#2020 fanfic challenge
my-name-is-bunnyfoxy · 11 months
POV: You want to join an art challenge for August regarding TMNT but the person hosting it is someone who wrote a Mikey gets adopted by the Rise turtles and you also fear that you doing it would come off as you supporting the creator meaning you support their fanfic that doesn't give any respect to 2012 and makes Mikey look like a damn crybaby and also for some reason calls him Casper and not to mention this person supports Unfamiliar Familiar
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owlsie-hoot · 3 months
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Part of the ACGAS spring fever challenge
Mrs Pumphrey hosts a ball for the war effort and of course Audrey is invited to it and this time she really wants to go. But then an injury ruins all plans. Or does it?
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below-average-fangirl · 4 months
Chapters: 5/?
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Additional Tags: Lust, Love Confessions, Idiots in Love, Fluff and Smut, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Eventual Smut, Romance
Summary: For the Spring fever challenge - writing prompt, Mud.
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muffins-lime-dragon · 2 years
My attempt at the All Creatures Great and Small Christmas challenge
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TROPED: 2020!
Here is a list of all the TROPED Events in 2020! Click on the links below to go directly to the events’ posts, and find all the rules, asks, masterlists, and moodboards submitted during each event in the links below.
TROPED 2019 Events!
Check out all the previous events from the year before. You will find all the rules, asks, masterlists, and moodboards submitted during each event in the link above.
Chopped: Choose Your Own Adventure
In this version of TROPED, you make all the big decisions! What theme you want and what four tropes you choose are entirely up to you (though, you do have to choose off our list that we provide... sorry lol)! Choose a theme and four tropes from our list and write us the fic of your dreams!
Chopped Madness 1.0
Anonymous writers going head to head for the title of CHOPPED! CHAMPION!! Think March Madness, but with fanfic!!
Chopped Choice: Smut
Chopped Choice was such an awesome event, so we've come up with a few variations on the concept, and we'd like to start it off with Chopped: After the Kitchens Close, a Chopped Smut event!! This event is the same as Chopped Choice! You pick the theme, you pick the tropes, and write us the fic of your dreams, except, this time, make it smutty!!
Chopped 3.0
The Chopped Challenge will follow the same structure as the two previous rounds of Chopped, with three (3) qualifying rounds open to anyone and one (1) championship round. The first three rounds will each have a theme, and a ‘mystery basket’ of four (4) tropes pulled from our trope list!
Chopped: Choice Horror 1.0
The FIRST annual choose your own horror fic event! Spooky, scary, slasher fics, ghost stories, fall feels, you name it, we wanna see it!
TROPED: Holiday Trope Exchange 2.0
Welcome to our SECOND Chopped: Holiday Trope Exchange fic swap! If you're joining us for the first time this year, this is a double blind gift exchange for The 100 fandom where the recipient selects four tropes from our list, and their writer creates a fic with those four tropes fitting out holiday theme!
The TROPED Events Masterlist | All the Tropes!
You can find all the fics that have been written for past TROPED events in our Master AO3 Collection! And you can find all the definitions and guidelines for each event in our All the Tropes! post.
Since the rules for our challenges are all pretty much the same, we’ve created a rules masterpost! Any changes, additions, or event specific rules will be shared when the event occurs, and we will link the rules for all our events!
Check out our carrd for more social links and challenge info: https://troped.carrd.co/
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glitchlight · 3 days
actually to expand on that last post is there truly any more dire state of a genre than western traditional fantasy now.
the top end is dominated by genre tentpoles nobody likes anymore, all of which are stealing the same five ideas (four of them racist) from one another constantly. Amazon blew a billion dollars on a lotr show nobody watched -- WHILE ALSO making a wheel of time show for millions itself and ALSO nobody talks about it. Bioware's probably gonna be dead if DA4 flops; Bethesda might well be dead before even getting a chance to make TES6. DnD is even more of a cultural juggernaut than it ever has been even as everyone hates it more with each passing day. Hasbro needs a billion dollars man. Hasbro needs MONEY. And everywhere else we're stuck in the prequel timeloop of endless nostalgia recursion.
The base of the genre, long dominated by a litany of endless hacks and enthusiastic nobodies has been supplanted by a new generation of neophytes and the 2020s hack, cranking out interminable webnovels emulating anime and light novels or else hopping on new genre trends inspired by anime and light novels like isekai and/or litrpg. There's an entire subgenre that's just " boring Dungeon Keeper letsplays."
The most interesting thing to happen in western fantasy in years is the development of cozy fantasy, the least emotionally challenging genre experiment ever and one which is as creatively bankrupt as it is wildly successful. Just slap a found family sticker and a token queer romance on a small business in a fantasy world and you've got yourself a cozy fantasy. And when those writers truly try branching into fiction when they can't lean on cliche and fanfic formula they write something like rebecca thorn's This Gilded Abyss, a Bioshock rip off so poorly plotted the middle portion of the book becomes literally incoherent.
Genre's fucked man.
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copperbadge · 1 month
I was making breakfast and listening to an episode of Just King Things this morning, which is a podcast I do recommend -- two very smart English teachers are reading the books of Stephen King in publication order and discussing them. This could go extremely awry except they're both highly conscious of his failings as well as his skill, so they do really well handling a lot of his less salutatory content.
They've hit the point in King's ouvre (this episode was about Hearts In Atlantis) that follows his recovery from the car accident that very nearly killed him, where he was struck by a van while out walking. One of them pointed out that it seems as though he came back from nearly dying determined to write the wildest shit imaginable and only write what he wanted, which struck a chord in me this time despite having listened to this episode before. Perhaps because I was thinking about my own writing and where it's going in the short term (there are a couple of short stories I want to do that I don't quite have a way into yet). I generally don't think about the drift of my creativity in the long term because when I do I usually draw the wrong conclusions.
I don't really classify my life, the way some people who've had high-impact injuries do, as before-TBI and after-TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury -- the fairly severe concussion I had in January of 2020). For one thing, given I had to cancel a trip to NYC because of it, it may have saved my life; I almost certainly would have caught COVID as someone with known lung issues in New York at the time. For another, the TBI was way scarier to almost everyone else; for me it was just one more dumb injury I gave myself and I didn't even remember most of it so it hardly registered. I used to open the story of it with a joke about waking up not remembering going to bed the night before, but nobody ever found it funny.
It's true that there are changes it wrought in my life, though. Even practical stuff like making sure my living space doesn't have tripping hazards and continuing to wear a fitbit even though I don't really need to (the fitbit told us, the morning after, exactly when the concussion happened, because it registered a heart-rate spike when I fell). For weeks after, I had to move slowly and put off making important decisions because I couldn't trust my physical or intellectual judgement; I didn't even jaywalk in my own neighborhood because I couldn't be sure I was judging the cars' speeds properly. For about a year after I had periodic post-concussion syndrome which basically just slammed me back into concussion space, which wasn't painful or upsetting but was definitely inconvenient.
And it's also undeniable that my writing shifted after the injury. It's not necessarily because of the injury, since my initial recovery from the TBI and the declaration of quarantine happened at roughly the same time, and anyone who tells you that a years-long global pandemic didn't impact their artistic expression is selling you a line. But the last thing I wrote before the TBI was the first draft of Six Harvests, and aside from the Six Harvests publication draft, which had fairly minimal changes, almost all that I've written has been blue-sky, light-hearted, PG-rated romance. It's been on my mind that I've been writing different subject matter from what I used to, but the timing of it didn't strike me until just recently.
I don't mind, really. I love fandom and I support fanfic in whatever expression it comes, but I'm also happy writing my own stories. While I'm aware it's been years since I've meaningfully written fanfic, it doesn't bother me per se, as long as I'm writing. It bothered me much more when I could write fanfic but not original fic, especially in those last few awful months at my last job. I'm proud of the literary and non-genre fiction I've written in the past, but it's also much more trying and frustrating to write at times, so I'm enjoying having a different sort of challenge that feels more fulfilling in the process. I'm sure at some point I'll go back to literary fiction -- there are ways in which it's hard to avoid turning the later Shivadh novels into literary fiction, being honest -- but for now I like what I'm writing, and I'm writing primarily to please myself and without regard to what's necessarily rational or linear.
Just struck me, is all, that it's by far the most noticeable major shift in my work. I do sort of wonder what will be next.
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espresseo-cafe · 7 months
life is still beautiful | johnny | ch.1
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genre: cappucino, romance, angst, university!au, dad!au, drama, slice of life
pairing: collegestudent!johnny x fem!reader
bean count: 4k
a/n: i’m so excited to be sharing this with you! it has been in the works since 2020 on and off and omg i can finally post this fanfic. this whole series has mentions of characters from different groups other than nct- red velvet, dreamcatcher, seventeen, sf9, etc to avoid confusion with people of the same name! note: this is only a work of fiction, it doesn’t reflect the artists’ personalities in any way.
growing up, the continuous tingling feeling whenever you see your parents arguing at the end of your hallway always broke your heart. the raised voices, objects getting thrown around, and the banging of slammed doors against the doorframe deafened your ears. you remembered you had to knock on every single apartment on the floor; same, above, and below- to apologise the nuisance your parents caused. some with good hearts would understand out of pity for you, others would provoke to kick your family out of the building. so far, you’ve made it to several years without any notice from the landlord.
with that background, there weren’t any doubts that it affected the way you perceive everything in life. silence overpowered the joyous you like a large coat, it has been that way. the younger you wouldn’t understand the clash of your parents. the younger you wouldn’t know the problems they had. most importantly though, the younger you wouldn’t receive any love or support from them at all.
it was like you never existed.
as you hit the eighteenth mark, you’ve made the bold but practical decision to move out. the toxicity they emitted were too much for you to handle. with every penny or dime you’ve been saving everyday since you were twelve and some extra cash from various part time jobs since you were sixteen, you had your small carry on luggage packed and left first thing in the morning one summer. a dilemma kind of held you back whether to leave a note for your mom and dad, only deciding not to and tell them not to find you.
if there was anything you were blessed with even if you were put in a dire situation of a broken home, you had to pat yourself at the back for never failing your grades. just average and sometimes in the honorable mention’s list. thanks to that, you’ve secured a place at a university far from your family home.
and of course, choosing a location far off was more than intentional.
the first few months were a challenge, the surroundings took you sometime to familiarise. adjustment was never an issue though, running away from home was worth the change. as you expected, your parents didn’t bother to look for their only daughter. scoffing at the past, you realised it had almost been three years since you left.
making friends was easy too, to your surprise. known as the loner and depressed type in high school, you tried to change yourself a bit and managed to befriend a new crowd of people. of course, you were discerning on people who are worth to befriend, not the ones who’d waste your time. one of them being kim yoohyeon, who’s now your best friend and roommate.
“y/n, i’m going out to the store, want anything?” she asked while putting on a cardigan.
you hummed and rolled your eyes playfully, “hm, two packs of ramyeon and chips. you’re paying alright?” she threw a crumpled ball of tissue at you, gasping at the very direct response. “what? it’s two in the morning and i’m helping you pull an all-nighter for your fashion thesis due in two months and a half. i deserve a treat. be thankful i don’t have class tomorrow and that my part-time’s in the afternoon.”
“okay fine.” she dramatically slouched her shoulders down, “be back in a jiffy bub!”
as the door closed, you sighed and stretched your almost numbed body. yoohyeon’s project was half done, just needed a little more tweaking and you could say hello to a convenience store feast.
yoohyeon was the first person you met at orientation, she seemed to extract innocence at first glance. though as you got to know her, she was a meme in real life who possessed extreme talent in singing. you and her clicked, she had problems in her home but they were immediately managed. so she was all smiles from ear to ear. it was something you were envious of; to have a healthy relationship with parents, however, it wasn’t working with you at all.
sometimes you wondered how it felt like, to have someone love you like family. your aunts or uncles would message you to check on you, and whenever they brought your parents up, you shoved down the topic back to its grave. it’s dead conversation anyway. the latest update you heard from them was two years ago. they still lived in the same damned roof where they argued a lot, you wondered why they were still stuck to each other like glue. the only difference was that your dad worked the night shift while your mom on the mornings. so they probably never see each other eye to eye.
when they did though, all hell broke loose.
you were brushed off your thoughts when yoohyeon opened the door, “okay, here’s your food, time to pig out!”
“finally, i’m starving.” you had the hot water boiling before she arrived, immediately putting the ramyeon in the pot.
“so,” she started, opening a bag of potato chips.
“when are you planning to date? it’s been theee years since uni started and i’ve never seen you on dates before.”
you pressed your lips into a thin line, “not right now.”
“why not? you’re pretty, you can cook; you’re even taking an early childhood education course, specifically in special education.” she plopped one into her mouth and chewed shamelessly, “i bet you’re good with kids too.”
“so apparently that makes me an ideal girl?”
“an ideal girl worth to have!” she exclaimed, later reaching for your unlocked phone. “guess what, download this app and go have some fun.”
“if that’s tinder you’re planning on brainwashing me with, i’m not interested.” you joked, mixing the sauce and toppings with the now cooked noodles.
“you never know, it might work.” she singsonged.
you sighed, yoohyeon has been pushing you to date because she felt like you were like a hermit, always stuck in your own shell and would only go out if needed to. not that you were interested, you just wanted to get school done and make a stable living. love will come anyway.
she clicked on the app store and downloaded a trendy app named ‘love click’. “it’s an app solely made for university students within the state. kinda like tinder but you play anonymous with a made up nickname, no one will know how you look like.”
you raised a brow. “that’s dangerous than tinder, y’know?”
“this is different, they can detect fake accounts and do a facial recognition. anyway, once you put your actual photo and real age, it will automatically pair you with others similiar with yours; interests, and hobbies. then it will change your face to a random avatar if ever you do a video call.” she tapped away. “that’s how i met hwang minhyun.”
“eh, i still think it’s risky. besides, you just got lucky. you scored a hottie.” you slurped on the noodles. “i could never.”
“just try, you could always quit and they’ll never find you. and who knows? you might even receive the whole package.”
you sighed, “okay fine. i’ll do it just once, for you alright?” you finished the rest and threw the excess soup away. “i’m not doing any after that.”
“cool! all your details are in here already. let me know if someone messages you.” she gave you a playful wink before working on her project once again.
johnny stretched his limbs after a quick power nap, he haven’t had enough rest since he was on the clock 24/7. he turned to his side to check the time, sighing a relief when it was only 3pm. as if it was waiting for him to be awake, a text message from his mom appeared on the screen.
[ mom] : “don’t forget to eat, my dear john. you’ve got two mouths to feed ❤️”
johnny smiled at his mom’s reminder, he was relieved that the messages were reduced to a low, knowing how protective she was.
a loud thud on the floor made johnny stand on his feet and rush to the door next to his. his worried demeanor soon changed to a soft one when he saw a little smile beamed at him from the ground.
“youngmin-ah, what’re you doing on the floor? did you hurt yourself?”
the child just giggled, softening johnny’s heart every single he did so.
he remembered the night when the almost two year old came into his life. it was a rough beginning, but he managed himself and was proud how he actually did while still in school.
his friends were in full support of this unexpected scenario and would take turns in looking after the child while he worked the night shifts at a café. like any other people, his friends were in doubt at his decision of bringing him to lectures.
johnny again proved them wrong.
what surprised them wasn’t how the baby managed to be quiet in all of the classes, but how johnny effortlessly handled him if ever a fuss was made. kun recalled that in one of their exams in biology major, johnny had the baby cradled in one arm as the other wrote the quiz. the professor wanted to hold the baby boy while johnny did the exam, but young man refused to, saying that he could handle it. he wouldn’t want the baby crying in a stranger’s hold while everyone was so stressed for the exams. adding that the baby’s wails would be a distraction.
he became viral at the university page when a photo of him feeding youngmin a bottle of milk, that certain scenario made girls want him as a husband. sometimes they would stop by to say hello to him and the child.
“dada.” johnny smiled at title, the little toddler fiddling the bottle in his hand while his feet stretched up.
“seems like you’re alright.” he poked his nose, earning a giggle from the two year old. “i still have to check any injuries. say youngmin, your birthday’s coming up soon. what would you like?”
youngmin hummed, as if he understood the question clearly.
johnny was caught off guard that he tickled the little toddler as he smiled. “buddy, you already have a mama though.” his phone dinged, indicating an incoming text message. “speaking of her, she just texted me.”
[ kim minji ]: sorry babe, couldn’t make it tonight for dinner. i got singing rehearsals.
[ johnny ]: it’s cool. how about tomorrow?
[ kim minji ]: i’ll see first, pretty busy.
he put his phone back into his pocket, sighing at the same excuse his girlfriend gave. he didn’t want to overthink but it had been like this for a while, he wondered if she had fallen out of love. shaking his head, he shrugged off the thought to the back of his mind.
youngmin turned his full body to the side before standing and climbed onto johnny’s kneeled figure, the bottle still in between his baby teeth. “mama, where?”
“she’s not coming home tonight. maybe some other time.” he ruffled youngmin’s soft hair, eyes closing due to exhaustion. but then the little toddler smiled and patted his cheek and johnny wrapped his arms around the little frame. “come on, let’s get you dinner, we’re having your favourite!”
“lasagna!” youngmin put arms up, and johnny could melt anytime.
“hey you said it perfectly this time! well done my so-“ he paused as his phone dinged, a snapchat notification from taeyong appeared on the screen. making the toddler tilt his head to why the young man stopped mid-sentence. “let’s go to wash your hands alright?”
while youngmin nodded then hopped away towards the bathroom, swiping to unlock his phone, a snap video that his said friend sent made his eyebrows meet in an ugly mood.
[ taeyongss ]: bro is that jiu? your mj?
it was his girlfriend giving a lap dance to someone he couldn’t seem to recognise due to the flashing lights, she was enjoying it and the shocking thing was, she wasn’t drunk at all.
kim minji, his girlfriend since senior high, had a few names labeled on her. one of them was jiu (pronounced as ji-yoo) a nickname everyone called her in school, being one of the main solos for the choir.
some of the juniors called her a pink princess because of her obsession with the said colour. owning almost everything in it.
and mj was a form of endearment that only johnny used. his expression changed from a smile to a frown, throwing his phone on the bed that it bounced off and landed on the ground; earning his phone a crack on the screen.
“dada?” youngmin peeked through the bedroom door. now it was him to hear the thudding sound. “happen?”
johnny jumped a little seeing the child standing by the door with a towel in his hands. “my phone fell. come on, let’s eat.”
lasagna was a favourite dish youngmin adored eversince he brought him to an italian restaurant. meatballs were a favourite too, but something about lasagna topped it. as youngmin was busy making his hands dirty, johnny called his mom at this hour, she was probably home by now.
“ah my love johnny! i’m glad you called, what is it?” her voice still bright and lively.
“um, i was wondering if i could drop youngmin off tonight?” he played with the fork. “taeyong messaged me and i think i need to have a drink and hang out for a bit.”
his mom’s soft laughter brought relief to his ears, “oh sure my dear, your dad and i could need some company. it’s been quiet around here since you’ve grown.”
johnny smiled at the reply, “great, we’ll be there in ten.”
“see you later.” she singsonged.
after dropping youngmin off, he made his way to the bar where his girlfriend was. everyone who met johnny knew that he could be reckless when someone crossed over the line, who knows what scene he’d make tonight?
“johnny.” taeyong called out after seeing him enter the bar, johnny walking towards the bar where his friend was stationed at. “please don’t make a scene. my boss let you off the hook the last time you broke loose.”
johnny’s eyes scanned the area, looking for mj before looking at back at taeyong. “don’t worry. i won’t. this johnny won’t do anything.”
“better keep your word. she’s by the corner over there.” taeyong pointed with his head, “she’s been here for the past three months. good thing i’m the only one from campus who has seen her. if anyone else did she’d lose her solo spot at the choir. so called ‘angel’, huh? no offense.”
“none taken, but thanks bro. see you later at the dorms.” johnny said, then he walked through partygoers, the blasting music was deafening so much he hated it.
“i know right? he’s such a sweetheart.” mj said to her friend as she patted the guy’s shoulder who she danced with earlier. “i’d love to-“
“mj.” johnny’s cold voice rung in her ears, sending shivers to her spine. what is he doing here? “i’m guessing rehearsals ended early or it never existed.”
“babe i-“
“ey johnny suh!” the guy seated next to her greeted him drunkenly, the more he looked closer in the dimmed light, his blood boiled. “haven’t seen you since you had a baby! minji has been great to me recently.”
it was his high school rival, takuya terada.
“we’ll catch up soon won’t we?” johnny said sarcastically. takuya wouldn’t know anyway, his vision probably already blurry to even comprehend a straight conversation. he looked at minji, who averted her gaze towards him as she rolled her eyes. “we need to talk, outside.”
he took her by the wrist and he didn’t care if he was hurting her. she hurt him first; for a while now actually. he just had to put up a front before he vent out when they exited the bar.
“what the hell, minji.” he threw his grip away, minji holding her wrist and tsk-ed at the attitude. “is that why you’ve been missing out lately? you were cheating on me with takuya?”
“missing out? johnny you’ve been missing out too!” she raised her voice, “i don’t know if you have noticed but it’s been straining on the both of us recently!”
“so your solution was to hang out with another guy when you could’ve voiced out to me about your feelings? mj, we’ve talked about this!” he wiped his face frustatingly. “i don’t think-“
“i don’t love you anymore, john.” she said blankly, her face didn’t emit any pain she felt, it was like she wanted it out there. “that’s why i’ve been ‘missing out’.”
“you don’t.. love me anymore?” johnny stood in shock, his voice shaking a little.
“i fell out of love. i’m sorry.. i’ve been planning to tell you but i couldn’t.” she hugged her arms. “i didn’t want to hurt you.”
“my gut feeling told me there was something up. i was hurt just thinking about it. i don’t know but somehow i knew it all along that you were out of it. i didn’t bring it up because i held onto hope and believed my guts were lying that you cheated on me.” he said, his hands rested on his hip. “turns out i was right.”
“i’m sorry.”
“save it. i’m not hurt at all. maybe i just had to come here to confirm if it were true. you can live with that guilt that you’ve broken me already before you even said anything. i’ll raise youngmin myself. we’re done.”
johnny walked away while the cold wind sliced through his cheeks. usually in a breakup, one would break down. him and minji dated since high school, and there were on and off arguments here and there. they would always make up through talking, but to be told that she was cheating on him by another person sure sucked. he’d rather find it out himself and vent out right then and there.
guess this timing was actually better. though he told minji he was broken, he was actually so much more than that. he expected to at least shed a tear, he didn’t, for youngmin’s sake. even though he felt like an elephant was lifted off his shoulders, his heart was anchored deep below.
he felt so heavy with betrayal that his heart ached so much in a way he didn’t expect.
he wanted to break down so bad.
the door swung open of his family home and youngmin screeched a high pitched tone loud enough to startle the old man beside him, who was reading a newspaper. “oh john’s back.”
“dada.” the little one ran towards him, hugging his long legs for a second before johnny picked him up. “back!”
johnny’s mood changed like a shooting star whenever youngmin’s in sight. “hey little buddy! i’m back, i had to meet a friend earlier.” he kissed his cheek, “were you good to granny bear and papa bear?”
“he was an angel, john!” his mom gave her son a quick peck on the cheek. “who knew you could raise him very well? plus singlehandly!”
“he got it from me, my dear.” his dad took the chance to say, “are your studies going well though?”
“still a dean’s lister, dad.” johnny’s ears tinted a light shade of pink.
“that, he got it from me.” his mom winked at his dad, who scoffed at the remark. “where’s minji? you haven’t brought her here for a while.” the look on johnny’s face was too readable that his mom knew in an instant.
“we broke up. she had another guy behind my back.”
the sudden snickers from his parents left him in question, were they laughing? “great ‘cause we didn’t really like her for you!”
“really?.. wait, what?” he asked in disbelief, “anyway, i broke it off and i kinda knew she was out of it already.”
“took you a while to realize it, john.” his father just sighed, “are you going to get a new one?”
“what? no.” johnny chuckled awkwardly, “anyway we’ll take our leave now.” johnny shook youngmin a little before his parents bid them a goodbye. he walked towards his car and buckled him up. “ready to go, buddy?”
“ready.” he wiped his eyes, sleep covering him very soon. “music please.”
“which one?” johnny asked as he set the rear mirror to get a good look at him, knowing well what youngmin was going to say.
“coldplay!” they said simultaneously.
“now that, you got it from me.” he laughed heartily while they made their way back to his shared apartment with taeyong, jungwoo, and kun.
the clinks of the apartment keys had the boys look up from their game on playstation. jungwoo sighing frustratedly when kun defeated him thrice in a row. “seriously? you’re cheating, kun hyung!”
kun stretched, “clearly not. you’re just a bad player.”
“could one of you dumbasses get the kimchi from the table?” taeyong shouted from the kitchen, only to be greeted with youngmin having the wanted side dish in his tiny hands. “see, youngmin just got here and he did a better job than you two!”
“it’s loud in here, damn.” johnny took his shoes off while youngmin had his phone in his hands.
kun sat on one of the couches, eating the kimchi fried rice taeyong just made. “so you met up with minji, how did the dinner go?”
taeyong nudged the younger boy, and jungwoo looked confused. johnny couldn’t blame the two, they didn’t know what actually happened. “these two lovebirds called it quits tonight.”
“yup.” johnny popped his lips, “takuya terada”
kun’s eyes widened, “like.. takuya from high school?”
“they suit each other anyway, the biggest flirts of ____ high.” jungwoo chewed on a kimbap. “no offense.”
“none taken, i feel relieved anyway.” he sat down spotting taeyong busy typing on his phone. “you still looking for girls on love click?”
“well yeah, someone should at least find me attractive.” he replied.
jungwoo snickered before choking on his food, “as if anyone would see your face through a filter system on the app. just what is the university thinking?”
“ha, wait until they see this handsome thing for real.” he turned to johnny, “bro you should try looking for new love, you’re in need of it right now, you know?” taeyong locked his phone to continue eating the almost midnight dinner.
“please, i’m still freshly ‘heartbroken’, don’t tempt me.” johnny rolled his eyes.
“mama.” youngmin shook the huge phone, a selfie of johnny and minji flashed the screen.
“not mama anymore.” he told him, then youngmin clicked on another app.
“mama.” he showed them the love click app; the color scheme of red and pink caught his attention. and johnny scrunched his brows, the other three smirking at each other.
“seems like he wants a new mama.” kun teased, earning a death glare from johnny. “what? that whole daddy look of yours is attractive to almost every girl in campus. just wife someone up already!”
shaking his head, he couldn’t believe the encouragement from his friend. “too soon my bros.” johnny chuckled, “maybe i’ll give it try after a few weeks or so.”
johnny sat by the bed while youngmin slept with his sausage pillow. now that he thought about it, the little boy hadn’t seen minji in months. it was obvious that he’d look for her. but what he didn’t get was that he showed love click; a dating app he didn’t remember installing.
“mama.” he recalled youngmin say.
he dimmed the lights and sat beside youngmin, patting his bottom gently as he drifted away into slumber, he too was getting sand in his eyes. he pressed his lips into a thin line, halfheartedly created an account just in case he really needed it.
“this is stupid.”
taglist: @titanmaknae29 @joepomonerof @lovesuhng @studyingthemind @cheyehc
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mrschtappen · 3 months
Welcome !!
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I don't see 19 men ahead of me. I see 19 challenges waiting to be conquered.
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📌 Blog Disclaimer & Navigation
I write formula one fanfics & social media au !
English isn't my mother tongue so pardon me for any grammatical errors that may occur throughout my writings, I try to make my fan fictions something every reader would enjoy :)
Cheers !
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𝗥𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗻 !
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⚡𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌 𝐆𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐊 𝐓𝐎 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐄 (Max Verstappen x Schumacher!Reader) childhood friends Max Verstappen and you, the daughter of racing legend Michael Schumacher, evolve from best friends to fierce rivals to teammates. maybe then to lovers....?
⚡𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐄𝐃 𝐅𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 (Charles Leclerc x McLaren!Reader) coming soon Charles Leclerc and you share a bond forged on the karting tracks. While Charles debuts with Sauber in 2018, you began your f1 journey with the challenge of McLaren's struggles in 2020, not to mention your struggle of unrequited love with Charles as well
⚡𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬 (Lando Norris x Fan!Reader) coming soon Lando Norris gets stuck in an elevator with you who hides your admiration. Bonding over shared interests, you feel a connection that hints at something more beyond the track. Did I also mention Lando is your ex boyfriend's favorite driver ?
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Lock-up ~ Chapter 1
{Charles Leclerc x Reader}
Y/N L/N is the new hope of RedBull. Though, her start to the season could’ve known some better days. With RedBull’s pressure, her dad’s reminders that she is only here because of him and Max’s behaviour, Y/N has a lot on her mind.
Someone she used to know seems to notice, but can’t decided wether or not to help.
Read to see how this all unfolds ❤️
hope yall enjoy!!
I changed a bit of things in F1 to make this story work, therefore Perez does not exist anymore 😭. Also the calendar is different, and I made the reader Canadian but her dad's Italian.
The story will be both present, and past for flashbacks and explanations.
Heres a short diagram of the teams Charles and Y/N have been in.
Charles Y/N
2018 (F2): Prema Dams
2019-2020 (F1): Sauber Racing Point
present (F1):       Ferrari RedBull
This fanfic includes all the good stuff, from closed proximity to forbidden love, you guys won't ever be bored 🤭
Present Day -  Spain GP, race #7
" And it's a red flag here in Spain... Who could possibly- Oh and it's Charles Leclerc and Y/N L/N who have crashed!" the commentator's voice boomed through the speakers.
Both cars were immobile in the gravel pits of the circuit, with Charles' front wing stuck in the wall.
" For those of you that are new to Formula One, let's just say these two have made it a habit of constantly fighting each other since the start of the season... once in a while resulting into both of their DNFs," The other commentator continued.
" What a fucking idiot. Turning into me like that, what the hell was i supposed to do?" Y/N complained in her radio.
" If she keeps pulling stuff like that she could literally kill someone, including herself. When will she learn to control herself?" Charles screamed in his team radio.
Both drivers got out of their cars without a scratch, and the glare they gave each other through furrowed brows must've been the most intense part of the whole crash.
It wasn't always like this. Battling the other dangerously, loathing stares, and hateful speeches.
Two years ago, when you were with Racing Point and he Sauber, you and Charles were inseparable. People went as far as saying you guys were dating, but that theory was quickly shut down since at that time Charles had a girlfriend and you were seeing someone.
You guys had formed habits together, but the most important one was skiing in the Alps in the off season.
2 Years Ago -  Italian Alps
" Where do you think you're going next?" you ask Charles on the chairlift.
The beautiful and vast Alps were mesmerizing to look at from the chairlift, but Charles had his eyes somewhere else.
" I think we should go... Hörnli." he says, with a determined look on his face.
" Not the ski slopes idiot, the next F1 team you're joining," you laugh.
Skiing and hiking the Alps was your tradition with Charles. It was your third time doing it by now.
" Oh my god I'm so stupid. Well Ferrari have reached out, so if I have the opportunity I'm definitely taking it. What about you?" he watches you carefully.
" I don't know yet. I should know soon though." You added with a smile that quickly faded.
" Don't worry, There's definitely a big team that has you in their sights." He said, flashing you a smile. " Imagine you end up in Ferrari with me!" he added hopefully.
" Oh I don't think you could handle me beating you every race." you teased, shoving him slightly.
" Oh, You wish! Still... I must admit you're the toughest opponent I've had... yet." he smugly added.
His compliment had caught you off-guard.
" You really think so?" you questioned with a cocky smile. " I'm touched."
" I said yet, and with the cars that we have right now. We'll see when we're in bigger teams." he challenged.
" You didn't specify cars..." you teased.
" Oh shut up," he chuckles, hitting you with his ski stick.
Your laughs could almost be heard echoing in the vast mountains of Italy.
Then, you signed with RedBull.
The tension began at the start of this season, ever since Charles joined his dear Scuderia and you RedBull.
Ever since the Canadian Grand Prix.
Charles' selfish action had cost him his already fragile friendship with you. He wanted to get back at you for what you did to him in Monaco. He let his greed cloud his thoughts, but perhaps there was another emotion present in his thinking...
Past - Monaco GP - race 1
I had to prove myself. Being the only woman on the F1 grid put a suffocating pressure on my chest, because I had to be perfect no matter the occasion. On and off track.
Winning this historical race meant winning everybody's respect. Especially my dad's. He would have no other choice but to hug me tightly after the win, right? Surely he wouldn't have any reasons to be disappointed in me?
I was both eager and scared to find out. My dad  only wants the best for me, but he sometimes struggles to show it. Still, I wouldn't ask for anything else. His severe teaching is the only reason I'm here.
30 seconds before the lights go out. I close my eyes and go over the track in my head one last time before taking in as much air possible in my lungs and letting it go steadily. I tune out every distraction around me and look up without blinking.
Two cars in front.
Lewis on pole and Charles following.
The red lights are on... and off.
I don't have an amazing start but I manage to keep my position. The first few laps require the fullest of my concentration because of Monaco's tight corners and every car being close. I finally hear Ryan (my engineer) telling me to slow down and keep a good pace.
That was until Lewis made a mistake, leading to Charles and I passing him. There was only Charles in front now. No, not Charles. A car.
I was simply looking at a red car who, by team orders, needed to be passed.
And so I attacked. Trying to push the ferrari into making a single mistake, one I could benefit from.
The ferrari in front was incredibly good at defending, and my heart started to beat faster. There were only a few laps left. I had to win, I needed to win.
My impatience got the best of me. It pushed me over the limit, and I was the one that made the mistake. I didn't brake soon enough.
A bit of smoke is all I remember before disassociating from the moment. I fucked up. My dad was never going to let me forget this. What was the media going to say? I ruined both my race and Charles'. Not even one of us was going to celebrate tonight.
My stomach ached so much. My head was spinning. I saw two hands reaching out to me and helping me up from my seat. Was it Charles? Maybe he forgives me. He had to.
I opened my eyes and saw the ones of a worried marshal. He set me down and my eyes instantly searched for Charles'.
I found his eyes glued to his car, then they finally met mine.  The look in his eyes made my heart drop. Hatred. Hatred I created.
I knew I couldn't run up to him right now, But I had to speak to him. We've had our conflicts on-track, but they never lasted long off-track. This time was different.
I start to walk away, and then looked up to lock eyes with my father's. Disappointment. My heart pinched and anger rose in me.
After the race I searched for Charles everywhere and finally found him by the stands, walking alone.
"Charles!" I call out, half expecting him to walk the other way.
He simply stopped walking and looked at me expectantly.
" Listen I'm- " But he cuts me off.
" Y/N you don't have to say anything. Racing is racing. You shouldn't stop yourself from attacking just because I'm the one in the car in front." he said, rather coldly.
I felt so relieved to hear that. I lifted my arms up to hug him, but he quickly took ahold of my wrist. He closed his eyes, and gripped my wrist tighter.
"Just... Expect the same in following races." He said, opening his eyes with a piercing gaze.
He let go of my wrist gently and turned his back on me, leaving me all alone.
What the fuck. What did he mean? His anger would probably dissipate before the next race, like it always did. Like he said, I shouldn't just stop overtaking him to make him happy.
The media ate me alive, and it made me even more frustrated. First race for Redbull and this is what happens...
I make my way out of the interview room and see my dad. My throat starts to close.
" Terrible start, terrible attacking, and overall shitty race. This isn't the result of my teaching, is it?" he coldly states.
"No." I mutter out.
" What? I couldn't quite hear." he says.
" No, it's not! It's my fault entirely." I say truthfully. This was not a good example of my driving and even less of my dad's guidance.
" There you go." my dad says, patting me on the shoulder.
Past - Canadian GP - race #2
I qualified like shit for my home grand prix. P6 because my car had a problem, and if it wasn't enough, Charles was P7 behind me. I'll show him that his little speech didn't scare me and it was childish of him to menace me with his words.
The race was tight. I had managed to get up to P3, but Charles was very close behind. I defended him fiercely, and for a moment I thought I had it. That was until his "tires locked up" and he hit my side. Both cars were able to get back on track, although Charles ended up passing me because of this. It didn't matter. I fell down to P8 and finished the race with a disappointing P7. I was fucking fuming.
" What the hell is wrong with him? He got a penalty for that right?" I complain in my team radio at the end of the race.
" Um, unfortunately Y/N, there doesn't seem to be any penalty taken from ferrari's part." Ryan tells me.
"WHAT?" I exclaim.
How was that even fucking possible? Did me and the FIA see the same crash?
The post-race interviews were now happening.
" Y/N, I'm not trying to jump to conclusions, but that move pulled off by Charles seemed intentional. Any thoughts?" the interviewer questioned.
" Yeah I think it says a lot about him," I stated angrily. "What happened in Monaco was a mistake and he had NO right to ruin my home race in return. Him not getting a penalty is also very surprising. I'll never forget this childish act from both Leclerc and the FIA." I replied, pissed.
" Those are harsh words coming from your mouth, L/N. Yet, I think this could be the start of a new rivalry between Ferrari and Redbull. Do you?" the reporter continued.
" Definitely." I firmly said.
You met Leclerc on the way back to the RedBull garage.
" I can't fucking believe you Charles, Monaco was a mistake but this? This was on purpose. You did this just to prove what, exactly?" You voiced, irritated.
Charles' expression was unreadable. He seemed at conflict with himself, trying to figure out what to say.
"I think," Charles paused. " I think we should keep our distances from now on."
Your mouth fell slightly open. After all you guys had done together, the strong bond you guys had created?
" Oh, don't worry about that." You stated angrily, storming off.
Present Day - Post Spain GP - race 7
You felt disappointed after today's race, like any other race that finished badly. You loved your team so much- the team that had taken you in after only a year in F1, the team that constantly supported you... Although recently you could see their trust in you falter. You couldn't help but feel like you let RedBull down each time you made a mistake, like you felt with your dad.
Max ended up winning, so you congratulated him and gave him a quick hug that didn't go unnoticed by a certain someone.
Max was like a literal brother to you, having a similar character to yours and the same dad experiences.
" You really gotta stop targeting Charles like that, Y/N. The team won't like it, and I like you, so you better stick around and stop holding grudges." Max joked.
" Mate did you see the incident? I swear he turned into me!" you retorted, eyes wide.
" Yeah..." Max chuckled, not convinced.
" Oh my god just go on the podium already." You annoyingly said, giving him one last tap on the shoulder.
Max left while laughing, and you were left smiling alone. You didn't want to listen to him when he said you should stop holding a grudge on Leclerc, but a part of you knew he was right. You should definitely focus on the championship, since a gap had formed between you and the leaders. This definitely stressed you out, with your dad's constant high expectations and the team slowly losing hope in your talent.
A sudden pair of eyes found yours in the crowd.
Leclerc's eyes had a new look in them, but you couldn't quite put your finger on it. You simply furrowed your brows and looked away.
Quite a long chapter to start with, and i think the following ones will be shorter. Also this was copied from my wattpad, so if theres any mistakes im sorry hahaha
Hope yall enjoyed 💞
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destielfanfic · 1 year
from the inbox, #9
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From the inbox, #9, special edition - Destiel fic reccing Now and Then
Hi! First of all, your blog is absolutely wonderful! I wish there were a billion more like it for all pairings and fandoms lol. Do you know of any other good supernatural rec blogs?
As long as there were destiel fics, there were also dedicated fic reccers. Some stayed with fandom longer, some moved on faster, so, now we have a mix of active blogs and archived blogs. Here’s small collection of destiel fic rec resources that I’ve come across on tumblr. This is by no means a definite list and you are welcome to add your own resources in the notes! Let’s keep fic reccing craft alive and diverse!
Destiel Fic reccing NOW, currently active blogs in 2023
@profoundbondfanfic - an active and prolific destiel fic rec blog with dedicated mod team. Follow them on tumblr and have a rec every day!
@destielficbasket - a blog that reblogs a wide variety of destiel fic rec posts from other Tumblr blogs. All goods in one place!
@deancasfanficrecs - destiel fic recs and fic rec reblogs, lots of posts to chose from!
@destieltaggedfic - blog full of original themed fic rec posts, sorting destiel fics from different angles.
@mixtapebookclub - a tumblr blog for destiel fic podcast. Thematic podcasts and fic rec lists at the same time. There is also a Mixtape Book Club AO3 collection for your convenience. 
@cocklesdestielfiction - what it says on the tin! They have destiel, but they also have cockles recs and gif sets. Check them out!
@destieltropecollection - a very unique blog that collects themed self recs from the authors. Check out their neatly organized Master List Collection 2017-2022 or follow them to get the latest Destiel Trope Collection 2023 rec lists every day in May.
The Destiel Fan Survey Favs Collection on AO3 contains 2793 fics and 668 bookmarked fics that were chosen by destiel readers in several fic surveys organized by destiel writer @unforth. Check out this vast collection of reader choice fics!
Destiel Fic reccing THEN
@destielmybeatingheart-deactivated - what to say, this was the main blog for destiel fic rec back in the day. Unfortunately, the mod left fandom and later took down the blog and, with it, all their fic rec posts. See this post to appreciate what we used to have. In coming weeks, @destiel-fic-rec-lists will continue to reblog available destielmybeatingheart’s rec lists with updated links to AO3 when possible. You can find them under #creator: destielmybeatingheart tag. 
ask about other spn blogs like ours - this is 10 years old ask and a lot of blogs here are not active anymore or full of dead links, but if they are up, you can still browse them. The list includes some non spn fic rec blogs as well.
@deancasfix - destiel fic rec blog, reviews, rec lists and asks, last update May, 2020.
@deancasfanficnet - a blog to promote destiel fic writers, various posts, last update April, 2020.
@destiel-fics-for-you - destiel fic rec blog, reviews, rec lists and asks, last update June 2016.
Last but not least, don’t forget to browse our destiel fic challenge master post Where Is Destiel Fic In 2022 and occasionally check out @destiel-fic-rec-lists​ blog for fic rec lists made by other fans. (hint - all reblogs are tagged with their creator’s urls, so you can easily find their other posts on the blog)
Support and cherish your local fanfic reccer. You never know when you’ll need their help to find your next favorite fic!
Destiel fanworks on AO3 - 111,567 (May 8, 2023)
You can find previous From The Inbox posts here.
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owlsie-hoot · 3 months
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Lambing Season and Siegfried thinks he is indestructible until he isn't.
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below-average-fangirl · 4 months
Chapters: 4/? Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Additional Tags: Women's Underwear, Lust, Love Confessions, Idiots in Love Summary: A compromising situation may at last spur Siegfried into action.
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johnica-weeks · 7 months
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Johnica Week 2024
When is the event? 📆
This year's Johnica Week will start on Thursday 18th January and end on Sunday 21st January! For the first time the event will START on their wedding anniversary and continue throughout the weekend 🥰 But as always, don't worry if you're late! You can keep sending your contributions after the last day, these are simply indicative days to gather all together 💕
Where? 🔎
Here on Tumblr, on AO3 and also on Instagram for visual artists!
💚 Use the tag #JohnicaWeek2024 in your entries here and on Instagram!
📚 > Here is the AO3 COLLECTION where to post your fics! <
💚 Tag @eileen-crys and/or @johnica-weeks in your works so I can read, see and share them!
📚 At the end of the event I’ll make a Tumblr masterlist with all the works!
2020 Masterlist | 2021 Masterlist | 2022 Masterlist | 2023 Masterlist
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The Theme 🎁
The 49th Wedding Anniversary comes soon before the huge milestone of the 50 years together, and it's usually represented by various symbols that I added to the prompts: Zircon, Orchids, the color Purple, and luxurious gifts. The main theme of this year's event is GIFTS, the act of giving the partner something material or abstract as an act of selflessness, that can have various meanings and various reactions.
Like all the prompts, it’s up to you to follow the theme or not, consider it just as a general theme that you could build your entries around. I chose some prompts that might fit this theme, that are about gifts as physical objects or as ideas for situations or alternative worldbuildings.
How? 🖼
You're encouraged to join with your preferred creative media or challenge yourself with something new! Fanfictions, drawings, comics, poetry, collages and photo edits, moodboards, anything you like! More in the RULES below.
Like all Ship Weeks, this is a fandom event to share love and creativity related to a particular couple, so be sure to engage with the entries and support all the artists and writers that chose to join! Reblog, leave likes/kudos and comment on the artworks to keep the fandom alive! 💜💖💕💜💖💕
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Day 1 • 18 January (Anniversary!)
Flowers: Orchids are symbols of love, beauty, refinement, fertility, strength and resilience, and mature charm.
Surprise gift!
Handmade by the other
Young, poor and happy together
"I've got a loving wife and a couple of kids at home, that'll do me!"
Day 2 • 19 January
The color: Purple can evoke spirituality, mystery, royalty, imagination, compassion, fantasy, wisdom, creativity and sensitivity.
A kinky gift 😏
Concert tickets
Radio interview
“When you love something, you protect it with your entire life. Right now, my guts tell me to do the same.”
Day 3 • 20 January
Gemstone: Zircon zircon is a talisman of travelers. They count on it to lead to a shelter and show the right way. Plus, it is able to protect from injuries. Women used the gem to ease childbirth, drive away evil spirits, enhance health, get wisdom, and attract good luck.
Rejecting a gift
Torn between options
Dreaming and daydreaming
"You remembered something I’d mentioned a million years ago!"
Day 4 • 21 January
Celebration: Luxury the 49th wedding anniversary is the step right before the big 50, also known as the Golden wedding. All the symbols represent the wealth of experience a couple has after being married for nearly five decades. Two people who are willing to work together and compromise and do all the things that make a marriage successful deserve to celebrate with a bit of Luxury.
Matching pyjamas
Spa experience / Pampering one another
Knowing each other like an open book
"Oh my, this must have been expensive!" "Nothing is expensive enough for you, my love."
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What can you do? ✒
You can join with fanfics, edits and moodboards, drawings of all kinds and if you want to sing or play an instrument please feel free to!
The requirements are:
John and Veronica Deacon as the main pairing;
Your love and creativity! 🥰
You can write/draw:
Fics with and without accurate settings and timelines;
Alternative Universes (AU) of any kind and genre, mixed or not with the prompts (ex. Fem!John AU + coffee shop, A/B/O AU + Superpowers);
“What if"s;
Genderswap/genderbending of any kind;
Other Queen members, friends, pairings, family, poly ships (that have to involve both John and Veronica!), OCs, etc…
Fluff, angst, crack, hurt/comfort, action, mystery, sexy times… anything you fancy!
🔥 NSFW is allowed with PROPER TAGS! IMPORTANT note: please interact with NSFW only if you’re +18! 🔞
… and more! If you’re unsure feel free to ask!
We’re here to celebrate John and Veronica Deacon, not to create drama or fights nor to disrespect their privacy. So please be considered about your entries and comments and always try to be respectful to John, to Veronica, to their family and friends, to the people who ship them or ship other couples and to your audience.
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HOW to post? 🤔
You can post your entries here on Tumblr, on AO3 and on Instagram, using the hashtag #JohnicaWeek2024 and tagging me.
If you prefer, you can post anonymously on AO3, HERE is an easy guide on how to do it!
If you’re on Tumblr and want to post a fic anonymously please send me a DM and I’ll post it on @johnica-weeks on your behalf, crediting it as Anonymous author! I will also post fics from Anon authors posted on AO3 here on tumblr on Anon's behalf.
🔥 TAG your work APPROPRIATELY! This includes all potential triggers and smut. On Tumblr you can include the appropriate warnings at the top of the fic followed by a "keep reading” cut (you can add it in desktop version AND on mobile by writing :readmore: in a new line!) Also be sure to tag the rating of your fic, the genre and the themes of your story, enough to help the readers!
✨ If you’re still unsure, HERE’s a useful guide on how to tag your works!
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As a reader... 📖
If you’re a fan of John, of Johnica or simply like to read fanfictions, positive interactions are always much welcomed! Support the authors by leaving likes, a comment (even a little one!) and sharing their work. On AO3 you don’t need an account to leave Kudos and Comments! (Unless the author has willingly prevented guests to comment). To leave a comment on AO3 you simply have to choose a temporary mail and set your email to get a notification for an eventual reply.
If a work is not tagged appropriately, you can reach out to me via DM and I’ll warn the author. If anything makes you uncomfortable, simply close the work! Do not engage by leaving nasty comments or messaging the author!
During the event, if any of you/your entries gets hateful comments or messages towards you, your entries, the Johnica ship, the event or other creators, please DELETE the hateful comment/message right away with no interactions and let me know! This is no place for haters, just for creativity and love. If you see a hateful comment on other works do not engage, instead leave a positive comment to the same work and support the author! 💜
Realistic or not, remember that fanfictions are, by definition, FICTIONAL and not meant to be a documentary! There are lots of things we don’t know about John and Veronica’s private lives and don’t want to go in too deeply, gossip or speculate about them, so feel free to fly with your fantasy and let your creativity flow! 😊💖 Most of all… have fun, respect each other and support each other’s works!
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Dividers and graphics by @firefly-graphics and @johnica-weeks. As always for any info and question feel free to send an ask or a DM!
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focusontheheart · 9 months
Meet the Team Lead - Foibs
Who could the Lead for the Talanah route possibly be? Of course, it's the ever-talented @foibles-fables! You can also find them on AO3 as foibles_fables!
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Howdy and hello, I’m Foibs! You might already know me as that clown who’s always crying over Talanah. Well, get ready for more tears, FOTH-style! My first exposure to the Horizon series was scrolling Twitter, seeing the reveal trailer for Forbidden West, and thinking, “This seems relevant to my interests.” I proved myself right when I started playing in late 2020 and fell in love with Aloy’s incredible world. Since then, I’ve churned out an embarrassing amount of fanfic (overwhelmingly Hawk and Thrush), become a lore connoisseur, and formed lifelong relationships with amazing folks in the fandom. I’ve written fanfiction on and off for—well, most of my life! My inspiration usually comes from epic sci-fi/fantasy and modern poetry, so game script writing has been a fun and rewarding challenge already.
Q&A with Foibs under the cut!
What is a favorite piece of work you've done (completed/ working on/ in-concept)?
True story: I came into my Horizon fixation thinking I wouldn’t write any fic for the series. Then I met the (future) Sunhawk, and all bets were off. This is a tough choice—I’m proud of everything I’ve created for the series—but lately I’ve been feeling soft for rest like you belong here., my first ever Aloy/Talanah fic. It was compelling and fulfilling to explore Aloy’s manifold struggles with vulnerability in a Zero Dawn missing scene.
What are some of your favorite tropes (to read/ write/ draw)?
I tend to gravitate towards capturing and developing those unseen, in-between moments of canon. I’m also a huge fan of diving into a character’s psyche with introspective studies—usually of the romantic variety. Beyond that, I’m a huge sucker for writing pining (mutual or otherwise), friends to lovers, and emotional/physical hurt/comfort.
What is an unexpected thing or fun fact about you?
Outside of fandom-adjacent activities, my hobbies include picking up heavy things and putting them back down. My heart is big, but my deadlift number is bigger.
What has been your favorite thing about working on this project so far?
Definitely the profound spirit of enthusiastic collaboration between all of these fabulous creators. It’s been utterly inspiring to put together a project of this scale and complexity with folks I might never have gotten to work with or befriend otherwise! I’m also very excited to get to explore the development of Talanah and Aloy’s relationship after the events of Forbidden West in this new and interesting way!
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senkusphone · 1 year
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@aresagainstthemachine asked so this one is for you. Video of it working at the end.
Here's the one project I am so proud of I named my entire blog after it.
Back in 2020, while I was stuck at home with few pleasant things to do, I decided to bring this contraption to life.
Only recently had I gotten into this inspiring series called Dr. Stone, and when I saw them make this device in the anime, I knew it was my divine calling to build it, for I had prior experience building circuits with vacuum tubes, an interest that was fostered greatly by my late grandfather when I was a boy. It had been because of the stories he'd tell me that I built my first crystal radio back then (which took me about 4 years of trial and error). Now, people had ''built'' the phone on youtube at least once before, but I was not satisfied with what they did, when they used parts that were too advanced and didn't even get it to transmit a voice, only to pick up radio stations. So I tried to go beyond while being as accurate as possible to the level of technology they had, I was seeking to achieve more with less
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Making something that picks a radio signal is relatively easy, the challenge was making it also produce its own signal so it could truly be used as a phone (or more accurately, like a walkie talkie), and I restricted myself to use the most primitive tubes I had, the ones most similar to what old Kaseki would have made.
(Happy birthday to Kaseki by the way, February 9th) I started out using this beautiful Western Electric 262-A tube. This general purpose triode was developed around 1928 by the Bell Telephone company and one of the things it was known to be used for, was in cinema projectors to amplify the sound from the early talkie films. I think that's interesting enough to mention.
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It wasn't long until my experiments showed great promise, eventually I moved on to a type 45 vacuum tube, another triode which is more powerful as a transmitter than the 262-A yet its construction is much more primitive. This tube is very similar to what Senku & Co. would've had.
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I started building the definitive device, simultaneously laying a plan to combine a transmitter and receiver in the same unit using just one tube, a task that required this one part to perform four different duties (because I hadn't read the manga, and I didn't know the final unit they dispatched used two tubes instead of just one). On new year's eve at the end of 2020, the circuit was broadcasting One Small Step by Lillian Weinberg, loud and clear to a radio across the room.
You can get a recording of that in the link below as Tumblr won't let me upload it (yes I am using discord to host files, it also works for hosting images for your fanfics on Ao3, you're welcome).
The wooden circuit board was wired with homemade wires, made by cutting a sheet of copper into strips, and wrapping them in cotton and thread. A relay is used to switch the phone from receiver mode to transmitter mode with the push of a button.
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Then the coils were calculated and wound, including the iconic large transmit coil
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but would this coil that was made to look like the one in the series, be suitable to repeat what I had achieved in my experiments, would it resonate and produce the signal?
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I intended originally to have this project done before season 2 of Dr. Stone started, and put out a youtube video, but that ended up not happening. Still, the unit finally came together, and the plastic housing was a tupper with the rim cut off, painted orange and applied lettering.
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By now season 2 had already ended, I believe, or it was soon to. Before I painted the case, I had to have one definitive test, to see that my creation demonstrated the functionality it promised, and now I had just the right voice to do it.
The final circuit was based on the work of radio pioneer Edwin Howard Armstrong, who was one of the fellows who invented the wireless world we know it today.
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I turned the switch, and watched as the tungsten filament in the tube started glowing red. First I adjusted the receive coil and a radio station came in on the crystal earpiece, then, with a radio receiver in tune nearby, I started the sound I wanted to send over the air, and I pressed the transmit button...
It's true, it can be done. Today, there are people still alive who saw the day when the cutting edge of electronics was at this level. How far we've come from these baby steps, over such a short time.
Isn't science awesome?
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I still haven't built a second unit.
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