icarus-star · 4 months
oo guess who likes kissin menn!! 🫵🫵🫵
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greenxgloss · 3 months
Turn Me On (Mike, 5lbs of pressure)
Tags: @romanroyapoligist @nevvdrinksteaa @444rockstargf
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Summary: you caught the eye of a long-haired mike in the club Warnings: Fem!reader, suggestive language, drugs mentioned, smoking, grinding
the music was booming and you could feel the base pulsing in your skin, letting your body move freely. you open your eyes and make eye contact with a man with soft blue eyes and long dark hair. he catches your eye and you point at him as you dance. without having to say anything he walked over to you, the lights seemingly making him stand out in the crowd, moving in slow motion. you didn’t know this but chills ran through his body the moment he saw you. lust in both your eyes.
he slowly approached and you felt your adrenaline spike. soon he was standing in front of you. both of you dancing and moving to the music, grinding onto each other. you felt free and in your element taking in the different smells that woke you up.
you felt like all eyes were on you as the both of you continued to press together. his hands reached for your hips, both your hair flying everywhere. you pulled away and walked over to the bar, the man following watching as you got on the counter.
you began dancing on the counter. him watching you in awe at how liberated you looked, so full of love for life. your skin twinkling from the sweat but still, you smelled of mint and martinis, your hands running over your body.
you didn’t care if people were watching or judging or cheering you just wanted to live in the moment. you pulled him onto the counter with you, pulling his hips against yours, taking him by surprise. “lean back when i do.” you spoke your first words into his ear, sending shivers down his spine. he did as he was told, leaning away from each other while you held your hips together. the song ending and you both let go of each other.
“what’s your name?” you asked into his ear, smelling the weed wafting off him. you knew you were gonna like him. “Mike.” he mouthed. “cool! I’m Y/N.” you said, beginning to dance to the next song. god even her name is intoxicating. “wanna go somewhere a little more quiet?” he asked and you nodded before leading him away from the loud music.
“i’ve never seen you here before.” he said, causing you to laugh. “never in the same place twice babe.” you said, wiping your hair from your face. “got a cigarette?” you asked, pulling a lighter from the hem of your jeans. he nodded. “god you’re so sexy.” he said, handing to one, watching you light it. “not too bad yourself.” you giggled, taking a hit and turning your head to blow the smoke out. “i just love the scene i need to keep moving.” you told him as you handed him the cig. “clearly. but i like it. i wanna be around for it more often if that’s cool with you.” he suggested, the smoke puffing out from his lips. “yeah here’s my number.” you said taking his phone from his pocket, making him jump at the swift motion. you typed in your digits.
you saw him take another hit from the cigarette and you quickly pressed your lips to suck the smoke out, flustering him and running back into the club before letting him react.
he just hoped you gave him a real number and not bogus combinations as he got back into his car and drove off, satisfied with his night at the club.
A/N: quick little thing I wrote. I couldn't choose between the songs oops
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tracybirds · 9 months
"snoozeville" with Alan? (although that's normal for him, so if you're not sure what to do with that, I don't mind if you pick someone else instead)
Thank you for the prompt and for your patience :D Alas, Alan's pov for this one wasn't quite working, but I hope you enjoy this alternative :) (now off to snoozeville myself!)
snoozeville: [character] falls asleep somewhere that isn’t their bed.
Scott groaned, shoving away the reconnaissance reports as he scrubbed at his eyes. The dim light of the tablets formed an oasis in the inky dark and the villa was silent but for the faint crash of waves against the cliff. The night was clear and calm and he padded over to the windows to gaze out at the rippling reflection of the moon above. The stars twinkled as he picked out constellations, the instinct from his scouting days as present as ever. He winced as he spied Orion in the east, its steady rise enough to tell him how late the hour had become.
He yawned, turning off the tablet screen and making his way up to his room by the light of his communicator.
The habit of checking in on his family hadn’t always been as compulsive as it was now, but Scott didn’t think it did him any harm. It was needless reassurance perhaps, but at each door as he listened to soft breathing and the murmurs of dreams, he could feel his own heartbeat starting to slow.
Gordon’s room was closest to the lounge, with John’s opposite, to compensate for their sunrise and nocturnal activities respectively, so as not to disrupt the heavier sleeper in the family.
Scott nudged the door open, suppressing a smile to see Gordon sprawled across the bed and hugging a pillow with one arm. The aquarium light through the water gave the room an eerie glow like a underwater grotto. This was as silent and still as Scott ever saw his brother and he took a moment to enjoy the peace.
He backed out of the room quietly and turned to John’s room. He laid a hand on the solid oak door to ground himself, knowing John wasn’t there and resisting the urge to check all the same. A small part of Scott felt guilty not including him in the nightly ritual even when he was absent, but John loathed any perceived invasion of his privacy and it wasn’t worth the inevitable argument when EOS tattled on him. So he compromised, hand on the door, and called up Thunderbird Five.
“You’re late tonight,” observed EOS. “He’s already asleep.”
Scott grimaced, remembering the long, arduous evening he’d left behind.
“Tell him I’m sorry,” whispered Scott. “I lost track of time.”
“He worries.”
“Ditto, then.”
EOS said nothing and Scott sighed.
“I’ll catch him tomorrow, I promise. He’s really sleeping?”
“Three hours and seventeen minutes. He has entered his third sleep cycle tonight.”
“Good,” said Scott softly. “He needs it.”
“So do you, Scott Tracy.”
“Goodnight, EOS.”
He shut down the call without waiting for a response.
Alan’s room was dim and dark, carved into the side of the mountain with no natural light except from that which was funnelled down through the rocks as a skylight. These provided a link to the outside world, the sky and stars that he loved, and a much needed release from his endless video games.
Scott peeked in, hardly noticing the empty bed. It has been a long time since he’d given up on wrestling his youngest brother into bed each night and Alan genuinely seemed to prefer the floor. Scott wrinkled his nose at the musty smell, making a mental note to ask Alan to do a spring clean of the place. There was no sound, not even Alan’s usual quiet snuffling, and Scott frowned, stepping forward into the room fully.
“Allie?” he called softly, picking his way across the floor where gaming gear lay abandoned and dirty clothes were strewn wildly. The moonlight shone through the skylights, illuminating the empty space where Alan normally slept.
Scott swore to himself, his heart rate spiking as he hurried into Virgil’s room.
“Virgil,” he hissed, “Virgil, wake up.”
“Whaa-?” mumbled his brother, one hand already groping for his comm as he struggled upright. “Is there an emergency?”
“Alan’s gone,” said Scott. “He’s not in his room.”
Virgil blinked blearily at Scott.
“Oh,” he said. “Alan’s in your bed.”
Scott froze.
“He’s what?”
“Yeah, I guess he wasn’t feeling well.”
“Why didn’t he tell me?”
Virgil shrugged. “You looked busy. Don’t worry I took a look at him. Just needs rest now.”
Scott felt the words slice into him, although he knew Virgil was merely stating fact, not placing blame.
“Thanks, Virg,” he said, swallowing down the guilt that stuck in his throat. “Get some sleep, I’ll look after him.”
Virgil grunted, asleep again before his head touched the pillow and snoring lightly as Scott turned out the light.
He crept towards his own room, not bothering to turn on the lights. Everything was organised with military precision. The only anomaly was Alan, and Scott felt carefully for him before climbing into bed.
Alan stirred beside him, curling into Scott’s chest as he wrapped him in a gentle hug.
“Hey, sprout,” said Scott. “Not feeling so good, huh?”
Alan shook his head silently.
“What type of hurt are we dealing with?”
“Throat,” whispered Alan. “Head. Everywhere.”
Scott held him close, humming as he thought.
“Virgil said he gave you something? When was that?”
Alan shrugged.
“I can get you something else,” began Scott, but Alan shook his head once more.
“Please,” he croaked. “Just stay. And sleep.”
Scott thought he could do that.
[feel free to send me a prompt plus a character!]
(yes I still have a fair few to write but they're so fun!!)
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endlich-allein · 1 year
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Schneider at the Metal Hammer Awards in Berlin, 18-09-2015 © Anita Bugge
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misakolove · 9 months
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AAA🌈❤18th Anniversary 🌈❤(07/07)
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blueisblurnow1593 · 7 months
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Diwali , Dilli ki thand aur Alistonia ke phoolo ki mehak, mujhe ek aise Khyaal me le jaati hai jisme doob jana to behad aasan rehta hai per usse Ubhar pana bada hee mushkil hota hai, baat yeh bhi to hai ki kaii yaadain aisee hoti hain jinse khud man nahi kerta ki ubhra jaaye.
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🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 England ✒ Monday, 26 October 2015
As part of their On The Road Again-tour the boys play in Newcastle
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🙏 -> umthatsliam
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orion3sta · 1 year
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2023/03/19 中庭の啓翁桜も満開🌸 こたろうとの散歩中、白木蓮や田んぼにはピンク色の踊り子草が乱舞して春爛漫の装い‥‥‥ 午後からの公民館での決算報告も無事に終えて、純米大吟醸あさ開で乾杯し、3/20の観光案内ボランティアガイドの会議用資料として、2023年版の観光案内地図に追加修正し、ネット大手印刷会社のプリントパックで1,000部の印刷を手配したので、三月末に新たな地図が届く予定! #iPhone日記 #屋敷内の花木 #啓翁桜 #満開 #白木蓮 #踊り子草 #田んぼ #こたろう🐶❤︎ #りりぃ農園 #焚き火ストーンサークル #看板屋たけちゃん #純米大吟醸あさ開 #2015年版観光案内地図 https://www.instagram.com/p/CqDbshYSZwQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 5 months
The Good Omens Musical Masterpost🎵❤
How it started :)
Some time before 2013: Vicki Larnach, the australian composer and lyricist, read the Good Omens book, imagined figures dancing on stage with brilliant music and thought, ‘Ah, I’m gonna ask Terry Pratchet and Neil Gaiman if I can turn it into a musical.’ and sent an email to the publishers. The next day she got an email saying, ‘We don’t want a musical but Terry’s coming to Australia, so come and say hello and tell us what you got.’
Rob Wilkins came down to meet Vicki and Jim Hare - Vicki's husband and writer - and took them to meet Terry. They spent an hour and a half with them where Terry asked ‘piercing questions’, had tea with them and they showed Terry a song that Vicki wrote (about the Chattering Nuns). Terry said to Rob, ‘Rob, write and email to Neil, “Dear Neil, this is Terry. I’m sitting in front of two hippies from Sydney and they want to make a musical out of Good Omens and I’m tempted to let them do it.”’ which was the best email they ever heard and then Terry said, ‘Okay, you have me curious.’ - it was because of the Nuns song which sounded like the book. ‘I’m gonna give you six months, come back with a first draft libretto and five songs.’
They then sent it to Terry who sent it to Neil. Terry said, ‘I really like it, you’re moving story, you’re doing all the right things, but where’s showstopper, where’s the toe-tapper, you know I need people to go to intermission just snapping their fingers with the song they just can’t get out of their head, and I haven’t heard that.’ - and they realized that they were so busy serving the story they forgot to do the wow-factor, but found it very encouraging from Terry that he wanted to make it better.
They went through the whole book again to find a centrepiece - and they found it  when Warlock is growing up and Aziraphale and Crowley are with him, and spent months working just on that one thing and called ‘All Living Things’ [the song at the start of this post :)] which is a line from the book.*’ Terry gave that song to a person he knew and asked him to play it to his wife with no context and when the next day the person said that his wife woke up still singing the song Terry said to Vicki and Jim: ‘Well, that’s what I asked you to do.’ 
* [“This here’s Brother Slug,” the gardener would tell him, “and this tiny little critter is Sister Potato Weevil. Remember, Warlock, as you walk your way through the highways and byways of life’s rich and fulsome path, to have love and reverence for all living things.” “Nanny says that wivving fings is fit onwy to be gwound under my heels, Mr. Fwancis,” said little Warlock, stroking Brother Slug, and then wiping his hand conscientiously on his Kermit the Frog overall.]
Vicki and Jim got the permission to being adapting it as a musical in 2013.
Vicki and Jim on it a couple of years ‘fumbling about’, took it as far as they could and decided to bring another person into it: Jay-James Moody
In 2015, Jay James-Moody joined the collaboration initially as a dramaturge and directorial eye, eventually evolving into co-book writer. Vicki, James and Jay have continued to evolve through countless more revisions and a number of private development readings with the support, time and talent of numerous wonderful Australian performers testing the material.
In November 2017, the musical was presented in its then-current form and entirety for the first time before an audience of over 500 eager attendees. The cast included Luke Joslin, Lachlan O’Brien, Nancye Hayes, Barry Quin, Brett O’Neill, Lauren McKenna, Nicholas Craddock, Paul Capsis, Rob Johnson, Amy Lehpamer, Debora Krizak, Blake Erickson, Nat Jobe, Ana Maria Belo, Jordan Hare, Bella Thomas, Anthony Abrakmanov and Samson Hyland.
Following a rapturous response to this reading it continued to be refined and developed.
In 2019, ten days before the show came out they did their last presentation, since then they’ve been to London and shown a videotape of that workshop to Neil and Rob which was ‘a pretty heartstopping experience’ but both Neil and Rob were ‘so lovely and very generous with their time’ and they were showing it to them and in the intermission Neil said ‘I wish Terry could have seen this.’ (see here :))
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Differences between the musical and the book
The ending of the musical is a bit different, they were worried about it but Neil said, ‘I totally understand, the ending of the TV series is different, because I had something that was book-shaped and I needed to make it TV-shaped. And you had something that was book-shaped and you needed to make it stage-shaped.’
It opens with the burning of Agnes Nutter and Aziraphale and Crowley are introduced there. 
Act One ends with them ‘essentially breaking up’ because of a huge argument and they dissolve their friendship, Act Two starts with the first time they meet.
The Future?
What is the future for the musical: in 2021 they said that they need to work on some things and then they hope to do another run, initially in Australia.
There will be a CD of the soundtrack available when the show is produced in it’s full version.
Vicki, Jim and Jay talking 46min about the musical (this video was shown at the Ineffable Con 3 in 2021 :))
Sizzle Reel 6min
Anathema singing The Perfect Place
Crowley calling Dagon to check on the hellhound
Shadwell and Newt
Aziraphale vanishing Hastur 👀
Instagram - a lot of more bts videos and pics :)
How to support?
Subsribe to the instagram page and like and comment that you want the musical on posts :)❤. If you want to be a sponsor or donor, there is contact on their webpage.
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perfectbutterflythin · 8 months
1. To the Bone/Aż do kości 2017
2. Thinspiration/Moja przyjaciółka Ana 2014
3. Thin/Szczupłe 2006
4. For the Love of Nancy/Z miłości do Nancy 1994
5. Maledimiele 2010
7. Feed 2017
10. My Skinny Sister/Moja chuda siostra 2015
11. Przerwana lekcja Myzyki 1999
Rebloguj jesli możesz<3
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icarus-star · 7 months
save a horse
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tracybirds · 9 months
Could you do Gordon with speechless?
I can!!! I got a little stuck last night because I wanted to sprinkle in a bit of humour for the sunshine boy, so I hope I pulled it off okay!! Thank youuuu this was a lot of fun to write :D
“It’s quiet today,” said Alan, putting down his game.
Kayo shrugged, idly flipping the pages of her magazine. “Scott and Virgil took Grandma to the mainland, remember?”
“Yeah,” said Alan. “But even so… where’s Gordon?”
“Is he not downstairs? I thought he said yesterday that he’d make cupcakes for Brains’ birthday if we didn’t get any callouts?”
Alan reached out and tapped the comm.
“Gordon? You around?”
There was no answer.
He tried again.
Without a word, Alan leapt up and hurried down the stairs.
“He’s not here,” he called back to Kayo, his voice floating up from the room below.
“Then leave him alone, he’s probably busy.”
“But Kayo, all the baking stuff is out.”
Kayo sat up, trying to quell the small voice inside her that helpfully supplied all the possible ways Gordon could be whisked away from the island without her notice.
She ran swiftly to join Alan, opening a line to John as she went.
“John, can you run a bioscan? Gordon’s fallen off our radar.”
“Working,” said John instantly. “Did you try ping him already?”
“Alan got no response,” Kayo confirmed. “And he’s not likely to ignore it for a laugh after the last time.”
“Life signs in the hangar and in the medbay.”
“No prizes for guessing who is who,” muttered Kayo. “And there’s no other signs of life?”
“Not human at least.”
“You don’t think that’s a little paranoid?” asked Alan.
“No,” they said together.
“Hurry up,” called Kayo as John flickered out of view. “Medbay means Gordon’s hiding something; let’s just hope he didn’t cut anything off.”
“I’m fine,” protested Gordon, his voice drawn up out of his throat like a holey straw. “It’s just a little scrape in my throat and I needed to restock the lozenges in my bathroom.”
Kayo folded her arms in front of her chest, staring him down.
“Kayo, I swear,” he croaked. “Do not tell Virgil.”
Alan snorted.
“She wouldn’t have to if there was nothing to tell.”
Gordon opened his mouth to argue, but little more than a hoarse wheeze escaped him.
Kayo cocked her head. “Sorry, Gordon, what was that?”
A frustrated whine was the only response.
“That sounded like he thinks you should talk to Virgil,” said Alan, smiling brightly and dodging the half-hearted swipe at his shoulder. “Maybe even Grandma!”
Gordon glared, unable to respond.
“Not. Funny.” he mouthed.
“Sorry, Gordon, you have to speak up,” said Kayo, trying to hold in her own laughter. “We can’t hear you.”
“Maybe you need hearing aids? That’s more likely than Gordon losing his voice, don’t you think?”
Gordon slammed his hand on the table and pointed emphatically at Alan.
Gordon pointed again, nodding furiously.
“Okay then, I’m what?”
Gordon flipped him off, glaring as they both laughed even harder.
A loud beep cut through the levity as Kayo’s comm sounded.
“I assume you found him?” asked John drily. “All in one piece?”
“John, they’re being mean,” said Gordon, straining to form even a whisper.
“What? What was that? Kayo did you say something? My receiver needs a wire realigned or something, you’re very quiet.”
Alan hooted and danced out of reach and Gordon tried to tackle him in response.
“Gordon’s a little tongue-tied at the moment, John,” said Kayo, still grinning. “He tried to be stubborn and I’d say that backfired spectacularly, wouldn’t you agree, Alan?”
“Absolutely,” said Alan. “What are you always saying, Gords? The joke’s in the timing?”
Gordon glared.
“So’s the revenge.”
[feel free to send me a prompt plus a character!]
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giraisol · 5 months
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⋰˚ *.゚ ♪ ❤︎ ⢜ ✦ ✧ ˚⁎⁺˳ . ❀ ͙ ⁺⁎˚⋰˚ ♬
seasons die one after another (2015)
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misakolove · 2 years
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AAA🌈❤17th Anniversary 🌈❤ॱ(04/07)
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yourmaidsp · 4 months
Heyy :) I love your illustrations, they're really cool! I'm impressed of how well you can use colors. Could you maybe draw style? Doesn't have to be as a couple, u could also draw them as bros ^^
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did u say style?????!???
say no more pal, I've been shipping them since like 10 years ago, and thanks for the request I've got the inspo to do tsot style first time within 9 years!
(some proof from that one time in 2015 I went to a comic con with full tsot cosplay with my friend, I made the props myself ( very amateur, but its the first time so(x
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And thanks for liking my works!!!!❤ ✨✨ truly appreciate it!!! I like your art as well~ looking forward to seeing more of them🥺✨✨
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🇮🇪 Ireland ✒ Saturday, 17 October 2015
With their On The Road Again-tour the boys are still in Ireland as they play for the second night at the 3Arena in Dublin
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🙏 -> liamotra
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🙏 -> justharried
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