren’t just a loop of the original song are interesting evolutions, but they’re sadly a small part of the performance.
Next up is an era shift! The Splatoon 2 Global Testfire (2017) had its own version of Now or Never! This came with a shift in bands and an overall higher push for Splatoon marketing within other Nintendo games, such as Super Smash Brothers Ultimate and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe! Its so cool that Squid Squad let Wet Floor cover their original song, and I'm excited to tell you about it!
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With an obvious and notable shift in vocals, the Splatoon 2 Global Testfire Now or Never! also brings a shift in energy from the Squid Squad version, slowing the song down and bridging the gap between the Squid Squad and Wet Floor versions of the song. It adds even more synths to the composition, pushing it towards a western poppy feel over the rock and jpop versions of Splatoon 1.
And here’s the finished version!
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It pulls back on the synths to pre-splatoon 1 levels and boosts the crowd section, adding in a ska feel. The classic guitar and drum kit are even more prominent here than in the Squid Squad version, which has both benefits and drawbacks. For one, the Splatoon sound is a fusion of both rock and synths, so scaling it back to more conventional instruments for the genre it’s aiming for is to the game’s detriment. On the other, my cat flopther (father cat flopter) has made me a big fan of classic rock all my life, so I can’t be too mad at moving Now or Never! In that direction.
On the other hand, Off the Hook’s version of Now or Never is…
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Oh. Oh no.
It’s the same issue I have with the other version of Now or Never! In Splatoon 2, but it’s also I think a bad song for Off the Hook. Sorry to fans of lesbianism everywhere, but this just doesn’t sound like an Off the Hook song to me, and although the bubblegummy synth composition works for a Japanese pop band like the Squid SIsters, it doesn’t quite vibe for an American hip-hop, as well as pulling back on Splatoon’s unique sound. The brassy sound at the very beginning is cool, though, and the homage to Marina's inspriation is nice!
Although I’ve been speaking in timeline order up to now, I have to admit something.
I skipped two (2!) Now or Never!s. Actually, I skipped one Bouyant Bougie and I’m going to talk about Ebb and Flow as well in this section.
Being a story mode song, Buoyant Boogie appeared before the Splatfest exclusive Off the Hook Now or Never! on day 1.
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Buoyant Boogie is a Now or Never!; it samples the Squid Sisters’ Now or Never! and even includes backwards vocals from Callie, hinting at her story mode fate, which is cool. :3 The song additionally only lasts one minute before looping. Also, Turquoise October ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!
In Octo Expansion, the final battle is a Turf War on the NILS statue. For two minutes, Fly Octo Fly plays, then at one minute remaining, it transitions into Ebb and Flow. At the time, many people called this a Now or Never!
However, Ebb and Flow is NOT a Now or Never!. It’s an Ebb and Flow. Although it’s cool symbolically, it’s its own song and Off the Hook doesn’t need to be bound by tradition!! THEY GET TO MAKE THEIR OWN COOL MUSIC OK!!
sorry none of these videos are available btw
Okay so next is the first not a Splatoon game Now or Never!, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (2017)’s Now or Never!
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This song plays on the Urchin Underpass battle stage when one minute is left in the match. Interestingly, this is the only Now or Never that is shorter than a minute- The Final Lap jingle takes up four seconds, so the song itself is sped up to accommodate. It’s modeled after Squid Squad’s Now or Never, which is fitting for a Splatoon 1 exclusive stage!
In fact, it feels like a lot of appearances of Now or Never! are almost identical to Squid Squad’s Now or Never!. Here are the rest of them:
Tetris 99 (2019)’s Splatoon Theme’s “10 players left” music
Wait, that’s it?
Yeah! Surprisingly, Now or Never! Is usually remixed. Even though Squid Squad’s iconic and original cover of the song is the most popular, most appearances pay tribute to them instead of keeping their sound 100% the same. Take Super Smash Brothers Ultimate’s Now or Never for example. It’s worse than the original! I’m not even going to pretend to link to it! It’s bad!
The Splattack cover, though, is fresh and new! A jazzy, big band vibe that samples Now or Never! in the same jazzy style. Although it’s far from my favorite Now or Never! it’s something new, something that I’d be excited to see in a Splatoon game. Perhaps an Ink Theory cover? Regardless, it’s an interesting evolution of this Strange Splatoon Entity.
Meanwhile, the The Super Smash Brothers Ultimate remix of Now or Never! itself is……….
it’s so bad
Sorry, Spikey, do I have to talk about this?
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“Yes, Sorry Mod Cat Flopter! You said you wanted to talk about all versions of Now or Never!”
Ok, fine :(
I will continue not even pretending to link this. It’s so bad. zero tension. only nominally a Now or Never!. An infinite Now or Never! would be a good thing, you would think.
Next is the Taiko no Tatsujin Switch Splatoon 2 Medley. A compilation of two original Wet Floor songs (Rip Entry and Turf Master) and their Now or Never! cover. It starts about a minute into the song, not a minute from the end, strangely enough! It’s the middle song of the three!
Off the Hook Live! at Polymanga 2018 This is one of the BEST versions of this song. Take a listen for yourself: https://youtu.be/-i9GTp3Mp30
With the Squid Sisters and live band members here, they use ACTUAL INSTRUMENTS along with the synths, the Splatoon style that I love so much. With a fresh new intro to the song and lots of extensions that continue to ramp up tension, this version of the Squid Sisters’ classic is the height of this song in my opinion!! it’s sooooooo gooooood!! The record scratches in the beginning to lead into the song itself, the electric guitar, the DRUMS!! that kick in at around thirty seconds in. Pearl dabs. THIS is how you extend Now or Never! to four minutes.
A second collaboration between Off the Hook and the Squid Sisters, this Now or Never! takes after the Off the Hook cover of the Squid Sisters’ cover of the Squid Squad cover, with both bands providing vocals. With the Squid Sisters here, this version of Off the Hook’s cover is… less bad. Not as good as the other way around, but still better than before. I like it when squids sing :)
Fast-forward three years to Splatoon 3! The third game in the series had, fittingly, three versions of Now or Never! At launch.
First of all, the Deep Cut cover. This chaotic cultural fusion combines the Brazilian, Middle-Eastern, Indian, and classic Japanese influences of the three members of Deep Cut! I’m only one of those things, so I will not comment on how well they pulled this off! All I know is that I really like this song, and that Shiver and Frye are lesbians as fuck. The same guy from before has a video on this one too! I’ll link that instead of posting a not available image. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ebqBmL53UQ
Now! Wham!
Flashback to when I posted about the Infinite Now Or Never in Smash Ultimate!
This one IS an infinite Now or Never! The Tableturf 3 turns remaining theme is a modified infinite Now or Never! In the Tableturf sound style, with Onward! cutting in multiple times through the song. If Now or Never! represents the Turf Warring denizens of the Surface, and Onward! represents the octarian army, this tune is perfect for the Splatlands, where both live in Harmony (tee hee! Get it? :3) and have for generations. Pretty cool if you ask me!
Last but certainly not least, but certainly not last-
C-Side’s Now or Never!
While writing this post (this has taken a long time!) New information came to light! Beika, the lead of C-Side, has claimed to be the first creator of Now or Never! THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING!!!! And it makes perfect sense! C-Side’s Now or Never! Is pure rock, a decision that sets it apart from other Splatoon music, which always involve synths!! This perfectly reflects the change in setting from the trendy high tech big city to the grungy desert! It’s SO GOOD!! Not the best Now or Never! (I do prefer Splatoon’s unique style!) But it’s hard to beat the original! But it’s also easy to beat the original! I love you C Side!!!!
Okay, this has been Mod Cat Flopter, Logging Off! :3 see you next week!!
p.s. ichiya is a stupid bastard
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spacey-llama · 5 months
How did u get into just dance 👀👀
haha why thank you for opening the can of worms
Proper punctuation for this one, it’s long. Seriously. I’m basically putting my whole history with the Just Dance franchise in one post.
So, I got into Just Dance in kindergarten when my music teacher put on Cotton Eye Joe from Just Dance 1 as a fun little exercise thing.
However, I didn’t get deep into it until I started having sleepovers basically every weekend with my best friend at the time, and she introduced me to Just Dance 4 on her Xbox 360 (she also introduced me to Minecraft, but that’s a different story). We weren’t allowed to play Crucified or Disturbia, but every other song was on the menu. It was cool!
The funny thing is, I don’t think I’ve ever been a good dancer. I was just enamored by the colorful characters and the delicious songs. Most of my music taste comes from Just Dance soundtracks!
I didn’t have a console of my own until YEARS later, so I would look up the choreos on YouTube and follow along w/ them. Throughout the years at school, teachers would also put on choreos as fun little things! I still associate Moskau from JD 2014 with 3rd grade gym class.
Small tangent, I was moving states when they started putting Just Dance 2014 ads on TV. So, I really associate that game with these two weeks I was staying in a hotel before my parents could find an apartment. Troublemaker is a choreo I specifically remember seeing on TV.
When I got a Wii U, I got Just Dance 3 and 4 with it. Later on, I would acquire all the games (except for 1, 2, and 2014) up until 2017. Dude, I played them all the time. The YEARS I spent fixated on those games was insane. Most of my friends didn’t like them, so I didn’t have many people to play with, but it was fine. Also, I would literally point out any song playing on the radio and be like “Thats on Just Dance (insert game here).” I still do that.
Oh, and the first song I got 5 stars on was Me And My Broken Heart on JD 2015! It’s still one of my favorite choreos ;)
AND THEN! My Wii U broke! And instead of trying to find a place to fix it, my brother elected to SMASH IT IN THE BACKYARD WITH A HAMMER!
So I didn’t play much Just Dance after that. I still have all my old game discs, though. And I’d play it with friends at their houses if given the opportunity. Unrelated, but I’m also very unfamiliar with any game that came out after JD 2017 (sans 2023 and 2024) because of The Hammer Incident.
“Oh, gee, Spacey, this is so crazy, how’d the fixation grab you again?” Glad you asked! See, I started seeing edits of the Just Dance 2023 storymode and I went “LORE???? CHARACTERS?????? THEY HAVE NAMES NOW?????? AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!”
And I immediately watched the story stuff on YouTube and fell in LOVE! I like the silly little cast! The songs they use in the story modes aren’t my faves, but the CHARACTERS and LORE are what I am here for.
So. Yeah. Then I got 2024 for my Switch (not smashed by hammers) as well as Just Dance+ and I’ve been on that grind ever since. It’s one of those games that I find most people tend to like. It connects people. I’ve kept foreign exchange students at my house, and we wouldn’t be able to hold a long conversation, but we could play Just Dance together. There’s a comfort in that. I could wax poetic on the beauty of Just Dance and its ability to bring people together, but I won’t.
Also, while I do adore the main cast of 2023/2024, I’ve kind of started to take older characters and give them names, personalities, and stories myself! So if you’re going to follow this blog or anything, expect a lot of that.
TLDR: Kindergarten bestie introduced me to Just Dance, was crazy about it for years, it faded into the back of my mind, the 2023 lore got me back into it.
Thank you for the ask! I love yapping!
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dr-spectre · 3 months
not sure if this has been asked already, but what started your interest in Splatoon? i'm always curious to know people's reasonings for how they got into something.
Oh man...... It goes ALLLLL the way back to the very first announcement trailer for me.
You gotta understand, I've been a Nintendo fan since i was a wee lad when i got a Wii and DS for Christmas, i played through most of the heavy hitters and i had so much fun with that small white box and clamshell handheld.
During the mid 2010s i was all about keeping up with the latest gaming news and watching youtubers like Etika (rest in peace....) and so, when i watched the 2014 e3, and i see this orange goop and a squid swimming around, i go "oh is this Mario Sunshine 2?!?" And then this squid becomes a human like creature and it starts firing a gun, i go "what the heck is this?"
And then i saw people say how it's a brand new Nintendo IP and the last one they did was Pikmin, i go "OH! NOW YOU HAVE MY ATTENTION!"
However i didn't have a Wii U when it was the latest console so i couldn't play the game.... But i did watch youtube videos about it and i talked to my friend about it at school who was really into Nintendo like me. I missed out on all of Splatfests and i really didn't care about the Squid Sisters either.
But.... come 2017 and my dad comes home on Christmas with a Nintendo Switch... And then on my birthday a while later, i finally got Splatoon 2 and.... i couldn't stop playing it. It was so DAMN FUN! I played through the hero mode on a trip and that was a blast too! Playing Octo Expansion on release night and beating it is something i will never forget.
And then i started to look more at the characters, and sure my teenage brain saw them in a..... ahem.... different light.... compared to how i see them now but. I really did fall in love with these characters and i adored the music. I was there for the Final Fest and i chose Team Chaos because fucking Etika was gonna pick it lmao..... If only he was still around to see what the series would become.....
And then Splatoon 3 was announced and i kept thinking "man why are they making a Splatoon 3? It's way too soon." But then those thoughts were quickly destroyed by playing the world premiere and ROTM, and i thought "Yeah.... this is peak."
However.... my Splatoon brainrot got REALL intense and what it is today when in September of last year, i went in Alterna to activate the Sheldon drone and.... i just looked at Callie. Something in that moment sparked a fire in my brain and now.... i fucking ramble about her in nearly every post i make and defending her LOL! I became so fixated on her and the rest of the characters, it became so bad that sometimes i would get a tightness in my chest if people mentioned her in Splatoon 2. IT GOT THAT BAD! I spent so much money on plushies and amiibo too...... I nearly got teary eyed when i held my Callie plushie once it finally arrived.....
I'm sorry if this was a lot to read but, i just really adore this series and my obsession with it is multi-parted. I FUCKING LOVE SPLATOON!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THE SQUID SISTERS!!!! OFF THE HOOK! DEEP CUT!!!!!! ALL OF THOSE BASTARDS!!!!!!! THEY'VE RUINED MY BRAIN CHEMISTRY! Callie is a gremlin living in my brain and she refuses to leave! SHE WON'T GET OUT!!!!!!!
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steal-this-album · 2 years
i've been playing just dance for literally 4 hours please send help
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ickymichi · 4 years
<3 includes: aran ojiro, matsukawa issei, hinata shoyo, bokuto koutarou, tanaka ryu
<3 warnings: swearing, fluffy!
<3 a/n: this is indulging into my just dance obsession. my dad got rid of our wii years ago so now i follow them on youtube 😭but if you enjoyed pls like n’ reblog my dears! <3 i’ll probably do a part two aswell!
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♡ he’s so good at it cause it was literally his childhood and he’s been playing for years
♡ he just so limber and loose ugh such a pretty dancer
♡ even if he doesn’t know the song/dance he still going hard and will win.
♡ if he’s won a few rounds in a row he’ll let you win one cause he a sweetie 🥰
♡ doesn’t stop until he’s drenched in sweat and physically can’t go another round
♡ favourite just dance song: Get Lucky-(Just Dance 2014)
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♡ listen i love my hubby, i dearly do. but he stiff as a bord. he cannot dance to save his life.
♡ theres just so much of him he can’t get it all to cooperate
♡ even if your terrible at the game, i guarantee you will still win against him
♡ he plays on his own to try get better but no matter how many times he just can’t
♡ he thinks he’s hot shit and is getting all ‘perfect’ but the whole time it’s either x or ‘ok’
♡ says ‘another round’ after every one until he wins. this results in the pair of you going at it for hours. he still only won one cause you let him.
♡ favourite Just Dance song: Istanbul-(Just Dance 2016)
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♡ and he’s so good!
♡ he doesn’t make it a competition unless it’s against tobio he just wants to have fun!
♡ he’s actually such a good dancer, he learned how to in brazil and shocked everyone when he came home with how good he is
♡ loves doing the pair ones where you do cute things with your partner if you get me 😭
♡ doesn’t care who wins or loses! he just loves dancing for hours with you!!
♡ favourite Just Dance song: The Ketchup Song (Just Dance 2017)
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♡ he gets so excited when you ask him to play with you!
♡ gets a bit bummed when he loses a round but is right back up for another when you offer it!
♡ goes hard for every single dance. literally like his life depends on it.
♡ will go for HOURS with you if it means having dancing around and having fun with you!
♡ favourite Just Dance song: Timber -(Just Dance 2017)
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♡ if you offer to play with my mans just know, you going hard once you hear the music start.
♡ only time you not absolutely busting it is when you get the break in between each.
♡ definitely takes his shirt off after the second song cause it’s soaked in sweat and he wants to show off for u
♡ pls he’s so fun to play with. he swears so loud if he gets a move wrong. like your just going at it so concentrated and then you just hear “FUCK!” and see two exes appear by his name.
♡ will play all day. loves doing the ones with four ppl so he’d get noya and ennoshita who’s not to fond to play with you guys.
♡ favourite Just Dance song: Satisfaction-(Just Dance 3)
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-end <3
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noramoya · 4 years
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#1 F.A.Q.:
“Given how much has been done in the first decade following Michael’s tragic and untimely passing, it should not be a surprise that there is a natural slowing and spreading out of major releases as the Estate focuses more selectively on projects to enhance Michael’s legacy long term. While we appreciate that the fans want more releases, it is important to keep in mind all that has been created and released in this relatively short time. This includes a number of licensing deals such as the limited-edition collaborations with clothing companies like Supreme and Off White, the launch of the Michael Jackson slot machines, as well as all of the larger scale releases including:
2009: The documentary film This Is It, which remains the highest grossing music documentary/concert film in history. Also released was a compilation album with the same title that includes the songs featured in the film and a few bonus tracks including Michael’s unreleased track, “This Is It”. The album has sold in excess of five million copies worldwide making it the largest posthumous release in history.
2010: The Ubisoft game, Michael Jackson: The Experience. While there were many successful versions of the Ubisoft Just Dance videogame, this was the first (and only) time they released a dance video game dedicated entirely to a single artist! It was released on every major platform and went on to become one of the biggest selling video games on the Wii platform. There were also two releases under the Estate’s agreement with Sony Music – Michael, which was the first release of previously unfinished tracks that were worked on by various producers who had worked with Michael. Notwithstanding the controversy about three of the tracks on that album, it went to #1 around the world and sold more than five million copies. Visions, the complete collection of all of Michael’s short films, was also released.
2011: There have been two completely unique live stage shows created by the Estate in partnership with Cirque du Soleil. The first of these shows, Michael Jackson THE IMMORTAL World Tour, travelled to arenas around the world for nearly 3 years. Along the way it grossed approximately $400 million at the box office making it one of the biggest tours of all time! And it won the Billboard Magazine Creative Content Award. There was also another release under the partnership with Sony Music – an album, Immortal, featuring remixes of Michael’s recordings created by Kevin Antunes, the musical director for both Cirque du Soleil shows, based on the songs used in the IMMORTAL show.
2012: There was a special Bad album re-release to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Bad album which included remastered versions of the tracks from the original album on one disc together with a second disc that included rarities as well as 6 previously unreleased demos by Michael from the recording sessions for the Bad album. It is worth noting that none of these demos would have been released as ‘new’ recordings, however they worked in the context of ‘bonus’ material for this anniversary release. Also included in the larger box set was a Live at Wembley CD – the first ever Michael Jackson live CD from any of Michael’s solo tours to be released. •Also, as part of the Bad 25th anniversary celebration, the Wembley concert from the Bad Tour was released on DVD. Michael’s performance at this concert is certainly the best live concert performance by any artist ever. As explained at the time, had we been able to locate any original source films/tapes for this performance we would have used those to create a fully edited concert. Unfortunately, that was not the case and we released the only thing we found – Michael’s own viewing copy of the concert. We continue to search for the original elements in the hopes that one day we will be able to share this concert in the best possible format. Just like the fans, we would be ecstatic if this happens. •There was the first of two long-form documentaries produced by the Estate with director Spike Lee at the helm, BAD25, which was premiered at the Venice Film Festival and broadcast on ABC in the United States and broadcast on television throughout the rest of the world. The longer “director’s cut” of the documentary was also released on DVD/Blu-Ray. •There was also a deal with Pepsi to promote the 25th anniversary of Bad and the Bad World Tour, for which Pepsi was the sponsor. As part of the deal with Pepsi, special limited-edition cans were released around the world.
2013: The second live show created by the Estate and Cirque du Soleil, Michael Jackson ONE, which is a more intimate show than the touring show, premiered at its permanent home at Mandalay Bay Resort & Hotel in Las Vegas. While we are aware that it is not possible for everyone to travel to Las Vegas to see this show, we are proud to say it continues to be one of the most successful Las Vegas shows. In fact, it is one of the best shows in the world and is a fitting tribute to Michael Jackson. While it was forced to shutter along with all other live events in early 2020 as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic, it will reopen when it is safe and will continue to entertain audiences for years to come.
2014: The second album featuring previously unreleased recordings, Xscape, was executive produced with L.A. Reid who brought in current producers including Timbaland, and the album also included the first posthumously released duet by Michael. Justin Timberlake joined Michael on a version of “Love Never Felt So Good”. This album went to #1 all over the world and another song from this album, “Slave To The Rhythm”, was featured in the hologram performance on the Billboard Music Awards, which gave the show its biggest ratings in decades.
2016: Based on the success of BAD25, the Estate and Spike Lee partnered on a second documentary, Michael Jackson’s Journey From Motown to OFF THE WALL, which looked back at Michael’s early career path and culminates with an in-depth look at Off The Wall. This critically acclaimed documentary premiered at the Sundance Film Festival and was broadcast on Showtime in the United States and by other broadcasters around the world. It was also released on Blu-Ray/DVD.
2017: To celebrate the connection between Michael Jackson and Halloween, there was the premiere of the original animated television special, Michael Jackson’s Halloween, which had the best ratings of the night outside of the World Series game. There were also special events in a half dozen select cities around the world that included the screening of the full length version of Ghosts, Michael’s epic short film with Stan Winston, and a special screening of Thriller 3D, which actually had its premiere at a return trip to the Venice Film Festival.. And there was a release of a Halloween themed compilation album/playlist, Scream. There was also another deal with Pepsi to include Michael in their global campaign, which again included the release of special limited-edition Pepsi cans featuring Michael Jackson imagery.
2018: The critically acclaimed Michael Jackson: On The Wall exhibition premiered at London’s National Portrait Gallery on June 28. Following its record setting run in London, the exhibition travelled to three other major European locations – Paris, France, Bonn, Germany and Espoo, Finland. This innovative and unique experience was appreciated and enjoyed by fans and other members of the general public in each city. •In July, a sample from a previously unreleased Michael Jackson recording, “It Don’t Matter To Me”, was licensed in a new similarly titled Drake recording, “Don’t Matter To Me” to further our intention of introducing Michael to new generations of fans through collaborations with current artists. This duet would become Michael’s 44th top ten Billboard chart hit. •And in August, on what would have been Michael’s 60th birthday, we hosted the Diamond Celebration in Las Vegas. In addition to all of the normal birthday festivities hosted by the Estate at Michael Jackson ONE in Las Vegas every year, there was an extra special party attended by invited guests and fans featuring a DJ set by Mark Ronson and a performance by Usher. •Thriller 3D was premiered in IMAX in a limited 1-week engagement in theaters around the world with the Universal/Amblin release, “The House With A Clock In Its Walls” to rave reviews. We hope to find opportunities to show Thriller 3D again in the future.
2019/2020: The Estate had a number of plans, including those for the 10th anniversary of the release of This Is It, that were all impacted by the release of Leaving Neverland. Regardless of the fact that it is not truthful and will be exposed for its lies, in the short term, its release made other media companies reluctant, at least temporarily, to license any new Michael Jackson programming. This has already started to pass. And, of course, in 2020 we are all dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic that has resulted in a delay for the opening of MJ the Musical on Broadway, as well as impacting other plans we had for this year.
All of this is a way to remind everyone how much the Estate actually has done in the last eleven years, and also to remind everyone that as the result of forces and events out of our control, we had to put a pause on big activities for the last eighteen months. There is a theory – one that Michael subscribed to – that one shouldn’t do too much, give the world a rest, and then surprise them with special projects. That remains the Estate’s intention. Michael continues to be the number one streaming catalog artist in the world and with soar to new heights when the Broadway show opens and we are able to complete and release the other projects in process.”
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mattkenzie · 5 years
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Games of the Decade (2010-2019 Edition)
So since 2020 is approaching, I thought I’d make a list of games that I’ve played during my journey, the year is 2010 I was about 23 years old (on the cusp of being 24) and I’ve decided to stop playing World of Warcraft for my own physical and mental health (you see I never thought that this would happen to me being addicted to that game for so many years that I have shunned away from society, I gave up on humanity, I didn’t want to go out and celebrate with my ‘friends’ and Azeroth became my home for the past 6 years and it became an unhealthy obsession that one day I’ve collapsed at home and woke in a hospital.) When the doctors were swarming around my bed asked me “Can I remember what happened to me before I collapsed?” the answered but then they bombarded me with more questions... I wanted to scream “STOP!”, until one doctor (a psychiatrist) overheard my story and had an emergency 1-to-1 session with him, he even asked the ‘right questions’ (funny how we can say the wrong answers... but the wrong questions? Made me laugh.) The phychiatrist smiled and said “Welcome back”.
So I’ve decided to quit World of Warcraft and started to readjust to society that my Mum gave me an XBox 360. Now I was overwhelmed by the choices I didn’t know where to start (granted I had the Wii and now an XBox 360) I was really lost in thought until someone actually wanted to talk to me I shall call him ‘Dan’ and we hit it off “Yes, I do look like I am lost you see I am a recovering World of Warcrack addict and I am given an XBox 360, what games do you recommend?” and this is when Dan got out Borderlands, Fallout, Fallout: New Vegas (2010 Honourable Mention) and Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 (2010). You see Dan’s preferred genre is Shoot ‘em ups and I on the other hand tend to enjoy RPGs so I got the best of both worlds.
Mass Effect 2 has this system where if you played and completed Mass Effect you can import your save file, get some additional perks and pick up where you have left off. I seem to like that concept where “Do I need to play the first game to play and understand the story?” to me the answer is “yes” as you gain additional content but it’s the iconic “suicide squad mission”
So we are at 2011 and Minecraft (2011 Honourable Mention) is in it’s infancy and even though I’ve played it later, I enjoyed watching the Yogscast’s “Shadow of Israfel” series and there are times when I occasionally watch a YouTube video looking at other people’s creations (“Man, I need to get myself a copy of Minecraft when I finish my games of the decade.” —Matt. But only 2 games have approached me and they are Xenoblade Chronicles (2011) and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (2011). With the Wii going into retirement and even though Super Mario Galaxy 2 (2011 Honourable Mention) is a popular title in the Wii library... I went down the niche path and picked Xenoblade Chronicles is the perfect swan song for the Wii and one of my all time favourite games that I’ve enjoyed playing. There are many things that Xenoblade Chronicles has offered me and what appealed to me are...
The amazing soundtrack (where it has music for the day and the night cycles)... I tend to use the nighttime music to help me go to sleep.
The unique world building, where Homs, Nopon and (there is this race of angels I can’t remember what they are called) live on these dead gigantic titans Bionis and the Mechonis.
A story that started out Shulk wanting revenge but that revenge eventually turned into understanding.
With Skyrim I ALWAYS seem to find my way coming back to this game as it gives me a ton of replay value that I even create my own D&D characters and put them in Skyrim. Whenever I am stressed with the latest releases I sometimes pop in Skyrim and go on all these adventures and explore and when I had enough I know I can always go to Whiterun and stay in Breezehome. I sometimes go on YouTube to watch my Grandma play Skyrim (OK she is not biologically my Grandma but she adopted/treated us like her grandkids).
During this 4 year skip all the way to 2014 and I’ve developed an awesome relationship with Dan for 5 years and I moved out of my parents house in 2011 (I was suffocating in my parents house (my sister was hit by clinical depression and my brother got kicked out of his flat by his knife weilding maniac of a wife) I am an adult and I NEED my own space so what did I get for a housewarming gift? Borderlands 2 (2014) I still have the loot box. But my independence was short lived by my roommate who I shall call William and he was so toxic to me and my friends who come round to visit, there was an incident when I left the house he goes into my room and steals my belongings (I know had to lock my bedroom door) It was Thanksgiving when I was in need of rescuing and William was becoming domestic abusive towards me and Dan’s Dad Scott who was visiting from the States felt a disturbance in the force... he felt that I was in danger and he was right. I had to move into a new flat (I was happy to live on my own) Dan saw it, my parents saw it and even my support workers saw how crappy/unhappy I was. When I moved into my new flat, Dan gave me a parting gift Shovel Knight (2014)
Now 2015 I have picked up the pieces that I’ve lost and rediscovered my sense of self after how much William warped mine for a few years and I’ve finally move on from it. With Dan moving back to the States and I picked up a copy of The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt (2015) on a later date (I personally never thought it be be ported onto the Switch) I developed the concept that humans can be monsters (even in politics) and monsters can have a shred of humanity.
With 2017 was was hoping for Persona 5 to be released on Valentines Day but it was rescheduled and for me who has 8th Grader Syndrome (I know when to keep my Chunnibyou dormant and when to let my hair down and embrace it when the time is right) I enjoyed the story of how us millennials and Gen Z get to be viewed as degenerates. With the Wii U going into retirement I got the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and although not entirely my favourite Zelda title... I am a person who loves to have direction/structure and more importantly story (and not just charge into Hyrule Castle and fight Calamity Ganon) to have that amount of freedom and I can easily get distracted “Oooh let’s have a look over there!” I regret not giving Super Mario Odyssey (Honourable Mention) a chance nor gave it a fair shake, I bought the Switch because both of the joy-cons are uniform (I was leaning towards getting the grey but red spoke out to me the loudest).
2018 Super Smash Bros Ultimate need I need to say more? OK, I enjoyed the opening song Lifelight... Everyone is here (to have Roy from Fire Emblem) I even loved seeing the DLC fighters not being exclusive to Nintendo (Atlus) Joker from Persona 5, (Rare) Banjo Kazooie, (Square) ‘Hero’ from the Dragon Quest series, (SNK) Terry Bogard from Fatal Fury... although I wanted the Garou: Mark of the Wolves costume added into the equation.
2019 was the year that hit me hard the most Fire Emblem: Three Houses reminded me that I need to cherish the friends I have, I grew up with them since school and college but we all went on our separate paths. Some are married, some started have a family, some have jobs and some have moved to a different country. When I dumped my old friends that I grew up with since my childhood (but felt left out all the time) for new ones that I known for a decade as adults (and had a lot in common and felt that I was included.) So when Dan died in 2019... I felt a huge piece of me was ripped away from me... the man who exposed me to console gaming... I am never going to see him again.
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blazehedgehog · 5 years
top 10 games of the decade?
This has been going around a lot, and honestly my problem is I don’t keep super close attention to what games came out in what years. So 2009-2019? What came out in that time period that I’ve played? I have no idea.
At best, we could use the new Steam interface to sort by release year, which gives a rough picture of some of my gaming habits, at least as far as the PC is concerned, but it tells me nothing about consoles or portables.
So let’s start narrowing down a list, I guess, of games I played a notable enough amount of time (and maybe even finished) to even consider for a list like this.
I’ll link it, because it’s kind of big.
So… narrowing that down to ten. Hm. I won’t number them, but:
Metal Gear Rising: Revengence (2013) Platinum Games’ finest hour, as far as I’m concerned. It’s typical Metal Gear absurdity cranked to 12. It’s hard to believe Hideo Kojima considered this a canonical piece of the Metal Gear timeline because it’s just so knowingly silly and over the top. It’s also Peak Platinum Games as far as having an intensely good-feeling combat engine goes. Just, all around, an outrageously fun game.
Sonic Generations (2011) For a brief moment, the world agreed: maybe Sonic could be good again? It didn’t last, because of course it didn’t, but even though I personally consider Sonic Unleashed a better game, I can’t rag on Sonic Generations too much, because it’s still a surprisingly well-rounded, enjoyable game, and still the best 3D Sonic game of the last 10 years.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (2017) Any game I put 300 hours in to over the span of a year is probably worth putting on a list like this. Zelda games were getting so stale and Breath of the Wild effortlessly shakes off all the rust and dust and just goes hard on reinventing everything in such a smart, elegant, enjoyable way. Everything works together so well that it almost doesn’t feel fair for how effortless Nintendo makes it look. Like you handed them a rubik’s cube and they casually solved it in record time while everyone else is over in the corner still trying to line up the first two green squares.
Forza Horizon (2012) I like racing games, but I got really tired of racing games that take themselves too seriously. You either had the endlessly repetitive street racers of Need for Speed or the clinical blandness of games like Gran Turismo and Forza. Horizon came along and made me love Forza for finally injecting a bit of fun personality in to this series. By wrapping a shred of real humanity around all of this car culture stuff, it all clicked in to place.
Super Mario 3D Land (2011) Super Mario 3D Land kind of reinvented what a 3D Mario game even was. There was always a sense with Nintendo’s 3D platformers that they were kind of holding back, or at least designed in a certain way to help players stay oriented in 3D. To me, 3D Land, felt like finally ripping the training wheels off and getting back to 2D-style level design… while still being a 3D environment. Maybe my favorite 3D Mario game.
Super Mario Maker (2015) Nintendo finally gave us what we wanted: an official Mario level editor. It’s missing a lot of features you’d really want, but the fact that it exists at all still feels like kind of a miracle. And for as backwards as some things about it feel, enough of it is modern enough that it kind of doesn’t matter. You can make and share Mario levels! With your friends! Officially! That’s amazing!
Doom (2016) Controversial opinion: I think iD Software made more bad games than good. More mediocre games, at the very least. After Doom 2, the only game of theirs I’d say even approaches good was Quake 3 Arena, and even then, I’m not so sure that game was what I was really looking for, then or now. Doom 2016 is not only the comeback story of the century, but it blows the doors off of everything else so well that I didn’t even really care about how bad the game’s ending was. That’s just how good the rest of the game is. Doom 2016 succeeds where Quake failed, where RAGE failed, where Doom 3 failed. It’s “just more Doom,” but in the best ways possible.
The Walking Dead: Season 1 (2012) I have a lot of adventure games I’ve never finished. I finished The Walking Dead Season 1. This is the game that saved Telltale Games. It got me to watch part of the TV series. I felt emotions while playing this game that I don’t think any game has ever made me feel, before or since. I have a distinct memory of seeing these guys get an award at the VGAs, and as they came out on stage, they played the “Alive Inside” theme and just hearing that music again was like a lead weight in my chest. Even now, years and years later, it’s… heavy, hearing it again.
Batman: Arkham Asylum (2009) The first, and possibly only, truly “good” Batman game. I’m sure there’s nothing wrong with the sequels to Asylum, but I don’t think any of them reach the same highs, from what I understand. This game put a lot of people, and things, on the map. A good, multi-directional combat system (so good that games are still referred to as having “Arkham combat”). A fully 3D Metroidvania that wasn’t necessarily an actual Metroid game. Reuniting the voice cast of Batman: The Animated Series. It’s not a perfect game, but dang if it isn’t still great.
Mario Kart 8 (2014) I debated on saying this was a tie with Sonic Racing Transformed, but that wouldn’t be fair, I guess. Mario Kart 8 is hands down my favorite Mario Kart, I’d say. It’s absolutely gorgeous, it has tons of tracks, and at least as far as the Wii U version goes, it’s actually balanced and fair in a way you don’t normally expect from a Mario Kart game. While I still love Sonic Racing Transformed greatly, there’s no denying that Mario Kart 8 is far more tight and polished than that game ever will be.
Honorable Mentions
Sonic Mania
Freedom Planet
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Bayonetta 2
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze
Dishonorable Mentions
Rocket Knight
Turtles in Time: Reshelled
Sonic Lost World
Parappa the Rapper Remastered
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smashmusicideas · 7 years
Smash Bros. Ideas, Vol. II
Tumblr media
Hello. Generally, I go by Wolfman, or Wolfman Jew on the internet. Back in 2014, I started this Tumblr by discussing ideas for possible music that could be used in what was, at the time, the next Super Smash Bros. That led to a sizable project the next year where I looked at possible DLC characters in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS & Wii U, a project which then led to my joining the Nintendo themed news and criticism site Source Gaming while abandoning my blog here. I’ve felt bad about that, and the new announcement of a new Super Smash Bros. for the Nintendo Switch feels like the ideal opportunity to come back.
I’ll be doing one post a day to discuss, well, anything, really. I want to get back into daily writing projects, but I’m not quite sure if any specific direction works for me. So instead, this will just be me shooting the breeze about Smash Bros. a little each day. This post will be a collection of this. I’ll link to it with each post I write, and I’ll try to keep this as a daily affair. If people would be interested in me talking about other stuff - the chances of their favorite characters, what kinds of stages would be best - I’d love to hear any suggestions.
March 9: So, How ‘Bout that first Trailer?
March 10: Smash, the Switch, and the Current Nintendo Landscape
March 11: The Value of a Newcomer’s Surprise
March 12: On New Modes Smash for Switch Might Have
March 13: The Ways We Talk About Newcomers
March 14: The Rorschach Test
March 15: an Indie Character in Smash
March 16: What About Stages?
March 17: The Prediction Dance
March 18: New Pokémon
March 19: Bringing Back Stuff from Smash for 3DS
March 20: An Ode to the Cracker Launcher
March 21: Putting the “New” in Newcomer
March 22: Introducing the “Smash Chart”
March 23: the Smash Invitational
March 24: The Smash Chart and Newcomers
March 25: Newcomers by Console
March 26: the Wii Shop Channel
March 27: Another Way to Look at Newcomers
March 28: Stages by Console
March 29: Items by Console
March 30: Let’s Get Some More Victory Jingles!
March 31: An Apology for Lateness
April 1: An Ode to the Assist Trophy
April 2: Smash’s Music and Me
April 3: The Tether Recovery, and Semi-Unique Techniques
April 4: Stages for Older Games
April 5: Looking at the DLC Costumes
April 6: An Idea for a New Mechanic
April 7: Possible New Items
April 8: The Difficulty of Keeping These Up
April 9: The Hype Cycle
April 10: Spinoffs
April 11: Where Are the Obviously Fake Rumors?
April 12: Who’s Your Favorite Possible Newcomer?
April 13: Laboman, and Toys in Smash
April 14: What Was Your First “WOW!” Moment with Smash?
April 15: The Smash (64) Box Art
April 16: The Eras of Smash
April 17: Disliking Characters
April 18: A Smash Spinoff?
April 19: On Villains
April 20: What Makes a Newcomer “Plausible”
April 21: A Deeper Dive into “Relevance”
April 22: A Deeper Dive into “Distinctiveness”
April 23: A Deeper Dive into “Personality”
April 24: My One Beef with Sakurai
April 25: the Future of “All Star” Characters
April 26: The List of Prospective “All-Stars”
April 27: Cores, Cores, Cores
April 28: Gimmick Music Tracks
April 29: “Accept the Mystery”
April 30: Organic Custom Moves
May 1: New Artistic Styles
May 2: The Smash Knockoffs
May 3: The Trickle of News
May 4: Sakurai’s Love of Star Wars
May 5: Two Guest Fighters from the Same Series
May 6: Enjoyably Useless Mechanics
May 7: My Favorite Smash 64 Character
May 8: My Favorite Melee Characters
May 9: My Favorite Brawl Characters
May 10: My Favorite Smash for 3DS / Wii U Characters
May 11: Checking In with Where We Are
May 12: The Potential of Spears
May 13: the Potential of Axes (and Hammers)
May 14: the Potential of Claws
May 15: the Return of the Fake Leaks
May 16: The Potential of Flails
May 17: The Potential of Whips
May 18: “Character-Driven Series”
May 19: In Defense of Smash’s Worst Stage
May 20: Buffing Franchises
May 21: “Deserves’ Got Nothing to Do With It”
May 22: “Deserving” Through Sales
May 23: “Deserving” Through Acclaim
May 24: Gliding
May 25: When the Games You Don’t Like Show Up in Smash
May 26: Retro Possibles
May 27: My New Favorite Ridiculous Rumor
May 28: The “Familiar” Type of Retro Character
May 29: The “Foundational” Kind of Retro Character
May 30: Eevee’s Prospective Chances
May 31: Moving into June
June 1: Decidueye and Mimikyu
June 2: Heavy Hitters?
June 3: Side Discussions Before E3
June 4: New “Kinds” of Levels
June 5: The Burnout
June 6: Why Snake Matters
June 7: Going through the Smash E3 Trailers
June 8: Why amiibo Don’t (and Do) Matter in Smash Predictions
June 9: “Sakurai the Troll”
June 10: Smash Trailers Going Forward
June 11: Tomorrow, Frustration, and the Direct
June 12: The Sakurai Special
June 13: When It’s Great to Feel Wrong, Smash Bros. Ultimate Edition
June 14: From Where New Echo Fighters Might Draw
June 15: The Expansion of Alternate Outfits
June 16: So…What Do We Do Next?
June 17: A New Way We May Approach Newcomers
June 18: Smash Website Design, and the Curse of “Slots”
June 19: One Fun Easter Egg in the Smash Presentation
June 20: Waluigi, Sakurai, and the People for Whom Smash is Made
June 21: On Ridley’s Size and Shape
June 22: The Best of Both Worlds
June 23: The (Currently) Missing Stages
June 24: When Sakurai Hides Information
June 25: How the Ultimate Trailer Works So Well
June 26: Takin’ a Break!
June 29: This was Never a Given
July 2: Sakurai and “Never”
July 3: Mario, the Center of Smash
July 4: The Importance of Air Ride
July 5: Please, Let’s Not Talk about Ultimate DLC Right Now
July 6: What I Consider “Plausible” for Ultimate by this Point
July 8: Smash Bros. and Fire Emblem
July 12: Fighter 01 - Mario
July 14: Fighter 02 - Donkey Kong
July 15: Fighter 03 - Link
July 17: Fighter 04 - Samus
July 19: Fighter 05 - Yoshi
July 22: Fighter 06 - Kirby
July 23: Fighter 07 - Fox
July 24: Fighter 08 - Pikachu
July 27: Fighter 09 - Luigi
July 29: Fighter 10 - Ness
July 31: Fighter 11 - Captain Falcon
August 1: Fighter 12 - Jigglypuff
August 3: Fighter 13 - Peach
August 5: Fighter 13ᵋ - Daisy
August 7: Fighter 14 - Bowser
August 8: Oh, That Direct
August 11: Fighter 04ᵋ - Dark Samus
August 13: A Semi-Coherent Rant About the Yellow and Purple Chairs
August 14: Fighter 15 - Ice Climbers
August 15: Fighter 16 - Sheik
August 16: Fighter 17 - Zelda
August 18: Fighter 18 - Dr. Mario
August 19: Fighter 19 - Pichu
August 22: Fighter 20 - Falco
August 25: Fighter 21 - Marth
August 26: Fighter 21ᵋ - Lucina
August 28: One Hundred Days
August 29: Fighter 22 - Young Link
August 31: Fighter 23 - Ganondorf
September 2: Fighter 24 - Mewtwo
September 3: Fighter 25 - Roy
September 4: Fighter 25ᵋ - Chrom
September 6: Fighter 26 - Mr. Game & Watch
September 7: Fighter 27 - Meta Knight
September 9: Fighter 28 - Pit
September 11: Fighter 28ᵋ - Dark Pit
September 12: Fighter 29 - Zero Suit Samus
September 13: Well, that Direct was Pretty Fun
September 14: Fighter 30 - Wario
September 16: Fighter 31 - Snake
September 18: Fighter 32 - Ike
September 19: Fighters 33 - 35 - Pokémon Trainer
September 20: Fighter 36 - Diddy Kong
September 21: Fighter 37 - Lucas
September 23: Fighter 38 - Sonic
September 25: Fighter 39 - King Dedede
September 26: Fighter 40 - Olimar
September 27: Fighter 41 - Lucario
September 28: Fighter 42 - R.O.B.
October 1: Fighter 43 - Toon Link
October 2: Fighter 44 - Wolf
October 3: Fighter 45 - Villager
October 4: Fighter 46 - Mega Man
October 6: Fighter 47 - Wii Fit Trainer
October 7: Fighter 48 - Rosalina & Luma
October 9: Fighter 49 - Little Mac
October 10: Fighter 50 - Greninja
October 11: Fighters 51 - 53 - Mii Fighters
October 12: Fighter 54 - Palutena
October 14: Fighter 55 - Pac-Man
October 16: Fighter 56 - Robin
October 17: Fighter 57 - Shulk
October 18: Fighter 58 - Bowser Jr.
October 19: Fighter 59 - Duck Hunt
October 20: Fighter 60 - Ryu
October 23: Fighter 61 - Cloud
October 24: Fighter 62 - Corrin
October 25: Fighter 63 - Bayonetta
October 27: Fighter 64 - Inkling
October 28: Fighter 65 - Ridley
October 30: Fighter 66 - Simon
October 31: Fighter 66ᵋ - Richter
November 1: The Surprise
November 2: Fighter 60ᵋ - Ken
November 3: Fighter 67 - King K. Rool
November 6: Fighter 68 - Isabelle
November 7: Fighter 69 - Incineroar
November 8: Fighter 70 - Piranha Plant
November 9: Smashing the Wait: The Good Place
November 10: Yes, NOW Let’s Talk about Ultimate DLC (Part 1)
November 11: On Non-Gaming Characters
November 13: Smash DLC Part 2: the Goals
November 14: Smashing the Wait: Gravity Falls
November 15: On Assist Trophies as Playable Characters
November 17: That Music
November 18: Future Guest Series
November 20: Master Hand and the World of Toys
November 22: Smash Stuff for which I’m Thankful
November 24: How Has Adding Newcomers Changed?
November 28: DLC Part 3: the Upcoming Games
November 29: My Philosophy
November 30: Smashing the Wait: Rocky & Bullwinkle
December 4: So, What Comes Next for Smash?
December 5: Summing Up This Journey
December 7: The Future
December 9: DLC Part 3: What Reggie Said
Also, in the interest of Shameless Self-Promotion, here’s my profile for Source Gaming, and my current project on the best game music by year.
2017 in Gaming: the Best Scores
2016 in Gaming: the Best Scores
2015 in Gaming: the Best Scores
2014 in Gaming: the Best Scores
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kiwi-le-survivant · 7 years
Kiwi-Le-Survivant’s Best Games of 2017 Post
I bought a PS4 this year, which means I was actually able to play five new games this year. It’s my hope that people will actually enjoy reading my thoughts, and soon I’ll be able to rival The Game Awards and announced Halo 6 or something right in the middle of my posts. Let’s jump right in.
Top 5 Best Games I Played That Came Out In 2017:
5. Tekken 7 - You know, I think I prefer Tekken to Street Fighter now. Although that might be a combination of me being slightly better at the former, coupled with Capcom having no idea what they’re doing lately. As shallow as it sounds, I think a big reason I love this game so much is the novelty of both a Capcom and an SNK character guest starring in a Tekken game.
Not as big on Noctis, though. I was hoping for either Kazuma Kiryu, or another fighting game rep. Although I guess you could argue Noctis represents Dissidia.
It’s at the bottom because the other games are so good. I hope they keep adding more content beyond what’s already planned.
4. Danganronpa v3: Killing Harmony - Apparently opinions on this game are mixed among DR fans, mainly related to the ending. Personally, I liked the ending, and I feel the rest of the game is pretty much in line with the first two in terms of quality. I’m a fan of the new mechanics, like Debate Scrum and Psyche Taxi. The soundtrack is really good, too. I think everyone can at least agree this is a memorable game.
3. Yakuza 0 - I haven’t finished this one yet, but I’m told it’s a fantastic entry point if you want to get into this series. This is one of the few games I can think of where I actually willingly did sidequests, because a lot of them are actually funny, and even heartwarming.
2. Persona 5 - My most anticipated game of 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017. I’m a big fan of Persona 3 and 4, and I feel this game is just as good, if not better. I greatly prefer the Tokyo setting to the rural setting of Persona 4.
From the art style, to the setting and music, P5 oozes style out of every orifice. In fact, you could make a case for it being one of the most stylish games of all time. I thought for sure it would be number one, but one game managed to top it.
1. NieR: Automata - I heard this game actually sold really well, and that’s great news. Imagine telling someone that the sequel to NieR would outsell the newest Mass Effect. It’s amazing what an extra layer of polish and removing or altering some of the more tedious aspects of the first game can do.
Honestly, I’m bad at explaining why the game is good. Just play it. I genuinely believe it will go down as one of the greatest JRPGs of all time, and that Yoko Taro can and should be thought of as the next Kojima. If you dismiss it as a Metal Gear Rising/Final Fantasy rip-off that relies on fan service, well, your loss.
Did I mention that both NieR games have strong contenders for best video game soundtracks of all time? It’s true.
This is pretty long, so I’ll include the rest of the awards under the read more.
Top 5 Best Games I Played That Came Out Other Years:
5. Kid Icarus: Uprising - I haven’t played this as much as I’d like, but I’ve greatly enjoyed what I have played. I don’t even really mind the controls, really. I haven’t used the stand yet.
4. Gravity Rush - I started playing this game a few weeks ago, and I already love it. Kat is one of the most likable protagonists I can think of. She should be Sony’s mascot. In all honesty, this is one of the most fun open world games I’ve played. The only thing I’d say is lacking is the combat, but it’s manageable.
3. Va11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action - A game about mixing drinks and talking to people, while trying to save enough money to avoid getting evicted. There are multiple endings, too. The one I got really got to me. 
2. NieR - I’d hate to say it, but for the longest time, the only thing I saw related to the game was the Zero Punctuation review, and I wrote it off as generic based on that. Thankfully, a few friends heavily recommended it, and since Platinum were doing the sequel, I figured “alright, I’ll check it out.” It turns out, generic is probably the worst word to describe NieR, and Yahtzee is an idiot.
NieR is a rough diamond, similar to Persona 3, or the original Yakuza. A game that has more than its share of flaws, but its originality makes up for them. The gameplay is, well, it’s no Bayonetta. It’s not even DMC1, but it’s there to serve the story and characters, which I found myself getting attached to.
I’d recommend playing this before Automata, if you have a say, but it’s not 100% necessary, and Square Enix could have made that option easier, so it’s up to you.
Check out @thathomestar‘s post about it, too.
1. Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc - I knew of this series by reputation, and it seemed like the fanbase overlapped a lot with other things I was a fan of, but I got spoiled on who the lead villain turns out to be years before I played it, and I thought some of the character designs looked unappealing, so I wasn’t sure how much I’d enjoy it.
It turned out, I enjoyed it a lot. It scratches the same itch as Ace Attorney for me. I like the characters a lot more now that I actually know more about them. Funny how that works. Except Hifumi. He looks awful, and is awful.
The second one is probably better in many ways (especially the protagonist), but I feel the first game has a certain humility to it. I get the sense that the developers didn’t think it would take off as much as it did, and some of the rough patches kind of add to its charm. I also think the ending was originally planned to be more ambiguous.
Also, I made at least one friend while playing this game. That’s a plus.
Top 5 Games I Want To Play But Never Got Around To:
5. Cuphead - I felt kind of bad for not having any western games on the last two lists, so here we go. Cuphead looks pretty fun, and I really respect how much effort and creativity went into the game’s visuals. It reminds me a bit of Skullgirls. Sadly, I don’t have an Xbox One, and I doubt my PC could handle it.
4. Sonic Mania - Like Cuphead, this is another labour of love. It was really nice to see people being positive about Sonic again for a few months. Then Sonic Forces came out, but oh well. In a similar vein, I’m also interested in the Crash N-Sane Trilogy, but since Sonic Mania is a new game, it gets the edge.
3. Super Mario Odyssey - Looks really fun. I’ve never played either the Galaxy games or 3D World, but from an outside perspective, Galaxy and Odyssey look like a lot more appealing to me than 3D World. Sadly, I don’t have a Switch.
2. NioH - I suck at Souls games, to be honest, but I find this game’s concept very interesting. I think I’d be into in a Souls game where I can play as an actual character, and not just a blank slate.
1. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Nintendo has impressed me this year. I think this is the first time a 3D Zelda game and a 3D Mario game have come out the same year. I like this game’s art style, and I’m told it’s a breath of fresh air to a formula that was getting stale. However, no Switch, and no Wii U, either.
Top 5 Most Anticipated Games of Next Year:
5. Kingdom Hearts III - Yup. This is definitely coming out next year. Always bet on Sora.
4. Red Dead Redemption II - I was kind of burnt out on open world games, but if this is even half as good as the original, it’s pretty damn excellent.
3. Dragon Ball FighterZ - I loved Dragon Ball Z as a kid, and if this game came out when I was a kid, I would probably say “holy shit!” and also “who’s Beerus?” I think this has the potential to make Arc System Works a big name with mainstream audiences. Then maybe we can get a Persona 5 Arena with graphics like this.
2. Yakuza/Hokuto no Ken thing - I never read much Hokuto no Ken, but this looks amazing. Right up my alley.
1. Soulcalibur VI - I just really love fighting games, man. There arguably hasn’t been a great Soulcalibur game since SCII, in 2003 (2002 if you only count the arcade release), so I’d love to see this series make a comeback. Put Cassandra in it.
If Devil May Cry V were announced, it would automatically be at the top of the list, but sadly, no. As for Bayonetta 3, I don’t think it’s coming out next year. With that said, while I don’t have a Switch, Bayonetta 3 is potentially a system seller for me.
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blessuswithblogs · 7 years
Top Ten Videocons of Twenty Seventeen, More or Less
2017 has, by all accounts, been a fantastic year for Video Games. Unfortunately for me, it has been a not so fantastic year in Having Money. So while in a perfect world my now annual game of the year list would have been a terribly contested and dramatic affair of cutting games I thought were good but just didn't make it, in actuality, I had to scramble and cheat a little to just find 10 games to slot in and talk about. I did at least manage to find them. Mostly.
10. Destiny 2
Destiny is a franchise with a troubled history, which feels weird to say about something that came out in late 2014. Nevertheless, Destiny 2's shooty looty gameplay loop finds its way on to my list. The story is tepid and the characters, with a few exceptions, are scarcely worthy of memory, but the visuals are good and the core mechanics of shooting and using abilities are a solid foundation to build upon in the inevitable flurry of DLC packages and expacs. It's all quite reminiscent of Borderlands, except without the unmistakable caustic ooze of Randy Pitchford's involvement. That in and of itself is praiseworthy.
9. Gravity Rush 2/Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Okay so I maybe didn't actually play this one myself. I usually try to exclude stuff that I watched and enjoyed but in this case I was sitting on the couch with other people playing it so that's basically the same thing as playing it myself right? I think I held the controller for a little bit. Anyway this game is super weird and charming and a little nauseating in parts because you sort of go flying off into the stratosphere randomly? But the aesthetic and Mood the game goes for is very unique and fun, it even has its own cute little made up language I mistook for French at first until I heard some Japanese and Spanish sounding words in there as well. The main characters Kat and Raven are dating I think? They're happy and alive girlfriends. Raven is a little broody I guess but they're definitely not the Sad, Dead Lesbians I have grown to detest. Raven is not Velvet. Just reminding myself. Tropical Freeze is just really good and while it maybe came out like years ago I only got to play it very recently on my friend's Wii U. The music is super good fuck you Jeff Gerstmann I will fucking fight you and your shitty opinions about video games you god damned grumpy old man.
8. The Surge
My Thoughts on the Surge are well documented on this very website. It's flawed and frustrating in a lot of ways, nonsensical in others, and the story never quite commits to its original conceit which is a real shame. All that said, I respect the game for what it was unabashedly trying to do: be Dark Souls but with cyborg powerloaders and robots. Like, you gotta live your bliss, right? Lords of the Fallen was utterly miserable and the improvements that The Surge demonstrates gives me cause for optimism in future games from the developer. Anything that gives me cause for optimism in 2017 has to be worth something. That said, the inevitable The Surge 2 is probably going to be kind of by the numbers and unnecessary but that's just how you make games in the 21st century.
7. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
To begin with, BotW would be much higher on this list if I had not only come into owning it and a Switch yesterday. It is by all counts extremely good, an open world game that's actually pleasant and charming and has meritorious mechanics outside of Todd Howard style "you can go fuck that mountain" nonsense. I mean don't get me wrong you can fuck plenty of mountains in this game. Link is fucking Spider-man in this game, the only surfaces he can't mysteriously latch on to are inside the puzzle shrines so you can't just cheese them. Weapon degradation is maybe a little excessive? I feel sort of like Bayonetta in the first cutscene where she keeps yelling "Guns!" when she runs out of ammo except I'm yelling "shitty wooden sticks!" when the one I'm using breaks into a million tiny pieces. I understand the reasoning behind it, I do. It establishes a certain rhythm to the game of exploring, fighting, stocking up on shitty wooden sticks, and repeating. When you find like, an actual sword or spear it feels like an occasion to celebrate, and the whole thing demands that you use a variety of different weapons and weapon-like objects. I'm not nearly far in enough to give an honest, comprehensive picture of the game. I just really like what I've played so far so I'm just compromising by putting BotW relatively low on the list.
6. Cuphead
It's Cuphead! Everybody knows Cuphead by now. It's gorgeous, the soundtrack is great if somewhat lacking in variety, King Dice is really cool but has extremely unfortunate racial undertones, the game is pretty hard (not that hard?) and Cala Maria is a babe. It's a singular game that is extremely worthwhile and hopefully paves the way for future games in a similar style of aping specific styles and eras of animation. I really want a game that goes hard on the 1950s Looney Tunes aesthetic where you just drop anvils on people forever. Cuphead isn't perfect, as a lot of the game's difficulty and length comes from bad checkpointing. It's a necessary evil, because if the game did not blatantly disrespect your time in a lot of the later fights, the game would be like, two hours long. I'm not a proponent of the "git gud" philosophy but I can't help but feel like I really want to say that to the various bad-at-games journos who got bent out of shape about Cuphead being hard. This is your damn job. You can suck it up for one game, especially when it's really very good and unique like Cuphead. Also my mom came in while I was playing it and thought I was watching a popeye cartoon so that was kind of cute I guess.
5. Civilization 6 (CHEATING AGAIN)
YEAH I KNOW THIS GAME CAME OUT LAST YEAR AND IM A HUGE IDIOT FUCKER but hear me out Civ6 is really fucking good because of the fact that Wonders take up physical space on the map and districting does the same thing. Like just this single mechanical change basically doubles the amount of thought and planning you need to put into playing the game even on low difficulties to optimize your output and production. Like it's a civilization game so there's not really anything too groundbreaking here but I fucking adore this game. Really looking forward to Rise and Fall, which will be early 2018. With the initial release being late 2016 I feel like this is like, an honorary 2017 game. Don't @ me.
4. Hollow Knight
Hollow Knight is another game I wrote about previously on the blog, but unlike The Surge I had basically nothing but good things to say about it. Hollow Knight has gorgeous hand drawn graphics and environments not entirely unlike Cuphead, but obviously goes for a much more reserved mood. Hollow Knight is a rock solid Metroidvania game with strong aesthetic and musical chops to back it up, as well as some Dark Souls-esque flourishes to give the game a bit of bite and a haunting narrative arc. A fantastic indie game and I can't wait to see what Team Cherry does next. I need to get around to doing the Halloween DLC, come to think of it. Did you know Zote actually has as many precepts as he says he does? I listened to them all. Some of them aren't too bad.
3. Nioh
Geralt the Witcher's moonlighting adventure as a samurai came out quite early in 2017, but remains one of the best games of the year due to its complex and rewarding combat system, beautiful Warring Kingdoms era Japanese architecture inspirations, fun mythological monster designs, and genuinely well done historical fiction backdrop. Coming into it, I fully expected "Dark Souls except the bosses are like Tengus and Nues and shit", but that description does the game a pretty big disservice. It's much more than that, both from a narrative standpoint, which is a fantastically tinged retelling of the Warring Kingdoms period, and from a gameplay one. The combat in Nioh is much more technical than in Dark Souls, with more pretensions of a combo based character action game than the deliberate, heavily customizable experience of the Souls games. Nioh is still quite hard and has the whole death-recovery mechanic, but it makes sense diegetically due to Guardian Spirit system and remains distinct. There are times when it tries to have the best of both worlds and just kind of ends up feeling like it doesn't do a good job at either, but for the most part, Nioh is tremendously fun, and at times infuriatingly difficult, especially in some of the post game optional battles that pit you against multiple bosses at once. Also, finding Kodamas is extremely rewarding because they are so damn cute. I love them. Find them at all costs.
2. Nier: Automata
Nier: Automata, Yoko Taro's latest brainchild, is, well, what it is. It's a hauntingly weird story about what it means to be human, and if that definition is really even adequate. It's a game with a lot to say, which is why I regard it so highly. The core gameplay is fun and serviceable, which is much more than I can say for its predecessor, the first Nier, which was memorable and affecting but played kind of like butts. 2B's android adventures are much more fluid and stylish, and you have a surprising amount of customization options available (though some arguably make the game a little too easy at points, like regenerating health) and there's enough variety in the little Machine Life form enemies (and the big ones, too) that fighting never felt like a chore to me. Of course, others have disagreed, but I think that the tedium really only sets in when you play as 9S, who has a much reduced arsenal of fighting moves in favor of his hacking skills. I liked the little shmup minigames that hacking entailed, so even 9S's story never felt too dull in the actual mechanical execution of it. People tend to have a misunderstanding of how the game works, that you need to complete it 4 times to get the whole experience, but that's not actually true. The 4 endings separate the game into acts more than anything. While 9S's story has a lot of overlap with 2B's story, endings C and D are just entirely new content where you play as A2, who has some tricks of her own distinct from 2B and 9S. It's not perfect, but it's not like you have to play the same game 4 times. It's a very story focused game, so much so that I would say experiencing the narrative is the main draw, but it has the decency to also be varied and fun to play. I love the parts where you get in the transforming flying robot and shoot the dudes. Especially the big dude. You know the one.
1. Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood
The latest Final Fantasy XIV expansion, Stormblood, is super good. I wrote a bit about it earlier, and how it has improved upon Heavensward in almost all respects. Stormblood is a superlative MMO expac, with well designed and amazingly presented raids, dungeons, and trials. It's full of "holy shit that's dope" moments, like when you get into a blade struggle against the primal Susano's gigantic Ame-no-Murakumo in an active time event or storm the fortress city of Ala Mhigo. Ultimately, though, what really makes me evaluate Stormblood as my game of the year is how surprisingly thoughtful it is. FFXIV has, since the relaunch of 2.0, been a game that has not shied away from complexity in its narrative conflicts. The juxtaposition of the mythically strong Warrior of Light and the surprisingly mundane issues even she cannot seem to fix has always been the game's most interesting element to me, and as you spearhead revolutions against the Garlean Empire in two different countries, you learn a lot about how imperial colonialism has made things too complicated to be fixed simply driving out the oppressors. You do, eventually, of course, but the story is quick to remind you that this is only the beginning, and a lot of key issues remain unsolved, both in the newly liberated provinces and back at home. Also the Dark Knight questline from 60-70 is basically the best the game has to offer. It feels to me like that Dark Knight is the unofficial Job of Stormblood, despite the promo material and opening movie having you believe it to be about Monks. Monks, as usual, are boring. The themes explored in the Dark Knight questline, about regret, about shades of gray, about self-destruction, all align perfectly with some of the subtler narrative arcs of the main story. It's just really good and I love it. I still really want to write a piece about it on its own. I probably will soon. But for now, I name Stormblood my game of the year, for reminding us that we are still heroes. That we are still good people.
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disableddisaster · 7 years
1.Who was the last person you held hands with?
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
****4. Are you easy to get along with?
sadie says yes
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
well see which way the gay winds blow
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
erase nb identities COOL !!!!!!!!!!!!! 
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
not rly !!!
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
river says me bitch
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
“GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!” to @gaysun
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
paramores entire new album killed me 
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
i dont have hair
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
15. What good thing happened this summer?
summer just started!!!!!!
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
......... Yes
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
NO gross
19. Do you like bubble baths?
20. Do you like your neighbors?
i dont know them theyre hermits and theyre old
21. What are you bad habits?
i pick at my skin!!!!!!!!!!!!!
22. Where would you like to travel?
i wanna go back to NYC.............
23. Do you have trust issues?
i thimk so
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
what routine lmfao
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
my *******
26. What do you do when you wake up?
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
this question is DUMB lmao
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
my best friend!!!!
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
30. Do you ever want to get married?
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?
i have a buzzcut
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
dude idk
33. Spell your name with your chin.
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
N o never in my life
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
oh boy YEA
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
nothing.... its silent...............
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
she...... is an angel
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
the thrift store..?
40. What do you want to do after high school?
high school is already done and im not rly doin gwhat i want lol
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
that im dead, because i never shut the fuck up
43. Do you smile at strangers?
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
my cat
46. What are you paranoid about?
beetles in my bed
47. Have you ever been high?
yes it sucked
48. Have you ever been drunk?
yes its fun
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
yes lol
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
i dont rly like hoodies
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
i wish my fibro would go away
53. Favourite makeup brand?
i dont rly wear makeup
54. Favourite store?
the grocery store
55. Favourite blog?
56. Favourite colour?
57. Favourite food?
58. Last thing you ate?
59. First thing you ate this morning?
crispy chicken wrap from tim hortons!!!
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
ive won almost every limbo competition ive ever participated in
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
62. Been arrested? For what?
63. Ever been in love? 
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
it was on my bed in 2014
65. Are you hungry right now?
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
that makes no SENSE
67. Facebook or Twitter?
facebook but its still awful
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
70. Names of your bestfriends? 
jenna, sab, emily, river, sadie :-)
71. Craving something? What?
72. What colour are your towels?
every colour
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
a giant bear, a carrot, a giant whale, and two pillows
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
a giant bear, a carrot, a cow, and a giant whale
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
i have no idea
75. Favourite animal?
76. What colour is your underwear?
its grey
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
chocolate chip cookie dough
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
80. What colour pants?
81. Favourite tv show?
the office
82. Favourite movie?
princess bride
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
ive never seen either
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
21 jump street cuz i actually saw that one
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
dude idk
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
87. First person you talked to today?
88. Last person you talked to today?
im talkin to sadie rn
89. Name a person you hate?
90. Name a person you love?
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
92. In a fight with someone?
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
one pair 
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
a fuck ton
95. Last movie you watched?
i dont remember it had selena gomez in it tho
96. Favourite actress?
kristen stewart
97. Favourite actor?
men suck
98. Do you tan a lot?
99. Have any pets?
100. How are you feeling?
101. Do you type fast?
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
everyone regrets somethimg
103. Can you spell well?
not really 
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
not really
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
one time i went to a bonfire party and got so drunk i lost my shoes
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
idk probably
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
108. What should you be doing?
109. Is something irritating you right now?
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
111. Do you have trust issues?
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
113. What was your childhood nickname?
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
115. Do you play the Wii?
its 2017
116. Are you listening to music right now?
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
only tge real stuff the stuff in those packets is garbage
118. Do you like Chinese food?
doesnt everyone
119. Favourite book?
idk harry potter or somethimg
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
121. Are you mean?
i dont think so but mean lesbian is my brand so i guess
122. Is cheating ever okay?
NO the fuck
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
i dont own white shoes for that reason
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
not really??
125. Do you believe in true love?
126. Are you currently bored?
im answering 150 fyckin questions what do u think
127. What makes you happy?
128. Would you change your name?
literally to Shy
129. What your zodiac sign?
130. Do you like subway?
like the restaurant? yeah
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
i am not friends with a single man
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
still river
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
idk man
134. Can you count to one million?
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
idk i cant think of any
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
open so the cats can get in!
137. How tall are you?
138. Curly or Straight hair?
i have straight hair but curly hair is so pretty
139. Brunette or Blonde?
140. Summer or Winter?
141. Night or Day?
night time
142. Favourite month?
143. Are you a vegetarian?
as much as i can be, but im broke and ill eat food
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
145. Tea or Coffee?
146. Was today a good day?
i think so!!
147. Mars or Snickers?
neither tbh
148. What’s your favourite quote?
‘im gay’ - me
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
i dont know!!!
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line
there is not a book anywhere near me tbh   
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digicrunchpage · 6 years
As Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze comes to Switch, it disappears from Wii U eShop
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Enlarge / A screen capture from Nintendo.com shows no "Buy Digital" option for Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze on the Wii U. (credit: Nintendo.com)
This week sees the re-release of Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze on the Nintendo Switch, giving millions more people the opportunity to catch an enjoyable platformer they might have missed when it was first released in 2014 on the Wii U. Surprisingly, though, Wii U owners who want to purchase that original version of the game can no longer do so through Nintendo's North American online eShop.
While Reddit user bgold101 alerted the Internet at large to the Wii U version's online removal on Monday, the title appears to have come down well before that. Captures from the Internet Archive show the "Buy Digital" option for Tropical Freeze on Nintendo's website disappeared sometime between October 22, 2017 and February 25, 2018, suggesting Nintendo made this move well ahead of Friday's Switch re-release. (Incidentally, the Switch version of Tropical Freeze was publicly announced on January 11). And while there are scattered reports that the game has returned to the eShop today, Ars has confirmed it is not available either via the website or the Wii U's own online store as of press time. Nintendo has yet to respond to a request for comment from Ars.
Timing aside, it's odd that Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze would be removed from the Wii U eShop at all. Games like Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon are still available for Wii U download, even though new versions of both games are also available on the Switch. Users who previously purchased Tropical Freeze on the Wii U report they are still able to re-download the game through the "Your Downloads" history page, so the digital files haven't disappeared entirely from Nintendo's servers (unlike sought-after PS4 horror demo P.T.'s removal from PSN, for instance). While legal issues like music rights sometimes force games off of digital storefronts, there's little reason to think such issues affect a wholly original first-party game from Nintendo.
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As Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze comes to Switch, it disappears from Wii U eShop published first on https://medium.com/@HDDMagReview
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walterlaake · 6 years
As Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze comes to Switch, it disappears from Wii U
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Enlarge / A screen capture from Nintendo.com shows no "Buy Digital" option for Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze on the Wii U. (credit: Nintendo.com)
This week sees the re-release of Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze on the Nintendo Switch, giving millions more people the opportunity to catch an enjoyable platformer they might have missed when it was first released in 2014 on the Wii U. Surprisingly, though, Wii U owners who want to purchase that original version of the game can no longer do so through Nintendo's online eShop.
While Reddit user bgold101 alerted the Internet at large to the Wii U version's online removal on Monday, the title appears to have come down well before that. Captures from the Internet Archive show the "Buy Digital" option for Tropical Freeze on Nintendo's website disappeared sometime between October 22, 2017 and February 25, 2018, suggesting Nintendo made this move well ahead of Friday's Switch re-release. (Incidentally, the Switch version of Tropical Freeze was publicly announced on January 11). And while there are scattered reports that the game has returned to the eShop today, Ars has confirmed it is not available either via the website or the Wii U's own online store as of press time. Nintendo has yet to respond to a request for comment from Ars.
Timing aside, it's odd that Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze would be removed from the Wii U eShop at all. Games like Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon are still available for Wii U download, even though new versions of both games are also available on the Switch. Users who previously purchased Tropical Freeze on the Wii U report they are still able to re-download the game through the "Your Downloads" history page, so the digital files haven't disappeared entirely from Nintendo's servers (unlike sought-after PS4 horror demo P.T.'s removal from PSN, for instance). While legal issues like music rights sometimes force games off of digital storefronts, there's little reason to think such issues affect a wholly original first-party game from Nintendo.
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As Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze comes to Switch, it disappears from Wii U published first on https://thelaptopguru.tumblr.com/
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yahooben · 8 years
Nintendo Switch launch games: The must-haves, the maybes and the probably nots
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The Nintendo Switch is here, and these are the games you’ll want to buy and avoid.
Nintendo’s innovative home console/portable hybrid machine, the Switch, is finally here. We’ve put the system through its paces, and while the tech is impressive, the real reason to consider buying it is for the games themselves. After all, hardware is only as good as the software it powers.
Unfortunately, there isn’t a great deal to choose from at launch. The Switch arrived with only 10 launch games, a paltry list compared to the other consoles and handhelds that have released in the past decade or so.
But even with a relatively small pool, you likely still have questions regarding which games, exactly, should top your Switch list. Here’s your guide to the best — and the rest.
The Must-Have
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‘The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild’ is the only exceptional launch game for the Switch. But it’s incredibly exceptional.
“The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild” ($60)
I could happily write a few thousand words explaining why Link’s latest adventure is so superb, but my colleague Dan Howley already did that. Go read his review.
If that’s TL;DR, just check out its insane Metacritic score (a jaw-dropping 98 at the time of this writing). “Breath of the Wild” is an incredible video game, a fresh, fascinating, open-world take on a venerable franchise. Immediately ranking as one of the greatest launch games (and “Zeldas”) ever, it’s a shoo-in for Game of the Year contention and light years ahead of any other Switch game. If you own a Switch, you should own this video game. Period.
The Maybes
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‘Snipperclips’ is a fun, interesting game, but not a system-mover.“Snipperclips: Cut it Out Together!” ($20)
This adorable downloadable game turns your Switch into scissors. Cut, move and rotate two weird little shapes to fill holes and solve puzzles either with a few friends or by yourself. Lightweight but clever, “Snipperclips” recalls quirky handheld games like “LocoRoco” for the PSP and makes a fine Day One purchase.
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‘Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove’ brings back the 8-bit magic of the series.“Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove” ($25)
Indie developer Yacht Club Games hit pay dirt in 2014 with this loving homage to 8-bit RPG action. It’s a fine fit for the Switch; the “Treasure Trove” version contains the full original game plus three extra campaigns starring unique characters one of those, “Specter of Torment,” is sold separately for $10. It’s not the revelation it was when it first launched, but if you missed it on other platforms, consider remedying that here.
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‘Fast RMX’ is a lighting quick, exciting game in the vein of ‘F-Zero’ and ‘Wipeout.’“Fast RMX” ($20)
A blend of “F-Zero” and “Wipeout,” “Fast RMX” is a Switch-specific “remixed” take on a Wii U racer called “Fast Racing Neo.” And fast is right. Players careen down a wealth of futuristic tracks in floaty space cars, grabbing turbos powerups and trying desperately not to smash into walls. It’s not the newest idea on the block, but it’s pretty, small-ish (only 900 MB) and priced right.
The Probably Nots
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‘1-2 Switch’ is a quirky game, but overpriced for what it offers.“1-2-Switch” ($50)
Nintendo presumably hopes this mini-game collection will do for the Switch what “Wii Sports” did for the Wii. Sadly, it won’t. While a handful of the 30 or so included games do a decent job of showing off the Switch’s Joy-Con tech, many are just too dull and simplistic to warrant repeated play. Worse, it’s being sold at a ghastly price. This should have been a free pack-in, not a premium buy.
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‘Super Bomberman R’ is a more Bomerman fun, but it’s also overpriced.“Super Bomberman R” ($50)
Overpricing is also an issue with this otherwise solid entry in the vaunted “Bomberman” series. It’s perfectly suited for the Switch’s local multiplayer gaming focus, featuring both single tablet co-op gameplay along with up to 8-player multiplayer for seriously hectic Bombermanning. And while it comes with a 50-stage Story mode, this old-school jam simply doesn’t warrant the $50 price tag.
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‘Just Dance 2017’ is coming to the Switch. But for some reason it’s more expensive than it is on other consoles.
“Just Dance 2017” ($60)
Ubisoft’s long-running (dancing?) series makes it way to the Switch, but this club raised its cover charge since “Just Dance 2017” was originally released for consoles in October of 2016. As with those versions, smartphone integration means you don’t even have to use the Switch’s controllers to play. That’s kind of a bummer in this case; the Joy-Cons offer all kinds of cool tech to tinker with that the game doesn’t really take advantage. Other than your wallet, that is. At $60, “Just Dance 2017” is actually $10 more than it was for other systems five months ago. Stop the music!
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‘I am Setsuna’ offers ‘meh’ gameplay and was released last year.“I am Setsuna” ($40)
Nintendo’s Switch event back in mid-January was pretty big on Japanese role-playing games, and indeed, we get one at launch in this throwback. First released last year, “I Am Setsuna” scores points for a thoughtful story steeped in tragedy, but its ho-hum, derivative gameplay makes it less exciting for genre fans.
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‘Skylanders: Imaginators” is a decent addition to the series, but it’s just another re-release, and an expensive, one at that.“Skylanders: Imaginators” ($60)
Full disclosure: this is the one Switch launch game I did not play … at least not on this particular console. I played it on the PS4, where it was another solid, money-grubbing effort in the toys-to-life franchise. At this point, you’ve likely played it or purposefully passed on it, and while the Switch version gets around the pesky Portal of Power accessory by letting you scan toys using your Joy-Con, it’s just not an exciting game for a brand new system.
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Ben Silverman is on Twitter at ben_silverman.
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coolgreatwebsite · 8 years
Why DotEmu Has Me Worried About Windjammers On The PS4
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Early in 1994, an unassuming little game named Windjammers made its way to arcades. Developed by Data East for the Neo Geo Multi Video System, Windjammers is essentially high-octane video air hockey. Players pick one of six characters with different skills and shots, one of six courts of different sizes and layouts, and proceed to volley a frisbee back and forth with the hopes of jamming it past their opponent and into the goal. It’s a game that’s dead simple to pick up and play, but that simplicity masks an amount of depth to its mechanics and variety in a player’s options that makes Windjammers something special. When two skilled competitors go at it throwing rapid fire shots, counter-shots, trick shots, super shots and counter-super shots, the game is an edge-of-your-seat adrenaline pumping blur. Unfortunately, most people just didn’t seem to catch on to that hidden layer, and Windjammers was generally met with a middling reaction.
As time went on and arcade game emulation became easier, Windjammers gained a bit of a cult classic status. For a good long while it was a side-tournament staple in the fighting game community, and a French community had rallied around it and were doing their thing, but it wasn’t until website about video games Giant Bomb started playing it in 2013 that North American awareness of the game really started picking up. As much as I would like to be a cool on-line guy and say that I was way into it before that, I was only tangentially aware of the game prior to Giant Bomb’s coverage (I was more of a Street Hoop guy when it came to weird Data East Neo Geo sports games, for whatever reason). Nevertheless, it’s a game I feel like I’ve been a fan of for a long time, if that makes any sense. It’s an immediately and deeply lovable game.
The only port Windjammers has ever had as of this writing was a Japan-exclusive release on the Wii Virtual Console in 2010. This release eventually got delisted in late 2013, shortly after Giant Bomb’s coverage started strangely enough. Ever since then, there’s been a steady rumbling of people asking for the game to come to modern systems with online play, mainly aimed at PlayStation’s Third Party Production team. After all, they’re the guys who got us a Final Fantasy 7 remake and Shenmue 3, right? If anyone can get this weird obscure frisbee game out of whatever licensing hell it fell into following the death of Data East and years of turmoil SNK has gone through, they could! Well, at PlayStation Experience 2016′s showcase event it finally happened. The lights dimmed, a familiar tune started playing, and there it was on the big screen: Windjammers was coming to the PlayStation 4. The wish had been granted.
And then the monkey’s paw curled.
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Pictured above is the banner for the Windjammers booth at PlayStation Experience 2016, and pictured in the zoom-in of that banner is the one thing powerful enough to instantly turn a retro video game fan’s excitement into dread: the logo of French video game company DotEmu. Founded in 2007, DotEmu is a company that specializes in bringing old video games to not-so-old platforms. Over their nearly 10 years of existence they’ve built up a network of connections with Japanese developers and rightsholders and have been responsible for bringing a sizable amount of classic games to various platforms (an exact list is hard to compile, as even their website’s game list is clearly incomplete). The rub here is that, despite the years of experience and web of trusted business partners, DotEmu consistently puts out products that can be described as poor at best.
Generally not poor in flashy, attention grabbing ways mind you. They’re competent enough that a passerby could go “sure, that’s Metal Slug!”, but for the people who love and care about these classic games the vast majority of DotEmu’s output may as well have shipped with crash bugs. It’s not just old game obsessives that suffer either as, even though it may be difficult to point out specific shortcomings without side-by-side comparisons, the way DotEmu’s ports are busted have an undeniable effect on the way these games play at even the most casual levels. These problems aren’t flukes, they’re consistent and documentable, but they often go ignored in media coverage of the company and general discussion of their releases. 
I don’t think this is due to any sort of nefarious intent or anything, but rather a lack of education about the subject. Most of the complaints are loosely organized tweets, or squirreled away in niche message boards, and the informative reviews that hit Steam are easy to lose among the less-than-informative ones. The reason I set out to write this article was to attempt to find and document the issues plaguing DotEmu’s ports (with a focus on their Neo Geo offerings as they pertain more to Windjammers) and, most importantly, put everything somewhere easily viewable and shareable. With that mission in mind, I jumped into the Steam version of one of my favorite arcade games: Metal Slug 3.
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The Steam version of Metal Slug 3 was, unbeknownst to me at the time, my first brush with DotEmu. I ran through it once back in mid-2014 and here in 2017 all I could recall was that it was the worst port of the game I had ever played, so it was a natural pick to start off with. I played the Steam release simultaneously with the game running in MAME, trading off every other level, just to make sure I was getting all the facts straight. The most immediately apparent issue with the Steam release is that the audio is wrong on almost every level. Most of the sound effects are off in different ways, the worst of them reduced to nothing but shrill screeches, and the music is mangled in one of the oddest ways I’ve ever experienced. It has trouble keeping a steady beat, but it doesn’t quite skip and instead sort of tries to rush back to where it’s supposed to be. It almost makes it seem like the music is being performed by some sort of drunken orchestra, or as if someone were briefly holding back the turntable of a record player in the few cases where it seemed to affect the pitch. I’ve taken the liberty of making a video comparing the music of both versions, below.
The other two big issues are slightly more subtle, but much more impactful on the gameplay itself. First off, the Steam version drops frames like crazy, which means the game consistently stutters and jumps around erratically. Metal Slug 3 is pretty chaotic so it can be a little tough to pick out amidst the explosions, but the DotEmu port drops frames at all times, even during the game’s rare quiet moments. I found that the tiled background of Stage 3′s pre-sub cave area offered the most readily visible comparison (below). [UPDATE 1/12/17: This is actually an issue with frame-pacing rather than dropping according to John Linneman of Digital Foundry. Frame-pacing issues are where, rather than completely skipping over frames of the game, individual frames will stay on screen for longer or shorter than they’re supposed to. The end result is still a stuttering, choppy mess.]
This problem only exacerbates the next issue: the Steam version has input lag. Input lag means, well, there’s a lag on your inputs. You press a button and it takes a little bit longer for the corresponding action to happen on screen. Don’t know why, don’t know how, but there is a slight amount of input lag present in the DotEmu port that just isn’t there in the MAME version. Weirdly enough it wasn’t anything visual that tipped me off, but instead something auditory. The gap between pressing the fire button and hearing the gunshot sound effect is a bit wider in the Steam version, and it’s fairly noticeable when you’re going back and forth between versions.
These two issues are bad enough alone, but when combined it causes the game to feel muddy and unresponsive when in actuality it’s quite snappy. Easily dodgeable attacks suddenly become less so, simple actions such as jumping and shooting below you become more difficult to perform effectively, and the game is much more likely to register jumping and shooting as a simultaneous press of A+B, making you accidentally activate your kamikaze Slug Attack while in a vehicle. This isn’t any sort of scientific evidence, and I certainly wasn’t playing amazingly in either version of the game, but I did demonstrably worse in my playthrough of the Steam version and I attribute that to the generally awful feel of the controls.
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The one nice thing I can say about DotEmu’s port is that the online play seems, from my extremely limited experience, totally fine. I played the first couple of levels with a friend and it was smooth throughout. The port’s underlying problems still existed, and I’m not sure how the netcode would hold up to something more timing intensive like a versus game, but online play did not accentuate any of the port’s issues from what I could tell.
A brief check-in with the Steam port of Metal Slug X revealed that it, unsurprisingly, has the exact same problems Metal Slug 3 has. This is where my firsthand experience with DotEmu’s products ends, because I’m not enough of a sucker to buy three bad versions of old games. Just two. Craving more info, I put out the call to my wonderful, smart, definitely non-sucker Twitter followers. What follows is everything I was able to gather from them.
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Now, I love Metal Slug 3, but I’m far from an absolute expert on it. There are people who have played the game for longer than I have and are way better at it than I am. I doubt the same can be said for friend of the site LordBBH regarding Shock Troopers. One of his favorite games of all time, BBH has probably put more hours into playing Shock Troopers than anyone on the planet (and plenty of those hours are on video). He knows the game inside and out, and he found all of the same issues in Shock Troopers that I found in the Metal Slugs, but he also stumbled upon a couple of things I would have never even thought to check. Such as the difficulty settings, for instance. Every Neo Geo game has about 8 or so different difficulty options that you can change in the system settings, but DotEmu’s ports have just four: Easy, Medium, Hard, and Very Hard. Whereas the original release of Shock Troopers adjusted the damage you take depending on what difficulty you were playing on, the difficulty options in the Steam version, from what LordBBH can tell, do... absolutely nothing. If it were anyone else I would chalk it up to not knowing the game well enough to spot the differences, but this guy knows.
There’s also another issue that’s entirely specific to Shock Troopers and definitely worth noting. There were two versions of the game, and the thing with Shock Troopers is you can either select one character or a team of three that you can freely swap between in-level. In what’s generally considered the “main” version of the game, a team has individual life bars for each character. In the other version, the whole team shares a single life bar. This minimizes the difference between playing as a team and playing as a single character, and the version of the game that uses the shared life bar is treated as more of a curiosity than a thing people play. The DotEmu port uses the single life bar version, and there’s no option to switch to the other one. This is probably an easy thing to overlook if you’re not, you know, a company in charge of porting the game to a different platform. But if you are, it shows a real lack of knowledge and care for your product in my eyes.
If you want a really, really long look at LordBBH playing and discussing the Steam version of Shock Troopers (and a little bit of the next game), he uploaded a video of it to his YouTube channel. For now though, let’s move on.
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Twinkle Star Sprites is a cute versus shoot ‘em up game where players compete to clear out the enemies on their side of the screen and launch attacks at the other player. According to the info I received, the Steam version has all the general problems of the previously discussed games, but with a couple of fun unique wrinkles. First of all, the online leaderboards report impossible scores. Like, scores in the billions. For a while people weren’t sure whether it was a bug or people were hacking, but it turns out the leaderboards take the sum of all scores attained in all the versus matches you’ve played and post that. This makes the feature useless for competition, as you can rack up higher and higher scores simply by playing more. 
The other thing I was told is by far the weirdest one I’ve heard. While the previously mentioned useless difficulty options actually do something in Twinkle Star Sprites, what they do is increase the frame rate. The game itself is unaltered, it’s just sped up. I have absolutely no clue how or why this would happen, and I didn’t receive details on how much each option increases it by, but this is apparently a real thing that happens and I kind of can’t believe it.[UPDATE 1/12/17: My source on this has gotten back to me with claims that this does not actually happen. Whether or not it never did or was fixed in a patch is unknown. The difficulty settings currently do nothing. Leaving everything here for transparency.]
With that we’ve gone through all the specific examples I was told about and could find on my own, so that about wraps up the “what” of this whole situation (for now). Now we have to move on to the “why”. Why are these ports so consistently shoddy? Why does a company that positions itself as trying to make sure classic games don’t “get lost” continue to bungle everything in both the most basic and most baffling ways? The answer to that isn’t exactly clear. We could look at the case of DotEmu (legally, don’t start) using Nebula, an emulator last updated in 2007, for their 2015 Neo Geo Humble Bundle releases and question their competency. We could look at stuff like the apparently lacking Heroes of Might and Magic 3 HD release or the fact that their promotional Windjammers PS4 theme contains no actual elements from Windjammers and question their passion. We could look at any number of things and take any number of guesses, but I have a feeling the real reason for all of it is simple: they can get away with it. You can technically play through everything beginning to end, and the amount of people who care about these games to the point of easily noticing and articulating these flaws is minuscule compared to the greater number of players. Major outlets aren’t going to report on the input lag of a specific port of a 17 year old game. Negative Steam reviews complaining about frame drops aren’t going to drown out the people going “just like my child days!” and giving a thumbs up (except in the case of specific franchises where obsessives outnumber nostalgia fiends). The people just coming to these games for the first time aren’t going to have the frame of reference to know something is wrong, for all they can tell the game just normally sounds like that. DotEmu can phone it in because there’s not enough people to get the word out that they’re calling collect.
As for the final question: “where” does all this leave the PlayStation 4 port of Windjammers? Only time will tell. DotEmu has been talking up how they’ve had the French Windjammers community constantly playtesting and giving feedback to make sure they get things right, but then again David Sirlin said the same thing about having pro players help with the development of Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix. It’s just not enough of an assurance to make me overlook the company’s extremely rough track record. I hope they prove me wrong and knock it out of the park. I would love to have an official and fully featured re-release of this game that I love, but I’m not holding my breath. My money’s on it being another in a line of DotEmu botch jobs. For a company supposedly devoted to making sure old games aren’t forgotten, it’s almost ironic that they’ve so consistently helped make sure they’re something even worse: misremembered.
Did I miss something? Get something completely wrong? Do you have something to add about a different game? Let me know! I want to update this article with as much relevant and accurate information as possible! Feel free to get at me on Twitter or send me an email.
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